Annual subscription: Rs. 10.00; Single Copy: Re.1.00 Vol. LVIII No. 10 October 2014 www.iipa.org.in INSTITUTE NEWS Workshop on Gender Budgeting Organised jointly by the Ministry of Women and Child Development and IIPA, the captioned programme was conducted at IIPA for officers of Gender Budget Cells of Central Ministries/Deartments during September 3-5. In his inaugural address Dr. Tishyarakshit Chatterjee, Director of IIPA, highlighted the danger of gender budgeting falling into the groove of the SC plan which does not always specifically benefit the Scheduled Castes; gender budgeting should be internalised horizontally, on an area basis and in all aspects of governance not just schematically. Besides enhancing conceptual clarity of the prticipants with regard to gender budgeting related concepts and tools, the programme was designed to: (i) strengthen and institutionalise gender budgeting in all ministries and departments; (ii) enable cross learning regarding initiatives taken and challenges faced in implementing gender budgeting; and (iii) enable improved integration of women’s needs and priorities in the budget and other policy documents. Programme faculty comprised guest faculty and the programme coordinator, Prof. Aasha Kapur Mehta. Programme on Disaster Management Sponsored by the Department of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, Government of Mizoram, the programme was conducted at IIPA for officials of Government of Mizoram from during 17-19. Besides equipping the participants with new and relevant skills to enhance their capabilities, the programme was designed to enable them: (i) develop effective strategies and systems for disaster prevention, mitigation, response and recovery; (ii) apply risk management processes in their functioning in order to identify, assess and deal with disaster risks; (iii) utilise an emergency coordination centre to manage disaster events; (iv) assess key implementation issues and requirements in disaster management; and (v) enhance the overall management skills and positive attitude. Programme faculty comprised guest speakers and the programme coordinators, Dr. Shyamli Singh and Prof. Vinod K. Sharma. Programme on Innovations in Forestry Sponsored by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, the programme was conducted Dr. Tishyarakshit Chatterjee addresses the participants. On his left is Prof. Aasha Kapur Mehta The IIPA fraternity extends greetings to all its readers for Onam and Dussehra

INSTITUTE NEWSINSTITUTE NEWS Workshop on Gender Budgeting ... The IIPA fraternity extends greetings to all its readers for Onam and Dussehra. 2 IIPA NEWSLETTER/OCTOBER 2014 at IIPA

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Annual subscription: Rs. 10.00; Single Copy: Re.1.00

Vol. LVIII No. 10 October 2014



Workshop on Gender Budgeting

Organised jointly by the Ministry of Women and

Child Development and IIPA, the captioned programmewas conducted at IIPA for officers of Gender Budget

Cells of Central Ministries/Deartments during September3-5. In his inaugural address Dr. TishyarakshitChatterjee, Director of IIPA, highlighted the danger of

gender budgeting falling into the groove of the SC planwhich does not always specifically benefit the Scheduled

Castes; gender budgeting should be internalisedhorizontally, on an area basis and in all aspects of

governance not just schematically. Besides enhancingconceptual clarity of the prticipants with regard togender budgeting related concepts and tools, the

programme was designed to: (i) strengthen andinstitutionalise gender budgeting in all ministries and

departments; (ii) enable cross learning regardinginitiatives taken and challenges faced in implementing

gender budgeting; and (iii) enable improved integrationof women’s needs and priorities in the budget and

other policy documents. Programme faculty comprisedguest faculty and the programme coordinator, Prof.Aasha Kapur Mehta.

Programme on Disaster Management

Sponsored by the Department of Urban

Development and Poverty Alleviation, Government ofMizoram, the programme was conducted at IIPA for

officials of Government of Mizoram from during 17-19.Besides equipping the participants with new andrelevant skills to enhance their capabilities, the

programme was designed to enable them: (i) developeffective strategies and systems for disaster prevention,

mitigation, response and recovery; (ii) apply riskmanagement processes in their functioning in order toidentify, assess and deal with disaster risks; (iii) utilise

an emergency coordination centre to manage disasterevents; (iv) assess key implementation issues and

requirements in disaster management; and (v) enhancethe overall management skills and positive attitude.

Programme faculty comprised guest speakers and theprogramme coordinators, Dr. Shyamli Singh and Prof.Vinod K. Sharma.

