Interchangeable Lens Digital Camera

Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

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Page 1: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

Interchangeable LensDigital Camera

Page 2: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

: __'_'_'_ ..... Hel l) Guide" is an on-line manuah Rel)r to it for in-depth{77 instructions on the many funclions o1' the camera., _'_,_ t (_) Access the Sony support page.

http://www, sony.net/Sonyh_l'o/Sul)port/

@ Select your country or region.

@ Search for the model name of your camera on the support


• Check the model name on the bottom of your camera.

This camera is equipped with a built-in instruction guide.


In-Camera Guide

The camera displays explanations for MENU items and the setting x,alucs.

(_) Press the MENU button or the Fn (Function) button.

@ Select the desired item, then press the C2 button.

Shooting Tip

The camera displays shooting tips for the shooting mode selected.

(_ Press the C2 button in shooting mode.

@ Select the desired shooting tip, then press • on the control wheel.

The shooting tip is displayed.

• You can scroll the screen using IdY and change shooting tips using _1/_.



Page 3: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

Owner's RecordThe model and serial numbers arc located on the bottom. Record the serial number in the

space provided below. Refer to these numbers whenever you call your Sony dealer

regarding this product.

Model No. IL(E-6()0{}

Serial No.

Model No. A(7-UB IOC/AC-UB I 0D

Serial No.

To reduce fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or



proper configuration l\_r the power outlet.

Battery pack

If" tilt' baltery pack is mishandlud, lilt' batlery pack can bursl, cause a fire or evun chemical

bui-ns. Obserx e the following cautions.

• Do not disassemble.

• Do not crush and do not expose the bauery pack to any shock or force such as

hammering, dropping or slepping on il.

• Do not sllorl circuil and do not allow metal o[_jecls Io come inlo COll[acl with the batlery


• Do nol expose Io high lemperalure above 60(7 (141} F) such as ill direcl sunlighl or in a

car parked in Ihe sun.

• Do not incinerate or dispose of ill fire.

• Do nol handle damaged or leaking lilhium ion balteries.

• Be sure Io charge the baltery pack using a genuine Sony baltery charger or a device that GB

can charge the ba/lery pack. 3

Page 4: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

• Keep the battery pack out of the roach of small childr<.n.

• Keep the battery pack dry.

• Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by Sony.

• Dispose of used battery packs promptly as described in the instructions.

AC Adaptor

Use the nearby wall outlet (wall socket) when using the AU Adaptor. Disconnect thu A(

Adaptor from the wall outlet (wall socket) immediately if any malfunction occurs while

using the apparatus.

The power cord (mains lead), if supplied, is designed specifically lk_r use with this camera

only. and should not be used with other electrical equipment.


Lithium-Ion batturies are recyclable.

You can help preserve our environment by returning your used

rechargeable batteries to the collection and recycling location nearest


For more information regarding recycling of rechargeable batteries, call

toll lYee

I-8{}0-822-8837. or visit http://www.call2recycle.org/

OCaution: Do not handle damaged or leaking Lithium-Ion batteries.

Battery pack and lens (If lens supplied)

This device complies with Part 15 of thu F(-T' Rules. Operation is subject to the following

two conditions:

(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any

interf<.mnce received, inchlding interference that may cause undesired operation.


This equipment complies with F((/IU radiation exposur<, limits set forth for an

uncontrolled environment and meets the F((7 radio lYequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines

in Supplement C to OET65 and RSS- 102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposur<. rules.

This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that are deemed to comply without

testing of specific absorption ratio (SAR).



Page 5: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

If you have any questions about this product, you may call:

Sony (ustomer lnfommtion (Tenter

1-800-222-SONY (7669)

The number below is for tile FCC related matters only.

Regulatory Information

Declaration of ConformityTrade Nume: SONY

Model No.: IL(E-6/)00

Responsible Party: Sony Electronics Inc.

Address: 16530 Via Esprillo.

San Diego. (A 92127 U.S.A.

Telephone No.: 858-942-2230

This device complies with Patti 5 of the F(C Rules. Operation is sut_iect to tile

following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)

this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause

undesired operation.

This equipment must not be co-located or operated in con]unction with any other antenna

or transmitter.


You arc cautioned thut any chungcs or modifications not expressly approved in this munuul

could void your authority to operate this equipment.


This equipment has bccn tested and fo/ind to comply with tilt' limits for a Ulass B digitul

device, pursuant to Part 15 of tile PCC Rules.

These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in

a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses. and can radiate radio frequency

energy and. if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause

Imrmful interference to radio communications. However. them is no guarantee that

interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful

interl\.rence to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the

equipment off and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or

more of the following measures:

Reorient or relocate tile receiving antenna.

Increase the separation between tile equipment and receiver.

(7onnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which tile

receiver is connected.

Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician lk_r help.

Tile supplied interface cable must be used with tile equipment in order to comply with the

limits for a digital de_ice pursuant to Subpart B of Parl 15 of F((7 Rules. GB5

Page 6: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).

Operation is su_iect to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause

interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that

may cause undesired operation of the device.

Notice for the customers in the countries applying EU Directives

Manufacturer: Sony Uorporation. 1-7-1 Konun Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-0075 Jupan

For EU product compliance: Sony Deutschland GmbH. Hedelfinger Strasse 61. 70327

Stuttgart, Germany

Hereby, Sony Corporation. declares that this equipment is in compliance with the essential

requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. For details, please

access the following URL:



If static electricity or clectl-omagnctism causes duta transl\.r to discontinue midway (fail),

restart the application or disconnect and connect the communication cable (USB. etc.)


This product has been tested and l\mnd compliant with the limits set out in the EM(

regulation for using connection cables shorter than 3 meters (9.8 feet).

The electromagnetic fields at the specific frequencies may infhlence the picture and sound

of this unit.



Page 7: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

Disposal of waste batteries and electrical and electronic

equipment (applicable in the European Union and other

European countries with separate collection systems)

This symbol on file product, file battery Ol-on file packaging indicates that

tile product and tile battery shall 11ol be treated as household wasle. On

certain baneries this sylnbol might be used in combination with a

chemical symboh The chemical symbols for mercury (Hg) or lead (Pb) are

added if the banery contains more than ().()005c/_ mercury or 0.004c/_ lead.

