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INNER GAME -- [!/-




Andrew Soltis


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Copyright © 1 994 by Andrew Soltis

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by David McKay Company, Inc. , a subsidiary of Random House, Inc . , New York. Distributed by Random House, Inc. , New York, and Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Soltis, Andy The inner game of chess : how to calculate and win / Andrew

Soltis.-1st ed. p. cm.

Published simultaneously in Canada. ISBN 0-8 1 29-2291-3 1 . Chess-Psychological aspects. I. Title.

GV1 448.S65 1 994 794. 1 '2--<1c20 94-2784

Designed by Michael Mendelsohn of MM Design 2000, Inc.

Manufactured in the United States of America 98765432 First Edition

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One. What Calculation Is-and Isn't 3

Two. Ideas 28

Three. Trees and Ho w to Build T hem 67

Four. Force 95

Five. Counting Out 125

Six. Choice 186

Seven. Monkey Wrenches 207

Eight. Oversights 251

Nine. Rechecking 277

Ten. The Practical Calculator 319

Index 347

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Q "We think in generalities , we live in details . "

-Alfred North Whitehead

L ike the rest of us, chess players think in generalities-the value of centralizing pieces, the way to exploit doubled

pawns and bad bishops, the strength of a rook or knight. But they also live in the details of a game-the "if I move my bishop there, he plays knight takes pawn check" details.

Entire libraries have been devoted to teaching the gener­alities of chess. These books use specific examples, of course , to illustrate when files should be opened or passed pawns pushed or queens exchanged. But then, in a real game, when you have to apply several of those general principles to a very specific situation, you may find that they contradict each other. In a typical middlegame position there may be two or three solid principles recommending, say 23 Rc6, and a cou­ple more endorsing 23 exfS , and still others that seem to urge you to play 23 Nf6+ . And the only way to figure out which is best is to wade into the details .

Ask a master what he actually does during a game and, if truthful, he'll answer: "I calculate variations." He looks a few moves ahead and makes a judgment about the various possi­bilities at his disposal.


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4 T H E I NN E R G A M E O F C H E S S

H e knows the old saying that "Chess i s 9 9 percent tactics," but he also knows it's inaccurate. Chess is really 99 percent calculation-the inner game of chess .

• 1:


Piket-Sosonko, Dutch Championship 1 993 White to play

An amateur looking at this position will recognize the ba­sic elements: White is attacking on the kingside, Black on the queenside. There are potentially weak White pawns at f3 and d5 and Black ones at e7 and h7. White would love to occupy the holes at c6 and e6. Black is looking forward to the endgame where his two bishops and outside passed pawn ( . . . h5 ! ) will be trumps.

There is a lot to notice here. But the master notices quite a bit more than the amateur does. The master recognizes an idea for White-the attack on h7-and begins calculating varia­tions. He sees quickly that 1 Rh2 and 2 Rdhl is one method, but it involves the sacrifice 1 . . . Qxd5 and a Black capture on d4, with unclear results. He also sees another method of ex­ploiting that idea, and quickly calculates the basic winning line:

1 Rxh7 ! !

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What Calculation Is-and Isn't 5

The master knows this is what a winning combination "feels" like.

1 . • .

2 Rhl+



Or 2 . . . Kg8 3 Qxg6+ and 4 Bh6+ with mate to follow. 3 Rh6 !

The master will have also worked out the various side variations, such as 3 . . . Be8, 3 . . . Kf8, and 3 . . . BfS ! ?, coming to a favorable conclusion after a few further moves of analysis. The actual game saw White emerge with a winning advantage after 3 . . . RgB 4 Rxg6+ Kh 7 5 Rh6+

KgB 6 Ne6+ ! Bxe6 7 dxe6 and a decisive entrance of the queen.

Calculation may well be the most important skill a chess player can master. Yet more misinformation is circulated about calculating than about any other aspect of chess.

It is widely believed, for example, that you are born either with or without calculating ability, that it cannot be taught. Almost everyone agrees, furthermore , that computers cal­culate much better than humans. And it is stated with the utmost authority that there is one and only one correct method of counting out variations, which all masters follow rigorously.

None of these statements is true. Calculation is a skill that can be studied, learned, and sharpened. A player can calculate much more efficiently than any machine. And masters select moves and visualize and evaluate their consequences using a wide variety of methods.

We'll examine these claims in subsequent chapters, but right now let's consider a few more myths:

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A popular view among amateurs is that grandmasters are grand­masters because they routinely see 1 0 moves ahead. There are , of course, examples of this by GMs, but they are relatively rare.

Much more common is the kind of calculation that calls for seeing not more than two moves into the future. And most of the time these two-move variations lead only to minor improve­ments in the position. But these improvements can add up.

When Mikhail Botvinnik lost on first board during the 1 955 Soviet-American match, the world champion explained the result simply: "It shows I need to perfect my play of two­move variations."

Let's see what Botvinnik meant:

Reshevsky-Botvinnik, U .S.-U .S.S.R. Match Moscow 1 955

1 d4 e6 2 c4 d5 3 Nc3 c6 4 e3 Nf6 5 Nf3 Nbd7 6 Bd3 dxc4 7 Bxc4 b5 8 Bd3 a6 9 e4 c5 10 e5 cxd4 1 1 Nxb5 Nxe5 1 2 Nxe5 axb5 1 3 Qf3 Qa5+ 14 Ke2 Bd6 1 5 Qc6+ Ke7 1 6 Bd2 b4 1 7 Qxd6+!? Kxd6 1 8 Nc4+ Kd7 1 9 Nxa5 Rxa5 20 Rhc 1 Ba6 2 1 Bxa6 Rxa6 22 Rc4 Nd5 23 Rxd4 Rb8 24 Kd3 h5 25 Kc4 b3 26 a4 Rc6+ 2 7 Kd3 Rc2 28 RbI

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What Calculation Is-and Isn't 7

Because it was played in the depths of the Cold War, this game drew enormous attention and the news accounts made much of White's queen sacrifice at move 1 7 . Actually, it was just a three-move combination designed to trade down to an equal-material endgame.

What do we have now ? White has a passed a-pawn, a some­what better positioned king, and a minor piece, the bishop, with greater scope. But his pieces are temporarily tied to the defense of his second-rank pawns. Black's rooks and central­ized knight should give him enough counterplay. Here , for ex­ample, Black has good winning chances with 28 . . . Rb6 ! , threatening 2 9 . . . Rd6, 3 0 . . . e5, and a powerful discovered check once the d4-rook moves.

28 . . . Rbc8?

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Botvinnik saw 28 . . . Rb6 but talked himself out of it, think­ing that 29 Rc4, threatening 30 Rxc2 , was a strong reply. What he overlooked was 29 . . . Rc6 ! after which White's position is precarious (30 Rxc2 Rxc2 3 1 a5 Kc6 and White begins to run out of moves) .

So Black prepares . . . Rbc8-c6-d6, stopping 29 Rc4 but costing himself a vital tempo. Black is not losing now, he's j ust not winning.

29 a5 30 Ke2 3 1 Ke 1

R8c6 Rd6

Now we see why the lost tempo is important. If White's pawn were still on a4 , Black would be close to scoring with 3 1 . . . Nb6 ! 3 2 Rxd6+ Kxd6 33 a5 Nd5 followed eventually by . . . Kc5 and . . . Nb4.

3 1 . . . Nc7? A second miscalculation of a two-move variation. Botvin­

nik said he was in a rush to exchange rooks, overlooking that 3 1 . . . e5 32 Rd3 Nc7 ! reaches the same position as in the game but with an extra . . . e6-e5 thrown in (33 Rxb3 loses the d2-bishop) .

32 Rxd6+ 33 Bc3


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33 • . .

What Calculation Is-and Isn't / 9

f6? Strike three, and this one is fatal. Black wanted to play 33 . . .

Nd5 but dismissed it because his g-pawn was hanging. Actually, 33 . . . Nd5 34 Bxg7 f6 ! should enable Black to draw easily be­cause White's bishop is locked out and moves like 35 . . . Nf4 and 35 . . . Nd3 + are threatened. Another two-mover missed.

34 Ral Na6 No time for 34 . . . Nd5 now because of 35 a6.

35 Ra3 ! And this is the fourth two-move variation the world cham­

pion overlooked. He saw that 34 Ra l threatens to ram the a­pawn but didn't realize that 35 Ra3 , winning the b-pawn, was also threatened.

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i: '.'


The game was over as soon as Black sealed his 4 1 st move: 35 • • • Kc7 36 Rxb3 Nc5 37 Rb5 Na4 38 Bd4 e5 39 Kd l ! Rc4 40 Be3 Kc6 4 1 Rb8 Kc7 and Black re­signed this adjourned position.

Notice that the cost of each little slip by Black was minor: He didn't lose rooks or pawns but only an extra tempo (3 1 . . . Nc7 ?) or a chance for improved coordination of his pieces (28 . . . Rbc8 ? and 33 . . . f6 ?) .


From the last example you might conclude that positional players do nothing but calculate . Yet the image persists that strategists-such as Reshevsky and Botvinnik-choose their moves abstractly, using only general principles, while the at­tackers are the ones who announce "Mate in 2 7 ! "

But let's hear what a former world championship challenger has to say.

"Often a player who gravitates towards combinational so­lutions is automatically numbered among the calculating, log­ical brains," wrote David Bronstein. "In contrast," he added, "the one who is inclined towards positional play is said to pos­sess an intuitive cast of mentality.

"Sometimes these characteristics are wrong by 1 80 percent, if only when one is talking about Capablanca or Tal."

By this Bronstein was suggesting that a positional­minded player could be a constant calculator-like Jose Ca­pablanca. Or he could be a combinational player who relies to a great deal on intuition rather than long variations­like Mikhail Tal, another world champion. Of today's gen­eration, we can speak of remarkable calculators as different

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What Calculation Is-and Isn't 1 1

in playing style as the "tactical" Viswanathan Anand and Alexey Shirov are from the "positional" Gata Kamsky and Boris Gelfand.

Or consider Aron N imzovich, sometimes called the Father of Modern Chess. In his notes analyzing some of his original maneuvers, you find a remarkable number of long variations . And they are not necessarily forcing variations, as demonstrated by one of Nimzo's most famous "combi­nations."

Nimzovich-Marshall , New York 1927 White to play

Here White plays a move that is essentially positional but required considerable calculation. It threatens nothing but ac­complishes everything.

1 Qb3 ! The main benefit of this restraining move is that it sets up

what Nimzovich used to call a "preventative combination." That is , he improves his chances by slightly increasing pres­sure on the enemy while also preventing his opponent from freeing his deteriorating position.

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1 2 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

Black has no useful plan other than to take the d-pawn. If he tries to develop his queens ide with 1 . . . Qc7 2 Rae l Bd7 , White plays 3 Bd2 ! and Bc3 with a considerable improvement over White's situation in the diagram (e .g . , 3 . . . Re8 4 Rxe8+ Bxe8 5 Bc3 Ne4 6 Re l ) .

1 . . . Rxd5

This enables Black to create a material imbalance so that he can sacrifice back the b-pawn with 2 . . . Bf5 or 2 . . . Be6. On 1 . . . Nxd5 White continues 2 Rae l , which restrains Black a bit further ( 2 . . . Be6 3 Bxc5 ! and 4 Rxe6) .

2 f5 ! gxf5 Or 2 . . . Bxf5 3 Bg5 ! and 4 Qxb7 with Black's defenses

stretched over the board. 3 Bg5

And here N imzovich's main point was that 3 . . . Be6 loses to 4 Qxb7 Rc8 5 Rae l ! and Black's vulnerable e6-bishop and f6-knight will cost him material (5 . . . Qd7 6 Qxd7 Bxd7 7 Bxf6; 5 . . . Bf7 6 Bxf6 Qxf6 7 Qxc8+ ) .

The game actually ended with a spectacular and purely "combinational" combination: 3 • • • Rd4 4 Nb6+ c4 5 Qc3 axb6 6 Qxd4 Kg7 7 Rae l bxa5 8 Re8 ! ! Qxe8 9 Qxf6+ Kg8 lO Bh6 and Black resigned in view of forced mate ( 1 0 . . . Qf7 1 1 Qd8 + ) .

I n fact, a primary use of calculation i s t o tactically justify a move you really would l ike to play for positional reasons:

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What Calculation Is�nd Isn't / 1 3

Murey-Volke , Podolsk 1 99 1 White to play

White has no particularly forcing idea. But ask yourself this question: "If there is one piece I 'd like to reposition on an ideal square, which piece and which square would it be ?"

Most players would probably say, "I'd like to move my bishop to d6--but it's not legal to play 1 Bd6 here. Can I tac­tically justify 1 Bb4 and·2 Bd6 ?"

Through calculation, White can answer "Yes." After 1 Bb4! the e-pawn is taboo ( 1 . . . Bxe5 2 Rbc l Qb8 3 Bxe7 or 1 . . . Qxe5 2 Rd7 Bd5 3 Rxe7 ! ) .

So Black has to console himself with 1 • • • Rce8 . But after 2 Bd6! Qd7 3 Rbc 1 White has transformed the sl ight positional edge in the diagram to a substantial advantage (3 . . . Qg4 4 Nd4 Bd5 5 Qb4 ! or 3 . . . Rc8 4 Rxc8 Rxc8 5 Qxf7 ) .

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1 4 / T H E I N N E R G A M E OF C H E S S


Most calculation is concerned with minor aspects of the game: Can I win a pawn here ? What are the risks of repositioning my knight? Can I afford to trade rooks ? How favorable is the ap­proaching endgame ?

When we say it is essential to calculate major decisions well, we don't necessarily mean combinations. A major decision may be a primarily positional one.

Seirawan-Tal , Montpellier 1986 Black to play

Black's active pieces, particularly his c7-bishop and rook, provide compensation for his slightly loose pawn structure and inferior bishop on f5 . With 1 . . . Qd7 or 1 . . . Qd6 and then 2 Rxd5 Qxd5 he would have good chances. Instead, he decides to play for a draw:

1 . . . Bxg3? This is a major decision because the bishop is such a strong

piece. Tal concluded that after 2 hxg3 Rxdl + 3 Qxdl Qd7 !

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t\''1I,,"""" I

What Calculation Is-arul Isn't / 1 5

the invitation to an almost certainly drawn bishops-of­opposite-colors endgame could hardly be avoided; e.g. , 4 Qe l Bg4 and 5 . . . Qdl , or 4 Qb3 + Qd5 5 Qxb7 Qdl + 6 Kh2 Qh5 + with perpetual check.

But this is all based on a faulty assumption. 2 fxg3 ! Rxd l + 3 Qxd l Qd7 4 Qe l !

• i

This retains queens (and winning chances) since 4 . . . Bg4 is met by 5 h3 . Black finds he must now play a bishops-of­opposite-colors endgame but with the deadly addition of queens . The presence of the White queen creates severe threats to Black on the dark squares around his king and on the queenside.

This required some subtle foresight. But Tal would have seen that Black was probably lost after 2 fxg3 if he had bothered to calculate its consequences. The rest of the game saw him pay for this elementary miscalculation: 4 . . • Be6 5 b3 c5 6 h3 b5? ! 7 Qf! b4 8 Be5 Qd8 9 Qb5 Qc8 10 Kh2 BdS 1 1 Bd6 a6 12 QaS Kf7 13 Bxc5

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1 6 T H E I N N E R G A M E OF C H E S S

Qc6 14 Qxb4 Be6 1 5 Bd4 h5 16 Qb8 Ke7 1 7 Qe5 Qd5 1 8 Qf6+ resigns.

Sometimes calculation means the simple visualization of a plan. Instead of "I go here and he goes there and then I 'll think of something," it can be "I win by doing this, this, and that."

Short-Timman, TiIburg 1991 White to play

White's rooks are dominating and the Black kings ide is weak. But adding the one attacking piece that would lead to a fast mate actually is a boomerang ( 1 Ng5 ? ? Qxg2 mate) .

1 Kg3 ! Rce8 2 Kf4!

White had the rare opportunity in the diagram to calculate "without an opponent" ; that is, without having to concern himself over Black's moves. He just had to visualize a winning idea: Put the king( ! } on h6 and play Qg7 mate.

In fact the game ended with: 2 . . . Bc8 3 Kg5 ! resigns

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What Calculation Is-and Isn't 1 7

As we'll see, the more forceful the moves involved, the eas­ier it usually is to calculate a series of moves. Yet even when a master uses mating ideas he is often seeking no more than a positional edge .

• i

Polugayevsky-Wojtkiewicz, Haninge 1 990 White to play

Tal once compared Lev Polugayevsky with another so­called "positional" master, Viktor Korchnoi: "Both move the pieces about feverishly, demonstrating a wide range of varia­tions," he said. "These two are the most characteristic repre­sentatives of this class of calculators. To them, everything is very exact. "

Here Polugayevsky holds a positional edge because of his rooks and excellent dark-squared bishop. But to realize an ad­vantage he needed something concrete.

In chess, if you search you find. Polugayevsky found: 1 Bxe4 dxe4 2 Rc7 ! ! 3 QdS+


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1 8 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

A stunning idea, whose crucial point leads to 3 . . . Rxd8 4 Rxd8+ Kf7 5 Rf8 mate. But in its main line, which White had to consider in some detail, it leads only to a magnification of the positional plus that he held in the diagram.

3 . . . Qe8 4 Qxc7 Bc6

The bishop is embarrassed (4 . . . Ba6 5 Rd7 ) . 5 Rd6 Bb5

6 a4! And now after 6 . . . Rc8 the simplest win i s 7 Qxa 7 .


Calculation is an enormously valuable tool because it can compensate for a lot of other deficiencies. It can, for example, make up for a player's poor winning technique.

A case in point:

Barcza-Tal, Tallinn 1 97 1

1 Nf3 g6 2 g3 Bg7 3 Bg2 d6 4 d3 e5 5 e4 Nc6 6 Nc3 Nge7 7 Be3 0-0 8 Qd2 Nd4 9 Ne2??

After this natural but tactically careless move White is lost. 9 . . . Bh3 !

Since the attacked bishop may not move ( 1 0 . . . Nxf3 + ! ) , and since castling loses the exchange to the same 1 0 . . .

Nxf3 +, White is forced into: 10 Nfxd4 Bxg2 1 1 Rg l exd4!

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What Calculation Is-and Isn't 1 9

Because this attacks the e3-bishop, Black now remains a piece ahead.

1 2 Nxd4 e5 13 Nb5 Bf3

White only has a pawn for the piece, and the rest of the game score could have been omitted with the comment "and Black won."

But what is remarkable is the way Black won. Instead of slowly exchanging off pieces and avoiding complications, Tal sought a knockout with his extra piece in the middlegame. This required a bit of enterprising calculation, particularly at move 1 8 below. But by making the effort, Tal insured that the game would be resignable by move 23 , not 43 .

14 g4 d5 ! 1 5 Bxe5 1 6 Ba3

Re8 dxe4

Tal once cited the experience of another former world champion, Vassily Smyslov, in a difficult tournament, the 1 967 Soviet Championship. Thanks to his general positional instincts and opening preparation, Smyslov had a clear edge in virtually every game by move 25 . But by move 35 he was often lost, because he had to resolve the position by calcula­tion, which was a problem for him.

Tal resolved his technical problems with:

1 7 dxe4 Qb6! 1 8 Bxe7 Qxb5 !

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1 9 Bxf8

• • �i:t.i:


Qxb2 ! Black gives back much more material than he had gained.

But he has calculated that even though he is down a pawn and the exchange his threats will be overwhelming.

20 Bxg7 Kxg7 2 1 Rc l Rd8!

From here on the variations are short, like 22 Qxd8 Qxc 1 + and Black mates.

22 Qe3 Qxc2! And here both 23 Rxc2 Rd 1 and 23 Rg3 Qd 1 + ! 24 Rxd 1

Rxd l are mates. 23 Kfl Rd1 + resigns

Understandable in view of 24 Rxd l Qxd l + 25 Qe l Qd3 + and mates.

In this manner, Tal avoided having to play an endgame. But when you get into an ending, even a textbook one, calculation can be invaluable. It can be a substitute for "book knowledge" you never learned.

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What Calculation Is-and Isn't / 2 1

The subtle nature of endgame play often misleads impro­ving players into believing that only memorizing a lot of similar positions-or having years of practical experience­will bring them mastery of basic endings.

Polugayevsky-Korchnoi, Candidates Match 1977 White to play

Here White makes a losing blunder just after resumption of an adjourned game. As it turned out, this virtually decided what might have been a close match leading to the world championship.

The moves White needed to find to achieve a draw were not difficult. They were based on the most elementary of endgame principles: 1 Kxf5 ! (eliminate as many of the enemy's pawns as possible ) and then I . . . Rxb5 2 Ra8 ! (keep the rook flexibly distant from the enemy king so as to maximize the po­tential for checks) .

After 2 Ra8 ! the game should have been quickly drawn-2 . . . d5 3 Ke5 and 4 Rc8+ , or 2 . . . Kd4+ 3 Kf4 Rb I 4 Ra4+ ! Kd3 5 Ra3 + Kc4 6 Ke3 .

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22 / THE I N N E R G A M E OF C H E S S

What happened i n the game i s that White followed other basic principles-overlooking a simple but decisive reply.

1 ReS+?? Kxb5

2 Kxf5 White has succeeded in eliminating one of the remaining

Black pawns and, in contrast to the drawing line cited above, has pushed the Black king farther from the defense of his re­maining pawn.

2 . . . Re3 !

But he didn't visualize this stroke. It wasn't a matter of fail­ing to evaluate this position correctly. As a grandmaster, Polu­gayevsky would know instantly that with the White king cut off from the e-file, Black can force the 400-year-old Lucena position, a simple win.

The rest of the game, although requiring many moves, took less than 20 minutes: 3 Kf4 Re I 4 RdS Ke5 5 ReS+ Kd4 6 Kf3 d5 7 Kf2 Re5 S RaS Kc3 9 Ra3+ Kb4 1 0 Ral d4 1 1 Rc 1 d3 1 2 ReS d2 1 3 RbS+ Kc3 14 ReS+ Kd3 1 5 RdS+ Ke2 1 6 ReS+ Kd l

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What Calculation Is-and Isn't 23

White resigns ( in view of the familiar "bridge-building" tech­nique ) .

The point here i s that Black didn't have to calculate very long to win, and White didn't have to see far to draw. White simply didn't visualize two somewhat obvious moves ahead.


In the last example, White thought one minute each over 1 Rc8+ and 2 Kxf5 and then lost because he failed to visualize 2 . . . Re3 . The power to consider positions that have yet to occur-and to recognize the possibilities in those positions­is essential to calculation.

Many newcomers to chess believe such visualization to be al­most magical-so extraordinarily difficult that it's an ability you must be born with. Actually, it is a skill like any other chess skill.

In the pages that follow we'll consider the various compo­nents of good calculation: the selection of candidate moves, the role of force, the identification and evaluation of end­positions , and so on. But first let's do a bit of practice with our innate powers to visualize . This is an exercise to show what you are already capable of visualizing, and what you can de­velop into.

Let's visualize our way through an entire game . Don't use a chess set for the following. We are going to play through a grandmaster game in our minds.

This may sound impossible. But, with practice , it is quite within the range of most of the people who take chess seri­ously-provided you take your time. This will be the longest exercise in this book and should take you at least half an hour.

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24 T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

Piket-Anand, Amsterdam 1 993

1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 Nf3

Play through these moves, from a standard modern open­ing, in your head. Don't try to see the entire board. Nobody

does that. By adding a move at a time to what you've already been able to see you should be able to walk through this 30-move game.

If the position isn't clear after 4 NO, close your eyes and ask the simple questions, beginning with: What does the pawn structure look like in the center? ( Pawn structures are usually the most enduring aspects of the position, the landmarks of the middlegame. )

Only three pieces , all knights, have moved off the first rank so far and you should be able to see this position clearly.

Repeat this process after each move. Don't try to do mote than a few at a time. 4 . . . dxc4 5 a4 Bf5 6 e3 e6 7 Bxc4 Bb4 8 0-0 Nbd7

Now we have a change in the pawn structure. Where are the Black pawns ? You should be able to see that they're all on their original squares except for three-the d-pawn has left the board and the c- and e-pawns have advanced one square. White's c-pawn is gone and his only advanced pawns are at e3 , a4, and d4.

Then do the pieces. Where are the rooks ? Try to see each one-they haven't moved except for White's KR, which is now at f1 . Which minor pieces have been developed ? You should be able to see the three White ones and the four Black ones.

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What Calculation Is-and Isn't I 25

Let's take another few moves. 9 Nh4 Bg6 10 h3 Bh5 1 1 Qb3 a5 1 2 £4 0,0

If necessary, refer to the last diagram. But you can train yourself to get through this entire game without it. If the po­sition becomes blurry, it will help to try to examine a corner of the board. What does White's castled position look like ? You can probably see the pawns advanced at f4 and h3 as well as the king at gi and the rook next to it. The only piece that might escape your field of vision here is the knight at h4.

Then repeat the process for other sections of the board. Or simply review all the pieces: Where are the White rooks ? His bishops ? Does he still have two knights ? And so on. 13 Nf3 Nb6 14 Be2 c5 15 Na2 ReB 16 Nxb4 cxb4 1 7 Bd2

Which pieces have yet to move from their original squares ? You should be able to see they are the aI-rook and Black's queen. And which file is open now? Yes, it's the c-file.

Even after such an unusual maneuver as . . . Bf5-g6-hS , you should be able to grasp the entire position by going piece by piece.

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26 / T H E I N N E R G A M E OF C H E S S

17 . . . Ne4 1 8 g4 Bg6 19 Rfc 1 Qd5 20 Bd 1 Nc4 2 1 Be l Ned6

The position is becoming more complex, with pieces cross­ing the fourth rank into enemy territory, and this will make visualization harder. Then again, the pawn structure hasn't changed since the 1 6th move and you should be able to de­scribe it perfectly.

22 Be2 Rc7 23 Ne5 Rfc8 24 Nxc4 Be4! Now the situation becomes even more difficult because of

the material imbalance. What is the material situation any­way ? Can you see that the knight on c4 is pinned two ways ? Take some extra time for each move from now on. 25 Nxa5 Rxc 1 26 Rxc 1 Rxc 1 27 Qxb4

Try to figure out what's left on the board. Notice: There's only one surviving rook. (The one that started at a 1 has finally moved) . Consider White's king position. All his pawns are ad­vanced. And Black has some heavy wood (which?) trained on squares like g2 and hI. 27 . . . g5 28 fxg5 Qxg5 29 Kfl Qxe3 30 Qxd6 Rc2

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What Calculation Is-and Isn't 27

Okay, let's do it one more time. There's still a rook left and you should know where it is. The pawn structure has changed quite a bit.

Which White pawns are left ? Which Black ones ? What's the material situation ? Who's ahead? If you have worked out the placement of every surviving piece you should be able to see Black's threats. In fact, White resigned in this position.

This exercise should give you a good idea ofhow strong your visualization powers already are . If it proved too difficult, don't get discouraged. Practice with some shorter games, even with lO-move miniatures , until you can handle the longer ones.

Of course , in most situations you won't have to visualize more than three moves ahead. So let's turn our attention to what lies behind calculation: ideas that count.

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[Qn "The combination is born in the brain of a Chess­player. Many thoughts see the light there-true and false, strong and weak, sound and unsound. They are born, jostle one another, and one of them, transformed into a move on the board, bears away the victory over its rivals. "

-Emanuel Lasker

B efore a player can begin his calculations he needs some­thing to calculate. It will probably come from a tactical

or strategic pattern, perhaps from a particularly fortunate con­figuration of his pieces or weak spot in his opponent's position. In short, an idea.

Ideas inspire calculation. Without them we'd have to think like computers, searching through dozens of moves and eval­uating hundreds of irrelevant positions. The absence of an idea is the most common cause of oversights. When we miss a two­move combination it's usually because we simply weren't aware of the primary tactical idea in the position. And usually this is because it didn't occur to us that there was one.


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Alekhine-Euwe, Match 1937

Black to play

Ideas 29

Here, in a world championship game, we witness a re­markable double oversight by the two best players of the day. Black moved his attacked queen with:

1 • • . Qe5??

If this position appeared in a magazine under the heading "White to play and win," most amateur tournament players would be able to find 2 Qh8+ ! . Certainly 99 out of 1 00 mas­ters would find this elementary queen fork.

An amateur, however, might have some doubt about how good White's position is after 2 Qh8+ Kxh8 3 Nxf7 + Kh7 4 Nxe5 . As we'll see in Chapter Five, it is the ability to properly evaluate a position at the end of a calculated sequence, rather than the ability to see 20 moves ahead, that most distinguishes the masters from the wanna-bes.

But here the amateur would surely conclude that the posi­tion after 4 Nxe5 is more favorable for White than the po­sition in the diagram. (In fact it is close to a win. )

But there are no such magazine headings at the board when you're playing the game. So, without being aware that there

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30 T H E I N N E R G A M E OF C H E S S

was something important to find, Alexander Alekhine and Max Euwe both missed a primary tactical idea. Ideas are clues to the position and in this case, neither player had one.

2 Bb2?? Bc6?? 3 a3??

And the game drifted on to a 65 -move draw. Of course, Alekhine and Euwe had other things to think

about. They were thinking about general principles such as: Maximize the mobility of the minor pieces, centralize the queen, set priorities for the endgame, and so on. They weren't in the market for an idea as simple as a two-move combination.

More embarrassing was the following-another series of dou­ble oversights in which neither side realizes how close White is to mate. It ends when Black virtually forces White to see the mating idea .

• i:

Hort-Portisch, Madrid 1 973 White to play

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Ideas 3 1

With plenty of time left on the grandmasters' clocks, there followed:

1 Qg5+? 2 Qf6+ 3 Rib! ?


Twice White has missed a forced checkmate ( 1 Rg4+ ! or, later, 3 Rg4+ ! ) .

3 • • • a5??

So Black, equally oblivious of the idea, directs his oppo­nent's attention to the b4-rook, a piece White hasn't been thinking much about for the last few moves. Let's see, White asks himself, the rook is attacked: Where can I go with it?

4 Rg4+! fxg4 5 Qg5+ ! KhB 6 Qh6 resigns

Because mate can be stopped on f8 or h 7, but not both. The first task of the calculator, then, is to be aware of the

possibility of tactical ideas in the position he holds. Combina­tions like this are the simplest of all sequences to calculate be­cause they are forcing ( two of the three key moves were checks) and their final positions are the most clearcut to eval­uate ( it's mate ) . But the point to remember is that combina­tions are not invented, they are merely discovered.

Of course, not every position yields a combination. In most positions you can calculate only in the most general manner, usually only a move or two into the future . But because of the power of tactical ideas you must be able to recognize them quickly: pins, checks, double attacks, skewers, unprotected pieces, vulnerable last ranks, you name it.

Tactical ideas can arise suddenly:

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Larsen-Bednarski, Havana 1967

Black to play

Black faces some discomfort because of the doubled enemy rooks along the e-file. He would like to swap heavy pieces with a move such as 1 . . . Bf8. But a bit of calculation tells him that after the final recapture (3 . . . Qxe8) his f-pawn would be unprotected. Therefore, Black inserts a move which he believes will gain time (by attacking the e4-rook) and place the f-pawn on a safer square in preparation for the de­sirable 2 . . . Bf8.

1 • • • f5?

Most ideas are hard to verbalize , but easier to visualize. When White saw 1 . . . f5 he may have been thinking, logi­cally, "My rook is attacked, I must move it. Where can it go so that it attacks something ?" But White's eyes are telling him something else: "Hmmm, aren't there an awful lot of vacant squares around his king, especially leading in along the long diagonals ?"

Once the tactical idea is recognized ( "Exploit those diago­nals ! " ) , the calculation process is streamlined. White looks for

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Y' • � ,. , ,

Ideas / 33

immediate methods of landing his queen on one of the key di­agonals. He might start by considering 2 R4e2, with a threat of 3 Qc4+ and 4 Bc3 + . But this packs no punch since Black has a free hand to defend with 2 . . . Bf6 and 3 . . . Kg7 ! .

This exercise leads White to examine a method of stopping the 2 . . . Bf6 defense, and he therefore turns his attention to 2 Re6. But another look at the position shows him that 2 Re6 Bf8 3 Qc4 is resolved unsatisfactorily for him by 3 . . . Rxe6 4 Rxe6 Qf7 ! .

