Dear Parents, Friends and Caregivers, Prayer for Peace in the World Every week Monsignor Robert Aitken leads us in a community 8am Mass in the Senior Campus Chapel. All members of the community are invited. On September 11 Monsignor led us in prayer for the victims of the tragic terrorist attacks of 9/11. The following is an extract from Pope John Paul’s longer prayer for the victims of 11 Sept which was distributed to all CBC staff for reflection with their students. Almighty Father, we commend the victims of this shocking tragedy to Your eternal love. We implore Your comfort upon the injured, the families and friends involved, and all who are doing their utmost to rescue survivors and help those affected. We ask You, Father, to grant the American people the strength and courage they need at this time of sorrow and trial. This week let us pray for peace in our world, peace in Australia, peace in our families and peace within our own hearts. Emeritus Professor Robin Storer Old Collegian and Emeritus Professor Robin Storer (Flinders University School of Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences) recently retired from the College Board after many years of dedicated service. Robin was Chair of the CBC Advisory Board from 1981-1983 and served on the College Board from 2006 to 2013. His sons attended CBC and together with his wife Isabelle they have been dedicated supporters of the College. Robin’s contributions especially as Chairman of the Board Education Subcommittee were pivotal as SA and CBC moved to a new delivery of the SA Certificate of Education SACE early in 2000. I will personally miss Robin’s wisdom, sense of humour and friendship and wish him and his family every blessing and the deepest of gratitude from the College community for his outstanding service to the College. UN Youth Evatt Competition Year 11 students Patrick Imaysay and Chris Skelton were successful in proceeding to the South Australian Final of the UN Youth Evatt Competition. The aim of this competition as outlined in the article below is to open young eyes to the world. UN Youth Australia is a national youth-led charity that aims to build the people’s movement for the United Nations through the education and empowerment of young Australians. We seek to provide young Australians with a global education, one that gives them a deep knowledge of the social and political problems confronting the world and the skills to address them. We believe that young people are not just Australia’s future leaders; they lead now. We act to expand the opportunities for young people to make a difference in their communities. We are a federal, grassroots organisation run entirely by young volunteers under 25 years old from across Australia. Our more than 500 members are committed volunteers who act on the basis of goodwill, giving shape and hope to our future. Term 3, Week 9 | Friday 20 September, 2013 From e Principal O’Brien House victorious on Sports Day! Justice and Solidarity We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself. Patrick Imaysay Christopher Skelton Christian Brothers College Newsletter 214 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4200 F 08 8400 4299 324 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4222 F 08 8400 4220 178 East Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8223 5469 F 08 8223 7803 [email protected] www.cbc.sa.edu.au Senior Campus Junior Campus CBC Community Children’s Centre Email Website Faith Excellence Community Compassion A Birth-12 Catholic College for boys in the Edmund Rice Tradition

Insight 2013T3W9

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Christian Brothers College Adelaide Insight Newsletter for Term 3, Week 9, 2013.

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Dear Parents, Friends and Caregivers,

Prayer for Peace in the WorldEvery week Monsignor Robert Aitken leads us in a community 8am Mass in the Senior Campus Chapel. All members of the community are invited. On September 11 Monsignor led us in prayer for the victims of the tragic terrorist attacks of 9/11.

The following is an extract from Pope John Paul’s longer prayer for the victims of 11 Sept which was distributed to all CBC staff for reflection with their students.

Almighty Father, we commend the victims of this shocking tragedy to Your eternal love. We implore Your comfort upon the injured, the families and friends involved,

and all who are doing their utmost to rescue survivors and help those affected. We ask You, Father, to grant the American people the strength and courage they need at this time of sorrow and trial.

This week let us pray for peace in our world, peace in Australia, peace in our families and peace within our own hearts.

Emeritus Professor Robin Storer Old Collegian and Emeritus Professor Robin Storer (Flinders University School of Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences) recently retired from the College Board after many years of dedicated service. Robin was Chair of the CBC Advisory Board from 1981-1983 and served on the College Board from 2006 to 2013. His sons attended CBC and together with his wife Isabelle they have been dedicated supporters of the College. Robin’s contributions especially as Chairman of the Board Education Subcommittee were pivotal as SA and CBC moved to a new delivery of the SA Certificate of Education SACE early in 2000. I will personally miss Robin’s wisdom, sense of humour and friendship and wish him and his family every blessing and the deepest of gratitude from the College community for his outstanding service to the College.