Programme on Innovations in Forestry

Sponsored by the Ministry of Environment, Forests

and Climate Change, the programme was conductedDr. Tishyarakshit Chatterjee addresses the

participants. On his left is Prof. Aasha Kapur Mehta

The IIPA fraternity extends greetings to all its readers for Onam and Dussehra


at IIPA for Indian Forest ServiceOfficers from September 8-12. In

his key-note address, Dr.Tishyarakshit Chatterjee, Director ofIIPA, observed that forest

management like environmentalmanagement in general cannot be

successful if viewed throughverticals of departmental silos.These require a horizontal, holistic

and area-based approach,prioritising local cultures and practice

and involving the local. Theprogramme was designed to help

the forestry practitioners understandwhat innovations are and why theyare important and how to implement

them through application of scienceand technology. The programme-

content included were: (i) overviewof forestry in India; (ii) applicationsof science and technology in

forestry; (iii) water harvesting andits relevance to forestry; (iv) forest

and legislation; (v) forest and itsrole in disaster mitigation; (vi)

wetlands and forest; (vii) work groupand presentation; and nature trail.Programme faculty comprised guest

speakers and in-house faculty. Dr.

management, project managementand general management. It gave

exposure of some relevant acts (likeIPR, Patent, RTI, etc) and attemptedto enhance the potential of

participants in writing reports,drafting Cabinet notes and making

presentations. Programme facultycomprised guest speakers and in-house faculty. Prof. Rakesh Gupta

and Dr. Mamta Pathania coordinatedit.

Programme on Capacity Building

Sponsored by the Directorate

General of Employment andTraining, Ministry of Labour andEmployment, two back-to-back

programmes on the captioned topicwere conducted for ITI principals at

the Institute of Management inGovernment, Thiruvananthapuram

from September 1-5; and at IIPAfrom September 15-19. Apart fromenhancing the overall management

skills and positive attitude of theparticipants, the programme was

designed to: (i) invigorate theleadership qualities and decision-making process as the head of the

institute; (ii) expand the financialmanagement and project

management skills; (iii) endow theinterpersonal communication skills

and networking capabilities; and (iv)develop the skills to understand theorganisational behaviour as well as

human behaviour of the entirestakeholder related to the domain

of official activities. Programmefaculty comprised guest speakersand the programme coordinators,

Dr. Girish Kumar and Dr. PradipKumar Parida.

Anxiety is the hand maiden of creativity — T.S. Eliot

Dr. Tishyarakshit Chatterjee addresses theparticipants. On his left are Dr. Shyamli Singh and

Prof. V.K. Sharma

of Science and

Technology, theprogramme was

conducted at IIPAfor technical

personnel ofscience andt e c h n o l o g y

department fromSeptember 8-19.

The programmeaimed at providingbroad overview of

f i n a n c i a l

Shyamli Singh coordinated theprogramme.

Programme on LeadershipDevelopment

Sponsored by the Department

of Urban Development and PovertyAlleviation, Government of Mizoram,

the programme was conducted atIIPA by its Centre for Urban Studies

for officials of Government ofMizoram from during 8-10. Apartfrom delineating the key issues

involved in leadership incontemporary times, the programme

was designed to: (i) sensitise theparticipants to the issues ofchallenges to effective leadership;

(ii) enhance the capacity ofparticipants to harness the

leadership qualities in them; and(iii) discuss the critical issues in

linking the effective leadership togood governance. Programmefaculty comprised guest speakers

and in-house faculty. Dr. Neetu Jainand Dr. Sujit Kumar Pruseth

coordinated it.

Programme on Capacity Building

Sponsored by the Department


Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom — Thomas Jefferson

Programme on HigherAdministration and ProjectManagement

Sponsored by the Central PublicWorks Department, the programme

was conducted at IIPA for thearchitects of CPWD from September

15-26. Besides understanding andusing administrative and financial

rules and skills required for moreeffective discharge of their duties,the programme was designed to

enable the participants to: (i) applysome of the good practices in their

organisations and improve theirdecision-making capacity; (ii)develop a spirit of cooperation and

mutual trust and work effectively asteams; and (iii) understand and

apply knowledge and skills of projectmanagement for efficient planning

and completion of socially usefulprojects. Programme facultycomprised guest speakers and in-

house faculty. Prof. Pranab Banerji,Prof. Rakesh Gupta and Dr. Roma

Mitra Debnath coordinated it.

