Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors

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  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ---------------Terminate Conductors

    Module 12310

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    Instrumentation Trainee Task Module 12310



    Upon completion of this module, the trainee will be able to:

    1. Discuss types of solderless connections:2. Wire Nuts3. Binding Post4. Bolted onnectors!. "cre# onnectors$. ri%p onnectors&. 'er%in(l Bloc) onnections*. Prep(re ( c(ble or #ire for (ny type of ter%in(tion.+. ,nspect ( ter%in(tion (fter it -(s been inst(lled.1.Wet (nd properly solder ( joint.11.,dentify different types of solder (nd flu/.12.,nst(ll (nd re%ove co%ponents.


    "uccessful co%pletion of t-e follo#ing '(s) odules is re0uired beforebeginning study of t-is '(s) odule: ,nstru%ent(tion evel 35 '(s) odule123& (nd 1231$.

    6e0uired 'r(inee (teri(l

    1. 'r(inee odule2. 6e0uired "(fety 70uip%ent

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 2

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    O86"7 9P

    '-is course %(p s-o#s (ll of t-e Wheels of Learning t(s) %odules in t-et-ird level of t-e ,nstru%ent(tion curricul(. '-e suggested tr(ining orderbegins (t t-e botto% (nd proceeds up. ")ill levels incre(se (s ( tr(inee

    (dv(nces on t-e course %(p. '-e tr(ining order %(y be (djusted by t-eloc(l 'r(ining Progr(% "ponsor.

    77 3 OP7'7

    '9B7 O; ON'7N'"

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 3

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    Section Topic .Page

    1.. ,ntroduction

    ============================.. &2.. (ble Prep(r(tion=========================.. &3.. 'er%in(tions============================. +4.. 'ypes of "olderless ec-(nic(l onnectors ============.

    14.1. Wirenuts==============================.. 14.2. Bolted onnectors=========================.. 114.3. ri%p onnectors

    ==========================124.4. ri%ping 'ools===========================. 1$4.!. ri%ping Procedures========================. 24.$. 'er%in(tion ,nspection======================= 224.&. o(/i(l (ble onnectors=====================.. 2&4.*. 7/ot-er%ic Welding========================.. 3!.. 'er%in(l Bloc) onnections====================.. 31!.1. (ble -(r(cteristics========================. 33!.1.1 Wire Bends=============================.33!.1.2 Ne(tness of 6outing========================.. 33!.1.3 Protection of Wires or (ble====================. 33!.1.4 "ervice oops============================ 33

    !.1.! >u%per Wires============================ 34!.1.$ 'er%in(l Bending i%its======================. 34!.1.& ?uic) onnectors onsider(tions=================.. 3!$.. ,n@ine Butt "plice onnections==================.. 43&.. Bolted ,n@ine onnections===================== 44*.. "oldering==============================. 4+

    *.1. ,ntroduction============================.. 4+

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 4

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    +.. "older================================ 4++.1. Aig- 'e%per(ture "older====================== !+.2. "older 'e%per(ture

    ========================.. !11..Wetting Process==========================.. !21.1.Wetting -(r(cteristics======================= !211.."oldering ;lu/============================ !211.1.,norg(nic ;lu/===========================.. !211.2.Org(nic ;lu/============================.. !211.3.69

    ================================= !311.4.69================================== !312..o%ponent 6e%ov(l========================. !312.1."election of "oldering ,rons====================.. !412.2.Prep(r(tion of "oldering ,rons ===================

    !412.3.Desoldering 'ec-ni0ues======================.. !!12.3.1Wic)ing===============================. !!12.3.2(nu(l (cuu% 7/tr(ction===================== !$12.3.3otoried (cuu% 7/tr(ction===================.. !$13..o%ponent ,nst(ll(tion======================= !&13.1.le(ning ircuit Bo(rd=======================. !&13.2.o%ponent e(d "-(ping=====================.. !&

    13.3.o%ponent Pl(ce%ent=======================. !*13.4."tress 6elief============================= !+13.!.e(d 'er%in(tion==========================!+

    '9B7 O; ON'7N'"

    Section Topic=============================== Page

    13.$.9pplic(tion of "older

    ======================== $

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 !

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    13.&.le(ning 9fter "oldering====================== $114.."oldering Pierced 'er%in(ls====================. $21!.."oldering ,Cs

    ============================ $21$.."oldering ;l(t P(c)s========================.. $31&..-(r(cteristics of ( ?u(lity "older >oint ==============.

    $!1*.."older >oint Defects========================.. $$

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 $

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    'r(de 'er%s ,ntroduced ,n '-is odule

    Amperage capacity:'-e %(/i%u% (%ount of current t-(t ( lug c(ns(fely -(ndle (t r(ted volt(ge.

    Coaxia ca!e: 'ype of c(ble #-ic- -(s ( center conductor #-ic- issep(r(ted fro% t-e outer conductor by ( dielectric. '-e center conductoris usu(lly single str(nd copper5 #it- t-e outer conductor %(de of str(ndedcopper #-ic- -(s been tin pl(ted. 9 very good c-oice for tr(ns%itting verys%(ll currents or -ig- fre0uency sign(ls.

    Dieectric: '-e portion of ( co(/i(l c(ble #-ic- insul(tes t-e centerconductor.

    Drain "ire: 9 #ire often (tt(c-ed to ( co(/i(l connector to (llo# ( p(t-to ground for% t-e outer s-ield.

    E#tectic: 9n (lloy #-ic- -(s t-e ele%ents of t-e (lloy proportioned togive it t-e lo#est %elting point possible for t-(t (lloy.

    Exot$ermic:'-e joining of t#o %et(ls in t-e (bsence of -e(t.

    %iet:9 r(ised ri%5 or ridge for%ed bet#een ( co%ponent le(d (nd t-esurf(ce it is soldered to.

    &rooming:'-e (ct of sep(r(ting t-e br(id in ( co(/i(l conductor. '-ebr(id s-ould be sep(r(ted unt#isted (nd pulled b(c) (#(y fro% t-edielectric.

    'eat !ri(ge:'-e (pplic(tion of ( s%(ll (%ount of solder to t-e tip of (soldering iron to f(cilit(te -e(t tr(nsfer bet#een t-e soldering iron (nd t-e

    joint to be soldered. 9lso c(lled ( solder bridge.

    )#g:'er% co%%only given to cri%p type connectors.

    Mec$anica a(*antage +MA,: '-e tot(l (%ount t-(t ( cri%ping tool%ultiplies t-e (pplied -(nd force.

    Metaic tape:'(pe used to (tt(c- ( grounding #ire to ( c(ble. '(pe is%et(l to %()e it conductive (nd (llo# ( good connection to ground.

    Pigtai:'-e n(%e given to ( #ire #-ic- bridges bet#een t#oconnections.

    Ser*ice oop: "l(c) left in #ire or c(ble runs to (llo# for rep(irs.

    S$ie(ing:'-e %et(l covering of ( c(ble #-ic- reduces t-e effects ofelectric(l noise.

    So(ering #e: 9 %(teri(l used to re%ove surf(ce o/ides fro% %et(ls tobe soldered.

    Tang:'-e n(%e given to t-e end of ( cri%p type connector #-ic- fitsover t-e bolt or ter%in(l.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 &

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    Tinne(:9pplying ne# solder to t-e tip of ( soldering iron (fter cle(ning ordressing t-e tip.

    Train: 6eferring to t-e (ct of s%oot-ing t-e individu(l str(nds in (

    %ultistr(nd conductor.

    /etting:'-e (bility of ( fluid %(teri(l to flo# over ( surf(ce. ,n t-e c(seof soldering5 it refers to -o# #ell t-e solder covers t-e connection to besoldered.

    /ic0ing: 8sing finely str(nded #ire in conjunction #it- li0uid flu/ tore%ove solder.

    /iren#t: olor@coded #ire connectors constructed of ( s-(tterproofouter body surrounding ( -elic(l core spring.

    1.. ,N'6OD8',ON@

    '-is %odule #ill provide infor%(tion on t-e different types of solderless%ec-(nic(l connectors5 c(ble prep(r(tion5 (nd ter%in(tion tec-ni0ues.

    2.. 9B7 P67P969',ON@

    'o ensure (n (ccept(ble lo# resist(nce connection5 (void cont(%in(tingt-e ter%in(tion by cle(ning t-e (re(s of t-e c(ble #-ere it is to be cut (ndstripped. '-is #ill prevent pulling co%pound5 oil5 gre(se5 #(ter5 etc.5 ont-e insul(tion fro% getting on t-e e/posed conductor.

    ;or cutting c(ble (nd #ire5 ( scissor@(ction type of cutting tool ispreferred5 if (v(il(ble. utting tools #it- cutting j(#s t-(t butt (g(inste(c- ot-er -(ve ( tendency to produce ( fl(ttened c-isel end of t-e#ire5 especi(lly #-en t-e cutting edges beco%e dull5 (s s-o#n in ;igure 1.-isel point on ( #ire end %()es it difficult5 or i%possible5 to insert t-e#ire into t-e b(rrel of ( ter%in(l.

    ;igure 1. -isel Point

    '-e c(ble j(c)et s-ould be re%oved using strippers #it- (n (djust(blebl(de or ( die designed for p(rticul(r sie #ires to (void nic)ing5 or

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 *

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    stretc-ing t-e #ire or inst(ll(tion of substr(te #ires in ( %ulti@conductorc(ble.

    '-e follo#ing point s-ould be observed #-en stripping #ire:

    Nic)ing5 cutting5 or scr(ping of t-e #ire5 #ire str(nds or insul(tion

    inner conductors of %ultiple conductor c(ble %ust be (voided. '-istype of d(%(ge to t-e #ire indic(tes t-(t t-e #rong stripping grooveof t-e stripping tool #(s usedE t-e tool #(s i%properly set ord(%(gedE t-e #rong type of stripping bl(de #(s usedE or t-e tool #(sincorrectly used.

    '-e insul(tion s-ould be cle(nly cut5 #it- no fr(yed pieces ort-re(ds e/tending p(st t-e point of cut@off. ;r(yed pieces or t-re(ds ofinsul(tion indic(te use of (n i%proper tool or dull cutter bl(des.

    '-e #ire str(nds s-ould not be t#isted5 spre(d5 or disturbed5 fro%t-eir nor%(l pitc- in t-e c(ble5 if (t (ll possible. '-e nor%(l position oft-e #ire str(nds in t-e c(ble5 (s %(nuf(ctured5 is t-e best position forcri%ping. 6et#isting or tig-tening t-e t#ist of t-e str(nds #ill

    eventu(lly result in #ire d(%(ge.

    WARNING! "tripping devices t-(t use -e(ted ele%ents c(n c(use severeburns to personnel.

    "tripping devices e%ploying -e(ted ele%ents t-(t burn t-roug- t-einsul(tion to strip t-e #ire s-ould be used #it- e/tre%e c(ution. '-econductor5 (s #ell (s t-e re%(ining insul(tion5 c(n be severelyd(%(ged by e/cess -e(t or prolonged e/posure to -e(t. P(rticles oft-e insul(tion c(n %elt5 flo# into t-e str(nds of t-e #ire (nd preventest(blis-ing ( good electric(l joint.

    "trip t-e #ire to t-e proper lengt- re0uired for t-e ter%in(ls beingused. '-e ter%in(l %(nuf(cturer #ill reco%%end ( stripping lengt-.Figure 2 s-o#s t-e positioning of t-e #ire in t-e cri%p b(rrel #-enstripped to t-e proper lengt-. onductor insul(tion s-(ll be in t-ebelled %out- of t-e ter%in(l. '-is relieves stress on t-e str(nds or #ire(nd incre(ses strengt- of t-e connection. 9llo#ing conductor str(ndsto protrude out of t-e inspection -ole5 1F32 #ill interfere #it- t-eter%in(l scre#. utting t-e str(nds too s-ort #ill reduce t-e cont(ctsurf(ce (re(.

    Wire t-(t -(s been stripped s-ould be ter%in(ted (s soon (s possible.'-e e/posed str(nds #ill inv(ri(bly beco%e bent (nd spre(d (nd %()e

    subse0uent ter%in(tion oper(tions difficult. "ilver@pl(ted str(nds c(nbeco%e 0uite t(rnis-ed during stor(ge5 p(rticul(rly if ordin(ry p(per5#-ic- cont(ins sulp-ur5 is ne(rby. 9 %ini%u% (%ount of -(ndling (ndstor(ge (fter stripping #ill result in better ter%in(tion.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 +

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure 2. "tripping engt-

    3.. '76,N9',ON"@

    '-e reli(bility of (n electric(l connection is t-e )ey lin) in t-e c-(in ofsyste% reli(bility. ,t is t-erefore desir(ble to utilie ( %et-od t-(t #ill yield( connection #it- electric(l (nd %ec-(nic(l properties si%il(r to t-econductors being joined. Wires %(y be joined toget-er using different%et-ods. '-ese %et-ods %(y be divided into t-ree gener(l c(tegories:

    "olderless ec-(nic(l onnectors

    "oldered onnections

    onnections 8sing (n 7/ot-er%ic Weld

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 1

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    '-e l(tter t#o c(tegories (re of ( %ore speci(lied n(ture (nd #ill be(ddressed (s sep(r(te sections to folloo. '-e %o5t ion@non #ireconnections (nd ter%in(tions %(de in t-e field use sold@1@ iic5 l5unc(lu%@to

    4.. 'GP7" O; "OD767"" 7A9N,9 ONN7'O6"H

    '-ere (re b(sic(lly t-ree gener(l types of solderless %ec-(nic(lconnectors:

    Wirenuts t#ist@on #ire connectors

    Bolt@'ype Pressure onnectors

    o%pression 'ype Wire onnectors

    4.1. W,67N8'"

    Wirenuts (re color@coded #ire connectors #-ic- (re co%%only used forgener(l purpose copper to copper fi/ture (nd br(nc- circuit connections.Wirenuts (re constructed of ( s-(tterproof outer body surrounding (

    -elic(l cone spring5 see Figure 3. '-e outer body -(s ( -ig- dielectricstrengt- (nd is (v(il(ble in volt(ge r(nges up to 1 volts. '-e innerspring provides t-e proper tension (nd gripping force to provide goodelectric(l (nd %ec-(nic(l properties.

