insurance company strategic management

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  • 8/10/2019 insurance company strategic management


    North South University


    Insurance is not a new business in Bangladesh. Almost a century back, during British rule in

    India, some insurance companies started transacting business, both life and general, in Bengal.

    Insurance business gained momentum in East Pakistan during 1947-1971, when 49 insurance

    companies transacted both life and general insurance schemes.

    The government of Bangladesh nationalized insurance industry in 1972 by the

    Bangladesh Insurance (Nationalization) Order 1972. Through an ordinance passed in 1984

    amending the Insurance Act 1938 and the rules under the Insurance Corporations Act 1973, the

    initial entrants into the market, including Pragati Insurance Limited (PIL), by the way of their

    .professional approach were instrumental in bringing a change and gave the insurance sector a

    decent shape and structure. However when subsequent insurance companies entered into the

    market, the insurance sector found itself saturated which caused unethical practices and

    relentless competition.

    Pragati, as being the first generation insurance company in Bangladesh, realized the

    problems within the industry at the very outset and were able to commission a very structured

    and pragmatic base for managing the affairs of the company.

    Company Information

    Pragati Insurance Limited was established in 1986. A group of young entrepreneurs of

    Bangladesh who had earlier launched a commercial Bank in the private sector sponsored the

    company with 30 million taka worth of capital. Sponsors included Shipping Magnets, Engineers,

    Road Builders, Top Garment Exporters and Importers.

    Equipped with a team of experienced personnel, the company is ever-ready to cater to all the

    insurance needs required by people of Bangladesh thus providing protection to personal

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    properties and cover unfortunate casualties. Almost all the Multi-nationals working in

    Bangladesh are in Pragati Insurance Companys port-folio and they provide them with

    international standard services.

    The Company looks forward to reaching people through their personalized services as well as

    through various media communications. They are ensuring quality services at a competitive price

    and promises to be beside anyone as soon as they need

    Business Details

    Board of Directors

    Abdul AwalMintoo - Chairman

    Khan Mohd. AmeerVice Chairman

    Mohammad A. Awwal - Director

    Abdul Monem - Director

    Al Haj KhalilurRahman - Director

    Syed M. AltafHussain - Director

    Md. SyedurRahmanMintoo - Director

    Mohammed A. Malek - Director

    Md. Sarwar Kamal - Director

    TabithMohd. Awal - Director

    A.S.M MohiuddinMonem - Director

    TafsirMohd. Awal - Director

    NigarJahanChowdhury - Director

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    Md. MushfiqurRahman - Director

    Mrs. NahreenSiddiqua - Director

    NasirLatif - Director

    AhmedulHoque - Director

    A.K.M ShamsuddinIndependent Director

    Md. Manirul IslamManaging Director

    Type of Business

    Pragati Insurance Limited is a Public Limited Companies where shares are bought by public and

    are freely transferred.

    According to Public Limited Company properties:

    1. Stockholders are the owners of the company

    2. The stockholders come to a mutual agreement for electing the Board of Directors

    3. Management teams are divided into various categories which include Top Management,

    Middle Management, and Supervisory Management

    Share Capital

    The Authorized Share Capital of the Company is20,00,00,000/- (Twenty Crore) ordinary sharesof Tk 10 each and Issued Share Capital of 49,258,325 ordinary shares of Tk 10 each


    The name of the Company is Pragati Insurance Limited.

