INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORY INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORY SERVICES IN AZERBAIJAN: SERVICES IN AZERBAIJAN: CASE STUDIES CASE STUDIES Tatyana Zaytseva Tatyana Zaytseva Baku Higher Oil School, Head of Library Baku Higher Oil School, Head of Library April 02, 2014 April 02, 2014

INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORY SERVICES IN AZERBAIJAN: CASE STUDIES Tatyana Zaytseva Baku Higher Oil School, Head of Library April 02, 2014

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Tatyana ZaytsevaTatyana Zaytseva

Baku Higher Oil School, Head of LibraryBaku Higher Oil School, Head of Library

April 02, 2014April 02, 2014

Baku Higher Oil School at a Glance Introduction to Open Access and

Institutional Repositories Institutional Repositories

Development: World experience Institutional Repository Services

by Dspace platform in Azerbaijan

Outline of PresentationOutline of Presentation

2Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Baku Higher Oil SchoolBaku Higher Oil School .

3Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Baku Higher Oil SchoolBaku Higher Oil Schoolat a Glanceat a Glance


 Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) (Azerbaijani; Bakı Ali Neft Məktəbi) was established as a subsidiary of SOCAR under the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated 29 November 2011

Education process is based on strong partnership relations with Heriot-Watt University (HWU), UK

The main language of instruction is English There are three specialties – Petroleum Engineering, Chemical

Engineering, and Process Automation Engineering. Following the education results the students will get diplomas of

BHOS and  Heriot-Watt University BHOS students, professors and library have got access to all the

HWU information resources, including VISION (Virtual Student Information Organisation Network)

BHOS is the university many professors of which has got recognition and leadership in their professional fields

4Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Definition of Open AccessDefinition of Open Access

In using the term “open access”, we mean the free availability of peer-reviewed literature on

the public internet, permitting any user to:

- Read- Read,,

- Download- Download, ,

- Copy- Copy, ,

- Distribute- Distribute, ,

- Print- Print,, - Search- Search, or LinkLink to the full texts of the articles

5Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Driving Force Behind Open Access – Driving Force Behind Open Access – Dissatisfaction at all LevelsDissatisfaction at all Levels

Authors: their work is not seen by all their peers – do not receive the recognition they desire

Readers: cannot view all research literature they need – less effective

Libraries: cannot satisfy information needs of their users

6Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

The Open Access MovementThe Open Access Movement

BOAI, February 2002 Bethesda Statement on Open Access

Publishing, 2003 Berlin Declaration, October 2003, May 2004 &

February 2005 Welcome Trust, October 2003 Australian group of Eight Statement on Open

Access to Scholarly Information, 2004 Alhambra Declaration on OA, May 2010 IFLA Statement on Open Access, April 2011 SPARC Europe Statement on Open Access, 2011 LERU Roadmap towards OA, June 2011

7Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Support of the Open Access Support of the Open Access by Developed Countriesby Developed Countries

UK Parliamentary Inquiry: Science and Technology Committee, 2004 U.S. Appropriations Committee, 2004 Canada, 2003 - the Canadian Association of Research Libraries,

launched an Institutional Repository Project in 2003 Australia, 2004 - Australian Research Information Infrastructure

Committee (ARIIC) Open Access Declaration Italy, 2004 - Messina Declaration Germany, 2003 - Berlin Declaration on open Access to Knowledge

in Sciences and Humanities Sweden- Since 2006, Sweden has had a national OA programme,

OpenAccess.se, which has played a role in the creation of a national search portal for scholarly publications (SwePub)

France - France's HAL multi-disciplinary open archive was launched by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in 2001.

8Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Support of the Open Access Support of the Open Access by EIFLby EIFL

Open Access policy has now been adopted by 47 institutions in developing and transition countries in the EIFL network

There are 670+ open repositories and 3.400+ open access journals in EIFL partner countries

EIFL- OA organized 121 awareness raising, advocacy and capacity building events and workshops in 2003-2013 in 41 countries with participants from over 50 countries

9Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Support of the Open Access Support of the Open Access by Azerbaijanby Azerbaijan

10Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Two Ways of the Open Access Two Ways of the Open Access

Budapest Open Access Initiative <http://www.soros.org/openaccess/index.shtml>

Recommends 2 Strategies:1. Open Access Journals ("goldgold"):

Publish your article in a suitable open-access journal whenever one exists.

2. Self-archiving in Open Electronic Archives/Repositories ("greengreen"):

Otherwise, publish your article in a suitable toll-access journal and also self-archive it.

11Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

What is an InstitutionalWhat is an InstitutionalRepository (IR)?Repository (IR)?

“A digital collection capturing and preserving the intellectual

output of a single or multi-university community.”

Raym Crow. <http://www.arl.org/sparc/IR/ir.html>

“A university-based institutional repository is a set of services that a university offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the institution and its community members.”

Clifford Lynch. Essential infrastructure for scholarship in the digital age ARL, no. 226 (February2003): 1-7.

12Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Institutional Institutional RRepositories’epositories’CContributions to ontributions to OOpen pen AAccessccess

Scholarly communication Supporting education through learning

materials Electronic publishing Managing digital collections of research

outputs on university networks Housing and preserving digital collections Enhancing university’s prestige

13Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Benefits of Institutional RepositoriesBenefits of Institutional Repositories to Various Stakeholders to Various Stakeholders

For the researcher:

Increased visibility of research output and consequently the department and the institution

Potentially increased impact of publications as an author at the institution

Provides the possibility to standardize

institutional records e.g. academic's CVs and published papers

Allows the creation of personalized publications

lists 14

Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Benefits of InstitutionalBenefits of InstitutionalRepositories to Various Stakeholders Repositories to Various Stakeholders

For the institution:

Increases visibility and prestige of an institution Repository content is readily searchable both locally and globally

A repository that contains high quality content

could be used as a 'shop window' or marketing tool to entice staff, students and funding

A repository can store other types of content that is not necessarily published, sometimes known as 'grey literature'

15Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Benefits of InstitutionalBenefits of InstitutionalRepositories to Various StakeholdersRepositories to Various Stakeholders

For the global community:

Assists research collaboration through facilitating free exchange of scholarly information (this is enabled through the use of metadata harvesters of OAI-compliant institutional repositories)

Aids in the public understanding of research

endeavours and activities.

16Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

The Power of Open Access –The Power of Open Access –Institutional RepositoriesInstitutional Repositories


For 72% of papers published in the Astrophysical Journal free versions of the paper are available in repositories (mainly through ArXiv)

These 72% of papers are, on average,

cited twice as often as the remaining 28% that do not have free versions available in repositories.

Data Data ««Greg SchwarzGreg Schwarz»» Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

World-Wide DeploymentWorld-Wide Deployment2604 Repositories2604 Repositories

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World-Wide DeploymentWorld-Wide Deploymentby Countriesby Countries

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Former Soviet Union Former Soviet Union Countries DeploymentCountries Deployment

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Registry of Open Access Registry of Open Access Repositories in AzerbaijanRepositories in Azerbaijan

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Ranking Web of World Ranking Web of World Repositories: January, 2014Repositories: January, 2014


Presentation about Khazar University experience with DSpace is available at EIFL website: http://www.eifl.net/dspace

Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Registry ofRegistry of the BHOS the BHOSOpen Access RepositorOpen Access Repositoryy

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Why have an IR at Why have an IR at Baku Higher Oil School?Baku Higher Oil School?

To help the international Open Access efforts.

“The mission of disseminating knowledge is only half complete if it is not widely and readily available to society.”

(Adapted from the Berlin Declaration)<http://www.zim.mpg.de/openaccess-berlin/


To create a permanent record of the scholarly output of Baku Higher Oil School

- No access to some scholarly works published by our own faculty

- Collections of working papers, technical reports, research reports flowing around

24Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Why Did We Choose DSpace?Why Did We Choose DSpace?

Top Reasons to use Dspace:

Largest community of users and developers worldwide: over 1100

   Khazar University Institutional Repository Successful story Any organization can use, modify, and even

integrate the code into their commercial application without paying any licensing fees

Well organized web-interface

Metadata in Dublin core format25

Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Where is DSpace available?Where is DSpace available?http://dspace.bhos.edu.az/xmlui

26Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Where is DSpace available?Where is DSpace available?http://dspace.bhos.edu.az/xmlui


Communities and CollectionsCommunities and Collections

Schools and CentersSchools and CentersChemical Engineering Department [70] [70] Computer and Information - Communication Technologies Department [22] [22] Electronic Training Department [19] [19] English Language and Humanitarian Courses Center [15] [15] International Relations Department [25] [25] Library [135] [135] Petroleum Engineering Department [26] [26] Postgraduate Training Department [12] [12] Public Relations Department [19] [19] Quality Assurance Department [15] [15]

Other CollectionsOther Collections

Personal Pages Personal Pages [57][57]Learning Materials [81] [81] 28

Collection Type and SizeCollection Type and Size

Communities 12Collections 35

Books 141

Learning materials 81

Presentations 11

Personal Pages 57

Other 25

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Personal pagePersonal page

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Personal pagePersonal page

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Browsing by AuthorBrowsing by Author

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Browsing by SubjectBrowsing by Subject

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Browsing by Issue Data Browsing by Issue Data

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Self-archiving serves two main purposes:

Allows authors to disseminate their

research articles for free over the internet

Helps to ensure the preservation of those articles in a rapidly

evolving electronic environment

35Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

To self-archive is to deposit a digital document in a publicly accessible website

Depositing involves a simple web interface where the depositer copy/pastes in the “metadata” (date, author-name, title, journal-name, etc.) and then attaches the full-text document

Self-archiving takes only about 10 minutes DSpace also allows for documents to be

selfarchived in bulk, rather than just one by one Many funding bodies mandate self-archiving


36Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Submission an article to journal pre-print self-archiving Peer reviewAuthor revisionsSubmission of final versionArticle is published





37Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Self-archivingSelf-archiving by DSpace by DSpace

Register to: dspace.bhos.edu.az/xmluidspace.bhos.edu.az/xmlui Choose a collection you want to submit to, e.g. Personal Archive Send us an email and ask for registration rights.

38Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014


Library will continue to:Library will continue to: Provide support for university research self-archiving

Educate users and faculty about the IR

Showcase the IR

Find champions and partners among faculty

Seek institutional mandate and support Harvest documents

39Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014


This is the age of information This is the age of information explosion. explosion.

It demands institutional Librarians It demands institutional Librarians to organize and provide right to organize and provide right

information to the right user at the information to the right user at the right time.right time.

40Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014Baku Higher Oil School Library, April 02, 2014

Thank you for your attention!Thank you for your attention!


Tatyana ZaysevaTatyana Zayseva [email protected]@socar.az