INSPIRING SPIRITED CHALLENGING CHAIR IN GEOMECHANICSresearch.engr.oregonstate.edu/usucger/Jobs/University of Liverpool - Chair in...ENGINEERING The School of Engineering is one of

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AMBITIOUSINSPIRING The University of Liverpool is one of the

UK’s leading research institutions and isranked in the top 1% of higher educationinstitutions worldwide.

With an annual turnover of £465 million, including£89 million for research, Liverpool is the original‘redbrick’ university and a member of theprestigious Russell Group, which comprises theleading research universities in the UK.

With our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Janet Beer,the University is entering an exciting new era aswe strive to maintain and enhance our dynamicreputation and performance in a rapidly evolvinghigher education environment. In order to helpus achieve our ambitions, we are seeking toappoint a new Chair in Geomechanics.

Building on Liverpool’s significant achievementsas a research powerhouse, you will be anexceptional professional joining our communityof 5,500 talented staff, including 1,300researchers, and 22,000 campus-based andonline students.

The University community wishes to build on theprogress made over the last 10 years and is keento seize the opportunity and challenge of takingthis great institution into the world’s top 100.

The successful applicant will join an innovativeUniversity that is passionate about inspiringpeople to learn and achieve, that celebratesindividuality and ingenuity, energy andenterprise, and is committed to enhancing boththe student experience and our researchexcellence.

We look forward to hearing from you.


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Our university is a great place to work! As a university at theheart of the Liverpool city region, our culture of support andcollaboration influences and benefits the communities inwhich we operate, both at home and overseas, and theinstitution is a major contributor to the regional economy.

We aim to give our staff and students the best intellectual,social and physical environment to research, teach, andlearn in, at the cutting edge of their disciplines, and withaward-winning, world-class facilities.

Liverpool graduates are global citizens, benefiting from aninternational curriculum and experience, empowered toaddress global challenges and with opportunities to studyat our partner institution in China. We work hard to ensureour students form a relationship with the University that theywill want to continue throughout their lives.

As a research-intensive Russell Group university with atradition and reputation for excellence, we are currentlydefining a new Strategic Plan for 2016-2026.

We believe this is an exceptional university with anexceptional story to tell. And with an international networkof partners, our impact is being felt all over the world.

As a distinguished 21st centuryuniversity, we have a global reachand influence that reflects ouracademic heritage as one of the UK’slargest civic institutions.

A strong infrastructure supports academicendeavour and teaching prowess, whileresearch excellence, focusing on theadvancement of human knowledge,underpins all our activities.

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Established in 1881, Liverpool is the original ‘redbrick’ university –the term inspired by our iconic Victoria Building.

Our mission is: ‘for the advancement of learningand ennoblement of life’ and we are proud to offeran intellectual environment where teaching andlearning takes place at the cutting edge ofdisciplines and is driven by research excellence.

One of the great civic universities, founded byLiverpool’s leading 19th century philanthropistsand steeped in history and culture, our modern,100-acre campus is situated in the heart ofLiverpool's Knowledge Quarter – a hub foruniversity and business collaboration – and is ashort walk from the city centre. We also have acampus at Leahurst on the Wirral, 12 miles fromthe main campus, where our School of VeterinaryScience is located. The Leahurst site has twoworking farms, a world-leading Equine hospital,and a Small Animal Teaching Hospital, providingfantastic teaching opportunities for our studentsand the best animal care for our clients.

We are committed to ensuring that we offer a truly world-class studentexperience, investing £600 million inour teaching, research and residentialestate over a 10-year period, including £250 million in high-qualityaccommodation, both on-campus and off-campus at our residential site inSouth Liverpool, where we are currentlydeveloping a self-contained StudentVillage which will include catering andsports facilities.

Following investment of £25 million in state-of-the-art centralisedteaching laboratories, the teachingenvironment for science-based subjectsis amongst the best in the UK. Our new facilities have enhancedthe overall student experience through the creation of a modern, high-quality and vibrant laboratoryenvironment. Supportinginterdisciplinary science, thelaboratories are a new innovation in theHE sector and are transformingteaching in the physical sciencesincluding Physics, Chemistry,Environmental Sciences andArchaeology.



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We focus our academic efforts around sevenresearch themes representing the 'great grand challenges' faced by mankind:

• Changing Cultures

• Global Health

• Living with Environmental Change

• Materials for the Future

• Personalised Health

• Security and Conflict

• Sustainable Energy.