S O there is no obvious way of cashing in on the diagonals. But White can't get over how porous the Black king position is. As an experienced player he knows that positions like this often generate explosive sequences, and that such opportuni­ties arise and disappear quickly. And this leads him to look for a more complicated ( i.e . , more forceful, riskier) sequence. And he finds it.

2 Bc3 ! !

It is natural to admire White's ability to work out a I5 -move winning combination. It is all the more admirable because it leads not to a mate but to an endgame-a final position that must be correctly evaluated. Yet for the experienced tournament

player the counting out of variations , even 15 -movers , is not as cru­

cial to his success as finding the tactical ideas to begin with.

2 . • . fxe4

Black can keep the White queen off the dark-square diag­onal with 2 . . . Bf8, but that permits 3 Rxe8 Rxe8 4 Qc4+ !­exploit those diagonals !-and 5 Rxe8 .

3 Qe5 BfB

The bishop has to move to permit Black's queen to cover g7. Of no help is 3 . . . Bf6 4 Qxf6 because 5 Qh8+ cannot be stopped.

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4 Qh8+ 5 Rf1 +

Kf7 Qf5

The alternative is 5 . . . Ke6 6 Qe5 mate. Notice that Black has had virtually no choice so far ( it didn't really matter where he moved his bishop at move 3 ) . Thus White did not have to j uggle several different positions in his head. If White saw as far as 5 . . . Qf5 he knew he would win back his sacrificed ma­terial with interest. This may be a I5 -move combination, but White had to see only the first four moves to feel confident about playing 2 Bc3 ! ! .

The game continued 6 Rxf5+ gxf5 7 Qf6+ Kg8 8 Qg5+ Kf7 9 Qxf5+ (Why not pick off another one before forcing the king out into the open again?) 9 • • . Kg8 10 Qg5+ Kf7 1 1 Qf6+ Kg8 1 2 Qh8+ Kf7 13 Qxh 7 + Ke6 14 Qxe4+ Kd6 15 Qxb7 and White won directly.

Few combinations are provoked in the manner of the last two examples. More often an opportunity arises because a player

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Ideas 35

notices some subtle idea, such as an overworked or unpro­tected piece well inside the enemy ranks:

TImman-Short, Candidates Match 1 993 Black to play

White has j ust moved a rook from dl to d4, when it was better to put the knight on that square .

Black's position is somewhat freer but there doesn't seem to be anything immediate that he can do about it. Yet if we ask simple questions we can sometimes break down a complex po­sition into its elements. A beginner's question here would be: Which enemy pieces are unprotected ?

Once Black realizes that the c2-rook is not covered, he can begin figuring out ways to attack it, such as:

1 • . . Rxf3 ! 2 gxf3 Qg6+

The queen is now lined up against the rook (3 Kh l Ng3 + 4 fxg3 Qxc2 with advantage , or 3 Kh2 Ng5 ! 4 Qd l Nxf3 + 5 Qxf3 Qxc2 ) . Black now has a draw, if that's what he wants. After 3 Bg2 Ng5 ! 4 Rc 1 he repeated the position (4 . • •

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Nxf3+ 5 Kfl Nh2+ 6 Kgl Nf3+ 7 Kfl ) but then clarified matters and clinched victory soon after 7 • • • Nxd4.

Sometimes you have to visualize the simplest situations of the board, mentally stripping away all but two or three key pieces, in order to "get it."

Bielczyk-Slabek, Katowice 1 992

1 e4 d5 2 exd5 Nf6 3 d4 Nxd5 4 c4 Nb6 5 Nc3 e5 6 d5 c6 7 Nf3 Bb4 8 Be3 cxd5 9 c5 ! d4 I O N xe5 dxc3 1 1 Qxd8+ Kxd8 1 2 0,0,0+ Ke 7 1 3 cxb6 axb6 1 4 Bc4! cxb2+ 1 5 Kxb2 Ba3+

1 6 Ka l f6

This looks l ike a complicated position. But it isn't. Strip away two pieces and the game is almost instantly over. Which pieces, you ask?

1 7 Ng6+! 1 8 Bc5+ !


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Ideas / 37

With these two pieces gone, White's hI -rook will all but de­liver mate on el . After 18 • • • Bxc5 19 Rhel + White mates on d8 after 19 . . . Kf8. The game actually ended with 19

• • • Be6 20 Rxe6+ resigns, in view of 20 . . . Kf7 2 1 Re2 + .

These last diagrams offer graphic examples of rather simple tactical ideas-open diagonals, an unprotected rook, a vul­nerable king in the center of the board. But on the other ex­treme, the " idea" often is something amorphous and difficult to quantify. It may have to do with indefinable feelings about the position. Consider this early game by Garry Kasparov:

Kasparov-Lutikov, Minsk 1978

White to play

Black has managed to bring his king to relative safety and connect most of his pieces through mutual lines of support. White should be able to regain the two pawns he sacrificed earlier, but the time it takes to do that may enable Black to make his position whole again.

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Yet here Kasparov makes a revealing comment. While searching the position for clues, "I suddenly noticed something wrong with the development of Black's rooks. "

It i s hard to imagine a computer using a concept as vague as "something wrong." But it led Kasparov to find the correct .move, 1 Bf4 ! . That threatens the 2 Bd6 skewer and exploits the absence of safe squares along the seventh rank for Black's e7-rook.

True, 1 Bf4 does not win by force as 2 Bc3 did in the Larsen-Bednarski example a few pages ago. But after the re­sulting 1 • • • Nxc6 2 bxc6 Ne8 3 Rd7 ! Rxd7 4 cxd7 Nf6 5 Nd6+ Black's position was perceptibly unraveling. Although he managed to keep the game going for another 20 moves, the situation was beyond redemption after 5 • • • Ke7 6 Nxc4 Qa6 7 Bd6+ Kxd7 8 Bxf8 Bxf8 9 Qd3+ Ke7 1 0 Rd l Nd5 1 1 Qe4 Kf7 1 2 Ne5 + Kg8 13 Nd7 and so on.

As an exercise we'll offer this game:

Fischer-Ciocaltea, Varna 1 962

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 d6 5 c3 Bd7 6 d4 Nge7 7 Bb3 h6 8 Qe2 Ng6 9 Qc4 Qf6 10 d5 b5 1 1 Qe2 Na5 1 2 Bdl Be7 1 3 g3 0-0 14 h4 Rfc8?

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Ideas 39

White noticed something funny about this position. What is it ? The solution is at the end of the chapter.

Sometimes your opponent's position suggests an idea to you even though at first it doesn't appear that you have the pieces to exploit it. One example, by Kasparov's predecessor as world champion, illustrates this.

:t. � l:t

:t :ft :t :t It :ftA

§i, :ft :ft g :ft \ti

� Karpov-Yusupov, Moscow 1 983

White to play

Black has active pieces and enemy weaknesses on the light squares as compensation for his pawn minus. But something occurs to White: Black's knight has no moves. How do I go about exploiting that, he asks himself.

1 Kg3 ! It requires nerves and good calculating ability to go piece­

hunting this way. But here it is the fastest means of eliminat­ing Black's counterplay.

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The hard part of this was visualizing the game continua­tion: 1 • • • fxg4 2 Kxh4 gxh3 ( stopping the king from re­treating the way it came) 3 f4 Qe6 4 Qh5 Qe7+ 5 Kxh3 Qf7 and now 6 Rh2 ! ! ended the threat of 6 . . . Rg3 + and with it the game: 6 • • • Qd7+ 7 f5 resigns. But the easy part was coming up with the idea of Kg3xh4.

Sometimes ideas occur to you not because of obvious enemy weakness but because of the preponderance of your own fire power. If you ask yourself to find the weakest point in Black's armor in the next diagram, it is unlikely that you'll think first of f6 or g7 . They seem very secure .

16t.. i i i 1: fJ it

Khalifman-Seirawan, Wijk aan Zee 199 1

White to play

Perhaps, you wonder, you should take aim at a more vul­nerable point like £7, with 1 Ne7 + Bxe7 2 Rxe7 .

But the most important feature in this position i s simply that White has five excellent pieces available for attack. Even against an apparently solid kingside like Black's there are pos­sibilities of a tactical breakthrough.

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1 Rxe8! 2 Nh6+!


Ideas / 4 1

Not particularly hard to find ( 2 . . . Kh8 3 Qxf7 gxh6 4 Bxf6+ or 3 . . . Be7 4 Qg8 + ! Rxg8 5 Nf7 mate) . But most play­ers would not have looked for such a combination if the idea hadn't occurred to them that White has so many attackers.

2 • . • gxh6 3 Qg4+ resigns

While we are focusing in these first pages on the creation of forcing lines that give us an advantage, we also must be aware of the flip side-anticipating your opponent's ideas and sequences. We'll call this defensive calculation.

This is a more difficult skill than you might think. Just be­cause you're a great attacking player doesn't mean you won't overlook the simplest of tactics when the game turns against you.

Tal-Petrosian, Cura�ao 1 962 White to play

Here, Mikhail Tal, then the world's foremost calculator, was trying to defend his weak queens ide and to reduce the scope

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of the terrible enemy bishops. He reasoned that the best way of protecting the queens ide pawns as well as to meet the pos­sibility of l . . . Bxf3 2 Qxf3 d3 , attacking his aI-rook, was with:

1 Ra2?? Certainly if Tal had been sitting on the other side of the

board he would have instantly spotted what's wrong with this move. But he wasn't.

1 . . . Rxc4! And White resigned in view of 2 Qxc4 Bd5 , skewering

queen and rook. Being able to anticipate enemy tactics l ike this is the hallmark of a great positional player.


Throughout this book we will investigate why masters cal­culate better than novices. Most people who don't play chess-and many who do-believe the greatest difference lies in how far ahead a player can see. "The master can see 10 moves ahead, the amateur maybe only two," is a common attitude.

But a noted study by Adrianus de Groot, a Dutch psychol­ogist and chess master, found that a key element is the mas­ter's ability to recognize patterns of pieces. A master can quickly memorize the placement of pieces in a particular po­sition, breaking down the board into four or five chunks. Each chunk will have features that he remembers from other games and other positions. (We're talking about "normal" positions here. Masters show no superiority whatsoever in memorizing bizarre , problemlike positions. Such positions have no ratio­nal order, no "meaning" to them. )

Many familiar chunks, each having as few as five to as many as 1 6 squares, can be said to be "tactically neutral ." Nothing

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Ideas 43

much is happening in them. A typical example is a normal fi­anchettoed king position: king at gI, bishop at g2, knight at f3, and pawns at h2, g3 , and f2.

But many chunks do have tactical ideas inherent in them, ideas that masters recognize much faster than amateurs. This is particularly true of weaknesses in an opponent's camp.

Pahtz-Fernandes, Alhena 1 989 White to play

An amateur might first note the balance of material on the board or whether one player is in check. A master, however, might be drawn to other features, particularly the diagonal lead­ing to Black's king. As White, he immediately begins thinking of getting a checking piece-a bishop or queen-somewhere between a2 and e6. A pity, he thinks, that my bishop is pinned.

An amateur might miss that idea entirely. Or he might give up on exploiting it after a brief search of ways to unpin the bishop. But the master will be so struck by that long light­squared diagonal he will probably search and search until he finds the winning move. It's 1 Qa2 ! ! and once you spot it, the position seems easy.

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According t o D e Groot and others, masters assimilate many more chunks than nonmasterSj some claim that masters have SO,OOO-plus patterns in their heads.

How can you build up your storage of chunks ? One obvious method is to play over many tactical games. David Bronstein, among other grandmasters, has suggested that most combina­tions are inspired by previous games that the calculator recalls. Some tactical themes, made famous by ancient brilliancies, are so familiar to modern masters that even a spectacular exam­ple like the following can be reduced to a matter of routine.

Kuzmin-Sveshnikov, Soviet Championship Moscow 1973

1 e4 c5 2 N£3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nc6 5 Nc3 a6 6 Be2 Qc7 7 0,0 N£6 8 Be3 Bb4 9 Nxc6 bxc6 10 Na4 0,0 1 1 c4 Bd6 1 2 £4 Nxe4 13 c5 Be7 14 Bd3 N£6 1 5 Bd4 Nd5?

A typical modern gambit has given White excellent piece activity and Black some obvious weaknesses. That in itself suggests a general notion: White should attack the enemy king position. And Black's last move , aimed at stopping

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Ideas I 45

Nb6, should be a bright green light to White . I t removes the only piece directly committed to the defense of Black's king.

From that general notion comes a specific tactical idea, the double-bishop sacrifice.

16 Nb6! 1 7 Bxh7+ 18 Qh5+ 1 9 Bxg7 !

Nxb6? Kxh7 Kg8 Kxg7

The Black kingside has lost virtually all natural protection and the game ended immediately: 20 Qg4+ Kh7 2 1 R£3

Bxc5+ 22 Khl resigns. If this is the first time you've seen such a combination, five

forcing and sparkling moves long, it seems a work of genius. Actually it is merely a matter of good calculating technique. Some themes are so well-worn they may eventually be cata­logued by numbers and letters like openings. This is one such theme, made famous by the following game.

Lasker-Bauer, Amsterdam 1 889 f

1 £4 d5 2 e3 N £6 3 b3 e6

6 Nf3 Bb7 7 Nc3 Nbd7 10 Ng3 Qc7 1 1 Ne5 Nxe5 a6 14 Nh5 Nxh5

4 Bb2 Be7 5 Bd3 b6 8 0-0 0-0 9 Ne2 c5 12 Bxe5 Qc6 13 Qe2

And now the same basic idea-1 5 Bxh7+! Kxh7 1 6 Qxh5 + Kg8 1 7 Bxg7 ! Kxg7-clears away the protec­tive pawns for the heavy pieces: 1 8 Qg4+ Kh 7 19 R£3 e5 20 Rh3+ Qh6 2 1 Rxh6+ Kxh6 22 Qd7 ! .

As we can see, the 1 889 game was even more sophisticated than its 1 973 imitator. In the modern game Black had no method of stopping mate. In 1 889 Black did, and White had to foresee this final move of the combination ( 22 Qd7 ) , winning

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46 t. T H E I N N E R G A M E OF C H E S S

more material, before he went into the sacrificial line. The rest is a mop-up: 22 . • • Bf6 23 Qxb7 Kg7 24 Rfl Rab8 25 Qd7 Rfd8 26 Qg4+ Kf8 27 £Xe5 Bg7 28 e6 Rb7 29 Qg6 f6 30 Rxf6+ Bxf6 3 1 Qxf6+ and White won.

In fact, when Siegbert Tarrasch managed to play yet an­other version of the two-bishop sacrifice at St. Petersburg 1 9 14 , he failed to win the first brilliancy prize because the judges believed he was merely reworking the by-then-familiar idea of Lasker-Bauer. And the moves of Kuzmin--Sveshnikov were repeated exactly in another game, Barsegian-Garafutdi­nov, Tashkent 1 989, until the very end when Black played 2 1 . . . Bxc5 + 2 2 Khl Qxf4 23 Rxf4 f5 2 4 Qg5 before resigning.

As Tal once put it, to win a game you don't have to invent the bicycle. Great players do have great imaginations and that helps them play great combinations. But you are not required to invent anything to be able to calculate well. What you do need to do is recognize .

You should, for example, be able to recognize a more veiled and complex version of a single idea in the next three games, separated from one another by more than 75 years .

Bird-Morphy, London 1 858 Black to play

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J i

Ideas 47

Black has an extra pawn, and it appears that all the ac­tion is on the open kingside. But White is actually more vul­nerable on the other s ide of the board, where he has fewer defenders .

• l: '1£J




Bogolyubov-Mieses, Baden Baden 1925 White to play

The pawn structure seems to deny the possibility of a sharp combination. And how can White's queen far off on a6 have anything to do with the rest of his pieces ?

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Lilienthal-Kan, Moscow 1 935 White to play

One more White piece must be added to the kings ide to break through. Which one ?

The three positions seem to have nothing in common. But a careful study will reveal a similar idea: the offer of one or two pieces and the sweep of the queen laterally along the sixth rank and into the camp of the enemy king.

In the first example, Paul Morphy accomplished this with 1 • • • Rxf2! 2 Bxf2 Qa3 ! . The queen threatens mate, and since taking it allows mate in one (3 bxa3 Bxa3 mate ) , Black was able to capture next move on b2 or a2 with a powerful at­tack that eventually won.

In the second example, White forced a favorable liquida­tion with 1 Bxd5 ! exd5 2 Rxg7+ ! Kxg7 3 Qf6+ KgB 4 Rg1+ . After 4 • • • Qg4 5 Rxg4+ fxg4 6 f5 ! and 7 e6 White emerged with a winning endgame.

And in the final example, the first step, 1 Bxh4! set the table for the second: 1 • • • Bxh4 2 Nxe5 ! , with a further

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Ideas 49

threat of 3 Ng6+ . In this instance, the queen-sweep is con­fined to a footnote ( if 2 . . . dxe5 , then 3 Qh6+ and mate next) , but i t i s still essential to the sequence.

Once you recognize such an idea it is your job to figure out whether, in fact, it works in the particular situation at hand. Calculating is not just a matter of playing moves that have been played before in similar positions.

Reti-Bogolyubov, New York 1924 White to play

This position, from a brill iancy prize game, is famil iar to every master. White wants to exploit the vulnerabil ity of the enemy's last rank but only 1 Bf7+ Kh8 2 Be8 ! ! does it .

There is a danger of being carried away by ideas. Five years after the Reti game, one of the Czech master's rivals saw an opportunity to win another brilliancy prize with a Reti-like finish.

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Saemisch-Vidmar, Karlsbad 1 929 White to play

White can win simply and effortlessly with 1 Rxe 7, and if 1 . . . Rd 1 +, then 2 Bfl . But he saw the chance for immortal­ity and played:

1 Qxe7??

2 Be6+ 3 Bd5

Qxc2 KhS

Very nice. By cutting the communication between the en­emy rooks with that Reti-like bishop move, White threatens a last-rank mate (4 Qe8+ ) as well as 4 Qxd8+ .

3 . . . h5?? 4 QxdS+

And White was winning. But he shouldn't have been. If Black had seen 3 . . . Rg8 ! he might have turned the tables. Then 4 Bxg8 Rd2 ! threatens mate in three beginning with 5 . . . Rg2 + and forces 5 Qh4 Qc5 + 6 Khl Kxg8 ! when Black is simply a pawn ahead.

There is a further irony to this ill-fated brilliancy. After 4 Qxd8+ Kh7 White could have won with either of the two

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Ideas 5 1

checks on gS. But instead he played the attractive 5 Be4+?? and had to agree to a draw after 5 • • • Qxe4! . A classic ex­ample of bad calculation by both players.


A noted authority on composed endgames, C. M. Bent, once explained that studies are created in two ways, one "warm and spontaneous," the other "cold and efficient." The first is a mat­ter of random exploration: A composer juggles the pieces, adding and subtracting them on a board, until something oc­curs to him. In the latter method, which he called the scien­tific, the composer begins with at} idea, often even away from a board.

Competitive players don't have the luxury of random exploration. And ideas don't often suggest themselves as in Bent's "scientific" approach. But like a scientist, the player can ask the right questions to make inspiration easier.

Short-Karpov, Match 1 992 Black to play

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5 2 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

To prevent Nd5 , Black played: 1 • • • Ne7

Improving players know enough to ask themselves such questions as, "What does he threaten now ?" and "What did he protect with his last move ?" But they don't always ask, "What did he just leave unprotected?" You'll be surprised how often that question gives you an idea.

Here no ideas readily suggest themselves. But there is some­thing a bit confused and uncoordinated about Black's position. What is i t ?

2 Nxc8? 3 Bxa6

Rxc8 Rd8

And life went on. But had White spotted the problem with Black's heavy pieces he would surely have found the simple 2 Bxa6 ! , which would have won quickly ( 2 . . . Bxa6 3 Nd7 ) .

Sometimes a weakness is well concealed. For example, would you detect the vulnerability of f8 in the diagram opposite ?

White's position looks as fragile as Black's because his in­tended 1 Rxe7 is met by 1 . . . Rxc3 , and if 2 Qxc3 ?? he's mated on fl . But a good calculator learns not to give up too early on a move he wants to play. As the Hungarian grandmaster Zoltan Ribli said, usually the first move you look at turns out to be the best.

1 Rxe7 Rxc3 2 Qxf7+ !

And Black was mated on his last rank, specifically on f8 ( 2 . . . Rxf7 3 Re8 + ) .

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Ideas S3

Lee-Sakharov, World Junior Championship 1 963 White to play


As you play over master games you will notice patterns, both tactical and strategic. A strategic pattern might be a favorable pawn structure or a thematic knight maneuver. A typical tac­tical pattern would be a formula for checkmate.

For example: A White bishop on c4 and rook on hI facing a Black king on h8 and pawn on g7 .

The basic elements here are the bishop's control of the g8-square, cutting off the king's escape, and the check by the rook along the h-file. There are minor variations on this theme. For example , the checking piece can be a queen, not a rook; and Black can be denied g8 because of a pawn (on f7 ) or a knight ( on e 7 or f6 ) instead of a bishop along the diagonal.

Once you become acquainted with this mate pattern you will find it easier to recognize when it's hidden in a position.

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S4 T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

White to play

We can find the winning combination here in a variety of ways. We may recall similar past combinations. Or we could reason this way: Where is Black most vulnerable ? Along the d-file , especially on d8, where there are latent last-rank weak­nesses ( 1 N-moves Qc7 2 Rxd8 ! Rxd8 3 Qxc7 or 1 . . . Qe6 2 Rxd8 ! Qxc4 3 Rxf8 + ) .

But there is also the glimmer of a weakness a t h 7 , which has no defenders except the king, yet can be attacked by rooks, a queen, and a bishop.

Finally, however, there is the mating pattern we mentioned earlier. If we are familiar with such patterns, we should be able to find some way of reaching one of them. And then we find:

1 Nf4! resigns Because no matter where the queen retreats, it will allow 2

Ng6 + ! hxg6 3 Rh4 mate. Once you recognize the basic elements of such a pattern,

the addition of several irrelevant and distracting factors should not prevent you from identifying the winning idea. You should, for example, be able to see the same pattern in the fol­lowing. The solution is at the end of the chapter.

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• • • .. i i i

i .. i * i 11 ¥t1

i fl � 8

11 11 11 11 8 ffi

Kaiszauri-Sznapik. Poland 1970 White to play

Ideas 55

There are several basic mating patterns to be learned, in­cluding such elementary devices as Philidor's Legacy ( the fa­miliar combination that leads to a smothered mate) and last-rank mates with rooks and queens. Playing over master games is the easiest way to find and recognize them.


Besides mating patterns a position will contain other hints. They include: ( 1 ) vulnerable (unprotected or otherwise exploitable) pieces, ( 2 ) "stretched" pieces, and (3 ) invasion squares.

( 1 ) Vulnerable Pieces

Most calculated sequences involve, at least in part, the ex­ploitation of hanging pieces. The more enemy pieces that are unprotected, the greater the chances that you can calculate something favorable.

Even in the early stages of a game, when few pieces venture beyond the fourth rank, those that do run a risk.

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Portisch-Karpov, Moscow 1977

1 Nf3 Nf6 2 g3 b6 3 Bg2 Bb7 4 0-0 e6 5 d3 d5 6 Nbd2 Nbd7 7 Re I Bc5 8 c4 0-0 9 cxd5 exd5 1 0 Nb3 Bb4 1 1 Bd2 a5 1 2 Nbd4 Re8 1 3 Rc l c5 14 Nf5 Nf8 15 d4 Ne4

1 6 dxc5? White assumes Black will now recapture on c5 to maintain

material equality. He also assumes Black will not exchange off his well-placed knight on e4.

We'll explore the role of faulty assumption in Chapter Seven. Here the main reason Black forces a win is that White has one piece hanging at f5 and another that will soon be unprotected.

1 6 • • • Nxd2 ! 1 7 Nxd2 Qg5 !

Even if White could safely retreat his knight to e3 he would stand poorly from a positional point of view. But it's worse for him from a tactical viewpoint since 1 8 N e3 allows 1 8 . . . Rxe3 ! 1 9 fxe3 Qxe3 + and 20 . . . Bxd2 with a substantial material edge.

The game actually continued 1 8 Nd6 Bxd2 1 9 Nxb7 Bxc l and White soon resigned.

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Ideas 57

Pieces need not be entirely unprotected to be exploitable­just vulnerable, perhaps simply placed on high-risk squares.

Korchnoi-Balashov, Moscow 197 1

1 d4 Nf6 6 Nge2 c6 10 cxd5 h6 14 O�O O�O

2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 f3 e5 7 Bg5 Qa5 8 Qd2 Nbd 7 9 d5 cxd5 1 1 Be3 a6 12 Ng3 h5 1 3 Bd3 Nh7

15 a4 Nc5? The first thing White notices after Black's last move may

depend on how optimistic or aggressive he is. A cautious player will see the knight threatening 16 . . . Nb3 , forking heavy pieces. He'll then notice that if he safeguards b3 with 16 Bc2 or 1 6 Ra3 , Black can take greater control of queens ide squares with 1 6 . . . Qb4.

But after he examines those positions for a bit, an idea oc­curs to him: The Black queen could get itself trapped after, say, 1 6 Bc2 Qb4 and now 1 7 as . And once he gets that idea he tries to find something more forceful than 1 6 Bc2 .

On the other hand, a more aggressive player will immedi­ately focus not on the . . . Nb3 knight fork, but on the other fork in the position, 1 6 b4. That gives him the idea, and all he has to work out is a way of handling 1 6 . . . Qxb4.

Both players may find the winning sequences but they'll come about it in a different way. "Mr. Cautious" works on pro­tecting against and then exploiting the queen. "Mr. Aggres­sive" focuses first on the b4-fork.

1 6 b4! Qxb4

1 7 a5 ! Now 1 8 Rfb 1 , trapping the queen, is threatened. Black can

interpolate 1 7 . . . Nxd3 but after 1 8 Qxd3 the Black queen

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still has no escape route. And the fork 1 7 . . . Nb3 no longer works because of 1 8 Qb2, followed by winning the pinned knight ( 1 9 Ra4 ) .

In the game, Black actually tried 17 • • • Bh6? ! but re­signed soon after 18 Bxh6 because of 18 • • • Qd4+ 19 Kh 1 Qxd3 20 Qxd3 and 2 1 Bxf8.

Often a strong player will walk straight into his opponent's crushing combination. "Didn't you see that coming?" he'll be asked afterwards. And he'll reply, "No, I saw his other threat but not the one he played."

This is what happens when we confuse variations with ideas. We see how an opponent can exploit a particular fea­ture of the position, a pin or a double attack. But instead of countering the idea by getting out of the pin or protecting a potentially attacked piece, we convince ourselves that all we have to do is deal with one specific variation .

Sometimes that is sufficient. Other times it's not:

Ljubojevic-Stein, Las Palmas 1973

1 b3 e5 2 Bb2 d6 3 e3 Nf6 4 c4 g6 5 d4 Bg7 6 NO exd4 7 Qxd4 0-0 8 Nc3 Nbd7 9 Be2 Nc5

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Ideas / 59

The idea Black is trying to work with is the vulnerability of the White queen and, behind it, the c3 -knight. The queen stands on a square that can be threatened by the fianchettoed bishop after any move of Black's f6-knight. After his last move, Black has the specific threat of 10 . . . Nfe4, and after the queen escapes to dl or d5 , White loses the knight.

10 Rdl ? White, an excellent calculator, disdained the precaution­

ary 1 0 Qd2 in favor of the text, which allows him to meet the most dangerous-looking reply with a fine queen sacrifice ( 1 0 . . . Nfe4 1 1 Qxg7 + ! Kxg7 1 2 Nxe4+ f6 13 Nxc5 and if 1 3 . . . dxc5 ? then 1 4 Rxd8) .

1 0 . • . Ng4! This wins because the queen has no safe square. After 1 1

Qf4 or 1 1 Qd5 , it is too far away from the knight ( 1 1 Qf4 f5 !

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and 1 2 . . . Ne4 ! , or 1 1 Qd5 c6 1 2 Qxd6 Qxd6 13 Rxd6 Bxc3 + 1 4 Bxc3 Ne4 ) .

1 1 Qd2 Nxf2 ! And White is lost. The exploitation of the c3 -knight is re­

alized in the key variation 1 2 Kxf2 Bxc3 ! and 13 . . . Ne4+ . The game actually continued 1 2 O-O( ! ) Nxd1 and White found a convenient spot in the middle game to resign.

( 2 ) "Stretched" Pieces Related to unprotected pieces are ones we can call "stretched." These are pieces that are being overused-they are perform­ing more functions than they are capable of. Knowing how to recognize such pieces sometimes requires a fine tactical nose.

Speelman-Plaskett, London 1 986 White to play

Black has two pieces for a rook and pawn and seems to be doing OK. The first tactical element you might notice here is the pin along the b-file , but there doesn't seem to be a way to exploit it. The second thing you'll probably see is that there's

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Ideas 6 1

only one unprotected Black piece. Can you exploit that situ­ation? (Yes, with 1 Qa4. )

But there's something more subtle going on here. Black's pieces seem to be mutually protected but they are actually overworked. And with that in mind you can find the strongest continuation:

1 Rxb5 ! Qxb5

2 Qb6! resigns The queen cannot both protect itself and prevent 3 Rxe8

mate. Its abilities were simply stretched too far.

Even when enemy pieces give the appearance of close coordi­nation, they are often held together by light tethers:

Tarjan-Byrne, U.S. Championship 198 1 White to play

Black has just defended against the possibility of Rh3 by attacking the queen ( . . . g6 ! ) . After 1 Qh6 eS Black beats back the attack.

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But with the centralizing 1 Qe5 ! , preparing Bh6 and in some cases Qe4, White maintains his initiative. He preferred:

1 Rg3? This natural move has the drawbacks of (a) lacking force

and (b) denying White the Rh3 resource because the rook is needed on g3 to pin the g-pawn. This last role of the rook also reveals how fragile the White attack force is.

1 • • • Bd6

Now 2 Rg4 allows a strong 2 . . . e5 . 2 Rg5 Bf4!

Devastating. White can't take (3 Bxf4 Qxd4+ and 4 . . . Qxf4 ) , so he has to begin a hasty and expensive retreat. He got nothing for his lost rook after 3 Qf3 Bxg5 4 Bxg5 Qxd4+ 5 Kh l Ra7.

A more elaborate example of stretched pieces:

Portisch-Gheorghiu, Siegen 1 970 White to play

White has exchanged pawns on b5 and is looking at the one obvious target in the position, the enemy b-pawn. At first

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Ideas / 63

it appears more than adequately defended. In fact, all of Black's pieces protect one another.

But White notices how fragile that protection is: 1 Nxb5 ! Rxc2

On 1 . . . Qxd2 Black trades off a defender of b5 , allowing White to keep his extra pawn with 2 Bxd2. And 1 . . . Bxb5 2 Qxa5 ! costs Black a rook.

2 Rxc2 Bxb5

Now it appears that Black's pieces will be stretched to the limit by 3 Qxa5 Rxa5 4 Bd2 , e.g. , 4 . . . Bxd3 5 Rc8+ and 6 BxaS . However, Black improves his chances in this line with 4 . . . Rxa2 ! 5 Rxa2 Bxd3 , with some compensation for the exchange.

3 Rc8+!

This breaks the connection of the stretched pieces. On 3 . . . Bf8 there follows 4 Rxa8 Qxd2 (or 4 . . . Qxa8 5 Bxb5 with an extra pawn and those great queens ide passed pawns) 5 Bxd2 Bxd3 6 Bh6 Nd7 and Black is so tied up that 7 a4 ! followed by the advance of the a- and b-pawns will win.

3 • • • Rxc8

Black recognizes that on 3 . . . Be8 4 Qxa5 Rxa5 5 a4 ! , the immediate threat of 6 Bb6 trapping the rook, as well as the long term threat to promote a queens ide pawn, will win.

4 Qxa5 Bxd3 5 b4

And even though Black does not stand badly from a mate­rial point of view, he has poor chances because his pieces lack coordination. He lost after 5 • • • Nd7 6 b5 d5 7 b6 d4 8 b7 Rb8 9 Bf4 e5 1 0 Qc7.

