Installation and configuration Requirements The hardware requirements for a seismic system depend on the size of the station network to be operated. Minimal requirements are: CPU 1 RAM 2 GB HDD 20 GB OS SUSE 10.2/3 32/64bit, SUSE 11 32/64bit, (K)Ubuntu 7/8 32/64bit In case large networks (>100 stations) are operated, a distributed system is recommended. Normally a SeisComP3 system is separated in several subsystems. A separation of data acquisition, processing and graphical user interfaces is useful to permit stable performance. The minimum specifications of the system should be: Data acquisition system: CPU 1 RAM 2 GB HDD Raid1/5/0+1 with >=200GB Processing system: CPU 2 RAM 4 GB HDD Raid1/5/0+1 with >100GB GUI system: CPU 2 RAM 2 GB HDD >50GB GFX (2x) NVIDIA with 2 ports depending on number of screens Installation SeisComp 3.0 is distributed in the form of tar files: Acquisition, processing and GUIs (for each supported platform) Maps, available from our web site. Station configuration files (optional) e.g. for the GEOFON network. This section describes the installation of the binary packages of SeisComP3 on an openSUSE 11.1 64 bit system with KDE desktop profile. Preparation Additional packages First the environment has to be set up. Therefore do the following steps: Insert the following lines into a shell script and execute it: Installation and configuration Requirements Installation Preparation Additional packages SQL configuration Installation procedure Global configuration Directory structure Key files The seiscomp utility Initializing global parameters All packages Acquisition Trunk Diskmon configuration Adding Stations Using Profiles Importing stations from other systems gina 1 de 16 doc/installation-and-configuration – SeisComP 3 13/03/2012 http://www.seiscomp3.org/wiki/doc/installation-and-configuration

Installation and Configuratio

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Page 1: Installation and Configuratio

Installation and configurationRequirements

The hardware requirements for a seismic system depend on the size of the station network to be operated. Minimal requirements are:


OSSUSE 10.2/3 32/64bit, SUSE 11 32/64bit, (K)Ubuntu 7/8 32/64bit

In case large networks (>100 stations) are operated, a distributed system is recommended. Normally a SeisComP3 system is separated in several subsystems. A separation of data acquisition, processing and graphical user interfaces is useful to permit stable performance. The minimum specifications of the system should be:

Data acquisition system:

CPU 1 RAM 2 GB HDD Raid1/5/0+1 with >=200GB

Processing system:

CPU 2 RAM 4 GB HDD Raid1/5/0+1 with >100GB

GUI system:

CPU 2 RAM 2 GB HDD >50GB GFX (2x) NVIDIA with 2 ports depending on number of screens


SeisComp 3.0 is distributed in the form of tar files:

Acquisition, processing and GUIs (for each supported platform) •Maps, available from our web site. •Station configuration files (optional) e.g. for the GEOFON network. •

This section describes the installation of the binary packages of SeisComP3 on an openSUSE 11.1 64 bit system with KDE desktop profile.


Additional packages

First the environment has to be set up. Therefore do the following steps:

Insert the following lines into a shell script and execute it: •

Installation and configurationRequirementsInstallationPreparation

Additional packagesSQL configuration

Installation procedureGlobal configuration

Directory structureKey filesThe seiscomp utility

Initializing global parametersAll packagesAcquisitionTrunkDiskmon configuration

Adding StationsUsing ProfilesImporting stations from other systems

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#!/bin/bash user=`whoami` if [ "$user" != "root" ];then echo "You have to be root or run this Tool with 'sudo'" exit 1 fi zypper ar ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/distribution/11.1/repo/osszypper ar ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/distribution/11.1/repo/nonzypper ar ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/11.1 packmazypper install libboost_filesystem1_36_0 libboost_iostreams1_36_0 zypper install libboost_program_options1_36_0 libboost_serializatiozypper install libboost_signals1_36_0 libboost_thread1_36_0 libbooszypper install libboost_regex1_36_0 libncurses5 python-numeric pythzypper install mysql festival libqt4 libqt4-x11 libxml2 if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "It wasn't possible to install all packages" exit 1 fi echo "All packages are installed"

SQL configuration

For better performance with a MySQL database, log in as root and edit mysql-config with a text editor:

/> vim /etc/my.cnf

Search the following lines in the file and change the parameters to: •"innodb_buffer_pool_size = 64M" ◦"innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2" ◦

Start the MySQL database daemon: •

/> rcmysql start

or restart with "rcmysql restart". Set the administrator password for the database: •

/> mysqladmin -u root password <YOUR PASSWORD>

To start MySQL automatically during boot set: •

/> insserv mysql

Log out as root. You may check that MySQL is running with "mysqladmin status". •

Installation procedure

The next steps describe the installation of SeisComP3 with the prepared tar files.

