The original documents are located in Box 6, folder “Intelligence - General” of the Richard B. Cheney Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

Intelligence - General

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The original documents are located in Box 6, folder “Intelligence - General” of the Richard B. Cheney Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

Copyright Notice

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.


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••·~~ ljasjac8~ t• D.a&lj Buaafel• »e ••• ¥ezk !±•e• allecati••• ef e11 taaest1c aetltit±ee ~·>

~ ljt~Jet3 Caeaex ••••· 8/25/75

•••• te :::;:J Caeaey ( 1 p.) PCI'\-ti~WJ I U/;;JI j'l '"Z.- 6,6] te 11' 7/~o/ 1 '

Baaafe1j te Caeaey, 10/28/75

•·•· Ce1~y te ~1, Buasfe1j (1 p,) Pef'\...1.1 o..v' c,ttL, l l) :I I )4'2- "' (<.II' 7/~o/u

Detai1eea te tlle WAite Beuae (1 p.)~· ~~ P 7/;.o/n ~er·•-•1 u .... r Ce..-er ( 1 , I) "fl(Ut'tpl-c-A v~r UJ- .

<..A.«.~ 7/11 cU...L .

•••• te Caeaey (1 p.) P.-t~ oM €:x~ toj;z1J'lrz.. ~ /I..JP ?/n

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~ ll}:u/ol da..t..

Caeaey Jiles Geaeral Su~ject file Iatelliceace - Geaeral Bex 6



12/23/74 A

8/25/75 A

7/21/75 A

7/17/75 A

7/17/75 A

10/10/75 C(A)

... I,.,. ~-,.. 1,; \&") :ill '-~I I.,

(A) Closed by Executive Order 12356"governing access to national security information. (8) Closed by statute or by the agency which originated the document. W!UI, 5/30/85 (C) Closed in accordance with r•trictions contained in the donor's deed of gift.


Digitized from Box 6 of the Richard B. Cheney Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library

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. R:trr.l Fi~e:.' \ . .-~"- i:!c. (\VFIM a:1d \\"SR~). · F-0'-~i~. r np. t' ~)A'{i, i96G--, P<dm Belch, XT. \\\to:(~·. \\'(" .. S. CncvJ fk~·.f:, f!a.: u·:;-.ti~,ot" Corp. cq;\~)F<>hcd (')nlpkte ·1 V sta. ·h veJaccd River of life. \Vt:ltS-(:h!Tl\:fZ (film V1•1l), 1'1'cl New Engli-':Jd ~nd Brothc:l•O<)d chmn. Unit.:d F~md IJrc.'!t:."r ?:h1.:.ton. \~a~s.

:~. Md. Boston, :-,~J.·:s. Ca.-.ll'f Sue .. A.R.C. chmn. Sah:<lt;..J:: .\~l~y; Cir. '.:,1\vt.:--ry H<l:ake: Hh \\'cci-.:. Rc!. dus. ~r;·,;; fn.;. o'i-~;-h:<'~i~

.::i~i:~;·. ~~-::·~~gr.~ .. ~7d.:._.~:~~~i~~t~ ~-~j\~~~~ C mp·,, Crir>t-·1.-·x: Chi:Jr;;r_·s ~(Ht-S·:ct<•.r:an rnr,._ ;~,c.: c~-..~c. co;;;_, tliL kl'Scuc. Inc.: :•xec . . 1; oe::. com., ~ru<;~f',: Ch!·3n:n··. Ca'lc•:>T . tinllL't.' ·:om. Com Econ. DP\'-_!_ f-diow ·eJ. cvt:r.-:JI B0stvn ll. Bd. u.i:s. F:~~~doms cJmon_ Am. Frcedo!ll C:.1tcr. Rccir:cnt 1. lic~ita~e Com .. 19:'\Q. 1\l'amed or,::- of te-~ [}osttHl Jr. C. of C.. 1956; recipier.t award for indust1y Alph'\ Cr:iilon Rho. :95'/; sc..-eral rv;n -...-a.wus vets. orgn., 1959-~:\0. Mem. ro~'alf, Prc•,i:Jcnts Org!a., nroJ.rkJ.s! J•;r)J:Cers, ·.·(~-,f. Chri~.ti3~~-- and J,~ws (N.E. • i f'1fl :om . ._. Eplk>n Ri1o. C'•.!bs.. \-'a:-i.;;-!y (D·,sl.un); , vf :'\cw f:"r,g. Autt.-Y: Sale<.. 1 cch'1i\;<.CS fN -ne:.! .. r.d S:d~·<; CN~Tia<'J., i 1 Fr;)a,J-~3.sting: Aw?.k·: A merle<>; T·ae (r:u-;c or All~ !C\nk:id.

cmtry Dr Wt:~~on MA 02193 Office. <-~00 ton ~1A 02215

'l)HANT, Jr., b3nket; b. Tampo. F!.1., 1 ~02; iren Rhoda K. ~~arto:dl, Pe!cr Olirhant IV. gc Nat. Bank, T:u;,pa, dir.; :hr:m .. cxt.·c. com., m. flrni t-lollan0 ?" Knig!H. Houc: 2::4 Blan~~ FL 33606 Oiti..::c Exchar,ge Nat Bldg T~mp:>.

:F.TON, co:1sunt1 rrnd'Jctr. and c!-::m. co. e., Apr. 19, 1 ·~\! 5; s. Pc; !f·y B. and 01adyc;. ~·h(:tn. l:ngrir.;:.:. r:-um laude, Nc"'·ark Coli. :. t;_ 9rL. 19-;(l-41; rr;. ~1argarct Wl,itc. ~.-!ay ~a~·.-i:1 L.; m. 2d. Naucy Gr-:l!n, Au;:;. l Sb4; >eth, Deborah An~e!lJ. Fr )r.t chem. ~ngi. to ml dt :'-ie .r:c:uo & Co .. In':: i 9-i0-:)2; :-:-;~arch arch L-e.bs. Standard Oil C-J. (lnr;.), 1<~.:<~·53;

Co., l9S3-59. mgr. polym~r pt&nilint &nJ p. pJcq:.:s, 195E-59; v.p. DJ.rt Indo;.;,~rie: In<..'.

~ Chem. Co.), 19&1\- --. ~:r., 1 ·~61-. ;,\s') pres., . group.; dir. CT Film Co., F~tircfl.C dd Z\.:iia. ~·~try, Am. i:-tst. Cht:n1. En!ring., i au B-:L:! P!. y (i'<:tlm De~eit, C~L): Be: A;r Bay. Bd Air A('\·crly Gl·~n Blvd Los ..-\ng..:l~s C'A 90024

vd Lo:: Anzcles CA <i0054

H£.N0EIT, educator, cons. e;:1gr.; b. Cin .• C. ?.nd lkleit (Van Horn) K.; B.S., U. !-.fd.,

39; m. Sara Krlso Woote!l \lay 27, 1944: , Richarrl P.enr.ett. G.--ad. re~earch. ~%t., t\m. la!i•1g Eng:-:..; fellow in rr.e<. h. '-Offing. U. Ill., ad.iti~1~ing cngr, Md. Rcfrigeratior. Co., Balt., ·, York. P1a., l9-t:); me.;;h. C[Jgr. .A.rmy Ch~m. • IQ40-42: Yibration·~ c:•GL Gle-r;r:. L. ~.bnin • 1942-45: :t~so. p:of. he: .. U:-:f a:1d ventii;,~tir.g ~-52; ~--L. Va1n;;han pr\Jf. mcc:1. cnMiili,- K.C. --; Fulb:i~ht vis. lcctr. AJ.:~\ar.dri:l (Egypt) C, Lcb-..r.o:·:l, Syr;a, iraq. 1951; heaLng a~•1 air chitn~l5 3nd cngr5., '1)51-; rc~t transfc~ hf'd

onvair, !-t. \Vcrth, :>·1artin C0., Bal~ .. 195.1<•7; k Rid~e 1rr:iL Nuclear S~udies, 1958--59; heE~t jf.i! l\!1:. U!b. Ft58--·; f"hi·.~f sc+::1t•'>t P.R :~..;::., 196 1-·J2, ~•~".<>t tr:u~,_r:. .. ·.:cr:.,., ) 9A:?: r\ FC ·l~ll:: eae1~y tats.., R!a ·i:, Aq~en;ir>?, Bolivia, ~Jcr1. N.C. Bd. E4.'f.J?~:rarioa Exa:11in'.'rs,

J?O-· Bd. l1irs. !\.'.C ~t<He C''>!L, YMCA. ; T.:hr. award N.C. :)v.:e ij. 196~-iO. N.C., Ky. Mem. Am. So..:. Lnt;rir.g. Eun., Am. ating, r.nd Air C~nditiomng: Er:?_rs .• ?i Tau Jub: Raleigh Engine-ers. Home: 3UU5 Eton RJ

lU<.A·.t-rON, printi<~g co. e.uc.; b. Providence, trd and Fli.,.ol:--.:·:i, (Braman) K.; grad. Phillips fL hin-:etnn, l93l\; m. Louis~ Atwood, Dec. d Atwood, i{idurd Dexter, JaJTle.i Atwn-rx:i; Pl.

Jur.~~ 29, l'}Gi,. With Lverm-::•rc and K'ligh! 933-6'1, c-.,•c. v.p., 19-+S· 52, pr:s., !952-6Q k Lit~~o~~u:rh Co .. p;~· .. 'tucht. !941 -69; Nes .• ucht. i95.;.t;9, Pr~nting_ Ct.r;.,. Am .. ~- Y.C., H<•aslant1 & Co., Gn:·\!nwich, Conn., 1'169-; . R.!. !io~p. roc:;t c~}., PiO'dUCr:C. ~!;;\-'·;d te 45. !,.f:lson. CI\Jb::>: A:.gu·~:a tGa.J ~-:~\t. Gvlf; jnitm Leaf,UC (N .Y .C.); ~-;0p.;: (l'r~)·. ;,krrc-:); ,Iff'\ (£r.:.t ho·:idc ICC. P .. l.J: Wi:~g'd f-v:·t (;0lf C'<t!JTJ.try Club _-,f r'L-1. (D·:!r.ty 3cach. F': 1.). Oc.::·~:.n {,:,i.-::!5e Df;:ray Bl·.1ch FL Ort!,_;.•: Kn't;ht e,woich P~;,;:e Gr~en~;;:;h \..I 06830

' LLGl'P, <.~ir!inl! ·.:~.cl·.; b. Co:~.te"vil:t:, JnJ., 11:ey D &r.,j Daisy~.~. Ovb) K.: A.B. 'fl Leon~ .• 'tg•1:i Colum:>;-~. J'·Pf.; n:. \brnrct Rarclav. ~n --Jl;<.ftt-, ~.rtq. Vi·:e- pres. Gen. F!ectrir. 1948-52; div. mgr. fi~~f'~t' tran:-.fc.rmer div.

tiekl. Mass., I q~:-54. :n;! _ tinam:ial rcr'ionflel , N.Y.C, 195~·6G; 'l.r .. tre-1! •. Gt•n. D:m.:~.mil·s I. "·P· fln::.nc·~. 1.961-62; e\c.:. \'.:"J., :b. iaf!lC$

962 _6-l, ~'fC~:· dif., J q(,4.-6): C.'I(.Ci,'. \-'.p, fi:l~,._:~; "· C!n., l.J6)·7U; gro;op ... j:l. Pa:1 Am \\·urld 7Cl---_ Mel.·~. ~~at. /,~\~ . .A.C.:.:>Jur.t.;-ulh, ~\rn.

t:inan•.'C """", .\111. ~7frr.t. t\v;.; •. , l·;nan,:il\1 f'.,c :.·iub; :-.~~·tr-..p .. lit:..;, ~'~ Y ~~~-} Hc'!m-~-; :170


1 IT. ..VC!I~- v.-IHng •t erg as orp., nt. ~ t:::e. orp., nc., Gen. Adjustmc;tt Bur., Inc. Mem. lntci:-:H Arbitration Pz.11•.'l, tc;Ot-. Bd. dirs. U. Va. Llw ~d1. Fr ... unr:l. Asib founJ., ln:-t. for IPtern;]t. Order. s,_•rvcd to It .:cl. USAAF, 1941·45. Mem. A~'-· Fcd .• lntcrn1t., lntn·At':'l. t•ar assns., Bu Assn. City ~.Y., N.Y. C-:.unty L1wyer!'> A!.sn., !ntcm~~- Law A.s:>n., Washingwn Ins~. Fgn. Affairs, Council Fgn. Rchtion:;. Club:..: Down Town Association, Pilgrims, Lunch, The Linb C'i.Y.C.); Army and l"avy, ~1etrvpolitan City Tavern (Washingtrm); Fif(h Av(;nue (N.J.-".C.). Home: 548 Stanwich Rd Greenwich CT 06830 Office: 53 Wall St New York City NY 10005

KNIGHT, RODGI:rt D., Jr., banker; b. D;;m·cr. 1913; ed. U. Colo. Chmn. bd. Ur.i!ed Bank of D::-;-.\ ..:r; pres., Jir. Denv\:r U.~. Nat. Center; mem. fed. ad-..·. cuur.t::il Fed. Res. S).;lcm. Home: 6 Lynn Rd Englewood CO 80i lO Offi-:.c: Dcn\'er l1 S Bank U S Nz_t Center Domer CO 9021 7

KNIGHT, TH0~1AS STANLEY, educator, pt.;losopher; b. Sharon, Pa., Dec. 21, 1021; s. Thomas S. and hlary (!.:cCarthy) K.; A.B., W. Liberty (',Ji.\"a.) State Col!., !951; M.A., Syracu•c U., 1953, Ph.D., 1956; r.1. Betty A. R(IJlcr, Apr. 18, 19·12; chi~Jrcn--Thomas Stanley, In· in R. ChMn. Sch. Arts and Scis., Ru.k•d! S.-:..gt" Coil., Troy, N.Y., 195i-53; r;1em. ex c..:.. r:-om. lJtica Cvll. o!' S)-racuse U., 1959-63. mcm. sr. seminar•. planr.ing bd., 1961-td. chn,f'. bchaviorC~J sturlies. div., 1960·62; PF•f .. chmn. d~i:pt. ph;Ju:-;o!'h)' Adelphi U., 1905~. Served with AlJS, 1942-4'), Mem. Am. As~n. U. Profs.. Am. Philos. A~'in., L.l. Philll3. Sc,~ .• Chi Beta Phi, Pi1i 6ct.:1 Chi. Aut:w•: Charle:-; Sand;.:::::. P.::irce: Tile Ma:1 and His Ploilusophy, 2d edit., 1970; aiso numerous !1rticlcs, revs. Gen. editor Grc .lt American ;ntinkc:rs Series. Horne: 131 E J5lh S; :-lew York City NY 10016 Office: Adelphi Univ Garden Cit)" NY 11530

KNIGHT, VERNO:'-~, physician; b. Osceola, Mo., Sept. 6, 1917; s. Jv\!n P..oJt:rt :"tnd Myrtle (Andrev.s) 1\:.; A.B., William hwell CoiL, 1939; M.!) .. Han·uO, 1943; m. Eli1.:"bcth Gordon, St:;Jt. 21, 1946; childrcn·Hunter. CP-roline, Jamt:"s, !ohn. Intern meCicine Mass. Meull. Bosps .. Boston, 1943; how.ooe- onlcer ~. Y. Hosp.-Corn:il ~1e~~- Center. 194 5-46, re~euch fe!Jow dept. :nedicine, I ~46·52; <iS'•t. prof. medicine Cor:1ell Mcd. Coli., 19)3·54; attending pby:ic~ar. Cornel! Med . Sery-ice Bellevue Hosp. a:1d r..-t~;:ml. Cc.:nt::r for C"'ncer, N.Y.C., 1953·5~; asso. prof. medicine Va,;dcrbi!~ tJ. Med. Sch .. l <)>54-59; din. dir. lnst. Allergy and Infec_tious o:sr::ascs, NIH. Rethes.Oa, Md., 1959·66, Gen. C!in. Re~e-ard, Cer,ters C0;o-1., bel 5ci. CIJ!Jno;elors Div. Bioi ogles Stand:uds.; prof., chmn. d .... r-:. microbiology, prof. mt:dicine Bavlor U. Coli. of Medicine, HGuston, 1966~ -. Mcm. COHlll'.n.

ep{de:niological St.fvey, commn. influenza Armed For'"'.:s Ep:d~rukalo:;i~al H:!. Con•. for tnJ_. in inft·ctious diseRses in Va. U. ?\.kJ. C,_ntrrs. \'A. Sr-rv::d to h. (s.g.), M.C., USNR, 1944-46. D!plomatc Am. Bd. Internal MeCicinc. Mem. i'..C.P., Assn. Am. Physici-ms, Am. Soc. CEn. In·,estigatiun, Am. C'if'. and Cliraatol. Assn., Soc. F.xptl. Biology 1.1nd Medici11e. H.:Hne: 117 35 Grcc'n Bay Dr Hous~on TX 77024 Or.ic¢: 1200 M-:>'lrsund Av Houstr,n TX 77025

K::'\'IGHT, \\'ALl:ER LEIGH) cler~ymaa, ertitor; b. Henderson, Ky., Feb. 6. 1924; s. Coo;.,sey Bennett ar.d kowcna (HendeJson) K.; B.A .• Boylcc U., 1949; m. Iva !'ell :·.Ioseioy, Nov. 10, 1943; children- -·Walker L<·ilh. Kennett' Wayne, Nelda Deni~e. Emi.iy Jill. Reporter, Hc:1der~on Glc:tnor an.:J. jnur .. tfN2: ordained to mi::istry 8;-.pi.. Ch., 1948; pastor ill Dale, Tex.., i 948·49~ eGitor Falb County Record. Marlin, Te..:.., 1948·49; as!'>o. eci:wr B2pt. Standard, Ca.!!as. l9SO· 59; cditor;aJ s-.:c. So. D:.:.pt. H01r.c ~'v1ission B~l., Al;..;IJt(l., :i.!5o eduor H~1r<1t Mi~iv:1~ m~g. ard Atlanta btar. chlcf H<1pt. Prn• 1\:ews Scrvit·e, JQ~9-·. Snved with USAAF. 194.3-45. ~!em. A!,:;o. C'hu:·ch Press. So. B~pt. Ph:'\S A~':>fl., B3pt. Pub_ ReJa·ioHs A~>E .A.urhor: P~!~1ma. Tne Land Between, 1965; Strug~le fo:- Integrity, 196~; See How Love \\'orks. 1Y7l. Home: ~G-QS f"orr..:st Bl"d Decatur GA 30030 OrtiC"c: 1350 Sprin~ St NW Athmta G/\ 2030t)

KNJGilT. WAI.TER JlAVID, cull. d<on phys;cist: b. N.Y.C., Oc:. 14. 1Ql9; s. WJ.!tcr !Ja'ltd and Rutl. (Ht:bb~rd) K.; A.B. Middtcb~ry IV[ J CC\11 .• 1 ~~I; M.A., D;.u ... e. 1943, Ph.D .. !950; m. [,izabcth Lewis •;, 1ggiPS, Apr. 7. 1945; chi!Jred~,brg:Het Benton. JonJthan Go-udno\\o-. (r.str. phy!'-i=;~ Duke, 1943--!4, Trinity Col!., Har!ford. (\1r1n., !9-16·50; rPCm. fa-.:ulty U. Cal. a:. Berkr.icy. 1950-, prof ph)'s:cs. l 1i-St·. dear> Coil. i-ette~s and sc;., 1 CJ(. 7-; cons. Ur.-,vthaven I\: .:at. ~J.b .• t 9-~t·50. Served to h. {j.t;.) VS-..:R, l4·H--t6. Sloan fcl!ow, 1956·S9; Gu~~~nhrim fellow, 1961. Fellow- Am. Phy::.. Soc.; mcrr. Am. ~'iS!l. Phys!cs Td:r'>., A A. AS., Arn. Aso;n. U. Profs .. Sigma X1. Authcor: (w;th others) The Berkdey Physh-~ Couo::;e·M.:.:hanics. 1965, also anidcs. !k·m~: 800 Cr1!.,?.ntont Av Ocri-.t.:i\:y CA ~4703

I'NIGHT, WAL1Til EARLY, c. of c. exec.: h. Daytnn. Ky., Oct. 15. 1911; s. ~oel ;;_ ar-:1 Nelle (E:uly) J--....: An. iii E'.:0!1'i., Wc:-.lcrn r.:.y. U. 1'133; M A. in Ecnns .. Pt:atf(-Jy ( oli.. 19-HJ; m. Lina ba!Jauf, De...:. 24, 1940: ch;J,~ren- C>rol {"Its. E'hrd \-' 'S"unrt ... lly), S•1:;.an. A~~~­p--r~f. c·. L,,ui:;v!lk. l 1-.H7-:50; ·_1·-s.n. 1Jrf.:t.in!er L:nu-..,-jli~ C. or C., 1950,57; or~Jnizcr )~!dsl.__d..:"';l.~tuf!.c_to,•'_n p,,~·.!~'': C. of S:·• 1957-6);


1943·4'5; m~m. firm (J"/crton, Lymar1 & Prif"IC(', 1945~. Chmn. C.Jm . bar Examiners Cal., i962-63. Trustee Ci<1rcmont !\ku's Cui!.!'-!, tiL

Am., Lo5 Angclc~ CPtmty bar a.s.sns .. Stalt! Bar Cal. Republican. \Lrr •. Ch. of Jcsu~ Christ of Latter-day Sair:ts. Cluf)::;; Chancery (l_ o· Angclc~); Pauma '.'ai!C'y (Cal.) Cuur:try. lLmlt.;: 885 Winsiun A·, S;Pl

Marino CA 91108 OITicc: 550 S Flower St Leo Angclc' CA 9cl017

K!'i GHT, WILLIA'\i El)WARDS, ign. service officer; Tarr wn, N.Y., Feb. 1, 1972; s. Arth'.lr Octavius and \ (Jenkin ; B A. in lntern:.tt. .Rela~ions, Y:dt·, 1943, M.A. ,6; m. Ruth Lee.'· l.t, 1'~46; chiiGoen-Jcffrey W1iliam, P Edwar;"ls .

1\:NIGH'l', \-v·II..LIA!\1 \VJ.:SLEY, publisher; b. Winnebago, ~,!;;m., FcL. 3. 1909; s. Fred r\, and Edith (aarth;-,!o01f;w) K.· LL.B.. L'. 0ic., 193:!; m. Lot<:. Hatfield, M:u. 4, 1937; :.:hi!dP?P---l~hillip, k~'''"'c ;,;.I:d Joanne \twins). Admitted to 01e. tar, 19:32, pr-.H.ticeJ ia Rosct urg and Portland, 1932<>9; c:;,cc. 5-ec. Pacific N.W. Newspapn Assn .. 1939-46; mem. staff Ore. Jour., 1946-. pre-s .. pub. i953---. !\·1tm. Ore. U:gi5olaturt:, I :J35. Episcop<ili?..r •. Hom~: 3650 SE Claybourne lortland OR 972C2 Officr: 1320 SW Broadway Portland OR 97201

KNIGHT, \\>ILLIAM WINDUS, Jr, investment co. e>ec.; o. Toledo, Jar:. '27, JQ05: ~-. \ViJii:Jm Wi•du'> and Edna (Ford) K.; :\.B., Yale, 1927; M.B.A .. Harvard, 1962·66; pres., d!r. Kn:g;1t h1mi Co., Inc., 1961---, ffminis Blue 1929; m. Elsie- Stran3han. ScpL 12. i'J31; chil_drcn-John Lord, Diana (Mn.. Lawrence T. l·ostcr/. A!>st. ten. rngr.. d~r. Wyandotte Chcms. Corp., 1~2-:t--10; rres. f..:--rd Did~. C\~ .. Detroit, 1934·42; chief. t;,onk and comoat \--chicle s.:ct. Oi':\-1, V/2:shington, 1940·42; ass~. to exec. v.p. Libt:x:y-Owcns- Fold c::.~ss Co., 1945·47, pres. Plaskon div., 1947-53; -.·.p., sec.·treas. TAG Airlines, Jnc., ·ro!edo, l<JSS·57: pres., dir. Nicholas Corp·, T:.1kdo, 1954-67, chmn. bd., c.!ir., 1968--71, now dir.; treas., dir. ·w. Bir[;.bm Co., Toledo, 19[.'2-6(.; prl'S., dir. Kright La.od Co., !r:c .. 1963--, Bimini5. Biue \Vah'r, Ir.c., Ltd., 1963--; mcm. St. L.:lwrt.~ncc Seaway Devel. Corp., 1969-; dir. Tolcd0 Scale Coq: .. , Toledo T~u5t C'o., Belmont Devel. Co., 9~q:J Corp. Cl•mn. bd. diTS. To!::-dv-l.uca" Co>Jnty P0rt Authority, 19~6--. Vic-e c~rn:1. bd trustees Ir.st. _,{cj. Rese~.rch of Toledo Ho<:.p.; v.p., trustee Re . .;earch Fu·Jr.d., U. T_v;;..d0. 1963-? !; trustee, chmn. finance com. Toledo State Coil. r-.-tedicinc, 1964-70; vicc·chmn., t;ustec To!edo Hosp. EnJowm..:nt Fund, 1958-; adv. C·:>m. Hosp. Planping Ass:1. of Gre<:.tcr Toledo. 'fnl~.t(.C Cancer Cytology i··ounJ. Served to ll. cvl. 01dance dept .. \LS, 1942-45. Decoralt.:d Legion (;f Merit; Roy31 Order ofVaS3. (S·,; :de-·~). Mcm. !':"at. DeL Transp. A~:;n .. Am. Ordr;ar:n: Ass:1 .. Am. Lcgio01. Episcopalian. Club:;: Tol.zJo Cou:•try, Tnlt:Go, Propc:lle:. Be!rnc:J.t Country (folcdo); Yale(!'>.:. Y.(_:_J: DcL·oit; Country of Florida (Ddra) Beach). Home: Glen Eagles Rd Peaysburg OH 435Sl Office. ~at Bank OIJg TuJedu OH 43604 .

KNIGHTON, HOL~--tES Ttm·, b:t('tcri(llngist; b Be-JJR,ny, Ab., Sept. 15. 1902; s. Th~;mas AhJham (l;nd N:ttie F.u~enia lC'&!l:u . .:!yJ K.; student ~viarion (Ala.) Mil. !nst., Fl20- 21; D.D.S .. T<.;l.-wc L~. of La., 1926: m. M<J.delin,~ Nichols, Aug. 6. 1936; childrcn~-Shirley ~ichoh. Caro!e Ar::n. Pvt. practice of d~ntistry, Yorl~. Ala., l926·'2S. pt.'~­h.calth dt:ntist. Lmdcrdale Co1.onty, }'lorence, Ala .• i-7l'J-.1V; i;1ktr. Forsyth Dcnt2.l Infirmary, Bosror'l, t930-.Jl; P_,_Kkeft·iit.:r fc--J.Jw .n dent?.l re.><!arch U. Roches:er. 1931-33; instr. in t·~..:terlov:g-y. C. G~. M~d. Sch., 1933-34; im.tr. in opei<!Wr'e uenUSt!j, ~1cd. Co\l. of \'a., 1934·30, prof. dentistry and bacteriolrgy, i 5-51·-. Uir. 0e:-n::d re~e(lrch. 1<:156---. asst. dt·an Me-d. C( II. '..-'3. Sch. Denti">try. F•64-6~,. asso. dean. 1 96&· 71; asst. prof. ba~..teriology, lJ. l.oui~·.-ltle ~ ... :eJ. Sl·h .. 1 '·lJ0-40, asso. I-WI·., 19-+0-46, prof. den :~1 medi..:-inc \'-.-:,;._.i1iflt.t:m U. Sch. Dentistry. l<J-16-4-7, prof. !.:.:.tcteriology, clunr._ dcpi.. bacLct:ok•gy p1tlla1ogy. 1947-50; pof. dentistry L' Ala., 11)50-51. Fcl~ow Am. Acad. Microbiuk1gy, Am CoiL Dcnti-.,t-•: mt m. (n;C'rnar. Ass!1. for Dental Rc::;e3rch (pres. !9f;Q.f.1), Am. Dental .1\ssn .. So.:_ Am. B3.ctcriologhots, Sigma Xi, On;,\:ron Kappa Uosilor,, Xi P<:i P!1i. Democrat. M~thodi-;t. Hom~: 110~ Norrnandv Dr Richmm1d VA 23229 •

K~IGHTS. NORMA~ JA~fl-.:S, LOnh. :fdmin<>tr.: b. V/inn.~· .. g. \ian., Can., D~r.. 31. 1922; s. Coby Y/illi'.1.~n and ida ('Vaters) K.; hrc:Jght to U.S., 1~23, naturalized, 1'151; A.ll., DcP£i.,lw U .. !l~46: \LB.A. Har'-'ard, ! 948; m. Mcrilyn Lou,se Sr.lythc, Sept. 7, 1 ').16, chtldren-Lacric, l\lorman James, Holly <.:.nd Heif:.i ';twir..s) Admifl.-;t; v. asst. Booz. Allen & H~milton. N.Y.C., !S·18: saks r-.; 11. ~f!,i:3·h~.m Corp., 194R·S7; d!r. pub. n.!ations and dcvel. DeP:n;·-.•; (_j. Greer.castle, Inc., !(_l:\7-66. asst. to pres .. 196(\-69~v.r. 1964 Dir. Grecnc.J~tle Sa\'S. and Lvar. A".sn., 1968 .. -. Grt:cncR"ith- 0-!Hl. Corp., }Q69· -.Pres. <Jrccr.ca<>t!e Plan c..:.:?l960~65; mern Ci~v-Owen-Pu:n~r.l County Commu~ity ;.\.ction PrJ~.rar;l, !962---. pte~ .. i965·- f:-:j dtrs. Community Acti--Jn Pro::_-:ram. Scned with RCAF, l943·4j. WtitG.1 Park fellow, 1966. 'Mem. Am. (dist dir, trus>.ce 1968·6'-l, trus~ec 1970--), Inti .. (pre~. t·j~7) c~.u. rub. relations aso;n .. Ind. Coi;s. ar.Q, .. lJr.i•;s. Jndia:1a (('x\.~.,:- .:v:·n; s~c..-tre~;~;., I 'JC6--). Gn.:c:1':Z~Stlc C. 9f<:". {pre-.. 1960), Phi K ap~a Psi. Christian S<:i-:ntist (chmn. bd. l9(r1-7(J}: Rowrian (v.p. GreeJ.j,:astlt: 1967). Homt:: Rura! Route 2 Greenciilstle IN 46135

K:-ilPE, JAME5 LAIJ:'<CELOT, ccon. cuns.; b. M>"hall, ll!o, '\lar. 31, 1904; s. E..::::.ry Hcdgco;; and "bbd (Grah3m) K.; ?~.8.. Yale, Pl26. M.A .. l934; PLf)_, 19~0; m. D3nic!ie Rolin, Jur.e l-4;-. l930; chih.!,(·,:---Ja.mr-s Gr.:i.;H'm Pl:te-r Rolir:. Otgani:r.:r. fi:w:H::ic~ tt;J,:p;HJJ:~ ut!litic:'-. ChiC<'-'~<), l 921l·32: own im<:".tr~:t:rll vn.rncl firm. ~t''o'-' H .tl, ('o·~. 1 '.:H~·41; tt.:sc-nch dit. J L:\'-.:t•i Fmpk y-~rs' Counc1!. H-.-r;n1ul•J. l9-tt1-41; a<;o.:t. tt' pre:<>. to v.p .. 'J.ir. l'1::~,n ~~=g & Paper Corp., :-~. Y C. 194"1-5 ~; •;_p,, ,-;1.:n ~-;l;~o; mgr., di,- 8;~1! l:lros. Co., Inc, ,\-!:Jr;v:e, hd .. •~"~<'"' ·- ~:~ F"t:' ! 1 ··--·"'" 1~~ 10'.1 .. ~..,.,, r-hro~.._ lo,-1 !CJ'\j_

!'>'"'"'"'~ '-"· ~ •· "''--'--'''"'""'• 1-, .•7, 1.. ·-:-•·-·;! ~;1;. I st cl~->s Royal Oracr of Sl. o:...~y .coot Kan<· gold mc:dal GCL•g. So-;. Phila.,

linivn (ho1.;: .... ~ P'"J.,, S,),~. {oon.). c,b! IQ6~~. Arlvc'1tU1t:r, (Ln'l.' {los

~Or14..t) (hon.,. A~:tl,or: Ar;':"arctic ~tic; Antatcti~ Cv:.c--:.11~; 1"hc A"!tarclic .narctic" ~("!'["',to Life. !9"71; Gian .. s of ' Ronne E\pcJ;tiot: w A!•lU~tia, 1971; _, a1 ti..:ks on Pc-::.·; ; ... gio.Jtl~. AJdrc:ss: 6323 ,~- 20016

flTHJOV, ard·~ited, ::.tructurll engr.; b. thai T. and f-h:Jvig C .:n.:ocn) R.; B.S .. lJ. , 0.:-t. 7, 1929, cni!._-rcn--Jer.ny L. (.\1n •. rridrhjov, Ronnie :--.; .. Peter L Supt., lbO., 1929-31; St>L field agt. U.S. G.Jvt., r_g Co., Chg,.l., 1939-. !:list. chmn. Chr.o. m., 1952-54. Mem. Ill. Soc. Ar<hitects. ! Engrs. Soc. Ill., Am. Soc. C.E. Homo: IL 60631 Office: 3906 N Harlem Av

.f..S, Jr., banker, investmen.: counsellor; narlcs and Kathe1 inc (Bolte) R.; B.S., St. ~ Gardner, Jan. 5. 1935; children -Gail, , Alan. Analyst, a~:count exec. Standard 10; as~t. to pres., mgr. ~tat is. dept. Calm&r 0-47; supr. bank. large pension trust anci !iu-s ~foody's In\ est'):·-:; Servicl.!, 19·0-60; 1wich Savs. Dank. N.Y.C.. 1960-. ~tem. akum St Farmingdale f'o,;'Y 11 '/ 35 Offtce: City 1-<Y i0018

~ELL. educator; b. \Vest port. S.D .. Apr. t\rny F. (Bazelcy) R.: B.S., S.D. Stale lJ., .. 1956. Ph.D .. 1958: m. Ruth Mlri~ ~ildrcn~Kristi!) Amy, Kari Ann (~1rs. Roy'-·e. Asst. prof. ps)chology Miami U., r:-of. edn. l1. Cal. at Bcrkcky. 1959-64; N.Y. at Buffalo, 1964·65; ~r0f. cG:-11. t U. ~eb., 1965~, aiso cbmn. dept, asso. brs. projt·ct, 1970-; vis. asst. prof. Ind. ilh USMCR, 1945-46. Mom. A.A.A.S., lnl. Research As$n., Sigma Xi, Phi Ddra ~fl. jours. Home: 30-f2 Sheridan Blvd

tiK, ins. co. exec.; b. Port Chester. N.Y., min and Grace S.F. (Mellen) R.: A.B., :. M1ch., 1929; m. Ruth M. \Vinchcster, r;(hester, David, Douglas. ''f\'ith Lincoln ,Ind .. 1931--, actuary 1949-58, 2d v.p., .p .. 1<:158-64. prcj., J9t't4-68, chmn. bd., linn. bd., chief exec. v:licer Lin~oln Kat. 1. Cos., 1963--; dir. Dominior, Life Ins. 957-63, chm!l. 1963-67; ~:h:nn. Uncoln '1. Atlant:c Reassvr.mce Co., Dominions •. londnn, Eng., Lincoln Nat. Bank & . Title & Trust Co. \1em. actuarial 3dv. 65 --. B-J. g·]VS. Asso. Colis. Ind. Scrvt'd >¥ Soc. Actu;;.ries (pres,. 1957-50); mem. >. 1968--). Jnst. Life Ins. (C.i,.), Am. Life J.S. C. of C., Am. A cad. Aouarie-s (pres. fe Iris. Assn. Am., Ind. Assn. Legal Res. -65), Casualty Actuarial Soc. (asso.), t., v.p. 1966), lr:st. Actuaries Gt. Brita.in ka.:on). Rotarian. Clubs: Quest (pres. y (dir.): Couctr) of Naples, Fla. Home: e,IN 46807. Ofliceo 1301-27 S Harrison

Jr., bwyer; b. Richmond Heights, Mo., and Lucille (Pierce) R.; student U. Wis., 5, M.B.A. 1963: m. June' Howe, Feb. 2. )US marri(tge)--J. David, Karen L; larold Rt~nnfe!Jt. Admitted to Ill. bar, :an & Thorsen, 195), 57-5Q; g.:!n. atty. 9-61; v.p., sec. \\"alter E. Heller & Co., ~~---,abo ge11. counsel \all Chg~1.). Mem. 1 •.vith U.S. Army, 1955·5 7. Mem. Fed., n. So~. Corporate Sees., A:-n. Arbitration n. Judicature Soc., Exc~s. Club Chgo. S1 Winnetka IL 60093 Office, 105 W

:riter; b. Alhe,., 0., Feb. 22. 1902: s. (SneJden) R.; ed. pub. schs., also pv1. Sopt. 7, 1927 (div. Ju:y 1947): m. 2d, 15, 1948; m. 3d, Kathrine Kressman in resiclcnce U. Minn., 194 t-~6. as so.

, 1957-64; artist in residence Ohio U., one at Wellesley Coli .• f:sridgman Ct. at nuance St. Mark's Epis~:opal Cathedr.~l. . Ch., Mpls., Fountain Ct. at Mp!s. P;.~b. J. Profs., Soc. Minn. Sculptors, Minn. l.ty Assn. (pres.). C'I•Jh: Mineapolis. 1 Wood, 1950; Sculpt'Jre With A Torch, ~diror, Maauscript, lit. mag .. 1933~36. \o,"W Washington DC slso Sca:-bo1ough

iormer t~n. s.zrvice officer; b. Fremont, ' L. and Elizabeth J. (~!acrac) R.: A.B.,

1937; grad. 1\:al. War Coil., 1958. ;n. ;~pt. 3, 1947; c.hi1dren--Macr2~. D·n-id. ; with fi:'m Larkin. Rathb1":1e & Perry, - A.m. Com. Inquiry on Palcs!i'!e, also oilcstine, 19-'6, exec. s.:c. Ccon. Mission ~Llan. IHdy, 1947-49; spl. asst. to 19-lCf-50, Tcilran.lran, 1950-51; consul, pt. State, 195.2. 56-60; lst s<ec .. Rome. :lNSOUTH (NATO), Rome, 196&-63;


ROODHOUSE. V'.'. W., electronics co. exec.; b. C'ushing, Okla., }Qi7. Exec. v.p., mem. exec. com., dir. Collins Radio Co. Humc: RR l Do:-. 990 Plano TX 75074 Office: Collin5. Radio Co DaUas TX 75207"

KOOJ.::S, RAYMOND ]';EWTON,lawyor: b Nevada. Mo., Vee. 23 • 1910; s. Ola R~ymond and Amy Pearl (R,trliff) R.; student Trenton (:O.io.) Jr. Coil .. 19c8-30: B S., t.:. Iii.. 1932, LL.B. cum iaude, 1934; m. l'..uth Dunlop Darling. J•Jne 1. 1940: childrcn-MeEssa D<lrling tMrs. W.T. Russell), hbry -qatliff. John r\'ewtor;. Admitted to Ill. bar, l9J4; with !a·.~o· 3nd claim dept. North Am. Accident Ins. Co., Chgo., 1934-37; P\'t practi(.'C law, Chgo., 1937---; mcm. firm Hackbert. RooJ.-:>, Pitts, FullJgar & Pou~t. and prcdcccss,-,rs, 19-0--; gen. counsel El~in, Joliet & Eastern Ry. Co. 1st dist. commr. character anct fitness, 1.;63--. Fellow Am., Chgu. bar fou11ds.; mt~m. Am. (ho. dds. 1955-56, (·IJ-61), IIi., Chgo. ('.:d. mgrs. 19.:9-51. 59-63. treas. 1954- 57, pres. 1961-62). 7th Fed Cirntit bar assns., Assn. ICC Practitioners. Nat. Conf. Bar Presidt·r.ts, Am. Judicature Soc., Delta Kappa Epsilon. Republican. Preshvn. Clubs: legal (pres. 1958·59), Law (pres. 1967-68) (Chgo.): ~!ichigan Shores. Home: 909 Locust Rd Wilmette IL £0091 Office: 208 S la5nlle St Ch:cago IL 60604

ROOr-;EY, A='<DR};W AITKE!'I, writer; b. Albany, N.Y., Jan. 14, 1919; s. Walter S. and Ellinor (Reynolds) R.; student Colgat<" U., I9-t2; m. Marguerite Howard, Apr. 21, 1942; children--- Ellen, ~brtha, l-.mily, Brian. Writer-prod;;ccr CBS-TV News, 1959---; TV programs include Es~ay on Doors, 1964, Bridgt:s. 1965, \\ .. omen. 1907, Hott.'ls. 1965, \\-"ar, 19i l. The Great American Dream !\-lachine, 1970-71. Served with AL:s, 194-1--l-5. Decorated Air medal, Bronze Star. Rcl·ipicnt Bt:st TV Documentary award T\' \\'ritcrs Guild, 1966, 68; Emmy aw~rd for best written documentary, of Black America, 1969. Author: (wi•h O.C. Hulton) Air Gunner, 1944; The Stor)' of Stars and Stripes, 1946; Conquerors' Peace, 1947; The Fortunes of War, 1962. Home: 254 Rowayton Av Rowayton CT 06853

ROONEY, ARTHUR JOSEPH, pro fl. football club exec.; 1>. C0ul1er, Pa., Jan. 27, 1901; s. Daniel and Margaret (Murray) R.: BC.S., Georgetown U., 1920; student, Duquesne U., 1923; m. Kathleen Mcl\'ulty, June 1 J, 1931: chi:drcn---·Daniel. Arthur, Timothy. Patrick, John. Pr"es. Pitts. Sh.·elers f'ron. Football Club, 1933- -; dir. \\-"illiam Pe-nn Racev.·ay, 1962, Pompano Raceway, 1965-; p;omoter prize fights, 1928~; horse race breeder, 1930-. Mem. Holly Nam~ Soc .• St. Vincent De Paul Soc. K.C. Home: 940 N Lincoln Av Pittsburgh FA 15233 Office: 300 Stadium Circle Pillsburgh PA 15212

ROONEY, FRANCIS CHARLES, Jr., shoe co. exec.; b. N. Bruokfield, :Mass .• Nov. 24, 1921; s. Francis Charles and Evelyn F. (Murray) R.; grad. \\rharton Sch. of U. Pa., 1943; m. Frances Hl.'ffcrnan, June 10, 1950: chilctren-Pcter, Michael, Stephen, Jean, Willi<3;n, Carol, Frances. Clare. Formerty salesman John Foote Shoe Co., Fh::rshcim Shoe Co.; now pres., dir. lOom MeAn Shoe Co.; pres., chief ~.:":v..ec. officer, dir. Melville Shoe Corp.; dir. Bankers Trust Co., Pho.:nix vf Lo:"ldon Assurance Co. Bd. dirs. United Cerebral Palsy As:sn. Mern. Phi Kappa Sigma. Clubs: Larchmont Yacht; Winged Foot Goll; Union Le3gue (N.Y.C.). Home: 58 Willow Av Lardtmonl NY 10538 Off:ce: 25 W 43d St New York City NY 10036

ROONEY, FRED B., congressman; h. 1926: m. E·;clyn Davis Lisle, Dec. 14, 1963. Formerly mem. Pa. Senate; mcm. 88~h-92d Congresses, 15th Dist. Pa. Democr~t. Address: House Office Bldg Washington DC 20515

ROO~EY, J.J., pub. co. exec. Bus. mgr. Vancouver Sun, Sun Pub. Co., Ltd. Office: 2250 Granville St Vancouver 9 British Columbia Canada•

ROONEY, JOHN J., congressman: b. Bklyn., Nov. 29, 1903; s. James and Ellen (Fitzsimons) R.; St. Francis Coli., Bklyn., 1920-22, LL.D.: LL.B., Fordham U., 1925; m. Catherine Curran; children-John. Edward, Mary Ann, Arthur, \\'illiam. Practiced law. Bklyn., 1926-40, a~st. dist. atty .• 1940-44; elected to congress 4th New York dist., at spl. election, June 6, 1944; mem. 83d·92d Congresses 14th N.Y. Dist. ~krn. Bh.lyn. Bar .\ssn., Dist. Attys. Assn. State N.Y., C('ltic Circic, St. Patrick Soc. Bklyr1., Ancient Order of Hibt"i uians in Am. (v.p. N.Y.). K.C., Elk. Clubs: Brooklyn-Manhattan Trial Cour..iel, Lawyers, Montauk. Hurne: 21i Congress St Br-:...oklyn NY 11201 Offke: Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington DC 20515

ROONEY, MICKEY, (J~e Yule,Jr.), actor: b. Bklyn.; s. Joe and Nell (Brown) Yule; educated in Dayton Height~ and \'ine Street grammar sch., Jlso Pac-ific !v1'ililary Acad. a•1d under tutors; m. Ava Gardner, Jan. 10, 1942, (div. \lay 1943): m. 2d, Betty Jane Rase. Sepl. 30, 1944 (div. 1949); children---Joe Yul'!, Timothy: m. 3d, Martha Vickers, June 3. 1949 (div.); m. 4th, Elaine \1ahnken (div. 1958): m. 5th,

t'Jo..::; 1'-IUID:l: r.cnaevcmem :or Law Jwara \.am0ac u. Am .. I'J~?; lo;,t PaA Urbis e-x Jure gold medal v..·or!(~ Pca.c~ Through Law Center, 1971. ~1cm. Am. Assn. Univ. Women (hfe), Am. (chmn. com. cotnrarative jurisprudence and legal philosophy sect. internat. law 1962-~), futcrnAm., Fed. bar assns., lnternat. Fedu. \\'omen Lawvcrs Nat. Assn. Women Lawyers Women's Bar Assn. D.C., Arn. 'soc: lnterual. Law (exec. com. 1900-63). Calh. U. Alumni (v.p. 1963-65. gov.), Am. Fgn_ Law As.sn., Sdden Soc. (london), Assn. Wor'J Justi-:c (Louvain), Am. Soc_ legal History (treas. 1964-68), Wor~.j Peace Th;oug.h Law Center (charter). Medieval Acad. Ar.1., K1pp;:; Beta Pi (hen. life m-:m.). Author: Lawlessne'lo~. Law and Sanction, I Q37; Introduction to the French Institutionalists. 1970. Asso. editor New Scholasticism, 19-t-5-48; adv. editor Natural Law Forum. 1965- -; co·area editor Philosophy of Law (Am.), New Cath. Ency., 1960-67. Contbr. artic!cs phi los. and legal ~riodicals, Address: 66 Myrtle Av Millburn NJ 07041

ROONEY, ROllERT OWEN, 1u·yer; b. Chgo .. Sept. 27, 1921: s. Owen T. and Margaret (Sull~van) R.; student Loyola U., Chgo., 1939-41, Vanderbilt U., 1944: J.D., DePaul U., 1946; m. Jun< M. ~-teyers, Nov. 28, 1946; children--Garry 0., Kevin M., Maureen, Denise, Owen, Brian. Admitted to Ill. bar, 1947, U.S. Supreme Ct. bar, other cts.; pvt. practice gen. isn. law, Chgo.; mem Fcdn. Ins. Counsel, 1952-, v.p., 1958. bd. govs., 1959, scc.-treas., 1960-61, exec. v.p., 1961-62, pres., 1963-64, chmn. bd. govs., 1964-65. Mem. industry coop. com., v.p. Def. Rc~carch Inst. Served with Air Tram.p. Command, 1943-46. Fellow Am. Coli. Trial lawyers: mem. Am. 111.. Chgo. bar assns .. lntc.:rnat. As-sn. Ins. Counsel (~~mn. auto ins. com. 1966-68). Am. Judicature Soc., Soc. Trial Lawyers. Am. Legion. K.C. Contbr. articles profl. jours. Home: 1269 Oakmont Av Flossr:1oor IL 60422 Office: 100 W Monroe Sl Chicago IL 60603

ROOP, GUY, interior, indsl. designer: b. Ball., Doc. 25, 1913; s. Guy Roop; grad. with honors, Md. Inst. Fine and Applied Arts, 1936; m. Sylvie Bryce; children-Nina, Bayatd, Angelica. Designer, B. Altman & Co.; indsl. designer DuPont Research Center Library, Wilmington, Del., Seabrook Farms (N.J.); designed interiors hotels, including Stanhope, Gotham, N.Y.C., Round Hill, Jamaica, B.\\'.1.; former Cir. interior design dept. W. 138 J. Sloane, Inc.; pvt. practice design. Tchr. history Palladian architecture Am. Sch. in Venice (Italy); dir. design Carlyle Hotel, N. Y.C. Pres., Friends of Paibdio, Inc., non-profit orgn. to preserve ~nd catalogue aH:hirecture of Andrea Paladio. Bd. dirs. Santa Barbara Symphony, Lobero Theater. Mcm. Soc. Archtl. Historians, Am. lnst. Intt'rior Designers (past nat. v.p.). lntersoc. Color Council U.S.A., Mel. Mus., UN Assn. U.S.A. Author: \'illas and Palaces of Andrea Palladia. Address: 925 Las Palmas Dr Santa Barbara CA 93105

ROOS, PHILIP, adminstrv. psychologist; o. Brussels, Belgium, Jan. .14, 1930; s. Maurice and Bert he (Matthyssens) R.; came to U.S., 1939, naturalized, 1945; B.S. in Biology and Psychology with highest distinction, Stanford. 1949, postgrad., 1950-51; Ph.D. in Clin. Psychology, U. Tex., 1955: m. Susan Morgan, June 4, 1958: 1 dau., \-'alcrie GaiL Psychology trainee VA Hosp .. \\·'aco, Tex., 1953·55; staff psychologi>l USPHS llosp., fl. Worth. 1955-57: asso prcf. psychology Tex. Chri>lian U., 1957-59: chief psychologist Timberlawn Sanitarium. Dallas. 1959~60; dir. psycho!. services Tex. Dept. Mental Health and Mental Rctard~ttion, 1960-63; supt. Austin (Tex.) State Sch., 1963-67; asso. commr. div. mental retardation N.Y . State Dept. Mental Hygiene, 1967·-68; exec. dir. Nat. Assn. Retarded Children, N.Y.C., 1969-; a.sl. clin. prof. Baylor Med. Sch .. 1963-67: lectr. U. Tex., 1966-67; cons. in fie!d, 1957~. Mem. Gov. Tex. Com. Mental Retardation. 1964-65, Pres.'s Com. on Emrloymt.nt HandicapPfd, 1969--. Squadron comdr. Civil Air Patrol, 1 ~59, group comdr., 1960. Mem. Am. Psycho!. Assn., Am. Assn. MentJ.I Deficiency. Council Exceptional Children, Am. Orthop~ychiat. Assn., Am. Pub. Health As~n., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Psi Chi. Contbr. numerous articles to proil. jours. Home: 1401 Forest Edge Dr Arlington TX 76010 OOice: Av E East Arlington TX 76011

ROOS, ROBERT ACHILLE, Jr., investment co. e\ec.; b. San Francisco, Jan. 27, 1918; s. Robert Achille and Louise (Swabaker) R.; student Stanford, 1936~38; m. Barbara Bauer, 1939; children--Robert Achille, Paul Olin: m. 2d, Shirley Helen Page, Nov. 9, 1946: children-Page, William Grinnell. Tng. squad R.H. Macy, N.Y.C., 1Cl39; with Roos Broo;.,. Inc., San Francisco, 1940. dept. mgr .• !941, div. mdse. mgr., 1942, exec. v.p., asst. to gen. mgr .• 1946-51, pres., gen. mgr., 1951-58; chmn. bd. ofsucce~sor firm Roos Atkins, 1958-6 i, v.p., 1961-68; now investment co. exec., San Francisco. Chmn., U.S. Golf Assn. Open Tournament, San Francisco, 1955; gen. c!1r.i0. S&n Francisco Open Tournament, 1969. Served as capt. AUS, 1942-45. Mem. Nat. Assn. Retail Clothers and Furnishers (past dir.), Jr. C. of C., Guardsman. Club: Commonwealth. Home: 615 Brewer Dr Hillsborough CA 94010 Offic<: 760 Markel Sl San Francisco CA 94202

Barbara Thomason, Dec. 1958; chiidren-Kelly Ann, Kerry Yule; m. ROOS, \\'ALTER L., lawyer; b. St. Louis, Nov. 18, 1890; s. Henry 6th, M;rgie Lang, Sept. 1966. First appeared in vaudeville with and Elizabeth (Roeder) R.; A. !I., U. Mo., 1913; LL.B., Washington U., paren!!>; then appeared with Sid (JI)!d; m.merous TV programs; motion St. Louis, 1915; m. Hazel M. Walker, Nov. 14, 1935; picures indudc Judge Hardy's Chiljrcn, Hold That Kiss, Lord J~ff. children-Elizabeth (Mrs. Richar.:l H. Bcuthel), Virginia Lee (Mrs. Love Finds An:dy !-!ardy, Boys' Town, Stablema[e:,, Out \Vest with the Frank Clayton Stiers), Carolyn Frances (Mrs. James R. Eran.:He). HMdys, H;.~dk-bcrry Finn. Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever. Babes in Admitted to Mo. bar; practice in St. Louis; mem. tirm Armstrong, Arrrs, Yeung Tora Edison, Judge Hardy and Son, Andy Hardy Meets Teasdale, Roos, Kramer & Vaughan, St. Louis; now ret. Mcm. Phi Dcb.Jtante, Stri~c Up the Band, Andy Hardy's Private Secretary, Men . Delta Phi. Kappa Alpha. Mason (33). Home: 7334 Pershing Av St. cf Boy~tow1~, Life Begins for Andy Hardy, Babe!> on 8:--oadway, A /Louis MO 63130. Yank at Eton, The Human Comedy, Andy Ha:-dy's Blonde Trouble; ;' Girl Crazy, Thousands Cheer. National Velvet. Ziegfcld Follies, The _i ROOSA, ROBERT V!NCE:"JT, banker; b. Marquette, M;ch., June Srrip. Sound Off. Off Li:nits., AU A~horc, Light Cas~.: of Larceny, Drive 'J 21, 1918; s. Harvey Mapes and Ruth Elizabeth tLagerquist) Ros3; a Crooked Road, Br'dges al Toko-Ri, The Bold and Brave, Eddie, A.B., U. Mich., 1939. M.A., 1940, Ph.D., 1942, D.Sc. in IJu,. ·Private Liv.:s of Adam and Eve, Comedian, The Grabb\:r'i, St. Joseph Adminstration, 1962; LL.D .• Vhslcyan U., 1963; m. Ruth Grace Plays the Horse;;, Bn:akfast at Tiffany. SomebnJy's \Vaiting, Requiem Amende, Mar. 16, 1946: children-Meredith Ann, Alison Ruth. Tchr. for a Ht:a..,-:, .. wcight, uthers. Starred in TV spectacular Pinocchio, 1957. econs. U. Mich., Harvard, Mass. In st. Tech .• 1939-43; with Fed. Res. Served with ACS. Wo;-IJ War II. Hom:-. 17340 MaJnolia Bh·d Encino Bank. N.Y., 1946-60, asst. v.p. research dept., 1953-54, asst. \-·.p. CA 91316 securities dept., 1954-56, v.p. research dept .. 1956·60; Mzndcr sec. fot

ruf!Oetary affairs U.S. Trea~ury. 1261-6b partner B"rOCn Aros .• Hiffhi!Jil & CU., I 91JS. ; d,r. Am. bxpress Co., Am. Ex pres~ lntemat. Banking Corp., Fleming, Suez Brown Bros., Ltd. (London), Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Anaconda Co., Texaco, Inc. Bd. dirs. Nat. Bur. Econ. Research; trustee Rockefeller Fol!nd. Rhodes scholar Magdalen Coli.. 1939. Served with AlJS, 1943-46. Mcrn. Couucil Fgn. Relations (dir.), Conf. Bus.. Economists, Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Finan.:e Assn. (..nres. 1967), Royal Econ. Soc., Am. Acad .. Arts and Scis., Ar.n. Phi!o-). Soc., Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Harvard, Econ->mic

ROONEY, !\URI AM THERESA, univ. dean, lawyer: b. Bunker Hill, Ct:ariestown, Mass., July 4; grad. Girls' I.atin Sch., Boston; student H.rvard, 19c6·n: A.B .. Cath. l!. Am., 1930. A.~l.. !932. Pc •. D., }Q37; J.D .. G::orge Washington U., 19.;.2. Admitted Lo D.C. bar, 1941, U.S. Supreme Ct., i945. l\.J. bar, !962, U.S. Custom~ Ct., 1971; asst. catalogue Civ. Boston Pub. Library, 1924-28; su<;cessively legal ref. Jibraria11, di·:i,ional asst. trade agteements and comml. ~olicy·laws and regulation sect .• asst. to legal adviser U.S. De!){. State, 1928-50;

1 t l

ph):·_. Culi..l'r P:l'S ·~ t.'

~··~ 1 ... ' ~-- •

rc. \'"' \'.'a;~.::-~._

b:lpr-,·,. ln~Ln.· -:~,


~h.r:·' ;:, .·\J 1·•t.>· j·_lf._if.t

I·~~<-~~­Ph! F t!, . lo·t~rp.;:;.; Pr:-~;.~;.~:; _. l96i)_ t-~

ROOc,!·. t. :1, • .,,< .. (L(;,~;.,-...,"'

Sd·-'~ ~ .. -1-2. ,,-· .. ~­L~t,oc,•·


sec .. "f'• A.m. c-:-:-:. Sen.:.; (S.\ ~,


ROt'~!.·-. s. !'r;1: .. , (Rc-c:-H (div :~·;

h.!:, :: 3C. i='a.-: 5th f ;:_· 19~'1-.1

Bc-:r,_ i 1934-C:· bli_;. :--: ,-'\i; ~.:;; .-­

Gu.:•rc ·•· ~~as(~n. ·­Rlc0'J..:-~ F.D 0 •.

Lc:~cs_ AdCr;:.._, Can~~: co.,::

ROO~i C:-.l':;"<_oC

P,l>.'·~··· lbr·.-l·: H.;~: , pr.;:-.:c-·_-s ;~It;, !" f(·Lt:-..'.c

AuL lEiC.: f -: o,,,-'"­:<. i ., ~ wi!t": C .. ritho);;_; !':.;· c ~yi•:J.:1

ROO'>' Fn·,l_l 19:::.. ~· ck-ic.·

P.ef-:.·.: !m: . .{;_ j< • .;:r:.. c ... :• .. ~

/1.. Cc• l·:c;:.:·. 1 q-:;-1 (j. ~. ~. (Jn:{ p,_, •. J95(., 31 ~ ~

ROO~ 19 i-: ~-19}J. : l:-v pr:: J~'Jr: l. P.C'~'t' ~Lit'" ..

'"''-· -fr~:. • A"1t.

\-1.:--. s._ ... = ~­

Tut~..: .)~~:.:(

R00> 1-'. I' E,_~·:­

J:;>.•­,;d -.·1.

: :;s-

• 67; dcp. 1. Board of Decorated

l{ln. Home:

.~edora, Ill., R.; student

: Grua, Sept. ~man). With •!es, 1930-, Lo• Angeles ~!ctic. Home: ~61 S Spring

~~ ;hing, Okla., :o. Home: RR Co Oallas TX

'·Mo., Dec. 23, .tudcnt Trenton ,;n laude. l 934; Melissa Darling :nitteJ t>J Ill. bar, . In,. Co., Chgo.,

firm Hackbert, 3-; gen. counsel

r:\ctcr and fitness, .?-.:>.:ids. J95)· 56, '· 1954· 57, pres. ~U!Ctitioncr~, !..(at. " Kappa Epsilon. '·59), Law (pres. ncust Rd Wilmette 160~

any, N.Y., J<tn. 14. ;tudcnt CP!t;atc LT .. 2; chi!Jrco-EIIen, New>. 1959-; T\'

:-~~:'o;::~· ~i~~hi~~: d Air med;,l, Bronze Writers Guild, 1966,

y, of Black America, r. 1944; The ~tory of 947; The Fort1:nes of •·n Cl' On653

1l duO exec.; b_ Coulter, (~furray) R.; r<.C.S.,

J., 1923; m. Kathleen nhur, Timothy, P:H.rick, 1, 1933- ---; dir. Willi.,m 1965--; pr.Jmoter prilc 'lem. Holly Name Soc., l Lincoln Av Pittsburgh ;urgh PA 15212

:;hoe co. exec.; b. N. is Charles :tnd Evelyn F.

