Integrated Business Planning Process

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Integrated Business Planning Process Sample

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  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 2 | 21 October 2012

    September 19, 2012


  • Hospiras Approach to Implementing Next-Generation Sales & Operation Planning Processes

    Supply Chain Council Executive Summit Indian Wells, CA September 18th-20th, 2012

  • Market leadership positions in: Generic injectable pharmaceuticals globally Biosimilars in Europe Medication management systems globally

    Pioneer in innovation and safety 70+ years experience;

    public independent company since 2004 2011 annual revenues of $4.1B 15,000 employees ~15,000 employees, 13+ manufacturing facilities Headquartered in Lake Forest, Ill., USA

    Our company

    Improving the safety, cost and productivity of patient care

  • 5

    Hospira product categories

    Medication Management



    Specialty Injectable

    Pharmaceuticals (SIP)


    Other Pharma


    2011 Net Sales $4.1B

    Generic injectables Proprietary drugs Biosimilars

    Infusion devices, dedicated administration sets, software and services

    Gravity administration sets

    Large volume solutions One2One contract manufacturing services

    Specialty Injectable Pharmaceuticals (SIP)

    Medication Management Systems

    Other Pharma

  • Expanding Geographic Footprint

    EMEA The Americas APAC

    Regional presence denoted by colors

    80% of 2010 sales

    13% of 2010 sales

    7% of 2010 sales


  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 7 | 21 October 2012


    1. Explain why IBP is important, urgent even, for Pharmaceutical / Biologics companies today

    2. Share the fundamentals of Integrated Business Planning and how its been applied at Hospira

    3. Describe the foundational capabilities developed at Hospira to enable the IBP process

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 8 | 21 October 2012

    An urgent matter: The global drug shortage crisis makes Integrated Business Planning a critical imperative.

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 9 | 21 October 2012

    The Drug Shortage Crisis

    According to the Food and Drug Administration, the number of drug shortages has increased nearly 300% since 2005. More than half of the drugs on the shortage list are considered critical -- meaning they have no alternative. - CNN, July 2012

    One of the most serious problems in American health care today is a

    catastrophic shortage of supply for dozens of important generic drugs, especially certain injectable medications that form the backbone of modern cancer treatment. - Forbes, June 2012

    - For



    e 20


    Seven U.S. anesthesiologists have reported that drug shortages resulted in deaths of their

    patients, according to a new survey from the

    American Society of Anesthesiologists. - ABC News Medical Unit, April 2012

    Dozens of common drugs are in such short supply in the NHS that the health of patients with life-threatening conditions such as cancer is in peril, an inquiry into the problem has revealed. About 80% of 60 health trusts in England and Wales are experiencing "unacceptable" delays in obtaining drugs - The Guardian, June 2012

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 10 | 21 October 2012

    FDA Advanced Drug Shortage Notification Makes IBP Especially Relevant to the Pharmaceutical Industry

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 11 | 21 October 2012

    In keeping with the Agencys guidance, Hospira is defining exception management protocols through IBP for: Sole Supplier Medically Necessary Critical Support Products

    Regulations surrounding Drug Shortage Notification Make Planning Processes critical for todays leading Pharmaceutical / Biologics companies

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 12 | 21 October 2012

    This is a supply chain crisis that has ties to almost every area that is considered in IBP: Demand Planning Inventory Policy & Management Master Scheduling Capacity Planning Third Party Manufacturing Raw Material Planning Product Lifecycle Management

    FDA Advanced Drug Shortage Notification Makes IBP Especially Relevant to the Pharmaceutical Industry

    When rumors surface of an impending shortage, some pharmacies rush to buy up more than they need, likely leading to bigger shortages, analysts and other pharmacists said Some distributors and manufacturers prevent hoarding by allocating drugs based on historical demand. - Reuters, June 2012

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 13 | 21 October 2012

    Integrated Business Planning: What is it? And what ever happened to S&OP? What does IBP mean at Hospira?

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 14 | 21 October 2012

    Integrated Business Planning The next-generation of S&OP

    IBP is the common and synchronized process for business review and decision making, to optimize business performance and drive business strategy through to execution.

