H ft f I V V If E K $: Rf ! "1 tfi1 j Ti m.njj.jnni'jj1aa.'jjnj-lx'- j miu.iniiinmKimwii muuiwiuji umjM)wjiiiiLiMJimjjwijii'juiMjiw'.TvaJtiiMJ.tfVjy Vol. Xrir. No. 2010. HONOLULU, IT. 1., TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST II, 1888. DO OENTO ounocniPTiONl PER MONTH. THE DAILY BULLETIN Ii printed and published at tho office, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, BO cents por Month. Address fill Communications DAiiiV BUMjETIM. Advertisements, tc cn3uro Insertion, should be handed In boforo ouo o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprielor JAS 0. CLEVIOR Managor Bulletin Stoam Printing Offico. Nowspapor, Book and Job Printing of all kinds dono on tho most favorablo tonus. Boll Telephone No. SCO Mutual Tolcphono No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. Au interesting and comprehensive pubficatlou, contains 28 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a coraplotc restime of Honolulu and Island News. It is tho best paper uubllshcd in tho Kingdom to Bend to friends abroad. Hulmci'lptlon: Islnud : : : 4 00 year Foreign ! : : 5 00 " Commission Merchants. IT IIA-OICITJaJCi- Sa Co., General Commission Agents. , 070 ly Honolulu G. W. MACTAIILANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. 1018 BKEWEB tz OOMPiNY, c, (Limited) UBNEHAIi MERCANTILE AND Commission Agents. TjIBT OIC OFFIOKKS: P. C. Jonics, Jr President & Manager J. O. Oahtkr. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary dihuctoqs : Hon. O. It. Bisiioi S. C. Allen, H. Wati:riiouse. aja iy t: Waterhouse, John Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Oueen t., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton-- C. P. Castle & COOK13, CASTLUS Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Deulers in Oeueral Merchandise, No. bO King St., lOBOlulU. 1 Glaus aireckas. Wm. a. Irwin. ibwin 5s Company, WG. Sugar Factors and Commission " Agents, Honolulu. 1 & Co., Wilder Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, NalN, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queon sts., Honolulu. QRINliAUM & GO., MS. importura of General Mor- - ohandlBe and Couiinlssioii Merchants, Uuuolulu, and 124 California street, San Frauelsco, Cal. II. Lowers, F.J. Lowiey O.M. Cooke. Si OOOKB, (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 tj3-onsalv- es Sc Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merchants 89 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Haa removed to one of tho Now Stores in the ThoiuiiN Jtloek, King (Street, Threo doors from Castlo & Cookcs', Whero lio is proparcd to manufacturo all Xlnds of Jewelry. 00 O IiUSO IIAWAIIANO. T.r, norsons who want to communi A cato with tho Poitugi either for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or any other helps, will lud it the most protltablu way to advertise lu the J.HSO llawaiiano, tho now organ of tlie Portuguese oo.ony, which la .pub. 'ished on Merchant street, GateUe Build-iui- r a'ost-OlUc- o Letter Box E.), and only charges reasonable rates for adver tlsomuats NOTICE. J. E. BROWN & CO. MESSRS to collect for tho '' "noMu June 8th, 18CT. , C7 Professionals. J. M, MONSARRAT, Attorney anil Counsellor at law. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for tho States of New York, Call-forn- la and Pennsylvania. Merchant street, "Gazette" Block, Honolulu, n. I. juuc-- 9 88 MALCOLM BROWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Office, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu. 30 tf SAMUEL K. KAEO, A-trtorn- at; Law. OfUcc, : No. 0 Knahuinanu street. np.24-8S.l- y BROWN, Attorner and Counsellor at Law- - Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for tho Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u. 1 J Alfred Magoon, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly T H.SOPER.M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Nci Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 STEAI GAUDY FACTORY AND UA-lCElfX- -. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- ISr Telephone 74 n. m. iiknson. a. vr. smitii. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boericko & Socchlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, 2) HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tolmcconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, William's Block, ITono-21- 6 Honolulu, II. I. WEMER-- GO. MaiinfUctiirini; JewcllorH, NO. OS JPOItT amVJElI2,T. Constantly on hand i largo assortraen of every descilptionof Jowelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 953 ly HONOLULU CARRIAGE CO., Nos. 33, 45, G2, G3, G7, 73 & 97. 1'.. U, Mcliiiuimi, - I'roitrletor. J2? Stand Comer Merchant and Fort Streets. 5- - TolcplioncH, a:io. -- OB inch 8 ly Hustace & Robertson. DRAYMEN. i LL orders for Cartage promptly at--J. tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to tho other Islundo. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit nt lowest prices. OOlee, adjoining' E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 933 ly Mutual Tclcphono No. 19. WRIGHT BROS., Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill, Ship's Blacksmitliing, Carriage Building & Repairing. Drays, Carts & Wagon Building a Specialty. Every description- - of work in thd abovo lines performed lu n first-clas- s inauuor and executed at Bhort notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Order3 from the other Islands solicited. my 20-8- 8 TF YOU WANT A 5EKVAN I I J. ftdTcttlso iu tho Daily Bulletin. . S. GRAND ANNUAL r 101 FOKT STREET, : : HONOLULU. To Commence Monday, August 6, 1888. TAKE NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE. Positively for Two Weeks Only. The Entire Stoclc, including New s just received per S. S. Australia be offered All Goo;ls will be marked in plain figures and Sold for Gash Sold for Cash LOOK AT OUR PRICE LIST CIRCULAR. "Where we mention but few of tho many Bargains offered. BTliese Reductions we guarantee for TWO WEEKS ONLY. ..iimi. ii Choicest Mutton I Beef, i Pork, ITImIi, T"oe;e LallcN, &c, Ssc. Always on hand at the HONOLULU'MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandlcss), Xo, O luc-r- n Ht., : : Klwh 3Im-kct- , Ilonolulu, II. I. t"Family and Shipping Oidcrs care- - fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8 Til A3 SV T-- n Metropolitan Meat Company 81 KING STKBBT, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Whalesalo & Retail Butchers ANU NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly PoEBu Alps StocK FOR SA-DCDE- j Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Holler Calvos from 10 lo 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu. .Tune 24, 1887. 70 leal fBMet, l'ort Ht ojiiio. O. H, H. Co.'m Wlmrr. P.MILTON, - - - Proprietor. Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton, AIeo a supply of On linud at all time?. Shipping and Families supplied at shortcut notice nnd with best attention. X. 'JVIcISITiIVZIEJ, 05 . Manager. .tf rpHE PEOPLES' PAPER-'l'- he J AX Dally Uullotln CO eta per month."! 4 AT THE , : will THAN Only, Only.. Aiyo SEE Proven to be tho best in the for in Silk Picture Oak Bedroom Suits ! Magnificent just tho ANTIQUE OAK DINING ROOM SETS ! The handsomest eyer imported for tho rlor Suits Odd EASY CUAI11S IN SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL STYLES ! Latest Stylos of E F e WEST mh 104ITori i. Ua ti "' " !B4.6i" s - S&i 4- - 1". fefjJjj-!S.'.-a- i iii$J.. fc ii, - v1 S 4. $& ou 0 m 1 a ii. """ i. ? T! world this climate. Plush ! Peices. O 'M I'XTWr Mollis ! Antique and style. trade. o & , Stroot, XIouolulu. THE NEW YORK Life Insurance Go. Strictly Mutual Organised 1815. ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000 The actual (not estimated) results of lis matured Tontine policies exceed those of nny other Oompiny issuing similar policies. Tlio Xonlorloltlne Free Tontine Policy With Mortuary Dividond (returning all premiums In addition to face of policy should death occur duriuc the Tontino period) as issued by this Company in- cludes the advantages of Tontino accu- mulation, guaranteed options at tho end of Tontine periods nnd perfect ficcdom nflcr two years as to residence, travel and occupation, except service in war. Nonforfeitable after 3 Years. ISfFor full particulars and estimated results based upon actual results paid in 1888 apply to C.O. BERGER, Honolulu, General Agent Hawaiian Julyj Islands. 21-8- Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation of Funds, - $20,002,205.00 Fire rinks taken at current rates and settlement mado in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July 20 88-l- Union 1'Iro & ainrlno Insurance Company of N. I Capital, $2,000,000; Uallmllod Liability. Fire nnd Marino risks, taken at currert rates and settlement mado in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july2C88-l- y SXJJS' Insurance Co. of San Francisco. Marine risks on Hullo', Cargoes, Frolghts nnd Commissions nt curicnt rates. JOHN S. "WALKER, Agent. July General Insurance Company. Mnrine riskti or. Hulls, Cargoes, Ki cifilit and CoinmissioHs nt curicnt nites. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent. July SO 83-l-y WALKER & REDWARD, Contractor Julltl.-r- . iUIck, Stone and Wooden fiiiildiugA; e.. timntcs given. Jobbing piomptlv to. 70 King ntieel. Hell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Ilox, 121). up Q.KOKGE LUCAS, ,,-- Contractor. ,KlTJCHi- - ana uutiuer,"tr5a Honolulu Steam Planing Millg, Kt.pla nadu, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackots, Window Frames, BllndH, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work Unlsh. turning, Sciollnud Dnnd Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly nttanded to and work guaranteed. Orders from Uio other sollultcd E NTEBPBIS PLANINQ MILL. Aliikoii, near nccu St. Tolephono (in. HONOLULU IKON "WORKS. Ititfi.in ntii.lmti) mi.rti. n.llln l.ntl HmaMtvuiiiviiiubDaugui inula, uuil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description mado to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 J. C. MAKCHANT, (Successor to T. G. Thrum) Book-binde- r, I'apor-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, Frinitl Iiullrting. Helhcl Btrcct, llono. 0'J lulu. tf A. U. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Maaufaoturor. Wishes to notify tho public that ho has removed to larger (juaiters, No, 13 liaahumanu Street, E" up staihs. -- a 61 8m il EIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insuranco Co. Assets, $5,288,000 Commercial Insuranco Co. (Flro nnd Mnrine) Assots, $459,090 Anglo-Novnd- a Asauranco Oorporafcka (Flro and Marino) Capital, paid up, $0,000,008 South British Firo and Marine Im. flo Capital, $10,000,089 Now York Lifo Insuranoo Co. Assots, $85,000,090 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Hair'n Islnnds. 1CC3 ly 32Q OlX jSJU JL.J3 ii n society or tflits unttoti utatoi. THE LEADING COMPANY. How Buslnesi In 1087 $188,023,105 Applications refused lor 23,729,317 Total Income - - 23,240,845 Surplus 4 per cent - 18,104,255 Gain In Assots during year 8,868,432 Elc, Etc., Etc., In the abovo nnd moit Important point the Equitable heads tho list pf Life Companies. .J. Ucncrnl Acjant for IlawnlUn iHlnndn. juiio CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo & Marino Insur'co Agents. AGENTS KOH Tho Now UtinlanA MUTUAl LIFE INS, COMP'Y, Of IiOBtOM. Tho .ffitna Firo Insuranco OoH of Hartford, Conn. The Union Flro and Marine Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'v BSTASLunuo 1645, Capital, 9,000,000 Rtfehtanrks rpHE u,fldorBlgned, huTing been ap-- jwinted ugent of the above 0mpaay for the Hawaiian Islands, ia prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on BuIWIbm, Furnlture.MerchandUc, Produce, 8ncr Mills etc., on tho most Favorablo Tqtmb Lotse Promptly Adjusted twl Payable la Honolulu. U. 1UEMEN80HNKIDEH, Jly.87 ly at Wilder & Co'a. . 1 K I 9SSS HOLIDAY PICTDBES Samoan Views ! At J. J. Williams' .3 '3 M X .1 v 1 1 ii - 'M ' 1 ''Jtm

Insurance '3 · 2015. 5. 30. · ana uutiuer,"tr5a,KlTJCHi--Honolulu Steam Planing Millg, Kt.pla nadu, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackots, Window Frames, BllndH,

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Page 1: Insurance '3 · 2015. 5. 30. · ana uutiuer,"tr5a,KlTJCHi--Honolulu Steam Planing Millg, Kt.pla nadu, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackots, Window Frames, BllndH,

H ftf






! "1


j Ti m.njj.jnni'jj1aa.'jjnj-lx'- j miu.iniiinmKimwii muuiwiuji umjM)wjiiiiLiMJimjjwijii'juiMjiw'.TvaJtiiMJ.tfVjy

Vol. Xrir. No. 2010. HONOLULU, IT. 1., TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST II, 1888. DO OENTOounocniPTiONl



Ii printed and published at tho office,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, BO cents por Month.

