INSPIRE CONSCIOUSNESS...2020/11/22  · Take the good deep breath and breathe in the energies of St. Germain. The message is there, the energies. Just breathe it in. Breathe the “I

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  • FeaturingAdamus Saint-Germain

    channeled through Geoffrey HoppeAssisted by

    Linda Hoppe

    IMPORTANT NOTE: This information is probably not for you unless you take full responsibility for your life and creations.

    © 2020 Crimson Circle IP, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Do not duplicate, copy or distribute without written permission from the copyright owner.

    Adamus® is a trademark of Crimson Circle IP, Inc.

    See contacts page on website: www.crimsoncircle.com

    Recorded in Kona, HawaiiNovember 2020

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    LINDA: Welcome to this special message from St. Germain. He’s here to share with us this 12-12-2020 very special message. It’s been quite the year, I think we’re all very, very ready for this message.

    So, with that, let’s begin with that conscious breath.

    We’re here, let’s just take that good deep breath, really feeling and allowing, opening up.

    Take the good deep breath and feel the energies around us. You can feel the beauty of this tropical setting, so conducive for this kind of message.

    Take the good deep breath and breathe in the energies of St. Germain. The message is there, the energies. Just breathe it in. Breathe the “I Am Here, I Exist.” It’s that good deep breath of life, honoring your existence here at this most incredible time on the planet.

    Take the good deep breath. Breathe it in. Feel it. Breathe it.

    Breathe, as we begin.

    ST. GERMAIN: I Am that I Am, the Beloved St. Germain.

    It’s a delight to come to Shaumbra as Adamus, St. Germain, Adamus Saint-Germain. It’s an act of consciousness. Adamus is the collective of all of Shaumbra, of Cauldre, of Linda, of everybody who’s involved in the work that we do. It was something that I, as the Beloved St. Germain, put together in order to bring you very personalized messages, and as not to confuse it with some of the channelings that I’ve done in the past.

    To experience the full energy of this session, it is recommended that you listen to the audio recording while reading the transcript or translation.

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    A Special Message from St. Germain • 12 12 2020

    So Adamus has grown to be a very, very unique character. It’s you, it’s me, it’s all of us. And once in a while I choose to come to you as the Beloved St. Germain, who I truly am. When there are times like this that require a little bit less of an act of consciousness, more of a direct connection and energy communication to us, I prefer to come to you then as St. Germain, and that’s what this occasion brings. I call it the 12-12-2020 Message.

    You Are Here

    But before I launch into that, I want to point out a few things for you personally. You’ve come to this time now, a time that you’ve chosen to be here. You’ve gone through a lot of processing, you’ve gone through a tremendous amount of releasing. You’ve truly transformed yourself from a human on their journey into a true Master, taking your rightful seat here on the planet at this time.

    The transformation was challenging to say the least. If I was in the Adamus persona right now, I’d probably say that you chose that. It’s exactly what you wanted. You wanted the challenges. But I won’t say that, because I know how difficult it was for so many of you, very, very difficult. I know your hopes are that none of the others who come after you are going to have to go through those type of really death-defying challenges that you did in this lifetime.

    It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t easy doing all this in such a short period of time. It wasn’t easy losing some of the things that were most precious to you. It wasn’t easy on the human part, not knowing if it was safe. And it wasn’t easy to be alone. Even if there were others around, you still spent many times of feeling alone.

    I commend each and every one of you for enduring, for sticking true to yourself, for sticking true to your promise to stay here on the planet in spite of all the difficulties, in spite of some very, very difficult and challenging days and nights that you went through. But now you’re here, and I know some of you are still going through the last of the residues, going from awakening to mastery and Realization, but you’re here.

    You don’t need to focus on or think about or do anything about some of these last issues. They’re going to dissolve away. Matter of fact, the less you try to work on them, the better. They’ll dissolve away, because the true Master within understands these were just temporary. They were just experiences, and now you’ve come to the true passion of this lifetime on the planet. After a lot of waiting, after a lot of hardships and a lot of tears, you’re now to this place of your true passion for being here, and that’s to be an embodied Master on the planet here at the most transformational time that this planet has ever experienced.

    I’ll make some statements during my talk today. None are exaggerated. None are designed for drama or shock or anything like that. The statements I make are coming from a place of truth and a place of balance. The statements I make, I’ve measured each and every one of them to make sure that they’re an accurate assessment of what’s happening with you or with the planet.

    Let’s take a deep breath before we begin, into your journey here, into what you’ve gone through in this lifetime. You can write books and plays and songs, it wouldn’t even begin to describe the depth of the senses and the emotions and the experience that you’ve gone through.

    I ask you to take a deep breath and take ownership, because there is such beauty in it. And you’ll come to see, if you already, haven’t that there weren’t any mistakes on the way. The human might have thought or even assumed that some of the things were mistakes, but all the while there was always course correction.