Log in as user (e.g. sysop) •Copy one of the seiscomp3-erice-*-opensuse11.1-x86_64.tar.gz files to your home directory. Take care which is the right package for your system also for 32 and 64bit.

Go to home directory: •

/> cd

Untar the SeisComP3 binary package: •

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/> tar xzf seiscomp3-erice-*-opensuse11.1-x86_64.tar.gz

Untar the SeisComP3 keyfile package: •

/> tar xzf <SeisComP-keyfile-package>

Untar the SeisComP3 map package: •

/> tar xzf <SeisComP-map-package>

Change to the directory of SeisComP3: •

/> cd seiscomp3

Run the setup routine: •

/> ./setup

This is important to ensure that various symbolic links and environment variables (in particular, SEISCOMP3_ROOT) are set correctly. The following lines appear:

SeisComP home directory: /home/sysop/seiscomp3 Creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/lib/env.sh Creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/seiscomp Creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/msrtsimul Creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/import_dlsv Creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/import_nettab Creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/sync_nettab Creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/extr_file Initialize MySQL database on localhost [yes]:

Choose <yes> here. •

MySQL root password (not echoed):

This [the following?] may be empty on SuSE systems. •

creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scadmin creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scbulletin creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scdb creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scesv creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scevtls creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scm creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scmm creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scmv creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scolv creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scqc creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scqcv creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scquery creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scrttv creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/scxmldump creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/sync_dlsv creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/arclinktool creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/arclink_fetch creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/fill_db creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/dump_db creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/sync_db creating /home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin/dbtool Create symbolic links in ~/bin [no]: yes

Choose <yes> here. •

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Now some configuration is necessary before you can start the program. The following lines show only a default configuration. A detailed description of the parameters is following later.

Call seiscomp config •

/>seiscomp config

The following lines will appear •

SeisComP version 3.0 (2009.118) Initializing global parameters 0) Simple acquisition system 1) Advanced acquisition and processing system 2) ArcLink system Configuration style [1]:

Press <enter> •

Name of Data Center:

Give your data center a name here, for example GFZ. •

Path to waveform archive [/home/sysop/seiscomp3/acquisition/arch

Press <enter> •

Use syslog when supported [yes]:

Press <enter> •

Initializing trunk Agency ID:

Give your Agency ID here for example GFZ. •

Datacenter ID [GFZ]:

Press <enter> •

Prefix of event ID [gfz]:

Press <enter> •

Client list [scevent scmag scamp scautopick scautoloc scqc scevt

Press <enter> •

Log level [2]:

Press <enter> •

Enable local master [yes]:

Press <enter> •

Address of master [localhost:4803]:

Press <enter> •

Database type [mysql]:

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Press <enter> •

Database read connection [sysop:sysop@localhost/seiscomp3]:

Press <enter> •

Database write connection (only applicable to local master) [sysop:sysop@localhost/seiscomp3]:

Press <enter> •

Recordstream service [slink]:

For an operational system, change to "combined", then press <enter> •

Recordstream source [localhost:18000]:

Change to "localhost:18000;localhost:18001" in case of an operational system, then press <enter>

Update inventory (set to 'no' if using sync_dlsv) [yes]:

Press <enter> •

Run scqc as a daily cronjob [no]:

Press <enter> •

Initializing acquisition Enable local SeedLink [yes]:

Press <enter> •

Enable slarchive [no]:

For an operational system, change to "yes" and press <enter> •

Enable real-time simulation [no]:

Press <enter> •

Initializing arclink Enable local ArcLink [no]:

Type "yes" in case of an operational system and press <enter> •

Initializing diskmon Disk usage treshold in per cent [95]:

Press <enter> •

List of e-mail addresses to notify:

Press <enter> •

G) Edit global parameters A) Add/Edit network R) Remove network P) Add/Edit configuration profile W) Write configuration and quit

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Q) Quit without writing configuration Command? [A]:

Type "w" here. •

Writing global configuration Writing configuration for trunk starting spread starting scmaster updating database using local config dir: /home/sysop/.seiscomp3 log to stderr... 08:10:44 [notice] Starting 08:10:46 [notice] Connection to localhost:4803 established 08:10:51 [warning] DR24: 50Hz filter chain is not defined 08:10:51 [warning] DR24: 20Hz filter chain is not defined ... 08:11:03 [notice] Shutdown Writing configuration for acquisition + network BE - Belgian Seismic Network + station MEMBACH, BELGIUM + station ROCHEFORT, BELGIUM + station UCCLE, BELGIUM ... Writing configuration for arclink Writing configuration for diskmon

Start seiscomp •

/> seiscomp start SeisComP version 3.0 (2009.118) spread is already running scmaster is already running starting scevent starting scmag starting scamp starting scautopick starting scautoloc starting seedlink enabling diskspace monitoring

Check seiscomp •

/> seiscomp check SeisComP version Erice (2009.119) spread is already running scmaster is already running scevent is already running scmag is already running scamp is already running scautopick is already running scautoloc is already running scqc is already running scevtlog is already running seedlink is running diskspace monitoring is enabled

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Global configuration

Directory structure

During the installation procedure, the SeisComP directory ~/seiscomp3 is created, containing the following subdirectories:

bin executables that can be directly called by the user. The scripts in this directory are created from templates by the top-level setup script.

lib libraries, as well as some scripts that cannot be called directly.

pkg package scripts that are used internally by the SeisComP utilities.

key top-level key files.

templates contains the top-level templates.

config contains the top-level configuration files.

doc documentation.

status runtime process ID (PID) files and other status information.

acquisition acquisition package including SeedLink? and related software.

arclink ArcLink? server to access the local waveform archive.

diskmon monitors available disk space.

trunk data processing package.

The directories acquisition, arclink, diskmon and trunk each contain the following standard subdirectories:

bin private executables of the dedicated package that should not to be called directly.

key package-level key files.

templates package-level templates.

config package-level configuration files.

status runtime PID files and other status information.

log log files of the programs.

Key files

The central source of SeisComP configuration is so-called key files. The configuration script (seiscomp config) uses these key files and templates to create the configuration files for various modules and to write the information as metadata into the database. Thus, the modification of the system configuration is best done by modifying the key files (and if needed, the templates) and using the configuration script. If the configuration files are modified directly these configuration changes will be lost with the next start of the configuration script. It should be noted that key files are solely used by the seiscomp utility, therefore changes in the key files will only have an effect after the configuration files are updated. Key files are simple ASCII files that list each parameter and its value in a shell syntax enabling an easy way to edit the key files with a standard text editor. Templates resemble configuration files, but contain placeholders like #station#. The configuration script replaces these placeholders by the values found in the key files. There are two levels of key files:

Top-level key files contain parameters that are of interest to many packages, e.g., station latitude/longitude.

Trunk key files contain parameters that are relevant only for a specific package. For example, the serial port of a digitizer and Q330 authorization code are only relevant for acquisition.

Typical top-level and acquisition key files are shown in Listings 3-1 and 3-2: •

KEY_VERSION='2.5' STAT_DESC='GEOFON Station Gunungsitoli, Nias, Indones

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LATITUDE='1.3039' LONGITUDE='97.5755' ELEVATION='107.0' DATALOGGER='Q330/N' DATALOGGER_SN='xxxx' SEISMOMETER1='STS-2/N' SEISMOMETER_SN1='yyyy' GAIN_MULT1='1.0' SAMPLING1='100/50/20/1/0.1' ORIENTATION1='Z 0.0 -90.0; N 90.0 0.0; E 0.0 0.0' DEPTH1='0.0' DATALOGGER2='' DATALOGGER_SN2='' SEISMOMETER2='FBA-EST/10.0' SEISMOMETER_SN2='yyyy' GAIN_MULT2='1.0' SAMPLING2='TL_100/20/1' ORIENTATION2='Z 0.0 -90.0; N 90.0 0.0; E 0.0 0.0' DEPTH2='0.0' START_DATE='2005/275' CONFIGURED='yes' PACKAGES='acquisition:gfnbmg'

Listing 3-1: Sample top-level key file.


Listing 3-2: Sample acquisition key file.