Pa., 1943; m. frances • Michael, Stephen, Jean, ;]Jcsman John foote Shoe . om MeAn Shoe Co.; pres., p.; dir. Banters Tru~t Co., irs. Uni:~:d <..'ercbial Palsy hmont Ya(.;hl; \\'ingcd Foot Willow Av L~rchOJo:;tt NY 1ty NY 1(1036

926; m. Eve1yn Davis Lisle, . Senate; mem. 88th-92d Address: House Oifice Bldg

5,1. Vancouver Sun, Sun Pub . . mcouver 9 British Columbia

t. llk1yn .. Nov. 2S, 1903; s. 'ra:.cis Coli .• Bklyn., 1920·22, ~5; m. Catherine Curran: 1\rthur, \\'illiam. Practiced law, l4.; dec ted to congress .tth New H4; mem. 8Jd.9:!d Congrcs::.es ,•_, D~-st. Attys. Assn. St;:;.te N.Y .• Ancient Order of Hibernians in ..:1kty'1~~Lnhattan Trial Counse!, ·;grc.s St Brooklyn NY 11201 Washington DC 20515

.), actor: b. fH·lyn.; s. Joe and Nell II eights and \inc S•reet grammar ~~t unJ('r tlltors; rn. Ava Gardner. !d, Betty J;m~ RaS(\ 'Sept. 30, 1944-flmothy; m. 3d. ~1arti"la Vickers. r1e Mahnh·n (div. l'l5lS-); m. 5th, lldrcn-Kclly Ann, Kerry Yule; m. Plr!tt appeared in v,nJdeville with )IJ; numerous TV progr .-;ns; motion hitdrt:o, Hold That K\·,~. Lord J..:tT, ~-.. .-,~. S:abkm.Hes. Out \Vest wuh the HJ.dy Gt:b Spr'ng: f...:.,·cr, lbbc'i in H.Jrdy Jnd Son. An(.t.i Unrrl;- Me{'t!>

.nJy llafdy'!, Priv<th: ~t:~n.·t,.ny. !1-·h;,, ···iy Hardy, Babes. '·"1 Hrrmdway, A

• ---t .. H'lrJv·s Bh111<.k Trnut-te-, -~ ,. ~~ Tt,e.

l .. ~tr. jNisprud'-~nce Columbus U. Sch. Law, I9..t2· 48; asso. prof., law librarian Cath. U. Am .. 194~-5:; prof., !st dean Seton Hall U. Sch. law. l QS0-61, rc:,caH.'h prof e-flaw, 1961· 67; vis. prof juri,proJdcoce St. J<.hn's U. Sch. La.,, 1952-58; FulbrighH!ays Fret Am. law and government, Vie-tnam, 1965-66, 67-68; Nat. A5s.n. \Vomc:-t Lawyers observer l.IN, 1956·67; \\o'orld Peace lhrough l..<:w :e~. UN as cons. ECOSOC, !<>67-; m~m. U.S Cath. conf. Cr."'· ln«rn•t. Affair;, 1969·73. Hearing examiner N.J. Commn. Civil Rights, 1961~62; parti"ipant InternaL Congress Comp.uative law. Hambarg, 1962, Uppsa!a, Sweden, 1966, Pc"ara, Italy. 1970, B<igrad, 1971; spl. invitet:. World Peace Through Law Conference, Athens. 1963, Washington, 1965. World Congrcs. on Philo,ophy of Law, 1971. Mem. rector's adv. com. of Ca!hofic U. Am. S;;h. of Law, 1958-68. Redpicnt Outstanding \Voman award Nat. Assn. \\'omen Lawyers, 1962; Alumni .~.chievcw.c:nt for Law awarJ Catholic U. Am., 1962; 1st Pax Urbis ex Jure gold mcd31 \\'or!d Peace Through Law Center, 1971. Mcm. Am. Assn. Univ. \Vomen (hf~.:), Am. {chmn. com. cvmparati\e juri..,prudencc and leg<!l philosftphy sect. i:--:ternat. law 1962~). Int('rnAm., Fed. bar as-.n .... , lr1teroat. Fcdn. \\'0mcn Lawyers, Nat. A~sn. Women Lawyer:>.. Women's Bar Assn. D.C., Am. Soc. Internal. Law (exec. com. 1960-63), C:ath. U. Alumni (v.p. 19G3·65. gov.). Am. fgn. Law Assn., Selden Soc. (London), Assn. World Justice (Louvain), Am. Soc. Legal History (trcas. 1964-68), Woc!j Peace Through Law Center (charter). Medieval Aca.d. Am., Kappa Beta Pi (hon. life mcm.). Author: Lav1Icssness, Law and Sanction, 193?; Int.oduction to the French lnstitutionalists, 1970. Asso. editor New S".'holasticism, 1945.48; {;idv. editor ~atural Law Forum, 1965--; co-z.re<:- editor Philosophy of Law (Am.). Nc..,.. Cath. Ency .• 1960~67. Contbr. articles philos. and legal periodicals, .'\ddrcss: 66 Myrtle Av Millb"rn NJ 07041

ROONEY, ROBERT OWEN, lawyer; b. Chgo., 5ept. 27, 1921; s. Owen T. and Margaret (Sullivan) R.; student Loyola U., Chgo., 1939·41, Vanderbilt U., 19·!4; J.D., DePaul U., 1946; m. June M. .\1cycr:;, .!Sov. 28, 1946; children--Garry 0 .• Kevin M., M"ureen, De-:1isc, Owen, Brian. Admitted to lll. bar, 1947, U.S. Supreme Ct. bar, other cls.; ?\'L practice J:,Cn. isn.law, Chgo.; mcm Fcdn. In~. Counsel. 195:>--, '·f'·· 1958, bd. govs., 1959, sec.-treas., 1960-~1. c.ec. v.p., 1961·62, pres., 1963-64, chm~. bd. gavs .. 1964-65. ~·!em. industry coop. com .• v.p. Def. Research In~a. Served v.ith Air Trans.p. Command. 1943-46. Fellow Am. CoiL Trial Lawyers; mern. Am. liL, Chg,...,. bar v.ssns .• lnternat. Assn. Ins. Counsel (chran. auto ins. com. 1966-68), Am. Judicature Soc., Soc. Tri•llawyers. Am. Legion. K.C. Contbr. articles pron. jours. Home: 1269 Oakmont Av Flossmoor IL 6042:! Office: !COW Momoe St Chicago IL 60603

ROOP, C.UY, interior, ind•!. designer; b. Balt., Dec. 25, 1913; s. Guy Roop; grad. ·-4-·ith honors, Md_ lns1. Fine and Ap;olied Arts, 1936; m. Sylvi~ Bry{·e; children-Nina, Bayard, Angelica. Dcsi~ner, B. Altman & Co.; ind'-1. desjgner DuPont Rt>-st•arch Center Libr:ny, \\'iimington, Del., Sc.:.broof. Farms (N.J.); d~signed interion. hotels. including Stanhope, Gotham, N.Y.C.. Round Hill. hmaica, D.W.I.; rormer dir. interior design dept. "N. 138 J. S!oane, Inc.~ pvt. practice desiga. Tchr. history Palladian architecture Am. Sch. in Venice (Italy); dir. de;ii_3n Carlyle Hotel, N.Y .C. Pres., Friend.;i of Palladia, Inc .• non·profit orgn. to preserve and catalogue ar~hitecture or Andrea Paiadio. Bd. dirs. Santa B~rbara Symphony, Lobcro Theater. Mem. Soc. ArchtJ. Historian-;, Am. lnst. Interior Designers (past nat. v.p.), Inrcrsoc. Color Council C.S.A., Met. 1'.-ius., UN Ass11. U.S.A. Author: Villas and Palaces of Andrea Palladio. Address: 925 I"' Pa!rnas Dr Santa Barbara CA 93105

ROOS, PHIUP, aclminstrv. psychologist; b. Brussels, Belgium, Jar.. 24, 1930: s. Maurice and Bert he (Manhysscns) R.; came to U.S., 1939, naturalized, 1945~ B.S. in Biology and Psych(llogy with highest distinction, StanforJ, 1949, postgrad .. i950-51; Ph.D. in Clin. p,ychology, U. Tex., 1955; m. Susan Morgan, June 4, 1958; I dau .. Va~eric Gail. Psychology trai~ee VA Hosp., Wato, Tex., 1953·55; staff psychologist USPHS Hoso .. Ft. Worth, 1955·57; asso. prof. psychology Tex. Christian l!., 1957·59; chief psycholugist Timbertawn Saniwrium, Dallas, 1959~60~ dir. psychol. services Tex. Dept. Mental Health and Ment:Jl Retardation. 1960·63; supt. Austin (Tex.) State Sch., 1963~67; asso. commr. div, mental retardation N.Y. St2te Dept. Ment~J Hygicr.c, l967~68; exec. dir. N .. t. Assn. Retarded Children, N.Y.C., 1969--; as.L clin. prof. Baylor Med. Sch., 1963-67; lcctr. U. Tex .• 1966-67;cons. in field, 1957--·. Mcm. Go'l. Tex. Corn. Mental Retardation, 1964-65, Pres.'s Cvm. on Employment Handkapped, 1969-. Squadron comdr. Civil Air Patrol, 1959, group comdr., 1960. Mem. Am. Psycho! Assn., Am. Assn. Mental Deficiency, Council Exceptional Children, Am. Orthopsychi.at. Assn .. Atr .. Pub. Health Assn., Phi BC:ta Kappa, Signa Xi, Psi Chi. Contbr numerous articles to profl. jours. Home-: 1401 Forest Edge Dr Arlington TX 76010 Office: Av E East Arlington TX 76011


































































1, Ireland, Dec. 16, ~·is, Aug. 17, I q4 5; )Jsid. Naturaliled J; mem. staff N.Y. !-6 3, chief Lonc!on cdiwr, chief exec. do~y. Garden City, 1971--. Se1ved as

Home:? ll Central '43d S• S'cw York

ppe"w2 Co., Minn., •. B., Ca:-leton CoiL, !930-J2; postgrad.

>n, July 18, 1936; J.,!;las. S<\les mgr. ;:o.prraisf'r,l928·29: lesman Proctor & !so \!pis., 193!-35; ~.:; promotion mrr. :rchandising, 1956; ~-5-i; v.p., dir. saks . Osbo~e-Ken!per-69, dir. Grl!S5ing & Dis~. ~linn .. 1928. 54: td. diro. 10,000 ~--fedal (\f Honor,

"'·ard. ~em. Soil 1y Ordnance As.~n. •5: Ath:ctic, Golden ut~10r: How tv Tunc

Length in Sales : co-author: Land of •:odu.:c.:r, dir. m3ny te: 11386 Via Straits 26<6 Of!ice; 1 7 84

Dt-nmad<, Sept. 28, he Royal Acad. Fine

Nov. l, 1941; ~~c Holm & F. Grut, tager, City Coltncil, .I.A.; rnem. Intern at. rld Con6re!-.s, l S63), ; 55 Stod:holmsgadc )t Kongen£ogade DK

Riga, Latvia, July 25, ;., i 905, natmali?.Cd, 1., 1928; grad. work, Ethel Brof, Aug. 7,

~t. Rotch tf~vclling uzen and Paitncr!!>, ; prin. v•orks inc!t1de :on. \1edkine, 1954, , !954, VA Hosp .. !), 1952, Canton (0.) 5, l'aS>>ic (N.J.) High e,;. ma~ 1955), 1949, prize \VNid Zio:-"i::>t vpi)ing ct:nt•rrS, miL Jtgcrs U.; m:w ~olke tech., 1-hifa, 19~5--; ~-• 19~ 1, Fed. Jewish

lst prize an:htL l, 'iJ., from A.lA, .. ; r:1cm. Kat. Cou!1.cil

Engu., N.J. ~oc. \m. Mtl. Engc., Am. TcC"hni0n Soc., A1;1. '".C.). Author articles, New York City KY 1\Y 10019

wOS Angeles, Nov. 6, :) G.; Ei.S., Cal. Ins!. Meycrsburg, Sept. I, Th0m~s \\'illiam. Jr. rncm. fac1.1lty Johns .i<pt., 1966-; bd gov.. . •nd !'.lath., 1965-68. Sci. Seminar~. 1958·. ~-- Mem. Am. Chern. gma Xi, Tau Beta Pi. en Av Baltimore MA

oui,;, Feb. 6, 1914; s. ~r.t Sowthwestern L'., >~ile, Ala, 1933-36, Lil!ian Wood, July 20, ord Tic Co., 1935-36. .lh t~opper.-. Co., Inc., t- forest products div., nr;r., exec. &sJl. to v.p. 'l. mp.r .• 1958-66, rxcc. •· Steel lndlostries. Dir. ~l!('~heny County chpt. . rnem. e~ec. com. East •icn.:y Hosp. Pitts.; b.J. ~' 1 lro11 <md Steellr.st ..

Ill'. I! A"'><>n., Brl!. \\"o1ld :H-r.) c~ec -::nm ). Am. ·~-,n Catholk. Ctuhs·

··'1"f Hod. (Ligonier,

· "'U ', (Jnl...:c:. K<•;;pers


Author: Colour Guitar, 1967. Home.: 27 \1orella Rd \Vale .Beach ~SW Australia Office: Care Brobeck Phleger & Harrison Ill Sutter St San Francisco CA 94104

GlJAH.D, RAY WESLEY, educator, metallurgist; b. Lafayette, Ind .. Nov. 28. 1927; s. Arthur Thomas and Cleo (Gross) G.; B.S. in ~eta! I. Eng.ring .. P1Jrdue li., 19·17. P'"t.D .• 1952; M.S., Clrnegic lnst. Tech., I9J8; m. Edwina Louise Kkhols, O.;t. 16, 1948; o;:hildren-Daniel Thomas, Neil RusselL Randall Brian, Alan Edward, Celia Louise. Instr., Purdue L'., 1940-:1\0; research asso. Gen. Electric Co., 1952·60, mgr. aiam,-.~3d ~r•Kess rlt>vel., 1960-62; mgr. metallurgy br. Gen. f-recic.ion lud., 1 S:62-0.1; group leader m>?tall. service North Am. Aviatio:l Sci. Center, 1963·66; prof. mctall. engring .. head dept. Mich. Tech. t:· .• t 966- i"U; Jc:-.n Sch. Engring., C. Tex .• El Paso, 1970---; adj. a:;so. prof. metaiL engring. Renssdaer Poly. Inst.. 1956-60. Dir. Copper lr::du5~:irs Devc·l. Corp., 1967-70. Bd. dirs. Portage Lake Un~ted Fund. 1968· iO. Federated ~fetals Co. scholar, 194 7; recipient Best Paper award Am. lnst. Chern. Engring., 1960. Mem. Am. lnst. Mining, Metall. and Petrolct•.:n Engrs. (chmn. high temperature materials com. I 959-60), Am. Soc. Metals (.::hmn. trans. com. 1959·60), Am. Ceramic Soc., Iron and Steel Inst. (Great B;-itain),lnst. Metals (GreJ.t Britain), A.A.A.S., Tau Beta Pi Phi Lambda Upsilon. Patentee in fidd. Heme: 5840 Pebbie Beach Dr £1 Paso TX 79912

GlJARI:-11, FRA"'K J., Jr., state senator; b. Jersey City, N.J .. Aug. 10, 1924; s. Frr.nk J. and Caro!i:'1e (CritelE) G.; B.A .. Dartmouth Coll., !916; J.D, !'>i.Y.U .• 1950, I.L\1., 1955; student The Hague Acad. Internat. Law (~etherlamh). Admitted to N.J. bar, 1951, also U.S. Suprcinc Ct.; rartner finn Guarini & Guarini, Jcn • .:)' City, 1951--; mem. N.J. Senate, 1966---, chmn. air and water pollution and pub. heahh com., 1967-68. Mem. nat. bd. dirs. A.R.C.; bd. dirs. Hudson County Bar Assn.; trustee St. Peter's Coli., Jersey City; trust~;e Christ H<JS;J., Jersey City. Served to It. USNR, 194:2·46; PTO. !-l..ecipient M:m of Year award Jersey City, 1'}66. Mem. Hudson County (trustee), N.J. ~tate (gen. \:ouncil) bar assns., Jer5ey City C. of C. (bd. dir..l.). Intemat. Law Assn., Hague Acad. Internal. Law (trustee), Phi Delta Ph~. Alpha Deit)l Phi. Clubs: Bergen Carteret University Hudson County (Jersey City). Home: 608 Newark Av Jersey City NJ 07306 Ofllce: 610 Newark Av Jersey City NJ 07306

GlJAR"'ACCIA, SAMUEL, educator; b. Wakefield, !'.fass., Oct. I, 1908; s. Giuseppe and Pietra (C>ruso) G.; A.B., Middlebury (Vt.) Col!., 1930, M.A., 1936; postgrad. Boston U., 1939-40; m. Jean &tafford HaycteTt, Dec. 27, 1940; childrenGina (Mrs. Kenneth W. Burton), Samuel. lnstr .. Rox.bury Sch., Cheshire, Conn., 1930-36, N.Y. \L:. Al"<lJ., Co:-nwall·on-Hudson, 1Q36-39; mem. faculty Midd:ebury Col!., !940·68, pn.1f., dean Spanish sch., 1947- 68, dir. Grad Sch. Spanish in Spin, 1952·53, 57·58, 62-63, 67-68; dir. Peace Corps, PeriJ, 196-.1-65; dir. admissions and schobr~hips Verde Valiey Sch., Sedona. Ariz .. 1968--. Mem. Vt. com. of patrons Alliance for Progress with Hon.Juras, 1966-68. Active local A.R.C. drives. Served to lt. US!'>/R, 1914-46. Mem Am. Assn. U. Profs., Am. Assn. Tchrs. Italian, Dante Soc. Am. Address: Verde Valley School Sedona AZ 66336

GUARRERA, FRANK, concert baritone; b. Phila., Dec. 3, 1924; s. Anth:)tt)" and Rosaria (Cavalbro) G.; grad. Curtis Ins~. Music, 1948; m. Addin& Di Cintio, Oct. 14, 1944. Made debut in U.S. at Phila. Pop Ct_,nccrt, 1946; sang with Norfolk (Va.) Symphony. 1947; operatic debut a.s Si!"tio in ll Pagl:acci. N.Y.C. Center, 19--1-7; awarded $1000 in Met. Opera A•J:.iition<:; of the- Air, sponsored by FarnS\\·orth Radio and Tclevisicn Corp., also contr.:ct with .\1et. Opera for 1948·49; invited by Arturo Toscanini to La Scaia, Italy, for anniversary program dcdicat!.!d t:> Bc•ito, and there made dtbut in role of Fanuel in Serone. also sang leadmg role in 1 he Pea.-1 Fish~rs and role in The Love of Three Kings, 1948; has sung ever 35 leading roles at Met. Opera Hou~e and in t.v~ry Op~ra Co. in U.S. Served with US1'iR, 1943-46. Addn.ss: care !victropolitan O~ra House New York City 1\Y 10018

Gl'BA, EI;0:-1 GOTfHOLD, educator; b. Chgo .. Mar. 1, 1924; s. Oswald and Ro:5tna (Schell) G.; A.B., Valparaiso tJ. 1947; M.A., U. Kan .. 1950; f'h.D., U. Cheo., 1952; m. Elaine Vivian Thompson. June 21. 1947; children·Christianne Joan, Susan Carol, Philip Paul. Instr. rr.ath. physics Valparai:;o U .• 1947·48; research asso. U. Chgo., 1951-53. instr., 1952-56, asst. prof. edn., 1956- 57; asso. prof. edn. U. Kansas City. 1957-58: research asso. Community StudiC$, Inc., Kansas City, Mo., 1QS7-5~; Sl.iccessively research asso., asso. prof., prof. til~. ednl. research and service Ohio State U .. 1958· 66. dir. bur. ednl. reseal"ch and service, 1961·65, asst. dir. Sch. Fdn., 1965-l:6; prof. e..in. Ind. L'"., 1966-, asso. dean acad. affairs Sch. Edn., 1968·. Dir. Nat lnst for Study Edr.L Change, 1966-. Served with C.E. AUS, 1943-4(,. Mem. A. A.A.$., A.n. Psychol. Assn., Am. Scciol. Soc., Am. Statis. Ass1 .. , Am. Edn:. Reo;t"arch Assn., Phi Delta Kappa. Editor: Theory into Prac!iLe, until 1966. Home: 2305 Sussex. Dr Bloomington IN 47401 O:Ticc. Sch Fdn lnd U Bloomington IN 47401

GUBELMA:'\:'>1, WALTER STA:'\LEY, indsL realty corp. exec.; b. Bufl"aio. ·'·Y., June 16, 1908; s. \\'iiliam S. 1nd Juliette E. (Metz) G.; student Philips Andover Acade1ny.; A.B., Yale. 1931; Postgraduate in bu~. admir;ist;n .. at Columba U., 1931-33; m. BJrton Green. Nov. 1. 1941; childrca-\Villiam Samuel, II, James Barron. Pres. Rcaltv &. lndsl. Corp .. 1·)35-. r:.~.tent"', investments and real e;;tate; dlf. p()tter l!lst:-um~nt C0 .. Plainview. L.L. N.Y. Trustee. pres. Soc. Four Arts, Palf!1 B::a·~h. Fla. ~fem. Palm Beach Civic Assn .. Yale Col!. Alumr.i Bd. Senc:d as capt. At'S. \\"orld V.1ar ll. Cl.!bs_· Ra.;quct and 1cnHis, ~.Y. Yacht (org_Jm::-er ami rng:. Cm.stellati;,~n syndicate, wi;lfl-;r Am.'s cup 1964}, Crubing of America, Lcao;.h (all N.Y C.); ~t.awanbah. Y<~r:-ht (Oy':iter B?ty, "S".Y.); PipiPg Rock. Bea\·er Dam Wiuter Sports fr.ocu.it Va\lcy. N.Y.); Corinthian Yacht (Phila .. \: Royal Swt"<li~h Yaci·lt Cl1<b (Stockholm, Sweden): Clambak.e, Bailey's Beach (Newport. R. l.); f:Jar Harbor (~1c.) Yach~; Northeast f-hrbor (Me.) Yad.t; [t,ergl<~des ~go-..·.J, Seminole, B<tth and [cnni~ (P~\rn btaf'h, Fl<1.}; ~1etrooa!itan (Wa!'hingt0r.); N'-'wr-ort Reading Room; Wyard·tr,-.;h :<:.r..Hi'1g (Smithtown, L.L). Heme Southerly Centre' !:-.:4:1d O~";ter B:..y ~;·i- t 1"771 160 ViJ de! L:1go Palm Bc1ch FL also 1 E 6::;·b St 'k ._,_. Yorl (.:t)' ~y 10021 Offic::: 37; f.1rk Av New Ycrk Ci:y :-.;y i;..-0.22



investigations "Mich. Corp. and Securities Commn., 1953, dep. commr., I953·56, commr., 1956-61; U.S. atty. Eastern Dist. Mich., 1961-68; U.S. dist. judge Eastern Dist. Mich., 1968--. Chmn. investment companie-s com. N. Atn. Securities Adminstm .. 1958~61; mem. Gcv. Mich. Com. Study Housing Law for State, 195Q·60, Gov. 1'.1ich. Com. Study Tax Procedures for State, 1959-60, Gov. Mich. Tas-k Force Studying Govl. Reorgn. Ficlcf Vets. Affairs, 1959-60, Gov. Mich. Task Force Studying Govt. Reorga. Field Tax Procedures an.d Collectiom. 1959-60. Pres. Jewish \Var Vets. Meml. Home Assn., 1960-62; gen. chmn. Jewish ·war Vets. Sat. Conv., 1962: judge advocate Allied Vets. Council-Wayne County, 1956.58, legal :;~dviser, 1962-, chmn. legic;;i:ltlve council, 1956~59; trcas. Jewish Communily Ccuneil Met. D.:troit, 1959·62, v.p .. 196:>68, pres., 1968~71; bd . govs., mem. exec. com. Jewish Welfare Fedn., 1968-; mem. e-r:cc. com. ~at. Community RdatiC~P.s Adv. Council, 1969-. Chmn. 17th Dist. Young Democratic Club, 1953-55. Dem. Housing Corn. Mich., 1953· 61. Bd. dirs. Jewish ~at. Fund, Detroit Service Group. Served to capt., inf.. ACS, 19<1-4~. ~amed Wayne County Vet. of Year, 1958, Mich. Vet. of Year_, I959; recipient Civic award Eastern Mich_ Realty Assn., 1959, Distingllished Service award Detroit Real Estate Brokers Assn., 1961; Outstanding Federal Adminis-trator award, 1967; Man of th(. Year award Jewish War Veterans, 1967; Distinguished Service award Yeshiva Univ., 1969. Mem. Am .. fed., Mich., Detroit bar assns., Am. Judic"ture Soc_, Nat. Assn. License Law Ofcls., Jewish \Var Vets. (Bronze ~1t"dal award 1960, 69; comdr. Mich 1956-57, nat. exec. com. 1957- 64), Am. Legion Gudge advocate ~ich. 1960-61), 106th Inf. Div. Assn. (pr<s. 1956-5'1), A~VETS, V.F.W., Disabled Am. Vets .. Disabled Officers Assn., Ret. Officers Assn., Real Estate Alumni Mkh. (hun.), Fed. Dus. Assn. (treas.), Fed. Exec. Assn. (v.p. 1966-67), U. Mich. Alumni Assn. Detroit (bd. govs. 1969· ). Home: 4397 Sunningdale Dr Bloomfield Hills Ml 48013 Office; Federal Bldg Detroit ~I 48226

GUBSER, CHARLES S., congressman; b. Gilroy, CaL, Feb. 1916; s. Charles Henry and E!la Oma (:'-.1at~ack) G.; student Sl-ln J,Jse (Cal.) State Jr. CoiL. 1932-34; A.B., U. CaL, 1937, grad. student, 1937-39; m. Joan Fay BriMberry, Jan. 8, 1939; 1 dau., Marcia Jear,ne. Secondary sch. tchr. Gilroy Union High Sch .. 1939- 43; operator truck farm, Cal., 1940-50; assemblyman 29th Dist., Cal. L('gt~.laturc, I95Q-52; mem. 83d-92d Congresses, !O,h Dist. CaL ~em. Kappa Alpha. Mason, Elk, Rotarian. Office; Rayburn Bldg Washington DC 20515

GlJCKER, FRANK THOMSON, chemist; b. Phi:a., Apr. 8, !900; s. Frank Thomscn and Louise Oliphant (Fulton) G.; B.A., Have:fc.rd CoiL, 1920, AM., in!, LLD., 1966; Ph.D., Harvard C., 1923; m. Elecnore DlJbois Harns, 1925; childrenFrank Fulton, Katharine Harris t~1rs. Herbert H. Hand). Research asst. Har•acd U., 1924-25; nat. re~earch fellow. Cal. Inst. Tech., 1925-27; research fdlow, Harva!:d U., 1927~28; research chemi!t. duPont Co., 1928-29; as~t. prof. Northwestern U., 1929· 36. asso. prof., 1936·42, prof. }Q42·47; prof. and chmn. dept. of chemistry Ind. U., 1947-51, dean CoiL Arts and Scis., 1951-65, rcserrch prof. chemistry. 1965· 70, research prof. emeritus chemistry, 1970----, dir. research on phys. chemistry aerosols, 197(}.-.. Chief tech. aide !\"at Def. Research Com., 1941·42; mcm. com. phys. Chemistry !'\RC, 1951·54; regional councilor OHice Ordnance Research, 1951~54, mem. com. on awards in Chemistry under the Fulbright Act, 1954, chmn., 19;5-59. Cons. !'-1at. Sci. Found. (mel-.1. adv. panel chemistry div. math .• phys., cngring. scis., 1957-60, chmn. 1958-59); cons. Ford Found. Latin Am. Program, 1965; exec. co~. lnter·Univ. Corn. Travel Gr;.!nLS, 1966-69. ~em. Oak Ridge Nat. lab. Adv. Com., Reactor Chemistry, 1961-63. Mem. exec. com. Am. Council Academic Deans. 1961·65; mem. commn. on liberal learning Assn. Am. CoPs.., 1966·68. chmn. 1968, e~cc. com. spl. com. liberal studic~. 1968. Mem. alumni cour:.cil Haverford Coil., 1957-60. Fellow Carnegie lnstn., 1940-50. Fellow JI..A.A.S., Ind. Acad. Sci.; Am. Soc. Testing Materials (instrumentation subcom. com. methods atmospheric sampling and analysis), Am. Assn. U. Profs., Am. Chern. So::. (asso. editor Chern. Revs. 1950~53: sec.·treas . 1952-53, chmn. elect 1953-54, chmn. div. phys. and inorganic chemistry 1954·55; councilor. chmn. council policy com. 1959-61, rnem. cc.m. nominations and elections 1963·68, sec. 1964·66, chrr.n. 1967-68), Phi Beta Kappa (chpt. pres. 1965-66), Alpha Chi Sigmc., Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon. Presbyn. Club; Faculty ~1en's (bd. U). Author: (with Ralph L. Seifert) Physical Chemistry, !9(.o; textbooks; also articles assn. jours. Home: 1125 E Hunter Av Bloomington IN 47401 summer Melvin Village NH 03850 Office: Indiana U Bloomington IN 47401 "{:{

GUDE, GILBERT, congressman; b. Wa•hington, Mar. 9, 1923; s. Adolph E. and Inez (Gilbert) G.; student U. Md., 1941-43; B.S., Cornell U., 1948; M.A., George Washington U, 1958; m. Jane Wheeler Call•ghan, June 19, 1948; children-Sharon, Gilbert, Gregory, Daniel, Adrienne Ann. Co-owner landscape nurse1y A. Gude Sons Co., Rockville, ~d .. 1948-; mem. Md. Ho. of Del•. from Montgomery County, 1953-58, Senate. 1962-66; mern. 90th·92d Congr.:sses, 8th Dist. Md., mem. house disL com., govt. openttions com. Chmn. Montgomery County Republican State Central Com .• 1960. Chmn. ~ontgomery County Heart Fund, 1958; bd. dirs. Montgomery County Tb and Heart Assn.; trustee Md. Assn. Retarded Children. Md. Tb Assn. Served with AUS, 1943·46; PTO. Recipient Distinguio;hed Service award Bethesda Jr. C. of C, 1955; Golden Rule award Md. Congress PTA, 1966. Mem. Pi Kappa Phi, Phi S:gma Kappa. Catholic. Rotarian. Home: 5411 Duvall Dr Bethesda MD 20016 Olflce; Cannor. House Office Bldg Washington DC Z0515

Gl'DE!\IAN, EDWARD, investment banker; b. Chicago, Oct. 9, I qo6; s. Edward and Cl>ra (Asher) G.; B.A., Harvard, 1927; m. Fr::mcc~ Alschulcr, Oct. 12. 1932; children-Jon idwa.-d. Stephen Edward. _Formerly v.p. and dir. Sears. Roebl~ck & Co.; formerly dir. On~ Wilham Street Fund, Inc., Brunswick Corp., Globe Union Corp., Wh1rlpool Corp., Warwick Corp., Schnadig Corp.; 1m~er-sec Commerce, 1961-63; partner Lehman Bro~ .• investment baok~rs. 1963-69. ltd. partn...:r, 1959 ~-: bd. dirs. ~1arcm. rnc .. Esquire Corp ~,1onl6l)m~;y W<.~rd & Co. Former exec. <Lr. President':; Adv. Com. on Latlor \1grm h)!i;,;y. Trustee ~at. Counc!l ~..m Crimt." and Delinquency, nr:::1. adv ·~-:Jun<:i' \J. C\go. G-aj S,·hcol Bus. Clu':>~: Lake Shore c~untry ((~:encAC, 1!1 ); Ceutury Co\m!ry (Purch:tsc, N.Y.); ~1onte.go h·1v T,.,.n;01; (bm-.i~H1 '.~;~.<\!'!"';~rica. l-ian-.:::d tChRo.l Homt.; 142 E

~ .r·•·· -~ ;•,··. ·;.~-'" /.~~ ........ t .

... '

1909; grad. lnst. 1939. Regan with :c movement h> . affairs, Au5tria, ). prof. ccons. t:. der Mitte; Fu!J !dress: Austrian DC

!, Okla., Apr. 6, rthwestem St11.te ; n,. Cleo Builcy, r!ycrs), John s., n Alva, 1939~.;2, FBI, Washington 965-; city atty. Cf'l State Coli., I Gt. Salt Plains :m. Am., Okla., 1., Noithwcstern 'St PO Bo:. 511 Alva OK 73717

May 2, 1932; s. '"· u. Ill., i954. 54·55; repnrter, 'sAm., 1963-, Al'S, 1955·57.

ob. Chgo. Prr'5. Office: 441 N

I. 28, J935; S

Y., 1955; Ph.D., r. 25, 1967. . 1960-61; tchr. instr. polit. sci. • roe and Seward :i. \Vis. S;;ate U. L dept., 1969-, Rights Council, men, !970·71. 1-\9, N.Y. State ·1 award, 1955, ·.carcb grantee, , Law and Soc. 1erican Politics, rity, Th>! P;::tper :n for Oshkosh hts Revolution ys-., prof. jours.

'11; ~.Karl and 1t Chgo. Acad. :b. 27, 1937; July 13, 1946; ;t The Herrys, 1s at the Nat. 9S1, Library of nfo1mation 9th of Merit, 1950, 1ists Soc. Lion,

ield, N.J., May Seto~ Hal! U., Mar. 2, 1957; Arthur Youn[, (.C.. 1958-65; SAF. 1952-54. :s. Inst. Horne: .Av Nc'·' Ycr.k

ies exec.; b. fer) G.; R.S. in 11d., 1 917; ra. t E., Wayne H. f Bait. Clubs: Rd B~ltimore

lg. 12, 1929; •. ·r.dl U., 1951, J (div. 1970); ·d Charles II, r.c., 1954-59; v.p., 1961).63, wrn, 1969--. Y. Mem. Am. 1k Adminstm. it. Home: 105 ain St Buffalo

r 18, 1903; s. ~ech. lnst. aud ept. 2S, 1951 Marg&ret; m. u.s., 1938,

:r. and cngr. 1re, dt'!tigned ia, Ger-nanv, htl. practicC. hgo., E•uope; Switzcrhond;

pvt. orgns. in :rie:'i; projects 'ping renters; ~- ccater.n:a! 1:1 Company, ~ity p!a.1nir.g


Assn., Am. lnst. Planners. Nat. A$S!l. Housing and RtJevel. Ofcls., Yale Arts Assn. (chatter me-m., exec. com.). ~1ich. Soc. Architects, Urhan Land lnst. Clt:~s. Eror.omic (Detroit); An~htL l.e4g:Ue of N.Y. Author: How to Li..,·e with Your A1.;:.hitect, 1950; (with Larry Snith) Shopping Towns, U.S.I\.; The Heart of Our Cities, 1964. Home: 315 N Bevaly Glen Blvd Los Angeles CA 90024 Office: Goldcggasse 7 1040 \Vien Vienna A1!stria

GRUE~CERG, FREDERICK PAUL, civic worke1; b. Minneapolis, Minn., l'Oov. 19, 1881; s. Jc~n and Charlotte (Maybe,g) G.; bro. Benj. C. Gruenberg; student Coli. City of N.Y., 1898-99, DeWitt Clinton High Sch., 1899-1902; B.C.S., New York U., 19! 1: p0>t·grad. study ll. Pa., 1916-18; m. Bertha Sanford, De.::. 29, 1909, childrenEdith (Mrs. Stephen M. Harri•), John, 2d. Began as bookkeeper, 1902: et:g:1ged in financial and a..::countmg wurk, \\·'all Str:et. 8 yrs.; dept. head Brown Bros. & Co., Philadclr.hia, 3 yr5.; with PhiJaj~fpi·Jia Bur. of M• .. micipal RcscoJ.rch, 10 yrs. (dir. 8 yrs.); mem. fh.ila. Charter Revision Com., 1917-19 (sec. 1917); trea.s. Banke~s Bond & Mortgage Co. and Bankers Securities Corp. (both Phila.), 7 yrs.; ?.pptd. pub. service comrnr. 0f Pa. by Gov. Pii1chot, 1931. for term expiring 1940 (ccmmn. abolished by Legislature, Mar. 31, 1937); directed nation-wide- stu~y c•f govcrnmo.:ntal research for SC'C1J.l Sci. Research Council, June 1937 38; exec. :;cc. City Charter Com. of Phila., 1938-40; area rent die. Phila. Defense Rental Area, Office of Price Adminstrn., 1942-44; exec. dir., treas. SamuelS. Fels Fund, 1944-59, cons.; volunteer st.ttlement resident, Southwark. House and Coli. Settlement, 1911-14; spl. lccu .. Hobart Col!., Geneva, N.Y., 1917·18; mcm. f:icuJry Pa. Sch. for Social Work, 1917-24. Asst. in otlice of chmn. U.S. Shipping Dd., \\'ashington, l~tter part of World War I. Former tru~tee Nat. Farm School, Doylestown, Pa. Dir. Phila. Housing Assn., Crime Prevention As~n. of Phila.; past dir. Pa. Public Edn. Assn.; past mem. adv. bd. Inst. local and State Govt., U. Pa. Recipient Samuel S. Fels award for civic and so..~ial service, 1966. Mem. Am. Po lit. Sci. Assn. (mem. council 1921·24 ), Am. A cad. Pol it. and Social Sci., Nat. Municipal League, Governmental Research As.m. (chmn. 2 term~). Mem. Am. Soc. for Pub. Adminstrn.; mcm. Pa. Polit. Sci. and Pub. AdtJl~llstrn. Assn .. Phi13delphia Com. on Pub. Affairs, Lambd<:. Sigma Phi, Phi Alpha Sigma. Ind. Republican. Mem. Ethical Soc. Club:-: Constitutional (Phi!a.), TI1c Franklin Inn. Address: 1530 Locust St Philadelphia PA 19102

GRUEl'iBERG, ROBERT, r.ewspaJXrman; b. Chgo., Sept. 13, !922; s. Sam•.tel and Fannie (Cohen) G.; B.Ph., Northwestern U., 1953; m. Ruth Schwartz, Sept. 18, 1943; children-Mark JonathaO, Jeremy Ethan. Reporter, Chgo. Daily News, 1941· 61; Evening Star, Washington, 1961·62; Washington core. Chicago's Am., 1962·66; reporter Cheo. Daily News, 1966-, now Washington corr. Chmn. Chgo. Daily ~ews unit (•f the Chgo. Nt>,wspaper Guild, AFL-CIO, 1956, mem. exec. \xl. guild, 1957. Served with inf. AUS, 1943·46. Recipient Page On< award Chgo. Newspaper Guild, 1955,60, 69, 70; is~ /.nu. James P. M~Guirc MemL award IlL div. Am. Civil Lib.ertie~ Union, 1968; Marshall Field award, 1969. Contbr. art~dcs Nat:0n mag., P10gressive map:. Horr.e: 4018 Ingerscl Dr Silver Spring MD 20902 Office: Nat Press B!dg Washington DC 20004

CRUENBFRG, ROBERT PfRSHING, trade assa. exec.; h. Bklyn., July 29, 1 918; '·James and Mary (Oebrowc.ky) G.; B.S., U. Ill., J 940, M.S. in Commerce, 1941; m. Imogen:: Chand!cr, J .. me 10, 1941; childrenJamcs Chandler, hnogene Mary. Peter Colby. \Vith Nat. Home Furnishings Assn., Chgo., 1941-, v.p. charge service, 1960-65, exec. v.p., sec., 1965--·; vice. ct.r.-.n. Central council Nat. Retail Assn., 1970; mem. bd. Am. Retail Fedn., dir. services for affiliates So. Retail Furniture Assn.; dir. Home Furnishings Council, 1966--. Served to lt. USNR, World War II; PTO. Club: r-.. 1erchants and Manufacturers (dir.). Home: 263 ~!,·rtoo Av Glen Ellyn, IL 60137. Office: Kat Home Furnishings Assn Merchenidse Mart Chicago IL 60654

GRUENBERG, SIDONIE MATSNF.R, (Mrs. Bc~jamin C. Gruenberg), writer.lecturer; b. in Austria, June 10, 1881; d. Idore and Aug·usHl Olivia (Ba"-ScchC:s) Matzner; ed. HOhere TOchterschule, ~:arr>burg, Gen,.any, 1894; Ethical Culture Sch., N.Y., 1897, spl. stt..deni, normal tng. dept., sa~c, 1905-06; grad. s!Udcnt Tchrs. Coli., Coi.ua~biu i ~U6-10; m. Benjamin C. Gruenberg, Ph.D., June 30, 1903; childrcnHerber: M., Rkhard M., Hiida (Mrs. David Krech), Ernest M. With Child Swdy Assn. Am. (formerly Fedn. for Child Study) 1906-, dir. 1 '123-50, ..;pl. cons., 1950-; chmn. Nat. Council for Parent Edn., 1947~~ l; lectr. in pare.u edn., Tchrs. CoJl. (Columbia), 1928-36, 47,N. Y. U. 1935-37,40, U. Colo., 1940,42. Chmn. sub-com. of White Hou,,e Conf. on Child Health ar.d Protection, 19 30: mem. White House Conf., 1 ~40. Pres.' Conf. on Home Building aud Home Ownership_ 1931, adv. commn. en children in wartime, U.S. Children's Bur., 1942; mem. com. communications. M;d-Century V..'hite HouM Conf., 1950. Mem. editorial ixl Jr. Lit. Guild 1919--, P:irents Mag., 1926-43; "Child Study"; editorial cons. to Fawcett Pubis., 1943~45; cons. on family relationships, Woman's Day, 1947-49; spl. cons. Doubleday & Co .. 1950-. Fellow A A.AS.; mem. Am. Social Hygiene A~sn. (hon life), Assn. Childhood Edn .• Nat, Assro .. for Nursery Edn .. <.:ampf1re Girls, Pl!b. Edn. Assn., N:i.t. Pub. Housing Conf., ~.Y. St.:te- Conf. on Ma!·riagt> and the Family, Nat. Orgu. for Pub. Health Nursing. Dir. Pub. Affairs Com., 1947-; dir. Scx.·ial Le&!slation Information ~ervic-e, 194i"-61. Author mony books for chi;drcn and parents, j~l·h later one.';: The \Vonderful Story of H,J,' You Were Born, 1952, rev., 195':1, hew rev. edit., 1')70, trans. into Jap~nese, Norwerian, Swedish; PJ.cnu' Guide to E\eryday Problems of Boys and Girls: Guiding Your Child f.-om five to Tv.elve, 1958. Co-authm: Parents, Ctddren a.1J M0r'.y. 1933; (with Hilda Sidney Krech) The Many Lives of Mc.Jcrn \\-oman, 1952; (with Benjamin C. Gruenberg) Children for the Cl-.i\dle~>. 1954; (wit~ Benjarr;in C. Gruenbng) The \Vondc:-ful Story of You, 1 <l60. Ec!itor: Our Child::en: A Handbook for Parents, 1932; P"'rents Questions, 1936, rev. edit. 1948; lhe Famii.)'IH b; World ~t \Var, 19-12; r·avorite Stories O!c! and New, 1942, re.-· . .:dit. 1955; \1on: Favorite S>.uries Old and New. 1948, re\', 1960; Let's Re.1d 3 Swry, 19;:7; Lct"s Re.!d More Stori.:-1, 1960; Let's Hear a Story, 19~1; ~:i,;,ds cf Co•1ragc, 1962; The Encycioj'edi~ of Ch1ld Care :u·d Gu::i;.;•1ce, 1953, rev. ecit., 1967. Home; 100 Central ParkS ~:cw York City NY 10019. Office: 27i Par~ Av New York City ~y !0<117

GRt;E:"fE, HA:-.i"S FRIIDRICH, r<:scarch cngr.; b. Br:uroschweig, C;.:·rm..:.r,y, .\fuy 24, 1·')10, ::t. Edu1!1J Hugt~ Hans and ArJna Alwine (t3ertr~m) G.: D:Q~. 1ng., Tech. Hocr.s.;hule Brau!1:-c.:hweig, 1935; Dr.-lng., 19tl; m. i:diti: Geier, Dec 23, l:f37, childr~nKarin, Peter. Came to U.S., 194~. naturaiin~d. 1Q5J. Rro.;rHrrh P-:"tar ~,r:n ,,_A


Alberta, 1950, ll. Alaska, 1955, Brandeis ll., 1958; L.H.O., Wil:ningtcn Coil.; m. Dorothy E. Smith. Nov. 19, 1914; ch!ldrenErncst (dec.), Huntington Sanders, Peter B. (dec.). Reporter, sp!. article writer, editor various newspapers, 1911-20; mng. editor Tne Nntion, 1920-23, a.nd editor, 1933-34; nat. dir. of publicity, LaFollette Progrc:>Sive Presidential Campaign, 1924; founder Partland (Me.) Evcuing News, 1927, editor until1932, contbg. editor, 1932·37; editor N.Y. Evening Post, l'eb.·Apr. 1934, mcm. Cuba Commn. Fgn. Policy Assn .• 1934: dir. Div. Territories and Island Possessions, U.S. Dept. I.1t.:rior, 1934-39, admin!!r. P.R. Reconstrn. Adminstm, 1935-37; feet emergency relief adminstr. for P.R., 1935·36; mem. Alaska Internal. Hwy. Commn. 1938-42. Gov. of Al8>k1, 1939-53; keynoter, Alaska Constnl. Conv., 1955; elected provisional U.S. Senator from Alaska, 1956-58, Scna~or 58-69. Gen. advisei to the:: U.S. delega!ion to 7th Pan Am. Ccmf., ~1ontevideo, 1933. Ccns. Population Crisis Com., 19S8--. Recip~ent Hadass.ah award. Gco. W. Norris award, Herbert H. Le-hm:m award, Marzarct Sawyer award; decorated Order of Aztec Eagle, Mexico. Mem~ Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Harvard (N.Y.); Cosmos (\1."ashingtun). Roiarian. Editor: "fltes.:! United States. Author: Mexico and Its Heritage, 1928; The Public Pays, 1931: !be State of Alaska, 1 "54; An Alaska Re,.der, 1967; The Battle for Alaska Statehood, 1967. Contbr. various books and mags. Home and office: 7926 W Beach Dr Washington DC 20012

GRUENTHER, ALFRED M., retired army officer, corp. exec.; b. Platte Center, Neb., Mar. 3, 1899; s. Chtistian M. and Mary (Shea) G.; B.S., U.S. Mil. A cad., 1919; grad. F.A. Sch., 1920, Command and Gen. Siaff Sch., 1937, Army War Coll., 1939, bon. degrees from 38 uni·.s. an.-.J colls., induding Harva:d, YD-le, Co!umbia. Dartrnourh, Holy Cross; m. Grace E. Crum, Aug. 22, 1922; children--Donaid Alfred, Richard Louis. Commd. 2d it. F.A., 1918, and advanced through grades to gen., 1951; chief ofstatT, Third Army, 1941-42; dep. chief of staff, Allied Force Hdqrs., 1942·43; chief of staff, Fifth Army, 1943 .. 44; chiefofstaiT, 15th Army Group, 1944·45; dep. comdr. U.S. Forces in Austria, 1945; dep. ~omdt. Nat. ·war Colt., \'ll.shin6ton, 1945·47; dir. Joint SUiff, Jomt Chiefs Scaff, 1947-49; dep. chief of staff for plans and operation!~ Arr.ny f.Jen. Staff, 1949-51; chkf of staff SHAPE, 1951-53, Supreme Allied Comdr. in Europe, 1953-56, ret . 1956. Pres. A.R.C., 1957-64; dir. Pan Am. World Airways, N.Y. L!fe Ins. Co., Federated Dept. Stores. Dart Industries, Inc. Me,-.,. Bus .. Council; mem. Pres.' Com. for Traffic Safety, 1961~67; gen. tdv. co.n. Arms Control and Disarmament, 1966-69; gen . .udv. com. Fgn. Assistance Programs, 1965-69; mcm. Pres.' Comrnn. on Heart Disease, Cancer and Struke, 1964-66; mem. Pres.' Commn. for an Ali·Yolunteer Army, 1969·70. Bd. dies. lnst. for Oof. Analyses. Decorated D.S.M. with 2 oak leaf clusters (U.S.); Companion of the Bath {British); Grand Cross Legion d'Hnnneur, Medaille Mllitaire (France); Comdr. Order Mil. Merit (Brazil); Mil. Order of Italy; Grand Cordon, Order of Leopolc1 (Bctg:un1); Kmght, Order of Malt::t; Grand Cr0:>1i, Royal Order of Saviour (Gre~t;c), G.and Cross, Order of Orange-Nassau (Netherhm.ls); Grand Cwss, Order of Couronne de Chene (Luxc~r.bo: .. agJ; Gr:u;d C~l)SS at- /,viz (Portug;o.J); Grand Cress of Merit Fed. Republic of Germany. ~1cm. World Bridge Fedn. (hon. pres. 1965-), English-Speaking Union (chmn. 1966·68). Clubs: Metropolitan, Army·Navy (Washington). Address: 4101 Cathedral Av NW \Vashington DC 20016

GRUENTHER, HOMER H., travel•gy. exec., former govt. ofcl.; b. Platte Center, Neb., May 23, 1900; s. Chris~ ian M. and Mami< (Shea)' G.; stuC~nt Christian Bros. Sch., St. Joseph, Mo., St. Thomp;s Coil., St. PaGI. Creighton U., Omaha, 1919·21; m. Elizabeth Mahoney, Aug. 14, 1926. Enteied newspaper v.ork a'i sports editor Omaha Daily News; sec. Neb. State Senate, 1. 933; became sec. to Congressman (later Senator) Edward R. Bu;·k.e, ·washington, J 'J33; became adminstrv. asst. to Sec. Commerce Jasse Jones. 1941; sec. to Senator Kenneth Wherry, 1946~51, then to su..:cessor Senator Fred Seaton, 1951·52; spl. aide to Gen. Eisenhower, 1952; spl. asst. to Presidents Eic;en.i1ower, Kennedy and J0hnson, 1953- 1953- -6S; pres. Travel Agy., \Vashington, 1966-. Co-author Burke-Wadswor!h Bill for creation SSS 1940; WJ iter Wherry Bill for cr~ation SSS 1940; writer \\-'berry Mil. Housing Bill, authorizing pvt. constm. multiple housing projects on Army bases, St. Lawrer.ce- s~away and Colorado River projects. Home: 4000 Cathedral Av NW Wa•hington DC 20016

GRUIIL, ALFRED, utility co. exec.; b. Milw., Nov. 19, ; 902; s. Frederick and Emma (Schroeder) G.; B.A., U. Wis., 1925; m. Helen Vanderveer, Dec. 1940; children-Frederick, }ames, Edward. With Wis. Electric Power Co., 1932-69, pres., 1962-67, chmn., 1967-69, also di.:-.; dir. affiliated Wis. Michiran Power Co., Wis. Natural Gas Co., otl,ers. Mem. Wis. Utilities Assn. (pres. 1951). Home: 7610 N Christie Or Tucson AZ 85718

GRULEE, CLIFFORD GROSSELLE, Jr., physician educator; b. Chgo., June 9. 1912; s. Clifford Gwsselle and Margaret (Freer) G.; B.A., Wi!Jiams Coil .. 1933; M.D., Northwestern U., 193 7; m. Mary Evelyn Lewis, Feb. 14, 1943; I son, Clifford Grosselle Ill. Rotating intern St. Luke's Hosp .• Chgo., 1937-38: house offic~.:r bacteriology, pzthology and clin. pedbtrics Roston Childrens Ho.~p., 1938-42, chief resident pediatrics, 1942.: Rockefeller fellow pediatrics U. Minn., 1946·47; asst., then asso. prof. pediatrics U. Tex. M~d. S~h., 1947-49; faculty Tulane U. Sch. Medicine, 1949·63, prof. perliatrics, !956-63, dir. grad. medicinf', 1956-63, asso. dean Sch. t...-fedicine, 1958- 63, acting dean, !960, mng. editor buli. med. faculty, 1952-63; prof. pediatrics, dean Coli. Medicine, U. Cin .• 1963-; cons. to surgeon gen. Brooke Gen. Hosp., San Antonio, 1948-49; cons. pediatrics Keesler Field, Mis:i., 1952-59; chmn., directing med. staff Cin. Gl!n. Hosp., Christian R. Holmes Hosp.; chmr:. deans. com. Cin. VA Hasp.; ?hysician cons VA, 1970· 71. Served to capt., M.C.. AUS, ! 942· 45. Diplomate Am. Bd. Pe.diatrics. Mem Am. Acad. Ped1~trics (chmn. com. juvenile delinquency 1962-65), Soc. Pediatric Research. Am. Pediatric Soc., Am. Assn. Med. Coils. (chmn. M.idwest-Gr .::at PL,uns r<gion 1969-70, exec. com. 197()--), Alpha Omeg> Alrha (chpt. councillor), A.M.A., Phi Delta Theta, Phi .Rho Sigrna. Office: Coil of Medicine U Cin Cincinnati OH 45219

GRULICH, NORMAN HENRY, advt. exec.; b. Wwdcliff, N.J., June 20, t 926; s. Dezeo Richard and Edith (Lati;·Jovi~) G.; A.B., Col~~mbia, 1950; m. Cclzste Reed S~ymour, July 2-1, 1957; childr~n-~Victoria Milry, Va!erie Edn:t. ~'ice pres. Benton & Bowles, In~ .. 1955-60; trcl1S., exec. •o.p. Papert, Kr...enig, Lois, Inc., N.Y.C., 1960-67, prc.s., d:r., 1967·69; p~es., rhmn. Vl'..-a A~;;os .. N.Y.C., l ')1}9-; chmn. Davi> Mfg. Co .. Kno,w;v;:lc, Tenn., 1969--~. Mem. corn. '""~""'~'"'~~• ~~...1- .. L!:_:._. I" .-~ '~- -· • -

~'-"~'" J ~-'· ._._. F ·'-':.i•

lent Brooking Inst'!"J., i. Rese:1tch Co'Jncil :ucrst'!'i.1er, D~:~. 2~. srr. music U. Kun., iSo. and suor. r,1b. m., Kno:~ ville, J 9 3 7, 9--15, prof., 1945---, polit. sci., 194.'!--+6, -; exec. dir. f{~;;-;-is

956-57; exe~. sec. nn., I 957-59; cons. ·of. Li. Ala., summer .e t:., summer l C?50, 11. ci<. il service bd., 1 VA, I 941-42, So. tmn. research com. ·mphis Ch:uter Com. 9. Public panel mcm. 'age Stblzn. Bd., U.S. :oncilia!ion Service; n. Arbitration As~n. ns., Nat. Municipal Pub. Affairs (trustee 'appa Lambda, Beta '.H. Brown and Evan listration of Natural Jrant) A Future for •, I 957; (with R.S. . I 966; (with George nd Functhns, 1967; he :victropolis; (\dth heory, Structure aJ.d Five Years of British

15!. Editor The Jour. editor Conservatism, .), I 962, City Bosses iome: 1410 Tugaloo

m .. Feb. 12, 1915; s. ;,n.), Neighborhood .ne Deale, Dec. 1961. :.:., 1953; starred in oadway appearances , 1958; appeared with :.; fl)Under, dic, actor :.t:uy film Chur.:.hiil's Silver Chalice, I 954, on Place, 1957, The 1eer. 1958, The Trap, RCAF. Mem. Actor. Address: Care N llC


nblcr, Ore., Oct. 28, 'I..B., Stanford, 1947, 1anney Runolfs. Dec. ~rik. Asst. prof. bus. 2; asst. Ohio S~ate U., 1953-55; asso. prof.

'·prof. ins., 1958·61, 11-67, dir. Center For ch. Bus. AdiJ1instrn., s, 1970-. lnsl. Basic :, 1959-60; vis. ~rof. ins. t:. of Cai., Los

:CIIlcgiate Schs. Bus., ~m- Marketing A~sn., (pre<. I 968-69), Phi

(appa Psi. Conglist. I 96~; The Role of

Industry. 1964; Risk lUthor: Matherr.atical atbr. articles profl. to )601

, r~t. army officer; b. ; Taft and Eleanora 64 37; B.S., U.S. Mil. Command and Gen. j.S. Army War Coli., hiid::en--1-ltary (Mrs. ael Henrik Fel!o~A·s), rmy, 1941, advanced itaff, U.S. 7th Army, "·Sec. Def., 1959-63; l, Vietnam, 1963-65; TeA., 1965-66; fellow n. Joint Chiefs St:·ff, 10; asst. comdr. 25th Jqrs. Area Command :r Star, Legion ~1erit Star, Air medal with

l, Pu:p1e I !earl. Mcm. fa., Assn. U.S. Army. Studies, Middle Ea!>t rus PI Alexandria VA

tochester, N.Y., Mar. , A. R, Bowdoin Coli., :; children-Timothy :tcr Dean Stephens). p. Canal Nat. Bank, n Bank & Trust Co., >. chmn. bd., I 970-71; :tham Hosp.: overseer ortland ME 04106

physician; b. Milford, ' W. (PonJ) G.; B . .S., )46; on. Elizabeth R. Cynthia R., Joseph

:., 1946-47; resident 49-Sl; vis. feitow U. 95 J; asst. anesthe!ist l Med. Sch., 1951-53; )gy U. Roche~tc-r Sch. Kosp., 1953-55; prof.

Medicine ~~iso dir. ved t<• lt. (j.g. ), M.C .. ~siolog_y. Mt:m. A.;.sn. ., lntct nar. Ancstht:sia

GREF.:>OE, RALEIGH \',"iLLIA!\lS, Jr., banker, lawyer; b. St. Petersburg, Fla., May 26, 1927; s. Raleigh Williams ar.d .t.nne (Krnn'.) G.; B.S .. B.A .. lJ. F!a, 1950. LL.B .. J05J; m. Nancv Hardis0n. Oct. 25, 1 '14 'i; ctilt1rcn--Raleigh \\'illisms Ill, Michael Edw<!rd, Patricia A note, \~ark Christopher, M:1ry Evelyn. Admitted to Fla. bar, 1951: mem. firm Gr:~ 7.icr. Fdlding, Greene & Coit, 1951·54, Gr&zier, Greerte & Coit, 1 '154-fO, (h·eene & Davenport. l9t.O- 67, Ha:-r:st>n, Green•:!, M-ann, Da•.'enport, Rowe & Star:ton, 1967-; <!ir. First Fed. Savs. & Loa11 Assn .. St. Petersburg, 1952-, v.p., 1963·64, !!~"'1"1. counsel, 1960--6g, ex.cc. v.p., 1964-68. pres., chief e>.e.:.:. officer, 1970----; dir. Four.ders Financial Corp. Fla., St. Louis Cardinals, 19<~·- Chmn. bd. tn.Iskc:s St. Leo (FJa.) Coli. Scr...-cd with AUS, 1 g-tf.-48 Mem. Am .• Fla., St. Petersburg bar assns., Kappa Alpha, Phi Dclt" Phi. Demcx:rat. Roman Catholic. K.C. Home: 1239 43d Av N St Pctrrsburg FL 33703 Oitice: First fed Bid& PO BoA 1509 St Petersb\ng FL 337 j 1

GREENE, RICHARD LEIGHTON, educator; b. Rochester, N.Y., Jan. 18, 1904; s. James Gereau and Ruth (Le<ghton) G.; A.B., U. Rochester, 1926; A.M., Princeton, 1927; Ph.D .. 1929; A.M. (hon.), Wesleyan U., 1956; m. Eleanor Foulkes Curtiss, June 5, 1944 (der.. 1950); stepsons-Stephen Alan C1.1russ, Peter Andrew Curtiss. Jnstr. English, U. Rochester, 1929· 30, asst. prof., 1930-34, prof., 1934-42, Joseph H. Gilmore prof., chmn. dept. English, 1942·46; pres. Wells Coli., Aurora, N.Y., 1946- 50; vis. prof. En~lish, Purdue U., 1951-52, U. Cal. (Berkeley), 1952-53, Cal. lnst. Tech., 1953-54; Frank B. Weeks vis. prof. English, \\'e5-ieyan U., \!iddletown, Conn .. i. 954-56, prof., 1956-60, Wilbur Fisk O>borne prof. English. I 960-. Research fellow Am. Council Learned Socs., 1931-32; vis. fellow Princeton, 1963~64, 68. Mo.:m. Am. Musico'ogi.:al Soc., Modern Humanities Resear~h .'\$SO., Renaissa:-~cc Soc. Am.. Mcdern Lang. Assn., ~-1ediaeval Acad. Am., Am. Assn. U. Profs .. Johnsonians, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Del:a Phi (SJmuel Ecll' award 1963, pres. 1946-47). Republicl'tn. Presbyn. Clubs: University (hon., Rochester); Princeton (N.Y.C.); Graduate~ (New Haven); Nassau (Princeton). Editor; The Early English Carols, 1935; A Selection of English Carols, 1962. Contb::. articles, revs. to p~ilol. jours. Office: Dept English \Vesleyan U Middletown Cf 0654 7

GREENE, RICHARD THADDEUS, savs. and Joan exec.; b. Charleston, S.C., July 18, 1913; s. Richard Thaddeus and Martha (Black) G.; B.S., Hampton lnst., 1938; postgrad. N.Y.U., 1949, Wharton Sch. Banking and Finance U. Pa., 1938-39, Am. Savs. and Loan lnst .. I 960·61; m. Virginia Lea, June 6, !942; children·-Cheryll, Richard Thaddeus. Asst. treas. Citizens & So. Bank & Trust Co .• Phila., 1938-41; bu,. mgr. Acso. Pubs., Inc., N.Y.C., 1945-58; sec., bus. mgr. Interstate UniteC. Newspapers, N.Y.C., 1958-60; with Carver Fed. Savs. & Loan Assn., ~.Y.C., 1960-, v.p., !966-68, exec. v.p., 1968·69, pres., 1969-·; dir. Thrift Assns. Service Corp., Urban Devei. Corp. Treas. Bedford Stuyvesant Youth in Action, 1963·66; treas. N.Y .. Urban League, 1968--; bd. dirs. Citizens BuCget Commn., 1969. Bd. mgrs. Bcdf0rd YMCA Served with AUS. 1941-45; maj. Res. Named Omega Man of Year, 1967, Citizen of Year, 1969. Mem. U.S. Savs. and Loan Leag•1c, N.Y. Hampton Alumni, Omega Psi Phi. Presbyn. (elder). Home: 1!7-41 193d St St Albans NY !1412 Office: 75 W 125rh St New York City NY 10027

GREENE, ROBERT HARGRAVE, Jr., banker; b. Newark, July 7, I 929; s. Rob<rt Hargrave and Lillie Mac (Snead) G.; student Va. Poly. Ir.~t.. 1948-50; LL.B., diploma in accounting LaSalle Extension U., 1955; certificate in savs. mgmt. Am. Inst. Banking, 1956; postgrad. U. Wis. :"lch. Bank Adminstrn., 1967; m. June Mary Litterer, St:pt. 27, 1952; chiidren-Susan Ann, Robert Hargrave Ill, P~mela Mae. Asst. auditor Howard Savs. 1nstn., Newark, 1950-68; asst. auditor Bank of Commonwealth, Detroit, 1968-69, auditor, 1969-70, v.p., auditor, 1970. Mem. Bank Admir.strn. lnst. (sec. Detroit chpt. 1971-), Inst. Internal Auditor>, Mich. High Sch. Athletic Assn. (ofcl. football J9j9-). Home: 536 Fo' River Dr Bloomfield Hills MI 480I3 Office: 719 Griswold St Detroit Ml 48231

GREENE, ROIIERT ZEMON, vending co. exec.; b. Calumet, Mich., Dec. 28, 1898; s. Benjamin and Yetta (Yedor) G.; student pub. schs.; m. Nancy Jane Mickk, May 27, 1950. Sr. salesman IBM, 1914-20; intro. ~igarettc vending machio.e nationwide, 1927; founder with William H. Rowe. Rowe Cigare~te Service Co., Inc., 1928, pres., 1928-, successor firm Rowe Corp. subsidiaiy I.T.T. Canteen Corp.; chmn. bd. P 0 P Assos., Inc., Pias~etics, Inc.; dir. riT Cante. Pres. Robert Z. Greene Found. Mem. H~ll of Fame of Boston Conf. on Disttm.; life mcrn. ANTA. Trus!cl! l!". Miami, Mt. Si;;.ai Hosp. Greater Miami, Ced3:S Lebanon Hosp. Mem. Am. Order Assn. Nationale Des Crois de Cuerre of France (hon.), Nat. Automatic M~rchandising Assn. (founrier, dir., p~\st pres.), U.S.C. of C., Soc. Advancement Mgmt. Clubs: Kiwan:s (pa..~t dir.); ~ational Sales Ex;c('utives; West..-ic:w Country (Miami, Fla.); Harmonie. Author articles on automatic merchandising. Horn\.:: 112 Central Park W New York City NY 10023 Office: 31 E 17th St ~ew York c;ty NY 10003

GREJ.;NE, RONALD ROWE, educator. physician; b. Roslyn, Wash., Jan. 28, 1908; s. Ronold A. and Louise (Rowe) G.; B.S., Gonzaga U., I 929; M.D., Northwestern U., 1934, M.S., i 937; m. Elizabeth Paul, Sept. 21, 1935; children-Judith L., Eric P. Intern, St. Luke's Hosp., Chgo., 1934·35, resident 1935~36; pvt. practice medicine specializing in obstetrics and gynecolt"lgy, Chgo., 1936-; fr.culty obstetrics and gynecclogy Nmth''•cstern Med. Sch., 1937-71, Anna Lapham prof., 1954· 71; prof. ob,tetrrcs, gynecology U. Ill. MeJ. Sch., 197 1--; mem. st?.filii. Masonic Hosp. and Med. Center,197i-. Served with M.C., USNR, 194-2-45. Mcm. Am. Gynccol. Soc., Am. Assn. Obstetrics and Gynec0lor.y. Soc. Gynecol. Investigation, Am. Cytologic3l Soc., Am. Coli. Obstetrics and Gynecology, A.M.A. Home: 904 Monroe St E•·anston lL 60202 Ofiice: i20 N Michigan Av Chic•go l.L 606!1

GREENE, STEPHEN, painter; b. N.Y.C., Sept. 19, 191R; s. William and Augusta (Lasky) G.; art _)tudent !'-lat. Acad. Design, 1936-37, Art Student's League, I 937-38; B.F.A., U. la., 1942, A.M., 1945; m. Sigrid de Lima, 1953; I dau., Alison de Lima. !nstr. art Ind. U., 1945-46, \Vashir;gton U., St Louis, 1946~47, Parsons Sch. Design. N.Y.C., 1'147-56, Pratt inst., N.Y.U., A it Students League; artist mresidence Princeton, ! 956- 59; guest critic Columbia, 1961-64. asst. prof., 1964-67; asso. prof. Tyler Sch. Art, Temple Univ., 1968-; or.e-m::,.n show Durlachcr Bre>s., r-:.Y.C., 1947, 49. 52. Grace Burgenicht Gallery, 1955, 58, 59, Staempfli Gallery, 1961, M. 66, 69; retrospcctives Dana and De Cordova Mw;,, 1953, Princeton, 1956, The C'or<or~n Ga11c-ry of Am. Art. 1963; ex.hbn'i. \\'hitney Mus., Art ln~t. Chgo., Nat. Acad. Dc~1gn, \1ilw. Art lost.. Va. Mus. Fine Arts, Met. Mc.i., Bklyn. MltS., Mus Mod.err Art, Carnegie Intemat.. Masee d'Art Moderne ol Pari~. Found. Maeght, Francf'; represented permanent c-ollections Wadswurth Athena~um, Hartford, Conn., St. Louis City Art Mus. P~sa~dena (Cal.) Art MliS., Va. \1u:.. Fine Arts, Rockhill N:l~on Vallery.lJetroJt tnst. Art, Whitney Mus., Met. Mus., Corcoran Gallay. '.Vas:tington, SZ!n Franc;sco An ~1l1s., Art. lnst. Chgo .• f·ogg A.:-t inst, Addison Gallery, Mus. M<•dem Art. Tate G31lcry. !..ondon, Gu.r,genheim Mus., High Art ~ius., Allanta. Chase Manh.tttar: Bant., 't'cr.n. fine Arts C.:nt~r. Ro~t· Art Mus. Brandl~is C.,

