Volume 25, #4 August, 2020 INTER VALLEY HEALTH PLAN MEMBER NEWSLETTER Inter Valley Health Plan members have access to no-cost Annual Wellness visits with their healthcare provider. This critical visit provides the preventative and wellness care needed to stay healthy, active, and helps you achieve your health and wellness goals. Your Wellness Visit includes the following: Blood pressure, weight, and body mass index (BMI) check. Review of your records to include your medical and family history Review of your medications and other medications that you may be taking such as Vitamins, over the counter medications Review of your home safety and help you prevent falls at home Review and discuss advance directives Depression screening Preventive screening and services such as mammogram, colorectal exam And personalized health advice If you are a Veteran and receive most of your services through the VA hospital, we still encourage you to take advantage of this important Medicare benefit through your medical group. Having this health information is important should you ever need urgent or emergency care covered by your Inter Valley plan benefits. Some medical groups have Health or Wellness Clinics specifically designed for Annual Wellness Visits. If you receive your Annual Wellness Visit at one of these sites, your personal physician will receive a copy of your results and will discuss any follow-up care at your next appointment. Any follow-up care you may need for treatment of chronic illnesses will be addressed during this visit. You will receive a call when it is time to schedule your Annual Wellness Visit; however, if it’s been a year since your last Annual Wellness Visit or if you have never had one, call your doctor’s office and ask to make an appointment for your Annual Wellness Visit. Questions? Call us, 800-251-8191 or TTY 711, Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 8 pm. Schedule Your Annual Wellness Visit Schedule Your Annual Wellness Visit INSIDE THIS ISSUE: MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT IMMUNIZATIONS TO KEEP YOU STRONG HELP FOR OPIOID DEPENDENCY JOIN OUR ICONNECT SOCIAL HOUR VISITING THE DOCTOR DURING COVID-19 HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR DOCTOR VISIT MEMBER ERIKA REESE: ADJUSTING TO THE NEW NORMAL & ENJOYING LIFE

INTER VALLEY HEALTH PLAN MEMBER NEWSLETTER · skipped or delayed medical care because of the pandemic and 11% have said that the person’s health condition worsened because of this

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Page 1: INTER VALLEY HEALTH PLAN MEMBER NEWSLETTER · skipped or delayed medical care because of the pandemic and 11% have said that the person’s health condition worsened because of this

Volume 25, #4 August, 2020


Inter Valley Health Plan members have access to no-cost Annual Wellness visits with their healthcare provider. This critical visit provides the preventative and wellness care needed to stay healthy, active, and helps you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Your Wellness Visit includes the following:

Blood pressure, weight, and body mass index (BMI) check.

Review of your records to include your medical and family history

Review of your medications and other medications that you may be taking such as Vitamins, over the counter medications

Review of your home safety and help you prevent falls at home

Review and discuss advance directives

Depression screening

Preventive screening and services such as mammogram, colorectal exam

And personalized health advice

If you are a Veteran and receive most of your services through the VA hospital, we still encourage you to take advantage of this important Medicare benefit through your medical group. Having this health information is important should you ever need urgent or emergency care covered by your Inter Valley plan benefits. Some medical groups have Health or Wellness Clinics specifically designed for Annual Wellness Visits. If you receive your Annual Wellness Visit at one of these sites, your personal physician will receive a copy of your results and will discuss any follow-up care at your next appointment. Any follow-up care you may need for treatment of chronic illnesses will be addressed during this visit. You will receive a call when it is time to schedule your Annual Wellness Visit; however, if it’s been a year since your last Annual Wellness Visit or if you have never had one, call your doctor’s office and ask to make an appointment for your Annual Wellness Visit. Questions? Call us, 800-251-8191 or TTY 711, Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 8 pm.