The seiscomp utility

For short usage information call seiscomp without any argument. Other commands are the following:

seiscomp startStarts all packages. If SeisComP3 is already running when the start command is called this does not disturb the running program. Lock files are used to ensure that superfluous program instances are not started.

seiscomp stopStops all packages.

seiscomp check

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Re-starts packages, which have been started by seiscomp start, but are not running at the moment (e.g. crashed). When called from crontab, it provides a “watchdog” function.

seiscomp print_crontabShows the recommended crontab. This crontab should be installed with the crontab utility.

seiscomp configStarts the configuration dialog.

Optionally, a list of one or more packages (e.g. acquisition, trunk, arclink, diskmon) can follow the start, stop, check and print_crontab commands. In this case, the command is only applied to the given packages. Scripts that are called by these commands are located in the pkg directory. Before seiscomp start is called, it is necessary to configure the system and add stations with seiscomp config. Before seiscomp config is called it is necessary to stop a running SeisComP3. To stop SeisComP3 remove the crontab and stop the system with seiscomp stop.

Initializing global parameters

When seiscomp config is called the first time, the global parameters of all installed packages are initialized; afterwards the main menu is displayed as in Listing 3-3.

G) Edit global parameters A) Add/Edit network R) Remove network P) Add/Edit configuration profile W) Write configuration and quit Q) Quit without writing configuration Command? [A]:

Listing 3-3: Main menu for the global configuration, displaying the submenus and the corresponding letters for the commands in front.

During subsequent calls of seiscomp config, the main menu is displayed immediately and global parameters can be changed with option “G”. During the configuration dialog, the current value is shown in squared brackets:

Location code [00]:

Typing Enter will select the default value. Underscore can be used to enter an empty string, e.g.:

Location code [00]:_ <enter>

All packages

The following global parameters are applicable to all packages:

Name of Data Center:This arbitrary ASCII string will be used in full SEED volumes, shown by SeedLink HELLO request (slinktool -P server:18000), etc.

Path to waveform archive []:Directory where real-time data can be found (normally written by slarchive).

Use syslog when supported [no]Some packages can send log messages to syslog. If you select “yes”, log messages from these packages will be written in /var/log/messages instead of in the package

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log directory. In this case, the operating system will take care of removing old messages to keep the log file from growing infinitely. Using a separate log file, such as /var/log/seiscomp is also possible. This option is shown in advanced configuration mode only.


The following global parameters are applicable to acquisition:

Enable local SeedLink [yes]Configure a local SeedLink server. This is required if you want to use non-SeedLink (e.g., LISS, NAQS, direct digitizer connection) stations. In case of SeedLink stations, the local SeedLink server acts as a hub for local clients. Even though some clients (e.g., seisgram, slarchive, qplot) can connect to remote SeedLink servers directly, most clients require a local SeedLink server, so it is strongly recommended to enter “yes” here.

Enable slarchive [yes]:If you answer “yes” the data will be saved to the archive directory under acquisition in the SeisComP data structure (SDS). Answer “yes” unless you want to configure a hub or processing system that does not save data locally. Note that archiving a large number of stations require appropriate hard disk capacity.

Enable real-time simulation [no]If set to "yes", then the local SeedLink will not connect to a real data source. Instead it waits for pre-recorded data from the playback utility, NAME. This mode is used for demonstration playbacks and testing.

First local UDP port (Q330) [5500]:Each Q330 digitizer requires two UDP ports on SeisComP side, which are automatically allocated. If you select 5500 as the first UDP port, then the ports 5500/5501 are reserved for the first station, 5502/5503 for the second station and so on.


The following global parameters are applicable to trunk.

Agency IDUnique agency ID (less than five characters) to identify the source of earthquake detections and other metadata objects (e.g. picks). This ID is saved to the database.

Datacenter ID []The unique data center ID (short string without spaces) is used by ArcLink to identify the authority of station metadata. (This ID is visible in the network lists at http://www.webdc.eu/ .) Any stations added locally (e.g. using import_dlsv and sync_dlsv) are labeled with this ID.

Prefix of event IDPrefix for the event ID created by the SeisComP3 system e.g., specifying “gfz” results in events such as “gfz2008fght”. This is used by e.g. scevent?.

Client list [scevent scmag scamp scautopick scautoloc scqc]:List of processing modules (clients) to start with seiscomp start.