A;;i~~·r.-·i ~-46;. b:i~· di~;~-;~;~d-Joh~ li-e,~~-~ A:t rv1l~~~ 1 '.1-16; lst prize ann. contemporary Am. painting Cal. Palace Legion of Honor, 194 7; Prix de Rome, 19-t9; purchase prize Contemporary Am. P.tinting Exhibit, Isaac Delgado Mus., New Orleans, 19~8: Corcoran Founh prize, 1965; $2,500 award Nat. lnst. Arts and Letters, 1967; S5,000 grant Cour:cil of the Arts, 1967. Home: Box 408 A Stmms Rd V~lley Cottage NY 10989

GREENE, STEWART, adH. agy. e<ec.; b. N.Y.c.: June 24, 1928; s. Harry and Yet~a (Katz) Grec.:nbaum; D.S., !"\.Y. U., 1949; pcstgrad. Parsons Sch. Design; m. his Katz, Feb. 6, 1950; children-Lio;a, Eric. Co-founder \Veils, Rich. Greene, Inc., N.Y.C., 1966. sr. v.p .. chief operating officer for creative services, 1966-. Recipient Art Dirs. Gold medal lnternat. Broadcasiing Fine:=;t C0mml. in World Award. Ancty award for Alka-Seltzcr stomach comml., Am. Film Festival's Best Campaign award for Alka-Seltzcr, 196;- 65, Art l.Jirs. Gold medal, Andy award for Benson & Hedge<> disadvantages com~nl., Aan. Film Festival's Best Campaign award for Ben:;on & Hedges, 1966- 67. Oubs: Corinthians (L.I.); Knid:eabocker Yacht (Port Washington. L.l.). Pioneer Braniff colored airplanes. Home: 1815 Heritage \'.'ay Manhasset Ll NY 11030 Officeo Wells Rioh Greene Inc 767 Fifth Av New York City NY !0022

GREENE, THOMAS MCI.ERNON, educator; b. Phila., Mav !7, 1926; s. George Durgin and Elizabeth (Mclemon) G.; B.A., Yale. 1949, Ph.D., 1955; student U. Paris (France), 1949-51; m. Liliane Massa ran~ .. May 20, 1950~ childrenPhilip James, Christopher George, Francis Rich:~rd. Mem. faculty l'ale, 1954-, prof. I:.-nglish and comparative lit., 1966-, chmn. directed studies program, 1965·68. Sen·ed with AUS, 1945-47. Recipient Harbison prize for dis~inguished teaching Yale, }j68; giantce Am. Council Learned Socs., I 963-64; Guggenheim fellow, 1968-69. Mem. Modern Lang. Assn., Dante Soc. Am., Renaissance Soc. Am. Author: The Descent From Heaven: A Study in Epic Continuity, 1963; Rabelais: A Study in Comic Courage, 1970. also articles. Co- editor: The Discirlines of Criticism: Studies in Literary Theory, Interpretation and History, !968. Home: 125 Li·•ingston St New Haven Cf 0651 I

GREENE, TOM E., Jr., banker; b. Mac0n, Ga., 19!9. Pres., lst Nat. Bank & Trust Co. in Macon. Home: 169 Country Club Rd Macon GA 3!204 Office: 606 Cherry St Macon GA 31201

GREENE, WESLEY HAMMOND, educator; b. Romney, W.Va., June 14, 1907; s. Stuart Hardy and Virginia (Hammond) G.; student Randolph-Macon Acad. (Front Royal), 1918-23; A.B., Randolph-Macon Coli., 1927; A.M., U. of Va., 1929; m. Marie Zoe Mercier, June 21, i937; childrenSteven Hardy, Richard Stus.rt, Roger Hammond. History teacher, Handley High SCh., Winchester, Va., 1927 4 28; pres. Intemat. Film Bur., Inc., 1936·41, pres. and dir. 1945-; co- ordinator of distribution, Nat. Film Bd. of Dominion Govt. of Can .• 1941· 45; dir. Co!!. Film Ce~ter; ednl. and documentary film cons.; distbr. of films for Mental Health Film Bct., IS 51-.; Okla. State Dept. ofHealth,1952-·. Mem. bJ. dirs. Trans-\Vorld Film, Inc. Producer of the films Tierra Mexicana, 1947; Jefferson the Architect. 1949; Facts about Projection, 1950; Tom S::".wyer and Mark Twain, 1950; distributor: Producing a Play (7 film series), 1951, Living Science Film Series, French Film Reader Series, Nat. Film Bd. of Can. Films, John Nash Ott, Jr., Prodnc; .. and other films. Nat. Council for Social Studies, Scientific Film Assn. (London). Chicago Film Col:nc:t World Film Fe.,ival (chmn. Chgo., 1947), Chgo. Sci. Film Soc. (co­founder, dir.), Chgo. Frer,ch Film Soc. (founcier), Am. Pt.•lit. Sci. Assn., Am. Soc. Pub. Adrninstm., Phi Beta Kappa. Democrat. Methodist. Clubs: HI. Athletic: Executives, City, Quadrangle, Rotary (Chgo.). Home: 1232 E 5"/th St Chicago, IL 60637 Office: 332 S Michigan Av Chicago IL 60604 * GREENEBAUM, SAMUEL LEWIS, lawyer; b. Louisville, Nov. 20. !902; s. Samuel Lewis ar.d Cora (Popper) G.; A.B. cum laude, U. Mich., I 924; LL.B., Harvard, 1927; m. Rita Levine, Jan. 29, 1956; children-JohnS., Jane (Mrs. Richard Eskind). Admitted to Ky. bar, 1927, D.C. bar; since practiced in Loui!>ville; now sr. mem. firm Greenebaum, Grissom, Doll Matthews & Boone; asst. county atty. Jefferson County, Ky., 1930-33. Pres., Community Chest of Louisville and Jefferson County, 194 8-49. Mcm. Am., Ky., Louisville bar assns., A~n. Bar City N.Y., Zeta Beta Tau. Home: 2567 Chero~cn Rd louisville KY 40205 Office: Ky Home Liie Bldg Louisville KY 40202

GREENER, E\' AN HERBERT, educator; b. Bklyn, Sept. 8, 1934; s. Max W. and Rebecca (Fi,hgold) G.; B. Metal!. Engring., Bklyn. Poly.ln>t., 19~5; M.S., Northwestern U., !957; Ph.D., 1960; m. Sybil Brown, Dec. 22, 1957; children-Catherine, Irene. Asst. prof. materials sci. M:'lrquette U., Milw., 1960-63, asso. prof. materials !ci., 1963-64; asso. prof., chnm. dept. bioi. materials Northwestern U. Dental Sch. and Med. Sch., Chgo., 1964-69 prof., chmn., 1969-. Intemat. Assn. Dental ~rsearch, Am. Soc. Testing and Materials, Mcm. Am. Ceramic Soc., Am. Phys. Soc .• Am. Soc. for Metals, Am. Assn. Dental Schs., A.A.A.S., Am. lnst. Mining, Metal!. and Petmleum Engrs., Am. Assn. U. Profs., Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilo11. Home: 94i8 Ironwood Lane Des Plaines IL 60016 Office: 3ll E Chicago Av Chicago IL 60611 /

GREENEWALT, CRAWFORD HALLOCK, business eAec.; b.~ Cummington, Mass., Aug. 16, 1902; s. Frank Lindsay and Mary Elizabeth (Hallock) G.; ed. William Penn Charter Sch., 1914-18, B.S. in Chern. Engring., Mass. lnst. Tech., !922; D.Sc., U. Del., 1940, ~ Northeastern U., 1950; E.D. (hon.), Rensselaer Poly. lnst., I 952; LL.D., Columbia, 1953, Williams Coli., 1953; Sc.D., Boston U .. 1953; D.C.S., N.Y.U., 1954; D.Eng., Poly. lnst. Bklyn., 1954; D.Sc., Phila. Coli. Pharmacy and Sci., 1955, Dre<el lnst. Tech., 196!, Hamilton C0!l., 1970; LL.D., Kenyon Coil., 1958, Kan. State U., Temple U., 1960, U. Pa., 1961, Swarthmore Coli., 1961, U. Notre Dame, 1965, Bowdoin Coil., 1965, Yale, 1969; L.H.D., Jefferson Med. Coli., !960; m. Marg~retta Lammot du Pont, June 4, 1926; childrenNancy Crawford Frederick. David, Crawford Haliock. \\'ith E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 1922·-, asst. di::. cxptl sta., chcm. dept., 1939, chem. dir. Grasselh chelil. dept., 1942, tech. die. explosives dept., 1943, asst. dir. de vel. dept., 1945; asst. een. mgr. pigments dept., 1945, v.p., 1946-48, pres., 1948-62, chmn. bd .. 1962·67, chmn. tinance com., 1967~; dtr. Equitable Trust Lo., 1935-43, E.l. duPont de Nemours & Co., Christiana Securites Co., MorgC".n Guaranty Trust Co., lbe Boeing Co. Mem. Bus. Council. Bd. Dirs. Winterthur Corp., Mass. ln.st. Tech., Phiia. Or~h. Assn. New Sch_ Music. Trustee Longwood Found., Camegi~ hrnn.; regent Smithsonia~ Ins_tn. Redpif;nt Joltn Fritz nedal Am. lnst. Chern. Engrs .• i 962. Mem. Am. lnst. Chern. Er.grs., Am. lnst. Chemists, Soc. Chem. Industry, Am. Acad. Arts and Scis., Nat. Acad. S<:~s., Am. Chern. S.oc., A.A.A.S., Am. i'hilos. Soc., Nat. Geog. Soc. (lcustcc), Theta Chi, Tau Beta Pi. Clu~s: Wilmington, Wilmington Country, du Pon( Country; Royal Uenra_uda YP:cht. Author: Th(' Uncommon Man, 1959; Hummingbirds, 1960; Rird Song; A.;;ocstics aad Physiology, 1968. Home-: Greenvllle DE 19807 Office: Du Pont Bldg Wilmington DE 1989~

'. '


!921; s. Ernest Pnlilip and Grace (Bure-c·s~) P.: A.B .. U. Chgo .. 1942: J.D., IQ44; ;n. Jo~!l E. }l;o.mrnt:rschmidt. Feb. 16, 1946; children- -George William, Jam~.:s Burgess. Admitted (O !II. bar, !9 0; asso. Pam, Hurd & Reichmann (now S·~·hiff. Hardin. W:litc, Oorscnel &. Britton), Chgo., 19·0·5 J, p;.H~ner. 1952---. Dir. Coiem::m Cablc & 'Wire Co., llurlctron. inc.. .t-lartma•111· Sanders Co., Pub. Communications Inc., Micr.~,ci-Lconard In~ .. Wa<Wll Wheel Corps.; trustee Tonica State Be.nL Trustcl! :\-fillikin U .. Ill. lnst. :·c..:h. Mem. Am., Iii.. Chgo. bar assns .. l.:1w Club Chgn., Lce:1l Club C'hgo. Clubs; Mid-America, Union League t_Chg0 ). Home: 826 S \\'estern Av Park Ridge, IL 60068. (lff,ceo 231 S LaSalle St Chicago IL 60604

PLETfA, DAN HENRY, educator, cngr.; b. South f.;end, lnd., Dec. 31, 1903; s. John and Anna (Deutcher) P.: B.S., U. Ill.. 1927, C. E., 1928; M.S., U. Wis .. _193}; m. Alice ;\by .\ustin, Junt~ 13. 193!; children-Alice A. (Mrs. Thomas Richard Dyckman). :\ancy (~hs. Richard Lee Brehm). Various engineering positions, 1920·30: i11~::r. U. Wi-,., 1927·30; a.sst. prof. civil engring. U. S.D., 1930·32; asst. prof. applied mechanics Va. Poly. Inst., 1932-39, asso. prof., I 939-41, p!"of., 1941-48, prof., head dept. applied mechanics., 1948-70, U. prof. e.ngring. mechanics, 1969-·-, bd. dirs. Research Found., I 948-53; cons. engr. 1945-, stress analyst. S.:rved as maj. Ordnance- Dept. AUS, charge Richmond regional office Phila. Ordnance Di·~t., 1942-44, asst. dir. mech. dept. U.S. Mil. Acad .• 1944-46. Recipient Certificate of Outstanding Service, Virginia Society of Professional Engineers, 1955. Registered pron. engr., ~-Y .. Va. ~-fern. Am. Soc. C.E. (chmn. com. on exptl. analysis and analogues !951- 54. exec com. engring. mcch:mics div. 1956·60, chmn. 19£0, pres. Va. s~:ct. 1966, nat. dir. 1969-), Arn. Sec. Er.gring. Edn. (sec. and chmrt. grad. studies div. 1958-61. council rep. 1962; sec. council on gen. divs. 1962-64~ \\'cstC'rn Electric Fund award fo; e"-cellence in teach1ng 1968), Soc. Exrtl. Strc.ss An:dysis. Nat. (nat. dir. from Va., 1957-tlS, pres. Ednl. Found. 1966-70). Va. (pres. 1953; Outstanding Setvice award 1955) socs. proL engrs., Am. Concrete lnst. (chmn. com. on rigid frame bridge3 1940-42, 47·57), Sigma Xi, Tau B:ta Pi, Chi Epsilon, Sigma Tau, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma, Omicron Delta Kappa. Club: U11iversity (Blacksburg). Author: Engineering Statics and Dynamics, J 951: Engineering :\1cchanics, 1964; also articles in field. Borneo 1414 Highland Circle SE Blacksburg VA 24060

PLETZ, FRANCIS GREGORY, banker: b. Lakefield, ~linn .. Aug. 23, 1917; s. John F. and Anna (Pietsch) P.; A.B. summa CUf!l laude, Coli. St. Thomas St. Paul, 1940; M.B.A. with distinction (Arthur Andersen accounting fellow), U. Mich .. 1942: J.D. magna cum laude, U. Toledo, 1950; grad. Stonier Sch. Banking, Rutgers U., 1956; m. Virginia E. Connell, Sept. 12, 1942; children-Thomas G .. Joha F. Teller, First Nat. Bank, Lakefield, 1937-38; research asst. Bur. Bus. Research, U. Mich., 1940-41; accountant Ernst & Ernst, Detroit, summer 1941; with Toledo Trust Co .• 1946 -, sr. v.p., head trust dept., 1968·-; admitted to Ohio bar, 1950. Dir. Alloy Founders, Inc, Mather Co., Throm Realty Co., C. F. Throm & Sons. Throm Supplies. Trustee Toledo Soc. for Biind, Stranahan Charitable Found. Served to lt. USNR, 1942·46; ETO. Mcm. Ohio Bankers Assn. (exec. com.), Ohio, Lucas County, Toledo bar assn~ .. Toledo C. L'f C. Lion. CluLs: Toledo. Syh·ania Country (Toledo). Home: 2336 Kenwood Blvd T uiedo OH 43606 Offieeo 245 Summit St Toledo OH 43603

PUMMER, WILLIAM NEIL, New Zealand diplomat; b. Palmerston North, New Zealand, Sept. 7, 1937; s. Leonard Ivan a:1d Helen (1-'unter) P.; student Vicloria U. Coli., Wellington, I\;cw Zealand, 1956·5~; B.A., Auckland (New Zealand) U. Coli., 1959, M.A., 1966; m. Ma1gret Rachel Kingston Horne, Jan. 16, 1960; children-Philip lv3n, Geoffrey Neil. Gillian Rachel. With New Zealand Dept. Edn., 1959·60. Ministry fgn. Affairs, \Vellington, 1961-62; third sec. New Zealand High Cornmn .. Western Samoa, 1963-65; sec. Overseas Staff Corn., Wellington. 1966; first sec., pr<>ss officer New Zealand embassy, Washington, 1967-. New Zealand rep. Intelsat, Washington. 1968-. Club: National Pre~s (Washington). Homeo 5805 Ogden Rd Washington DC 20016 Office; New Zealand Embassy 19 Ob'iervatory Circle NW Washington DC 20008

PLIMPTON, CALVIN HASTINGS, physician; b. Boston, Oct. 7, 1918; s. George Arthur and Fanny (Hastings) P.; B.A. cum laude, Amherst Coli., 1939; M.D. cum laude, Harvard, 1943. Yl.A., 1947; Med. Sci. D .• Colum~HI, 1951; LL.D, \\'illiams, 1960, \\'esleyan, 1961, Doshisha U., Kyoto, Japan, 1962, St. Lawrence U., 1963; L.H.D .. U. Mass .. 1962: D.Sc .. Rockford Coli., 1962, St. Mary's, 1963, Trinity College, 1966,·Grinr.cll Coil., Grinnell, Iowa, 1967; litt.D., American lnternat. Coli., 1965, Mich. State Coil., 1969; m. Ruth Talbot, Sept. 6, 1941; children-~--David, Thomas, George (deceased), Annf"', and Edward. Intern. assistant resident, resident medicine Presbyn. Bosp. N. Y.C., 194 7-50; a'\St. attcndir.g physician Columbia-Prcsbyn. Mcd. Center, 1950-60: asso. medicine Coli. Phys. and Surg., 1950·59, asst. prof. clin. medicine, 1959-60~ prof. ml!dicine, chmn. dept. Am. U. Beirut, Arr1. U. Hosp., Beirut. Lebanon, 1957-59; pres. Amherst Coli., !CJ60-71. Trustee Am. U., Beirut. World Peace Fo~nd.Hion, Phillips Exeter Acad., Commonwealth Fund, Hampshire Coli.; bd. overseers Harvard. Served from 1st lieutenant to captain, U.S. Army, 1944-46. Decorated comdr. Order of Cedars (Lebanon). Diplomate Nat. Bd. Med. Examiners. Am. Bd. Internal Medicine. Fellow A.C.P.~ mcm. Soc. Mayflower Descs., Harvey Soc., Am. Acad. Arts ar.d Scis., Council Fgn. Relation<>, Alpha Omega Alpha, Sigma Xi. Clubs: Century. Grolicr, Charaka, Riverdale Yacht, Pilgrims. University, Coffee House (N.Y.C.); University, Tavern (Boston)~

\ Triton (Que., Can.). Homeo 175 S Pleasant St Amherst MA 01002

.,l rLIMPTON. FRANCIS T. P.,lawyer, diplomat: b. N.Y.C., Dec. 7, 1900; s. George ,\rthur and Frances Taylor (Pearsvns) P.: grad. Phillip<:. Exeter .A-cad .. 1917; A.B. magna cum laude, Amherst Coil., 1922; J.D., Harvard, i925: LL.D .. Colby Co!! .. 1960, lake Forest Col!., !964, N.Y. U., 1970; L.H.D .. Pratt lnst .. 1967; m. Pauline Ames, June 4~ 1926: c!lildn.:n-·---Gcorgc Ames, Francis T.P., Oakes Ames, Sarah Gay. Admitted to bar. 1926; asso. with Root, Cb.rk:, Buckner & Ballantine, N.Y.C., 1925-32, in charge of Pafis office, I93()...J.t; gen. solicitor, Reconstrn. Finance Corp., Washintton, 1932-33; partr:cr Debevoist·, Plimpton, Lyons & Gates, and prede<..cssor firm;, !933-61. 1965--; amb•ss•do,, dcp. U.S rep. to UN. 1961· 65, mem. U.S. delegations 15th-19th gen. ass.crnblies, mem. adminstrv. tribunal. Trustee U.S. Trust Co. of S. Y., Dowery Savs. Bank. Mem. State Dept. Adv. Com. on Internal. Orgns., 1965-69. Trustee Tchrs. Ins. and Annuity As.:-11 .. !9-Hl-48, pres. truste-es ofs.tock; mern. c-.)11. Retirement Equities Fund Corp.; trustee Amherst Coli .• Barn:Jrd Coli.

. . -· .... --·--·-·· . ..., ..... -·~~ .... ,. , .......... • '~"•· _,._.,., • "~'";n. "''h

~iay!~o·o~.·cr Dcs~:s., Colonial Soc. \f..1ss .. D-:!ta K21pp~t Fp<;.;Lm. ~)l'it·t S;grna Rh0. Phi Beta Kappa. Prcsbyn. Clubs: Union. Century, BH•.>k, Do.•.:n Town, C"ofiee House, Economic (N.Y.C.); Pipmg Ro,:k. l:ot-.1 Spring Harbor Beach (LI.): Metropolitan (Washington); Ausahk tAdironda..:k.s): Mill Reef (Antigua. W.l.). Contbt;. author: As Wt: Knew Adla=. H(lmc: 131 E 66th St N"ew York City t...;y 1002i ;1~:>0 I 68 Chichestr Rd \\'est Hills. Huntington NY 11743 Office: 310 P~rt. Av New York City N\" 10022

PLI:O.IPT0;-.1, GEORGE A:O.IE<;, aJthor, cditc•r; b. N.Y.C .. !•.1ar. 18, 1927; s. Francis T.P. and Pauline (Ames) P.; StHdent Phillips Ex:.:-tu Acad., 1944; All., Harvard U .. I9Ji); ~LA., Combridgc (E11g.l l;., 1950; LH.D .. Fr::.nklin Pierce Coli .. 1958; m. Freddy \1t"'dora E~ry. 1968. Contbg edi!"or Paris Review. 19)3-, P<Iris kev. EJi:~, subsidiary Doublc-d;ty a11d Co., 1965 --; instr. Barnard Coli., 1956-~1( asso. editor Hori7on mar, .. 1959-61: dir. Am. Ln. Anthology prvgrarr:.. !967-; spl. contbr. Spons Illu~trated, 1968. Served tc: lJ it. :.LS, i945-48. Asso. fellow Trumbull Coli., Yaic, IW,7: rccipicn~ Distinguishe<.! Achievement aw:..rd U. So. Cal., 1967. Mcm. Ccn:ury Assn. Clubs: F~a..:::quet and Tcnni~; Brook; Piping Reck; Tr~vc!lcr~ (Paris). Author: Rabbit's Umbrcli:\, 14}56: Out of My League, 1961; Pat~cr Lion, 1966; The Bogey M~n. 1968: also numerous articles. Editor: Writers at Work, Vol. l. 1957, VoL ! 1. 1963, Vol. 11:. H67; American Journey: The Times of Robert Kennedy, 197C. Addrc-.ss: 541 E 72d St N<w York City NY 10021

PLIMPTON, HAROLD, Jr., food co. exec.; b. Hingham. Mass., Mar. 29, 1915; s. Harold and Sophia Burr (Opper) P.; grad. Dccr•icld Acad., 1932; student Brown ll .. 1933-34: n1. Helen L. Hcrnbak(;r, Sept. 15. 1939: children-David, l'iancy, Sara, Laura. With C'o:-n Products Co., 1934--. v.p. r1a.rk.eting, 1964-66, v.p. industrlz..! division, U.S., 1966-69, corporate v.p., pres. Corn Inds!. divisi:.:m, 1969-; exec. \'.p. Corn Products Sales Co., 1959-. Active local hosp. and Community Fund raising. "Mem. N .Y .C. Sales Execs. C~ub. Clubs: Metropolitan (N.Y.C.); Burning Tree Country (Greenwich). Horne: Orchard Hill Lane Greenwich cr 06830 Office: Internat Piaza Englewood Cliffs NJ 07631

PLI:O.IPTON, RUSSELL ARTHUR, art orgn. dir.; b. Hoilis. N.Y., Aug. 26, 1891; s. Arthur Salem and S<1rah isabella (Tomes) P.; A.B., Princctoil, 1914; M.A. (hon.). U. Minn .. ~956; student an hi~tory in Europe, 30 summers; unnurricd. Wilh Met. \-fus. Art. >~.Y.C., 1914-21, asst. curator decorative arts dept., 1916-21; dir. '.1pJs. hst. Arts, 1921-56; now trustee; diL Four Art~ Soc., Palm Beach. Fla .. 1956--. Served wit~ F.A., U.S. Army. 1918-19; overseas. Decorated Order of Vasa (comdr.), Kiilg's Medal (S"wed4:n). Mem. Assn. Art Mus. Dirs. (pres. 1956), Am. Assn. ~fuscums, A. I.A., Am. fcdn. Arts, Soc. of the Four Arts. Republican. Clubs: Dath and TenPIS, Rot:uy (Palm Beach): ~Jinneap(.tlis, Sky Light (~tpls.); Univusit;: (St. Paui); Princeton (N.Y.C.) Lectr. on dccorati\"e a.-lS and painting. Home: 10 Four Arts Plaza Palm Beach FL 33480 Office: Society oi the Fou: Arts Palm Beach fl. 33480

PU:O.ISOLI., SIR JA:\IES, Austraii•n govt. ofcl.; b. Sydney, Australia. Apr, 25, 1917; s. James Ernest and Jessie (Arthur) P.; 'P..A., B. Econs., U. Sydney Econ. dept Bank of 'ew South Wales, Sydf''.:y, 1938-42; mem. Australian delegation Far Eastern Commn., JQ45-48: Australian rt:p. UN Comrnn. for Unification and Rehab. Kc.:-ea, 1950-52; asst. sec. Dcp!. External AfTairs, Canberra. 1953-59; Aust;:alian ambassador, permanent rep. to UN, 1959-63: high comtnr. for Australia in lndia, 1963·65; sec. Dept. External Affairs. 196:·-70. Aust1alian ambassadflr to U.S., 1970---. Served with Austrzdian Arrr.y, 1942-4 7. Decorafed comdr. Order Brit. Emp:zc; Knight Bachelor. Address: Australian Embassy 1601 Massachusetts A\" V·/ashingtun DC 20036

PLISCHKE, ELMER, educator, polit. scientist; b. Milw. July 15, 1914; s. Louis and Louise (Peterleus) P.; Ph.B. cum !aude, Ma!""_quettc U .• 1937; M.A., Am. U., 1936; certificate Carnegie summer session internaL law, U. Mich., 1938; Ph.D. (f<llow), Clork li., 1943: certificate Na.val Sch. Mil. Govt. and Civil AITairs, Columb;a, 1944: m. Audrey Alice Sichr, May 30, 1941; children~-Lowell Robert, Julianne. lnstr .. Springfield Coil., 1940; dist. supr., state dir. V,"is. Hist. Records Survey, 1940·42; exec. s.ec. \\'ar Records Contmn., Wis. Council Dcf., 1942; asst. prof. DePauw L'., 1946-48; asst. prof. li. ~d .. 1948-49, asso. prof., 1949-52, prof., 1952-. he11d dept. govt. anJ politics, 1954-68; spl. historian Office U.S. High Commr. fvr Germany, 1950-52; cons. Dept. State, summer 1952; lectr. Air \\'3r Coil., Armed Forces Staff Coli., /\rmy War College, De f. Intelligence Sch., Indsl. Coil. Armed F01ces, Inter-Am. Dcf. Coli., Sr. O'"ficers Seminar Fgn. Service lnst. Mem. ad\'. com. fgn. relations ofL'.S. Dcp~. State, 1967-. chmn., 1969-70. Sen·ed focm ensign to It. (s.g.), us· R, 19-13-46; exec. asst., then exec. officer Civil Alfa:rs div., comdr. L'.S. Naval Forces for Europe, London, 1944-45; chuge do:- Nn!f:carion policy coordination Off:cc Dlr. Polit. AITairs. Office ~.1iJ. Govr. for Germany, 19-!5. Elmer Plischke award in polit. sci. given by U. Md., Munich br., 1961-; recipient research awards U. Md. Ger:. Research Bd., 1956, 58, 69; elected knight Mark Twain. Mem. Am (~ouncit), D.C. (council, pres. 1961), So. (council) polit. sci. assns., Am. Assn. U. Profs., Am. Soc. Internat. La\.\, Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Signu Alpha, Sigma Tau Delta. Author: Conduct of American Diplomacy. 3d edit., 1967; (with Robert G. Dixon, Jr.) American Government: Basic Documents and Materials, 1950; Berlin: Development of Its Government and Administration, repub., 1970; The Allied High Commission for Germany, 1953; International Relat!on5: Basic Documents. rev. 1962: Am. Foreign Relations: A Bibliography of Official Sources, 1955, repub .. 1970; American Diplomacy: A Bibliography of Biographies, Autobiog1aphies Jnd Commentaries, 1957: Summit Diplomacy: Personal Diplomacy of the President of tf;e L'nited States, 1958; Contemporary Gc:vernments of Gerrr-any. rev. edit., 1967: Government and Poiitics of Contemporary Berlin. 1963; others. Contbr. articles protl jours. Editor. contbr. !o Syst·:-ms of Integrating the International Community. 1964; bd. editors Jour. Politics, 1967·69. Home: 1530 Ain:.lcy Rd Silver Spi:n.g MD 20904 Officeo U Yld College Park MD 20742

PLISETSKAYA, MAYA, ballerina; b. Moscow USSR, Nov. 20, i 925; d. Mikhail Plisctsky and Raisa Meo:.screr; grad. Bal!et Sch. of Bu!~h1.~i The·nre, Moscow, )943; m. Rodion Shchedrin, Oct 2, 1958. Soloist, Bolshoi Ballet. 1943--; rrin. roles in Nutcracker, Raymonda. Sw"::~n L3kc, abo Laurencia, Don Quixote, Stone Flower. Fountain c.f B;skchisarai, Rt.meo and J~.:!iet, Shuralem, Little Hump-Backed Hnr:,l!, Spartacus, Sleeping Beauty/fire Birc;t,_.l.~4-. Legend of Love, 1965,

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~ Hosp., Eng., 1957-59; asst. for life scis .. dcp. insp. g.l."n. for safety Norton AFB. Cal., 1959-61; surgeon Mil. Air Transp. Service, 1961-63; dep. surgeon gen. USAF, 1963-66; surgeon Strategic Air Command, Offutt AFB, Ncb., 1956-67; surgeon gen. CSAF. 1967-. Bd. trustees Air Force Hist. Found. \\-'inner Am. Med. Skeet Championship ar 1968 World Skeer Shooting Championship. Diplomate Am. Bd. Preventive Medicine. Fc!low Aerospace ~cd. Assn., Am. Colt Preventive Medicine, Am. Coli. Chest Physicians, A.C.P., Constantinian Soc.; mem. Soc. Air Force Physicians, Assn. Mil. Surgeon5., Nat. Skeet Shooting Assn. (nat. dir.). Mason. Home: Quarters 28 Bollin~ AFB Washington DC 20332 Office: Hdqrs USAF (AFMSG) Washington DC 20315

PLETSC'H, GEORGE BURGESS, lawyer; b. Tonica, Ill., June 24, !921; s. Ernest Ph;lhp and Grac.; (Burgess) P.; A.B., U. Chgo., 1942, J.D., 1944; m. Joan E. Hammerschmidt, Feb. 16. 1946; children--George William. James Burgess. Admit~cd to IIi. bar, 1943; asso. Pam, Hurd & Reichmann (now Schiff, Hardin, Waite, Dorschel & Britton), Chgo., 1943-51, partner, 1952--. Dir. Coleman Cable & Wire Co., Hurlctron, Inc., Hartmafln~ Sanders Co., Pub. Commu-.1ications Inc., Michael·Leonard Inc., \\'agon Wheel Corps.; trustee Tonica State Bank. Trustee Millikin U., IlL Inst. Tech. Mcm. Am., Ill., Chgc. bar assns., Law Club Chgo., Legal Club Chgo. Clubs: Mid-America, Union League (Chgo.). Home: 826 S \Vestern Av Park Ridge, IL 60068. Oflice: 231 S LaSaile St Chicago IL 60604

PI.ET'l'A, DAN HENRY, educator, er.gr.; b. Sontil Bend, Ind., Dec. 31, 1903; s. John and Anna (Deutcher) P.; B.S .. U. Ill., 1927, C.E., 1928: 1\.l.S., U. Wis., !931; m. Alice May Austin, June 13, 19.11; children~Alice A. (Mrs. Thoma5 Richard Dyckman). Nancy (Mrs. Richard Lee Brehm). Variow. engineering positions,l920·30; instr. U. Wis .• 1927~30; asst. prof. civil engring. U. S.D .. 1930~32; as5"t. prof. applied mechanics Va. Poly. Inst., 1932~39, "3sso. prof., 1939·41, prof., 1941~48, prof., head dept. applied mechanics, !948-70, U. prof. cngring. mechanics, 1969--, bd. dirs. Research Found., 1948-53; cons. eng;. 1?45 ~. strt·ss analyst. Served as maj. Ordnance Dept. AUS, charg(. Richmond regional office Phila. Ordr:ance Dist., 1942~44, asst. dir. mech. dept. U.S. Mil. Acad .. 1 Q44-46. Recipient Certificate of Outstanding Sen:ice, Virginia Society of Professillnal Engineers, 1955. Registered profl. engr., N.Y., Va. Mcm. Am. Sec. C.E. (chmn. com. on exptl. analysis and analogues 1951~ 54, exec. com. engring. mechanics div. 1956~60, chmn. 1960, pres. Va. Sect. 1966, nat. dir. 1969-), Am. Sec. EPgring. Edn. (sec. and chmn. grad. studies div. 1958·61, council rep. 1962; sec. council on gen. divs. 1962~64; We~tem Electric Fund award for excellence in teaching 1968), Soc. Exptl. Stress Analysis, Nat. (nat. dir. from Va., 1957~65, pres. Ednl. Found. 1966· 70), Va. (~res. 1953; Outstanding Service award 19.35) socs. prof. engrs .• Am. Concrt::e Inst. (chm::. com. on rigid frat<lt! b,·iJres 1940-42, 47·57), Sigma Xi, Tau Beta h, Chi Epsilon, Sigma Tao.~, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma, Omicron Delta Kappa. Club: University (Blacksburg). Author: Enginee-ring Statics and Dynamics. 1951; Entineering Mechanics, 1964; also articles in field. Home: 1414 Highland Circle SE Blacksburg VA 24060

PLETZ, FRANCIS GREGORY, banker: b. Lakefield, Minn., Aug. 23, )917; s. John F. and Anna (Piet!-.ch) P.; A.B. summa cum lauae, Coli. St. Thomas, St. Paul, 1940; M.B.A. with distinction (Arthur Andersen accounting fellow), U. Mich., 1942; J.D. magna cum laude, U. Toledo, 1950; grad. Stonier Sch. Banking, Rutgers U., I <f56; m. Virginia E. Connell, Sept. 12, 1942; children-lhomas G., Jchn F. Teller, First Nat. Bank., Lak.efie!d, 1937·38; research asst. Bur Bus. Research, L!. ~:lich., 19~0·41: accountant Err:st & Ernst, Detroit, summer 1941; '"'ith Toledo Trust Co., 19~b --, sr. v.p., head trust dept., 1968-; admitted to Oilio bar, 1950. Dir. Allvy FC>unders, Inc., '\1ather Co., Throm Realty Co., C. F. Throm & Sons, Throm Supplies. Trustee Toledo Soc. for Blind. Strana!1an Charit.:ab\: Found. Sen·ed to lt. USNR, !942-46; ETO. Mem. Ohio Bankecs Assn. (exec. com.), Ohio, Luca~ County, Toledo bar assns., Toledo C. of C. Lion. Clubs: T uledo, Sylvania Country (Toledo). Home: 2336 Kenwood Blvd Toledo OH 43606 Ofiice: 24 5 Summit St To:cdo OH 13603

PLIMMER, WILLIAM NEIL, New Zealand diplomat; b. Palmerston North, New Zealand, Sept. 7. 1937; s. Lcor:ard Ivan and Helen (Hunter) P.; student Victc>ria U. Coli., Wellington, New Zealand, 1956-58; B.A., Auckland (New Zealand) U. Coli., 1959, M.A., 1966; m. Margrct Rachel Kingston Horne, hn. 16, 1960; children--Philip Ivan, Geoffrey Neil, Gi\lian Rachel. With New Zealand Dept. Edn., 1959·60, Ministry Fgn. Affairs, Wellington. 1961·62: third sec. New Zealand Hip:h Commr.., Western Samoa, 1963-65; sec. Overseas Staff Com., Wellington, 1966; first sec .. press officer New Zealand e-mbassy, \\'ashington, 1967-. New Zealand rep. lntelsat, Washington. 1968-. Club: National Press (Washington). Home: 5805 Ogden Rd Washington DC 20016 Office: New Zealand Embassy 19 Observatory Circle NW \Va.;hington DC 20008

PLIMPTON, CALVIN HASTINGS, physician; b. Boston, Oct. 7, 1918; s. George Arthur and Fanny (Hastings) P.; B.A. cum laude, Amherst Coli., 19JQ; M.D. cum laude, Harvard. 1943, M.A., 1947; Med. Sci.D., Coluwbi:'!, 1951; LL.D .. 'Williams, 1960, Wesleyan, 1961, Doshisha U., Kyoto. Japan. 1962, St. Lawrence U., 1963; l.H.D., U. Mass., 1962; D.Sc., Rockford Coli., 1962. St. Mary's, 196), Trinity Colle.t~e. 19o6,·Grinnell Coli.. Grinnell, Iowa, 1967; liu.O., American httcrnat. Coli., 1965, ~·1ich. S~atc CoiL 1969; m. Ruth Talbot, Sept 6, 1941; children ---David, Thomas, George (deceased), Anne, and Edward. Intern. as'iistant resident. resident medicine Prcsbyn. HlVi~'·· ~.Y.C .. t9.a.7.)0~ asst. atrer.ding physician Columbia·Presbyn. Me-d. Center, 1950·60; ass.o. medicine Coli. Phys. 3nd Sur g., 1950.59, asst. prof. din. medicine, 1959-60; prof. medicine, chmn. dept. An .. U. Beirut, Am. U Hosp., Beirut. Lebanon, I '15?·59; pres.. Amherst Coli., 1960·71. Tru~tec .A.m. U .. Beirut, World Peace Foundation, Phillip~ Exeter Ac~d .. Cu:r.rnonweal~h Fur:d, Hampshire Coli.; bd. overseers Harvard. Served from lst lirutenant to captain, U.S. Army, 1944- ~6. Decorated comdr. Order of Cedars (Lebanon) Diplomate~ Na~. Bd. ~kd. E'arn4,ncrs, Am. Bd. Intern~! Medici1;e. Fctlow A.C.P.; a-.em. Soc. ~hyflower Dc"-CS., Har\"Cj' Soc .. Am. Acad. Arts and Sc1s., Council Fp:n. Relationo;., Alpha Omt•ga Alpha. Sigma Xi. Club!'· Century. <.iro!ier. Charaka, Riverdale Yacht, Pilgrims, University. C'ofTcc House Pi.Y_C.); Univc.:rsity, Tavern (Bo.:;ton); Triton ~Que., C<..n.J. Home: 175 S Pleasant St Amher-oa \.-fA OlOfiJ


(vice chmn. bd.) Adlai f. Ste...-emon ln~titutc of Intern~:t. Affairs, · Center for Law and Social Policy. Union Thcol. ~em_ Athens Coli. (Greece). Lingnan U. (China); overseer Harvard, 1963-64; trustee Met. Mus. Art; hd. d!rs. Philharmonic· Symphony Soc. N.Y., Roosevelt Hosp., Am.-ltaly Soc. Decorated comdr. Order of Merit (Italy); J.SSo. comdr. Order of St. John of Jerusalem; rccipir:nt of Distinguished Pub. Sen·icc award, New Eng. Soc. S.Y .• 1963, Fed. Bar Council, 1964. Fellow Am_ Acad. Arts and Scis., Am. Bar Found.; mem. Am. (mem. ho. of dcls.), ~. Y. State bar assns., Am. Law ln:.t., Bar Assn. City N.Y. (pres. 1968·70), Internat. Bar Assn., Union lnterr,at. des Avocato;; (v p.). Washington Inst. Fgn. Affairs, Fedn. French Alliance-s (dir.).lntcr-Arn. Bar Assn .• Am. Soc. ~nterPat. Law, Internal. Law Assn., LlN A'5sn. U.S.A. (dir.). Fgn. Poli~y Assn. (dir. 1935·49), Council Fgn. Relations, Acad. Polit. Sci., Pilgrims Soc. Mayflower Descs., Colonial Soc. '\lass., Delta Kappa Lpsilon, Delta Sigma Rho. Phi Beta Kappa. Prcsbyn. Clubs: Union Century. Brook, Down Town. Coffee House, Economic (N.Y.C.); Piping Rock, Cold Spring Harbor Beach (L.L); Metropolitan (\\'a.:;hington): Ausable (;'.dirondacks); ~ill Red (Antiglla, \\'.1 ). Contbg. author: As \Ve Knew Adlai. Horr.e: 131 E 66th St New York City KY 10021 also 168 Chichestr Rd We" Hills Huntington NY ! 1743 O'Tioe: 32C Par-k A• New York City NY 10022

PLIMPTON, GEORGE AMES, author, ecitor; b. 1\'.Y.C'., Mar. !8, 1927: s. Francis T.P. and Pauline (AMes) P.; s!udcnt Phillips Exeter ..\cad., 1944; A.B., Harvard U., 19~3; M.A .. Caml.,ridge (Eng.) U., 1950; L.H.D .. Fran:Clin Pierce Coil., 1958; m. Freddy ;'1..-ft.·dora Espy, 1968. Contbg. editor Paris Re,1ew, 1953--. P<.uis Rev. Edits., subsidiary Doubleday and Co., 1 ~65- -; instr. Rarnard CoiL, 1956·58; as so. editor Horizo,, mag., 1959-61; dir. Am. Lit. Anthology program, 1967--; sp!. contbr. Sports Illustrated, 1968. Served to 2d lt. AUS, 1945·48. Asso. fellow Trumbull Coli., Yale. 1967; re-cipiem Distinguished Achievement award U. S.o. Cal., 1967. Mem. Century Assn. Clubs: Racquet and T -.!nnis; Brook; Piping Rock: Travellers (Paris). Author: Rabbit\ Cmbrclla, 1956: Out of \!y T.cazue, 1951; Parer Lion, 1966; The Bogey Man. 1968;_ al.s.o numerous articles. Editor: Writers at Work, Vol. I. 1957, \'ol. II, 1963, \'ol. Ill, 1967; American Journey: The Time:; of Robt.:rt Kennedy, 1970. Address: 541 E 72d St New York City NY 10021

PLIMPTON, HAROLD, Jr., food co. exec.; b. Hingham, Mass., Mar. 29, 1915; s.llarold and Sophia Burr (Opper) P.; grad. Deerfield Acad., 1932: student Brown U., 1933·34; m. Helen L. Hor-nbaker, Sept. 15, 1939; children-David. Ncmcy, Sara, Laura. With Corn Products Co., 1934-. v.p. marketing, 1964·66, v.p. industriai division, U.S., 1966·69, corporate v.p .• pres. Corn lndsl. division, 1969-; exec. v.p. Corn Produ.:ts Sales Co., 1959-. A...:tivc local hosp. and C0mmunity Fund raisine. ~1em. N.Y.C. S:tk:; Execs. CJuL. Clcb.i: Metropolitan (N.Y.C.); Burni•lg Tree Country (Grecnvoich). Home: Or~hard !-!ill Lane Greenwich Cf 06830 Oflice-: Iat~rn..1t Plaia Englewood Cliffs NJ 07631

PLIMPTON, RUSSElL ARTHUR, art orgn. d:r.; b. Hollis, N.Y., Aug. 26, 1891; s. Arthur Salem and Sarah Isabdla (Tomes) P.; A.B., Princeton, 1914; M.A. (hon.), U. Minn., 1956; student an history in Europe, 30 summers; unmarried. \Vith Met Mus. Art. N.Y.C., 1914·21, asst. curator decorative arts dept.. 1916-21; dir. Mpls. Inst. Arts, 1921·56; now tn!stel'; dir. Four Arts Soc., Palm Beach. Fla .• 1956-. Served with F.A., U.S. Army, 19U~·19: vvcrseas. Decorated Order of Vasa (comdr.), King's Medal (Sweden). Mcm. Assn. Art Mus. Dirs. (pres. 1956), Am. Assn. Museums. A. I.A., Am. Fedn. Arts. Soc. of the Four Arts. Republican. Clubs: Bath and Tennis, Rotary (Palm Beach); Minneapolis, Sky Light (Mpls.); Lniversity (St. Paul); Princeton {N.Y.C.) Lectr. on d~corative arts and painting. Home: 10 Four Arts Plaza Palm Be:;.ch FL 33480 Office: Sor.iety of the Fcur Arts Palm Beach FL 33480

PlJl'tSOLL, SIR JA,!ES, Au"ralian gon. ofcl.; b. Sydney, Australia. Apr. 25, 1917; s. James Ern('St and Je!)s~e (Arthur) P.: 'B.A., B. Econs., U. Sydney Econ. dept. Bank of New Snuth \\'ales, Sydney, 1938·42; mcm. Australian delegation Far Eastern Commn., 1945·48: Australian rep. UN Commn. for Unification and Rehab. Korea, 1950-52; asst. sec. Dept. External Affairs,· CC:lnberra, 1953-59; Australian ambassaclur, permanent rep. to UN, 1959·63; high comr:u. for Australia in India, 1963-65; sec. Dept. External Affairs, 1965-70, Australian ambassador to U.S., 1970--. Served wi~h Au.-.~&alian/.nny, 1942-47. Decorated comdr. Order Brit. Empire; Knight Bachelor. Address: Australian Embassy 1601 Massachusetts Av \Vashington DC 20036

PLISCHKE, ELMER, <ducator, pol it. scientist; b. Milw., July i 5, PH4: ~- Louis and Louise (Peter!eus) P.; Ph.B. cum Jande, Marquette U., 1937; M.A., Am. U .. 1938; certificate Carnceic summer scs~ion internat. law, U. Mich., 1938; Ph.D. (fellow): Clark U., 1?43; certificate Naval Sch. Mil. Govt. and Civil Affrirs, Columbia, 1944; m. Audrey Alic-e Siehr. May 30, 194!; children--Lowe!! Robert. Julianne. Instr., Springfield CoiL, 1940; dist. supr., state clir. Wis. Hist. Records Surve...-. 1940·42: exec. sec. War Records Commn .• \\'is. Council Def .• 1942; asst. rroF. DePauw U., 1946·48; a~"t. prof. U. Md., ! 948-49, asso. prof., 1949-52, prof., 1952---, head dept. govt. and politics, 1954·68; spl. historian Office U.S. High Commr. for Germany, 1950-52; cons. Dept. Slate. summer 19S2; lcctr. Air War CoiL. Armed Forces Staff Coli., Am1y War College, Dcf. ln~•:.:l!igencc Sch., lndsl. Coli. Armed Forces, ln!.er·Am. Def. Coil.. Sr. O'Ticers Seminar Fgn. Sen· ice !nst. Mcm. adv. com. fgn. n~htions of U.S. Dept. State. 196 7-, chmn., 1969· 70. St:rved form en.sign to lt. (s.g.), USNR, 1943·46; exec. 3~'>1., then e:otcc. offJCc-r Civil Aff:Jir~ div., cotndr. U.S. Na\·al Forces for Eurepe, Lonc!c'1, 1944·45; charge de- !'\a1.ification policy coordination Office Dir. Polit Affairs, OfliL'C Mil. Govt. for Germany, 1945. Elrner Plischk.c award in polit sci. gi\'cn by U. Md., Mut.ich br .. 1961·--; recipien~ resl!ar.;h awards U. Md. Gen. Resea:-ch Bd., 1956. 58. 69~ ~tr:cteC knight \1ark Twain. Mem. Am. (council), D.C. (C(J~Jncil, pre-s. 1961). So. kounci:) pulit. st.:i. as.:;n!;. Am. Assn. U. Pr.1fs., Am. Soc. lnternat. Lav.. Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Sigma Alpha, Sig:r.1a Tau Delta. :'\uthor. Co.~d•Jc! ~Jf t\tncrican Dtp]!_,macy, 3d edit., 1967: fwith Root:rt G. o:.~c-n. Jr.J American G,".::rnmcnt: Ba!)ic DPcumcnts and ~fatcriJ.Is. 1950: Hedin: Dt.:~ct,}pm-:nt of Its Governmel.t <1:1d Admini\ttJtion. re~·ub., 1970; The -\!i!cd High Conunt~'>iur: for G..:-una.~r. 1953; lntan:Hion{l.! Rcl~1tin:1.s; Basic n .. ,.. ... n .. nl<: ..... , 10,:;,_ "·- l.·-·-:-- ...... . • r .• ,. ~

Carmen Bal!-.::t Suite, 1967, Ne\\- s\,an I ai-..i.:, :9f People's Artist award I;SSR, J95Q; Lenin r•~n. app 31 Gorl-"y St Moscow USSR Office: Bol~~u USSR

PI.ISHKA, PAUL PETER, bass; h. O!.l fo''''· p, , s. Peter and Helen (Patrician) P.: student M.1:1t:la;; !959-6l;m.JudithAnnColfa:l,~!ar.!8.1961;ch"c· Jeffrey James, Nicolai St!:phcn. ~-1em. Patersl'n • \. • . 1961·66. \1et. Opera Nat. Comp::tny. 1966-6-;. ·-~:.:· 1967---; appearan..:-es with Bo~ton Syrr>phony Or-" . Symphony. N. Jersey Philharmvr:.:c, I 0s A:-:.:~·~-~ Chgo. Symphony, N.Y. Philharmoni-:.:. Pitt~. Op,';.j finalist Met. Auditions, 19-64: l~t piac-t· winn~r B .. !~ ;

Auditiot~s. 1966. Catholi~. Home: 175 Ovenr.our.: .\. NJ 07.!24 Office: lincola Ce"'1ter Plaz!l S:ew y,.r,_ (

PLISKOFF, STANLEY STEW!.RT, educat,>r: '~ ~-; · 1930; s. Philip and Gertrude [Levy) P.; B.A., ~<.Y !_

1953, l'h.D., 1956; m. Elizabeth M. Duff, June 1>. ,,, · to asso. prof. U. Ma., 1957-58. 61·65; r!seJrch t,. Chem. Center, t9S~-61; asso. prof. Ariz.. St:o:c r: .. , lnst. BC'havioral Research, 196i-69; mem. fan.:ir-. ~ chmn. de pt. psychology, 1969- i 3. Ser·:ed \· ith .... L·:--. A.A.A.S., Am. Psycho!. A.,·;n.: n1ciiL E.:~s~t''"' PsyL·honomic Soc., Editor Jour. Expt:. Anuly~is <)~ L Contbr. articles profl.jours. Hc•rne. Cba<;e Rc! \tE.:1 ;; Office: Univ Maine Orono M t: 044 7 3

PLITT, HENRY G., corp. exec.; b. N.Y.C'., :--;v. Syracuse U., St. Lawrence U. L:n .. SC'h. FormerlY .,.. Pictures ~ntcrnat. Corp., United Detroit Thc1.tr-:s: ·.: Ohio Theatres Corp.; ctiv. mgr.. then v.p. ParJmu:~:~t : N.:w Orleans: pres., gen. mg1. Pa:-a:nount Gtdf T:- _, Ftlms, 1959, 59·65; pes. Balab:u~ & ha~z Corp .. I•_>~ 6 yrs.. Office: 175 N State St C bi~·ago IL 606f)i •

I'LOCHMANN, GEORGE Fl\lllALl., e•'•··~"'''' N.Y.C., Aug. 20, 1914; s. GC'<•rgf' and Eli:o:abeth !~~ Colum!)ia, 1936: Ph.D .• U. C:itgo., 1950; no. C<~<'J\r: \ hn. 28, 1950:1 dau., Sarah Kimball Tea..:-hin_g fe::;_ . .., -, Canton, N.Y., 1939·41; lectr. philosophy U. Col .. l. 48·49; kctr. Roosevelt CoiL, Chgo., 1948·49. ir.st1. :-· U., Carbondale. 1949· 50, JS'it. prof., 1951)-SJ. 3'·-'''

prof., 1960-; vis. prof. philo:.or,by Tokdo U., 19--) ' Army. J 941-45. Gu&genh::.:ir:l fe:lov.·. ! 959. ~~!er~. Philus. As~n., Am. Soc. Aesth.::-tics, .T0hn o~~wey ~; Soc. Am .. V.'f"stern Cunf. on Tc~ching •)f ~ht!osc;-· :· Am .• Sc::. Ancient Greek Phi:os0phy. Authcr- (\•.J:·- ·

Inde>.. t0 \Vittgenstein's T!"actat<.:~, l<i62; (wi'.;l -~­Humanities in the \\-'es:em \\-'orld, vol I. 1969: r~..:' Research, 19f9; Ordeal of s._,t:thcrn r:tinois L"ni' c;~­als0 several afticks in fic.ld. Fdit-Jr· Re')<•urces o~ L~· 1953; Philosop:·1ical Explorations Sci;.!:-:, 1961-1}-:­Introduction to \V..::ster!l Humanities. 3 v-:>1~ .. 11756. t- · I Carbondole IL 62901

!'LOESER, WALTER CIIR!STIA'i, amb>saloe;' 7, 1907, s. Christian D. and Mcn.:d Elizabeth ~F.::rr 1 • Coil. of Law and Finance, St Lo'..!i~; LL.D .. ~·---.,.., hon. cau.ia, Nat. G. Asuncion. f'araguay; :n. Don1 t::~ Aug. 17, 1928; children-Ar.:-1 (:-.lis. Grorg~: L : \\'illiam L. Chapel III). In ins. Ou_,inc:-s. St. Lo~h fin-.-J Plocser, \\"atts & Co. (n0 ..... Hc.•-br. Inc.). lY_•: corporate partner; organized sub~idiary Marint> l":. 1935, form~r pres.; founder lr:s. inst. Mo .. 193,-.: i'· pres. Grant, Ploser & Assv!-.., Inc., nat. a:1d int~·=· offices in Mexico City, \\'1.s'"li'1gton. ')t. L,,ui~. S· •t'' ambassador to Republic of Pa.~.:l.gt:J.y. t 957.:'). to L

Bd. dirs. Shriners H0sp. for Crippled Childree. St ; Mo. Legislature, 1931·32; chmn. 5(h dist. con~. i"·

Rep. Nat. Program Com., 1937·39, mcrt1. 77th-31·:t-' 12th Mo. Dist.; mem. appropria.ions com., Rep. :-;t~~ select com. 0:1 small business, ch:-JU:. svbcom. o~ c ccon. adv. com. U.S. S!:nate com. on bankin:::- anJ rep. nat. committeeman for Mo .. 1964-66, Chnm ·r-...; St. Lou:s. Recipient Freedoms Four.d. award, I Q .. H Cross Republic of Paraguay, 1959. Mem. Mi"-:-. \"~ bel. 1956; pres.), DeMolay legion of Honor. !n-.. t, · Louis C. of C. (chmn. nat. affairs com. 1964-66! \' __ sovetcign grand inspector gen. Mo. Scottish R ' DcMo1ay (Supreme councii exec .• grand m:tstcr 1:' .

Mo. Athletic. Home: Hawthorn~ Rt 1 ~tan..:h~!>l< r '. Lin<iell Blvd StLouis MO 63108

PLOGER, ROBERT RIIS, army officer; b. ~!o.-• 1915; s. Rubert and F.ifrieda (Ri;s) P.; _r;w,tL-nt \" 1933·35: B.S., U.S. Mi!. Acad., 193'); \-LS .. C.:.:-~,:'+ Georg~ Was~i11gton ll., 1963; m. Margue:-tt.: :\1.1L

1939; children--Wayne D .. Rob.::n r._;;-. fiL D1 1

Anm·, Mari~nne, Gregory F. CommJ. 2·.1 it.. C! advanct:d through graJes to n:aj_ gen. 1 9(6; !-.:

1962·65: div. engr. New Eng. dtv., i965; co•c·' Brigade, 1965·66: comdg. gen. En_f-r. C0mmJ .. _\ ,,·· · topog1aphy ar.d mil. engring. o:~ice Chtt'l f 1967·10; comdg. gen. Engr. lC'.Jter Jnd H. 1.1 ~·:· leader )(:cal ~.-our.cils Boy Scout<; Am., 19 ~~-:­Decorated D.S.M .. Silver Star medal. Pr•H"~· >= Heart; Korean Order Mil. Merit ChunQ \h:. ~ ,: ~' class: recipient George Wa~hineton -m::dal f•'f · Security Semi; Jar ICAF. l'/63·65. \\!"leek: rnr···· Engr<:.., lf.J67. Licens~:d protl. en&r.. D.C. \k;n (p.l<;t chpt. prrs .. dir.). '\'at. Snc. Pr.,f1. En:""· \ Co!!. Armed Forces (pre:;.). AdJrl::\"S: Qu3m::· .. 22060

PlO:"iSEY, ROllERT. clcc. tnfr., cJn.;::J!·'~- h, .

~?~:: ~-. L_m;_b B. i:l.nd Bctt; (Vu~t_g;adJ P.; lJ I .

' \ l , 1 \

1 I

LANGUO~. • Apr. \3 \'rU~ Eu~tC'\\.., \·.No; Enanc\a\ P· 1-;

Toron\c, 0~1 ~ ltd.;d1r . ..-..:ld Mus., Fn:w.l Heri~a~e Fu:. CoUectNS :-;, (Montreal!:' Their ~,ht'­

Amerka"l ~­}lome: 4 3 G W Tvmnto

LA~CUO~ 1923; > Cl 1939·4~; B 1953; rn. I Marie (\h Mem- fa..::u. chcm~~.U). at Gainc~• capt .. \1.( M<:n. A.~ Kappa A G<'.ines"Vili

LA:"'GD( Aug. 1~ .. !~>'. \1. children~

7, 1971. prof. Re1 and A<;.s 1956·67 engr. W Ch<m.l Xi, Dc1 Up~l\on IL 601(

l.Al'G' Swarth Pcarso· 1929·3 (Mrs. (M<'. 1928.: Scripr asst. 1946· ca.rec )970 and semi1 mini: Hcd1 Air~ (v.p. Led

LAl 191 cbil ass' 19! ch• At /'.. A• T• A

1 )I [ ~ I I 1


---~ ....... 1/1. colon~· II __ ·- .. ,. ...... KI.::· .• Jutcrnat. llni(;r; Pure ar.d Applied

.-uy!SJCS ~pl~t s~'- commn. '.In ttlgh energy phs.yics), Sigm.1 Xi. Phi Beta k.1rpa. Phi Kappa Phi. Club: Cosmo-;. Author: 1\--ks~,n Physics. 1952; (with Ll. Schiff and E.C. Nelson) Our Atomic Wocld, 19~6; (with E.C.G. Sudarshan) El.!mcnt::ry Particle~. 196i; (with Rianddin and C. Rran) Theory of \\"cak Jmcractrons. Asso. editor Phys. Rev., J95J .. S5; editor intcr!.c~-.:-n~e Tracts and \1onographs in Physics ~nd A!tsl~onomy. J95S· 70. Researcher in 1h(:orct:~lii particle physics. Home: 45 E 89th St New Yorl. City NY 10028

MARSHALL. ALBERT I'RI"<CE, librarian: b. Tcurkana Tex., Sept. 5. l914~s- Early and Mary Louise (Bland) M.; / .. B., Lincoln U .• 1938; B.S. in LS., U. Ill.. 1939, M.A. in History, 19>3: postgrad. ll. Mo., 1956-63; m. Ruthc Hd-:•!a Langley. Jun< 12. 191!: I cau., Satia (Mrs. James Earl 01angc,. A>st. librari<t~ Lint"olu U .. Jcff...:rson Ci[y, Mo .. !939-41; librari<in Winston-Salem State Colt, 19~1--+8; univ. librari<tn Lincoln U., Jeffersen C;ty, Mo .• 1950-69; die library Eastern M)ch. U .• Ypsilanti, 1969---; cons. library collection bldg. and bh;lck studies resources, 1967~. Mcm. Mayor's Commn. on Human Rights, V.inston·Salem, N.C., 1956-58, Jefferson City, Mo., 1952·54; state conf. pres. Mo. Conf. Branches, N.A.A.C.P .• 1954·55; exec. sec. Mo. Commn. for UNESCO, 1955·56. Mem. dist. com. Boy SeouL< Am., 1955-. S<;rved with USCGR. 19n·45. Recif>ient Alumni Achievement award Linco:n U., 1965; cited by Mo. Library Assn., 1969~ Lincoln U. Alumni Assn., 1969. Mem. Am. Hist. Assn .. Am. Assn. U. Profs., Mo. Library Assn. (pre,. 196!·62), A.L.A. (2d v.p. 1971-). Alpha !'hi Alpha. Mem. African Methodist Episcopal Ch. (chmn. steward bd. 1961--). Rotarian. Author: A Soldiers' Dream: A Cent~nnial His~ory of lincoln University. 1966. Compiler, pubtisher: A Ctuidc tu N~gro P~riodical Litcr::iture, 19-40~46. Editor !1.1o. Library Assn. Quar., 1952~5·1. Lincoln U. Alumni Bull., 1956-69. Home: 1616 Gregory St Ypsilanti Ml 48197

MARSHALL, ALLEN DONALD, orgn. exec.; b. Redwood, N.Y., Ma~. 10, 1901; s. D.O. Tompkins and Jennie (Putnam) M.; A.B., St. Law rene< U., Canton, N.Y., 1920, LL.D., !962, Lebonon Valley Coli., 1958; m. Margaret Leahy. May 11, 1929: chiidren-Donald Tompf-:ins, John Leahy. \\'ith Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, J 92()..54, mgr. employee b~nc!it service dept., 1952· 54; v .p. personnel, sec. Gen. Dynamics Corp., }.:. Y.C., 1954~62; pres., chief exe-c. officer United Student Ajds Fund, Inc., 1962-71, pres. emeritus, 1971--; dir. Scovill ?>.ffg. C'o., State Mut. Life Assurance Co. Am. Trustee Coli. Ins., N.Y.C.; trustee emeritus St. Lawrenct> U.; hon. mcm. bd. mgrs. Ellis Hasp.; bJ. regents N.Y. State, !962·65. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Home: RFD 2 Scotia NY 12302 also 230 E 50th St New York City NY 10022 Oflicc: 845 3d Av New York City NY 10022

MARSHALL, ANTHOl'il' DRYDEN. stockbroker, ambassador: b. N.Y.C., May 30, 1924; s. John DrydeH and Brooke (Rus..,ll) Kuser: A.B., Brown U., student Columbia, summer 1949; rr,. Thelma Hoegoell, Dec. 29, !962; 29. 1962; children by previous marria&e-AleJ.ander Russell and Philip Crya:n (twins). Various (twins). Various govt .. U.S. govt.. U.S. 1950-59: abroad, 1950·59; consul, Istanbul, 1958-59; 59; pre~. Afr!can Research & Devel. Co., Inc., N.Y.C. and Lagos, Nigeria, 1959·(.9; chmn. bd_ Nidoco, Ltd., Lagos; hd. partner Butler, Herrick & Marshall. N.Y.C., Timpson & Co., Co., N.Y.C.. 1961·62, to Republic, 1969-, spl. ambas;ador lOth Ann. Jn<lependeP.ce of Malagasy Republic, 1970; pres. Okapi Advt. Agy., N.Y .C., 1960-64. Vice chmn. bd. Operation Crossroads Africa, N.Y.C.; bd. dirs. African ~·1ed. Research Found., Astor Found.; trustee N.Y. Zt'OI. Soc., Astor Home, Rhinebeck. N.Y.; bd. mgrs. Seaman's Ch. lnst., N.Y.C. Served to capt. USMCR, 1943·46. Decorated Purple Heart. Fcllcv· African Studies Assn.; mem. Nizerian Am. C. c...f C. (past dir.), Inst. D~rs.., R0yal African Soc. London, E.African Wildlife Soc .. Royal Geog. Soc. London, Naval Hist. In~t. Washington. Soc. CaL Pione~rs. )beta. Republican. Ro:arian. Clubs- Brook, Coffee House, Explorers (all N. Y .C.); (Md.); Metropolitan (\Vashington); Bu<::ks (London). Author: Africa's Livin& Arts, 1970. Address: 830 Park Av New York City NY IOV21

MARSHALL, BRUCE, author: b. Edinburgh, Scotland, 1899: s. Oaude Niven and Annie lltbrgaret Seton (Bruce) M.; ed. pub. schs., Edinburgh; m. Mary Pearson Clark, Oct. 31, 1928; I dau., Sheila Bruce. Auditor, Peat. Muwick. Mire he!! Co., Plil.ris, Frz.nce. 1926-40. Served in British Army, 1939-45; mt:m. Allied Commn. for Austria (British Element) with rank of lt. col. Author: Father Malachy's Miracle, 1931; The World, The Flesh a11d Father Smith, 1945: Yellow Tapers for Paris. 1946; Vespers in Vienna. 19-t?; To Every Man A Penny, !949: The White Rabbit. 1953; The Fair Bride, 1953; Only Fade Away, 195~: Thoughts of My Cs>s, 1954; Girl in May. 1956; TI1e Accounting. 1958; Satan and Cardin::tl Campbell, 1959; The Divided Lady, 1960; A Giri from Lubeck, 1962; The Month of th< Falling Leaves, 1963; Fa:her Hilarys' Holiday, 1965; The Bishop, 1970.