Schedule Your Annual Wellness VisitSchedule Your Annual Wellness VisitINSIDE THIS ISSUE:MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT







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Page 2: INTER VALLEY HEALTH PLAN MEMBER NEWSLETTER · skipped or delayed medical care because of the pandemic and 11% have said that the person’s health condition worsened because of this

Message from Message from the Presidentthe PresidentFirst of all I want to recognize how hard you have all worked to help slow the impact of the coronavirus and stay healthy. Staying home and staying safe is still a priority as you go about performing essential activities such as filling your gas tank, buying groceries, and banking. The one essential activity that has been overlooked, however, is maintaining your good health. If you have been avoiding getting the medical care you need—the time to get caught up is now.

A recent national poll shows that almost 50% of Americans said they or a family member have skipped or delayed medical care because of the pandemic and 11% have said that the person’s health condition worsened because of this missed health care.

I encourage you to focus on visiting your doctor for treatment of on-going issues, preventative screenings, immunizations, wellness visits and prescription refills. Our hospitals, doctor’s offices and lab partners have taken steps to ensure your safety when you visit for an appointment.

Please call our Member Care Team for more information or to check your records if you are due for any healthcare services such as screenings, immunizations or prescription refills. We can assist you with scheduling appointments and providing information about the safety precautions your doctor is taking. We are here to

help you to stay healthy and safe.

Michael NelsonPresident/CEO Inter Valley Health Plan


Keep Your Keep Your Immunity Immunity StrongStrongIn these uncertain times we are all doing our best to stay safe and avoid exposure to the coronavirus. While there isn’t a vaccine for the coronavirus yet, there ARE vaccines available to keep us healthy and safe from other diseases. As we age, our defense systems naturally weaken and that is why it is so important to stay up-to-date with vaccinations against preventable infectious diseases such as the flu, pneumonia, shingles and whooping cough.

Make sure you are vaccinated for the following diseases which are all covered by your Plan benefits:

WHOOPING COUGH – If you haven’t had the Tdap vaccination (a 3-in-1 combination of Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis) within the last 10 years, you’re at greater risk for whooping cough (pertussis). If not for yourself, know that whooping cough represents a serious health threat to small children.

FLU – Every year tens of thousands of people over the age of 65 die from the flu. The flu vaccine changes every year. So, it is necessary to get a flu shot every year. An annual flu shot can prevent infection or at least lessen the severity of the symptoms.

PNEUMONIA – The pneumonia vaccines are also more important in this age of severe viral illnesses.

SHINGLES – Our natural immunity weakens as we age. As a result, we are at risk for shingles (herpes zoster) and the consequent herpetic neuralgia, a severe chronic pain syndrome.  A new vaccine, called Shingrix, has been developed to reduce your risk for shingles.

For these reasons, you need to stay up-to-date on your vaccinations. So, be wise. Now that we have scientifically proven defenses against these historically devastating diseases, let’s be sure to get your vaccinations up-to-date and stay healthy.

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Who can I call to share my feedback?

Please call our Member Care Team. Inter Valley Health Plan’s goal is

to provide our members with the highest level of service possible to ensure you are receiving quality

health care. To accomplish this, we need to know what we are doing right and where we need to improve. We depend on our members and their families to keep us informed. We value your feedback. So please share your thoughts and feelings about your health care experience to improve the experience for yourself and for other members. We are here for you. Please call our Member Care Team at 800-251-8191 or TTY 711, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 8 pm or email us at [email protected].



Does Inter Valley offer an Opioid Treatment Progam?

Prescription opioids are often used for the treatment of moderate to severe

pain for conditions such as chronic, non-cancer pain. However, there can be a severe risk of becoming dependent on these drugs and once dependent on them; it can be hard to stop taking them. Over time, the body develops a tolerance to the effects of opioids, which leads to increasing the dose to continue feeling good. This continuing cycle of increasing the dose strengthens opioid dependency and can lead to overdose. An overdose of opioids

causes a person’s breathing to stop and may lead to death.

We offer an Opioid Treatment Program to our members who want help to end their dependence on prescription opiod medications.

The program includes substance abuse counseling, individual

and group therapy (to help cope with the mental/emotional aspects of recovery), toxicology testing, and FDA-approved opioid treatment medications. For more information, please refer to the OPOID TREATMENT PROGRAM SERVICES in your Plan’s Evidence of Coverage (EOC) or call us at 800-523-3142 or TTY 711, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 8 pm. We are here to help.