Programme on Dynamic LifeManagement and Stress-freeLiving for SLPEs

Sponsored by the Department

of Public Enterprises, Ministry ofHeavy Industries and Public

Enterprises, the programme wasconducted at IIPA on September22-23. Besides increasing the

overall efficiency and enhance themanagerial competence through

holistic health and remove theadverse effects of stress, the

programme was designed to: (i)identify the potential sources ofstress; (ii) understand the nature of

organisational stress; (iii) analysethe adverse impact of stress on

various parts of life; (iv) reducestress and burnout for betterproductivity; (v) empower individuals

to be in greater control ofthemselves for personal growth; (vi)

enhance emotional intelligence ofthe employees; (vii) increaseconcentration and energy levels;

(viii) rejuvenate body, mind and soul;and (ix) increase overall sense of

well being. Programme facultycomprised guest speakers and the

programme coordinator, Dr. NeetuJain.

Programme on Development PlanPreparation and Implementation—Tools and Techniques

Sponsored by the Ministry ofUrban Development, the programme

was conducted at IIPA by its Centrefor Urban Studies from September22-26. Apart from discussing the

planning process, norms,development control regulations and

building bye-laws for existing andnew cities, the programme wasdesigned to enable the participants

to: (i) discuss the planimplementation mechanism with due

consideration to resource generationfor the same; (ii) identify and learn

from good practices so as toreplicate them; (iii) encourage themto network from the respective

organisation in knowledge sharingand opportunity to utilise knowledge;

and (iv) exchange their views onthe subject with experts and faculty.Programme faculty comprised guest

speakers and in-house faculty. Dr.Kusum Lata coordinated it.

Programme on KnowledgeManagement and KnowledgeSharing in Organisations

Sponsored by the Departmentof Science and Technology, the

programme was conducted at IIPAfor scientists and technologists

working in various research andacademic institutions from

September 22-26. Apart fromfamiliarising the participants withbasic concepts and practices of

knowledge management (KM) andits linkage with the effectiveness of

their organisations, the programmewas designed to enable them to: (i)build relationships and

organisational structure, processesand opportunities to encourage a

knowledge culture; (ii) highlight theimportance of human and cultural

factors in successful implementationof KM systems in the organisations;(iii) facilitate collecting, creating,

organising and disseminatingscientific knowledge including

methods of data, information andknowledge exchange; (iv) provide aforum for sharing the experiences

from leading public, private andcorporate sector organisations who

have used KM at various stages;(v) suggest broad approaches for

designing and implementing KMsystem in their respectiveorganisations; (vi) demonstrate

select KM tools which have beenfound useful in implementing KM

systems; (vii) explain an integratedframework of assessingperformance of KM system; and (viii)

focus on legal and ethical issues ofKM in S&T organisations.


Endurance is patience concentrated — Thomas Carlyle

Programme faculty comprised guestspeakers and in-house faculty. Dr.

Usha Mujoo Munshi and Dr. RomaMitra Debnath coordinated it.

Programme on Ethics in UrbanGovernance

Sponsored by the Ministry ofUrban Development, the programmewas conducted at IIPA by its Centrefor Urban Studies from September22-26. The programme wasdesigned to enable the participantsto: (i) understand the significance ofethics in urban governance; (ii)explain the importance of value-oriented public dealings; (iii) applyaccountability mechanism in urbangovernance; and (iv) appreciateethical best practices in urbangovernance. Programme facultycomprised guest speakers and in-house faculty. Dr. Saket Bihari andDr. Manan Dwivedi coordinated it.

National Consultation onPartnering for EffectiveEnvironmental Governance inIndia: Roadmap for EnvironmentalRegulatory Authorities in India

Organised jointly by Deutsche

Gesellschaft fu˜r InternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ) GMBH, the

programme was conducted at IIPAduring September 24-25. Theobjectives of the programme were

to: (i) highlight the key challenges;(ii) plan the way forward for effective

environmental governance in India;and (iii) identify potential models,partnerships and roadmap to

improve efficiency and effectivenessof environmental regulators. Prof.

Vinod K. Sharma and Dr. ShyamliSingh coordinated it.