. Address: care G Sect Uoyds !lank Ltd 6 :'•II Mall London S W



MARSHALL, BURKE, educator; b. Pioinfield, N.J., Oct. I. 1922; s. Henry Place and Dorothy Louise (Burke) M.; grad. Phillips Exeter Acad., !940; B.A., Y>le, !943, LL.B., !951; m. Violet Persor,, June 20, 1946; children-Jo.scphine Holccmb, Catherine Cox, Jane Montgomery. Admitted to D.C. b.ar, 1951; mem. firm Covington & Burling. \\'a.shington, 1951-61; asst. atty. gen. U.S. for civil rights <:iiv. Dept.Justice,l96J-6.5;v.p.,.-~{)JJnsel~tp., 1965-69,s.r. v.p., 1969-70: prof. law dep. de•n Yale L•~l970.-. Chmn. Nat. Adv. Commn. on Selective Servic~; chmn. bd. Vera lnst. Justice. Clubs: Century (N. Y.C.); Federal City (Washington). Author: Federalism and Civil Rights, 1964; also articles. Home: Poverty Holiov. 1\d Newtown CT 06470

MARSHALL, CATHERINE WOOD, see Marshall, Sar•h Catherine Wood ..

MARSHALL, CHARlES BURTON, euucato1; b. Cotskill, N.Y., Mar. 2S, 1908: s. Caieb C'acey nnd Alice (Beeman) M.: B.A., U. Tex., 1931, M.A., !932; Ph.D., Harvard, 1939; m. Bt·tty Louise O'Brien, Aug. l, J958; children (by previous m-lrnagt:) --Ch3ries Ricl;<trd, Jean Mary (Mrs. Charles E. Vi.:hry). With newspaper~ in El Paso and Austin, Tex.., 1925-31. Detroit, 1934-38: instr., tutor govt. Harvard and Radcliffe Coli., 1938--42; vis. Jectr. Harvard, summer 196.3; cons. Jntcrgovtl. Com. Refugees, !946 .. 47; staff cons . .:om. fgn. affairs U.S. Ho. of Reps .• 1947-50; mem. poli<y pi;nning staff Sta<e Dept.,

-- .. >'It> .... R.; ' : t<tO M:c:.s<:.a•:'h~tts /\,.· ~ W '-" .. -... -r~

MARSHALL, CHARLES lOll!S, g<•'~ "L' '· 1912; s.Jos.eph Fran..:i"- and ~~_,-~f'r::rlr' (I .-•,-,,) \·, !-< ·-1934, ~{.S., !939; m. :\o<i Retf), Jv"c 2-1 Suzanne. Supr. set., F;{qd .. :-,;~·r. :\ y .. : ;1 .;r,.

Fordha1.1 U., 1935·36: r-~~.:.: .. H:.:~ -:·hcrtl>'-~ 1 . chemist M<•nhattan l:.r-gr_ h{•;<.:.:t 1 ?~fl ., 19·.f7 • .t9, dcp. d;r. OlT:cc ,1: c ..... ,,.l, .~: 1 ,.;; classification. 1955-. S!..·r-..("~,..~ a~ lL UJ\., c 1

harbor dcf. arty. engr.: c~lmdr- o;)iecr. FL T ,, lnst. Chemists; mem. A(e. ~uc!nr :\q:., .\•t: l. omcers Assn .• Holy 7\~mH' ~'X Clt~b (";·,~ apparatus. Corstbr. arti..:.:k" to pol1_ pu[)\\. fj..~ .~- ~ Bethesda MD 20014 OITI..:e: AEC \\"a~hrr-ct··~1 ~•-...

MARSHALl, CLARE:-.CE TAYlOR,"' ci ,,., .. - , :;. Mar. 28, 1926: s. RichaHi M:Hiu~r a;;J E~i.; . .:!:x:t~ ( '.;.: , ..

B.S .• U. Va .. 1949, M.A., 1950. r,)· .. tp,rad_ S ... h \1.:-~:.,! ( m. Laur,.. Love Bigham, r-..--ov. ::'.~. l~.J..:~; ~~ .. .ir~· ~-·-· '--_.., Margaret, Anne. Gen. mgr., ,·.p. Pms._ Col.:'. & 1

v.p. She nan go Inc .• Pitts .. J 902·6 -: r;-c,~:.. ~il·. [.: ;,;:- ~ . · 1967-·-; dir., pres .• treas. M:~~r.:1U f.;_ Son~, 1:-.c.; ~,~ · , .. · .. .-· Pitts. Paci!ic Co., Janney Cylinjl."r Co .. La({..,~.w ~- ,~·:f._· .. Bd. dirs., ruem. exec. ce:m. Corr,nn.;n:tv C!":t:··t, .-\ Pa., 1965-. chmn. health scrvi~es cGrr:.~ t <•t 7 ; >-, • com. McKec5 Rocks Boy!. ( lub. 19)5 ~ ., . 1943~4-4. Mem. Am. lns.t. '-f:ninq .:lr•~j \L:-.1 ironmabng com. 1957, J.E. lohn>.(•il .; .... ~t:,~ 1 ' • .; . ., \ Chcms.lnsr. (sec., dir. !965), Ar:c l!u!l3<-,d ..;,~,_.L; ~: Steel Eugr:-.. Clubs~ Sewid .. ky Hunt: :\:i,· ____ ·t::> ( _ Edgeworth; St. Anthon}" (:-;.Y.C). l~unJe· H:-!,_ 1 -:~··-: ~: t1~~ley PA 15139 Ofliceo College and Allcth«•) "" <.>., ..

MARSHALl., DANIEL WAJTF, educator; b. W 01"., .. _ .. ,

9, 1917; s. Arthur Henry and Cc-thc! (W:,;t(") \!. Y:~ t· i M.A., 1941: Ed.M .• Harvard, !949. Ed ;) . J·;;'· '·' , ;-·c: ·. (Eng.) U, 1951·52. Tcht. secor dar) ""''. Vt. ; 4_; c .. ,, Severn Sch., Sevcrnz. Park. \td .. l"i--15--!1,: ,-: .... -- . · Yamagata Prefecture and !sland HoH:.:i..-:!0 ( L· r..:. ~;). 1·- ~ ~ ~ · travelling fellow Harvard, 1950·51. ;;J;:..U. \·.::!n. r;,. 19)1·52; mcm. faculty Tub. t} .. 1952-. p,)~. cd!•. 1959-·. Mem. edri. com. Boston Clvi:: Lc.J.;<:;e. !4~,-.t . ~-v:; USMCR, 1941·45. Mem. Mass. Sch. \ta_<>tets Clu~_,·, :\r:: \..~.' Profs., Am. Assn. Ednl. Resear-.:h, Coiltt;<nativc Ed~ ';.._-~- . t·-·. Kcppa, Pili Delta Kappa. Contbr. profl. jous. Hrm,e: l: (, Av Medford, MA 02!55.

MARSHALL, E. G .• actor; b. o· .. .-at_--,,·u-:.a. \1ir·n., )tone '., Charles G. a:1d Ha1el lrer:!e (Co~b) \f.· studt.:nt C:id· .. ~-; c U. Minn., 11)32; m. l!den Wolf. Ai>r. :6. l9."J<;< children-Jill, Degen. B\!gan prufe<:-;JoPal c::.rer:t 01; ·..:.

Paul, Mpts., Chgo., 1932; a.np~art:-d in rn•,wm p!...t-:~, House on 92d St., 13 Rue Madcicin~. S'""amp .\ngl"~. ( ., ... 777, Bachelor Party, 1957; Twet\·e Ang'y ~-fen. 19Y7. L ·--:-. ~ 195?; The Journey, 1959; fcatiJred •m r~;di,1 pr(·g,:::,.:n. ~:"-.:-·(' on the Air; featured in Eugene 0'~-.Jcill"s the Iceman C. .r;c.·: ,, appeared in plays The Cru·::ible, R.;;:d Ro:-.es for ~-tc. v.,·.t·t ·'.-The Gang's AH Here, 1959; ~tar TV :,h0w fh-: ~ , .. _ frequently on TV. Recipient £mn1y a'.v;;;.rd h.;; b-.:::.t <1,;:,): :: sc:ie:s, 1963. AddreS$: care CBS Hol!yv.··-Nd CA gc\i):;?S

MARSHAlL, EDWIN H., ins. co. exec.; b. ~-Y.C.. U" A.B., Co!umbia, 1934, M.A., 193-7; married. Asst. mgr. d·:p~ :\.;; :.. Casualty & Surety Underwriter!l, 1937·42: with lm. Co ~ ... 1 .. '

PhiJa., 1942-. v.p. adminstrn. group life, hc~!th a:1d l959~66. exec. officer, 1966-67, v,p_ pcr:;o~ro:::l, ins. v.p., 1967·70, exec. v.p., 1970--. Home: 40 ~·.:rc"t L-r)·: PA 19081 Oflice: 1600 Arch St Phiiadelph:a PA J'llvl

MARSHALL, GEORGE, conservatiooi>t; b . ....; Y C. f-eb '' ".t s. Louis and Florence (Lowenstein) \f.: B.A., C~•lumh1:1. !'J ........ '-~ 1927; Ph.D., Robert Brookings Grad. Sch. Ecr.·:l'>- J.nt\ ( J -.·, ~ . : ~- ;· Elisabeth Dublin. Mar. 13, 1930; cl:iltHt·n-·fU,:.~·r_ '--.':.' editor Ency. Social Scis., N. Y.C., 19::;.'3-3 L <.!U1~o~1~~ .t ~.-.r.-, ~. -,­NRA, Washingtun, 1934~37; cons. Natural P .. C'\0 1 ~r-::-v..::-. t. .•,t free lance work N.Y.C. and Los Ang-:!c~, :()3>: ~; 1: ··!- {' Living V/ildcrness.. N.Y.C., Los Angt:lc:'>. tt;5f-~!. "' ·· 1962-63. Dir.·a.t-targe Cal. Conserv'!tion c~~'-m<:ii. l ')f.,' ..... , Sierra Club Found., 1966---, sec., 1970---. Rec\p:cnt il· ;.m ...... ~. Conservation Council, 1959, John Muir :\wad, i<J--;i,_ !·~ : Gcog. Soc.; mem. Am. Econ. Assn .. Witd...-rn,:ss ~~K. t~:- ... T

1937-, v.p. 1970·71, pres. 1971-), S1crr> Ut>b f,.:,,· j <·• · · 1966·67, sec. 1965·66. 67-68, exec. com .. V<C~ c'""' : c · 1961·66). Phi Beta Kappa. Club: Adiro·:d"·k \}.._, ,, .. C'ontbg. author Cottonseed; Joint Pr?duc:~ a .. C: t'yr:Jt,;_ .. ·_~~ 1

1938. Editor, contbr. lntro. Arcttc W!k.!t'nc-:.. .... !'t·h. Wilderness: Exploring the Ctntral Brooks Ra:lt''· ft/'70. ·_··.•:;~~,"~ WiJdl!"rnes.s. and the Quality of Life. l9t.9. c~~!H~>r . £• - ~-: conser"ation publs. Hvme: 800 BekL\ir RO Los- Angdt.'<:> CA <-~· .... J: ~

MARSHALL, GEORGE NICUOLS, clcr~P'""· ,,,,,,., Boz.:man, Mont., July 4, 1920; s. James W:1:bce :~.nd Gl.l: :;· ~'~ M.:A.B., TuftsU., !94l,S.T.B., l94!,A.~f., lG-U. \L'. (, 19·•2; Th.M., Harvard, 1946; m. Barb::tn ;\mbrnse .. hH;•: l-1. ; .,.:. · 1966); I son. Charles Hopkinson. OrdaincJ to miH1~t1·• ' -:L~ · ~. 19--tl; pastor, Natick. Mass .. 1941-43, Pl:-~t.nuth, \!:t'-·· ·,:,•·· Niagara FaUs, N.Y., 1952-60, Ch. of Latf-':r Fi..\'""'";·,~'- '· 196()..-. Asso. dit. dept. e~tension VnttJ.n:m-_Lt'.··.' .:·. ~ 1960·70; treas. Unltarian Ministers Assn., t</5~~-~t-: ... r;:::r' Commn. Ch. and Returning Servicc~:H.:n, I 'H ~--H). '~·~· <. · Unitarian Universalist Union, 19~'-1-53. (uunL.·:l l' 1-...:: t! ~ 1953-55; pres. Niagara Falls Religiouo;. F-::i\o:j~lj"), I J'\!). ~~ h 1


N.Y. chpt. Americans for Democratic A.:t;on, ; L;):;,~~- r•n ,,_~;._·& COU!lty Planned Parenthood Assn .• 19~3·5Q, m~r.1 '- Y \~.,: .. ' 1955-59; chmn. Unitarian Unlverahst Co;r,:nn . ...,.._,·ut:n!--councit Boy Scouts Am. 1960--·; de!. Whit~~ Huu:t· C. r. ·'.,, · Discriminiation, 1958. Served as chaplal!t 1 :-i:\:\f·. ~~ • Recipient Fre-edom House award merit, Fl-l~ \~c~~· ;\~:. Assn. (pres. 1966-67). Albert Schwc1tzer \Vo~ld C · \'\:\·,;_,: ' Friends of Albert S<-hweit:zer. Author: Chor .... n ul t::~ i'•·i-L~ 11 ~ _.:· 1950· Unitarians and Universalists BeJ;cv~. l9t'"i0: \\-.htn " L.~;_·~ Fac~S. Death, l961; Unitarian Universalism as a Way uf Ltf-..·. I •:i"-~























































rGUETIA, diplo,;at of Ivory Coast; b. 25, 1931; s.· Mni~c N'Guetta and A:;san

n Pub. Law and Pc·!it. Sci., t.:. P6ris, 1961; fagistracy of Pari-s. 1959-62; diploma lnst. . Paris, 1963, m. G~rmair1e Rochen10nt; I ench embassy. Bonn, Germany. Acad. Netheriands. '-\'HO, fLO, Geneva, counselor Ivory Coast, Washingwn.

>ry Coast to Morocco, 1965- 66, to U.S., Home. 5111 Broad Branch Rd NW

Oflkc: 2424 Massachusetts Av NW

,!\!, bishop; b. Newark, N.Y., June 23, 1ueller) A.; A.; student St. Vincent's Coli., , 1923-25, N. American Coli .. Rome, Ordained priest, Roman Cath. Ch., 1928; City, 1929, S:. Vcnantius \'cnantius Ch., lty mr-m. Seton Hall Coli., South Orange, c Conception Sem .. Darlington, N.J., :lccte-d bishop Roman Cath. Diocese of 1, consecrated, Mar. 20, 1950. Home: 901 18 Office: 701 Lawrcnce ... ille Rd Trentor.

ERICK, educator, composer; b. Toledo, and Amelia (Manthey) A.; B. Mus., Cin. 5; M.Mus., Eastman Sch. Music, U. 16; m. Christine Colley, June 10, 1933; I Berlin, Germany, 1924-25, Paris, France, 1 radio and theatre, 1929-3-t; as~-o. prof. Col!., 1937-44, also dir. Sch. ~usic. pro(. tdr. orch. Augustana Colt., Rock Island, ic, Ohio U., Athens, !950-67, now prof. fl:omposition prize Arts Alliance Phi!a., summers 1950, 51, 56, 58. M-66. \-I em. ~.m. String Tchrs. Assn., Phi Mu Alpha m;:.ositions: Symphonic Prelude for String Quartet, 1940; 67th Psalm for 944; Symphony No. I. 1946; Recitative, iirring Quartet, 1948; Symphonic P:-ofi!e, rchestra, l ~50; Prelude for Orchestra, Strin~ Quartet, 1962; lOOth Psalm for

l for chorus and orch., 1965; Variegations The Lord Sun :anuta for chorus, soloist, ~xrures for String Qu~rtet, 1970. Home: ns OH 45701

· WII.UA!\1, mining engr., educator; b. rm~n \V. and Louise (Reipschlager) A.; , 1938. B.S. in Mining Engring., 1938,

C'o:o. Sch. Mines, summer 1937; m. U9; I son, Glenn James. Teaching fe:lo\\' 1ining rngr. N.J. Zinc Co., 1939-4'1, mine ~n ao:.so. prof. mining engring. W.Va., U., og. U. Ala., 1957~, head Sch. Mines, ton, 1970--·: mining cons. N.J. Zinc Co., •iines, Ala. Power Co., others. 1957--. a., Ala. ~em. Soc. Mining Engrs., Am. :roleum Engrs. (chmn. Rod: Mechanics Epsilon. Author articles in field. Home: r.loosa AI. 35401 Office: Box !466

BLIN,Jr., phy>ician; b. Chgo., May 21, d Pauline (Forsyth) A.; g•ad. Hctchkiss laude, Harvard, 1937, ~I.D. cum laude, es, Sept. ,12, 1940; children~Sandra Burgess. Intern Babies Hosp. of N.Y., SI-52; research asst. Rcd..efeller U., o. prof., 1958-60, prof., 1960~; prof. 1tl., 1970-; sci. adv. council Blythedale fellow NRC and Nat. Found. Infantile ~tabolism study sect. USPI IS, 1956-61,

Lipid Rcseorch, 1963-69, prrs. Lipid bd . .>ci. counselors National Heart lnst .. ~ng. Regional Primate Center, 1963-69; il Nutrition, Columbia, ! 966-; mem. 1., 1966-69; mem. gen. clir.. reseaic1

chmn. du~t·hcart rev. panel 1\HLI, d. Pediatrics. Mem. Am. Soc. Bioi. ·.cian:;, Ar;l. Soc. Clin. Investigation, ology and Medicine, Phi Beta Kappa. e !';\' 10708 Office: Rockefeller U 66lh :ity N\' 10021

SELL, educator; b. O'Fallon, Ill .. No\'. and Victoria (Ruo;sell) A.; A.B., Culver . Den>er, !938. Ed. D., 1?47;swdent U. a Virginia Carter, Dec, 25, 1924; e of Di. David C. Stone), Mary Jean. 1924-26; tchr. pcb. schs., Lamar, Colo., ub. schs .. Dcn\'er, 1938-45, dir. instrn., Devel. Cent<r, U. Chgo., 1940-41; asst. s .• Battle Creek, Mich., 1949-51; dir. of Corpus Christi, T.x .. 1951-54; prof., I. Fla. Coil. Edn., I 955-60, prof., asst. ~. prof., chmn. dept. currkulum and 70-, cons. Childcraft. Field Enterprise, ., Assn. Supervision and Curricui"Jm pres. 1952-53), Assn. Childhood Edn. , Phi Delta Kappa. Author: (with N" .F. -;Problems ror Living Chemistry, 1959. i.96;. Editor: The Junior Hi11:h School 'ns a.nd !.earning Skills, 1971 ~ En:wrial -6?'. Contbr. articles ednl. periodicals. ,ir.esville FL 3260!

IN, educator; b. St. Louis, Feb. 6, 1928; r Nedden) A.; student Heidelberg U., J., 1952; m. E. Alexar.dra Bjoenness, o, Cristofer. Nuclear en gr. Convair, Ft. :ltar !\!1alysis Lockheed Aii..rJft Corp., Ga. lnst. Tech., Atlanta, 1957--, prof. Max P::-nck, lnst., Munich, 1959-60; 167-68. Vice pres. Advar:ced Re~esrch :ad. Scis., A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi. Home: nhtin GA Jt)OR t Oftir"· Pnv,ir~t r1f'nt


Serv:ces, SRL, Rome. Chmn. lay coundl finance com. Santa Susanna Ch, Rome, 1970~. Served with USA.-\F, Y.'crld War II; PTO. Recipient Bnok award A.I.A., 1953, Pub. Service av.'a!d T~hran Lions Club, !961. Mem. A.I.A., N.Y. State Soc. Architects. Clubs: Princeton (N.Y.C.); American (Rome). Prin. archt!. works include ITT Sheraton Hotel, Tunisia. 1971, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia correctional instns .. 1970. Home: 6 Via delle Terme Deciane Rome Italy Oflioe: II Viale America Rome haly 0014.4

AHRENSFELD, THO~IAS FREDERICK, lawyer: b. Bklyn .. June 30. 1923; s. Frederick H~rman and ~adeline Florence: \Moffett) A.; A.B., Bklyn. Coli., 1948; LL.B., Columbia, 1948; m. Jean Ann McGowan, Mar 17, JCN4: 1 son, Thomas frederick. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1948; asso., then partner Conboy. Hewitt, O'Brien & Boardman, N.Y.C, li'48-58; sec., asso. gen. conscl Philip Morris Inc., N.Y.C., 1959-70, v.p .. gen. counsel, 1970~. Served to Is< lt. uSAAF, 1942-45. Decorated D.F.C. with clusters, Air medal with clusters. Mem. A""· Bar City N.Y., Am. Bar Assn. Presbyn. (elder). Club: New York Athletic. Home: 85 Na.nnahagan Rd Pleasantville NY 10570 Office: 100 Park Av New York City KY 10017

AI BEL, HOWARD JAMES, corp. exec., lawyer; b. N. Y.C .. Mar. 24, 1929; s. David and Anne (Fishman) A.: A.B. mae;na cum laude, Harvard, 1950. LL.B. cum laude, 1951: m. Katherine Walter Webster, June 6, 1952: children-David Webster, Daniel Walter, Jonathan Brown. Admiued to N.Y. bar, 1952; asso. firm White & Case, N.Y.C., 1952-57; with Gen. Electric Co., !957-64,litigation counsel, 1960-64; with lnternat. Tel. & Tel. Corp., 1964-, sr. v.p., g:n. coUI!Sel; dir. fiT World communications. ITT Continental Baking Co., ITT Canteen Corp.,lnternat. Standard Electric Co. Home: '21 Berk.ely Rd Westport Cf 06880 Office: 320 Park Av New York City NY !0022

AIKEN, CCNRAD POTIER, cntic, poet; b. Savannah, Ga., Aus. 5, 1889; s. Wi!liam Ford and Anna (Potter) A.; A.B .. Harvard, !911; m. Jessie McDonald, Aug. 25, 1912 (div. 1929); children~John Kempton. Jane Kempton, Joan Delano; m. 2d, Clarice Lorenz, 1930 (div. 1937i; m. 3d, Mary Augusta Hoover, July 7, 1937. Consultanl American letters Library of Con~ress. Author: (poems) Earth Triumphant and Other Tales, 1914; Turns and Movie5, 1916; The Jig of Forslin. 1916: Noctur11e of Remembered Spring, 1917; The Chamel Rose, !918; The House of Dust, 1920; Punch, The Immortal liar, 1921; Priaps and the Pool. 1922; Pilgrimage vf Festus, 1923; Sceplicisms-:\'otcs on Contemporary Poetry, 1 €J I 9: Priapus and the Pool, and Other Poems, 1925; Bring! Bring! and Other Stories, 1925; Blue Voyage {novel), 1927; Costumes by Eros (short s!ories), 1928: John Deth, and Other Poems, 1930; The Coming Forth by Day of Osiris. Jones (poem), 1931; Preludes. for Memnon (poems), 1931; Great Circle (novel), 1933; Among the Lost People (short stories), 1934; Landscape West of Eden (poems), 1934; King Coffin (novel), 1935; Time in the Rock (poems), 1936; A Hean for the Gods of Mexico (novel), 1939; The Conversatioo (novel), 1939; And in the Human Hearl (poems), 1940; l:lrownstone Eclogues (poems), 1942; The Soldoer, 1944; The Kid (poem) 194 7; The Divine Pilgrim (poem), 1949; Skylight One (poems), 1949; Mr. Arcularis (play, with Diana Hami!tcn), 1949; The Short Stories of Conrad Aik(;n, 1950; Lis.hant: An Es"ay (an autobiography), J 952; Collected Pocms, 19~ 3; A Letter from Li Po (poems) 1956; Mr. Arcularis, :957; Sheepfold Hill (poems), 1957; A Reviewer's ABC (criticism), 1958 (published as Collected Criticism 1968); The Co!:erted Short Stories of Conrad Aiken, published 1960; Selected Poems, 196!; Tite !1-lorning Song of Lord Zero (poems), 1963; The Collected Novels of Conre.d Aiken, 1964; A S<"illlre of Limericks (poems), 1964; Cats and Bats and Things with Wings (poems), 1965; Tom, Sue, and the Clock (poem), 1966; Prelude; (poems), 1966; Thee (poem), 1968; Collected Poems: 1916-!970, 1970; The Ckrk's Journal, An Undergraduate Poem, 1971. Editor: Modern American Poets, 1922; Selected Poems Emily Dickinson, 192~; Am. Poetry (16 71-1928), 1929; 20th Century American Poetry (anthology), 1963. Contbr. to Poets on Poetry, critici!:m, 1965. Compile-r: Selected Po~ms, 1929. Co'1tbg. editor, Dial, 1917-19. Awarded Pulitzer prize for best vo!. of verse, 1929~ Bryher Aw;.ra, 1952, Nat. Boo~ award for Collected Poem; (1954). Apptd. to chair of poC"try Library of Congress, J 950-52, fellow in Am.letters, !947. Awa•ded Bollinr,en Prize, 1956; fellowship Am. Acad. Poets, 1957; go!d mecial for poctry Nat. lnst. Arts and Letters, 1958; H!.lntington Hartford Found. award b !it., 1961: St. Botolph award, 1964; Brandois m<d•l for poetry. 1967; Na<ional Medal for Lit., 1969. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Letters. Home: Brewster MA 02631

AIKEN. GEORGE DAVID, U.S. senator;~. Dummerston, Vt., Aug. 10, 18;.2; s. Edward W. and Myra A. (Cook) A.; grad. Brauleboro (Vt.) High Sch., 1909; m. Beatrice M. Howard, 19!4 (dec.); child~·e11-Dorothy Howard (.Mrs. Harry Morse), Marjori..: Evelyn (M:s. H•rry 1.. Cleverly), How&rd George (dec.), Barbara Marion (Mrs. Malcolm Jon«); m. 2d, Lola Pierotti, Jun: 30, 1967. With small fruit farm, 191~; started comml. cultivation of wildflowers, 1926. Sch. dir., Putney, VI, 1920-37; mem. State Ho. of Reps., 1930-33, speaker !933-34; lt. gov. Vt., 1935-37, elected Gov., !937-41; elected to U.S . Sehate, 1940, 10 fill vacancy for t~rm ending Jan. 3, 1945; reelecte-d, 1944-. Mem. \Vindham Co. Farm Bur., Vt. Hort. Soc. (pres. !917-18), Putney Grange. Republican. Odd fellow. Author: Pioneering with Wildflowers. 1933; Pioneering with Fruits and Berries, 1936: Speaking From Vermont, 1938. Home: Putney VT 053~6 Address: Senate Office Bldg Washington DC 20510

AIKEN, HF.!'.'R\' DA\'10, educator; b. Portland, Ore., July 3, 1912; s. frank Ba~el tnd Miri3m (Bosko~itz) A.: A.B., Reed Coli., 1935; M.A., S:anford, 1937: M.A., Ph.D., Harvard; m. Jean flagler Scott; chilcfren-Katharine, Perry; m. 2d. Lillian ·woodworth, Feb. 17, 193 1; I son, DaYid; m. 3d, Helen Rowland Geer, ~ov. 17, 1958; childr-;n-Ptt~Jia H•Jmc, Henry David. Asso., Columbia, 1944-45; asst. prof. L'. Wash.. !9~5-46; asso. prof. Harvard, 1946-54, prof. philosophy, 19~·4·65; prof. philosophy and history of ideas Brandeis U., 1?65-67, Charles Guldman prof. philosophy. 1967-. Vis. prof. U. Mic~ .• Ann Arbor, 1953. Guggenheim fellow,l960· 61; Alfred North Whitehead fellow Har>·ard, l9o8-69. Mem Am. Soc Polit. and legal P~Hosophy, Am. Philos.. Assn., Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Soc. Aesthetics. Deot.ocrat. Author: The Age of Ideology; Value: A Cocperative lnqtJiry; Reason and Conduct. 1962; The Predicament of the University, 191 t. Co· editor: Philvsoi'hY in the Twentieth Crntury. 1Q62; book editor Jour. Philoscpy, 1945-52; cons. editor Phiios. Review, 1950-54. Contbr. artides to prorl., !it jours. Heme: ~lO Deacon Hayn<S Rd Concord MA 01742 Office: Brandeis U Woltham Mt\ 02151

AIKlN, WII.I.IAM HAMBLE:'\, paper co. exec.; b. Salado, To., ~fdv "2-4 IQlf.· ' C~d ln"l.-i An""' tU., .... '-1 ... ..,\ A· D (:' :- r-1..--

Chern. Soc., N.Y. Acad. Set., Am. N•t. Standards lnst. (dir. 1966-70), Sigma Xi. Home: 87 Brookstont" Dr Prince~on NJ 0854-0 Office: Bvx 412 Princeton NJ 08540

AIKIN, CHARLES, educator; b. Bellefontaine, 0., Aug. 27, !901; s. John Patton and Rebecca Ethel (Gustin) A.; B.A., Muskingum Coli., 1924; LL.B., Ohio State U .. 1927; Ph.D. (G<orgc Eastman fellow), Brookings Grad. Sch., 1930; m. Audrey Marie Kelly, Sepl. 25, !928. From instr. to asso. prof. polit. sci." U. Cal. 2.~ Berkeley, 1928·46, prof. po!it. sci., 1946-, chmn. dept. polit. sci. 1956-62, 65-66, asst. dean Coli. Letters and Sci., 1941· 42, 49-55. asso. d<an, !955-56, coordinator U. Cai.-U. Bologna program in pub. administrn., 1958. Editorial cons. Chandler Press, San Francisco, 1962-. Rcsear-~h asst. Cal. Constl. Commn .• 1930; dist. price officer OPA, San Fr.:mcisco, 1942·45; asst. to vice chmn. U.S. Commn. on Orgn. Exec. Br. Govt. (Hoover Commn.), J 948-49; specialist Dept. State for Occupied Germany, summer 1950. Decorated knight Ordr-r Merit of Italian Govt. Fed. Rep. Germ&ny grantee f0r study tour Western Germany, I 954; Rockefeller Found. grantee, 1960. Mem. Internat., Arr.., Western polit. sci. assns., Am. Econs. Assn., Am. Soc. Pub. Adminstrn., lnternat. lnst. Adminstrv. Scis.. Roya! lnst. Pub. Admi,u.trn. (London), Ohio Bar Assn .. lnternat. Law Assn., Soc. for Encouragement Modern Art. Club: Comrnonweal~h (San Francisco); Faculty (Berk-~ley). Author: National Labor Relations Bo1trd Case!S, 1939; The Exchange Program for German Leaders, 1953; The Nt:"gro Votes, 1Q62. Contbr. articles, revs. to Am., European polit. sci., legal pubis. Home: 2750 Buena Vista Way Brrkeley CA 94708

AIKMAN, FRANK. Jr., r.r. oft:l.; b. Bklrn., May 27, 1910; s. Frank and Genevie>·e (Brown) A.; B.S., lafayette Coli., !932; m. Gcrl!ude Daly, July 19, !936; children~Susan (Mr;. Kenneth Fasick), Gretchen (Mrs. Alan Chapman), Frank Ill. Engring,. appremice Pa. R.R., 1934-36, asst. supr. <rack, 1936-39, supr. track, 1939-46; gen. sup!., v.p. R.R. Siding Cons:rn. Co., Pitts., 1946-49; engr. maintenance of way L.l. R.R., Jamaica, N.Y., 1949-55. chief engr.,_ 1955-·, v.p., 1962-67, pres., gen. mgr., 1967-69; exec. dir. Ry. Signal and Communications Supplies Assn., N.Y.C., 1970-. Cons. transp., 1970-; adv. bd. chem. Bank N.Y. Mem. Assn. R.R.'s N.Y. State (chmn. engring. com.), Am. Assn. R.R.'s (commn. on grade crossing<), Am. Soc. C.E.; Am. R.R. Fngring. Assn., L.l. Assn. (v.p. e~ec. com., dir.), Queens (dir.), Bklyn. (dir.) chambers commerce, Tau Beta Pi, Theta Chi. Republican. Methodist. Mason (32, Shriner). Clubs: New York Railroad, Unqua-Curinthian Yacht. (Amityvi!lc): Southward Ho Country (Bayshore, N.Y.); Yfcrrywood Country (Smithtown, N.Y.). Home: 29 Braham Av Amityville NY 1~701 Office: Suite 62 Statler Hotel New York City NY 10QOI · ·

AIKMAN, JOH!'; F.DGAR,Iawyer; D. Brockway,.Pa., Jan. i, 'f9l'9; s. Charles E. and Lena (5mith) A.; B.S., Pa. State U., J940; J.D., t.:. Pitts., 1948; m. Barbaro C. Curry, Jan. 19, 195.); 'child<en~Nancy, Rebecca, John M. Fuel· and power engr. U.S. Sleel;,l'itts .. 19~0-42; admittec. to Pa. bar, 1949; practice in Brookville Pa., 1948-68; gen. counsel, sec. Brockwar Glass Co., Inc. (Pa.), 1968~; dir. Brockway Citizens Bank. Republican state committeeman, 1964~. Trustee

·Clation (Pa.) State Col!. Served with t;SAAF, 1942-46. Mem. Po., Jefferson County bar assns. Home: Northview Dr Brookville PA Office: McCullough Av Brockway PA

(AILES, STEPHEN, lawyer; b. Romney, W.Va .. Mar. 25, 1912; s. ..,\Eugene Elliot ar.d Sallie (Corm•·ell) A.; grad. Episcopal High Sch.,

Alexandria, Va.,l929; A.B., Prince<on, 1933; LL.B., W.Va.IJ .. 1936; m. Helen \\'aks, June 24, 1939; children-Hester A. Nettles, Stephen Cornwell, Walter Brady, Richard Arvinc. Admitted to W.Va. bar, 1936, D.C. bar, 1946; as.t. prof. law W.Va. t; .• 1937-40; practice in Maninsburg, W.Va., 1936-37, 40-42; mem.legal staffOPA, 1942-46, asst. gen. col!nsel, }945-46; counsel U.S. Econ. Mission to Greece, 1947; practice in Washington, 1946-61, 65-70; partner Steptoe & Johns-:>n, 1948-6!, 65-70; under •ec. Army, 1961·64, sec. Arm}, 1964-65 Pres. Assn. Am. Railroads, 1971--. Mem. Bar Assn. lJ.C., Am. Fed. bar assns. Clubs: Chevy Chase (Md.); Burning Tree (Bet:1esda, Md.); Metropolitan (Washington). Home: 4521 Wetherill Rd Westmoreland Hills Washington, DC 20016

AILEY, ALVIN, dancer; b. Rogers, Tex., Jan. S, 1931; s. Alvin and Lula E. (Cii!l) A.; studen• U. Cal. at l.os Angeles, 1949-50, Los Angeles City Coli., 1950- 51, San francisco State Coli., 1952-53; Lester Horton Dance Theater, Los Angeles. 1949-S 1, 53, w;th Hanya Helm, N.Y.C., 1954· 55, with Marlha Graham, 1956, others; acting student with Stella Adler, 1960-62, with Milton Katseias, !961. Choreographer, Lcstrr Horton Dance Theder, 1953-: formed Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, 1958. performed numcrou, festivals, 1959-, Australian, S.E. Asian tour, 1961; actor, 1961-; c~oreographer, dancer TV, i9S4-; a!so motion pictures. Po:rf0rmances include House of flowers, 1954, Sing, Man. Sing, 1956, Jamaica, 1957, Carmen Jones, 1959, Call Me by iv!y Rightful Name, 1961, My People, 1963. Address: care Dance Theatre Found Inc 229 W 59th St New York City NY 10022

AIMEE, ANOUK, actress; b. Paris, france, Apr. ';.7, 1932; d. H. Dreyfus and Genevieve Durand; student dan.;;e and dramatic arts; m. Nicolas Papatakis, July 21. 1951; 1 dau., Manuela; m. 2d, Pierre Barouh, Apr 20, 1966. Motion picture appearance-s include La .. ~ ... ~·~~· Maison Sous La Mer, 1947; Lcs Amants de Verone, 1950: Golden -Salamander, 1959; Storm Night, 1950; Le Ridea•t Cramoisi, 1952; Les f {,; M"auvaises Rcncontres, 1955; Touts Peuvent Me Tuer, J 957; Pot t ·<.,'". Bouillc, 19S7; Montparnasse, 19, 1959; Le Tete Contr:: Les Murs, ~ ~/ 1958; Les Dragueurs, 1959; !.a Dolce Vita, 1960; Le farceur, !950; ' ''' Lola, 1960; Les Amours de Paris, 1960: l.'hnprevu, 1960; Quai Notre ' .: Dame, 1960; Le Judgement Dernier, 1961; Sodome ct Gomorrhe, 1961; Les Grands Chemins, 1~62·; Education Sentimemale, 19f.2: Huit et Demi, 1962; A Man and a Woman, 1966; L'n Soir. Un Train, 1967: The Arpointment, 1958; The Model Shop, !968. stage appearance in Sud, 1952. Recipient Brit. Film Acad. award &s best fgn. a:tre!tS, for Un Homme et lJne Femme, 19t8. Home: 46 Rue de Renncs Paris 6em: France

A IN, GREGORY,tducator, architect; b Pitts., Mar. 28, 1908; s. Sa or and Haiah (Weissberg) A.; student physic~ snd math. U. Cal. at Los Angeles, 1924- 26, architecture U. So. Cal.. 1928; m. Agnes B1xhn, June II, 1929; m. 2d, Ruth March, 1940; children--Em•l)', Christopher; m. 3d. florence Page, Jon. 15, 1964. \\'ith R.:l.!. Schindler, 1932·3.1, Richard r ~cu:ra. 1933· 35; prvp. O\\n office, 1935-63; prin. works indude gttrden apts., park how;ing projects, model hot>ses, prefabrication sy.>tcrn~; cxht>ns. l!.S., USSR; vis. criti-c U. So. Cat; p.-of. arcr~irccture, ch:lm dept. ?a. State lJ., 1963-70. 9-.. uggen.h~ij!! fi."_!:o .... .-, _1 QJ9: recipient prizes housing competitions.


.~ .


c. u.

"I" \~ ' Lt: x ••

-·· ..... ", L ............. , n;;:n·;.l:-J, 1':142, m. E:i:.:abeth McFarbnd, Aug. 28, i929; ..:hi:Jren.•\r:r.e. Philip. ~largaret, Mary. Instr. cdn. St. Mary's CoiL, Winona, \1inn., 1928-29; instr. cdn. St. Loui; V .• J 933-38, 35s~. prof. edn., 1939--tO; pwf. edn. Coil. N~w Rochelle (N.Y.), 1'!-W-45; instr. ::dn. U. ~otrc DJ.mc, 1929-33. ~so. p10f. edn., j 945-4'), prof. edn., 19-fQ. 70, prof. cmcritu.", 1970--, h·~ad dept., 1949-58; spe.r:ialis: Ford Found. ,-;reject Phiil:pine.i> at U. San Carlos. Cebu City. P.l., 1968- 6<>; con'i. cd:tor :-...1-.::Gra'-'· Hill Bc•ok Co. Ad\'. n1cm. Marquis Bic•gr3phil'al Libr.:::.ry Sol'., 1970. ~orninatcd for Wisd(~rn tJard Honnr and WisJorn Hall Fame, 1970. Mcm. N.J.t. Cath. Edn. Assn., Am. As'in. L. Profs. Phi Beta K3ppa. P~1i Ka~pa Phi, Kappa Phi Kappa. Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Delta Kappa. Author: (with James A. Burns) A History of Catholic Education in the United States, 1937. Home: 7 I 7 W Angela Blvd South Bend IN 46617 Oflice: U Notre Dame Notre Dame IN 46556

KOHLER, CHARLOrn:, editor; b. Richmond. V.., Sopt. 16, i908; d. Edwin Charles and Augusta F. (Bromm) Kohkr,; B.A .. Vas5ar, 1929; M.A., U. Va., 1933, Ph.D., 1936; Litt.D., Smith Coli., 1971. Instr. English, Wc.man's Coil. of U. ~.C., 1936-~ I. a <St. prof., 19~ l-42, mgn. editor Va. Quar. Rev., 19-!2-46, editor, i'J~6~; asso. prof. Engliso, U. Va., 1965-71, prof. Er.gii>~. 1971--. 'vf.:I ... Am. As<n. U. Women, Phi Beta Kapoa. Episcor:~!ian. Home: 1900 F.dgcwtvJd Lane Charlottesville VA 22903 Office: One W Range Charlottesville VA 22903

KOHLER, ERIC LOUIS, accountant; b. Owosso, Mich., July 9, 1892;s. F. Edwin and Kate Evelyn (Bentley) K.; A.B .. U. Mich., 1914; M.A., Northwestern U .. 1915; C.P.A .. Ill., 1916. With Arthur Andersen & Co., pub. accountants, ChntJ., 1915-17, 19-20, 33-37, Kohler, Pettengill & Co. (later E.L. Kohler & Co.), 1922-33: prof. accounting, Northwestern Sch. Comm~-:-cc, iQ22-28; mcm. Staa: Bd. C.P.A. Exawiners, 1928-31; comptroller TV A, 1938-41; with Oflice of Emergency Mgmt. and \\'PB, 1941-42; exec. officer, Petroleum Admir.str. for War, 1942-44; cons. accountant, 1945-48, 1949-; controller E.C.A., 1948-49; financial advisor U.S. Sec. Agr., 1946; vis prof. Ohio State U., 1955-60; C. Minn, 1955, !J. Chgo., 1958, U. lll., 1966. Controller, Auditorium Theater Council. 1960~. Mem. adv. panel U.S. Comptroller Ge-n., 1967-. Mcm. Excess-Profits Tax Council, U.S. Treasury, 1946-47; Capt. Q.~l.C., L.S. Army. 1917-!S. Recipient Alpha Kappa Psi award. 1958; elected to Accounting H3.1l of Fame, 1962. Mcm. Ill. Soc. C.P.A.'s.. Am. Inst. of C.P.A.'s, Am Accounting Assn. (pres. 1936, 1946), Nat. Assn. Acco•;nants, Phi Mu Alph::., Beta Gamma Sigma, Beta Alpha Psi. Club: City (pres. 1934-35) (Chgo.}. Author: Accounting Principles Undt:"rlying Federal Income Taxes, 1924, 3d edit., 1927; Accounting for Business ExeC"utives, 1921; Adv.mced Accounting Problems, 1939, 47, 59; Principles. of Auditing. 19-17, 54, 63; A Dictionary for Accountants, 1952, 4th edit., 1969; Accounting for Management, 1965. Co· autho:-: Principles ~f Auditing, 1924, 26, J2. 37·; Principks of Accounting, 1927-31; Accounting in •:1c Federal Government, 1956. Contbr. tv mags. on 2ccounting: :..nd mgmt. Editnr The Accounting R evie\•:, 1928-44. Homeo 1~21 E 58th St Chicago IL 60637 Office: 8 S Michigan Av Chicago IL 60603

KOHLER, FOY DAVID, ambassadN, education; b. Oakwood, 0 .• Feb. 15, 1908; s. Leander David and Myrtie (McClure) K.; student To!edo U., 1924-27, LL.D .. 1964; B.S., Ohio State U., 1931, L.H.D., 1962; LL.D., U. Akron, 1967, Fendlay Coli 1967; m. Phyllis Penn, Aug. 7, 1935. Fgn. service officer since 1931; vic'! consul, Windsor, ON., C..n., 1932, lluch•rcst, Rumania, 1933-35, Belgrade, 1935 legation sec. and vice consul, Bucha::-cs.t, 1935-36, Athens, Greece (also vice consul for Dodecan"se Jsltn.ds-), 1936-41, Cairo. Egypt, J941; country spcdalisi., Dept. Stac~. Washington, 194J-J.4, a"st. chief. div. of Ncar Eastern AITairs, 1944-45; with Am. Embassy, London, 1944; adviser to U.S. mem. 2d session Council UN Relief and Rehab. Adrmnstr., Montr{'al. Can., I Q44; polit. and liaison officer, U.S. delegation, UN Conf. on InterTlat. Orgn., San Francisco, 1945; sec. gen. U.S. Mission to Observe Greek Elections. 1945·46; spl. studies Cornell U., JQ46; student Nat. W>r Coli., 1946; 1st Sec. Am. Embassy, Moscow, Jan. 1947, counsellor, June 1948, minister plenipotentiary, 1948; chief Internal. Broadcasting Div., Dept. State, 1949; dir. Voic;e of AfT'. broadcasts, 1949; asst. adminstr. Internat. Information Adminstm., Feb. 1952; policy planning staff Dept. Stare. J952; counscl.or of embassy, Ankara, Turkey 1953-56; dclailed to lCA 1956-58; dep. asst. sec. of state for E~ropean affairs, 1958-59; asst. sec. state Eurol>'an Affairs, l 959-62; ambassador tc USSR, 1962-66; dcp. under sec. of state for polit. affairs Dept. Stote, 1966-67; prof. Center Advanced lntemat. Studies C. Miami, 1968--; cons. Dept. State, Marine- Scis. Cour.cil, NASA, 1968-. Mcm. Phi BC"ta Kappa, Beta Gamma Sigma, Delta Upsilon. Authur: Understanding the Russians: A Citizens' Primer, 1970. Home: 2 I 5 Golf Club Circle Village Tequesta Jupiter FL 33458 Office: Center Advanced lntcmat Studies U Miami PO Box 8123 Cora! Gables FL 33124

KOHLER, HEINZ, educator; b. Berlin, Germany, Aug. 19, 193~; s. A~thur Oskar and Gertrud (FOrster) K.; student Free li., Berlin, 1953-54, 55-57; M.A., U. Mich., 1958, Ph.D., 1961; M.A., Amherst Coli., 1969; m. Mary Elaine Sch:niege, June 4, 1955; childrcn-MJrjorie Ann, Vktoria Rose. Came to U.S., 1957, naturalized, 1960. Teaching fello'il U. Mich., l 958-59, lectr., 196 l; asst. prof. Amherst (Mass.) Coil., 1961-64, asso. r'of., 1964-69, prof. econs., 1969-, chmn. dept. econs .. 1963-64, 70-71; vis. prof. econs. Smith Col!., U. Mass., Mt. Holyoke Coil., 1963--. Mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Aircraft Owners and p:lots Assn. Author: Economic Integration in the Soviet Bloc, 1965; V.'elfare and Planning, 1966; Scarcity Challenged, incl. Study Guide and b.'Hructor's Manual, 1968; Readings. in Economics. 1968, 2d edit., 1 969; Economics, the Science of Scarcity, incl. Programmed Study Gui~e and ln,.tructor's Manual, 1970. Home: 278 Middle St Amherst MA 01002

KOHLER, KARL Orro, Jr" cons. cngr.: b EJ!emburg, Wash., June 20, l 1905; s. Karl Otto and Anna Ros< (Stauffer) K.; B.S. in Mining and MetaU. Engring .• Wash. State U., 1926; m. 2d, Shirley Edw3Tds, Aug. 12, 1955;childrenJo•nnc Corlotta (Mrs. Edward Reiger), Karyl Susan, Thomas Steven. Mining engr. Western U.S. and Mt!x.ico, 1926-30; cons. mining engr., also engaged c~dastral survey Kitr.itas County, 'Wash., 1930~35; with U.S. Soil Conserv~tion Ser'lice, 1935-55, chief engr., \Vashin_?ton. IQ52-55; investm~nt engr. Export-Jmpon Bank., Washington, 1950-52; cons. engr. Go•-·t. Afghanistan for devel. Hdrr1and Valley, 1955·60; asst. chid engr. Dcvel. loan F~nd, Washir:,::ton. 1960-62; chief engr. Alhan<:~ fM Progress, AID, Washingtori, 1962-69; cons. engr., 1969-; trrig,at:ion cngr. for FAO in Thail•nd and India, 1~47, 50. Fellc" Am. Soc. C.E. Home' 2254 Old Military Rd Mcdfor,! Oi{ 97501

ICOULER, P<\UL WHISTlER, ad•t. evo.; b. Manslield, 0., J~ly J3, 1909; s. F.mcrson D.:miel and Hu.;ct (Vlhistler) K.; D.A., Ohio Wesl,:tan U .. 19J2; M.A., Ohio State U., 1940; gr>.d. Am. Advt. Fedn. Marketing Seminar, Harvard, 1958; m. Ge-raidine Raney. Au;.:. 19, 1937; ctJildrcn\fdinda (,\irs. Walter G. Arldrc·.,·s. Jr.), BnJce Rar.ey, Ted Raney. ldu. Engli:>h <lnd jvLr:-nlism O!tiu higO ~ch.5o., 1932-.16; s.ale:s and advl. supr. ap;<ilnc.: diY. W-;::sti•1shou~-; Ekctric Corp., 1936~46; with Howard Swir-k .'\dvt. Agy .. Inc., ~brion, 0., 194&-, cham. b.J., 19~8~, a!~o dir. Prt;s. Marion Bd. J:dn., ilf55-67: v.n riir

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. _ _ __ .......... , .• ,., __ :r~o:•-·ung Llub North Cer;rru) 0 1·.ill, O·n:.- 1 ,,;~

D<:!ta Kappa, Tau Kappa Er:.ilon, Phi Delta Kappa, h Delta Cps1[,,.1_

Kappa Delta Pi. Unitarian-Unh'ersalist. RotariJr.. Club: MarH.Hl Country (pasr pres.). Horne: 666 King Av Marion OH 43302 Offi~·e 372 E Center St Marion OH 43302

KOBLER, WALTER JODOK, Jr., mfg. exec.; b. Sh'h'''"""· \\'" Apr. 4 J904 s. Wa!rer Jo<.!vl.. and Charlotte (Schr(JCJc;·) -J... ... :-:r~k~· Philips-Andover Acad., !921; Ph.B., Yn!e, i925; LL.D. (bnrt.), £T~::,; 1 t (\\'is.) Coli., 1951. Northhmd Coli.; D.C.i... Ripnt' cl~ll., ~'•53. l.H.D., Lal'!'~aild Coli., 1961; m. Char!otte ~kAicer, !\m. J, lt'-..-.: childrc:n-Tcrry Jodok, Charlotte Nicolcue. Err.ploycd Kohler C:. (\Vis.). J925·47; pres. The Vol!rai:h Co., .Shrboygan. ~9-17-M .. chr:m., 1954 -; dir. Sq. D Co .• Se.:urity First Nat. Bank, E. j_ \fc.\k~r Co .. Phila. Gov. Wis. 195!·56. Ct:mn. Am. Cancer Soc., 1952-59. d:-:-19-19-63. Served as It. cc-rndr. lJSN'R, 19-12-45. Hq.uhlican. C]l..!)..,_ Uni\'ersity, Tavern, River (~.Y.C.); fo.lill Rc~f (Anrigu~\ Her,-.,~. Wincway Kohicr Wl 53044 Office: 1236 N 18th St Shcbon;an 1"1 5j081

KOHLMAN, DAVID LESLU:,educator;b. Houst0n, Oct. ll, :9n: s. Leslie W. and Aarona (Booker) K.; B.S., U. Ka'l., 1 ;)59; !'.L')., l". Kan., 1960; Ph.D .. Mass. h1st. Tech., 1963; m. LiNia Mane ~,·orris, Sept. 11, 1959; children~- Bradley David, JetTrcy Andrew. R.:::-.e3r(h engr. Boeing Co., Renton, Wash., 1963-64; asst. r:-of. aero. engring U. Kan., 1964-67, asso. prof., 1967-70, prof .. 1970-. clunr.. dept. 1967-; cons. aircraft inC.ustry, f.A.A. A~so. fdlow Am. In st. :\rro~> and Astronautics; mem. Am. S('c. Engring. Edn., ~cro:-.racc De;;~. Chrnn. 's ASS'i. (sec. 197 !-72),l...a"'-"rence c. cfC .. A.ircraft o ..... ,c.-<; 3~t1 Pilot" Assn .. Sigma Xi. Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Tau, Sigm.:; G;:;.r;HJia -I :1u Mem. Reorgn. Ch. of Jesus Christ of LattcJ·Day Saints (J.:l,J-.:~l Research in aerodynamic~. fluid rnc-.:hanics. M<:~.biliry and control. light airplane design. Home: 103 Prvvidence St Lawrence KS 66044

KOHL~fEIER, LOUIS MARTI~, .h., newspaper rcpor~.~~r: b. S1.

Louis, Feb. 17, 1926: s. Louis Martin and Acita (\Vcri~n~~) K.; B.Journalism, U. Mo .. 1950; m. Barb:ua Anr.e Wilson, Nov.15,~JQ5~. childrenDaniel Kimbrell, Ann \\'erling. Sta!!' writer \Va!i St. Jour., St Louis and Cbgo., 1952-5 7, \Vashingwn. 1960----. !'taff writer St. Le..Jis Globe-Democrat. !958-59. Served ·,;,.·i~h AL:s, l95J~52. Rc~ip1~nt Nat. Headliners Club awar:l nat. reporting, 1959. Sigmc. DeiL.1 Chi ay,ard \\':!shinglon corr., 1964. Pulitzer pri7e nat. repvrting, Ir;6~. Author: The RegularorsV.'atchC<:",g Agenci::s and the Pu\..Aic Intcr(st. 1969. Home: 5902 Madawaska Rd Washingt0n DC 20016 Oif:ce: ~at Press Bldg Washington DC 20U05

KOHl:I-IEYER, CHARLES, Jr., lawyer; b. New Orleans, Oct. 14, 1909; A.B., Tub:.e U., 1929, LL.B .. 1932. Admitted to La. bar, 1932; mem. firm Lemle, Kelleher, Kohlmeyer. Matthews & Schumacher, New Orle-ans. Mem. Am., La. New Orle&.ns bar asms .. ~~:::ritimc Law Assn. Offi\.:e: 18(1{) N:u Bank Commerce Bldg New Orlear,s LA 701 12"

KOHlMEYER, HERMAN STA:'I'FORD, broker; b. >:\ew C•rluns, Aug. 24, 1906; s. Charles ~nd !'13 Josephine (Brown) K. B.A., Tuiane U., 1927; m. lsr.bcl Minctt(" Wr:ll. \1ay 5, 1931; childn:n---Hcllnan Stanford, Marie Emi!y. \\'ith L. F. P.orhs~;hild & Co., 1927-31. F.::nr,er & Bear,c, 1931-35; organizu Kohlm{'yer & Co., New Or-Jean~. ! 935 --. now partner; pres. Carondelet Safe Deposit Co. Past Pre!-. ~ew Orkans. Cotton E-.:ct-.ange; mem. ('li 1'\.Y. Stock Exchange. \.'.l'. Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board Tra~c. Mcm. cotton Expc•:-! ac!v. com. U.S. Dept. Agr. Serve<l as maj. USAAF, V./orl<'! War n. Home: 193! State St New Orleans LA 70118 Office: 147 Caronje-let St !\ieVt Orleans LA 70! 12

KOHLS, RICHARD LOUIS, cdnl. adminstr.: b. Kentland, lnd . Apr. 19, 1921; s. Clarence E. and Helen (Littlejoho) K.; B.S .. Purdue U., 1942, PhD., 1950; M.A., U. Mo., 1947: m. !rene Elizabeth Shuster, Apr. 20, 1944; children-Michael E., Kathryn Ann. fn:-t;. mark~ti~g and prices U. Mo. at Columbia, J 9~6-48; prof. ag:l. marketing Purdue U., L1fayette, Ind., 1948·64, asst. head dept. agri. econs., 1965-66, asst. acad. v.p., 1966-68, dean ofagr., 1968-. Mem. adv. com. on econs. research Dept. Agr., 1958-62; vis. prof. U. F1.P.ter (Eng.), 1964; mem. Ind. Health Facilities ;-L.nning Counc;\, 1968---. Bd. dirs. Ind. 4-H Found., Purdue Research Found. Serve<:! to opt. mil. intelligem .. e, )942-46. Named Outstanding Tchr., Am. As~n Argl. Econs.; recipient Outstandir:g Tchr. award Purdue U., 196 7. Mem. Greater Lafayette C. of C., Purdue Agrl. Alumni Assn. (C:1r.), lnternat .. Am. assns. agrl. econs .• Am. Harketing Assn., Am. Assn. Higher Edn .. Alpha Gam rna Rho. Mern. Christian Ch. (p:es. c:h. 19~7. gov. bd. 1964-68). Author: Ma.rkering Argicultuf31 Products, 3d ~dir., 1965. Home: 1520 Woodland St \1 'cst Lafayette IN 4 7900

KOHLSTED1, DONAI.D WINST0:--1, library d!r.; b. Mii>.·aukec, Apr. 16. 1909; s. Edward Delor and Hannah Carrie (Sandme;r) K.; stud. Dal.ota Wesleyan U., 1925-28, LL.D. (hon.) 1953; A.B, U. of Ill., 1929, B S. in Library Sci., with honors, 1930. A.M., !935; r:.. Ethelyn Adelia Dunn, Feb. 22, 1930; childre.1-Rog:er \Vir.st0n, Carolyn Sue, Linda Rae. Stack supervisor, Univ. of Ill. Li_brary, 1929-30; lst asst. St. Louis Municipal Reference Library, 1930-34: instr. in public library adminstrn., U. of Ill. Library Sch., %m:ner 1935; librarian Kansas City (Kan.) Pub. Library, 1935-44; became librarian Grand Rapids (Mich.) Pub. Library, 1941, now library dir.; bus. mgr. Pilb. Libraries, a periodical, 1 952·54; Jcctr. Library Sci., U. Mich., extension service,1956-57, 59-60,64-65,67-68. Mem. Kan."as State Planning Board, 1939-40; mem. Mich. State Bd. foo Libraric~. 1949-54, chrnn., 1952~54; bd. dirs. Grand Rapids Councii on Wnrlci Affairs. Family Service Assn. (pres. 1955-57): chmn. steering com. Liberal Adult Edn Program, Grand Rapid:'ii; chmn. G•and Rarid:. com. for rev. lit.; secretary Grand Rapids Historical Society; rnc;TJ. exec. board Grand Rapid Adult Edn. Council, Frit•nds of Library; mem. Mich. Council Better Libra.-ics, Gr~nd Rapids Cuttural Devel. Com.; mem. Governor's Nat. Libn:y Week Com., 1966. \1.-:rn. A.L.A. (council, 1949-52; chmn. library radio bro?.dcas'i.s com. 1939-40; chmn. audio-visual com. 19-t 1-43, vice chmn., 1944--.6; mcm. fin. com. 1942·44, chmn. Constitution, Bylaw~ Com., 1954-56, exhibits round table exec. bd. )954-56. chmn. standards com.: exibts cons. since ! 969), Kansas Libra!"y As<:m. (N .E. district ..:hnm. 1935-36), Mich. Library Assn. (legis. com.; chmn. planning corn lSI~4-45, pres. 1946-47); v.p. U.lll. Library Sch. Alumni Asm., 1935, 1942. Mem. Y. M'.C.A. Edn. Com.; mem. bd. of dirs. Friends of An:. Art (1941-45). Be:ter Films Counci1 (pres. 1945-46}, rooth vl Grand Rapids). Mc'll. Grand Rapids Furniture Designers Assn .. Al;-ha Kappz. Delta, Sigma Tau Delta, Beta Phi Mu. Republ!can. \fcth:)ciJSt (bet stewards First Ch., Grand Rapids, since 1941). Rotarian. C!ul-); Torch (Grand Rapids). Home: 858 Iroq~ois DrS E Grand Rapirl' \!I 49502 Address: Grand Rapids PubEc Library Grand Rap1ds Ml 49502

KOHMAN. TRlfl\f:\N PAUL, eCucator. chemiM; b. Ch"-rl'P3Jgn. Hi., Mar. 8, 1916; s. EJward F. and Margu~rite (Vllit·p,guc) K.; A.U. t::urn laude, Harvard, l'JJf'.; Ph.D .. U. Wi~ .• 10·0; m. Jane S1c .. ·er". (',('L U. 1945; childr...::n--L<'slie Jar.e (Mrs. S'tA:cctser). Pal!lette L)'ru-., S~··vc:n Truman. Teaclling. !'':'.>"!arch asst. U. Wis., I ')38-42; resc:ard: st...it1 lJ Cngo.. 1 942·4·1-; .:he mist H<!.nford EnPr. Wnr~·c: n .. r: .. -• r- · o:~,_,., .. ~ "' · ·-

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Inc., !<J~~. p-;:s_, I'J-i/·04, cnmn. !::a. a~rs .. 1'1!N~ ct-.• non. cnmn. ou., 1968-; v.p .. £;_en. m~r. Ga. div. Lod.:he'-·d Aircrafl Corp., ~f<:.rien<t. 19~1~52 .• 1ir., 1952-; dir. Trust Co. of Ga .. Scnrto P::-ns, lld. (Londc.u!), So. Co., G1. lnternat. Life Ins. CJ.; cons. under sec. army on prodn. rr~'.Jie:ns. of tank procurement rrogram. Trust~e Com. Econ. Dcve!.. Emorv Ll., lntcrdominati·1nal Thcol. Center, Atlanta LT. Recipient Order St.. Jnhn (Ent,iand); Presidential Citation of ~1er!t: Ga. mo:dal for disting:Jishcd p·.:b. service. :\!em. Atlant:! Art~ Alli:>nrlo! (trust~e. via chmn., past pres.). Atlanta \1u:;k Festi••al r\ssn. (vice chmn., tru~tce). Atlanta Symrhony Guild. (p.,st pres.). Buo;. Council (Jrad mcT,;bcr), Am. Bar Assn., Atlanta Opera Guild. Emory Sat. Alumni Assn. (rast pres.), Sloe Ridge" B.!r (past sec.), :\at. Foundation Pen and Mcch. Pencil ~tfg. A!>sn. (past pres.), Alpha Kapp;;o. Psi. Sigma Pi, Phi Alpha Delta. Omicron Delta KJppa. P~esbyn Mason, \\'oodman of World. Clubs: Kiwanis {past disr. gov.), Capitl! Citv. Ph:dmont Dri,·ing (Atlanta); Buck's tLondon. E.ng.); Century AssO. (N.Y.C.). Address: 1031 Cherokee Av ~larieua GA 30060

CARMICHAEL, JOHN P., retired sports editor: b. Madison, Wis., Oct. 16, !902: s. George J. and Margaret (Mooney) C.: student Campion Col!., Praire du Chien, Wis .. also U. \\'is: m. Kay ~a ugh ton, Dec. 27. 1956; children (by previous marriage)-John P .. Joan Marie. Reporter, Milw. Jour.; repvrter, columnist ~1ilw. leader; sports reporter Chgo. Herald· Examiner; Barber Shop columnist and sports editor Chgo. Daily News until 197!. K.C. Author: Biggest Days in Baseball. Editor (with Marshall B. Cutler) \\'ho's Who in rf,c Major League, !950. !lome: 660 irving P•rk Road Chicago IL 606!3

CAR:O.IICHAEL, KATHERI:-:E KE:-::-;EDY, ur.iv. dean: b. Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 1. 1912; d. Daniel Malco!m &nd Ruby (Kennedy) Carmichael: A.R., Birmingham-So. Coli., 1932: M.A., Vanderbilt U., 1939, Ph. D .. !943. High sch. tchr. nr. Birmingham, 1932· 36: elemeotary sch. tchr .. Birmingham. 1936-38: instr. English, mem. staff of dean of women Tex. State Coil. \\'omen, 1939-~0: 8!,St. prof. English, dean of women 'Western Md. CoiL, 1942-44; instr., later chmn. dept. English, Hockaday Sch., Dallas, 1944-46; '-'is. lectr. English, U. Wis., summer 1946; dean of women, instr. English, U. KC. 1946-: Fulbright lectr. Engiish. Philippine :-;ormal CoiL, Manila, 1951·52: vis. Smith-Mundt prof. U. Saigon (Viet Nam). 1961-62. Bd. •isitors Peace CoiL. !968-il. Fellow Vanderbilt C., 1940-41; Delta Kappa Gamma scholar. 1955-56. \Ir:rn. Am. Assn. t:. Women (Md. bd. dirs. !941·42. N.C. bd. cirs. ! 952-54). D.A.R .. N.C. Assn. \\'omen Deans and Counselors (pres. 1963-65). ;..; .C. L!t. r.nd Hist. Soc. (bd. awards !952·54), :O,!odern Lang Assn., Ddta Kappa Gamma (:-I.C. scholarship chmn. 1952-54. chpt. pres. 1965-67), Chi Delta Phi, Alpha Chi Omega, Mortar Board. Democra!. Presbyn. Clubs: Altrusa Internal., Faculty (U.N.C.) (sec. 1954-55), Author: A Critical Edition of the Early Poems of John Keats, with a

\ Philosophical Supplement, !943. Home: Graham Ct Apts Chapel Hill jNC · . CAR!\IICHAEL, LEONARD, .,sn. exec.: b. Germantown, Phil•.