UN Youth Evatt Competition Year 11 students Patrick Imaysay and Chris Skelton were successful in proceeding to the South Australian Final of the UN Youth Evatt Competition. The aim of this competition as outlined in the article below is to open young eyes to the world.

UN Youth Australia is a national youth-led charity that aims to build the people’s movement for the United Nations through the education and empowerment of young Australians.

We seek to provide young Australians with a global education, one that gives them a deep knowledge of the social and political problems confronting the world and the skills to address them. We believe that young people are not just Australia’s future leaders; they lead now. We act to expand the opportunities for young people to make a difference in their communities.

We are a federal, grassroots organisation run entirely by young volunteers under 25 years old from across Australia. Our more than 500 members are committed volunteers who act on the basis of goodwill, giving shape and hope to our future.

Term 3, Week 9 | Friday 20 September, 2013

From The Principal

O’Brien House victorious on Sports Day!

Justice and SolidarityWe are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself.

Patrick Imaysay

Christopher Skelton

Christian Brothers College Newsletter214 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4200 F 08 8400 4299

324 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4222 F 08 8400 4220

178 East Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8223 5469 F 08 8223 7803

[email protected] www.cbc.sa.edu.au

Senior Campus

Junior Campus

CBC Community Children’s Centre

Email Website

Faith Excellence Community Compassion

A Birth-12 Catholic College for boys in the Edmund Rice Tradition

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Counsellor’s Corner

Enough’s enough!Directly after the multiplication of the loaves and fishes Jesus, “made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead to Bethsaida, while he himself sent the crowd away.” (Mark 6: 45). Many times Jesus tells the enthralled listeners that “enough’s enough; go away now.” It is a humble realism that opposes the lunatic pride of, “I’m always available, anytime day or night.” Mothers especially need to remember this. Jesus so often teaches us to help others, teach them, heal them, and counsel them but always within limits. We are to love others in so far as we first love self; proper care of our God-given self is prior to outreach. In some families ‘Adult time’ is set at an agreed fixed time such as 8.30p.m when the children go quietly to their rooms to read or go to bed and parents and visitors, if present, have time to themselves. Parents need quiet time. We are called to go out to others especially our children and to reveal to others the God whom we know in our own lives. We will not do this unless we have time on our own to be still, to rest, to re-create, to reflect, to pray, to listen to the messages which life experiences are telling us.

Br Michael FlahertyCounsellor

We are also supported by a large and growing community of alumni, organised by the UN Youth Australia Foundation.


Rostrevor / CBC BuddiesOn Friday the Year 5 Class of Rostrevor College will visit CBC to work with their CBC buddy in 5 White. Year 5 White teacher Mrs Cronin writes:

Our visit to Rostrevor in Term 2 was such a successful day of building friendships between the boys from both schools that the staff from Rostrevor along with me and Mrs Zubreckyj decided that we would try to make this an event that happened once a term for the remainder of the year, allowing the boys to catch up and talk about what they have been up to both in their school and personally.

Sports DayCongratulations to all staff and students for a hugely successful 2013 School Sports Day held at SANTOS Stadium on Tuesday.

The level of participation, spirited house chants and support from our parents and wider community made the day a huge success.

I especially wish to thank members of the PE faculty and our Ground and Maintenance staff for their hard work throughout the event.

OzAsia FestivalCBC is a leading 21st Century School with a deep commitment to Asian Literacy.

This week staff and students celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival at Elder Park (zhongqiujie 中秋节) which is part of the state OzAsia Festival.

Mr Clarke and I visited the Catholic Education Office to share the work of the CBC Asian Literacy Sub

Committee which has designed the draft CBC Asian Literacy Strategic Plan. We were invited to Catholic Education SA to assist with their Asian Literacy plan which will be presented to the Commission for Catholic schools in 2014.

Philippines Pilgrims Depart“Make me an instrument of your peace”.

On Friday our CBC pilgrims depart for the Philippines led by Mr Gary Jalleh and Mr Rory Harris. ‘Make me an instrument of your peace’ is the prayerful and heartfelt wisdom that comes from the following 2013 Philippines pilgrims:

Owen Hvalica, Michael Petrilli, Calum Philp, Hamish Richardson, Christopher Skelton, Tyler Yeadon , Darcy Thompson-Bagshaw, Luke Wolianskyj, Elliot Woollaston, Manuel Retsas-Castillo

In a previous edition of Insight Mr Jalleh wrote:

We also take to heart as we meet our friends and host families, in the Philippines, the message of Br Philip Pinto, the Congregational Leader of the Christian Brothers, who said: “The difference between the stranger and a friend is merely a story”. We hope that our ties with all we meet in the Philippines will be strengthened and long lasting as we share our stories together.