Ask Your


Care Team

What are prescription opoid drugs? Codeine (only available in generic form)Fentanyl (Actiq, Duragesic, Fentora, Abstral, Onsolis)Hydrocodone (Hysingla, Zohydro ER)Hydrocodone/acetaminophen (Lorcet, Lortab, Norco, Vicodin)Hydromorphone (Dilaudid, Exalgo)Meperidine (Demerol)

Join Our Virtual Join Our Virtual Social HourSocial Hour

A big part of staying healthy is staying connected with others. But socializing while staying home and social distancing can be a challenge. Our iConnect virtual social hour is designed just for Inter Valley members to keep them healthy. You are invited to spend an hour making new friends and discussing interesting topics in a moderated casual setting. It’s free and all you need is a smart phone, tablet or laptop to join in on the fun.

Please visit our website to find the schedule listing the days and times to join in on our Social Hours.

RSVPs are required to get the log in code and group size is limited so don’t delay. To RSVP or for more information, please call 800-886-4471, email us at [email protected] or visit our website at ivhp.com/vitality.

Member Teresa Araneta recently celebrated her 86th birthday with her Inter Valley mask on. As part of an ongoing program to keep our members healthy, Inter Valley mailed cloth masks to over 18,000 members.

Connect Hour

Ask Your


Care Team:

Call us first

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Visiting the Doctor Visiting the Doctor During COVID-19During COVID-19As we adjust to the “new normal” of life in a COVID-19 environment, it’s time to catch up on the maintenance of your health.

A recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that almost 50% of Americans said they or a family member have skipped or delayed medical care because of the pandemic and 11% have said that the person’s health condition worsened because of this missed care.

The Dangers of Avoiding Your DoctorMissed appointments for needed medical care is risky for adults over the age of 65, especially those with chronic health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and asthma. If chronic diseases like these are left untreated, it can result in permanent damage to your health.

If you wait until your symptoms become worse, you can end up needing drastic medical care. Instead of recovering at home you may end up in the emergency room or in the hospital with a long, difficult recovery.

The Benefits of TelemedicineThe use of Telemedicine or telehealth (online doctor visit) has risen significantly since COVID-19 and is a great way to keep medical appointments without leaving your home. Telehealth offers patients a choice to consult with their healthcare provider remotely by using live video. Medicare covers face-to-face (video) visits which can be very useful when an in-person visit isn’t necessary.

Whether you choose to get medical care by an office visit or online, the time to take care of yourself is now. Please remember that the fear of going to the doctor or emergency room can make your situation worse. If you are wondering about new office safety routines/rules give your health provider a call. You can also call our Member Care Team with questions, they are ready to help.

NOTE: This is a shortened version of the original. To read the entire article please visit blogs.ivhp.com.

Our Free Vitality Our Free Vitality Classes Are OnlineClasses Are OnlineOur free Vitality classes include topics such as Yoga, How to Talk to Your Healthcare Provider, Avoiding COVID-related Scams and Brain Health.

Check the class schedule on our website. Please RSVP to get the login information at ivhp.com/vitality or call 800-866-4471, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 8 pm.

Visit Inter Valley Visit Inter Valley Health Plan’s Blog Health Plan’s Blog Please visit our new blog at blogs.ivhp.com and subscribe. Leave us a comment to let us know what you would like to read about or have questions about. We are here for you. Here’s to your Better Living.

Use an Office Visit ChecklistMake the most of your time with your doctor by being prepared. Before your doctor visit, make a list of the important things you need to discuss. Use our Office Visit Checklist (on opposite page) as a tool to remind you to discuss immunizations, preventative screenings and questions/concerns.

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Fill out this checklist before you visit with your provider to help make the most of your appointment.

List your questions and what you want to discuss with your Doctor. Be specific.