We have invested significantly in staff, resourcesand cognate groupings in order to improve ourresearch performance and this has helped toachieve a marked improvement in the number ofResearch Council awards we are receiving. But weneed more. We have also improved ourcollaboration with colleagues in the N8 group ofhigh performing Northern universities, the NHS,and industry, as well as cultural partners, in orderto strengthen our position within the sector.

A member of the Russell Group of 24 UKresearch-led universities, we have a long traditionof pursuing novel interdisciplinary research thathas a tangible impact on people, places, policiesand the planet.

Associated with no fewer than nine NobelLaureates, the University is recognised for its high-quality research, with more than half of our staff ranked world-leading or internationally excellent.

Our research collaborations extend worldwide,bringing together academics, many of whom areinternationally-renowned, from across our threeFaculties of Health and Life Sciences, Science andEngineering, and Humanities and Social Sciencesto conduct research that addresses some of themost pressing global challenges.

Liverpool is one of only three UK institutions tooffer the full range of clinical subjects. We prioritisejoined-up thinking across the spectrum ofscientific discovery, clinical research andhealthcare provision in pursuit of safe, effectivetherapies and practice to make life better forpatients and professionals.



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THE SCHOOL OFENGINEERINGThe School of Engineering is one of four schoolswithin the Faculty of Science and Engineering,which is led by the Executive Pro-Vice-ChancellorProfessor Ken Badcock. The School hasbenefited from substantial investment in the pastdecade, leaving it well placed to build on itscurrent healthy position. In 2005, the last ofseveral departmental mergers was completed toform what constitutes the current School,integrating the disciplines of aerospace, civil,materials science and mechanical engineering.

From 2005-2008 the School infrastructureunderwent a £36 million refurbishment, creatingoutstanding facilities for teaching and research.From 2003, the degree programmes have beencontinuously refreshed to emphasise new ‘activelearning’ approaches to teaching and learning,professional skills and industrial engagement,reinforced through membership of theinternational CDIO consortium (cdio.org).

The School of Engineering currently has over 55academic staff (expanding by 2018 to 70 staff),around 1100 undergraduate students, 100 PGTstudents and 120 PGR students. Led by ProfessorAhmed Elsheikh, the School is organised intothree research-oriented Centres, equivalent toDepartments in the University structure.

These Centres are:

Centre for Materials and Structures –Centre Director: Professor Yuyuan Zhao

Centre for Engineering Dynamics – Centre Director: Professor Rob Poole

Centre for Engineering Sustainability – Centre Director: Dr Steve Jones

The Centre Directors are usually appointed fromamong the Professors, Readers and SeniorLecturers in the School, on the recommendationof a Selection Committee. The appointments arenormally for a period of three years with thepossibility of re-appointment.

The Centres bring together staff from across theSchool in areas that have significant researchactivity and potential for further development.Each of the Centres provides support for themajor degree programmes in the School(Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering,Mechanical Engineering and the newly createdIndustrial Design). The new post will reside withinthe Centre for Engineering Sustainability.

The School Management Committee isresponsible for resource decisions in the Schooland consists of the Head of School, the CentreDirectors, the Chair of the Board of Studies, theDirector of Research, and the School Manager.

The University of Liverpool is a member of theAthena SWAN Charter to promote women inScience, Engineering and Technology and holdsa University Bronze Athena SWAN award and isworking towards an application for Silver AthenaSWAN status.The School of Engineering hasrecently been awarded its own Bronze AthenaSWAN award. The School of Engineering iscommitted to providing organisational andcultural practices that promote gender equality inscience, engineering and technolog and create abetter working environment for both men andwomen. Job applications are particularly welcomefrom women and ethnic minority candidates, whoare under-represented in academic posts in theSchool.

For further information on the School ofEngineering, please visit the website at:www.liverpool.ac.uk/engineering.





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CENTRE FORENGINEERING SUSTAINABILITYThe Centre for EngineeringSustainability brings togetheracademics with various engineeringbackgrounds including civil, geo-environmental, structural andarchitectural engineering as well as riskmodelling, industrial design andsustainable manufacturing. Togetherwith partners in engineering, naturalsciences and humanities disciplinesacross the University, academics in theCentre collaborate to address some ofthe major global challenges of the 21stcentury. Our research reflects the needfor engineering science and technologyto underpin our response to urgentproblems such as environmentalchange, declining natural resources andthe demand for renewable energy.Considering natural, environmental,societal, financial and other risks andhazards in this context provides a strongconnection to the Liverpool Institute forRisk and Uncertainty.