Nov. 9. 1898; 5. Thomas Harrison and Emily Henrietta (L~onard) C.; 1rad. Germantown Friends Sch .. 1917; B.S. sumMa cum laL!de, Tufts Coli., 1921, Sc.D., !937; Ph.D. (Sheldon tra.eling fellow). Harvard, 1924, LL.D .. !952: postgrad. U. Berlin, 1924: LL.D .. Boston u., 1938, Colgate U., 1938, Northeastern U., 194!, R.I. State Cell., 1942, St. Lawrence U., 19H. Boston Coil., 1951, Amherst Coli .. 1954, U. Mass., 1954: Litt.D., Fortia. !939, Clark U., !953: L.H.D., U. Me., 1949, Sc.O .. Brown U .. 19~2. Lowell Inst. Tech .. 1955. George Washington U .. !956, Tulane U., 1958: D.C.L (hon.), Dickinson Coil., 1955: LL.D., Fairleigh Dickinson U., !959: D.Sc., Drexel Inst. Tc:ch .• 1959; Sc.D .. Trinity C.)!L. 1 q5c. V/orcestcr Pu!yte=h. Inst., 1964; m. Pearl Kidston, June 30, !932: l dau., Martha (\1rs. S. Parker Oliphant). lnstr. biology, pJrt time, Tufts CoiL, 1923·24; instr. psychology Princeton, !92•·26, esst. prof .. !926·27, Langfeld lectr., 1968; asso. prof. psychology Brown U .. 1927-28, prof., 1928-36, also dir. psycho!. lab., 1927-36. und dir. lab. sensory physiology, 1934·36: chmn. dept. psychology, dean faculty arts and sci. U. Rcchester, 1936-38: pres. Tufts Coli. and dir. lab. sensory psycnology and physiology, 1938-52: sec. (the 7th) Smithsonian lnstn., 1953-64; v.p. .research "'"d ex.pln. Nat. Geog. Soc., 1964-; lectr. Harvard, summers 1927-31; vis. prof. exptl. psychology Clark u., !931·32: vis. prof. psychology Harvard. 1935: vis. prof. Radcliffe Coil., 1935, U. Wash., 1940; lectr. Naval Wu College to i952; Arthur D. Little lectr. Mass. lost. Ttch., 1953. Dir. ~at. Roster Sci. and Specialized Pcrsonne, 1940-44; mem. sci. com. Nat. Resources Planning Prl., 1941-43; chmn. com. sci. research personnel V-'ar Manpower Commn., 1941·43; chmn. anthropology and psychology div. NRC ! 94!·44; mem. applied PS)Chology par.el OSRD, 1942·45; mem. adminstr.'s spl. com. on vocational rehabilitation. edn. and tng. probiems, VA, 1945-52; dir. human resources ~SRB. 1948; me:n. com. on human resources Research&. De .. ·e!. Bd., 1952-53, mern. Naval Research Adv. Com., !947·52: mem. lnternat. Cnioo Sci. Psychology. 1948; vice .. chmn. Harvard Fvund. Advanced Study and ~esearch, 1951-54, 58·64; rnem. com. on research Ednl. Testing Service, 1952-57; mem. NACA, !952·58, vice. chmn.. !956-58. Chmn. l.J.S. delegation lnternat. Ccnf., The Hague, signer for U.S., Treaty for Protection Cultural Property in Tim~ of ·war, 1954. Chmn. selection!. com. Time Capsule, N.Y. World's Fair; mem. Army Sci. Adv. Panel, 1956·62. cons., 1963~. bd. sci. overseers, trustee Jackson Lab .. Bar Harbor, Me., 1952-; chmn. com. N .E. (comprehensive econ. survey of N.E.), 1950-54. Trustee Brookings lnstn., to 1969, hon. trustee, 1969-: bd. dirs. Research Corp. (N.Y.); pres. bd. trust.:cs Sci. Service, 1955-67, trustee, 1967-. trustee Tufts l!., Gec.rge \\'a.ihington U.; bd. fellows (trustee) B:-own U.; bd. dirs. \\'hitc House Hist. Assn.; bd. sci. dirs. Yerkes Labs. Primate Bioiogy, 1942·69. chmn., 19-12-60: mem. sci. adv. bd. Tul'!!.ne Delta Rezional Primate Research Center, to 1971. Decorated knit.ht comdr. Order of Alfonso the \Vise (Spain): knight comdr. cross with star Order of Merit of Federal Republic of Germany; comdr. Order of D:.mnebrog (Denmark), commendatore dell' Ordine AI Merito dolla Republica ltaliana (l<alv). fellow Am. Acad. Arts and Scis., A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Physiol: Soc., lnternat. Primatological Soc. (pres. 196~·68), Am. Philos. Soc. (pres. !970--), Nat. Acad. Sci. (chmn. sect. psychology !950-$3), N.R.C., Soc. J:::xptl. Psychologists, Soc. Research in Child Devel., Nat. Geog. Soc. {trustee), Am. Psycho!. Assn. (pres. 1939·40), Soc. E•ptl. Biology and Medicine. Internal. L'nion Bioi. Scis. (pres. sect. exptl psychology and anim31 behavior 1961·69), Soc. cf Cin.:innati. S.A.R., Am. Legion, Newcomen Soc .• Lit Soc., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi: hon. mem. Eraonomi(.s r..esearc" Soc. Eng., Soc. Francaise de Psychologic. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Botoloh, Algonquin (Bo~ton); Century Assn. (N. Y.C.): Alfalfa, Metropolitan. Chev) Chase, Cosmos (Washington). Co-author books, 1925-; parHwthor Carmichael's Manual of Child Ps)·cholog)·, 3d edit., I 970. Edi•or, part-author: Manual of Chtld Psychology, 2d edit., 1954; co· editor: The Selection of Mtlitary Manpower, 1952; Basic Psycho!o:;y, lq57; asso. editor Jvur. Genetic Psychology, Genetic Psychology "lonographs. Brit. Jour. Ednl. Psycholog). Editor Houghton ~ifnin Co. series of books on ~ychology. Cor:tbr. a nicks t'l psycho!. jours. Home; 4520 Hoban Rd !\"\\' Washington DC 20007 Cf.icc: Sat Geog Soc 17th and M Sts NW Washington DC 20036 ~

CARMICHAF.L, MAHY :O.fULLOY, educato" b Miles C'ty, Mont., ,~ ..... ~o t011-. A t .... ~ .. w;u· ........ ,,..,..I ,..,r,. tM .. t.,..r\ '-f:,llnv· Ph R

'f'\"Uillt:T• l"l~lyuo;;nc v .• 1 ~~-~·..,v, u<..a11 ""V"' .. " • "'-""t _ . ..., .. • .... ,

(\~ont.) ptib. s..:h!>., 19·fJ-·l2; pcrsc-nnel off1cer \Var Dept.. Washington. 1942-.f-l; =hicf ovcr~e3S classification and wage adminstrn. OWl, Wr.shingtvn and London, 1944-45; succc~si'r·ely chief salary adminstrr.. sect.. asst. pl:lnning adviser. asst. chief p;!y leave and retirement br. State Dept., 1945-56; f~n. service officer, 1956-69; lst sec .. ciJnsut. Bru:;.s~!s. Be!giu:n, 1959-6.;; I st. sec., ecor.. officer Am. emb.1~sv, Lci..'po!dviile, Congo.1964·65: ccon. officer U.S. delegation OECD, Paris. 195.t·65; asst. ccon. adviser L.S. delegation SATO. 1965·66, ~rl. as~.t. tn 3mbassador. also L'.S. rep. to coordin;Hing com. of fOVt. experts. iq66·69; chmn. internal. bus. adminstrn. s.nd econs. dept. Am. Col!. Switzerland. Leysin, 1969-. \'tern. Fgn. Service Assn., Alph.1 Kappl Delta. Office: Am Coil Switzerland Leysin Switzerland

CAR:O.IICHAEL, OLI\'ER CRO:O.fWEI.L, Jr., business e.ec.; b. Birmingham. Ala .. ~1ar. 10. 1920; s. Oliver Crom\\·cll and Ruth Mae (Crabtree) C.: A.B .. \'anderbilt U., !940; LL.B., Duke, I 942; ~!.A .. Columbia, 195!, Ph.D .. 1Y53: m. Ernestine Morri;. Sept. 28. !946: children-Carmen ~urphy, Oliver Cromwell Ill. Erne:.tint Morris, Stanley Clark. Admitted to Tenn. bar. !942, Ind. bar, !948; >Sst. gen. counsel Assos. Corp. N.Am .. S. Bend. Ind., I 946-49, chmn. bd., !960-: chmn. bd. Marshall County Bank & Ttust Co., Plymouth, Ind.; dir .. mem. exec. com. Gulf & Western Industries. Inc., ~J.Y.C.; dir. \Vheelabrator Corp., W.R. Grace & Co.; chmn. bd. FAS lnternat., Inc. Gen. chmn. Com. Higher Edn. No. Ind.; pres. Citizens Sat. Com. Higher Edn. Trustee V~nderbilt C .• L'. ~otre Dame; l:::d. dirs. United Community Services, S. Bend: chrnn. bd. trustees Conver5e Coil., Sp:utanburg, S.C.: bd. dirs. Vanderbilt L'. Mcd. Center. Served tQ it. uSSR, !942-46. Mem. Phi !Jeta Kappa, Orcler of Coif, Omicron Delta Kappa. Republican. Presbyn. Clubs: Ocean (De1ray Beach, Fla.); Pickwick (~iiles. \tich.); ~ew York Athletic; Country of Florida. Home: South Bend !S -16624 Office: Asso Corp NAM 1700 Mishawak• A v South Bend IN 46624

CAR!If!CHAEL, STOKELY, civil rights worker: b. Port·of·Spain, Trinidad, B.W.l., June 29, !941: s. Adolphus and Mabel F. Carmichael: came to L'.S .. 19c;2; B.A., Howard l'., 1964; rn. Miriam ~hkeba. Apr. ! 968. Former field sec. Student !'\on- Violcr:t Co0rdinating Com. for Ala., later nat. chmn., now field comdr.; organized Lowndes County Freedom Orgn.; continued ~eredith ~brch •hrough ~1iss., 1966; originator term Black Power. Address: Student !'on-Violent Coo:-dinating Com 360 r\elson SW Atlanta GA 30313'

CARMICHAEL, WILLI A:\! DA:\'IEL, found. ofcl.; b. Denver, Sept. 5. 1929: s. Fitzhugh Lee and Anna Devona (Sullivan) C.: A. E., Yale, !950: M.A .. M.P.A., Princeton, 1952, Ph.D .. 1959: B.Litt. (Rhodes scholar), o,.ford (Eng.) U .. 1955: m. Faith Young, June 21. 1958: children- Amy, Philip Fitzhugh. Legis!ative analyst U.S. Bur. Budget, 195)·56. budget anal:.-·st, 1956-57; lectr. econs. and puC. affairs Princeton, 1957-60, a:st. prof.. 1960·62, dir. undergrad. program \\'oodrow Wilson Sch. Pub. and Internat. Affairs. 1958-62; prof. econ. policy. dt:an Grad. Sch. Bl,;.s. and Pub. Adrninstrn .. Cornell e .. 1962-68; rep. Ford Found., Brazil, 1968· 71. head office for Latin Am. and Caribbean, N.Y.C., 1971--. Mem. Assn. Am. Rhodes .)cholars, Am. Econs. Assn., Arr.. Soc. Pub. Adrninstrn., Phi Beta Kappa. Home: Van Hornesville NY 13475 Office: 320 E 43d St Kew York City NY 10017

CARMI!'i, ROBERT LEIGHTON, geographer, educator, univ. dean: b. Muncie. Ind., ~ov. 28, 1918; s. Zora and Florelda M,,y (Harrison) C.: B.S. in Edn., Ohio U., i 940; M.A., C. Neb., 1942; Ph.D. (Salisbury fellow geography), U. Chgo., !953; m. ~!arie Jane Carr, Nov. 2, !940; children-Thomas Seison, Jan:.es Harrison. Ir •. Hr. gtography Mich. State u., 1942-44, asst. prof .. 1947·50; cartographer OSS, !944·45: from asst. prof. to prof. geography U. Ill., !95!·62, dir. Center Latin Am. Studies, 1959-62; head Latin Am. studies sect. U.S. Office Edn .• 1962; dea11 Coli. Scis. and Humanitie~. prof. geography F!all State U., 1962-. Cons. lang. devel. br. U.S. Office Edn .. !963-64; cons. NSF, 1964-69, internat. programs com. Assn. State Colis. and Univs.: com. geo~raphy :"at. Acad. Sci.-KRC, 1961-·-; scc.-treas. Asso. L:nivs. for InternaL Edn., lnc., 1968 .. 70, v.p., 1970-; U.S. del. tith Gen. Assembly P~1r1 Am. lost. Geography and History, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1961. Pan Am. World Airy,a:ys travel fellow, Brazil, 1948; adviser A.J.D .. Brazil, 1965; grantee U.S. Office Edn., Brazil. !948-49, Office Q.M. Gen., Brazil, 1956: Fulbright scholar u. do Cuyo, ~endoza, Argentina, 1958; grantee C. Ill. Research Bd., Brazil. 1961. Am. Assn. Coils. Tchr. Edn .. Per•J, !963. Mem. !11. Acad. Sci. {chmn. membership com. !955·60. geography sect. 1955-56), Ind. Acad. of Social Scis. dir. 196"-68). Assn. Am. Gevgrap~ers {past pres. \\'est Lakes div., ofcl. rep. to lnternat. Council Edn. for Teaching, Braz.il 1963), A.A.A.S., Assn. Latin Am. Studies (pa,r pres.\, Nat. Council Geog. Edn .• Assn. dos Geografos Brasileiros, latin Am. Studies Assn., Sigma Xi, Sigma Delta Pi. Rotarian. Author: And polis, Brazil: Regional Capita! of an Agricultural Frontier, 1953; also articles. Home: 2505 John•on Road Muncie IN 47304

CARMI!\'ES, ALVI=-: ALLIS0:-1, clergyman, composer; b. Hampton, Va .. July 25, 1936; s. Alvin Allison and Katherine (Graham) C.; B.A .. Swarthmore Coli., 1958: B.D., Union Theol. Sem., 1961, S.T.M., 1963. Ordained to ministry: asso. minister Judson Meml. Ch .. N.Y.C., 196!-; tchr. N.Y.U., Earlham (N.Y.) Seminar; now TV dir .. a!so movie columnist Motive mag.; composer: Home ~ovies, 1964; Gorilla Queen, 1967; !n Circles, 1967. Recipient Obie award for best off· Broadway prodn. Horne Movies, 1964; Vernon Rice award for composing and performing, In Circles, 1968, Peace, 1968, Promenade, 1969: A.S.C.A.P. award for popular A.S.C.A.P. award for popular music. 1968. Home: 237 Thompson Street "'ew York City, KY 10012. Office: 55 W"'hington Sq S New York City N'Y 100:2

CARMODY, DAVID WETHERILL, ret. state justice; b. Denver, Apr. 22, !908: s. Thomas E. and Mary Jane Mary Jane (McBride) C.; A.B., U. Colo., 193!. LL.B., 1933: m. Jessie McGiilivray, ~lay 13, 1935: children-1 hom as David, Douglas Edward; m. 2d, Hazd Greenbacker. Jan. !1, 1954: m. 3d. Hazelbel H. Via. Jan. 20, 1971. Admitted to N.M. bar. 1933;dist. atty., N.M.,l9,7-47;judge lst Jud. Dist.. N.M .. 1947-59. Supreme Ct. of N.M., !959, chief justice. !965·66. justice, 1966·69. Pres. Jud. Council N.M. Judges, !953, 54, 55; mem .. pres. Santa Fe City Council, 1938·42. :Vfem. Am. (chmn. arpellate judges' conf. 1966-67, 68-69), N.M. bar assns., Am. Law Jr.st., P.;rn. Judicature Soc. (dir. 1965-), lnst. Jud. Adminstrn. Democrat. Episcopalian. Lion. Horne: Santa Fe NM 87501 Office: Supreme Ct Bldg Santa Fe, NM 87501.

CAR!IfODY, FRANCIS JA:O.lES, educator: b. San Francisco, Dec. 4, 1907: s. Frank Edward and Mary (Turner) C.; A.B., U. Cal. at Berkeley. !928, M.A .. 1929; Ph.D .. Harvard. !932; m. Carol Hink, May 3. 19:.4; children-·Rubert F., Jean (Mrs. Carl Linder). Mem. faculty lJ. Cal. at Berkeley. 1932--, now prof. French. Autbor articles n:ediaev3} lit and sci., Celtic tangs., modern French lit. Ho:n:: 2535 Buena Vista Way Berkeley CA 94 708

CAR:O.fOD\', JOH:'\ JOSEPH, lawyer: b. Washington, Aug. ~8. IQOJ· ct_ Cornelius J. and Marllaret (Dee) C.; LL.B., Georgetown ll ..

·i~~·:4;'"p;;,(_~t·;,;~.d \(;~: \!~~,"-,:_

~::~·. ~~.t ~:~:\\ ~:.-~~\. ~-1 q44-45). Am. B.:r _--\ .. -on fc:d. jLU.ht.:t.l:·,- :.­Ca,-rcl\ So.: .. Fr;~ Lniver~ay, C<'l~!~;~ : c ~fcrrick Boy<, frr(' ec 20015 o:r,:.- ':

CAR:"I:LL,I'AU. !I' May 27, 191i; >. h:c htgh honors. A:b .- c (. Case. Western ~ l': 1959-60: m p-. childrcn-~JriC'.'. V Phillips Petro!,:.: l. Inc .. Alma. ~h.::: faculty ..\!i.lion c .. <j edn. spenalis! t.S o~··-. · co\1. supp0rt. l ~(.6·-- '· 195~-66; in•.er\ ":-::- · · · · Yr. Jnsts .. 1 0()4.f-5. ~ vis. sci:n=ist ~1i.::: \: ~.-" : Researd: Corp .. : ;~: ·-; Coli. Cb~mb:r' T.~·- \· Tchrs. Libc.-al \~r) ( Che!;,ists As:-n., S·~ .. ·-: \ petroleum p~o.-:t'".:. L ·!

Spring MD :89i(' C-:'

CA\1:\'ER, DO:'\.\'LD ( H · 1Q,l917;s. Ch~<;tt·~ E ~·: CoiL, 19.17; A b .. l. C·; Sept. 21. 19-lO: cc., ''·· t-;ancy (~·1rs. Step':\.._~ L ~­Chgo. Hm·rs. anj C _ Hosp., !\.1p!s .. Jg.r.:·.i.: Ind .. 195L'·SS. ne.: Cal., 1955-~; ~o-·~-:'-· In•;;., ln.: .. l9t·.3 hosp. and mgm: . .;:,- ·, Letter, 1963-; c:,.h:.,: :-~ Fund Deve\. Irj:..t.. : -· .­Contbr. articles p·c:~. ;t'~:,

CAR:-:ES, DEL, fuc.-::" -, hn. 4, 1931; s. \tc<: L" U .. 1949-50. Bosu'" L. B;;~.rbara J. Pitts. J ..:r:. ~ · \\'ichita Besce:t. ;~5· .~·­!961-~6. draml cC.· free-!aace writ·er 1 Q~·> ·~ ' Denver Rq:-,..:t.;:..::or, ( Recipient t'.:11l ~ia:l 0 i' _,: Legion, 196i. \h:rr·· ·-,:. Republican. :\-!ecr.. L·~ · 10493 Linr;otn Ct 0"'·.> · ·

CAR:\'ES, Jo;;:-; RCJB:J s. John Rcbb :u~: f..:._:~ !948, Ph.D., 195··: c· chi:dren-- John s: . ..;;\ '~ fairchild Engi:-,e f.:. ...... 19~8·50; Hch. eJ-~.:·;.

1952·56; instr.. as"~· ;- · .' asso. dean ans .::::-.-.: S--:: ., .

Mem. ,.1.m. :'-.1cu.,u:-­Episcopa!ian. C(lr::-~~

Boulder C() 8030)

CAR:\'ES, WILL!-' .. \1 "' laPb~.J, Mo., hr .. 7. C.; B.S in i:J.;,J.,,-·::~(" .: ~ T;·out.vi:~e, Feb. 1 · S'at. Park Ser·•~c:· . ._ architect l93n-.;':1, ·.­pl2nt1in,g. l9S5-6:. -: L'rb?na, 1'96~- 7t.f. •·

ur,ivs.; mem . .-'.: t:_ r .. ,, Recipient ~1~::·u~:.· _., Distinguished Se;·.: :{ Architects (cljrr,r .. ~·

Higher Ec!'J'~:!t:')': · · Paseo Lobo G; :>en ' .. Urbana IL 61801

CAR~ES, WILL!.4~! I·. \Vorth, ~ov. i, 1-<·i..::. '-- ,:. C.; A.B., Columc c. · ·

Ann Irwin, Jun~ ~-: Hosp., 1936·3~: .~ .... -.:· Pathoicgy Co!u!· ... :l. 1941-56: asst. r·•" 1947·51; prof ;-~··-. ·.­palhology t.:. C.. Patho:ogists :..~-.~ ::.!-. ~--­Am. s(.'C. 1:..\r:: !".t·-.

Cancer ReseJr.:h 5·~.-- ~ -' Angeles C A Q•JJ: J

CARNEY. ART."·'· M. and Hc:en t f·-' :-: 1940. chih!rer. E ,· 1936·39; va~Jdc\: :t ~:-_.: 1942-44, 4'· '"· T\ ,_.. \Iorey :'...rr.qt Kraft Theater. 0·: .. ~everal ethers. i'·~·-·. · in Bwadwa\ (.'1.:!'. i in mutioq r:~·r _,·, 1960. Reup1.:: l huwor rrcg~J·n. ; 'tt .. -1963. M"m. S.;•c<c ·' Playas. Office: ~·· 1 i '-' 1 ;_

CAR:-<EY. CHAPLF~; .' 1\o!J: '· \hi"" Your,gswwr. \t.!t~ ! 1 -

}Q!)';); rn. \i.1q L..~ < E!ien (!\~rs. !._,:- :c • ~· Uilited R•JDbt"r \\ · ·'• -~

~~;-;. ~~~~· [)/~~~·~··~·~~·--



The War and the Future of the Arab-Israeli Conflict Nadav Safran 215

The Year of Europe?. DILEMMAS OF DETENTE

. z 237

Apparatchiks and Entrepreneurs: U.S.-Soviet Economic Relations Raymond Vern on 249

Pluralism and Policy . . . . . Stephen S. Rosenfeld 263 Most-Favored-Nation and Less Favorite Nations

Theodore C. Soreusen 273 America Agonistes . . . . . . . . Max Lerner 287 Diplomats at Sea . . . Seyom Bro:um and Larry L. Fabian 301 The "Invisible Blockade" and the Overthrow of Allende

The Sinic "'T orld in Perspective . China and the Balance of Power . . REcoNSIDERATIONS: THE CoLD WAR

Paul E. Sigmund 322 . Edwz'n 0. Reischauer 34I . Robert A. Scalapino 349

Was the Truman Doctrine a Real '"furning Point? John Le'Lvis Gaddis 386

The Shadow of John Foster Dulles Gaddis Smith 403 Correspondence . . . . . . . . 409 Recent Books on International Relations. 413 Source Material . . Don.ald Wasson 431





Managing Editor

ftorial Ad·dsory Board HARVEY BROOKS




Published quarter y by the Cottnct on oretgn e at10ns, Inc. Edttorial and Business Of­fices, 58 East 68 Street, New York, N.Y. 10021. Payments for repnnts of articles and for sub­scriptions should be sent to this address. The Editors will consider manuscripts submitted, but etS£ume no responsibility regarding them. Cable address Foraffairs, New York. Correspon­dence concerning subscriptions should be sent to 155 Allen Blvd., Farmingdale, N.Y. II/35· Subscription price $Io.oo a year, post-free to any address.

Vol. ,52, No. 2. Copyright I973, Councii on Foreign Relations, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A .


BARNES, WILLIAM OLIYER, Jr .• lawyer; b. Bait., Mar. 18, 1922; s. William C:ivcr and Jane Ann (Krug) B.; A.B., Hamilton Coli., 19H; J.D., Rutgers U., 194b; m. Marilyn Louise Isenberg. July 13, 1945; children-William Oliver 3d, PatricK Douglas, Timothy Lee, Jefl"erson Tojd. Admitted to N.J. bar, 1949; aS>o. Judge R. J. Wortend;-l.;.e, Jr., Newar~ .. 1949-52; pvt. practice specializing trial work, Newark, 1952-. Chm~. Rutgers U. Bond Com., 1959, pres. Rutgers Sch. Law Alvmni Assn., 1960-61, Alumni Fedn .. 1962-63, Univ., 1962---; v.p., asso. counsel N.J. Cancer Soc., 1963-65, pres., asso- counsel, 1965-68, counsel, 1968-, dir., del .. 1971; mem. West Branch (N.J.) Bd. Edn., 1961·64; chmn. South Orange March of Dimes, 1959; pres. Monmouth Players, 1961·62. iv1em. N.J. Assembly from Es.e. County, 1952-55. majority leader. 1955; Rep,Jblicar, candidate for Congress, 1952; chr:-m. South Orange Rep. County Com., 1954-58. :-.I.J. Yo.mg Reps .. 1954-56. Served to lt. (j.g.) USNR, 1943-46 Recipient Geld medal Rutgers lJ., 1960. Fellow Am. Coil. Trial Lawyers; mem. Am., N.J., E~sex. County, ~1onmouth County bar assns., 7r)ai Attys. N.J. {pre5. 1971-72), Delta Kappa Lpsilon, Dell> Sig:na Rho. Methodist. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Orange Lawn Te'1nis; Monmouth Beach Bath and Tennis, Channel (Monmouth Bea:h); Downtown (Newark). Home: 23 Arlene Dr West Long Branch NJ 07764 Office: 1180 Raymond Blvd Newark NJ 07102

BARNES, WILLIA:-.1: P., oil co. c.ec.;b. Marlin, Tex., May 31, 1920; s. Willi•m P. and K"tharine E. (Horne) B.; B.A., So. Meth. U., 1947, LL.B., 19-\9; m. Sally Temple, Oct. 20, 1950; c!,ildren-William P .. Joseph L., James H., and Thomas L. Admincd to Tex. b:J.r, 1949, practiced Dallas, 1949-53; atty. Gen. Am. Oil Co. of Tex., 1953-54, v.p., 1955-60, exec. v.p., gen. counsel, 1960-66, dir .. 1960-, pres., 1966-·; chmn. bd. ~leadr,ws Bldg. Corp., 1966-·; dir. Premier Petrochem. Co., Stocktvn, \\'hatley, Davin & Co. Served from pvt. tc maj. AUS, 1942-46. Mem. Am., Tex., Dallai bar assns .. Kappa Sigma, Phi Alpha Delta, Blue Key. Clubs: Petroleum, Texas, City (Da1las); Deerwood, Ponte Vedra (J3cksonville, Fla.). Editor in chief Southwestern Law Jour .. 1948. Home: 3629 Princeton Av Dallas TX 75205 Office: Meadow; Bldg Dallas TX 75206

BARNES, WILLIA!\1 P., educator; B.S. in Mech. Engring., U. Ida.; ~- Mech. Eflgring., Yale. Prof. mech. e~gring., chmn. dept. nuclear engring., U. Ida., Moscow. Office: Dept Engring U Ida Moscow iD 83843•

BARNES, ZANE EDlSON, communications co. exec.; b. Marietta, 0., Dec. 2, 1921; s. Emmet A. and Frances (Canfield) B.; B.S .. Mariett::\ Coli., 1947; m. Virt:inia Harris, May 29.. 1948; children-Frances Lynn, Zane Edison. Sh>!lley. With Ohio E-:ll leiephoue Co., 1941-59. asst. v.p. e:perations, Cleve .• 1961-63, g('n. plant mf!_r., 1963·64, v.p. personnel. 1965-6';; witil engring. dept. Am. Tel. & 1el. Co., ~-Y.C., 1960·61; v.p., gen. mgr. Ore. area Pacific N.W. Bell Telephcne Co, Portland, Ore., I 964-65, v.p. operations, 1967- 70, pre,., Seattlo, 1970-; dir. Nat. Bank Commerce, Seattle. Mem. Gov.'s Adv. Corn. Wash. Dept. Commerce and Econ. Devel., 1970--. Mem. adv. nd. Grad. Sch. Bus Adminstrn., lJ. Wash., 1970-; bd. din •. t..:nhed Good ~eighbors; trustee Pacitic Sci. Center, Seattle Symphony Orch. Served to it. (j.g.l lJSNR. 1942-4o. Mem. Seattle C. of C. (tru;tee), Seattle Area lndsi. Council (dir.), Kapra !'.fu Epsilon. Clubs: Rainer, \Vllsh. Athl~tic, H:;.rbor, Mercerwood Shore (Seattle); Overlake Golf and Country (Bellevue, Wash.); Arlington (Portbnd). Home: 4245 Merc:rwood Dr Mercer Island WA 9&040 Office: 821 2d Av Seattle WA 98104

BAR ="'ESS, AM!"O:", corp. exec.; b. Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct. 16, 1924;. s. Nahum R. and Les (Muhlmann) B.; certificate, Hebrew U., JerLsalcm, 1942; B.A., Am. U., Cairo, 1947; M.A., Syracuse U .• 1950; m. Lillian Sarkin, June 20, 1947: children-Rena Tamar, Dalia RGth, l>anie: lsaa.;, Jordan Gerson. Came to U.S., 1947, naturalized. 1951. Vice p~cs. ISECO Securities Corp. subsidiary Ampa.l Corp., Chgo., 1950-52, Los Angeles, 1952-57; dir. deve\. Fed. Mart Corp., San Di<gG, 1957-60; chmn. bd. Daylin, Inc .. Beverly Hills, Cal., 1960-; pres. InternaL. ~~!ere. Corp., Los Angeles, 1960-65; chrnn. finar<ce com., dir. A & E P~astik. Pak Co., Inc.; sr. partner Adam Assos. Chmn. Guardian div. Israel Bonds, Los Angeles, 1966, So. Cal. chrnn., 1'68-70; pres. Fund fer Job Corps Grad. Fund, 1966; pres. Ba:ness, Candiotty •nd Finkle Found.; v.p. Brandeis (C•I.) lnst.; pres. So. region Am. Friends Hebrew U.; chmn. bd. trustees Israel Pub!. Soc.; trustee U.S. Capitol Hist. Soc. Decorated knight comdr. Equestrian Order, Ch. Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Jewish religion (dir. temple). Author: History of the Israel Press, 1961. Home: 628 N Arden Dr Beverly Hills CA 90210 Office: 9606 SantA Monica Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90210

BARNET, EDWARD MALCOLM, educator; b. Brookline, Mass., May 29, 1912; s. LJ:i"' Je•n and Stella (Kohn) B.; grad. Phillips Exeter Acad., Andover, ~tass., 1930; A.B. cum laude, Han-·ard, l'H4, M.B.A., 1936; P!1.D., Columbia, 1954; m. Orpah Rice Paul, Nov. 26, 1936; I dau., Holly Ja"e (Mrs. Clifford A. Frohlich). Mem. marketing fac1.1.lty Mich. State U., Buft'alo U., U. Toronto, ~orth·vestc:rn U., 194 7-63; prof. marketing. dir. Mgmt. In st., Northwestern U .. 1954-59; prof. marketing, also dir. prograrns mass marketing mgmt. ~ich. State U., 1959-63; formt'r asst. dean, co-ordinator exec. program Columbia; v.p. planning S~ra Ice Kitchens, lnc., 1963-65; asso. dean Coli. Bll!.

Adminstrn .. dir. Sch Trave-l Industry MgrnL, U Hawaii, 1965-68, acting dean of C3ll., 1968-69, dean Sch. Travel lndnstry Mgmt.. 1967-, prof marketing and mgrrt., 1969-; c;r. AMP program Creole Petroleum Co:-p., Caracas, Venezuela, 1956-57. Cons. in field; Cir. Hawaiia:1 Life Ins. Co., Pacific Basin Trave-l Systems. Marsha!! Field & Co .. Chgo. Served to maj. Office Mil. Govt. for Germany, AUS, World \\'ar II. Decorated Bronze Star medal. Mem. Hawaii Vis. Bur., Pacific Area Tnwel Assn., Am. Mgrnt. Assn., Am. Ma:-k.eting Assn., Beta Gar.~ma Sig01a, Pi Sigma E;psilon, Alpha Kappa Psi. Rotarian. Author: innovate or Perish, 1954; also artic.lts. Home: 211 S Atherton Rd Honolulu HI 96822

BARNET, SYLVA!'\, ecucator; b. !lklrn., Dec. II, 1926; s. Philip and bther fl..:at:; B.; A.B., ~;_y_ V., 1941!: A.M., Harvard, 1950, fh.D., 1954 Tea;.:h•'1g icllow Harvud, 1951-54; mcm. f<:.culty Tuft~ U., 1~54-. chrr.n. dept. Engli,h, 1962-67, Fletcher prnf. En~lish, 1963-; editorial \..(•~s. Li:f\e, Brown and Co. Se:vcd with At.:S, 1945-46. t.lf. ,If . .... ,.,r., t ......... A~~" 'h.o~f""nP::II'l'! A!'.sn .. Renaissance Soc.

advanced painting U. Minn. at Duluth. summer l95Q, 'Wash. Sta:e U., Spokane, St'mmer 1963, Pa. State V., summer 1965. Oes .'v1o:nes Art Center. summe1 1965; distinguished vis. prof. Pa. State U., 1965-66; \'·is. critic Yale, 1952~53; vis. prof. Corncllll .• 1968·69; condr. grand art tour of Europe, April, 1959; Ford Found. artist in residence prognm, 1964. One-man show 21 Hudson D. Walker Gallery, 1938, Galerie St. Etienne, 1943; Berthe Schaefer Gallery, Arthur Horlow & Co., Inc. (all N.Y.C.), 1946; U.S. Nat. Museum, Washington, 1946; Bertha Schaefer Gallery, N.Y.C., 1947,48, Krasner Gallery, N.Y.C., Gallery Trastevere, Rome, Italy, 1960, Retrospective lnst. of Contemporary Art, Boston, 1961, M3ry HarrirnCln Gallery, Boston, !963, 64, Va. Mus., Richmond, 1964, Waddell Gall<ry, N. Y.C .. 1965, 66, 68, 70, Des Moines Art Center, 1965, retrospective, Pa. Acad. Phila .• 1909: C'l-hibitcd in Art U.S.A., 1959. Work represented in permanent collections of Minn. Inst. of Arts. Mei.ropolitan (~.Y-C.), Fogg Art Museum, Library of Congress, Art Gallery, U.N.D., Univ. Art Gallery, Berkeley, Cal., Cin. Art Mus., Duncan Phillip Memorial Museum (Washington, D.C.), Philadelphia Art Mus., Honolulu Acad. (Hawaii), Mus. Modern Art, Bklyn. Mus., Mont. Stale Coli., Whitney Mus. Am. An, Mus. Fine Arts (Boston), Guggenheim M1.1s(:um (N.Y.C.). Exhibited in museums through tout li. S., including Art lnst. Chgo., Los Angeles Museum, Portland Museum. John Herren lost., ~rneiie lnst., Virginia Mus. Fine Arts, Columtia (S.C.), Mus. Art (1st Biennial). Recipient bronze medal, 3d prize, Corcoran Biennial, 1961. Life mem. Art StLJents League (N.Y. City), Phila. Print Club. Mern. Am. Abstract Artists. Soc. Am. Graphic Artists, Inc., Fedn. Modern Painters and Sculptors, lrtc. Liberal. Cnitarian. Contbr. Art Students League Mag. Home: 43 W 90th ST New York City !'; Y 10024 Office: 21S W 57th St New York City NY 10019

BARNETSON, WILLIAM DENHOLM, publisher; l>. Edinburgh, Seotlanc, M.r. 21, 1917; s. William and Ella (Moir) B.; M.A., Edinburgh U., 1940; r:t. Joan Fairley Davidson, July 6, 1940· childrcn-Astraea (Mrs. J.R.D. Moore), Louise, Denholm, Julia. Mng. editor Edinburgh (Scotland) Ev. News, 1954-61;joint mng. dir. United Newspapers, London, Eng .. 1961-, chmn., 1905-; chmn. Reuters, London, 1968-. Chmn. Press Assn. London, 1967-68; mem Press Council London, 1968-; dir. publns. N.W. Germany, 1945-48. Served to maj. Brit. Army, 1940-44. Fellow lnst. Dirs. (London). Home: Broom ChiHies Lane Crowborough Sussex England Offi<.:e: 23 27 Tudor St London EC 4 England

~RNETT, ARTHUR DOAK, educ:lfo~polit. scientist; b. Shanghai, China, Oct. g, 1921 (parents U.S. Citizens); s. Eugene Epperson and Bertha Mae (Smith) B.; B.A., Yale, 1942, M.A., 1947, certilicate Chinese, 1947; Doctor of Laws, Franklin and Marshcll Coli., 1967; m. Jeanne Hathaway Badeau, Mar. 22, 1954; children-Kathe:ine Hat~uway, Stewart Doak. Martha Jeanne. Fellow lnst. Current World Affairs in China and S.E. Asia, 194 7-50, 52-53; corr. Chgo. Da~ly News, 1947-50, 52-53, 53-55; ccns. ECA, 1950-51; consul, pub. affairs officer Am. consulate-gen., Hong Kong, 1951·52; asso. Am. Univs. Field Staff, 1953-55; head dept. fgn. area studies Fgn. Servico lnst., State Dept., 1956-57; research fellow Counc:I Fgn. Relations, 19S8-59; program asso. Ford Found., 19S9-61; proi. polit. sci Columbia, 1961-69; senior fellow BrooLings lnstn., 1969-. \!em. joint com. contemporary China. Social Sci. Research Cvuncil and Am. Council Learned Socs., 1963-6-\, 65-67, chmn .• 1963-6-1, •ub-com. Chinese govt., 1965-; e'l.cc. com. lnternat. Com. Chinese Studies, 1963-65; bd. dirs. Nat. Com. on U.S.-China Relation>, 1966-, chm''· bd. dirs., 1968-69; mem. adv. panel on China, Dept. State, 1966-69; \'is. com. E. Asian civilizations Harvard, i 962-64; chmn. contemporary China studies com. Columbia, 1961-67: mem. lnst. Current World Affairs, 1958-60, 66-, bd. govs., 196G-66, liaison com. study contemporary China, 1965-70; mem. com. on scholarly communication with mainland China, Nat. Acad. Scis.-Am. Council Learned Socs.·Social Sci. Research Council, I Q70-. Served to ::apt. USMCR, 1942-46. Mem. Am. Polit. Sci. Assn. (chmn. Conf. on Communist Studies 1965-66), Assn. Asian Studies (dir. 1962-65), Asia Soc. (council on Chinese affairs), Council on Fgn. Relation!'= (steering com. Project on U.S. and China in World Affairs 1962-66), UN Assn. (China panel 1966-67), Phi Beta Kappa. Author: Communist Economic Strategy: The Rise of Mainland China, 19S9; Communist China and Asia: Challenge to American Policy, 1960; Communist China in Perspective, 1962; Ch!na on the Eve of Communist Takeover, 1963; Communist China: The Early Years, 1964; Cadres, Bureaucracy and Political Power in Communist Chint:i, 1967; China after Mao, 1967; A New U.S. P0licy Toward China, 1970. Editor: Communist Strategies. in Asia: A Comparative Analysis of Go .. ·cmmc:nts and Parties, 1963; United States and China in World Affairs, 1966; Chinese Communist Politics in Action, 1969; (with Edwin 0. Reischauer) The United and China: The Next Decade, 1970. Home: 1023 Shipman Lane McLean VA 22101 Offi<e: Brookinas lnstn 177S Massachusetts Av NW Washington DC 20036

BARNETT, BURI.EIGH FRANCIS, banker; b. Osceola, Mo .. Jan. 6, 1896; s. John Carter and Mary Jane (Rothgeb) B.; student pub. schs., Osceola; m. Mary Nanon Linney, June 24, 1916; children--Leigh Frances (Mrs. G.M. Baccash), George C. Cl~ .• Farmer.; & Mchts. Bank, Osceola, 1915-16, lntcrnat. State Bonk, Trinidad, Colo, 1917; v.p. First Not. Bank of Tulsa, 1918-49; pres. Comml. Nat. Bank of Shreveport (La.), 1949-52; pres. Citizens First Nat. Bank of Tyler (fex.), 1952-67, <hmn. bd., 1~67-69; dir. Coop. Sa-vs. & loan Assn., Tyler. Mem. Robert Morris Assos., C. of C. (prl"s. 1957-58). Mason. Home: 1521 S College Tyl,r TX 75701 Ofl\ce: Citizens First Nat Bank Tyler TX 75701

BARNETT, CHARU'S CONDITT, utilities exec.; b. Derrrott, Ark., Aug. 14, 1915; s. lJzol Conditt and Aiam (Daniel;) B.; B.S. in Civil EnJFing., U. Ark., 1937; m. Mary Lee Mitcho:J, Feb. 7. 1942. With llmted Gas Pipe Line Co., Shreveport. La., I 937--, en gr., 1937-41, IU engr., 1946-55, v.p., dir, 195S-69, sr. v.p., 1969-. Served as maj. C.E., AUS, 194!·46. Mc:m. Am. Gas Assn., Am, Petrcl~urn Inst. Pr<sbyn. !lome: 6009 Dillingham St Shreveport LA 71106 Office: !lox 1407 Shreveport LA J 1104

~ARNJ,;IT, CHARLES WENTWORTH, ret. physician, educator: b. Santa Ro.,, Cal.. Sept. 27, 1903: s. Charl<s Dwight and Emma (Fryer) 9.; A.B., Stanford, 1923; 'I-I.D .. Hu.ard, 1927; m. Hden Fai,-du"gh, Jur'\c 1 L 1927 (dC'c.), c;:hildren-C'hJril!'s G,:orge, James Wentworth;

':1~-~d!_ Barbsra Cor.no!t~·~ ... ~e ... c. 3~ .•. 1.~~~- ln\~~~-~St~~~~r~ 1 ~:~~~~·


Anne, David Kelley, ?-.!3ry Elizabr!h. ~_, . .._ 1946-47; Columbus Roberts prof ,ex,. ; adjunct prof. sociology Wesla~·an c,,,, .•. , social ethks E p:iscopal Theol. ~em. nf .:.. \~ vis. prof. U.ofSouth.sumTlters !956-:.-:r . .:-r · in Chri~tian Theology and Cuiturc, F --:~. 1957-61; a.sso. prof. social phdo:<>or·:~ .. · -'· 1966-68, acting chmn. so.::iology .j,:.,; . . ;, . 1968-69, ~ss.u. prof. ~ocio!vgy, ~i)QQ.~.: \:~ , Chgo., 1970, U. No. Ill.. 1971: dir ?·· ,,._ Houston, 1961-ff.. Pa~! pres .. --\\:sen 1·.

Mem. Am. Soc. Christian Social E:h ... :~ f .. ,,: Profs., Alpha C~i. Pi Kappa Ddt~. A:. Ancient and ~.fc-dic··Ji, l ':1)!: Communism, 1958. Editor: f~is~.:i;:-:(.'-. of DiscordOperation Texa<>. Tt:c: C'h;_:~ ·:: Church and the L'roan MinistrY. T"·~ \. Communion to Mexico and (c!~:~,· 1 ·\-

Co~union Anglicana en Mc.11.ico y Cc-::~r.) :\,·-,. Soctedad Contemporanea. Editor . .;:,_,·:. ~ · _ popular mags. Home: 431 S StoPe St D~L..~--·~

BARNE1T, DAVID LEON. ed;tor; b :;, .. :-­s. Jack and Ida (Levy) B.; B.S. with o,., .. · M.S., Columl:>:a, 1947; m. Jc~r.~:t' ~­children-Ran-:lel, r-... 1egan. Jane. \1er:' '-' . ..: -. Leader, 1947-54. cf,id sta!chou;;.c ~-:r ,. city editor, 1951-54; rt!gional Cclfr B .. '·:. Wa.,hington corr. N.Am. ~--...,.sr;:.:-,<:~ .:.. Washington b'.lr., columnist, 195)-6); \\ ?.·

Newspapers, 1966-. Served 'Nith LS . .\. . .1.. ~. House Corr. Assn. Clubs: Harva;d, !\<:;t. f·;;;::;_-; (Washington). Cor:.tbr. articles ~o mJ.t~s. H Alexandria VA 22307 Office: 1701 Pe11n;\ DC 20006 .

BARNETI, FRAl\.K EUGE~'E, cor0. eq.·-.· July 14, 1912; s. George Forrest a!ld ·d,_. .. 1933, LL.B., Weotcrn Rcs.lJ.. 1936: '" \ 24,1936 (div. i953); I son, John '"'-c"·' 31, 1954; 1 stepdau., Pamela A!lisor: . . ·'.::·­N.Y. bar, 1943; tax lawyer Lyb<o .. c. ;;, ., 1936-41; asso. Clark, C•rr & Ellis. l'!">:J. :·, .­gen, counse: U.P. R.~ .• 1':151-60. • .fl .. ! .... " · 1961~66, chmn. exec. corn .. 19~i·t.-9, ._·7t'T.· Union Pacific Corp., C.P. R.R.., i 41"19- t) :- t.

& N. Co., L.A. & L.S R. R. Cu .. 1%·:>-.. _, ... , 1971-, Unio:t Pacific Land Resuv~:;; l . Mining Corp., 1971-. Upland lHd,.,:~:c ... t. Champlin Petroleum Co., 19"/0----; v.r . .: Ry. Co., Ut;th Park:> Co., 1969 --; m:-:·-r. 1 • :,: trustee Seamen's Bank of s~vs. T:- •• ~: .. ·c. Pacific R.R. Found. Mem. Am. Bar A!;.-._ Transp. Assn. Am. (d!r ), Phi Dc;:a r-· (Armonk, N.Y.); Downtcwn A:.~~;~t.) .. ,.­

University, River (N.Y.C.); Prc~i~:~: '' Metropolitan (V .. 'as.hington); Unic-r: L.· .• ; .. ..:,, Av New York City NY 10028 Off•cc -'"~ NY 10022

BARNETT, GWE~ HliGHE'>, polit w<·· o · d. Palmer and Moutan T~.vlo; fR<' . ..:·,_ .. .,: 1942-43. U. Tulsa. 1943-44, S~anf;yJ.. Aug. 24, l946; chiidrcn-Carol J''""·: .. _ Rep. precinct committee\~. om:J.n. committee..,:on1an for Ada Col;nt .... JY5-'··: _ Com. for Ida .. 1960: mcm. l''our1g f\.c·. Delta Delta. Epis~Of.o.liiln. H<Jmc: 6 5: ~ ! .

BARNETT, HAROLfJ JOSf:PH. '·' .. 10, 1917; s. Abraham and Lt:!D (S .. : ~::; '' li. Cal. at Berkeley, 19·10· M.A. (Sr•c ,: •,· Harvard, 1948, Pr D .. 1952: m. \h.:::.: children-Peter, Ak>:.:mder, Kad·,l"'.;;.c Berkeley, 1939 40; economist 1 re3·'Jn- De· aiso Dept. bt.e;icr, 1946-52; ecc,·,·:·1 -;~ 1952~55; CCOnOinist, dir. eCCJn. !';:"~'"":\'1 ·-~ ... \\'ashington, 1955-5g.,co:ls .. l95':1· ·: r:-·' '~·' State U., 1959·63: prof. econ~. 'A'a~~··· .. : · chmn. dept., 1963-66: cons. \H"' '· Communicatior! Policy, ;..;SF, U.S. (\!: .... ~ Devct.. Nat Acad. Sc!s.-~RC. S:-r\·':.i ·'· Am. Econ. As~:1 .. Ri!p:ivnal S-.:\ .-\-.sr,. ~ Assn. U. Prvfs. Autho; :;:r.e~~~ L Malthusianism and Con~crvation,! ·:~'1

Growth, 1963: \\·irt!.J City rr.nn- 1g Problems-Myths and Realit'~~. 1 ·~7; C Crestwood Dr Clayton MG 6J 105

BARNETT, HEI'<iRY LEWIS, ,.,,_: < Detro;,, June 25, 1914; s. Le·o~o·i~ a;t.: f­Vartmouth, 1931-32, B.S., \\' .. hhi:-:f:.-·.~ 1

19'38; m. Shirlev B:anchaod, Oct. l ~ '- ' Mntin David. ·Ins~r. dept. t•eJtJt.~i- s .. v •. ~-· 1941-43; asst. prof. ,:.:-pt. pcdt,<.t.,~~ L,:

asso. prof., 1950-55; pro;·., cbrr.r.. l'.'"'· '· Medicine. 1955-. ass..::-. Cc:J~l ,_·;.t:. -

servic~ Bronx :viunicipal Ho~l->- Ct:ntcr. Mctabo~ism Tcan: tr.- !\emt'•i..ir . ..i· .: intern at. PerliJ.tric ,A.o;sn.. 1 9t'1· ~·: '·: · · -··~

1943-46. Mem. A.A.A.S .. Am.''-'-'-' ~. '" award l949J, Soc. Pcdi:>tric F.c.·.~-;;r ~;. ~ Medi.:ine, Harv<·y Soc., Ar.l •',_ .. J,..ve~tigat!on. A~.stl A:r.. Pi,~ -;:-:-i3r· .... ~.< .• •

Physi,:,l. So::-., ~.Y Ac;.;.d. ~ci. "-·' :,_ Omep.a Alpha. Co:ltbr. anic'.·)' r~, :-: edit. HomC'· ll~ \\'79th Sl :-.\~,~- Yu·). ( Morris P.:rj.;, A·• Br<)il.'- :\\' l\.H6l

:'lC"~J~- l"t, I":"L~; 1 ur.u., COt:!)'!! ;'o'\Uit',l:'lll.:l.

,1.">rrow County. 0 .. !91~-18; supt. r\c·w· ;;hs .. ~Lnion Couniy, 0., 1918-22; ~·rin. High Sch., Pa:ne,;• . .-i!J,:, 0 .. 1923-28; instr. 1:ist in sch. admin·arn. 1 :.S. Off>:.:c Edn .• !. Grad. Sch., Arr. U .. !930-Jt George ner.!. stiff Sl!rvcy ·,:Ji J,ighcr lt:stns. of 1. staff r\~t Survey ('( Secondary Edn .. l~y ~dn .. ~upcrvisor rra-.·tia teachirlg, Ill.

lcc:f. tdn. Grad. '~.h. Edn., Harvard, oston L! .. 1934-35. p!f'f., 1935-57, prof. n. d.:pt. edn., GraJ. S.:h., 1944; vis. prof. -. \tern. ~taff Survey of Pub. s ... hs .. Cin., .. Harford County. ~1d., 1945-46: lectr. ~.prof. U. So. Cal., 194S. Duke U., 1955, 1960. Dir. Tv.o Year Revision Program.

1001 Standards, 11148. Mern. Sat. Assn. Assn. U. Profs., Am. Ednl. Research

of Edn. (meM. )earbook com., 1936). t. Council on Mea!'ourement~ in Edn., Phi

Authors'. Author: Admi'listration and ,us Grouping: Aims and Activities of

lndividua! DitTerenccs. ~larking and. ~; Sccondary-Schoel Teaching; Growing 'outh Problems Inventories; Teaching in hools; Improving the Secondary S:hool 1 field .. Home; 5921 NE 15th Av Fort

liARD, lawyer; b. Oskaloosa, Ia., Sept. 8. Zora (Gr(tr) B.; student Ill. \\'esleya11 U., .D., 1948; m. Shirley Anne Armour. July lichard II, Nancy Anne. Admitted to Ill. nan and Cutler, C.,go., 1948-59; putner go., 1960-67, Norman & B1llick, Chgo., 1k. c•t Mt. Prospect, 111. Business Capital ~AF, 1943-45. Decorated D.F.C., Air )rd.:r of Coif, Pi Kappa Delta, Tc..u Kappa hDdist. Cub: lnvl!rness Goif. Home: i02 1ts ll 60005 Office; (,q X Washington St

· EVERETT, educator; b. Warminster, ;rt E. and Helen (Green) B.; B.A., Oriel I.A., 1944, D.Phil., 1950, D.Sc . 195i; m. 29, 1951; chi:dren-John David, Pt:ter .. ectr. zoology U. Birmingham (E.ng.), Brit. Empire Cancer Campaign, hon. y lJniv. Coli., London. Eng .. 1951-5"/; of. zoe-logy U. Pa., Phila., 1957-65, prof., ir. Henry Jlhipps lnst.. U. Pa. :\.·led. Sch .. ct'll bioiogy C. Te~. Southwestern ~ed. lilor Jour. Exptl. \.-lcdicine, 1963-; asso. 1964--; mem. allert,Y and immunology mcm. transplant~.tioP immunology com. :!ous Diseases, NIH, !1?58-70; mcm. sci. 's R("search Ho;;p .. ~{c:mphis. 1965-70. N2-46. Recipient Alvarenga Prize, Coli. :-.n. av.ard Soc. Plastic Surgeons, 1964. 1. N.Y. Acad. Scis., Am. Ac&d. Arts and unologists., Tram.plar.tation Soc. Contbr. :: 521! Meader~ Lane D2!\as TX Office: ,urhwcstern Med Sch Dallas TX 75235

LEY, physioiSI; h. Chgo., July 6, 1915; s. ey) B.; grad. Phillips Exeter Acod., i 9]2;

l937; Ph.D., John> Hopkin>. 1943; m. J93l3; children-Sally Frances, Bruce P~ter Fayssou."<. Tchr. math. sci. Am. banon, 1937-40; jr. instr. j.ihysics Johns

·sici!rrot Polariod Corp., Cambridge, ~1ass., sect. aomic bomb test, bikini, 1946; dir.

Cambridge, 194 7- 63, e.cc. •.p., 1955-59, v.p., gen. mgr. lab.c;. opera~ion Aerospace B; Am. commr. Jvint Commn. on Rural 1. ambassador for sci. and tech .. Taipei, Corp., Diffr1..:tion, Ltd , lnc. ~iem. Air asst. dir def. research and cngring. Dept.

Marseille Conf. on Thin Films. 1949; :cmmn. Optic~; r::search assos. Harvard l. Arb and S:i3. (sec.); mcm. Am. Phys. , Optical Soc. Am. (u:.sa. editor jour. A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi. Club; St. Botolph. sics HandOook; ~ubject ed::or: Applied e'S i-'rofl. jours Home: c?_re Box 2 Am o CA 96263 Office: Am EmbaS>y Taipei

IBERT, arcountant; b. Blunt. S.D., Nov. ydi• (Abendroth) B.; B.S .. U. Ill., 1940, ;krchm. July II, 1936; children-Edward

accountant Hanins & Sells, C.P.A's, 1952-63, mng. partner Detroit offi~.:e, oer, N.Y.C., 1969-. Home: 44 Byfield Office: 2 BroaJway New York City ~ l'

ER, banker; b. K.Y.C.. Dec. 22, 1902; s. (~eiders) B.; ~tudent Prir!ceton, 1919·21; !5; m. Kathryn Susan h:lZicr, June 17. rs. James C. Smith), Fr~d Chester. Sec, ~•:eston, 1929·33; as<;t. ·;.p. J. P. ~1organ . p, E,change Nat. Bauk Tampa (Fla.), 9, dir., I 'i54-69; vice chmn. Southeast ., dir. Draper Groves, Inc.; dir. Urandon nt> Assn. Tampa, 1957-58. hon. dir., lnlJ.>a, 1965; trcus.. Fl.a. Fmancial Fo'rum, )3., 1965--; tru~tec ~aval Acad. Found.,

1925-2S, as comJr. USSR, 194i-46. >f f•me, 1962. Mem. A.I.M. (prcs.'s fGJ~parailla, ~aval Acad. Alumni Assn slty {pres. 1956), P:1lr1(t Ge1a Golf and

Cc•1muy, Lions (T~mpa). Home: 2-+01 1609 Offioc; PO Box 3283 M'di>on and I

RE::\fAJ~E, Jr., physician. eUucator; b. ~.oil~ Tremaine and Romai~e (lc~1oync) B.Sl·, (Rhod-:!, ~l ho!a:-), BJ!:.vl Coli.,

Jhm Horkins, 19:-lf: t"ll. Ann H(l\\-c. Feb l1 cm<-~ine Ill, Ann Ht1w;:, John Howe.

''hr.o, Hopkiw,, Vandcrhtt U. hosps., d·;rt:ll L' S\.·h. ~~cdicini.', i)46-~9. asst. ~--•·(·! c!in. pr(,f. medici11C, 1903--, dt:an

.::.n !<~' loH'd. ce'1ttr de·,-d. pogrt.!'llS,

~l!'r. {\-;sree. ;:,cc .. ~l:aH~ .~e1ccuon \..c~. Km.lrJ~·s ."'i>COOI<J.r:;, 1~,:nn :vtcm.

C S. do:i('"gativn to So\·iet l!nion ou H~Jith Scr,,ic-ts R.:scan.::h. l9i'O. P~'~ di~. Sat. Med. FellowshiPs, Inc.; trustee PriPceton, 1956~60, {'~'HJatt.. Sch. ~erved from capt.. to It col. ALS. 19.1/-46; asst. mcd. con->. S.W. Pacific area, 1944; l:hid gen. medicine br. mcd. ccmsu!tJnts div. Off1cc Surgeon Gen .. l ~ ... l-5- 4t. DiplornJte Am. Bd. Internal Mcd:.;ine. 1946. Fellow A.C.P, A.!\-1.A.; mem. A~.sn. Am. Rhodes S:.:hc:·Hs {past dir.), Am. C:in. and C!in!atoi~gical As-.n. (sec.-treas. 1 Q58·6S, pre~. 1968-69), As~n. Am. Phy~ic-w.r~s. Soc. L'.S. \-fed. Cor.s. ArrnNi forc1.:s. A.A.A.S., .·\m. Heart Assn.. Am. Fedn. Clin. Re"-r,l:ch, Med. Libr;.ry Assn .. Phi Bcra Kappa. Alpha Ome.:;a Alpha. Clubs: lv)'; Rollin& Rock (Lig0nier, Pa.); Belle ~fcade Country (~as.hvillc). Contbr. articks to pr011. publ~. Home: J906 \\'nodlawn Dr Nash"·ille T~ Office: ~fcdi..:al An"' Bldg !"ashville T:'\ 37212 also Vanderbilt \tedical Center 21st Jnd Garia.r,d !\ashville 1!\; 37203

BILLii'iGS, JOH:-o SHAW, former cdttor; b. Beech ls!ona, S.C., May II, 1898; s. John S. aad K>tharine (Hammond) B.; grad. St. Pa•.ol's Sch., Concord, N.ll., 1916; student Harvard, 1916-17, 1919-20; m. Frederica \\'ashhurn Wade, Apr. 19, 192-+ (dec.); 1 dau., Frederica Wade (dec.); m. 2d, Elise Lake Chase, Sept. 10,1963. Reponer Bklyn. Daily Eagle, 1921, \Vashington Corr .. 1921-29; nat. affairs editor Time, 1929-33, mng. editor, 1933-36; mng. editor Life. 1936-44; editorial dir. all Time Inc. pubis., T:me, Life, Fortune, 19-l4-54. Served as ammunition truck driver French Army, 1917; 2d It. Air s~rvice, U.S. Army, 1918-19. Home; "Rcdcliffe Beech Island SC 29842

BILLINGS, ~fARLAND PRATf, geologist, educator; b. Boston, Mar. 11, 1902; s. Geor~e Bartlett and Helen Agnes (\fcDonough) B.; student Roxbury Latin Sch., lQIJ.t9, A.B., Harvard. 1923. A.M., 1925, Ph.D .. 1927; D.Sc., Washington L., St. Louis, 1960. U. N.ll, 1966; m. Katharine Stevens Fo\lo-~er, Apr. 23, 1938; childrcn-·George, Betty. Asst. in g:eology Harvard, 1922- 25, instr .. 1925-28, P.SSl. prof. geology Harvard, 1930-39, asso. prof., 1939-46, prof .. 1946--; chmn. chv. geol. scis., 1946-51; asso. Bryn Mawr Coli.. 1928-~9. asso. prof., 1929-30; asst. geologist, U.S. Geol. Survey, 19:19-38, 1940-43, asso. geologist, 1943·44, geologist, 1945; curator Geol \-Ius., Harvard U. Civiiian tech. observer t.:.S. Army, 1944. Fellow Gcol. Soc. Am. (v.p. 195 I. 58, pres. 1959), Mineral Soc. Am.; mern. Am. Acad. Arts and Scis.; Seismol. Soc. Am., Nat. Acad. Scis., A.A.A.S. (v.p. 1947), Am. Assn. Petroleum Geologists. Author: Geo!. Map. of :-.;.H.; Bedrock Geology of K"ew Hampshire, 19;6; Structural Geol. and contbr. numerous geol. articles. Home: 18 Ocean Blvd Box 327 North Hampton, NH 03862 Office; Dept Geol Scis Harvard lJ Cambridge MA 02138

lllUjJI~ .. :"'uv. !4., l'?l.J; :). -"'-IIC:Tl LOIC:IIllllU 1'\llli<J L.II:C: \1'-"HIOI", ~.; ,\_P, YJ!c, 1933; s;:.:1cnt \\'e:·t~tn ~cs. C. Lr.w S'.:h . ., 1939-4-l, Gc-·.ri\: Washington U. Law Sch., 194S, Am. U. Grad. Sch .• 195Q.~~ Georgetown l~. Grad. Sch., 1952· 54; m. Ann Moneta O'Keefe:. Jun~ ~. 1946; chi!dren-Carherine Ann. Allyn Elizabeth, Laure"\ K~o:~ft: Henry Edmund II. Charles Arthur. Marketing and puO. relation~;:._,~,,· to instma. and indsL firms. 1938·41. 48·50: fgn. affairs o!fi<.:er Sto..~k Dept., 194 7.4g: asst. Office Sec. Dd., 1952-58; dir. iMe:nat. pro?· :~•··:. ~ASA, 1':158-5<,-; ~.:ons. Com. Fgr.. Aft airs, L.S. Ho. of Reps., 11.)~9-h! cons. I CA. 19(, 1; ,;hid T.J.S. '-1i..,sion to \\'est A frio. 1962; pre\ Analog Corp.; adminstr. The Moly Group; v.p., sec. Space. ltd.; c01 ,,

Geo-surnys Co.. anJ lnternat. Community Devel. CJrt' Washington; dir .. tre<:s. R3nd lnternat. Corp. (N.Y.C.) dir. f":;.,t ~farkets. Inc., (S.Y.C.): dir., v.p. Rippon Corp. (Va.); chmn. bd. l!.~ Hasco Corp. (Phila.); sr. r!lrtner Billing,Jey & Assos .. \\'a,.hir:; 1,,n Mem. long range studie~ com ... adminstr.'s staff group, :-~ .. \~;_--\ 1958-59; mem. FS. dckgation 3d gen. assembly UNESCO, l'l.:~. UN Conf. FH:edom Ir.furmation, 1948. \Vorld ~~ct~or. Orgn. c{ln:" .. 1948, NATO C0uncil Ministers, 1952-54, u:-o Gen. A>semblv c,.,,, outer space, 1959. Pres. Old Georgetown Rd. Citizens Assn., 1957, S Bethesda Congress of Citizens Assns., 1958; chmn. citi?.cns ad\ bd Cabin John Valley, Montgomery County, Md., 1957-58. Merr.. Y<:..k govt. and social scis. corns. Yak U. Council, 19~·8-. Served to \! comdr. USSR. 1941--l6, 50-52; C(•mdr. Res. Mern. Am. Rocket Soc (space law and sociology com.). Am. Polit. Sci. Ao;sn., Order Fo•Jnder!l and Patriots Am., Newcomen Soc. Am Arbitration Assn., Cahert County (~fd.) Hist. Soc., Cleve. Council \Vorld AffaiiS, Cum LauJe Soc., Book and Snake Sr. Soc. (perm.:ment class agt.). S.A.R., 8-:: 1 Theta Pi. Clubs.: Kinland, Chagrin Valley Hunt, Gnion, City (Cleve _1:

Yale (past pres., dir.), Gro!ier. Canadian (~.Y.C.); Duquesne (Pit:s. ·. Mt:t.ropolitan Kenwood, Fed. City, City Taverr, (\\'ashingtor:). H::-•:ro. · 9319 Old Georgetowr, Rd Bethesda MD 20014 Office; Otis 3ldg 8!0 18th St NW Washington DC 20006

BILLINGSLEY, PATRICK P., educator; b. Sioux Falls, S.D .. May 3, 1925; s. Paul Raymond and Frances (Bulot) £!.; B.S. in E'e<. Engring., U.S. t-:aval Acad., 1948: M.A. in Math., Princeton. 1952. Ph.D.. 1955; m. Ruth Newbe:r:· Thomas, Sept. 2f, 1953; children-Frances, Patricia, Julia, Martha. Paul. Mem. facuhy l Chgo., 1958--. prof. stati:,tic~ and math., 1967-. Sen·ed with L"S~:. 1948- 57. Feli ... 1w lnst. Math. Statistics; mcrn. An"i. Math. Soc. Author p3pers and books in f;.cld. Home: 5630 Kimb.erk Av Chicago IL 60637 Office; Uni•· Chicago Chicago IL 60637

BILLI:'\GTO!'I, DAVID PERKII\S, educator, civil engr.; b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., June I, 1927; s. Nelson and Jane (Coolbaugh) B.; B.S. in Engring., Princeton, 1950; postgrad. (Fulbright fellow) U. Louvain .