1 Does your provider offer Telehealth (video chat online) service? You will need internet access.

2 _______________________________________________________________________________________

3 _______________________________________________________________________________________

4 _______________________________________________________________________________________

Topics to discuss during your visit:


Making My doctor Visit Count Making My doctor Visit Count

Have your medical records handy (lab or test results).

Talk about requesting refills and 90 day supplies for certain chronic condition medications

Schedule your next appointment during your doctor visit.

Request written treatment instructions.


Be sure to talk to your doctor if you are concerned

about these topics:

Medications you are taking

Reducing risk of falls

Becoming more active

Feeling down or anxious

Bladder or urinary issues

My next appointment date is:

_____ /______ /_______

HS027 09/19

Recent Emergency visit, hospital stay or procedure

Recent Specialist Visit(s)

Results Labs / X-Ray

Medication Review

Preventive Screenings

Chronic Problem

Referral Need

Weight / Nutrition

Vaccines (Flu Shot, Pneumococcal, Shingles, Diptheria/Tetnus/Pertussis)







Our Free Vitality Our Free Vitality Classes Are OnlineClasses Are OnlineOur free Vitality classes include topics such as Yoga, How to Talk to Your Healthcare Provider, Avoiding COVID-related Scams and Brain Health.

Check the class schedule on our website. Please RSVP to get the login information at ivhp.com/vitality or call 800-866-4471, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 8 pm.

Visit Inter Valley Visit Inter Valley Health Plan’s Blog Health Plan’s Blog Please visit our new blog at blogs.ivhp.com and subscribe. Leave us a comment to let us know what you would like to read about or have questions about. We are here for you. Here’s to your Better Living.

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Page 6: INTER VALLEY HEALTH PLAN MEMBER NEWSLETTER · skipped or delayed medical care because of the pandemic and 11% have said that the person’s health condition worsened because of this

Inter Valley member Erika Reese, 83, is learning to adjust her lifestyle to continue protecting her health during COVID and enjoy some of the things that make life interesting. In addition to staying safe at home, Erika also divides her time between gardening, going for long motorcycle rides, and communing with animals, including a donkey, named Chaquita.

She enjoys gardening in her backyard, a green oasis in the High Desert, where she lives.“ It’s so green, full of trees and flowers, you would never believe you are in the desert,” Erika says laughing.

On occasion, Erika and Joe, her partner of 14 years, drive to

Flagstaff, Arizona, and rent a Harley Davidson motorcycle to leisurely ride through miles of forested scenery enjoying the cool fresh air in the high altitude. “The forest reminds me of Austria, the country

where I was born. We used to stop along the route to eat at a nice fancy restaurant—but, because of COVID 19 we avoid that part now,” she adds wistfully.

Staying safe has not stopped her from enjoying her love of animals and spending time with them. “We like to drive to Wrightwood to feed the squirrels and watch them play. “I just love animals, they make me very happy,” she says passionately. And animals love her too judging by the joyful and loud noise Chiquita the donkey makes while running to greet her. Erika frequently visits the local animal rescue shelter to bring Chiquita her favorite treat: fresh carrots.

A happy member of Inter Valley Health Plan, Erika appreciates the support and assistance our Member Care Team provides her. “I love Inter Valley because they take care of me. They make my doctor appointments, keep track of my authorizations, track my medication refills, arrange transportation to the doctor’s office and anything else I need help with. They are always so nice and helpful. I feel like they are my friends.”

Adjusting to the New Normal & Enjoying LifeAdjusting to the New Normal & Enjoying Life


Member & Member Care Team Partnership – Asked what she likes about doing her job, Member Care Specialist, Lina Campos says, “It’s an opportunity to connect with members—to be a part of our family. I have helped coordinate Erika’s care for over four years. Erika knows she can call Inter Valley’s Member Care department for help with anything she needs and we are happy to help her.

“One example is when Erika needed assistance communicating her medical needs to her doctor. I contacted her doctor’s office and arranged an appointment for her. She needed me to request multiple referrals to a specialist. I tracked her authorizations and scheduled all of her specialist appointments.