The University and the School ofEngineering are focusing considerableinvestment in Engineering Sustainabilityand are actively seeking to expand theresearch team of the Centre. The newChair will play a key role providingresearch leadership through exampleand experience and supportingstrategies for growth of research incomeand outputs among more juniorcolleagues throughout the Centre.

The Centre for EngineeringSustainability has recently undergone areorganisation as part of a strategic planwhich looks towards REF2020, theemerging Teaching ExcellenceFramework, and the University’sinstitutional Strategy 2026. Academicsare organised into thematic clustersresponsible for both research andteaching, in the following areas:

Sustainable StructuresResearch in this cluster integrates arange of expertise in structuralcomposites, structural response tovibration, cable-stayed structures,Bayesian modelling of structuraldynamics, and structural performanceunder blast and impact. Liverpool has along track-record in this area, which isundergoing an exciting reinvigorationthat includes the launch of a major newundergraduate programme inArchitectural Engineering and researchcollaborations with universities acrossthe UK and in the Far East, as well asindustrial partners at Arup. Together withWater and Environment, this cluster istaking a lead role in a new cross-Facultyresearch network around Sustainableand Resilient Cities.

Smart Materials and InfrastructureThis new research cluster draws onexpertise in sustainable constructionmaterials, for example compressedwood laminates, as well as anestablished research group in highwayand pavement materials which has atrack-record in development and testingof low-density, permeable, and high-durability asphalts using recycledmaterials. The strategic plan for thiscluster will build on this foundation todevelop new collaborations across theSchool and wider university in rapidly-growing areas of advanced materials,technology-enhanced urbaninfrastructure, nuclear science andengineering and enhanced sustainableurban drainage systems.

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CENTRE FORENGINEERING SUSTAINABILITY (CONTINUED)Geomechanics and GeomaticsThe new Chair will take the lead indeveloping the strategic vision for thisunder-represented but crucial area ofresearch and teaching in the Centre.Existing academic expertise in this areainterfaces with Water and Environmentand Smart Materials and Infrastructure,and includes biomineralization forstrengthening of porous media, marinesediment geomechanics, remotesensing and topographic datauncertainty, together with a very strongbase of professional experience in siteinvestigation and foundation design viavisiting staff from Arup. There is a strongsupport structure in the wider University,including potential linkages with leadingacademics in Earth Sciences,Geography and Planning, Maths,Physics and the NERC NationalOceanography Centre. Facilitating theselinks is the Institute for Risk andUncertainty, to which academics in thiscluster contribute via PhD projectssponsored by the EPSRC Centre forDoctoral Training in Risk andUncertainty. The commitment by the

School to fund an additional two staffpositions in this area, followingappointment of the Chair, presents anoutstanding opportunity to grow thisexciting potential into a substantial,influential academic unit.

Water and EnvironmentThis cluster draws on Liverpool’s longand prestigious history of coastal andmaritime engineering research, whichhas played a significant role in thedevelopment of advanced coastal floodwarning systems currently in use by theUK Environment Agency, and provisionof underpinning science andengineering to the ongoingdevelopment of tidal energy particularlyaround the Irish Sea basin. Currentexpertise, applied to both terrestrial andmarine environments, focuses onnumerical modelling of unsteady flowsand sediment/debris transport usingLattice-Boltzmann and finite-elementapproaches; the development andtesting of catchment-scale hydrologicalmodels in support of nutrient anderosion management in both temperate

(UK) and semi-arid (Jordan)environments; flow, transport andfiltration of colloidal contaminants inporous media; and multi-scalemodelling and experimental validation ofsustainable urban drainage systems.

Industrial DesignIndustrial Design has strong roots in ourworld-renowned research groups inmaterials, manufacturing and virtualengineering, but has seen a rapidexpansion in the Centre for EngineeringSustainability associated with the growthof teaching programmes in ProductDesign and Industrial Design deliveredacross the University’s campuses inLiverpool, London and Suzhou, China(Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University). Ateam of five design academics has beenadded to the Centre since 2014, withspecialisms including design foremotion and well-being, design forinteraction, digitalisation, virtual realityand multisensorial design whichcomplement existing strengths in designfor sustainability and engineeringmanagement. This cluster brings

exciting links to the Virtual EngineeringCentre at Daresbury as well as robustmodels for engineering design thatbenefit pedagogy and research acrossthe range of disciplines represented inthe Centre for Engineering Sustainability.