Log level [2]:Log level of processing

Enable local master [yes]Start local scmaster client. Required, unless scmaster is running on a remote machine, as for a distributed SeisComP3 installation.

Address of master [localhost:4803]

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The current version uses port 4803.

Database type [mysql]:Type of database used for station metadata and event information. Supported database types are MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Database read connection [sysop:sysop@localhost/seiscomp3]:The connection to read from the database is: user:password@host/databasename. In case remote modules connect to the database the full host name (IP) is recommended.

Database write connection [sysop:sysop@localhost/seiscomp3]:The connection syntax to write to the database is equivalent to the reading connection.

Recordstream service [slink]The type of record stream that the processing modules use to get real-time data. This may be "slink" for SeedLink, "arclink" for ArcLink, or "combined" for a SeedLink/ArcLink combination. Other types of record streams like "sdsarchive" are supported for off-line data, but those should not be used here.

Recordstream source [localhost:18000]Source (host name and port number) of the above record stream. For "combined", separate with a semicolon, e.g. myhost:18000;myhost:18001.

Update inventory (set to 'no' if using sync_dlsv) [yes]Set to "no" if you use dataless SEED as an inventory source rather than key files.

Run scqc as a daily cronjob [no]Set to "yes" if you want to allow scqc to process the data files as a cron job once per day rather than running scqc as a real-time SeisComP3 client.

Diskmon configuration

The following global parameters concern diskmon.

Disk usage threshold in per cent [95]:Each time when the disk usage exceeds this level, an alert e-mail is send to the user. Note that disk usage is only checked when a cron job of seiscomp check is installed or seiscomp check is called regularly by other means.

List of e-mail addresses to notify:Space-separated list of e-mail addresses to notify when disk usage threshold is exceeded.

Adding Stations

Before you start SeisComP, you have to add some stations. If you request stations from remote systems, such as SeedLink or LISS, then the entered station and network code must match a station that is available at the remote side. In case of most digitizers, you can enter an arbitrary station and network code, and the station with these codes will be created within SeisComP. The exception is Q330, in this case station and network codes must match to those defined within the digitizer. Selecting “A” (Add/Edit? network) from the main menu, you can edit an existing network or add a new network code.

Network description: <string>:A detailed description of the network that may contain spaces.

Network name: <2 character>:Short network identifier may not contain spaces. It is recommended to accept the default.

In the following listing 3-4 the station menu is displayed.

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A) Add/Edit station R) Remove station Q) Back to main menu Command? [A]:

Listing 3-4:Station menu

Select “A” to add a station or simply type <enter> to accept the default settings. You can also modify the parameters of an existing station by selecting an existing station code. The configurable parameters for the stations are displayed below. Some of them appear only for special settings:

Station description: <string>Station description, e.g., name, location, coordinates etc. may contain spaces.

Latitude: <double>Latitude of the station, needed for the full SEED volumes and for event localization.

Longitude: <double>Longitude of the station, needed for the full SEED volumes and for event localization.

Elevation: <double>Elevation of station, needed for full SEED volumes and for event localization.

Datalogger [Q330]: <string>Name of datalogger; the gain of the entered datalogger must be defined in the file gain.tab in the config directory.

Primary seismometer [STS-2/N]: <string>Name of the primary seismometer; the gain of the entered seismometer must be defined in the file gain.tab in the config directory.

Gain multiplier [1.0]: <double>Some seismometers/dataloggers have high-gain and low-gain versions. If the gain differs from standard, enter a multiplier here.

Sample rates [100/20/1/0.1]: <double>Sample rates of the data streams, created from a particular seismometer. Full syntax of the sample rates specifier is the following:

Format: [F{1,2}/L{00,10,20}/T{H,N}_][band code]sample rate/.. F - format code (1 - Steim1 (def.), 2 - Steim2) L - location code (def = no code) T - instrument type (H - high gain (def.), N - low ga Examples: F2/L00/TH_100/20/1/0.1 - broadband with HH/BH/LH/VH,l F2_100/B40/1/0.1 - broadband with 40Hz BH F2 E100/40 - short-period with 100Hz EH

This specifier determines which streams are added to the database. It is very important that the entered value agrees with the datalogger setup. The entered value does not have an effect on which streams are created by SeedLink or requested from the remote systems.