    ;igure 3. Wire Nuts '76,N9'7

    '-ese connectors (re (v(il(ble in ( v(riety of sies to (cco%%od(tenu%erous #ire sies (nd configur(tions. ost %(nuf(cturers offer color@coded insul(ting bodies for i%%edi(te identific(tion. Table 1 illustr(tese/(%ple #ire configur(tions for t-ree different sie #irenuts.

    NOTE: Wirenuts (re c(p(ble of connecting solid (ndFor str(ndedconductors. endors color (nd sies #ill v(ry. onsult yourspecific %(nuf(cturers (pplic(tion boo)let for color (nd siespecific(tions.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 11

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors




    +A/&,Iold 2




    1*F1$Gello# 2



    6ed 23




    '(ble 1. '-ree "ie Wirenuts

    'o join t#o or %ore #ires #it- ( t#ist@on type connector you %ust firststrip off (ppro/i%(tely one inc- of insul(tion fro% e(c- #ire (nd t#ist t-e#ires toget-er in ( cloc)#ise direction. 'o ensure t-e connector goes one(sily (nd provides ( good connection5 %()e sure t-e ends of t-e #ires(re even by snipping off (ppro/i%(tely 3F* to J inc-. Do not (llo#e/posed conductors to protrude beyond insul(ting c(p. "cre# t-e #irenutin ( cloc)#ise direction. 9fter t-e connector is on5 inspect t-e connectionfor tig-tness.

    4.2. BO'7D ONN7'O6"

    Bolt@type pressure connectors include t-ose for %()ing pigt(il5 str(ig-t5

    tee5 or ter%in(l connections. "uc- connectors depend on t-e (pplied forceof bolts or scre#s to produce t-e cl(%ping (nd cont(ct pressure bet#eenconductors (nd t-e connector.

    ;or %()ing pigtail connections in #ire sies up to No. 15 set@scre#connectors #it- sep(r(te insul(ted c(ps5 #-ic- t-re(d onto t-econnectors (fter securing t-e #ires5 (re re(dily (v(il(ble (s s-o#n inFigure 4. '-ese connectors (re used in br(nc-@circuit #iring5 fi/ture-(nging5 (nd e0uip%ent -oo)ups. '-e only tool re0uired is ( scre#driver5(nd t-e connectors c(n be reused. 9s suc-5 t-ey (re especi(llyreco%%ended in inst(ll(tions #-ere #iring connections #ill be c-(nged

    fre0uently. (rious set@scre# connectors #it- t-re(d@on insul(ted c(ps (resuit(ble (s pressure #ire connectors (ndFor fi/ture@splicing connectors(ccording to individu(l %(nuf(cturerCs listings.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 12

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure 4. "et "cre# onnectors

    Ot-er types of bolted connectors (re (v(il(ble for pr(ctic(lly (ny desired#ire co%bin(tions5 sies5 or (rr(nge%ents. "uc- connectors (reconstructed of copper5 brone5 or (lloys if si%il(r %et(ls (re used #it-copper conductors. onductors for joining (lu%inu% #ire toget-er (reconstructed of (lu%inu%5 tin@pl(ted silicon brone5 or tin@pl(ted copper(lloy %(teri(ls.

    W-ere copper conductors #ill be connected to (lu%inu% conductors5connectors s-ould be selected #-ic- (re designed for t-is purpose5 (nd#-ic- provide bi%et(l or tinned sp(cers in ot-er t-(n dry loc(tions. '-ebi%et(l or tinned sp(cers per%it sep(r(tion of (lu%inu% (nd copperconductors5 t-us preventing t-e possibility of g(lv(nic corrosion. (refulco%pli(nce #it- %(nuf(cturerCs reco%%end(tions (s to cle(ning(lu%inu% conductors5 (pplying connector (ids5 (nd properly positioningt-e (lu%inu% (nd copper conductor #ill provide ( s(tisf(ctory joint.

    (ny for%s of bolted connectors (re designed for %()ing br(nc-connections fro% %(in conductors. ,n suc- inst(nces5 %ini%u% (nd%(/i%u% #ire sies (re listed for bot- %(in (nd br(nc- t(p r(nges."uc- r(nges in #ire sies (re listed for e(c- connector5 (nd for s(tisf(ctoryconnections s-ould be c(refully observed. "plit@bolt5 cl(%p@type5 gutter@t(p5 (nd p(r(llel c(ble@t(p connectors (re ( fe# of t-e co%%on types usedfor splicing br(nc- conductors to %(in conductors5 seeFigure 5. 7/cept fort-e p(r(llel c(ble@t(p type5 t-ese connectors %ust be t(ped or covered#it- ( suit(ble synt-etic insul(ting %(teri(l5 suc- (s s-rin) tubing5 (ftert-e #ires -(ve been connected. "o%e p(r(llel c(ble@t(p connectorsfe(ture ( t#o@piece %olded@pl(stic cover t-(t fits over t-e connector (nd

    covers uninsul(ted p(rts. '-is eli%in(tes t-e ti%e re0uired for t(ping (nd%()es it possible to re%ove t-e connector 0uic)ly if t-is is ( f(ctor to beconsidered.

    4.3. 6,P ONN7'O6"

    o%pression@type connectors (nd lugs include t-ose in #-ic- -(nd5pneu%(tic5 or -ydr(ulic tools indent or cri%p tube@li)e sleeves #-ic- -oldone or %ore conductors. '-e cri%ping (ction c-(nges t-e sie (nd s-(peof t-e connectorsE (nd ( properly cri%ped joint defor%s t-e conductorstr(nds enoug- to provide good electric(l conductivity (nd %ec-(nic(l

    strengt-. Wit- t-e s%(ller sies of solid #ires5 so%e indenter splice c(psre0uire t-(t t-e #ires be t#isted toget-er before being pl(ced in t-e c(p(nd cri%ped. '-is #ill v(ry #it- t-e type of indent(tions5 (nd t-e%(nuf(cturerCs reco%%end(tions on t-e correct %et-od of %(ting t-esplice s-ould be follo#ed.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 13

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure !. "olderless Pressure onnectors

    One of t-e dis(dv(nt(ges of indenter or cri%p connectors is t-(t speci(ltools (re re0uired to %()e t-e joint. Ao#ever5 t-is c(n be justified by t-e(ssur(nce of ( depend(ble joint (nd lo# cost of connector.

    NOTE: W-ile so%e types of c(ble ter%in(tions re0uire lessinst(ll(tion s)ill t-(n ot-ers5 (ll re0uire ( gre(t de(l of c(re(nd strict co%pli(nce #it- reco%%end(tions of t-e%(nuf(cturers of bot- t-e c(ble (nd ter%in(ting %e(ns.

    Figure 6 s-o#s t-e b(sic structure of ( ter%in(l. '-e cri%p b(rrel receives(nd is cri%ped to t-e #ire. '-e Cs or di%ples inside t-e b(rrel i%provet-e #ire@to@ter%in(l conductivity (nd (lso incre(se ter%in(tion tensilestrengt-. ost ter%in(ls (re (lso (v(il(ble #it- (n insul(tion covering t-eb(rrel suc- (s nylon (nd vinyl5 to reduce t-e possibility of s-orting to

    (dj(cent ter%in(ls. '-e insul(tion is color coded (ccording to t-eter%in(lCs #ire r(nge to reduce t-e proble% of #ire@ter%in(l %is%(tc-. 9n

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 14

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    inspection -ole is provided (t t-e end of t-e b(rrel to (llo# visu(linspection of t-e #ire position. '-e b(rrel is connected to t-e ter%in(ltongue5 #-ic- p-ysic(lly connects t-e #ire to t-e ter%in(tion point5 suc-(s (

    ;igure $. B(sic 'er%in(l "tructure 8ninsul(ted

    ter%in(l scre#. ,nfor%(tion (bout t-e ter%in(l lug sie (nd conductorr(nge is usu(lly st(%ped on t-e tongue by t-e ter%in(l %(nuf(cturer.

    'ongue styles v(ry depending on ter%in(tion re0uire%ents. Figure &s-o#s st(nd(rd tongue styles. '-e t#o styles %ost fre0uently used (re t-ering tongue (nd loc)ing for). '-ese t#o (re preferred5 bec(use t-eter%in(ls #ill not slip off t-e ter%in(l scre# if t-e scre# is not tig-t (ndco%p(tible #it- %ost vendor supplied ter%in(tion points.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 1!

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure &. "t(nd(rd 'ongue "tyles

    olor@coding of t-e b(rrelCs insul(tion covering is co%%on (%ong %ost%(nuf(cturerCs to provide 0uic) identific(tion for inst(ll(tion (nd (s (n (idin inspection tec-ni0ues. Different colors or co%bin(tion of colors -(vespeci(l %e(nings. 9lt-oug- %(nuf(cturers v(ry fro% one to (not-er5co%%on or st(nd(rd colors -(ve been (ccepted. ;or e/(%ple5 Table 2

    lists color codes for 9P "peci(l ,ndustries.





    '(ble 2. olor odes for 9P "peci(l ,ndustries

    olor co%bin(tions (re so%eti%es v(ried to indic(te cl(ss or gr(de r(tingof (n individu(l lug or splice. 9P "peci(l ,ndustries uses ( cle(r pl(stic or

    ot-er suit(ble insul(tion on t-e cri%p b(rrel #it- colored line to indic(te#ire sie r(nge.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 1$

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    4.4. 6,P,NI 'OO"

    Wit- ( co%pression type #ire connector5 (n electric(l connection bet#een( #ire (nd ( ter%in(l is %(de by very tig-tly co%pressing t-e cri%p b(rrel#it- (n ordin(ry p(ir of pliers5 in ( vise. Ao#ever5 suc- ( connection #ould

    not necess(rily be co%pressed to t-e re0uired pressure or in t-e correctloc(tion to ensure ( good connection. '-erefore5 ( cri%ping tool isnecess(ry to produce consistently good connections bet#een ter%in(l (nd#ire.

    Figure 8 depicts t-e rel(tions-ip bet#een t-e (%ount of t-e cri%pingforce to t-e %ec-(nic(l (nd electric(l perfor%(nce. '-e %(/i%u%%ec-(nic(l strengt- 9 occurs (t ( lo#er cri%ping force t-(n t-e%(/i%u% electric(l perfor%(nce B. '-e point of intersection is t-eopti%u% %ec-(nic(l (nd electric(l perfor%(nces (nd t-e correspondingcri%ping force is selected. 8sing ( cri%ping die t-(t is too l(rgeundercri%p -(s poor electric(l perfor%(nce (nd ( die t-(t is too s%(ll

    overcri%p gives ( very #e() %ec-(nic(l connection bec(use it liter(llydestroys t-e cri%p b(rrel (nd #e()ens t-e conductors it is jointing.

    9 si%ple plier@type cri%p tool #(s t-e e(rliest cri%ping tool developed (ndcontinues to be used for rep(ir oper(tions5 or #-ere only ( fe#inst(ll(tions (re to be %(de. '-ese tools (re si%il(r in construction toordin(ry %ec-(nicsC pliers e/cept t-e j(#s (re speci(lly s-(ped (nd t-e-(ndles (re longer (s seen in Figure 9.

    "ince so%e cri%ped ter%in(tions in t-e r(nge of nu%bers 22 to 1 9WI%(y re0uire tot(l force of 1 or %ore lbs to co%plete t-e cri%p5 it isnecess(ry to provide ( %e(ns of incre(sing t-e -u%(n output force. '-eforce c(p(bility of ( nor%(l -(nd for repetitive oper(tions is &! lbs. for(dult %en (nd ! lbs. for (dult fe%(les. '-e (%ount t-e tool %ultiplies

    t-e -(nd force is ter%ed t-e "mechanical adantage"or 9 of t-e tool.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 1&

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure *. ec-(nic(l "trengt- (nd 7lectric(l Perfor%(nce

    "i%ple pliers tools (re b(sic(lly const(nt 9 toolsE t-e 9 is t-e s(%e#-et-er t-e cri%p is being st(rted or finis-ed.