By ensuring these products and batteries am disposed of correctly, you

will help prevent potentially negative consequences for the environment and human health

which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling. The recycling of the

materials will help to conserve natural resources.

113case of products that for safety, performance or data integrity masons require a

pemmnent connection with an incorporated battery, this battery should be replaced by

qualified service staff only. To ensure that the battery and the electrical and electronic

equipment will be treated properly, hand over these products at end-of-life to the

applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. For all

other batteries, please view the section on how to remove the battery from the product

sal\,ly. Hand the battery over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of waste

batteries. For morn detailed information about recycling of this product or battery, please

contact your local Civic Office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where

you purchased the product or battery.

Complies with ]IDA Standards



Son'_ecertification marks 17)1-standards supported by thc camera can bc confirmed on thescreen of the camera.

Select MENU --+ _ (Setup) 6 --+ [(ertificalion Logo].

If display is not possible due to problems such as camera failure, contact your Sony dealer

or local authorized Sony service facility.



Page 8: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

Table of contents

- Checking the supplied items- Identifying parts- Inserting the battery pack- Charging the battery pack- Inserting a memory card (sold separately)- Attaching/removing the lens- Setting the clock

- Shooting still images/movies

- Viewing images

- Introduction of other functions

- Features of PlayMemories Home TM

- Adding functions to the camera

'Ot_ers ,;, 'i::- Number of still images and recordable time of movies- Notes on using the camera- Specifications

This manual covers several models supplied with diflerent lenses.

The model name varies depending on the supplied lens. The available model variesdepending on the countries/regions.

1LCE-6ttt)tt Not supplied

1LCE-6ttt)ttL El6 5(1 mm

8 1LCE-6ttt)ttY E55 21(tmm and El6 5(tmm

Page 9: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC


Supplied with all models• Camera (1)

• Power cord (nmins lead) (1)* (not

supplied in the U.S.A. and Canada)

" Multiple power cords may besupplied with your camera. Use the

appropriate one that matches yourcountry/region.

• Rechargeable battery pack

NP-FW50 (1)

• Eyepiece cup (1)

• Instruction Manual (this manual)


• Wi-Fi Connection/One-touch

(NFC) Guide (1)

This guide explains the functions

that require a Wi-Fi connection.

ILCE-6000• Body cap (l) (attached to the


• Micro USB cable (1)


• El6 50 mm zoom lens (1)

(attached to the camera)/Front lens

cap (1) (attached to the lens)

• AC adaptor AC-UB 10C/UB 10D(1)


• El6 50 mm zoom lens (l)

(attached to the camera)/Front lens

cap (1) (attached to the lens)

• E55 210 mm zoom lens (1)/Front

lens cap (1)/Rear lens cap (1)/Lens

hood (1)

• Shoulder strap (1)



Page 10: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC


When the lens is removed

[] Lens

[] Mount

[] hnage sensor 2)

[] Lens contacts 2)

l) Do not cover this part during movie

recording.2) Do not touch this part directly.

[] Shutter button

[] C1 (Custom 1) button

]Remote sensor

[] ON/OFF (Power) switch

[] Self-timer lamp/AF illuminator

[] Lens release button

[] Microphone 1)



Page 11: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

] ..............


[] Multi interface shoe 1)

[] -_- hnage sensor position mark

[] Hook for shoulder strap

[] Wi-Fi sensor (built-in)

[] Flash

• Press the ,_ (Flash pop-up)button to use the flash. The flash

does not pop up automatically.• When not using the flash, press it

back into the camera body.

[] Mode dial

i_ (Intelligent Auto)/

il_l + (Superior Auto)/

P (Program Auto)/

A (Aperture Priority)/

S (Shutter Priority)/

M (Manual Exposure)/MR (Memory recall)/

[_ (Movie)/

(Sweep Panorama)/

sen (Scene Selection)

[] Control dial

[] Charge lamp

[] Multi/Micro USB Terminal 1)

• Supports Micro USB compatibledevice.

[] HDMI micro jack

1_ For details on compatibleaccessories for the multi interfaceshoe and the Multi/Micro USB

Terminal, visit the Sony web site, or

consult your Sony dealer or localauthorized Sony service facility.You can also use accessories that

are compatible with the accessory

shoe. Operations with othermanulacturers' accessories are not


* Multi_'_ _ Interface Shoe



Page 12: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC



[] Eye sensor

[] Viewfinder

[] Eyepiece cup• Not attached to the camera at the

lactory. It is recommended thatyou attach the eyepiece cup when

you intend to use the viewfinder.

Attaching/removing the

eyepiece cup

• Remove the eyepiece cup whenou attach an accessory (sold

separately) to the Multi InterfaceShoe.

[] LCD screen• You can adjnst the screen lo an

easily viewable angle and shoolfrom any position.


[] Diopter-adjusmlent dial

• Adjust the diopter-adjustment

dial to your eyesight until thedisplay appears clearly in theviewfinder. If it is difficult to turn

the diopter=adjustment dial,

remove the eyepiece cup and thenadjust the diah

[] _ (Flash pop-up) button

[] MENU button

[] For shooting: AEL button

For viewing: Playback zoom

[] MOVIE (Movie) button

[] For shooting:

Fn (Function) button

For viewing:

,_ (Send to Smartphone) button• You can display the screen lot

[Send to Smartphone] by

pressing the _ (Send toSmartphone) button.

[] Control wheel

[] C2 (Custom 2) button/

(Delete) button

[] )i,-] (Playback)button

Page 13: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

[] Tripodsockethole•Useatripodwithascrewlessthan5.5mm(7/32inches)long.Otherwise,youcannotfirmly

secure the camera, and damage to

the camera may occur.

[] Speaker

[] Access lamp

[] Battery/memory card cover

[] Memory card slot

[] Battery insertion slot

[] Battery eject lever

[] _ (N Mark)

• Touch the mark wizen youconnect tile camera to a

smartphnne equipped with theNFC function.

• NFC (Near FieldCommunication) is aninternational standard of the

short-range wirelesscommunication technology.

[] Connection plate cover

• Use this wizen using an AC-PW20 AC Adaptor (sold

separately). Insert the connectionplate into tile battery

compartment, and then pass tilecord through tile connection platecoyer as showu below.

• Make sure that tile cord is not

pinched when you close the

coyer. GB


Page 14: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC


See page 43 on the specifications ofthe lenses.

