Professors who want to integrate computers into problem- based learning lessons can use the design model presented in this article. The model is based on a theory of students using computers as problem-solving tools. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING, no. 95, Fall 2003 © Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 33 4 Integrating Computers into the Problem-Solving Process Deborah L. Lowther, Gary R. Morrison The educational use of computers focuses primarily on the employment of software that ranges from gamelike packages to sophisticated integrated learning systems that provide individualized instruction based on perfor- mance. In the workplace, though, computers are used differently than in the educational arena. Computers are used in the workplace to collect, ana- lyze, and communicate information needed to solve problems. For exam- ple, population data are collected and analyzed to prepare for future needs, financial data are used to predict spending patterns, and health records are examined to create appropriate treatments and avoid drug interactions. As a result of this disparity between educational and workplace uses of computers, students often emerge from educational institutions with a lim- ited ability to use computers as tools to solve real-world problems. Green (1999) found that almost 40 percent of the colleges and universities sur- veyed perceived computer integration as the most important technology- related challenge currently facing American institutions. Yet, whereas college students were found to be adept at e-mail, Internet browsing, and word processing, they lack the knowledge and experience to use problem- solving tools effectively such as spreadsheets and databases (McEuen, 2001). Similarly, Rumbough (1999) found that many college students were unfamiliar with basic computer and Internet components. One solution to this concern is for professors to adopt an inquiry-based approach in which students use computers as problem-solving tools. In this article, we describe a step-by-step approach to assist faculty with designing this type of inquiry- based instruction.

Integrating Computers into the Problem-Solving Process

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Professors who want to integrate computers into problem-based learning lessons can use the design model presentedin this article. The model is based on a theory of studentsusing computers as problem-solving tools.

NEW DIRECTIONS FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING, no. 95, Fall 2003 © Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 33


Integrating Computers into theProblem-Solving Process

Deborah L. Lowther, Gary R. Morrison

The educational use of computers focuses primarily on the employment ofsoftware that ranges from gamelike packages to sophisticated integratedlearning systems that provide individualized instruction based on perfor-mance. In the workplace, though, computers are used differently than inthe educational arena. Computers are used in the workplace to collect, ana-lyze, and communicate information needed to solve problems. For exam-ple, population data are collected and analyzed to prepare for future needs,financial data are used to predict spending patterns, and health records areexamined to create appropriate treatments and avoid drug interactions.

As a result of this disparity between educational and workplace uses ofcomputers, students often emerge from educational institutions with a lim-ited ability to use computers as tools to solve real-world problems. Green(1999) found that almost 40 percent of the colleges and universities sur-veyed perceived computer integration as the most important technology-related challenge currently facing American institutions. Yet, whereascollege students were found to be adept at e-mail, Internet browsing, andword processing, they lack the knowledge and experience to use problem-solving tools effectively such as spreadsheets and databases (McEuen,2001). Similarly, Rumbough (1999) found that many college students wereunfamiliar with basic computer and Internet components. One solution tothis concern is for professors to adopt an inquiry-based approach in whichstudents use computers as problem-solving tools. In this article, we describea step-by-step approach to assist faculty with designing this type of inquiry-based instruction.


Integrating Technology for Inquiry Model

The concept underlying the INtegrating Technology for InQuiry (NTeQ)Model involves the professor, student, lesson, and computer (Morrison andLowther, 2002). The professor is technologically competent, knowing whenand how to effectively integrate the use of computers as a problem-solvingtool. The students assume the role of researchers and develop technologi-cal competence. The lesson is problem based, and rather than being thefocus of learning, the computer is a tool used to collect, analyze, and com-municate information.

A ten-step approach is used to plan NTeQ lessons (Figure 4.1). Fourof the steps are similar to those used for designing any lesson, and three ofthe steps are covered in other articles within this volume. We will focus pri-marily on the five steps of the model that deal specifically with the integra-tion of computers into problem-based environments.

Specify Objectives. The first step in planning a problem-based les-son is to determine the specific learning objectives. In some respects, spec-ifying objectives is tantamount to “determining the purposes of a problem,”discussed in Chapter Three of this volume. In specifying objectives, pro-fessors select student behaviors that will likely lead to intended studentlearning.