    Traditional sales and operations planning (S&OP) processes and supporting technologies are no longer sufficient in todays high-pressured business environment. Sales and Operations Planning has evolved to become Integrated Business Planning. It is a truly cross-functional, multi-dimensional process that includes all elements of demand, supply and financial analysis in relation to the business goals and strategy. - Technology Strategies for Integrated Business Planning, June 2006

    The broader strategic mandate for S&OP is key to superior returns. S&OP leaders are aggressively converting S&OP from an operations level demand-and-supply balancing process to the mechanism of choice for integrated business planning and strategy deployment - Next Generation S&OP: The Path to Bottom-Line Value, Stephen Hochman

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 15 | 21 October 2012

    Integrated Business Planning develops the common and synchronized plan for operations & commercial.

    Demand Review Operations Review Business Review

    Pre-S&OP / S&OP

    ES&OP Consensus Demand Planning

    Operations Planning

    Business Planning

    Key Customer(s): Commercial Stakeholders: Operations, Finance

    Key Customer: Operations Stakeholders: Commercial, Finance

    Key Customer: SLT Stakeholders: Regions



    Warehouse & Transportation Channels


    Statistical Models


    Latest Financial


  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 16 | 21 October 2012

    Issues Managed by Exception

    IBP is a cycle of planning activities and reviews that gives the business a regular & repeatable cadence

    Consensus Demand Planning

    Operations Planning

    Business Planning

    S&OP Pre-S&OP

    Operations Review

    Demand Review Demand Planning

    Supply Planning

    Demand Review Operations Review Business Review

    The same time-tested Sales & Operations Planning steps are at the heart of IBP IBP is a cyclical process, with each cycle feeding assumptions and guidance to the next The process is driven by exception and focuses on decision making

  • Simple by design But process deals with complex integrations and interactions

    Consensus Demand Planning

    Operations Planning

    Business Planning

    Demand Review Operations Review Business Review

    Markets (Global)

    Portfolios (US)

    Regional Demand Review (US)

    Regional Demand Review (CND/LA) Device

    US Pharma Intl Pharma

    Third Party Supply Planning

    Ops Reviews US

    S&OP US



    CND/LA Pre-S&OP


    EMEA Pre-S&OP


    APAC Pre-S&OP

    India Pharma


    Markets (Global)

    Regional Demand Review (EMEA)

    Markets (Global)

    Regional Demand Review (APAC)

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 18 | 21 October 2012

    Each IBP Sub-Process advances the plan from Unconstrained Demand through to the completed LBE

    Un-Constrained Demand Plan

    Constrained Supply Plan

    Constrained Sales Plan S&OP / LBE

    Hospiras Global Integrated Business Planning Process








    Week TwoWeek One & Two Week Three Week OneWeek Four

    Consensus Demand Planning

    Demand Review

    Supply Planning / RCCP

    Product Supply Review


    Demand Plan

    Pre-S&OP S&OP

    Constrained Supply Plan

    Constrained Sales Plan

    Integrated Business

    Plan / LBE

    Decisions Deployed to

    Next IBP Cycle

    Approved Regional Plan


  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 19 | 21 October 2012



    June 1May 29

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    30 31

    Note: Job descriptions with gray/italicized text are design placeholders and will be in effect post-June 20th go-live.

    June 1







    5 6











    12 13











    19 20











    26 27








    July 1



    3 4










    10 11











    17 18











    June IBP Cycle for July LBE

    Hospira Global Integrated Business Calendar

    Global Product Supply ReviewsPre-PS Reviews

    ConstrainedSupply Reviewsw/ Regions

    ConstrainedDRP Run (APO)

    Regional S&OPMeetings

    Regional Demand Review

    Demand Pass(SW >>APO)

    Planning BatchJobs (APO)

    Demand Forecasting

    Post June Gross Sales History to SW

    Post June NetSales History to SW

    Load SAS Plans(SAS>SW>ISIS) Global

    ES&OPMeetingRegional & Global Finance Reviews

    Deploy ES&OP Decisions

    Final Feed to LBE(SW>>ISIS)

    Regional Pre-S&OP Reviews

    July LBEDeadline

    Global Supply Planning

    StatisticalModel Run (SW)

    Preview LBE(SW>>ISIS)