E PZ 16 - 50 mm F3.5 - 5.6OSS (supplied withILCE-6OOOL/ILCE-6OOOY)

E55 - 210 mm F4.5 - 6.3OSS (supplied withILCE-6OOOY)

[] Zooming/Focusing ring

[] Zooming lever

[] Mounting index

[] Lens contacts I )

I) Do not touch this part directly.

[] Focusing ring

[] Zooming ring

[] Focal-length scale

[] Focal-length index

[] Lens contactsl)

[] Mounting index

l) Do not touch this part directly.



Page 15: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC


Battery eject lever

1Open the cover.

2 Insert the battery pack.• While pressing the battery qject lever, insert the baltery pack as

illustrated. Make sure that the battery ejecl lever locks after insertion.

• Closing the cover with the battery inserted incorrectly may damage the




Page 16: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

For customers in the USAand Canada

Power cord

(Mains lead)

For customers in countries/

regions other than the USAand Canada

Charge lampLit: ChargingOff: Charging finished

Flashing:Charging error or charging paused

temporarily because the camera is not

within the proper temperature range

1Connect the camera to the AC Adaptor (supplied),using the micro USB cable (supplied).

2 Connect the AC Adaptor to the wall outlet (wall socket).The charge lamp lights orange, and charging starts.

• Turn oft" the camera while charging the battery.

• Yeu can charge the battery pack even when it is partially charged.

• When the charge lamp flashes and charging is not finished, remove and

rc-inserl the battery pack.

• If the charge lamp on the camera flashes when the AC Adaptor is connected to thewall outlet (wall socket), this indicates that charging is temporarily stopped

because the temperature is outside the recommended range. When the temperaturegets back within the appropriate range, the charging resumes. We recommend

charging the battery pack in an ambient temperature of between 10°C to 30°C<50°F 1o 86°F).119

Page 17: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC






g Charging time (Full charge)The charging time is approximately 310 minutes using the AC Adaptor


• The above charging time applies when charging a fi.dly depleted battery pack at a

temperature of 25°C (77°F). Charging may take longer depending on conditions of

use alld circumstances.

g Charging by connecting to a computer

The battery pack can be charged by connecting

the camera to a computer using a micro USB


• Note the following points when charging via a

computer:If the camera is connected to a laptop computer that is not connected to a power

source, the laptop battery level decreases. Do not charge for an extended periodof time.

Do not turn on/off or restart the computer, or wake the computer to resume from

sleep mode when a USB connection has been established between the computerand the camera. That may cause the camera to mallhnction. Befbre turning on/

off, or restarting the computer or waking the computer from sleep mode,disconnect the camera and the computer.No guarantees are made for charging using a custom-built computer or a

modified computer.



Page 18: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

Battery life and number of images that can berecorded and played back

iiiii iiii ; iiii iii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii iiii ; 'iiiii iiii ; iiii iii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii iiL!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!i!:i!!!!!!Shooting (still Screen Approx. 180 min. Approx. 360 images

images) Viewlinder Approx. 155 min. Approx. 31(1 images

Typical movie Screen Approx. 60 min.

shnoling Viewlinder Approx. 60 min.

ContilmoUS Screen Approx. 90 min.

movie shonling Viewlinder Approx. 90 min.

Viewing (still images) Approx. 275 min. Approx. 5500 images



• The above number of images applies when the battery pack is lhlly charged. The

number of images may decrease depending on the conditions of use.• The nmnber of images that can be recorded is fnr shooting under the following


Using a Sony Memory Stick PRO Duo _v (Mark2) media (sold separately).-When an E PZ 16 - 50 mm F3.5 - 5.60SS lens is attached.

The battery pack is used at an ambient temperature of 25°C (77°F).

- [Viewfinder Bright.]: [Manual] [_+01[Monitor Brightness]: [Manual] [_+01

• The nmnher lot "Shooting (still images)" is based on the C1PA standard, and is forshooting tinder the IMlowing conditions:

(CIPA: Camera & hnaging Products Association-D1SP is set to [Display All I nlo.].

[Focus Model: [Automatic AF]

- Shooting once every 30 seconds.

The flash is used once every two times.The power is turned on and off once every ten runes.

• The nmnber of minutes fnr movie shooting is based on the C1PA standard, and isfi,_rshooting under the lollowing conditions:

[_ Record Setting]: 60i 17M(FH)/50i 17M(FH).Typical movie shooting: Battery life based on repeatedly starting/stopping

shooting, zooming, turning on/off, etc.Continuous movie shooting: Battery life based on non-stnp shooting until the

limit (29 mim/tes) has been reached, and then continued by pressing the MOVIEbuttnn again. Other Rmctions, such as zooming, are not operated.

Page 19: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

i!iiii! ! iii i iil

Ensure that thenotched corner is

faced correctly.

1Open the cover (page 15).

2 Insert the memory card (sold separately).• With the notched corner l'acing as illustrated, insert the memory card

until it clicks into place.

3 Close the cover.

Memory cards that can be used

Memory Stick XC-HG [)uo I'_ _/ ,_/

A Memory Stick PRO [)uo c'_ _/ _/' (Mark2 only)

Memory Stick PRO-HG [)uo I'_ V' V"

SD memory card V' V' (Class 4 or faster)

B SDHC memory card _/ _" (Class 4 or faster)

SDXC memory card _/' _/ (Class 4 or faster)

• In fills manual, the products in tile table are colleclively refim'ed to as follows:

A: Memory Stick PRO Duo mediaEl: SD card

To remove the memory card/battery packMemory card: Push the memory card in once to eject the memory card.

Battery pack: Slide the battery eject lever. Be sure not to drop the battery pack.

• Never remove the memory card/battery pack when the access lamp (page 13) is lit.This may cause damage to data ill the memory card. 6B


Page 20: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

Set Ihe power switch o1' the camera to OFF before you attach or remove thelens.

If the cap or the packaging lid is attached, remove itfrom the camera or the lens.• Quickly change the lens somevvhure away from dusty locations to keep

dust or debris from getting inside the camera.

2 Mount the lens by aligning the white index marks on thelens and the camera.• Hold the camera facing down to prevent dust from entering into thu


3 While pushing the lens lightly toward the camera, turnthe lens clockwise until it clicks into the locked position.• Be sure to put the luns on straight.

• When attaching a lens, do not press the lens release button.

