INTEGRATING SOCIAL MEDIA WITH CURRENT PRACTICES PREPARED FOR THE NCDC CONFERENCE 2013 Sr. Anastasia Lott, Maryknoll Sisters Elizabeth P. Cotter, St. Joseph Hill Academy Daughters of Divine Charity

Integrating Social Media with Current practices Prepared for the NCDC CONFERENCE 2013

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Integrating Social Media with Current practices Prepared for the NCDC CONFERENCE 2013. Sr. Anastasia Lott, Maryknoll Sisters Elizabeth P. Cotter, St. Joseph Hill Academy Daughters of Divine Charity. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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• Sr. Anastasia Lott,

Maryknoll Sisters

• Elizabeth P. Cotter,

St. Joseph Hill Academy

Daughters of Divine Charity

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Social Media is quickly becoming the main source of communication and interaction between a company/business and their audience

• What stage would you say you are in today?

1. Crawl: Just introduced to social media

2. Walk: Getting used to the incorporating social media in your communication plans

3. Run: Comfortable with implementing social media in everyday communications with your audience.

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USING EMAIL• Using an email service provider such as Constant Contact and MailChimp allows us to

maintain a direct connection with our audience

• Through this type of communication, non-traditional ways of interacting are implemented and used through the following:

• “Donate Now”

• Offers a direct link to donate online

• “Forward to a friend”

• Allows users to forward email message to users not on the mailing list

• “Share” buttons

• Direct links to social media pages/websites

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• These email systems have made it possible to create a very non-traditional format for our newsletter The White & The Blue

• As seen below, an entire copy of the newsletter was sent to users in an email containing the PDF format

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• Presently, the team has created a user-friendly format providing our audience with the opportunity to select the articles of their choice directly from the email

• This new format has not only given our audience an easy way to access what they want to read, but a completely online newsletter directs traffic back to our website stjosephhill.org

• By clicking on an article’s link, readers are directed to the location of the article, stjosephhill.org. • This click through version of the

newsletter brings the entire website to users’ disposal

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E-MAIL• Always ask for e-mail addresses

• E-Mail appends: mixed results

• 20% donor provided

• 13% appended in 2007

• 67% appended in 2010, fewer valid

• Permission-based

• Passive Opt-In

• “Opt-in”

• Double Opt-In

• Challenge of integrating systems

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Twitter• Twitter has been used as a very quick and

immediate way to get in touch with our audience on the go.

• The key is to LISTEN

• What is our audience talking about?

• What do they want to see?

• Do they know we’re here?

• By updating Twitter daily, we maintain the constant interaction with our audience regardless of their location

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Daily scripture (vigil and morning)

Highlight articles, video


Place hashtags for newsworthiness

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•Challenge of many

•News source

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WHAT DOES TWITTER OFFER?• Not only constant communication

• The ability to SHARE

• Twitter allows us to share more than a status update

• Direct Links: with an update on our page, we are able to share links directing followers to our website, to one of our funds, or even to an event we are hosting through Bitly

• Bitly: creates the URL containing the direct link while measuring its activity

• Video: Through the application Vine, 6 second videos can be uploaded to our account to gain interest or a response from our followers

• Photos: Photos uploaded to Twitter can provide our followers with information, quick updates, or even a recap of an event held the week before

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Facebook• Facebook is our main form of connection with our


• Our Facebook pages provide our Facebook friends with current information and updates on the Hill Community

• Photo Albums: Provide friends with pictures of previous events, faculty, students, staff, etc.

• Donation button: Offers a direct link to a donation page

• Check-in: Allows Facebook users to add their location (St. Joseph Hill Academy) when they update their status

• Status Updates: Allows us, the team, to gain insight on our friends by asking for comments, suggestions, questions, feedback, etc.

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Maryknoll Sisters on FacebookDaily offering linked with Twitter (Scripture guide)

Promote Events

Milestones in lives of Sisters


---Mission Sending



Milestones in projects

Drag picture to placeholder or click icon to add

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Drag picture to placeholder or click icon to add

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Most Activity:

Special Articles


Sisters’s Deaths

Public Coverage

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• Website used to “blog” favorite pictures on different “boards” or photo albums

• Because a majority of Pinterest users are female, we want to strengthen our efforts on this site


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HOW CAN ST. JOSEPH HILL USE PINTEREST?• Through the use of our two “boards”

• St. Joseph Hill Academy

• SJHA Memories

• The team, as well as, our audience have the ability to post pictures directly these two boards

• Pictures such as

• Event photos

• Infographics

• Recipes

• Yearbook highlights

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Fathers and Brothers, Lay Missioners, Affiliates)

• News, documentaries

• NUN fascination

• Locations w the same name (Maryknoll Park, Maryknoll schools)

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FLICKR• An online “photo storage” that can be integrated with other tools

• Who will post on Flickr?