( 3 ) Invasion Squares Often an unoccupied square is more important than any square

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with a piece o n it. Noticing such a vulnerable point i s the hard part.

Rhodes-Formanek, Whitby 1 969

1 c4 e5 2 Nc3 d6 3 g3 Be7 4 Bg2 Nc6 5 e3 f5 6 Nge2 Nf6 7 0-0 0-0 8 d3 Qe8 9 Rb I g5 1 0 f4 gxf4 1 1 gxf4 Kh8 1 2 Kh l Rg8 13 Nd5 Qg6 14 Rgl ?

Black's heavy pieces are massed against g2, and White felt compelled to defend with Khl and Rgl . But this creates a new danger because of a square that has become newly vulnerable and very harmful to White: f2 .

14 . . . Ng4! 1 5 Qe l

White must stop the smothered mate . . . Nf2 . Black now sees that another idea in the position, 1 5 . . . Nxh2 1 6 Kxh2 Qh5 +, is not convincing after 1 7 Bh3 . So he returns to the . . . Nf2 idea. Is there some way, he wonders, of drawing the queen away from the defense of f2 ?

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1 5 . . .

1 6 Ng3 Bh4 ! !

Ideas / 65

The brilliant point of black's last move is 16 Qxh4 Qh5 ! and then either 1 7 Qxh5 or 1 7 Qe l allows immediate mate (on f2 or h2 ) . And the apparent protection of both squares by 1 7 Qg3 allows 1 7 . . . Qxh2 + ! 1 8 Qxh2 Nf2 mate.

16 . • • Nxh2 ! White resigns

The position is quite hopeless after 1 7 . . . Bxg3 and a check on the h-file.

A more difficult case of the vulnerable square is the following. Black appears to be on the offensive-and also the defensive­on the king's wing.

Mortensen-Karlsson, Esbjerg 1 988 Black to play

Black would like to snap off the g-pawn, but 1 . . . Qxg2 ? ? 2 Rg3 costs him the queen. Moreover, he has to do something about White's threat of 2 Rg3 Q-moves 3 Qxh6.

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But there is another way of looking a t the position, and that is in terms of White's weaknesses. Where, Black asks, is White vulnerable ? The g2-square is protected tactically, and he would have to overcome major transportation problems to get his pieces to a3 . But there is one square that is not immedi­ately attacked yet can be threatened by three different pieces very quickly. Take another look at the diagram and see if you can guess which one.

Time's up. The answer is revealed by Black's crushing se­quence:

1 • • . Rxf3 ! ! This does two things. I t eliminates the only piece that can

come to the aid of the target square--c2-and it opens the queen's diagonal leading to it. Regardless of how White cap­tures on f3 , Black follows with 2 . . . Nb4 ! 3 axb4 Ba4 and wins (4 Kd l Qxc2+ 5 Ke l Qd l mate or 4 Kb2 Qxc2+ 5 Kal Bb3 and 6 . . . Qa2 mate ) .

Ideas, a s we've seen, are the building blocks of calculation. You simply can't start to analyze variations without them. In the pages that follow we move on from the inspirational side of calculation to the mechanical.

(Solutions: Fischer-Ciocaltea: Black's queen has no moves and can be trapped by 1 5 Bg5 ! hxg5 1 6 hxg5 . Kaiszauri­Sznapik: 1 Ng6+ ! and 2 Qxh7 + ! followed by 3 Rh3 + . )

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Q "Often at the chessboard we fail through simple ignorance rather than a lack of ideas , and on the verge of executing a magnificent combination we sit perplexed, at a loss how to realize it. Inexpe­rience makes the most fertile imagination power­less. "

-Eugene Znosko-Borcwsky

O nce you've identified the primary ideas in a position, your task is to work out the details of exploitation. Ul­

timately, these details will result in a calculated sequence, a series of moves that lead to a position about which you can form a j udgment.

This is as true for a l O-move combination that results in mate as it is for two-move sequences of semi-forcing moves that just slightly improve your position. You are working with ideas in both.

Even many beginners will be able to spot the idea in the following . . .


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White to play

. . . and also the two-move combination that takes advan­tage of it: 1 Re8+ Rxe8 2 Rxe8 mate. The back-rank mat­ing scenario is one of the oldest and most primitive in chess, and also one of the most common.

But consider the following:

Kr. Georgiev-Gulko, Saint John 1 988 Black to play

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Trees and How to Build Them / 69

Here again the idea is not greatly disguised: White's back rank is vulnerable. The immediate 1 . . . Rdl + works in one variation (2 Nxdl ? ? e l Q + ) but not in another (2 Rxdl exd l Q+ 3 Nxd l Qb l 4 Qd4) .

So Black must work with the basic idea a bit. 1 . • • Qc2 ! 2 Qb3

White's reply is forced since 2 . . . Rdl + was threatened, and eliminating the pregnant pawn with 2 Qxe2 costs him a knight. After 2 Qb3 Black can force the win of that knight anyway with 2 . . . Qd2 , preparing to promote the e-pawn. Then, following 3 Nxe2 Qxe2 4 h3 he should eventually be able to make his slight material edge count.

But a bit of inspiration will reveal a better use of the idea, a little combination, no more than three moves long, that is as decisive and pretty as it is hard to see.

2 • • • Rd l + ! 3 Rxd l

Naturally not 3 Nxdl e 1Q mate. But after 3 . . . exd lQ+ 4 Nxdl , where is the mate ?

3 . . • Qxc3 ! ! White resigns

The best White can do to meet the threats of 4 . . . e l Q+ and of 4 . . . Qxb3 followed by 5 . . . exd l Q+ is the humble, and quite hopeless, 4 Qb l exd lQ+ 5 Qxdl Qxb4.

Aron Nimzovich made a distinction in his classic text, My

System , between two means of executing a middlegame or

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endgame plan. One h e called the evolutionary-the slow buildup. The other he called the revolutionary-the explo­sive, tactical method.

This distinction applies as well to calculated sequences:

Cavellos-Mohring, Tel Aviv 1 964 Black to play

Clearly, Black is on the attack and his primary route of inva­sion will be along the vulnerable h-file. The evolutionary means of exploiting this is I . . . Rah8, threatening mate in one move.

That would force 2 Kfl , after which 2 . . . Rhi + 3 Ke2 Rxc l 4 Nxc l is the most natural sequence (not 4 Rxcl Bxb2 ) , and Black is left with some means of improving his position but no obvious method of making major progress (4 . . . b5 5 b3 ) .

But before dropping the idea of h-file attack, Black should consider the revolutionary method. If he does he will find:

1 . • • Rh l + ! 2 Kxh l Bxf2

And White resigned in the face of 3 . . . Rh8 mate. The point here is not to assume that there is one and only one ap­plication of an idea. There may be two, three, or several.

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Trees and How to Build Them 7 1


When we speak of a tactical idea we may mean one specific combinational idea ( Qh8 +/Nxf7 + in the Alekhine-Euwe game of the last chapter) or a general concept (White's first rank in the Georgiev-Gulko example ) . lt can also be a fam� ily of ideas bound together by the common use of certain pieces, such as Black's knights and queen in the following illustration.

Andruet-Spassky, Cohlenz 1988 Black to play

Black's attention is d irected to the kings ide , where he has more space as well as four potential attacking pieces. The experienced player develops a sense of where the tactics apply; here a master will smell something happening on f3 or g2 .

How does he get the Black queen to one of those squares ? He might examine 1 . . . Nef3 + ( 2 gxf3 Qxf3 and 3 . . . Qg2 mate) until he fails to find a followup to 2 Khl ! .

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Then h e may turn his attention t o 1 . . . Nxg2 ( 2 Kxg2 Qf3 + and 3 . . . Bh3 ) . But he will probably reject that once he sees 2 Bxd7 ! .

The vulnerability of f3 is s o sharply defined to the mas­ter's eye that he doesn't stop there . Boris Spassky didn't. He played:

1 . . . Qf3 ! ! White resigns

It 's a forced mate: 2 gxf3 Nexf3 + 3 Khl Bh3 and 4 . . . Bg2 mate. Though it may seem difficult, almost anyone who works hard enough with an idea can find moves like 1 . . . Qf3 .

As we've seen, there is often more than one idea at work in a position. Choosing between two or three ideas is taxing. But sometimes, as in the following example, you can use two ideas together.

Jones-Dueball, Nice 1 974 Black to play

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Black sees that if the White rook weren't where it is, . . . Nf2 + would fork king and queen. He also notices that if White's queen were not on the first rank, there would be a masked threat of . . . Qxfl mate.

Neither idea in itself is enough. But mixed together . . .

1 • • • Re l ! !

This wins the queen because of 2 Rxe 1 Nf2 + ( idea no. 1 ) , while on 2 Bxe l or 2 Nxe l the reply 2 . . . Nb2 ! threatens both . . . Nxd l and . . . Qxfl ( idea no. 2 ) .

Actually, it's quite a simple combination. But looking back at the diagram, it would seem that the one square White has sufficiently protected, the one he doesn't have to worry about is: e l l

Vukic-Romanishin, Moscow 1977 White to play

In this example, we have two more ideas melding. One is the pawn fork at b4. White can threaten it, say by way of 1 a3 , but it is easily parried ( 1 . . . Rc8; 1 . . . Qd8; 1 . . . Qc7 ) .

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The other idea i s a last-rank mate. White begins to put one and one together and sees 1 b4 Qxb4 2 Rabl . But Black can then capture on c4 so that 3 Rb8+ allows 3 . . . Rc8.

At this point White can do one of two things: He can either give up on trying to make 1 b4 work and turn his attention to other moves, or he can look for a forcing con­tinuation.

1 b4! 2 Rdb l

Qxb4 Qxc4

3 Be2 ! resigns White correctly kept looking and realized how stretched

Black's pieces were after 2 . . . Qxc4. Black must move his at­tacked queen after 3 Be2 and must also avoid Rb8+ . There could have followed 3 . . . Qc2 4 Bd3 ! Qc3 { the only move} 5 Rb8+ Rc8 6 Qxc3 ! .

Often when we miscalculate we overlook a s ingle idea. That idea, perhaps a key move, may recur in several different lines:

Psakhis-J. Polgar, Amsterdam 1 989 Black to play

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After lengthy maneuvering Black believes it is time for the liberating break in the center. What she overlooks is not ap­parent for four moves.

1 2 cxd5 3 Bf4 !

d5? exd5

This pins the knight and forces Black's reply. It won't be 3 . . . Nfd7 because of 4 exd5 Bxd5 5 Bxa6 ! Qxa6 6 Nxd5 .

3 • • • Bd6 4 exd5 Bxd5

Black would have preferred 4 . . . Nxd5 5 Nxd5 Bxd5 . But then comes 6 Ne4 Bxe4 7 Rxd6! !-the idea she overlooked. Then Black loses a piece in all variations ( 7 . . . Rxd6 8 Bxe5 Rbd8 9 Bxd6 Rxd6 10 fxe4) .

5 Nde4! Bxe4 And here the same idea works against Black: 5 . . . Nxe4 6

fxe4 Bxe4 7 Rxd6 ! ! . 6 Rxd6!

And once more. Here at least Black could complicate mat­ters with 6 • • • Nd3 ! , after which 7 Bxd3 Bxd3 8 Rdl ? Rxd6 9 Bxd6 Rd8 10 Rxd3 Qc6 got a bit sticky (8 Qd4 ! would have won outright) .


After you've had some experience calculating, or just playing chess, you develop a sense of what moves are likely to be best in a particular position. In one position you might recognize quickly that a single move absolutely looks correct, but in an­other there may be several "candidates." Each candidate move may involve its own tactical or strategic idea, or they may share a common idea.

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The task of the calculator i s t o identify the candidates and determine which is best. Here is a position with considerable choice:

Khalifman-P. Nikolic , Moscow 1 990 White to play

Black has j ust captured an enemy bishop ( . . . cxd3 ) . Be­cause of the half-open g-file and the four White pieces at­tacking a king position defended by only a rook, White has reason to be optimistic. Some kind of tactical assault on g7 is likely to work, ifnot now ( i.e . , 1 Bxg7 ) , then perhaps in a move or two. What are the candidate moves here ?

First, there are the two most violent moves, 1 Bxg7 and 1 Qxf7 + . Because they are the most forcing they are probably the easiest to calculate.

Second, there is the attempt to create a new threat, 1 Nh4, which intends 2 Nxf5 and then a capture on g7 .

Third, there are the moves that bring up reinforcements, i .e . , 1 0-0-0 or 1 Kd2 , followed by the entrance of the other rook.

Finally, there is the least forcing move, 1 cxd3 .

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That makes a total of s ix candidates, a large number. But we can whittle them down quickly: As a practical rule of thumb, we start with the most forceful. We can always play 1 cxd3 if we find that the other five are faulty. But if we discover that 1 Qxf7 + wins outright, there is no need to calculate the others.

Actually, White can eventually win with 1 Kd2 ! , or with 1 Bxg7 Rxg7 2 Kd2 (followed by 3 Qh6, 3 exf6, or 3 Rxg7+ ) , or even with 1 Qxf7 + Kxf7 2 Rxg7+ Ke6 3 Kd2 (e .g . , 3 . . . Bd7 4 exf6 Kxf6 5 Rag l ) .

After some thought White settled on 1 Kd2 and won quickly: 1 • • • Be6 2 Bxg7 Rxg7 3 Rxg7 + Kxg7 4 Rgl + resigns (4 . . . Kh8 5 Nh4 and 6 Ng6+ or 4 . . . Kf8 5 Qxh7 Ke8 6 Rg7 ) .

Being able t o recognize candidate moves i s an essential, time­saving skill. The principal difference between human players and many computers is that those machines cannot identify candidate moves and as a result cannot budget their time . They might consider all 35 legal moves in a position rather than the only two that make sense. Humans can budget their time, if they develop good instincts and intuition. These are qualities that may seem innate but can be trained.

Some young players consider too many moves in a posi­tion, and others not enough. Alexander Kotov, a Soviet-era player who taught a generation how to calculate , recalled how he tried to improve when he was a young master. Kotov discovered that he wasn't examining enough candidates, l09king at only one or two "natural" moves when there were three or four.

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Kotov provided unintended documentation of this i n a se­ries of lectures on the theme "How to Become a Grandmas­ter" ( later issued as the book Think Like a Grandmaster) .

Kotov's very first example was:

White to play

According to Kotov, in this amateur game White decided he should sacrifice and began to consider three candidate moves: 1 Bxh6, 1 Nxg6, and 1 Ng4 ( intending 2 Nxh6+ ) . But his "faulty unsystematic thinking" undid him, Kotov said, be­cause he considered 1 Nxg6, then gave up after a few moves of analysis and turned to 1 Bxh6, which he also gave up on. Then he analyzed 1 Ng4, found problems with it, and went back to 1 Bxh6 and 1 Nxg6 again. ./

In the end, White , thoroughly confused, ended up playing something completely different ( 1 Bd ?) , which got him quickly crushed ( 1 . . . Nf4 ! ) .

It's a nice, instructive story, but there's a question that goes unanswered: Why, if White was looking to sack a piece, didn't he consider one of the most natural moves in the position?

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After 1 Nxf7 , it's easy to see that if the knight is taken, 2 Bxe6 wins. So the real calculation involves 1 . . . Bxg3 and then 2 hxg3 or 2 Nxh6+ Kf8 (not 2 . . . gxh6 3 Bxe6+ Kf8 4 Bxh6 + ) 3 hxg3 . This appears to be at least as promising as the l ine endorsed by Kotov ( I Ng4 Qh4 2 Nxh6+ Kf8 3 Qxh4) .

And why didn't Kotov mention i t a t all ? Probably because candidate moves are a lot more personal than anyone likes to admit-and Kotov may have missed 1 Nxf7 himself. What Garry Kasparov considers "natural" may be something that would never occur to Viswanathan Anand or Gata Kamsky. But for each of the remaining diagrams in this book you should try to pick out the move that seems most natural to you and then find at least one other candidate.

When we calculate the ramifications of a particular move we'd like to play we look for our opponent's candidate moves. This is another form of defensive calculation.

Bisguier-Fuderer, Goteborg 1 955 White to play

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White understands that 1 . . . Nd4 ! , winning a piece, is threatened. He has passive defenses such as 1 Kg2 or 1 Re2. But he also notices that 1 Ral wins material. Should he pass, or grab?

White chose: 1 Ra l ??

He mistakenly stopped looking for Black candidate moves after calculating 1 . . . Qxal ? (2 Nxal Rxal 3 Kg2) .

1 • • • Qxb3 !

White resigns

This, too, surrenders the queen, but what a difference: 2 Qxb3 Rxal with two devastating threats (3 . . . Bh3 and 4 . . . Rxfl mate, and 3 . . . Nd4, trapping the queen) .

In more difficult positions, you may be required to find enemy candidates several moves into the future. Kotov himself cited the following example in a magazine article.

Eingom-Malaniuk, Baku 1 979 Black to play

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Can Black's attacked rook take on a2 ? Black decided i t can because he had calculated 1 • • • Rxa2 2 e5 as the most dangerous candidate move that White has in reply (2 . . . Qc7 3 Rdcl and the queen has no good retreat ) . But he saw that 2 • • • Qd5 3 Bb3 Qa5 ! 4 Bxa2 Qxa2 gives Black excel­lent compensation for the exchange and pawn.

Yet, as Kotov pointed out, Black failed to look for candi­date moves throughout the sequence. At the fourth move White need not take the rook. "If [Black] had added one can­didate move, 4 dS ! , he would have understood without diffi­culty that his position immediately becomes hopeless."

In fact, White did play 4 d5 !-the second most forceful move in the position and one Black should not have missed. Black resigned not long after 4 • • • Bxd5 5 Bxd5 exd5 6 e6! and then 6 . . . Nf6 7 exf7 + Kxf7 8 Rbcl and 9 Rc7 + .

In Chapter S ix we'll explore the matter of choosing between equally appealing candidates. But before you can make an ed­ucated choice you have to know there is a choice.

Speelman-Levitt, London 1 992 White to play

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I n this example, White instinctively looks for a way to meet Black's last move ( . . . f6) with a knight move. It doesn't take long for most players examining this position to see 1 Nd7, based on the idea that 2 Rxe8+ is threatened and that 1 . . . Rxe3 ?? allows mate on f8.

But before he examines that move further, it should occur to White that there's another candidate with the same idea: 1 Ng6! .

Once he understands that a choice i s available, White can weigh the two and see that 1 Nd7 Qc8 ! is not clear but that 1 Ng6 Qa8 2 Rxe8+ Qxe8 3 Qd5 + ! Qf7 4 Qd8+ is. In fact, there is a second successful defense to 1 Nd7 that fails against 1 Ng6, and that is 1 . . . Kf7 (which loses in the variation 1 Ng6 Kf7 2 Nh8 + ! Rxh8 3 Qe6+ and mates ) .

I n the game White correctly chose 1 Ng6 and the game ended with 1 • • • Ra8 2 Ne7+ Kh8 3 Qe6! and Black resigned in view of 4 N g6+ hxg6 5 Rh3 mate (or 4 Qg8 + ! Rxg8 5 Ng6+ , etc. ) .

It 's tempting to consider all the forcing moves in a position as candidates. But we should remember that less forceful moves may have other benefits that mandate their consideration.

In the following position, there's obviously only one really forcing move, 1 exf6:

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Kengis-Anastasian, Frunze 1 989 White to play

But he should also consider alternatives, such as 1 Qf4. In the game, White rejected 1 exf6 Bxd6 and then 2 Rxd6

Qxd6 3 e5 because of 3 . . . Qd2 ! 4 Bxc6 Qxcl + 5 Rxc l Rd2 6 RbI b5 . He eventually chose 1 Qf4! since Black's knight cannot move (2 Qxf7 + ) and therefore White will be able to play 2 exf6 with almost a free move thrown in.

The game went 1 Qf4! Bf8 2 exf6 Bxd6 3 Rxd6 Qxd6 4 e5 Qd2 5 Bxc6 and White won (5 . . . Qxb2 6 Qg5 ) .

The result of this identification and evaluation of candi­date moves is that construct we call the Tree of Analysis.

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So far we've talked a lot about calculating a sequence without considering its "shape." A calculated sequence resembles a tree; branches represent the subvariations, and the trunk rep­resents the sequence's main line. Trees come in various shapes and sizes-some tall and thin, some short and fat, and some very difficult ones that are tall and fat.

The simplest trees to calculate are , not surprisingly, the short, thin ones:

Krasenkov-Sveshnikov, Moscow 1 992 White to play

Here White began a winning combination with 1 Bxf5 ! . Black, with no forcing alternatives, naturally responded 1 • • •

exf5 . After 2 Nh6+ he had a choice of two king moves, but in either case White replies 3 Rxg7 ! . Again, Black's hand is rela­tively forced since 2 . . . Kf8 3 Rxg7 ! Qf6 4 Rxf7 + loses the queen and 3 . . . Be6 4 Rg8 is mate. Therefore he played 2 • • • Kh8 3 Rxg7 ! Kxg7 4 Rgl+ Kh8 and after 5 Qe2! he resigned (5 . . . Qxe2 6 Nxf7 mate; 5 . . . Be6 6 Nxf7+ and 7 Qe5 + ) .

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The resulting tree looks something like this:

1 BxfS

� 1 • •

·1 exfS : ���:::7thing else

(& White has won a piece) 2 Nh6+ � 2 . • • KfS 2 • • . KhS

3 Rx�7! 3 Rx�7!

� � 3 • . . Q-moves 3 . . . other 3 • • . Kxg7 3 • • . Be6 I . I I 4 Rxf7+ WinS 4 RgS mate 4 dS! (and S Qc3! ) Qf6

4 • • • KhS S Q�2!

S • • . �e2 6 Nxf7 mate

I S Rdgl cxdS I

6 Rxf7! & wins 4 Rgl+

4· · · P

gS S QxgS+ & wins

4 • • • Kf6 S QgS� Ke6

I 6 Rel+ & wins

S • • • Be6 S • • • other I I 6 Nxf7+! 6 Qxe7 wins � 6 • .

· IQxf7 6 • • 1. Bxf7

7 QeS+ 7 Qxe7 & maltes & �ins

The branches look more impressive in size than they really are. Note how normally each variation branches off into two or more subvariations. But at one point, Black's third move, two subvariations merge to form the main line, 3 . . . Kxg7.

Now let's recall Bent Larsen's rook sacrifice from the last chapter.

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Here we get quite a different tree. Though there are a lot of branches at the top, all but one ends after a few moves because of simple refutations by White. That leaves one long main line:

1 Be3

-------------- �----1 • . . fxe4 (main line) 1 . . . Bf8 1 . . . B

1d6 1 . . . Qd6

I I I 2 Qe5 Bf8(foreed) 2 lUe8 Rxe8 2 Rxe8

1+ Rxe8 2 Qxd6

I I I 3 Qh8+ Kf7 3 Qe4+ wins 3 Rxe8+ Qxe8 & wins

I I 4 Rfl + 4 Qxd6 wins �

4 . . . Ke6 4 . . • Qf5 I I

5 Qe5 mate 5 Rxff+ gxf5

6 Qf�+ Kg8

7 Qg51+ Kf7

8 Qxf5+ Kg8 I

9 Qg5t Kf7

10 Qf6+ Kg8

And so on until 1 5 Qxb7. What aids our analysis of such long variations is the certainty

of our conclusions. We don't have to calculate much into the side variations ( 1 . . . Bf8; 1 . . . Bd6, and 1 . . . Qd6) because we find a forced win of decisive material after three or four moves.


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The end�positions , as we'll call them, of those lines are clear. Similarly, the 4 . . . Ke6 branch leads immediately to a mate. No doubt about evaluating that end�position.

As mentioned earlier, the length of a calculation tree is not as significant as the breadth of the variations. But there is an� other factor: The hardest move to find in the last example was at the very top of the tree. No difficult moves are required of White past the second move.

Trees have, in fact, three dimensions. We have considered length and breadth. But there is a third one that is not easily represented visually: d ifficulty.

Sometimes the hardest moves to find appear on the short� est branches .

H. Olafsson-Levitt, Reykjavik 1 990 White to play

The ideas to work with here include (a) Black's unprotected rook, (b) Black's potentially vulnerable first rank, and (c) the lineup of pieces on the g2�a8 diagonal.

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White came up with this way of using the various elements: 1 Rxe6! and then 1 • • • fxe6 2 Ng5 ! . In this tree the longest branches consist of 2 . . . Nc6 3 Qxe4 g6 4 Qh4 h5 5 Ne4 "with a strong attack," or 2 . . . h6 ! 3 Nxe4 Nc6 4 Nxc5 Qc7 5 Nxd7 ! Rac8 ! 6 Qxe6+ Kh8 7 Be4, etc.

But White need not calculate that far, and in fact can stop examining these trees after the third move. The hardest aspect of this calculation, in fact, is finding the answer to 2 . . . Bxg2. It is the spectacular 3 Qxe6 + ! , which leads to mate in all lines (3 . . . dxe6 4 Rxd8 mate; 3 . . . Kh8 4 Nf7 + ) .

( Incidentally, you should be able to figure out what i s wrong with the similar move order 1 N g5 and then 1 . . . Bxg2 2 Rxe6. This transposes into the above example after 2 . . . fxe6. So why didn't White play it? The answer is at the end of the chapter. )

A similar example from one of Bobby Fischer's earliest suc­cesses:

Fischer-Sherwin, U.S. Championship 1 95 7-58 White to play

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This tree is fairly short, only three moves long. But there are more branches and, perhaps most s ignificantly, the most difficult move to see comes at the second level.

The first idea that probably occurred to White in the dia­gram was 1 Bxf7 + and if 1 . . . Rxf7 ? then 2 Ra8+ and mates. But after 1 . . . Kh8 White faces a number of pins and other tactical problems.

1 Rxf7 !

Now there are three branches. The simplest and shortest runs 1 . . . Rxf7 2 Ra8+ and mates. The longest and most com­plex begins with 1 . . . hS ! and runs into a variety of sub-branches after 2 Rxf8+ Kxf8 3 Qfl +, when 3 . . . Nf6 allows White a winning endgame (4 Rc4) and 3 . . . Qf6 retains a winning attack for him (4 Ra8+ Ke7 S Ra7 + Kd8 6 Qb l ! ) .

But clearly 1 . . . hS , while i t may b e the best move, i s not the most dangerous. The key variation begins with:

1 . • . Rc l + What won this game for White was his realization that

there were two branches here: the obvious 2 Rfl +, which gets White into severe difficulties after 2 . . . Kh8, and . . .

2 Qf! ! ! A difficult move to find even though 2 . . . Rxfl + 3 Rxfl +

results in a fairly short tree. There would be a branch for 3 . . . Kh8 4 Rxf8 mate; another for 3 . . . Rf7 4 Ra8+ Qd8 S Rxd8 mate; and a third that begins with 3 . . . QxdS ! ? and offers two sub-branches: 4 exdS ? ? Rxfl mate, which wins for Black; and 4 Rxf8 + ! Kxf8 S exdS , which wins for White.

In the actual game, Black played the desperate 2 • • • h5 and saw that after 3 Qxcl ! Qxc l + 4 Rfl + and S Rxcl that he would be lost. So he went off onto another limb with 2 h5 3 Qxc l Qh4 and resigned soon after 4 h3 .

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"When all hopeful attempts at solving the prob­lem by traditional methods have been exhausted, thought runs around in circles . . . like rats in a cage. "

-Arthur Koestler

Kotov, in Think Like a Grandmaster, argued that a player must approach the tree carefully. He must examine each branch once and only once. To jump from one to another is "an un­forgiveable waste of time," something that no grandmaster would countenance, he claimed.

In reality, grandmasters think no more systematically than amateurs. They sometimes jump from branch to branch and back again. Or they calculate only a few moves deep into what should be a very large tree. As Mikhail Tal once put it, "To cal­culate sometimes all of the so-called 'tree of variations' is not simply difficult but impossible ."

Tal spoke instead of a "zone of certainty" that allows a trained calculator to stop his calculation after a relatively brief testing of the various branches. There are many masters who follow Tal's example, calculating what end-positions they can see and then evaluating other branches on instinct.

In the late 1 970s, the English master Simon Webb conducted a series of experiments, the results of which appeared in the mag­azine Chess . Webb gave players of different playing strengths a position to look at and had them describe how they'd go about choosing a move. None of the positions were forced wins.

His results were surprising for followers of Kotov. For ex­ample, the grandmaster in the test group jumped around from one idea to another and then back again. In another case, the

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, .

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two strongest players tested spent 1 0 minutes failing even to consider what was clearly the best candidate, and then se­lected moves they had considered for less than a minute.

What really distinguished the better players, Webb found, was that they could come to accurate conclusions faster, thought in terms of concrete variations, and were therefore more efficient calculators.

There is no perfect calculating method for all players, Ko­tov notwithstanding. We all think differently. In reality there is a strong element of serendipity in chess. When we look at one idea, we sometimes come up with another.

A. Rodriguez-Miles, Palma de Mallorca 1 989 Black to play

Black studied the position in some detail, working down a tree that began with 1 . . . Nce3 + 2 Kgl (not 2 fxe3 Qxg3 + ) . He looked at one branch that had 2 . . . Qg4 as its key but gave up after he found that 3 Rh8+ Kf7 4 Rc8 ! sets up a strong checking threat. He turned to another branch that began 2 . . . Nh4 with the idea of 3 Qxg6 NO mate. But he had to give up on it after he saw 3 Rh8 + ! and then 3 . . . Kf7 4 Qxg6+ or 3 . . . Kxh8 4 Rxh4+ .

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He examined other lines a s well, and the main benefit of all this analysis was to tell him that Black's main problem was his king position. "If only it were somewhere safer," he thought. Therefore:

1 • • • Kf7 ! !

This winning idea would not have occurred to Black if he hadn't worked on a different tree. Now, for example, 2 Rh8 Ke 7 ! 3 Rc8 allows one of the clever ideas of the first tree: 3 . . . Nce3 + 4 Kgl Nh4 ! 5 Qxg6 Nfl mate.

White eventually tried: 2 R7h5 3 Kgl 4 Rlh2? ! 5 fxg3

Nce3+ Qg4! Nxg3 Qxg3+

And White resigned after several more moves.

In the real world, players get ideas from one branch that they suddenly realize belong in another.

Watson-Gutman, Brussels 1 987

1 Nc3 c5 2 e4 d6 3 f4 a6 4 Nf3 e6 5 d4 cxd4 6 Nxd4 Nf6 7 Be2 Qc7 8 Be3 b5 9 Bf3 Bb7 10 e5 dxe5 1 1 Bxb7 Qxb7 1 2 fxe5 Nd7 13 0-0

At this point, while waiting for Black's reply White ana­lyzed 13 . . . b4 and came up with the inspired attacking de­vice 14 Qh5 g6 15 Qh3 ! , with the idea of meeting 1 5 . . . bxc3 with 1 6 Rxf7 ! .

Black did not play 1 3 . . . b4 but chose instead 1 3 • • • Nxe5 . White's compensation for the pawn was not clear until he found 14 Qh5 Ng6 1 5 Qh3 ! ! . He admitted afterward that it

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would have escaped him ifhe hadn't seen the queen maneuver to h3 in the previous variation. On h3 the queen supports sac­rifices on e6 (e.g. , 1 5 . . . N c6 1 6 N xe6 fxe6 1 7 Qxe6+ ) and f7.

In fact, the game went 1 5 • • • Be 7 1 6 Rxf7 ! and White had a winning attack, because 1 6 . . . Kxf7 1 7 Qxe6+ Ke8 1 8 Nf5 Qd7 1 9 Nxg7 + Kd8 2 0 Rdl wins.

Finally, a revealing look inside a grandmaster's mind was pro­vided by the winner of the following in his annotations of a brilliant win.

Nezhmetdinov-Chemikov, Rostov-on-Don 1 962

1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 g6 Bg7 6 Be3 Nf6 7 Bc4 0-0 8 Bb3 Ng4 Nxd4 1 0 0-0 Qa5 1 1 Qh4 Bf6

5 Nc3 9 Qxg4

White noticed that his attacked queen can't go to g3 or f4 because then 1 2 . . . Qxc3 ! and 1 3 . . . Ne2+ regains the queen in a favorable ending. But there were three other candidate moves.