• Do not use excessive force when attaching a lens.

• The Mount Adaptor (sold separately) is required to use an A-mount lens (sold

separately). For details, relier to the operating malmal supplied with the Mount


• When using a lens equipped with a tripnd socket, attach the socket on the lens side

to the tripod to maintain balance.



Page 21: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

Removing the lens

Lens release button

1 Press the lens release button all the way in and turn thelens counterclockwise until it stops.

• If dust or debris gets inside the camera while you are changing the lens and

adheres to the surlace of the image sensor (the part that converts the light source to

a digital signal), it may appeal" as dark spots on the image, depending on the

shooting environment. The camera vibrates slightly when it is turned off, due to

the anti-dust flmctinn, to prevent dust from adhering to the image sensor.

However, attach or remove the lens quickly somewhere away from dusty


• If loreign material attaches to the image sensor, dust it off using a blower.

• Do not leave the camera with the lens removed.

• When you want to use body caps or rear lens caps, please purchase ALC=B 1EM

(Body cap) or ALC=RI EM (Rear lens cap) (sold separately).

• When you use a lens with a power zoom, set the power switch of the camera to

OFF and confirm that the lens is completely retracted before switching lenses. If

the lens has not retracted, do nnt press the lens in by force.

• When attaching the camera to a tripod, be sure not to touch the znoming/fncusing

ring by mistake.



Page 22: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC





Select items: AfVl411_I_I_]Set: •

Set the ON/OFF (Power) switch to ON.The Dale & Time selling is displayed when you turn on the camera l_)r the

t'irsl time.

• It may take some time for the power to turn on and allow operation.

Checkthat [Enter] is selected on the screen, then press• on the control wheel.

Select a desired geographic location by following theon-screen instructions, then press •.

Set [Daylight Savings], [Date/Time] and [Date Format],then press •.• When sulling [Date/Time], mMnight is 12:00 AM, and noon is

12:00 PM.

Check that [Enter] is selected, then press •.



Page 23: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

Shutter button

'_'Y i


Shooting still images

1Press the shutter button halfway down to focus.When the image is in focus, a bec'p sounds and thu • or ((O)) indicator


2 Press the shutter button fully down to shoot an image.

Shooting movies

1Press the MOVIE (Movie) button to start recording.• When using a lens with a zoom lever: Move the zoom lever.

When using a lens with a zoom ring: Turn the zoom ring.

2 Press the MOVIE button again to stop recording.

• Do not pull up the flash manually. This may cause a malfimction.

• When using the zoom flmction while shooting a movie, the sound of the cameraoperating will be recorded. The sound of the MOVIE button operating may also be

recorded when movie recording is finished.

• For the continuous shooting time nfa movie recording, rellzr to "Number of stillimages and recnrdable time of movies" (page 36). When movie recording is

finished, you can restart recording by pressing the MOVIE button again.Recording may stop to protect the camera depending nu the ambient temperature.



Page 24: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

(_: Zoom in

Adjust: turn the control wheel

_! (Playback)

(Delete) Select images:

I_ (next)/_l (previeus) er turn the

control wheel

Set: •

1Press the [i_1 (Playback) button.

Selecting next/previous imageSelccl an image by pressing I_ (next)/_l (previous) on the centrel wheel er by

turning the control wheel. Press • in the center e[ the control wheel te viewlllevies.

Deleting an image(_ Press Ihe _ (Delete) butlen.

@ Select [Delete] with • on the control wheel, then press •.

Returning to shooting imagesPress thu shutter button hail'way down.



Page 25: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

/ Control wheel

DISP (Display Contents): Allews you to change the screcn display.

ISO (IS()): Allows you to set the sensitivity based on the brightness.

(hnage Index): Allows you to view multiple images in a single-imagescreen at the same tilIle.

_++ (Phete Creativity): Allews yeu to operate the camera intuitively and

sheet creative images easily.

[] (Expesure Cemp.): Allows yeu te compensate the expesure and brightness

R_r the entire image.

_t__)/_ (Drive Mode): Allows you te switch between shooting methods, such

as single shooting, continuous shooting er bracket shooting.

• (Standard): [Leck-en AF] is assigned to this button in the default setting.

/ Fn (Function) buttonAllews you to register 12 functiens and recall those functions v&en shooting.

(_) Press the Fn (Function) button.

@ Select the desired function by pressing i./V'/_l/ll,- en the control wheel.

@ Select the setting value by turning the control wheel.

/ Control dial

Yeu can instantly change the appropriate setting fer each shooting medc .lustby turning the control dial.



Page 26: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC



Menu Items

(Camera Settings)

Image Size Sdecls tile size el still images.

Aspect Ratio Selecls tile aspect ratio R>I"still images.

Quality Sets tile image quality R>r still images.

Panorama: Size Selecls tile size el panoramic images.

Panorama: Direction Sets tile shooting direction for panoramic images.

_j_ File Format Selecls tile movie lile lklrmat.

_j_ Record Setting Selecls tile size ol tile recorded movie frame.

Drive Mode Sets tile drive mode, such as R>r continuous shooting.

Flash Mode Sets tile flash seUings.

Flash Comp. Adjusts the intensity of flash output.

Red Eye Reduction Reduces tile red-eye phenomenon when using flash.

Focus Mode Selecls tile focus method.

Focus Area Selecls tile area el focus.

_, AF Illuminator Sets tile AF illuminator, which provides light lklr adark scene to aid lklcusing.

Switches focusing speed when using autofocus inAF drive speed movie mode.

AF Track Duration Sets tile duration lor AF tracking in movie mode.

Exposure Comp. Compensates the brightness ollhe entire image.

Selecls tile size ollhe increment step lor shuuer

Exposure step speed, aperture, and exposure.

ISO Adjusts the luminous sensitivity.

Selects tile metering mode thai sets which part ollhe

Metering Mode subject 1o measure 1o determine the exposure.

White Balance Adjusts the color tones of an image.

DRO/Auto HDR Compensates automatically for brightness andCOllt rasl.

Creative Style Selecls tile desired image processing.

Selecls tile desired elfect filter to achieve a morePicture Effect

impressive and artistic expression.

Page 27: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

Zoom SetsthezoomscalelotClearImageZoomandDigitalZoom.Enlargestheimagebeforeshootingsothatyoucan

Focus Magnifier check the focus in detail.