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    A Special Message from St. Germain • 12 12 2020

    Even when you might have gone off in this direction or that direction, all the while the Master and the I Am were guiding you back to the place to be at the right place at the right time, which is right now.

    Let’s take a deep breath with all that you’ve done.

    You might not appear in the newspapers or be called on for talk shows or to give presentations in front of groups. You might, but you may not, and I know that’s not why you came here. It has nothing to do with fame or notoriety. But there will be a time when you will be acknowledged, when you will be truly respected and honored for what you did here on this planet. It’s only a small group, and I know sometimes you feel perhaps even insignificant. But you’ll come to realize what a difference your light made. You’ll come to realize that you weren’t just processing your own issues, that you were processing those of humanity’s. While you were working out things within, while the battles took place deep inside of you, it was really not just about you. It was working out so much on behalf of humanity.

    Time of Machines

    We’re deep now into the Time of the Machines. It’s something that I’ve talked about, a book that I wrote back in my last lifetime, in my last few years. The basis of the book was actual journeys that I took into what is this time now.

    I projected into what you would call the future, but please know that it’s all happening simultaneously. I know that’s confusing to the mind, but it’s all happening together. You’ll come to realize there’s really not a past or future. There’s only ever. Ever. It’s all happening together, and you could say there’s a sequence of events that takes place, but they’re timeless. They’re not linear. It’s all happening right now. One day humanity might come to understand that very thing and it will change the nature of the way humans do things. But right now, no, they’re still on kind of that linear path.

    We’re deep into the Time of Machines. I saw it when I first came here in a projection back from my lifetime in the late, oh, 1790 time period; a time when technology was now the norm on the planet, where nearly everyone on the planet was using it. At this point there’s approximately, well, nearly six billion people who have access to technology on the planet. It’s the norm, rather than the exception.

    The technology that is on the planet is going to change the nature of not only this planet Earth, but the entire universe, the physical universe, in the times to come. The technology was something that is needed to bring the humans into a whole new era – out of the era of the homo sapien, out of the era of community and groups as you now know it, out of the area of the old biological body – the technology is so important to that – and truly out of the old mindset.

    The technology that you’re in right now in this Time of Machines is going to change the nature of this planet. It already has, but it will continue to change the nature of the planet in such a fast and dynamic way.

    2020 was the pivotal year for all of this. It’s been leading up to this. It’s been leading up to it since post World War II; since an age many of you experienced, what was called the 60s; into the birth of technology, and then the eventual proliferation of technology on the planet.

    2020 – not 2012, not the year 2000, but 2020 – was the pivotal year for all the true changes to take place, and they have.

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    A Special Message from St. Germain • 12 12 2020

    It was through this thing call the coronavirus, which I’ll talk about a little bit. It’s really kind of beside the point. It’s not the thing to focus on. It was simply what helped to bring it about, but it’s not the very reason for the changes.

    Consciousness and the Virus

    The reason for the changes on the planet and what brought coronavirus, what’s bringing technology, is all about consciousness. You can call it light, consciousness, awareness, but it is consciousness that has brought all this about. Without consciousness, there would have been no technology revolution. Without consciousness, World War II could have brought the world to an end. Without consciousness, there wouldn’t be the dreams and the aspirations for humanity’s progress. Without consciousness, there would be no New Earths. There would be no Theos or any of that.

    So, it was consciousness that brought all of this about in this Time of Machines. Some might think that it was technology that came first and now we need to infuse consciousness, but it’s really quite the opposite. Consciousness, the light of you, the light of others like you coming to this planet, the love for this planet and even for humanity has brought that about, and therefore, the planet was ready for this year 2020, the pivotal year, the year of convergence of so many things.

    The effects of this year are not just about this planet. They reached far into the cosmos. We had the closing of the Order of the Arc, that portal no longer needed for those coming to Earth for the first time or now, with the closing of the Order of the Arc, no longer a portal needed even for interdimensional travelers to come here. They don’t have to go through that tight compression chamber to be here. And it’s not to say that there’s going to be a lot of UFO activity when I talk about interdimensional travelers. There are no little metal spaceships. They don’t need to use those to get here.

    But it was consciousness that brought about all the changes. Consciousness truly started opening up on this planet in the 1950s, but it had a slow start. There was a lot of push against it, a lot who wanted to remain back in the old times – the times of fearing God, the times of what they consider to be repenting sinners – but consciousness broke through.

    So many of you began what you call your search, but there wasn’t a search at all. There’s nothing to search for when it’s already there. When you called it your search, many of you began that in the 80s and the 90s, some a little later perhaps, but that in itself brought consciousness, more consciousness to this planet, and it enabled technology to grow at even a faster pace than ever before. And now here we sit at the end of 2020.

    You have this thing called the coronavirus that came about at the beginning of the year, well, actually late the year before, but it had its real effects on the planet at the beginning of the year.