    By designing lin)(ge or c(% %ec-(nis%s connecting t-e -(ndles to t-ecri%p dies5 t-e 9 c(n be v(ried5 so t-(t it is lo# (t t-e st(rt (nd -ig- (tt-e finis- of t-e cri%p stro)e. '-us5 #-en t-e -(ndles st(rt to close fro%t-e open position (nd little or no cri%ping is being done5 t-e 9 is lo#. 9s

    t-e -(ndles (re closed f(rt-er5 t-e cri%p dies begin to co%press t-eter%in(l5 t-e 9 incre(ses. ,n t-is %(nner5 t-e 9 is p(tterned to t-ecri%p force re0uire%ents (nd distributed so t-(t ( -ig- 9 is (c-ievedover t-e portion of t-e cycle #-ere re0uired.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 1*

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    ;igure +. o%%only 8sed A(nd ri%pers

    Figure 10 s-o#s ( -ig- 9 type tool t-(t is e0uipped #it- ( r(tc-etcontrol. '-e r(tc-et %ec-(nis% prevents opening t-e tool (nd re%ovingt-e cri%ped ter%in(l before t-e -(ndle -(s been closed (ll t-e #(y (ndt-e cri%p co%pleted.

    '-e cri%p dies of t-is tool (re not (djust(ble or interc-(nge(ble5 but %(ycont(in 15 25 or 3 positions for cri%ping different sie ter%in(ls. '-ere (re5-o#ever5 %(ny -(nd oper(ted tools (v(il(ble #it- interc-(nge(ble dies.

    '-ese dies (re nor%(lly color@coded to be used #it- ( color@codedter%in(l lug for e(sy identific(tion (nd to ensure proper cri%ping force(nd %ini%ie overcri%ping (nd undercri%ping.

    '-e cri%p die of t-e tool deter%ines t-e co%pleted cri%p configur(tion.'-ere (re ( v(riety of configur(tions in use5 suc- (s t-e si%ple nest (ndindenter type die5 or t-e %ore co%plic(ted four@indent die.

    "ever(l different configur(tions %(y #or) e0u(lly #ell for so%e(pplic(tions5 #-ile for ot-ers ( cert(in s-(pe is superior. (nyconsider(tions (ffect t-e deter%in(tion of cri%p die configur(tionE t-ei%port(nt consider(tions listed.

    '-e type ter%in(l to be cri%pedE its sie5 s-(pe5 %(teri(l5 function5

    (nd re0uire%ents.

    '-e type (nd sie of #ires to be (cco%%od(ted.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 1+

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure 1. ri%ping 'ools

    '-e %(jor cri%p configur(tions used (re s-o#n in Figure 11 #it- (ne/pl(n(tion of t-eir best (pplic(tion.

    '-e follo#ing fe(tures (re necess(ry for ( good cri%ping tool:

    Proper loc(tion of t-e ter%in(l in t-e tool.

    9bility to -old t-e ter%in(l in pl(ce #-ile t-e #ire is inserted (nd t-e

    cri%p st(rted.

    9 full cycle control so t-(t t-e tool #ill not open (nd t-e ter%in(l

    c(nnot be re%oved until t-e cri%p is co%pleted.

    Proper sie5 #eig-t5 (nd s-(pe for efficient oper(tion.

    ittle or no necessity to (djust or reset t-e tool p(rts.

    "trong construction (nd depend(ble (ction to provide long5 reli(ble5

    us(ge life.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 2

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    Oper(tion #it- one -(nd.

    4.!. 6,P,NI P6O7D867"

    erify t-e follo#ing ite%s prior to %()ing ( cri%ped connection.

    "ie (nd type of #ire. onnector (nd #ire %(teri(ls (re co%p(tible. o%p(re c(ble (nd

    lug design(tions for %(teri(l type5 i.e.5 copper5 (lu%inu%.onnectors for t-is purpose #ill be properly (nnot(ted.

    NOTE: onductors of dissi%il(r %et(ls s-ould not be inter%i/ed in (ter%in(l lug or splice connector unless t-e device is suit(blefor t-is purpose.

    orrect cri%p tool (nd die for selected ter%in(l (nd conductor.

    'ool is in proper #or)ing order.

    '-e inst(ll(tion of ( co%pression ter%in(l s-ould be (s follo#s:

    "elect t-e proper ter%in(l for t-e #ire sie being ter%in(ted5 (s

    specified by t-e ter%in(l %(nuf(cturer. '-is ensures proper fit of

    lug (nd t-e amperage capacitof lug e0u(ls t-(t of t-e conductor.

    erify ter%in(l stud sie %(tc-es ter%in(l scre# sie.

    "elect t-e proper cri%ping tool (nd die for t-e ter%in(ls being used.

    '-is %ini%ies t-e possibility of over or undercri%ping t-e ter%in(l.

    rain t-e #ire str(nds5 if str(nds (re f(nned. Grooming t-e

    conductor provides ( proper fit in cri%p b(rrel. ,nsert t-e ter%in(l in t-e proper die nest. "o%e insul(ted ter%in(ls

    no# -(ve incre(sed #ire r(nges t-(t overl(p #it- ot-er sieter%in(ls5 suc- (s ( ter%in(l covering #ire sies 14 t-roug- 1*.W-en cri%ping t-is type of ter%in(l5 use t-e %iddle #ire #-ic- t-eter%in(l #ill (ccept5 to deter%ine t-e correct nest to use. ;ore/(%ple5 #-en cri%ping (n 1* 9WI #ire in ( 14@1* ter%in(l5 uset-e nest %(r)ed 1$@14 on t-e tool. Overcri%ping #ill occur if t-eter%in(l is cri%ped in t-e nest %(r)ed 1*@22. W-en cri%ping (nuninsul(ted ter%in(l5 t-e top of t-e cri%p b(rrel s-ould bepositioned f(cing t-e indenter (s s-o#n in Figure 12. This will

    produce t-e best cri%p (nd f(cilit(te visu(l inspection of t-e cri%p(fter connection to t-e ter%in(l point. W-en cri%ping (n insul(tedter%in(l5 insert t-e ter%in(l in t-e color coded die corresponding tot-e insul(tion color. "lide t-e tongue into t-e slot provided by t-eloc(tor5 (s s-o#n in Figure 13.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 21

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure 11. (jor ri%p onfigur(tions

    lose t-e cri%p tool -(ndles slig-tly to secure t-e ter%in(l #-ileinserting t-e conductor.

    ,nsert t-e stripped #ire into t-e b(rrel of t-e ter%in(l until t-e

    insul(tion butts fir%ly (g(inst t-e for#(rd stop. ()e sure t-(t t-einsul(tion is not (ctu(lly into t-e b(rrel. '-e str(nds of t-e conductors-ould be cle(rly visible t-roug- t-e inspection opening of t-eter%in(l. ()e sure (ll str(nds of t-e conductor (re inserted into t-eb(rrel of t-e ter%in(l.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 22

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure 12. ri%p Positioning

    ;igure 13. ri%p oc(tor

    o%plete t-e cri%p by closing t-e -(ndles until t-e %ec-(nic(lcycle -(s been co%pleted (nd t-e r(tc-et rele(ses.

    6e%ove t-e ter%in(tion fro% t-e tool (nd e/(%ine it for proper


    4.$. '76,N9',ON ,N"P7',ON

    '-e fin(l step of t-e cri%ping procedure is to perfor% (n inspection toensure t-(t t-e ter%in(tion is electric(lly (nd %ec-(nic(lly sound.

    8ninsul(ted ter%in(ls s-ould be inspected for correct positioning5centering5 (nd sie of t-e cri%p indent. 9lso5 ensure proper ter%in(l siefor individu(l conductor.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 23

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    9ccept(ble (nd un(ccept(ble positioning of cri%p indent is illustr(ted inFigure 14. '-e cri%p b(rrel is designed to provide t-e best %ec-(nic(lstrengt- #-en t-e indent is properly pl(ced on t-e top se(% of t-eb(rrel. 9n indent on t-e side c(n split t-e ter%in(l se(%5 t-ereby reducingbot- t-e electric(l (nd %ec-(nic(l 0u(lities of t-e ter%in(tion.

    '-e centering of ( cri%p indent is very i%port(nt to t-e b(rrel to #irecont(ct (re(. 9 poor connection #ill result if ( cri%p is pl(ced over t-ebelled %out- or inspection -ole of t-e ter%in(l (s s-o#n in Figure 15. 9cri%p over t-e belled %out- if (pplic(ble #ill co%press

    ;igure 14. ,ndent Positioning

    t-e insul(tion of ( conductor if t-e conductor is inserted correctly (nd #illresult in poor or no electric(l continuity. ri%ping over t-e inspection -olereduces continuity (nd t-e -olding c(p(bilities of t-e ter%in(l lug.

    ri%ping #it- (n incorrect die c-(nges t-e electric(l (nd %ec-(nic(l0u(lities of t-e ter%in(tion. '-e cri%p b(rrel s-ould not be e/cessively

    distorted5 s-o# (ny cr(c)s5 bre()s5 or ot-er d(%(ge to t-e b(se %et(l.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 24

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure 1!. ri%p entering

    '-e previous inspection points #ere concentr(ted on t-e ter%in(l lug (ndindent loc(tion5 -o#ever5 conductor positioning is (lso very i%port(nt.

    'ongue ter%in(ls s-ould -(ve t-e end of t-e conductor flus- #it-5 e/tendbeyond5 t-e cri%p b(rrel no %ore t-(n 1F32 to ensure proper cri%p to#ire cont(ct (re( (s s-o#n in Figure 16. onductors e/tending gre(tert-(n 1F32 p(st t-e inspection -ole %(y interfere #it- t-e ter%in(l scre#.,f ( conductor is too s-ort (nd does not re(c- t-e inspection -ole t-econnection does not provide enoug- cont(ct surf(ce (re( #-ic- incre(ses

    current density (nd %(y c(use t-e lug to slip off t-e conductor.

    'er%in(l lugs -(ving ( %out- s-(ll -(ve t-e conductorCs insul(tion butted(g(inst t-e t(pered edge of t-e cri%p b(rrel (s seen in Figure 16.

    'er%in(l lugs not -(ving ( belled %out- s-(ll not -(ve (ny e/posedconductor. ,nsul(tion s-(ll be butted to t-e ter%in(l (s seen in Figure 17.,de(lly (ny e/posed conductor reduces t-e over(ll strengt- of t-econnection.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 2!

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure 1$. onductor Positioning

    ;in(lly5 c-ec) t-(t t-e ter%in(l #ire sies st(%ped on e(c- ter%in(l

    %(tc- t-e conductor t-(t #(s cri%ped. ,nsul(ted ter%in(ls s-ould beinspected in t-e s(%e %(nner (s uninsul(ted ter%in(ls5 t-(t is5 properpositioning5 centering5 (nd type of cri%p. ,n (ddition5 t-e ter%in(linsul(tion s-ould be inspected for bre()s5 cr(c)s5 -oles5 or (ny ot-erd(%(ge.

    9ny d(%(ge to t-e insul(tion is un(ccept(ble. 9s #it- uninsul(tedter%in(ls5 insul(ted ter%in(ls s-(ll be inspected to ensure t-e properter%in(l sie for e(c- individu(l conductor. '-e proper sie of ter%in(l(nd conductor c(n be c-ec)ed (g(inst t-e color code in Table 3. '-is t(bleis only (n e/(%ple of one %(nuf(cturerCs code.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 2$

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure 1&. onductor "upport




    '(ble 3. olor ode

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 2&

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    'er%in(l conductor (nd stud sies (re usu(lly st(%ped on t-e ter%in(ltongue. '-e follo#ing (re so%e ite%s subject to rejection:

    Wrong sie cri%p nest for lug.

    Wrong sie lug for ( different sie of #ire.

    No ring tongue lug used.

    oose connections.

    Wire ter%in(ted on #rong ter%in(l point per connection dr(#ing.

    onductor str(nds nic)ed or bro)en #-ile stripping insul(tion.

    'oo %uc- conductor e/tended t-roug- lug.

    9ll str(nds not in lug #-en cri%ped.

    8sing t-e ridge bet#een nests to cri%p #it-.

    ,ncorrect stud sie used for ( given ter%in(l scre# sie.

    'oo %uc- insul(tion stripped b(c) fro% lug.

    4.&. O9L,99B7 ONN7'O6"

    o(/i(l c(ble connectors re0uire speci(l (ttention. '-e follo#ingprocedures s-ould be used #-en perfor%ing co(/i(l ter%in(tions5-o#ever5 specific %(nuf(cturerCs d(t( s-ould be used #-en (v(il(ble. ;ort-e follo#ing e/pl(n(tion refer to Figure 18.

    onnector p(rts:

    1. l(%p nut2. ;l(t #(s-er3. Br(id cl(%p4. I(s)et!. 'eflon cont(ct sleeve$. enter cont(ct&. Plug body

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 2*

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure 1*. 'ypic(l o(/i(l onnection

    ut t-e end of t-e coa#ial cables-(rp (nd s0u(re. "lide cl(%p nut 15 fl(t

    #(s-er 2 (nd br(id cl(%p 3 onto c(ble. "trip outer j(c)et b(c) *.$4%% .34 in. Position br(id cl(%p 3 on c(ble so t-(t its s-oulder butts(g(inst c(ble j(c)et. Brus- out br(id5 t-en fold b(c) over br(id cl(%p.

    'ri% off e/cess br(id #ires. "trip off dielectric inner j(c)et (nd cut centerconductor to !.!! %% .22 in. Pl(ce teflon cont(ct sleeve ! (nd cont(ctcenter $ on center conductor5 so t-(t end of cont(ct is butted (g(instinner insul(tion. "older center cont(ct $ to center conductor (nd inst(llg(s)et 4. "lide plug body & over entire (sse%bly (nd tig-ten cl(%p nut1.