Long Exposure Sets noise reduction processing for shots with a

NR shutter speed of 1 second or longer.

High ISO NR Sets noise reduction processing for high-sensitivityshooting.

Lock-on AF Sets the ftmction to track a suhject and continuefocusing.

Selects to detect faces and adjust various settings

Smile/Face Detect. automatically. Sets to automatically release the

shutter when a smile is detected.

Soft Skin Effect Sets the Sofl Skin Effect and the effect level.

Analyzes the scene when capturing faces, close-ups,

Auto Obj. or suhjects tracked by the Lock-on AF lunction, and

Framing automatically trims and sa'_es another copy of the

image with a more impressive composition.

Scene Selection Selects pre-set settings to match various sceneconditions.

Movie Selects the exposure mode to suit your subject oreffect.

Sets SteadyShot for shooting still images and movies.

SteadyShot Reduces blur l_'om camera shake when shooting while

holding the camera with your hands.

Color Space Changes the range of reproducible colors.

Sets the function that automatically adjusts the shutter

H Auto Slow Shut. speed ti41owing the brightness of the environment in

movie mode.

Audio Recording Sets whether to record audio when shooting a movie.

Wind Noise Reduct. Reduces wind noise during movie recording.

Shooting Tip List Displays the shooting tip list.

Memory recall Shoots images with the registered settings.

Memory Registers the desired modes or camera settings.



Page 28: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

(Custom Settings)

Zebra Displays stripes to adjust brightness.

MF Assist Displays an enlarged image when tk>cusing manually.

Sets the length of time the image will be shown in anFocus Magnif. Time enlarged form.

Grid Line Sets a grid line display to enable alignment to astrtlcttlral outline.

Auto Review Sets auto review to display the captured image aflershooting.

DISP Button Sets tile screen display modes that can be selecled bypressing D1SP on the control wheel.

Peaking Level Enhances the outline of in-focus ranges with aspecilic color when tk>cusing mamlally.

Peaking Color Sets the color used tk>rthe peaking lunclion.

Sets the guide to be displayed when you change theExposure Set. Guide exposure setting on file shooting screen.

Live View Display Sets whether or not to reflecl settings such asexposure compensation in screen display.

Sets whether or not to display the focus area inDisp. cont. AF area [Continuous AF] mode.

Sets whether or not to periorm auto R>cus beR>re thePre-AF shutter button is half pressed.

Sets whelher to use file Clear Image Zoom and DigitalZoom Setting Zoom when zooming.

Sets whether to use auto focus when you look through

Eye-Start AF the viewfinder it"an LA-EA2/LA-EA4 MountAdaptor (sold separately) is attached.

FINDER/MONITOR Sets the method for switching between Ihe viewfinderand the LCD monitor.

Sets whether or nol to release the shutter when thereRelease w/o Lens

is no lens.

Sets whether to perti>rm AF when the shutter button is

AF w/shutter half pressed. This is usehd when you want to adjustfile focus and exposure separately.

AEL w/shutter Sets whether to perform AEL when the shutter buttonis half pressed.

Page 29: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

Selswhelhertouselhe electronic h'ont curlain shuttere-Front Curtain Shut.


When the shooting mode is set to [Superior Auto] and

S. Auto Img. Extract. the camera recognizes the scene to be shot wilhmulliple images, lifts sets whelher Io exm_ct an image

amomatically and save il.

Sels whelher to reflecl exposure compensation valueExp.comp.set to flash compensalion.

Bracket order Sels order el shooting for exposure bracket and whilebalance bracket.

Regislers or changes lhe person to be given priorily inFace Registration the focus.

Finely adjusls the aulofocused posilion, when using

AF Micro Adj. the LA-EA2 or LA-EA4 Motnll Adaptor (soldseparalely).

Lens Comp. Selecls the type of the lens compensalion.

Function Menu Set. Cuslomizes 1he functions displayed when the Fn(Function) bullon is pressed.

Custom Key Settings Assigns a desired ftnlclioll lo lhe bull(in.

Sels the funclion of the colin'el dial and llle comrol

Dial/Wheel Setup wheel when lhe exposure mode is sel to M. You can

adjusl the shuller speed or aperture wid_ lhis setting.

Adjusts file exposure compensation with the coll|rolDial/Wheel Ev Comp dial or 1he comrol wheel.

MOVIE Button Sels whelher to always activale the MOVIE bulton.

Sels whefl_er to disable the comrol dial and lhe

control wheel temporarily by using Ihe Fn bulton

Dial / Wheel Lock when shooling. You can disable/enable Ihe conlrol

dial and lhe conlrol wheel by, pressing and holdingdown the Fn btltloll.


Send to Smartphone Transfers images to display on a smartphone.

Backs up images by transferring them lo a computerSend to Computer connecled lo anetwork.

View on TV You can view images on a network-enabled TV.GB


Page 30: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC



Assigns an application to One-touch (NFC). You canOne-touch(NFC) call up the application when shooting by touching an

NFC-enabled smarlphone to the camera.

Airplane Mode You can set this device to not perlorm wirelesscolnmtllliCaliOllS.

WPS Push You can register the access point to the camera easilyby pusl'dng the WPS button.

Access Point Set. You can register your access point manually.

Edit Device Name You can change the device name under Wi-Fi Direct,elc.

Disp MAC Address Displays the MAC address (71the camera.

SSID/PW Reset Resets the SS1D and passwoM lor the smarlphoneCOllneclioll.

Reset Network Set. Resets all network settings.

u,,, (Application)==D

Displays the applicatior, list. You can select theApplication List application you want to use.

Introduction Displays instructions on using the application.

[] (Playback)

Delete Deletes an image.

View Mode Sets the way in which images are grouped tierplayback.

Image Index Displays multiple images at the same time.

Display Rotation Sets the playback direction ollhe recoMed image.

Slide Show Shows a slide show.

Rotate Rolales the image.

@, Enlarge Image Enlarges the playback images.

Outputs still images in 4K resolution to an HDMI-4K Still Image PB connected TV thai supports 4K.

Protect Protects the images.

Specify Printing Adds a print order mark 1(7a still image.

Page 31: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC


Monitor Brightness

Viewfinder Bright.

Finder Color Temp.

Volume Settings

Audio signals

Upload Settings

Tile Menu

Sets the screen brightness.