    Any virus, whether it’s physical or nonphysical, is all about putting things back into balance. At times the virus, like the sexual energy virus or in this case the coronavirus, it simply is about bringing things back into a balance in order for things to move forward in a new way, to cleanse some of the stuck energies, the wounds and the tears from the past. A virus doesn’t care about death tolls. A virus doesn’t care about how it affects the human lives. It’s simply there to bring about a rebalance, and that’s what the coronavirus did.

    At the beginning of the year, it shocked the world. Many who disbelieved that it was even here. Many who thought it was conspiracy theory, which as you know by now it was not. It came and affected the world. It

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    A Special Message from St. Germain • 12 12 2020

    caused people to stay inside, not go to their regular jobs, not eat at the restaurants, not take their vacations, to be with themselves. Oh, and to face their families, usually an ancestral karmic family. But it caused them to change their whole approach to everyday life. It was uncomfortable, of course, because any time there’s change, it can be very uncomfortable.

    And, as I stated, it’s not just about here on the planet. With everything that was happening and the closing of the Order of the Arc, there was also the calling home of all of the angelic beings everywhere, from all 144,000 angelic families, and it happened. They all came back. And then the news that the angelic families were being disbanded, and then eventually those who had been in the angelic families going on to places in the cosmos, many of them going to one of the many, many New Earths that are now in place.

    Back here on Earth, people developed an inward look that humans have not had, dare I say, almost ever. They were forced to take inward look, and it caused so many to reevaluate, to reassess their lives, what was important and what wasn’t. Not everybody did, but enough did to continue the momentum of the change that is taking place here on the planet in the Time of Machines.

    So many are saying, “I’ll never go back to that job. I’ll never go back to an office anyway, and maybe work the job from home.”

    Many are saying, “I no longer want to live in crowded noisy cities. I want to be in nature.”

    So many said to themselves, “Why am I here at this time? Why am I here? What is my life about?” and then taking bold steps to pursue that, to discover it, rather than just getting back into the daily grind, rather than just numbing themselves once again. They’ve chosen now to follow their hearts, to do something different.

    A huge evolution – revolution – took place on the planet, and you haven’t seen the full effects of it yet. Oh, you’ve only seen a small, small number of the effects.

    During this time of the coronavirus, there was a tremendous number of resources – money, time, talent, intelligence – that was put towards the medical community to try to find a solution to this, so that people could once again resume a normal life, which really isn’t going to happen. A tremendous number of resources, the largest deployment of medical technology ever on the planet. The largest research ever, trying to find the answer, the cure to this coronavirus with vaccines, with other treatments that are soon to come out.

    But what was important here is while they were in there researching the coronavirus, they had to research new angles to things like DNA, new angles to intercellular communications, and I think that was probably the most important of all. They accidently stumbled into things that they had never known before, things that are still at the laboratories ready to come out, once the coronavirus vaccine gets in place, once there is more of an understanding of how to control that. There were tremendous discoveries that have been made about the intercellular communications.

    Now, we’ve talked about it with this thing called the anayatron. We’ve talked about it with saying that energy is nothing but communications. And now the rest of the world is going to catch up, particularly from a medical standpoint.

    There have been new discoveries – or at least very accurate theories – about DNA, how it works, what is brought forth in the DNA. Initially, they were trying to find if this flu had anything to do with the DNA – if certain DNA was more resistant, if there were indicators within the DNA of the flu – but what they found out is a whole new world of magnetics and energy in DNA. It could be several years, maybe even longer,

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    A Special Message from St. Germain • 12 12 2020

    before a lot of this peripheral research comes out, but that was one of the tremendous benefits of this whole experience on the planet now with the coronavirus.

    But it wasn’t only in medicine. It was in physics. All these deep dives into how things work – eventually how energy works, but they don’t know to call it that yet – this deep dive into how things work. A new physics that combines a new type of mathematics will be hitting the shelves in the next few years as a result of this coronavirus, but it’s really the result of consciousness. The result of consciousness on the planet. It makes its way, it shows up, it materializes and manifests through things like medical discoveries, but it’s because of consciousness.

    And it wasn’t only in physics. It was in the whole world of technology; new technologies being deployed to help understand this coronavirus. A tremendous number of resources going into technology, but also into business and finance. Business had to change the way it operated. Business had to try to find a way to keep doing business in spite of people having to stay home, in spite of staffs being reduced by 20, 30, 40 percent due to illnesses with coronavirus.

    There have been tremendous developments in how to conduct business in a technology era that would have never come about if it hadn’t been for the coronavirus keeping everyone at home.