BILLINGS, ROGER, former ins. exec.; b. Tewksbury, ~lass., Mar. 1950-51. U. Ghent, 1951-52 (both Belgium); m. Phyllis Bergquist 20, 1901 s. Henry Milton and Alice Maud (Foristall) B.; student Aug. 26, 1951; children-David Perkins, Elizabeth N., Jane N., Philip Philips Exeter Acad., 1918-19; B.A .. Danmou:h, 1923; m. Dorothy N., Stephen N., Sarah L. Structural engr. Roberts & Schaefer Co., KellC"y, Aug. !925; children--Roger, Stanley D.: m. 2d, Ruth Adele N.Y.C., 19)2· 60; vis. iectr. Prince-toP., 1958-60, asso. prof .. 1960-t.-t, M:.H.:Bcanc: 1 dau., Marcia Elizabeth (Mrs. Crombie s. DaJ!in). \Vith prof. civil engring .. 1964-. ~fern. l!.S. delegation to (.;bserve cvncr~·!e Mass. Indemnity and Life Ins. Co .. Boston, 1923-68, dir., 1926-68, and prestressed cc.ncrete engring., CSSR, 19SO. NSF Sci. F:~.cul.y asst. ;<e., 1926-32. sec., 1932-35. gen. mgr., 1934-64, pres., 1935-64, fel:ow, Delft. 1966-67. Registered profl. engr., S.Y .. N.J. ~1em. Am chmn. bd., 1964-68. Mem. Bostonian Soc., Sigma Chi. Mason. Clubs: Soc. C:E .• Am. Contrete lnst., Prestress_cd Conc;t>te Inst.. Intern::,.:. Braeburn Country, Sarasota Yacht, Eastward Ho Country. Sarasota A~s:1. Shell Struc_ture~.lntcrnat: Assn. B_ndge and ~tructura.l Engr;ng .. Dactmouth, Ivy League; Bird Key Yacht (Saras-ota). Home: 65 \\'hite Pnnccton ~-ngrm~. Assn., Sibma XI. Repl!bhcan. Eptscopa.l~fl Oak Rd \\'ellesley Hills 82, MA (winter) 6-l3 Mourning Dove Dr Bird~u ho~: Thm She,! Concrete Structures •. 1 ?65; res~arch and des1gn Key, Sarasota, FL;(summer) Chstham, MA 02633 . Is. m field. Home; 109 Broadmead Pnnceton NJ 08540

BILLII'\GS, STEPHEN ELLSWORTH, editor; b. Ripton, Vt., Oct. , ILI.II\GTON, JA,~;:s HADLEY, historian, educator; b. Bryn 18 1909 ~ J d Bl h A (!\ t ) B ed b , h -...Jiawr, Pa., June I, • .. -9; s. l'>elson and Jane (Cou,blugh) B.; B.A..

• . ; s. ··· <ls_on an anc e · •. ew ?n .; ·. pu_ · .c s.; .~· Princeton, !950; D.Ph:l. (Rh~)des scholar), Oxford (Eng.) L:., 19~ 3; m. Ant~n.lctta Sannmo, June 25. 1~~45, _chJidr~~_:;-BI~n~~· Mar~la, Marjorie Anne Brennan, June :2, 1957; children-Susan Gilbert. Pa_tnc~a. Mem. staff Barre: (Vt.) Du!ly T~mes, · · ... S_-3 •. --· ednor Anne Holmes; James Hadley, Thomas Keator. lnstr. history Harvard. edttonal page. 1945-, also bcok '!~1tor, state. ne_..,H edrtor Rutla,nd Cambridge, Mass., 1957-58, asst. prof., research fellow Russi:m (Vt.) Herald, 1937-41. Pres. Ward Fl\:e P.T.A., 19o0. Sec. Barre(\ t.) Research Center, 1958-61; Fulbright prof., Hel>inki, Finland, Republican Com., 1947-. Served wit~ At.:S, 1942·45, ETO. Mem. 1960-61; Guggenheim fellow, 1960-61; Hodder fellow CounCil Barre C. of C. (dtr.), Poetry Soc. \t., \t. H1st. ~oc. Methodl~t Humanities, Princeton, 1961~62, asso. prof. history, 1962-64, prof .. !_steward). Hom" 7 Humbert St Barre Vr 05641 Oluce; 34 N Mam 1964-; guest lectr. u. Leningrad (CSSR), 1961,55, Moscow, I%5; ~t Bane VT 05641 guest resear=h prof. Inst. History, Moscow, 1966-67. Served with

!IILLINGS, WILLIAM DWIGHT, ecologist, educator; b. Washington, Dec. 29, 1910; s. William Pence and Mabel (Burke) B.; B.A., Butler U .. 1933; M.A., Duke, I 935, Ph.D .• 1936; D.Sc., Butler U., 1955; m. Shirley Ann Miller, July 29, 1958. lnstr. botany U. Tenn., !936-37; instr. biology U. Nev., 1938-40. am. prof., 1940-43, asso. prof., 190-49, prof., chmn. bioloe>· dept., 1949-52; asso. prof. botany Duke, 1952-58, prof .. 1955-67, James B. Duke prof., 1967-. Mem. adv. panels NSF, \\'ashington, 1954-57. Fulbright research scholar, New Ze:.dund, 1959; recipient Certificate of ~1erit, Bot. Soc. Arn., 1960, Mercer award Ecol. Soc. Am., 1962. Mem. Ecol. Soc. Am. (v.p. 1960), Brit. Ecol. Soc., Bot. Soc. Am. Author; Plants and the Ecosystem, 1964; Plants, Man and the Ecosystem, 1970. Editor: Ecology, 1952-57, Ecological ~!onographs, 1969-. Contbr. articles tech. jours. Home: 1628 Marion Av Durham NC 27705

BILLINGSLEA, CHARLES, army officer; b. Chgo., May 16, 1914; s. Charles and ~1abel Billingslea; B.S., Li.S. Mil. Acad., 1936; grad. Army War Coli., 1953, Nat. War Coli .. 1958; grad. Advanced MgmL Program. Harvard, 1957; m. Bettina Hill, Dec. 17, 1939; I son, Charles. Commci. 2d lt. Ll.S. Army, 1936, advt~nced through grades to maj. gen., 1Q63; various as~ignments U.S. and Hawaii, 1936-41; with II Corps and Allied Forces lldqrs., Eng., 1942; with Hdqrs. USAAF, 1st Brit. Parachute Brigad::, 5th Army, Mvrocco, Algeria and Tunisia, 1942-43; exec. p~thfindcr Parachute Brigade, Sicily, Jtaly, 1 943; exec. officer 504th Parachute lnf., Eng. and Italy, 1943-44; regtl. comdr. 325th Glider lnf., Eng., Central Europe and Berlin. 1944- 4;; chief staff 82d Airborne Div., 1945-46; with plans se-:t. Army Field Force, Ft. Monroe, \'a .. 1446-49; rn~m. staff and faculty Corr.mand and G~:n. Staff Sch. aitd War Coli.. i 949-51; assigned ORO, Korea and Washir.gton, 1951-52; chief plans SHAPE, Paris. France. 1953-56; dep. chief EUJopeaa region OSD, ISA, Washington, 1958-61; dep. chief staff 8th U.S. Army. Korea. 1961·62; assigned Hdqrs. 2d Div., Ft. Bragg, N.C., 1962; comag. ~en. 2d In!. Div., Fort Benning, Ga., 1962-64; now dep. comdg. gen. Combat Devel. Command, Fort Belvoir. Va. Decorated D.S.C. with oak. leaf cluster, Bronze Star medal with oak leaf cluster, Army Commend:nion ribbon with oak leaf cluster; Fouragerrc (Belgium); Orange Lanyard, knight 4th class Militarie \\'illems Order (Netherlands); Red Star (Russia); t(ou:an Order Merit 3d class. Merr. Assn. U.S. Anny. Rctarian. Home: Quarter> 59 Fort Belvoir VA 2:060 Onlce; Dep Comdg Gcn l;SA Combat Devc:1 Comnd Fort Belvr,ir VA 22060

BILLI:-oGSLEY, HASCAL SANDERS, beverage co. exec.; b. Wylie, Tn., Dec. 26. 1905: s. James Clement and Eva (Sanders) B.; studer.t Advanced Accounting. Sch .. U. Tex., 1926-27; m. M:uy Louise Bruss, Nov. 15. 1935; children---H:1scal Uruss, '.1artha Joan (Mrs. Ralph D. Bowman). Account~nt, Peat, Marwick. Mitchell & Co., C.P.A.'s,

\.Dallas, 1927-30; with Dr Pepper Co_, Dallas, l"J31. pres .. 1966-69. chmn. bd., 1969--·. Bd. Jirs. D;..:.lla<:. chpt. A.R.C. \f.:m. Dallas C. ;.>f C. (dir.), Salesmaroship Cluh Da!IJS (bd. d"s. 1953-54, seo. 195J-54), AI: Spmts A~sn., B.:ta .\lp}H!. Psi. Clubs: Dai! ts City, CL;.ipparal, ;>o;orthwood (Dallas). Horr:c: 4818 ~te!issa Lane D;;!las, ·;x 752.29

AUS, 1953-56. ~!em. Council Fgn. Relations, P.E.N., Assn. Am. Rhodes Scholars (dir.). Am. Assn. Advancement Slavic Studir.; (dir., vice chmn. bd. fgn. scholarships), Phi Beta Kappa. EpiscnpJlian. Author: ~likhailovsky and Russian Populism, 1958; The kon and the A.(e: An Interpretive History of Russian Culture, 1966. Home: 6 McCosh Cirlce Princeton NJ 08540

~l.L1\~i;~Tg~~il ~:l»;~;aL(~~~~;~~;r~:~;Bb, J•~~i.t19~t~:f~r Mich., 1927; Ph.D., Harvard, 1933; ~-1.A., Oxford U., 1953; Litt.D .. Bowling Green U., 1958, U. Redlands, 1965; LL.D. (hon.), Park Coli., 1961. Occidental Coli., 1969, U. Toledo, 1970· L.H.D., Northwes<ern U., 1971; 'll. ~llbel R. Crotty, Sept. 6, 1928; children-Anne. Allen. Instr., asst. prof. history Clark U., 1931-37; asst. prof. Smith Co:I .. 1937·38, asso. prof., 1938-44, prof., 1944; prof. history Northwe~t-:-rn U., 1944-49, \Villiam Smith Mascn piOf. history, 1949-63; sr. research asso. Huntington Library, 1963-; Harmsworth prof. Am. h!5tor) Oxford U., 195:. Guggen'lcim ~leml. fel!ow, 1943·44; Schol!l~r kctr Johns Hopkins, 1944; Taft lectr. U. Cin., 19)4; Blazer lectr. U. Ky .. 1960. Hist. editor Dryden Press, 1949-56, Rmchart and Co., 1956-60; hist. cons. Ency. AmericJ.na, 1962-69. Trustel! Newberry Library, Westerners Internat .. Occidental Coli.; bd. dirs. Social Sci. Research Council. Mem. Am. Studies Assn. (pres. 1959-61 ), Am. Hi st. Assn .. Orgn. Am. Historians (pres. 1962- 63), Hist. Assn. Eng. and Wales. (hon.), Hist. Soc. So. Cal., Agrl. History Soc., Econ., So., \\'es:crn (pres. 1962·63) history assns., Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Beta Kappa ... ~.sse s .. Hermitage Frat., Sigma Delta Chi. Author: The Protestant Cr•.IS:l()C, 1938; Westward Expansion, 1949; American History s;r.cc 1865. 1950; American History Before i8i7. 1951; The Far Westcru Frontier, 1830-1860, 1956; Historians' Contribution W Anglo-American Misunderstanding, 1966; America's Frr·nw::r Heritage, 1966; Genesis of Frontier Thesis, 1971; articles. Co-a•Jthur: The l'nitcd States, American Democracy in World Perspecti•.:e, 1947: The Making of American Democracy, 1950. Editor: The Jour!l. l f Charlotte L. Forten, 1953; The \\'cstward Movement in the L,;r.itcJ State ... , 1959; Frontier and Section, 1961; The Frontier The~ is, 1966; The Reinterpretation of Early American Historv, 1966; Amc:-ica·) Frontier Story, 19!\9; Dear Lady: The Letters of Frederick Jackson Tcrner and Alice Forbes Perkins Hooper, J QiO; Histories of Amui~:J.:l Frontiers series, I 962-. Bd. editors Am. Heritage, 1959-62. AriL an~l We~.t. t 959--. Am. West, 1 Q62~, America: History and Liie. l ()£,~ --· Pacilic Historian, 1965--. Western Historical Qt...ir .. i97G-. Hem.:: 2J75 Lombardy Rd San Marino CA 91108 0!1ice; Huntington Library Sen ~1arin<:> CA 9ll08 f:!

BILL:vt:AN, CARL, a.!Jsn. exec.; b. Winchester, Mass., June 23, 1913: s. Chri~torher Lewis and Lilian (livermore) 8.; A.B.. Harvard. 19:_:~. M.A .. !936. Asst. in hHo.tory Harvard, i937-41; ir,str. St. Marb :.,.;h .. 194!-42; t&riffs and schedules arialvst Am. Airlines, lnc., Jt~..t2--*6: as"~ sec. Lnited Chpts. nf Phi B-!ta Kappa, 19~0-47, exec. st..:· 1947--. Office; 18il Q St NW Washington DC 20009

BII.L~IAN, JOH:-o Hf.NRY, educatM. chemist, b. Bkl::n., F<o i. 191:; s. FreJeri.:.:k ana ~vhrie (Van Schoonhoven) B.: B ;,,, C. \":t ..

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niv. Prof. adminstrn. ~ca N.Y., 1959--. n.n~l adtnin\strn. and I H3-4t. Author: In­Training Plans and

••<: Barfaining. 1 950; 50. \Vhat successful .tijress: Cornell Cniv

~cw Hampshire. A_p~ · ·Hale) 1:!.; B.S. in .f"'l 916. Master Mt.t~ry Artillery Sch., 19.2, ar Coli., 1937: Doct•)r vitt. Nov. 29. 1917: Campbell. Jr.). MaJ 1st Vt. Cav., 1915-lb:

and advanced through :~nd Battle o~ _\1arne: ~ offensi·•c~; wt':.n ~~~6-sfc~rr.d to F.A., · ·cs'b~anch. \\'ar De-pt ~ored Force. 1941--n: Mar. J9H, 2d A;tnor<D ·H- Sept. !944, comdg 1944-0ct. \944, comdg.

O<t. 1944-May 1945; lnnsbruck. Austna. ~1<i, '· Atlanta; co~r~dg .• gcn_ o:ndg. t,er.. L····· ~r~) nel. Dept. ~rmy. \\a~.;;;: -53· exec. dlr .. Assn. : . , N;~. Hamrshire Sa' wt~ •. Scouts Am .. Deco~at~-~ ~~ of ~ieri.t wtth o:lk \f.::, onze Star Victory Me?" ;tars (U.S.), officer Leg1::;

(France); grand ofl\c ... ,,sOrder \st Class, Ar~-~

C · Oc Guerre "'lt ~:~· R~~~~lk of Ec_uad\:r (~~undl trustees 19,9-0~!

:urn ..:o. e,_ec:.! b. Akr~nB ~ 1 !\!•• (Bicklord) B .. ;.·­~, Bu~. Admir_strn,1;~3P~:C" hi\dren-:-Susan \)nn~\J \: Stephame (~rs. \r . & Sm.ith lnte;nat., _ ·_ }~ l<iS0-55; gen. sales r.~. ''·• C !955-58, v.p .. •· ~:i'o: ~hmn. bd. Colud ·~ Ser\'ice Chems. Ltd.;~'' ~ also dir. Served t_0 ·'"' 5• Mem. Mfg. Cbrm,.-,tf:. N Y.C.); Edgartown .,' J •.

: 61st St Sew 't' ork (1.)

ity ~y 10005

,. b. Rush Spring. Okl>: ," )'s.: B.A .. cer.tral s~:~ , Har,·ard, 1954-; r.;. ..; .. n--Pa\.11, Chri.;torh~~~ · · L, ··ith U.S. Post Offtc~ \_ ,dlt Agrl. and Me" Y' > 1953: instr. Duke. i 0·.

. 'PrC\f .. i 960-64, p~of(a1 . te 1969-; lectr. . ·~ 'R 1942-46. Mem. !;,, -' dist., Jst v.p ... 19b~ . · .. ,cil Tchrs. English. ( .. ·\ 11.micat:on. Demo~r~t~.,;., "otis) Correlated ,a, .. · ~67. Contbr. aru~le~ rt\' ,-~ ~f{ice: Dept Eng\J~.h ln-..

Jayne (Mrs. C. Dean Browne), Sandra lee (Mrs. Robert C. Jordan). Vice pres. Del. Engra\"ing Co., Muncie, Ind., 1926-30. Ditzel-Brooks Co., Dayton, 0.; 193!·32; v.p.-sec. Wayne Co!orplat~ Co. Ohio, D;syton. 1932-37, pres .. treas .. 1937-; v.p., trcas. Brooks Im·cstment Co .. Dayton, 1953-: dir., chmn. bd. Third :.iat. Banl & Trust Co., OJy[On, Charter mem. Dayton Area Progress Council, 1961; chmn. \f11ntgomery County Bldg. Commn.; founder rnem .. 1st pres. AII­OJ> ton Com., 1945-47; past chmn. Montgomery County chpt. A.R.C.; chmn. bldg. com. Air Force ~ius.; past pres. Dayton Philharmonic Ass.n. Trustee Da} ton and :OAontg(~mery County Pub. L1brary (past prec:..); trustee Dayton Art lost., pres., 1951-53; trustee L. Da)ton. Mem. Am. Photoengra••ers Assn. (past pres.), Photo-Engravers Research lnst. (dir .• past pres.). Dayton Printing !ndustry Assn. (past pres.), Dayton C. of C. (pa;,t pres., dir.), Research ar.d Er.gring. Council Graphic Arts (dir.), Sewcomen Soc. Presbyn. 1 past pres. Ohio Bd. Home \1issions, ch. elder). Mason. Rotarian. Cub!': Tavern (Chgo.); Moraine Country, Engineers. Bicycle, R>equet, Dayton City. Home: 4365 Delco Dell Rd Dayton OH 45429 u~fice: 34 l\" Ma:n St Dayton OH 4540~

BROOKS, FORREST ED:.tU:-iD, cons. en gr.; b. Kansas City ,1890; , John Dryns and Je-11nic Priday (Cadle) B.; B.S. in Elec. Eng ring, Case !r.>t. Tech .. 1912: m. Ruth Hetzel, Apr. 30, 1923: children-Mary bc.e. Forrest Edmund, Ruth lee. With N.Y. Telephone Co .. N.Y.C., : ~ 12-55. succes~ively C"ngr., engr. plant extension, chief rngr .• ;'I; 2-50, v.p., 1950-55; cons. engr., 1955- -;directed survey of transit r~.diiiCS N.Y. Met. area conducted by Met. Rapid Transit Commn. .,-.J P"'rt N.Y. Authcrity. With Office Civilian Def., World \\'ar 11; ,,o:-m. group under Fed contr::tct (project East River) to study Civil :>ef, 1951, 52. Served to maj. Signal Corp,, U.S. Army. 1917·19; col. 'Y. :\.G., 1941-54. Recipient citation in communications mgrnt. i ''e lns!. Tech., 1953. Licensed prot1. engr., N.Y. Fellow l.E.E.E.: ~em. Am.lnst. Cons. Eng:-s., ~.Y. C. of C.. Commerce and Industry \\\1 ~.Y., Ohio Soc. S.Y., Eta Kappa !\"u (past nat. pres.), Sigma \.,. Episcopalian. Clubs· EngineerS (trustee, mem. bd. mgmt.), :\.Y. '"'''"d. Railroad-Machinery (1\.Y.C.); Scarsdale (:\.Y), Golf; '"~''''P (Pa.). Home' 6 Brookline Rd Scarsdale NY 10583 Office: 330 \hJz-;on Av New York City ~y i0017

~~OOKS, FOSTER Ll:\llSEY, educator; b. Carrollton, 0., Sept. 4, i. s. Thomas Howard and Bronta (Herron) B.; A.B., Mt. Union · 1929; Ph.D .. Ohio State U., 1934. Tchr. math., physics

! ·,,!!Inn High Sch., 1933-35; ins:r. through prof. math. Kent (0.) ~ 1:c ! :. 1935-; with Operaticns Research Grcup L'$!';, 194::!-45, • 1'"! R<:~earch, De"el. Bd., 1948, \\'eapons Systems Evaluation

· '~?. 1948-49; vis. instr. N.Tex. State U., summers 1936,37,39, 40; ~ ~ ~ept. Def, Goodyear Aerospace Co., United Electro

arn;~s. Inc. Recipient Presidential certificate of mc::rit, 1947. "' .A.m. Math. Soc., ~fath. Assn. Am. (scc..rreas. Ohio sect.),

~ -l~:ons Research Soc. Am., Soc. lndsl. and Applied Math., · ., Soc. Am., Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Tau. Republican. Methodist.

· • "·Home: 1741 Dollar lake Dr Kent OH 44HO

""')K~. GEORGE DA~IEL, ins. exec.; b. Mortin Tenn., Oct. 13, • t G~orge Martin and Mayme (Mathis) B.; student Vanderbilt

'~J-18; m. Julia Evans Clements, Apr. 23, 1929; :"l - France' Moore (Mrs. Michael Corzine), Julia Clements Ciorke T. Reed). Employed Caldwell & Co., lrwestment

~ash"·iile, Tennessee. 1928-30; Thirti Sational Bank, r. Te-nn., 1930-3!; joined ~at Life & Accident Ins. Co.,

· _'<. 19JI, mgr. investment dept., 4 1939-, v.p., !950-59, ·.'iSJ-59, financiE~.l v.p., 1959-63, senior ... -.p., chmn. finance •':.\.(..&, exec. v.p. 1964- 65, pres., 1965-67. chaiiman of the

.! J1rc..:tors, 1967-·, also dir.; chmn. bd., dir. \VS~. Inc., :. tru.,tee U.S. Trust Co. ~.Y. Financial adviser of Old

}· 1 !km;c, Nashville; past. dir. United Givers Fund, !\ashville, · '· ~ ~ l?evel. Found.; adv. bd. Jr. League ~ash ... ·ille; bd. dirs.

' \ \ll.A. Served as lt. comdr. !JS]'; R, 1942-45. Decorated ' Comntendation, Commendation medal (Navy). Mem.

•·p Ft.&nkcr) Assn. Am. (past gov.), Vanderbilt U. Alumni Assn. -~ ~ ~,' 1- S1gma ~u. lnJ. Democrat. Presbyn. Clubs: Cumberland,

0 ~e Country (past pres.) (~ashville); National Goif ~. ~·,•,~;Jl.J. ~in_ks (N.Y.C.). Home: Clarendon Av Nashville, TN

-c ~dttonal Life Center Nashville TN 37203 "1 _.

','· r,£~RGE WILLIAM, coli. dean; b. Macon, Ga., June 7, :\ oiioam and lois (Henderson) B.: B.S., Ind. t.:., 1941,

. :•·( JD, 1955: LL.B., LaSalle Extension !J., 1947; m. . .', .• ".";''· May ]5, 1945; I son, George W. (der.) lnstr.,

~ ( od · 1942-43; asst. prof. social studies Prairie View A. 'Tn .. 19-+3·53; prof. social studies and edn. S.C. State

. ' .. ··1. I ~55-59, chmn. dept. social studies, 1959-60, dean ~" ·, .. J,~s. 1960-. ~fern. council on coop. ;;o\1. projects

.. ,- ern. Am. Assn. Sch. Adminstrs., N.E.A .• Nat. , • '-" 11 ~ Studies, S.C. Psycho!. Assn., Palmetto Ed:!. Assn.

.,. \ :: .''· of dels. 1959--), Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Delta ... ~ •

1:• lhe1a. \1ason (Shriner). Home: SC State Coli Sch

'' "l<burg SC 29115

•' <.I OII(T WJLSCl · · , H • · ~.educator, physictan; b. \\'arren, Vt., · : ~·>ry W and lena (LaMorder) B.: B.S., V. l';.H., ••. t t\tt · 19~4. m. J~an Duncan, Mar. 5, 1943; ""'"I:! p, '' Br:an Marttn), Prudence (~irs. Prudence

.. 1 , .~·~r.hmts Rotaqng mtern ~1ary Fletcher Hosp, , ~ 4 .. '•:

1"'• 45, restdcnt psycht3try Vt. State Hosp,

, , ·~· h u~t ph:,·stclan, )9.;9-Sl, sr. pS)Ch!atnst, ..... ., r\. an., St!fr cdn . 19S7-61, asst supt . ! 961-68,

\; •Pt · 1968-, ~x..:hange resident!': H State Hvs;> .. ~ ·t:~~ ~~~me&: f ~cnch F?und fellow Mass Mt"ntal

~ . · · ~~6-~7. mstr. elm. psychiatry C. Vt. Coil. ~ ... ~· 1'-I._J-~7. as!.t. prof., 1957-63, as,o. prof.,

r"!" S~n.ect as <.·apt., M.C .. AUS, 19-lS-47. , ~ _..., 7~:'.~~~~ious service President's Com. on

,· ...... :q.:.~r?:.~·¥_1_9~<,:. c:.~~:~~m ~or_ or6n. and


~OOKS, HARVI::Y, educator. physicist; b. Cleve., Aug. 5, 1915; s. Chester Kingsley and Elizabeth Freeman (Brown} B.: student Hawken Sch .. Cleve., Hill Sch .• Pottstown, Pa.; A.B.. Yale. 1937; postgrad. Cambri,Jge (Eng.) U., 1937-38; Ph.D., Harvard, 1940; D.Sc., Kenyon Coil, Harvard, 1963, Yale, 1962; Brown U., 1964; rn. Helen Gordon Lathrop. Oct. 20. 1945; children~AJicc Lathrop. Katharine Gordon. Kingsley Chapin. Rosalind Hickox.. ~em. Soc. of Fellows Harvard, 1940-41, research asso. L"nderwater Sound Lab .. 1942-45; asst. dir., prof. engring. research Ordnance Research Lab .. Pa. State Coli .. 1945-46; research asso .. asso. lab. head Knolls Atomic Power Lab., Gen. Electric Co .. 1946-50; Gordon :\fcKay prof. applied physics Ha~vard, 1950-. dean engring. and applied physics. I '157-. Dir. R~ytheon Co.; mem. com. on underseas warfare i\'RC, 19·~8-65; mern. U.S. Pres.'s Sci. Adv. Com., 1959-64: mem. naval research adv. com. :-.:at. Sci. Bd. Trustee 'Woods Hole Oceanographic lnstn .. Case \\'estern Res. lJ.; mem. Council on Library Resource. Recipient Ernest Orlando Lawrence award, 1960. Fellow Am. Phys. Soc., Am. ~uclear Soc.; mem. !\'at. Acad. Scis., Am. Philos. Soc., Acoustical Soc. Am., Am. Acad. Arts and Scis., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi. Editor-in-cl-.id Jour. Physics and Chemistry of Solids. Ho:ne: 46 Brewster St Cambridge MA 02138

BROOKS, HE1\RY I.UESING, U.S. circuit judge; b. louisville, Dec. 9, !905; s. Horace G. and Amelia (luesing) B.; !..B., U. Wis., 1927; J.D., V. louisville, 1929; m. Christine Clarke, Oct. 29, !930; children-Henry luesing, Peggy C. (Mrs. Robert B. Beale, 111), Thomas C. Admitted to Ky. bar, 1928; practiced in Lotoisvillo;:, 1929-54; judge Jefferson Circuit Ct .. 1946-48; faculty Jefferson Sch. Law, 1948-52; U.S. dist. judge. Louisville, 1954-69; U.S. circuit judge 6th Circuit, Cin., 1969- -. Mom. Ky. Bd. Bar Commrs., 1950-54. Served as it. !JSNR, 1943-46. Mcm. louisville Bar Assn. (ptes. 1949), Sigma Chi. Phi Delta Phi. Mason (32, Shrirer). Home: 21 Beln:!p Beach Prospect KY 40054 Offoceo US Court House louisville KY 40202

BROOKS, JACK BASCOM, congressman: b. Crowley, La., Dec. 18, 1922; s. Edward Chachere and Grace Marie (Pipes) B.; A.A., lamar Jr. Coli., Beaumont, Tex., 1939- 41; B.J., U. Tex., 1943, J.D., 1949; m. Charlotte Collins, Dec. 15, !960; childrtn--Jack Ecward, Kathcrir.e Inez. Admitted to Tex. bar, 1949; mem Tex Legislature, 1946-50, author lamar Coli. bill, !94'1; mer1. 83-89th congresses from 2d Dist. Tex., mem. 90th-92d congre-sses from 9th Dist. Tex. Served from pvt. to 1st It. L'S~CR, 1942v46; now col. Res. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., State S:ir Tex., Am. Legio:1, V.F.W., Sigma Dc-!ta Chi. Home: 1029 East Dr Beaumont TX 77706 Offwe: Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington DC 20515 also Fed Building Beaumont TX and Fed Bldg Galveston TX 77550

BROOKS, JAMES, artist; b. St. louis, Oct. 18, 1906: s. William Roldolphus and Abogail (Williamson) B.; student So. Mcth. l..i., 1923-25, Art Students League, 1927-31; studied with Wall3.:e Harrison, 1945; m. Charlotte Park, Dec. 22, 1947. lnstr. Pratt lnst., N. Y.C., 194 7-59; faculty Columbia, 194 7- 48, Queens Coli., 1';. Y.C., 1966-69, New Coli., 1966, U. Pa., Phila., 1971; vis. critic advanced painting Yale, New Haven, !955-56, 5·1·59; vis. artist Sew Coil., Sarasota, Fla., 1965-; one-man shows Peridot Gallery, N.Y.C., 1950-53. Borgenicht Gallery, N.Y.C., 1954. Stable Gallery, N.Y.C., 1957, 59, Kootz Gallery, N.Y.C., 196!, 63, 64 Phila. Art Alliance, 1966; Martha Jackson Gallery, 196~. 71, Berenson Gallery, !'.'iami, Fla., 1969; exhibited Retrospective Fxhbn. at Wilitney Mus., ~.Y.C., 1963-64; artist in residence Am. Acad., Rome, 1963; t"xhibited Rose Art Mus., Brandeis U., Walker Art Center, Mp!s., U. Cal. at Los Angele~. Bait. \1us., Mus. Modern Art, Washington, 1963, Whitney Mus., Modern, Bklyn., Met., Guggenheim mus'!ums, Art lost. Chgo., numerous others, a!;o Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Bash~. Milan, Loildon, Berlin, Brussels, Paris, Barcelona, 1958; t"Xecuted mural:; Lit~ie !='ails (N.J.) Post Office, \Voodside (Ll.) Library. LaGuardia Airport. Recipient prizes Pitts. Internat., 1952, Art fn:;t. Chg:o., 1957, 61. Guggenheim fellow, 1967-68. Club: Century (N.Y.C.). Home: 128 Neck Path Springs East Hampton NY 11937

BROOKS, JAMES I::LWOOD, educator; b. Salem, Ind., May 31, 1925; s. Elwood Edwin and Helen Mary (May) B.; A.B .. DePauw lJ., 1948; MS., Northwestern U., 1950; Ph.D .. U. Wash., 1954; m. Eleanore June l':ystrom, June 18, 1949; children-Nancy, Kathryn, Carolyn. Research asso. lll. Geol. Survey, 1950; geologist Gulf Oil Corp., Salt Lake City, summers 1951-53; instr. gcol. scis. So. Meth. U .. Dallas, 1952-55, asst. prof., 1955-59, a>•.o. prof., 1959-62. prof., 1962-, chrnn. dept., 1961-70, asso. pro\·ost univ., 1970-. Cons. geologist form DeGolyer & MacNaughton, Dallas, 1954-59. Bd. dirs. Inst. Study E.:lfth and Man, lnst. for Cnderwater Resea:-ch, Dallas . Served with !JS!'\R, 1943-46. Fellow Geol. Soc. 1\m., A.A.A.S., ~-ex. Acad. Sci.; mem. Sigma Xi, Phi Eta Sigma, Sigma Phi. Contbr. articies to profl. jours. Home: 7055 Arboreal Dr Dallas TX 75231

BROOKS, JA~IES EUGENE, coil. pres.; b. Fo>est, Wash., Oct. 10, 1925; s. James Edmon and Nellie (Cecelia) B.: B.A. in Edn., Central Wash. State Coil., Ellensburg, 1949; M.A. in Geography, t.:. Wash., 1952, Ph.D. in Geography, !957; m. lillian Janellliteral, Sept. 19. 1947; children--Carol. :\iarla, RondJ, Brian, Kenneth. In~tr. geography Central \\'a~h. State Col!., sprin~ 1952: instr .. then asst . prof. Eastern Wash. State CoiL, 1953-58; asst. prof. Portland State Coil., 1~58-59, am. to pres., 1959-61: pres. Central Wash. State Coli., 1961-. Home: 211 E lOth St Ellensburg WA 98926

I! ROOKS, JA:.IES L, TV writer, producer; b. Bklyn .. May 9, ! 940: s. Edward M. and Dorothy Helen (Sheinheir) B.; student l';.Y.t.J., 1958·60; m. Marianr~e Catherine Morri~sey, July 7, 1964; I dau., Amy Lorraine. \\'riter. CBS Sews, N.Y.C., 1964-66; writr-r- producer documentaries \\olpc:r Prodns .• Los Angele:;, !966-67; CX('C. story editorr~:reator TV :-:t::neo; Room 222. 1968-69; c~.:~.'. proch:cerlcreator TV ~cries Mary Tyler Moore Shew, l9';''J; writer i producer Th~rsdly's Game, 1971---; gu~st lcctr. StanforC GrJd. Sch. Communit...ltion!.. Rectj"lient Emrny a~iirJ fur crc-;.tt,on of Room 222, 196~. for comedy

' ,_..-,.,.:...~. ~ .. ~.l¢~· :..):


ksus, 1950, ord:1ined p~;es: R ·- •­adminstrn. Col!. H·)!} c~'-'·~~ -~ . prof. theology, 196~-. :--~~ ;: \\"orcester, 1969-. c~:;.::· :;:~-~ 1968-70; !iuhcorn_ H JrL-. -.. -

council of urban J;.L1.1rs ·-'--,~-roc .. !969--.·a!s0 c:.~~¥· 3 .

~1a~n S.:,uth area \\.··.l~~·-:~:-:~ ·. St. Petc;'s Col:.. J'!r3.?\ ("_:

The Lit'Jrgica! (\m~ .. C::.:­Religinus "Edn. As5.n. :,),_· '- · Ch. Soc. for Col!. \\",--:·; . : Cros~ Loyola Hali Wt.,~.::~"-~- t.~

BROOKS, JOH:..; GAl~- T. - • Overton and Emmii~e:-:e ·.:. ---~ :. 1931-36; m. Ann \f~:~-,'.-· . R0!Jert ~ialcolm. \\'i~"-: ~-Radio Co:·p., 1935-~:. \~::. :,· Products Co. 19~-:'-5!. Angelt:s.. 1954-62; c:-::~:. __ Santa ~1onica. Cal.. ;'~t: -·- -· So. Cal., So. Cal. EJi,cc. C . _ AngE-les County Hea:-: A.-~~ . chmn. U.S. lndsl. P.:tno·. S2.·.; -l­

Area, 19i0, 71; mem. e:(ec :.-.: -c--: ...... 1970--; gov. Henrotir. }~-~::- :,:--~ Monica; asso. Cai. l~:s:. :- ~ Trw-tee City of Hop~;!:-·,;~-~--: L tr\lstce C<.il. Council E:0:-.. ::: · · ~1e•n. U. So., Cal. .\_,,.·~·s.. :.._ ~ 1958-69, m;.uir.e r-.:soc~ v~ ::. _:::.

Bel Air Countrv (LJs .V;; ~-.: Hom.e-: 671 Sieria \\"a\ . .:..~ !·-: ;.·l

Dr Santa ~·1on!ca c.\ ..

BROOKS, JOH:\ HfPOS, cc ·<,· 1918; s. Joseph i. and \,fo :.-~. _ A.B., Yale, 1940; m. Scsoc "- ·.< Jame-> B .. Jo!'eph J .. Su.;.:;- :: y., ·_- : Conn., l9J6., partner, 1':;5.:.. 2: !=.

treas .. bd. go\ s. Ass:1. Stv; •. £ -. .:-:- . Humane Soc. H...~me. 3~ 0-:·-:.-.: Office: 6 Central Row.!--!~~:·_·.: _

BROOKS,JOH:\ ROB!SSD'- " Mass .. Nov. 15. 1918; s .. 4.·:~ _. (Harrington) 8.: M.D .. !~::.---...;-·.:. 9, 1944; child•en---Dav:..-: C :: :~ :-- .­RQosevelt Hosp., ~.Y.C. : ~.:~ -~, Boston.l951;~urgeon H,_~-.::.~: '-~~-: Bent Brigham Hos.p .. H:c. ~~ :' · Services, 1962-. HeJd -.::"-_ ~.:: and Greenough Sch. Se;·\ ..:·.: ... -Tissue Transplanta(or .. : -- ~·. -= · 1956-68. Contbr. art'·"" ,. '.Veston ~1A 02193 o;r;,c -:. ..

BROOKS, JOH:\ WOOD .. -:­s. J. Arthur and ;\fary Te:-::::_. •. A.B., Harvard. JS'JG; r.;_ \'_-~!.·:-

children-S ~via B .. Jo:--.:- ",\ · Strong, Selina Stron~. \-::.~ :._; '-i.:

industry. !939-53; v.p .. ;·"" gen. md:~e. mgr., flbe~s ...; ·. . : l

maiketing fibers div . l ') 5 ~ ' exec. v.p. cl.omes:ic oper::;:>·-65, pres., 1955-. ch:ef e\.::. pres. Cel:.u•.ese Fibers Co .. : ~.:_. -:..~­Trust Corp. Mem. ad~·.,;;.).-:' · · :-­dies. Fashion Inst. Tech. C ~-, University, Links, Ecor.0:71.~ 1

Hills SY 10507 Offi~..·e; ~::'F . .-::- _ _.

BROOKS, JOH:\ WOOLS•)"'. '· 29, 1897 s. Gilbert Ec··e-: ,-: Archi~ecture, LJ. Pa. l< ·- \' chiiCren---\1iriam, Julia \4. .::-. ?· iirr;1. Des ~1Dines. i '.) i: Wi:-J.ds.or Terrae;: Ar:~-- \~-; ~ · St2te Coli. Dir. Ia. Sa• s ! .. ~ Found. ~1em. Ia. Bd .. -\co· engr. and ar.:::hi[ect. f-(·,~-; • ~ ~ 1960-62, pres. !a. chp: :- c • · Kappa Sigma. Republ!~3!1 '-~-~;_:~ _: device:. Home: 3405 \\ J.;....:·- :-' t. ~ · Hubbell Rldg Des \fu1r.;..s ; \ ~

BROOKS, KEITH. ec-": - -Oscar DertJv and He:'~:-=·· 1 \.~ 1949; Ph.D:. Oh'o S:"''. ~ 1951; childreh-To.:!~}-:.,;· Ky. State U., Richxnn.J : • .:. .... : · 1953--, prof., ch;;· .. c -­comMunications cor.~ ?: . .:.:-:· ~ Eastern R.R. 1-..-.sr. .. S~;;)'J.- L . ,·' · 1945--l6. \1em. Spl"ec'n Ce--·~ -·- t

div., .. i.-e chmn. sec.r C::- -· 1958-61). Am. EdrL -;. .. ·' ••·· Bahr.1 and Okey\ Lu::.i~~::- :, · •--:-~ An of Ora! lnte-rpn:tJ: .. :_ -': Science:-,. of Spt·~.:h. 1' 1 t~ " Hom;:; 3-:' J2 RcmnJ~ R,j l

U.S., 1954, naturalized, 1960 Def. :an., 1952~54; rcs·:arch coordinator ale, 1954·56; asst. prof., a.>so. prof., ychology New Coli., Sarasota, f~a., dept. behJ.vioral scis. Rollins Coli.,

, 1970. Dir. ~omprchensive mental cd with Ro)al 'Sew Zealand Navy, y, 1944-45. Mcrn. Am., N H. (past hoi. Soc., Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi. hall<"nr;e of Supervision, 1961: (with :96L; Supervision In Industry, 1966. •nd FL 32751

s-.:rgcon; b. Batrle Creek. Mich., July (Ga'EciJ) !<..;B.A., U. Mich., 1933, 910; D.Sc. (hon.), John Carroll U., , 1940 (dec. IQ52); ch'ldren---Carole Jr.), Da\·id Alan, t\an-.;y Elizabeth, Jrence Fawick, Dec. 26, 1953; o. Intern, U. Mich. Hosps., 1936-37, y, 1941-42; practice thoracic and ~-. 1946-; chief thoracic and rdio\'ascular research St. Vincent asso. surgeon thoracic surgery St. cs., trustee Heart Assn. N. E. Ohio, n. (1959-61); pres. staff St. Vincent irs. Earle B. Kav Re-!'carch Found. \·'ar II. Recipien"t Page One Hward, tcse Ao;;.sn. Thoracic Surgery, 1962; I. Cummings Humanitarian award, lrt surgery in S. Am., Brazilian Coil. tion P1es. Johnsott for overseas , Vice Prl!s.· Humphrey for overseas '66. Honors Achievement award 68; hon. prof. U. Sar.tu Domingo ~corated Heraldic Order Cristobal 19b8. Fellow A.C.S., Am. Coil.

CoiL Chest Physicians, Colegio Am. Assn. Thoracic Surgery, Soc. ~sn., Cardiovascular Surgeons Club, m. Soc. Artificial lnternai Organs, b, Jnternat. Coli. Surgeons. Am. ~rnat. Bronchc·Esophagcal Assn., urgery, Coentral Surg. Soc., A.M.A., E. Ohio, Al:ad. Medicine. Pioneer r heart and lung disc oxygenator. :.ased human hea:t valve, ! 964, also

SOM Cen1er Rd Hunting Valley '475 E 22d St Cle>cland OH 44115

1iv. prof., geologist; b. Paisley, Ont., -~rederick and Bethea (Hopper) K.; U. Chgo., 1924; Ph.D., Columbia, June 8, 1935; children-Eiiza,eth

(Mrs. D.B. Viclmetti), Robf!t, 1929-JJ, inm., 1930-31; imtr.

937-42, asso. prof., 1942-44, prof. de?t, 1953-56, Newberry prof.

. war research, 1944·46. Mem. bet rarded George F. Kunz prize, N.Y. Gcol. Congress. Moscow. 1937.

. Fellow Geol. Soc. Am., AA.A.S., ~cad, Sci. (\'.p, 1944-45), Ia. Acad. Jgis.ts, Paleontoi. Assn. Soc. Econ. , Am. Gcophys. Union, Geol. Sot:. St,->ckh0lm (hon. corr.), Phi Beta . Pre~byn. Author: North American

Colbert) Stratigraphy and Life tic·GenloSty and Continental Drift, s. Home: 17 5 Glenwood A v Leonia all Columbia U New York City NY

tger, b. Phila., Nov. 17, 1919: s. uder:t cello Curtis Inst., 1936·~0. 'OMiway shows including On the r, Peter Pan, 1950. Golden Apple, 956, Once l'pon • Matt cess, 1958, Happiest Girl in the World, 1961,

e Shade, 1963, Kelly, 1965, Coco, rtha Graham Co .. !947, Thief Who 1950, Cakewalk. 1951, Western

, 1958, Who Cares?, 1970 (all for lallets USA, 1956, L'Incon~tuc for owns for Joffrcy Bat:et Co., 1968, :>n, 1971, Meadowlark and Cortege ; orchestrated film score~ including td Four Que~ns, 1956, Cinerama i!!-hl, 1960: or..::hestral plays Kelly, trat! The Cat!, 1965; TV scores series, 1964, Twentieth Century,

me, 1959, spl. projects. !963 (all ~nd music Cyril Ritchard's \1o~her l opera Good Soldier Schweik for i 959; reconstructed, orchestrated ·antellc for piano and orch., 1957. ·k City NY 10019

'temist; b. Scott City. Kan.,July 11. may (Garvin) K.; A.B. (N ROTC ; m. Gloria Patricia Johnson, June Maren Patril·ia. Research asst. U. feliow, 195~·59; instr. chemistry

or., I 962-66; prof. chemistry U. ernistry, 1966·68, dir. che-mistry f., head chcmi!>try dqH. Dre:\d U., nist Bell Telcphn11e Labs., Inc., ;mtia ('o;p., Albuque:-q~..;t:, ... umrner ~vcO.Inc. Prin. inw:.;;~igtuor U.S,. ~li to it. t,j.g.), !..iSSR. 1952-55. 1\m Cht"m Sor A111 Phv"' "o.·


Dept. !nterior. I ~63- 70. Mem. Biophys. Soc., A.A.A.S., Am. Chern. Sec., Pitts. Chemists Club. Couth. articles sci. jours. Ediwr Jou1. Solution Chemistry, 1971-. Home: 221 Parkway Dr Pittsburgh PA 15228

KAY, THOMAS, city mgr.; b. Oetroit, Nov. 25, 1924; s. Fr<·derick Thomas and Elizabeth Josephine (Knowles) K.; B.A., Mich. State U., 1948; m. Rose Helen Smith, Sept. 24, 1949; chilctrcn-M~ry Jan~. Frederick, Sharon, Pauicia, Colleen. f\:ewspaper reporter, 1949·53; adminstrv. asst. to city mt:r., Flint, Mich .. 1953·57, dep. city mgr., 1957·62, city mgr., JQ63-. Chmn. Flint Transp. Authority. Mem. central !:>udgct com. Flint Red Feather Fund. Served with USMCR, 1942-45, 50·51. Namt."d Outstanding Young Man of Year, Flint Jr. C. of C.. 1958. Mern. InternaL Citv M.u.s. Assn. Hvmc: 3221 Yale St Flint Ml Ollice: I 101 S Saginaw St Flint Ml 48502

KAY, ULYSSES. educator, compose-r; b. Tucson, .tan. 7, 1917; s. Uiysses Simpson and Elizabeth (Davis) K.; B.Mus., U. Ariz., 1938: M.Mus., Eastman Sch. Music, 1940; postgrad. Yale, 1941-42, Columbia, I 946-49; Mus. D., Lincoln Coli, 1963, Bucknell U., 1966, U. Ariz., 1969; D.H.L, ill. \\'esleyan U., 1969~ m. Barbara Harrison, Aug. 20, 1949; children-Vicginia, Melinda, Hillary. Editorial adviser Broadcast Music, Inc., t-;.Y.C., until 1968; prof. rnusic Herbert H. Lehman CoiL, City U. N.Y., 1968--; guest condr. N.Y. Litt:c Symphony, Tucson Sympho!ty; commd. by Louisville Symphony Orch., Koussevitzky Music Found., DePaul lnf. Chorus, Quincy C!l.) Fine Arts Soc.; vis, prof. Boston U., 1965, G. C~l. at Los Angeles, 1966-67. Mem. 1st of..:-1. dekg:nion U.S. cornposers to USSR, State Dept. Cultural Exch•mge Program, 1958. Served with USNR, 1942-46. Alice M. Ditson fellow, 1945; Julius Rosenwald fellow, 1948, Fulbright fellow, Italy, 1950-51; Guggenheim fellow. 1964-65; recipient ABC prize, 1946; 3d Ann. Gershwin Contest, 1947; Rome prize in Composition, 1949·50, ~1·52. Mem. Corp. of Yaddo, Am. Fedn. Musicians, Leagu~: of Composers, Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia. Oub: Federal City (Washing!on). Composer: (Of'eras) The Boor; Tne Juggle-r of Our Lady; The Capitoline Venus; b;..llct Danse Calinda; overture Nev: Horizons; Suite for Strings; Concerto for Orchestra; (film) The Quiet One; Two Symphonies: Three Pieces after Blake (soprano and orch.); Serenade for Orchestra; male chorus Triumvirate; cantata Song of Jeremiah; ..::autata Phoebus, Arise, Inscription from \\'hitman; other orch.; choral. chamber mus1c works. Addres~: care Music Dept Herbert H. Lehman Coli Dedford Park Blvd W Bronx NY 10468

KAY, WEBSTER BlCE, educator; b. Hammond, Ind., Dec. 8, 1900; s. Howard Lincoln and Bessie (Bice) K.; R.Chcm. Engring., Ohio State ll., 1922; Ph.D, U. Chgo., 1926; m. Ruth Eloi>e St. John, June 4, 1939; children- Bonn!e Jean, Bru<'e Webster. Re:scarch phys. c!1emi~t Stand:!rd Oil C'o., Whiting, Ind., 1926-47; prof. chem. cngring. Ohio State U. at Columbus. 194 7-; cons. Battelle Meml. lnst., Wright-Patterson AFD, Dayton, 0. Grantee Petroleum Research Fund, NSF, Am. Petroleum Inst. Mem. Am. Chern. Soc., Am. In st. Chern. Engrs., Am. Soc. Eng;ing. Edn., A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi. Methodist. Club: Ohio State U. Faculty. Contbr. research papers on thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures. P~tentee. Home: 214 E Weber Rd Co!umbuo OH 43202

KAYE, DANNY, actor, comedian; b. N.Y.C., Jan. 18, 1913; s. Jacob and Clara (Nemerovsk.y) K.; m. Syh:ia Fine, Jan. 3, 1940; 1 dau., Dena. Appeared on stage- in Straw Hat Revue, Ambassador Theatre, N.Y.C., 1939, Lady in the Dark, 1940, Let's Flee It, I 941; on screen with Sanrucl Goldwyn, in::: .• 194 3·48, motit..n pictures include: Up In Arms, 1943; \Vonder Man, 1944; Kid from Brooklyn, \945; ()ecret Life of Walter ~vhtty, 1946, A Song is Born, 194 7; Inspector General, 1948; On 11le Riv;era. 1950; Hans Christian Ande-rson, 1952; Knock on Wood, 1954; \Vhite Christmas, 1954; The Court Jester. 1955; Merry And.ew, 1957; Me and the Colonel. 1958; The Five Pennies, 1959; On the Double, 1961; The Man [rom the Diner's Cleb, 1962; star TV show The Danny Kaye Show; broadway play; Two by Two, 1970· 71. Ambassador·at~large UN Childrcns Fund. Recipient Em my award for Danny Kaye Show, 1963, George Foster Peabody award for Danny Kaye Show, 1963. Jewish religion. Home: Beverly Hills CA 90213 Ollice: 9171 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90212

KAYE, NORA, ballerina; b. N.Y.C., d. Gregory and IJ;a Koreff; married third to Herbert Ross, August 21, 1959. Prima bal!erim~. Ballet Theatre, 1940-50;joined N.Y C. Ballet Co., 1951; asst. dir. Am. Ballet Theatre, 1964--·. Home: 619 N Hillcrest Rd Beverly Hiils CA 90210 Ollice: core Am Ballet Theatre 1790 Broadway New York City NY 10019

KAYE, NORMAN ERNEST, dairy exec.; b. Swift Current, Sask., Can., Oct. 26, 1918; s. Charles Robert and Letitia Mary (Carr' K.; student extension courses; m. Ethel Christine Eckel, May 25, 1944; 1 dau. Diarte Cheryl. With Silverwood Dairies, Ltd., London, Ont., Can., 1941-, chmn. ~G., pres .. chief exec. officer, 1969--. also dir. Rotarian. Clubs: London. London Hunt and Country. Home: 1567 Ryersie Rd LOndon 72 Ont Can Office: 75 Bathurst St London Ont Can

KAYE, SAMMY, orchestra leader; b. Lakewood, 0., M>r. 13, 1913: s. Samuei and Mary (Z3:rnocay) K.; B.S. in Civil Engring .. 0hio U., 1933; rn. Ru!h Kno< Elden, Mar. 2, 19~0. (div. 1956). Band loader, 1933-; recording: artist v. ith Columbia Records; motion piuurc, r<!dio aud TV appc3rances. Mcm. Winter Golf Lt."a~ue of Advt Interests, Theta Chi. Address: 607 5th Av ~<ew York City NY 10017

KAYE, SYD:"EY MILTON, lawyer; b. N.Y.C., !'eb. 3, 1900: s. Ludwig and Elvira (Mctz) K.; student Townsend Harris Hall, 1914-17; A.ll., Columbia, !921, LL.B., 1923; m. Muriel Gray, Aug. 21, 1941. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1924; mem. firm Rosenman, Colin, Kaye, Pets<hek, Freund and Emil, N.Y.C .. 1961-. Chrnn. hd. Bro:.dcast ~nsic, {nc. Mem. US. dekgation C'onf. Copyright Experts Am. Rcpublks, \\'ashint;ton, 1952. lntcr·Govtl. CClpyright Conf., Geneva, Swit;>:eri..&r.d, 1952. Dip1omatit.: Conf. f':-o~ection Performer's Rig~<>, Rome, 1?62, lnt<-llectual Pr~1pcrty Conf.. Stockho:m. 1967, lnter-Go·.fli. Co•,f. Kevi-.ion Cor-yright Treatie~. Paris, 1(,'71; rno:m. plnel cons. G'!n. Rr:vi-;ion Copyright L~w and 1'-~·cigl--thvrin£ Rights f'and. U.S. CopJright Office; mt:r1l. internaL ~opyrighr pant"! Dl·pt. 1\tarr Tr11o;;tr"' hi\" llllrorPr l.,>,~..,,. ... ,..,..h r. • .,- ,..,,... o .. , ..... : ... -~ u ... '-·--•


General, Kno~k on \Vood, Court Jester; producer several TV spls. Mem. A.S.C.A.P. Hor,Je: 1103 San Ysidro Ur Beverly Hills CA 90210 Ollice; 9171 Wilshire Blvd B.:verly 1-'ills Cft. 90210

KAi'IDANDA, GREGOIRE, pres. Rwanda; b. I 924; ed. Kabgayi and Nyakibanda, Rwar.da. Td1r., Kigali, 1949·53; information officer, Kabgayi, 1953 55; editor L'Ami, 1953-55, K;nyamateka, 1955-5S; founder Rwanda Coop. Movement, 1952, Hutu Soci:J.I Moveml"nt, 1957. Democratic Republican Movement, 1959; pres. TRAFIPRO Coop., Kabgayi; pres. Democratic Republic Movement; pres. Rwanda, 1960--. Address: Office of the President Kigali Rwanda•

!(AYNOR, SANFORD BULL, lawyer; b. Waterbury, Conn., Nov. 24, 1926; s. Warren Fox and Margaret (Smith) K.; B.S., Yale, 1949; LL.B.. Cqlumbia, 1952: rn. Laura Sanford, June 6, 1953; children--Laura Smith, Sanford Bull, Frederkk Kirk. Admitted to N.Y. bar. 1953; a"so. firm Haveus, \\'andless, Stitt & Tighe, N.Y.C., 1952-58; atty. U.S. Industries, Inc., N. Y.C., 1958-, sec., 1961- ·, v p., gen. counsel, !967-. Served with AUS, 1945-46. Mem. St. Elmo Soc., Phi Delt;a. Phi. Republican. Episcop3.lian. Club: Yale of N.Y.C. Home; 21 Old Stone Rd Dorien, CT 06820. Ollice; 250 Park Av New York City NY 10017

KAYRUKTIS, A.E., bank exec.; b. Newark, 1909; grad. N.Y. U., 1931. Vice pres., cashier Sterling Nst. Bank znd Trust Co., N.Y.C.; v.p., treas., dir. Sterling Safe Deposit Co. Heme: 1346 Port Washington. NY 11050 Office: 1410 Broadway ~\cw York City NY ICOI8•

KAYS, WILUAM MORROW, educator; b. Norfolk, Va., July 29, I 920; s. Herbert Emery and Margaret (Fechte!er) K.; A.B., Stanford, 1947, M.S. in Engring., 1947, Ph.D. in Engring., 1951; m. Alma Campbell, Sept. 14, 1947; children-Nancy, Leslie, Margaret, Elizabeth. Mem. faculty Stanford, 1951-. prof. mech. engring., 1957-, exec. head dept., 1961---. Fulbright fellow Imperial Coli. Sci. •nd Tech., London, Eng .. 1959-60. Mem. Am. Soc. M.E., Am. Soc. Engring. Edn., Sigma Xi. Home: 852 Pine Hill Rd Stanfe>rd CA 94305

KAYSEN, CARL, ~conomist; b. Phi!a., Mar. 5, 1920: s. Samuol and Elizabeth (Resnick) K.; A.B., U. Pa., I 940; postgr>d. Columbia, 1940-42; A.M., H>rYard. I 947, Ph.D .. I 954; m. Annette Neutra, Sept. 13, 19-10; children-Susanna (Mrs. \\')lie), Laura. Researcher, r-.;ac Bur. Econ. RcsC".arch, 1940·42, economist OSS, 1942; jr. fellow Soc. Fellows, Harvard, 1947·50, asst. prof. econs., 1950.-55, asso. prof., 1955-57. prof., 1957·66, c..sso. dean Grad. Sch. Pub. Adminstm., 1960~66, Lucius N. Lirtauer prof. polit. economy, !964·66; dir. Inst. Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J .. 1966--. Dep. spl. asst. to Pres. ~ennedy for nat. security 3fTairs. J 961·63; mcm. Carnegie Commn. on Higher Edn., 1968-. Trustee U. Pa. Sr. Fulbright research scholar London Sch. Econs., 1955·56; Guggenheim fellow 1955~56. Served to capt. air intelligence, AUS, 1942-45. Mem. Am. Philos. Soc., Am. Aead. Artc; and Scis., Phi Beta Kappa. Home: 97 Olden Lane Piinceton NJ 08540

KAYSER, ELMER LOUIS, <ducator, historian; b. Washington, Aug. 27. 1896; s. Samuel Louis and Susie Brown (Huddleston) K.; B.A., also Bachelor's Diploma in Edn., George Washington U., 1917, M.A., 1918, LL.D., 1948; Ph.D .. Columbia, 1937; m. Margery Ludlow, Feb. 11, 1922; I dau., Katherine Ludlow (Mrs. Arthur Hallett Page Ill). Asst. in history George Washington U., 1914-17. instr., 1917~20, as!'t. prof., 1920-24, asso. prof., 1924-32, prof. 1932-67, emoritus, 1967-, asst. librarian, 1917-18, recorder, 1918, sec. 1918·29, dir. summer soh., 1925-29, dir univ. students, 1930-34, dean, 1934-62, dean emeritns, 1967-, univ. historian, 1962-, a~so. chmn. sch. of govt., 1957·58; radio commentator on world affairs, 1940·45. Sec.·treas. Gen. Alumni Assn .. George Washington U., 1918·24, pres. ~950-53; vice-ehmn. bd. truslees Mt. Vernon Sem., 1946·66: past chmn. corn. improvement Adminst:l\. JL:stice D.C.; past bd. govs. Nat. Cathedral Sch.; chmn. sec. navy's adv. com. naval history. Dir. Am. Peace Soc. Served with O.T.S. Camp Zachary T<'l.ylor, Ky., \\'orld Wa; I. Recipient Alumni Achiever.o::nt award George Washington U., 1941; comdr. Nat. Order of ~erit (Ecuador). Mem. lnst. Jud. Adminstm., Am. Hist. Assn. (treas.), Columbia Hist. Soc. (v.p.), Am. Assn. Univ. Profs. (council 1952-54), Sigma Phi Epsilon, Pi Gamn.a \-fu, Omicron Delta Kappa, Delta Phi Epsilon, Gate and Key. Club: Nat. Press. Authoc: The Grand Social Enterprise. 1932; A Manual of Ancient History, 1937; Tbe George W.shington U., 1821-1966, 1966; Washington's Bequest to~ National University, 1965; Luther Rice. Founder of Columbian Coil., 1966; Brid.s Without Straw, 1970; co·author: Contemporary Europe, 1941. Past mem. bd. editors World Affairs. Historian, !\at. Capitai Sesquicentennial Commn., 1950. Home: 2921 34th St NW Washington DC 20008 Ollice; George Washington U Washington DC 20006

KA)'SER, PAUt. business exec.; b. Tyler, Tex .. Feb. 10, 1887; s. Albert and Mary L<>uise (Lawrence) K.; A.B .. Baylor U., 1909, LL.D. (hon.), 1953; legal edn. by corre>oondence, U. Tex.; LL.D. (hon.), U. Anz., 1957; m. Elizabeth Harris Clegg, Sept. I, 1910; children-Betty and Je3n (twir.s). Prin. high sch., Gatesville, Tex., IQ09·11; admitted to Tex. bar, 1913; practice in Houston, 1913-29; mem. firm HlJ&gi&iS, Kayser & Liddell; pres. El Paso Natural Gas Co., Houston, Texas, 1929-60, chmn. and chief exec. ollicer, 1960-65, hon. chmn., !965-66, dir.. 1966---; pres. \\'estern Natu,·<tl Gas Co., 1935-63; mem. adv. bd. First Nat. Bank of San Antonio (rex.). Tex. Nat. Bank Commerce, Hous.ton. Served as capt., 7th Cav., N.G., \\'orld War I. Mer:1. Ind. Natural Gas A->sn. (p;cs.. 1951·52). Episcopalian. Clubs: Houston, River Oaks Countr:· (Houston); University (Chgo.); Recess (N.Y.C.). Contbr. articles pron. jours. Home: 3260 Del rY1onte Dr HoustorJ TX 77019 Ollice: 1006 Main St Houston TX 77002

KAYSER, PAUl. WILLIAM. mgmt. cons.; b. N.Y.C., Feb. 28, 1918; s. Paul G. and Julia. M. (Buttlan K.; stud~nt Hill Sch., Pottstown, Pa., 1936; B.A., Wesleyan U., Middletown, Conn., 1940; m. Mary Viola Snell, Frb. 21, 1942 (div.)~ l son, Craig; m. 2d, Jane M. Satter, O~t. I, 1965. Mem. faculty Blair Ac3d., Blairstown, N.J.. 1940-41.42- 43; with L B:1mbc:rgcr & Co., 1\.'"ewark.. 194J •. n, Walter Kirlde & Cu., Belleville, N.L 19-tJ-47; dir_ pcr!'onncl, dir. Permacel Tape Corp., New Brunwsit.k, N.J., 1947-52; Jir. indsl. relations P. Lorillard Co .. N.Y.C., 1952-55; v.p. penonr.ci .-\III_ Airli'le.S, rnc., N.Y.C'.. 1955· 6?. ~n~~r;,on •• Clay~t~~.&-C~:: _:!o~?lOn_. 146::0.65; v .f'.. dir. indsl. relations

l : •· I ! ' t :'

cmnpltanc~ invcs~ib~ltor \\"PB, 1942·"'~: i!:sp; h::.hC!' Ain:~af~. ~~~~; a~st. editor employee pub b. S~an~rJ Oil<...-~ .. ,O.J, !945, ~v.~.c-. ~!..~J h.'J.ture Syndicat.: (specialtzmg m prep:n.a~~·Jn and sale ol cduona~ features to ncwsroarcrs), Cle,•e .• 194-6~-., collaborato:. and co vri. mator. n.J.tz-.Jn·llly syndi("'..t!ed newspaper ,_c~tur~. Heres An ~dca, als~ founder I·""'~'J.cr?-fters of Am. Office: A!hcd • e.ature Syndtcate Citizens Bldg Ct•..::vdand OH _.4114