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LIVERPOOL INSTITUTEFOR RISK AND UNCERTAINTYThe Liverpool Institute for Risk andUncertainty (LIRU) was founded in 2012at the University of Liverpool as a multi-disciplinary, large-scale ResearchInstitute. In 2015, LIRU moved into new,purpose-built facilities in the ChadwickBuilding at the heart of the Liverpoolcampus. It combines expertise inquantifying, managing and mitigatingrisk and uncertainty from more than tendisciplines across the Universityincluding architecture, engineering,environmental sciences, the Institute forInfection and Global Health, financialand actuarial mathematics, computerscience, electrical engineering,economics and finance, management,social sciences, psychology and law.The unifying focus is the comprehensiveunderstanding of uncertainties andassociated risks as key issues in theperformance assessment of complexsystems, and in the development ofproper mitigation strategies. With strongties to industry, applications are pursuedin a wide range of areas such asbuilding design, climate changeanalysis, reliability engineering, softwarereliability, material science, financial

modelling, socio-political harmreduction, and critical incidentmanagement.

Translating risk and uncertainty intorobust designUsing LIRU’s expertise in risk anduncertainty quantification, ouracademics provide underpinningscience in collaboration with industrypartners to create sustainable, smartand robust engineering solutions thataddress the uncertainties which arise inengineering design. The Institute helpsorganisations in many fields to modeland measure uncertainties, in order toachieve the reliability and safetystandards they need in their engineeringsystems, materials and components.Solutions are based on strong practicalexperience of the engineering life cycle,as well as powerful techniques, such asstochastic mechanics, probabilistic,interval and fuzzy methods, and multi-scale / multi-physics modelling.

Engineering specialismsThe engineering group at LIRU is expertin fields such as stochastics modellingand testing, system identification and

control, forward and inverse problems,model updating, imprecise probabilities,structural health modelling and damageassessment. This work is based oncomprehensive risk and uncertaintyquantification methods developed in-house. These use probabilistic, intervaland fuzzy methods, often combinedwith imprecise probabilities techniques.

The Institute focuses especially onmitigating critical threats to engineeringperformance, such as those presentedby natural and technical hazards,extreme events and human error. To dothis it brings together these riskmodellers and theoreticians withscientists and engineers in mechanical,structural and environmentalengineering, environmental sciences,physics and other applied disciplines, inclose partnership with industrycollaborators. The result, as evidencedby the award of the only sole-institutionEPSRC CDT currently active in the UK,is innovative, highly multi-disciplinaryand industry-focused research projectswhich benefit from cross-fertilisation ofideas and concepts and stimulation of

research opportunities acrossdisciplines where nonlinear, complexand high-uncertainty heterogeneoussystems occur.

Engineering applicationsThe EPSRC CDT is entering its thirdyear. Recent projects developed withinLIRU include:

• prediction of scour around windturbine foundations in offshoreenvironments;

• uncertainties in flood risk modelling –nonlinear effects of evolving channelforms;

• multi-agency risk communication inmajor incidents;

• stigmergy-based mapping of indoorhazardous environments;

• reinforced concrete response to near-field explosions;

• efficient and energy-aware softwarefor stochastic analysis on large-scalesystems.

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THE ROLEFollowing both internal and external consultationwith relevant authorities, the Faculty and Schoolleadership has identified the establishment ofresearch activity (and associated educationmodules or programmes) in Geomechanics asrepresenting both a natural and powerfulcomplement to other work within the Centre ofEngineering Sustainability and also an area ofsignificant strategic research opportunity andfunding potential.

It is against this background that the Universityintends the appointment first of a Chair inGeomechanics and subsequently of additionalFaculty in this area. The Chair will be appointedwithin the Centre for Engineering Sustainabilitybut will be expected to work closely with theLiverpool Institute for Risk and Uncertainty andthe School of Environmental Sciences inparticular. The Chair will be expected to buildactivity and attract funding in Geomechanicsspecifically, but also to contribute to the widerstrengthening of the Civil Engineering disciplineat Liverpool and the Centre for EngineeringSustainability. The appointee will clearlydemonstrate the mind-set and ambition requiredto establish and drive this activity, presenting acompelling research vision whichacknowledges, inspires and engagescollaborative and complementary initiatives inresearch and teaching.