    Finance is another area that will be one of the most visible changes on the planet in the next few years. The financial systems right now have been around for a long time. They’re relatively stable, but it’s time for a change even in the financial system. I’m not really just talking philosophically who has it and who doesn’t, but how energy is exchanged between one person and the other. You have a dollar bill in your hand, you give it to the clerk at the store, they might give you change; you walk out with the product you just purchased. Even that is all beginning to change and a whole new understanding of, well, energy exchange and communication. That’s all it is. Any time you pay for something, it’s an energy communication. So that’s going to change as a result of consciousness and the coronavirus.

    Just about every area of life was changed on the planet this year, to some degree or the other, whether it was politics, whether it was manufacturing. Manufacturing, having to look for new and efficient ways. The manufacturing segment realizing that they were so dependent on a work force that could get sick and now having a movement towards robotics, which is not a bad thing. Not a bad thing. It’s really not such a good thing to have humans doing menial tasks in factories and plants somewhere, particularly if there are hazardous conditions. No. Might as well have robots do that and free the humans to pursue their dreams, their goals, their aspirations, while the robots, while the technology does the menial work.

    It was a year that was, beyond any that I’ve ever seen, and I have been through many, many lifetimes. What happened in this year was beyond even what happened as a result of Yeshua walking the planet, with so many being there with you at the time, but that took centuries and centuries and centuries to unfold.

    What happened this year was beyond some of the more recent things – World War I, World War II – which changed the planet. Both of those wars saw a destruction, a death of the population up to two and a half, three percent of the population on the planet at this time. And while the coronavirus has taken its toll, it’s not anywhere near the numbers that you had in World War I or World War II.

    The changes on the planet happened fast. They came very, very fast. The virus is now starting its way out. Even though much of the planet is in the second wave and there’ll be a partial short-term third wave, the virus is on its way out, and it moves out because of consciousness. It moves out because its job is done. It no longer needs to be rebalancing. It no longer needs to be cleaning out. It no longer needs to be opening up energies that have been stuck for a long, long time. It’s done its job.

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    A Special Message from St. Germain • 12 12 2020

    We’re here right in the heart, right in the depths of the Time of Machines, right here in this technological era that you’re in that’s changing the nature of the planet.

    Let’s take a good deep breath with that, with all the changes that are happening.

    The coronavirus – I don’t want to go into length about it because it doesn’t matter if it was a virus or a fire or a war or anything else – it was short-term here to bring about a change. It was not a plot. It wasn’t conspiracy, and woe to those who get caught up in its conspiracies. It wasn’t a conspiracy whatsoever, no more than the sexual energy virus is a conspiracy. It was something that came to the planet at the right time, and then it had its implications all over the cosmos.

    What Next?

    So here we are now in this Time of Machines where everything on the planet has been affected, and what comes next? What comes next?

    Well, first of all, the virus will go away. Oh, I would say early to mid-year, and, again, the timing doesn’t really matter. It’s just doing its job. The virus goes away, not necessarily because of a vaccine or some other cure, but because of consciousness.

    The virus will suddenly start to just disappear. It’ll go away. There’ll be smaller and smaller numbers, smaller regions and areas that have it, and then it will just seem to go away. They’ll credit it to the vaccine, which might be some truth to it. But, no, the virus has done its work. It just disappears from the planet. Yes, other flus, other things will come along, but nothing as widespread, as large-scale as the coronavirus.

    Next, the planet goes into kind of a reassessment. They try to get back to doing what they were doing before, and many will find out it just doesn’t work. Whether it’s individuals, whether it’s companies or governments, sports, so many things, they’ll try to go back, and it just doesn’t work. Things have changed.

    The consciousness and the desires of humans have changed. They’re going to want something a little bit different or maybe a lot different on the planet. They’ll demand more. They’re not necessarily going to go back to the old jobs or their old relationships or their old ancestral karma, their old ways of dying, their old ways of medicine on the planet. Humans are going to insist on something different now. They’re going to insist on change, and the technology will be there in the coming years – I mean, not a long, long way away, but in the coming years – the technology will be there to enable all of this.

    There will be forces, there will be people and groups that want to go back – and not just back to a year ago, but back to a long time ago – who are going to resist, well, going to the future, resist expanding. Those who will want to go back to times far ago, whether it was Lemuria or Atlantis or the biblical times, and it just doesn’t work. They’ll put a lot of pressure out, they’ll create a lot of commotion, and more than anything, they’ll generate a lot of fear. Don’t listen to it. Don’t get caught into it. The planet is going forward. It’s time and that’s exactly why you’re here.

    The thing that the planet, that humans really desire at this time, not that they can articulate it, but there’s a whole movement now while the technology movement is taking place for humanism. Humanism, the individual rights, individual acknowledgement, individual care.

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    A Special Message from St. Germain • 12 12 2020

    Atlantis was a time where everything was in groups. You wouldn’t even think of walking alone somewhere. Everything was done in groups. Children were raised in groups, not in individual families. Cooking was done in groups. Going to the toilet was done in groups too. Everything was done in groups. It wasn’t even in consciousness to do something alone. It was all very communal, and it worked for a long time in Atlantis.

