, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . - . U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION III Report No. 50-305/82-01(DPRP) Docket No. 50-305 License No. DPR-43 Licensee: Wisconsin Public Service Corporation - P. O. Box 1200 Green Bay, WI 54305 Facility Name: Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Inspection At: Kewaunee Site, Kewaunee, WI Inspection Conducted: January 1-31, 1982 / s S/Bf/72/ * Inspectors: R. L Nelson r f /D ' ' B. E l'tzpatri S/2f/78 ' ' d43 Approved By: J. nk'lin, Chief j.//6/73_- . ' ' actor Projects Section 2A Inspection Summary Inspection on January 1-31, 1982 (Report No. 50-305/82-01(DPRP)) Areas Inspected: Routine, resident inspection of operational safety , verification, monthly maintenance observation, monthly surveillance ' observation, independent inspection, headquarters requests, receipt of new fuel, and regional requests. The inspection involved a total of 142 inspecr% -hours onsite by two NRC inspectors including 35 in- spector-hours onsite during off-shifts. Results: No items of noncompliance were identified. . 8205060404 820312 PDRADOCK05000g c _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -

Inspection Conducted: January 1-31, 1982

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Page 1: Inspection Conducted: January 1-31, 1982

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Report No. 50-305/82-01(DPRP)

Docket No. 50-305 License No. DPR-43

Licensee: Wisconsin Public Service Corporation -

P. O. Box 1200Green Bay, WI 54305

Facility Name: Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant

Inspection At: Kewaunee Site, Kewaunee, WI

Inspection Conducted: January 1-31, 1982

/s S/Bf/72/*Inspectors: R. L Nelson

r f /D' '

B. E l'tzpatri S/2f/78' '

d43Approved By: J. nk'lin, Chief j.//6/73_-.

' 'actor Projects Section 2A

Inspection Summary

Inspection on January 1-31, 1982 (Report No. 50-305/82-01(DPRP))Areas Inspected: Routine, resident inspection of operational safety


verification, monthly maintenance observation, monthly surveillance '

observation, independent inspection, headquarters requests, receiptof new fuel, and regional requests. The inspection involved a totalof 142 inspecr% -hours onsite by two NRC inspectors including 35 in-spector-hours onsite during off-shifts.Results: No items of noncompliance were identified.


8205060404 820312PDRADOCK05000gc

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1. Persons Contacted

*D. C. Hintz, Plant ManagerM. C. Marchi, Technical SupervisorR. W. Lange, Superintendent, Maintenance

*C. R. Steinhardt, Superintendent, OperationsW. J. Richmond, Plant Services SuperintendentD. W. McSwain, Assistant Superintendent, Instrument and ControlK. H. Evers, Reactor Supervisor -

*A. J. Ruege, Quality Control Supervisor*D. J. Molzahn, Technical Services Engineer

The inspectors also talked with and interviewed members of the Opera-tions, Maintenance, Health Physics, Instrument and Control, andSecurity Groups.

* Denotes those attending one or more exit interviews.

2. Operational-Safety Verification

The inspector observed control room operations, reviewed applicablelogs and conducted discussions with control room operators duringthe month of January. The inspector verified the operability ofselected emergency systems, reviewed tagout records and verifiedproper return to service of affected components. Tours of thecontainment auxiliary and turbine buillings were conducted to observeplant equipment conditions, including potential fire hazards, fluidleaks, and excessive vibrations and to verify that maintenancerequests had been initiated for equipment in need of maintenance.The inspector by observation and direct interview verified thatthe physical security plan was being implemented in accordance withthe station security plan.

The inspector observed plant housekeeping / cleanliness conditionsand verified implementation of radiation protection controls.During the month of January, the inspector walked down the accessi-ble portions of the auxiliary feedwater, fire protection, servicewater, emergency diesel generator, high head safety injection, con-tainment spray, residual heat removal, component cooling, spent fuel .

pit cooling and radiation monitoring systems to verify operability. ,

These reviews and observations were conducted to verify that facilityoperations.were in conformance with the requirements establishedunder technical specifications, 10 CFR, and administrative procedures.

