INTELLIGENT REMARKETING · your conversion optimization strategy. Also you can use this data to find out and solve the conversion killers of your site. Access analytics data of day/week/month

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Page 1: INTELLIGENT REMARKETING · your conversion optimization strategy. Also you can use this data to find out and solve the conversion killers of your site. Access analytics data of day/week/month


Page 2: INTELLIGENT REMARKETING · your conversion optimization strategy. Also you can use this data to find out and solve the conversion killers of your site. Access analytics data of day/week/month

Keptify Introduction

Keptify is a cart abandonment recovery solution with the next generation algorithms. With Keptify you’ll be able to

optimize your site’s conversion and get valuable insights about your visitor behavior in our advanced dashboard.

Keptify also provides you with onsite and email remarketing tools that has proven to be invaluable to all our clients.

With onsite and email remarketing from Keptify, you will notice that your abandoned cart recovery will improve up to

40% overtime; meaning recovered revenue of your lost business!

Apart from analytics dashboard and onsite / email remarketing, marketing automation is another huge benefit of using

Keptify. You can set your campaigns and run them over time and again to benefit your business with effective market-

ing through customer connections.

Abandon cart

Keptify recover solution

Added to Cart

Page 3: INTELLIGENT REMARKETING · your conversion optimization strategy. Also you can use this data to find out and solve the conversion killers of your site. Access analytics data of day/week/month

Keptify Analytics will allow you to quickly understand

your visitors behavior on your site. You will understand

the buying behavior and get customer insights to devise

your conversion optimization strategy. Also you can use

this data to find out and solve the conversion killers of

your site.

Access analytics data of day/week/month or custom date range after you implemented Keptify.

Keptify Analytics:

Analytics Data

Check the number of visitors on your site based on your choice of the date range.

Find out the total number of pages being viewed by the visitors in your site.

Find out the total number of pages being viewed by the visitors in your site.

When your visitors click on the Add to Cart or the Book Now button yet leave without completing the purchases, those lost sales or

Abandoned Baskets are displayed here.

You will be able to find out the abandoned amount lost in your abandoned basket too.

Get the details about your abandoning visitors such as:

- Date and time they abandoned,

- IP addresses,

- Country,

- Operating system

- And even Browser.

If you have implemented the onsite layovers of Keptify to grab email and names, you’ll be able to find those data too along with the abandoned sales amount.

Page 4: INTELLIGENT REMARKETING · your conversion optimization strategy. Also you can use this data to find out and solve the conversion killers of your site. Access analytics data of day/week/month

Keptify will enable you to implement the most

effective remarketing techniques and stop the loss

incurred from your abandoned shopping cart.

Implementing Keptify on your site will even

empower you to even bring back the visitors you lost

and get the sales back.

Onsite Remarketing is done through the placement of attractive layovers on your site that will boost up your

conversion ratio. Through onsite remarketing you will be able to display lucrative offers to your customers and turn

them into loyal customers.

Keptify Remarketing

Onsite Remarketing:

Onsite Remarketing with Keptify:

- Grab visitor attention while they are

about to exit from your site.

- Display layovers based on page visit

count and status of shopping cart.

- Set rules to display layovers on specific

pages and implement other rules.

- Offer them discount codes to make a

sale and get emails for further


Why Onsite Remarketing using Keptiy?

- Skip the hassle of coding.

- Multiple default templates.

- Effective customized template.

- Professional template for your site.

- No design Cost – Totally Free.

- Easy Implementation, boosted


Page 5: INTELLIGENT REMARKETING · your conversion optimization strategy. Also you can use this data to find out and solve the conversion killers of your site. Access analytics data of day/week/month

After your visitors leave your site without completing the purchase, it used to be difficult to make that sale happen

again – but that’s not the case now! You have Email Remarketing with Keptify.

Email Remarketing

Email Remarketing with Keptify!

- Remind your visitors about the products

they wished for through emails.

- Bring your visitors back to site to

complete their order and make a sale.

- Make attractive offers and discounts to

bring visitors back to site quickly.

- Deliver your customized message on the

place they trust – Emails. No bounces!

- Improve your relations with customers &

build loyalty with personalized touch!

Why Email Remarketing with Keptify?

- Deliver emails to customer’s inbox.

- Effective email templates included.

- Professionally designed email template

for free!

- Set timing rules for Email send-outs.

- Check Open and Click Through rates.

- Recover Sales, Build Customer loyalty!

Page 6: INTELLIGENT REMARKETING · your conversion optimization strategy. Also you can use this data to find out and solve the conversion killers of your site. Access analytics data of day/week/month

Marketing is a demanding action in

terms of your effort, time and cost. But

with Keptify, it is no more! We have

provided marketing automation for

email marketing so as to save your

time and increase your efficiency and


Marketing Automation

The main objective of implementing Keptify Cart Recovery is to reduce your cart abandonment and boost your

conversion ratio. After implementing the intelligent tools provided, you will need to see the effectiveness. And that is

displayed in the Results section.

Results section of the dashboard, you will be able to find the number of abandoned carts and abandoned amounts

alongside with the recovered cart numbers and the recovered amount.

You will also find the recovery data about

Recovered Date

Recovered from IP address

Cart Value of recovery

Status of whether Remarketed or Recovered


Page 7: INTELLIGENT REMARKETING · your conversion optimization strategy. Also you can use this data to find out and solve the conversion killers of your site. Access analytics data of day/week/month

Marketing Automation with Keptify?

- Your outbound marketing activities are

accomplished through email marketing.

- Keptify allows you to save multiple email

templates on your campaigns.

- You can customize the pre-set email

templates to match your demands.

Why Marketing Automation with Keptify?

- Set campaigns for visitors who

abandoned cart or your previous


- Set campaigns targeting visitors on

mobile, desktop or both.

- Set campaigns for certain time range –

effective for sending offers.

- Turn on or off your campaigns as per

your marketing requirements.

By working with the advanced analytical data and tools of Keptify.com, we target to recover the highest amount of

your lost sales and we have been successful with that for our clients.

Upcoming Features of Keptify

We have already implemented the next generation algorithm so will we stop here? No!

Geographical location of the visitor

- Perform your A/B testing for offers & messages

based on the nationality.

- Displaying messages using native language of

the visitor will to be more effective.

Features under Beta Testing

Display Layovers Rules for A/B testing:

Facebook Remarketing Ads

- Remarketing on Facebook based on cart

abandoning visitors

- Impression count based on country and

effectiveness reporting

Features under Development

Page 8: INTELLIGENT REMARKETING · your conversion optimization strategy. Also you can use this data to find out and solve the conversion killers of your site. Access analytics data of day/week/month

The referral or source site of visitor

- Display messages based on the referral site to

improve effectiveness of offer.

- Running Facebook marketing? Keeping same

voice on layover for increased ROI

The pages being currently visited

- Display relevant information to the visitors

based on the pages being visited.

- Enjoy variations of layovers on different pages

to experiment & improve CRO.

- Conversion based decision suggestions to

increase ROI

- Complete control to run or turn off Facebook

remarketing in your hands.

Business Intelligence Core based Remarketing

- Pre-trained business intelligence loaded

according to geography, demographics, niches,

product types, visit counts, referral urls,

purchase behaviors and other conversion


To get in touch with us, send us an email at [email protected]