Inspiration for Marketing Innovation

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  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation


    Inspiration formarketing innovation!

  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation



    MarktingMonda is a markting rm spcial-

    ising in innovativ corporat commrcial

    stratgis. It dvlops and xcts complt

    markting stratgis, as wll as taching

    companis how to handl nw Markting 2.0


    Tchnological and social dvlopmnts will

    chang th fac of markting ovr th coming

    ars. Th nw markting is a dnamic and

    fcint marriag of old and nw approachs.

    Consmr dmands ar changing with rgard

    to brands, prodcts, markting commnication,

    distribtion and sals. Trms sch as social

    branding, co-cration, cross-mdia and

    mlti-channl ar th nw bzzwords.

    In ordr to giv companis an insight into th

    facts of Markting 2.0, MarktingMonda has

    dvlopd Th Nw Markting Ccl. Drawing

    on this modl and th rlatd book, as wll as

    or knowldg, xprinc and insights, w

    introdc companis to th nw markting

    conom b mans of a balancd stp-b-stp

    plan. W giv or clintsmplos an insight

    into and knowldg of nw markting skills,

    taching thm how to implmnt this nw

    markting approach thmslvs, and w work

    with th compan to dvlop th commrcial/

    markting stratg. W also handl all aspcts

    of th stratgs implmntation/xction. In

    addition, MarktingMonda stags rglar

    sminars and workshops abot nw markting

    (Markting 2.0). MarktingMonda works for a

    varit of top-500 ntrpriss from varios


    Inspiration for marketing innovation!The New Marketing Cycle

    Marketing 2.0 turnaround

    Marketing 2.0 scan

    Objectives 2.0

    Target Groups 2.0

    Product Development 2.0

    Branding 2.0

    PR & Buzz Marketing 2.0

    Cross-media Communication 2.0

    Web Presence 2.0

    Multi-channel 2.0

    Marketing Intelligence 2.0

    Distribution 2.0

    Sales 2.0

  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation


    Objectives 2.0Objctivs ar th bdrock of ambition.Do o

    formlat spcic targts for brand val,

    rtntion or p-/cross- and dp-slling? Or

    for ach commnication instrmnt, comm-

    nication ow (cross-mdia), prodct or

    prodct grop? For onlin visits, click stram

    and nqir activit, mobil rspons or viral

    ffct? Proprl dnd objctivs allow for

    propr monitoring and sbstantiall improv

    markting rslts.

    Target Groups 2.0Hav o idntid which targt grops might

    b rlvant to o? Do o hav th rightcstomr insights to prhaps nabl o to

    addrss nw targt grops or srv xisting

    grops mch mor ffctivl? Todas

    cstomrs and prospcts ar mor rcptiv

    than vr to an intllignt targt grop ap-


    Product Development 2.0

    Sccssfl prodcts and srvics ar thos

    which satisf a clar nd. Do o s th

    right cstomr insights to dvlop distinctiv

    targt grop prodcts? Do o s a co-cra-

    tion approach to involv or cstomrs in

    th dvlopmnt of prodcts and srvics

    which th will on da prchas from o?

    Ar o brav nogh to rlinqish a dgr

    of control, in xchang for distinctiv pro-

    dcts, srvics and propositions?

    Branding 2.0Th consmr is mor articlat and ckl,

    and lss loal. Is or brand distinctiv, dos

    it instil condnc, is it highl ratd and th

    brand of choic? Is or brand rad for th

    nw consmr,who dmands approachabilit,

    transparnc, mlti-channlling, cross-mdia

    and dialog with or brand bfor doing

    bsinss with o?

    PR & Buzzmarketing 2.0Th articlat consmr is agr and qick to

    xprss his opinions, complaints, xprincs

    and complimnts to th compan sing vari-

    os mdia: wblogs, virals, forms and othr

    (oftn social) mdia. In no tim, a small bzz

    can hav major implications. Do o hav this

    form of commnication ndr control? Ar

    o abl to s PR & Bzz Markting 2.0 as an

    instrmnt for managing or brand vals

    and markting commnication?