    Cycle Roll (SW)

    BusinessReview (SLT)

    Regional Consensus Demand Planning Reviews

    Post May GrossSales Actuals to SW

    Cycle Roll (SW)

    Post May Net SalesHistory to SW

    The IBP Process is Tightly Orchestrated

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 20 | 21 October 2012

    Bottom Up Demand Forecast

    Business goals/objectives should be deployed through a defined data that is an integral part of IBP

    Execution Tactical Strategic

    Top Down Plans

    Objective Assigned

    0-3 months 4-12 months 12-18 months

    Total Consensus Demand

    Gap to Budget

    Risks Associated with LBE Tasks if they are not operationalized as part of the IBP process Creates an alternate plan vs. the one common set of numbers Results in service issues if added to the plan w/o evaluating supply capacity Results in excess inventory if commercial plans are not fully evaluated / delivered

    Execution-able plans only

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 21 | 21 October 2012

    What is Integrated Business Planning? And Why are Companies Implementing IBP?

    It helps run the business more efficiently and effectively It is a consolidation process that brings together and aligns the various

    business functions in developing one integrated set of plans. It synchronizes business planning with operations planning cycles

    as well as regional with global planning calendars. It is a monthly re-planning process designed to make key business

    decisions in the most efficient manner.

    It provides the basis - typically a rolling 18-24 month forecast- for planning resources, capital and financials.

    It is a vehicle for strategy deployment and connects planning & execution

    And helps to deliver the business objectives Predict & shape future demand to give the most profitable sales plan Formulate the most cost effective supply chain response Provide the forum for alignment and decision making

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 22 | 21 October 2012

    Most Profitable Sales Plan Most Cost Effective Supply Aligned Decision Making

    IBP Data Structures , Analysis and Review Topics Should Provide Insight and Feedback to Strategic Initiatives

    Demand Review Operations Review Business Review

    Innovation Strategy

    Operations Strategy

    Expansion Strategy

    Channel Strategy

    Procurement Strategy

    Strategic Planning

    Financial Planning & Analysis

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 23 | 21 October 2012

    Connecting ES&OP with eS&OP Integration with execution S&OP Activities

    Consensus Demand Planning

    Operations Planning

    Business Planning

    S&OP / ES&OP Pre-S&OP

    Operations Review

    Demand Review Demand Planning

    Supply Planning

    Week-to-Week execution S&OP activities

    From Big ES&OP to little eS&OP Effective Integrated Business Planning processes (monthly) connect to week-to-week planning processes so decisions are deployed in real-time and close-coupled with execution.

    Decisions, direction, insights and information deployed in real-time

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 24 | 21 October 2012

    Integrated Business Planning @ Hospira It is the single process for forecasting the business

    All products, all regions, all channels in a single, integrated system

    It is both a volume and financial planning process

    Pricing and cost assumptions are built in to provide a Rough-Cut P&L

    It is hardwired to the LBE (Latest Best Estimate)

    The IBP forecast directly feeds the LBE consolidation tool

    It is responsible for supply chain resource planning

    The single forecast directly feeds: Demand & Supply Balancing Capacity Planning

    It is integrated into our planning execution systems for a closed loop planning process

    Central planning feeds plant scheduling, the final forecast drives deployment & inventory planning

    It sets the business cadence All markets,, regions and global planning processes follow a synchronized calendar

    It is a decision making process design to drive alignment & coordinated execution

    Exception based process that facilitates issue escalation and resolution

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 25 | 21 October 2012

    How are we doing?

    Strengths Ever improving collaboration between functions Integration with finance and clear financial objectives Strong engagement / involvement with the process Completeness of the core S&OP process design Global integration & synchronization Collaboration tools assist data and workflow management


    Longer term focus / continue driving strategic purpose Consolidate other redundant processes into IBP Improve supply modeling capabilities & systems integration

    with execution (2012 focus) Improve issue content / analysis (problem solving skillsets)

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 26 | 21 October 2012

    IBP Development Model A construct for implementing IBP

    Critical Competencies The core skills and knowledge

    areas for S&OP / IBP practitioners and stakeholders.

    Process Proficiencies The common threads that are

    keys to success in each step of the S&OP / IBP process.

