IntellithemeReview.org IntelliTheme Review-The Pros and Cons IntelliTheme When a WordPress theme calls itself „ IntelliTheme‟, you anticipate that it is a lot smarter than the other themes available. Really, IntelliTheme‟s slogan is that it‟s “Smart. The Smart Niche Profit Theme.” But does IntelliTheme live up to that standard? Or is it just another over a hyped premium WordPress theme unworthy of your attention? Well, after learning the truth about the theme for many days, IntelliTheme has thoroughly amazed me. This‟s my review of this impressive brand new theme. IntelliTheme OverView Creator: Joe Magnotti, Justin Cooke, Mark Thompson (very famous internet marketers). Product Name: IntelliTheme Launch Date: April 12 th , 2013 at 10am EST Price: Single License : $17 and Unlimited License: $27-$37 Official Website: http://intellitheme.com/ Discount: Checkout IntelliTheme Discount Bonuses: Checkout IntelliTheme Bonus First off What is IntelliTheme? IntelliTheme is exclusive in the world of WordPress themes. Unlike any WordPress theme currently available, IntelliTheme doesn‟t require users to manually modify settings to be able to optimize their websites. Rather, IntelliTheme fluidly adapts to visitor feedback.

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IntelliTheme Review-The Pros and Cons


When a WordPress theme calls itself „IntelliTheme‟, you anticipate that it is a lot smarter

than the other themes available. Really, IntelliTheme‟s slogan is that it‟s “Smart. The

Smart Niche Profit Theme.”

But does IntelliTheme live up to that standard? Or is it just another over a hyped

premium WordPress theme unworthy of your attention? Well, after learning the truth

about the theme for many days, IntelliTheme has thoroughly amazed me. This‟s my

review of this impressive brand new theme.

IntelliTheme OverView Creator: Joe Magnotti, Justin Cooke, Mark Thompson (very famous internet marketers).

Product Name: IntelliTheme

Launch Date: April 12th, 2013 at 10am EST

Price: Single License : $17 and Unlimited License: $27-$37

Official Website: http://intellitheme.com/

Discount: Checkout IntelliTheme Discount

Bonuses: Checkout IntelliTheme Bonus

First off – What is IntelliTheme? IntelliTheme is exclusive in the world of WordPress themes. Unlike any WordPress

theme currently available, IntelliTheme doesn‟t require users to manually modify settings

to be able to optimize their websites. Rather, IntelliTheme fluidly adapts to visitor


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Intellitheme is developed to optimize your niche sites for highest profitability and usability

whilst giving users the opportunity to monitor and split test different layouts in order to

see, which works best.

The theme is the brainchild of Justin and Joe from Adsense Flippers and was developed

with the help of their intern, John DeVries. If anybody knows how to optimize adsense

sites it is these guys, with their experience creating and selling (or “flipping”) hundreds of

these kinds of websites.

IntelliTheme Review – About the author? Joe Magnotti and Justin Cooke coming from Adsense Flippers have created 1000s of

small content websites to earn money via Adsense, making 5 figure incomes every

month through from ad revenue and flipping their sites. It really is impressive, and

they‟ve rightly developed a loyal following due to their honest strategy to Internet


The amount of sites they create is amazing, often numbering into the 100?s every

month.Each site they create must be optimized to earn from ads as best as possible.

They spend a great deal of time testing, tweaking and analyzing niche site design, ad

placement, ad-type across different niches.

How was IntelliTheme born? Whether you manage 100 AdSense websites or just a handful, you know how much time

it can take to optimize every single site. Replicating the success of one AdSense website

isn‟t always easy. And even if you do find a reliable system, implementing that system

onto every single website you own is time-consuming.

But what if you managed 2500 websites? That‟s about how many websites the team at

AdSense Flippersmanage. However, AdSense Flippers realized they were running into a

problem: they were spending a lot of time optimizing new websites. Even though they

had the website creation process down to a science, every new website had a “laundry-

list” of customizations that it needed. This laundry list would take hours to fully

implement, and until it was completed, the website wasn‟t ready to go.

In pursuit of a smarter and fewer time-consuming solutions, the team at AdSense

Flippers started to design a new theme from the ground up. After 6 months of

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development and testing, they created IntelliTheme … a theme designed specifically for

niche websites.

IntelliTheme was born out of the idea that the folks at AdSense Flippers didn‟t want to

spend “unrealistic amounts of time and money” editing each individual domain. Since

they monitor a network of over 2500 websites, it would be virtually impossible to give

each domain the attention it deserves. That means these websites were missing out on

easy profits simply because they didn‟t have a good way to optimize multiple websites at

the same time.

Take a look at some screenshots of the IntelliTheme design below:

intellitheme demo 1

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Presets are the foundation of IntelliTheme. The theme consists of five different presets.

Each preset has been tested on thousands of different sites. From the font size of the

menus to the number of items in the sidebar has been split-tested to a ridiculous extent.

Remember: these guys have over 2500 websites, so when they split-test something,

they have plenty of data with which to work.

In case you hadn‟t already figured it out, these presets are designed to maximize the

number of clicks your AdSense ads receive. Instead of simply slotting AdSense code

into hotspots around the website (like a lot of other AdSense-style themes), these

presets are optimized down to every font size and letter.

5 default presets: Tower Right, Tower Left, Central Bank, East Side and Sandlot. Slider

controls which dictate how often each preset appears. Each preset has a different

combination and the frequency in which that preset is shown can be changed from

normal to less often or more often.