    Cross-media Communication 2.0Cross-mdia commnication is a prlss

    tool in th sarch for prodcts and srvics.Ar or markting profssionals abl to

    crat th right mix of ofin and onlin

    markting and dirct th stratg to good

    ffct? Do o hav sfcint knowldg

    abot th contnt, fnctioning and organisa-

    tion of cross-mdia campaigns? At last 60%

    of all markting activitis aimd at rtntion

    and cross-, p- and dp-slling can b ato-

    matd, so that or cstomrs and prospcts

    rciv thir own, individal campaign, basd

    on bhavioral triggrs. Ar o alrad

    familiar with vnt-drivn tchniqs and

    awar how asil and qickl rslts can b


    Webpresence 2.0Cross-mdia campaigns will lad mor and

    mor consmrs to or wbsit. Is or

    onlin prsnc sfcintl prsonal,fnctional and proactiv? Ar o abl to

    convrt visitors onlin, b mans of mini sits,

    wblog concpts and applications? And ar

    o also abl to st p prols in or

    databas of visitors who lav or sit

    withot prforming a transaction, so that o

    can procss thm latr? Has or sit

    offring bn prsonalisd? Hav o consid-

    rd sing wb 2.0 applications as part of

    or onlin prsntation?

    Multichannel 2.0Th consmr ss varios channls dring

    th diffrnt phass of th sal procss (In-

    trnt, tlphon, print and prsonal). Is th

    strctr and otpt of ths channls tai-

    lord to or cstomrsnds? Do o hav

    a halth ratio of incom to xpnditr for

    th varios channls? Hav o considrd

    channl innovation, to ct costs and boost


    Marketing Intelligence 2.0Th consmr ss varios channls dring

    th diffrnt phass of th sal procss

    (Intrnt, tlphon,p rint and prsonal). Is thstrctr and otpt of ths channls

    tailord to or cstomrs nds? Do o

    hav a halth ratio of incom to xpnditr

    for th varios channls? Hav o considrd

    channl innovation, to ct costs and boost


    Distributie 2.0Good knowldg of comptitors, cstomr

    nds, cstomr val, lif-tim ccl,

    prospcts and dtaild markting rslts is

    crcial. Do o s this knowldg to dvis

    analss and scnarios which dlivr a bttr

    rslt for o, in trms of nw, high-potntial

    targt grops, lowr slling costs, highr

    convrsion and/or mor fcint markting

    commnication and so on?

    Sales 2.0Almost 75% of consmrs sa that th lik

    to dal with companis who offr slf-srvic.

    Th want to condct thir own (onlin)

    bsinss and procss transactions ndis-

    trbd. Hav o tailord or slf-srvic

    lvl to th wishs of or targt grop? What

    forms of slf-srvic nhanc a commrcial


    Th Nw Markting Ccl

    Tcc pmtw c t fc f

    mkt t cm. Mkt 1.0

    mk w f mkt2.0, t mpct

    f cmmc tt.

    CusToMerFoCus as a


    TeChnologyis Changing


    disTribuTionas a Keydriver



    NeW HIGH-




  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation


    How is or bsinss going to mak mor prot,

    achiv highr sals and sbstantiall incras

    markt shar? Th procss involvs man stags.

    Cstomr val has to b raisd, th cstomr lif

    ccl lngthnd and nw cstomrs won. In othr

    words: cstomrs and prospcts mst b cntral to

    vrthing o do. yo mst constantl pt orslf

    in or cstomrs shos, and ndrstand thir

    nds and wishs.


    yo hav to larn to think in trms of targt grops

    and rglarl chck or offring a gainst what th

    want (whats in it for m). Morovr, it is ssntial

    to b critical abot th nd rslt. Todas cstom-

    rs, b th individals or bsinss consmrs, ar

    smartr, mor articlat, mor xacting, mor pric-

    conscios, mor cross-mdia-savv, mlti-channl

    and far lss loal than in th past. Th ar lss

    radil satisd, hav lss patinc and allow fw

    opportnitis to rctif mistaks. This lavs bsi-

    nsss with littl choic: th mst discard thir

    xisting markting and sals approach and prim

    thir stratg for th nw markting conom.

    Are you ready for the new marketing economy?

    What do o nd? First of all, clar objctivs and

    targt grops. yo nd to know what o want to

    achiv, and with whom. Its not nogh for or

    prodcts and prodct propositions to b good: it isvital to involv or cstomrs and prospcts in th

    dcision-making procss. Thn thrs th qs-

    tion of how to handl or brand. yor brand nds

    rlvant, distinct and rliabl positioning in ordr to

    stand had and sholdrs abov or comptitors

    brands. Ndlss to sa, o mst commnicat

    throgh th markting instrmnts that ar most

    poplar among or cstomrs and prospcts

    - not jst via dirct mail, tlvision or radio, bt

    also via wblogs, MSN mssngr, sarch ngins,

    gams, -mail and th mobil phon. yo mst also

    monitor th blogosphr and continall track

    positiv and ngativ information (bzz) abot

    or brand and or prodcts or srvics. Ths

    kinds of social mdia also nabl o to chang

    tack whn ncssar.