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First he saw that 12 Qh6 allows Black to repeat moves with 1 2 . . . Bg7 13 Qh4 Bf6. He also saw that 1 2 Qg4 or 1 2 Qh3 allows 1 2 . . . dS . He considered these lines before evaluating 1 2 Qg4 dS 1 3 Qdl ! as slightly favorable to White.

Then he spotted the remarkable sacrifice 1 2 Qxf6 ! ? exf6 1 3 Bxd4. Only two pieces for the queen-but they're terrific pieces after White gets to play NdS .

He wondered what would happen if Black inserts 1 2 . . . Nxb3 . He saw that 13 axb3 ! was playable-13 . . . Qxal 1 4 Qxe7 ! and White has I S Bh6 and 1 6 NdS coming up.

Then he found another way for Black to improve at move 1 2 , with 1 2 . . . Ne2 + ! 13 Nxe2 exf6, after which it will take White an extra tempo to bring the knight to dS .

So he went back to 1 2 Qg4 and kept coming to the con­clusion that his chances were nice but "can you really win with it?" Finally, after a thorough review of 1 2 Qxf6 Ne2+ 13 Nxe2 exf6 14 Nc3 he concluded that there was little Black could do to prevent him from continuing Bd4, NdS , Radl -d3 -f3 with a winning position.

Finally, after much soul-searching and back-and-forth analy­sis he settled on the sacrifice and won a remarkably fine game: 12 Qxf6!! Ne2+ 13 Nxe2 exf6 14 Ne3 ReB 15 Nd5 Re6 16 Bd4 Kg7 1 7 Radl d6 IB RdJ Bd7 19 R£3 Bb5 20 Bc3 QdB 2 1 Nxf6 Be2 22 Nxh7+! KgB 23 Rh3 Re5 24 £4 Bxfl 25 Kxfl ReB 26 Bd4! b5 27 Ng5 Re7 2B Bxf7+! Rxf7 29 RhB+! and White won.

Moral: Find the method of calculating variations that you are most comfortable with.

(Answer to Olafsson-Levitt: 1 NgS Bxg2 2 Rxe6 allows Black to answer the threat of 3 Re8+ with 2 . . . Na6 or 2 . . . Nc6. White should have played the more forceful idea, NgS , after the less forceful-as we'll see in the next chapter. )

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[@ "Force and fraud are in war the two cardinal virtues . "

-Thomas Hobbes

I f ideas provide the spark for a calculated sequence, forcing moves are the fuel that keeps it running. Moves that cap­

ture enemy pieces, check the king or, to a lesser degree, threaten such captures and checks, provide the dynamic ele­ment to a sequence.

Groszpeter-Radulov, Biel 1989

1 d4 d6 2 e4 Nf6 3 Nc3 c6 4 Nf3 Qa5 5 e5 N e4 6 exd6 N xc3 7 bxc3 exd6 8 Bd3 Be 7 9 0-0 0-0 10 Re I Be6 1 1 RbI b6 1 2 c4 Qh5 1 3 d5 !

cxd5 14 cxd5 Qxd5 15 Rb5 Qb7 16 Ng5 Bxg5 1 7 Rxg5 Nc6


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Here White begins a combination that lasts eight moves in its longest tree limb. It is not only lengthy but requires defi­nite risks, the sacrifices of a rook and a bishop. A mistake in calculation would be irreparable.

But don't let this scare you. It is actually a fairly routine combination and one that, with training, you should be able to visualize accurately to its end. Let's go one step at a time:

18 Bxh7+! KXh7 Black has no real choice. On 1 8 . . . Kh8 19 Qh5 , a dis­

covered check by the bishop next move must lead to mate. 19 Qh5+ Kg8

The only legal move. 20 Rxg7+! Kxg7

Again, obviously forced. 2 1 Bh6+ Kh7

Black finally has a choice, albeit a slim one: On 2 1 . . . Kg8 White mates in two with 22 Qg5 + and 23 Qg7 mate.

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22 Bg5+ resigns

Force 97

If he had continued, Black would have had a choice between 22 . . . Kg8, which allows 23 Bf6 and 24 Qh8 mate, or 22 . . . Kg7 , which lengthens the game by one move because of 23 Qh6 + ! Kg8 24 Bf6 and mate on h8 next move.

That's e ight moves in all. But consider what a straight and narrow course the analysis took. At only three points did Black have any choice of replies. And none of those side variations extended more than two moves. This is a tree of analysis with a long stem but very few branches, and they are quite short.

Such trees are not found in remote forests. Garry Kasparov cited one in the notes to his game with TIgran Petros ian at Moscow 1982. The future wqrld champion pointed out a better move for himself at one point, which in one key line called for a temporary queen and rook sacrifice. In another, a rook sacrifice was needed. And its main line demanded the offer of two pawns.

That last, main variation was 1 7 moves long. But Kasparov went on to tell the reader that he shouldn't be surprised by that length. The forcing nature of the moves, almost all of them captures, checks, or mate threats, made the variation easier to digest.

On the other hand, much of the thinking you do during a game will involve very short trees. You won't be able to cal­culate more than perhaps two or three moves into the future, because there are few forcing moves in the position. This kind of calculation-the non-combinative kind-places a greater emphasis on evaluation.

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Ivanchuk-Bareev, Linares 1 993 White to play

In this relatively quiet position White saw nothing forcing and found instead a prophylactic, and very strong, move.

1 g3 ! It is virtually impossible to calculate far in this position. But

White was chiefly interested in the one line that could be ex­amined in depth: He reasoned that if he held any advantage it lay in Black's inability to complete his development. After 1 g3 Black cannot bring his knight out to d7 because of 2 Bf4, after which the sacrificial 2 . . . Qf6 3 Bxd7 Bxf4 4 gxf4 Qxf4 5 Ne5 is unsound.

That was all White really needed to see. Black has various other moves after 1 g3 , but none that trouble the position. Af­ter 1 . . . Nc6, for example, White continues to improve his position, such as with 2 Kg2 and 3 Rhl . He correctly saw that taking away Black's only good developing plan would leave White with a clear edge.

1 . . . 2 Re I

Ra7 Nd7?

After this mistake the game was virtually decided.

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3 g5 ! 4 a4

Rd8 Nb8

Force / 99

Or 4 . . . Nf8 5 Qb3 and White brings the bishop decisively to f4 or a3 .

5 Nh2 !

And the knight went to f6 with crushing effect: 5 • • • Qf8 6 Ng4 Bd6 7 Kg2 Kh8 8 Rh l Qg7 9 Nf6 h5 10 Qdl ! , and the threat of Rxh5 + led Black to resign.

To give a more elementary example, suppose you begin a game with 1 d4 and your opponent answers 1 . . . d5 . One idea may occur to you: Black has weakened his defense of c 7 because a White bishop on f4 or g3 cannot be blocked by . . . d7-d6.

Therefore, you might be inspired to develop this idea by way of Bf4 and Nc3-b5 . But can you seriously calculate any­

thing concrete after j ust 1 d4 d5 2 Nc3 , with the idea of 3 Bf4 and 4 Nb5 ?

No, you are at least three moves away from threatening to capture on c7 . We can say the position is just not forcing enough to generate specific calculated lines. All we can do is visualize a general course of events, say 2 . . . Nf6 3 Bf4 c6 4 e3 , and evaluate this as best you can, either as equal or slightly better for White.

Players must be able to perform both kinds of calculation, the concrete forceful kind and the generalized kind. And in fact they often perform both during the course of a game. But the element of force must remain close to your attention be­cause the consequences of missing a forceful move of your own or a forceful reply by the opponent are so severe.

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The difference between forcing and nonforcing moves has been illustrated by some remarkable examples of grandmaster play:

Huebner-Petrosian, Biel 1 976 White to play

The winner of this game would almost certainly advance to the world championship elimination matches, and the loser would not. White had five minutes left to play four moves and reach the time control. He also had two healthy extra pawns. But more important, he had a mating attack.

White's search for candidate moves is relatively easy since he had only a few forcing moves (the two checks at e8 and the semi­forcing capture on d3 ) . It is not particularly difficult to see that 1 Qe8+ ! is the best of the group. In fact, the only difficult task in selecting that move is to realize that after 1 . . . Kg7 2 Re7 + Kh 6 White can play 3 Qf8+ because the rook on e 7 shields f8 from the Black queen. Afrer 3 Qf8+ Kh5 4 Rxh 7 it is mate.

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Force / 1 0 1

Aside from the minor visualization problem concerning f8, this is the kind of combination most amateurs can find. Black's only alternative moves are 1 . . . Qf8 ? ? (which allows mate in one) and 2 . . . Qxe7 , giving up his queen. In the diagram White has essentially a forced mate in four.

But White didn't find it. Reluctant to move his queen away from the defense of his bishop, and seeing the threat of 1 . . . Bgl + 2 Kg3 Qxf4 mate, he played:

1 g3?

And a desperate Black responded: 1 . • • Nxf4!

This renews the threat of 2 . . . Bgl + , only now it would be both check and mate. And the removal of the f4-pawn means Black's king has a flight square at gS .

Having missed a win when a forcing one was available , White misses a second one with 2 gxf4 ! Qxf4+ 3 Ng3 . Worse, he plays forcing moves that lead to disaster:

2 Qe8+?? Kg7

3 Re7+ Kh6

4 Nf2 A feeble attempt, but White is now lost.

4 . . . Bxf2 5 Rxh7+ Kg5 !

White resigned and his opponent took his place in the can­didates matches.

The same principle of force applies to defensive calculation; that is, anticipating your opponent's tactics.

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Shamkovich-Espig, Dubna 1973 Black to play

White has just played 1 Ng5 ! . With mate looming on h7 and 1 . . . fxg5 answerable by 2 Qg7 mate, Black appears to have nothing better than 1 . . . Qd7 . Then 2 Re6 ! would be quite strong (2 . . . fxg5 ? 3 Rxg6+ hxg6 4 Qxg6+ mates) . But Black found a better try:

1 • • • Bxf2+! 2 Kxf2??

White is still winning after 2 Khl ! Qd7 3 Re6, the same winning plan mentioned above. The only significant differ­ence is that here Black could complicate matters with 3 . . . Be3 ! (4 Rxe3 fxg5 ! ) , and White would have to come up with the stunning 4 h4 ! in order to score the point.

2 . • • fxg5+ White simply overlooked that this piece could be captured

with the most forceful of all moves, a check. 3 Kgl Nxb2

And having lost two of his attacking pieces almost in­stantly, White played 4 Qxg5 and resigned after 4 . . . Nd3 .

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Force 1 03

During actual games, every time it's your tum to move begin your search for candidate moves by examining the most force­ful moves available . And when considering any tree limb, make sure there are no enemy moves of any useful force in the end-position. If there are, it ain't the end.


As we've noted, people calculate differently from computers. One of the major differences is that humans tend to rely on the forcefulness of their moves, while machines concentrate on the fewest moves necessary to reach a conclusion.

In general, the most forceful line of play is usually the fastest way to reach a favorable conclusion. But not necessarily:

Sveshnikov-I. Ivanov, Minsk 1 976 White to play

White found the most obvious idea in the position, the checks beginning with 1 Qd6+. After he realized that 1 . . .

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1 04 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

Kg8 2 Ne7+ Kf8 sets up the opportunity for discovered checks and double checks, it wasn't hard to spot a second idea in the position, the smothered mate: 3 Nxg6+ Kg8

4 Qf8+! Rxf8 5 Ne7 mate. This is the easiest method for most humans to calculate be�

cause it is the most forceful . But if you give the diagrammed po� sition to a competent chess computer, it will find 1 Qf6 ! , after which mate on g7 , e 7 , or h8 can be delayed for only one move by a spite check. Thus, the "quiet" 1 Qf6 is two moves faster than the check on d6. Yet nine out of ten human players will tell you 1 Qd6+ is the easier to calculate.

On the other hand, there are bound to be times when long forcing variations are more difficult than simpler, short ones. Early in the twentieth century Emanuel Lasker pointed out this case:

Lawrence-Fox, Anglo-American Cable Match 1 9 1 1 Black to play

Here Black began to examine the ideas . . . Rxh2 + and . . . Rxg3 . After considerable thought he worked out a combina� tion that began with the diversionary 1 • • • Ba6 to draw the

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Farce 105

White queen away from the kings ide. After 2 Qxa6 Rxh2+!

3 Kxh2 Qh6+ Black continued with 23 consecutive checks, the final one delivering mate.

What amused Lasker was that even though the combina­tion is sound ( it won a gold medal} , Black could have won much faster with the less forcing I . . . Qd6 ! . Then 2 . . . Rxh2 + 3 Kxh2 Rh5 mate is the main threat and White has no ade­quate defense (e.g. , 2 Rf4 Be3 ) .

Nevertheless, in the jungle of tournament tactics, it is often the forceful who survive. The failure to recognize the force of your own moves can be fatal. In a sense , it is sui­cidal.

Mileika-Rosenfeld, Correspondence Match 1966 White to play

White appreciated the danger he was in. Black threatens a mate in two by way of I . . . Re I + or via the discovered check I . . . B-somewhere. White would like to play his own fairly forceful defense I Rxh2, attacking the Black queen. But Black's force is then greater than White's as he responds I . . . Re I + 2 Kg2 Qg5 + and mates. And the other obvious move of

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1 06 / T H E I N N ER G A M E O F C H E S S

force, I Qxd4+ , i s met by the counterforce I . . . Be5 + ! So . . . 1 White resigns??

A blunder. White could have won if he had looked for an­other forceful idea: I Rxh 7 + ! . After I . . . Kxh 7 2 Qf7 + White eliminates the rook or bishop with check next move and wins.

The move to worry about is I . . . Qxh 7, but then 2 Rxh2 is strong, e .g . , 2 . . . Re I + 3 Kg2 and Black is out of am­munition.

Black's best is 2 . . . Bh3 ! , when 3 Qxd4+ begins a neat de­fensive maneuver to get the queen to the third rank with checks: 3 . . . Kg8 4 Qc4+ Kh8 5 Qc3 + Kg8 6 f4! Qb7+ (else 7 Rxh3 ) 7 KgI Rc8 ! 8 Qe3 ! Bf5 9 Nd6 and White is winning, not losing.

In its simplest form, therefore, calculation becomes a mat­ter of weighing the force of one move against that of another. For example, a check is more forceful than a threat to capture something. An attack on a queen is more forceful than a threat to a knight. And so on.

Often when a player misevaluates a forcing situation it is be­cause it never occurs to him that there is a reply to his last move that is at least as forceful.

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Bronstein-Bareev, Rome 1 990 White to play

Force 107

This is the beginning of the endgame, inasmuch as White has just forced an exchange of queens on f6. A draw is likely. Black is a pawn ahead but against the faster White king he cannot maintain any winning chances ( 1 Kg3 Kg7 2 Kf4 and 3 KeS or 1 . . . d4 2 NbS d3 3 Kf2 and 4 Ke3 ) .

1 g5 ?? This is a gross oversight, overlooking the compelling na­

ture of Black's reply. White incorrectly assumed that, with so little material on the board, there could be nothing as forcing as the threat of 2 gxf6.

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1 08 T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

1 • • •

2 Nb5

d4! d3

Only now does White realize that after 3 gxf6 d2 4 Nc3 (forced) b5 ! , Black wins with 5 . . . b4 6 Nd 1 a4 and the advance of the a-pawn. In fact, White played 3 Kg3 d2 and then resigned in view of 4 Nc3 Nd5 ! 5 Ndl Kg7 and the Black king invades.

Similarly, a threat to the enemy queen is very forceful-unless your opponent threatens to take your queen with check.

Aseyev-Hickl, Munich 1 99 1-92 White to play

A piece down for three pawns, Black has excellent com­pensation. But, carried along by his calculations, he has j ust played . . . Qg5 + , intending to meet 1 Bg2 ?? with 1 . . . Bd4. After White played the correct . . .

1 Kh 1 . . . Black passed up an excellent, practical move of pre­

caution ( 2 . . . Kg8, getting the king off a checking diagonal and protecting his rook) .

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1 • . • Bd4??

Farce 1 09

How can this be bad ? After all, it's highly forcing. 2 Nh3 ! resigns

But this is more forcing, as 3 Rxf7 + is threatened, and 2 . . . Bxf2 3 Nxg5 + hxg5 4 Rxf7 + clears the board.

Now we'll examine a slightly more elaborate example. It is not just a case of "He threatens my queen, but I threaten mate in two." The element of force is still present but it is of a long­range nature.

Fatalibekova-Ranniku, Soviet Women's Championship 1 974

White to play

Black's centralized knights appear j ust as strong as White's bishops-perhaps more so, when you realize that Black is threatening 1 . . . Ba3 ( 2 bxa3 ? Qxa3 + and mates ) . But White also has a strong plan involving the opening of the h-file. Only through an accurate examination of the position will White realize whose threats have greater force.

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1 1 0 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

1 Rh l ! Ba3? Better defensive chances are offered by 1 . . . Nxd2 so that

. . . Nf4 can be played later. But Black saw that after 1 . . . Ba3 she cannot be stopped from a powerful capture on b2.

2 h5 ! Nxb2

This certainly looks powerful. But force can often be de­ceptive.

3 hxg6!

She may also be winning with 3 h6 ! . As so often happens, Black has overestimated the power of a discovered check.

3 Nxd l +

4 Kxd l fxg6 5 Qxe6+ Rf7 6 Qxg6

And Black resigned after 6 • • • Rd8 7 Nf6+ Rxf6 ( 7 . . . Kf8 8 Rh8+ Ke7 9 Qe4+ Kd6 1 0 Rxd8+ ) 8 gxf6. Black's threats were not illusions-they were forceful. But White's were more so.

Our final example helped decide a U.S. Championship:

Benjamin-Kamsky, U.S. Championship 1 99 1

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Bxc6 dxc6 5 0-0 Qd6 6 d3 Ne7 7 Be3 Ng6 8 Nbd2 c5? ! 9 Nc4 Qe6 1 0 Ng5 Qf6 1 1 Qh5 Bd6

White now begins a powerful forcing sequence involving two pawn sacrifices.

12 f4 ! 13 e5 ! 14 Bxf4!

exf4 Nxe5 Nxc4

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Force I I I

This appears to win a piece, but White has a surprise at the end. Now 1 5 Rae 1 + isn't sufficiently forceful since Black can avoid immediate disaster with 15 . . . Kd7 ! .

15 Bxd6 Qd4+ 1 6 Khl Nxd6

There is a strong temptation here to capture on f7 ( 1 7 Nxf7 Nxf7 1 S Qxf7 + KdS 1 9 Rae 1 and against 20 Qe7 mate Black is lost; e .g . , 1 9 . . . Qd6 20 Qxg7 ReS 2 1 RxeS+ KxeS 22 Rf7 , or 1 9 . . . Qd7 20 QfS+ ! ) .

But White saw that 1 7 Nxf7 has a curious flaw to it: 1 7 . . . 0-0 is a legal move ! Not only is it legal, it eliminates all tacti­cal dangers. So White played . . .

1 7 Rxf7??

. . . which threatens al l sorts of murderous discovered checks of great force. But this spoiled his brilliancy because of . . .

1 7 . . . Qg4!

White's discovered checks mean nothing now and he has nothing to show for his sacrified material. He resigned on move 30.

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1 1 2 / T H E I N N ER G A M E OF C H E S S

Yet in the diagram there i s a win, provided White recognizes the power of force. After 1 7 Rae 1 + ! Black can lose quickly with 1 7 . . . Kd8 1 8 Nxf7+ ( transposing to the 1 7 Nxf7 Nxf7 tree limb) or more slowly with 1 7 . . . Kd7 1 8 Nf3 ! and 19 Ne5 + .


Most middlegames are quiet. They become charged with en­ergy only when one player makes a threat or two. His oppo­nent counters with a greater threat and the two sides throw ideas at each other until they run out. Then the tactical en­ergy spills off and a new period of calm is reached.

Therefore , provoking one of these showdowns of force is a high-risk enterprise. Savielly Tartakower alluded to this when he spoke of unleashing "the combinational genie . " The possibility of a surprise you hadn't counted on increases dramatically.

Shamkovich-Botterill, Hastings 1 97 7-78 Black to play

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Force 1 1 3

White has greater piece activity but also some weaknesses. Black can prepare an invasion of the vulnerable queens ide or center with 1 . . . Rxd l + or 1 . . . Rac8. Instead:


. . . Rd4?

Black chose this precisely because it was more forceful. He foresaw what he called the "dreadful force" of the next series of moves.

2 Rxd4 3 e5 !


Here we go. The knight on f6 is attacked, Qxa8+ is threat­ened, and Nd5 is looming. Black has one good reply.

3 • • • ReS!

Since 4 Bd2 Qxe5 favors Black, White's hand is also forced. 4 exf6 Rxe 1 +

5 Nfl Qe 1

Each of the moves since 2 Rxd4 was forced. But now Black pays for having made the position dynamic. Neither White's obvious threat (fxg7 ) nor Black's ( . . . Qxfl + ) is particularly devastating. But:

6 Rxa7 !

Black said later he underestimated this move when he be­gan the force-fight with 1 . . . Rd4, but he might have just over­looked it completely. Such an oversight is understandable in a sharp position. After 6 Rxa7 White threatens Qd5xf7 + or fxg7/Qxf7mate.

Black can delay matters with a few checks (6 . . . Qxfl + 7 Kh2 Qgl + 8 Kg3 ) , but they are soon over and White then has all the threats ( including 9 Ra8+ Bf8 1 0 Rxf8+ Kxf8 1 1 Qa8+ and mates ) .

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1 1 4 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

I n the game, Black went on the defensive with 6 • • • BfS and lost directly: 7 Qd5 Qe6 S Qxd4! Qe2 9 RaS! ( threat of Qd6 or Qb4) 9 • • • Rxfl + 1 0 Kh2 Rxf2 1 1 RxfS+! (more forceful, of course, than a queen move ) 1 1 • • • KxfS 1 2 Qc5 +! resigns, because of 1 2 . . . Ke8 or 1 2 . . . Kg8 1 3 Qc8+ .

Of course , when a position i s already dynamic, i t seems to make no sense to play quiet moves. But it would be a mistake to ex­clusively look for the forcing candidates.

J . Polgar-Granda Zuniga, Madrid 1 992 White to play

Black's knight can go to f8 to meet simple last-rank threats and his own threat of . . . Qxg2 + prevents 1 Qxd7 . Yet White has a significant advantage, and the way to maximize it is sim­ply 1 Rg l ! , threatening the knight.

The knight cannot be protected and can only go to f8. Then 2 Rcf! Qxd4 3 Rxf7 yields excellent winning chances (3 . . .

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Force / 1 15

Rb8 4 Rgfl Re6 ? 5 Rxf8 + ! Rxf8 6 Rxf8+ Kxf8 7 Qc8+ Ke7 8 Nf5 + Kf7 9 Qxe6+ ! and wins ) .

1 Rfl? ?

This i s forc'eful, but opens up Pandora's Box. Both sides now have potentially vulnerable last ranks.

1 • • . Qxg2+??

A counter-blunder that led to a quick loss: 2 Qxg2 Rxg2 3 RcS+ NfS 4 Rxf7 ! Rxh2+ 5 Kgl Rhg2+ 6 Kfl and Black's defeat was assured. It was all the more embarrass­ing in that Black now had the advantage.

The way to exploit White's too-forcing move is 1 . . . Rbc2 ! ! because 2 Rxc2 Qxfl is mate and 2 Rxf2 Rxc6 ! leaves White's rooks dangling. White's best, in fact, is 2 Qa8+ Nf8 3 h3 , although it is Black who has the edge after 3 . . . Rxc 1 4 Rxc 1 Qxd4.

In the following example, White rejects a nonforcing defen­sive move, which he sees leads at best to a draw, in favor of an aggressive defense that appears to refute a sacrificial attack. But when you walk into such a forcing situation, where it is possible to calculate with a greater degree of accuracy, then you had better meet that standard of accuracy.

Alburt-Shirazi, U.S. Championship 1 9S3

1 d4 c5 2 d5 Nf6 3 Nc3 g6 4 e4 d6 5 Nf3 Bg7 6 Be2 0-0 7 0-0 Na6 S Nd2 Nc7 9 a4 e6 10 Nc4 exd5 1 1 exd5 b6 12 Bf4 Ba6 13 b3 ReS 14 Bf3 Nh5 ! 15 Bd2 Bxc4 16 bxc4 Qh4 1 7 Be2?! Be5

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1 1 6 I T H E I N N ER G A M E O F C H E S S

With his last two moves Black advertises his willingness to sacrifice pieces for mate.

18 g3 19 hxg3

Nxg3 Bxg3

Now White has a choice of defenses. First, he can capture on g3 . This gives Black an immediate perpetual check as well as the possibility of a mate if he can get another piece to the kings ide. The greatest demerit to 20 fxg3 is that it is passive, leaving Black with the opportunity to work out a winning con­tinuation or grab a draw if he can't find one.

On the other hand, White can try 20 Kg2 , threatening 2 1 fxg3 as well as 2 1 Rh 1 . This has the advantage of forcing matters.

20 Kg2?? As it turns out, this i s a blunder because White, in his zeal

to force matters, has overlooked . . . 20 . . . Qh2+ 2 1 Kf3 Bxf2 !

This move wins quickly. The bishop can't be taken (22 Rxfl Qh3 + 23 Kf4 g5 + 24 Kxg5 Re5 +, etc. ) . And the forcing defense of 22 Bf4 fails to 22 . . . Re3 + ! 23 Bxe3 Qg3 + and mate next.

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22 Rg 1 Re5 !

Force 1 1 7

And White resigned after 2 3 Bd3 Bxg1 24 Ne4 Rf5 +. With 20 Kg2 he took the risk of allowing his king to be lured

forward, thinking that by forcing matters he wouldn't allow Black time to add to his attacking army. ( In fact, back at the diagram White chose 1 8 g3 over 1 8 h3 because he counted on 20 Kg2 . )

Had he reviewed his thinking accurately at move 2 0 he would have found that 20 fxg3 ! Qxg3 + 2 1 Khl would have drawn since Black's other pieces are too far away to be of any immediate use.


Finally, it should be pointed out that "quiet" moves may also be forcing, and sometimes the apparently passive is better than the malevolently dynamic.

Lukacs-Luecke, Budapest 1 99 1 White to play

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1 1 8 / T H E I N N ER G A M E OF C H E S S

White i s a pawn down but has excellent compensation in light of his superior minor piece, advanced rook, and passed pawn. Instinct tells him he should look for a forcing idea, s ince quiet play is l ikely to neutralize his compensation and lead to a victory for Black's passed queens ide pawns.

But when he looks for forceful lines he finds that 1 Ra 1 ( in­tending 1 . . . b6 2 Rxa 7) leads nowhere after 1 . . . Rxc 7 2 dxc 7 b6 because 3 Rxa5 ? bxa5 4 Bb 7 and 5 c8Q in fact loses to the distant a-pawn (4 . . . a4 ! ) .

The improved version of this, 1 Rd5 and then 1 . . . b6 2 Rxa7 or 1 . . . Rxc7 2 dxc7 b6 3 Rd8, also has a serious hole: 1 . . . Nc4 and then 2 Rxb7 Ne3 + or 2 Kf2 Nxd6 ! .

So White played . . . 1 Kg 1 !?

. . . which, in fact, is forceful because now 2 Rd5 Nc4 3 Rxb7 is a winning line (no check with 3 . . . Ne3 ) .

1 . . . Rxc7? Black probably saw that his forcing I . . . f5 ? fails to 2 Rxh 7 ,

threatening 3 d7 . On the best defense, I . . . Red8, White has only a minor edge.

2 dxc7 Ke7 3 Bxb 7 ! resigns

Because of 3 . . . Nxb7 4 Re I + Kd7 5 Rxe8 Kxe8 6 c8Q+.

Sometimes you need to maneuver your thinking midway be­tween the most forceful and the least. The following example helps demonstrate this:

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Benko-Byrne, U.S. Open 1 964

Force 1 1 9

1 e4 e6 2 d3 d5 3 Nd2 Nf6 4 Ngf3 b6 5 e5

Nfd7 6 g3 c5 7 Bg2 Qc7 8 0,0 Nxe5? 9 Nxe5

Qxe5 1 0 c4 Qd6? 1 1 cxd5 exd5 1 2 Nc4! Qd8

13 Qh5 Bb7

White has just played four moves in a row of varying force and is in the mood to push the action along. Now he has to make a choice. With 1 4 Ne3 he will threaten a pawn, and in fact must win it since 1 4 . . . d4 ? ? loses to 1 5 Bxb 7 .

The alternative is a forcing move like 14 Re I + or 14 Bg5 . White can mix the two ideas together with 14 Bg5 Be7 1 5 Rfe l but has to find a good followup after 1 5 . . . Nc6.

After the game White explained that he gave up on this last tree, and played the inferior 14 Ne3 instead, because he examined only one continuation after 14 Bg5 Be7 15 Rfe l Nc6, what he called the "Morphy style" 1 6 Rxe7+ Nxe7 1 7 Rfe l .

But then he saw that 1 7 . . . 0-0 1 8 Bxe7 could be met by 1 8 . . . Re8 ! , after which 1 9 Bxd8 Rxe 1 + 20 Bfl dxc4 is de­cidedly unclear.

White was correct to rej ect the violent "Morphy" line in favor of 14 Ne3 ? ! , which led to a solid advantage and, in fact, to a win in another ten moves . But he missed the best branch-the middle-of-the-road branch-which would have won a piece immediately: 14 Bg5 Be7 1 5 Rfe l Nc6 1 6 Ne5 ! .

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1 20 T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S


Finally, let's examine a full game that illustrates the dangers of misjudging force. The game shows how an obscure master missed an opportunity to mate a former world champion in less than 30 moves, then went on to lose because of a variety of calculation errors.

Tan-Smyslov, Petropolis 1973

1 e4 d6 2 d4 Nf6 3 Nc3 g6 4 Bc4 Bg7 5 Qe2 c6 6 e5 Nd5 7 Bd2 0,0 8 Bb3 a5 9 a4 dxe5 1 0 dxe5 Na6 1 1 Nf3 Nc5 12 Bxd5 cxd5 13 Be3

Ne4 14 Bd4 Nxc3 15 Bxc3 b6 16 Qd2 Ba6 1 7 h4! Qd7 1 8 h5 Qg4 1 9 O,O,O! Qxa4 20 Kb l

Rfc8 2 1 Rh4 Qe8 2 2 hxg6 hxg6 2 3 Rdh 1 Rc4 White has sacrificed a pawn for a promising kings ide attack.

Black's last move, threatening to diminish the enemy army by a trade of rooks, compels White to weigh the various choices: He can block the fourth rank with 24 Bd4, 24 Nd4, or 24 g4. Or he can retreat his rook to h2 or h3 . But these are all in­ferior because they lack force.

24 Rh7? ! Yes, this i s superior to the moves just mentioned: It carries

more power in the form of the threatened 25 Rxg7 + Kxg7 26 Qh6+ and mate next. But at the same time, White fails to con­sider the most forceful line, that is, moving the rook one square farther and giving check.

Once you spot 24 RhS + ! BxhS you have to examine 25 Qh6. This threatens mate on hS, but runs out of steam after 25 . . . Bg7 . Therefore, you should look for a more forceful

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Force 1 2 1

second move, and find i t in the form of 2 5 Rxh8+ ! Kxh8 26 Qh6+ Kg8.

_ Analysis variation after 26 • • • KgB

White is very close to delivering mate, and the final stage of calculation involves determining whether Ng5 and Qh7 + leads to that result. A t first glance the double-rook sacrifice ap­pears unsound because 27 Ng5 e6! 28 Qh7 + Kf8 29 Qh8+ Ke7 30 Qf6+ Kd7 and Black escapes, or 27 Ng5 e6 28 Nh7 Rf4 !

But if you refine the sequence a bit with 27 e6! first, the game is over. After Black meets the threat of mate on h8 with 27 . . . Rxc3 or 2 7 . . . f6, White has the pretty and effective 28 Ng5 ! ! . Mate is then unstoppable .

Meanwhile, back in the game, Black met the threat of 25 Rxg7 + with . . .

24 • • • QfB 25 e6

There is more than one idea for continuing the attack. With Black's queen now blocking the king's evacuation route, White can triple heavy pieces on the h-file, followed by Rh8+ .