    Ot-er types of shielding, metallic tape,(nd drain wire,(re (lso i%port(nt. ;or%ost s-ielding to #or)5 it s-ould be grounded only (t one end of t-e c(ble.

    '-e ground used for t-e s-ield %(y not be t-e s(%e potenti(l (s t-e

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 2+

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    e0uip%ent ground. "peci(l circuits %(y (lso re0uire ter%in(tions (t bot-ends of t-e c(ble.,f t-e s-ield type of dr(in #ire could possibly co%e in cont(ct #it- ot-ers-ield t(pes or dr(in #ires5 ter%in(l bloc) points5 e0uip%ent5 ore0uip%ent5 or e0uip%ent c(binets5 etc. t-ey s-ould be insul(ted #it-

    insul(tion tubing or -e(t s-rin)(ble tubing to prevent s-ort circuits (ndcircul(ting currents. (ble t-(t -(s individu(lly s-ielded conductors #it-sep(r(te dr(in #ires %ust -(ve e(c- dr(in #ire (nd s-ield t(pe insul(tedto eli%in(te possible circul(ting currents.

    Figure 19 illustr(tes s-ield prep(r(tion for %et(llic t(pe (nd %et(llic br(ids-ielding. W-ile re%oving t-e outer j(c)et5 (s #it- co(/i(l c(ble5 bec(reful not to d(%(ge underlying s-ielding or individu(lly insul(tedconductors. ;or %et(llic t(pe s-ielding ( b(re conductor s-(ll be t(c)soldered to %et(llic s-ield (s illustr(ted in Figure 19. ;or %et(llic br(ids-ielding t-e br(id s-ould be pus-ed b(c) to loosen t-e br(id. 9fterspre(ding t-e br(id5 pus- t-e conductors t-roug- t-e br(id5 tig-ten t-e

    br(id5 (nd inst(ll ( lug (s seen in Figure 2.

    ;igure 1+. et(llic '(pe "-ielding

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 3

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure 2. et(llic Br(id "-ielding

    4.*. 7LO'A76, W7D,NI

    '-e e/ot-er%ic process is ( %et-od of %()ing electric(l connections ofcopper to copper or copper to steel in #-ic- no outside source of -e(t orpo#er is re0uired. '-e e/ot-er%ic process is )no#n (s t-e ter%ite5 orIolds%it-5 re(ction. '-is process is fre0uently used in #elding pieces ofiron or steel. ,nt -is conte/t it #ill (lso be referred to by br(nd n(%es5suc- (s '-er%ite or 9DW7D.

    W-en %()ing electric(l connections5 t-e #eld is produced by -e(ting t-ep(rts to be joined #it- ( super-e(ted li0uid %et(l obt(ined fro% t-ereduction of ( %et(lo/ide (nd (lu%inu%. 'o produce suc- ( #eld5po#ered (lu%inu% (nd iron or copper o/ide (re %i/ed in ( cont(iner (ndpl(ced in ( gr(p-ite crucible. '-is %i/ture is t-en ignited by %e(ns of (flint lig-ter (nd ( -ig-ly e/ot-er%ic re(ction occurs. '-e -e(t obt(ined

    fro% t-e e/ot-er%ic re(ction bet#een t-e %et(l o/ide (nd (lu%inu% %(ybe (s -ig- (s 3M for iron o/ides5 so t-e %et(ls beco%e li0uid. '-e

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 31

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    super-e(ted li0uid produced fro% t-is -e(t flo#s into t-e #eld (re( of t-e%old5 %elting t-e conductors (nd #elding t-e% toget-er.

    '-e filler %et(l bet#een t-e conductors is obt(ined fro%t-e super-e(tedli0uid. '-is for%s ( %olecul(r bond bet#een t-e c(ble str(nds (nd t-e

    #eld %et(l. olten #eld %et(l flo#s over t-e c(ble str(nds (nd sleeves(nd (lso fills t-e void bet#een t-e c(ble to for% ( strong %olecul(r bond.

    '-er%ite #elded connections (re very popul(r in t-e electric(l field.

    9ll %(teri(ls used %olds5 #elding %et(ls5 tools5 (ccessories5 etc. s-(ll beof one %(nuf(cturer. (teri(l of different %(nuf(cturers s-(ll not be%i/ed.

    9lt-oug- t-e e/ot-er%ic process is co%%on5 t-e co%ponent p(rts (nd%(teri(ls (re especi(lly designed to produce ( sound %olecul(r bond.9lter(tions of e0uip%ent or %i/ing of #eld %et(ls is t-erefore not


    '-er%ite #elded connections produce ( joint or ( connection superior inperfor%(nce to (ny %ec-(nic(l or pressure type surf(ce to surf(cecont(ct connector. 9 t-er%ite #elded connection offers t-e (dv(nt(geslisted on t-e follo#ing p(ge.

    urrent c(rrying c(p(city e0u(l to t-(t of t-e conductor. 9 -ig-er(%p(city r(ting is (c-ieved #it- gre(ter e(se co%p(red to%ec-(nic(lor co%pression type connections.

    onnection is long l(sting (nd #ill not deterior(te #it- (ge.

    Dur(bility #-ic- en(bles t-e connection to #it-st(nd repe(tedf(ults.

    Per%(nent bond t-(t #ill not loosen or corrode.

    No speci(l s)ills (re re0uired for inst(ll(tion.

    No e/tern(l po#er for -e(t is re0uired5 %ini%iing co%ponentsneeded to perfor% t-e re0uired job.

    ers(tility due to t-e %(ny %old configur(tions (v(il(ble to t-e


    (n be c-ec)ed for 0u(lity by visu(l inspection.

    !.. '76,N9 BO ONN7',ON"@

    W-en %()ing ter%in(l bloc) connections t-ere (re ( fe# gener(lre0uire%ents #-ic- %ust be follo#ed.

    Only t#o ter%in(ls s-(ll be per%itted (t (ny one ter%in(l point. W-enfl(nged for) ter%in(ls (re used5 only one fl(nged for) ter%in(l is used5only one fl(nged for) ter%in(l s-ould be per%itted #it- one of (ny ot-ertype. W-en t#o type ter%in(ls (re loc(ted (t one point5 t-e botto%ter%in(l s-ould be inst(lled upside do#n5 (s s-o#n in Figure 21.'-is #illprovide e(sier inst(ll(tion (nd ( ne(ter (ppe(r(nce for inspection.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 32

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure 21. ugs @ ounted B(c) to B(c)

    (re s-ould be t()en in stripping t-e c(ble j(c)et to ( point (s close (spossible to t-e first ter%in(tion of t-e c(ble5 but not to interfere #it-ot-er c(ble ter%in(tion origin(ting fro% t-(t c(ble (s seen in Figure 22.

    '-e c(ble identific(tion t(g s-ould be pl(ced (t t-(t point on t-e c(blej(c)et (nd loc(ted so it c(n be re(d e(sily.


    ;igure 22. "ervice oops '76,N9'7

    W-en %ultiple c(bles (re inst(lled5 t-ey s-ould be tied ne(tly to (support (nd not bloc) (ccess to t-e lo#er ter%in(l bloc)s or interfere#it- t-e connection or disconnection of (ny #ire to t-e ter%in(l bloc)s.

    Figure 23 s-o#s proper (nd i%proper ter%in(tion pr(ctices on ( typic(lter%in(l bloc).

    W-en routing individu(l or %ulti@conductor c(bles5 t-e c(bles s-ould berouted p(r(llel5 or (t rig-t (ngles5 to t-e fr(%e or #ire#(ys. (re s-ouldbe t()en to (ssure t-(t #ires do not co%e in cont(ct #it- or re%(in incont(ct #it- s-(rp edges. "-ielded (nd co(/i(l c(bles s-ould be pl(cedon t-e outer peri%eter of ( c(ble bundle #-enever possible. "-(rp edgess-ould be (voided (nd crossover of #ire s-ould be )ept to ( %ini%u%.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 33

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    !.1. 9B7 A969'76,"',"

    !.1.1 Wire Bends

    ;or (ll #ire (nd c(ble routing ( %ini%u% bending r(dius of t-ree ti%es

    t-e outside di(%eter of t-e #ire or c(ble s-ould be used5 unlessot-er#ise specified by t-e c(ble %(nuf(cturer.

    !.1.2 Ne(tness of 6outing

    9de0u(te cle(r(nce for %ove%ent of %ec-(nic(l p(rts s-ould beprovided. 7noug- sl(c) in t-e c(ble s-ould be (llo#ed for plugs5 ter%in(lbo(rds5 etc. tobe serviced.

    (bles s-ould be fir%ly supported to prevent str(in on t-e conductor ort-e ter%in(ls. '-is result(nt str(in could c(use bre()s in t-e ter%in(tion(nd render syste%s inoper(ble.

    (bles s-ould not cross %(inten(nce openings5 (djust%ent openings5 orot-er#ise interfere #it- nor%(l oper(tion (nd repl(ce of co%ponents.

    !.1.3 Protection of Wires or (ble

    (re %ust be t()en to provide necess(ry cle(r(nce bet#een t-econductors (nd -e(t r(di(ting co%ponents to prevent deterior(tion ofinsul(tion fro% -e(t.

    9ll #ires s-ould be protected (g(inst (br(sion. Wire s-ould not be routed

    over s-(rp scre#s5 lugs ter%in(ls5 nor s-ould it be bent (round s-(rpopenings. Iro%%ets5 c-(se nipples5 or so%e ot-er si%il(r type ofprotection s-ould be used to protect #ire insul(tion5 -o#ever (s #iresp(sses t-roug- ( %et(l p(rtition.

    !.1.4 "ervice oops

    "ufficient sl(c) s-ould be (llo#ed (t t-e ter%in(tion of e(c- #ire toper%it one rep(ir5 suc- (s cutting off ( ter%in(l (nd reter%in(ting.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 34
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    ;igure 23. 'ypic(l 'er%in(l Bloc)

    !.1.! >u%per Wires

    B(re ju%per #ires (re not per%itted. 8se only insul(ted #ire for ju%pers.

    !.1.$ 'er%in(l Bending i%its

    'er%in(ls s-ould not be bent %ore t-(n 3M (bove or belo# t-eter%in(tion point5 (s s-o#n in Figure 24.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 3!

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    ;igure 24. 'er%in(l Bend 6(dius

    !.1.& ?uic) onnectors onsider(tions

    (ble retention "tr(in relief


    Pull sp(ce

    "olid #ire s-(ll not be used on t-e re%ov(ble -(lf of 0uic)


    ,f connectors (re -eld toget-er by scre#s5 1@1F4 turns %ini%u%.

    Bot- -(lves of e(c- connector s-(ll be furnis-ed by t-e s(%e

    %(nuf(cturer if engineering ev(lu(tion to verify ( 0u(lifiedconnection.

    ;or #ire -(rness inspections5 loo) for bre()outs. '-is includes loc(tion5lengt- stress (nd bend r(dius. 9lso cl(%ping5 '-is includes %et(l cl(%ps#it- sleeving or pl(stic cl(%ps. '-e %(/i%u% s(g s-ould be 1F2 inc- ort-e c(ble di(%eter5 #-ic-ever is l(rger. ,nspect (lso t-(t t-e #ire is nott#isted.

    ,nspect c(ble ties to see t-(t sp(cing is even. ,nspect for tig-tness byseeing t-(t t-e ties do not slip (nd do not cut or d(%(ge (ny #ire. oo) (tt-e -(rness dress (nd inspect it for ne(tness5 str(in relief5 visible (ndlegible #ire %(r)ers (nd e0uip%ent le(ds5 (ccessible ter%in(ls (ndclosely sp(ced ter%in(ls on sleeving.

    Figures 25 t-roug- 32 s-o# e/(%ples of #ire routing (nd -(rness dress.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 3$

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    1. Sufficient strain relief on individual wires.2. Ref. Des. Clear and easily read.3. Proper lacing knots or cable used.4. Cable properly claped.!. "erinals accessible.#. Sleeving used on closely spaced terinals.$. %ead dress neat.

    ;igure 2!. A(rness Dress

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 3&

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    1. 'ust sufficient slack for strain relief2. (ires neat and parallel3. (ires laced into cable

    ;igure 2$. Wire 6outing @ ;l(t Dress5 A(rness Dress

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    ;igure 2&. Wire 6outing < Aot p(rts5 oving P(rts5 Wire Dress

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 3+

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    ;igure 2*. Wire 6outing Aoles5 7dges5 (nd utouts

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    W!"# $#%&'

    (!%!()( $#%& "*&!)' T*$L#

    Con(#ctor Minim#m 3en( Ra(i#,nsul(ted Wire 2 / outside di(%eter of #ire"-ielded ,nsul(ted Wire 4 / outside di(%eter of #ireo(/i(l (ble $ / outside di(%ter of #ire

    ;igure 2+. Wire 6outing- Wire Bends5 o(/i(l (bles

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 41

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    +*"%#'' $#%&' F," -*%#L'

    '-*#' ,F *$L# ," '-,T T!# L*!%/

    "pots tie l(cing (nd c(ble tie sp(cing for (ll -(nesses s-(ll bein (ccord(nce #it- t-e follo#ing t(ble. 9 spot tie )nob is (clove -itc- plus ( s0u(re )not on top.