    Incorporation: January 27, 1986

    Commencement: January 30, 1986

    Listing with Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE): April 04, 1996

    Listing with Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE): April 06, 1996

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    Registered Office:

    Pragati Insurance Bhaban

    20-21, Kawran Bazar

    Dhaka- 1215, Bangladesh

    Phone: PABX: 88-02-9133680-2

    Fax: 880-2-8122980

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Mission and vision statement

    Vision: Our vision is to be customers first choice when selecting insurance products and

    services offered by the industry and to operated by code of conduct driven by a value system that

    promotes performance, integrity and personal growth in all dealings with stakeholders and to

    maintain our leading edge in the industry by striving to enhance financial strength and


    Mission:Our mission is to provide innovative and cost effective general insurance solutions to

    our clients and an acceptable return to our shareholders through committed and professional staff

    New Vision and Mission


    To be the most admired life insurance company by securing the financial future

    of our customers


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    We are an honest life insurance company, committed to doing what is


    We serve our customers through long-term savings, protection and

    retirement solutions, delivered by our high quality Agency and Multi Channel Distribution


    We are a business with strong social relevance and contribute to society

    by supporting causes in health and well-being

    Our Values

    Caring :Listens with respect and values differencesActs with compassion

    Credibility : Demonstrates knowledge and creates trust in others

    Collaborative : Works together to achieve results

    Excellence : Pursues highest quality

    Products & Services

    Pragati Insurance Limited provides a wide array of general insurance services such as the


    Fire Insurance

    Fire & Allied Perils Insurance

    Motor Insurance

    Comprehensive Insurance

    Act Liability Insurance

    Health & Accident Insurance

    Overseas Mediclaim Insurance

    Personal Accident Insurance

    Peoples Personal Accident Insurance

    Health Care & Hospitalization Insurance

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    Employees and Customers

    Employees:Like most of the organizations, PIL wants its employees to be energetic, visionary,

    and talented. Minimum qualification for entry level is an undergraduate degree in the related

    field. Job experience is preferable. After selection, the selected candidates have to go through

    relevant information about the organizational activities which are shared with them as much as

    possible. Plus, PIL puts high emphasis on working in a team oriented environment. So entry

    level employees get a sense of belonging in the organization also making them enthusiastic with

    their career with PIL.

    For the middle level jobs, a minimum of postgraduate degree in related field is required.

    Experience plays a primary role for middle and supervisory jobs. So either employees within the

    organization are promoted or, if a new individual is given the job, his/her prior job experience is

    taken into consideration In the middle level, recognition for job performance serves as a

    motivating factor.

    Customers:PILs target market is relatively broad since they cover a large portion of the

    insurance services. Their services are acquired by various large organizations ranging from

    multinational companies, manufacturing industries, aviation companies who needs the services

    of fire insurance, marine cargo insurance, general aviation industries,etcand many others while

    they also provide smaller services to the general public like motor insurance.

    Managerial Analysis

    8 Managerial Functions

    On 18/08/2013, an interview by several group members was conducted with Syed SehabUllah Al

    - Manjur (Assistant Managing Director and Head of Underwriting) of Pragati Insurance Limited.

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    According to him the 8 managerial functions are carried out in the company in the following


    PlanningThe prime objective of the organization is to earn a target amount of new insurance

    policies on an annual basis, at the same time providing service to the current clients. The target

    amount is set based on current market trends and performance of the yester years. According to

    Mr. Manjur, any insurance activities begin from his department as he is the head of underwriting

    of all insurance policies where they accept risks which are considered consumable in terms of the

    financial capabilities. Another task carried out by Mr. Manjurs department is to make

    arrangements to achieve current goals and objectives and planning in advance for any unforeseen

    occurrences as a failure in one activity affects the whole chain of activities involved in the whole


    Decision MakingA number of factors, both internal and external, influence the decision

    making in the organization. Mr. Manjur says, he needs to check the support of re-insurers every

    time he undertakes risk on behalf of his clients. This was one internal factor. He believes external

    factors such as law is based on ethics, so both goes hand in hand. As a result it is mandatory for

    everyone to always take legal issues in consideration while making a particular decision.