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1 22 / T H E I N N E R G A M E OF C H E S S

This has the drawback of calling for three "quiet" preparatory moves (e .g . , 25 Rh2 , 26 Qe l , and 27 Qh l , or perhaps the more accurate 25 Qg5 and Qg3 -h2. But it's not obvious how Black can defend against this slow buildup (25 Qg5 d4 26 Qh4 ! f6 27 e6) .

Instead, White opts for the more forceful idea, threatening 26 Rh8+ Bxh8 27 Rxh8 mate or 26 Rxg7 + .

2 5 . . . Rxc3 This can be called semi-forcing, since White must either

capture on c3 or come up with a more forceful move of his own. Since there are checks and mate threats of various kinds in this position, the force-power of 25 . . . Rxc3 is relatively low.

26 exf7+? This is forceful but for only one move. White appears to

have played this move without an idea in mind-a very dan­gerous policy. He could, of course , have simply played 26 bxc3 . But that might have turned the initiative over to Black.

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Force / 1 23

Ifhe had looked a bit more deeply, White might have found 26 NgS ! , which threatens to win the queen with 27 exf7 + . Then 2 6 . . . fxe6 i s clearly unsatisfactory because o f 27 Nxe6. So he would focus attention on 26 . . . f6, and then 27 Qxc3 , preparing to win with 28 Qh3 and 29 Rh8+ , looks good. But 26 . . . f6 27 Nf7 ! and 28 Rh8+ is better. It wins outright.

This is the second win White missed for failing to search for force.

26 . . . 27 bxc3?


White misses a third opportunity and plays instead a quiet recapture . What are the more forceful tries in the position? The

• chief candidates are the attacks on the queen (NgS and NeS ) . The idea i s to drive the queen away from the defense of two key squares, g7 and dS . Consider the consequences of 27 NeS ! :

(a) I f Black abandons g 7 with 2 7 . . . Qe6 he allows 2 8 Rxg7 + ! Kxg7 2 9 Qh6+ Kf6 (forced) 3 0 Qxg6+ ! KxeS 3 1 Re I + and wins.

(b) If Black abandons dS with 27 . . . Qf6 or 27 . . . QfS he al­lows 28 QxdS + and 29 Qxa8+ .

( c ) I f Black tries a desperado, meeting force with force, and tries 27 . . . Rxc2 , then 28 Qxc2 QfS ! may kill the attack. But 28 Rxg7 + ! wins, since 28 . . . Kxg7 29 Qh6+ bags the queen, and 28 . . . Qxg7 29 QxdS + Kf8 allows 30 Rh8+ Qxh8 31 Qf7 mate.

27 . . . Rd8 28 Ne5

One move late , now that dS is covered. 28 . • • Qf6

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1 24 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

29 £4? A final failure. White tries to consolidate with quiet

moves , but the inadequacy of this pol icy i s shown by the rest of the game: 29 • • . d4! 30 g4 Bb7 ! 3 1 RIh3 Rd5 32 cxd4 Qd6 33 Qh2 (33 Rh8+ Bxh8 34 Rxh8+ Kg7 ! leads to nothing) 33 . • . Qb4+ 34 Ka2 Qa4+ 35 Ra3 Qxd4 36 Rxg7+ Kxg7 and as he played 3 7 Rh3 , White's flag fell.

What could he have done ? The diagrammed position calls for force, and one likely policy is 29 Ng4 ! , forcing Black to choose between 29 . . . Qd6 (30 Rxg7 + ! Kxg7 3 1 Qd4+ with unclear play) or 29 . . . Qxc3 30 Qxc3 Bxc3 3 1 Rxe 7 when White's rooks are suddenly very strong on the seventh rank (3 1 . . . Bg7 32 Nh6+ Bxh6 33 Rxh6 Rd6 34 Rhh7 ) .

With a healthy appreciation of force, the aspiring calcula­tor is ready for the meat and potatoes of calculation­the counting out and evaluating of variations in the tree of analysis.

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"Everyone complains of his memory, and no one complains of his judgment. "

-La Rochefoucauld

. 0 nce we've examined the tactical and strategic ideas in a position and have assessed the forcing moves, we move

into a different realm. This is the more familiar form of calcu­lation, the mental processing of tree branches. The most im­portant questions to ask in this process are :

( 1 ) What is the final position in each sequence like ? Is one more favorable than others ? In short, how do we eval­

uate the branches of a tree ? ( 2 ) Am I sure they are the final positions ? After my in­

tended two-mover can I say "and wins" ? In short, when can I stop calculating ?

( 3 ) Do I have the right move order? Can the idea be im­proved by a different sequence ?

(4) Is there an escape route ? If ! begin a forcing sequence that runs four moves and suddenly realize after two moves have been played that I 've made an oversight, can I bail out ?

1 25

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The most common misunderstanding about the powers of chessplaying computers-by experienced players as well as by novices-is that machines calculate more efficiently than hu­mans. They don't.

They can't, because they lack a human's greater skills of in­tuition and evaluation. We can turn our attention to the most l ikely moves and responses and ignore the others. We don't have to work every variation out to mate.

"A master's strength is in the evaluation of a position," wrote Mikhail Botvinnik. You can have the Cray Blitz capac­ity to instantly analyze a candidate 1 5 moves deep. But if you conclude after those 1 5 moves that White is better when in fact Black has the edge, all your work is wasted.

In computer-only tournaments of the 1 980s, much of the success of the champion program Deep Thought lay in its su­perior powers of evaluation. It won more than a few games from positions that its opponent had forced, considering them favorable, if not winning, when in fact they were unfavorable.

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Counting Out 1 2 7

Ribli-Planinc, Portoroz/Ljubljana 1 975 Black to play

White has the advantage of the double exchange ( two rooks for Black's two minor pieces) . But Black has what Bobby Fischer used to call "a juicy position." Black is the one with the threats, pins, and tactical ideas. Moreover, Black has just passed the time control so he can choose at his leisure between the various candidates ( 1 . . . Nxf3 +, 1 . . . Bxf2 + , 1 . . . Qxf3 ) .

Instead, Black calculated one line out to the natural end­position, a position where the tactics are over and there seem no great issues left to be resolved. He quickly went into:

1 . . . Nxf3+ Z Kfl NdZ+

White's reply is forced and his rooks become disconnected. 3 RxdZ Qh 1 + 4 KeZ BxdZ

Here Black concluded that with 5 . . . Qe l + and mate threatened, White must play 5 Kxd2, after which 5 . . . Qxg2 + puts Black a pawn ahead in a queen-and-pawn endgame.

All quite true. But Black is not better; in fact in the end­position he is worse. What he failed to remember is that the

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number of pawns i n such an ending i s often not as significant as how far they are advanced. In other words , he didn't eval­uate the 5 . . . Qxg2+ end-position properly.

And the result was 5 Kxd2 Qxg2+ 6 Kc3 Qg3+ 7 Kh4 e4 8 Qd4! and the powerful d-pawn decided the game quickly: 8 • • • Qe l + 9 Ka4 b5+ 1 0 Kxb5 Qf1 + 1 1 Kb6 Qf4 1 2 Kc6 Qg5 13 d7 Qd8 14 Qb6 Qf6+

15 Kb7 Qe7 16 Kc8! resigns. This was an important lesson for Black to learn, particu­

larly since he can win from the diagram if he searches further and finds 1 . . . Bx£1 + ! . That requires a bit more computing time than 1 . . . Nxf3 + because the tree of analysis gets wider and longer: After the bishop's capture White has two ways of retaking on £1, and in each case the issue remains in doubt longer than the five moves that Black examined with 1 . . . Nxf3+ .

But i t would have paid off: 1 . . . Bx£1 + 2 Kx£1 Qxf3 + 3 Kg 1 h3 ! 4 R£1 Qxg4+ 5 Khl Qe4+ 6 Kh2 Nf3+ and wins, or 2 Rx£1 Nxf3 + 3 Rxf3 Qxf3 and the White king position makes this queen-and-pawn endgame a win for Black: 4 d7 Qd l + or 4 Qc8+ Kg7 5 d7 h3 ! 6 Qc2 Qxg4+ .


In most evaluations, you'll be guided by the material situ­ation. At the end of the main variation you will need to know who is ahead and by how much. The simplest way to do this is to count up what's left on the board at the end of the line .

Sound easy ? Maybe so, but consider this example. Black not only mise valuates a variation materially, he doesn't even count the pieces on the board correctly when he resigns.

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Verber (U.S. )-Mikenda (Austria) , Haifa 1 970 White to play

This comes from the last World Student Olympiad that was won by the United States. The Americans won by a single point-perhaps this one.

1 Ne4 Bxa 1 2 Nxc5 ! ?

White appreciated that he has a poor game positionally be­cause of the backward d-pawn and Black's ability to occupy d4. So, instead of the routine recapture (2 Rxa! Nf5 and . . . Ncd4) , he converts a slow strategic struggle into a dynamic, tactical one.

2 . . . 3 Nxd7

Qa8 Nd4!

After 3 . . . Bd4 Black has all the winning chances because White's knight is trapped on d7. The result of 4 Nxb6 axb6 is rough material equality ( two pawns and a rook for two minor pieces ) , but the pieces would be much stronger than the rook. Black's choice, 3 . . . Nd4, is even better.

4 Qe4!? Nxc2 5 Qxa8 Rxa8

6 c5

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This manages to free the knight a t d7 , and i t also con­fuses Black. Somehow in the Austrian's calculations he con­vinced himself that he has lost material over the last five moves. He sees that he's minus a rook and remembers tak-ing an enemy piece . But instead of realizing that he has won two pieces for the rook, he thinks he has lost the exchange. There followed:


7 Re I 8 cxb6

9 Nxb6

Ne3 Bd4 axb6 Black resigns??

Of course, we know how to count the material on the board. But in a visualized position-a position not actually on the board-it is hardly easy. There are two basic ways of fig­uring out the status of material at the end of a mental vari­ation:

The first, somewhat clumsy, method is to review the varia­tion in your head, adding up the captured pieces by White and then the ones captured by Black along the way.

The alternative is to run through the sequence in your head until the end-position and then "see" the remaining pieces.

Let's consider how this works in practice. Even in a battle of world champions, one car. mess it up.

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Capablanca-Alekhine, Nottingham 1 936 Black to play

1 . . . f4?

"A miscalculation of a somewhat peculiar kind," wrote Alexander Alekhine. He thought he was winning two ex­changes. Instead, he gives up three pieces for the rooks.

2 gxf4 3 Qd2 4 exd3

Bf5 Bxd3

It was now time for Black to cut his losses by bailing out of his original combination. He should play 4 . . . Na4 (after which 5 d4 gives White an excellent, but not yet won, posi­tion) . However, Alekhine went on to lose the game because he failed to count accurately.

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Had Alekhine employed the count-up method, either at this point or back when he was weighing the merits of 1 . . . f4, he might have sounded like this:

"Well, I will win one of his rooks for a bishop when I play 2 . . . Bf5 . Then he'll give up his rook for the knight on c3 , I 'll recapture with the bishop on f6, and he'll make the last cap­ture. Hmmm. I know it often turns out badly when your op­ponent makes the last capture.

"What's the score ? I ' ll have taken both of his rooks and he'll have gotten my f-pawn, plus one , two . . . no ! , three mi­nor pieces. I know from experience that three pieces are al­most always better than two rooks. So I have to play something else."

Had Alekhine employed the alternative method, visualiz­ing the final position, he might have sounded like this:

"Let's see , after 1 . . . f4 2 gxf4 Bf5 3 Q-somewhere Bxd3 4 exd3 , suppose I allow him to continue 5 Rxc3 Bxc3 6 Qxc3 . What's left on the board ?

"Well, we both have queens . And nothing has happened to my two rooks while both of his are gone. Hold on! I don't have any minor pieces left . How many does he have ? He hasn't moved any of them. The bishop is still on e3 , the bishop on g2, and the knight on £3. And I 've also given up a pawn. The final score sounds even, but it must be bad for me."

Alekhine apparently used neither method. He played 4 • • • c5? , and after 5 Rxc3 Bxc3 6 Qxc3 Qf6 7 Qxf6 gxf6 8 Nd2! the true material picture was clear to every­one. The minor pieces swept into power with 8 • • • f5 9 b5 a5 1 0 Nfl Kf7 1 1 Ng3 and Black resigned shortly.

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Sometimes when a lot of material is traded off, or when your opponent is losing something heavy, such as his queen, we be­come blinded.

Onoprienko-Liberzon, Soviet Armed Forces Championship 1 966

1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 a6 5 Nc3

Qc7 6 Bd3 Nc6 7 Be3 Nf6 8 0-0 b5 9 Nxc6 Qxc6 1 0 Qf3 Bb7 1 1 a3 Bc5 1 2 Rfe1 d6 13 Bg5 Nd7 14 Qh3 Ne5 1 5 Rad1 0-0

Here White sees what appears to be a winning move: 16 Nd5

It threatens both a knight fork at e 7 that wins the queen, and a check at f6 that leads to a very strong attack. "And, of course , on 1 6 . . . exd5 White plays 1 7 exd5 , attacking the queen and threatening mate on h 7 ," White says to himself.

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But this i s not s o simple. 16 • • •

1 7 exd5 exd5 ! Nxd3

Black's last move eliminates the mating bishop and forces White to continue:

18 dxc6 Nxf2 White had calculated this far: he's won the queen for two

minor pieces and threatens a bishop. But his own queen is hanging and he will likely lose a rook by discovered check. There is nothing "of course" about the position.

19 Qf3 Bxc6!

20 Qxc6 Nxd l + 2 1 Kfl Nxb2

Here is where the real calculation ends and the counting up begins. The score reads: White has won a queen for a knight, a rook, and a pawn. Material is roughly even.

But, as Botvinnik used to point out, the "evaluation func­tion" is not j ust a matter of adding two plus two. Sometimes you're dealing with material apples and strategic oranges that can't be added. The reason is that evaluation has a material component, but also a positional one.

Here White has several problems. His a-pawn is weak, his king is insecure, and he has no natural defense to an assault along the c-file.

The game actually saw 22 Re4 Nc4 24 Qd3 Bc5 25 Rh4 f5 26 Qh3 h6

23 Qd5 Bxa3 27 Qf3 Rae8

28 Be l Re4 ! and White fell apart in a few moves: 29 g3 Rxh4 30 gxh4 f4! 3 1 Kg2 Be3 32 Ba3 Nd2 ! 33 Qd5 + Rf7 White resigns.

A more recent example shows how this kind of error can be made as early as the ninth move:

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Taimanov-Zaichik, Leningrad 1 989

1 Nf3 f5 2 d3 Ne6 3 e4 e5 4 Nc3 Nf6 5 exf5 d5

6 d4 exd4 7 Nxd4 Nxd4 8 Qxd4 Bxf5 9 Bg5 Bxe2? This is an error. Black made it knowing that White could be­

gin a dangerous sequence with 10 Rc1 and then 1 1 Bxf6 Qxf6 1 2 Qe3+ and Nxd5 . But Black convinced himself that White couldn't play it because of a surprise he intended at his 13th move.

1 0 Re I ! Bg6 1 1 Bxf6 Qxf6

1 2 Qe3 + Kf7 13 Nxd5 Bb4+

Consistent with his last move. Black hopes to win the queen with 1 4 . . . Rhe8. White promptly obliges.

14 Nxb4! Rhe8

15 Be4+ Kf8 1 6 O-O! Rxe3 1 7 fxe3 Bf5 1 8 g4

White's moves have been virtually forced since move 1 3 . But the final position of Black's combination must be greatly in White's favor despite the loss of his queen.

The game, in fact, lasted only 10 more moves: 18 . . . g6 19 gxf5 Kg7 20 Nd5 Qe5 2 1 fxg6 hxg6 22 Rf3 and White won.

Even in relatively simple positions , with no strange material imbalances, a strong player can make horrible misevaluations. This is particularly common in endgame transitions.

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Ulibin-I. Gurevich, Santiago 1 990 White to play

Let's evaluate: First, material is equal. Second, both sides have passed pawns but White's is a bit farther advanced. White's rook and knight are a bit more active than Black's , but Black has the more useful king.

Bottom line: Unclear. Normally, an "unclear" label is not a problem. Afterward, an annotator may decide to update his evaluation, changing from the equal sign at move 1 2 to the plus­over-equals, denoting a slight advantage to White, at move 20. But the players don't have to do this in the course of a game.

However, in this situation an evaluation is important be­cause White has a relatively easy, forcing draw ifhe wants one: 1 Nd4+ Ke5 2 Nf3+. Black ca�not avoid the repeat of the po­sition without incurring problems; e.g. , 2 . . . Ke6 3 Nd4+ Kd7 4 Nb3 Rf8 5 Nd4.

When you have the opportunity to force matters into a par­ticular result, a win or draw, you should analyze the alterna­tive with exceptional caution. However:

1 Nd4+ Ke5 2 Rxe7+?? Kxd4 3 Re6

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Counting Out / 1 3 7

White saw this far and concluded he was better. In fact, he is probably already lost.

3 Kc4

4 Rxg6 5 Rxa6

Kb3 ! Kxb2

And with his king able to support both passed pawns-un­like White's-Black won easily: 6 K£4 Kc3 7 Rh6 d4 8 g6 b3 9 g7 Rg8 10 Rg6 b2 1 1 Rgl Rxg7 and White resigned shortly. White threw away this game because of gross misevaluation.

Finding the bottom line is not only part of processing varia­tions. It can also play an inspirational role. When evaluating a seemingly forced line of play the position may reveal to us a superior alternative.

Azmaiparashvili-Yudasin, Soviet Championship 1 986 Black to play

White has just retreated his attacked knight from c4 to d2, simultaneously threatening the enemy queen and Rxc8. He appears to be on the verge of winning:

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1 3 8 T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

1 . . . Bd7 At a moment like this, when a player is at the decisive point

of the game and emotions are naturally peaking, we can under­stand how White might bang down 2 Qxf8+ and then 3 Nxb3 .

But as students of calculation we cannot excuse him. Because after 2 . . . Kxf8 and 3 . . . axb3 White, although up the exchange, is not winning. He is not even better. In fact, he stands worse.

His rooks can dominate the only open file but lack signifi­cant targets (Rc7 is met by . . . Bc6) . His bishop is locked in at g2 by Black's center pawns. Black, however, can attack a significant target-b2-while bringing his king toward the center to advance his pawns.

White understood this and so he looked for a better move than 1 Qxf8+ . He realized that he needed a new idea. And, as so often happens in chess, when you look, you find.

2 ReB! ! resigns A hard move to spot, but working out the lines is easy ( 2

. . . Q-moves 3 Rxf8 matej 2 . . . Rxc8 3 Rxc8+ Bxc8 4 Qxc8+ Kf7 5 Nxb3 j 2 . . . Bxc8 3 Nxb3 and White has won a queen for a rook) .

Many errors are made in evaluating positions with material equality, or what appears to be equality. Unless the two sides have exactly the same pieces left on the board, there is some difference in the value of their armies.

For example, the first book you read about chess told you that when you give up two pieces for a rook and a pawn (or two pawns) , material is roughly even. This is rarely true in practice . Often the minor pieces are much better, particularly

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in an active middlegame. And sometimes the rook is winning, particularly in an ending with only a few pieces left or when there are passed pawns on both wings.

Evans-Rossolimo, U.S. Championship 1966 Black to play

Both of Black's rooks and his knight on h4 are under attack. But rather than begin defensive measures with 1 . . . Rxdl + ,

he found a combination-in fact, it helped win the best­played-game prize in this event. The idea of exploiting the last rank ( 1 . . . Rxc2) is not very difficult to find. Working out the combination to its end is much more of a challenge. This is because the main line is five moves long and requires finding an inspired "quiet" second move.

But many a strong master would have played something else even if they saw all five moves. They would have rejected the combination simply because they could not appreciate how well Black stood at the end.

Let's see: 1 . . . Rxc2!

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S o far, s o good: 2 Rxc2 allows mate i n one ( 2 . . . Rxd 1 ) and 2 Rxd5 allows mate in two. The real question is what happens after 2 Qxh4.

2 Qxh4 Rd4 ! ! A terrific move. Its strength i s hard t o foresee i n the dia­

gram but the variations are easy to work out at this point:

(a ) Protecting the knight with 3 f3 allows 3 . . . Qxg2 mate. (b) Taking either rook allows the same last-rank mates as af­

ter 1 . . . Rxc2. (c ) Any quiet move allows Black to play . . . Qxe4 and re­

main a pawn ahead; e.g. , 3 h3 Rxc 1 4 Rxc 1 Qxe4 or 3 Ra l Qxe4.

That leaves one "loud" move: 3 QdS+

4 RxdS+ 5 Rxc2

RxdS Kh7 Qxe4

Now examine what we have left:

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Counting Out I 1 4 1

In terms of material, Black has won a queen and a pawn for two rooks. According to the primers, material is equal. There is a good reason for that j udgment. If the White rooks were able to attack the same Black pawn and Black were forced to defend it with his queen and king, the result of a liquidation beginning with rook takes pawn and queen takes rook would be a dead-even material ending with j ust pawns and kings left.

But the position in the diagram is not even. The rooks are not coordinated, while both 6 . . . Qxc2 and 6 . . . Qe l mate are threatened. That means 6 Rcl is forced, and Black has time to begin mobilizing his extra pawn and king before White can double his rooks against a target. Eventually, the Black king can shepherd a passed pawn to a square on which White will have to begin the liquidating combination.

Black is the only one who can win such a position. This im­portant realization-the evaluation of the end-position-is what crowned a prize-winning game.

It lasted some 40 more moves but the power of the queen was evident after 6 Rc 1 Qe2 7 Rb 1 £5 ! 8 Rdd 1 e4 9 Re I Qc4 1 0 a3 Qa2! 1 1 g3 Kg6 1 2 Kg2 Qb3 13 Kg 1 Qa2 14 Kg2 K£6 15 £3 Ke5 1 6 fxe4 £xe4

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1 7 h4 Qb3 2 1 Kg2 g6

25 a4 Qc5 29 Rf8 Qe7

18 Kh3 Qc2 19 Ree l Qf2 20 Rfl Qb6 22 Rf8 Qb5 23 Rf2 e3 24 Re 1 Ke4

26 Kh3 b5 ! 27 axb5 axb5 28 Rf6 Qe5

30 Rf4+ Kd3 3 1 Rf3 Kd2. When he saw this game published in a Soviet magazine, the

great violinist David Oistrakh, a strong amateur player, ex­plained, "On a violin I could not have played better."


Before we leave the subject of evaluation, we must acknowl­edge that players often go into sequences that leave them de­cidedly behind in material, but with plenty of that vague commodity we call "compensation."

Yusupov-Karpov, Candidates Match 1989 White to play

Black's last two moves, . . . Rc7 and . . . Nd7, begin a trans­fer of the knight from b6 to the kingside, either to f6 or per­haps to f8-e6-d4 . Then White's absolute control of the d-file will be somewhat reduced and his winning plans curtailed.

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Counting Out / 1 43

It is moments like this when temporary opportunities arise . 1 Bxf7 ! !

This sacrifice was universally praised. Now on 1 . . . Qxf7 White invades with heavy pieces by 2 Qh3 and 3 Rd6.

1 . . . Kxf7 2 Qd2? !

But this was sharply criticized. When White decided to sac­rifice he well understood that he would keep total control of the open file. But what else did he have in return for a bishop besides a single pawn?

It appears that even against a former world champion, White did not think he had to foresee a specific winning se­quence in order to make such a sacrifice. What he saw was that Black couldn't extricate himself from the pin and achieve king safety.

Afterward, annotators found a number of improvements for White , such as 2 Rd6 ! , followed by the invasion of the queen to f5 , via f3 or h3 . Then 2 . . . Rcc8 3 Rxh6 Nf8 4 Rd5 ! or 2 . . . Rdc8 3 Qf3 + Ke8 4 Qf5 White is close to a winning position.

The game actually continued 2 . • • Ke8 3 Qa5 bxc4 4 bxc4 and now instead of 4 . . . Rc6 and 5 . . . Qe6 with a solid position , Black blundered with 4 • • • Rcc8? 5 Qa4 ! Rc7? 6 Qxa6 Rb8 7 Qg6+h Kf8? 8 Rf3 + resigns.

Even though the attack and defense were both flawed, White's original decision was quite correct. He had compen­sation even though he did not specifically see how to use it.

A great master of evaluating such positions was the late Mikhail Tal:

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Tal-Letelier, Havana 1 963

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 d6 5 c3 Bd7 6 d4 Nge7 7 Bb3 h6 8 Nh4 g5? 9 Qh5 Rh7 10 Bxg5 exd4 1 1 f4 Qc8 1 2 f5 dxc3 1 3 Nxc3 Ne5 14 Bf6 Ng8 1 5 Bxe5 dxe5

Many players of less than Tal-strength could have calcu­lated the next three moves in advance. But few of them would have forced the play as the former world champion does here. His genius lay not in the length of his variations, but in the evaluation of positions such as the one that occurs three moves later, at 1 8 Nd5 .

16 Ng6 This was more or less expected. There were only a few forc­

ing moves to consider. One of them, 1 6 Bxf7 + , doesn't quite work, and another, 1 6 Qg4, permits what we will call an attack-defense response, 1 6 . . . Nf6 ! , that halts White in his tracks.

1 6 . . . Bd6 Tal's threats were 1 7 Nxf8, to set up the king for attack, and

1 7 Nxe5 . Clearly, 1 6 . . . fxg6 1 7 Qxg6+ was out of the question.

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1 7 Bxf7+ ! Kxf7 It isn't hard to spot 1 7 . . . Rxf7 1 8 Nh8 ! . After the king

moves there are a number of discovered checks with the knight. Yet Tal played:

1 8 Nd5 !

In reaching this position from the diagram Tal disregarded the material imbalance (a bishop for a pawn) and the absence of specific positional compensation, but regarded the White knights, supported by the heavy pieces following 1 9 0-0, as suf­ficient to engineer a mating attack.

It's impossible for humans to calculate much further than 1 8 NdS with any degree of certainty. Tal relied on general prin­ciples, his instincts, and the consideration of a few likely con­tinuations. The most obvious defensive moves either fail outright ( 1 8 . . . Nf6 ? 19 NxeS + Kg7 20 Qg6 + ) or allow more attacking pieces to join in ( 1 8 . . . Kg7 1 9 0-0 ) .

1 8 Kg7

19 0·0 Nf6

20 Nxf6 2 1 Nxe5 !


Now we again have a position that can be calculated with some certainty ( 2 1 . . . BxeS 22 Qg6+ ; 2 1 . . . KxeS 22 f6+ ) . Tal's decision at moves 1 6-18 is soon proven correct.

Compensation, then, is in the eye of the beholder. Whereas some players would never consider the position after 1 8 NdS acceptable for White because there are no concrete variations that show White winning, Tal reasoned the other way: There are no concrete variations that show Black consolidating.

2 1 Qe8 22 Nxd7+ Rxd7 23 e5 +! Bxe5

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And Black resigned after 24 Qxh6+ Kf7 25 Rae 1 Rd5 26 Qh7+ Kf6 27 Re4! Bd4+ 28 Kh l resigns (28 . . . Qxe4 29 Qg6+ Ke7 30 f6+ . )


When an amateuf allows his opponent to play a strong combination, chances are he either completely overlooked the possibility of a combination, or misevaluated the final position.

But when a master allows a strong combination, it isn't nec­essarily because he and his opponent disagree about the na­ture of the end-position. Rather, the two players may be considering two different end-positions because one player stopped calculating the key line too soon.

Timman-Karpov, Montreal 1 979

1 c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 e5 3 Nf3 Nc6 4 e3 Be7 exd4 6 Nxd4 0-0 7 Nxc6 bxc6 8 Be2 d5 Bd6 10 b3 Qe7 1 1 Bb2 dxc4! 12 bxc4 1 3 Qc l Ng4 14 g3 Re8 1 5 Nd l

5 d4 9 0-0


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White is now lost, though it doesn't look that way. In fact, it won't be clear for several moves. But he has made a series of minor errors ( 1 0 cxd5 and 1 1 b3 was more exact, and 15 BO was also better than what was played) .

J an Timman's fatal error was allowing the following com­bination, which he realized was coming. White had calcu­lated 1 5 . . . Nxh2 "to the end," but misj udged where that end was.

15 . . . Nxh2

"Timman foresaw this move, of course ," his opponent said later.

1 6 c5 ! Timman saw the main line, which was not very original but

would have been quite effective ( 1 6 Kxh2 Qh4+ 1 7 Kg2 Qh3 + 1 8 Kg 1 Bxg3 1 9 fxg3 Qxg3 + 20 Kh 1 and now 20 . . . Re4 ! wins; e .g . , 2 1 Rf4 Bh3 ! ) .

But he concluded that Black could not play 1 5 . . . Nxh2 be­cause of 16 c5 ! , which deflects the bishop. On 16 . . . Nxfl White takes the bishop first and, next move, the trapped knight.

1 6 . . . Nxfl

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Unfortunately for Black, the bishop cannot b e diverted ( 1 6 . . . Bxc5 1 7 Kxh2 ! ) .

Karpov might have tried the finesse 1 6 . . . Be5 1 7 Bxe5 Nxfl , since White , with a bishop attacked, doesn't have time to capture on fl . There could follow 1 8 Bf4 g5 19 Bxfl gxf4 20 exf4 with unclear results. But he has better.

1 7 cxd6 White saw this far . . . and stopped. He had good reason:

Black's queen and knight are both attacked, and one of them will be taken next move. White's kings ide remains pretty much intact despite the loss of the h-pawn, and he has at­tacking ideas of his own, such as Qc3 .

White probably figured he stood much better in this posi­tion. Did he miss something ?

1 7 • • • Nxg3 ! Yes, he missed the only forcing move in the position ( 1 8

dxe7 Nxe2 + and 1 9 . . . Nxcl puts him the exchange and a pawn down) . Timman probably saw it coming after 1 6 . . . Nxfl , but by then it was too late.

18 fxg3 Qxd6

This is where the calculation begun at 1 5 . . . Nxh2 really ends. The difference is considerable from, say, the consequences of 1 7 . . . Qxd6 1 8 Bxfl . In this case, White's king defense is a mess and he has one pawn less than expected. Moreover, his pieces are too late in arriving at the kings ide ( 1 9 Kg2 Qh6 ! 20 g4 Qg5 ) while Black's get there quickly (. . . Re6 and . . . Qh6) .

Black saw this far, White did not. The rest of the game was anticlimax: 19 Kf2 Qh6 20 Bd4 Qh2+ 2 1 Kel Qxg3+ 22 Kd2 Qg2 23 Nb2 Ba6 24 Nd3 Bxd3 25 Kxd3 Rbd8 26 Bf l Qe4+ 2 7 Kc3 c5 ! 28 Bxc5 Qc6 29 Kb3 Rb8+ 30 Ka3 Re5 3 1 Bb4 Qb6 and White re­signed.

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The moral is that you must not only evaluate a position cor­rectly-you must evaluate the correct position.

There should be two general guidelines to the question "How far is far enough?"

The first is to calculate as many moves ahead as it takes to reach a conclusion . The conclusion may be as definite as "and White wins." Or it could be as vague as "and I prefer my posi­tion," as Tal might have said in the earlier example in this chapter.

Second, you should calculate until the forcing moves are over.

Generally, the stronger a player's sense of what constitutes an advantage, the easier it is for him to calculate because he can reach a firmer conclusion and therefore stop after looking just a few moves ahead. Computers have to look much further.

Larsen-Portisch, Siegen 1970 Black to play

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It 's not hard t o pinpoint the squares that will figure promi­nently in Black's calculations: f2 and e4. One is protected only by the White king, the other only by a knight. Out of this comes the idea of I . . . Rxf2 !

1 . . .

2 Kxf2

Rxf2 ! Ne4+

The game went on for two more moves, but it could have lasted at least five more if White had insisted. Yet Black did not really have to see any further than 2 . . . Ne4+ in order to decide upon I . . . Rxf2.

The reason is that judgment would tell him that I . . . Rxf2 has to be sound in such a position. The knight check guaran­tees Black that he will get his piece back. Therefore, he'll have approximate material equality at move three. In addition, he can see that there will be checks and threats after that point.