    Foundational Capabilities The key capabilities that support and provide source systems for

    the S&OP / IBP process.

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 27 | 21 October 2012

    The Foundational Capabilities: How are we enabling the process?

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 28 | 21 October 2012

    Process & Project Overview: Collaborative Forecasting... The core infrastructure of IBP

    Collaborative Forecasting

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 29 | 21 October 2012

    Project Summary: Collaborative Forecasting

    Objective/Scope Implement a consensus demand collaboration tool, an enabling technology, with product / channel / regional data structures, integrated volume and financials and statistical forecasting models.

    From To Separate/disconnected S&OP and LBE forecasts Global, collaborative, integrated and

    synchronized planning

    Revenue, unit volume, pricing and cost in multiple systems

    Central tool to develop and maintain the plan one source of truth

    No differentiation between unconstrained and constrained plan

    One common plan for commercial and finance based on constraints

    Aggregate forecasting Global LBE at the specific List #

    All Type

    TC_DC DC_DT List #







    Weekly process

    Monthly process

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 30 | 21 October 2012

    Process & Project Overview: Rough Cut Capacity Planning Balancing demand & supply.

    Collaborative Forecast

    Rough Cut Capacity Planning

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 31 | 21 October 2012

    Project Summary: Rough Cut Capacity Planning

    Objective/Scope Gather detailed capacity data for each site, and for all products, configure APO capacity planning parameters and build capacity utilization requirements into the IBP process

    From To Poor visibility to capacity constraints past the ~4-5 month horizon.

    Provide early warnings signals of future demand / supply imbalances

    Lack of understanding of the ideal capacity required to support the unconstrained demand

    Provides visibility to the unconstrained supply requirement versus the current MPS

    No monthly capacity check in the PS Review Time phased capacity utilization by critical resource for each site

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 32 | 21 October 2012

    Process & Project Overview: Inventory Optimization Right sizing our inventory.

    Collaborative Forecasting

    Rough Cut Capacity Planning

    Inventory Optimization

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 33 | 21 October 2012

    Project Summary: Finished Goods Inventory Optimization

    Objective/Scope Statistically determine recommended safety stock levels based on demand & supply variability and implement exception based inventory management practices.

    From To Qualitative methods used to determine safety stock levels

    Statistically determined safety stock and replenishment quantities

    Stocking levels unresponsive to business changes

    Exception based processes used to identify and review recommended changes

    Inventory parameters not adequately maintained in central planning systems

    Parameters updated based on recommended settings and used for deployment planning

    Investment Service

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 34 | 21 October 2012

    Process & Project Overview: DRP Driven Master Scheduling Bringing it all together.

    Rough Cut Capacity Planning

    DRP Driven MPS

    Collaborative Forecast

    Inventory Optimization

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 35 | 21 October 2012

    Project Summary: DRP Driven Master Scheduling Objective/Scope Re-engineer the APO planning system & processes to plan using a DRP-driven planning signal approach and to improve integration with Integrated Business Planning

    From To Ad hoc capacity management over a limited planning horizon

    Capacity modeling and load leveling capability over the full IBP horizon

    MPS planning against aggregate inventory & demand totals.

    DRP driven production signals based on net inventory & statistical safety stock targets at end shipping locations.

    Planning limited to unconstrained demand Separate unconstrained planning vs. constrained plan execution

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 36 | 21 October 2012

    Insights into Successful IBP Implementations

    Some Keys to Success Apply simplifying concepts to the complexity Ensure alignment/synchronization with master data Incorporate cross-functional data structures and hierarchies Integrate with finance to drive fastest adoption Position the S&OP process as a decision making process Link S&OP cycle to the established business review process Establish well defined process facilitation / workflow steps Inputs should be specific, tangible and actionable Support the process with the right technology Focus on change management

  • 2010 Supply Chain Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | < filename > | Slide 37 | 21 October 2012

    Demand / Supply Planning Sales & Operations Planning Integrated Business Planning

    Process Evaluation Technology Selection Business Process Design

    Solution Architecture Process Facilitation Change Management

    Integrated Business Planning Associates the power of planning

    Thank you!

    IBP2 Contact: Bill Nienburg Executive Director +1-630-881-5002 [email protected]