Address fill Communications DAiiiVBUMjETIM.

Advertisements, tc cn3uro Insertion,should be handed In boforo ouo o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprielor

JAS 0. CLEVIOR Managor

Bulletin Stoam Printing Offico.

Nowspapor, Book and Job Printing of

all kinds dono on tho most favorablotonus.Boll Telephone No. SCO

Mutual Tolcphono No. 250


Weekly Summary.Au interesting and comprehensive

pubficatlou, contains 28 columns of

reading matter on local topics, and a

coraplotc restime of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is tho best paper uubllshcdin tho Kingdom to Bend to friendsabroad.

Hulmci'lptlon:Islnud : : : 4 00 yearForeign ! : : 5 00 "

Commission Merchants.


General Commission Agents.

, 070 ly Honolulu



Queen street, Honolulu. H. I.1018

BKEWEB tz OOMPiNY,c, (Limited)


Commission Agents.


P. C. Jonics, Jr President & ManagerJ. O. Oahtkr. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

dihuctoqs :

Hon. O. It. Bisiioi S. C. Allen,H. Wati:riiouse.

aja iy

t: Waterhouse,John Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Oueen t., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton--C. P. Castle

& COOK13,CASTLUS Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Deulers inOeueral Merchandise, No. bO King St.,

lOBOlulU. 1

Glaus aireckas. Wm. a. Irwin.

ibwin 5s Company,WG.Sugar Factors and Commission"

Agents, Honolulu. 1

& Co.,Wilder Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, NalN, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queon sts.,Honolulu.

QRINliAUM & GO.,MS. importura of General Mor- -

ohandlBe and Couiinlssioii Merchants,Uuuolulu, and

124 California street,San Frauelsco, Cal.

II. Lowers, F.J. Lowiey O.M. Cooke.Si OOOKB,

(successors to Lowers & Dickson.)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

tj3-onsalv-es Sc Co.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merchants89 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Haa removed to one of tho NowStores in the

ThoiuiiN Jtloek, King (Street,Threo doors from Castlo & Cookcs',

Whero lio is proparcd to manufacturoall Xlnds of Jewelry. 00

O IiUSO IIAWAIIANO.T.r, norsons who want to communiA cato with tho Poitugi either

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will lud itthe most protltablu way to advertise luthe J.HSO llawaiiano, tho now organ of

tlie Portuguese oo.ony, which la.pub.'ished on Merchant street, GateUe Build-iui- r

a'ost-OlUc- o Letter Box E.), andonly charges reasonable rates for advertlsomuats


J. E. BROWN & CO.MESSRS to collect for tho

'' "noMu June 8th, 18CT. , C7


J. M, MONSARRAT,Attorney anil Counsellor at law.Notary Public and Commissioner ofDeeds for tho States of New York, Call-forn- la

and Pennsylvania. Merchantstreet, "Gazette" Block, Honolulu, n. I.

juuc-- 9 88


NOTARY PUBLICFor the Island of Oahu.

Office, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu.30 tf


A-trtorn- at; Law.OfUcc, : No. 0 Knahuinanu street.

np.24-8S.l- y

BROWN,Attorner and Counsellor at Law- -

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for thoIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u.


J Alfred Magoon,ATTORNEY AT LAW.

173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Nci Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23


AND UA-lCElfX- -.

F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. -- ISr Telephone 74

n. m. iiknson. a. vr. smitii.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boericko & Socchlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, 2)


Druggists & Tolmcconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, William's Block, ITono-21- 6

Honolulu, II. I.

WEMER-- GO.MaiinfUctiirini; JewcllorH,

NO. OS JPOItT amVJElI2,T.Constantly on hand i largo assortraen

of every descilptionof Jowelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

953 ly


Nos. 33, 45, G2, G3, G7, 73 & 97.

1'.. U, Mcliiiuimi, - I'roitrletor.J2? Stand Comer Merchant and Fort

Streets.5-- TolcplioncH, a:io. -- OB

inch 8 ly

Hustace & Robertson.

DRAYMEN.i LL orders for Cartage promptly at--J.

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to tho other Islundo.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit nt lowest prices.

OOlee, adjoining' E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.933 ly Mutual Tclcphono No. 19.

WRIGHT BROS.,Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,

Ship's Blacksmitliing, Carriage

Building & Repairing.

Drays, Carts & Wagon Building a Specialty.

Every description- - of work in thdabovo lines performed lu n first-clas- s

inauuor and executed at Bhort notice.

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.Order3 from the other Islands solicited.

my 20-8- 8


I J. ftdTcttlso iu tho Daily Bulletin.

. S.




To Commence Monday, August 6, 1888.


Positively for Two Weeks Only.The Entire Stoclc, including New s just received per S. S. Australia

be offered

All Goo;ls will be marked in plain figures and

Sold for Gash Sold for Cash

LOOK AT OUR PRICE LIST CIRCULAR."Where we mention but few of tho many Bargains offered.

BTliese Reductions we guarantee for TWO WEEKS ONLY...iimi. ii

Choicest Mutton I

Beef, i Pork,ITImIi, T"oe;e LallcN, &c, Ssc.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU'MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandlcss),

Xo, O luc-r-n Ht., : : Klwh 3Im-kct- ,

Ilonolulu, II. I.t"Family and Shipping Oidcrs care- -

fully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8

Til A3 SV T-- n


Meat Company81 KING STKBBT,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Whalesalo & Retail Butchers



PoEBu Alps StocK


Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Holler Calvos from 10 lo 13 months old.


J. I. DOWSETT.Honolulu. .Tune 24, 1887. 70

leal fBMet,l'ort Ht ojiiio. O. H, H. Co.'m Wlmrr.

P.MILTON, - - - Proprietor.

Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton,

AIeo a supply of

On linud at all time?.

Shipping and Families supplied atshortcut notice nnd with best attention.

X. 'JVIcISITiIVZIEJ,05 . Manager. .tf

rpHE PEOPLES' PAPER-'l'- he JAX Dally Uullotln CO eta per month."!






Only, Only..

Aiyo SEE

Proven to be tho best in the for

in Silk


Oak Bedroom Suits !

Magnificent just tho


The handsomest eyer imported for tho

rlor SuitsOdd


Latest Stylos of

EFe WESTmh 104ITori



" !B4.6i" s - S&i 4- - 1". fefjJjj-!S.'.-a- i iii$J..fc ii, - v1 S 4. $&


0 m 1






world this climate.

Plush !



Mollis !

Antiqueand style.



& ,Stroot, XIouolulu.


Life Insurance Go.Strictly Mutual Organised 1815.

ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000

The actual (not estimated) results of lismatured Tontine policies exceed thoseof nny other Oompiny issuing similar


Tlio Xonlorloltlne

Free Tontine PolicyWith Mortuary Dividond (returning allpremiums In addition to face of policyshould death occur duriuc the Tontinoperiod) as issued by this Company in-

cludes the advantages of Tontino accu-mulation, guaranteed options at tho endof Tontine periods nnd perfect ficcdomnflcr two years as to residence, traveland occupation, except service in war.

Nonforfeitable after 3 Years.

ISfFor full particulars and estimatedresults based upon actual results paidin 1888 apply to

C.O. BERGER,Honolulu, General Agent Hawaiian

Julyj Islands. 21-8-

Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation of Funds, - $20,002,205.00

Fire rinks taken at current rates andsettlement mado in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July 20 88-l-

Union 1'Iro & ainrlno

Insurance Company of N. ICapital, $2,000,000; Uallmllod Liability.

Fire nnd Marino risks, taken at currertrates and settlement mado in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july2C88-l- y


Insurance Co. of San Francisco.

Marine risks on Hullo', Cargoes, Frolghtsnnd Commissions nt curicnt rates.

JOHN S. "WALKER, Agent.July

General Insurance Company.

Mnrine riskti or. Hulls, Cargoes, Ki cifilitand CoinmissioHs nt curicnt nites.

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent.July SO 83-l-y


Contractor Julltl.-r- .

iUIck, Stone and Wooden fiiiildiugA; e..timntcs given. Jobbing piomptlv

to. 70 King ntieel. Hell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Ilox, 121). up


Contractor.,KlTJCHi- -

ana uutiuer,"tr5aHonolulu Steam Planing Millg, Kt.pla

nadu, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackots, Window Frames, BllndH,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work Unlsh. turning, Sciollnud DnndSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly nttanded to and workguaranteed. Orders from Uio other



PLANINQ MILL.Aliikoii, near nccu St.

Tolephono (in.

HONOLULU IKON "WORKS.Ititfi.in ntii.lmti) mi.rti. n.llln l.ntlHmaMtvuiiiviiiubDaugui inula, uuil

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmado to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

J. C. MAKCHANT,(Successor to T. G. Thrum)

Book-binde- r, I'apor-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


Frinitl Iiullrting. Helhcl Btrcct, llono.0'J lulu. tf


Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


Wishes to notify tho public that hohas removed to larger (juaiters,

No, 13 liaahumanu Street,E" up staihs. -- a

61 8mil


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Insuranco Co.

Assets, $5,288,000

Commercial Insuranco Co.

(Flro nnd Mnrine)Assots, $459,090

Anglo-Novnd- a Asauranco Oorporafcka(Flro and Marino)

Capital, paid up, $0,000,008

South British Firo and Marine Im. flo

Capital, $10,000,089

Now York Lifo Insuranoo Co.

Assots, $85,000,090


General Agent, Hair'n Islnnds.

1CC3 ly

32Q OlX jSJU JL.J3ii nsociety

or tflits unttoti utatoi.


How Buslnesi In 1087 $188,023,105Applications refused lor 23,729,317Total Income - - 23,240,845Surplus 4 per cent - 18,104,255

Gain In Assots during year 8,868,432Elc, Etc., Etc.,

In the abovo nnd moit Important pointthe Equitable heads tho list pf

Life Companies.

.J.Ucncrnl Acjant for IlawnlUn



CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo & Marino Insur'co Agents.




Tho .ffitna Firo Insuranco OoHof Hartford, Conn.