Depth: [no default!] <double>Local depth of the seismometer in meters

Secondary seismometer (e.g., strong-motion): <string>If you have a secondary seismometer, enter its name here. As before, the gain of the entered seismometer must be defined in the file gain.tab in the config directory. If youhave only one seismometer, simply type <enter>. Otherwise the gain multiplier, sample rates and depth of the secondary seismometer will be queried.

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Start date [2006/001]: <year/day of year>Earliest date when the current configuration is valid.

Enable trunk for NN SSSS [yes]: <string>Enter “yes” to configure the SeisComP processing modules for the station.

Use predefined profile [no]: <string>If one or more “profiles” for the automatic processing modules are defined, it is possible to choose one here. In this case the next questions will be skipped. Selecting data stream for autopick stream code (without component)[BH]: <2 character>

Location code [00]: <int>Here you can select the data stream that is used by the picker. This has also an effect on the trace view (scrttv) and the map view (scmv). You can use, e.g., HH for 100Hz and BH for 20Hz data, depending on the provided streams at the given station. <enter> for an empty location code.

Filter [RMHP(10)>>ITAPER(30)>>BW(4,0.7,2)>>STALTA(2,80)]: <string>Traces are filtered by the above filter prior to picking. Filter syntax is described in the Filter Grammar section.

Trigger on level [3]: <double>The threshold for the STA/LTA ratio to set the trigger “on”.

Trigger off level [1.5]: <double>The threshold for the STA/LTA ratio to set the trigger “off”.

The following four questions are new (in trunk, April 2011) and need to be documented:

Trigger time correction [-0.8]: Equivalent network code: Equivalent streams mapping (eg., SH->BH):

Enable acquisition [yes]: <string>Enter “yes” to configure (acquisition).

Use predefined profile [no]: <string>In general the profile will be defined here, unless you configure a directly attached digitizer (see section xxx). The next questions concern the acquisition profile. If you use a predefined profile these questions will be skipped.

Data source [0]: <int>Type of data source must be chosen from the following list. Next options depend on the chosen data source.

0) SeedLink server (TCP/IP) 1) LISS server (TCP/IP) 2) Quanterra Q330 (UDP/IP) 3) Quanterra Q330 (UDP/IP), GITEWS configuration 4) Earth Data PS2400/PS6-24 digitizer (obsolete; RS 5) Earth Data PS2400/PS6-24 digitizer (firmware >= 232) 6) Earth Data PS2400/PS6-24 digitizer (firmware >= TCP/IP) 7) Earth Data PS6-24 (RS-232) + Lacrosse 2300 weath (RS-232) 8) Lennartz M24 digitizer (RS-232) 9) Geotech DR24 digitizer (RS-232) 10) Nanometrics HRD24 digitizer (RS-232) 11) Guralp DM24 digitizer (RS-232) 12) SARA SADC10/18/20/30 digitizer (RS-232)

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13) RefTek RTPD (TCP/IP) 14) IRIS/IDA NRTS (TCP/IP) 15) NAQS server (TCP/IP) 16) NAQS server (TCP/IP) using nmxptool 17) SCREAM server (UDP/IP) 18) Earthworm export server (TCP/IP) 19) Antelope ORB (TCP/IP) 20) WIN server (UDP/IP) 21) Mini-SEED (fs_plugin) 22) Mini-SEED (data files) 23) Mini-SEED FIFO 24) MK6 25) MicroStep-MIS Wave24 digitizer (RS422/USB)

IP address or hostname: <IP/string>IP address or hostname of the remote acquisition system.

TCP port: <int>TCP port of the remote acquisition system.

SeedLink mode [0]: <int>If the data source is SeedLink, you can choose real-time or dial-up mode. In most cases you choose “real-time” (0).

Dial-up schedule [0,30 * * * *]: <crontab entry>Dial-up schedule in crontab-like syntax. Question for dial-up mode.

Uptime [900]: <int>Maximum dial duration in seconds. Question for dial-up mode.

Selectors: <string>Concerning the SeedLink source. If you want to get all available data type <enter>; otherwise enter one or more selector patterns, separated with space. Sample selector patterns can be found in table 3-1. Note that most digitizers support data and log records only.

Selectors used Mini-SEED streams transferred

BH? BHZ, BHN, BHE (all record types)

BH?.D BHZ, BHN, BHE (data records)

00BH?.D BHZ, BHN, BHE with location code '00' (data records)

BH? !E BHZ, BHN, BHE (excluding detection records)

BH? E BHZ, BHN, BHE plus detection records of all channels

!LCQ !LEP all except LCQ and LEP channels

!L !T all except log and timing records

Table 3-1: Selector examples

IP address of Q330: <ip>If you have chosen a Quanterra Q330 as data source, enter its IP address here.