    Political unrest is another issue that has to be taken into account as it increases the risks in the

    type of business done by PIL. Even after being aware of the risks involved, PIL considers it

    mandatory to keep the customers satisfied

    OrganizingAll the objectives are set through meetings consisting of senior management

    members of PIL. Objectives of the meeting involve the following:

    Review weekly performance of the company

    Track investment performance of the previous week and provide guidelines

    Generate new ideas through brainstorming in relation to business development

    and improvement of operational efficiencies

    Discuss and resolve problems affecting two or more departments/divisions

    Improve coordination among various departments and members of the staff

    Review investment of companys surplus fund and company assets

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    StaffingMr. Manjur was very straightforward and honest with his thinking about the fact that

    hiring procedures are not exercised properly as many of the applicants come through references

    from higher ups. But still Mr. Manjur and the respective department for hiring employees

    prioritize the necessary qualifications, academic backgrounds, and experience required for thejob.

    The hiring process starts from posting of circulars in newspapers and jobsites. CVs are

    gathered and sorted by the recruiting team. Qualified applicants are called for written exam out

    of which the recruiting process is further narrowed down into a walk in interview with the senior


    CommunicatingWhen it comes to communication PIL follows the two ways of communication

    systems. For upward communication, PIL has an open-door policy where employees of all level(entry and mid) can contact directly with the manager regarding any problems they face while


    MotivatingWhen it comes to motivating employees, both the elements of Herzbergs two

    factor theory are present. Hygiene factors such as salaries and bonuses along with motivators

    such as achievement, recognition and responsibility are there too. Mr. Manjur personally

    believes in giving added responsibility to employees to motivate them as it gives them a sense of

    belongingness and not only that, it directly contributes to the development of employees.Lunchbreaks, tea breaks, and flexible timing also help in contributing to day to day motivation of


    LeadingMr. Manjur has a democratic approach when it comes to leadership. Decision makings

    are mostly team-oriented and on the views of the employees, he takes the most appropriate

    decision. Also during the interview, we observed that Mr. Manjur follows values based and

    humane oriented leadership styles

    ControllingIn PIL, the leaders have the tendency to convert unfavorable outcome into

    favorable results at any circumstances. This is the only way they see fit for their organization

    given the fact that the environment is ever-changing and full of uncertainties.

    Wilsons 12 Managerial Skills

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    Based on the interview conducted with Syed SehabUllah Al - Manjur (Assistant Managing

    Director and Head of Underwriting) of Pragati Insurance Limited, the company follows the 10 of

    the 12 Wilsons managerial skills -

    Technical Expertise

    Clarification of Goals and Objectives

    Problem Solving

    Imagination and Creativity

    Listening for Insights

    Directing and Coaching

    Solving Problems as Teams

    Coordinating and Cooperating

    Standards of Performance

    Control of Details

    Details on Wilsons Managerial Skills

    Technical Expertise

    The management uses their educational and past work experiences to understand and

    communicate key technical details of the organization. They also use their experiences in

    decision making process.

    Clarification of Goals and Objectives

    Top level management draws blue prints of the tasks required to reach the goals and objectives

    for the whole organization. These tasks are then assigned to the middle level managers whose job

    is to fulfill the tasks through the employees under their control. Middle level managers are held

    accountable for most of the objectives carried out in PIL.

    Problem Solving

    Employees can contact the manager in terms of any issues related to work.Management solves

    each and every problemto develop team collaboration.Thus making their operations smoother

    and flexible and leaving no room for any lags.

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    Imagination and Creativity

    In PIL, carrying out daily tasks involve a constant need to think out of the box to suit the varied

    types of problems faced every day. It is the task of management to push employees with their out

    of the box thinking to ensure productivity on a daily basis. The management gives assignments

    to the employees to ensure creativity.

    Listening for Insights

    Management closely observes and supervises the employees making sure that their performance

    in up to the mark.

    Directing and Coaching

    Though there is no formal training after the selection of employees, the management ensures that

    the skill level of the employees develop as they work along.

    Solving Problems as Teams

    Management of PIL encourages employees to bring their ideas and helps them to generate their

    ideas as well.