The Union Flro andMarine Insurance Co.

of San Francisco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v

BSTASLunuo 1645,Capital, 9,000,000 RtfehtanrksrpHE u,fldorBlgned, huTing been ap--

jwinted ugent of the above 0mpaayfor the Hawaiian Islands, ia prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on BuIWIbm,Furnlture.MerchandUc, Produce, 8ncrMills etc., on tho most Favorablo Tqtmb

Lotse Promptly Adjusted twl Payable laHonolulu.

U. 1UEMEN80HNKIDEH,Jly.87 ly at Wilder & Co'a.

.1 K I 9SSS


SamoanViews !

At J. J. Williams'












Page 2: Insurance '3 · 2015. 5. 30. · ana uutiuer,"tr5a,KlTJCHi--Honolulu Steam Planing Millg, Kt.pla nadu, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackots, Window Frames, BllndH,


Bfr-- f

i- -




2&x- -



Registration Notice,

Tho undersigned Honid of Inspec-

tors appointed to registoi voter? fot

'Nobles in tho Distiict of Honolulu,-- will be in bcss'iou nt the olllco of Mr.

M. D. Monsairnt fmm 2 to 4 i M.

on Wednesday, Atuuist loth, nndSaturday, August ISth, and nt theoffice of Dr. C. T. Hodges fiom f to8 r. M. on the cveningH of tho fmmcdays.

Only those poisons who mo en-

titled to vote for Nobles and whowere not bo legistoiod at tho histelection need piosont thonifeehes.



18 lw Inspectors.

Irrigation Notice.i OrncE Watkii Works, IHonolulu, 11. 1., July 27, 18S8.

lloldeis of watci privileges orthose paying watei latca me hciebynotified Hint the hours for usingwator for irrigating purposes arefrom G to S o'clock A. m., and from1 to 0 o'clock r. i.

C1IAS. B. WILSON,Supuiintcndent Water Works.

Approved: 'L. A. TiruiiSTON,

Minister of Interior.01 tf

BISHOP & Co., 13AKKERSHonolulu. Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Exchange on theBuhIc ol OiLliioi-iiis-i, S. IT.

And their agents inNEW YORK, BOSTON, KONG KONG.

Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, LondonThe Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London.The Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

Sydney,The Bank of New Zealand: Auckland,

OhriEtchurch, o.nd Wellington,Tho Bank of British Columbia, Vic-

toria, 1). C, and Portland, Or.and -

Tianaact a Guicml Hacking Business.(Hi!) lv


gjatlti jttiiTIqfinPledged lo neither Sect nor Patty,But established for the benefit of all.



Editor Bili.ktix: When willthis cry about "missionaries" cease?It is misleading, and thcrefoieshould not be used by honcbl men.persons arc called missionaries whoare no more missionaries, nor haveany more missionary connectionthan myself, who belong to nosect. The American missionary whocame to these islands many yearsage, did at one time virtually rulethe country, but that time is longpast. The missionaries now hereare but few, and their inlluenec inpublic affaiis is very small, and hasbeen so for many ypais past. It istrue, there is a clique in Honoluluwho run things their own way, andarc the virtual Government of theday ; but it is not a clique of mis-

sionaries. The term which I haverecently seen in your paper "Thefamily compact" expresses theidea correctly. Why not stop thismisleading "missionary" talk, andrule the talkers out of your paper,Mr. Editor?

The views of our correspondent,in legard to the term "missionary"being a misnomer, have been con-

tended for in this paper editoriallymany times. As to ruling out cor-

respondents who hold to the term,we shall not accept that suggestion.Our columns are open to all sides ofevery question. Wo never reject acommunication because it is not inharmony with the editor's opinion.Nor arc we responsible for the opin-

ions of others. En.


EmTon 15ui.li.tin : Our friendthe "Advertiser' in Us issue of thismorning accuses tho Portuguese ofIiavmg tricu to initiate a campaignagainst tho nominee of the Convcn- -

tion. Our friend has once more beenmisinformed about the Portuguese,

Everybody knows that tho Portu--

gucsc alono do not form any leadingpolitical party, though they can beof tho gicatest help to either pattywhich tlioy belicvo will take their in-

terests more at heart, and it is sim-

ply foolish to say that tlioy try toinaugurate campaigns against anyone.

Ah regards Mr. McCarthy, ofcourse, wo greatly1 sympathiso withhim and admiro him for his ninnygood qualities, but we deny, for cor-

rection to our friend, that wo didinvite him to stand for Noble, inopposition to tho nomineo of theConvention.




f.3jl,x uy 1 5' ts i - w - v 'ju-- '


UniTon Iltu.r.T!: Please allowspace in your papci lo explainposition on the question of elec-


of Noble for this district.At the Coinenlwn held on SiUui-d- a

oi!)ii: hot, it wasplnnh thethat tin mleii'-- e kclnu. exists agiinvlthe immigtuliun of Chinee nnd thepower of the lnUsiomuy clement of

the Kcforin I'nrly.Since that convention numerous

persons linvo waited upon mc andlequestod me to stand ns an Inde-

pendent Refouu Candidate. Aftermature consideration 1 feel com-

pelled to decline the honor, thank-ing those gentlemen for their coiili-denc- c.

1 believe that the time isof

not yet ripe for Mich a movement. beIn tins community there nre a a

laige number of voters who are op-

posed to the idea of bcinp; ruled bythe missionary clement, but wlio

fiom different eitouiuslauces aic notuntied, and the time between now

and the election is too short to effectsuch union."

But by taking time by the forelockand oigani.ing themselves for thenext gcneial election, .they willsweep the missionary fiom Hawai-ian politics forever.

Yours respectfully,U. J. McCaiitiiy.


Euitok Bfixrm: One of thosestrange phonomena that at some un-

expected times happen, and whichscience still to this very day puzzlesover, occurred at this place on Mon-

day last, August Cth.The weather during Sunday and

Sunday night had been most pleasant, the bky clear, anil tne windfrom the uoith-cas- t. Only oneshower came down during Sundaynight. On Monday morning theweather still continued splendid. Alight 5 or breeze from thenoith-ca- st was sailing over thesmooth, blue waters, and continuedso until about 9 a. in., when all of asudden the wind modified to a

bicezc. About ten minutesthcieafter the first of a scries oftidal waves made its appeal ancc,seeming to come from south south-east. This one and a few followingones vtcrc, however, only light, sim-

ply coming and rising lo the top ofthe stonework oi the slip, whereinthe boats discharge and load theircargoes at the wharf.

At about!) :00 a.m. the first one ofthe larger waves made its appear-ance. It must have had a height offrom S to 10 feet. It cashing overthe wharf, and ilowcd inshore for adistance of 30 yaids, loosening andcarrying with it pieces of rock horn20 to 2.) pounds weight. Y aves olthis or less height came on flowinginshore from time to time untilabout noon. At this time the windseemed to die out altogether,

that way for about twentyminutes. The surface of the oceanlooked as calm and smooth as animmense tank containing oil. Allof a sudden the entire sea seemedto raise itself up to a height ofabout S feet, and poured itself overthe w haives and shores, running in-

land a distance of about 100 yards,carrying wilh it rocks of a weightfrom 50 to 70 pounds each. Willisuch ticmoudous power came andwent this wave, as to leave themarks of sad havoc among thestoucwork of the slip. The. mostcurious circumstance of this wavew as the fact, that it did not come inrolling and breaking, but that theentire surface of the vast aiea ofwater remained as smooth as oil,giving the appearance as if the en-

tire ocean wanted to raise itself outof its bed, to empty its watcis ontothe shores. By 1 p. m. the windrose again, but only to. die outshortly thereafter. The surface ofthe water remained smooth. Anoccasional shower of rain camepouring down, alternating witli thebright shining of the sun's lays.The tidal waves, which still came attimes, had not the force arid velo-

city of their predecessors.At about 2 p. m. a tremendous

squall from the noith-eas- t, accom-panied by a heavy shower of rain,made its appearance. At this timeone of the grandest sights was to beseen. The wind blowing and howl-

ing from the north-eas- t, the splatterof the rain heightening tho scene,and some immense tidal waves arriv-ing from south, south-cas- t. Koloalanding is situated in a kind of aiay, encircled on its eastern and

western sides by points, mostlycomposed of rocks. These pointsstretch out to the south, and attainin the vicinity of tho landing, aheight ranging from 5 to 15 feet.Tho waves came rolling on, risinghigher and higher, until their heightexceeded that of tho points. Asthe squall began lo give up its fury,and the clouds ceased to showerdown their contents, the sun againshone brightly. It was a inagnill- -

cent sight to see these waves comingsome ol them at least 15 to 20 feethigh, lising above tho height of thepoints, almost completely enshrouding them with the waters, while tlioy'continued froliclng and rolling

thiowing about the glisteningspray. And the bun, as if desirousto furnish its shine to the grandeurof the sccuo, bhonc its brightestrays on the bluo spray, making itappear like a shower of ciystals anddiamonds. So magnificent lookedthis spectaclo, Hint the gayest scenein a most extravagantly furnishedball room, with its brilliancy ofbeauty and diamonds, could notcompare with tills grand sceno ofnature.

I have perhaps dwelt longer on

"'"' ? v?"" fyyft ,j ' ,.3gj

subjcct,tlian spaco poiinils, stillshould like to ask, would it not

benefit tho Government, as well asshipping ;md commerce, not to speak

the benefits that science wouldderive fiom it, if llio Lcgislatuicmcic to appropriate some nione foi

puiih.iho of uistiiunents, lo hi 1

used foi obetving the state of thewcatlici, wind and lain, tempera-lin- e

of the water of the ocean, etc.,etc. Ecn if the Government docsnot eicct any signal stations, whoresuch observations could be held,they could at least purchase sonicinstruments. I believe that most oftho wharfingers, stationed at theisland landings, would gladly de-

vote pait of their time to the takingthese observations, which shouldrecorded each day in a journal, C

copy of such to be delivered to nproper Government olllcc in Hono-lulu, whore a record of all observa-tions on the islands could be kept.This would certainly benefit ship-ping and commerce, nt the sametime being a valuable assistance toscience, lo aid it in solving thecause of such occurrences. The factthat the tidal waves, with all theirvarying heights and power, togetherwith the changes in wcatner, thewind still at, all limes during thisepisode (from 0 a. in. until C :30 p.m. on someday) from the north-ea- st

the waves lough seemingly arrivingfrom south, south-eas- t, ought to because sufficient to stimulato thatan interest should be taken towardssoh ing the cause of such occur-rences.

Koloa, August 9th.



August loth, is theday of the Assumption of theBlessed Virgin Mary, a holy day ofobligation, kept by the RomanCatholic Church.

Low masses with holy communionat G and 7 a. m. High pontifical massat 10.

Confirmation, Uosary and Bene-diction of the M. B. Sacrament at 3p. in.


