Marketing Communication Strategy Chapter: 14 Lec 9a

Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy Chapter: 14 Lec 9a

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Page 1: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy Chapter: 14 Lec 9a

Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy

Chapter: 14Lec 9a

Page 2: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy Chapter: 14 Lec 9a

The Promotion Mix• The specific blend of promotion tools

that the company uses to persuasively communicate customer value and build customer relationships

- Advertising Any paid form of non-personal

presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor

e.g. Print, broadcast, internet, outdoor etc.

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Internet Advertising

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The Promotion Mix

• Sales Promotion Short-term incentives to encourage the

purchase or sale of a product or service e.g. Discounts, coupons, displays,

demonstrations• Personal Selling Personal presentation by the firm’s

sales force for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships

e.g. Sales representatives, trade shows

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Sales Promotion

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Personal Selling

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The Promotion Mix

• Public Relations Building good relations with the

company’s various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.

e.g. press release, sponsorships, special events

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The Promotion Mix

• Direct Marketing Direct connections with carefully

targeted individual consumers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting relationships.

e.g. Catalogs, telephone marketing, mobile

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Integrated Marketing Communications

• The new marketing Communication Landscape

- consumers are changing e.g. evaluate things - marketers are shifting away from

mass marketing e.g. Safeguard soap - changes in communication

technology e.g. internet

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Integrated Marketing Communications

• The shifting Marketing Communications Model

-Everything is changing as compared to the past

- e.g. you can watch shows on ipod

- e.g. get news on mobiles

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The need for integrated marketing communications• Integrated Marketing

Communications Carefully integrating and

coordinating the company’s many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its products

- Every medium should be linked so that the consumers don’t become confused

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Integrated Marketing Communications

Consistent, clear and compelling company and brand messages

Personal selling

Direct Marketing

Pubic Relations


Sales Promotion

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Integrated Marketing Communications

• Colors, tag-lines, messages should be the same on all mediums

e.g. Mobilink Indigo- same color scheme, same style

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A View of the Communication process

• Communication- Managing customer relationships

- communication program needs to be developed for specific niches

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A View of the Communication process

• Elements in the Communication Process

- Sender: The party sending the message to another party

- Encoding: Putting thoughts into symbolic form

- Message: Set of symbols that sender transmits

- Media: Communications channels

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A View of the Communication process

• Elements in the Communication Process

- Decoding: receiver assign meaning to symbols

- Receiver: party receiving the message

- Response: Reactions of the receiver -Feedback: response communicated

to the sender - Noise: Unplanned distortion

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Elements in the Communication Process

Sender Encoding ReceiverDecoding




Feedback Response