    Coordinating and Cooperating:

    The day to day work in PIL requires a lot of coordination between peers and cooperation at all

    levels of the organization to ensure smooth operations.

    Standards of Performance

    Management keeps pushing themselves to the extreme level to keep their standards of


    Controls of Details

    Management over sees the performance of the employees at a close level to ensure work-

    standard and objectives.

    Skills that are not followed in Pragati Insurance Limited

    Energy- A lack of readiness in work was observed in between the managers

    which can greatly hamper the cooperation needed in between the colleagues, as a result

    decreasing efficiency of the organization as a whole.

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    Exerting pressureAlthough PIL can stretch their targets both efficiently and

    effectively but it never happens as the managers in PIL do not believe in pressurizing their

    employees to reach targets.


    PESTEL ANALYSISPESTEL is an important and useful tool to analyze the strategic situation

    for the organization, this tool help organization to anticipate and understand

    the growth potential by exploring the potential drivers and barriers that are

    external in nature and can have negative or positive impact on the

    organizations operations (Kotler 1998). Hence using PESTEL support

    organization to set an strategic direction. This tool has particularimportance for the organizations that are operational in more than one

    country since each country has different political, economical, social,

    technological, environmental and legal influences and implications.

    Additionally, having an in depth understanding of PESTEL is critical for an

    organization to set its fundamental 4Pof marketing and perhaps their

    extension if the organization is falling in service industry.

    By doing PESTEL analysis for pragati shall help organization to review its

    marketing Ps to customize its communications in various market fromvarious segments point of view since the operation of AXA is based on

    several products or segments however having the nature of business


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    POLITICAL & LEGALThere are several positive impact on insurance organization and hence

    also to Pragati due to increase awareness amongst the people because ofdifferent countries campaigns in particular to travellers due to severe

    consequences of travelling without insurance may lead to high expensive

    costs on medical treatment out of home.

    A mandatory third party car insurance policy by several governments has

    pushed people to go and get their insurance done. It Means, more cars on

    the road prosperous growth opportunities for the insurance organizations.

    As per Speedy (2004), cited at Book rags (n.d.), Data revealed that people

    under the age of 40 have made most critical illness claims, which isobviously positive news for the insurance organizations since less cover

    claims represents fewer liabilities.

    The increase in taxation in various countries shall have a negative impact

    on Pragati since the spending of the people would be lowered down since

    people would not be willing to pay higher premiums or packages.

    TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORSThe emergence and progress in internet has given organizations an

    opportunity to have its operational cost lower but information spreading

    cost effective and quick due to integrated information and communications


    Consumers currently using internet as a best replacement for yellow pages,

    rather more than that since they have no opportunity to compare theofferings of different organizations, sharing the knowledge with the

    community, posting their feelings and comments on the blogs. Every thing

    is just a click away from the

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    Internet has cut out the middle man from the business transactions and

    hence helped organization in saving huge amount of money from paying

    commission. This has given organization a room to review their prices and

    bring them at a lower level for the consumers.

    SOCIAL FACTORSThere has been an increased proportion of young drivers in the society is

    creating huge opportunity for insurance organizations since young drivers

    are more prone to get accidents and there for organization tend to fix high

    premium for those young drivers.

    Another change in today's society is the increase in the 'racing culture' withlarger emphasis placed on driving faster and better looking cars. Modified

    cars are a cheaper alternative to buying a sports car also increasing

    insurance costs.

    The increase disposable income is resulting in increase in affording second

    cars and so being insured on is creating opportunity for insurance

    organizations making money.

    ECONOMIC FACTORSEarning more money is in the trend which is resulting in large disposable

    income hence people are having more tendencies to spend more to live

    comfortably and taking advantage of expensive schemes which ultimately

    result in getting them insured to be on safer side.

    People in the developing are getting better off due to last stage of

    recession which shall result in coming back in living in expensive and better

    life due to more affordability in shape of clothing, houses, cars etc. Which

    ultimately improve the health of people and insurance companies shall be

    paying out less on the illnesses.