    Are you already communicating directly and

    personally with your customers?

    Idall, ach of or cstomrs or prospcts shold

    rciv th right offr, at th right tim via thir

    prfrrd mdia tps. evnt-drivn markting na-

    bls o to snd individall-dsignd campaigns

    to ach cstomr. And what cold b bttr than

    or cstomrs thmslvs kping important indi-

    vidal information p-to-dat in a xibl databas,

    making it as for o to accss valabl prols.

    Which channls do or cstomrs and prospcts

    s to gt in toch with o. yo s tlvision and

    onlin markting to rcrit nw cstomrs. yo

    inspir thm via th Intrnt. Th prchas is thnmad in th stor, and o provid a srvic via th

    tlphon. Th art lis in qipping ach channl

    for th right fnction, to avoid an cstomr disap-


    How do you get your products/services to your


    It is also crcial to tak a critical look at or dis-

    tribtion stratg. Whr dos or cstomr ma k

    prchass? Not from o, prhaps, bt som-

    whr h fls comfortabl, i.. ovr th Intrnt,

    or throgh prchasing consortims, clbs or othr

    spplirs of or prodct. yo nd markting

    intllignc to nsr that o hav as mch in-

    formation as possibl abot comptitors, markt

    dvlopmnts, cstomr nds and markting

    and sals rslts. yo thn s this information to

    dvlop or forcasting capacit. yo ar thn

    abl to dcid wisl, and mak adjstmnts whn

    ncssar. yor markting and sals organisation

    mst b lan & man, with cstom atomation and

    popl with th right knowldg, as wll as dirct

    string focsd on contnt, cstomrs and r-


    Step into the new marketing economy

    Tchnological and social dvlopmnts hav

    broght markting to th csp of major chang.

    Ar nw trms sch as social branding, wblogs,

    co-cration, cross-mdia and mlti-channl

    alrad part of or vocablar? And hav o no-ticd that consmr xpctations of or brand,

    prodct, markting commnication, distribtion

    and sals ar changing? Th nw markting is a

    dnamic and fcint marriag of old and nw

    approachs. Gidd b a concis, stp-b-stp

    plan, MarktingMonda will lad o into th world

    of th nw markting conom. Or mthod is

    simpl and as to follow. Whats mor, w trad

    th path alongsid popl from or organisation,

    as it is th who will soon b working with th nw

    approach. W offr knowldg, rsorcs, sstms,

    dilignc, assranc and continit.

    Making more prot, increasing sales, expanding market share

    Increasing customer value, lengthening customer life cycle,

    attracting customers

    Focusing squarely on customer needs

    Consumer is smarter and more critical, less readily satised,

    less loyal

    Media behaviour: cross-media and multi-channel

    Detailed objectives = good results

    Basing products and product propositions on co-creation and

    customer insights

    Brand experience is more important than ever

    Story-telling, social media, viral marketing as a stimulus for

    brand experience

    Effectively combining new and old media

    Detailed proles in the database

    Event-driven marketing

    New distribution channels, new target groups, lower selling prices

    Structuring channels to the sale process (information, transaction,

    service, cross-/up-selling)

    A lean & mean commercial organisation

    2.0 trnarond

  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation


    Basis for overhauling your

    commercial strategy

    Insight into success factors ofyour brand, organisation,products and services

    Clarity about internal andexternal activities for rapidimprovement

    Overview of the steps involvedin optimising your commercialstrategy

    Information about workingmethod, approach and tools forsuccessful long-term strategy

    Scenario development for newmarketing approach

    Hav o formlatd th right objctivs,

    in sfcint dtail? Hav o idntid th

    right targt grops? Ar or cstomrs and

    prospcts alrad involvd in th procss of

    dvloping or prodcts and propositions?

    Do o know which cstomrs or cstomr

    grops constitt th bst invstmnt? Hav

    o ascrtaind th markt opportnitis

    and traits of or targt grops? Is th brand

    positioning commnsrat with or crrntand ftr targt grops? Is or branding

    contmporar? Do o hav an ffctiv ap-

    proach to obtaining mor sals from or

    xisting cstomrs (cross- and p-slling)?