    'arne Si4e +Diam. In


    Spacing +Diam.

    Inc$e,.! (nd l(rger *.2! to .! $8nder .2! 4

    ;igure 3. Wir routing A(rness Bends

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    N$%:&lastic cable ties ma be used in lieu of lacing

    ;igure 31. A(rness Bre()outs (nd l(%ping

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 43

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    ;igure 32. A(rness (cing (nd (ble 'ies

    $.. ,N@,N7 B8'' "P,7 ONN7',ON"@

    ,n@line butt splice connections (re t-e si%plest connections to insul(tebec(use of t-e rel(tively unifor% profile di(%eters5 see Figure 33. 'oinsul(te ( butt splice cri%ped connection5 first5 select t-e proper tubing(nd verify its %(/i%u% use r(nge. '-e l(rgest di(%eter of t-e splice(sse%bly5 including t-e splice (nd t-e #ires5 %ust be (t or belo# t-e%(/i%u% (pplic(tion di(%eter. "econd5 deter%ine if s-i%s (re re0uiredby co%p(ring bot- #ire di(%eters to t-e %ini%u% (pplic(tion di(%eter oft-e tubing selected. ,f eit-er #ire di(%eter is belo# t-e %ini%u%5 ( s-i%is re0uired to build up t-e outside di(%eter of t-(t #ire to #it-in t-e spliceinsul(ting sleeveCs use r(nge. '-ird5 deter%ine t-e lengt- of t-e tubing


    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 44

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    ;igure 33. ,nsul(tion of ri%ped onnections

    onnection lengt- in t-is c(se refers to t-e tot(l lengt- %e(sured fro% t-einsul(tion cutb(c) of t-e (sse%bled connection. ,f s-i%s (re used5 t-elengt- of t-e splice insul(ting sleeve %(y -(ve to be lengt-ened to ensuret-(t it overl(ps t-e s-i%s #-en inst(lled overl(p of 1F4 re0uired.

    W-en s-i%s (re re0uired inst(ll t-e% on t-e #ire. 9lign t-e s-i%s on t-ec(ble j(c)et to #it-in 1F4 of t-e inst(ll(tion cutb(c) (nd s-rin) in pl(ce (ss-o#n in Figure 34.

    9fter t-e s-i% is inst(lled5 slide t-e splice se(ling sleeve over eit-er #ireto be spliced but do not s-rin) t-e tubing (t t-is ti%e. ()e t-e conductorconnections (t t-is ti%e5 see Figure 3!5 (nd e/(%ine connection (re( fors-(rp edges or protruding #ire str(nds. 6e%ove t-ese #it- (n (br(siveclot- or file.

    enter t-e splice se(ling sleeve over t-e connection (re(. W-ere s-i%s(re used5 t-e sleeve %ust overl(p t-e outer s-i% by 1F4 (s seen in Figure36. "-rin) sleeve tubing in pl(ce. Do not fle/ t-e connection until it isco%fort(ble to touc-. ,t %(y t-en be for%ed to ( %(/i%u% five ti%es t-eoutside di(%eter bend r(dius.

    ;igure 34. 9pplying "-i% "leeve

    ,n line butt splice connections c(n be %(de of individu(l W";@N typesleeving or t-ey c(n be %(de #it- t-e NP series.

    &.. BO'7D ,N@,N7 ONN7',ON"@

    Bolted in@line connections (re %ore difficult to insul(te bec(use of t-etypic(lly l(rge differences in di(%eters over t-e #ires (nd over t-e bolt5

    see Figure 37. '-e follo#ing design guidelines (re reco%%ended in(ddition to t-e instructions (s outlined in in@line splice connections.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 4!

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    onnection -(rd#(re c(n v(ry signific(ntly in di%ension (nd still fit #it-int-e use r(nge of ( given sie tubing5 b(sed on t-e effective di(%eter oft-e bolt (nd lug -(rd#(re co%bin(tion di%ensions. Bolt lengt-s %ust bec-osen to be (s s-ort (s possible (nd in no c(se s-(ll t-e effective

    di(%eter of t-e bolted connection e/ceed t-e tubing r(nge.

    ;igure 3!. ()ing ri%ped onnection

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    ;igure 3$. entering "-ring) 'ube

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    ;igure 3&. ,nsul(tion of Bolted onnection

    9fter t-e -(rd#(re is c-osen5 eit-er c(lcul(te t-e effective di(%eter overt-e bolted connection using t-e follo#ing for%ul(5 (s seen in Figure 38 or%e(sure it using ( di(%eter t(pe. '-e result is t-e di(%eter to use indeter%ining t-e proper tubing sie.

    '-is di(%eter %ust be less t-(n or e0u(l to t-e %(/i%u% use r(nge oft-e selected tubing.

    Deff .3$W Q .$4

    #-ere: W #idt- of l(rgest t(ng over(ll bolt lengt- including -e(d

    NOTE: 6everse (nd W in t-e (bove e0u(tion if t-e lug tang#idt- isgre(ter t-(n t-e over(ll bolt lengt-.

    9 lengt- of unco(ted tubing bolt p(d %ust be (pplied over t-e bolts#-en t-e over(ll bolt lengt- or t(ng #idt- is gre(ter t-(n .*&C. Belo# t-is5t-e use of ( bolt p(d is option(l. '-e unco(ted bolt p(d serves to )eep t-ebolt (re( free of (d-esive5 if reentry is desir(ble. ,f ( bolt p(d is used5 t-e-(rd#(re di(%eter %ust be revised to include t-e bolt p(d. Figure 3+gives e/(%ples of t-e %(/i%u% -(rd#(re sie co%bin(tions #-ic- c(n beused #it- v(rious sies of tubing.

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    ;igure 3*. Deter%ining 7ffective Di(%eter

    Max. Bolt Size Max Connector

    Tubing Size (Diameter x Length) Tang Width

    WCSF-200 #10 x 5/16 0!"0

    WCSF-300 x 3/$ 0!60

    WCSF-500 3/$ x 5/$ 0!$%

    WCSF-650 & x 5/$ 1!0

    '(/WCSF 650 )olt *ad+WCSF-1000 & x 1 1!,

    '(/WCSF 100 )olt *ad+

    ;igure 3+. 6eco%%ended Bolt "ies

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 4+

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    *.. "OD76,NI@

    *.1. ,N'6OD8',ON

    "oldering is t-e process of connecting t#o pieces of %et(l toget-er to

    for% ( reli(ble electric(l p(t-. "older is ( %et(l (lloy consisting of t#o or%ore %et(ls used in v(rious percent(ges to for% ( fusible (lloy. '-etec-nology of soldering is very old (nd is fre0uently t()en for gr(ntedsince it see%sli)e suc- ( si%ple process.

    'od(y5 in t-e field of electronics5 soldering is f(r fro% ( si%ple t(s). ,t isno# %ore of ( fine (rt5 (nd one t-(t re0uires c(re5 e/perience (nd ()no#ledge of t-e fund(%ent(ls. '-e i%port(nce of -ig- st(nd(rds of#or)%(ns-ip c(n not be overe%p-(sied5 since f(ulty solder joints re%(inone of t-e %(in c(uses of e0uip%ent f(ilure.

    '-e scientific rese(rc- (nd docu%ent(tion of t-e soldering process in

    co%p(rison #it- t-e rese(rc- t-(t -(s been done on ot-er %et(ls (nd(lloys5 is very v(gue. ;ortun(tely5 due to t-e rel(tively recent surgeto#(rd -ig- reli(bility soldering t-(t -(s sp(#ned fro% t-e N9"9 sp(ceprogr(%5 consider(ble rese(rc- is being conducted on t-e solderingprocess.

    +.. "OD76@

    "older used for electronics is ( %et(l (lloy5 %(de by co%bining tin (ndle(d in different proportions. W-en t-e proportions (re e0u(l5 t-e solder is)no#n (s fifty@fifty solder ... fifty percent tin (nd fifty percent le(d.

    "i%il(rly5 si/ty@forty solder #ould consist of si/ty percent tin (nd fortypercent le(d. Gou c(n usu(lly find t-ese percent(ges %(r)ed on t-ev(rious types of solder (v(il(bleE so%eti%es only t-e tin percent(ge iss-o#n.

    '-e t#o %ost co%%on tinFle(d (lloys (re $F4 $R tin5 4R le(d (nd$3F3& $3R tin5 3&R le(d.

    Pure tin "n. is ( silver@#-ite lustrous %et(l. ,t %(int(ins its luster #-ene/posed to (ir (nd resists o/id(tion. 'in is very ductile (nd c(n be rolled(nd e/truded (s #ell (s dr(#n into #ire. W-en cooled to lo#te%per(tures5 belo# !!M;5 pure tin c-(nges fro% ( %et(llic %(teri(l into

    ( gr(y po#der. '-is is c(lled tin pest. 9s s-o#n in Figure 405 t-e %eltingpoint of pure tin is 44*!;.

    Pure le(d Pb5 is ( bluis-@gr(y %et(l #it- ( brig-t %et(llic luster #-en t-esurf(ce is fres-ly e/posed. ,n ordin(ry (ir t-e surf(ce deterior(tes r(pidly5t()ing on ( dull gr(y (ppe(r(nce. '-is t(rnis- protects t-e %et(llicsurf(ce fro% furt-er environ%ent(l (tt(c). '-e %elting point of pure le(d5(s s-o#n in Figure 40is $21;.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 !

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    ;igure 4. ;usion -(r(cteristics of 'in@e(d "olders

    '-e co%bin(tion of le(d (nd tin to for% ( solder (lloy lo#ers t-e %eltingpoint of t-e solder. '-e decision of #-ic- tin@(lloy to use is b(sed onsever(l t-ings. $3F3& 7utectic is stronger5 slig-tly %ore fluid (nd -(s (s-(rper tr(nsfor%(tion fro% solid to li0uid5 %ini%iing t-e pl(stic region.$F4 ne(r eutectic solder tends to flo# %ore re(dily into -oles5 filling in (l(rger co%ponent to -ole g(p. Bot- $3F3& (nd $F4 solders (re(ccept(ble for soldering electronic e0uip%ent. 9 s%(ll (%ount of(nti%ony "b is (dded to prevent tin pest s-o#n in ;igure 41.

    "older co%es in %(ny for%s. Of t-ese for%s t-e t#o %ost #idely used

    types (re #ire (lloy (nd solder p(ste or cre(%.

    ;igure 41. -e%ic(l o%position 6e0uire%ents ??@"@!&1 7

    +.1. A,IA '7P769'867 "OD76

    "oldering of suc- ite%s (s silver@fired cer(%ic p(rts of silver@pl(ted lugs(nd cont(cts is fre0uently ( delic(te oper(tion bec(use of t-e solubility ofsilver in tin silver sc(venging. '-e soldering oper(tion %ust be(cco%plis-ed before t-e t-in silver co(ting beco%es dissolved in t-esolder. One %e(ns of overco%ing t-is difficulty is to use (n (lloycont(ining very little tin5 since it is tin #-ic- re(dily dissolves in silver.Ao#ever5 t-is gener(lly re0uires -ig-er te%per(tures (nd involves (lloys#it- rel(tively poor #etting 0u(lities. "ince t-e solubility of silver in tinincre(ses #it- (n incre(se in te%per(ture5 ( suggested solution %ig-t be

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 !1

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    to use ( lo#er %elting (lloy. 8nfortun(tely5 %ost lo# %elting solders5e/clusive of bis%ut-@be(ring (lloys5 (re ric- in tin5 #-ic- is undesir(blefro% t-e st(ndpoint of silver solubility. '-e %ost s(tisf(ctory solution tot-e proble% of soldering to silver pl(ted p(rts (ppe(rs to be t-e use ofsilver be(ring solder. '-e solubility of silver in tin is gre(tly reduced by

    using ( solder (lloy (lre(dy p(rti(lly s(tur(ted #it- silver #it-out(dversely (ffecting t-e in-erent solder(bility of t-e tin@ric- (lloy.

    Different (pplic(tions re0uire different solder. ,n so%e c(ses t-e need forsilver solder is re0uired 6'D soldering. "ilver %igr(tion occurs #-ent-ere is silver in t-e solder gre(ter t-(t t-e solubility level5 for 'in@e(dt-e %(/i%u% silver is 3R. '-e %igr(tion occurs #-en t-e (t%osp-ere oft-e PB is %oist or #et. '-e silver #ill run (long t-e runs (nd c(uses-orts.

    9side fro% t-e use of silver in soft solders to prevent sc(venging of silverfro% pl(ted p(rts5 it is #idely used in (pplic(tions re0uiring ( -ig- %elting

    point (lloy. "ilver solders gener(lly include silver (lloys %elting (bove11 or 12; in t-e field of soft solders5 -o#ever5 le(dsilver (lloysprovide ( series of solders in t-e 4++ to $; %elting r(nge. '-e le(d@silver eutectic5 for e/(%ple +&.!R Pb5 2.!R 9g5 %elts (t !*1;. ,ngener(l t-ese (lloys (re not so re(dily #or)(ble (s t-e tin@le(d solders (ndre0uire %ost -e(t (nd (ctive flu/ing. "o%e %elting points of solders (res-o#n in Figure 42.

