Inter Sleek Brochure

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  • 7/31/2019 Inter Sleek Brochure


    Better for the environment. Better for your business.


    Clean SeasAward 2009

    EnvironmentalInitiative 2008

    OutstandingInnovation 2007

    CounteringMarine Pollution


    International Paint Ltd is part of AkzoNobel,the Netherlands based company servingcustomers throughout the world withcoatings and chemicals.

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  • 7/31/2019 Inter Sleek Brochure


    Shipping andthe environment

  • 7/31/2019 Inter Sleek Brochure


    The IMO is considering a number o new

    measures designed to reduce emissions

    rom international shipping:

    Energy Efciency Design Index (EEDI):

    Intended to stimulate innovation and

    technical development o all elementsinuencing the energy efciency o a vessel

    rom design phase or new ships.

    Energy Efciency Operational Indicator

    (EEOI): For new and existing ships, enabling

    operators to measure the energy efciency

    o a ship.

    Ship Energy Efciency Management

    Plan: For new and existing ships which

    incorporates best practices or the uel

    efcient operation o ships.

    Many new technologies can be costly

    and time-consuming to install, however,

    underwater hull coatings have an important

    role in reducing uel consumption and

    emissions, thus represent a simple,

    retrospective and cost-eective solution.

    By preventing ouling on the underwaterhull and minimising hull roughness, energy

    efciency and speed improvements can be

    achieved on a wide range o vessels.

    Intersleek, our revolutionary next

    generation oul release technology, is quick

    and easy to apply and represents a viable,

    proven technology that is available now.

    Intersleek technology works by providing

    a very smooth, slippery, low riction

    surace onto which ouling organisms havedifculty attaching. Any which do attach,

    normally do so only weakly and can

    usually be easily removed.

    With options or all vessel types, the Intersleek product range is

    a signifcant development that can have a positive impact on the

    environmental profle and uel efciency o the global eet helping

    to reduce the shipping industries overall carbon ootprint.

    As ocus shits towards the environmental cost o shipping,the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is actively

    working with the industry to identiy new technologies anddesigns or reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).

  • 7/31/2019 Inter Sleek Brochure


    Improving your fuel consumption

    Intersleek900 oers typical uel and

    emissions savings o up to 9% in

    comparison to biocide containing sel

    polishing copolymer (SPC) antioulings.

    Biocide freeIntersleek900 is biocide-ree. This oers

    cost advantages at the next drydocking on

    waste treatment and disposal, plus enhanced

    Corporate Social Responsibility through an

    enhanced environmental profle.

    Reducing global CO2 emissions

    Intersleek900 has been shown to be a

    signifcant development which can have a

    positive impact on the environmental profle

    and uel efciency o the global eet.

    Our latest uoropolymer oul release technology,Intersleek900, is exceptionally smooth with very lowlevels o average hull roughness. This, combined with

    excellent resistance to ouling, means that all vesselscan beneft rom oul release technology.

    Find out how our customers have improved their operational

    productivity, reduced their uel costs and enhanced their

    environmental profle by using Intersleek900 visit:

    More value,

    less impact


    Less uelUp to 9% reduction in uel

    consumption, increasing

    operational efciency,

    reducing operating costs.

  • 7/31/2019 Inter Sleek Brochure



    LessemissionsUp to 9% reduction

    in CO2 emissions.


    BiocidesNo leaching o biocides into the sea.

    Enhanced health and saety or applicators.

    Reduced translocation o invasive species.

    Less paint & lowerVOC emissionsIntersleek has higher volume

    solids and lower required flm

    thickness than SPC systems.

    This results in a 40% reduction

    in paint volume and 60%reduction in VOC emissions or

    frst time application. At interim

    dockings, paint volume required

    is reduced by over 80%.

    Less wastedisposalReduced treatment and

    disposal costs o wash

    water and blasting abrasive.

    Over 50% reduction in

    waste packaging compared

    to SPC systems.

  • 7/31/2019 Inter Sleek Brochure


    International Paint frst applied Intersleek in 1989. With over1,000 ull vessels now coated, our customers have witnessedexcellent ouling control perormance, resulting in operational

    and environmental efciencies on a wide range o vessel types.



    Proven fuel and emission reduction

    We are now achieving up to a 9% reduction

    in uel consumption under comparable

    conditions, reducing subsequent CO2

    emissions by almost 11,000 tonnes, SOx by

    100 tonnes and NOx by 200 tonnes.

    Mr Amit Agarwal, General Manager

    Mercator Lines Ltd

    Proven speed improvement

    A 10% speed improvement was

    achieved without expected increase

    in uel consumption.

    Mr Andrew Dally, Managing Director

    Inco Ships Pty Ltd

    Proven foul release performance

    To date, perormance results have been very

    positive. The vessel is achieving operational

    speed whilst utilising less power than was

    previously the case. A signifcant improvement

    compared to the previous SPC system.

    Mr David Strawford, Head of Technical

    Services, Carnival UK

    Proven reduction in paint volume and

    VOC emissions

    Intersleek has been applied on over

    100 LNG vessels. At interim dockings

    there has been an 80% reduction in paint

    used and VOCs emitted compared to

    traditional antioulings.