On the anniversary of 9/11 I thank God that, although the world is not a peaceful place, we are people of peace and therein lies the hope. Please keep our 2013 Philippines pilgrims in your prayers.

Mr Noel MifsudPrincipal

City to BayOne of the year’s sporting highlights was the City to Bay fun run held last Sunday 15 September. An eager group of CBC boys from the Junior Campus got together to participate in the 6km run from Kurralta Park to Glenelg. Each of the boys represented their school in an extremely positive manner demonstrating characteristics of leadership and teamwork. Congratulations to all who participated, including parents and siblings who made the day even more special. Great work Team CBC!

Team: Emile Abraham, Alec Burns. Samuel Caminiti, Charlie Caruso, Joen Choe, Isaac Giannetta, Brody Moylan, Noah O’Callaghan, Thomas Radpvanovic, Jacob Welling, Adam Wells.

Mr Joel LangleyJunior Campus PE

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2013 School calendar

Week 10Mon 23 Sept Catholic Schools Music Festival

Tues 24 Sept Catholic Schools Music FestivalKnow Your Limits – Year 9

Wed 25 Sept Catholic Schools Music Festival

Thurs 26 Sept Catholic Schools Music FestivalPolice Band (JC)Achilles Cup

Fri 27 Sept Term 3 Concludes at 3.30pmHouse Colour Day – End of Term Celebration (L 4&5)

Appreciating the Here and NowJust like the television and computers, mobile phones are technological instruments which, as numerous studies and research show, are being used more and more often and which are objects that people can become addicted to. Our students today can select from an increasing number and types of models, as well as the services offered by mobile phones, which is contributing to the increase in the number of cases of what has already become a ‘social illness’ in some countries and which has been called ‘mobile phone addiction’ or ‘mobile phone mania’.

Initially, the mobile phone was an essential instrument available to very few people and which fulfilled the need to have a number that could be reached at all times by those who were privileged enough to have been given the number. The mobile phone started to answer and fuel a common need to be close to others, overcoming distance and time barriers and profoundly transforming the possibilities of daily relations, thus allowing for the possibility to increase intimate moments but, sometimes, violating people’s freedom and personal space. Hand in hand with the increase of a mobile phone’s technical functions, the mobile phone’s social and psychological functions also changed. Today, our students have their mobile phones with them at all times and use them to organise and manage every moment of their lives, from studies (using functions like the calendar, alarm clock, address book and clock) to free time (using the games, camera and video camera).

Parents often buy their children mobile phones at an early age so they can keep in touch with them. However, as they get older the mobile phone is no longer about just communication but about relationships, rather than becoming an instrument used to deal with difficulties you have in the face of others, it becomes an instrument that is habitually used to manage relationships. In this case, it is possible that ‘telephonic communication’ becomes a substitute for ‘real communication’ and the technical instrument overtakes and becomes a replacement for reality, creating and fuelling the idea that telephonic communication = real communication. The risk is students can get caught up in their virtual world and forget about the real world around them. This can be seen when students get totally engrossed in their mobile phones and are totally oblivious to what is happening around them.

It is interesting to observe at lunchtime some students sitting by themselves using their phone. In fact, the mobile phone can become ‘another person’ who can be taken with them at all times. By always having a mobile phone present, reality and other people never appear to be absent from one’s life and students may not be aware they are socially isolating themselves. Likewise, we are seeing more students using their mobile phone as a mean of creating a digital image of their life, taking photos of food, events, places, concerts, etc., rather than enjoying the experience of being there. The perception is if they don’t collect images of what they

see they won’t truly experience the world.

According to an ever increasing number of studies from all over the world carried out on this subject, more and more young people are becoming addicted to mobile phones. Daily and regular use of mobile phones makes it hard to draw the line between normal behaviour and abnormal behaviour. For this reason, when identifying this problem, it is important to observe both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the relationship one has with their phone. From a quantitative point of view, we normally talk about ‘mobile phone mania’ when a person makes and receives a total of around 300 calls and/or messages a day. However, the quantitative problem could also be shown in terms of long conversation with few people, or excessive use could be related to the abuse of other functions in a mobile phone.

We need to ensure that our students do not get fully absorbed into their virtual world. They need to appreciate the here and now, the relationships we have with others through social conversation and enjoying and appreciating the environment we interact with. Relationships with mobile phones are risky for everyone and it is important to train ourselves to have a healthy relationship with our mobile phones, limiting the time we spend on them and our ability to control ourselves, and even making ourselves take a break from their reassuring presence.