    ;igure 42. "older elting Point vs. R "ilver

    +.2. "OD76 '7P769'867

    9lt-oug- %ost people (ssoci(te t-e #ord solder #it- tin@le(d (lloys5 %(nyot-er types of (lloys %(y be used for soldering. ,f t-e (lloy c(n #et t-eb(se %et(ls (nd t-us effect ( joint it is by definition ( soldering (lloy. '-e

    #etting c-(r(cteristics of fusible (lloys (re not necess(rily suc- t-(t t-ey(uto%(tic(lly c(n serve (s ( solder.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 !2

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    1.. W7'',NI P6O7""@

    '-e t-eory of t-e %ec-(nis% of wetting #(s developed %(ny ye(rs (go in( gener(l for%. ,n soldering5 t-e %ec-(nis% of #etting -(s speci(l

    signific(nce. ;ro% t-e definition of soldering5 #e see t-(t t-e b(sicsoldering process depends on #etting of t-e #or) by t-e for%(tion of (solder@to@b(se %et(l cont(ct. ,t is t-is p-ysic(l #etting of t-e #or) by t-e%olten solder t-(t gener(tes t-e joining interf(ce. '-is process is re(llynot different fro% t-e #etting of (ny solid by (ny li0uid. '-e solidific(tionof t-e %olten solder (fter #etting5 -o#ever5 results in ( per%(nent bond.

    W-en t#o %et(l p(rts (re joined by solder5 ( %et(llic continuity isest(blis-ed (s ( result of t#o interf(ces #-ere t-e solder is bonded tobot- %et(llic p(rts. '-ere (re (t le(st t#o suc- bonds in e(c- solder joint.

    1.1. W7'',NI A969'76,"',"

    '-e surf(ce tension (nd te%per(ture of t-e syste% (ffects #etting. '-er(te of #etting incre(ses #it- ( rise in te%per(ture. '-e critic(lte%per(ture is t-e point (t #-ic- ( sudden incre(se of spre(ding or#etting occurs.

    '-e #etting (bility of solder is decre(sed due to its tendency to %(int(in (sp-eric(l s-(pe.

    '-e -ydrost(tic pressure of t-e solder is dependent on t-e sie of t-edroplet. ,t is %ost signific(nt in t-e #etting process since #etting (nd

    spre(ding occur (nd out run t-e bul) of t-e droplet.

    11.. "OD76,NI ;8L@

    Before ( good solder joint c(n be %(de5 (ll products of environ%ent(l(tt(c) %ust be re%oved. '-e purpose of soldering flu#is to re%ove surf(ceo/ides fro% %et(ls to be soldered. O/ides5 corrosion5 (nd t(rnis- (re (llter%s for t-e (tt(c- upon %et(l by t-e (ir (nd t-e i%purities in it. ;lu/c-e%ic(lly re(cts #it- t-e %et(l surf(ce to re%ove t-e o/ide l(yer (nde/pose t-e %et(llic surf(ce for t-e solder bonding.

    '#o %(jor groups of flu/ (re inorg(nic (nd org(nic. 9ll flu/es5 by

    definition5 re%ove t(rnis- fro% t-e %et(l (nd t-erefore (re corrosive toso%e degree. '-e degree of (ctivity of e(c- of t-ese flu/es is illustr(ted inFigure 43.

    11.1. ,NO6I9N, ;8L

    ,norg(nic flu/es (re by f(r t-e %ost (ctive (nd corrosive group of flu/es.'-ese flu/es (re subdivided into t-ree groups. '-ey (re inorg(nic (cids5inorg(nic s(lts5 (nd inorg(nic g(ses. '-ese flu/es (re not co%%only usedin t-e electronics industry due to t-eir (ctivity.

    11.2. O6I9N, ;8L

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 !3

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    Org(nic flu/es (re divided into non@rosin %(teri(ls (nd rosin@b(sed flu/es.Non@rosin b(sed flu/es -(ve li%ited use in t-e electronics industry (nd #illnot be discussed. 6osin@type flu/es (re %(de fro% ( v(riety of n(tur(l (nd%odified rosins suc- (s pine trees. ore specific(lly rosin is ( %i/ture ofsever(l iso%eric diterpene (cids. '-e t#o %ost #idely used flu/es (re

    69 (nd 69.

    11.3. 69

    '-ere (re no c-e%ic(l co%position re0uire%ents for 69 6osin ildly9ctiv(ted5 -o#ever5 specific electric(l (nd c-e%ic(l re0uire%ents5 before(nd (fter soldering do e/ist. '-ese re0uire%ents force t-e use of specific(ctiv(tors suc- (s -(lide b(se5 org(nic (cids5 (nd (%ines or (%ides. '-eresulting flu/ (nd its residue (re noncorrosive (nd electric(lly insul(ting.

    ;igure 43. ;lu/ 9ctivity

    11.4. 69

    9ctiv(ted rosins (re fully (ctiv(ted rosins #-ic- -(ve been developed for(pplic(tions #-ere %ildly (ctiv(ted flu/es (re too #e(). *@*!R of (llrosin flu/es in use (re (ctiv(ted rosin.

    12.. OPON7N' 67O9@

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 !4

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    Once ( co%ponent -(s been design(ted (s defective it %ust be re%ovedfro% t-e circuit bo(rd. 7ven if t-e co%ponent being re%oved is defective5t-e surrounding co%ponents c(n e(sily be d(%(ged during t-edesoldering process. '-is beco%es ( concern during rep(ir bec(use %ostelectronic (sse%blies (re not (de0u(tely designed for rep(ir(bility.

    12.1. "77',ON O; "OD76,NI ,6ON"

    '-e selection of soldering irons is i%port(nt. '-e proper -e(t r(nge orele%ent #(tt(ge used5 #ill depend on t-e sie of t-e connection to t-edesoldered. Table 4 s-o#s t-e reco%%ended -e(t r(nges.


    4@! #(tts

    3@4 #(tts

    2@3 #(tts

    (rge co%ponents (nd ter%in(ls

    "%(ll co%ponents (nd ter%in(ls (ndprinted circuits #it- l(rge ter%in(l (re(s

    ost printed circuits (nd very s%(llco%ponents (nd ter%in(ls.

    '(ble 4. 6eco%%ended Ae(t 6(nges

    '-e %et-od for (c-ieving t-e re0uired -e(t r(nge fle/ibility is to use ( 4@! #(tt ele%ent (nd ( v(ri(ble po#er source5 e.g.5 ( v(ri(c.

    12.2. P67P969',ON O; "OD76,NI ,6ON"'-e proper -e(ting c(n only be (cco%plis-ed #it- ( correctly prep(redsoldering iron. 9 tip s-ould be l(rge enoug- to ensure efficient -e(ttr(nsfer to t-e (re( to be desoldered5 but not so l(rge t-(t d(%(ge to(dj(cent (re(s %ig-t occur. "%(ller tips provide less -e(t for ( given#(tt(ge ele%ent. 7ffective #(tt(ge %(y be fine tuned by properselection of tip sie.

    Prior to (tt(c-ing t-e tip5 ( s%(ll (%ount of (nti@seie co%pound s-ouldbe s%e(red on t-e tip t-re(ds. '-e tips s-ould be re%oved (nd t-e iront-re(ds cle(ned every eig-t -ours of use. opper tips s-ould be dressed

    #it- ( s%oot- file only #-en cold to prevent o/id(tion (nd solderrepulsion. 9nd #-en using ( pl(ted copper tip5 never dress t-e tip #it- (file. '-e cl(d tips %(y be cle(ned #it- ( pl(tei s brus- or crocus clot- tore%ove stubborn o/id(tion.

    9fter cle(ning or dressing t-e tip5 it %ust be tinnedby flo#ing ( generous(%ount of ne# solder onto t-e s-(ped surf(ce (s soon (s t-e iron is -otenoug- to %elt solder. '-e iron is t-en (llo#ed to idle for (ppro/i%(tely 2%inutes until it re(c-es full oper(ting te%per(ture5 (t #-ic- ti%e(ddition(l solder is (dded. '-e solder is left on t-e tip if t-e iron is notgoing to be used i%%edi(tely. '-is protects t-e -ot tip fro% t-e r(pido/idiing effect of -e(t.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 !!

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    Before using t-e soldering iron to %()e ( solder joint5 (ll e/cess solder%ust be re%oved fro% t-e tip #it- ( brus-5 #et clot-5 or p(per to#el. ,ft-e iron -(s idled for so%e ti%e5 fres- solder s-ould be (dded to t-e tipprior to #iping off t-e e/cess solder. '-is ensures t-(t (ny i%purities #illflo# to t-e surf(ce of t-e solder (nd be re%oved during t-e #iping (ction.

    9fter t-e e/cess solder -(s been #iped off5 t-er%(l s-oc)ing s-ould beperfor%ed on ( #et sponge to provide ( cle(n5 dry tip for soldering. '-is is( cle(n5 dry5 properly tinned tip re(dy for use. '-e tin pl(te tinning slo#sdo#n o/id(tion (nd (ids in -e(t tr(nsfer to t-e connection #-en soldering.

    12.3. D7"OD76,NI '7AN,?87"

    Desoldering c(n occur t-roug- t-ree different processes:


    (nu(l v(cuu% e/tr(ction

    otoried v(cuu% e/tr(ction

    12.3.1 Wic)ing

    "older re%ov(l by t-e #ic)ing %et-od consists of using finely str(nded#ire eit-er br(ided or t#isted in conjunction #it- li0uid flu/ (nd -e(t toc(use (ll but (n e/tre%ely t-in l(yer of solder to be re%oved fro% t-e

    joint (s s-o#n in Figure 44. 9 c(pill(ry (ction c(uses t-e solder to bedr(#n up into t-e #ic)ing %(teri(l. '-is (ction is (ided by t-e li0uid flu/es(bility to incre(se t-e #etting (ction.

    'o desolder #it- #ic)ing5 first select ( piece of #ic)ing %(teri(l br(id orstr(ined #ire #-ic- is s%(ller t-(n t-e (re( being desoldered. Dip t-e#ic)ing %(teri(l in li0uid flu/ (nd pl(ce it on t-e (re( to be desoldered5t()ing c(re to ensure t-(t t-ere is no overl(p of #ic)ing %(teri(l onto t-ebo(rd %(teri(l. '-en (pply ( cle(n5 dry soldering iron tip to t-e br(idusing gentle pressure5 #it-out %oving t-e tip (round on t-e br(id. 9pplyt-e -e(t for no %ore t-(n $ seconds.

    ;igure 44. "older Wic)ing

    '-e #ic)ing %(teri(l %(y be dr(#n (cross t-e (re( to be desoldered (fter

    t-e solder %elts (nd begins to so() into t-e #ic)ing %(teri(l. ,f solderstops flo#ing into t-e #ic)ing %(teri(l before it -(s (ll been re%oved5 or if

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 !$

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    (ll of t-e flu/ is boiled (#(y before re%ov(l is co%plete5 t-e oper(tion%ust be repe(ted being sure to cut off t-e filled portion of t-e #ic)ing%(teri(l to provide ( fres- #ic)ing (re( for (bsorption of solder. Do notre(pply -e(t until t-e joint -(s cooled to (%bient te%per(ture.

    12.3.2 (nu(l (cuu% 7/tr(ction

    "older re%ov(l using t-e %(nu(l v(cuu% %et-od consists of ( %(nu(llycontrolled (nd oper(ted one@s-ot v(cuu% source in conjunction #it- -e(tto cre(te ( v(cuu% (irflo# #-ic- pulls %olten solder fro% t-e joint. '-e%(nu(l v(cuu% usu(lly -(s t-e (dv(nt(ge of inst(nt v(cuu% rise ti%eero to %(/i%u% #it- no del(y.

    'o desolder #it- t-e %(nu(l v(cuu% e/tr(ctor5 (pply t-e soldering iron tip(nd t-e e/tr(ctor tip to t-e (re( to be desoldered (t t-e s(%e ti%e. 8ponobserving ( co%plete solder %elt5 press t-e rele(se trigger #-ic- #illcre(te ( v(cuu% (nd c(use t-e solder to be e/tr(cted. '-is %et-od #ill

    not re%ove 1R of t-e solder (nd %(y c(use circuit p(d lifting on single@sided bo(rds due to t-e e/tre%ely -ig- v(cuu% #-ic- is gener(ted.

    12.3.3 otoried (cuu% 7/tr(ction

    "older re%ov(l using %otoried v(cuu% consists of ( continuous v(cuu%source suc- (s (n (ir bottle (nd venturi co%bin(tion or (n electric(llydriven v(cuu% pu%p. '-is provides ( continuous v(cuu% to ( -e(tedsolder e/tr(ction tip (nd re%oves %olted solder by v(cuu% (irflo#. '-e%otoried v(cuu%5 s-o#n in Figure 455 is nor%(lly controlled by ( foots#itc- (nd differs fro% %(nu(l v(cuu% pri%(rily in t-(t it supplies (continuous v(cuu%.

    ;igure 4!. otoried (cuu% 7/tr(ctor

    '-e e/tr(ction tip (nd t-e -e(t source (re usu(lly co%bined into one tool.'-e (v(il(bility of continuous v(cuu% (llo#s solder re%ov(l #it- ( single(pplic(tion of -e(t.