    Do o prvnt cstomrs jmping ship? Ar

    o sing th right markting commnication

    instrmnts? Do o monitor th rslts of all

    cstomrs? Do o combin ofin and onlin

    instrmnts, and manag ths in a sophisti-

    catd wa? Is or onlin or mobilstratg

    ftr-proof? Do o s channls appropri-

    at to th varios facts of th slling procss?

    Do o know which channls or ntworks cold

    improv or sals vn frthr? Do o hav

    an ida of how to brak opn nw national and

    intrnational channls and improv xisting

    channls? Is th cross-mdia information from

    or cstomrs and prospcts rcordd in x-

    ibl databass? Can o individall approach

    or cstomrs and prospcts? Do o hav a

    dail insight into opinions abot or compa-

    nis? What plac dos innovation hav in orcommrcial stratg? Do o hav a rst-rat

    commrcial (markting & sals) tam? Do

    o hav markting 2.0 knowldg in-hos?

    Is or sals strctr working as it shold, or

    cold it b organisd diffrntl?

    W wold wlcom th opportnit to discss

    all of ths isss with o. W will thn ills-

    trat th stps o nd to tak in ordr to b

    sccssfl in th nw markting conom, and

    gt to work on or markting 2.0 pdat.

    Markting 2.0 scan Objctivs 2.0

    Concrete objectives = betterperformances

    The greater the detail, the betterthe results

    Involve employees in theobjective-setting process

    Support and incentives areinternal success factors

    Innovation is the basis forlong-term results

    evr nd has a bginning. Togthr, w dcid

    what o want to achiv ovr th coming

    ars. Achiving sccss rqirs focs and

    goals. Companis with clar and dtaild

    objctivs prform bttr than othr compa-

    nis, bcas th str b targts. yo can

    bas or goals on: sals, prot, brand val,

    nmbr of nw cstomrs and prospcts,

    rtrn from th databas, rtrn from markt-

    ing activitis, cross- and p-slling, rtntion,

    cstomr satisfaction, brand rcognition, th

    nmbr of innovations or growth in distribtion

    trnovr. In concrt trms: o dcid on

    25% fwr ship jmprsand a 100% incras

    in sals. In vn mor concrt trms: or

    objctivs ar 30% mor sals from xisting

    cstomrs and 5% nw cstomrs ach month,

    with a minimm annal trnovr of 200,000.

    Altrnativl, o ma dcid that, ach ar,

    thr mst b 10 markting commnication

    tsts, at last 5 prodct innovations and 2

    sccssfl introdctions. In this phas, it is

    ssntial to involv or mplos in th

    objctiv-stting procss. As th objctivs st

    can onl b achivd with sfcint spport

    and involvmnt, th nxt stp in markting

    2.0 cannot b takn ntil th objctivs hav

    bn formlatd and ar spportd b or


  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation


    Be critical in your choice of

    target groups, as this deliversbetter results

    Choose target groups on thebasis of prot potential

    Focus on direct and indirecttarget groups

    Invest in good research andcreativity; this producessurprising choice scenarios

    Good prodcts sll thmslvs. Bt what con-

    stitts a good prodct? A good prodct is

    basd ntirl on th nds of or cstomrs,

    and tailord as spcicall as possibl to thos

    nds. Ths cstomr insightsar th k to

    dvloping and optimising prodcts and

    srvics. yor cstomr has signicant inpt as

    rgards th contnt of th prodcts h latr

    prchass from o. This procss is known as

    co-cration. using varios trid-and-tstd

    tchniqs, w involv grops of cstomrs

    and prospcts in optimising or crrnt

    prodcts and dvloping nw prodcts and

    srvics. Th nw Fiat 500, for xampl,

    ndrwnt a procss whrb, for 500 das,

    500 mchanics n-tndth dsign onlin.

    Toda, th practic of involving cstomrs and

    prospcts in th dvlopmnt of prodcts andfcint srvics is widsprad among compa-

    nis of all sizs in man diffrnt sctors. As a

    rslt, ths prodcts ar prfctl attnd to

    th nds of thos cstomrs. Natrall, w

    also look at or fll rang and th prodct

    proposition. Th prodct proposition is th fll

    offring rcivd b or cstomr. usall,

    this is a combination of prodct, spplmntar

    srvics, garants and othr xtras.