National Workshop on Know YourConsumer Rights

IIPA’s Centre for ConsumerStudies teamed up with S.N. SenBalika P.G. College, Kanpur inorganising the programme duringSeptember 12-13. It was sponsoredby the Department of ConsumerAffairs, Government of India. Morethan 100 participants participated inthe workshop, which included,academics, researchers,representatives of VCOs / NGOsand students. The objectives of theworkshop were to: (i) appreciate

the need and importance ofconsumer protection in marketeconomy; (ii) understand theprovisions of Consumer ProtectionAct and other legislations having animpact on consumer protection; (iii)enhance their knowledge and skillrelating to services and products;(iv) understand the process ofgrievance redressal and filing ofcomplaints; and (v) build capacity ofvarious stakeholders in the area.The workshop was inaugurated byShri Ashutosh Pandey, Inspector-General, Kanpur. He stressed theneed for generating awareness andeducation regarding consumer rightsas well as their responsibilities. Prof.J.V. Vaishampayan, Vice-Chancellorof CSJM University, Kanpur presidedover the programme. There weresessions on Consumer ProtectionAct, Consumer Policy, ConsumerServices in U.P., Insurance andConsumer, Media and Consumer,Medical Services and Consumer,and Right to Education. Theworkshop was coordinated by Prof.Suresh Misra and Dr. SapnaChadah.

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laLFkku us bl volj ij izks- ,e-ih- flag ds bl O;k[;ku dks izdkf'kr rFkk foeksfpr Hkh fd;k rFkk blds lkFk ghxr o"kks± esa fganh Hkk"k.k ekyk ds varxZr vk;ksftr rFkk izdkf'kr izks- Jh fuokl feJ] v/;{k] vkfFkZd ,oa lkekftd 'kks/k dsanzds O;k[;ku ^^ldy ?kjsyw mRikn ,oa fodkl dk laca/k** rFkk ekuuh; U;k;ewfrZ Jh iyksd clq] iwoZ U;k;k/kh'k] bykgkckn mPpU;k;ky; rFkk v/;{k] jkT; miHkksDrk fookn izfrrks"k vk;ksx mÙkjizns'k ds O;k[;ku ^^Hkkjrh; U;k; O;oLFkk esa lkekftd U;k;vkSj jktHkk"kk** dk Hkh bl volj laLFkku ds v/;{k Jh f=yksdh ukFk prqosZnh us foekspu fd;kA


What you cannot enforce, do not command — Sophocles


As part of the APPPA lecture

series, Mr. Tony Peter Clement,President of Treasury Board,Canada addressed the participants

of the 40th APPPA on the theme“Public Service Modernisation” on

September 2 at IIPA. Addressingthe participants Mr. Clement

observed that the world isundergoing change and we need tochange and adopt. He stated that

public institutions must innovate toachieve the best at a lesser cost.

He further emphasised thatregulation, cost containments,technology and human resources

are the four areas that are beingfocused on to improve the public

services in Canada. He expressedthat there is a need to change the

way the government works, reducered tape and an action plan isneeded to reduce regulation and

make it business-friendly andprovide better services to people.

Emphasising on reduction ofgovernment spending, he stated thatIT consolidation, cloud collaboration

Mr. Tony Clement addresses the participants. Sittingon his left are Prof. Suresh Misra, Dr. Tishyarakshit

Chatterjee and Mr. Jesse Dutton.

Mr. Hab Mkwizu discusses a point with the faculty. Heis flanked by Dr. Tishyarakshit Chatterjee on his right.

with Industry helpsto use new

technology. Mr.Clement informedthat Canada

employs the bestand brightest

people as publicservants becausep e r f o r m a n c e

management hasbecome a part of

the public service.Mr. Jesse Dutton,

Acting High Commissioner for

Canada to India, also addressedthe participants. Earlier, Dr.

Tishyarakshit Chatterjee, Director ofIIPA, in his introductory remarkstressed on the need to modernise

the public services to deliver betterservices to the citizens. Prof. Suresh

Misra and Dr. C. Sheela Reddycoordinated the programme.

Tanzanian Delegation Visits IIPA

Eight-member delegation,headed by Mr. Hab Mkwizu visited

IIPA on September 10 to discussabout the possible collaboration.

They had

d e t a i l e ddeliberation with

D r .TishyarakshitC h a t t e r j e e ,

Director of IIPAand the faculty

members onissues of public

policy, humanr e s o u r c edeve lopment

and e-

governance. The delegation was

apprised of various activities of IIPAand the areas of expertise. The

visiting dignitaries also shared theirareas of interest and activities atlength. Dr. Usha Mujoo Munshi,

Librarian, coordinated it.

