Innovative Schools toolkit Workshop 6i-4 – Innovation Project creation and planning

Innovative Schools toolkit Workshop 6i-4 – Innovation Project creation and planning

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Innovative Schools toolkitWorkshop 6i-4 – InnovationProject creation and planning

Objective Suggested ApproachCreate innovation teams which have…

– A common purpose

– A built in self review mechanism

– Feedback from learners

– Four innovative ideas

Position one of the ‘Learner Outcomes’ posters in each corner of the room and invite delegates to choose the one they would most like to contribute towards.

Ask individuals to address groups by each poster and describe what they would like to be involved in so that groups can form.

Groups return to tables and with large poster paper work through the steps of forming an innovation team.

To set the first team task and establish working practices

Teams prepare a short presentation regarding how they will operate..

To share practice ideas Teams will give their brief presentations to the whole group so there is shared awareness and produce their key messages for wider stakeholder distribution.

Workshop 4 overview

Choose one of the three ‘Student Outcomes’ posters

and debate the ideas for projects

Look at the BECTA self review framework to

consider what strands of work need to be considered

Look at all the ‘BEST’ outcomes and see how your

projects can maximise coverage

How will you review each others progress? How will you know who has been

successful and who needs support?

Your team of four – Decide

on four related project ideas

you will pursue

Your innovation teams

Decide on a common purpose, based on student outcomes

• How?

– look at the three posters for ‘student outcomes’ and decide which you personally would like to work on best.

– Share ideas with others to find some common ground

Creating your innovation team – step 1

Agree the members of your teamFour is the ideal structure, here are some variations

Teacher of subject

1 Teacher of subject


Teacher of subject


of subject 4

Creating your innovation team – step 2

Teacher 1

Teacher 2

Teacher 3

Teacher 4 Teacher 1

Teacher 2

Assistant 1

Assistant 2

Teacher 1

Teacher 2

Learner 1

Learner 2

Teacher 1

Teacher 2

Teacher 3

Teacher 4

Agree your review methodEffective teams have to stay focussed on learning and on the longer term objectives. Here are three suggestions for how to ensure this happens. These models can be combined or others used.

Model 1: Co-developed Model 2: Book club Model 2: Hot seat

Next Week’s

outcome agreed

Learners in the team who

experience the activities

conduct evaluations

and feed these back to

the group

Team agrees this week’s focus

Whole team will try the same

development with their groups

Group evaluation and next focus

One team member is focussed on once each four weeks

Whole team fire questions to offer

challenge and ideas

Creating your innovation team – step 3

Making sure you are SMARTYour whole team has a common purpose but you need to each be

Specific about what you will

Measure to prove you have

Achieved improvements. So what is a

Realistic expectation for one year’s

Time from now?

Creating your innovation team – step 4

Sustainability: Making sure it scales

• Hundreds of interesting projects happen across the world every year but few survive and grow. From day one you must think how you will scale this idea if you are successful.

• Could another team use your ideas next year?

• Could another school use them to progress as you have?

Stage 1: Co-development project (Pilot1)

Stage 2: Consultative project (Pilot2)

Stage 3: Small scale implementation

Stage 4: Large scale implementation - policy

Creating your innovation team – step 5

Managing Risk

When you took over the leadership

You crack eggs! Your initiatives have yet to bear fruit. People complain it was better before – and it was!


People have understood the vision and it is widely shared – initiatives have kicked in and are achieving change




You are reaching the Good phase. Most things are in place. Results begin to plateau. Wide Support and good will

Identify new project while energy is high. Innovation and Risk Taking referring to the new vision for direction.Stop doing some things to make space for the new – don’t be afraid to let go.

Creating your innovation team – step 6

Bringing it all together

• Who is in your team?

• What is your common purpose?

• How often will you meet?

• How will you review progress and stay focussed?

• How will you obtain student feedback?

• How is your project SMART?

• Would your project scale to whole school?

• What will get worse and what must be abandoned?

Creating your innovation team – step 7

• Prepare a presentation that will provide other groups with an overview of what your team are planning

• Add your ideas to the correct Learner Outcomes Poster

Team task

Put your first BEST

learner outcome


Our school now

Stick here – any ideas that are already happening or have already been replaced with better ideas

Stick here - any ideas that definitely would move this vision statement forward but will take more than 4 years to put in place across the whole school

4 years time

0 1 2 3 4

Stick here - any ideas that will help take the vision forward and could be achieved by most teachers in 2 years In



team 1 P



Ideas sorter for learner vision statement 1

Objective Suggested ApproachCreate innovation teams which have…

– A common purpose

– A built in self review mechanism

– Feedback from learners

– Four innovative ideas

Position one of the ‘Learner Outcomes’ posters in each corner of the room and invite delegates to choose the one they would most like to contribute towards.

Ask individuals to address groups by each poster and describe what they would like to be involved in so that groups can form.

Groups return to tables and with large poster paper work through the steps of forming an innovation team.

To set the first team task and establish working practices

Teams prepare a short presentation regarding how they will operate..

To share practice ideas Teams will give their brief presentations to the whole group so there is shared awareness and produce their key messages for wider stakeholder distribution.

Workshop 4 overview

• Formal close and thankyou


• Original content by Dan Buckley through a collaboration between Microsoft, Imagine Education, Education Impact and Cambridge Education.