Many of the advance sheets otthis coming woik aic now finishedand l eady for, the printer. The pre-face is an explanatory document ofconsiderable length, and from it wequote the following statement, vise. :

"The great need of an annual issueof the Honolulu Business Dhecloryis apparent in the continual andrapid changes that aie. going on inand aiound the city; the laige andincreasing numbers of removals;and in the many signs of a greattransition period from primitive toadvanced civilization through whichthe city is passing. In the progicssof Hawaiian events, new conditionsmust arise in quick succession ; andwants and improvements, hithertounthought-of- , will be called for.Among other innovations which thenear future will evolve may be men-tioned a postal delivery of mail-matt- er

by cariicis, and an authorizednumbering of the business placesand dwellings thioughout Honolulu.These improvements will greatly en-

hance the value of a yearly issue ofthe Honolulu Business IMrectoiy,until it will become a necessity. Tnepublishers intend lo meet thesewants, and to include in their ven-tu- ic

all the islands of the Hawaiiangioup, if the patronage accorded tothem proves sufficient."

Scveial other matters arc alludedto in the preface under notice, suchas unexpected obstacles placed inthe way of canvassers, lack of patronage compared" with what is givenlo foreign ventures of a similarnatuic, etc., etc.; but on the wholea hopeful view is taken, as the fol-

lowing quotations testify. "Not-withstanding the many drawbackswith which the compilers have hadlo contend, the piescnt issue of theHonolulu Business Directory will befound a creditable and very usefulproduction in affording a ready andsine means of finding the addressand calling of any icsidcnt woithy ofbeing l ecorded.Advqi Users have beenespecially considered in having theirnames capitalized, and in the pre-paiati-

ot a separate list of theirnames and business pursuits." Thepicfacc concludes as follows: "Thepeculiar needs of business commu-nity of Honolulu wiHbc studied inall future issues, and the publishersfeel confident that those needs canbe better understood by permanentresidents than by transient adven-tuici- s

who do directory businesssolely for its emoluments not tomention the fuct that foieign ven-tures take money from the islands,while local enterprises conserve inHonolulu whatever is spent or gainedin such undertakings."

BOAT BUILDINGRYAN'S Itear of Lucas' Mill.

'THEWORKINGMAN'S PAPERi. ltTho Daily Bulletin." 00 cents

per month.

IHE ONLY PAPER read by nil1 oloccne '.'I'lin llnilv Iliillntln." .1(1

cents pi r month.

Honolulu Chamber ol Commerce.

rpiIK annual meeting will ho held inX. thtf room of tho Chamber of Com.

merco, on WEDXKHDAY, August lfith,at 10 o'clock a. m. A lull attendance isrequested.

J, II. ATIimtTON,It) It Secretary.

v ft --y k .toiiwin4w

Auction Sales by James t Morgan.

Sale of WoDOmiBuilOmcs !

Bv criler of A I Cartwiiaht, Esq ,of thi Ki titi 'f b V Laiiic,

wil' sell it Public AtiitiiiiiJL

On FRIDAY, August 17, '88, ot


At the icnr of Lucas' Mill,

One Large Wooden Building

And One Half of the long Shids ntMr. Lucns' Stables. 1 Slud Is nov.

cred with Corrugated iron.

ESTBulldinES to he removed withindays from date of Sale.

oa.hu.JAS. F. MOltGAN,

10 3t Auctioned.


Jewelrv,By otik'r of .7. II Putnnin, ln , U. S.

Consul.Gcnui.il, I will si-l- l tit PublicAuction, ul my Salesroom,

Queen ptrcet,

On FRIDAY, August 17, 1888,


An assortment of


CLOCKS, ETC., ETC.L'donging to tho Instate of the late

Wiri. Turner, demnsud,


15 7t Auctioneer.

Postponement !


Messrs. H. HACKFELD & CO.,

lias been postponed to

MONDAY, August 20tu, 1888,At 10 o'clock a. m., when a Largo

Assortment of

Miscellaneous GoodsWill bo ollored.

JAS. F, MORGAN,is tf Auctioneer.

For Sale at Auction.

THE following animalsbe sold at auction

at the Government Pound,Koholaloa, on SATURDAY, Aug 18th,at 12 o'clock noon: 1 Bullock, t Horse,1 bay Bullock with wire attached to thenose, with a peculiar brand on bothfront and hind left Iocs; and 1 bayHorse. A. B. KAAUKUU,10 It Pound .Master.

AIuMuMacriee !

MR. A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Purposes leaving for tho Coast inOctober prior to which he

oilers tho whole of his

Handsomely Assorted Stock 1

Great Reduction for Cash I

Do not be nlnrmcd that you will riot boable to purchase in Honolulu a Hnnd.some Christmas Presents as in SanFrnneibco for Mr. Ilowctt is going toselect such a stock ns will suit the mostfastidcous and surprise our little city.

E6TA1I parties now indebted to himare respectfully requested to makeimmediate settlement. 10 2m

5,000 Pkgs --!Ol"'

Hay, Grali, Feci & Flour,Just rccolvcd per bktno "Sam'l O.

Wilder" mid


john i Jim & go.,18J Queen Htreet. lw


And For Sale at Unusually Low Rates.




In Pints nud Qnarts.

W. C. Peacock & Co,17J Merchant St, Ilonolulu. llw

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONJL advertlso in tho Daily Bulletin.

cwyA. w y - 7 t1"Aftyflt A"

Auction Salos by Lowls I Levey.

n0 11 U 1100 Ul I.

JL5Y AUCTION.T)Y MdorofW. C. Pmkc, Assignee of

the Kstnto ol A K l'nh'knhihl.Honolulu, a bankrupt, I will sell on

the premises

On ShtuiMlay, Aug. 18, 3S,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31.,

All 4he rbrlit title and iulcrest of theSMiffl A. K Pnli'kaluhi anil K'lluna hUwife, bclim u lllu Interest for their ownlives in ana to that piece of laud situateon the Kwr side of the Walknhnlubibridge, Honolulu, containing 1acre, more or less, togetlur with thebuildings thereon, to wit:1 Dwelling House !

Fronting School street, and hns fclxtcentobnis, Including Kitchen nnd Bath,room, and a Stable and Carriage llouaoIn the rear of Bald Dwelling House, andthe Lot is about 225 feet by 275 feetileop. Ami also all the Goods nndChutlels of the said A. K. 1'alckaluhlnow on said premises and mentioned Inthe schedule hereinafter written.

Tho purchaser or purchasers of theIInnsc3 can remove them nt his optionwithout any hindrance from tho owncisin fee sluiplo of the bald land.

Terms arc Cash and dcecs at cipenbcof the purchaser or purchaser?.

For furthir particulars enquire of W.C, l'arke, or to tho undersigned.

Schedule hereinbefore ruicirul to:Front Room 3 pairs Blinds, 8x12; 103

Verandah Tins, C pairs lilluds, 10x14; 2Cans Paint Oil with Oil, 1 Carpenter'sbench, 5 Carpentor's Horses, 5 emptyOil Cans, a I'lilut Cans, 3 Brushes, 9empty I'aiut Tins, 1 keg 10 l'euuhigsNails, 2 kegs 8 l'cnnings Nails, 1 kcj 3Pennings Nails, 1 box of old Locks niulScrews, 1 Lime Brush, 1 China Jug, 2empty Nail Kegs, (s Doors, 1 lot Lumber,1 10II Zinc for looting, 1 bundle Hoof-bi- g

( I in), 2 i.uuliala Mais.Room In toar of above Room 2 pabs

Blinds, 1 pair Window Blinds, 1 oldPlane, )a doz Crib Boards, 1 lot Car.riage Hume Cover, 1 Basket, 1 emptyUov, 2 isuklng Tans, 1 empty Tea Can,!l Tiimnlers, 3 Tumblers with handles, 1WhWkcy alusM's, H doz Buttci Dibh, 3Saucers, 0 small Hates, 0 small ColoredPlates, 2 Dinner Plates, 8 Pitchers, aiPlates, 1 Bowl, 1 Tool Chest, 4 smallPlinicj, 2 Saws, 4 Kou Calabashes, 7common Calabashes, S empty Boxes, 2Saddles, 1 Saddle Bag, 1 Saddle Cloth,1 Briddle, 2 Stool Chairs, 1 Ladder.

Kitchen 1 Stove, fixed down to tholiourci'i Tables, 0 1'ots, :t large OvenPans, 0 Chair?, 2 Lanterns, 2 FryingPans, 2 empty 'Jrtiuks with Old News-papti'd- .

Waikikl Room 12 Window Weight', 1Clock, 4 imply Boxes, 1 Iron Bedsteadwith Mattr.iss and Cui tain, 1 Chair andTable.

On Ground 1 Hose.Stable 1 Brake, for, breaking horses

in; 1 Covend Brake with Harness, 2Carriage Lamp3 and 1 Carriage Horse.

Waikikl Side 1 Stablo with 0 rooms, 1

old Harness and 1 lot Harness and 2 oldCarriage Lamps, 10 empty Barrels, c

empty Cans, 1 Washboard, 2 coil? Kope,1 old Lantein, 3 coils Wire, 1 old StepLadder.

Undormaln Duilding 10 empty Kegs, 11

empty Boxes, 2 empty Barrels and 1 letLumber.

"Portion of this Land is lease! tesome 3 Portuguese for 5 years, and thereaie 2 more years to run of each; rental,$30 per annum each, making SflO in allper annum.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,14 Ul Auctioneer.

THE WEEKLY BULLETI- N-X 2ti columns, purely local matter

Mailed U foicigu countries, $5 perannum.

1st Annual Picnic


Park Beach Hotel, Aug. 16, '88

First Bussei leave corner Hotel & Fortstreet at 2 r. u., direct to the Picnic

Ground, and every half hournfterwards.

iiouxn tiiii FAiti:, oo cunth.On arrival Opening Chorus by the

Aiion: "The Day of Our Lord," afterwhich will bo social games for youngnnd old.

Dancing in tho afternoon nud eveningwith intermediate srsging of the Club.

Bus Tickets for the round trip mayhe purohnsed at the olllce of PantheonBtables, or of Mr. B. F. Ehlcrs. Thosenot holding tickets will be charged 00cents each way.

'. Bfiy Complimentary Tickets can hohad on application to j. mnram, j.Huhash Oil. Gertz and II. J. Nolte,which lave to be presented at tho gate.

Hart & Co. have Accural tho prlrllepeto supply Lunches, Ice Cream, Lcmonadoand other refreshments on the occasionof tho Arlon Picnic and Ball at ParkBeach Hotel. 17 4t


ALL bills stnndlug six months nndthat nre not paid by August

22nd, will without further notice boplaced In the hands of a collector.J8 lw N. S. SACHS.

NOTICEtho Creditors of the Estato of Y.TO Anin, of Honolulu, a bankrupt,

take notlco:That the undersigned, Assignee of

the Estate of Y. Auiu, a bankrupt, haspieparatory to his final account anddividend, submitted his accounts assuch Assignee ami Hied tho sniuo be.foro Hon. ltvF. Blckerton, .Tustlcoof the,Supreme Court, at his Chamheis, towhom ho will apply at 10 o'clock a. u,.on MONDAY, August 20th, 1888, forsettlement of said accounts and for adischarge from all liability as suchAtslgnce, and for an order to makoa Dual dividend.