    'o use t-e %otoried e/tr(ction tec-ni0ue t-e e/tr(ctor tip %ust bepositioned to (llo# %(/i%u% (irflo# t-roug- t-e soldered connection forbest results. ,n ( de(d end -ole situ(tion5 t-e %(jority of t-e solder isre%oved #it- t-e v(cuu% (nd t-e re%(inder is blo#n out #it- pressure.

    'o prevent s#e(t joints bet#een co%ponent le(ds (nd circuit conductors5( stirring %otion of t-e le(d #it- t-e e/tr(ctor tip %ust be used.

    9 s#e(t joint is ( p(per@t-in solder joint for%ed by t-e %inute (%ount ofsolder re%(ining on t-e conductor (nd le(d surf(ces #-ic- c(nnot be

    re%oved by e/tr(ctor. 'o properly prevent s#e(t joints fro% for%ing5 t-ele(d %ust be %oved in ( stirring %otion (s soon (s t-e solder -(s

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 !&

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    co%pletely %elted (nd before v(cuu% is (pplied. '-e stirring %otion %ustbe %(int(ined during t-e v(cuu% (pplic(tion (nd )ept until t-e (irflo#-(s c(used t-e solder to cool (nd solidify.

    NOTE: During stirring (ction5 t-e e/tr(ctor tip %ust never cont(ct

    (nyt-ing e/cept t-e solder (nd t-e le(d itself5 since cont(ct#it- circuit conductors #ill ne(rly (l#(ys c(use d(%(ge.9l#(ys re%e%ber t-e $ second rule.

    '-e le(d (nd -ole sie -(ve sever(l f(ctors (ffecting solder e/tr(ction. '-e(%ount of sp(ce bet#een t-e le(d (nd t-e sides of t-e -ole #ill (ffect t-ee/tr(ction efficiency by v(rying t-e (irflo# t-roug- t-e -ole. '-e dept- oft-e -ole #ill deter%ine t-e lengt- of ti%e t-e -e(t %ust be (pplied for (co%plete solder %elt.

    Bot- t-e inside (nd outside di(%eters of e/tr(ctor tips %ust be considered#-en selecting ( tip. '-e inside di(%eter is deter%ined by t-e co%ponent

    le(d di(%eter5 #-ic- it %ust fit over. '-e outside di(%eter is deter%inedby t-e sie (nd %(ss of t-e p(d. 7/tr(ctor tips %(y be %odified to fit overv(rious le(d ter%in(tion5 or to fit s%(ll5 lo#@%(ss p(ds. 9 file %(y be usedto s-(pe t-e tip to t-e desired for%.

    13.. OPON7N' ,N"'99',ON@

    ,n rep(ir5 repl(ce%ent co%ponents s-ould (l#(ys be inst(lled inconfor%(nce #it- t-e origin(l configur(tion unless currentst(nd(rdsFspecific(tions re0uire ( %odific(tion e.g.5 stress relief %ust beprovided for ( ne# co%ponent even t-oug- t-e old co%ponent -(d nosuc- provision.

    13.1. 79N,NI ,68,' BO96D

    '-e first step in co%ponent inst(ll(tion is to t-oroug-ly cle(n t-e circuitbo(rd. 9n er(ser #ill re%ove lig-t o/ides (nd t-in gold pl(ting. '-e use of(n in)@type er(ser for t-is purpose is reco%%ended (s ot-er type er(sers#ill le(ve (n oily fil% on t-e surf(ce.

    9fter cle(ning #it- (ny %et-od5 #ipe t-e (re( t-oroug-ly #it- solvent tore%ove p(rticles left by cle(ning %et-ods. '-e reco%%ended solvent is

    isopropyl (lco-ol.

    WARNING! ,sopropyl (lco-ol %(y be used (t t-e #or)benc- but neverinside t-e e0uip%ent c(binet. 9ny solvent used (t t-e#or)benc- %ust be co%pletely re%oved fro% t-e circuit c(rdbefore re@inst(lling in t-e c(binet fire -((rd. -ec) "D"for infor%(tion.

    8se ( soft bristle brus- or ( lint free clot- #it- solvent to cle(n t-e bo(rd.'o not use fibergl(ss brus-es (s t-ey #ill scr(tc- t-e %(teri(l. 9lso5 do not(llo# t-e solvent to ev(por(te5 #ipe it up #it- ( dry clot- or cotton@tips#(b.

    13.2. OPON7N' 79D "A9P,NI

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 !*

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    o%ponent le(ds s-ould (l#(ys be str(ig-tened (nd cle(ned prior tos-(ping. 8se t-e s(%e %et-od to cle(n t-e co%ponent le(ds (s t-e circuitbo(rd. '-e co%ponent le(ds %(y be bent using (ny tool or tec-ni0ue t-(t#ill not nic)5 cut5 scr(pe or ot-er#ise d(%(ge t-e le(d. 6eg(rdless of t-e

    %et-od used5 be sure to (l#(ys -old t-e co%ponent body i%%obile (ndbend only t-e pigt(il end of t-e le(d #it- ( s%oot- #iping %otion of t-efinger5 to prevent stress d(%(ge to co%ponent.

    6ound nose pliers (re co%%only used to prep(re co%ponents #it-st(nd(rd + degree bends. W-en co%pleted5 t-e co%ponent s-oulddrop s%oot-ly into t-e circuit bo(rd -oles. ;l(t nose pliers s-ould beused to fine tune t-e le(d sp(cing (fter s-(ping (s necess(ry. 9fterbending t-e le(ds5 (nd before inserting t-e co%ponent on bo(rd5 (l#(yscle(n t-e le(ds #it- solvent (g(in to re%ove (ny oils (nd s(lts presentdue to finger cont(ct.

    13.3. OPON7N' P977N'

    6epl(ce%ent co%ponents s-(ll be %ounted so (s to %()e (ll possibleidentific(tion %(r)ings re(d(ble #it-out disturbing t-e co%ponent. W-en( series of co%ponents (re %ounted in t-e s(%e style (nd direction5 t-eys-ould be pl(ced so t-(t %(r)ings on (ll (re re(d(ble fro% ( single pointgiving due reg(rd to pol(rity re0uire%ents. 9n e/(%ple is s-o#n inFigure 46. 9lso5 p(rts s-(ll be centered bet#een ter%in(ls in (ccord(nce#it- good #or)%(ns-ip (s s-o#n in Figure 47.

    ;igure 4$. o%ponent (r)ing

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 !+

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    ;igure 4&. o%ponent entering

    Figure 48 s-o#s le(d bend dist(nce versus t-e le(d di(%eter. '-edist(nce bet#een t-e body5 of t-e p(rt5 or #eld (nd t-e bent section of (le(d s-(ll be (t t#ice t-e di(%eter of t-e le(d but not less t-(n .$inc-.

    ;igure 4*. o%ponent e(d Bend Dist(nce (nd 6(dius;or Printed ircuit Bo(rd ounting

    13.4. "'67"" 67,7;

    ;or printed circuit bo(rd %ounting5 stress relief dist(nce c(n be looselydefined (s (nd %e(sured (t ( point on ( co%ponent le(d. ,t is t-e%(/i%u% dist(nce fro% ( str(ig-t line dr(#n on t-e surf(ce of t-e bo(rdbet#een t-e bo(rd connection points.

    7(c- p(rt le(d ter%in(ting (t ( connection point s-(ll -(ve ( .12! inc-%ini%u% (llo#(nce for stress relief to %ini%ie stress to t-e solderedconnection or p(rt during t-er%(l e/p(nsion. '-is is s-o#n gr(p-ic(lly inFigure 49.

    ;igure 4+. "tress 6elief 6e0uire%ent

    13.!. 79D '76,N9',ON

    9fter inst(lling t-e co%ponent on t-e bo(rd5 t-e proper le(d ter%in(tion%ust be %(de prior to soldering. ,f for%ing ( str(ig-t@t-roug- ter%in(tion5t-e le(d is si%ply cut to proper lengt- #it- flus-@cutting pliers. '-e flus-side of t-e cut is (l#(ys to#(rd t-e bo(rd.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 $

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    WARNING! 9l#(ys pl(ce t-e tip of your forefinger s(%e -(nd -oldingpliers on t-e le(d tip #-en cutting to prevent t-e le(d fro%flying into your eye.

    Figure 50 s-o#s t-e results of using different types of cutting j(#s to clip

    le(ds. '-e preferred indic(tion is t-(t #-ic- s-o#s t-e flus-@cut j(#sbeing used. e(d is not sp(ded during cutting. 9 sp(ded le(d %(yd(%(ge ter%in(l -ole during subse0uent re%ov(l.

    ;igure !. 'ypes of Plier utting >(#s (nd 6esulting uts

    'o for% ( full@clinc-ed ter%in(tion5 grip t-e le(d end #it- pliers (nd bendin t-e direction of t-e run to ( 4!@degree (ngle #it-out pulling on t-e le(d5t-en cut t-e le(d. '-e reco%%ended lengt- of cut is not less t-(n t-er(dius of t-e p(d (nd not %ore t-(n t-e di(%eter of t-e p(d. 9fter cuttingt-e pigt(il5 fully clinc- do#n on t-e bo(rd surf(ce #it- ( tool #-ic- #ill notc(use d(%(ge to le(d or bo(rd. Do not use pliers5 (s t-ey %(y scr(tc- ornic) t-e le(d or c(use d(%(ge to t-e bo(rd if t-e user slips. 8se ( nylonrod5 or(nge #ood stic)5 etc.

    13.$. 9pplic(tion of "older

    Before (pplying (ny -e(t5 ( -e(t sin) s-(ll be used on solid st(teco%ponentsE -o#ever5 -e(t sin)s (re reco%%ended for (ll co%ponents.

    '-e useful life of rel(tively rugged co%ponents suc- (s c(rbonco%position resistors c(n be s-ortened by (pplic(tions of -e(t fro%soldering. ,f t-e co%ponent le(ds do not provide (ccess for ( -e(t sin)(tt(c-%ent due to %ounting configur(tion5 c(re %ust be used to prevent-e(t d(%(ge. 9lso5 never (pply -e(t for %ore t-(n $ seconds (nd (llo# (ll

    joints to cool to (%bient before re(pplying -e(t.

    Only flu/@cored solder s-ould be used (s it provides (uto%(tic (pplic(tion

    of flu/ to t-e connection #-ile being soldered. ;or l(rge (re(s or r(pidly

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 $1

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    o/idiing surf(ces ( 0u(ntity of e/tern(l flu/ %(y (lso be (pplied to t-ejoints prior to soldering.

    A heat bridgec(n be for%ed by %elting ( s%(ll (%ount of solder (t t-ejunction of t-e tip (nd t-e joint (s s-o#n in Figure 51. ,t is e/tre%ely

    i%port(nt to for% t-e initi(l -e(t bridge by (pplying t-e flu/@cored solder(t t-e e/(ct junction of t-e iron (nd t-e %(ss t-(t is to be soldered.

    ;igure !1. orrect vs. ,ncorrect 9pplic(tion of ored "older

    W-en ( dry iron is pl(ced in cont(ct #it- ( %et(llic surf(ce5 t-e -e(tc(uses ( r(pid o/ide l(yer to for% (t t-e junction. '-is o/ide l(yer is (neffective -e(t insul(tor (nd %ust be re%oved by (pplic(tion of flu/@coredsolder (t t-e junction. '-e flu/ #ill re%ove t-e o/ide l(yer5 (llo#ing t-esolder to #et t-e iron (nd t-e surf(ce to be soldered5 t-ereby est(blis-ing( -ig-ly efficient -e(t tr(nsfer bridge. '-e flu/ #ill not flo# (long (solder tip. 9pplying solder to t-e tip only #ill (llo# t-e flu/ to deco%poseon t-e tip.

    9fter t-e prep(red tip is pl(ced in p-ysic(l cont(ct #it- bot- t-e le(d (ndt-e p(d (nd t-e -e(t bridge -(s been est(blis-ed5 t-e solder %ust be(pplied to for% t-e solder bond. '-e iron s-ould not be %oved during t-esoldering oper(tion5 even on double@sided bo(rds. Proper cle(ning (nd-e(ting of t-e joint #ill (llo# t-e solder to flo# t-roug- t-e -ole (nd for%t-e entire joint #it- ( single (pplic(tion5 e/cept for -oles #it-out %et(llicreinforce%ent.

    NOTE: 9pply -e(t to t-e side opposite t-e co%ponents.

    '-e solder %ust flo# to t-e edge of t-e p(d in (ll c(ses. ,f ( run is pl(ted

    (nd pl(ting -(s been re%oved5 solder s-(ll be flo#ed over (ll b(se %et(l.On full clinc-ed connections5 t-e solder s-(ll e/tend beyond t-e cut end ofco%ponent le(d sufficiently to for% ( fillet to t-e cut end. On ( double@sided bo(rd #it- pl(ted@t-roug- -oles or fl(t@set eyelets5 t-e solder s-ouldco%pletely fill t-e -ole (nd cover p(ds on bot- sides of t-e bo(rd (ss-o#n. '-e solder (re( of ( funnel@set eyelet for%s t-ree sep(r(te solder

    joints5 one on e(c- side bet#een t-e outer fl(nges (nd t-e p(d5 (nd onet-roug- t-e -ole bet#een t-e inside of t-e eyelet (nd t-e le(d.