    Humans tend to be – what would you call it – herd mentality up to now. But with so many staying at home and having time to themselves and realizing that there is actually something they liked about themselves – and there are other things they didn’t like, but that they can move beyond – you’re going to see a whole move to humanism.

    I would say the last three or four centuries on the planet have been about groups. Religious groups. There’s been things like nationalism, localism, local cities, the group when it comes to races, groups when it comes to whether you’re male or female. Humans have put themselves in groups and then fought for, defended, protected and tried to improve those groups, and it was appropriate at the time. But now we move into humanism where it’s truly about the individual.

    At the beginning of this year, as Adamus I said it’s time to ungroup. Ungroup. That means from your ancestral family, maybe even from your current biological family, from any sort of group or herd mentality. Yes, even getting caught in being a Shaumbra group. Shaumbra is really more of an affinity, matter of fact, because there’s no membership, there’s no rules or anything else, but sometimes some people even tend to group within Shaumbra. It’s time now for this humanism or individualism.

    Many will call this selfish. They’ll scream about selfishness, about continuing to do things for others and not for self, about having to take care of everyone else, rather than taking care of you. But this new movement will prevail, and people will begin to understand if they’re not whole, if they’re not healthy and they’re not happy, then what good does it do to try to influence a community or some type of group that they belong to? What good does it do to try to help others when you’re not even helping yourself?

    This humanism movement will also bring rise to people now beginning to accept abundance in their life. I should say energy, but that will also result in abundance. Slowly, slowly humans across the planet will realize that they deserve energy. They won’t realize really what it is, not like you do. They won’t realize that it’s all theirs, but they’ll start to realize that they’re worthy of energy, therefore money, material goods, happiness, joy, whatever it is. They’ll start to realize that.

    They’ll turn away from established organizations. They’ll turn away from large corporations. Large corporations are going to have to reshape themselves in these next four or five years to accommodate this whole move to humanism. In a way, many corporations in the past have tried to shape and mold its employees, have tried to design a singular standard for behavior and ways of the company, and now people are not going to tolerate that. They’ll understand the importance of collaborative effort between individuals, but they’re going to demand their own individualism.

    This is epic. This is monumental on the planet. It’s never seen anything like this. You compare it to the times of Atlantis, which are totally, totally different, everything about the group, and now it’s going to be about the individual. But you know what that’s about because that’s what you’ve been doing.

    You’ve been going through the feelings of feeling selfish that you’re not taking care of everyone else, feeling maybe it’s inappropriate to put all this attention on yourself. But as you come through your own healing of the body and the mind and the soul, you realized it was essential. It had to be done. You had to take care of you, and by taking care of you, you could then be here on the planet right now to shine your light. It doesn’t

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    mean you’re going to be taking care of others. You’re not going to be attending to them. You’re simply going to be shining a light in places in their lives that were otherwise dark, that they couldn’t see.

    So, we have this whole move to humanism on the planet and you could look back years from now and say, “Yes, it really started in this Time of Machines in the year of the corona. It started in 2020, and I was there on the planet. I was there allowing my Realization. I was there, along with other brave souls on this planet, allowing myself to stay embodied, to stay here on the planet as a realized Master.”

    Years from now you’ll look back and laugh, hopefully, about the whole thing, perhaps write some books or plays or songs. But you’ll look back and you’ll realize that Realization is not an event. It’s not a happening. I know when you feel you’re going through it and coming to it, it feels like it’s an event or a happening. It’s not. It’s not. It’s always there. It always has been there. It’s a Realization, not a happening.

    It would be like suddenly realizing your breath, that you breathe, and not only realizing it mentally, but feeling it now in your body like never before. Feeling the breath come in to fill your body with energy – not just oxygen, but energy – bringing life force to this organic body that you have, realizing the breath for the first time in a sensual way. And then you laugh and say, “But I’ve always been breathing. I just never realized it.” In other words, it was automatic. It was unconscious, “I wasn’t aware of it.” And now it’s suddenly there and you’re aware of every breath. Not that it distracts you from doing anything else, but now you’re aware of the breath. Realization is like that.

    Realization isn’t a happening. It’s always been there. It’s just realizing it. It’s like having that first realized breath and saying, “It’s always been there. Why didn’t Adamus tell us this?” which I have anyway. “It’s always been there. It was only for me to embrace it, to allow it, to feel it.” That’s all it is.

    So, in this planet right now, there are enough realized beings and soon-to-be very realized beings. Don’t worry about the time, the date, the number, anything like that. It’s going to happen. I’ve told each and every one of you that from the very beginning, “It’s going to happen.” It’s a natural phenomenon. It’s a natural occurrence.