And that uny person interested maythen and there appear and contest thesame. W. O. PAltKE,Assignee of the Bankrupt Estato of

Y. Anin,Honolulu, August 18, 1888, 18 4t

JOB PRINTING of allkind exoat the Daily Bulletin Oilico

?f "' mfV f$,

..i j tm .,

Patent Elastic-- IN-

Jean, linsoit, Linen, Citoiainl ami Flanilctlo.

jpSoniething Now and Suitable foi thin Climate jgi


On Account of mmmm









Plush Sets, Ladies' Work Baskets,Plush fc Leather Bisque, Glass it Parian Waic, Opera &

Marine Glasses, Telescopes,

IMTixsic Boxes, Toys, JESoolts. --AJLfoimiis,.And other things too numeious

Goods will bo ofl'ercd at the

Lowest Prices aw ptol la flu KliiJan

fl3"Tho aboe Goods are New,been imported ex recent arrivals and

gg OllPElTSr 33"JSJT3LIG- - -- a

H . Gf R A001 IOC Ui-- t

m S

tVfWHMVMrtl HlllftWH fW'il WWfHIII

Hardware3rorari? srx'ieEiij'x

o2T Nc' Line of cgy-- BAHGAINS

Lamps, Gliandeliers & Lanterns,Lower Trices ever before. New of

SHIMRDWAM, PLOf S k GI'LJust Received

initio Tn IiHijanir.'.'.SS

Novollic niicl IT

The KamehamehaPreparatory School for' Boys,

The Knmehauielm P tp.iuieij Schoolfor Bojs will be realy for the uiiniislon ot pupils tho last Tuesday in Octo-ber, 1888.

Only a limited number, between thoages of and 12, will be received thisyear, and those desiring to enter theschool ni.ike application previousro ueiouer i, msa.

A list of article to bo furnished byparents will bo sent on application lotho Principal.

Each pupil must brlnir a medical cor.tificatc.

This school is designed to lit hoys forthe luimchaineha Bchool, and will pro-vide elementary instruction in language,numbers and music.

The charges for tuition will heper annum, ayablc in 980 installmentsat the beginning of each term.

Further information may be obtainedby applying to the Principal,10 lm MISS C. A. KEAMER.


MUSIC furnished for ball?, partiesserenades by Palinrr's String

Band. Orders left at O. WilliurnH',or ring up Mutual Telephone 830. 74 tf

Portland Cement !

"VVlillo Bros' Cement (full vielght).

FOR SALEAt lowest tnaiket rate.


Pliotogranl 11C

U 1

Just the thing for collectors ofIsland Views.

A completo assortment just receiveddirect fiom Now York.

All Sizes & Prices.Intended puichascrs will do well to

examine line boforn purchasingelsewhoro Bizcs from 3if by 4.f to10X by 13, For Sale only by the

Hawaiian News Co.10 lm

!" f ,MihJ-C-


28 68 lin


to mention. All the above


In ;

Ficsh and of the Latest Debign, havingwore solectcd cxpiessly for the trade.

tWW V'M W.


At than invoice s






4gto&artf misAMmmdA; -

taar , j?ui w ASfcj; & --f'ssS&i 'Jzw&M-ifrJ- ,



' " L- ' - -




Honolulu. tf



re "Vn.rit,y.


Tli second yi ai of the KamehamchaS ool li r Hnu- - will begin the firstTiles laj in Su t ruber, 18S8.

Manual induing classes will be pro-vided in Caipcntry, Printing, Wood,turning, Blacksmithing, Plumbing, Sew.ing and Stonecuttiug.

The corps of Teachers consists ofItev. "Wm. B. Olcaon, Pi incipal ;

Mr. II. S. Townsend, Assistant Prin.cipal;

Mr. W. S. Terry, Superintendent ofWork Shops;

Mr. Levi Lymnu, Miss L. L. Dressierand MisH M. E. Hillubrund, AssistantTeachers.

This school aims to give "a good edu-catio- n

in the common English branches,and also instruction in morals nnd insuch useful knowledge as may tend tomako good and industrious men."

The chnrces arc M0 ner vcar. with anadditional chargo of 83 per year for in.cidcntal expenses,

Further information may be obtainedby applying to the Principal,10 lm KEV. WM. B. OLE80N.

Corrugated Iron !

Best Crown Brand.

6, 7, ,8, and 9 Feet LengthsJust landed Pa. Ship "Cockermouth"

For Sale in Quantities to Suit.

Also, fi00 Bhls. White Bros.'


At the Lowest Market Rates.

WILDER & CO.03 tf

Notice of Copartnership.HPIIE uudersicned hnvo this dayJ foimed a copartneishlp lo conduct

a retail store on KInaii street, Honolulu,under the style of Andradn A Co.


Honolulu, August 0, 1888. 17 3t y


r a 'fc P

1 1$ i.

. if




' ih--X i




v.k.. 1 '




I flr t '

I- -

Page 3: Insurance '3 · 2015. 5. 30. · ana uutiuer,"tr5a,KlTJCHi--Honolulu Steam Planing Millg, Kt.pla nadu, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackots, Window Frames, BllndH,

smrGcnllotucu will do tvell to call JWSPThe AnoAdc lUo placo to HIT Tun DaUA tilLMiiX WliSfeWfCO.. cWGo to the AnoAua andCARRIAGE cmagetHONOLULU WSrPull lino of Ladles' Minos' 6Qo to the Auoadk forlatest your Slmmakv Jb tho best to sendat tlio Akoawij anil cxMnitio the buy your Dt'csa Goods, latest style paper

Hack atttiul Merchant ami Fort in C'olhhig at tho lowest price in the of them Fino Embroidered DreaBos, and Children's Hats, Ladles' Misses' Fancy Goods, Clianille, Pon Vons, Silks, Woolens and Lawns. The lo friends abroad. Mailed to anystreet. Telephones, 83i. Kingdom. only 8H.G0. and Childron's Shoe at thd Aiicadk. Trimmings, yplnMicrs, Tidies, Etc. leader of low prices. address S5 per annum, which in-

cludesinch postage.

I .






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Htnir W 0 Hall fiom l.almlim. Mmilucn,ICon nail Kau


Llkellku for Knliuliii ami Maul at5 Ml

Stair .1 A Cummins for KoolnuBtmr Kaala for Walnliiaaiul Watannc at

!) a mfltinr Leliiia for Nuu and ports In Ha- -

innkiia and Illlo DistrictsSclir Mtimiokawal for ICoolati at 3 p inatnir Klnan for llllo and way ports at

i i) infltmr SUUahala for Kauai at 5 p m


Stitir Kilaticu Hon for Kalaupapa andIlainakiri at ii p in

Schr Kaulllua for Kauai at 10 a mJ8tmr Mokolll for Molokai


The baikcntliics S N Castle and Eu-

reka were to leave San Francisco forHonolulu about August (ith.

TUo bark Ccvlon was loading red-

wood lumber at Mcudocinn county,.! nly2!)th, and the bark Aldeu Bcsslo was toload coal for Kahuhii, Maut.


The fisli-inurk- ct shed leaked badlyduring tho late rains, wetting every-

thing. . ...

Mn. E. Evarts, late iirst assistantengineer of tho Kinau, is now chiefengineer of the Kilauea IIou.

Tun annual meeting of the Chani-fcor- of

Commerce will bo held at 10

o'clock morning.

Mn. Trott, Paymaster's Clerk oftho U. S. S. Omaha, fell at Wnikikion Satuiday, and fractured one of hislot's.

Mn. A. M. Howett is reducing hisslock, to make room for Christmasgoods, and is helling at a "mammothsacriiicc."

A puiison recently from Maui saidiliat ho had mot about 10 desortorsi rom war-vessel- s, at work on variousplantations.

Tin: U. S. S. Omaha was extricatedfrom her awkwaul position at tliofoot of Fort street this morning, andmoored again in tho navel row.


Mn. J. L. Kaulukou announces intliis morning's "Advertiser" that heis a candidate for the vacant seat inAho IIouso of Nobles.

A telephone message from Waia-na- o

this morning said that tho seawas so rough there this forenoon thatjio vessel c.oyid enter.

-- oMn. J. G. Carney, formerly chief

engineer of the Kilauea IIou, has ac-

cepted tho position of superintend-ent of tho machinery department of

Alio Kahului Railway.T 1

Seamkn say that tho reason thoOmaha got adiift Monday morning,was because tho stern mooringswhich sho was attached to wore rot-

ten. They are said to have beenthere for years and years, without rc- -


Tun glass pait of tho lamp at theboat landing, which sheltered a light-

ed candle the "boys" would put inthere at night, was blown down dur-

ing the galo, and now the boys willcharge $2.50 to haul out anybodywho walks overboard and $1 to wringout his clothes.

Tub "strange story" told by anOmaha man gives all tho credit ofthumping the policeman Kcumi to aman-of-war- 's man named ration.Patten is said to bo a lighter from

"Fighterville, and can get away withthree white men, to say nothing of

one Hawaiian policeman..


Tin: city front was comparatively;ahii and decidedly hot this morn-ing. Tho debris of yesterday's stormwas being collected by wharf rats,wlio woro having a hilarious timo intho water. All of tho vessels hadthoir sails unfurled lo dry and sail-

ors were busy cleaning up. Oldon meeting immediately

took up tho subject of konns and.Willi quavering voices related tho"slornjs of 20 years ago.

In passing tho store of Mr. Mc-"Incr-

ono cannot help admiring thoelegant display of goods in tho vari-ous linos now being sot out. Amongtho choico variety will bo seen thofamouB Balbjiggan hosiery in ladies',gents', Misses' and children's goods,for which tho house aro tho specialagents hero.' A look at thoso win-

dows will do any ono good, oven ifthey aro nol in a buying mood. Woadviso tho public to paiiBo and oxain-in- o

this lino display. 3t


Policeman Keumi has made asworn statement of tho treatment hoReceived on hoard the U. S. S.Omaha, Sunday morning, nnd Mr.p. P. Hastings, who was on thoship at tho time, and a bluejacket oftho vessel, in relating what thoysaw, concur with Keumi. When thepoliceman had taken off tho hand-

cuffs from tho second man, (tholarger ol tho two prisoners), ho wasstruck over tho left eye. Ho re-

treated to tho companion-ladde- r,

closely followed by his assailant.Ho was kicked and beaten oven af-

ter ho got iuto tho water.

Tlio two deserters, for whose capture rewards had been advertised,were caugiu nj io.j" iunot policemen ; and as to their (thedeserters) being badly treated bythe police, that is emphatically de-

nied by the Marshal. When thewere cnaight, one of them

had a loaded pistol, and Raid liewould not bo taken on board the ves-

sel alive.The affair will probably be placed

before tho American Minister, andthe belligerentcourt martialed.


Drill of Co. B Honolulu Hides, at7:30 o'clock.

Mooting of Geo. "W. DcLong PostG. A. It., in Harmony hall, at 7:30o'clock.

Meeting of Excelsior Lodge No.1 1. 0. O. P., in Its hall Port street,at 7:30 o'clock.

Legislative Assembly.

G3m Day Aug. 13.


Tho IIouso opened at 10 a. in.Picsident AV. 11. Castle in the chair.Roll called and absentees noted.


Noble Waterhouse presented apetition from Meckapu praying thathe might be allowed to practice me-

dicine on lepers. Referred to Sani-

tary Committee.Rep. Ilclckuiiihi presented a peti-

tion from Maui praying that $1,500be appropriated for a breakwater atHuelo. Referred to Public landsCommittee.


Noble Smith reported from theJudiciary Committee on the bill toamend Section 1030 of the CivilCodo, which reduces the time withinwliic-- suits mav be brought fordebt, to one year, recommendingthat it be laid on the table. Adopted.