    Dring this phas, w also cast an ovr or

    comptitors. To gain a lasting commrcial

    advantag, it is important that or prodct

    proposition is distinctiv and bttr than or

    comptitors. Togthr, w srv th cstomr

    insights, comptitors offrings, and markt

    trnds. W thn plot a continos prodct and

    proposition stratg, gard towards dvlop-

    mnt, optimisation and innovation, so that ocan b sr that th prodcts and srvics o

    ar markting mt with th approval of or

    cstomrs and prospcts.

    Customers are central to the

    development and re-developmentof products and services

    The greater the customers inputinto a product, the more readilyhe will make a purchase

    Use co-creation; focus squarelyon the customers needs andbecome more successful

    Good products and propositionstranslate into more customers,fewer ship jumpers and greatercustomer value

    Targt Grops 2.0 Prodct Dvlopmnt 2.0

    yo know or markt and or cstomrs.

    Basd on this, togthr w dcid th targt

    grops with which o intnd to achiv or

    objctivs. To do this, o nd an insight into

    th protabilit of crrnt cstomr grops

    and th potntial of nw targt grops. Armd

    with that knowldg, o st prioritis. enrg,

    tim and mon ar in short sppl, so o

    nd to dcid th grops to whom o want to

    appal. Ths ar, of cors, th dirct and

    indirct targt grops who ar xpctd to

    dlivr th bst rtrns. Dring this phas,

    MarktingMonda condcts a critical rviw of

    th sitation with o. W condct additional

    rsarch and std targt grops o ma not

    hav considrd. W also involv th popl at

    or organisation in this procss, tapping thir

    xisting knowldg and nriching it with or

    insights. Th rslt is a fact-basd, forward-

    looking targt grop stratg with nw, oftn

    srprising choic scnarios.

  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation


  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation


  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation


    Consmrs sldom rl on a singl channl

    dring th sals procss. Th obtain informa-

    tion from th Intrnt and advic from a stor

    and mak a prchas dcision onlin, having

    chckd ot a fw comparison sits and

    comptitors. Th prodct is thn spplid b

    post and th cstomr rcivs frthr instrc-

    tions on mattrs sch as installation b tl-

    phon or -mail. Th onlin stor is thn sd

    to b accssoris. Cstomrs of a mail ordr

    compan std th catalog and look for a

    window displa on th wbsit. Th plac an

    ordr sing an ordr copon or onlin form or

    b tlphon. Rtrns ar snt b post, and

    complaints mad b tlphon. evn a

    middl-of-th-road carpt brand has to

    contnd with channl innovation. Dirct cs-

    tomrs ordr ovr th tlphon or wbsit.

    Aftr an onlin campaign, intrstd consm-rs ar incntivisd on th carpt brands

    wbsit and throgh a postcod application

    forwardd to th stor, whr th nal sal is

    mad. An prodct complaints ar thn mad

    dirctl to th carpt brand, b tlphon, and

    ar prsonall procssd b a srvic dpart-

    mnt. Ths xampls giv an imprssion of

    th nmbr of channls simltanosl

    involvd dring th sals procss. yor bsi-

    nss attracts cstomrs, informs and adviss

    thm, sccssfll complts a transaction

    and offrs spport, and o thn bild on th

    rlationship. To avoid an cstomr disappoint-

    mnt, it is important that ach channls otpt

    livs p to th cstomrs xpctations. It is

    thrfor ssntial to involv th cstomr in

    th cration of th channl stratg. Stp b

    stp, o rn throgh th varios channls with

    th cstomr, ascrtaining th k nds in th

    varios phass of th slling procss for ach

    channl (printd mdia, tlphon, Intrnt,

    prsonal). What dos th cstomr want? In-

    formation, transaction and spport? Ar thr

    opportnitis for cross- and p-slling? Th

    MarktingMonda channl/phas analsis

    prodcs a clar rcommndation for or nw

    mlti-channl stratg. W std th cstom-

    rs wishs, bt also wight p th costs

    involvd in th nw approach. For xampl: thpaoff for prsonal contact is highr rvns;

    if a voic-rspons sstm is sd for ordring,

    th incom ma b lowr. Natrall, w will

    discss and dsign th varios channls in

    consltation with o, nabling o to bnt

    from th wid xprinc and xtnsiv

    knowldg of MarktingMondas spcialists.