The j udgment that comes with experience tells him that (a) he will have enough material compensation for the ex­change and (b) he'll be considerably better off than in the di­agram in terms of positional considerations.

Black could, of course, examine all those checks and threats, as well as possible White defense, to verify his evaluation of the 2 . . . Ne4+ position. The lines are relatively easy to work out: White cannot move his king to g2 (3 . . . Qxg3 mate ) or e2 (3 . . . Nxg3 + ) . That leaves e l , which invites a strong 3 . . . Qxg3 + , and the only other legal move, which White played. By examining this far, Black would be able to conclude that he is not only well off after I . . . Rxf2, but winning.

The point, however, is that in practical terms, Black didn't have to see that much when he decided on his move in the diagram.

3 Kgl 4 Bg2

Qxg3+ Qxe3+

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resigns There are at least three winning moves now (5 . . . Nxc3 ,

5 . . . Bh6 and a check on f4, and 5 . . . Nfl) .

A more elaborate version of the same principle is:

Reorl-Palme, Austrian Championship 1 977

1 c4 c5 2 Nc3 Nc6 3 Nf3 e5 4 e3 d6 5 d4 Bg4 6 Be2 Nf6 7 O�O cxd4 S exd4 Be7 9 Be3 O�O 10 Rc 1 ReS 1 1 h3 Bh5 12 dxe5 dxe5 13 Qb3? Nd4 ! 14 Nxd4 exd4 15 Rfd1 Bc5 16 Bxh5 Nxh5 1 7 Ne2?

White is trying to exploit the pin on the d-pawn. He might have played 1 7 Bxd4 Bxd4 1 8 NbS but rejected that because of 1 8 . . . Bxfl + , and in the resulting equal-material position White has a vulnerable king.

Nevertheless, the move he preferred, 1 7 Ne2, is bad, par­ticularly since it allows a queen sacrifice whose soundness does not require much calculation.

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1 5 2 T H E I N N ER G A M E O F C H E S S

17 . • . dxe3 ! We tend to label every queen sacrifice as "brilliant. " This

one is not. The tactical idea is fairly simple. A novice can recognize

that in the diagrammed position Black cannot defend his d­pawn. A better-than-novice would know to look for a tactical way out of the d-pawn problem. And a less- than­master would recognize that the only tactical way out is a sacrifice.

So once Black gets the idea, the rest is the processing of variations. The tree of analysis is a narrow one. But how tall it stands depends on how long Black wants to exam­ine it .

18 Rxd8 exf2+ Now 1 9 Kfl appears best in order to protect the knight. The

alternative is 1 9 Kh2 Raxd8 20 Qf3 ( 20 N-moves invites a strong . . . Re 1 ) , after which there are several forcing methods but the simple 20 . . . g6 leaves White hard pressed to meet 2 1 . . . Rd2 ; e .g . , 2 1 g4 Rxe2 ! 2 2 Qxe2 Bd6+ and a knight fork wins the queen.

1 9 Kfl Raxd8 Should Black have looked this far ? Should he have stopped

when he saw that he had rook, bishop, and pawn for the queen and retained chances for attack with . . . Rd2 or . . . Rxe2 ?

20 Qf3 2 1 Ng3

Nf6 Rd2 !

Or this far ? That is, until he realized White could do little about his threats of doubling rooks on the second rank or on the d-file; e.g. , 22 Rb I Red8 and the threat of . . . Bd6xg3 fol­lowed by . . . Ne4 or . . . Rd l + must win.

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22 Qc3 23 b4 24 Rxd l 25 Ke2 resigns

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Red8 Rdl + Rxd l + Ne4!

Or did he figure it all out to the end?-26 Nxe4 flQ mate or 26 QeS Re I + 27 Kd3 Nxg3 and queens with check.

Any answer could be correct depending on the confidence and evaluation skill of the calculator. Many grandmasters would play 1 7 . . . dxe3 on instinct and stop looking after 1 9 . . . Raxd8, realizing that the position offers excellent com­pensation for the queen and would be better than any varia­tion in which Black just loses the pinned d-pawn.

Other players do not trust such short-run evaluations, and would work out the variations at least as far as 2 1 . . . Rd2 . (And there are still others who do not trust long variations be­cause they feel there's bound to be a mistake. )

This example should be contrasted with others in which you must reach the end. The nature of such positions requires you to calculate a long series of thrusts, parries, and counterthrusts to the end-and be absolutely sure it is the end.

Barda-Keres, Moscow 1956

1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Bb4 4 e3 b6 5 Bd3 Bb7 6 f3 c5 7 Ne2 cxd4 8 exd4 Nc6 9 Be3 d5 10 0-0 dxc4 1 1 Bxc4 0-0 1 2 Qd3 Qe7 1 3 a3 Bxc3 14 Nxc3 Rfd8 15 Radl Rac8 1 6 Rfe l ?

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White, realizing that Black's last move contains the threat of 1 6 . . . Ne5 , calculates a forcing series of replies that appears to refute that knight move.

But Black has calculated further . . . 1 6 . . . Ne5 ! 1 7 dxe5 Rxd3 18 exf6

White counted on this when he took no precautions against 1 6 . . . Ne5 . If Black now takes time to defend his queen, 1 9 Bxd3 will give White two pieces and a rook for his own queen.

18 Rxd l 19 fxe7 20 Kf2

Rxe l +

White undoubtedly saw this far-five moves ahead-when he considered his 1 6th move. Almost certainly he assumed Black would now move the attacked rook (e.g. , 20 . . . Rh1 ) to retain his material edge. But then 2 1 Bb5 ! queens the e-pawn.

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Remember that there are two criteria for determining when a sequence is over. Often a player will consider one criterion ( it's over when you can reach a clear conclusion, such as "White is winning after 20 . . . Rhl 2 1 Bb5") and under­appreciate the other ( it's over when the forcing moves are absolutely over) .

20 • • • Rxe3 ! This is what White missed. He stopped looking for forcing

moves and permitted this final desperado twist. After 2 1 Kxe3 Re8 White recognized his material deficit, and re­alizing that this was the true end of the sequence begun by 1 6 . . . Ne5 , he resigned.

In both these examples the tree was tall and very thin. But de­cisive, game-winning combinations aren't the norm. The branches of most trees don't have to be analyzed in great de­tail. The following example illustrates why:

Anand-Ye Jiangchuan, Kuala Lumpur 1 989

1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 d6 6 g4 h6 7 Rg l Nc6 8 h4 h5 9 gxh5 Nxh5 10 Bg5 Nf6 1 1 Be2 a6 1 2 h5 Bd7 13 Qd2 Be7 14 0-0-0 Qc7 15 h6 gxh6

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Here White began a combination: 16 Bxf6 Bxf6

1 7 Nf5 ! The tree unveiled by this yields at least five branches of con­

sequence. Let's consider their sizes:

(a) 1 7 . . . "pass"-a nonviolent move, such as 1 7 . . . Rd8. All such moves are met by 18 Nxd6+ , re-establishing mater­ial equality but with Black's king trapped in the center. After 1 8 . . . K-somewhere, Black threatens nothing, so White can confidently conclude that 1 9 f4, followed by 20 eS will be good enough.

In other words, White need look no further than move 1 9 , even though the end-positions are only relatively favorable. (b) 1 7 . . . 0-0-0 at least removes the king from the center, but

after White sees 1 8 Nxd6+ and 19 Nxf7 he knows that his advantage may even be greater than in (a ) lines. Ac­tually, he has to look one move further to see that 1 9 Nxf7 Bxc3 20 Qxc3 ? ? Qf4+ ! wins for Black but that 20 bxc3 wins easily for White.

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Here, White had to look to move 20 in the longest sub­variation, but it ends in a winning material edge. (c) 1 7 . . . Bg5 is a natural counterattacking move since 1 8

Nxd6 + ? ? loses to 1 8 . . . Qxd6 ! and White is pinned up. However, White meets the bishop move with 1 8 f4.

After 1 8 . . . exf5 1 9 fxg5 or 1 9 Nd5 followed by 20 fxg5 , how much further does he have to calculate ? I t's a matter of taste , but many masters would see that White will, at worst, be a pawn down after 20 fxg5 , and know that a knight on d5 is more than worth such a pawn. They would stop calculating as soon as they saw 1 8 f4. (d) 1 7 . . . Be5 also looks reasonable. But by the same token

as (c ) , White can stop looking past move 1 8 when he sees 1 8 £4.

(e) 17 . . . Be7 was the game continuation but it is again fairly easy to see that 1 8 Nxe7 gives White excellent prospects however Black retakes. If White wants to, he can work out ideas such as 1 8 . . . Kxe 7 1 9 Rg3 ! followed by Qf4/Rf3 or Rd3xd6, or 1 8 . . . Nxe7 1 9 Rg7 or 1 9 Qxd6.

(f) Finally, there is 1 7 . . . exf5 , after which 18 Nd5 is the nat­ural continuation. Unless Black wants to return the piece immediately, 1 8 . . . Qd8 is the only response. This is the most important variation we have to calculate because it is the only one that leaves White a significant amount of

material behind.

Yet, it turns out to be also one of the shortest limbs. Once White finds 1 9 Qxh6 ! ! he need see only that 1 9 . . . Rxh6 20 Rg8 is mate and that anything else allows either 20 Nxf6+ or 20 Qxh8+ ! Bxh8 2 1 Rg8 mate.

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1 5 8 T H E I N N ER G A M E O F C H E S S

The game actually continued 17 • . • Be7 18 Nxe7 Kxe7 19 Rg3 b5 20 Qf4 Rad8 21 Qh4+ Ke8 and White won soon after 22 Bxb5 ! Ne5 23 Be2 Qc5 24 Bh5 Rf8 25 f4 Nc6 26 e5 d5 27 Bxf7+! Rxf7 28 Rg8+. (Q.E.D. )

The reverse side of missing an opponent's move after the ap­parent end of a sequence is missing your own strong move. That's just as embarrassing.

Many a winning combination is rejected by players when they find a surprising tactical response for their opponent. But often when your opponent has such a stunning move at his disposal, the position is so explosive that you have an equally stunning counter.

Short-Miles; Brighton 1 984 White to play

White saw that 1 Nb6 forks heavy pieces and wins at least the exchange. But when he rechecked his variation he found a surprise answer-I . . . Ne2 l , which (a ) threatens 2 . . . Rc l + and mate, (b) threatens 2 . . . Qxd l mate , and (c) allows him

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to meet 2 Bxe2 with a mixture of the first two ideas ( 2 . . . Qxd l + ! 3 Bxdl Re I mate ) .

Very pretty, and White might have counted himself lucky for noticing 1 . . . Ne2 in time. That's why he actually played 1 a3?

But after the game he must have felt differently when 1 Nb6 Ne2 2 Qf8 + ! ! was pointed out: 2 . . . Kxf8 3 Nxd7 + and 4 Bxe2 wins a piece; 2 . . . Rxf8 3 Nxd7 attacks pieces at e2 and f8 and also wins material.

As a result of this failing, many calculated sequences never get started at all. A player gets a very good idea, then halts abruptly when he sees "the refutation."

Kovacevic-Thipsay, Thessaloniki 1 988 White to play

Here, for example, White has two tempting ideas. One is to get his bishop somehow on the b3 -g8 diagonal, winning the pinned queen. The other idea is the opening of the h-file via Rxh6.

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He first examines quiet methods of exploiting the first idea ( 1 Qc3 ) and rejects them as insufficient ( 1 . . . b5 ) . Then he puts the two ideas together and sees 1 Rxh6 with the idea 1 . . . Bxh6 2 Qg6+ followed by Bc4 ( 2 . . . Bg7 3 Bc4; 2 . . . Kh8 3 Qxh6+ Kg8 4 Bc4) .

But when he looks further and sees the reply 1 . . . Bf5 , what happens then?

There is a strong temptation to drop the matter entirely and look for another move in the diagram. The sequence 1 Rxh6 Bf5 appears to be a perfect case of a mildly forcing move ( 1 Rxh6) being refuted by a more forceful counter. After 1 . . . Bf5 White loses his opportunity to play Qg6+ . On 2 gxf5 Bxh6 or 2 e4 Bxh6 3 exd5 ? Bxd3 or 2 Qc3 b5 (3 Rxc6 Rac8 ! ) White's original plan is in tatters.

Nevertheless :

1 Rxh6! 2 e4

3 gxf5 !

Bf5 ! Bxh6

White correctly looked further after he noticed 1 . . . Bf5 . He didn't search for a sparkling counter-refutation but merely kept his head and evaluated the position after 3 gxf5 as being strongly in his favor. In fact the game ran its natural course quickly. Now 3 . . . Qxa2 4 e5 followed by 5 Rhl or 5 f6 de-cides the game.

3 4 Nc4

Qd7 Bg7

5 Ne5 ! Bxe5

6 Qb3+ resigns Because of 6 . . . Kg7 (6 . . . Qf7 7 Bc4; 6 . . . Rf7 7 dxe5 and

8 Bc4) 7 dxe5 Qc7 8 Qe6 followed by Rd7 + or Qg6+ .

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It should be stressed that i t takes great skill to sense when a variation is over and when there is still a bit of life in it. The absence of forcing moves is a good key to the location of an end-position. But often there are devastating "quiet" moves that drastically alter matters.

Filger-Dubinin, Soviet Correspondence Championship 1 975-7 7

1 d4 Nf6 Z c4 e6 3 Nf3 Bb4+ 4 NbdZ b6 5 a3 BxdZ+ 6 BxdZ Bb7 7 g3 Nc6 8 Be3 d5 9 BgZ dxc4 10 Ne5 Nd5 1 1 Nxc4 Qd7 1 2 Be l 0-0-01 13 e3 h5 14 b4 e5 15 dxe5 b5 1 6 Na5 Nxa5 1 7 bxa5 Qf5 1 8 Qb3

Black almost certainly intended 1 8 . . . Nc3 , attacking the queen, the unprotected g2-bishop, and the mating square d l all a t once. The knight move would also regain Black's lost pawn ( 1 9 e4 QxeS ) .

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After 1 8 Qb3 , however, White can meet 1 8 . . . Qxe5 with 1 9 Bb2 . Now 1 8 . . . Nc3 doesn't seem to work because after 1 9 Bxb7+ and 20 Qxc3 White can answer the terrible 20 . . . Qf3 simply by castling. Right ?

1 8 • • • Nc3 ! Wrong. Since this was a corresponding game, Black had the

luxury of being able to simply set up the position after 2 1 Qxc3 on his board and search for a Black response, no matter how "quiet." A trained calculator should be able to do the same, since the first few moves are so forcing that the "false end­position" after 2 1 Qxc3 is relatively easy to visualize .,

1 9 Bxb7+ Kxb7 20 a6+ 2 1 Qxc3


There is no safety in 2 1 0-0 because of 2 1 . . . Ne2 + 22 Kg2 h4, threatening 23 . . . h3 + and mates.

2 1 • • • Qf3 ! Here White played the meek 22 Bb2 and resigned a few

moves after 22 • • • Qxh l + 23 Ke2 Qd5 . But why didn't White j ust castle at move 22 , covering both dl and hI ?

Because Black, to his credit, realized that just because there are no captures, checks, or mate-in-one threats after 2 1 Qxc3 , it is not the end of the action. After 22 . . . h4 ! there is no de­fense to 23 . . . h3 and 24 . . . Qg2 mate (23 Re I hxg3 24 fxg3 Rxh2 ! ) . Even though White has an extra piece, a weak­ened enemy king position, and two free moves to do it, there is nothing to be done on the kings ide or queenside.


The other key element of variation processing is the order of moves. Suppose the tactical ideas you are working with in-

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elude a pin of the queen and a knight fork. You can use one idea or both. But if both, which comes first ?

After all, i f you are working with forcing moves, you are of­ten in a position to determine not only the matters being dis­puted at the board but also the sequence in which these matters come up for debate.

Let's begin with a simple tactical idea arising out of an old opening trap: 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nf3 Nf6 4 Nc3 e6 5 e3 Nbd7 6 Bd3 Bd6 7 e4 dxe4 8 Nxe4 Nxe4 9 Bxe4 0-0 10 0-0 e5? 1 1 dxe5 Nxe5 1 2 Nxe5 Bxe5

At first glance the position seems to defy a search for ideas. Everything of White's , except the c-pawn, is on an analogous square as Black's , but on the other side of the board. And everything of Black's, except the bishop on e5 , is protected. How can anything be happening in such a quiet, symmetri­cal position?

The answer is that White has the only significant advan­tage here: It is his turn to move. Perhaps he can attack the bishop and also something else .

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Asking yourself questions like that produces 1 Qh5 . I t threat­ens the bishop and also 2 Qxh 7 mate. Is that decisive ? No, be­cause there is a defense that meets both threats, 1 . . . f5 ! .

White should look further. Not further into 1 Qh5 f5 , and not for different ideas. He should look for a different way of using the Qh5 idea. There are only a few good ideas in a po­sition, so you shouldn't reject them hastily.

Here White can revive the double attack on h 7 and e5 by using a different order: 1 Bxh7 + ! Kxh7 2 Qh5 + Kg8 3 Qxe5. This order wins a pawn, not a piece as White hoped to do with 1 Qh5 . But it has the advantage of being more forceful than the queen move. And that makes it work.

Now examine a slightly different version. Remove Black's f-pawn and put it on d4. We see that 1 Bxh7 + works here, too, but again only wins a pawn. The best move order now is 1 Qh5 ! , which wins ( 1 . . . Qf6 loses outright to 2 Bxh7 + ! Kh8 3 Bg6+ Kg8 4 Qh 7 mate, and 1 . . . Re8 allows 2 Bxh 7 + Kf8 3 Bg6 with decisive threats ) .

The difference between the right and the wrong order can be brutal as well as embarrassing:

! j

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Petursson-Korchnoi, Wijk aan Zee 1 990 White to play

This occurred two moves before the time control, and if White had found the correct order, the game probably would not have lasted much longer. The two ideas in the position are the check on h8 and the advance of White's f-pawn (attack­ing the knight and cutting off the king's escape square ) . After 1 Qh8+ Ng8 2 f6 gxf6 3 gxf6 Black loses at least a piece. But in time pressure:

1 f6?? Ng6! And white had nothing more than a draw (2 Qh7 gxf6 3

gxf6 Qcl , etc. ) . Move order can b e a minefield, but i t can also be an ally in

unlocking the tactical secrets of a position.

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Keres-Spassky, Goteborg 1 955 White to play

White has a wonderful game here, with two crisp bishops cutting through the air that leads to the kingside. The natural idea that suggests itself is an attack on g7 , using the forcing nature of a mate threat. Black's minor pieces play no role in the defense of that square. Any move of the White knight would open the b2-g7 diagonal and threaten mate.

But each of those knight moves would also permit 1 . . . Qxg3 , squelching the threats. White might be able to extract an endgame edge with the zwischenzug ( in-between move) 1 Nxd7 Qxg3 2 Nf6+, but 2 . . . gxf6 3 hxg3 Bxc4 is not at all clear.

But White knew his position deserved more than an endgame edge. And he didn't need to find a new idea:

1 Qxg7 + ! ! resigns The main-in fact, the only real-variation is a nice one.

It runs 1 . . . Kxg7 2 Nxd7+ Kg8 3 Nf6+ and 4 Nd5 + , winning back the queen at the profit of a piece.

You can praise Paul Keres for his magnificent tactical vi­sion, but, technically, all he did here was re-order his moves­Qxg7 + before Nxd7 , not after.

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Differences in move order may determine whether a combina­tion works or fails. Or it may mean that the superior order leads to a decisive result rather than just a significant advantage.

Sometimes we shortchange ourselves by taking the wrong order:

Sokolov-Sturua, Soviet Young Masters Tournament 1 984

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Ne6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 0-0 Be7 6 Re I b5 7 Bb3 d6 8 e3 0-0 9 h3 Nb8 10 d4 Nbd7 1 1 Nbd2 Bb7 1 2 Be2 Re8 13 Nfl d5 14 Nxe5 Nxe4?

Here White played 1 5 Nxf7 Kxf7 16 Rxe4. Both of his moves were awarded exclamation points because of 1 6 . . . dxe4 1 7 Bb3 + Kf6 1 8 Qh5 g6 1 9 Qh6 and wins, or 1 7 . . . Kg6 1 8 Qg4+ Bg5 19 Ng3 .

The problem with this bit o f brilliance i s that after 1 6 Rxe4 Black played 1 6 • • • Nf6 and was able t o put up stiff resistance before eventually conceding. Is there a better

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way, something that leads t o more than j ust a pawn-up middlegame ?

What draws some of sting of White's combination is that White played his most forceful move first and Black could ig­nore the less forceful 1 6th. Suppose we change matters a bit: first 15 Rxe4 dxe4 (on 15 . . . Nxe5 16 Rxe5 , White remains a knight ahead) and now 1 6 Nxf7 .

Now the consequences of 1 6 . . . Kxf7 are exactly the same as in the line 1 5 Nxf7 Kxf7 1 6 Rxe4 dxe4 because we have transposed exactly. The difference is that the second sequence ends with 1 6 Nxf7, a move that attack's Black's queen. After a queen move, the addition of 1 7 Bb3 and a discovered check looks like it should be quickly decisive; e .g . , 1 6 . . . Qc8 1 7 Bb3 Kf8 (else 1 8 Nd6+ ) 1 8 Qh5 Nf6 19 Ng5 ! ! .

But when you change the order, you usually change the opportunities for both sides. Black should have certain chances in the second order that he doesn't get in the first . If we look further we'll find them: After 16 . . . Qb8 ! 1 7 Bb3 c5 White can regain his material but no more. For example, 18 Be6 Nf8 ; or 1 8 Ne5 + c4 19 Nxd7 Qc7 ; or 18 dxc5 Nxc5 19 Nd6+ Kh8 ! .

Conclusion? The order chosen by White was best.

Now let's examine a more sophisticated example , which fur­ther illustrates the double-edged sword of sequence. Here it spoils a golden opportunity for a little-known player to defeat a world champion.

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Gdgodan-Karpov, Soviet Championship 1 976

1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Be7 4 Nf3 Nf6 5 e3 0-0

6 b3 b6 7 Bb2 Bb7 8 Bd3 c5 9 0-0 cxd4

10 exd4 Nc6 1 1 Qe2 Nb4 1 2 Bb l dxc4 13 bxc4 Bxf3 14 gxf3 ! Qxd4 15 Ne4 Qd8 16 Rdl Qc7

17 Nxf6+ Bxf6

This position, arising out of a then-popular opening, had been endorsed by theoreticians but not really tested over the board. White has sacrificed one pawn, and the health of his other pawns, for a kings ide attack. The ideas in the position include Bxh 7 + , Qe4, and Bxf6, and even some supplementary help from Khl followed by Rgl + .

Okay, s o much for the ideas. Time to start processing the variations. We might look first at the l ines involving Qe4. Suppose we break up the kings ide with 1 8 Bxf6 gxf6 1 9 Qe4, how does Black protect h7 ? The obvious answer is 1 9

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. . . f5 and o n 20 Qh4 h e can stop the attack dead with 2 0

. . . f6 . But is there a better way of using the Qe4 idea-that is, a

better move order? Yes, and it lies in the immediate 1 8 Qe4 since the . . . f7 -f5 defense is now impossible and 1 8 . . . g6 al­lows 1 9 Bxf6 at a time when it wins the bishop.

Does this mean that 1 8 Qe4 wins outright ? No, because a further examination shows that Black can just move his king rook, vacating f8 for his king. The position after 1 8 . . . Rfd8 1 9 Qxh7 + Kf8 is hard to evaluate: Material is now even, but White's pawns are still a mess and it's not clear whose king is in greater j eopardy.

White turns instead to a familiar idea. Remember Lasker-Bauer and Kuzmin-Sveshnikov from Chapter Two ? Well, a relative of the two-bishop sacrifice lurks under the fa­cade of this position. White played:

18 Bxf6 gxf6

1 9 Bxh7+ Very nice. Now 19 . . . Kxh 7 20 Qe4+ Kg7 21 Qg4+ and 22

Khl ! give White a crushing attack (e.g . , 2 1 . . . Kh8 22 Khl Qc5 23 Qh4+ and 24 Rgl + ) . And on 1 9 . . . Kh8 White plays 20 Be4 Rad8 2 1 Khl with a very strong game.

19 • • • Kg7 ! This is what White overlooked. When he examined the po­

sition of the diagram he failed to see that the g7 - square would be available. He continued the game desultorily with 20 Rd4 Rh8 2 1 Rg4+ Kf8 22 Qb2 Rxh 7 23 Qxb4+ Qe5 24 Qd2 Re8 and lost not only his golden opportunity to up­set a world champion, but the game as well.

We might say that this was an error of visualization, like those we'll consider in Chapter Eight. But here it was mainly a mistake of move order, because White could have avoided

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the . . . Kg7 defense had he played the right sequence : 1 8 Bxh 7 + ! and if 1 8 . . . Kxh 7 then 1 9 Qe4 + and 2 0 Bxf6 (with Qg4 + and Kh l as he had planned) . Black would have to avoid this with the unpleasant 1 8 . . . Kh8 or some other in­different defense , leaving him with doubtful chances of survival.


The juggling of move orders is a fine example of the serendip­ity at work that we saw in Chapter Three.

Vyzhmanavin-Novikov. U.S.S.R. Championship 1 990 White to play

White toys with a few ideas in this position ( 1 Nxf6+ Bxf6 2 Qxh6 and 1 Rc7 Rxc7 ) and finds that neither seems to get anywhere. But what about 1 Qxf7 +, he wonders.

Then on 1 . . . Qxf7 2 Bxf7 + Kxf7 White has 3 Rc7 + Rxc7 4 dxc7 R-moves 5 Nd6 + ! and wins.

Unfortunately, there are several holes in this sequence. For one, Black need not capture on move three but can play 3 . . .

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Rd7 ! . Furthermore, h e can refute the combination very sim­ply with 2 . . . Rxf7 ! .

But the idea doesn't go away and White wonders about a different order. Try 1 Qxf7 + and 2 Rc7 . Then 2 . . . Rxc7 is an­swered by 3 dxc 7 R-moves 4 Bxf7 + Kxf7 5 Nd6+ or 3 . . . Qxb3 4 cxd8Q.

Ah, but there's another flaw: 2 . . . Qxb3 ! , leaving Black a queen for a rook ahead.

One last try and three is a charm: 1 Rc7 ! ! and now 1 . . . Rxc7 2 Qxf7 + ! Qxf7 3 dxc7 transposes into the most favor­able of the previous lines.

In fact, after 1 Rc7 Black resigned . Another Soviet grand­master later told the winner, "I looked at the position for ten minutes and couldn't understand what happens on 1 . . . Rxc 7 . "

Sometimes, of course, i t doesn't matter whether you play A before B or B before A. But perhaps three times out of four you will find there is a significant difference. Here's another exam­ple of how juggling ideas and sequences allows a player to be bril­liant.

Honfi-Barczay, Kecskemet 1 977 White to play

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White can defend against 1 . . . Qxb2 mate by advancing

his c-pawn one square. But he preferred to push it two: 1 c4

is more forceful. For the same reason, most masters shown Black's posi­

tion would look first at 1 . . . Na3 + . I t meets the threat to the knight with a gain of time. The only problem is that 2 bxa3 ! is a simple refutation (because 2 . . . Qa l + allows 3 Nxa l ! ) .

So Black tries to find a method of using the . . . Na3 + and . . . Qxb2 ideas. And there it is: 1 • • • Rxc4! 2 Qxc4 Qxb2+! ! and wins (3 Rxb2 Na3 + 4 K-moves Bxb2+ 5 Kxb2 Nxc4+ and 6 . . . Rxe4) .


In the last few pages we considered how changing the sequence of events can lead to distinctly different results. But what hap­pens when it seems you can reach exactly the same end-posi­tion by different routes? Which road do you take ?

This is a crucial matter because, as noted earlier, each move order creates its own options for the opponent.

If it seems that your opponent will get those options any­way, you want to place them at the least dangerous point. Usu­ally this means before you are fully committed. In other words, give him choices at the beginning, not the end.

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Boey-Filip, European Team Championship 1972 White to play

White has a temporarily dominant position but must act quickly before Black coordinates his forces with 1 . . . Bb7 and a move of his a8-rook. There doesn't appear to be anything sig­nificant in 1 Rxc5 Kxd6! 2 Rd5 + Kc 7 or in other semi-quiet lines.

As he calculates them, however, White sees that the un­used resources in the position are his king and advanced h­pawn. It takes too long to bring the king into significant action. But what about getting the h-pawn moving ?

That can be done by 1 Re7 + , exchanging rooks, followed by Bxg6. If Black then takes the bishop, White queens. (Do you see how?)

Think about the correct order of moves a minute or two here before reading on.

The right way of doing things is:

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1 Bxg6! hxg6 2 Re7+ Rxe7 3 dxe7+ Kxe7 4 Rd8 ! ! resigns

Counting Out 1 75

The sacrifice of the rook is necessary to queen since 4 h 7 fails to 4 . . . Bb7 . After 4 Rd8, however, White will promote (4 . . . Kxd8 5 h7 or 4 . . . Bb7 5 Rxa8 Bxa8 6 h7 ) and then sweep the board of Black pawns.

But the key to this combination was not the pretty 4 Rd8; it was the order of the earlier moves. Why did White start with the bishop capture ? The reason is that even though it is a sacrifice it is the least forcing move in the series. After all, Black could have ignored 1 Bxg6 ( 1 . . . Rf6 2 Bxh 7 Rxh6; 2 Bf5 + Kd8) . At least his position would not be a forced loss.

Now consider the consequences of reversing the order; that is, using the rook-trade idea first. After 1 Re7 + Rxe7 2 dxe7+ Kxe7 White would then play 3 Bxg6 and after 3 . . . hxg6 ? 4 Rd8 ! we reach the game-the same end-position.

However, in this order Black has plenty of other third moves, such as 3 . . . Be6 followed by . . . Bxd5 or . . . hxg6 or . . . Rg8. Black has more choices in this order. Only 1 Bxg6 produces the optimum result.

The matter of force and sequence becomes even more impor­tant in defensive calculation:

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Geller-Matulovic, Skopje 1 968 White to play

White appears to stand better because of his more advanced knight and better pawns. But 1 • • • d4! , dissolving the weak d-pawn, should lead to a dead-even game. In fact, because it seizes the initiative-by making a forcing move-it also cre­ates land mines for White to step into.

One of those mines is fairly obvious: 2 Nxd8 ? is clearly go­ing to be answered by 2 . . . dxe3 . Then 3 Nxc6 is the only way to avoid the loss of a piece. Black would then have a choice between the most forceful 3 . . . exf2 + or the equally promis­ing recapture on c6, either of which leave Black with better placed pieces.

White's real choice is between 2 cxd4 and 2 Nxd4. They lead to the same position after 2 cxd4 Nxd4 3 Nxd4 Qxd4 or 2 Nxd4 Nxd4 3 cxd4 Qxd4, with dead equality. So the exact calculator seeks the one that allows his opponent the fewest alternatives. A strong grandmaster, White chose what he thought was the "most forceful." He chose 2 cxd4, perhaps be­cause it retains the threat of 3 Nxd8 and averts such side lines as 2 Nxd4 Rxe3 ! ?

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But 2 cxd4?? allowed another possibility: 2 • • • Rxe6!

3 Rxe6 Nxd4! , after which Black won a piece in all varia­tions (4 Qc4 Nxe6j 4 Rxb6 Nxc2 ) .

One final example to show how difficult defensive calculation can be when your opponent is j uggling several ideas:

Vinsnes-Krasenkov, Rilton Cup 1 990 Black to play

Black appreciated that he was under pressure on both wings with several tactical ideas at work against him. Those ideas in­clude (a) the knight sacrifice Nf6+ , (b) the attack on h7 or a knight sacrifice there , and (c) the elimination of a key defen­sive piece , the Black knight, by way of the exchange sacrifice Rxc6.

With all that in mind, Black examined a few key variations and, finding them harmless, played:

1 . . . Qe7? This attacks the e-pawn, which can only be defended by

the humble retreat 2 Nf3 . Black understood that he was al-

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lowing 2 Qf5 but saw that 2 . . . Bxe4 ! 3 Nxe4 Qxe5 ! and 3 Qxe4 Qxg5 4 Rxc6 Qh5 was nothing to fear.