Consideration of the bill to en-

courage the cultivation of coffee.On motion the bill was considered

section by section.Section 1 was read and Noble

Baldwin moved that it pass as read.Noble Wight moved that Section

1 with the remainder of the bill beindefinitely postponed. He saidthat the committee to whom it was re-

ferred had recommended anotherway of subsidizing this industry,anil that was by offering a bounty,which he supported in preference tothis bill. Ho thought that tho bet-

ter way to encourage the cultivationof coffo was by offering a bounty,and not subsidize one company tothe extent that this bill calls for.Again, if it was definitely knownwhere the experimental stationwould be established itmight bo different.

If it is to be in Hilo or 11a- -

makua, or in any district of the Isl-

ands with a similar climate, it wouldbo folly to subsidize it, as the product would be comparatively value- -

lcS9Noblo Baldwin spoke in favor of

the bill and against the report of themajority of the committee, recom-

mending a bounty. He said thiscountry cannot afford to experimentin bounties. All European coun-

tries where the bounty system hasbeen adopted are trying to throw itolF, as it is oppressive to the people.Ho supported tho bill, because ho

thought the Government should helpsuch industries as will develop theresources of the country. It hasbeen estimated that there are nowabout 100,000 acres of land on theIslands suitable for the cultivationof coffee, a much larger area manthat available for sugar ; and if the.cultivation of coffee receives Gov-

ernment encouragement, a great in-

dustry may be inaugurated. Heargued that an area might be culti-

vated, that would yield coffeeenough to gain a bounty of $2,000,-00- 0

a year, and this country cannotstand any such expenditure ofmoney. Ho said that the UnitedStates had adopted about the samemeans' for encouraging industries asthis bill provides. The method aim-

ed at in this bill is that a companyshall receive Government aid, ifthoy will comply with certain condi-

tions. Thoso conditions aro thatthey shall at all times maintain amnilfil farm with all tho necessarymachinery for the production of thebest possiulo mercnantamc nruoic.Ho considered that tho cultivationof coffco in this country, was in itsinfancy, although others argue tothe contrary. Ho compared thobiigar industry of to-da- y with whatit was four years ago. Then it wasno uncommon thing that sugar net-

ted 8100 and 8110 a ton, with wagesless than one-ha- lf what they aronow. The treaty camp and for sometime a stimulus was given to tlio in-

dustry; subsequently sugar wentdown to as low as 882 per ton, wagesdoubled, and yet planters clearedfrom 815 to 820 net on their sugar.Tho reason of this was that as a sti-

mulus was given to the business, im-

proved methods of cultivation andmanufacture wero introduced. Thosewho wero in tho business beforethought they knew all about sugarcultivation, but when this Htimuluscame and wages went up and pricesdown, thoy found out that theyknow but very little. They wereobliged to import skilled men and

machinery, and after so doing, al-

though prices went down, yet the.profits were not decreased much.So it will be with coffee, if a stimu-lus is given to its cultivation it willdevelop into a great industry. Abounty, will not stimulate such anindustry, for tdo small coffoo plant-ers will not impoit improved ma-

chinery. Tlicy will only continuein the same old way, and drawthe bounty from the Governmentwithout any equivalent to theGovernment. It has been arguedthat this bill was introduced to sub-sidize Mr. Porsyth. Such an ideais perfectly absurd. It is to en-

courage .the cultivation of coffeeand as Mr. Porsyth is here andconies highly recommended as aspecialist in the cultivation of coffee,he has been selected to further theenterprise. If they (the company)find that Mr. 1'orsytli is not the per-son he is represented, thoy caneasily get rid of him and empl6yanother who is a skilled cultivator.He (Mr. Baldwin) said he was wil-

ling to take somo stock if a com-

pany should be started, for the solepurpose of giving it a fair trial. lieshould not make a business of it, ashe believed his sugar business wouldpay better. If the members of thisHouse think that they should havenothing to do with this matter, thendrop the wholo thing, as tho Gov-

ernment cannot afford lo pay boun-ties.

Noblo Widcmann said he wassorry that names had been called inthis House, as he had not intendedto use any names. The lion. Noblesaid that this bill was not broughtfor the benofjl of Mr. Forsyth. Hethought that it was brought in forno other purpose. It has been saidthat coffee had always been culti-vated in a slip shod manner. Hehad been a victim of systematiccoffee cultivation on Kauai. IIchadthe most improved machinery andthe plantation was most thoroughlycultivated, but what came of it? Theblight came and all was lost. Ifthey were going to encourage thecultivation of codec, all should havethe benefit of such encouragement,but this law will only benefit a certain few, and the largo majority willnot be benefited in the slightes.tIt had been argued that the Gov-

ernment cannot afford to pay boun-ties, that the sum will be so greatthat it will be impossible lo raise it.When the bounty amounts to suchformidable proportions as that, theycould very easily stop it. If thislaw has to pass, then let the title bechanced "to encourage a certaincompany to cultivate coffee."

Noblo Smith was in favor of thebill. He had implicit faith in thefuture of this country, and thoughtthat thp country should encourageall such enterprises. He referredto the future Commerce of tho Paci-fic, when the Panama Canal shall beopened, and spoke of the rapidstridesof California, and attributedit to its agricultural development.It is so in all countries, when agri-culture is gone extensively into anddeveloped, lie would like to see asimilar bill to encourage the growthof tobacco. He should always sup-

port any measure that had for itsobject, the development of the re-

sources of the country.Minister Thurston said that, as

the introducer of the bill, he wouldsay that he should favor it. Nowis the time to commence. Becausesome old moss grown shell backsays that he tried coffee 40 yearsago, and it would not grow, that isno reason that it will not grow now,perhaps 40 years hence sonic one ofthe same class may say, oh, wctried coffee 40 years ago, and it wasa failure. If it was a failure 40years apro, that is no reason that itshould be so now, and if these oldgray headed members were not suc-

cessful in the cultivating of coffco,let them step down and out so thatsomo of the younger ones may tryand sco if it won't grow now. Hosaid that unscrupulous attacks hadbeen made on Mr. Forsyth by theHon. Noble Widcmann. Now ifanybody wants to know anythingabout Mr. Forsyth or his connectionwith coffco and ciuchonaAin othercountries, they can sco his creden-tials and correspondence with theGovernments which he has represent-ed id the Interior Office. To saythat this bill is in the interest of Mr.Forsyth is not true. Ho (tho Minister) had supported the urn rromthe first, not because' ho was inter-ested, as ho did not contemplatoinvesting ono dollar, ns ho had nomoney to invest. Thcro were meaninsinuations and inuendoes circulat-ed about Mr. Forsyth, but not asiuglo open accusation has beenmade. Theso remarks ho thought,were not against Mr. Forsyth butwere directed against himself by theHon. Noblo, because ho was a sup-

porter of the measure. He res-

pected tho opinion of tho Hon. No-

ble from Kohala and believed thatho was sincere and honest in hisopinion, but ho thought he was mis-

taken in regard to the inferences hohad drawn. Ho said tho bountysystem was a drain on tho Govern-ment with no returns, wher'cas thosubsidy system was u gain. Whenthe reform party camo into powerho was of tho opinion that thoy weroof a progressive turn, and wouldnot bo like an old hen sitting oh anest of eggs that had become anti-

quated. Thoy did not want tho ideas


Owing lo my departure for San Prancisco and tho Easlvin Stales 1 have decided to hold a Grand Clearing Halnew mipoilaliouedepartment.


Grand Reduction for


60 DaysExtraordinary Bargains1 call attention to the general public that prices were never reduced so low and exceptionally striking baigains aro oll'ored

.Immense Reduction in Our Domestic Department'.Blankets, Bedspreads, Table-Damask- s, Towels, Comforlors, Prints, While it Brown Cotton, Sheetings in all widths, etc., etc., etc., etc

SPECIAL BARGAINS, SPECIAL BARGAINS.30 iiij Batisle, fast color, reduced from 20e. to 12Jc. per yard ; 20

Gingham, to closo out at 10c. yard ; 125 pes.


Whito Gc. Porcale, toassortment



Scotch Whito Dress Goods, Nainsook, Seersuckers, Clioviots, Satino Brocades, Cliamhray Hmmi Suiting, Cambric n great aisort-me- ut

of other Wash Goods. SWEEPING BEDUCTION 10 pes. Jet Black Hcnriotte Cloth, extra quality douhlo width, red. fiom $1.50 lo $1.00 a yard

Great Reduction in Gassimeres & Marinos ! Ladies' Cloth double width, reduced to 46c, a yard,

PAKASOL Our cntiie stock of Parasol less manufacturer's cost. Particular attention is called lo our Ladies', Misses' & Childrons' Muslin Under-wear which aio od'ered at a great sacrifice. LadicB. Beiliu Wool Knitted Shawls, halt price. Groat Bargains in Ladies' Waists.

Reduction in Misses' fc Childrens' Dresses, & Laco Caps. Ladies' Knitted Underwear; Ladies' Merino, full finished vosts, red. from$2 to $1; Ladies' India Gauzo, full vest, led. from $1 to G5c.; a full lino of Ladies' India Gauze Vest, led. from 75 to 50c. Special attention is

called to our

Eiroitts, Oriental Laces, Torcloni Laces, Colorel Eireitts, wliicl sold at Hone Cost

Special sale Oriental Lace, In lioloku length,

fc!lioe Department I DepartmentFrench Kid Button Shoe, hand sowed, red. from $6.50 to $5.50; French Kid Button Shoe, best value, from $5 to $1; French Button Shoe, n

beauty, red. from $5.50 to $4.50 Children' French Kid Button red. from $2 to $1.50, sizes Ladies' Black Silk Hose, red. to $1 a valuo $1.

in Ladles k Boys' Wlitc Sits, Boy's Knee Pails, lo 50c.

gjCyAnybody in search Bargains should first at the Tcniplo of before purchasing wo guarantee you will savo money. Duringour Sale all Goods sold "C. O. D." Aug. ni

of 10 years ago, but progressivemeasures. He should support anyand all measures would helpdevelop the country, be it coffee, to-

bacco or anything else. If wo doas the lion. Noblo Widcmann wishes,we shall bo as far behind 40 yearsfrom now as wc are at tho pres-ent time. So far as tho personalattack on himself was concerned hocared nothing for it, he would puthis record against the honorablemember's dnrjng tho tjino jlc hadbeen in the House, and let tho mem-bers judge for themselves. If any-thing was to be done, it should bedone now and demonstrate for alltimo 'whether or not the countrymust depend on sugar and rice.

Noble Widcmann asked the Min-ister of the Interior if ho sdid thathe had circulated stories aboutForsyth.

The Minister replied that ho hadsaid that stories had been circulatedas having come from him and thosowho train with him,

Continuing, Widemann saidho had been called an old shell back,a gray headed fossil, a andother epithets. He was not inthe habit of calling people suchnames, but whatever the Ministermay' call him ho cared nothinglie would say that this is perhapsanother pet scheme of tho Minister,which ho wants to foist on the pub-lic. He said it was so, that 40years ago he did with his own handsplant coffee, and he would like tosee the Minister of the Iutcrior dothat. He has not got tho pluck todo it. He can sit there and spendother people's money, though, to doit.