    Consumers use a number of

    channels during the salesprocess

    Design each phase of the salesprocess correctly

    Avoid any customerdisappointment

    Involve the customer in thedesign of the various channels

    Choose the most efcientchannel combination based onmarketing intelligence insights

    InspirationCommnication channl






    Orintation Prchas Aftr sals

    Mltichannl 2.0

  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation


    priz qstions, fr downloads, dmos and

    calclations, o ncorag ths ship jmprs

    to nrich or databas, and thn s vnt-

    drivn markting campaigns to prsad this

    intrsting grop to bcom cstomrs.

    Wbsits tak varios forms and dimnsions:

    mini sits, wblogs, vidoblogs and corporat

    sits. Dpnding on or objctivs, w dcid

    togthr what tp or combination of wbsits

    is rqird. Thrs mch mor to dsigning a

    wbsit than jst txts and imags. Th

    distinctions btwn tlvision and Intrnt ar

    bginning to blr. Incrasingl, th Intrnt

    xprinc is an intractiv on, with moving

    imags, sond and intraction. Ths lmnts

    mst b part and parcl of or nw onlin

    prsnc. yor nw onlin xprinc will b

    mor dirct, prsonal and sgmntd. Its xact

    form mst b tailord to fnction, targt grop

    and prodct - which calls for a diffrnt approach,

    nw tchniqs and crativit.

    MarktingMonda will handl th dvlopmnt,

    maintnanc and growth of or onlin prsnc.

    Togthr, w will xplor th opportnitis, which

    w thn st down in a long-rang growth plan so

    that o can b sr that o ar making th

    absolt most of or onlin stratg.

    yor wb prsnc is mor important than

    vr. Th nmbr of commrcial and prsonalwb srs contins to grow. Th wa th

    Intrnt is sd is changing gratl. Intrnt

    srs ar practical. Th sarch long and

    hard for prodcts, srvics and fnctionalit,

    and ar vr spcic in thir sarch critria.

    What o prsnt onlin, and how o do

    that, is crcial to or commrcial stratg.

    yor wbsit is th plac whr o win ovr

    visitors, whr thir prchas intntions

    aris and whr transactions tak plac. As

    prsonal slling is impossibl onlin, othr

    mthods ar ndd to motivat prospcts

    and cstomrs at k momnts. yo can also

    ncorag thm onlin to mak an nqir,

    viw a dmo, mak a prchas, lav

    important dtails and so on. Th art lis in

    imitating th actal powr of prsonal slling,offring th visitor adqat and sbstantiv

    argmnts, tools and contnt so that th

    thn mak a prchas. Th bttr o do

    this, th mor protabl or commrcial

    onlin stratg will b.

    Natrall, MarktingMonda looks rst at

    or objctivs. W also anals th insights

    of varios targt grops and, on that basis,

    dcid what inpt is ncssar to ntic

    cstomrs and prospcts to bnd to or

    will. And that crtainl nd not b connd

    to slling. In man cass, information and

    inspiration rslt in a sal throgh th stor,showroom or accont managr. In othr

    instancs, th brand xprinc is th

    objctiv, and th intntion is for th visitor

    to fl and xprinc th brand. In this

    cas, imag and sond mst b sd to

    prsasivl conv clar brand vals.

    Altrnativl, srvic might b th ovrriding

    objctiv, in which cas o will want to

    ncorag visitors to ithr plac an ordr,

    assmbl or inform. eqall, or objctivs

    might b a combination of th abov. yor

    aims ar srvd vn bttr if o forg a link

    btwn th cstomrs mobil phon and

    th contnt of th wbsit, as mobil phons

    giv srs dirct accss to contnt and


    Branding, transactions and srvic ar not

    th onl considrations for or onlin

    prsnc: anothr k objctiv is to obtain

    information on prospcts. On avrag, 3% of

    onlin visitors prform a transaction. Th

    othr 97% lav th wbsit withot taking

    an action. It is thrfor ssntial to dvlop

    an ffctiv approach to gtting this targt

    grop into or databas. Aftr all, th visitor

    was on th wbsit bcas h or sh was

    intrstd in or compan, prodct or

    srvic. Throgh nwslttrs, alrts, gams,


    can hav


    Ensure that your online

    presence is more practical,interactive and focused

    Personalise your onlinepresentation; the morepersonal, the less removedyou are

    Gear your online presentationto your objectives (branding,transaction or inspiration)