    So, take a deep breath with that and just allow. Don’t worry. Don’t panic. It’s not going to miss you. It’s not going to forget you. You’re on the list – and I know this; in all my truth, you are on the list – for Realization in this lifetime.

    So now we have this whole advent of humanism on the planet combined with tremendous technology that reaches into every part of life. Technology isn’t just about a faster, better computer. Technology is going to touch everything, and I’ll pause here to thank the Crimson Circle for heeding my words – words that I spoke several years ago to Cauldre, and he passed it on to Linda and the Crimson Circle team – “Get ready. Get your house in order. Get everything efficient. Improve the technology. Get finance, technology, archiving, production, everything you do, get it together, because that next wave is going to come in and that wave is going to be big. That wave is, well, something you don’t want to be rolled over by.”

    And, to Crimson Circle’s credit, they did. They didn’t worry about where the money was going to come from. They didn’t worry about how much hard work it was going to be in front of them. They didn’t worry if they were really hearing the message right. They went ahead and did it, and now they’re poised to handle the next wave, therefore, the next wave can start coming in.

    You’ve seen just a little bit of it with some of the new ones in the last year or two, and now you’re going to see a lot more. I don’t want to – Cauldre’s asking me for a date – no. It’s not about a date, but you’re going to see more, and you’re ready to handle it.

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    A Special Message from St. Germain • 12 12 2020

    For those not familiar with so many of the changes, perhaps Cauldre and Linda will talk about it at one of our upcoming events. But they’ve gone through tremendous changes to prepare, to be ready for what comes next.

    Changes for Humanity

    Let’s talk a little bit more about humanity now, what comes next, what I feel into.

    The next big thing is what’s been called singularity. Basically, singularity is when things go off the charts. They’re no longer describable or definable. When things change so much there’s nothing to compare it to in the past. That’s what they also call kind of the hockey stick change. Things are moving along like – well, I’ll go the other way – things are moving along like this and then they suddenly accelerate. That’s where we are right now, the top of the hockey stick. And then it changes so much it’s not even on the scale anymore. It goes off scale. It goes way beyond what words could even be used to describe.

    That’s what comes next and it’s going to be coming within the next 30 years – within 30 years – to this planet. It’s coming because of technology that’s going to change the human biology. It’s going to change the human way of approaching every day. It’s going to change communications on the planet, and perhaps that’s the most important thing to realize.

    The Internet has already changed communications in so many ways, but the new technologies are going to change communications and the way energy is delivered to incredible degrees. I’m not talking here just about fundamental things like self-driving cars and robots that do surgery. I’m talking about global communications, whether it has to deal with finance or manufacturing or anything else.

    Now, as you know, communications are, well, energy is just communication. So, in a way, the planet is also going to discover new energy sources. I’ve talked about it for a long time now saying, “Energy is abundant. It’s everywhere.” There’s enough energy right here in this cup of whatever he’s drinking, there’s enough energy in here to run a city of 100,000 for at least a year. And there’s going to be new discoveries in terms of energy. Remember all the time this is happening, remember what we’ve talked about now for several years. Energy is communication. That’s all it is. Communication is the song of the soul.

    The planet is coming to singularity. It’s going to change the human biology. It’s going to bring birth to the new human species. It’s going to change everything, everything, everything on the planet.

    Many will leave. Many will leave because they’re so invested into the old way of doing things, they can’t possibly fathom the new way without coming through another rebirth. Some will rebel against it. Some will talk about the wickedness and the evil and the devil in all of these things. It’s simply not true; it’s an evolution of humanity. And not only of humanity, but it also affects all the other realms, because for a long time now what happens here on this planet Earth is what affects all the rest of living creation. It happens here first. So, it’s affecting not only Earth, but the other realms as well.

    Yes, the idea of singularity and technology can be frightening, and those flames are fueled by things like talking about conspiracies, who’s behind it and the powerful families of the Earth controlling everything or the aliens coming in and controlling or whatever it happens to be. Don’t get lost in the conspiracies at the expense of realizing what’s really happening on the planet. It’s an evolution, difficult at times, but ultimately leading to a new human species, a conscious species on the planet.

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    There’ll come a time, in and around singularity, where simply the unconscious – there’s no place for them anymore. They’ll go off to their own place somewhere in the cosmos and they’ll recreate a place, well, with limited consciousness, with continued wars and battles and with a lack of real understanding about what energy is.

    Really, energy is the reason for so many of the conflicts on the planet. I’m not just talking about oil, but energy in the way of money, energy in the way of power, energy in the way of, well, your human rights. There’ll be those who simply can’t tolerate going into singularity, because they’re so caught up in the old ways, in their old issues. Eventually all souled beings come into Realization, but don’t be alarmed if there’s a large number of people leaving the planet. Not immediately, but coming in a time.