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    Internal Analysis

    Strengths and Weaknesses


    Proactive approach

    Senior management embraces and communicates in a proactive approach to assessing risk within

    the organization.


    The management of Pragati Insurance Limited Company believes in innovative, out of the box

    thinking so the employees are encouraged to generate new ideas.Management frequently gives

    out difficult assignments which require them be out of their comfort zone whichflexes their

    tendency to think creative.

    Employee support

    In the decision making process the management gives certain powers to all level employees in

    order to gain employee support in terms of achieving objectives. Employees feel a sense ofbelonging and it motivates them to give best effort. It also increases their commitment to the


    Team effort

    The management believes in team effort rather than individual effort. So the work is done more

    efficiently by the employees working in a team. A team effort enables the company to reach its

    objectives most effectively as well as efficiently.

    Financial Capacity

    The financial status of PIL is very good comparing to the other life insurance companies in

    Bangladesh. So this insures a client to depend on this company rather any other company.


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    Vague accountability

    Accountability of the management for managing risks is not clearly defined. They should

    mention their accountability in the company so that employees and clients can rely on them.

    Lacking in term policy

    The Pragati Insurance Limited has some lacking in their term policies which confuses the clients.

    No formal training

    The management does not give the new employees any kind of formal training. They give

    informal training which cannot help the employees to be more productive.


    The company largely depends on reinsurance which can sometimes cost them extra risk because

    reinsurer may have a greater risk appetite than the insurer.

    Biased recruitment process

    PIL prefer references while hiring employees rather than qualifications.

    Escalation of Commitment

    PIL has a tendency to follow one size fit all approach when it come to the controlling functionwhich results in an Escalation of Commitment.

    Value chain

    The insurance value chain

    Product Management

    Market analysis

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    Product profitability simulation

    Customer segmentation/ value analysis

    Sales & Distribution

    Bancassurance/ distributor process/ activity improvement

    SFA planning and implementation

    Sales process improvement

    New Business Underwriting

    Business process improvement

    ABC/ value-driven design

    Policy administration system selection/ implementation

    Business case development



    Non-payment of claims review

    Claims process improvement


    Payment system implementation

    Payment process improvement

    Customer Service


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    Call centre improvement

    Data driven marketing

    Marketing theme for the insurance company

    While most small- to mid-market companies cant afford the multi-

    million dollar ad budgets from the Madison Avenue agencies, they can

    create effective and memorable campaigns leveraging different media

    such as:

    Online media, including interactive ads and banners on


    Print media

    Social media


    Direct mail





    Events and trade shows

    Search engines

    Outdoor media

    True marketing campaigns are more than just advertisements.

    Complex campaigns leverage multiple mediums, use a sequence of

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    messages over an extended timeframe, support positioning, define a

    brand experience, and handle the campaign fulfillment and selling.

    Campaigns can also be simpleusing a single medium, with a single

    message and call-to-action. Here are three examples of very simplecampaigns:

    Short and long term strategies for the company

    Accountability of the management of PIL in terms of managing risk should be specific.

    The management should provide some sort of formal training to improve the performance of

    their employees.

    They should have all the information regarding the reinsurers company so they can avoid extra

    risk and premium.

    Another big weakness they have is their term policy they should differentiate between

    temporary and permanent term policy so that clients can choose the best policy for them.

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    Long term

    Pragati Insurance Limited is one of the largest insurancecompanies in Bangladesh. It has grown

    over the years and has helped to absorb the risks for many organizations both local and

    multinational in numerous sectors. We thank our honorable teacher TasnimRezoanaTanim for

    assigning us to the field work which gave us the opportunity to work with such a company. Thepeople who we interviewed were very enthusiastic in helping us with this project which greatly

    contributed to the fulfillment of this project. Most importantly this assignment has greatly

    contributed to our learning as it has given us the opportunity to apply our education in a more

    practical approach

    Investment Options

    We believe to maximize The Power of Diversification, you need access to a wide

    range of traditional and nontraditional investment options. Our investment lineup

    has grown to over 80 investment options representing 31 money manager firms

    and 38 distinct asset class styles.