The appointee will be a recognisedgeomechanics specialist with acivil/environmental engineering background andwith comprehensive experience in environmentalrisk. The appointee should demonstrateparticular expertise in geotechnical risk anduncertainty quantification. Proven capability tocross successfully the boundaries of traditionaldisciplines within engineering and beyond isessential. The appointee will have an excellentacademic research record; this includespublishing influential papers in high-impactacademic journals and a track-record ofattracting substantial external funding from arange of sources. She or he will have thecreative vision, interpersonal and leadershipskills needed to identify and exploit researchopportunities and lead projects at all scales incollaboration with established research groupswithin the University and with external partners inleading institutions worldwide. The ability tobring to the School a strong portfolio of existingacademic and non-academic partners will behighly desirable, as will experience of working forand within non-academic stakeholderorganisations. The appointee will report to theHead of School of Engineering. The post ispermanent and will commence as soon aspossible.




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THE PERSONIt is expected that you would demonstrate thefollowing values, skills and experience:

Significant leadership experience at a strategiclevel including:• Leading and driving strategies to supportdelivery of the University's objectives

• Developing key working relationships and toquickly establish credibility within a new role,building partnerships and influence at all levelswithin relevant academic institutions andcommunities, and with industry

• Developing a communications structure toensure that information is shared appropriately,in a timely manner and consistently, as well asencouraging engagement of colleagues at alllevels.

Well developed leadership skills including:• People management skills and the ability to setand review objectives and standards andprovide feedback, guidance and direction

• Highly developed interpersonal skills enablingthe use of different communication styles toengage others and promote clarity andunderstanding

• Strong analytical skills including, scenarioplanning, analysis, problem solving anddecision making.

The following core values aligned with theUniversity Strategy 2026:• Globally-focused in both research andteaching activities

• Rooted in delivering or supporting the deliveryof world-leading research excellence

• Commitment to academic freedom and toguaranteeing the integrity of research in thecontext of clear accountability and personalresponsibility

• Business excellence

• Promoting the strengths of diversity andchampioning equal access and opportunities.

• Transparency, robustness and efficiency ofdecision-making processes

• Ensuring institutional sustainability

• Willingness to consult with staff, students,industrial partners and alumni.

The following behaviours:• Treating colleagues and stakeholders withrespect, dignity and courtesy at all times

• Behaving fairly and consistently

• Displaying leadership within his or her sphere ofinfluence

• Communicating and consulting withstakeholders regularly

• Team working and collaboration

• Focusing on outputs and achievements

• Being motivated and seeking to fulfil potentialthrough continuous improvement

• Being accountable and taking personalresponsibility for his or her own work andactions.

The following leadership values:

• Creating a sense of common purpose around ashared vision/ goal

• Driving excellence and innovation in others.

• Having integrity, showing respect and ensuringdignity for all

• Empowering colleagues through delegationand trust

• Building a learning culture and encouraginglearning from mistakes

• Encouraging teamwork and collaboration.

• Motivating and supporting people to reach theirhighest potential and celebrate their success

• Being accountable and taking personalresponsibility.

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THE PERSON (CONTINUED)Essential Criteria

The appointee will demonstrate:

• An outstanding record of research distinction inthe area of geotechnical engineering and risk

• Evidence of leadership in research andresearch strategy, including national andinternational reputation in the field ofgeomechanics

• A proven capability to identify researchopportunities and translate these intosubstantial funded research projects throughthe transfer of techniques and methodologiesacross the boundaries of traditional disciplines;

• A PhD in engineering or a relevant physical ormathematical science discipline

• Outstanding interpersonal, communication andnetworking skills

• The ability to lead multidisciplinary researchteams to deliver high-quality research andimpact outcomes, knowledge exchange activityand research-led teaching.

Desirable Criteria

It is desirable for the appointee to demonstrate:

• A strong record of teaching excellencedelivering geomechanical and geotechnicalcourses at undergraduate and postgraduatelevel

• An established portfolio of research assets(equipment, associates, PGR students etc.) withpotential to transfer to Liverpool on appointment

• Senior membership of a higher educationprofessional body, such as SFHEA or PFHEA,or demonstration of sufficient body of teachingexperience to apply for one of these

• A professional qualification (eg MICE, CEng)and active professional engagement in arelevant engineering discipline.

Conditions of appointment

Any appointment to this post will besubject to the University's standardconditions of appointment. No personother than the Director of HumanResources has authority to notify avariation in these conditions. Anypurported variation made by any otherindividual shall be void and not bindingupon the University. Heads ofSchool/Departments in the University areappointed by the Council, normally for aperiod of three years but with thepossibility of re-appointment, from amongthe Professors, Readers and SeniorLecturers in the School / Departments, onthe recommendation of a SelectionCommittee consisting of the Vice-Chancellor and the Pro-Vice-Chancellors.Professor Ahmed Elsheikh is currently theHead of the School of Engineering.