Mr Shaun ClarkeDeputy Principal

From The Deputy Principal

Summer uniformS for new StudentSAll new students to the school

are required to make an appointment with the Uniform

Shop to purchase their Summer uniforms for Term 4.

Full Term Planner is available at www.cbc.sa.edu.au

uniform Shopholiday trading hourS

The Uniform Shop will be close on Friday 27 September and re-open on the second

week of the holidays.

Trading HoursMonday 7 October - Closed - Public Holiday

Wednesday 9 October - 8.30am - 5.00pmFriday 11 October - 8.30am - 5.00pm

Normal trading hours resume:Monday 14 October

Below: Students celebrating the Mid-Autumn festival with paper lanterns.

CBC Gymnasium6.30pm for 7.00pm start

BYO SupperFor further details, please contact

Mirella Kakogianis on 0438 815 061

Saturday 23 november

CBC WaterSportS

auxiliary Quiz Night

CBC WaterSportS

auxiliary Quiz Night

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From the Counselling Team

Supporting families as they manage separation and divorceIn Australia nearly one in two marriages end in separation and divorce. This directly impacts many children in our schools and adults in our workplaces, parishes and social networks, and quite possibly our own family too. Coping with the family changes that result can be challenging for children and their parents, and for those supporting the family including relatives, friends, work colleagues and school staff. Some knowledge and understanding of what children and young people are dealing with can help us to provide the right kinds of support, when and where it is needed.

Reactions of children and young people

Children’s reactions to separation and divorce are unique and varied. They depend on the child’s age, personality, previous experiences, support networks, and on how well their parents are managing. Some thoughts about how some preschool, primary and secondary aged young people may react are shared below as a general guide only. Supportive people who can pay attention and notice how children are managing change are critical in helping young people to adapt to new situations.

Children in the preschool years may …

• recognise that they are seeing one parent less or differently

• imagine fearful outcomes that seem real to the child

• regress in some areas, e.g. toileting, language and style of play

• show feelings such as anxiety and fear in actions e.g. clinginess and tantrums

Children in the primary school years may …

• understand more about what separation and divorce means in their family

• hold unrealistic fears about the future that seem real to the child

• blame themselves for family changes

• experience physical symptoms including feeling sick, headaches, tiredness

• show feelings in a range of ways – from being ‘over’ co-operative and agreeable to being angry and lashing out

Young people in the secondary school years may …

• feel a sense of loss similar to those of other adults involved and in their extended family

• experience the changes in their family as unique, and so feel different and alone

• worry about family finances

• be unwilling to be a part of family arrangements that they feel don’t suit them

• feel angry, anxious, sad and overwhelmed

• engage in risky behaviours as a way of dealing with their feelings about the changes

What can children and young people do for themselves?

Children and young people are often caught in the middle when the family changes. However, there are things they can be encouraged to do that may help:

• read (appropriate) picture books and novels to understand they are not alone and that other children are dealing with similar issues

• talk to their parents about how they are feeling

• talk to other interested and supportive adults and peers about how they are feeling

• visit child-focused websites for age-appropriate information about separation and divorce – this can help allay fears and provide facts and ideas on coping. (The Kids Helpline website has a useful page supporting children in this area: http://www.kidshelp.com.au/teens/get-info/hot-topics/separation-and-divorce.php )

How can parents help?

Parents may be just coping with the changes and losses that come with separation and divorce, and can feel overwhelmed in supporting their children ‘the right way’ while they try to manage themselves. Importantly, one of the best things parents can do is look after themselves – parent wellbeing is key to children coping well.

Parents can also help by:

• finding time, space and attention to spend talking and listening with their child

• letting children and young people have a say in decision making

• managing home routines that are constant, warm and reassuring

• ensuring children are eating well, sleeping enough and getting some exercise

• letting school know what is going on so that other adults can support their child

• accepting help from others (whether to mind the children for some parent time out, someone to have a laugh or a cry with, or a trusted adult for children to turn to).

How can other adults help?

There are often many adult care-givers in a child’s life, including grandparents, relatives, family friends, teachers and other school staff. Each can play a role in supporting children and young people as they manage family change. Suggestions include:

• provide security and support to children and young people

• help children and young people feel competent and in control

• maintain expectations and consistent discipline

• keep lines of communication open

• respond appropriately, with understanding, if behaviour issues arise.