    Choose to inuence thecustomers with the right toolsat the right time

    Use your customers mobile

    phones as an extension ofyour online presentation

    Develop an approach whichidenties visitors to yourwebsite before they leave

    Choose the site that suits you:min site or weblog, corporatesite or videoblog

    Wbprsnc 2.0

  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation


    Markting intllignc is th hart and sol of

    or bsinss. If or markting intllignc is

    p to scratch, o can s it to gain th ppr

    hand ovr or comptitors. Th main com-

    mrcial ratios and forcasting modls o s

    to str or bsinss ar all frnishd b

    markting intllignc, nsring that o hav

    accss to ssntial string information. yo

    want to ntic xisting cstomrs to b mor,

    and prvnt cstomrs from choosing othr

    brands, bcas o ar awar that gnrating

    sals from xisting cstomrs is six tims

    chapr than attracting nw cstomrs. Bt,

    natrall, o also want to rcrit nw cstom-

    rs. To do this, o nd knowldg abot or

    cstomrs crrnt and ftr prchasing

    bhavior, as wll as an insight into th dvl-

    opmnt of th cstomr val of or

    cstomr grops (cstomr intllignc). Btwho ar th most promising prospcts and cs-

    tomrs? And how o do gain th bst advanc

    imprssion of th possibl rslts of cross-m-

    dia markting campaigns and markting

    channls? This markting intllignc informa-

    tion is absoltl indispnsabl. It nabls o

    to mak fcint s of or markting bdgt

    and othr forms of spport. Markting is also

    abot individalising, so a good cstomr

    and prospct databas ndrpins all of or

    activitis. This databas provids o with

    wid-ranging and in-dpth information abot

    or cstomrs and prospcts, particlarl if it

    is constantl nrichd, both ofin and onlin,

    with individal prchas, nqir, srv and

    xtrnal data. Intllignt 2.0 tchniqs can b

    sd to involv or cstomrs and prospcts

    in this procss, ncoraging thm to rcord

    thir prfrncs in prols (cstomr-gnr-

    atd proling) and thrb sppl o with a

    trasr trov of information. Wblog mdia

    (th blogosphr) rapidl dissminat bzz

    abot brands, organisations, prodcts and

    srvics. yo can s spcial tools to rtriv

    ths mssags and thn s that information

    to intrvn with old and nwcommnica-

    tion if ncssar. Markting intllignc also

    involvs tracking important trnds, rglarl

    chcking th markt and th comptitors

    (markting intllignc) and analsing thrslts of sals fforts (sals intllignc). To-

    gthr with o, MarktingMonda dcids

    which form of markting intllignc is appro-

    priat to o. W also srv th information

    alrad availabl, bfor dvising a stp-b-

    stp plan for obtaining, within a short

    timfram, sfl information, cognt

    forcasts, nrichd prols and statistical


    Distribtion 2.0

    Steer growth and gain an insight

    into your marketing and salesresults

    Monitor goals and developsolutions, analyses and scenarios

    Greater insight into returns fromcustomer and prospect groups,media, communication anddistribution channels

    Check the blogosphere for buzzabout your brand and product

    Develop tools which encouragecustomers and prospects toenrich your databases on their

    own initiative(customer-generated proling)

    Markting Intllignc 2.0

    Customers no longer buy from

    their usual supplier

    Choose good distributionpartners, who are equal to thechallenge of handling largevolumes, new target groups andlower selling costs

    Dont leave it too late: distribution

    partners will be able to pick and

    choose over the coming years

    Develop a smart distributionstrategy for retailers, agentsand dealers

    Thr ar varios was of gtting th prodct to

    th cstomr.Som brands do this throgh thir

    dalr ntwork, othr companis dlivr via th

    Intrnt,an d t othrs throgh phsical,brand d

    stors. Th mrgnc of th Intrnt and nw

    insights abot distribtion innc th commr-

    cial rslts of companis.Cstomrs no longr b

    prodcts from thir sal spplir.Th might, for

    instanc,b thir halth ins ranc from a football

    clb,which has mad a grop arrangmnt with an

    insrr. Th b thir DeLL comptr from an

    Albrt Hijn sprmarkt. Th tak ot a loan

    throgh th Kridvat stor, whil companis

    arrang discontd lgal assistanc insranc

    throgh th ntrprnrs association MKB

    Ndrland. W ar also witnssing shifts within

    distribtion in th bsinss-to-bsinss markts.

    Companis mst thrfor pa srios attntion to

    partnring within th varios targt gropsgmnts. Th partnr markt is xpctd to b

    parclld ot ovr th coming ars. As partnr-

    ships ar gard towards long-trm coopration,it

    is vr important to formlat a good distribtion

    stratg.yor organisation mst also b dsignd


    Good distribtion partnrs can handl larg

    volms,nw targt grops and lowr slling costs.