When using an electronic viewfinder, sets the

brightness of the electronic view finder.

Sets the color temperature of the view finder.

Sets the volume lor movie playback.

Sets the operating sound on/off fnr when the image is

in fncus or when the self-timer is started.

Sets the upload function of the camera when using an

Eye-Fi card.

Sets whether to display the tile menu every time you

press the MENU button.

Mode Dial Guide Turns the mode dial guide (the explanation of each

shooting mode) on or off.

Delete confirm. Sets whether Delete or Cancel is preselected in theDelete confirmation screen.

Pwr Save Start Time Sets the time intervals to automatically switch to

power save mode.

PAL/NTSC Selector'- By changing the TV format of the device, shooting ina different movie R_rmat is possible.

Cleaning Mode Starts the cleaning mode to clean the image sensor.

Demo Mode Sets demonstration movie playback to on or off.

Remote Ctrl Sets whether to use the infrared remote control.

Sets the resolution when the camera is connected tnHDMI Resolution


CTRL FOR HDMI Operates the camera fl'om a TV that supportsBRAV1A Iv Sync.

HDMI Into. Display Selecls whether or not In display informalion to theTV while cnnnecled loa HDMI compatible TV.

USB Connection Sets the USB connection method.

Enhances compatibility by limiting the Rmctions nfUSB LUN Setting the USB connection.

{_ Language Selects the language.

Date/Time Setup Sets the (late and time, and daylight savings.

Area Setting Sets the location nf use. 31

Page 32: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC


File Number

Select REC Folder

New Folder

Folder Name

Recover Image DB

Display Media Info.


Certification Logo'-'-

Setting Reset

Formats the memory card.

Sets the method used to assign file numbers to stillimages and movies.

Changes the selected folder for storing images.

Creates a new folder for storing still images andmovies (MP4).

Sets tile lolder name lot still images.

Recovers the image database file and enables

recording and playback.

Displays the remaining recording time of movies and the

_'cordable nunlber of still images on the memory card.

Displays the camera software version.

The certification can be displayed on the camera.

Restores settings to their delhnlts.

Only for 1080 50i compatible models

If you switch this selector, it will be required to format the memory card in tile

setting compatible with the PAL or NTSC system respectively. Also, note that itmay not be possible to play back movies recorded with the NTSC system on a

PAL system TV.".':"Overseas model only



Page 33: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

The software PlayMemories Home allows you to import still images and

movies to your computer and use them. PlayMemories Home is required for

importing AVCHD movies to your computer.

Playing back imported


Sharing images onPlayMemories Online TM

Importing images from your camera

'F orW ir_'d'_'o'w"s'['ii_'e'io"i']owi "/l"g""iur_'c {'i''o"il"s'a 'r'e'aIs_-J"°'°iavailable:

Viewing images Creating Uploading

on a calendar movie images to@scs network serwces

• You can download hnage Data Converter (RAW image editing soflwarc) or

Remote Camera Control, etc. by performing the following procedure:

Connect the camera to your computer _ launch PlayMemories Home

click [Notifications].


• An lnternet connection is required to install PlayMemories Home.

• An lnternet connection is required to use PlayMemories Online or other networkservices. PlayMemories Online or other network services may not be available in

some countries or regions.• Use the lollowing URL lot Mac applications:

http:l/www.sony.co,ip/imsoft/Mac/• If the sol:ware PMB (Picture Motion Browser), supplied with models released

belore 2011, has already been installed on your computer, PlayMemories Home

will overwrite it during the installation. Use PlayMemories Home. the successorsoflware of PMB.



Page 34: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

System requirementsYou can l'ind the syslem recluircmcnts ['or the software at the t'ollowing URL:


[] []


Installing PlayMemories Home on a computer

1 Using the Intemet browser on your computer, go to thefollowing URL, and then install PlayMemories Home.


• For details on PlayMemories Home, refer to the following

PlayMemories Home support page (English only):


• When installation is complete, PlayMemories Home starts.

2 Connect the camera to your computer using the microUSB cable (supplied).• New ['unctions may be installed in PlayMemories Home. Connect the

camera to your compuler even il' PlayMemories Home is already

installed on your computer.

• Do not disconnect the micro USB cable (supplied) fl'om the camera while the

operating screen or the accessing screen is displayed. Doing so may damage the


• To disconnect the camera from the computer, click _ on the tasktray, then click

(disconnect icon). For Windows Vista, click _ on the tasktray.



Page 35: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

You can add the desired functions to your camera by connecting to the

application download website _%, (PlayMemories Camera Apps _) via the



• After installing an application, you can call up the application by touching an

NFC-enabled Android smartphone to the [_ (N mark) on the camera, using

the [One-touch(NFC)] function.

• The application downloading function may nol be available in some countries andregions. For delails, refer lo lhe applicalion downloading websile above.



Page 36: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

The number of still images and recordable time may vary depending on the

shooting conditions and the memory card.

Still images

[1_ Image Size]: [L: 24M]

When [1_, Aspect Ratio] is set to [3:2]*

Standard 33(1 images

Fine 200 images

RAW & JPEG 54 images

RAW 74 images

':' When the [E::_,Aspect Ratio] is set to other than [3:2], you can record morepictures than shown above. (Except when [_, Quality] is set to [RAW].)


The table below shows the approximate maximum recording times. These are

the total times for all movie files. Continuous shooting is possible for

approximately 29 minutes (a product specification limit). The maximum

continuous recording time of an MP4 (12M) format movie is about 20 minutes

(limited by the 2 GB file size restriction).

(h (hour), m (minute))

60i 24M(FX)/50i 24M(FX)

60i 17M(FH)/50i 17M(FH)

60p 28M(PS)/50p 28M(PS)

2@ 24M(FX)/25p 24M(FX)

2@ 17M(FH)/25p 17M(FH)

144()xllt8(t 12M


10 In

10 m

9 in

10 In

10 m

20 m

1 h 10 m

Page 37: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

• The recordable time of movies varies because tile camera is equipped with VBR(Variable Bit-Rate), which automatically adjusts tile image quality depending nn

the sbnoting scene. When ynu record a fast-mnving subject, tile image is clearerbut tile recordable time is shorter because more memory is required for recording.

The recordable time also varies depending nu the shooting conditions, the subjectnr tile image quality/size settings.