He was chiefly concerned, however, with several different move orders employing the ideas mentioned above. The first is 2 Nf6+ gxf6 and now 3 exf6 is easily met by 3 . . . Qe5 ! (4 Qh4 Qf5 ) .

White can prevent that queen centralization by the differ­ent sacrificial order 2 Rxc6 Bxc6 3 Nf6+ gxf6--still forced-4 exf6. But then 4 . . . Qe2 ! saves the day. (Note that it was White's first move that created a new opportunity for Black: White's rook is hanging at move five. )

S o Black examined yet another sequence : 2 Nf6+ gxf6 and now 3 Nxh 7 with the threat of 4 Nxf6+ and the idea of meeting 3 . . . Kxh7 with 4 Rd3 and 4 Rh3 + . But this can be met by 3 . . . Nxe5 ! and then 4 Nxf6+ Kg7 5 Nh5 + Kg6 ! .

As much as he shuffled the moves around, Black saw no ex­plicit danger. Unfortunately, he missed the one move order that punishes him:

2 Rxc6! 3 Nf6+

Bxc6 gxf6

On 3 . . . Kh8 White can choose either 4 Nfxh 7 or 4 Qf5 g6 5 Qh3 h5 6 Nxh5 ! .

4 Nxh7 ! !

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This is the sequence of ideas that eluded Black. Now 4 . . . fxe5 allows 5 Nf6+ Qxf6 6 Qxf6 with a won endgame.

4 . . . Kxh7 5 Qh4+ 6 Qg4+ 7 Rd3

Last hope (8 Qxe4 ? ? Rg8 ! ) . 8 Rh3+ 9 Qf5

Kg7 Kh8 Be4

Bh7 resigns


One of the special tricks of calculation technique is being aware of escape routes that appear in the tree of analysis. These

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enable a player t o bail out of a long variation before the end- ­position. For example:

Wirthensohn-Huebner, Swiss Championship 1 99 1 White to play

Black's last move, . . . Rfe8, sets all sort of alarms for White. It is, of course, a forcing move that attacks the White queen. But it invites the question: "What squares lose protection as a result ?"

The pertinent answer is fl . Being an aware calculator, White examined 1 Bxf7+! Kxf7 and the natural followups 2 Rxb7+ , 2 Qc4+ , and 2 Qd5 + . He eventually found that 2 Qc4+! was best, since 2 . . . Kf8 3 Bc5 + is bad for Black and 2 . . . Re6 allows 3 Rxb7 + Ne7 4 Bc5 Qc3 5 Rxe7 + ! or 3 . . . Be7 4 Bc5 .

So White could be fairly certain that after beginning the combination with 1 Bfl + , he would face a position with 2 • • •

Kg6! . Is there anything clear after that ? White wasn't sure . He played the bishop sacrifice anyway, because he had spotted a bailout: After 2 . . . Kg6 he could repeat the position with 3 Qg4+ Kfl (obviously forced) 4 Qc4+ ! Kg6.

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And i f he couldn't find anything t o b e confident about af­

ter that, White knew he could just repeat the position again

and claim a draw. ( In fact, there is a very good continuation-

3 Rb3 ! Qe7 4 Qg4+ with excellent winning chances; e .g . , 4

. . . Kf7 5 Rd7 or 4 . . . Bg5 5 h4 h5 6 Qg3 ! ) .

Of course, even with a bailout opportunity you must calculate the consequences of the main line accurately if you decide to go into it. Here is a similar example:

Ljubojevic-Smyslov, Petropolis 1973

1 e4 e6 2 d4 dS 3 exdS exdS 4 e4 Nf6 S Nc3 e6 6 Nf3 Be7 7 Bf4 dxe4 8 Bxe4 0-0 9 0-0 Ne6

10 Rc 1 a6 1 1 a3 bS 12 Ba2 Bb7 13 dS !? exdS 14 NxdS NxdS IS BxdS Re8 16 Re I Bf6! 1 7 Bd6! Re8

Clearly 1 7 . . . Qxd6 ?? 1 8 Bxf7 + was impossible . White now studied the position at some length and played 1 8 Bxf7+?! Kxf7 1 9 QdS+ Kg6.

He has a draw, if he wants it, with 20 Qd3 + , since 20 . . . Kh6 ? 2 1 Rxe8 Qxe8 22 Qf5 ! is too hot to handle (22 . . . Ne5 23 Qf4+ Kg6 24 Nxe5 + Bxe5 25 Rxc8) .

But White refused the bailout and went i n for 2 0 Rxe8? Qxe8 2 1 Qd3+ Kf7 22 Re I , hoping to bring the rook decisively into play.

However, he was lost soon after 22 • . • Ne7 ! ( 23 Qb3 + Bd5 24 Rxe7 + Qxe7 25 Qxd5 + Qe6, or 23 Bxe7 Bxe7 24 Ne5 + Kg8 25 Qb3 + Kf8 26 Qe6 Rc7 , or 23 h4 Qd8) .

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Bailouts do not always lead to forced draws, of course. Some­times when you're midway through the tree leading to a major advantage, you realize there's a major flaw in your analysis and you have to bail out with only an equal position. So be it.

Usually, bailouts occur in forcing lines.

Gipslis-Van WeIy, Gausdal 1 992 White to play

Here White, with the initiative, has j ust delivered a rook check at f7 and Black found the only reply, . . . Rc7 . What next ?

White, an experienced grandmaster, makes a remarkably naive move, 1 Kxg2?? It lacks any forcing power whatso­ever and permits Black a myriad of checks. Black found 1 • • • Qc2+ and suddenly White saw that 2 Kg3 Qd3 + 3 Rf3 allows 3 . . . Rg7 + and wins. The game continued 2 Kh3 Qd3+ 3 Kh4 Qxe4+ 4 Kh3 Qe3 + 5 Kg2 Qd2+! 6 Kg3 Qg5+ 7 Kh3 Qh5 + 8 Kg3 Qg6+! and 9 . • •

Rxf7 won} . What should White have done ? He should have examined

1 Rxc 7 + Kxc 7 2 Qf7 + ! . He could have seen that 2 . . . Kb6

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noW allows 3 Kxg2 when 3 . . . Qb2 + can be met by 4 Qf2 +

and White wins. But the main reason White should have played the 2 Qf7 +

line is that on 2 . . . Kc6, the only other reasonable alterna­tive, White could assure himself of at least a perpetual check with 3 Qe8+ . With this bailout option he could have guaran­teed the same result (a draw) as his best chance after 1 Kxg2 ??

In fact, after 2 . . . Kc6 White does not have to bail out but can continue the game with 3 Kxg2 , after which he has some winning chances following 3 . . . Qb2 + 4 Kh3 Qc3 + 5 Kh4 Qxal 6 Qxf8.


One of the most widely reprinted gems of calculation in chess history was a combination played by a future world champion, Mikhail Botvinnik, against a past one, Jose Capablanca.

Botvinnik-Capablanca, A.V.R.O. 1 938 White to play

White began a 1 2-move combination that ran 1 Ba3 ! Qxa3 2 NhS+! gxhS 3 QgS+ Kf8 4 Qxf6+ Kg8

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5 e7 ! . I n the face of unstoppable mate, Black ran out ofchecks after 5 • • • Qc 1 + 6 Kf2 Qc2+ 7 Kg3 Qd3+ 8 Kh4 Qe4+ 9 Kxh5 Qe2+ 1 0 Kh4 Qe4+ 1 1 g4 ! Qe l + 1 2 Kh5 resigns.

But it wasn't until more than 40 years later that Botvinnik revealed that he hadn't seen 1 2 moves ahead.

"I must admit that I could not calculate it right to the end and operated in two stages," he wrote. First he saw as far as 5 e7 and figured out that Black had no more than a perpetual check. That meant he could safely play the first stage-up to 6 Kf2-without risk of losing. Once that position occurred on the board he was able to find the White king's method of escape from checks.

Calculating in stages is a method of breaking down the un­fathomable into bite-size chunks of analysis. A more recent example:

Nunn-Fedorowicz, Wijk aan Zee 1 99 1 White to play

Here White saw the idea of exploiting the long diagonal with Be2 and Rxd5 , since . . . exd5 is then illegal and . . . Qxd5 allows BO ! , skewering Black's queen and rook. But the direct route, 1

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Be2 threatening 2 Rxd5 , fails to 1 . . . Rc8, forcing White to de­

fend c2. So White considered, and eventually played, a different or­

der, which allows him a couple of bailouts. The first stage went: 1 Rxd5 ! Qxd5 2 Be2

Now most moves lose quickly to 3 BO or 3 Rd l . For exam-pie, 2 . . . . Qxd6 3 Rd l Qe7 4 Qc3 ! with 5 Qc6+ threatened, or 3 . . . Qb4 4 QO Rc8 5 Qb7 , or 3 . . . Qb8 4 BO Be7 5 Bc6+ Kf8 6 Rd7 , etc.

2 • • • Qxa2 At this point, the end of the first stage, White can begin to

calculate again, having foreseen that 3 Qc5 is good enough to lead to a favorable endgame (3 . . . Qd5 4 Rd l ! Bxd6 5 Qxd6) .

3 Qf3 ! This begins a second stage. Key variations run 3 . . . Rc8 4

d7+ ! Kxd7 5 Qb7 + and 3 . . . Qd5 4 d7+ Ke7 5 Rdl Qx0 6 d8Q+. 3 . . . Bxd6! 4 Qxa8+ Ke7

White need not have calculated this far, but if he did he could pause again before starting the third stage. One natural, but faulty, continuation is 5 Qxh8 ?? Bxf4+ and mates.

Instead, White found 5 Qb7+ Kf8 6 Bc5 and if 6 . . . Bxc5 then 7 Qc8+ picks up the bishop with check. The game actually ended with 6 . . • Qa l + 7 Kd2 Qxh l 8 Qb8+.

As we've seen in this chapter, there are many intermediary fteps the careful calculator performs before making his move. Some merely confirm the correctness of his tree of analysis ( the bottom line, is it over ?) while others (move order, bailout, calculating in stages ) may simplify the process of calculating.

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"Half the variations which are calculated in a tournament game turn out to be completely su­perfluous . Unfortunately , no one knows in ad­vance which half. "

-Jan Timman

I n an obvious sense, all chess moves are a matter of choice. But there are often critical points in a game in which you

must choose between two or more moves that on first exami­nation appear equally good. This is often true even when deal­ing with relatively simple, forcing positions.

1 86

Ljubojevic-Szabo, Hilversum 1973 White to play

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Choice 1 87

One idea stands out here: White should try somehow to get his queen to the mating square b7 , probably via a check along the b-file. White pursued this with:

1 Qc3 d5 ! Now White saw that his intended 2 Qb4+ was stopped and

that the alternative idea 2 Qa5 and 3 Qa6 allows the defense 2 . . . Qf6+ and 3 . . . Qxc6.

2 Re I Protecting the c-pawn and renewing the Qa5-b5 + threat.

2 • . . d4! 3 Qa5 Rd5

And Black has seized the initiative . After the game, White made a great effort to prove he had missed a win-and even­tually he succeeded. But even if you know there is a simple win in the diagram, it's not so easy to find. Black claimed that af­ter the game he asked 50 spectators their opinions of the po­sition, and that all agreed 1 Qc3 was best. "Then I understood why Ljubojevic found his move so natural ! " he concluded.

Natural, but quite inferior to 1 Qd3 ! , which mates imme­diately.

What happened was that White failed to appreciate that he had a choice. This is one of the many problems that arise in a game when we are faced with two or more equally attrac­tive ideas.

More often when we make a bad choice it happens in a po­sition that has CHOICE written all over it in capital letters. Then there is often a right move and a wrong move, or some­times a good move and a better move. (And, sadly, in some positions only a bad move and a worse move. )

The worst mistake when confronted with a choice is to be­lieve it doesn't make any difference which path is taken.

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Hauchard-Shirov, Santiago 1 990 White to play

It used to be axiomatic for annotators to criticize that most common of choice errors with the words "Wrong rook! " Here is a typical example.

White should play a rook to dl so he can return his extra piece and eliminate the two terrible passed pawns when Black plays . . . d3 . But which rook ?

Not seeing any particular difference, White made the com­monsense choice, activating his unused a I -rook and leaving his other rook on its half-open file. Yet that is a blunder.

1 Rad l ? Qxc5 2 Kh l

Forced by the threat of 2 . . . d3 with discovered check. 2 . . . d3 3 Bxd3 exd3

If White had played I Rfd ! ! he could now continue 4 Rxd3 and have some survival chances. But here 4 Rxd3 loses out­right to 4 . . . QfS ! ! . There was a difference in rook moves in the diagram. (White ended up playing 4 Qc3 and lost after 4 • • • Re3 ! . )

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Another case in point:

Ljubojevic-Larsen, Las Palmas 1974 Black to play

White has j ust retreated his knight from e2 . Both play­ers have dangerous passed pawns, but Black has to spend a tempo to move his attacked rook before he can push his d-pawn.

Seeing little difference between the various rook-moves, Black continued:

1 2 Nxd3 ! 3 Kg5

Rc3? Rxd3

White takes his time but knows that he is winning, with 4 Ra7 + or 4 b6. The immediate 3 b6 allows 3 . . . Rb3 and 4 . . . B-moves.

3 4 b6! 5 b7 6 Rxa3

Ba3 Rb3 Rxb7

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And White won the rook endgame without further inci­dent. But going back to the diagram we can see that there is a significant choice to be made . And once we see that, we are closer to finding that 1 . . . Ra3 ! turns a loss into a win ( 2 Rxa3 d2 ! ) .

(White can make it a bit harder with 2 b6! d2 3 b7 d l Q 4 b8Q-but not 4 Rxa3 Kh6 !-4 . . . Qh l + 5 Kg5 , but after 5 . . . Qg2 + he must lose . )

The loser in that game, Bent Larsen, once said that when men­tally examining a sequence-that is, without looking at a board-you often don't actually "see" a position in your mind until you have to make a choice.

Visualization of a sequence, he added, is not a case of watch­ing a "moving picture" that advances one frame at a time. In most calculating, you make moves quickly in your mind with­out trying to picture the entire board. "Then, maybe you stop after a few moves in a critical line , since now there's a choice. And then maybe you 'see' the position."

In other words, choice becomes a stop sign .

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Choice 1 9 1

Marshall-Rubinstein, Bad Kissingen 1 928 White to play

White is confronted with a broad but pleasant choice. He can offer to play an endgame, or force one (with 1 Rd7 or 1 Qxf8 + ) . Or he can threaten to win with a queen move that prepares 2 Rd8, such as 1 Qa5 , 1 Qf6 or 1 Qh4.

The Rd8 idea seems the most natural, but which is the proper queen move ? Each seems to have its pluses and minuses. For example, 1 Qa5 has the added benefit of threatening the a-pawn. And with 1 Qh4 White also threatens the h-pawn as well as Nd7-f6+ (e .g . , 1 . . . f6 2 Nd7 or 1 . . . Bd5 2 Nd7 ) .

Unaccountably, White chose 1 Qf6? I t may appear the most menacing, but after 1 • • • Qc5 ! his initiative is over ( 2 Rd8+ Kh7 3 Nxf7 ? Qxe3 + or, reversing the order, 2 Nxf7 Qxe3 + 3 Khl Bd5 ) .

I n the game, White continued 2 Qd8+. But Black avoided the repetition of the position with 2 • • • Kh7 ! 3 Qd3+ f5 and soon had a winning superiority: 4 Nd7 Qe7 5 e4 fxe4 6 fxe4 Bc6! 7 e5+ Kh8 8 Nf6 Qc5+ 9 Qd4 Rxg2+, etc.

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What goes into making a choice ? I f w e could count o n 1 00 percent accuracy in our calculations, we'd naturally choose the line that leads to the greatest advantage.

But in the real world, we can't rely on such certainty. More often we're faced with situations like this:

Rogers-Shirov, Groningen 1 99 1 Black to play

Black saw two apparently equivalent methods of clinch­ing the draw. The more elaborate way is 1 . . . Kg3 ! , a classy waiting move that forces White to remove one of his well-placed pieces. After 2 Rh8 , for example , Black has 2 . . . f5 + ! 3 Kxf5 Kxf3 4 Rxh2 Kg3 and 5 . . . f3 , with a cer­tain draw.

But that's a lot of calculating, and it leaves White with con­siderable options. After the game, Black explained that he wanted something "simpler," something with a shorter tree and a more clear-cut end-position. So, even with plenty of time on his clock he chose:

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1 2 Kxf4

3 Rxh l 4 Kg3 !

Kg2?? h l Q Kxh l

Choice / 1 93

Now it was easier to calculate variations, but unfortunately for Black there was only one. It goes 4 . . . Kgl 5 f4! Kfl 6 Kf3 Ke l 7 f5 Kd2 8 Ke4 and Black, with his king sealed off, can­not avoid the loss of his pawn and the game (8 . . . Kc3 9 Kd5 ! Kb4 1 0 f6 and Kd6-e7 ) .

In that example, seeking the "simpler" and faster option did Black in. But in other situations, the temptation to play some­thing more forceful turns out to be fatal.

Chekhov-Azmaiparashvili, U.S.S.R. Team Championship 1 984

1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Be7 4 Nf3 Nf6 5 Bf4 0-0 6 e3 c5 7 dxc5 Bxc5 8 Qc2 Nc6 9 Rd l Qa5 10 a3 Ne4? 1 1 cxd5 exd5 1 2 Rxd5 Nxc3 13 bxc3 Qxa3 14 Ng5 ! g6 1 5 Bc4 Bf5 16 Rxf5 !

This sacrifice can be made quickly by calculating in general terms-if you are confident of your evaluation skills. White can say to himself, "For the price of the exchange I destroy his king position, pick up the pawn at f5 , and have a dangerous attack against h 7 . " (Actually, if he calculates more precisely White may become discouraged by realizing that 1 6 . . . gxf5 1 7 Qxf5 fails to 1 7 . . . Qxc3 + . )

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1 6 1 7 0,0 18 Be5 !

gxf5 Ne7 Bd6

Stop sign. White must choose between retammg his bishop--19 Bd4 and if 19 . . . Bc5 then 20 Bf6-and going for the immediate kill with 19 Qe2 and 20 Qh5 . Exchanging on d6 and then 20 Qe2 and 2 1 Qh5 is not a serious option be­cause Black's queen can then defend the kings ide easily.

In light of what happens, it would be easy to explain that White did not examine 19 Bd4 sufficiently. Actually, he saw that it was a winning move, with variations such as 1 9 Bd4 Qa5 20 Qe2 f4 (necessary, to defend h 7 ) 2 1 Qh5 Qf5 and now 22 Nxf7 ! Qxh5 23 Nh6 mate.

19 Qe2? But he played this because it was "more convincing."

1 9 • . • Bxe5 20 Qh5 Kg7 !

And this was the simple move he overlooked. White's er­ror was in part visual-not seeing that the king could go to a square that in the diagram is covered by a bishop.

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Choice 1 95

After 20 • • • Kg7 the king proved remarkably safe, and af­ter 2 1 Qxh 7 + Kf6 it survived to make a draw in the endgame.

A third criterion, besides the forcefulness and length of a vari­ation, is the clarity of its end-position:

Korchnoi-U dovcic, Leningrad 1 967 White to play

Having sacrificed a piece for a brutal attack, White has good reason to look for the knockout blow. But there is nothing to be gained from 1 Rf3 + Kg8.

So White begins to weigh the alternatives, which are 1 Rg3 , with Qg6 and Bd2xh6+ in mind, and the immediate 1 Qg6 with Rf3 + or Rg3 coming up. Both have their benefits, and, in fact, both lead to wins. But one is better.

1 Qg6! This is superior to 1 Rg3 Bxb4 ! 2 Qg6 Qg5 ! , after which

White has a decisive material edge (3 Rxg5 hxg5 4 Qxh 7 Bxb5 ) . But as the winner explained later, "I did not want to play with a queen against three enemy pieces."

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After 1 Qg6 the only way t o defend against both 2 Qxh 7 and 2 Rf3 + is:

1 Rg7 2 Qxh6 Bxb5? 3 Rg3 resigns

Black should have played 2 . . . Kg8 3 Rh3 Kf7 but White still wins by trading off all four bishops and overpowering the king with his heavy pieces (4 Bxd7 Qxd7 5 Bxe 7 Qxe 7 6 Qh8 ! Qg5 7 Rf3 + Ke7 8 Qf8+ Kd7 9 Qd6+ ) .

Even though this variation i s much longer than the 1 Rg3 alternative, it is much preferable because the final position is so much easier to win.


Sometimes choice is a matter of style. Two paths may lead to end-positions of the same value but one way will be selected by tacticians, another by positionally oriented, or endgame oriented, players.

Aron N imzovich is remembered today chiefly for his imag­inative-and by the standards of his day, bizarre-approach to strategy. But he was also a formidable tactician and calculator and had a fine grasp of pragmatic play. He explained his ap­proach to making choices after his great tournament success at Karlsbad 1 929.

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Choice / 1 97

Nirnzovich-Tartakower, Karlsbad 1 929 Black to play

White threatens the win of a piece with h5-h6, as well as the dangerous opening of the h-file. Black responded:

1 . . . gxh5 And Nimzovich began to calculate . He saw quickly that

with 2 Bxf6 Bxf6 3 Qh6 his threats of 4 Qxf6+ and 4 Qxh5 and 5 Qxh 7 mate would force 3 . . . Bg7 4 Qxh5 h6.

Then the natural way of continuing the attack would be 5 g5 . He concluded that that would be strong enough to force Black to play 5 . . . f5 ! . And that created a stop sign for N imzovich.

He realized there would then be a perfectly good positional plan of 6 gxf6 followed by Bh3xd7 and the exploitation of the light squares. Or he could win material and continue the mat­ing attack with 6 gxh6.

"All this is extremely complicated," N imzovich wrote , "and therefore I played after no longer than five minutes' thought 2 Bxf6 Bxf6 3 Rxh5 Bg7 4 Nh I ! ." This required very little calculation and insured a big positional edge once the knight reaches h5 .

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1 98 T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

White's practical approach paid off, as he won soon after 4 f6 5 Qh2 h6 6 Ng3 Kh7 7 Be2 Rg8

8 Kf2 followed by Rgl and Nh5 .

In the next, much more elaborate example, White also believes he is close to a win and begins to calculate in greater depth:

Dolmatov-Lerner, Tashkent 1 983 White to play

1 Nf5+! gxf5 2 Qg3+!

The choice between this and 2 Bxf5 Rh8 ! 3 Qg3 + Kf8 or 2 Qxf5 Rh8 was not difficult to make. Black's next move is forced, since here 2 . . . Kh8 allows 3 Rxf5 ! and a quick mate.

2 . . • Kh6 Clearly, White must take on f5 now or very soon. But how ?

There are two winning lines here, and as White put it after­ward, one is for tacticians and the other for pragmatists.

Pragmatists might choose 3 Bxf5 with threats of 4 Rxd5 and 4 Qh3 + . Then the defensive try 3 . . . Bxa2 + 4 Kxa2 Qc4+ 5

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Choice 1 99

Kb l Qh4 covers several key kings ide squares. But if you visu­alize that position well, it's not hard to see that White then wins with 6 Rd6+ ! (6 . . . Bxd6 7 Qxh4) .

Therefore, Black has to vary his move order with 3 . . . Qc4, after which 4 Qh3 + Qh4 5 Qxh4+ Bxh4 6 Rxd5 leaves White with a pawn-up endgame. The win then is almost a technical matter but it is fairly certain (6 . . . f6 7 Rd7 or 6 . . . Bf6 7 Rd6 Kg7 8 Be4, etc. ) .

Bottom line: With best play, 3 Bxf5 leads to a certifiable win that will require several more moves of work.

Tacticians , on the other hand, may prefer a shorter road to victory. It requires a series of forcing moves beginning with 3 Rxf5 , which threatens Qh3 + -g4+ and Rh5 mate . Black needs a fl ight square and the best way to make one is 3 . . . Rg8 .

Then 4 Rh5 + ! is the only way to keep the initiative , but with a bit of hard calculating the win can be found: 4 . . . Kxh5 5 Qh3 + Kg5 (not 5 . . . Bh4 6 Qf5 + Bg5 7 g4 + Kh4 8 Qh7 + Kxg4 9 Rg l +, etc. ) and now 6 Qf5 + Kh6 7 Qh7 + Kg5 .

Position after 7 • . • Kg5 (variation)

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With the king lured up to the fourth rank, White can close off the escape routes with 8 Rfl ! ; e .g . , 8 . . . Be6 9 h4+ Kg4 10 Qe4+ Kh5 1 1 g4+ ! Kxh4 1 2 Qh1 + and mate in a few moves.

"Unfortunately," White recalled, "there j ust wasn't enough time to allow the calculation of all this . " So he played a third line, which appeared to be an improvement on the first line.

3 Qh3+?! Kg7 4 Bxf5

Now 4 . . . Qc4 does nothing to block the kings ide threats. However, with a change in move order Black gets a superior version of the pragmatists' line above.

4 Bxa2+! 5 Kxa2 Qc4+ 6 Kb 1 Qh4 7 Qe3 Rad8

Black prevents the Rf3 -g3 knockout and prolongs the game quite a bit. White managed to find the only winning plan now (8 Qxe5+ Bf6 9 Qc7 Rxd 1 + 1 0 Rxd 1 Qf2 1 1 Be6 ! ) and eventually won the endgame. But he had chosen the last and least of the three winning paths.


In calculation we have to recognize stop signs both in our own forcing lines and in our opponent's. Failure to recognize such stop signs even occurs in prepared opening analysis, as in this curious case:

Huebner-Korchnoi, Interpolis 1 989

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 0-0 Nxe4 6 d4 b5 7 Bb3 d5 8 dxe5 Be6 9 Nbd2

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Choice / 201

Nc5 10 c3 Be7 1 1 Be2 Bg4 12 Re I Qd7 13 Nfl

Rd8 14 Ne3 Bh5 1 5 Nf5 0-0 1 6 Nxe7+ Nxe7

17 b4 Na4

Black examined this opening in some detail before the

game and, as one of the world's foremost tacticians , con­

sidered the tempting candidate move of a bishop sacrifice

on h7 .

1 8 Bxh7+! 1 9 e6


Now when he saw the position appear on the board, Black rechecked his previous analysis. Clearly, 1 9 . . . fxe6 is bad be­cause of 20 Ng5 + Kg8 2 1 Qxh5 or 20 . . . Kg6 2 1 g4, with a winning position in either case.

Black's intention when analyzing the position at home was to insert the zwischenzug 19 . . . Bxf3 . Then 20 Qxf3 would al­low him to play 20 . . . fxe6 safely, with a fine game.

The crucial line occurs, of course , when White answers 1 9 . " Bxf3 with something more forceful, and that's why Korchnoi planned on 20 Qc2 + Be4 2 1 Rxe4 and now 2 1 . . . fxe6 ! . Despite the availability of any number of discovered checks, Black's position is safe and quite sound.

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But while studying the position for 50 minutes a t the board, Black suddenly realized that White has a choice at move 20. He could play 20 Qd3 + ! instead of 20 Qc2+ , with the signif-icant difference that 20 . . . Be4 allows 2 1 Qh3 + , followed by winning the queen. So . . .

1 9 • • • resigns

It's tempting to head into variations in which your opponent has the least choice. But, as we should know by now, this is a double-edged sword.

Kupreichik-Sveshnikov, Kuibyshev 1 986

1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Nc3 e5 4 Bc4 Be7 5 d3 Nf6 6 Ng5 0-0 7 f4 exf4 8 Bxf4 d6 9 0-0 h6 1 0 Nf3 Be6 1 1 Qd2 d5 1 2 exd5 Nxd5 13 Bxd5 Bxd5 14 Bxh6!? gxh6 15 Qxh6

White has two pawns for his sacrificed bishop, but no imme­diate threats. A rook-lift to g3 or h3 would be a dangerous threat,

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Choice 203

but it is at least three moves away. Black therefore has a broad

choice, chiefly centering either on a forceful defense eliminat-

ing possible attacking pieces ( 1 5 . . . Nd4) , or on the slower ad-

dition of more defensive pieces ( 1 5 . . . Be6 and 1 6 . . . BfS ) . In fact, i n the postmortem analysis, Black was winning most

of the variations that continued with 15 . . . Be6; e.g. , 1 6 Ne4

BfS 17 NfgS Bxe4 1 8 Nxe4 Qd4+ 19 Khl Qg7 , and so forth. 15 • • • Nd4? 1 6 Nxd4 Bg5

Black intended this zwischenzug rather than 1 6 . . . cxd4 1 7 NxdS QxdS because then White has time for RO-g3 + .

1 7 Qh5 cxd4 1 8 Nxd5 Qxd5

It never occurred to Black that there would be a sig­nificant choice here . After all, he is the one doing the threatening (with 1 9 . . . Be3 + , winning the queen) . The quiet 1 9 Kh 1 would allow an easy defense with 1 9 . . . Kg7 and 20 . . . Rh8 .

1 9 R£4 ! ! Now Black i s virtually lost. On 1 9 . . . f6 there follows 20

Qg6+ and RO-h3 mate. Against 19 • • • Rae8 20 h4 Re5

21 hxg5 Rxg5 22 Rg4! ( the game continuation) Black collapsed quickly: 22 • • • f6 23 Rfl Kg7 24 Rxf6! Kxf6 25 Qh6+ Ke7 26 Rxg5 resigns.

Summing up, we should remember certain basic rules of choice.

( 1 ) Choices exist in every position, and if we don't look for alternatives we're shortchanging ourselves.

( 2 ) There are pluses and minuses to each alternative and it is the calculator's task to recognize and weigh them.

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( 3 ) There i s n o single criterion for making a choice. The criteria may be tactical, practical, technical, or any number of others.

(4 ) Our opponents get to make choices, too, and we should try to limit them.

Finally, a bit of serendipity: In studying our opponent's op­tions we sometimes develop new ideas for ourselves. But in do­ing so we also create new options for our opponent:

Mecking-O. Rodriguez, Las Palmas 1 975 Black to play

Black has sacrificed a bishop for a kings ide attack that has reached its apex. If there is going to be a time for hard cal­culation, it is now. Unfortunately for him, the direct mat­ing ideas, such as 1 . . . Rxg3 + and 1 . . . R8f5 , don't work. ( In the latter case White simply answers 1 . . . R8f5 with 2 Qe8 + . )

Black therefore studied the only other violent try in the po­sition, l . . . Rxfl. He saw that 2 Rxfl Qxg3 + 3 Kfl Bh3 + was strong for him (4 Ke2 Re8+ 5 Kd2 Rxe l 6 Kxe l Qgl + 7 Ke2 Bg4+ ) .

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Choice / 205

Therefore, he needed to correctly evaluate the conse­quences of the defensive queen sacrifice 2 Qxf2 ! Rxf2 3 Kxf2 Qh2+ 4 Ke3 . He saw that 4 . . . Qh6+ was a sure draw and that

4 . . . Qxg3 + 5 BB BB ! 6 RxB Qe l + 7 Kf4 h6 followed by ad­

vancing the kings ide pawns was a winning try. But as he studied the situation, Black concluded that White

could not strengthen his position. For example, BxB allows . . . BxB and mate on g2. So he figured his choice was between 1 . . . Rxf2 and some other move that improves the position for . . . Rxf2 on the following move.

1 • • • h5?? 2 Bg5 !

With this White not only stops 2 . . . h4 but also prepares to seal off the kings ide with 3 Bh4. Black now has no choice but to capture on f2. Yet he finds that White's last move has made a major difference.

2 3 Qxf2 4 Rxf2 !

Rxf2 Rxf2

And White consolidated smoothly since Black, without con­trol of h4, lacks a perpetual check. The game ended with 4 • • •

Qxg3+ 5 Rg2 Qe l + 6 Kh2 Bxdl 7 Rd2! resigns. Resignation was a bit premature but the outcome is fairly

certain after 7 . . . h4 8 Bf4 g5 9 Be5 g4 1 0 Raxd 1 g3 + 1 1 Kh3 , because White's king is safe and his pieces are ready to over­whelm the queen.