LA:'>GE:-1, HERBERT .•OW'i, ~ucator; b. E~lon,orn, ~\'is., ~ay 25, 1917· O'c '· and Frances (Kocn) L.; B.'- (1n .. \\- ts. State U., \\"h·t~:~ter' t93·:;; M.A., li. Ia .• 19~ '• ~h. C .. 1954; m. Dorothy L. Jt·it~"on. ~~\1. 22. 19~1; children-V.'iH~am 0., Nancy E. ~us. :chr. ~lo,.:ngo (IlL) High Sch .. 1939-40. East Du~uque (IlL) H1gh sc::h·: 1 440·~ l; bookhcp;·r Skogm:Jn Constrn. Co., Ced:tr Rap:ds. Ia .• 1: l~, mcm. faculty L:. Ariz .. Tucson. 1947-, pro~ .. 1(56--, h~a~ dept. ou ... eJn. and office .:tdminstrn., 19~9-: cons. Anz. ~)e~t. Vo~~-lonal Edn., l'l63-- Dd Internal. Soc. Bus. Edn .• Stockho.m •. Sv.e?en., 19?0, Am:sterda111 , 'r-;ethcrland~. 1971, pres., 1 ~72--. Sen cd \lr"lth ~S~ R, 1941-46. Mem. ~at. (rnern. exec. bel. 19o9·7!}, We.'itcm, Anz. bus. rdn. a~sns., lnternat. Soc. Bus. Edn. (pres. U.S. chpr. 196?-71), Dclt~ Pi Epsilon Pi Omega Pi (sponsor). Beta Gamma S1gma (sec.). Kiwanian <f,rcs. Conquistador Club. Tucson 1969). Home: 4472 E 7th St Tul:son AZ 85711

1 \"iGEl'O ODil" ELSFORD STA:>iLEY, govt: ofcl.; b. Mpls., Jan. j' j 913· 5~ Jue and Selma (Aimqu;st) L; e?. hu~h sch .. Dunwoody I!.bt.· m~ Lilli~;.n Clauson. Dec. 23, 1939: ch1ldren---Wayn~e, Lrnd~n. Lois: Rep. Kinson Cou:&ty, ~1inn. Ho. Reps., 1950- 5~: nun<_mty leader. 1957-58; mem. 8bth-87th C<?ngres.:.cs,_ 9th D1.st. M:nn., ~8th-'}lst Congresses. ith l\1inn. D1s_t.; ~dmmstr. ~ackers and )tL)\.;kvards Admins.trn. Dept ... ~gr., \\a~.lun£,ton. 1910-. Ch~~· Ke 1m~dy (~1inn.) P.T.A.; chmn. Red R'.''er town bd.; chm~ .... Kennedy Sch. Mem. Prodn. and ,.,_1arke,mg Assn. (c~rm. Ktttso.1 County). Republican. Lutheran. Mason. Clubs.: T R~d R1v~r Fanners ( h )· Lions Home· 3001 Veazey Terrace N\\ Washmgton DC ~~~~-South Bldg 14ih St and lndependeflce A\' \Vashington DC 20205

LA:>iGE:-iBERG, DO:';ALD NEWTON, edu<.ator, physicis;;. b. Dc"ib Lake, N".D .• \far. 17, 1932; s. Ernt:st George and ,·ern f~ewton) L.; B.S., Ia. State C., 1953; ~1.S., P. Cal. at Los ~~geles, ~~~5; Ph.D. (SSF fellow) U. CaL at Berkeley. 1959; m. Patnc1a Ann w~rrinr,ton, JIJn.: 20. 1953; c_hildren-Karen Kaye, Juh<".. Ar.n, John S"cwton, Amy Paris. Electron:cc; engr. Hughes Research Labs., Culver Cit , C>L. 1953-55; acting instr. U- CaL at Berkeley, 1958-59; faculty t:. ~a .. Phii:J., 1960.-·, prof., ! 967-; maitre dc

1 c~~ferencc a~soc1e

Ecole l'\orma.le S:...tpcricurc, Paris, Fnnce, 1966-6,. \IS. prof. Ca •. Ins~. T ch Pasaden> 1971. NSF Postdoctoral fellow, 1959·60; Alfred I. S~)a~'FoUJ:d. fei!ow, 196:'-64; Guggenheim fellow, 1?66~67. Fell?w Am. Phys. Soc., Sigm.a Xi. Research and pubL. on sohd st<tt·~ phystcs including electronic band structure in n-.etats and St"mlcondrs.,

an tum phase coherence effect~ in supercondrs. Hom!!: II~ Penar~h ~~ Bala-Cynwyd PA 19004 Offlceo Dept Physics U Pa Pbladclphia PA 19104

LA:>iGE!\IJERG, FREDERICK CHARLES, steel co. exec.; b: N.Y.C., July I, }927; s. Frederick C. and Ma:garet _(~cL~ughhn) L., ll.S., Lehigh U., 1950, M.S., 1951; l'b.J? .• Pa. ,,rate U., 195>; poSlgrad. ~:t.ccs. program Carnegie-Mellon u., 1962; ':l1· Jane Ander:s.on Bartholomt:w, May 16, 1953; children--~·redenck C., Susnn Jane. With United States Steel Corp., 195 1-53; vts. h:~!ow Mass. lnst. Tech., 1955-56; Vilth Crucible Sleci Corp., Pitt:>._, 195o-68; v.p. rc_search _and cngring., 1966-68; pres. Trent Tube d,'\1· _Coil 1ndustnes, ~1lw., 1968-70; e;;.ci;. v.p. Jessop Steel Co .• \\ashmgton, Pa., 19_70. p~es .. ]970 -~ partner Me!all. Process Analysis. 1967--. Active_ P1tts. Opera. Served with USNR. 1944-45. Fel~o~ Am. Soc. M_etals, mem. Am.lnst. M.E., Am. Chern. Soc .. Am., Bnt.tron ~nd stee} msts., ~.s'm. Iron and Steel Engrs .. Am. Ordnance .Assn., Ph1 Beta. K;,ppa, Stgm~ Xi, Tau Beta Pi. Contbr. artides tech. JOUrs. Patentee tn dcld. Home. 199 Den>nwood Dr Pitt>burgh PA 15241 Officeo Jessop PI W:\shington PA J 5301

tA:-.GE:>iFELD, :-.ICHOLAS JOSEPH, clergyman. educator; b. ~brytown, Wis., Aug. 11, 1901; s. John an~.The~csa (Brost{. L.; B.~-~ St. Lawrence Coli., \Vis .. 1922; M.A., St. rranc1s ~em.,\\ IS., 19 ... 6, Ph.D., Roman Acad., 1930; D.C.L. Collegio Angelico, Rome,_ 1931; liccncie cs Sciences Soci:lles, U. Louvain (Bel3ium), 1933; d1ploma Acad. 1nternat. Law. The Hague, 1933. Ordained priest, .~oman Cath. Cb., 1926; ass.t. pastor St. Mary's Ch., ~~enasha, W1s., 1926~29; organized symphonic band St. Mary's lhgh Sch., 1 ~27; faculty F'lrdham U. Sch. Social Service. 1934-. asso. prof., d1r. res~a:ch, 193-*--, moderator Ann. Alumni Giving_ Ft:nd, 1961-:. Rec1p1ent med:tl of merit Fordham U., 1955. Republican. Home: 3)5 W 22d St :-oew York C"y 1\Y 10011

:squadron, Delta Sigma Ph1. Lion, f:Jk. Author: The Fight to: \\.'ork : '165; a!!io arti.:l·~~- Home: 27 Normandy B>!ach Or Normandy Bea~,;h NJ 08739; also 56 S :.lain St Alfred l'OY 14802

LANGER, JA!\fi:S STEPIU:1'i, physici,t; b. Pitt>., Sep:. 21, 1934; s. Bernard F. and Livictte (Roth) L.; B.S., Carnegie lr::st Tech., 1955: Ph.D .• lJ. !Jirmingham (Eng.), 1958; m. Elinor G. Aaron. Dec. 21. i958; chih::rt:.l-- Ruth. Stc.:phctl, Da.,.id. F;,.cutry. Carnq~ic \fe-llon lJ .• Pitts., 195'3-, !'ruf phy!<>!c:;, 1967--. also ~<~:;o. dean Me!l ... ,n lnst. Sci.; NSF ~ostdoctoral feilo'>'- lJ. Cal. San Diego. 1961-62.; Yis. asso. prof. Cornell U., 1966--. Fdiow Am. Phys. Soc.; mem. A.A.A.S. Research in theory of phase transitions, condensation, superconductivity, properties of disorder("d :,.ystems. Home: 2488 Mt Royal Rd Pi:tsburgh PA 15217

LANGER, LAWRENCE MARVIN, educator, physicist; b. N.Y.C., Ore. 22, 1913; s. Alexonder H. and Anna (Brown) L.; B.S., N.Y. U., 1934, M.S., 1935, Ph.D., 1938; m. Beatrice Fisher, July 5, 1936. Tel\c;hing asst. reser1rch N.Y. U., 1934~38; mem. faculty Ind. U .• BJO<Imingtoo, 1938-, prof. physics, 1952--, chmn. dept., 1966-; project cngr., research asso. Radiation Lab., ~iass. lnst. Tech .• 19·tl-42; asso. physicist. group leader U. Cal. Div. War Research, 1943-45; alternate group leader Los Alamos Atomic Bomb Project, 1943-45; expert cons. AEC, 1948-61; ad\1. cons. nuclear data project Nat. Acad. Sci.- l'ORC, 1959. Fellow Am. Phys. Soc.; mem. A.A.A.S., Sigma Xi, Sigrr.a Pi Sigma. Contbr. profl. jours. Home: 1342 Southdowns Bloomington IN 47401

LANGER, !HI-PH ERI'OEST, jocrnalist; b. Benton Harbor, ~ich., July 30, 1937; s. Ralph L. and :l.lary (Skuda) L.; student Central Mich. U., 195~~57; B.A. in Journaii~rn. C. Mich., !9.)7~59; m. Katherin•; B. McGuire, June 25, 1960; chhildrcn--Terri B., Tammi L. Telegraph editor, reporter Grand Ha\lcn (Mich.) Daily Tribune::, 1959-60; mng. editor Port Angeles (Wash.) Evening News, 1962~ 66; copy desk Detroit Free Press, 1966-68; asst. mng. editor Dayton Jour. Herald, 1968, mng. editor, 1968--. Served to l;t it. AUS, 1960-62. ~1em. Am. Soc. Newsparer Editors. A.P. ~1ng. Editors Assn., Scabbard ar.d Blade, Alpha Fhi Gamma, Sigma Phi t::psilon. Home: 1180 Alex H.d West Carrollton OH 45449 Oificeo 37 S ludlow St Dayton OH 45401

LAl':GER, SUSAN!"E KNAUTH, educator; b. l'O.Y.C .. Dec. 20, 1895; d. Antonio and Else M. (Uhlich) Knauth; A.B .. Radcliife Cell., 1920, A.M., 1924, Ph.D., 1926: student U. Vienna. 1921-22; D. Litt. (hon.), Wilson Coli., 1954, also Weste, n, \Vheatcn, :vtt. Holyok~ colls., 1962; LL.D., Columbia, 1964; D.F.A., Phi!a. Coil. Fine Arts, 1966; L.H.D., Clark Univ., 1968; m. William L. Langer, Sept 3, 1921 (div. 1942): children-Leonard C.R., Bcrtrar.d \V. Tutor philos-Jphy Raddiffe Coli., 1927-42: asst. prof. philosophy U. Del., 1943; lectr. philosophy Columbia. 1945-50; \'is. prof. :-..-.Y. l!., 1945, !'\ew Sch. Soc1al Rrscarch, Northwestern l.J., Ohio L' ., U. Wash., C:. Mich.; prof. philosophy Conn. Coil.. 195.;.~62, prof. emeritus, research scholar, 1962---; research grant Edgar Kaufmann Found., 1956-5S, 58-63, 63-65. Recipienr Radcliffe Alumr.ac Achie\ement medal. 1950. Rockefeller Found. grant to Columbia for philos. res~arch, 1946-49. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Scis., Phi Beta Kappa. Author: The Practice of Philosophy, 1930; Philoso~hy in a :\cw Key, 1942; An Introdui:tion to Symbolic Logic, 1953; Feeling and Form, 1953; Problems of Art, 1957; Philosophical Sketches. 1962~ Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling, \'ol. 1, 1967. Co~editor: Structure, Method and McaningEssays in Honor of Henry M. Sheffer, 1951. Editor: Reflections on Art, 1958. Honeo Neck Rd Old Lyme C.T 06371

Ice: Connecticut Coli New London CT 06320 v'

NGER, Wil-LIAM LEONARD, univ. prof.; b. Boston, Mar. 16, 1896; s. Charles Rudolph and Johanna (Rockenb>~h) L: A.B., Harvard, 1915, A.M., 1920, Ph.D., 1923, LL.D .. 1945; studied U. Vienna, 1921-22: Ph.D. (hon.), U. Hamburg. 1955; L.H.D., Yale, 1956; Litt.D., Alma Coil., 1961; LL.D .. :\!ill; Coil., 1965; m. Susanne Knauth, Sept. 3, 1921; children-Lconafd Charles Rudolph, Bertrand Walter; m. 2d, Rowena Morse ~ elson, Apr. 9, 1943. Instr. modern langs. WorcesteJ Academy, 1915-17; asst. prof. history Clark L' .. 1923~2S, asso. prof., 1925-27; as.st. prof. history Harvard, 1927~31; asso. prof., 1931-36, Coolidge prof. history, 1936-64, prof. history emeritus, 196-f---.:., dir. Russian Research Center and Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 1954-59; fellow Center Ad\lanced Study in Beha\lioral Scis., 1959·60; vis. prof. Columbia U., 1931; lectr. U. Chgo., summer 1926; Harvard lectr. Yale, 1933; prof. Fletcher Sch. of Diplomacy, Medford, \1ass., 1933-3-1, 36-41; mem. bJ.. cf analysrs Office of Coordinator of Information, 1941- 42; chief of Research ~·nd Analysis Branch, OSS, 1942~45; spi. asst. to the secretary of state, 1946; mem. President's Fgn. Intelligence Ad\1. Bd., 1961~69. Trustee Carnegie Endowment Intern at. Peace, Ha1 vard-Yenching Inst. Served as pvt., sgt., master engr. lst Gas Regiment, U.S. Army, \\'orld War I; participated in St. Mihiel and Argonne engagements. Awarded Medal for Merit, 1946. Mem. Am. Hist. Assn. (pres. 1957), ~tass. Hist. Soc., Soc. Am. Historians, Am. Philos. Soc., Council on Fgn. Relations, Am. Acad. Arts and Scis., Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Harvard (N.Y.C.); Essex Country; Oakley Country. Author ~evera! books. Co-authoro The Challenge of Isolation, 194 7-40, 1952; The Undeclared War, 1940-41. 1953; I'olitical and Social Upheaval, 1832-1852, 1969. Editor: Ency. of World History, 4th edit., 1968. Asst. dir. nat. estimates CIA, 1950~5 L Contbr. to Am and Ellfcpean jours. Homco 1 Berkeley St Cambridge MA 02138

LA:\GE:>iHEI~f, RALPH LOUIS, Jr., educator; b. Cin., May 26, 1922·' R•lph Loui> and Myrtle (HelmeLS) L.; B.S., U. Tulsa, 1943; M.s.:u. Cvlo., 1947; Ph.D., U. Mmn., 1951; m. Jean C. Harmon, Dec. 23, 1946; m. 2d Virginia A.M. Knobloch, J"ne 5, 196~; childrcn~-Victoria Elizabeth, Ralph Lou;s Ill; m. 3d Sh1rley B. Ate, May I, 1970. Teaching a>st. U. Tulsa, 1941-43, U. Colo .. 1947; fellow l:. ~finn., 1947-48, teaching asst., 19~8-50; asst. prof. Coe Coll., 1950-52; asst. ptof. paleontology U. Cat. at Berkeley, 1952-59; asst. prof. geology lJ. Ill., Urbana, 1959-62, asso. prof., 1962-67, prof., LANGEVIN, THOMAS HARVEY, ur.iv. pres.; b. St. Paul, Mar. 20. 1967--· ln~tituto Geologico Nacional de Colombia, summer 1953; 1922; s. Thoma~ E. and Myrtle (Darnsgrad) L.; B.S .• Concordia Tchrs. Gcc•l. Survey Can .. summer 1958. ~h:m. Palcontol. S~JC- (sec. Coli., Seward, Neb., ]947; M.A., U. Neb., 1949, Ph.D., 1951; m. Pearl 1962· 70). Ged. s .... ,c. Am., Sec .. Econ_. Paleo_ntolegJsts _and E. Mattfdd, Aug. 29, 1942~ children-Denni~. Timothy. Quarantine Mineralogist~. Am. A5~n. Petroleum Geo!ogJHS, ~oc1~te Gcolog~que inspector USPHS, 1943~45; grad. asst., asst. in~tr. lJ. Neb., 1947-51; Sui-.~c. A.A.A.S .. Ill. A<:ad. Sci., Rocky ~ountalfl B1ol. Lab .• Geol. prof. Concordia Tchrs. Coli., 1951-63, dean of Coil., 1961-63, acting Soc. London, \\'yo. Gcol. Assn., Sigma Xi. Home: 401 W Vermont St pres., 1961·63; dir. Long-Range Planning Project, Luth. Ch.·Mo. Urbana IL 61801 Synod, 1~64-65, also cons. Bd. Higher EJn.o acad. v.p. Pacific Luth.

LA~GE~IIOP, CARL EI<IC, educator, mathematician; b. ¥~~;~;s~;~a p~er~a;at~:l\ti~~ ~~~l~~al~~ ~~~c!~6t9967~~~-~~~: R1chmond, Va. Dec. 20, 1922; :>.Andrew E. and Emma (Landgren) Columbus Urt-an League. Bd. dirs. Taco.na Citizens Com. for Pub. l., B.!\. U. LouiSVIlle. 1943,\.1 S ,Ia Stare U. 1945. PhD • 1_948, m. Television.1967~69, Design for Progress Tacoma,l969; Tacoma Area Gra~.-c Elizabeth EisenOds. Mar. 26. 1946. Re~earch ~sst. Pnnceton. Urban Coalition, 1967-69; adv. coon. Center Sci. and Industry, 19-4~-49, rc'iearch ass;..'., 1951-52; asst. prof. math. Ia . .State U., Ames. Columbus; asso. in urban affairs Nat. Inst Pub. Affairs; bd. control 1949-51, 52~54, asso. prof., 1954~59, prof., 1Q59-60: \l.p. research C<.'ncordia CoiL, Portland, Ore., 1965-69: bd. overseers Acad. ~f:.tthcmati~a. Inc., PrincctoJt, ~.J., 1960--61; prof. So. Ill. U~. · ~ ............... .., Conternporan Problems, Columbus. Served with USCGR, 1943-45. <.:u.rlxmdak, I 46 :-b7. 70---·, U. Ky., Lt'l.ingto·n·. !967_~70. Mem. Am. ';,: e ~;- {· .. kr-cip. ient Car'negie grant, postdoctoral fellow Center for Study Higher Math. So". M•th. Assn. Am., Soc. lndsl. and Apphec Math • An ~ • > Ed11., U. Mich., 1963-64. Mem. Orgn. Am. Historians, l'Oeb., Ohio Assn. tJ. Pwfs .. Si~ma Xi. Authur: (with J.C_. Mathews) Dtscrtte 8 ~ ; but:•socs., Assn. for Higher Edn., Colurr.bus Area C. of C. (bd. dirs.). Continuous Methods in Applied MathematKS, 1966.t { .:;;:' ~ Lurheran, Rotari•n. Homeo 80S Francis Av Columbus OH 43209

\~ . \.'··-

LANGFITT, THO:\IAS WILLL\\1 \\'.Va .• Apr. 20, 1927; s. Fran~. :"lr;d \ ..::..:...: . 1949; M.D., Johno; H0p:...ins. i'45.~. ~ ', , 1953; childrt~n~Th0mds WilliJm. [).,;.-.;,..;. Davis. Intern John:-. Hopkins L. neurosurgery, 1957 · 61: ch!'!'f r..~::;{'~ Arm, .. Cht~m. C~nter. f.!gewo .... d. \\. Pa.l-iosp., l96l~t.8. a.:tillf. dir. J~·f t.:.. prof., chmn. div. ncuro:;urgery ~..::o. \' n~urosurger) Pd. Hosp .. Ch!ldr:.-n ·') l·: Phil a. Gen. Hosp.;.rruf. nr:.:uJostq,.:r~ .-1968-. Serv<d w1th P.CS. 194).4•. ">: Bd. Neurosurgery. ~1em. A.~.l .-\ Surgeons, Ncurosurg. Soc. Am .. s,. Soc. Ncurl~l. Su1gevns.l' m. Pi1y~in:. :---1968). Editor Ju~.;r. ~~urosurt:cry. ,_. pressure. brain edema. are-brai tk•u.::! :' ... ~c1ion PA 19006 Officeo 3400 Spr_," ,. '_.

LANGFORD, IRVIN JAMES, I<·"',. . - \' 1927; s. In in Cobb and Wes!,•y Bh..::·-:-.::· 1949; LL.B., C. Ala., i 95 1; m. \Luy \ r. ~ _ · children~ Debra Lynn~. Kimberly :\~~ ~ Admitted to Ala. bar, t 951, since '='~ .:.:· Howell, Johmton, Langford & Fi:·,:_~)(•:::-Ct. Mobile County, 1970.'Scr\cd v. .• , _

Ala., Mobile bar assns., Ab. Tri:.s: 1-::: .... Jurisprudenct.>, SigrnJ. Chi. Phi A;.-.:-. .>

Mason (Shriner). Ciub: ~v!oOiie C·:··~·· -.. (Mobile). Horne: 210 Roch-?s!cr Rc .'.!~.. · -, ~. • 1652 Mobile AL 36601

LAI'OGFORD, JA:\fES BER:>iAIW .. prodl.lcts co. exec.; b. B·.ed:enri..:l.gc. "f,:• Franklin and Annie B. (Crowley) l.; ~:·~ :, Tex., 1926-27: B.B.A., C. T-' .. 1930o o: :_ 28, 1937; children-Treasure Ann r \i. ' .. Kay (Mrs. Dale R. Burtou). With So...::..·.--: treas., 1962~65, se.:-., l9t~5-·; s.:c.. •.:-~.:..-; Ele..-en~7 Realty, ~Lrtil :'-.farke:s !n.: .. :.,·_ Co.;sec. Southland lnrernat., Ltd. Trl.;s.·.-~ ~.­

C.P.A .. Tex. !\.f.,m. Plano C. of C. Tc' '· . 2 Plano TX 75074 Oft1oeo 1828 :\ H"·'•' ..


Oct. l ~. 1916; s. William A. a:-~d EC.11:; Accountancy and L~w. !954; m .. \1a:-:. children--Patricia Ann (~frs. Fr.!.;ll; ~-. · ·. · Mary Eliz.abeth. \Vith .\L-K.-T. ~-R >2~.


dir. South\=•estern States ~.-tgmt. Co.; .. :· Donland De-..·eJ. C~ .• San Ac.tonio i.> ; comptroller. dir. Co::~rdwarcd Trz:---:' Englewood R.R. Co. Served v.·ith AL ~ . ..; : .. French St Denisun TX 75020 Offi.ct>: i~.·.; .. \: .. ~-75020

LANGFORD, WILLIA:\1 SID DO:'>, c\" A~;g. 15, t 906; s. Geo:-ge Phi\ip and E~ ·. · Harvard, 1928; ~1.0 .. Columbia. l93J.;;. 30, 1928; children~Eric Siddon, ~fa;_, l. Hosp., \Vashinrton. l9Jt- 33; reside,H e~:-··. dir. pediatric p5ychiat. c!ini.::. 193:"" --1946-55, attending pediatr:cian. 19 55-~-··~ Bait., 1934-35; attending psychiatrist .'\. ·l :-'

clin. prof. psychiatry Columbia C.:.·li. P!--.:. s. __ . ..: clio. psychi<:'.try. 1952-53. prof. psyC:1ia~r· .. to >naj., M.C'.. USAAF. 19·.13-45. Dip:J::::!~-~ psychiatry Am. Bd. Psychiatry :lrd .·~ ~ .­Orthopsychiat. Assn. (past pres.). Ar:~ .. -\.::· ~ ..._ pres.), Am. Psychiat. Assn., Am. A..:.:.: i-­Advancem~nt Psychiatry, Am. Pediatric ).:..-: .. "'~ ': AA.A.S, A M.A., :-o.Y. Psychiat. S,x. Cc · Home: 120 Cabrini Blvd ~ew York CitY ~ ': !63th St New York City NY 10032 .

LANGHAM, ~HCI!AEL, thea <rica I. dir .. ' 1919; s. Seymour and \1uriel (Andre•.\~ :';-~~· Colt., AbinG-don, Eng .. 1933~37, Lan.!C':'"! \.. ·­McMaster U., 1962; LL.D .. V. Torur~:,, .. ;· ~ ~ 8, 1948; 1 son, Christopher Eng·tged in~~.:.-~~­dir. prodns. Arts Cout.cil .~~:dlz.nd 1 he.:.·.~:; t Jackson's Birmingh:!m Re-pertory l f:: ,·-.: Citizens' Theatr:.!, 1953-54: dir. J11!iu:. c~,"·.·· :o ' 1950, Stratford, Ont., 1955: dir. Th< Pygmalion, London, 1951. Tnc Other Vic Co. prodn. Othello at Berlin Fe~tJ\·,~--. -~ Councillectr.. Australia, 1952; dir. RichJ.r...: 1

1952, The Merry \\'jv.:s 0f Wind::.or. Tr,,: :.;_ Stratford (Ont.) Sh:!k.espea:-ean Fest;\ 31. Hamlet, 1957 Henry IV, Part I. 1955. \o co ': 1958, Romeo a:1d Juliet, 1960, Corio!~r;...:·). Lost. 1961, Tami:tg of the Shrew. 196]. C_.-, Troilus and Cressida, ! 963, T~mon of Atr.:-The Couutry V.'ife, 1964. aiso prodr.s. Timon of Athens at Fe~ti"-. .. al Theatre, Hamlet, Stra[ford-upo!l~A\Ion, 19:~6. '.~ Much Ado About Nothing. 1961; d!r. t-~ _.. 1956, Two Gcr.clcr:lcn of Vero(·.:J.. Lf' Night's Dream. Lor.don. I 960, Anclll~r .... ' univ. tour Can. ar1d C.S. on Shake~p-.:.tr~·-~r The Affliction of Love fvr TV, 196 1: . .:'e: ,.,.~ ... Address: 10 Napier Rd Lon~ on\\' H I:r ~

LANGHETEE, ED:\!0:-iD JOSEPH. Jr .. New Orleans, Sept. 29. 1918: s. h.l: (Dureau) L; O.S., La. State L' ; 19~ 9; n;. R 1949; children-Edmond JDseph Ill. Jc·Jr!•·: f";' Land & E'l.ploration Co., ~ew Orl.ean!. ! ·i.: • 1965-67, eAec. v.p .. 1967--: also dir. ~~- · \· 1'\ew Odc3ns, Pe~roleum Club Hou•tt:·:" .. :-. ~ ~ New Orleans C. of C., Am. Inst. Min·:1~ .1: -~ '·'.:- •

Petroleum Assn. Am .. Arn. Perroleu·!~ 11~~· ·-: Gas Assn. Democrat. Roman Cathc!ic. C~~ :- ·.~ ._. .•.. ,. Hom~: 765 Jewel St :\ew Orleans LA 7t;:.:.; \ . .--:·-.. -t'

New Orleans LA 70130

mpauny ."\.::.sn.; ••.p., ti-J. dlr~. t'hocnl:t OJn:'eJ Fl'n6, sec., ocnix Country D:ty !'.ch.; bd dirs. Ariz. AcaJ.; rcr,ionc\1 dir. ard Alumni. Scncd to r:':.<tJ l)S,\AF. 1942-46. P.·km. Am., copa County (dir., p:ts~ v .p.) !Jar as ... ns., Harvard L.<!w Sch. , Lawyers C!ub Phoe-nix (pres.)._ Lnitarian. Club:.; Country Yacht (Ch~thum, \1ass.). AJJ1hor: (with other~) Arizona , 1953; (with J. 1. M(!kzcr, Jr.) Arizona Incc-n,. Tax . , 1954. Contbr. e~rticlcs prof1. mags. Hom.:: I r E Paho1 1ix AZ 85004 Ofhcc· 41!. ~Central Av Phocnix o\Z 85004

JEY, EARL HA~UYfO~. coiL pres.; b. Marion, Ala., 7~5. Henry Clay 01-nd Mary (Moore) McC.; 5-tudent Lincoln '··Marion, 1921-26, Talladega (A!a.) Coli .• 1926-28, Agr. :olt,l928-30, LL.D., 1954; B.S., Cornell U., 1939; M.S .. Jll., 1942; LL.D., A. and T. State U .. Grl'ensboro. N.C., )., Va. lllcol. Scm , 1970, St. Paul's CoiL, 1970; m. •ne-s, Nuv. 9, 1939; chiidrr.:n --Earl, Clifton; m. 2d, Fannie

Aug. 19,1 960; 1 dau., Elizal>cth GaiL Hieh sch. tchr. , N.C., 1931-32, high sch. prin., 1932-36; mi<..cellancous 15. work, 1936-4'i; pres., St. Paul's CoiL, LawrcncC'~o'ilic, . Pres., A50'>n. Episcopal Colis., N.Y.C. V1ce pres. N.C. 1948-49; bd. YMCA. Raleigh, N.C.; mem. state adv. com. , coils.; nv:m. e'l.ec. bd. \"a. Council on Human Relations. \., A-..sn. Coil. and U. Profs .. \'a. Tchrs. Assn .. V~. Edn. a Kappa Mu. Alpha Bela. Omega Psi Phi. Epir.copaJian. rest Hill Lawrenct;vtlle VA 23868

NS, JAMES DEA.", drug and dept. store exet·.: b. f'a., Apr. 4, 1922; s. James Homer and Kathryn (Dean)

Alh.:gheny, 1943; m. Nancy Luc;Jie Maain, Sept. 23, \On---James Lynn, Donald Paul, Nancy Ellen, Robert · .. credit mgr. Talon, Inc, Meadville, Pa., I 946-50; with iss Co., Cleve, 1950·70, v.p. aciminstrn .. 1965-67, exec. D; u. "·P· adminstrn. Gray Drug Stores, Inc., Cleve., m. bd. rev. and allocatiun Cleve. Welfare Fedn .. 1967-. 1rden Valley Neighborhood House; trustee West Stde ·ed as lt. USNR, 1943-46; ETO. PTO. Mem. fh! Gamma 1lican. Mem. United Ch. Christ. Clubs: Vermillion Yacht, loat; Cattawba Island (Port Cliutnn, 0.). HomC': 5372 'ennilion OH 44089 Office: 666 Euclid A.,.· Cleveland OH

iCK, FRANK AMBROSE, cducotor; b. St. Paul, Jan. 2, ry Lacy and Charlotte (Smith) McC.; B.S., Mass. lnst. M.S., 1943; Ph.D., Cal. lnst. Tech., 1950; m. Mary Morse :pt_ 10, 1944; children--Martha Kent, Roger \\'hitmore.

Richard Morse. Engr., United Aircraft Corp., East r1n., 194)-46; asst. prof. mech. engring. Mass. Jnst. Tech., 949-55, asso. prof.. 1955· 59, prof., 1960---, Mem. Am. . m. Soc. Testing Materials, Am. Soc. Metals. Am. Soc. 1., Am. Acad. Arts and St:is. Horne: 289 Valley Rd 1 01742 Officeo Dept Mech Engring Mass lnst Tech !A 02139

'CK, JAMES INGLISH, lawyer; b. Canon City, Colo., 16; s. Frailk and Adeline (Lon,£;mire) McC.; A.B., U. J.D., 19~1; m. Ruth Chapman. Dec. 31, 1921 {dec. Nov. !dren-Merrill Le"'is (\frs. Merrill M. Waller), Martha, 1; m. 2d, r--.:annette Gt-.owski, Jan. 31, 1948. Admitted 21; a.~so. Yerkes, Simons&. Goddard, Detroit, 1921- 28. ~. McClintock, Fulton, Donovan & Waterman, and

1928-; specializing in ce!"porate and ins. law. C.:en Foods Co::p., ll1c Bethlehem Corp., Investors

v.p., di1. Detroit Mortgage Realty Co.; pres., dir. 1itzlcy Corp.; chmn., dir. Metropolitan Fed. Saving<:o and 11\c Bethlehem Corp., St. Clair Shores NationJ.I Bank. 1tal Health Found. Ser...cd as al'iation pilot, U.S. Navy, Counse!, Bd. Econ. Welfare, 1942-43. Mem. Am. (del. 49, Mich. 1949- 50i, Detroit (sec., v.p .. pres. 1943-47) Hkr of Coif, Phi Delta Phi, Delta Upsilon. Presbyn. ic, Country, Detroit (Detroit); Grosse Pointe; Lyford . Hunte: 37 Beverly Rd Grosse Point Farms MI 48236 iian Bldg Detroit MI 48226

CK, ROBERT MilLS, amba,.ador to Venezuela; b. 30, 1909; s. JohTl Milts and Christine (Chaq~bcrlain) tanford, 1931; spl. studies, Geneva, Swit1erland, 1929; Tio~ Apr. 29, 1936; children-John Martin, Robert I U.S. Fgn. Servi(:c. 1931; ... -ice consul. Panama City. ~; attended fg;l. SuYice Sch., State Dept., 1932; vice Japan. !933-34: 3d sec. Am. emba~sy. Santiago, Chil~.

legatio••· Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic, ~inki, Finland. 1929-42; charge d'atTairs ad interim, 1-44; mem. InternaL ~ccrerariat, spl. asst. to exec. ~ec. l!ite-rnat. 0:-gn., San fra'lcisco, 1944-45; adviser C.S. :Preparatory Comnm., London, 1945~46; polit. adviser '" UN Gen. Assc.~1bly, N.Y.C., 1946, spL sessions, .A.m. embassy. Brussels. Belgium, 1949-51; assigned to ., 1951-52; dep. chidmi~ion, counselor Am. embas~y. 1952·53; dep. chief mis::.ion. Saigon, Vietnam, 1953-~4; to CamOOdia, 1954·56, to Lebi!non, 1958-61, to ~62-64, to Vcnezl1.ela. 1970---; chmn. U.S. govt. h lntemat. Conf. RC'd Cro:;s, Kcw Delhi, India, 1957; vise:- Naval War Co:! .. 1964-68; co-dir. Spl. State-Def. Overseas Bases. 1968-69; coordinator preparations, par~mental group Symington Subcom. on Overseas 1969~70; alternate de!. U.S. to 9th UNESCO Gc:n.

·lhi, 1956; mem. policy planning staffStatr Dent., 1957. anning council, 1961. Recipient Superior Sen•ir:e award )5?. life mem. U.S. ~aval Jnst. \Guld mcd:Jiist 1941); Kappa. Sigma Chi. ClUb~: Metropolitan, Chevy Chase Anna?Qlis Yacht. Writer, lcctr. on diplom1.cy at. i

Address: Exect Se~t Venezuela Dept State Wushington

'K, ROSS AUGUSTUS, oil c<>. exec.; b. Corona, Cal., ; ' Augustus and Iva M. !Robe:ds) McC.; student 'oil., 1939-40; B. ... U. N.M .. 1940-41; m. Rosemary 1948 (div. Aug. 1~62); childrcn--hlia (Mrs. Richard ~ Augustu~. Sr. field er~r Drilling & Ex.plorati•m Co .. 1947-50; su.\es engr. Shaffer ToP! Worh, Brca, Cal., Western Offshore Drilline & ExploratiGn Co., Los -.pres., 1963-: sr. Y.p .. di .... Flu·1r Corp., Los Anseles. es. Hdlcnic Oil, S. Chir1a Sea and S. Pacific Oil, Inc. County (Cal.) Republic and Central Co.n. 19,6-59; Futut! Farmcn Am. sponsor, Orange, Cal. S"'n.ed "' .Vorld War 11. Decorated air n;.edai~. Patentee ofT5horc

Norman Bruce. Wi(h Nat. B:'t~k Detroit. }')34~--~:·as;-t.- "trQ~~; ofli~~;:. 1943-44, asst. ~.:OJmptro!lcr. 19 H -4 7 . .:.~!tt. v.p., 1948-53, v.p .. 1954-66, sr. v.p., 1966-; pres .. dir. Safe Deposit Co. of Detroit; pres. N:.t. Bank. of Detroit Bldg. Co.; dir. Wayland (Mich.) State Bank, Met. Fund. Inc. Treas., lnternat. Fret.:dom Fe:"ti\'al. Trcas., tru~tee Am. Enterp:ise lnst. f,_n Pub. Po!icv Re~earc~; tr~stcc No. Mich. U. Dcvcl. Fund; tiir., mem. exec. com. ·C1tizens Rc!-carch Cou"lcil Mich.; bd. dirs., v.p., exec. corn. Deuoit Con..-. Bur.: t. ustcc. v.p., mcm. exec. com., mcm . investment conl. Childrer:'s Hosp. Mich.; truste~. past pres. ment. exec. com .. mern. budget com. ~iLh. Coils. Found; trustee, sec. lnst. EcPn. Edn., Inc.; bel. advisers Wayne State U. Press. Mcm. Mich. Bankers A~sn. (pres. 196 7~68, mcm. exec. Council, exec com.), Greater DeliOAt Bd. Commerce, Nat. Assn. Cos~ Accountants (pres. Detroit chpt. 1952-53, dir.). Repuhlican. Home: 189!4 Gainsb0rough Rd Detroit ~-fl 48223 Offic.:e: Nat Hank Detroit \Voodward at Fort St Detroit Ml 48232

MCCLI!\TOCK, WILLIAM TERRY, chem. mfg. co. rlir.; b. Sioux City, Ia .. Sept. 10, 1912; s. Calvin Terry and Edna Pearl (Stone) McC.; B.S., North·.vestern lJ., i934; m. June Dunn, June 29, 1938; children---Julianne. Mary Ann, William Terry, Bonnie June. Mem . staff Booz., Allen&. Hamtlton, management cn~rs., Chgo., 1935-40~ with Rohm & Haas Co., Phila. 1940 ·-, asst. trcas., 1943·48, treas., 1948-63, v.p., 1963-'10, dir., 1959~. Trustee Mount HolyGke CoiL; .:::hmn. bd. trustees Internal. Hou~e Piula. Mem. Financial Execs. lnst., Beta Gae1ma Sigma. Clubs: Huntingdon Valle-y Country, Down Town. Home: 1880 Lambert Rd Jenkintown PA 1904~

1'-ICCLll'iTON, KATHARINE MORRISON, writer; b. San Francisco. Jan. 23, 189~; d. Robert and Leih (Perry) Morrison; A.B., Stanford, 1921; A.M .. Co~umbia, 1922; Dr. Arts and Letters. Whec.ton CoiL, 1961; m. Richard Frederick Kahle, Sept. 11, 1923; 1 dau., Juhanna Morrison (Mrs. Ashley); If'_ 2d, H?.;rold Leander McClinton, Oct. 25, 1935. Decorator, W. & J. ~loane decoration dept., 1922-2J; lectr. art and interior decoration U. Cal. Extension, 1925·31; art critici~m column San Diego Sun, 1930-33; bel. dirs. San Die.go Fine Arts Gallery, 193C-35, ofcL lectr., 1935; editorial .:.:ff McCall's Mag., 1938-39; nat. ad\·, com., lectr. religioua art, Contemporary Crafts Mus., N.Y.C., 1957, Dali3s Mus. Fine Arts, 1958; lecti. on church art and architecture Gen. "!.'hcol. Sem. and others_ Exhibited paintings So. Cal. Art A!,sn., Ann., 54th Ann. Expn., San Franci!tco Art Assn., F.mik.ner Meml. Art Gallery, Santa Barbara, Cal., Cal. State Fair, Santa Monica Art Assr.., Pasadena Art Inst. Decorated \\'omen's Bldg., San Diego Expn., 1935. Mem. Nat. Sculpture Soc., N.Y. Hist. Soc., Alpha Phi. Episcopa~ian. Author: An Outline of Period Fumiture, 1929; Modem French Decoration, 1930; Flower Arrangement in the Chun.:h, 1944; A Handbook of Popular Antiques,

., ......... , .. ;., "• .._ "'u~;"'vn n:•-:uat tur rno:->t C!'jlJ!1gt'i5!"!C(i j)i..:turl"' t_.t_.. .

children rubl~shed in 1941 (awarded at A.LA. conv.-~ · Milwaukee). 1942; second Caldecott medal for Time of \~ <.: i 95f:. Exeruted bas-reliefs for Hamill on (0.) Municipal Bldg __ : Mem. P.E.N .• AuthM's Le;,gue Am. Author: Lentil, t9.:t0; M:~l( for Ducklines. 1941; Uon"!cr Price, ·1943; Blueberries for S1:1i. ;._ Centerburg Taies, 1951; Onr Horning in Maine, 1952, Tnr­W0r.der. 195 7; Bert Dow, Deep \Vater Man, 1963. Horne: \ lsl~nds Capt; Rosier Harborsid~ ME 04642 Office: care Viki!lg p. 625 Madison Av Ne·.:: York Cay NY 10022

MCCI.OSKF.Y, ROBERT Jr.MES, fgn. >e,.ice ofcl.; b. Phila. \ 25. 1922; s. 11v::mas and Anna (Wallace) M(;C.; B.S. !n Journ::. Temple l.i., 1953; student George \\'ashingtor1 C., 19S".8·59; m ,.\ Ta)-lOi Phelan. July 8. 1961; children--Lisa S!obh.:tn, Andre~-::. McCios.key. Engaged in hotel work, 1945-50, as newspaper n:r,,. .. 1952-55; joined U.S. Fgn. Service, 1955; assigned Hon? i-.:_

1955·57; pt:hls. officer State Dept., 1957-5il; press officer Of! 1 ~, News, 1958-60; a\signed U.S. Mission to UN 15th Ger.. As\en:·. 1960-62; spL asst. Bur. Pub. Affairs, State Dept .. 1962-63, rltr Office News, 1963~64, dir., 1964·66. dep. asst. sec. of sta~e. 1 %fJ ~. dep. asst. ~ec., spl. aso;.t, to sec. for press relations Office f-·~· Relations, 1968-. Office: Dept of State Wa~.hington DC 205~u

MCCLOSKEY, THOMAS D., constm. co. e<ec.; b. Phila , ~hv . 19:'4; s. Matthew H. and Helen T. (Dudley) Me-C.; student Wh~·· Sch. of U. Pa.; m. Elizal>cth Klock, July 21, i 945; children-Thc·c D., Mary Virginia, Patricia Anne, Michad Patrick, Wirh McCiv1 .

& C.o., Phila., 1938-, v.p., treas., 1952-61, rrcs., 1%1-: ; McCloskey Enterprises Co. Bd. dirs. Martir: dcPorres found., P!­trustce Oblale Coli., •,vashington. Served with U~·MCR, ;9.;~ _. l\-fc:m. Yo-..ng Pres. Orgn., rhila. C. of C., fra:1klin l!n!. Den:'.x;~ Roman Cath. <..1ub: Phila. Country. Office: i620 \\' Thompsor; ~­Philadelphia PA 19121

MCCLOUD, RE.NTLEY G., Jr., banker; b. Omaha, July 22, 19ll, 1 Bentley G. anc.i Florence (Olmsted) McC.; g:rad. Philiys Exeter Au· 1930; A.B., Princeton, 1934; m. Katherine S. Clark. Aug. 25, ill:~ children-Sandra (Mrs. Vt'illiam S. Covington, Jr.), Kalherine (\~:· James W. Kennedy), Melissa B. With First ..lat. Bank Chz_o .. 194() v.p., 1950·66, sr. vice pres., 1966-67, exec. vice pres., 1967 : ·: · Dayco Corp. Mem. Ch~o. Crime Commn .• 1958-. Trust(.'e AJ,,r Mather Home, Evanston, 111. Served with USNR, 1944-46 .. \1u~ Bankers Assn. for Fgn. Trade, German Am. C. of C. C!uhs; Chi.::!g~ University (Chgo.); lr1dian Hill (Winnetka, 111); Old Elm; Mid-Da~ Homeo 536 Roslyn Rd Kenilworth IL 60043 Officeo 1 First Nat Pi .1!

Chicago IL 60648

1946; American Glass, 1950; Good llousckt·eping in the Church, MCCLOUD, DARELL EDJSON, educator; b Royal Cen•cr. lnd 1951; Antique Collecting for Everyone, 1951; Antique Collecting, Mar. 7, 1920; ~-Loren Newell and Haniet Maria i.Harvey) McC. !952; Loaves and Fishes, 1955; The Changing Churcho !ts B.S.A., Purdue U., 1945, M.S., 1947, Ph.D., 1949; m. Mcry llltoc . Architecture, Art and Decoration, 1957; Christian Chl'rch Art Kistler, Sept. 29, 1940~ children-Joyce Ann (Mrs. Douglas S..:-or: Through the Ages, 1961; Complete Book of Small Antiques Forth), Sharon Lee (Mrs. Douglas A. Mathews), Darlene K:1y. A--·' Collecting. 1965; Collecting American Victorian An:iqucs, 1966; prof. agronon1y U. Fla., 1948-54, asso. prof., 1954--57. pr0f., chr·l-. CompleteBookofCountryAntiques,l967;CoJiectingAmerican 19th dept., 1965-; head Humid Pa::.turc and Range lnvc!>tigntions Ag:! Century Silver. 1968; Antiques of American Childhood, 1970; Research Service, Agr. Dept., Beltsville, Md., 1957-65. Cons.. Lit-Antiques in Minature, 1970; Antiques: ?ast and Present, 1971. Climatology Johns Hopkins. 1953, U.S. Weather BuL Bio-Clir;:vlh Contbr. art and home decorating mags. Home: 25 East Fnd Av New Sect., 1955. Fellow Am. Soc. Agronomy; mcm. Cro?s Sci. Soc. r\m. York City NY 10028 (winter) 2280 Cahuilla Hilts Dr Palm Springs (pres. 1969-70), Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma, Gar.tma Sigma Delta. Pht CA 92262 ~appa Phi. Methodist. Asso. editor Crop Sci., 196e-68. Homo: 20~6

W 18th Lone Gainesville FL 32601 MCCLOGAN, HUGH E., mfg. co. exec.; b. Los Angcies, 1929; LL.B., Loyola U., 195i. \'ice pre>., sec. A.J. Industries, Inc., Los · MCCLOY, JOHN JAY, l•wyer; b. Phila., Mar. 31. 1895; s. Johr. J" AnPcles; sec., dir. A.J. l.Jind Co., Roberts.· Gordon Appliance Corp., and Anna M:ay (Sr.ader) McC.; student Pe<!die Sch., 1907-12; A.B .. Roberts·Gordon Appliance CL:-p., Ltd., Lansing Co., Sargent cum laude, Amh~rst Coil., 1916; LL.B., Harvard, 1921; LL.D .. Engring. Corp. Oflice; 10889 Wilshire Blvd Los Anreles CA 90024* Amherst Coli., Syracuse U., Colby Coli., U: Md., U. Pa., Yalt

Princeton, Notre Dame. Swarthmore, \\ilmington, IhrvarJ. Columbia. Dartmouth, N.Y. U., Trinity Coil., Hnwn U., WiUiarr=-;. Middlebury, Boston, Haverfcrd, Lehigh, Franklin and Marshall Co!!; D.C.L, Washington College; Dr. lng., Tech. ll. Berltn (Charlottenberg); m. Ellen Zinsser, Apr. 25, 193·); c:1ilGren-Joh1 Jay, Ellen. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1911: wi~h C<idwai<.d..:.r. Wickersham & Taft, 1921-25; with Cravath, de GersdNff, Swaine~· Wood, 1925-40, mem. firm, 1929~40; became expert cons. to sec. __,f

war, Oct. 1940; asst. sec. of war. Apr. 1941~Nov. 1945; mem. Milbank, Twet:J, Hvpc, Hadley & McCloy, 1946·47; pr{.:s. Wor1 1 Bank, 1947-49; U.S. Mil. Gov. and High Commr. for Gcrm:-.ny. 1949-5~; chmn. bd. Chase Nat. Bank, N.Y. City, 1953; c'.r1n b! Cho.tse Manhattan- Bank (merger Chase Nat. Bank and Bank oi Manhattan Co.), 1955~61; co-ordinator U.S. di<>armanent activitie~. 1961-63; mcm. Milbank, Tweed, Hadley, and McCloy, 1962-- Dte Dreyfus Corp., Stott Capital Devel. Corp.; chmn. exec. com. Squibl­Corp. Chmn. Pres.' Gen. Adv. Com. on Arms Control and Disarm:'l.ment. Hon. tn .... stee Lenox Hill Hos!J.; hon. chrnn. DeL, tl ustet: emeritus An1herst Coli.; hon. chmn. bd. Coun·.:il Fgn. Relations, Inc Intcrnat. House-N.Y.; bd. govs. Atlantic lnst. (Pari~); ctmn. Fc:d Found., 1953-65; chmn. bd. UN Devel. Corp. Served as capt. Fit:! .:I Artj., AEF, World War I. Decorated Distinguished Service Medal. Presd!. Medal of Freedom, Grand Officer Legion of Honor (fran~t:J; Grand Ofcl. Or-der of Merit (Italy); Granc! Cross Ord{':r c-f ~1~nr (Genr..-tny). Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Assn. Bar City N.Y., Beta 111e;a Pi. Republican. Pre-sbyn. Clubs: Ct:nt~,;,ry, Clove Valley Rod and G~.:n. Bond, Brook, Links. University, Anglers. Connetquot River (l'.:.Y.C.}. Metropolitan (Washington). Homeo 79 E 79th St Nev. York City ~;y 10021 Officeo I Chase Manhattan Plaza New York City NY lOCO~

MCCLORY, ROBERT,congressman; b. Riverside,llL, Jan. 31. 1908; s. Frederick Stephens and Catherine (Reilly) McC.; student L'Jnstit.Jt Sillig, Vevey, Switzerland, 1925-26. Dartmouth, 1926-n; LL.B., Chicago-Kent College, 1932; m. Audrey Vasey, Sept. 19, 1935 (dec. Sept. 1967); children-Beatrice, Michael Oliver. Admitted tv III. tar, 1932; pvt. practice, Chgo. and Waukegan, 1932~; mem. firm McClory, Lonchar, Nordigian & Clark; tc:p. 67th III. Gen. Assembly, 1951-53, senator 52d Senatorial Di:.t., 1953-62; mem. 8Sth·92d cor.gresses, 12th lll. Dist. Mem. Am., Ill., Chgo .. Lake County (ler assns. Republican. Clubs: Law; Bath a~d Tennis (La',.;.e Forest); Capitol Hill (Washington). Ho•nco 340 Prospect Av Lake Bluff lL 60044 also 321 Constitution Av NE Washi01gton DC 20002 Ofllce: Cannon Ho"·" Office Bldg Washington DC 20515

MCCLOSKEY, JOSEPH, lawyer; b. New Orle>ns, Nov. 6, 1911; s. Joseph and Zita (Gogalty) McC.; B.A .. Tulane U., 1932, J.D., 1934; m. Mary Lou Martin, Jan. 24. I 947; children -·Edv.-ard Joseph, Mary Lou, Hugh Mar!in. Admitted to La. bar, !934. since practiced in New Orleans, 1934---; partner McCloskey, Dennery & Page and predecessor firms; asst prof. civil law Tul&ne U. Cell. Law~ 1939·4~. instr. pub. speaking Uni..-. Coli., 1941- 42, 46-48. Asst. sec. Arrow Food distOrs., Inc.; sec., dir. Libby & Blovin, Ltd., New Orleans Frosted Foods,lr.c., Jefferson Cold Storage, Inc .. Asso. Cold Storage. Inc., Baton Rout,c. BJ. dirs. Louise S. McGehee Sch., 1959·65, Is.t "".p .. 1962; mem. Adminstrs. "I ula~e Ednl. Ftmd, 1948, 68, adv. mern. 1968--, 3d v.p., 1961-65, vice chmn., 1965-68; gov. Tulane Med. Center, 1969--. Served from 2d lt. to maj. USAAF 1942-45. Mern. Fed. Am., Ll. (sec.-treas. 1947-48, bd. govs. 1955-57), 1'-:ew Orleans (exec. com. ICJ41-42, pres. 1956-57) bar assns., Am. Judicature Soc., Nat. Legal Aid Assn., Pub. Affairs Research Council. Bur. Govtl. Research. Met. area Com., La. State Law lnst. (Edward '.Visner Donaticn adv. com.), Phi hcta Kappa, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Omicron Delta K_,ppa, Order ofC0if. Ciubs: Boston, Lo-..:isJana, Audubon Golf, Recess, International House (New Orlean~). Bd. editors Tulane Law Rev .. 1932-34. Hom<·o 6333 Prytania St N,ow Or!oans LA 70113 Office: Hibernia BanK Bldg New Orleans LA 70112

MCCLOSKE\', 1\!ATI'HEW H., U.S. amo>"ador to Ireland, 1962-64; later chmn., dir. Phila. Daity News.•

~tCCLOSKEV, PAUL N .• Jr., congressman; b. San Bernardino, Cal.. Sept. 2~. 1927; A.B., Stanford, i950, LL.B., 1953: m. Carol:ne W. McCloskey; child;.:n--Nancy, Peter, Jot·n, Kathleen. Admitted to Cal. bar, 1953; wem. f.rm ~lcCiosY.cy, Wils~l.l, Mosh-::r & '-'iartin, Pa!o Alto, 1956-6 7; mem. 90th-92d Congressc~. 11th Dist. C~l. Served to col. lJSMC. Deco.-ated Navy Cross, Sil\'-!!r Star, Purple Heart. Mcm. Am., Palo Al!o (pres. 1960~61). Santa Cl3ra County (trustee 1965-67) bar ass~'.s., Sute Bar Cal. (rres. con f. barristers 19( 1·62), Phi Delta Phi. Rcpub:1can. Home: 1113 L~rlgley L:mt:: M.:Lean VA 22i0l Olliceo 801 Wdch RJ Palo Alto CA 94304 also House of ReP' Wash.nj!ton DC 20Si5

MCCLOY, THOMAS RENNIE, librarian; b. Mcskanow, SasL Can., Feb. 4, 1 ~06; s. John and Maria (fraill) Me C.; B.A .. U. Snsk · 1937; B.LS., U. Toronto, 1939; m. Doreen LuffWoodhrd, Aug. i-'. 1948; 1 dau., Norah Woodford. Librarian Khaf-i t.:. Cm . L ;, · 1945-46; cataloguer l'.B.C., 1947-49, Pub. Archives Can., 1949-5 1.

Nat. Library Can., 1954-56; librarian Glen bow Alta. Inst.. Ca!gMi · 1956--. Served with Canadian Army, t940-46. Mem. C~tiadJ<!'1 Library Assn., Library Assn. Alta., Canadian Hist. Assn .. H:st. Soc Alta., Bibliog. Soc. Can. Homeo 1941 Grand Oa<s Dr SW Calg:·.r) 5 All>crta Canada Ofliceo 902 11th A v S W Calgary 3 All>crta Canad'

MCCLUNEY, DANIEL CATLIN, Jr., univ. dean: b. Chgo., Feb. 1 }, 1916; s. Daniel Catlin and Elsa (Nicolaus) McC.; A.B., V:'ashingtcon lJ., St. Louis, 1937, M.A., 1938; Ph.D., Stanford, l'i-19; rn. Lucv H Sullivan, July 14, 1938; 1 >on. ~!ichael. Tchr., Tay!ur Sch., 1938-4:. tchr. Country Day Sch .. St. Louis, 1942-45; teaching as!>t. German. Washington U., 1945-46; instr. German. Stanford, 1946-49, :!-<>s!. prof., 195U-57. asso. prof., 1957-64; prof., head German depL L:. 1:1 Chgo. Circle. 1964·66, acting dean Coli. Libcra1 Arts and S.:is .. 1966-67. dean faculties, 1967-, also vice chancciJor, 196~-- Mcm Modern Lang. Assn. Editor: lm Geist Der 9~senwart, 1<}59; Lest"r: und Horen, 1963; Co-editoro Proben deutsc""''f'r6sa, 1970. Hom<.

~. /'":~-::··::·?-.




!, ~~ '

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C.~ Louha 0., ~~artl1a S. Admitted to Mo. bJr in 1936, since pracri;;:cd ir. St. Louis; a~.-;o. fir•-:-~ Bryan. \\'illiams, Cr.ve & McPhc:ctcrs. and successor firm Dryan, Cave. McPhc('t::rs & McRob~:rts. 1936-, partner, 1951--. Mcm. Ladue (Mo.) City Council. 1950-60. Served with Am. Fidd S·::rvice, 1944-45; CBL Democrat. Prc~byn. Club~: St. Louis Counrry. Ra:::qucl, !\;f'onday (St. Louis). Home: 9752 LitLsingl·r Rd StLouis MO 63!24 Office; 314 N Broadway StLouis MO 63102

MCPHERSON, DONALD J., metallurgist: D.S .• M.S .• Ph.D .• Ohio State U.; married; children-Marjorie, Linda. Asso. metallurgist Argonne Nat. Lab. to 1950, research rr.ctailurgist, asst div. mgr., div. mgr., V.?- liT Re:iearch lnst., 1950-69; v.p., dir. tech. Kaiser Aluminum and Chern. Corp., Oakland, Cal., 1969~-. Mem. numerous sovt. corns. on devel. titanium for def. applications. Bd. dirs. Ohio State U. Research Found. Recipient Outstanding Young Men award Chgo. Jr. Assn. Commerce and industry, 1956, Distingui$hcd Alumnus and Centennial Achievement awards Oh10 State U. Fellow Am. Soc. Met&ls (trustee); mern. Am. lust. Mining. Metal!. and Petroleum Engrs. (c!'unn. titanium com.; chmn. Inst. of Metals div.; bd. dirs. Mt'tafl. Soc.), lnst. Metals London. Am. Ceramic Soc. A.A.A.S. Author numerous papers on titanium and its aHoys. Hon.e: 9 Red Bark Ct Lafayette CA 94549

MCPHJ,;RSO!'I, DONALD PAll."l'Oi':, Jr., lawyer: b. Chambersburg. Pa., Oct. 6. 1906; s. Donald Paxton and Elizabeth {McLanalaan) McP.; A.B., Princeton, 1928; LL.B., Hnvard, 1931; w. Janet Lewis Russell, Oct. 14, 1939; children---Donald Paxton Ill. Edward R., Scott. Admitted to Pa. bar, 1934; practiced in Phila., 1934-35, Gettysburg. 1936·56, 63-; commr. ICC. 1956-63. vice chmn., 1963; sec. Adams County Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 1936- 56; pres. Evergreen Cemetery Assn., 1951·56. Senator, Pa. Lcgisl:."ture. 1948·56, chmn. com. consll. changes and fed. relations, 1951-53. chmn.jud. gen. com., 1955. Pres., Gilliland Pr"sbyn. Home, 1952-69. Served from lt. G.g.) to it .• t:SNR, 1944-40. \km. Am. Legion, Sons Union Vets., Am. Bar Assn .. Am. Judicature Soc. Presbyn. OdJ fel!ow. Clubs: Lions, University Tore~. Capitol Hill. Home: 250 Carlisle St Cc~tysburg PA also 3900 Watson PI NW Was!ti:-~gton DC 20016 Office: 126 Baltimore St Gettysburg PA 17325

MCPHERSON, EDWARD WHITE, life ins. co. exec.; b. Aurora. Mo., Mar. 17, 1909; s. haac Vambert and Bessie (Barnett) McP.: student Gcortc \Vashington U., 1927-30; m. Mildred Elizabeth Hanson, Mar. 14, 1930; children-Ann [.Iizabeth (Mrs. Lloyd G. Van Vliet), David Hanson. ~lith N.Y. Life Ins. Co .. Wash., 1927-, office mgr., Bait., 1940·43, Wash., 1943·45, dep. comptroller. N.Y.C., 1945-54, as;t. v.p., 1954-56, 2d v.p .. 1956·61, v.p .• 1961-. Mem.