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Ranked in the top 150 universities in theworld by the Academic Ranking of World Universities, there are 7,400international and EU students from 115 countries currently studying at Liverpool.

We are the largest provider of 100% onlinepostgraduate degree courses in Europe, with some 10,000 students currently studying for University of Liverpool degrees all over the world.

This global focus has led the institution toestablish a university in the World Heritage city ofSuzhou near Shanghai, in partnership with Xi’anJiaotong University – a top 10 university in China.Representing a new model for a British operationin Higher Education in China, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) is based in SuzhouIndustrial Park – one of Asia’s most successfulbusiness parks and a hub for foreign investors,attracting 3,300 international organisationsincluding 84 Fortune 500 companies. Thisunique partnership has recently been voted‘Most influential Sino-Foreign Higher EducationInstitution in China’.

As well as establishing a campus in London, we are building partnerships with leadinginstitutions across the globe that can provide thebest opportunities for collaborative research and

study, ensuring that our programmes areunderpinned by international research andproviding opportunities for students to learna language and study abroad as part of their programme.

The University’s International Graduate School also gives postgraduate students the opportunity to undertake research in some of the world’s most prestigiousuniversities and research institutions,enabling collaborators to tackle massivesocietal challenges and offering a truly international experience for young researchers.



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The University offers much more than ahigh-quality degree and we are proudthat our students benefit from a vibrant research environment withexcellent teaching facilities as well asfirst rate careers guidance and a wealthof extra-curricular activities.

Liverpool is an academically strong institutionoffering more than 445 university programmesacross professionally-focused disciplines andacademic subjects. We work closely with theLiverpool Guild of Students to provide a culturewhere students feel valued, supported andinspired to achieve, with access to state-of-the-art facilities, award-winningaccommodation and comprehensive pastoralcare and careers support.

Liverpool is one of the top 25 universities in theUK targeted by leading graduate employers, and95% of our graduates are currently inemployment or further study. Taught by experts,our programmes challenge students to equipthem for their career with an emphasis on

problem-based learning, placementopportunities, comprehensive academic and personal support, and an active extra-curricular programme.

The University has also opened a campus inLondon. Based in Finsbury Square, the campusincreases the number of students able to studyfor a research-led Russell Group degree inLondon and enables us to bring the characteristicspirit of individuality, ingenuity and enterprise from our home city to the capital –for a uniquely Liverpool experience in London.

Close to the financial heart of London, thecampus offers postgraduate degrees inArchitecture, Accountancy, Law, Psychology andPublic Health, benefiting from accreditation withkey professional bodies in the City. It also offersgraduates, professionals and employers theopportunity to enhance their capabilities in oneof the world’s most dynamic and inspiring citiesand we expect to have registered 1,000 studentswithin five years.

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The University is investing £600 millionin its teaching, research and residentialestate over a 10-year period, including£250 million in high-qualityaccommodation.

Part of this investment – a £44 million project to construct high-quality accommodation at the city centre campus – is now open tostudents. The 729-bedroom Vine Courtdevelopment features shops and a 250-seatrestaurant and is at the cutting edge ofsustainable design. A further £350 million isbeing invested in the academic estate at its city centre campus and at its Leahurst campuson the Wirral.

Laboratories. The award-winning facility hasenhanced the overall student experiencethrough the creation of a modern, high qualityand vibrant laboratory environment.

The University has also invested £32 million in teaching facilities in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, £10 million inan extension to the Management School and£14.5 million in a refurbishment of its Guild ofStudents.

As well as refurbishing existing accommodation,the University has opened an additional 1,259new study bedrooms. Crown Place opened inSeptember 2014 and provides state-of-the-artaccommodation, further increasing the number ofstudent rooms available on campus.

The University is also investing in its off-campusaccommodation, developing new residences inSouth Liverpool to provide a self-containedStudent Village, including catering and sportsfacilities.