    Working with o, MarktingMonda slcts th

    right partnrs and dvlops th distribtion

    propositions ncssar to achiv rapid growth on

    nw markts. Althogh thr will b strong growth

    in distribtion via th Intrnt and throgh distrib-

    tion partnrs, othr otlts,sch as rtail stors,

    will still b sd for distribtion. Companis who

    work with rtailrs, agnts and dalrs ar facd

    with a togh challng,a s ths rsllrs can pick

    and choos from mltipl spplirs and prodcts.

    Th biggst challng is winning and rtaining thir

    loalt,in ordr to gt or prodcts to th top of

    thir list of prioritis.If th ar favorabl disposd

    towards th total dalr proposition,sals throgh-

    ot th ntwork ma grow strongl. Thr ar a

    nmbr of thrads to a good dalr stratg: a

    good rang,good margins, training and srvic,

    smart markting commnication tools, pll

    markting and possibl prospct/lad pamnts.

    Bcas tim, mon and rsorcs ar oftn

    scarc, and rtrn is th ovrriding objctiv, th

    propr sgmntation and managmnt of th

    dalr channl is crcial. yo can cont onMarktingMonda to assist with this task too.Or

    dalr matrix givs o an insight into all th impor-

    tant string factors.Drawing on this matrix and

    othr information, w hlp o to slct and

    dvlop or dalr channl.

  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation


    Nw markting tchniqs ar changing th

    vr ssnc of th sals fnction. In th past,

    sals managrs thmslvs had to look for

    lads in th bsinss-to-bsinss markt,

    whras nowadas prchasrs and othr

    prospcts ar abl to nd thir own wa to

    companis. Targtd onlin campaigns on

    sarch ngins and in othr (onlin) mdia

    frrt ot dmand and prchas intntions.

    Pblishd onlin corporat contnt, onlin

    compan gids and prospct tools crat a

    stram of frsh, potntial nw cstomrs. Ths,

    slowl bt srl, lad gnration is casing to

    b a vndor-ld task, laving vndors fr to

    concntrat on actal convrsion sals and

    bilding pon th rlationship (cross-, p- and

    dp-slling). In this climat, th tim is rip for

    intllignt slling and hding th cstomr.

    Ths tasks plac diffrnt dmands on salsstaff. MarktingMonda prsnts o with th

    right link btwn markting and sals, and

    nsrs that or sals stratg is ftr-


    Sals to consmrs ar also changing. D to

    th tchnical possibilitis and th growing

    consmr trnd towards DIy shopping,

    slf-srvic is xprincing a boom. Som

    of th most familiar forms of slf-srvic ar

    tlbanking, onlin ordring at mail ordr

    companis and booking ight tickts indpnd-

    ntl onlin. Rcnt rsarch has shown that

    ovr 75% of consmrs prfr to dal with

    companis who offr slf-srvic via th Intr-

    nt, mobil tlphons, PDAs or slf-srvic

    kiosks. Companis ar thrfor wll-advisd

    to considr dvloping slf-srvic concpts.

    Both commrcial and individal consmrs ar

    incrasingl kn on slf-srvic options, and

    th giv thm th sns of bing in control.

    Frthrmor, procssing is fastr and asir.

    Slf-srvic has innmrabl bnts for

    companis: procssing is chapr and it

    sbstantiall improvs srvic lvl. Bing an

    important factor in cstomr loalt, good

    srvic acts as a positiv stimls to cstomr

    val. It has th dal bnts of lowr costs and

    mor incom from satisd cstomrs. With allthis in mind, slf-srvic shold fatr promi-

    nntl in an commrcial stratg.

    MarktingMonda analss th opportnitis

    for slf-srvic concpts within or commr-

    cial stratg. W advis and assist o with th

    dvlopmnt and implmntation of ths


    Overhaul your sales function

    with the aid of new marketingtechniques

    Use marketing to generate leadsand sales

    Ensure a seamless t betweenmarketing & sales

    Offer self-service; 75% ofconsumers are keen to dealwith companies who offerself-service

    Ensure that consumers sharethe helm

    Self-service yields higherprots, because of lower costsand higher customer value(greater loyalty)

    Sals 2.0

    This docmnt is prsntd b MarktingMonda.Information ot of this docmnt ma not b sd withot xplicit athorisation

  • 8/9/2019 Inspiration for Marketing Innovation


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