JKappa Alpha. Home' 4 Dale Dr Chatham NJ 07928 Office: 51 Madison Av New York City NY 10010

MCPHERSON, HARRY CUMMINGS, Jr., la••yer; b. Tyler, Tex .• Aug. 22, 1929; s. Harry Cummings and Nan (Hight) McP.; B.A., U. South, 1949, D.C.L. (hon.). 1 965; student Columbia. 19•9· 50; LL.B., U. Tex., 1956; m. Clayton Read. Aug. 30. 1952; children~-<>urtcnay, Peter B. Admitted to Tex. bar, 1955; asst. gen. counsel Democratic poiicy com. U.S. Senate, 1956-59, asso. counsel, 1959- 61, gen. counsel, 1961-63; dep. ur:.dcr sec. internaL affairs Dept. Army, 1963-64; asst. sec. state ednl. and culturallffairs, 1964-65: spl. asst. and counsel to President Johnson, 1965-66; !.pecial counsel to Pres. Johnson,1966-69, P'"·t. practice law, \Vashington, 1969--. Vice chmn. John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts; bd. mem. Woodrow Wilson Internal. Center for Scholars. Served to 2d Jt. USAF, 1950-53. Recipient Distinguished Civilian Service award Dept. Army. 1964; ArthurS. Flemm;ng award as one of the ten outstanding young men in government in 1968. Mem. Tex. Bar Association, Blue Key, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Alpha De !to. Democrat. Episcopalian (past mem. vestry, sr. w:uden). Home: 30 'It~ Irving St Chevy Chase MD 20015 Office; 1660 L St NW Washington DC 20036

MCPHERSO!'i, HUBERT J., glass co. exec.; b. Portland. Ore., July 23. 1913; s. William A. and Blanche (Fayram) McP.; ed. puo. schs.; m. Irvinia \\'. Laughead, July 10, 1937; children-Anne (Mrs. James A. Citrano), Kathleen (\irs. John P. Aulenti), Susan Jane, Linda Je1n. Partner firm Skirmer & Hammond, C.P A.'s, San Fr&ncisco; pres. Pacific Industries, San Francisco; former exec. v.p., now dir. Thatcher Glass Mfg. Co., Inc., ~.Y.C.; iormer pres., dir. Cleve. Container Corp.; now pres., tre3s .. dir_ Clevapak Corp .. N.Y.C. C.P.A., Cal., N.Y. Mem. Am. lnst. C.P.A.'s, Cal., N.Y. socs. C.P.A.',. Home: 9 Victoria Lane Stamford Cf 06902 Oifice: 375 Park Av New York City NY 10022

MCPHERSO!'I, JAMES MUNRO, educator; b. Valley City. N.D., Oct. 11, 1936; s. James Munro and Miriam (Osborn) McP.; B.A., Gustavus Adolphus Coli .. 1958; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, I 963; m. Patricia Rasche, Dec. 28, 1957; I dau., Joanna Erika. Mem. faculty Princeton, I Q62-, asso. prof. history, 1966-; cons. Ednl. kesearch Council Am., 1967-. Chmn. Minn. Fedn. Coil. Republican Clubs, 1956-57. L'anforrh fellow, 1958·62; Gu~genheim fellow, 1967-68. lAem. Ain., So. hist. assns., Orgn. Am. Historians, Phi Beta K.:.ppa. Author: Struggle- for Equality (Anisfield·Wolf award race relations 1965), 1964; The Ncfro's Civil War, 1965; Marching Toward Freedom; The Negro in the Civil War, 1968; Blacks in America: Bibliographical Essays, 1971. Heme; 15 Randall Rd Princeton NJ 08540

MCPHERSON, JOHN AUSTl.'O, paper mfg. co. exec.; b. Milw., June 18, 1913; s. Fred K. and Delphine (Benoit) McP.: A.B., Dartmouth, 1935; post grad. U. Wi~ .. 1936; rn. Patricia Toomey, Apr. 17, 1948; childrcn~Fred, Mary, John A. (dec.). Tech. asso. forest prooucts lab. U.S. Dept. Agr., 1936; chief engr. Wausa:l Paper Miils Co .• 1937·38; eng;. Oliver United Filters, Inc., J')}8· 42: asst. plant mgr. Mosinee Paper Mills (Wis.). 1946·57, plant mgr., 1957·61. v.p. operations, 1961·64, exec. v.p., 1964-65. pres .• 1965-, also dir.; dir. 1st Am. Nat. Bank, Central Wis. Bankshar.:s, Inc., Mosinee Co1nml. Bank.. Vice pres., dir. Wis. Valley Improvement Co.: bJ. dirs. Tree<> for Tomorrow, Wis. c!iv. Am. Cancc: Soc. Served :o capt. l.JSMCR, 1942-46. Regi$lered proO. engr., Wis. Mern. Am. Soc. M.E. T.A.P.P.I., Paper lr:dw,rry Mgmt. Assn. Republican. Methodi:.t. Mason (Shriner). Club, Minocqua (Wis.) Country. Horne; 1003 lOth St Mosinee WJ 54455 Otlice: Mosinee Paper Mills Co M<Jsinec- \VI 54455

MCPHERSON, JOH"' UARKLEY, air force offic~r: b. Vicgirua. Minn .• Oct. 4, J 917; s. B;Jrllcy John and Anne (Holmgren) McP.; B.S. in Civil Engring., U. Ariz .. 1940; m. Leota Irene Wilson. July 16. 1940; children-Kenneth, Sue (Mrs. 1 ru;nan Tor\r..el.!ton,, Shidey (Mrs. Paul Curs), Robin. Comrad. 2d It., ca\'. U.S. Army, I 940, advanced thro·.Jgh grade~ to h. gen. USAF, 1968; ass.igned B·29s. World War II PTO· -... - ..... "'~" ..... - -


Commendation medal; named Oubtan~..hn::: YPun~ \f ~,. ~. RosweJ, N.M., IYSI. Mem. Theta TJ.Li. k:!r\''i :-.:~·:::·' Address: Quarters 7 Ft !v1cNair v.-·a~hing:l'JO DC 2~..i(j2.;

MCPHERSON, JOHN CLOUD, offi(e lll=.!d;in~..· ... n:r1 Hills, N.J., Oct. 16. 1900; s. ~orman C. ~nd .\Lt•!!·1 rc: ~; McP.; B.S. in Engring., Princeton, 1929; m. Kztih~~~~-~· _., 1934; children--Elizabeth, Bruce. Vice pre'>. 1 iJ ~1. ; •n., Brit. Computer Soc.; mem_ I.E.E.E .. A A.A.;.., A-.. ,, ~_ -Machinery. Home: 45 Lakeview Av St-.on Hi!b ~- J OIU-:'~ ( 1 :' ~ c : ~) '~· Armonk NY 10504

MCPHERSON, JOHN DALLAS, invcs•mcnt "' Inglewood, Cal., Sept. 18, 1922; s. John .end il:to·d (\1,: ... h:-. , • 1

B.S., U. Cal. at Berke!cy, 1941; m. ldJ. \1orpr:. \~ 1 ·,

children-Da.llas 8., John Godon; m. 2d. A 1n Gr;11ng~r. h ... ~ Exec. tng. Gen. Electric Corp .• Schenectcldy, 19 ~ 1-~::. ::- r · . '---VA, 1946; founder, pres. Airborne Frcigh•. ('(lfp .. s3 !l ; -

1946·69; pre~. Ralston Investment Cor!'!.. l 4&Q -· -; r,~- . Internat. Corp., Green, Scott & Co .. Inc., D..t!y .Tr:l\ c: ~,·: ... Am. Orient Travel Corp., Pan Y..:tritimc CHg(· S..:~·•..:~: West, of Air freight Forwt1rders As.'.n.; dir. Cnmn~ 1 'r.""~-• ',· Bank of San Francisco, Med. Probleo-1 Wdfdf.: .\~,:· .. i--. \,' Alert Found. InternaL, Inc., Airbc-rnc Frcigh~ Cnrr ·,,.:. ~ comdr. USNR, 1942~46. Mem I\ a~. D.:~. TL•':"l:·p. A--· Presidents' Orgn., San Franci$cO C. of C.. S<tn Fr..in;,::c~.::o .\ ~ Newcomen Soc. N.Am., Ail Freight For'>l.a,..dc:s rhsn. 1p:·>. ' .... · _--; Commonwealth of CaL (San Francisco), Hnmc: 1\5 F:: __ - :r Hillsborough CA 94010 Office: Ralston lnvcstmer:! c-~~- i.:--~ California Dr Burlingame CA 940 I 0

MCPHERSO"', JOHN WILLIAMSO:-i, life in,. ,.; " .. Shippensburg. Pa., J"Jl'j 18, }(j06: !:.. Edw;;:.rd f. and Ar:n..: .'•! •,. McP.; grad. Phillips Ex'!ter Acad .. 1925: A.ll .. Il,._r·.;jr•.!., \'-1.-1932; m. Harriet Hcnder~on Gilbc-Jl, June 7, Ili..~5; l·~,!k~~, (Mrs. L. Mark Michel), ~1arth:i (Mrs. John A. H(.·yv.o..>.JJ.; r ••

Admitted to Pa. bar, 1933; with Penn ~1ut Life lm. C. · 1939~, sec., asso. gen. counsel, 1951-. Pres., tr·:!as. S...:o·, .. : .•.. Found., 1961-; pres. Scotch· Irish Soc. U.S .. 1954. Tr~~-.:..: \' .: .; Pa., 1941-~; bd. dirs. Mental Health Assn. S.E. Pa., !952 ·-..~~~-Assn. Life Ins. Counsel, Am. Life Conv .. Defender A~<-r. I~ .t

dies. 1966· 70). Prcsbyn. (trustee). Auth01 Mticles. H(•;-~·.-': i ~ _. Barberry Rd Bryn ~awr PA 19010 OtTice: 530 \1.1':- .. : · Philadelphia PA 19:05

1\lCPHERSON, RE~E COSSJIT, automotive parts n-.fg __:,. ~.: v~-­b. Akron. 0., Sept. 29, 1924; s. Pa.ul C. and \brgaret (::--.~ic.~ :· •.· B.S., Case lnst. Tech.,l9S:O; M.B.A., Harvard. 1952; m. :-..·~:.,- . .':""<:

Rowell, June 19, 1948; .:-hildrl!n--Doug\as H<trtth-·n, Lurt<.: :·~·-.· .. ·.-. Sales engr. Dana Corp., Toledo, 1 952·56, ax 1e sales mgr., ! "'~, , .- . mgr., Auburn, Ind., 1956·60, divisional g~n. mgr., Tokd1). l <;.::_,_~ gen. mgr. Spker div., Tol.::do, 1964~65, group v.p., J<~t)~. ,_., ..

1966·68, pres., 1968-~; exec. v.p. Hayes Steel Pro~ucts l··-L (.~( changed co Hayes·Dana, Ltd.). St. Catharin:.-s. On!., !";~"· 1960·63, chmn. bd., 1963·68. Dir. Toledo-Lucas C(h!T:',

Authority; chmn. bel. Jr. Achie\'ement Northwe:::.tcrn Ohin: h· ; bd. Toledo Hosp. Served with LJSAAF. !':,4.3-45. Dc-·:(•r:Fc ., : Air Medal with clusters, Presd!. Cni! citation . .\h:l~.',~· Automotive Engrs .. Automotive Original Equipment \!tr• . (pres.), Young Presidents' Orgn. Republican. Prc"b}n He;..~ .:. · --~ River Rd Toledo OH 43614 OfEce: 4100 Bennett Rd TJk·.:c· • <1 43601

MCPHERSON, ROBERT GRIER, educator: b. Ather<'. c, ! 23, 1923; s. John Hansvn Tho!"'lus and \brgaret V1rgini.1 li._·. McP.; A.B .• U. Ga., 194~. M.A .• 1948; Ph.D., Johns Hort-..:n' .. ~: m. Margaret Hibbard Lore, Dec. I 3, I 947; children--:Vb:-p~c! l , Robert Grier, Jean Hibbard. Dir. U.S. Army Edn. ProuJ:7", _;__­Kobe, Japan, .i946·47; foculty history U. Ga ... ·\theus. i·J~:: 1969~, head dept.. 1969-. Trustt>e Ocone:: Hill Cenlete<:- ... ~ ·.- ... Served with AUS. 1943·46; PTO. Mem. lnst. Hi'r. P.<.c·.· :· ' London, Conf. Brit. Studies, Am. Hist. As-sn., Phi Ali<"',.l · Author: Theory ofHight'r Education 1n ~ineteenth Centur!·l: ·; ~· .: 1959; The Journat of the Earl of Egmont. 1961. Contbr. .J.:'; ·­profl. jours. Home: 145 Tallassee F<:rms Dr Athens GA JOt<'~

MCPHERSON, WILLIAM ALEXA:-iDER. editor. writcr; o '·- · Sainte Marie, Mich., Mar. 16, 1933; s. Harold Agn~.:-..· ~::-.: :--. ' (Brubaker) McP.; lJ. Mich., 1951·5~, Mic~ Stat·' L.. l<i5: ,. • Elizabeth Mosher, July 7, 1959; I dau., hnc Eliz:ik:h. \\ .:; ~ ·!.

Washington Post, 1953·66, 69~, staff writer, edi:M, IYt-3· 1·,.. ~- · '

critic, 1969-; sr. editor \ViJiiam Uorrow &. Ct1 ., Pub .. ~ ': ( . 1S67·69. Contributing editor Book World, 1969-; lectr. A::1 l 1971--. Mem. N.Y. County Demo:.:ratic Com .. l9b9. C- :-""" magazines. Home: 2')55 Newark St '\iashington DC 200JS 0:~~ ... :: 1515 L St NW Washington DC 20005

MCPHERSON, WILLIAM IIESTO;>;, economi". "'""•:·: ~ Columbus, 0., Oct. 18, 1902; s. William and Lucrt'tia (}k"-t''nl \Li. A.B .• Harvard, 1923; A.M., Ohio State U., IIJ24: po~tgn{L l ~ : 1924·26; dip!Omc d'Ctudes supCrieures d'C.::onornie ':'-ollti·\UI;' l. ~ • .., 1~27; Ph.D., U. Chgo., 1935; m. Vivian Ratc!iifc-. Aug •() · children--Mary Lucretia (Mrs. J. Frazer Durrett. Jr.l .. 1.u::_·_{' \ · ~ William B. Fisch), Charlottt: Nor~hway. HcJd tc~~.:hif'-!:' -~· ~ econs. U. Cal., 1925~21; dept. econs., Dutrl!our!-1. J•<: ..... ,,!_ < CoiJ., Western Res. U., 1930·37, Oberlin Col!.. 19?7.-ti). :.: :l·~ mem., com. on social seC'urity Social Sci. Re~t·:.trc-h Cnur1..-:il. i ·t-! •: prir::. economist War MaT!power ComJ11n .. IY-L.!·-1.); ~.:o-- · · Shipbuilding Comrnn., Nat. War Labor Bd., !9.:J . ..J-l, .:hmn .. l ~.;_..a. 1 ~ mem. Appeals Com .. 1945; mem. lu.Oor adv. com. w J3p:!:: ..11...! ~. War Dept., 1946; E.C.A. tech. assistance C(JJ:orrH,. 1..lfl ,;lie.· '

refugees ill German Republic, 1950·51; prof. c~'i.lr:::.. h-;t. l .l'·-,· lnd'il. Relations, U. Ill. at Urbana· Chan.p:~isn. I ~qta .... • , emeritus, 1971-; lectr. Germany for Dept. St.1U: .Sr:: ... ·tah .. t L \..:' Program. 1952~53. Fulbright rcsea:-ch schol~~~ Jr_,.t,t•·t .;-:, ··, Socialcs du Travail, 196C-6l; Fulbright rescar.::h grJntc.: 1n Gcr", . .._· ·, · 1969, Mem. Internal. Indsl. Relations As'.in .. Am. Ecor•. :\>'>rt · \·~; Assn. U. Profs. (nat. council 1961~64), Nat. ..-\cad. ;\;bi:ruu·r-.. ,}_.-:­govs. 1965·68), lnds!. Relations Resc.J.rch .-\'i~·n. (~cc. tie:l.". Itt~_---~.>_ exec. bd. 1961· 64), internat. Soc. Labor Lp~,-· <.'nd S(l<:t:ll { eg::o.. \[, (ex<.:c. com. U.S. nal. com. I96J- ). Ph1 Ddt a Thet:l. Authnr l.: ""· Relations in the A~tomobile Industry, 1)140; _Pl:i:!Ja: Relations in \Vest Germ<'ny, 1971. Co-al'.thnr~ 1 ~\<.' h·.;-;H:h Courts: Judgement bv Pcrr!", 1966; conthg ow thor: 'lo'-" ( ('i : Bar~L~:ni11ing Works. 1942; labor m Postwu A rnc1 1 .. :... l IJ4 ·:_ f'r _,· ar:d~ Policies of Di!'.pute Settlement and V."<!p· Stahd!idt;,,,. ,J \\'orld War 11. ! 950, Integration Gf R.:fu~ce:-. 1n! .. , (~,.'lP.un I. I!,_•

~;~~~--• z~:n Sozia!cn Fnt:Jcn, 19:;4; H~!lJb!lr!:~.r J,thrh•!·. r:



·:;-~~-.;i~.O.:..l d1'-..-l.~~~u.t..~:.:~-:.!.!b~ -."-'"...ftlti..ii~~i::.£.~._,.;~·-.-·-""-'-'"-4•~< .. ~---..a.-'.-i.·.·,.._:z~~~'I<J..l,,;~,~~--~ ... ~>J:.~+· •. _,,·_·:fkta· fi:'



!ffi. A.m. Stati~. Assn (Fia ... -.p. 1471· 72). Winter Park C. ,.Jf Xi (pres. Rcllins c:1vt. 1970-72). ~iu Al:•ha Thct·1, Pi ~1u

~hJt-.. L1niversity. H,1me· l i 61 Tipp;c •• n,)C Trail ~!:J.itland FL fac~: Math Dept Rollins Coli Winter P~-rk FL 327:::9

tOBERT, jou!" .. ,alist; h. :-.i.Y.C.. Nov. ll, 1901; s. Ahraha~ nd Sophie (Hafer) K.; stud~r.t Amherst CoiL. ! 919·2 i; n:. · Lennehm, July 22. 1928 (dec. July 19)8); m. 2d, Edith R. . 16. 1959. Reporter varim:,;; ncwspa~ers. 192 .S-33; ~dttor Mt. (N.Y.) Daily Argus, 1934---'2; reporter Phila. Re..:ord, \Vashi:-tgtnn corr., 1945· 4 7, reporter, spl. writer Phila. Bu!!., chief Washingtou CMr., 1954-. Mcm. Sigma Delta C!ti.

n. Press, Cosmos, Gridiron (\\'a:::.hington). Home: 2500 Q St sl•~neton DC "20007 Office: N3t Press Bldg Washington DC


Mich.. 1949·50; U.S. dist. judge Eastern Dist. ~!;ch., 1962-. Candidate ~ich. Supreme Ct., 1955. Served to 2d it. AUS, 194 3·45. !~ome: G-8458 S Vassar Rd Grand Blanc Ml 48439 Office: Federal Bldg FliPt Ml 48502

ROTH. WILLARD DALE, educator; B.A .. Swarthmore ll. 1950, M.A., 1952; Ph.D .. Han·a1d. 1956. Chmn. dept. biol. scis., prof. l}r,ion Coli., Schcnec£ady, 1967-. Office: Union Coli Schenectady NY 12308•

ROTH, WILLIA~l FREDERICK, Jr~ physician; b. Kansas City, Mo .• Feb. 25, 1904: s. \l,'illiam F. and Ma:--ie Alma (Bcitner) R.; Ph.B., Yale, 1925, M.D., 1929; m. Marian Axtell Cowperthwaite, June 12, 1931 (div. Mar. 1964); chi!dren-·Wi!liam Frederick 3d (dec. Sept. 1940), John Cowpenhwahe. Commonwealth Fund fellow in !,lSychiatry Boston Ps:·dwpathic Hosp. and Harvard Med. Sch.,

ROBERT EARL, radiologist. edu.:-atnr: b. Sptingfit.ld, Ill., 1932·35; dir. \\'ilk:~rns.on County Child Guidan\,e St~1ay, Frauklin, 1925: s. Earl Andrew anct Ald1nt: (Scl-c..:-Uey) R.; student Tenn., 1935-42; prof. p~ychiatry U. Kan. Sch. Medicine. 19~6~63, l. 19-0·45; U. l!L. Cng:1 .. l9..t7. !VLD. !'f49; m. Joanne chmn. dept. psychiatry. 1946-58: prof. neurology and psychiatry U. une 26, 1948; 'hildrc:n->•hchael Gordon. Si.:holas Brian, Neb. Coil. '\fedicine. Onnha. l9b4~67, prof. ps-ychiatry, 1967-. 1ohu, EnLily Dean, Laura Seneff. Intern St. Louis County Cons. VA, 1946-64, 68- ·, Seb. Pschiat. inst., 1957-63. Sened with iayt0n, Mo., 1949-50: resident U.S. Naval Hosp., San Dirgo. USNR, 1942-46. Mem. A.M.A .. Central Ncuropsychiat. Assn., Am., :'!., and Vandetbilt, Nashville, 1950- 54; practice medicine. Mid-Continent psychiac assns., Am. Coil. Psychiatrist!., Am. r:.g in radiology. Birmingham. Ala., 1955- -; asst chief Orthopsychiat. Assn., Phi Beta Kappa, Nu Sigma Nu. Prc.sbyn. Office:

thetapy U. Ala. ~1eJ. Coli .. }':)57-58. asso. prof.. chief r VA llv>p .• Nashville. 1954·5>: asst. ?rof. radiology, chief4eb Psychiat lnst 602 S 44th Av Omaha NB 68105

therapy, 19;8-59, ~wf., chmn. dept. radiology, 1959~-; OTH, \\'ILLlA.\-1 MATSON. bllo:.iness exec.; b. San Francisco, -:ief radioiogy V .\ Hosp., Birmingham. 1959·-, also con:;. Sept. 3, 191 '>: s. William Philip and Lurlin('_ Berenice {Mats-on) R.; {; radiologist-in-chief l'. Ab.. Ho~ps. and Cli!iics, 1959-. A.B., Yale, 1939: m. Joan Osborn, Apr. 13, 1946; children-Jessica, J it., M.C. USNR, 194'1-52. Diplomate Am. Bd. Radiology. Margaret, Anna. Wtih Barber Oil Corp .. 1947; with Honc:ulu Oil •. A.A.S .. Am. Club Therapeutic Radiologists. Am. CoiL Corp., 1948-50, past m::m. bd. dirs.; ~hmn. bd. Pacific f\iat. Life :y, Radio! Soc. N.Am., Ara., So. mcd. assns., N.Y. Ac::.d. Assurance Co., 1960·63: v.p. finance, dir. Matson ~aviagation Co. ). Radio!. Conf., Soc. Suclcar MeJicine, Aia .. Jefferson and subsidiaries, S1n Francisco, 1952-61; dcp. spl. rep. for trJde ned. socs., Pan Am. Cance:r Cytolop,y Soc., A Ala. Roentgen negotiations. 1963-66; \\-'hite Ho\.Tse spl. rep. for trade negotiations (pres.). Home: 4332 Old Brook Trail Birmingham AL 35243 with rank ambassador, 1967-69; fe_llow Kennedy Center for Sch.

i19 S 19th St Birmingham AL 35233 Govt., Harvard. 196'?~. Dir., Pacific Nat. Life Assurance Co.,

ROBERT FRANCIS, a.dvt. exec.; b. Arlington, Mass., Nov. s. Theodofc Francis and Marion A lie~ (Haltscom} R.; A.B., U., 1954; m. Addie Mildred Kiition. Aug. 2\ 1962; --Gre2of)· Ki!hor. Kris!en Marie, kffrey Hanscom. Advt. t Tex. ln,.truments, Inc.. Attleboro. M~ss., 1956-60, tdisint; m~L. ! 960-66: account e.-.cc., account supr. Marsteller . , Geneva, Switzcrbnd. 1466-, v.p., gen. mgr., 1970-. ~'ith AUS, 1954-56. Methcdist. Contbr. numerous articles on , ad"·t. to tech. jours. Ho:nne: 1 J Ave de Ia Comic he Braine :1 1420 BeLgium Office: 5 Ave Galilee Bru~els 1030 Belgium

I:OBF.I<T JOSEPH, educator; b. W. New York, N.J .• Nov. ); s. Leo V. and Margaret (~ascher) R.; B.A. Eo::.:ton Coil., I.A .. Fordham U .• 1948, Ph.D., 1961. lnstr. Fordham ll .• ',asst. prof., 1957·64, asso. prof., 1964-70, prof .. 197C--, also :lept.; vis. prof. Catholic U. Am., :o.ummer 1964; vis. prof. uel CoiL, summer 1967; research fel!ow Y::.Je U., 1968-69. \m., Am. Cath. philos. assns., Am. Assn. U. Profs. Author: )ewcy and Se!f-Realization, 1963; American Religious phy, 1967. Addresso Fordhom Univ P.ror.x NY 10458

, ROBERT W., mfg. co. exec.; b. Tulsa, Aug. 22. 1923; s. 1 Kerr and Kathleen (Conndy) R.; B.A., Stanford, 1944; m. :Censon, Mar. 20, 1945: children--Anne K.?thlecn (Mrs.

n Earl Rogers). Peter Benson, Daniel Robert, Mary Lis-1. Vlith Inc., Portland, Ore., 1944~, dir., 1966~, exec. v.p .. 1~67-68. 1968--. Mem. Kappa Sigma. Republican. Rotarian. Club: ey Country. Home: 1957 S W Egan \\'ay Lake Oswego, OR Officeo PO Box 3001 Portland OR 97208

• RUSSF.LL BURTON, physician; b. Eric, Pa .• ~:ov. 6, 1913; L.Jstu~ Henty ar.d Florence (Burton) R.; grad. Phillips Acad., or, Mass .• 1931; A.B .. Yale, 1935; M.D., loons Hopkins, 1939; mt Guy. Oct 17, 1964; stepchilciren~---G. Thomas Gay, Peter ntern johns Hopkins Hosp .. 1939- 40; asst. pathology Johns tS H<>sp., 19-10··11. St. Mary's Ho;p .• Pierre. S.D .• 1941·42, Ford Hosp., Detroit, 1942-43, B;ady Urol. inst., Bait., 1943-44; e medicine specializi.1g in urology, Erie, 1946--; cons. ~t VA Hosp .. Eric; C'OIJS. variou.<. go-...·t agys. Mem. Pa. Gov's leaith Bd., 1~56-; chmn. Erio County Bd. Health, 1958-; odv. com. Office Dependent Med. CJre, Dept. Def., 1961·69; 1e3k.er on sci. and socio-ccon. med. subjects, 1946-; mem. Nat :ouncil Regional Med. Programs, 197(~; mem. spl. adv. group IJ71-; mean. stel!riPg com. e:o:.ptl. med~ care rev. orgn. Dept. , Edn. and \\'dfare, 1971--. Pres. Hess Urol. Found., Inc., -; bd. dirs. Pa. He :11th Res.earch lnst. Served to capt. M.C., AUS, ~6. Feliow A.C.S.; mem. A.M.A. (chmn. fed. med. sen·ices com. i4, coun~jl on m~d. ser\'ice 1965-66. speaker ho. dc1s. 1969-), 1uncil, brl. chmn .. spcak.er ho. dclo;. l ~63-67), Erie Co11nty (past res.) mcd. socs., Am. Urol. Assn., InternaL Acad. Medicine, Pa. ~d .. am:ement Med. Rcse:arch (pres. i956-65). Mason (32, r. Jester), RotJ.rian. Clubs; Enc (gov.), Erie Yacht. Contbr. ous articles on urology and med. socio-econs to pron. joms. :240 W 41" St Erie PA 16508 Office: 225 W 25th St Erie PA

I, STANLEY, chain store exec.; b. Chgo .• Sept. 19, 1398; s. · and Lucy (Duschner) R.; Ph.B .• U. Chgo .. 1918; m. Els;e 1, Aug. 19, 1920; children---Stanley, Robert Merk. Engaged in mel, mdsg. and opcratioo&S re-~earr:h Retail Research Assn., 21; personnel and mdse mgr. L. S. Ayres & Co., !ndpts., 28; v.p. Gimbel Bros .. Milw., 1928· 33; v.p., mng. d:r. The :n Rule, St. P11ul. 1934-37; v.p .. ten. muse. mgr. D.A. Schulte. N.Y.C., 1937·47; exec. v.p. D•rling ~torcs Corp., N.Y.C:., 59. pres., dir., 196G; pres. dir. Grayson-Rot>inscn Store, Inc., :., 1Q60-64; vice chr:m., dir. .-" •. S. Beck Shoe Corp., 1'~61-64~ Apparel Buying Ass-.ls .• ~.Y.C., 1964-. Trustee Jcwish Home losr. for Aged, N.Y.C. Served as 1stiL U.S. Army. 1918. Mcm. e-ta Karpa. Clubs: Sunnindalc Country; Univ. Chc<t.go. Home: 40 a! fark S !\ew Yc<k City KY 10019 011ice: 125 Castle Rd IC\IS NJ

' ll. ~~Tl:PHE~ ALAN, advt. exec.; s. Herman and P-ose crman) R.; B.Es.,\., Colt. Cit) ~.Y .. !9.58~ pos.tgmd. Fairkigh :nsen U .. 1964-66; m. Pa~' 1 ;i- Susan Gu1J':>tein, Oct. 5, l9f.!: ·("n-~Str>nhani..:. G,uv. J:i!. Grc:,;rory. Proj~cl supr. :-.l'CO di". Dun

1969~. Mem. Yale U. Council; pres. San Francisco Mus. Art; chmn. San Francisco Planning and Urban Renewal Assn. Tfustee lnst. f0f Advanced S~udy, Princeton, Carnegie lnstn. \V?.shington, Com. for Econ. DcveL; reg~nt U. Cal. Clubs: Pacific Cnion. Bo!1emian, Cypress Point, Burlingame Ccuntry, Home: Upper Rd Ross, CA 94957 Office: 215 ~1ar\:et St San Francisco CA 94105

ROTH, WILLIA~l V., Jr., senator; b. Great Falls, Mont., July 22 • 1921; B.A .. U. Ore.; M.B.A., LL.B .• Harvard; m. Jane K. Richards; chi!Jren-\Villiam V. III, Katherine Kelland. Admitted to Dd. bar; U.S. Supreme Ct., mcm. 90~h-91st congresses at large from Del.; senator from Del., 1971-. Chmn. DeL Republican State Com., 1961-64; mcm. Rep. Na<. Com .• 1961·64. Served to capt. AUS. 1943·46. Decorated Bronze Star medal. Mem. Am., Del. bar ~ssns. Episcopaiian. Address: New Senate Office Bldg \\'ashington DC 20525

ROTH, \VOLFGA~G, stage designer, painter; b. Berlin, Gcrmlny, Feb. 25, 1910; s. Heinrich and Frima (Marqulies) R.; student pub. schs., Berlin: art student Acad. Art, B~rlin; m. Lee Greenspan, Sept. 11, 1940. Came to U.S .. 1938, na~uralized, 1945. Opera, cabareto;, film, comml. art work Berlin state and pvt. legitimate theatres, 1927-33; interior architecture, decorations Vienna (Austria) Legitimate Theatre. 1933·34: opera, operetta, vaudeville, variety, circus, Zurich (Switzerland) Legitimate Theatre, 1934-38; in U.S. and Can .. 1938-; theatre, opera, ballet, film, TV, interior architecture, decorations, window display. comml. art work, easel paiPting; designer for various opera companies in U.S. and Europe; art ctir., chief designt:r Cin. Opera Co., 1959-f.l, Vancouver (B.C., Can.) InternaL Theatre Festivals, 1963; des-igner operas Curtis In st. Music, Phila.; designer for U.S. participltion in Theatre Festival, Berlin • 1951, Paris, 1955; creator, mgr. The Lit~lcst Circus; designs for The Cannibals, B::rlin Theatre Festival, 1969. Exhibited numerous one man sh0ws including Book and Art Center. N.Y.C., 19.-H, Kauffmann Galkry, Y~HA, IS".Y.C., 1942, Am. Brit. Art Center, N.Y.C., 1943, Rudolph Galleries, Woodstock,!\.\'., 1944. Hofstra Coil. Hempstead, L.l., N.Y .• 1949, Farnsworth Mus .. kockland, Me., 19Sl, U. Me., Orono, 1951, Wright· Hepburn.\\'ebster Gallery, N.Y.C., 1968; exhibited landscapes, stage de5oigns and cabaretistic expts., Bellin, Germany, 1931-32.1andscapcs and stage designs. Zurich, 1938; rep. on World's Fair exhbn. New Americans, N.Y.C.. 1940, Theatre Guild Exhbn. 25 Years American Stage Design, N.Y.C., 1941; Art in Exile, N.Y. Pub. Libn--:ry, 1943, ar Mortimer Levitt Gallery, N.Y.C., Masterpieces of Tomonow, N.Y.C. Selfpurtrait and Theatre exhbns., Am. Brit. Art Center, N.Y.C., 1944; theatre exhbn. Bowdoin Coli.. Me .• i950; landsca;-c and circus painting Friendship House, N.Y.C., 1940, Gallery Modern Art, N.Y.C., 1942, stage designs and stagz models Phila. An Ailiance. 1943; designs f0r Porgy and Bess, 1952·55; paintings and drawings in collections of Watson Collection, Marcel Dryfus, N.Y.C., Luise Rainer, N.Y.C., Edward Kod:, and others. Master tchr. design Sch. Arts, N.Y.U., 1967-. Mem. United Scenic Artists. Addresso 40) E 63d St New York c;ty NY 10021

ROTHAF.R~IEL, WILLIAM MELLL, life ins. exec.; b. Monango, N.D., June 29 189--t; s. John A. aud Ellen M. (\\'archam) R.; student pub. schs. Ia. and Cal.; m. Ruth E. Freeney, Mar. 1, 1933. Agt. Equitable Life Assurance SO<: .• Oklahoma City, 1919-21, asst. to resident supr .• Chgo .. 1921·23, agy. asst. hume ot'lice, N.Y.C., 1923-28, supt. agencies western Jept., San Francisco, 1928-29. centr~l dept.. Chgo., 1929-37; v.p. Continental Am. Life Ins. Co., Wilmington, Del., 1937·40, mem. bd. dir:;., 1939-40; v.p. in charge agc,1cic~ Pacific ~ut. Life Ins. Co .. Los Angeles. l940-50, v.p at largec, 1950--. \1.-':r-:1 Life Ins. Agy. MgmL Assn. (bd. dirs. 1945· 47). Mason (S~rincr). Cl~.>b· California (los Angeles). Home: 1727 New York Dr Altadena CA 91001 Ollice: 523 W Sixth St Los Angeles CA 9'.l014

ROTH AUG£, CHARI.F.S HARRY, educator; o. B•lt. S<pt. 8, ;919; s. George Harry and Margaret Eva (Hcimert) R.: B.Eng., Johns Hopkins, 19-~0. D. Eng .. 1949; m. Lorraine A. Yuclert, Feb. 12, 1971. Electron\.: ~ngr. dcs1gn measurement eqt..iipm<·nt Jnhn~ Hopkins Husp. and Univ., l '-J-tO- 41; i ..... tr. m1th. anJ cnc,ring. at umv ., 1 9.t6-49; mem. facuhy lJ.S. !'-:avy Pos£grad. ScL. 1949-. poof. elet:. engting., 1<>56--. exec. asst. to chmn .. 19v0-62. chnm. dep~. dec. cngring., 1962· 70. Served to major. ordn: .• ncc J::p~ .. AUS, l ~41·46. M_cm. Am. h~s.t. E.E .. l.R.E .. A~l A"sr.. En;ting. EJn., Am. A~sn. U. Profs., Si~ma Xi, Tat' Bci.1 Pi. HoP'lC: 170 Del }..-fnntc 1-.Hv._\ P.1cific Grove CA 9~950 Offi<.:t': LS r-\aval Pn'>tgri!d Sch ~~1unlcrcy CA 93940

Presbyn. Spl. rc~~arch brain control neurohypophv-.i, 1! thirst. fluid and electrolyte metabolism. Co·trJ:,~:~1 ,,. Neur0pathology brain tumors, 2d edit., ! 965. l l111llc J 1;.: · ,;, · New York Ci;y NY 10025 Office: FloY.Cr·Fif~h Av hc'>"l 1 106th St New York City NY 10029 '

ROTHBARD, MURRAY NEWf0:-1, educat<>r; b. ~ y 1

1926; s. David 3nd Ray (Babushkin) R.: A.B., Columh:a. 1 1946. Ph.D., 19S6; m. JoAnn Beatrice Schumacher. hH lnstr., Coil. City N.Y .• 1948·.~9; re!:carch gr:mtcc lm.1 ;·.

N.Y.C., 1952, Earhart Found., Ar.n Arbor, Mich., l'hl).v for Fgn. Affairs, Chgo., 1963·66, William VoH.l·r Fun.:i c_ •

cons. economist Princeton Panel, 1957-61; Wa .... hint_::;, 10

Faith anG. Freedom, 1954-56; asso. prof. econs. Pui; 1: 1966-70, prof. <"cons., 1970---. Asso. Univ. SeminJ;, f! 1, 1, •.

and Polit. Thought, Columbia, 1964-. Mcm. C'oun~..-d , ~ ln~t. for Humane Studies, CaL Mem. Arr.. E~on Evolutionary Econs., Am. Hist. Assn., Orgn. A 1n. l!,'.:, Taxpayers Union, ~1ont Pelcrin Soc., Birch \\"athca _··. (pres.}. Club: Mcdi~val (~.Y.C.). Author: Man, Ec<1rJ<>,,:, 2 vols., 1962; Panic of 1g 19, 1962; America's Gre3t Dl·r Power and Market, 1970. EJitor: L<.·ft and Right, 1 l16S-i1.-, ; Forum, 1969-. Conthi. artk·les profl. jour~. Home: 2\ ..-. '.•, New York City NY 10024 Officco 333 Jay St BrooUyn '·,

ROTHBARD, SIDNEY, educator, med. scienti;:; b s \ . 28, 1907; s. L<Jcis and Esther (Feigenbaum) R.; A.B.,, 1931; M.D .• U. Rochester. 1935: m. Mary C. Boon. J..:. children-Robert L, Jonathan B. Intern, residc.r~t s: ... Hvsp., Roche:ner, N.Y .• l935-3g; in~tr. P3thology C(•r: 11 ,

CoiL, N.Y.C., 1938-41, prof. rwdicinc. i951-; rt.~td<-i.~ . Rockefeller lnst. forMed. Research, 1941-48; as:~o. ~!:n : Phys. and Surgs., Columbia, 1948·51; attendinr physi<. i;1r1 '\, , Hasp. for SpL Surgery. Mem. Am. Soc. Clin. lnvcstit,at 1 .,~. 1

Soc., A.A.A.S., Infectious Disease Soc. Am. Contbr. an,;,,, jours. Home: 21 Hillcrest Rd Suffern NY 10901 Office· 3.:."!' St New York City NY 10021

ROTHBART, HAROLD A., coli. dean; b. Newark. Dec Edward and Jeanette (Colt) R.; B.S .. Newark. Coli. b;··· · M.S., U. Pa., 1942; D. Eng., Tcchnische llo-;h~t.:h'·: · Germany, 1959; m. Florence Hollander. D~c. i -'. childrca--Danid, Ellen, Jane. Asso. m;,.rine cn~r. Pl::h ... 1939·43; chief engr. Trought Assos., Newark, 1943·40. engring. Co!!. City N.Y., 1946-61; dean Coli. Sci i Fairleigh Dickinson U., 1961-. Cons. high-speed ma..:htnu-. tours Scotland, Eng., Ge:rmany, France, Sv:it7cri.l: ~ Netherlands 1958, 59, 6-1, Japan. 1966, Korea, Japan. {I. ; 1969. Mem. Am. Soc. Engring. EOn., Sigma Xi. Tall Fs.:t.c-1 t· Sigm::t.. Author: CamsDesign, Dynamic~ and Acn:~.· 1

Editor-in· chief: Mech:tnical Dcsi,bn and Systems HJrhit:· ~ t

Home: 315 Sherman Av Teaneck NJ 07666

ROTHBERG, ABRAHAM. editor, author; b. N.Y.C. ),c s. Louis and Lottie (Drimmer) R.; A.B., Bklyn. Coli., J·)t:. '·'· I~ .• 1947; Ph.D., Colombia. 1952; m. Esth.:-r Corn,.d!. St·p! 1 son, Lewis Josiah. Chrnn. editorial bd. Stat~sid..:: n-.: 1947-49; instr. English, creative writing Columt::a. :-...: \'' instr. English, humanities Hofstra CoiL, HemrJsh.:::.(L L l 1947·51; Ford Found. fellow, N.Y.C .. 1951- 52; cd;t(•r·,: Europe Press, N.Y .C., 1952-59; mng. editor George B::~.· N.Y.C.. 1959, New Leader onag .• N.Y.C.. !960-61; sr <d•c P:<'Gks, Inc., N.Y.C.. 1966·157: writer. editorial C()r,s .. Eu:. Nat. Obscn·er. Washington, Manchester (Er.g.) Liu.H!~:.1" Sen·ed wit~\ AUS, 1943-45. Recipient John H. McG1· award for short story, 1970. Author: Abrahan~. r:vc'>~> itn \Vorld \\'ar II. 1962; The Thousand Doors, 1Q6~: Ti)~· !i·. 1966; The Song of David Freed, 196~; 1 he Other ~1.1 11 ~ '

The Boy and the Dolphin. 1969. E.ditor: l!.S. Si(lf:. ... Fldshes in the Night, 1958; Anatomy of a Moral. 195'1: t\ i·· ,. Companion, 195CJ. Contbr. articles, e.ssay5, stories.. P•K..J,, · pubis., ant!10logies, collections. Home: 36-ll 221 . ~t i' 11361 Office: 1261 Broadway New York City NY ill< o;

ROTHBERG, SOL, lawyer, indl">trialist; b. N.Y.C.. Ju\:' Samoel and Ada (Shayne) F .. ; LL.B .. Ind. U .. IQJJ. ,., Platka, Jan. 9, 1938; children David, Richaid, Sarnt!d .\ :· Ind. bar, 1933, sin.::e practiced in Ft. \\'ayne: senior p..1: tl:'.; of Rothberg, Gallmeyer, Frucchtenicht & Loga11, llJ) l Bowser, Inc., 1960- ·.Wabash Smeltin~. Inc., 195:~~-. lJ, ' Co.; dir., counsel Ind. Bank 8:. Trust co:, Ft. Wayne, 1'1\:! ._·c

Inc., Anderson, b.d.ianl. Founder, The Ft. Wayne U.' 1 J • Clinic, 1'~50, rr-.!s.,1953; mcm. budgetar:d pri01ity com~ { .. Chest and United Fund, Ft. \Vaync:, 1949; prt:-'. H. \\ ·' · · Fcdn., 1949; d!r. Allen County D{'pt. Pub. Wdf;uc. \: United Jewish Appeal. Ft. Wayne, 1Q53. Adv. cxc..:. c.:m1 Bus. Member Am .. Ind. ~Cir. trial sect. 1958). A!kn t 1943) bar assns .. Am. Judtcature Soc .. Bar As'>n. 7th t 1<,

Circuit. Jewish rehgion (pres. congreglltion 1951 }. \1...' 1'

(pres. Ft. Wayne \943). Clubs: lnJiana IJniv. Alur~11111.'·~ Vt'ayne Country. Quest (fort \\'ayne). Hnrnt~: 4-t30 Ot•! '.: Wayne IN 46804 Office: Indiana Bank Bldg fort \\ :.~;. !.;'

ROTHCHILD, IRVING, educator, physiciac; b. '\;.\ ' 1913; s. Phillip and Yetta (Fisch) R.: B.A .. U. Wis. I 035. \1 Ph.D .• 1939; M.D .• Ohio State U., 1954; m. Ro>< ~"''', 1935 (div. 1956); I dau., Susan Elizabeth: m. 2d. E!h:n ' ... ~ .. 6, 1958 810logtst, Hosp LIQUidS, ln<.: .. Chg\1, l 1

'· •

Mtchacl Reese Hosp., Chgo., 19-41·43. a~'t pl,_)'L''l ~, Agr.. Beltsville, Md., 1943-48; asst. prof. phys•<~]!ll':· .t 1948--l9; asst. prof. obstetrics and gynC(.'('i!l(;_~- : 1

Columbus, 1949-53; asso._ prof. ob:itetncs an~ t-"'!· 1_'

Western Res. U., Cleve., 1955·66, prof. rcproducu\c ht··~·

~1~o~e~~~tt.r~i:~ .. r~~~~~l1o:~~~-,~~:.P~·t. ;~~~:.:·l.~:l,:,~ -'~ Soc. Zoulogists, Endoci ine Soc.. Am. Ph)·s•u_l S("- · . ' Biology and Med1cine, Soc. Gynecologic !f;vesl:~..~t_1 11 1l f-i ~ physiology of rcprodn. Home: 244 i Kenilworth RJ L l!~\ '

OH 44106 Office. C ... se Western Res U Dept Rl.'p;ndu. •,h Cl:veland OH 44106

ROTH EN, ALF.XA~DRE, rctirc:d cJucawr. ~:h~n;, ::: 1 1

Switzerland, Jan. :5, 1900; s. Gcortc~ and ~1.Hh·~'- 1 '

rJ.. .. "' ~nor I! l!~>nf'v:" IQ~4. Ph.li. llJ26. Cm:~!' '

Term expires in '75 W. Michael Blumenthal Zbigniew Brzezinski Douglas Dillon Hedley Donovan Elizabeth Drew Caryl P. Haskins Robert V. Roosa Cyrus R. Vance

Term expires in '76 Gabriel Hauge Alfred C. Neal James A. Perkins

-~Lucian W. Pye David Rockefeller Martha R. Wallace Paul C. Warnke Cal'roll L. Wilson Bayless Manning (President and ex officio Member of Board)

Term expires in '77 Robert 0. Anderson George S. Franklin Edward K. Hamilton Harry C. McPherson, Jr. Peter G. Peterson Elliot L. Richardson Marshall D. Shulman Franklin Hull Williams


David Rockefeller, Chairman of the Board Bayless Manning, President and ex officio Member of Board Cyrus R. Vance, Vice Chairman of Board Gabriel Hauge, Treasurer John Temple Swing, Vice President and Secretary


John J. McCloy, Honorary Chairman Henry M. Wriston. Honorary President Frank Altschul, Honorary Secretary

::: :I,


!.! '

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G.O:tn;;:IJ;li'~TTA I /oOENSlTIVE Decen1bcr 23, 1974





Puhlic Handling of New .York Times Allegations of CIA Domestic Activitic:::~

In our public posturing of this problem today we will warit to address the following p:roblo:rng £aoi1o1g ike I"'rcaidcn.t..

to insure that no such alleged activities .are taldng place and that the CIA is acting fully within its charte.t;:

to insure that i1 such activities ever did happen correetive --.- . . measures have been taken within the CIA anci that appropriate disciplinary actions have been or will be taker1~

to al:fsure the An)cl*ican public that the Pre!:-;idcnt has firm control ovet' the activities of the C!A and thct"ehy to maintain public:: confidence in the intelligen.ce comutunity of the United States.

We suggest that lhc: White House not issue a statenu:nt on this matter but address the issue by taking Qs and As in the norn1al p.rt~ss conference proc~riurc •. We al"e concerned that we not act in such a way as to give credence to the allegations of the New York Tinle~ story and create an impression that a major problem actually exists and that the Ford Adrninitit.ratiun ie confronted with a :scandal o£ major proportions. We should act in such a way a& to 1nake it perfectly clear that these activitiefl anti .. dated the current Administrat..iun and that this Administration is acting forthrightly to ins~e that no such activities will occur during !'resident Ford's Ad1-ninistl·ation.

The following are our views as to the likely que¥tions to be addressed tu the White House today with our S\lggested answers.

In general the answers providP.d ar.e drafted to

indicatP. that the Administration h acting decisively on the 1natt~r and . l to keep the mattc1.* within the Adnlinistration and head off. if possible, ~~ r"

full bl.own Congressional inve::~tigation outside of the nor1nal legislative ..5""'~ o-.e rs1ght channels. ..,..-.-:·

1:"·;;.,'-.· v',J.r _.r •· J )\ :"-

, 1.-c\,• ' l..• <'-\ f..? ',;:, \


- z ..

0: What is the President· doing about the New York Thnes reports o! widespread CIA involvem.enl in domestic surveillance activities during and before the Nixnn· Adm..itti~Jtration?

. A: The President has directed CIA Dit:ccto.r Colby to submit a writtF:n . report to him through the NSC within 48 hours •. The report is to contain a detailed de scription o! auv C":JA aetivilir.1~ whic:h nu1.v ;n ~uy way nave been rel·erl'ect to 1n _tne 1.tmes artie c.

Q: What was the "partial information" the President mentioned yesterday that he had about this matter?

Az This referen(:e was to advance information that the Titn~ would be carrying an artide such as that one that appeared yesterday.

0: Can you describe for us just what it is that the CIA was doing lygitimately as opposed to allegations :made by the New York Times the Adlninistration considers unfon.ndcd? · For example, does the Agency maintain a file of 10,000 na:me:-c on American citizens?

A: The President has asked Dh·ector Colby for a fullt·epol·t on fhis matter. We expect that report to be cornplete and we will go no further at this time.

Q: Does the President maintain confidence in Director Colby·!

A: Yes.

U: Can you tell us how the President views the CIA Charte1·'., What does the President view as the legititnatc role of the Central Intelligence Agency?

A: I am not going to discuss the specific activitiel5 of the Central -Intelligence .Agency as it carries out its duties. The Charter of the CIA is spelled out in the National Secul'"ity Act of 194 7 which clearly states. that the Agency bae no police, subpoena or law enforcement power OT internal .security functions. The President is confident that the CIA is acting within that Charter and the President hae been assured that the appropriate conmutteP.S of Congress have tu~P.n kept fully in!ormcd on the activities of the CIA.

Cetf:fll88ff'J5f~L/SENSITIVE 3




!f you will not answer specific questions abo'\.'tt ClA activiti~s and persvnalities can you tell us abvut Mr. Ober 1s position on the National St!curity Council? 1s he going to be tJnspendc<l pending the outcome ol Mr. Colby'• investigation?

Mr. Richard Ober, a career CIA officer WaH assigned to the NSC !lta!f as Director of Intelligence Coordination in March o{ 1974. Mr. Ober was recom.me.nded !or this position by Mr. Colby and the NSC considered him well suited for this po~::~ition by his back­ground and ~xperiP.nce in a broad range of intelligence activities. I am nnt prepared to.discuss further Mr. Ober's duties on the stair.

!a the Preslcltmt going to ask Director Helms to Teturn to the US rn ol)l;aul rus vers1on o:t the .New Yot-k Ti1ne:. allegations'/

There art'! no plans Cur that at this time. Should an appropriate Congressional Committee wi.sh to question Am.Lalllsador Helms we would ask the Am.bass&.dor to return for this purpose.

eeNE.lJlFitRI?!!\L /SEN SIT IV E



£.L .

. .r••-. • • ~· • ._

: ;; ii' ~;··.,0 ' ' '

0' '., !



July 11, 1975



Attached is material for your use in the event that questions should arise. It has been cleared with Jim Wilderotter.


. i

~-4"" f .... t.

~- ',;'• \ /•

I have not been employed by any intelligence agency except on one

occasion for a few months more than 14 years ago; my only function

at that time was to provide routine medical care.

After completion of training as a Pediatrician I started medical

practice -- a full time occupation with emphasis on care of handi-

capped children. This was interrupted in 19_i± by a two-year tour

of active duty as a pediatrician in the Air Force.

After that tour I attended Flight Surgeon's School in the Air Force

and joined the Air National Guard. This was in weekend status in

addition to my pediatric practice. I served as flight surgeon and

later as hospital Commander.

In 1961 I was called and asked to report to the Commander of the

Air National Guard. He advised me that there was a need for a

physician to support an activity important to the security of the

United States. He advised that this was not a National Guard activity,

but that it was urgent and important. I was then referred to a man

who identified himself as representing a classified government

agency, which I knew to be the CIA. He assured me that the need

for my medical service was an important and urgent matter which

had tadt.approval of "highest authority. 11 I later learned this involved

medical care for a group of individuals who subsequently participated

in what is known as the Bay of Pigs.


In connection with this matter, I was then asked to come to Washington

and meet with people who would provide details. This I did. The

meeting consisted of seeing two doctors who explained that my role

would be providing medical care, including aviation medical support.

They assured me of adequate equipment for routine medical care.

I was not indoctrinated in any way, other than being advised of sensi-

tivity and secrecy and the need to provide good medical care under

primitive camp type conditions in a tropical area.

This former service was known at the time of employment at the White


,.-;, ~:·:-~ a:;~\ ~-.; t :.:c: • ..... . ~


',""'~· ~.~~' .,.,.,..,_~ ... ,~~~/

I~ation.al Co'uncil o"f Scientology f\~inistcrs 2125 S ~lrcct N.\\: \\'<~shinl!ton D.C. 2000R







TO PH:CSIDEUT FORD .. COUNCIL ?RE.SlDE.i'JT REV~ 1-\RTHl.Jr~ t·:;:.\FU.:.N ST.!->Tl:..D THt~T


r,;t~HH.S HilS .A 30 YEl\R HISTORY OF f-i.CTlVlTY tHTHH: THS CIA t:.i\D OT.HSH

. . HLC::.~lT F.!U LURE TO Pf),SS OiJ OUR PETIT I Ot.I iiDDR.E.SSl:.:D TO PiU: ... ::d o;~NT


HLHJG 1\EPT i:W VAR! OUS GOVER.W;Ei'JTi\L f',G!::I.iCl ;::;::; ',. l'It1RLN S;U D~

.,--._ ... \




i\TTL:.:I-JT!ON ON THE H£LLS OF RE.C£:'JT ALLL.GnTlOrL> OF ',oinlTE HOu~..:.



















\ol.t\S A 1969 LABOR DEPARTNENT t·:Et,10RA.NDUt'i DE ... :;\·JN FRON 1NFORI·1AT10N ',











HHI..f.J IN A LETTER TO Rl::V. t1!).H£N,., HE STATLD T}t:-\T ' THL FRJ:.i.:.,D0~1 OF











AGENCIES OF Tli).::. U.S. GOV.:.::RN1·1£NT' BUT H.SFU.SLD TO r~:-..:LE!-i.SE TH.L~1




- -~------------------~------

Executive Registry



August 8, 1975



SUBJECT: Attachment

Per our conversation.



25 August 1975

MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Richard Cheney

FROM B. C. Evans~~----------·1

Mr. Bennett1 s memorandum of 8 August is returned herewith.

None of the individuals listed has been an employee of this Agency.

Five were normal liaison points of contact by virtue of their former

official positions and one was a periodic source of information. I

will be glad to brief you orally on these associations.

Attachment < .•• ~ .;l .!..".~ Q~'f; 11./l_f, -.. _ 'I A \.l=1M . -r.{rf..!.lf..!

f:l'J _ .. ~DC:' =-"~'e. ltr,

EZ IMPDET Cl By 064696

SECRETARY OF THE ARMY -- Martin R. Hoffman


Edwin H. Yeo III, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs

James A. Baker III, Under Secretary of Commerce Robert 0. Aders, Under Secretary of Labor


Charles Walker, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy

David s. Cook, Assistant Secretary of HUD for Housing Production and Mortgage Credit

Travis E. Reed, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Domestic and International Business

Charles J. Orlebeck, Assistant Secretary of HUD for Policy and Research


James D. Isbister, Administrator of the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration in HEW

Asaph H. Hall, Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration in DOT

Howard D. Tipton, Administrator of the Fire Prevention and Control Administration


Austin N. Heller, Assistant Administrator for Energy Research and Development Administration for Conservation


John H. Holloman, Federal Power Commission


Terry L. Shell, u.s. District Judge, Arkansas Eastern & Western


Daniel P. Moynihan w. Tapley Bennett, Jr. Donald M. Fraser J. Herbert Burke Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr. Albert W. Sherer, Jr. Jacob M. Myerson Barbara M. White Carmen Maymi John H. Haugh


... . -

Honorable William J. Colby Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C •



// / Octob

FROM: ~ /



28, 1975



We have got to solve these two memos. I think you, Jim Connor and I should meet no later than Wednesday for a few minutes to get Connor started on them. See me about it.


-\ ''. i



/~~-~ ~


21 July 1975

The Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld Assistant to the President The White House Washington, D. C. 20500

Dear Don:

Following up on our 17 July conversation, you will find attached our quarterly report on detailees to the White House (Attachment A), as well as a report on our personnel' lwith other government departments and organizations (Attachment B).

As indicated, we are prepared to provide information on the past association of any current White House employee or Presidential appointee but will await the names from Mr. Bennett to Mr. Evans of my staff. Responses to these requests will be sent to you or Mr. Cheney.


aa:tf~"''~-~ ~ r<" c.;'"'] fJM····--: : 11;';' . ~-··; ;~~:~ ~~:::t';~~~- ·' . '~~ ~-~ u

t::10 ,..()0 ·-Q~':/.:.'!.9''1

_ .•. J:l !L ':JJ4t...~. - ---~~~ • .S/t(Q/1-3




E2 IMPDET Cl By 064696


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White House/PJ<'IAB *

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NATIONAL SECURl~5~QYNCIL --- ·--------

--· -·-·:-::----::--:----:---------=-=----:.-=----::;:-=--=-=:--=--~--=----=-=~-::--:=-=- -:--;--· AUTEN, _Linda GS-05 ____ $8, 783 ____ CRS R. 02/10/75 02/09/77

Info Ctl C1k Typ . BARN-UM, Jame_s __ G. __ ==_Q_§~!~ ____ $_?.2_.!~-~!___l)!li--:_l:i_~--=~0_7 /16/73 ~:::=<ffZ?l/?~-

Intel of Cur Int - Si tuatio~ Roo_m ___ _ BATTENFIELD, Patricia GS-07 $11,573 TAS R 06/28/71 Indefinite

Clk Steno - Services NSC Clerical needs -------i3ossER:'r ,-MicE·a:;;l Gs·-o9 $13,697 DDI NR 7/74

- ----w-at-ch-Officer -Situation Room BOWJ:ES 1 A!~~~--_]~~ 1~- .. ____ 9_§.~0~- .......... $1_? _ _,_!3_':ll __ 12QI=._)'l:R ____ o_iLQ.Gfl.Q.._imLe_f.iJ~.i.t.e. ____ -

Watch Officer - Situation Room BUCHER!, Dorothy V. GS-07 $10,520 TAS R 08/30/72 Indefinite

Sec Steno - Services NSC Clerical needs

DARGIS Gerald P. GS-14 · IO Military - Staff Officer to

, DEPUE, Mary E. GS-11

$25,581 NSC $18,061




NR 09;23/74 Indefinite

R 01/19/64 Indefinite __ A_d_m~i_n_A_s~s_t~-~--N~S_C~S_e_c_r_e_t_a_r~y._···~--~~~---------~~----------! _____ ~!m.C_H.~§., Christina L. GS-06 $9,789 TAS R~06/28L'Z2 ___ l2_L20/75 __ _

Sec Steno ~ Services NSC Clerical needs __ G....,..A=TESf Robert M. GS-14 $25,581

Int-e -Of Cur Intell DDI NR 07/08/74 07 /0~/7§ ___ _

GRABON, Barbara A. GS-08 $12,804 TAS R ,:J5/20/7'l .Indefinite Secretary - Services NSC Clerical needs

-__H--iRND_oN_~ Candie~ T. GS-07 $11,573 TAS R Sec Steno - Services NSC Clerical needs

--- Hori1.:_.-Ric-~1arci-- ·--- --cs-=o9--·-w, 2-6-='-9--n-oz NR-l0/'14-Indefinite --Watch Officer -Situation Room

_KJEL:f4lE~GJ_A_l~~--------GS-08 $11-,~Jl4.0 __ DllL_N.R.__0_6LQ.9_L7_5 ____ I_ndefini te Watch Officer - Situation Room

---~KQ~~E, Robert GS-09 $12,841 Watch Officer - Situation Room

GS-12 $20,308

OBER, Richard OPS Off Ch

m $36,000

DDI NR 7/74 Indefin:i,=t=-e-

CIA-QPS NR 10/23/73 Indefinite

PS NR 03/18/74 Indefinite

PALANZO, Edwina J. GS-07 $10,520 TAS R 02/18/71 Indefinite ___£lk .Tvn - Services NSC Clerical needs

__ MTL~FF~_~R=o~b~R~o~y ___ ~G=S_-_1_6 ___ ~$_3_6~,_0_0_0 __ 0C_I __ N_R __ 0_4_/_7_2 _____ I_~efi~!~~ Staff Officer. NSC

___J i GS-12 $20,308 CIA-QPS NR 04/12/73 Indefini_'t_~----Watch Officer - Situation Room

____ S:PA:fiORD, Clara A. GS-05 $8,783 TAS R 11/05/73 Indefinite Clk Steno - Assist in Clerical needs

WENGRZYNEK, Mary M. GS-11 $18,061 SEcretary~Steno- Services NSC Clerical

TAS R 05/29/73 Indefinite

=-:J I GS-12 $18 '463 needs

CIA-QPS NR 05/16/73 Indefinite Watch Officer - S~i~t~u~a~t~i~o~n~R~o~o~m~---------------------------

____ W_IIYTE_,_Marla GS-05 $8,500 TAS · R 07/02/75 Clerk Stenographer

I nd.e.f.i.ni:t.e __

Page 2


':' R Reimbursable NR Non-reimbursable '~':' Date of Assignment '~'~'~ End of tour date

ff.~1 f: /)~ ::5!..~'!!.£ 0

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This £orm marks tbe i'ile location o£ item number 3c as listed

OD tbe pink !om (GSA £om 7122, W1 tbdraval Sheet) at tbe ;front o£ the folder •

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MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Richard Cheney

FROM B. C. Evans{~.------~

l 0 OCT 1975

Returned herewith are Mr. Bennett's memorandum and list of names which we received on 25 September. None of the individuals listed have been employees of the Central Intelligence Agency. Fifteen were normal liaison points of contact by virtue of their official positions; 13 were sources of information on different occasions; two have been used by the Agency as one-time consultants; and one served on an Agency panel. If you desire, I will be glad to brief you orally on any of these associations.

Attachments -~ /' \ // l /



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THE WHITE HOUSE ..--/ pr- " 7 s ~ =<._ "'<.. WASHINGTON "-' ... ,_, ....... : .... :-................ "·····...,

Per our earlier discussions.

Douglas P. Bennett Director Presidential Personnel Office

OEC\.ASStFtED 1.0. , .. Sec:. 3.1

~-.- ..... ,.·

Eugene E. Siler, Jr. U.S. District Judge, East and West Districts of Kentucky October 19, 1936

Edward A. Miller Assistant Secretary of the Army-- Research and Development March 5, 1922

Richard L. Dunham Chairman, Federal Power Commission November 25, 1929

Frank R. Barnako Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission August 2, 1912

Creighton D. Holden Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Tourism January 19, 1917

Isabelle Burgess Member, National Transporation Safety Board April 3, 1912

Earl J. Silbert U.S. Attorney for Washington, D. C. March 8, 1936

Donald B. Rice Member, National Commission on Supplies and Shortages June 4, 1934

Henrik S. Houthakker Member, National Commission on Supplies and Shortages December 31, 1924

George Kozmetsky Member, National Commission on Supplies and Shortages October 5, 1917

Philip Harold Trezise Member, National Commission on Supplies and Shortages May 27, 1912



M~chael H. Moskow Director, Council on Wage and Price Stability January 7, 1938

Thomas B. C. Leddy Alternate U.S. Executive Director, International Monetary Fund January 27, 1943

Hamilton Herman Assistant Secretary of Transportation for

Systems Development and Technology January 15, 1916

Mrs. Judith Connor Assistant Secretary of Transportation for

Environment, Safety and Consumer Affairs March 6, 1939

John D. Rhinelander Under Secretary of Housing and Urban Development June 18, 1933

Karl E. Bakke Commissioner, Federal Maritime Commission July 3, 19 30

E. Edward Johnson U.S. Attorney for Kansas December 28, 1923

Julio Morales -Sanchez U. S. Attorney for Puerto Rico October 11, 1940

Milton L. Luger Assistant Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and Deliquency

Prevention, LEAA, Department of Justice October 22, 1924

Ralph G. Thompson U.S. District Judge, Western District of Oklahoma December 15, 1934

: .. /

Nat Weinberg Member, National Commission on Supplies and Shortages February 15, 1914

.-~ -,. .

William E. Dunn Member, Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Relations March 7, 1926

George H. Gallup Member, Advisory Committee on Information November 18, 1901

Jane Englehard Member, Library of Congress Trust Fund August 12, 1917

John S. Pingel Member, Council on Physical Fitness November 6, 1916

Sally W. Pillsbury Member, U.S. 0. Corporation October 17, 1924

Arthur C. Neilsen, Jr. Member, Advisory Committee on Information April 8, 1919

Frederick W. Rohlfing Member, South Pacific Commission November 2, 1928

Lucius D. Battle Member, National Study Commission on Records and Documents

of Public Officials June 1, 1918

Ernest R. May Member, National Study Commission on Records and Documents of

Public Officials November 19, 1928

Herbert Brownell Member, National Study Commission on Records and Documents

of Public Officials February 20, 1904

Justine L. Nusbaum Member, U.S. 0. Corporation September 28, 1900

Ralph B. Kohnen, Jr. Member, U.S. 0. Corporation October 22, 1935

Theodore A. Serrill Member, U.S. 0. Corporation April 16, 1911

Joe E. Smith Member, U.S. 0. Corporation January 13, 19 29

Fred L. Dixon Member, National Armed Forces Advisory Museum Board July 18, 1922

Lt. Gen. Leo J. Dulacki, USMC (Ret. ) Member, National Armed Forces Advisory Buseum Board December 29, 1918

Theodore Ropp Member, National Armed Forces Advisory Museum Board May 22, 1911

Deborah, S. Mazzanti Member, President's Council on Physical Fitness May 3, 1922

William G. Bray Member, American Battle Monuments Commission June 17, 1903

Mary Louise Smith Member, Commission on International Women's Year October 6, 1914

Donald B. Siniff Member, Marine Mammal Commission July 7, 1935


Harold R. Tyler Administrative Conference Council May 14, 1922

National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works

Melville B. Nimmer June 6, 1923

WilliamS. Dix November 19, 1910

Alice E. Wilcox July 2, 1925

Robert Wedgeworth July 31, 19 37

George D. Cary June 7, 1911

Arthur R. Miller June 22, 1934

Hershel B. Sarbin December 30, 1924

Rhoda H. Karpatkin June 7, 1930

Stanley H. Fuld August 23, 1903

Dan Lacey February 28, 1914

John Hersey June 17, 1914

E. Gabriel Perle December 21, 1922

··-· ;.:~· ..

Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education

Pamela Rogers August 3, 1951

Allen Commander September 17, 1927

Daniel E. Marvin, Jr. April 25, 1938

Thomas Aranda, Jr. April 9, 1934

National Advisory Council on Adult Education

Charles P. Puksta July 24, 1923

Alton C. Crews January 2, 1924

Kyo R. Jhin April 9, 1934

Donald G. Butcher January 29, 1933

Eugene L. Madeira January 7, 1927

International Atomic Energy Conference Delegates

Robert C. Seamans, Jr. October 30, 1918

Gerald F. Tape May 29, 1915

Myron B. Kratzer February 21, 1925

Nelson F. Sievering, Jr. December 8, 1924

RichardT. Kennedy December 24, 1919

Marcus A. Rowden March 13, 1928 ( :·'


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