“Coordinating referrals and authorizations, making doctor, lab or hospital appointments, arranging for transportation and getting medication refills authorized are all just part of what the staff in Inter Valley’s Member Care department can do for our members. We love to help our members by coordinating their care. I encourage all of our members to give the Member Care department a call when they need help. It’s our pleasure to be of help.”

Lina Campos, Member Care Team

Erika Reese, Inter Valley Service To Seniors (HMO) plan member since 2001.

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Practicing social distancing and staying safe during COVID 19 doesn’t mean you can’t go outdoors. Just remember to be prepared so you can avoid issues with the sun such as dehydration, sunburn, or overheating. You can take advantage of the early morning or evening hours to get outdoors to get some exercise or just to relax.

We are offering a contest prize that will help protect you against the sun with a baseball-style cap, sunscreen, a refillable water bottle, lip balm, and a handy fanny pack.

If you are an Inter Valley Health Plan member, and fill in the blanks correctly, you’re eligible to enter the contest. If there is more than one member per household, a photocopied entry is acceptable. You can enter the contest by either emailing or mailing the filled in blanks.

EMAIL TO: [email protected] (put contest entry in the subject line)

MAIL TO: Marketing Dept, Inter Valley Health Plan, PO Box 6002, Pomona, CA 91769-6002

ENTRIES must be received by Friday, August 27, 2020 by 5 pm.


Enter our contest for a chance to win our Enter our contest for a chance to win our “Safe in the Sun Pack”“Safe in the Sun Pack”

Lina Campos, Member Care Team

Fill in the blanks of these contest questions from an article in this issue*

1. Almost ___% of Americans said they or a family member have skipped or delayed medical care because

of the pandemic and ___% have said that the person’s health condition ______________ because of this

missed care.

2. Missed appointments for needed ______________ care is _________ for adults over the age of

65, especially those with _____________ health conditions such as ____________ high _________

pressure and ____________. If chronic diseases like these are left _______________, it can result in

__________________ damage to your health.

3. The use of Telemedicine or ________________ (online doctor visit) has _____________ significantly since

COVID-19 and is a great way to keep ______________ appointments without ___________ your home.

4. Telehealth offers patients a choice to consult with their healthcare provider ______________ by using

live video. ________________ covers virtual ________-to-________ (video) visits which can be very useful

when an in-person visit isn’t ________________.

*By entering this contest, you give Inter Valley Health Plan permission to publish your name in this magazine, should you win.Congratulations to Garden Tool Kit contest winners: Charlene Diem, Desert Hot Springs, Nellie Castilloveitia, Beaumont and Charles Hull, Cathedral City.

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EMAIL: [email protected]

CALL: MEMBER CARE TEAM, 800-251-8191 or TTY 711 PHARMACY CARE TEAM, 800-523-3142 or TTY 711 Contact us APR 1 to SEPT 30: 8 am to 8 pm, Mon – Fri OCT 1 to MAR 31: 8 am to 8 pm, 7 days a week We are closed Thanksgiving day, Christmas day and on federal holidays.

*NOTE: When we are closed you have the option to leave a message. Messages received will be returned within one (1) business day.

VISIT: Inter Valley Health Plan’s main office is located at 300 South Park Ave, Ste 300, Pomona. Office hours are Mon – Fri, 8 am to 5 pm. To locate a Medicare Information & Vitality Center near you, visit us at ivhp.com/companyfactsheet

Need Help? We can help you. You can reach us by phone, email or drop in to our office. We want to make it easy for you to reach us.

Inter Valley Health Plan is a not-for-profit HMO with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Inter Valley Health Plan depends on contract renewal. Inter Valley Health Plan complies with applicable Federal civil right laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. Inter Valley Health Plan cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo. Inter Valley Health Plan 遵守适用的联邦民权法律规定,不因种族、肤色、民族血统、年龄、残障或性别而歧视任何人.

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Pomona CA 91769-6002

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In observance of Labor Day, our offices

will be closed on Monday, September 7th, 2020.*

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