The teaching environment for science-basedsubjects has been transformed with aninvestment of £28 million in Centralised Teaching




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• Established in 1881

• The original red brick university

• Ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide

• An internationally-renowned Russell Group university

• Annual turnover of £465 million

• 22,000 students

• 7,400 international and EU students from 115 countries

• 5,500 talented staff

• More than 445 university programmes

• 10,000 online students from more than 190 countries

• Associated with nine Nobel Prize winners

• One of the first UK universities to establish a joint venture institution in China

• 1,300 world-leading researchers

• Annual research income of £89 million

• 95% of our graduates in employment or further study

• A global alumni network of 195,000

• A UK leader in widening participation

• Committing £9.9 million to support students from low-income backgrounds

• Student satisfaction rates at 85%

• More than 75% of our students receive a First or 2:1

• Award-winning careers service

• The largest providers of wholly online degree programmes in Europe

• London campus opened in September 2014

• Award-winning labs crowned UK’s best scientific teaching facility

• 20th in REF with seven subjects in top 10 and 81% of our research ranked as 3* and 4*

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DRIVINGKNOWLEDGEEXCHANGEThe University is committed to making its groundbreaking research and frontiertechnologies available to its business partners for the benefit of regional and national economies.

External organisations benefit from the University’s world-class expertise through a range of mechanismsincluding: contract and collaborative research, consultancy,training and Continuous Professional Development,knowledge transfer partnerships, student projects andplacements, volunteering and access to world-classequipment and facilities.

Last year the University of Liverpool engaged with more than1,300 businesses and other external organisations in thecontext of collaborative and contract research alone. Ourresearchers have won £28.8 million of collaborative researchgrants funded jointly by business and the public sector, £18.2million of collaborative research funded by the EU alone, and655 contract research commissions which generated acombined income of £16.2 million.


Liverpool students are following in the footsteps of prominentalumni including Professor Dame Carol Ann Duffy DBE, PoetLaureate; Dr Paul Roy, Founding Chairman of assetmanagement company NewSmith LLP and Chairman of theRetraining of Racehorses charity; Dame Stella Rimington DCB,former Director General of the UK’s national Security Service,MI5; Sir Robin Saxby, Founder and former Chairman, Presidentand Chief Executive of ARM Holdings; Dr Lewis Booth CBE,Senior Independent Director and Chairman of the AuditCommittee of Rolls-Royce PLC and Keith Williams, ChiefExecutive and Executive Chairman of British Airways.

Liverpool graduates have become pioneers in every field, withNobel prize winners including: Sir Ronald Ross (1902; discoveryof mode of spread of malaria), Professor Charles Glover Barkla(1917; discovery of the electromagnetic properties of x-rays),Professor Sir Charles Sherrington (1932; functional analysis ofmotor unit in a muscle), Professor Sir James Chadwick (1936;discovery of the neutron), Professor Sir Robert Robinson (1947;investigation into alkaloids and other plant products), ProfessorHar Gobind Khorana (1968; genetic code of protein synthesis),Professor Rodney Robert Porter (1972; structure of antibodies),Ronald H Cause (1991; discovery of the significance oftransaction costs and property rights for the institutionalstructure and functioning of the economy), and Professor SirJoseph Rotblat (1995; work to diminish the role of nuclear armsin international politics).

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We offer a range of aspiration raising activities to more than 8,000young people each year, with the focus of our activity on pupils whoare ‘most able but least likely to attend HE’. This activity includeswelcoming 100 people to our Scholars programme – for students fromtraditionally underrepresented backgrounds – and 57 people on ourGo Higher programme, which is designed to support entry to theUniversity for applicants who do not have formal qualifications.

The University has developed a partnership of Merseyside secondaryschools and colleges whose performance at GCSE is below thenational and local average and we work intensively with them and withtheir feeder primary schools to raise aspirations and supportattainment. We co-sponsor two Academy Schools – the North Liverpool Academy, and University Academy, Birkenhead.

We also commit £15 million a year for scholarships and bursaries tosupport those who would otherwise not be able to consider enteringhigher education.

A UK leader in widening participation, the Universityexceeds its benchmarks for both the recruitment ofstudents from low participation neighbourhoods and theState Schools and Colleges sector and we have achievedthe Buttle UK Quality Mark at ‘exemplary level’ inrecognition of our commitment to young people in care.





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Developing relationships withsupporters and alumni, as well as policymakers, business leaders, media andleaders of research and educationinstitutions – has been essential to oursuccess.

Over the last 10 years we have completedseveral capital fundraising projects and raised inexcess of £25 million. The Philip Leverhulme

Equine Hospital, Wolfson Centre for PersonalisedMedicines, Small Animal Teaching Hospital andthe Centre for Better Births are examples of whatphilanthropy has helped us to achieve, in addition to supporting numerousstudents through bursary and scholarshipprogrammes.