    13.&. 79N,NI 9;'76 "OD76,NI

    9fter t-e soldering oper(tion is co%pleted5 (ll flu/ residue s-(ll be

    re%oved by solvent cle(ning #it- ( brus- (ndFor lint free clot-. Do not

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 $2

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    (llo# t-e solvent to (ir@dry on t-e bo(rd in t-(t it #ill le(ve ( t-in l(yer offlu/ residue. Wipe t-e (re( dry #it- ( lint free clot-.

    14.. "OD76,NI P,767D '76,N9"@

    "oldered connections on pierced t(p ter%in(ls #ill usu(lly be si%il(r in(ppe(r(nce to t-ose of t-e -oo) ter%in(l5 e/cept t-(t t-is ter%in(l #ill-(ve ( -ole or eye inste(d of (n open -oo).

    '-e #ires %(y be inst(lled fro% eit-er t-e side or t-e top of t-e ter%in(l(nd for%ed fro% one@0u(rter #r(p or + degrees to ( #r(p of 2&degrees. '-e -ole need not be filled #it- solder but t-ere s-ould be (filletof solder bet#een t-e #ire (nd t-e cont(ct surf(ces of t-e ter%in(l5 refer

    to Figure 52.

    ;igure !2. onnections On Pierced 'er%in(ls

    1!.. "OD76,NI ,"@

    9 %(jor portion of electronic (sse%bly (nd rep(ir #or) involves t-esoldering of v(rious types of integr(ted circuits ,Cs onto double@sidedbo(rds -(ving pl(ted@t-roug- -oles. Aere t-e proble% is to ensure t-(tsufficient solder is (pplied to fill t-e -ole (nd #et t-e le(d surf(ces onbot- sides of t-e bo(rd.

    W-en soldering integr(ted circuits5 ti%e is your %ost critic(l f(ctor. '-eyc(n be e(sily d(%(ged by too %uc- -e(t (nd itCs t-e )ind of d(%(ge you%(y not be (ble to see. '-e only (ssur(nce youCll -(ve of ( -ig-ly reli(ble

    joint is t-e f(ct t-(t it #(s %(de #it-in t#o seconds.

    9n incre(singly popul(r type of , p(c)(ging is t-e D,P5 or du(l inline p(c)5#-ic- -(s t#o ro#s of for%ed fl(t le(ds. Figure 53 illustr(tes t-e steps in%ounting (nd soldering t-is type of co%ponent.

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 $3

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure !3. "oldering Dips

    '-e D,P co%es #it- its le(ds slig-tly sprung out#(rd5 so it is firstnecess(ry to bend t-e le(ds so t-(t t-ey c(n be e(sily inserted in t-e-oles. Bending is done by c(refully -olding t-e body of t-e D,P #it- longnose pliers (nd t-en pressing bot- ro#s of le(ds do#n onto ( fl(t surf(ce.

    >ust enoug- pressure s-ould be used to i%p(rt t-e correct (ngle.

    9fter t-e le(ds (re for%ed5 t-e D,P is %ounted on t-e co%ponent side oft-e bo(rd (nd -eld in pl(ce %o%ent(rily #it- ( finger #-ile t-e bo(rd isturned over. '-en t#o le(ds on opposite co%ers (re clinc-ed to )eep t-ep(rt fro% %oving during soldering. linc-ing s-ould be done so t-(t t-ele(ds (re directed (#(y fro% t-e co%ponent body.

    9not-er %et-od is to use ( D,P clip or t#eeer tool t-(t -olds t-e le(dsin#(rd so t-(t t-ey drop effortlessly into t-e -oles. W-en t-e clip ort#eeer tool is re%oved5 t-e le(ds #ill spring out to t-e side #(lls of t-e-oles5 -olding t-e D,P fir%ly in pl(ce #-en t-e bo(rd is turned over for

    -(nd soldering.

    "ince t-e le(ds on ( D,P (re s%(ll5 ( s%(ll iron tip is nor%(lly used. 9g(in5t-e tip s-ould be (pplied to one side of t-e joint5 touc-ing le(d (nd p(dsurf(ces5 #-ile t-e solder is (pplied to t-e opposite side. ,n soldering t-ero# of le(ds5 t-e loc(tion of t-e iron tip s-ould be (ltern(ted5 so t-(t t-ele(ds ne/t to e(c- ot-er (re not soldered consecutively. ,n t-is #(y t-e(%ount of -e(t buildup in (ny one (re( is %ini%ied5 reducing t-epossibility of lifting (ny of t-e circuits5 or d(%(ging t-e co%ponent.

    Wit- pl(ted@t-roug- -oles5 during t-e first second5 or second (nd ( -(lf5

    (fter t-e solder is (pplied ( %ound of it builds up on t-e p(d5 (nd t-e -ole(ppe(rs to be full. 9ctu(lly it is notE t-ereCs solder on only one side of t-ebo(rd (nd #it-in only p(rt of t-e -ole. '-e iron (nd t-e solder s-ould be)ept on t-e joint until t-e solder pool drops (nd t-en %ounds up (t t-e topto produce ( s%oot-5 conc(ve fillet.

    '-e tot(l ti%e fro% t-e initi(l touc- of t-e iron on t-e joint to t-e re%ov(lof t-e iron %(y e/ceed t#o seconds5 due to v(rious t-er%(l@%(ssc-(r(cteristics. Ao#ever5 on double@sided bo(rds t-is s-ould not e/ceedt-ree seconds tot(l ti%e.

    1$.. "OD76,NI ;9' P9"@

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 $4

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    Bec(use of t-e s%(ll sie (nd delic(te n(ture of fl(t p(c) le(ds5 ( reflo#tec-ni0ue is used in #-ic- t-e solder is first put on t-e p(ds5 (nd t-enreflo#ed #-ile t-e le(d is -eld %otionless in pl(ce on t-e p(d. '-e steps int-e procedure (re s-o#n in Figure 54.

    ;igure !4. 6eflo# 'ec-ni0ue for "oldering ;l(t P(c)s

    '-e first t(s) is to cle(n (nd tin t-e p(ds. '-e s%(ll iron tip is used5 (long#it- t-e s%(llsied solder @ one -undredt- .1 of (n inc- .2!4 %% indi(%eter. Note t-e pl(ce%ent of t-e solder in Figure 54 (nd t-e directionin #-ic- t-e iron #ipes. 9fter (ll t-e p(ds -(ve been tinned5 t-e (re( iscle(ned #it- ( solvent to re%ove used flu/. '-e tinned (re(s s-ould beinspected to ensure t-(t t-ere (re no solder pe()s. '-ese #ill prevent t-eproper positioning of t-e le(ds over t-e pre@tinned surf(ces5 (nd %(yc(use s)e#ing or overl(pping.

    "o%e fl(t p(c)s co%e #it- t-eir le(ds str(ig-t out. ;or %ounting t-e le(dss-ould be bent (s s-o#n in Figure 54 so t-(t t-e p(rt rests fl(t on t-ebo(rd. '-e (ngle (t #-ic- t-e le(d %eets t-e p(d s-ould be $5 is s-o#nin Figure 54.

    9fter bending (nd cutting5 t-e le(ds (re cle(ned #it- solvent. '-e

    co%ponent is positioned so t-(t e(c- le(d is centered over t-e p(d (nde/tends onto t-e circuit bo(rd for ( dist(nce of not less t-(n t#ice t-e#idt- of t-e le(d. 8nder so%e circu%st(nces5 t-e specific(tions %(yre0uire t-(t gold@pl(ted le(ds be pre@tinned before reflo#@soldering. '-ispre@tinning %ini%ies t-e gold@solder cont(%in(tion (nd est(blis-es t-esolder(bility of t-e surf(ces.

    Before soldering5 ne# flu/ is put on t-e le(ds5 since no (ddition(l flu/ ofsolder #ill be (pplied #it- t-e iron. 9fter t-e co%ponent is c(refullypositioned on t-e p(ds ( piece of t(pe c(n be used to te%por(rily -old t-eco%ponent in pl(ce #-ile soldering. 9fter positioning t-e fl(t p(c)5 t-eprocedure is to first reflo#@solder t-e le(ds (t opposite corners (nd to t-en

    reflo#@solder t-e re%(ining le(ds5 s)ipping (round to prevent -e(t fro%building up. 9 p(ir of t#eeers #ould be used to provide ( lig-t5

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 $!

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    do#n#(rd5 positive pressure (t t-e upper le(d surf(ce5 cl(%ping t-e le(din position during soldering. '-ey #ill (lso (ct (s ( -e(t sin). 9 #et tissuec(n (lso be put over t-e co%ponent to %ini%ie t-e -e(ting effect.

    '-e soldering iron tip s-ould be #iped (long t-e le(d5 b(c) (nd fort-5 until

    solder %elt is observed. 6efer toFigure 54.

    W-en co%plete solder flo# isobserved5 t-en t-e iron s-ould be re%oved5 using ( #iping %otion to#(rdst-e end of t-e le(d. ,n t-is #(y5 (ny lifting or %ove%ent of t-e le(ds isprevented. '-e fin(l step is to re%ove (ll tr(ces of flu/ fro% under t-eco%ponents5 fro% t-e le(ds (nd t-e p(ds5 (nd fro% t-e circuit bo(rd #it-solvent (nd lint free clot-.

    '-e (%ount of solder e/isting (t t-e -eel of t-e le(d is (n i%port(ntc-(r(cteristic of (n (ccept(ble joint. 9s s-o#n in Figure 54 t-e -eig-t oft-e fillet s-ould be ( %ini%u% of one t-ird of t-e tot(l dist(nce bet#eent-e p(d (nd t-e -oriont(l p(rt of t-e le(d. '-e solder s-ould not flo#over t-e top of t-e upper bend.

    1&.. A969'76,"'," O; 9 ?89,'G "OD76 >O,N'@

    no#ing #-(t to loo) for on ( joint -elps you or ( 0u(lity control inspectordeter%ine (ccept(ble fro% b(d connections. '-e %ost obvious visu(lindic(tion of ( 0u(lity solder joint is ( s%oot- (nd s-iny %irror@li)esurf(ce. '-e joint surf(ce %ust be tot(lly free of (ny pits5 protrusions5 orot-er ble%is-es. '-ere s-ould be no copper s-o#ing t-roug- t-e soldered(re( (t (ny point. '-e solder #ill for% ( s%oot- conc(ve fillet bet#een t-eco%ponent le(d (nd t-e surf(ce it is soldered to (t (ll points of t-esoldered (re(.

    '-e %ost critic(l indic(tion of 0u(lity (nd reli(bility of ( solderedconnection is t-e #etting (ction of t-e solder. '-ere %ust not be (nydistinct inlets (t t-e edge of t-e soldered (re( #-ere t-e solder did notflo#. '-e solder %ust #et (nd blend s%oot-ly into t-e soldered surf(ces(t t-e edge of t-e soldered (re( le(ving no s-(rp edge or ridge (t (nypoint #-ere t-e solder -(s stopped flo#ing.

    '-e solder s-ould for% ( s%oot- conc(ve fillet fro% ( point (bout one@-(lfof t-e #(y up t-e side of t-e le(d. '-e contour of t-e #ire or le(d iscle(rly visible t-roug- t-e solder if #ire is str(nded5 t-e individu(l str(nds#ill be visible. 6efer to Figure 55.

    ;igure !!. Preferred "older onnection

    '-e connection is very ne(r to -(ving too %uc- solder if t-e fillet is onlyslig-tly conc(ve. '-e solder fillet st(rts (bout t-ree@fourt-s up one side oft-e le(d. 6efer to Figure 56.

    ,nstru%ent 'r(inee '(s) odule 1231 $$

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors


    ;igure !$. (/i%u% "older

    ,f t-e fillet is conve/ r(t-er t-(n conc(ve5 it is not possible to tell if t-ele(d is even in t-e solder joint since it is co%pletely -idden by t-e solder.,t is possible for %(ny defects5 suc- (s (ir poc)ets5 to e/ist #it-in t-e joint(nd not s-o# t-roug- to t-e solder surf(ce. 6efer to Figure 57. '-isconnection #ould be rejected for -(ving too %uc- solder.

    ;igure !&. 7/cess "older

    ,f t-e fillet5 (lt-oug- conc(ve5 st(rts #ell belo# t-e -(lf#(y point of t-ele(d5 t-ere is not enoug- of solder to #it-st(nd vibr(tion (nd e/p(nsionstresses. '-is #ould result in solder cr(c)ing (nd (sse%bly f(ilure #it-in (s-ort ti%e. 6efer to Figure 58.'-is connection #ould be rejected for not

    -(ving enoug- solder.

    ;igure !*. ,nsufficient "older

    '-e only positive test of t-e intern(l joint structure (re /@r(y or destructivee/(%in(tion5 neit-er of #-ic- is pr(ctic(l for t-e rep(ir tec-nici(n. '-us5t-e intern(l 0u(lity of t-e joint %ust be judged by le(rning t-e e/tern(l(ppe(r(nce of defects (nd t-eir c(uses.

    1*.. "OD76 >O,N' D7;7'"@

    "older joint defects c(n be cl(ssified into five c(tegories:



    fr(ctured or disturbed

    'er%in(te onductors < odule 1231 $&

  • 8/13/2019 Instr 12310 Terminate Conductors




    '-e %ost co%%on defect is ( dirty solder joint #-ic- -(s ( good out#(rd(ppe(r(nce e/cept for its #etting (ction. '-e edges of t-e