Faculty News� Dr. Nupur Tiwari, Assistant

Professor of Political Science,Rural Development andPanchayati Raj participated inthe “North AmericanConference on Sustainability,Energy & the Environment onInterdisciplinary Issues:Sustainability and EnvironmentalSolutions”, organised byInternational Academic Forum ,USA, in Providence, RhodeIsland, USA from September 11-14. She chaired a plenarysession on “Sustainability andEnvironmental Solutions:Interdisciplinary Issues”. Shealso presented a paperon”Sustainable Developmentand Inclusive Growth throughRural Local Governance(Panchayai Raj) in India”.


The Newsletter, published in the first week of every month, generally covers news of the previous thirty days. While all reasonable precautionsare taken regarding the authenticity of the items included, IIPA is not responsible for any error or inadequacy therein – Editor.

Common sense is genius dressed in its working clothes — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Verification of Latest Details of IIPA Members for Updation

As per the IIPA records, the total number of members on roll is 11, 400 (as on March 31, 2014), of whichactive members who have updated their details by filling up the prescribed form are 8,335. For the purposeof our Electoral Roll, the number is still less. Thus, the Institute maintains three sets of statistics of members.Further, the list of active members is not up-to-date due to factors such as demise or change of residence,etc. and IIPA has no means to independently verify. In the absence of the veracious details of the members,even the newsletters are returned undelivered.

It is necessary therefore to find the correct details of the members for which we have requested the helpof our branches from time to time but the response is not as expected. Earlier, through our letter datedFebruary 17, 2014, we endeavoured to reach out to the Chairmen and Secretaries of the branches with arequest for their incremental effort to update the status of the members in their respective branches, so thatthe list of active members can be updated; and also a list of members have been dispatched to the respectivebranches for verification.

In view of this, the Chairmen and Secretaries of the branches and also the life members of IIPA arerequested to kindly intimate us about the non-living members and also communicate to us the present status/valid addresses of members known to them, if any. The branches may also like to pursue the matter with suchdefaulting members whose membership have been kept in abeyance due to non-submission of membershipformat and revive their membership.

(T. Chatterjee)Director

Budaun Local Branch

The branch organised a meetingat the Jakhula village panchayat inassociation with the Manager ShriS.K. Saxena of NAWARD. It waspresided by Shri birjesh Kumar,Finance and Accounts Officer andconvened by Shri D.K. Chadha who

NEWS FROM BRANCHESexplained the various programmes ofthe PNB for their development.Earlier, the branch organised ameeting on August 24 to discuss theactivities of the model villagedevelopment programme. Thebranch in association with the LeadBank Manager Shri Charu

Bhattacharya organised a meeting tosensitise the villages regarding thevarious development programmes ofthe government and the PNB. Dr. HarSwarup, Secretary of the branch,stressed that the villages should takeinitiative in the common welfareprogramme of the village.

Revision in IIPA Membership Fees

The Executive Council is its meeting, held on August 28, has enhanced the subscription fees formembership as follows:

Sl. No. Nature of Membership Revised Subscription Fee

1. Annual Membership Rs. 700/- Per annum

2. Life Membership Rs. 7000/- One time

3. Associate Membership Rs. 400/- Per annum

4. Student Membership Rs. 400/- Per annum

5. Corporate Membership Rs. 50000/- Per annum


Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it — Pablilius Syrus

Edited by Dr. Tishya Chatterjee and printed and published by the Indian Institute of Public Administration, I.P. Estate, Ring Road,New Delhi - 110 002. Printed at Dee Kay Printers, 5/37A Kirti Nagar Indl. Area, New Delhi - 110 015, Ph. (011) 2538138.

Madhya PradeshPanchayat Darpan

The State Government hasevolved a software, PanchayatDarpan. The unique feature of thissoftware is that panchayat is to doonly two entries i.e., cash book andwork register. All the statutoryscheme-wise details for financialmaintenance of accounts and theAuditor General’s statutory reportsare generated by this software. Thenew software will go long way inmaintaining details of immoveableassets of panchayats, grantsreceived from government, revenuereceipts, panchayats’ own fiscalresources, geographical information

NEWS FROM STATESand development works beingundertaken under various schemes.