Match Objectives to Computer Functions. Once the objectives areselected, the next step is to determine if computers can assist with theachievement of the objectives. To make this decision, professors shouldmatch the functions of software applications with the learning tasks. Table4.1 provides useful guidelines for selecting appropriate software for yourlesson objectives.

Specify Problem. After establishing what the students are to learn andidentifying which computer application(s) can be used to support the learn-ing, professors should develop a problem statement. The problems shouldbe realistic and meaningful to the learner. A more detailed discussion ofhow to develop a problem can be found in Chapter Three. The following










Activitieswhile atcomputer






Figure 4.1. The NTeQ Model


two example problems will be the basis of discussion through the remain-der of this article. The first problem could be used in a literature course:“Our class has been hired by the city council. Our task is to work with ateam of landscape architects to design a “poet’s garden” for the central parkof our city” (adapted from Ljung, 1997, p. 5).

The second problem would be appropriate for a health class: “Youhave been hired as a nutritionist for the leading American long-distancerunner for the upcoming Olympics. Your task is to prepare a weekly menuthat meets her specified nutritional needs” (adapted from Rasmussen,1997, p. 8).

Both of these problems are ill structured in that there is not one exactanswer that students must find. To solve either of these problems, studentsmust thoroughly examine course content from multiple perspectives todevise meaningful solutions.

Table 4.1. Software Functions and Usage Guidelines

Software Functions When to Use

Database Store data in recordsSort data (alphabetical or

numerical)Match dataMerge dataCreate specialized reports

Use with information that hascommon characteristics andcan be easily categorized

Word processing Edit and format textCreate outlinesCreate columnsGenerate tablesInsert graphics

Use with information that canbe paraphrased or organizedin meaningful ways

Browser Search by key wordsSave favorite Web sitesHyperlink to text, virtual tours,

and so forthProvide interactive feedback

Use to access information or toengage in interactive learning

Spreadsheet Perform calculationsSort dataCreate graphs and charts

Use with numerical data toanalyze and determine trendsand outcomes

Communication Synchronous or asynchronouscommunication

Send and receive text, video,audio, and attachments

Store messages

Use when interactivity withothers will enhance learning

Concept mapping Connect ideasCreate sequencesAdd graphics

Use with content that can becategorized, linked, orcontrasted

Presentation Display textSupport navigationCreate animationInsert or create graphicsInsert video and sound

Use to display information thatcan be enhanced byinteractivity


Data Manipulation. At this point in the lesson-planning process, theobjectives are stated, the types of computer applications are known, and the problem statement is defined. Now it is time to get more specific and designate what data are needed and how the data should be manipu-lated to solve the problem. This step clarifies whether or not the correctsoftware has been selected.

In designing a poet’s garden, students will need a tool to maximizetheir efficiency in organizing information about the poems they mightinclude in the garden. Because the data to be manipulated are text-based,have repetitive patterns, and contain easily described information, a data-base is the most appropriate software. The data fields might include poemtitle, author, author’s home country, publication date, flower name, andtheme. Once the database is created, students can arrange the informationby any field, which might help them identify patterns in the data that couldbe used as a basis for a garden design. On the other hand, for studentsdeveloping a menu for the long-distance runner, a spreadsheet would workwell as the primary software. Spreadsheets are useful in solving problemsregarding calculations, and planning the menu requires multiple calcula-tions, such as totaling calories and determining appropriate dietary ratiosof protein, fats, and sugars.

During the actual implementation of the lesson, it is important to notprovide students with the specific details of what data are needed and howthey are to be manipulated. Instead, after introducing the problem state-ment, engage the students in a brainstorming session to “discover” thesecomponents and thus engender a sense of “ownership” regarding the prob-lem’s solution.

Results Presentation. Professors must select the final product(s) thatwill show the problem solution. The computer provides many options forproducing these products. For example, students might use word process-ing to write a report with charts and graphics. Students might make digitalpresentations with video, animation, or color diagrams. Professors mightrequire students to develop computer-based informational or instructionalunits. The final product(s) should demonstrate achievement of the speci-fied objectives.

Activities at the Computer. In following the NTeQ model to thispoint, a professor will have determined the general direction of a lesson,including the way students will present their findings. Now professors canfocus on the specific activities in which students will participate.Specifically, professors can plan computer activities, keeping in mind thatmost lessons will involve more than one type of activity. For example, increating a poet’s garden, students might use four different types of software.Initially, the students might conduct Internet searches for poems with ref-erences to flowers and to collect related author information. This informa-tion could be placed into a database and manipulated to find patterns forplanning the garden. Students could then use a drawing or landscape design


program to create the garden design. For the final product, students couldcreate a digital presentation of the garden design displaying color photos ofthe flowers accompanied by recordings of the poems.