Ms Jane GaynorFrom the Counselling Team


FREE parenting seminar

Come and hear Dr Andrew Fuller, Clinical Psychologist, author and ABC presenter

talk about practical strategies that will help you to:

• Have constructive conversations with your teenager

• Set limits and boundaries that work for everyone

• Achieve cooperation without nagging

• Make the most of your teen’s potential

Monday 23 September, 7.15 - 9pmFlorey Lecture Theatre, Medical School,

Frome Road (eastern side), Adelaide. Book online: http://parentingsa.eventbrite.

com.au/Phone: 8303 1660 or Email: Health.

[email protected] Presented by Parenting SA, Government of

South Australia

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Dear Parents/Caregivers and Friends

This weekend (Sunday) our Year 6 students and staff will depart for Canberra. For the past term our Year 6 students have been studying and researching History, Civics and Democracy, and the three levels of Government and will be able to finally put their learning into context by visiting the following places:

• Old New / Government House

• The Australian War Memorial

• Government House – Meeting with Governor General Quentin Bryce

• Diplomatic Residency

• National Electoral Centre

• Telstra Tower

• Institute of Sport

• Questacon (National Science & Technology Centre)

• Botanical Gardens


• Visit to Sister School - St Edmund’s

The boys are bubbling with excitement and I thank every staff member who has been willing to give up their family time to ensure this exciting tour is a great success and one that will be forever stamped in the boy’s minds.

Last Friday, the Father and Son evening was a huge success. It was so fantastic to see all fathers and their sons spending time together. For some of our little fellas who’s dad was not available to be present, a member of our male secondary staff stepped in to be dad for the night.

This was such a beautiful gesture and I thank the staff members who participated for offering themselves to ensure our boys did not miss out. This is what makes CBC special!

Last week Mr Mifsud informed us of Caroline Wilson’s departure and her new appointment to Blackfriars. Caroline has been an amazing educator, leading the way with Inquiring learning R-6 at the Junior Campus. She certainly has left her thumbprint at CBC and whilst we are deeply saddened that she is leaving, we wish her only the best for her future and hope that she remembers CBC with fondness and love.

Class PlacementLast week all families would have received a letter detailing the class placement process for 2014. At the beginning of Term 4, the Junior Campus teaching staff will spend a great deal of time considering what they see as the best possible mix for the children for the 2014 classes.

They make these informed judgments based on all the information available to them. The first and most important criterion used to decide the make up the class is based on the educational needs of the children. Class teachers in consultation with the Inclusive Ed

Coordinator JC, Junior Primary Coordinators, Support and Specialist staff will best determine the appropriate placements. Emotional needs and behavioural consideration will be taken into account.

However, friendships will not be a major consideration in organising classes (having said that we do guarantee one friend) for every student. Year 6 students will be placed in House groups.

Staffing has not been finalised by Mr Mifsud as yet. So, please do not request specific teachers. If you believe there are extenuating circumstances why your child should be placed in a particular class, then I ask you to email / put in writing your concerns.

However, once classes are set they will remain that way for 2014. I thank you in advance for your understanding and the confidence you place in our staff.

Reminders for Weeks AheadSunday 22/9 Year 6s departure for Canberra

Friday 27/9/13 Students return from Canberra at 11am

Friday 27/9/13 Last day of Term 3

Thursday 26/9/13 Police Band at JC Normal dismissal at 3:30pm

Friday 27/9/13 House Day / Egg bacon Breakfast 8am

Monday 14/10/13 First day Term 4.

2014 Term Dates

Term 1 Tuesday 28/01/2014 to Friday 11/4/2014

Term 2 Tuesday 29/04/2014 to Friday 04/7/2014

Term 3 Tuesday 22/07/2014 to Friday 26/9/2014

Term 4 Monday 13/10/2014 to Friday 12/12/2014

Wishing you God’s blessings for the week ahead.

Mrs Frances ZubreckyjAssistant Principal - Junior Campus

Assistant Principal - Junior Campus

To celebrate School Banking at CBC we

are running a colouring competition.

The competition starts Monday 26th August and finishes Friday 18th

October. Entry forms are available from your

class teacher or from the front office.

There are 4 prizes to be won!!!

R - 2 x1, Years 3 - 5 x1 and Years 6 - 7 x1

Plus 1 x Overall winner.

Each prize pack contains lots of cool exclusive Dollarmite gear. The

overall winner will also receive some great Dollarmite gear PLUS 2 adult and 2 Children’s Cinema tickets to

Hoyts Cinemas.