Functions built into this camera

• This manual describes 1080 60i-cnmpatible devices and 1080 50i-cnmpatibledevices.

To check whether your camera is a 1080 60i=cnmpatible device or 1081)50i=

compatible device, check lilt tile lollnwing marks ou the bnttom of the camera.1080 60i=cnmpatible device: 60i

1080 50J-compatible device: 50i• This camera is compatible with 1080 60p or 50p-fnrmat movies. Unlike standard

recording modes up to now, which recnrd in an interlacing method, this camerarecords using a progressive method. This increases the resnlutiou, and provides asmoother, more realistic image.

On use and care

Avnid rough handling, disassembling, nmdif>ing, ph>sical shnck, or impact such ashammering, dropping, or stepping on the product. Be particularly carefld nf the lens.

Notes on recording/playback

• Befnre you sturt recording, make a trial recording to n/ake stlre that tile camera is

working correctly.• This camera is neither dust-prnnf, nor splash-proof, nor water-prnof.

• Dn not look at the sun or a strong light through a removed lens. This may causeirrecoverable damage to your eyes. Or it may cause a malfnnctinn of the lens.

• If moistm'e condensation occurs, remove it be[k_re using the camera.• Do not shake or strike tile camera. It may cause a malftmctinn and you may not be

able to record images. Furthermore, the recording media may becnme unusable orimage data may be damaged.

Do not use/store the camera in the following places

• Ill an extremel> hot, cold or humid place

In places such as in a car parked in the sun, the camera body may becomedelormed and this may cause a malfunction.

• Under direct sunlight or near a beaterThe camera body may become discolored nr defnrmed, and this may cause amalfimctiou.

• In a location subject to shaking or vibration GB


Page 38: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

• Near a location that generates strong radio waves, emits radiation or is strongly


In such locations, the camera may not properly record or play back images.

• lu sandy or dusty places

Be careful not to let sand or dust get into tile camera. This may cause tile camera to

malfi.mction, and in some cases this malfunction cannot be repaired.

On storingBe snre to attach tile frout leus cap when not nsing tile c_mlem.

Notes on the screen, electronic viewfinder and lens

• The screen and electronic viewfinder m'e manufactured using extremel> high-

precision technology, and over 99.99% of tile pixels are operational lilr efli_ctive

use. However, some tiny black and/or bright dots (white, red, blue or green) may

appeal" nn tlle screen and electronic viewfinder. These dots are a norn/al result of

tlle manufacturing process, and do not afflict tile recording.

• When tile lens is operating, be careful not to let your finger be caught by tlle lens.

About the magnet

There is a magnet attached in tlle area around tlle flash. Do not put objects that are

afii_cted by magnetic fields, such as a floppy disk or a credit card to tlle screen nr tile

camera body.

On using the lenses and accessories

It is recommeuded that _ou use Sony leuses/_ccessnries designed to suit tile

characteristics nf this camera.

Using tile products nf other manuf;_cturers may cause tile camera not tn operate to its

capability, or result in accidents and malRmctinus nf tile camera.

Notes on shooting with the viewfinder

When shooting with tile viewfiuder, you may experience slrn/ptoms such as

eyestrain, latigne, travel sickness, or nausea. We recommend that you take a break at

regular intervals when you are shooting with tile viewfinder.

Tile required leugth or frequency nf tile break may dilli_r depending on the

individuals, so you are advised to decide at your own discretion. In case you may

feel uncomfnrtable, refrain fi'om using tlle viewfinder until your condition recnvers,

and consult your doctor as necessary.

Notes on the flash

• Do not CmTy tile cmnem by tlle flash unit, or use excessive lklrce on it.

• If water, dust or sand get into tlle open flash unit, it may cause a malflmction.

• Be sure tn keep your fingers out nf tile way when you press tile flash down.

On camera's temperatureYour camera and battery may get hot due to continuous use, but it is not a




Page 39: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

On the overheat protection

Depending on the camera and batter? tempernture, you rna_ be tumble to recnrd

movies or the power may turn off automatically to protect the camera.A message will be displayed on the screen befk>re the power turns off or you can no

longer record movies. In this case, leave the power off and wait until the camera andbattery temperature goes down. If you turn on the power without letting the camera

and battery cool down enough, the power may turn off again or you may be unableto record movies.

On charging the battery

If you charge a battery that has not been used [k>ra long time, you may be unable to

charge it to the proper capacity.This is due to tlre battery characteristics. Charge the battery again.

Warning on copyright

Tele,dsion programs, fihns, vident;_pes, and other materials rna_ be copyrighted.Unauthorized recording of such materials may be contrary to the provisions of the

copyright laws.

No guarantee in the case of damaged content or recording failures

Snn_ cannot pro,ride a guarnntee ira the case of fnilure to record nr loss or dmnage nf

recorded content due to a malfimctinn nf the camera or recording media, etc.

Cleaning the camera surface

Clean the camera surf:_ce with a snl: cloth slightly moistened with water, then wipetlre surface with a dry cloth. Tn prevent damage to the finish or casing:

Do not expose the camera to chemical products such as thinner, benzine, alcnhnl,disposable cloths, insect repellent, sunscreen nr insecticide.

Maintaining the screen

• Hand cretan or moisturizer left on the screen rn_l_ dissolve its conting. It" _ou getany on the screen, wipe it off immediately.

• Wiping forcefully with tissue paper nr other materials can damage the coating.

• If fingerprints or debris are stuck to the screen, we recommend that you gentlyremove any debris and then wipe tlre screen clean with a snfl cloth.

Notes on wireless LAN

We nssume no responsibility whatsoever lirr nn_ dmnage caused b_ unauthorized

access to, or unauthorized use oK destinatinns lnaded on the camera, resulting fromloss nr thel:.