To determine successful computer activities, professors should con-sider a full range of available software and students’ abilities to use that soft-ware. If professors think students might need assistance with using thesoftware efficiently, they might consider developing short step-by-step jobaids to assist students with specific procedures. When the lesson involvescreating a product that is relatively complex, such as a spreadsheet usingmultiple calculations, professors might consider developing a prototype. Bycreating a prototype, professors can ensure that the lesson design is work-able. Professors might consider showing the prototypes to students as anexample of what can be created.

Activities Before Using the Computer. After the computer activitieshave been planned, professors must determine how students can get pre-pared to work at the computer. This preparation not only saves time at thecomputer but also helps students to remain focused on the problem and asolution. Professors might consider designing work sheets that will guidestudents’ thinking as they clarify the problem, define their tasks, and plancomputer activities. For example, such work sheets might prompt studentsto list key words for Internet searches, identify database field names and for-mats, find spreadsheet formulas, and create presentation storyboards andoutlines.

Activities After Using the Computer. The “after-computer” activitiesare a critical component of the problem-solving process because it is in thisstep that students analyze the results of their research. One way to plan forthis portion of the lesson is to create a “think sheet” of questions that guidestudents’ learning. The questions should model an expert’s approach to ana-lyzing or interpreting the data. As students’ cognitive skills develop, theycan assist in developing think-sheet questions.

An after-computer sample think sheet related to the poet’s gardenmight include the following two questions: What patterns emerged in rela-tion to the type of flower and theme or time period of the poem? Whichpoets had favorite flowers, and how did these vary by country or timeperiod? Similarly, a think sheet for students developing a menu for thelong-distance runner might include the following analysis questions: Whatwere the critical components of the weekly diet that could not vary fromday to day? What was the most difficult part of the menu to maintain on a daily basis?

Supporting Activities. Most lessons will need some supporting activ-ities beyond those completed on the computer, especially if computer accessis limited. These activities might include readings, group discussions, lab,or field projects. Regardless of the nature of the supporting activities, pro-fessors must ensure that each activity supports achievement of the learningobjectives.


Assessment. When using computers in a problem-based context, pro-fessors should consider using an alternative method of assessment in lieuof (or in combination with) traditional tests. Alternative assessments inproblem-based activities are discussed in Chapter Eleven.

Guidelines for Using Computers as a Problem-SolvingTool

Professors who integrate computers as tools into problem-based lessonsshould realize that students may be learning two new instructional practicesat once. After all, problem-based learning can occur without technology,and technology can be used in non-problem-solving contexts. However,professors who want to integrate computers as problem-solving tools intotheir courses can use the NTeQ model and the remaining articles from thisvolume as a foundation for modifying their instructional approach.


Green, K. C. “The 1999 National Survey of Information Technology in HigherEducation: The Continuing Challenge of Instructional Integration and User Support.”The Campus Computing Project, Oct. 1999. [http://www.campuscomputing.net].Retrieved Aug. 1, 2001.

Ljung, E. J. “Finding Better Solutions with Problem-Based Learning.” Curriculum Update,Summer 1997, pp. 5–6.

McEuen, S. F. “How Fluent with Information Technology Are Our Students?” EducauseQuarterly, 2001, 24(4), 8–17.

Morrison, G. R., and Lowther, D. L. Integrating Computer Technology into the Classroom.(2nd ed.) Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2002.

Rasmussen, K. “Using Real-Life Problems to Make Real-World Connections.” CurriculumUpdate, Summer 1997, p. 8. [http://www.ascd.org/publications/curr_update/1997sum-mer/rasmussen.html]. Retrieved July 11, 2003.

Rumbough, T. B. “Computer-Mediated Communication: Knowledge and Behaviors ofUsers.” College and University Media Review, 1999, 5(2), 29–36.

DEBORAH L. LOWTHER is associate professor of instructional design and tech-nology at the University of Memphis.

GARY R. MORRISON is professor of instructional technology at Wayne StateUniversity, Detroit.