1 GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS Technical papers are published in the various divisional parts of the Institution's Journal after due vetting. Authors intending to submit a paper for publication in the Journal are advised to strictly adhere to the guidelines as mentioned hereunder. The papers not conforming to these guidelines may summarily be rejected and subsequently returned to the author. Length of the Papers Papers should not exceed 3000 words in length and should not carry more than 5 illustrations / photographs. Written discussions on papers already published should not exceed 500 words in length and should not carry more than 2 illustrations / photographs. Review papers may be allowed to exceed 3000 words (not more than 3500 words). Preparation of Manuscripts The language of the Journal is English. The mode of presentation should be in third person. SI units should be used wherever possible. Other units, if used, should be given only in parentheses preceded by SI units. Mathematical symbols should be typed and care should be taken to differentiate between similar characters (e.g. 1 and I), upper and lower case letters and superscripts and subscripts. Manuscripts should be neatly typed in a single column width with double-spacing throughout the paper (including references) on A-4 size paper, leaving ample margins. A list of captions for the illustrations and tables should be typed separately. Lengthy mathematical proofs and derivations and extensive test data are discouraged. If absolutely essential, they should be given as an appendix. The preferred order of contents should be as follows, Title of the paper Author (s)' name (s), and Institution membership category, if applicable Synopsis of the paper in not more than 150 words, covering the objectives of the work, methods used, results obtained and conclusions reached List of notations wherever applicable Author (s)' business address as a footnote on the first page Body of the paper well organized into logical sections, sequentially numbered with all the sub-headings Acknowledgment A list of references to already published work should be numbered sequentially in order of their citation in the text in the form of a superscript numeral, and should be given at the end of the paper. The list should give name (s) with initials of the author (s) and the exact title of the paper or book. In case of journals, these should be followed by the title, volume number, month and year of the issue and initial page number of the article. In case of books, these should be followed by the name (s) of the editor (s), if appropriate, the name of the publisher and the place and the year of publication. In case of conference proceedings, the exact theme of the conference along with the date should be given. All references appearing in the list should be indicated in the text. Unpublished articles or private communications should not be given in the reference list. Appendices, if required The tables should be numbered consecutively and indicated throughout the text. The list of captions of the illustrations should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Both the line drawings and photographs should also be numbered and indicated throughout the text. Illustrations and Photographs Original line drawings must be neatly drawn.

Instructions for Authors- IEIC_15112011_40032

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Indian Institution of Engineers Paper writing

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    GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS Technical papers are published in the various divisional parts of the Institution's Journal after due vetting. Authors intending to submit a paper for publication in the Journal are advised to strictly adhere to the guidelines as mentioned hereunder. The papers not conforming to these guidelines may summarily be rejected and subsequently returned to the author. Length of the Papers

    Papers should not exceed 3000 words in length and should not carry more than 5 illustrations / photographs.

    Written discussions on papers already published should not exceed 500 words in length and should not carry more than 2 illustrations / photographs.

    Review papers may be allowed to exceed 3000 words (not more than 3500 words). Preparation of Manuscripts The language of the Journal is English. The mode of presentation should be in third person. SI units should be used wherever possible. Other units, if used, should be given only in

    parentheses preceded by SI units. Mathematical symbols should be typed and care should be taken to differentiate between

    similar characters (e.g. 1 and I), upper and lower case letters and superscripts and subscripts. Manuscripts should be neatly typed in a single column width with double-spacing throughout

    the paper (including references) on A-4 size paper, leaving ample margins. A list of captions for the illustrations and tables should be typed separately.

    Lengthy mathematical proofs and derivations and extensive test data are discouraged. If absolutely essential, they should be given as an appendix.

    The preferred order of contents should be as follows, Title of the paper Author (s)' name (s), and Institution membership category, if applicable Synopsis of the paper in not more than 150 words, covering the objectives of the work,

    methods used, results obtained and conclusions reached List of notations wherever applicable Author (s)' business address as a footnote on the first page Body of the paper well organized into logical sections, sequentially numbered with all

    the sub-headings Acknowledgment A list of references to already published work should be numbered sequentially in order

    of their citation in the text in the form of a superscript numeral, and should be given at the end of the paper. The list should give name (s) with initials of the author (s) and the exact title of the paper or book. In case of journals, these should be followed by the title, volume number, month and year of the issue and initial page number of the article. In case of books, these should be followed by the name (s) of the editor (s), if appropriate, the name of the publisher and the place and the year of publication. In case of conference proceedings, the exact theme of the conference along with the date should be given. All references appearing in the list should be indicated in the text. Unpublished articles or private communications should not be given in the reference list.

    Appendices, if required The tables should be numbered consecutively and indicated throughout the text. The list of captions of the illustrations should be numbered consecutively throughout

    the text. Both the line drawings and photographs should also be numbered and indicated throughout the text.

    Illustrations and Photographs

    Original line drawings must be neatly drawn.

  • 2

    Figures in the Journal are reduced to fit either into a single or double column width, that is 90 mm or 185 mm. Letterings in the figure should be large enough such that even the smallest of them would be at least 1.5 mm high when the figure sizes are reduced in print.

    Captions of Figures and Tables should be typed out in a separate list at the end of the manuscripts.

    Photographs should be clear, sharp, black and white prints, with goods contrast, on glossy paper. Cuttings from printed matter or photocopies are unsuitable for reproduction.

    Copyright The papers are considered for possible publication on the understanding that these have not been submitted to any other publisher. The copyright of papers accepted for publication lies with The Institution of Engineers (India) and reproduction of the papers or any part thereof is not allowed without the permission of the Institution. Contributors are required to sign a declaration to this effect while submitting their papers. As per Bye-Law 119, Copyright of each paper published in Institution Journals or Proceedings in full or in Abstract at its Centres shall lie with the Institution. Submission of Manuscripts The intending authors may submit the manuscripts through online manuscript submission system for consideration of publication in various Series Journals as mentioned below:-

    Series A: Civil, Architectural, Environmental and Agricultural Engineering (www.editorialmanager.com/ieia)

    Series B: Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunication and Computer Engineering (www.editorialmanager.com/ieib)

    Series C: Mechanical, Production, Aerospace and Marine Engineering (www.editorialmanager.com/ieic)

    Series D: Metallurgical & Materials and Mining Engineering (www.editorialmanager.com/ieid)

    Series E: Chemical and Textile Engineering (www.editorialmanager.com/ieie)

    In case of the joint authors, it must be made clear as to whom all the communications are to be addressed. The papers are accepted on the understanding that they may be edited for the style and use of language. A preference of publication in a particular Journal may be stated, but the final decision on the placement of a paper will be made by The Institution of Engineers (India). The soft copy of the manuscript should preferably be in MS-Word (.doc) format and the figures/images etc. in .jpg format. References style should be in the following manner:

    1. Reddy BS, Chatterji BN (1996) An FFT-based technique for translation, rotation, and scale-invariant image registration. IEEE 448 Trans Image Process 5:1266

    2. Pratt WK (2001) Digital image processing. Wiley-International Publishers, New York, p 613 3. Chatterjee P, Karan BM, Sinha PK (2002) Multi-layer feed-forward modular network for

    induction motor. In: Proceedings of IEEE world congress on computational intelligence, Hawaii, USA, vol 1, p 339

    Reprints of Papers Each author will receive the soft copy of the published article in pdf format.

  • http://www.springer.com/journal/40034