Base UDP port of Q330 [5330]: <int>10 UDP ports are used on the Q330 side, normally 5330/5339. You can enter the first port number here.

Q330 dataport (1-4) [1]: <int>Q330 supports up to 4 simultaneous connections. Each of the connections must use a different virtual data port, which can be selected here.

Q330 serial number [0x0100000123456789]: <string>

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Q330 serial number is used as a password. If you enter it incorrectly, it is not possible to communicate with Q330 (in this case, you will not get any response from Q330, not even error messages). You can find the serial number with the Windows-based utility “Willard” if you connect to Q330 via serial console. Make sure you enter the serial number with “0x” prefix.

Q330 auth code [0x00]: <string>Like the serial number, the authentification code must also match. Unlike the serial number, the auth code is user-configurable; “0x00” is the default.

Base UDP port on the SeisComP [auto]: <int>In addition to the aforementioned ten Q330-side UDP ports, each unit (pair of ports) needs 2 UDP ports on the SeisComp side. If you enter “auto” here, these ports will be chosen automatically based on the “First local UDP port (Q330)” global option.

Unit ID [91F3]:If you have chosen RefTek RTPD as the data source, you have to enter the ID of your digitizer.

Local UDP port: <int>For generic UDP sources.

Data port of digitizer [/dev/data]: <string>For digitizers with RS-232 or similar interface.

Baud rate of digitizer [38400]: <int>For digitizers with RS-232 or similar interface.

Data port of weather station [/dev/weatherstation]: <string>Question if the digitizer is accompanied by a weather station that has a RS-232 interface.

Baud rate of weather station [9600]: <int>Question if the digitizer is accompanied by a weather station that has RS-232 interface.

Stream processing scheme: <string>Those digitizers that supply “raw” data, need a “stream processing scheme”, which describes how Mini-SEED streams are created. The entered scheme must be defined in file streams.xml, which is located in the config directory of the acquisition package.

Archive selectors: <string>If you have enabled slarchive above, you can specify which streams should be archived. If you want to archive all data of the present station, which are available in the SeedLink server, press <enter>; otherwise enter one or more selector patterns, separated with space, according to table 3-1.

Number of days to keep archived data [30]: <int>If you have enabled slarchive above, you can specify how many days the data files in archive directory under acquisition will be kept. This option has an effect only if the cron job is installed.

Using Profiles

If a profile is defined the procedure of adding stations can be simplified. By this way the same station parameters do not have to be entered over and over again, e.g. 100 times the same acquisition parameters for 100 stations from a single SeedLink server. Moreover, if the hostname of a SeedLink server changes, you normally have to change it in 100 places. Likewise, the profile can be useful if you have only 2 or 3 sets of processing parameters for the 100 stations. A profile is a set of station parameters, which is shared by one or more stations. In order to create a profile, choose “P” in the main menu. This option is shown in advanced configuration mode only. Now select a module package for which you want to

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create a profile. Thereafter select a name for the profile. You can edit an existing profile or create a new one. After the profile has been selected, questions identical to those described above, will be posed.

Importing stations from other systems

If you have existing dataless SEED volumes for your stations, you can generate key files automatically using the import_dlsv utility. Moreover, import_dlsv adds the gains to ~/config/gain.dlsv, so there is no need to define the instruments in gain.tab. You only have to define an acquisition profile and pass it with the argument -p as a command-line option. For example, if you defined an acquisition profile “iris”, you can use:

import_dlsv -p acquisition:iris II.dataless

Using import nettab, it is possible to import stations from SeedStuff network tables, however, in this case the gains have to be defined in ~/config/gain.tab. A network table of all stations is automatically generated in ~/config/net.tab, so one possibility to clone a SeisComP system would be to copy gain.tab and net.tab to another machine, define an acquisition profile, e.g., “myprofile”, and call:

import_nettab -p acquisition:myprofile net.tab

It should be noted, however, that nettab format does not include seismometer orientation, so stations that use seismometers with non-standard orientation would be incorrectly defined. Therefore, a better method of cloning a SeisComP system would be to copy just gain.tab and all key files to another machine.

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