Page 40: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC



Cmnera type: Interchangeable lens

digital cameraLens: E-mount lens

[Image sensor]

Image sensor: APS-C lormat (23.5 mm

x 15.6 ram) CMOS image sensorTotal pixel number of image sensor:

Approx. 24 700 000 pixels

Efli_ctive pixel number of camera:

Approx. 24 300 000 pixels


S_stem: Charge protection coating on

Optical Filter and ultrasonicvibration mechanism

[Auto focus system]

S>stem: Phase detection system/Contrast detection system

Sensitivity range: EV0 to EV20 (at

1SO 100 equivalent, with F2.8lens)

[Exposure control]

Metering method: l 200-segmentmetering by the image sensor

Metering range: EV0 to EV20 Cat1SO 100 equivalent, with F2.8lens)

1SO sensitivity (Recommended

exposure index):Still images: AUTO, 1SO 1001so 25 6ooMovies: AUTO, ISO 100

1SO 12 800 equivalentGB


Exposure compensation: _+5.0 EV(switchable between 1/3 and

1/2 EV steps)


Type: Electronically-controlled,

vertical-traverse, fucal-plane typeSpeed range:

Still images: 1/4 000 second to30 seconds, BULB

Movies: 1/4 000 second to

1/4 second (1/3 EV step),

1(t80 60i-compatible device up to1/60 second in AUTO mode (up to

1/30 second in [Auto Slow Shut.]mode)

1080 50i-compatible device up to1/5(i)second in AUTO mode (up to

1/25 second in [Auto Slow Shut.]mode)

Flash sync speed: 1/160 second

[Recording medial

Memory Stick PRO Duo media,SD card

[LCD screen]

LCD panel: Wide, 7.5 cm (3.0 type)TFT drive

Total number of dots: 921 600 dots


Type: Electronic viewfinderTotal number of dots: 1 440 000 dots

Frame coverage: 1(t()_/_Magnification:

Approx. 1.07 xApprox. 0.70 x (35 mmqbrmat

equivalent) with 50 mm lens atinfinity, 1 m I (diopter)

Page 41: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

Eyepoint:Approx.23mmfromtheeyepiece,21.4mmfromtheeyepieceframeat 1m1


[Input/output terminals]

Multi/Micro USB Terminalr:

USB communication

HDMI: HDMI type D micro jack

':' Supports Micro USB compatibledevice.

[Power]Battery type: Rechargeable battery

pack NP-FW50

[Power consumption]

When using anEPZ16 50mmF3.55.60SS lens':'

When using the viewfinder:

Approx. 2.8 WWhen using an LCD screen:

Approx. 2.4 W':' supplied with 1LCE-6000L/



E×if Print: Coml_atihlePRINT hnage Matching llI:


DPOF: Compatible

Dimensions (CIPA compliant)(Approx.):120.0 mmx 66.9 mmx 45.1 mm

(4 3/4 inches x 2 7/8 inches x1 13/16 inches) (W/H/D)

Mass (C1PA compliant) (Approx.):

344 g (12.1 oz)(including battery and MemoryStick PRO Duo media)

285 g (10.1 oz) (camera only)Operating temperature: 0 °C to 40 °C

(32 °F to 104 °F)

File format:

Still image: JPEG compliant (DCFVer. 2.0, Exif Vet. 2.3, MPF

Baseline), RAW (Sony ARW 2.3Format)

Movie (AVCHD lormat): AVCHD

format Ver. 2.0 compatibleVideo: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264

Audio: Dolby Digital 2ch

Dolby Digital Stereo Creator• Manufactm'ed under license from

Dolby Laboratories.Movie (MP4 lorrnat):Video: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264Audio: MPEG-4 AAC-LC 2ch

USB comnmnication: Hi-Speed USB(USB 2.0)


Flash guide numher: 6 (in meters atISO 100)

Recycling time: Approx. 4 seconds

Flash coverage: Covering 16 mm lens(local length that the lens indicates)

Flash compensation: _+3.0EV(switchable between 1/3 and

1/2 EV steps)

[Wireless LAN]

Supported lormat: IEEE 802.11 b/ginFrequency band: 2.4 GHzSupported security protocols:


Configuration method: WPS (Wi-FiProtected Setup)/Mmmal

Access method: Infrastructure mode

NFC: NFC Forum Type 3 Tag-




Page 42: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

AC Adaptor AC-UB10C/UB10D

Power requirements: AC 100 V to240 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz, 71)mA

Ontput voltage: DC 5 V, 0.5 A

Operating temperature: () °C to 40 °C(32 °F to 104 °F)

Storage temperature: 20 °C to +60 °C(-4 °F to +140 °F)

Dimensions (Approx.):50 mmx 22 mm x 54 mm

(2 inches x 7/8 inches x

2 1/4 inches) (W/H/D)

Rechargeable battery packNP-FW50

B_ltter2rtM_e: Lithium-ion batter_Maxinmm voltage: DC 8.4 V

Nominal voltage: DC 7.2 VMaximum charge voltage: DC 8.4 V

Maximum charge current: 1.02 ACapacity: Typical 7.7 Wh (1 080 mAh)

Mininmm 7.3 Wh (1 020 mAh)



Page 43: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC


i iimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm_im_m__ _ _iiiii_iii!ii!ii!ii!ii!iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Equivalent 35 ram-format focal 24 75 82.5 315length 2) (ram)

Lens grnups/elements 8 9 9 13

Angle of view 2) 83 ° 32 ° 28.2 ° 7.8 °

Mininmm focus 3) (m (1:3) 0.25 - 0.3 1.0 (3.28)

(0.82 1)

Maxinmm magnification (x) (t.215 (t.225

Mininmm aperture f/22 f/36 f/22 f/32

Filter diameter (ram) 41).5 49

Dimensions (max. diameter x 64.7 x 29.9 63.8 x 108

height) (Approx. mm (in.)) (2 5/8 x 1 3/16) (2 5/8 x 4 3/8)

Mass (Approx. g (oz.)) 116 (4.1) 345 (12.2)

SteadyShnt Available Available

Pnwer zonm.

2) The values for equivalent 35 mm-lormat local leuglh and angle ol view are based

on digital cameras equipped with an APS-C sized image sensor.

:_) Minimum ti_cus is the shortesl dislance lrom the image sensor to the subject.

Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.

On focal lengthThe picture angle of this camera is narrower than that of a 35 mm-lbrmat

camera. You can find the approximate equivalent of the focal length of a

35 ram-format camera, and shoot with the same picture angle, by increasing

the focal length of your lens by hall'.

For example, by using a 50 mm lens, you can get the approximate equivalent

of a 75 mm lens of a 35 ram-format camera.



Page 44: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC

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InfoMTHIUM _:1 I


Page 45: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC



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Page 48: Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameracamera) • Micro USB cable (1) ILCE-6OOOL • El6 50 mm zoom lens (1) (attached to the camera)/Front lens cap (1) (attached to the lens) • AC



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