Building on this success, we are now moving towards the launch of our first public, multi-million pound institutional fundraising

campaign, aiming to raise £100 million by 2022.We have established foundations in the US andHong Kong, and have recruited a number ofprominent and successful alumni as Boardmembers. This campaign will transform theimpact that philanthropy has on our research,recruitment and student experience, and oursenior academics will play a supporting role inrealising these goals.


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Voted third in the top 10 worldcities 2014 according to theRough Guides, Liverpool is afantastic place to live, work,study and invest. A major cultural destination, the city is home to more national museums, theatres and artgalleries than anywhere in the UK outsideLondon, and the port of Liverpool is the largest Freeport zone in the UK.

With the fastest growing economy in the UK outside of London too, Liverpool benefited from an £800 million boost to the region’s economy when it was namedEuropean Capital of Culture in 2008 and has continued to thrive ever since.

This is a city where individuality, innovation and enterprise are celebrated; home to explorersand revolutionaries for more than 800 years, their pioneering spirit inspireseverything we do.

The University helps to drive the city’s vibrantknowledge economy through close collaborationwith other universities, industry and the NHS,helping the City Region to compete in the globalbusiness arena. There are around 50,000students living in the city and the region also hasone of the highest student retention rates in theUK, with six out of 10 students still in employmentin Liverpool following graduation.




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OUR GUILD OF STUDENTS EXISTS TO ENSURESTUDENTSLOVE THEIR TIME AT THEUNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOLThe Guild has existed for more than 100 years to provide students witha voice. That voice has been used to lobby, link communities and liberate members.

And it continues to be heard. The Guild is astudent-led, dynamic and constantly evolvingorganisation; a not-for-profit charity of whichevery student at the University of Liverpool is a member.

The Guild at Liverpool is a Guild of pioneers. Itsmembers elected the first black Students’ UnionPresident in the UK, built the biggest Students’Union building in Europe and grabbed nationalheadlines with a 300-strong sit-in protest. Todaythe Guild continues to be the beating heart of thestudent body and the place where everythinghappens. Our Guild strives to achieve the best forstudents by:

• Offering valuable opportunities to developnew skills – whether through one of 170student-run societies, student-staff roles, or volunteer programmes

• Being a fun and vibrant place where studentscan try new things and have a laugh – fromour Give it a Go trips to live music gigs, theGuild offers a range of good quality,affordable services

• Being a caring organisation and there whenneeded – from the moment students arrive inLiverpool the Guild team is there to help themsettle in and offers an independent, free,confidential advice service

• Being a democratic organisation that listens toits members and fights for the issues thatmatter – providing effective representationand being a critical friend to the University.

September 2014 saw the completion of a £14.5 million redevelopment programme of the Guild’s main building, demonstrating theexcellent working relationship it has with theUniversity and in recognition of the value theGuild adds to the student experience.


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FINANCIALPOSITIONThe University had a turnover of £435 million for theyear to 31 July 2014 (which included £84 million forresearch) and generated an operating surplus of£19.9 million. Total expenditure for the year was £415million.

Our primary financial objective is to generatesurpluses to sustain ongoing activities and tomaintain the necessary investment in our estate and associated infrastructure, which in the last yearincluded a total capital investment of £61 million.

Further details of the University’s financial position can be found in the financial statements by visiting: www.liverpool.ac.uk/finance.


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An executive search exercise is being undertaken by Perrett Laver.

Perrett Laver will support the University in helping to identify thewidest possible field of qualified candidates and assisting in theassessment of candidates against the requirements for the role.

For more information about the University, visit:






The closing date for applications is 09.00 BST on Wednesday 20thApril 2016.

Applications should consist of a full CV detailing academic andprofessional qualifications, full employment history, latestremuneration and relevant achievements, and should beaccompanied by a covering letter describing briefly how candidatesmeet the criteria in the ‘person specification’, why the appointmentis of interest, and what they believe they can bring to the role.These can be uploaded at www.perrettlaver.com/candidatesquoting the reference number 2440.

Applications will be considered by the Selection Commitee in lateApril and shortlisted candidates will be invited to speak informallywith the University. Campus visits will take place on Thursday 23rdJune and formal interviews will be held on Friday 24th June. On the23rd, applicants will be invited to give a presentation, meet with a range of Faculty members, and observe the campus facilities.Formal interviews will then take place on the 24th, when selection of the preferred candidate will take place.