    Many get frightened about technology, and there is reason for caution, because without the right balance of consciousness on the planet, it would go awry, and it could lead to the destruction of the planet. But there are enough now on the planet with consciousness, without agenda, without getting caught up in conspiracy theories; there are enough now on the planet that are whole and sovereign within themselves and are really beginning to understand how energy serves them; there are enough of you now on the planet that there’s the balance for technology and what it will bring to humanity.

    There will be more who come into consciousness, more who follow in your footsteps in the times ahead, and then that assures that technology will never go off in the wrong direction. It’ll always be used for service, because technology is nothing more than energy and energy is always here to serve.

    That’s where the planet is going. 2020 is going to be looked back on as the pivotal year, the year of convergence, the year where it all came together.

    You chose to be here at this time. You chose to go through the hardships that you have, the self-doubts, which those were some of the worst things that you went through. Now you can release the self-doubts. It’s just that simple. When you feel one coming on, you just let it float right on by, because you are doing the right thing. You did come here at the right time and you met the right people.

    You came here to be the lighthouses, and by that I don’t mean to go out and try to change the work; it doesn’t work. But simply the lighthouse is just shining the light, saying, “I’m here.” Shining the light through the darkness so others may see more than they ever had before. That’s why you’re here. It’s time to let go of some of the old concepts of jobs, of work, of careers, families, education, the way you’ve been living. It’s time to let go of some of the old concepts even of your own body, your own thoughts.

    You’re here now doing exactly why you came to the planet. You’re here for your passion, and that is simply to shine on. To shine on. You don’t need to struggle to shine on. You don’t need to have a daily plan. You don’t need to have a goal. You don’t need to work at it, and that’s going to be challenging for some of you. You want a structure to it, and there is none. It’s simply shining on.

    As you shine on, you can do the things that you enjoy, whether it’s painting, whether it’s building something, just going for long walks. It could even just be watching movies, reading books, it doesn’t matter. Feel into where your heart is, what you want to do, what would give you the most joy – creating something, taking something apart – it doesn’t really matter. There’s nothing you have to do now.

    I want you to realize you don’t even have to worry about a salary, about money, because it comes to you if you allow it. It comes to you, and some of you are going to very challenged by that. Some of you are going to be perhaps thinking that I’m not talking to you or that you’re not ready yet. But you’ll come to discover, sooner

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    than later, that it is just there, and you can’t think your way into it. You can’t plan or manipulate your way into it. It’s just there. You designed it this way. You designed it so that you could be here as an embodied Master on the planet at this Time of Machines where consciousness is needed, and now consciousness comes.

    Thin Ice

    There is some thin ice in this. Thin ice. You know what that’s like, particularly if you live in a cold climate. The thin ice is a couple of things for you, for you Shaumbra.

    Getting caught in distractions, now more than ever. Getting caught in things that are really distracting you from the very reason you chose to be here, whether it’s environmental, political or really any other cause. Let it go. It’s not yours anymore. It’s not why you came to the planet. You’re no longer here to take care of everyone else or anyone else, and for some of you that’s going to be tough. You value your worth on how much you do for others. But what you are doing for others is about your light, your consciousness. It’s not about how much money you give, how many hours you volunteer, what causes you take up. Let go of all the causes. That’s a thin ice and some of you like to tread on that.

    Another thin ice is your body, your biology. It’s perhaps right now the most difficult and challenging thing to have to put up with as you come into Realization. The body hurts, aches and pains. You chalk it up to getting older or whatever, but it’s simply because there is a huge transformation going on right now, bringing in the Free Energy Body and operating simultaneously with both. There’s still resistance in your physical body. Its memories and its energies, to a degree, are resisting, but it can’t endure that. It can’t continue that, I should say. So, the body is an issue and some of you, like Edith, just simply leave because the body is in too much pain.

    There’s no magic potion for it other than to communicate and connect with your body, to feel into its energy and to feel, with the Free Energy Body coming in, to realize the body is going through tumultuous changes right now and to realize that this is all part of what you chose to be here for. Yes, I know the pain is incredible at times. Do things like bathing, taking good long baths in salt water, and don’t tell me that you took one three months ago and nothing happened. I’m talking every day, if that’s what’s needed. And spend a while in that saltwater bath, 30 minutes at least. It’ll help. It’s not going to eliminate, but it will help with some of the aches and pains.

    Get light exercise for your body. It needs movement to help continue to flush out lifetimes and lifetimes and lifetimes of energy.

    And also realize that, while your physical body is changing and it might be painful, it’s not just about this physical temple; that all of your past lives are also going through Realization. They’re following after you. They’re going through Realization and they’re going through changes in the body as well, so you’re feeling the effects of that also.

    Light exercise, salt water, breathing certainly helps, and then imagine your Free Energy Body. Imagine it. Feel into it. Sense it; it’s there. Feel into it. That starts bringing, kind of acclimating the physical and the Free Energy Body. It’s starts integrating them together. Imagine it while you’re taking a walk or while you’re taking a bath. Yes, there’s still going to be some pains and it’s still going to be one of the thinnest ices that you walk while staying here as an embodied Master.