• By giving faculty and staff access to one main Flickr album, any pictures pertaining to St. Joseph Hill Academy are stored in one location

• This offers us a mass collection of pictures to choose from when needed

• Albums can be created to organize pictures, providing an easy way to access certain pictures

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FOURSQUARE• The ultimate “Check-In” Website

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LinkedIn• The “professional” side of Social Media

• Offers users the ability to set up discussions

• Career advice, tips, tricks, etc.

• Information pertaining to open internships and jobs can be posted to audience

• Great way to interact with Hill Women as they move forward in their lives from high school, to college, to the business world.

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YOUTUBE AND VIMEO• Both websites offer users a profile in which they can

upload videos to

• Gain attention from viewers with a quick video, interview clip, etc.

• Both applications offer the right amount of insight needed to direct our viewers back to stjosephhill.org

• Advantage of being platform specific

• No reliance on flash or mobile viewing (have to upload with certain selections to make videos mobile friendly)

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(problem with Adobe/Apple)

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• Mission Talks

• Centennial Year Events

• Vows

• Jubilees

• Funerals on Request

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CHAT• Instant messaging within

a certain environment

• Used frequently with e-commerce

• Is this a viable option for development? Maybe in Vocations?

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LISTEN• What are your supporters saying about you?

• Are they agreeing with your posts and status updates?

• How are they responding to your posts?

• What are others in similar context doing?

• Are they saying similar things?

• Do they share the same types of material such as donation pages?

• What are they doing to gain their audience’s attention?

• Respond to your followers!

• Always respond to questions, comments, concerns, etc. from your audience

• What you respond matters

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ENGAGE• Main purpose is to drive traffic back to website (stjosephhill.org)

• Links, information, pictures, anything posted should initiate the desire to view our website

• Spur conversations

• Did someone mention St. Joseph Hill Academy in a post?

• Does a follower need ideas for a reunion?

• Initiate the conversation between the user and the audience

• Input and Advocacy

• Ask for a follower’s input on a recent status or picture

• Request some advice for moving on to college after Hill

• By doing all of this, the followers themselves begin to create the content of the next post, status update, or event for you

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• Through programs like Surveymonkey.com and Constant Contact, the audience can answer detailed original surveys regarding anything from St. Joseph Hill Academy

• Offers insight

• What our audience wants our next move to be, their thoughts on a new idea, or even a comment about St. Joseph Hill Academy

• Who is participating

• Share

• Sharing photos and videos from previous events and happenings is a great way to encourage our friends and followers to respond with their witty comments and thoughts

• Reward Participation

• Through contest and prizes, we have the ability to encourage our audience to get involved and participate in the Hill Community

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Which channels are right for you?

Choose top goals

Define your audience

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WHICH CHANNELS ARE RIGHT FOR YOU?If too many channels are getting in the way of the perfect combination, figure out what suits

your needs by:

Number of hours a week you can commit to social media

Divided by 2


Maximum number of social media channels you can take on

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CHOOSING YOUR GOALS• Choose your top 3 goals for social media by the following questions

• Are you trying to reach a youth audience?

• Do you need to promote an event?

• Are you in need of volunteers?

• Do you need people to act?

• Do you need to raise more money for the cause?

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DEFINING YOUR AUDIENCE• Define the audience you want to reach on social media through the following questions:

Reach a youth audience?

• Promote an event?

• Recruit volunteers?

• Get people to act?

• Raise more money for the cause?

• All of your constituents?

• People you could reach with social media?

• People you want to reach

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• Tools allowing us to measure the interaction and response rates of our audience through:

• Hootsuite

• Provides a multiple platform to manage all social media sights on one dashboard

• Provides graphics and a breakdown of measurement

• Google Analytics

• Provides graphics and a breakdown of measurements

• Email results:

• Provides the rates of clicks, email opens, and new or removed subscribers for every email sent out

Measurement Tools

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Q&A• Members using Social Media

• What stage would you say you are in today?

• Crawl: Just introduced to social media

• Walk: Getting used to the use of social media

• Run: Comfortable with implementing social media in everyday life.

• How are you using Social Media effectively?

• Are you on Facebook and LinkedIn?

• Are you updating your Twitter account?

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• www.gcflearnfree.org/socialmedia

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• Sr. Anastasia Lott• [email protected]

• Facebook: www.facebook.com/anastasia.lott

• Twitter: @AnastasiaMKS

• LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/anastasialott

• Elizabeth Cotter• [email protected]

• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elizabethp.cotter

• Twitter: @ecotter1721 or @SJHA_Alum and #stjhill

• LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/liz-cotter/a/111/865