No items of noncompliance were identified in this area.-



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3. Monthly Maintenance Observation

Station maintenance activities of safety related systems and com-'

ponents listed below were observed / reviewed to verify that theywere conducted in accordance with approved procedures, regulatoryguides and industry codes or standards and in conformance withtechnical specifications.

The following items were considered during this review: -the limitingconditions for operation were met while components or systems wereremoved from service; approvals were obtained prior to initiating thework; activities were accomplished using approved procedures and were -

inspected as applicable; functional testing and/or calibrations wereperformed prior to returning components or systems to service; qualitycontrol records were maintained; activities were accomplished byqualified personnel; parts and materials used were properly certified;radiological controls were implemented; and, fire prevention controlswere implemented.

Work reques's were reviewed to determine status of outstanding jobsand to assure that priority is assigned to safety related equipmentmaintenance which may affect system performance.

The following maintenance activities were observed / reviewed:

MWR 02-18807, Repack Service Water StrainersNWR 14-18831, IB Zone Special Ventilation Exhaust Fan will

not Start-Replaced Solenoid ValveMWR 36-18768, Pressurizer Level Out of Specification-

RecalibrateMWR 23-18786, ICS 6B Will Not Close-Cleaned Contacts

No items of noncompliance were identified in this area.

4. Monthly Surveillance Observation

The inspector observed the following surveillance testing: SP 55-155,Engineered Safeguards Logic Channel Test; SP 23-100, Containment SprayPump Test and verified that testing was performed in accordance withadequate procedures, that test instrumentation was calibrated, thatlimiting conditions for operation were met, that removal and restora-tion of the affected components were accomplished, that test resultsconformed with technical specification and procedure requirementsand were reviewed by personnel other than the individual directingthe test, and that any deficiencies identified during the testingwere properly reviewed and resolved by appropriate managementpersonnel.

No items of noncompliance were identified in this area.





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5. Independent Inspection

The inspectors conducted a general inspection of operations, main-tenance, health physics, security, quality assurance, and adminis-trative activities.

The inspectors identified one item in the area of security which isdiscussed in the attachment to this report (Safeguards Information).

6. Headquarters Requests

The inspectors performed inspections and reviewed activities concern-ing pressurizer power operated relief valve control circuitry anddiesel fuel oil sampling.

7. Receipt of New Fuel

The inspector verified, prior to receipt of new fuel, that technicallyadequate, approved procedures were available covering the receipt,inspection, and storage of new fuel; he also observed receipt in-spections and storage of new fuel elements and verified that theseactivities were performed in accordance with the licensee's proced-ures; and he followed up resolutions of deficiencies as found duringnew fuel inspections.

No items of noncompliance were identified in this area.

8. Regional Request

The inspectors performed inspection and review in the followingactivities: (a) prompt public notification / warning system andtesting of the system (refer to Inspection Report 50-305/82-03);(b) diesel generator governor oil level checking instructions.

The inspectors reviewed a December 7, 1981 memorandum from J. L. Crews,Director, Division of Resident, Reactor Projects and EngineeringInspection, NRC, subject: Inadequate Instructions for Checking Oil

Level of Diesel Generator Governor (AITS F0520013).

The review indicated the Kewaunee Plant's emergency diesels do notuse the referenced Woodward governor. The Kewaunee diesels use aWoodward Model UG8 governor and the control of oil level is clearlyexplained in the Woodward Governor Company's Bulletin No. 03004G.This bulletin is referenced in all applicable maintenance procedures,in addition, a Woodward Governor Company training course has been

. attended within the past 12 months by all mechanics and electricianswho may have occasion to work on the governor.



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9. Exit Interview !


| .The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph4 1) throughout the month and at the conclusion of the inspection f

January 29, 1982, and summarized the scope and findings of the in- i-<

spection activities.


ATTACHMENT: Safeguards :

Information |












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