    + Non BD. Fixed-Income Portfolios

    + BD Equity Portfolios

    + Non-BD Equity Portfolios

    + Alternative Strategies Portfolios

    + Sector Portfolios

    + Asset Allocation/Balanced Portfolios

    Please refer to the product prospectus and additional prospectuses, statements

    of additional information, and annual and semi-annual reports for the underlying

    funds for more detailed information. For additional information and details about

    fund availability, see the prospectus. Guarantees, including optional benefits, are

    subject to the issuing companys claims-paying ability and do not protect the

    value of the variable investment options, which are subject to market risk.

    Pragati Life's variable annuity products offer a wide variety of variable investment

    options. Each variable investment option invests in a corresponding portfolio of

    the Banglaeshi Century Variable Portfolios,

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    Third-party trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective


    Investors should carefully consider a variable annuity's risks, charges, limitations,

    and expenses, as well as the risks, charges, expenses, and investment goals of

    the underlying investment options. This and other information about Pacific Life

    are provided in the product and underlying fund prospectuses. These

    prospectuses should be read carefully before investing.

    Pragati Life refers to Pragati Life Insurance Company and its affiliates, including

    Pragati Life & Annuity Company. Insurance products are issued by Pragati Life

    Insurance Company in all states except New York and in New York by Pacific

    Life & Annuity Company. Product availability and features may vary by state.

    Each company is solely responsible for the financial obligations accruing under

    the products it issues. Insurance product and rider guarantees, including optionalbenefits and any fixed subaccount crediting rates or annuity payout rates, are

    backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing

    insurance company and do not protect the value of the variable investment

    options. They are not backed by the broker/dealer from which this annuity is

    purchased, by the insurance agency from which this annuity is purchased, or any

    affiliates of those entities, and none makes any representations or guarantees

    regarding the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

    Value Enhancement and profitability of Insurance company Pragati

    Value Enhancement

    From Spencer Pragati's perspective, our paradigm for value creation

    encompasses improving the performance of the target company,

    removing excess capacity from an industry, creating market access for

    products, acquiring skills or technologies more quickly or at lower costthan they could be built in-house, and picking winners early and helping

    them develop their businesses to industry optimum.

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    Strategic Initiatives: In many of our investments, the major

    source of value creation is our focus on strategic initiatives. Such

    initiatives may include new products, deployment of new technology,

    acquisitions, disposals, renegotiation of terms from suppliers,outsourcing, rebranding and international expansion.

    Financial Structuring: We aim to create the optimal capital

    structure for any deal and specifically the right proportion of debt to

    equity, thereby ensuring the right balance between capital efficiency and

    flexibility to pursue strategic and operational objectives

    Operational Improvement: We will collaborate with

    management to design a program of operational improvements that can

    be made to the business post-investment, as the specific opportunity

    allows. We will ensure that management has the necessary resources and

    support to deliver on this program. Integrating low cost and efficient

    technology to drive value forms one of the main foundations of ourstrategic objectives.

    Market Access: We will work with management and various

    stakeholders to help identify new market opportunities for products

    alongside developing products or brand extensions. We also help

    renegotiate existing terms with current distribution channels to extractmore favorable terms for our portfolio companies.

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    Reference List

    Banglapedia. (n.d) Bangladesh Insurance Company .[Online] Available From [Accessed 15th August 2013]

    Akram, Md. (2010) Rule Book: Pragati Insurance Limited

    Akram, Md. (2012) Annual Report 2012: Pragati Insurance Limited

    Cassidy, C.M. and Kreitner, R. (2011) Principles of Management.12th ed. South-Western,

    Cengage Learning.