Noble Wight said that from theremarks of tho Minister of the In-

terior one would think that ho (Mr.Wight) was opposed to developingthe recources of the Kingdom ; thiswas a great mistake. He was infavor of encourageing all Industriesthat would tend to develop thecountry, but did not favor the pay-ing of subsidies lo corporation, hemuch preferred that all should havea chance, and by so doing encour-age tho small farmer to greater exertions to cultivate his laud and per-fect his crops.

Recess until 1 p. m.AFTUItKOON SESSION.

The House at 1 p.m. and resumed consideration of theCoffco Bill.

Nobles Baldwin, Young, audReps. Kauhaue, Hclekunihi andKinney spoke in favor of the bill.

Noble Wight and Reps. Kamau-oh- a

and Paehaolo spoko against it,Karaauoha favoring tho bounty sys-

tem, and Fachaole thinking woll ofsome of tho provisions of tho bill.

The motion to indefinitely post-pone the first section was lost. Ayea-10- ;

Noes 23.Clause 7 of Scctiou I) was referred

to a Special Committee. Tho re-

mainder of the bill passed, andfurther consideration was delayedfor tho report of tho committee.

Second reading of the bill to pro-vide for tho performance of tho du-ti- cr

hitherto performed by Govern-ors. Tho bill was considered sec-

tion by section, and passed withsomo slight amendments offered bytho minority rf tho Judiciary Com-

mittee except section 7 that was on

motion of the Minister of tho Inte-

rior deferred untilThird Teading of the Honolulu

Street Railway Bill.' Further con-

sideration deferred.Secdnd reading of tho bill to rcguj

late tho sale of liquors. Diewas under consideration wheu thoIIouso adjourned.


Piquo, per ; 11(1 in. reducedGinghams, best in reduced cost.

SPECIAL SALE INGinghams, Lawns,

thanreduced Jersoy

Bonnets Heavyfinished




50c. yard ; 20 pes. Oriental red. to 5c. yard worth 15c

lioe !

Our: 3-- 6 ; pair,

of Fashion Goods,




Pronch 12Jc.colored town,


Xotlcea utuler thlt hetil are charged JO centsfcr Untor thefirst instrtten, anil ctntsper lineevery attdithnal insertion,

CLEAN RAGS and .second baudwill bo gratefully receiv-

ed for the use the inmates theBranch Hospital for Lepers at Kaknnko,or nt the Leper Scttlmcnt on Molokai,if left with J. "Waterhouse, jr., at theQuccu Street Store t&f tf

-- ron THIS- -

:L..A.SrJ7 WEEK!-- or Qim- -


152 dozen Ladies' colored borderedHandkerchiefs 50c per doz

81 doz Ladies' unbleached Balbri-grt- ii

Hose, silk clockeo fullfinished at 25c

Gents' white liuen Shirts, linen bo-Ho-

and ourts ,$1220 do. Gents' full flnUh Balbrigan

Undershirts, either long or shortsleeves, all sizes 45c each

Gents' whito cotlon Undoshirts...


full finished silk clocked. $2.25 per doz

A very large Stock of School

Hats at : : 25c each

Gunts' linen Collars (standing10c each

A full liud of all wool Overshirtsand all wool Underbills fiom. .

?1 upGents' fmo l'ajuma Suits from. . .

$3 up17(1 doz Children's colored Hose.. .

lOo pr pairFino Tuiktsh Bath Towels

, II for 50cLinen hand-inad- o

, 15c eachBlack Silk stiipo Grenadine

20o per yardLadies' Jcibey Waists from

', 75c upMisses' and Children's IIomi, full

finish Silk Clocked in pinkand blue, from size 4 to a, at. .

25c per pair

We liavc made a REDUCTION Id all


Bcmemher this is our last weekof our


CHAS. J.The Leading Millinoiy House.

Corner of Fort & Hotel streets.July 17-8- 8

jij, tfALrryc:

for l!0 in room for

pes. atfast at



of of



pes. red. 10c. orth 20c

teSlioe Departmentred. Kid

Immense Eeiction Corsets retocetcall









! !

! I





Days older make



Lace, yrd.




Black Jersey Black JerseyFOR LADIES FOR LADIES

1731 ly








A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work,


79 81 King; street


f1 Vojii Kiner aud SSt.

Every of work in the above lines ia a flrst-olua- s manner.

agrBoll lC7-i- a (mrh ESTBell 107--a

HI tEj B B a to.







t A.1? rVLIJSi i--




&?.. tWi


Carriage Building',


UH! Rose Premises.ISulvn-iiee- Mei-olm- ut

description performed

Also, Horse Shoeing Specialty.Telephone, Telephone,


For Sale Cheap For Sale Cheap



FEED CO,,Corner Edinburgh Queen Streets.




Granite, kon and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,



J J.'&


.m' ni,




s -

Page 4: Insurance '3 · 2015. 5. 30. · ana uutiuer,"tr5a,KlTJCHi--Honolulu Steam Planing Millg, Kt.pla nadu, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackots, Window Frames, BllndH,

Kg ' yti" m

ft"nrr A flTT A W A T1V TKt'VCJ'iria.T'irSiWiM R NTTSTVrTW Cioiwlm.e' nannnnn Pvmmcc Hn r ft S R. f!fl R TIME TAPT.T1.. 11 1 l"l I Ifl .1 Ti ' 1 J Ci J? "1Ma& m m a ii s m i s- - iiy i in,; m 8i- - h. d v . wwimiyio uy " h' "" u' ..... n i w --" " " " --- .- . unpv unnnn unrn wr arn i.mnnrn -


:7 ,r HHHVHI1 M .&& 01 UOHUll IBUIUI, --- rj ""TOUTXIV 85 STKEET, HONOLULU. "' P'oprlclore. --VW4Z -- - t2ilw4UCbS)T4 "t;ljai-- '


ff- -V- -





' .v

: " " M SANDERS, .B fc

SK J . w




I(icncnilAccountants and Collectors.,

AgentsHcnl Estate, Fire &. Life Insurance

Agents, Custont-lloub- o, Loun and Exchange Brokers.

Departments of Business:Books find Accounts accurately kept nml properly adjusted. .Collations will reeelvo special attention and returns promptly made.Convoynuoing a Spccinlty. Hccords searched and roncct Abstracts of Title

furnished.leiral Dociimonts and Papers of every description caiofully drawn and hand.

somely cugrossed.Copying and Translating i" nil languages in general utc in this Kingdom.

Ileal Estate bought and a.ol.1. Taxes paid mul 1'iopcity safely in'iircd.Housos, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, ami lents collected.

Fire and Life Insniamo ellcrtcd In flrst-clas- s lnsuranco Companies,

Custom-Hous- e Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans negotiated at lavorablo rales.

Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable tcims.Inter-Islan- d Ordors will receive particular attention.

W All Business entrusted lo our caro will receive pro nipt and faithful attention at

moderate charges.

Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-liv- e years In

New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an

Intrlcato and complicated nature, or lctmlrlng tact and discretion-- , and respectfullysolicit a trial.

Bell Telcphono No. 274. IInvniinu XJiisiiiCHK Aprcucy.ian. ly


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and EuropeFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All ordors faithfully attended toand Goods delivered to any part ot the city free of charge. Island orders roli-cltc-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. 92. 1CS ly

Tolcphono 240.- -






--P. O. Box 297.

O O I S--



-- nojgr-


Frozen Oysters & Fresh Goods Irom California on ICE by each steamer ol the 0. S. S. Co.A complete line of Crosse & Blackwcll's and J. T. Morton's English

Cannod Goods always on hand.

--IS" 3E W O--

Smoked Stlmoii, Edam Cheese, Pineapple Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Oregon CreamCheese, New York Cheese, Cain. Mild Cheese, New Zealand Cheese, WhitakcrStar llnm ic Bacon, Cicily Lemons, Smoked Beef, Smoked Foiled Stiusagc, a fewof the Celclnatcd Cissard Hams & Baron, Cain. Roll Butter, F.trd Dates, Sardinesin Tomatoes, Queen Olives in kegs, Call. Mixed Pickles in kegs, Wellington EpgFood, Maple Syrup in J gallon tins, Iluckins Green Turtle Soup, Huckins Ter-rapin Soup, C.ila. Keg Butter, Now Zetland Keg Butter and a complete line ofAmerican Canned Goods always on. hand; line New Zealand Onion and Potatoesnow on hand, by each arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.5 1 " Islaxicls Orders Solicited.





Dupcc Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Pork, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Tabic Fruits, Gormen,

IlnckiiiH & IPrnnco Aiucricnu Fecl Co.'s Awsort'sl Sonps,Ridges Food, Imperial Granum, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafers, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCrackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Salt the Times,

UQT" Leave your orders, or ring up 119. "fl

Just Received at Holiister & Go.'sA large assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising the well-know- n brands of





Sale at; DEieaoiialb)l3 3PriceWHOLESALE AND RETAIL.


iimmary,"on August 14th.

The Best Paper to Send Abroad.

Steam Woiks, Sunny South, Wnikiki.

J. E. BROWN & CO., - - Proprietors.Dopot, 28 Morclmnt Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.


0'Tho Only Appnrntus making High Class


Grenadane, Raspberryade,And PURE, STRONG; EFFERVESCING

PLAIN SODA WATER.Xntcst Improved Machinery nnd Patent Class-vnh- o Bottles.

TELEPHONES Bell, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box,

Orders delivered to any part of tho city. Iblund orders solicited,10 tf

The "Daily Bulletin

Will ho Issued

Columns of Interesting News


F. I. CUnER,Olllec, 81 King stirel, Telephone No. 80.

Itcsidqnco Telephone No. !202.

Piano aiidFurnituicmoUugaspeoialtyWagons meet all iiiumihigstwuiicia.


llni just received by lato arrivals itsplendid stock of


3f ,


"Which he is now selling nt extremelyLow Prices Ira


ri"llK lirem scs of Mr. K.ftW JL More, comer of Plikoi$m nuil Ueictania streets, lor

partlrulais eniiuiio atK. MOltE & CO.,

tf King street.


rpHE Houso and Lot ouI llnrntnilill Rlrrnt next to

SSSMr. John Ena's on tho west;large lot runs from Berctania to Youngsticct. House contains parlor, dining-room- ,

three large bedrooms, kitchenbath-roo- and Inquire of

tf W. C. WILDER.


nOTTAGE, corner ICmg and

WSKAIrffl hao Church; 5 rooms, all con- -

veniences. Rent 25 per month. ApplyJ. R. BROWN & CO.

07 tf


fine Milch Cow,ONE 123. Applyat tho Bum.kiin Office.

94 8td oaw


PIGS. Inquire ofV. BARWICK,At Oabu College.

08 If

Notice to Shippers.t-- rpHE schooner "Waichu"

.fefeW J-- will leave Honolulu ou--S&MM MONDAY NEXT, July 30lh,3SsiS for Kuau and Maliko, and

hereafter will run regularly hetwecnthe above poits. Por freight or passageapply lo the Captain on board. 03 lin

FOR SALE.- WHALE BOATS; Decked3 Whale Boat, 30 feet long, !1 feetdeep, 8 feet wide; 2 22 feet burl Boats;.1 IS feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet C inches wide, 2 feet0 inches deep, with mast and pails allcomplete; 1 21 feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Apply to.