All you have to do is to colour your sheet and submit it to the front

office by end of school Friday 18th October. AND make 1 deposit into

your School Banking Account.

Winners will be notified and presented with their prize at our

school assembly.

Remember you have got to be in it to win it!




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Careers Coordinator / Counsellor

University Applications University applications through SATAC need to be finalised by the end of this term to avoid paying a late fee. Once the $25 has been paid, the application is ‘live”. Students can still make additions to preferences up until 2 December to ensure equal consideration for most courses, or until 6 January to change preferences.

So far 51 of our Year 12 students have applied, with 23 of them still to pay their fee. All have been reminded but it would assist if you could also remind them! Payment is by credit card online or at the SATAC office, in Frome Street, or in cash at your nearest Post Office.

ScholarshipsEach university offers scholarships based on merit or equity for a range of courses. Make sure you check their websites to avoid missing out!

Flinders Uni Creative Arts DeadlinesIn addition to applying through SATAC, students who are applying for the following Creative Arts courses need to comply with additional entry requirements:

Creative Writing: Portfolio, Submission Form and Statement due Friday 15 November

Digital Media: Portfolio, Submission Form & Statement due Friday 29 November

Drama: Audition Application Form & statement due by Wednesday 13 November. Auditions start Monday 25 November.

Screen: Portfolio, Submission Form and statement due by Friday 29 November

Students applying for a Creative Arts Degree may also be interested in the new Bachelor of Media Arts.

Flinders Uni is also offering a new Bachelor of Arts/Diploma of Visual Arts and Advanced Diploma of Visual Arts (SATAC code 224751). University topics include Essential Multimedia; digital Graphic Design and Visual Thinking and Creativity, while the TAFE component can include ceramics, painting, drawing, photography, digital imaging and more.

TAFE Applications and Skills for All FundingStudents completing SACE this year will no longer be eligible for funding under Skills for All for Certificate 1 or 2 courses, but will be eligible for funding in courses at Certificate 3 level and above. Students who have completed a VET Certificate 1 or 2 course will not be adversely affected by this decision.

TAFE applications will be open on Monday 23 September with the closing date being Friday 15 November (Week 5 Term 4). I will provide an Information session for those interested on Monday 23 September, during Lessons 5 and 6.

Plumbing Pre-Voc ProgrammePEER is offering a 12-week programme, beginning late October, to provide basic skills and Work Experience, with employment opportunities at the end. Students who are currently completing Year 12 and are interested in Plumbing, should consider this opportunity. The course will provide a definite advantage to school leavers.

Apply now, as places are limited, on www.peer.com.au

Ms Liz TidemannCounselling/Careers

Year 10 Geography Coastline ExcursionOn Friday 13 September, the Year 10 Humanities and Social Science class travelled from south to north along the Adelaide metropolitan coastline. As the class has been studying Coastlines in class, the excursion aimed at investigating how the Adelaide coastline is managed and some of the physical processes involved. We were very lucky with the weather and what was supposed to be thunderstorms turned out to be a clear, sunny day. The twenty-one boys on the trip undertook some rigorous research, and after working our way from Hallett Cove to North Haven, were weary but had gained a lot from the experience.

I would like to thank Mr Stephen Clohesy for driving one of the buses and providing a wealth of extra knowledge from his own experiences along the coastline, as well as Rowan Vawser (student teacher) for her assistance in planning and facilitating the day.

Mr George BryantSenior Geography Teacher

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Ministry forMation prograM

JOIN US for conversation with drinks and nibbles at ...

Adelaide College of Divinity

34 Lipsett Tce, Brooklyn Park Room S1 – 7.00 – 8.30 pm Thursday September 26

> Reflect on Being Church Today with Sr Catherine Clark rsj > Hear from past and present students about their journey into serving God’s people > Find out about the many ways you might contribute to lay ecclesial ministry or the permanent diaconate.

CONTACT: Sue Vieceli

34 Lipse Tce

Brooklyn Park

5032 SA

8416 8479 ph

[email protected]

You are warmly invited

to learn about




Discover how you might make sense of Catholic life and living ... contribute to growing vibrant faith communities and relationships … engage in reaching out to those most in need

….MF Pathways

… in a wider sense we can think of other ministries in the Church, catechists and lay faithful who engage in parish missions, those who work with the sick, with the vari-ous forms of discomfort and alienation, but always as missionaries of the Gospel, with the urgency of the Kingdom that is at hand. Francis I 7 July, 2013