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    One of the other thin ices is simply the heaviness and the weight of other people and other humanity, seeing how they treat each other, seeing how they hate themselves, seeing how noisy they are – noisy not just with their words but everything. Their energy is noisy, scattered, not very elegant or refined. It’s splattered all over the place. That’s one of the big reasons why so many embodied Masters of the past, realized Masters, decided to leave. It was just too much. Just too much to be amongst people.

    So, if need be, be away from people. Move to a quieter place. Move to some place that’s not so populated. I could not imagine going into my Realization and staying embodied while living in a congested city. Go off and live in the woods like I did in my last lifetime, away from everything. You don’t need to be right with people in their immediate vicinity in order for your light to shine upon them. Just being here on the planet, being part of mass consciousness is all that it takes.

    The thin ice for the planet right now, the thin ice is people are going through changes like they’ve never experienced. They can’t even bring up a past life association. Even if they don’t believe in past lives, there’s still that association that happens on an energy level. There’s nothing from a past life even that would prepare them for what they’re going through now.

    The thin ice is that many will have mental imbalance, and with the mental imbalance comes more and more of the mind medications, the antidepressants, the antianxiety medications, to a point where easily 25 percent of the world’s population could be on these medications. That inhibits a natural expansion process with the energy on the planet. This whole thing with the singularity comes to be anyway, but it simply makes it more difficult, challenging and painful for those who are on the medications. These are the ones that I talk about that will be leaving.

    They can no longer tolerate; they can’t handle the intense new energies that are coming in. Intense isn’t bad. It’s simply New Energy. They can’t fall back on old ways of doing things. They can’t rely and depend on others like they did before, so instead, they just choose to leave the planet. I can’t say right now how, when, but they simply can’t tolerate; they can’t cope with the new energies, the new light that’s coming upon the planet.

    The thin ice for the planet is also people angry, upset, fighting more than ever. I’m not necessarily talking about wars, but just fighting amongst each other, more civil unrest than ever. People are under tremendous pressure right now and anxiety. They want to go back to the old days, although if they really look carefully, the old days weren’t all that great. They don’t know how to go into the new days. But if there are enough humans on the planet shining their light, enough humans like you who are in consciousness and simply sharing that light – I’m not talking about evangelizing, knocking on doors trying to convert people or anything like that, simply sharing your light – there’s a very good chance that they’ll see something in their own energy. They’ll see potentials that they never saw before, never could have seen before without that light, and that has the potential to change – to change them, to change the planet, to bring us into this new era of humanity – not just for the planet, but for the cosmos, for all souled beings in the post-angelic family era of what comes next.

    It may be difficult to acknowledge or to realize right now, but it’s been a very small group on the planet who’ve actually been preparing for this for many, many lifetimes. A small, quiet group that is simply bringing these changes at this Time of Machines, the most beautiful, but yet the most fragile time on the planet.

    I ask each and every one of you to feel into your hearts, to feel into why you came here in the first place at this Time of Machines; to go beyond just the workings of the mind right now – the mind that would evaluate how well you’ve done or what you’ve done, go beyond that – but feel into why you chose to come here, why you’ve allowed yourself to come to this point now.

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    Yes, a small group can make a big difference when they’re not trying to inflict change, they’re not trying to make others follow in their standard, their format, but simply here sharing their consciousness and their light. A small group can affect an entire planet and an entire universe.

    Tonight, when you go to bed, I ask that you feel into this, why you chose to come here, what you’ve been through, where you’re going next.

    I ask you to stop and acknowledge and honor yourself for what you are doing, as I honor and respect you.

    I ask you to give yourself that hug and that pat on the back for being here in the first place.

    If you need to, shed a few tears for what you’ve been through to get here, but then let yourself smile to know where we go next.

    It’s a small group. Many more will come in soon, but it’s a small group now. But perhaps have a smile about where we go next, because you know, as well as I do, you know in your heart where we go with all this. Let’s do it.

    With that, I do indeed love the act of consciousness of Adamus, but there are times when it’s so much more appropriate to come to you as the Beloved St. Germain.

    Thank you.

    LINDA: And so it is.

    Let’s go with the good deep breath. Allow this message from St. Germain to be with you, each of us. So much about where we’re at, where we’ve been, and what’s coming for all of us. Breathe into it in honor of yourselves, each of us.

    Take that good deep breath. Take that good deep breath. Feel into what St. Germain has said about what will be next, what will be next.

    Take that good deep breath and honor yourself, each of us. It’s that moment. Take the good deep breath and truly allow for you, for yourself.

    Breathe the life. Breathe for you.

    Thank you for being a part of this 12-12-2020 St. Germain Message with so much to share. Thank you.

    Thank you all.

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