Preset Options Menu

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That doesn‟t mean IntelliTheme users are forced to use these presets as-is. If you think,

you can tweak the presets to make them better, then you can do so by changing colors,

adjusting fonts, altering text sizes, and uploading new header images. Changing font

choices and color on any part of the page is very straightforward. So if you would rather

not mess around with CSS and HTML files, all the appearance options are right there

ready to be accessed.

The settings for each preset are hidden. To show the options for each preset, you simply

need to click on the setting button at the right-hand side. Each preset could be

considered a different theme in its own right with different colours, images and ad

placements. In the options area you can upload a unique image for each preset and

configure the colour scheme through 6 main areas: Background, Header, Inner Sidebar,

Outer Sidebar, Links and Footer.

Preset Design Options

The type of font for 6 different areas can be customised: Website Title, Page Title, Post

Title, Sidebar Headings, Content and Links. And for each area you can define the font

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size from 10 to 48 px and choose from 5 font families: Verdana, Arial, Times, Georgia,

Lucida Grande and Helvetica.

The site description can also be disabled and there‟s a useful option to redirect Google

Images traffic directly to your website instead of seeing the image overlay. Redirecting

the traffic from Google Images should give you a slight boost in traffic

Fonts, Site Title and Google Image Lightbox

Each preset has different ad configurations. Some of the presets displayed 4 ads whilst

others display 5 or 6. You don‟t have to add an advertisement to each ad area; it‟s up to

you how many ads you want to display.

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Ad Code Options: Above Content Area and Below Post Title

Whilst I‟ve no doubt that most people will use IntelliTheme for creating Google Adsense

websites, the way the theme is set up, you can use it to optimize earnings from any ad


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Ad Code Options: Under Post/Page Content and Skyscraper Sidebar Ad

2/Google Analytics The theme also allows you to easily track your website traffic by simply entering the

unique Google Analytics identifier(like UA-3323523535-45). This is something, which

can be easily added to any theme by modifying one theme template. Clearly, this

additional option was added to streamline the process of setting up new websites and

tracking their traffic levels.

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Google Analytics Code

3/Automatic split tests-relieving the need for you to use

third party tools, sites and accounts. Once you‟ve installed IntelliTheme and chosen the preset you want, the theme will

automatically begin to split-test. That‟s right: no more micro-managing split tests on all of

your websites. Instead, IntelliTheme is smart enough to recognize that you probably

want your websites to be generating the maximum number of AdSense clicks, and as a

result; it will automatically start split-testing the five different presets for you.

This feature can be turned off or on easily. At the preset screen, users need only press

„On‟ or „Off‟ on each preset to add or remove it from the split-testing queue. So if you

notice that two presets are consistently performing well, but the remaining three presets

are not, then you can easily disable those presets from the IntelliTheme dashboard.

You can also choose to display a certain preset more or less frequently. This feature is

useful if you don‟t want to disable a preset completely, or if you want to emphasize one

high-performance preset without totally disabling the others. Frequency options are

controlled using a series of foolproof sliders.

And for those who like to pore over split-testing stats and analyze every new change that

is made, IntelliTheme actually records data in real-time. You can look at your website‟s

stats to see how it‟s performing at that very minute. You may also look at split-testing

data over weeks, months, „all time‟ and any other period that you choose.


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The main statistics dashboard highlights how each preset is performing you. It shows

page views, clicks, click through rates and accuracy. You need to pay close attention to

your stats and change the frequency of the presets being displayed accordingly i.e.

show better performing ad set ups more often. Alternatively, if you feel that you have

gathered enough data, you can disable the lower performing ad set ups and only use the

best performing preset. There‟s also an option to export that data to a csv file.

The point is – IntelliTheme has an incredibly streamlined interface. You don‟t have to dig

through multiple menu layers to find the information you need. Instead, it‟s all there right

in front of you.

The Cons of IntelliTheme It probably isn‟t the best for bigger authority sites, but for smaller niche sites,

IntelliTheme will be your weapon of choice from now on

In terms of the future for the theme. I would love to see them expand with a few more

presets and perhaps another more “authority” style theme, which this one does not

profess to being.

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I would recommend the theme to anybody looking to build and monetize small niche

sites and can have a huge impact on your earnings, which is the most important thing at

the end of the day.

Conclusion I‟ve used plenty of good WordPress themes. But I‟ve never used a WordPress theme

like IntelliTheme. Instead of having to mess around with split-testing and third-party

apps, IntelliTheme includes everything directly from the WordPress dashboard. When

you run as many sites as I do, these features are very easy to appreciate.

Thanks to IntelliTheme, I already feel like I have more hours in the day. Making MFA

sites is easier than I ever thought possible (and I‟ve made quite a few). Building and

optimizing websites with IntelliTheme is so easy that I can see myself having a far more

productive and profitable future in terms of website creation.

In short, IntelliTheme lives up to its promise of being “Smart. So you don‟t have to be.”

Whether you manage five websites or a few thousand, IntelliTheme will save you time

while helping you make more money. It‟s as simple as that. Wanna try it out?

Bonus? Remember if you get IntelliTheme by clicking the link above, you will receive huge bonus

package worth $1964

Check out IntelliTheme Bonus

P/S: Please feel free to leave a comment or review below about IntelliTheme. Your

comments can help visitors make an informed decision whether or not to buy this


If you liked my review and decide to take a firsthand look into IntelliTheme, please do so

through my link…any comments, likes, or shares are GREATLY appreciated too. I hope

my honest review was helpful to your perspective view for IntelliTheme. Thanks for

reading my IntelliTheme Review. To your online success!