E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. CI tf


Punahou Preparatory School,

HONOLULU, XI. I.Fall Terms opens Monday, Sept. 10, '88

Tho faculty at Oahu College will loconstituted as follows:

Row W. C. Merritt, A. B., Yale Col.lege President Mental and MoralScience.

Prof. A. B. Lyons, A. M., M. D., Wil.Hams' College Chemistry and NaturalSciences.

Rev. A. D. Bisscll, A. B., AmherstCollege Instrumental & Vocal Music.

Miss M. Ella Spooner, Mt. IlolyokeSeminari Latin & English Literature.

Aiissii. is. uusnman, A. u uuernnCollege Greek, Mathematics and Rhe-toric.

Mrs. L. D. Primoy French, Mathc-matic- s

and .English.These are all successful teachers who

hae had experience in their respectivedepartments.

The faeulty at the l'unahou I'repara-tor- y

School will consist of the followingwell known successful teachers:

Miss N. J. Malone Principal 1stand 2nd Grades.

Mifas Margaret Brewer 3rd nnd 4lhGrades.

Mibs E. B. Show fith and Gth Giades.Miss Helen S. Chamberlain 7th and

Sth Grades.The Boarding Department will he

under the btime management as hereto-fore, and the Trustees are confident thatit oircrs hotter privileges as a schoolhome than can ho obtained clscwhcrofor the same money.

It is desiied lliat i.uly applicationshould bo made lor ull intending toenter cither school. 00 tf

U King st. 1I"!!153)1 U King st."JfelImporters of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

coeuice"poles.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr.10.88

Tho Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Oofibe at 111 Hours

Tho Finest Brand of

Cigars, Jg& Tobacco

A.l-wn- on Jin ml.II. J. NOI.TJ2, Proprietor.



81 King Street, opposite tho Old StationHouse.

alnLiiul Tclcphouo No.87 If


beg to call tho attention of my friendsnnd tho general public to my

Fine Stock of GoodsJust received. A careful inspection

will convince you that

BETTER GOODSIn my lime have never been offered

in this city.$QPPloaso Givo mo an Early CalM




FOR fi.SALEThe Entire Plant of "the


Is offered For Sale. Tho Machineryis in perfect working order

and consispof

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trash-carrie- r, Etc., complete,1 Pair ol Boilers 6x20,1 Double Effect 6 and 7 loot Pans,1 Vacuum Pan G foot with Blako Pump,3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine,

Together with the usual assortment of

Clariflers, Glean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Machinery usually foundin a well appointed mill.

Also, anumher of

raia & IiJ

Cane Carts & Qen'l PlantationImplements.

Delivery will be given after next crophas been harvested, say about July 1,1SS0.

E3yFor further particulars apply to

JOHN HiND,Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii.

48 tf

y ill l--i mitelliiCo.OF SA2T FRANCISCO.


Made in America.

Meals Superior to all Others.

GONSALVES & CO.,Hole AccntH or tho Hawaiian

Islands.78 tf


lite Bros: Port Cunt,Blacksmith Coal,Firo Bricks,Eiro Clay, ,

Coal Tar, StocMm Tar,Btccl Kails,Wiro Nails,E. W. Staples,

Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers,

Iron Tanks,E. P. Cloth,Huhbuck's Paints,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc.

Ii'oii ham: iiv

H. Hackfeld & Co.09 tf

Drs. BRODIE & WOOD,SX J3orotanlci Hlroot.

-- OKi'icu nouns -10 to 11 A. m.,Dll. lillODIK 3 to 5:80 r. m.

8 to 10 k. m.,Dn. Wood 1 to 3 v, ii.,

7 to 8 ! u.93 lm

THE OLDEST DAILY in thoX Kingdom "Tho Dally Bulletin."

CO cents per month.


Arrivo at Honolulu Irom San Francisco.

AuBtiiilin. August 21Alaniwla August 3C

Australia Soptcmbcr 18Muriposa Boptcmbor 27Australia October 1(!

Zoulandift Ootobor 25Amtrrtlin NoTombor 111

Alum odn .Novoinbor22Australia '. . . . . Dooomber 11

Loavo Honolulu (or San Francisco.

Miwiposn August 20Australia August 28Zcnlandia Soptembor 23Australia September 25Almncda October 21Australia October 23Mai iposa November 18Australia November 20Zculaiidia Decembor 10Australia December 18Alameda. . . .(1889 January 13

Australian Mail Mm,

FOIt SAN FItANUISCO,Tho new nnd fine Al steel steamship

" Mariposa,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wil

be duo at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

August 26, 1888.And will lcavo for tho above port withmails ami passengers ou or nbout thatdate.

For freight oi passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WE Q. IRWIN & CO., Agonta.

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new and flno Al stcol steamship

ii Alameda'Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

uc Hue at Honolulu irom ssinFrancisco on or about

August 30, (888,And will have prompt dispatch withmails and passengcis for the above ports.

For freight or passage, having SU.PEHIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto

37. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents


Practical Watchmaker & Eepairer.

Good work guaranteed. At presentlocated at S. Roth's tailor shop.


Corrugated Roofing!Best brands, in 0, 7, 8 and 9 ft. lengths.

FOR SALEIn quantities to suit at lowest market

rates by



Tho undersigned calls tho attention ofthe public to

New Lines of G-ood- s

Just received ex lato arrivals,embracing

Hawaiian, American & English Flags,

Jlnse Ball Goods, WovoIh, -

Bound Story BooksJapanese-Englis- h


English-Japanes- e

Piraso Bool & Dictionary.

FRENCH NOVELS!A complete line of

Plain and Fancy Stationery 1

Together with everything to bo found inn stationery etorc.


A. M. HEWETT,05 Merchant Street. llim

By the S. S. "Australia" 8th Fobruary,'AND NOW ON SALE

California Orangcs.prlmo tamplo, BarreltSaurkraul, Kegs Saurkraul, Crates Whlo

Heart Cabbage, Celery on Ico,Crates Cauliflower,


APPL138 AND I'BAKH IA largo consignment of

Potatoes, Pigs, Canned Fruits, Jellies.Jams, Prunes, Raisins, Chestnuts, Wallnuts, JIardnuts, Almondnuts, CannedTomatoes. Etc., Eio Etc., Etc., EtotSTLOW PRICE TO SUIT THE TIMES- -.


00 King Htreet, Honolnln. tf


forma Port, Madeira and Malaga,for salo in kegs and cases by

GONSALVES & CO.,01 Queen street)

Opposito Kaplolnnl Park, Walkiki.

. Tho Finest-,- .

Bathing Place ou the Island !

Elegant Rooms, Gas &, Water in each.

Extensivo Grounds, Woll Shaded !

Tho Table is mpplled with thobest tho market afford".


Bowling: Abj Mod !

Full information given to tourists asto the best routes of trnvel, for sceneryand curiosities;, also current rates forhorse hiro and guides on tho otherIslands. Busses and Carriages will bofurnished at special lates for excursions.Busses and Baggage Wngons will meetevery steamer. Special rates for permitincut boardors. A Wagonette will beprovided for the uso of guests at specialrates.

o. is", eotjo,79 Proprietor. 8m




Every description of




SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to.63 Cm

mess toiiego.)corner Fort Sheet,

Mrs. L. S. BEHHETT, - - Principal.

Slort-to- i, Tyje-iritii- E,

In all its blanches.

ESTFor particular addicss

Mrs. EL. S. Bennett,74 Hotel St., or GraeuhnlghVBook.

store, I0G Foit St.

Mutual, flKfTBcll, 3009 tf


SINGER'S BAKERYHas moved from the coiner of Rlclmid

and Queeu htuuts'"

No. SI 6 King Street(Formerly Iiulletb' 1'luee),

Where tho Bakery will bo carried on as85 heretofore. 8m



Imported Direct from Havana,

Gi 0. BERuER.'83 tf

Yosemite Skating

Skating! Skating! Skating!Cornor Queen & Richard Stroots.

Will bo open every evening from 7 to9:30 i. u.

MUSIC: Tuesdays and Saturdayevening for tho Public in General.

THOMAS E. AVAJLL,1601 Proprietor. lyr

Tho Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

ICcop constantly on hnnd for saleSteam Family and Blacksmith Coal

and a general assortment of415. Bar Iron.


MB. J. M. Caniara, Jr., is authorizedto collect for our account. Spc

cial attention given to Portuguoso out.Btandlugs.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,78 tf 28 Merchant street,


70 A HI King Htroel.Shooing, from $1.50.

Horses nnd Cnttlo Treated foinil Diseases.

Bcaldcnco: Chamberlain Home, nextKnwalahao Church.

I. O. BOX 4US.Bell Telephone jPj 3t.

Ilcll Tol. !I48. Mutual Tel. 180X'.O.Uox41S.

Offlco 38 Merchant Bt., Honolulu

CULJCK'S1 Business A


Convoyancing a Specialty ltccord (.caroll-ed and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing In alllanguages in general uso in tho Kinc."dom.

Custom Houso brokorano Fire and LifeInsuinuce receive piompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR.-Collcct- or. --Authoiizcd

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnishod.

R-ea- l hastatebought, sold and rented.

Scvc.nl valuable properties in andaround ihe city now for salo on ersyterms.

Convonlont Cottages In desirable healthylocations in and near the city to let orleao al reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several men andboys, who will make themselves use.fu! in performing the vai lous otllces.ml chores required by private fami.liesFull particulars given on application

at the agency.Ordeia liom tho other Islands prompt-

ly .mended to

Bell Tel. 172 Mutual Tel. SCO.l' O. Box 409.

ft 3 II H'I lt?!:9U) U

Fiie Pi oof Stone Building,42 Merchant Street.

General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Ilaw'n Islandso the

Burlington and Chicago Railway

AcrosH America.Connecting at Boston with tho Azores

and Madeira.Through tickets gi anted from Honolulu

to ull points East.

iderchandko stored and sold on commission. Consignments solicited.

Shipping nnd Custom House Businessattended to.

Bool;:, and Accounts kept and audited.Average uiljusted.I'ropnties lcused, rented and sold.Legal doeunii'iila drawn.

PITT &SC0TT'SGcuoral Slilpplnc Accuoy and X'ov-cltj- u

Piircols Kx)iresH.

Chlol Offlco, 23 Cannon St., London, E. 0

Goods, Parcols, Baggage, Etc., Etc,Forwarded to nnd from all parts of

Iho ioild,C. O. D. amounts of invoices collected

in uny country.

of ltntcs ou Application- -

General Agents for Hawaiian Islands,

J. E. BROWN and CO.,00 23 Merchant Btrcet. tf

TTRAJSCJE.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Hue do Dunkerquo, -- . Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swis", German, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers Lowest Prices.

Commission, por cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

ltemittanccs, through a London orParis Banker, payablo on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, andBolls, for Home and Colonial Firms.

Pleco Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Sillcs, Velvctb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, GlafS, andOhlna.waro, Clocks, "Watches,Jowollry, Fanoy Goods.Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, MJrrois, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Books, ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery. &c, &c.

180 ly S

HE ONLY LIVE PAPER inHonolulu "Tho Dally Bulletin.'

60 cents per month.

$- y' &


P -

wVitoiAv Ntf& 'iwBivuw '.' .140 - 'T v A;1 ,1 ? v .' V