GujaratGIS School Mapping

With GIS School Mapping, asan initiative by Sarva ShikshaAbhiyan (SSA), the StateGovernment aims at identifying theun-served areas in terms ofelementary education throughscientific process of school mappingusing geo-informatics system. Thissystem integrates Geo-SpatialDatabase with Departmental SchoolData. It has more than 40,943school locations, cluster resourcecentre, block resource centre (BRC),and cluster boundary in GIS

environment. The initiative coversall 26 districts of the State for school-wise mapping, as per distancesmentioned in Gujarat Right toEducation (RTE), Act. This systemcan also be implemented in anyother state of India as well as at thecountry to cover entire populationof the country. The project usesGIS mapping, through Google Earth,to identify ideal locations of schools(primary school within 1 km, andupper-primary school within threekm of every residential location)across all districts. The project alsomaps the locations of existing40,000 odd schools. Further, around29 new schools have been identified

Cuddalore Local Branch

The branch organised theprelude seminar on “Trends inCentre State Relations” on August9. Among the participants were Prof.P. Panneerselvam, former professorof Annamalai University; Prof. R.Natarajan, Prof. R. Damodaran andThiru S. Israel.

Odisha Regional Branch

The branch organised a seminaron “Hospitality and TourismDevelopment in Odisha” on June 21.Addressing the members the chiefspeaker Shri Jitendra KumarMohanty, CMD of Swosti Group ofHotels and Chairman of Hotel andRestaurant Association of Odisha,stated that tourism is life but in ourState in spite of having the bestpotential we have not been able to

encash them in the right way. In hispresidential address, Shri B.B.Mishra, Chairman of the branch,mentioned that it is the only industrythat has not only sustained recessionbut has also shown steady growth.

Howrah Local Branch

The branch organised theprelude conference on “Trends inCentre-state Relations” onSeptember 7. Rtn. D.K. Das,Chairman of the branch; Shri SankarKr. Sanyal, Vice-Chairman of thebranch; and Shri Ajay Chowdhury,former Secretary of the branch spokeon the occasion. Prof. Asish Ray,Secretary of the branch presentedthe theme paper. Earlier, the branchorganised a seminar on “UnionBudget- 2014” on August 30. Dr.Dhanpat Agarwal, Convener,

Economic Cell of BJP, West Bengal,gave the key-note address. Heobserved that the biggest challengebefore the government is to controlinflation, create employment foryouth and address the problems ofthe poor. Prof. Asish Ray gave theintroductory address in which hestated that the foremodt challengebefore the government is to reducethe rate of inflation and increasingprices of essential commodities. RtnD.K. Das presided over theprogramme.

Upgradation of Imphal LocalBranch

The Executive Council in itsmeeting, held on August 28, hasupgraded Imphal Local branch tothe status of Manipur RegionalBranch.

Quotable Quotes:

� The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has itslimits — Voltaire

� Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of smallthings brought together — Vincent van Gogh

� People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leaderleads, and the boss drives — Theodore Roosevelt

� The dwarf sees farther than the giant, when he has the giant’sshoulders to mount on — Samuel Taylor Coleridge

� Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end— Seneca

� Wise men speak because they have something to say; Foolsbecause they have to say something — Plato



DELHI POSTAL REGD. NO. DL (C)-01/1230/12-14

(Date of Posting 10-11 of every month)Published on 7-8 every month)

INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONINDRAPRASTHA ESTATE, RING ROAD, NEW DELHI - 110 002Tel : 011-23468300 Fax : 011-23702440 Email : [email protected] : www.iipa.org.in

to be built as per planned distancesaccording to GIS with the technicalsupport from BhaskaracharyaInstitute of Space Application andGeo-Informatics (BISAG). Thescheme operates successfully witha trained team at State, district andblock level. BISAG providesspecialised services and solutionsin implementing map-basedGeospatial Information Systems.BISAG undertakes all services forthe entire process of implementing

an enterprise level GIS system.These services include GISdatabase design and development,map creation, updation and finishing,data migration/conversion andformat translation, softwaredevelopment and customisation,systems integration and technicalconsulting. Thus, the interoperabilityof state government’s two majormodules makes the programmeeffective. It has high security basedsoftware for research and data

collection. Independent audit hasbeen conducted on five per cent ofthe sample data. As a result of thisproject, customised criteria-basedanalysis can also be done by usersusing database with departmentalschool data i.e District InformationSystem for Education (DISE) andthe GIS-based school mapping.Further, infrastructure gap in eachGIS mapped school can be checkedfor compliance to (RTE) norms.