What is striking about this example is that Black failed to see the most s ignificant differences between (a ) the immediate 1 . . . Rxf2 and (b ) the preparatory 1 . . . h5 . Had he done so he would have found (c ) 1 . . . h6 ! , which would have won quickly. By creating luft-while not allow-

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ing 2 Bg5-Black creates the powerful threat of 2 . . . R8f5 and 3 . . . Rh5 , as well as an improved version of the . . . Rxf2 idea.

Clearly, there are a lot of ways to miscalculate , and in the next two chapters we'll take a closer look at them.

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[@ "Nothing is more disturbing than the upsetting of a preconceived idea . "

-Joseph Conrad

W e can think of calculated variations as if they were me­chanical devices, with elaborate systems of connect­

ing parts ( subvariations) , with demands for fuel and energy (material and force) , and with stop-and-start controls and the like. But any mechanism can be thrown out of kilter by a mon­key wrench. This chapter deals with the monkey wrenches.

The most common ones are :

(a) Assumption (b) Quiet move (c) Destruction of guard (d) Zwischenzug { in-between move} (e) Attack-defense (f) Desperado


It is impossible to calculate well without making certain as­sumptions. A master will think to himself, "I go there and he must reply such-and-such. Then 1 play the rook check and he


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must go to the e-file. Then I play such-and-such and I win a piece." Those "musts" are his assumptions.

When you begin to recheck variations, it is essential to firm up those assumptions, to make sure the "musts" are really "musts," and not j ust "most likelies."

Here's a fatal "most likely":

Balcerowski-Krantz, Stockholm 1 966

1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 f3 0-0 6 Be3 e5 7 d5 c6 8 Qd2 cxd5 9 cxd5 a6 10 0-0-o Re8 1 1 Kbl Nbd7 12 Nge2 b5 13 Nc 1 Nb6 14 Bd3 Bd7 1 5 g4 Rb8 1 6 Bg5 Nc4 1 7 Bxc4 bxc4 18 h4 Rb7 19 h5 Qc7 20 hxg6 hxg6 2 1 Bh6

2 1 • • • Reb8? Black decides against the cautious 2 1 . . . Bh8 in favor of a

combination. If White captures on g7 now, Black will give up his rooks for the White queen and b-pawn. Black's moves are all checks in this variation until he has time to retake on g7 (22 Bxg7 Rxb2+ 23 Qxb2 Rxb2 + 24 Kxb2 Kxg7 ) , so he has reason to have faith in his assumptions.

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22 Bxg7 1

23 Ka 1 ! 1

Monkey Wrenches 209


But Black is betrayed by those very assumptions. Now 23 . . . Rxd2 24 Bxf6 sets up a mate on h8 that can be delayed but not avoided. And since 23 . . . Kxg7 24 Qh6+ also leads to mate there, Black vainly played on with 23 • • • Nh5

24 Qh6 f6 25 gxh5 and got mated after all: 25 • • • Be8

26 Qh8+ Kf7 27 Qf8 mate.

That was a fairly striking, but complex, example with a lot of pieces on the board. Yet very good players can make very bad errors of assumption with only a few legal possibilities to con­sider:

Duras-Spielmann, Karlsbad 1 907 White to play

Rudolph Spielmann, who ranked among the world's best players for three decades, gave this as an example of a "chess accident." The endgame would be drawn at virtually any level of skill. But in this particular encounter of grandmasters, White responded quickly to Black's checking move . . .

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2 1 0 T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

1 Rf4?? . . . because he wanted the game over quickly. He saw, of

course, that 1 . . . Rxf4+ 2 Kxf4 was a classic example of the opposition-and a book draw. But the game was over too

quickly: 1 . . . Kg5 ! White resigns

After 1 Rf4, how many Black moves were there for White to consider? Basically, only three: ( 1 ) the exchange of rooks, ( 2 ) a lateral retreat, such as 1 . . . Ra5 , and (c) the winning reply.

It wasn't that Black had misevaluated the forced result of 1 . . . Kg5 ( 2 Rxf5 + Kxf5 ) . As a master he would have instantly known it was a win for Black. The reason White lost was that he didn't consider 1 . . . Kg5 at all.

For a more recent example on a slightly busier board:

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Monkey Wrenches 2 1 1

Karpov-Agdestein. Match 1 99 1 White to play

White has an extra pawn but Black has considerable com­pensation because his b-pawn is farther advanced than White's d-pawn. White can see, quite plainly, that 1 Qd5 + and 2 Qxb3 leads to a hopeless draw ( 2 . . . Qxfl + and 3 . . . Qxd4 ) .

The mistake here i s astonishing because i t was made by the outstanding example in our time of a practical calculator. Knowing that he could force a draw, Anatoly Karpov rushed headlong into a variation that turned out to lose quickly. How did this happen?

1 d5 ?? It happened because White counted on Black replying 1 . . .

b2. "After all," he might have asked himself, "what other use­ful move does Black have ?" There would follow 2 d6 and now 2 . . . Qd 1 3 d7 b l Q 4 Qxb l Qxd7 or 2 . . . b lQ 3 Qxb l Qxfl + 4 Kh3 leaves White with good technical chances of scoring a full point.

1 . . . Qc2 !

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2 1 2 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

A relatively simple move , but the simplest o f moves are often overlooked when we make false assumptions. Black now wins a tempo to advance his passer. The game ended with:

2 Qf3 3 d6 4 d7 5 Qa8+ White resigns

b2 b 1 Q

Qbd 1 Kg7

Usually when we make a faulty assumption, it happens because we count on our forcing move being met by an obedient reply ( 1 . . . Rxf4+ ? in the Spielmann example or 1 . . . b2 ? in the Karpov case ) . This mental sloppiness occurs quite often when we give checks, the most forcing moves of all.

Hodgson-Wolff, Preston 1989 White to play

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Monkey Wrenches 2 1 3

White i s in serious trouble because of the double attack on

his d3-bishop and because of the vulnerability of his a I -rook on an exposed diagonal. He could have searched for a tricky response such as I O-O-O! after which anything might happen (although after I . . . b5 ! he appears to be lost) . However, White saw a forcing line and played it.

1 Nxe5 ? Bxe5 2 Qf2+

Neat: After the exchange of queens, Black's pinned knight hangs with check. Unfortunately . . .

2 . . . Kg7 ! And resignation was in order because 3 Qxc5 Nxd3 + wins

material. White actually played 3 Bc4 and resigned after 3 • • •

Qxf2+ 4 Kxf2 Nc2. As Grandmaster Eduard Gufeld once said of one of his own faulty assumptions, "I forgot that chess is not checkers-and captures are not obligatory ! "

False assumption i s one of the most serious dangers to a cal­culator because it carries with it more than just a heavy penalty on the board. There is also a psychological price to pay.

Once you realize you've made an assumption mistake, you start second-guessing yourself. And when you start doubting your assumptions, you are half-beaten. This doubting may linger into the next game, or for several games. Each time you begin to calculate you may feel yourself questioning your con­clusions because you remember that mistaken assumption of the past.

At the board, suddenly realizing that you've made a wrong assumption can absolutely derail your train of thought.

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2 1 4 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

Eliskases-Henneberger, Libverda 1 934 Black to play

Here White has a slight material edge but Black's con­nected rooks threaten mate on hI . White has allowed the rooks to penetrate because he calculated the effect of his last move, 1 Bd5+.

Wherever the king moves, White can release the mate danger:

( 1 ) 1 . . . Kh8 ? ? 2 Qxe5 + and mates; ( 2 ) 1 . . . Kg7 2 Qxe5 + Qxe5 3 Bxe5 + Kh6 (3 . . . Kf8 4

Rf4+ trades a pair of rooks) 4 Rh4+ Kg5 5 Bf4+ and 6 g4 ! .

( 3 ) 1 . . . Kf8 2 Rf4+ ! Rxf4 ( 2 . . . exf4 3 Qh8 mate ) 3 exf4 and 4 Qxe5 must win.

All very neat. White must have been congratulating him­self when:

1 . . . Qf7 ! ! Stunned, White quickly responded . . .

2 Bxf7+ Kf8! . . . but now realized that the only way to avoid mate was

to resign. In the postmortem he realized that his 2 Bxf7 + ? ? was

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Monkey Wrenches 2 1 5

a blunder. I f he had studied the position more fully he would

have seen 2 Rxg6+ ! , which frees a square for his g-pawn (2 . . .

hxg6 ?? 3 Bxf7 + and 4 g4 wins) and forces 2 . . . Kf8 3 g4 Qxg6

4 Qxe5 ! , after which White's threats are so much greater than

Black's that a draw would likely result.

Faulty assumption also occurs frequently with recaptures. As we noted in Chapter Four, captures, particularly of the more valuable pieces, are among the most forcing of moves. But there are severe limits to their power to compel:

Yusupov-Short, Barcelona 1 989 White to play

White's positional idea-the attack on d5-has become a tactical idea because of the pin on Black's d7 -rook. With that in mind, White continued:

1 Rxd5 ?? White is certain to escape with the pawn (or more) after 1

. . . Bxd5 2 Qxd7 or 1 . . . Rxd5 2 Qxe8 Qxb3 3 Qxe7 . He mis­takenly assumes Black must take on d5 immediately.

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2 1 6 / T H E I N N ER G A M E O F C H E S S

1 . . . Red8! But here there was nothing to do but resign since a piece is

lost (2 Rxd7 Bxd7 3 Qc4 Be6 ! ) .

And while we are usually more careful about wrong assump­tions when we are doing the forcing, it is another matter en­tirely when performing defensive calculation.

Dreev-Anand, Candidates Match 1 99 1

White to play

Black has just played . . . Qe2 , threatening 1 . . . Rc2 . White continued:

1 Qd6??

So that the queen can retreat to g3 and defend after 1 . . . Rc2 . "Of course, if Black puts a rook on d8 I can play 2 Qxd8 and mate him on the last rank," White probably said to him­self. However:

1 • . .

2 Qxd8

And White soon resigned.

Rcd8! Nxd8!

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Monkey Wrenches 2 1 7


Perhaps the most common assumption error, as we've seen, involves the "I -check-him-and-he-must-go-there" situa­tion. Naturally, there are many versions of this . We often as­sume that the other player will give us a check, or that he cannot allow us to queen a pawn or somesuch. We come to that mistaken conclusion perhaps because it would be con­sistent with his previous move or because it j ust looks natural.

Zsu. Polgar-Belyavsky, Munich 1 99 1

1 d4 f5 2 Bg5 g6 3 Nc3 d5 4 e 3 Bg7 5 h4 c6 6 Bd3 Qb6 7 RbI Nd7 B Nf3 Ngf6 9 h5 Ne4 1 0 hxg6 hxg6 1 1 RxhB+ BxhB 1 2 Bxe4 fxe4 13 Nh4 Kf7 14 Qg4 NfB 15 Qg3 Be6

White has been playing for the last four moves with the in­tention of penetrating on the kingside with her queen. She can do that now with 16 Qf4+ Bf6 1 7 Bxf6 and 1 8 Qh6 but decides instead to go after the g6-pawn.

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2 1 8 / T H E I N N ER G A M E O F C H E S S

With 1 6 Bh6 White threatens 1 7 Bxf8 and 1 8 Qxg6+ o r 1 8 Nxg6. Of course , Black does not have to recapture on f8 at move 1 7 . But if he doesn't, he'll j ust be a piece down, right?

1 6 Bh6? Bf6 1 7 Bxf8 g5 ! !

Surprise : By agreeing t o remain temporarily a piece down, Black traps two enemy pieces on the kingside. Even after 1 8 Bh6 gxh4 19 Qh2 White was lost: 1 9 • • • c5 !

20 Ne2 Qa5+ 2 1 Kfl Qxa2 22 ReI Qxb2 etc.

Another example, of a mistakenly assumed check:

Dolmatov-Makarichev, Palma de Mallorca 1989

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 d4 Nxe4 4 Bd3 d5 5 Nxe5 Nd7 6 Nxd7 Bxd7 7 O�O Qh4 8 c4 O�O�O 9 c5 g5 10 f3 Nf6 1 1 Be3 Rg8!? 1 2 Nc3 g4

Black thought over his last two moves for about an hour, and this had a typical psychological effect on his opponent. White examined the most natural defense ( 1 3 Qe l g3 14 hxg3 Rxg3 1 5 Ne2 ) . He stopped his calculations when he located the most dangerous variation ( 1 5 . . . Rxg2 + 1 6 Kxg2 Qh3 + 1 7 Kg! Bd6 ! ) and then found a fine refutation- 1 8 cxd6 Rg8+ 1 9 Bg5 ! ! , after which the White king escapes by way of the newly cleared f2-e3 -d2 route.

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Monkey Wrenches / 2 1 9

Had he examined the position a bit deeper he would have

chosen 1 3 g3 ! and if 1 3 . . . Qh3 then 1 4 f4 Nh5 1 5 Qe l ! with a solid defense.

1 3 Qe l ? g3

White most expected 1 3 . . . Qh5 . Now he rechecked his variations, discovered his error-and also found there were no good bailouts available .

14 hxg3 Rxg3

15 Qd2

What he saw too late was that 1 5 Ne2 is met not by the as­sumed rook sacrifice ( 1 5 . . . Rxg2+ ?) but by the improvement 1 5 . . . Bd6 ! , after which 1 6 Nxg3 Bxg3 threatens the queen as well as mate on h2. After 1 6 cxd6 Black wins with 1 6 . . . Rxg2+ 1 7 Kxg2 Rg8+ 1 8 Bg5 Rxg5 + 1 9 Ng3 Bh3 + or 1 8 Ng3 Qh3 + .

1 5 . . . 1 6 dxc5

Bxc5 ! Rdg8

Now there is no defense to . . . Rxg2 + since 1 7 Rf2 allows 1 7 . . . Rh3 and 1 8 . . . Rhl +. White actually played 1 7 Rfdl d4 1 8 c6 dxe3 1 9 cxd7+ Kd8 and resigned in view of 20 Qe2 Rxg2+ 2 1 Qxg2 Qf2 + ! .

Often assumption errors go hand in hand with move-order errors:

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Tseshkovsky-Gufeld, Vilnius 1975 White to play

White is temporarily a piece behind but he can regain it with 1 Rxe4, and the endgame after 1 . . . Bxd4+ 2 Rxd4 Qxb7 3 Qxb7 Rxb7 4 Rd2 is excellent for him.

But White correctly believed he deserved more than a mere pawn-up ending. The geometry of Black's defenses got him thinking of a mixture of the ideas Bxe5 + and Rf8+ . But in which order?

White can win with 1 RfB+ ! RxfB 2 Bxe5 + , which forces 2 . . . Rf6, and then the simple 3 BxbB. Perhaps he saw only 3 Qf7 , which appears stronger, but then gave up on the combi­nation when he saw the reply 3 . . . Qb6+ 4 Khl Bxg2+ ! 5 Kxg2 Qf2 + and it is Black who wins.

So he reversed the order: 1 Bxe5+? Rxe5 2 Rf8+?

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It was time to bail out with 2 Qc3 ! , after which White re­tains an advantage-but no win-following 2 . . . Qb6+ 3 Rfl Qc5 4 Qxc5 and 5 Rxe4.

2 . . . Rxf8 3 b8Q

And here White looked into Black's eyes as if expecting him to resign (3 . . . Rxb8 4 Qxb8+ and 5 Qxe5 + ) . Instead Black made a move that defends everything and also makes decisive threats.

3 . . •

4 Qxa7 Qf6! Bd3 !

Even with two queens White cannot defend the trio of squares, e l , fl , and fl .

5 Qd l Rxe l+

And White resigned because 6 . . . Qfl + forces mate. Situ­ations like this should be a warning to all calculators.


One of the things we assume most often when we calculate is that forcing moves are going to follow forcing moves until the sequence is over. But often it is a nonforcing move, a "quiet" move, that makes a combination work. Or it can be a quiet move that refutes a sequence.

This is particularly dangerous when it is your opponent who is doing the forcing (or nonforcing) and you have to figure out when to stop calculating a sequence.

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Spacek-Motwani, Luxembourg 1 990 White to play

To fend off the attack on the dark squares White played 1 f4, fully aware of the possibility of a sacrifice.

1 f4 Nxf4

2 exf4 Bxf4

3 Qf2

So far, so calculated. Now on 3 . . . Qxh2 + 4 Kfl Bg3 5 Qxa7, or 4 . . . Bxc l 5 Rxc l (or 3 . . . Bxh2 + and 4 . . . Bg3 ) , Black has compensation for a sacrificed piece but White also has excellent defensive chances.

3 . . . Qh6!

An easy move to miss because it is (a ) a retreat and (b) a noncheck in a position rife with more forceful moves. Yet a quick look will show that the threats of 4 . . . Be3 and 4 . . . Bxc l are so dangerous that White has only one move.

4 Qe 1 Qxh2+

5 Kfl Bxc 1

6 Rxc 1 e3

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The advance of the e- and f-pawns quickly decided: 7 Ne2

f4 8 N g 1 Bg4 9 R c 2 e 2 + ! 1 0 Rxe2 Rxe2

1 1 N xe2 f3 etc.

Now let's examine how early in the game an error may be made:

Kruppa-Bareev, U.S.S.R. Club Championship 1988

1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 N£6 4 e5 Nfd7 5 £4 c5

6 Nf3 cxd4 7 Nxd4 Qb6 8 Be3 With his last move White not only prepares to discover

an attack on the Black queen (e .g . , 9 Qd2 Nc6 ? 10 Nxe6) but also dares his opponent to grab the b2 -pawn, which must have been Black's intention when he played 7 . . . Qb6.

After 8 . . . Qxb2 White's knight is hanging on c3 , and mov­ing it doesn't seem to generate dangerous compensation (9 Na4 Qb4+ 1 0 c3 Qa5 ; or 9 Ncb5 Na6 1 0 Rb I Qxa2 1 1 Ral Qb2 1 2 Rxa6 bxa6 1 3 Nc7 + Kd8 1 4 Nxa8 Bb7 ) .

Therefore , the variation to consider most carefully i s 8 . . . Qxb2 9 Ndb5 ! , which threatens both 1 0 RbI , trapping the queen, and the check on c7 .

Bareev, however, found an adequate defense in 9 . . . Qb4, which extricates the queen from any trap, prepares to defend c7 with 1 0 . . . Qa5 , and maintains an attack on c3 , so that 1 0 Nc7+ Kd8 1 1 Nxa8 ? allows a strong counterattack with 1 1 . . . Qxc3 + 1 2 Bd2 ( 1 2 Kf2 Bc5 ) Qc5 .

Black, who within a few years had become one of the world's best players , looked for other dangerous 1 0th and 1 1 th

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moves i n this last, key variation, and then confidently went ahead:

8 9 Ndb5 !

10 Nc7+ 1 1 Bd2!

Qxb2? Qb4 Kd8

A devastating "quiet" move, which wins a decis ive amount of material. Black either loses the trapped rook or, as Bareev chose, drops his queen to 1 1 . . . Kxc 7 1 2 NbS + QxbS 1 3 BxbS. Black missed 1 1 Bd2 because it seems to be so lacking in force, merely a defensive move, protecting d .

Finally, when provoking a combination that leaves your op­ponent with a myriad of threats, it is very dangerous to over­look a quiet move:

Vaganian-Geller, New York 1 990 Black to play

White's last move, 1 Qf4, prepares a knight invasion at c7 . But after examining this in some depth, the veteran grand-

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master playing Black calculated this forcing line: I . . . a6 2 Nc7 g5 ! , s ince 3 Qxf6 Re I + 4 Rxe l Qxf6 5 Nxa8 Qxd4 + ! and

6 . . . Qxd3 gives Black at least equality. 1 . . . a6? 2 Nc7 !

Any other move renounces any chan�e for advantage. Now

2 . . . Nh5 allows White to retain the edge with 3 Qh4. 2 g5 3 Qxf6 4 Rxe l 5 Kh l ! !

Re l + Qxf6

This is the quiet move Black either underestimated or over­looked entirely. His rook cannot escape (5 . . . Ra7 6 Re8+ Kg7 7 Rxc8 ! threatening Ne8 + ) . So Black played.

5 Qxd4

6 Rbd l ! Kg7 7 Nxa8

And Black resigned after a few moves: 7 • • • Qa 7 8 Rc 1 Qxa8 9 Re8. White may have been merely lucky-not see­ing 5 Khl in the diagram position any more than Black did. But Black made the crucial error by forcing matters into an area he was not certain of.


Another common monkey wrench that can upset a careful cal­culation is the elimination of a crucial piece. Typically, that piece is captured, overworked, or lured elsewhere.

Calculators should be particularly wary about this when they are "stretching" their own pieces, that is, linking several of them together in a fragile, tactical tether.

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Adams-Shirov, Biel 1 99 1 White to play

White is a pawn up but he clearly has kings ide problems, with 1 . . . RxgS and 1 . . . f3 threatened. He decides to solve two problems with one move:

1 Bxf4? This seems to make sense because each White piece is pro­

tected by another one. But in precisely this kind of position there is the danger that one piece will be deflected.

1 . . . Bc4! A very simple move, with an elementary threat to win a

piece by 2 . . . Bxe2 . White searches and searches for an anti­dote. But there is none (2 g3 Bxe2 3 Qxe2 Rxf4 ! ) , and after 2 Be3 Rxf2 3 Bxf2 Bxe2 White resigned.

Naturally, when you raise the stakes by initiating a sequence that involves a lot of hanging or sacrificed material, the price of miscalculation rises. So does the amount of material your opponent is willing to give up in order to eliminate the one piece that makes your sequence work.

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Case in point:

Monkey Wrenches 227

Tal-Korchnoi, U.S.S.R. Championship 1 958 White to play

In this early game between future stars, White holds the ini­tiative and Black has an extra pawn. White saw he could draw with 1 Qf3 , s ince Black cannot allow the queen to penetrate at b7 and would have to play 1 . . . Qd5 . Then 2 Qf4 ! (or even 2 Qxd5 with a drawn endgame ) Qe5 ! would repeat the posi­tion.

But it also occurred to White that he had a choice here, and he opted for a combination that, since it was forcing, he thought was probably better than 1 Qf3 .

1 h6+? Rxh6 2 Qxh6+? Kxh6 3 g7

And the pawn cannot be blocked, so Black must take a per­petual check, White thought. However . . .

3 . . . Qxg3+! And with a three-pawn edge (4 . . . Kxg7 ) Black won eas­

ily. White built his combination on the existence of two ele-

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ments, the rook and g 7 -pawn. What he overlooked was that if either element was eliminated, even at the cost of Black's queen, White's position would collapse.

A key element, essential to a sequence, may even be the exis­tence of a flight square.

Shishov-Zagoryansky, Riga 1 953 White to play

Here we have a disguised version of a last-rank mate. White's queen is attacked. But he also sees that 1 Qxh6 Rxh6 2 Rg8+ and 3 Rd8 is a mate. What can go wrong with such a forcing line ?

1 Qxh6?? Rxe2+! And Black wins because the king can go safely to e6 after

2 Kxe2 Rxh6 3 Rg8+ Kd7 4 Rd8+ . White misread the posi­tion in the diagram by not recognizing that a vital element of the combination-the unavailability of e6-was only temporary.

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Zwischenzug is a German word that means "in-between moven-in between the assumed moves of the expected se­quence. Like sand in the cogs of a machine, a zwischenzug can interfere, slow down, or completely halt the wheels of the mechanism.

M. Gurevich-Geller, Helsinki 1 992 Black to play

Having sacrificed a piece, Black plays the natural followup: 1 • • • Nxh3 2 Qe3

Now 2 . . . Qf5 3 Rd4 ! offers little. So Black should simply grab some material back with 2 . . . Rxd l 3 Rxdl Qxe3 4 Nxe3 Nf2+ 5 Kgl Nxdl 6 Nxd l . In the resulting endgame, White's two minor pieces are only a bit better than Black's rook and two pawns.

2 • • • Qxe3?? But this i s just a blunder, overlooking the in-between­


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3 Rxd8+! resigns Black does not get to fork the king and rook now and will

have only two pawns for a piece in a lost endgame. Note incidentally that after the correct 2 . . . Rxd l White

can insert his own zwischenzug 3 Qxg5 , which is more forcing because the capture of a queen carries greater weight than that of a mere rook. But then Black has an even more forcing re­ply, 3 . . . Rxfl + ! , which leaves him two pawns ahead.

The consequences of missing a zwischenzug are rarely mild. Often they turn a very simple maneuver into a shambles. When you're increasing the tension in a position-that is, when your pieces must coordinate precisely-or when your material is hanging all over the board, or your king is walking the plank, you must make sure there are no surprises.

Ljubojevic-Kasparov, Linares 1 99 1 Black to play

White has j ust played 1 d4, trying to slow down Black's at­tack. With 1 . . . Qg7 , and if 2 Qf2 then 2 . . . Bf4, Black's ini-

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tiative remains on track. But the world champion thought he saw a more forceful route.

1 2 Rxg2 3 Kxg2 4 Kh l

Rxg2?? Rxg2 Qg7+

And White, a rook ahead, should have won quickly. (He later blundered. ) But what did Black overlook when he sacri-ficed his rook?

The answer came in the postmortem analysis when Black explained that he had been counting on 2 . . . BxO (not 2 . . . Rxg2 ) . But in rechecking his tree l imbs at move two he saw that 2 . . . Bxf3 3 Rxf3 QxO loses to the ele­gant zwischenzug 4 Qc3 + ! ! Qxc3 5 Rxg8+ , followed by 6 Bxc3 .

Moral: You can afford to overlook zwischenzugs in quiet po­sitions , but not when you've just sacrificed a rook.

A zwischenzug must meet two criteria: (a ) it must be suffi­ciently forcing to prevent the sequence from continuing nor­mally, and (b) as a result, the sequence cannot achieve its intended objective.

The absence of either criterion renders the zwischenzug harmless. A zwischenzug that can safely be ignored is useless. And a forcing but irrelevant insertion-such as the familiar "spite check" that a player often tries j ust before resigning­succeeds only in lengthening the game by a move or two. Com­puters are known to be zwischenzug fanatics, throwing material at their opponent's pieces in a sacrificial orgy to de­lay being mated.

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Niemala-Tal, Riga 1 959

1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 e6 4 Nc3 exd5 5 cxd6 d6 6 e4 g6 7 f4 Bg7 8 Nf3 0,0 9 Be2 Re8 10 e5 dxe5 1 1 fxe5 Ng4 1 2 e6 fxe6 13 0,0 exd5 14 Nxd5 Be6 15 Bc4 Ne5 16 Bg5 ! Nxf3+ 1 7 Qxf3 Qxg5 18 Rae l Rf8!

Here White makes a costly decision, all the more so since he has at least two excellent moves. The first, which requires little calculation, is 19 Qe4, attacking the e6,bishop and in­directly threatening b7 and the undeveloped rook at a8 (e .g . , 1 9 . . . Bf5 20 Ne7 + Kh8 21 Nxf5 gxf5 22 Qxb7 and White wins back material favorably) .

The second alternative, which calls for White to look a bit further, is the queen sacrifice 19 Qxf8+ Bxf8 20 Rxe6, and now Black can prevent either 2 1 Re8 or 2 1 Nc7 but not both.

The queen sacrifice seems to lead to a bigger advantage than 19 Qe4. But White chose a third sequence, which starts out relatively quietly and then picks up force.

1 9 Rxe6

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Now on 19 . . . Rxf3 he inserts a zwischenzug-20 Re8+ !­with consequences such a s 20 . . . Kf7 2 1 N c 7 + ! Kf6 22 Rxf3 + , or 20 . . . Bf8 2 1 Rxf3 , winning in either case.

19 • • • Bd4+! Black gets the first opportunity to play a zwischenzug. It

meets the forcing requirement (being a check) , and it also makes a difference in White's intended sequence by clearing g7 for Black's king.

20 Kh l 2 1 ReB+ 22 Rxf3 23 Bfl


Kg7 Qc l +

Nc6! Black could have won through other means but this seizes

the initiative and finishes off nicely. The game ended with 24 RxaB Ne5 25 RffB Ng4 (also winning is 25 . . . Nf7 ) 26 Rf3 Nf2+ 2 7 Kgl Ne4+ White resigns.

A zwischenzug is a double-edged sword. By inserting a surprise move into a forcing sequence you increase the chances of be­ing surprised yourself:

Wheeler-Povah, London 1977

1 c4 e5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 Nf3 Nc6 4 g3 Bb4 5 Bg2 0,0 6 0,0 e4 7 Ng5 Bxc3 B dxc3 ReB 9 Nh3 h6 10 Nf4 b6 1 1 Be3 d6 1 2 Bd4 Ne5 13 b3 Bb7 14 Qc2 Qd7 15 Rad l Qf5

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1 6 Nd5 1 7 Bxe4?


This zwischenzug deserves a better fate. It is more forcing than 1 7 Qxe4 Qxe4 1 8 Bxe4 , which also gives White a pin on the d5- knight but leaves Black free to liquidate favorably with 1 8 . . . Nxc4 ! .

1 7 . . . Qh3 ! What did White miss in this game ? Perhaps he overlooked

the strength of this move, which threatens mate ( 1 8 Bxd5 Ng4 ) . Or maybe he saw this far and overlooked that 1 8 Bxe5 (eliminating a key part of the mating attack) Rxe5 19 Bxd5 allows 1 9 . . . Rh5 .

1 8 Bg2 Or perhaps he saw all of the above and just counted on this

zwischenzug, which appears to drive the queen back ( 1 8 . . . Qh5 1 9 cxd5 Ng4 20 h3 ) .

18 . . . Qxg2+! Black can vary the move order with 1 8 . . . Nf4 ( 1 9 Bxh3

Nxh3 mate; 1 9 gxf4 Qxg2 mate; 1 9 Bxb7 Ng4 ) . But the text is prettier and at least as fast: 1 9 Kxg2 Nf4+ 20 Kg 1 Nh3 mate.

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Calculation involves a rhythm of thrusts and parries. You threaten his rook, he defends it. You check his king, he moves it. You surround his bishop, he tries to break out of the web. In each case, the player with the initiative is doing the threat­ening and the opponent is doing the responding. This is what makes counting out easy: the comfortable, reliable rhythm.

But suppose you make a threat and your opponent re­sponds with a move that not only defends against your threat, but makes a threat, or threats , of its own. Suddenly, your forc­ing sequence is halted. Now he is doing the forcing.

Khalifman-Speelman, Munich 1 992 Black to play

White's last move, 1 Qxd4, offers Black a poor endgame, which he naturally rejects. Nevertheless, Black should have sat on his hands before playing . . .

1 . . • Qc6??

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I f this i s a s good a s i t looks ( threatening mate o n g 2 as well as the rook on a4 ) , Black is winning outright. But it's a chimera.

2 Qxg7 ! resigns

Black did not see that the queen defends g2 on this square­as well as threatens 3 Qxh8+-and thereby gains time for 3 Rxb4.

That example was caused by a visualization problem: Black didn't foresee that a piece could attack h8 and at the same time defend g2 . In the next case we have a different kind of oversight, an attack-defense move met by an attack­defense move.

Ivkov-Larsen, Candidates Match 1 965 White to play

It's a quiet position in which Black's pieces are more active but a draw seems virtually inevitable because of the bishops of opposite colors. After 1 Be5 and a subsequent Rd l White should hardly lose.

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1 a3??

He decides to eliminate a pair of pawns before playing BeS . 1 . . . Rc4! White resigns

What did White overlook? He saw 1 . . . Rc4, of course, but assumed that he could just threaten mate with 2 BeS , defend­ing against the threat while threatening mate.

The surprise to him was 2 . . . Rg4 ! , which meets his attack-defense move with one of Black's own. It not only de­fends against the threatened mate on g7 but wins through an attack on g2.

The attack-defense problem becomes more common as your tactical ideas get more sophisticated and the sequence takes on more finesse. The possibilities for being surprised multiply.

Lapiken-Reshevsky, U.S. Open 1 955, Long Beach

1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 g6 6 Be3 Bg7 7 f3 0-0 8 Qd2 a6? 9 0-0-0 b5 10 a3 Bb7 1 1 g4 Nc6 12 h4 h5 !? 13 gxh5 Nxh5 14 Rg l Kh7 15 Kb l Qc8 1 6 Nd5 ! Nxd4 1 7 Bxd4

Black has good prospects in the endgame-if he can reach it-because of the weakness of White's kings ide pawns. But we're more interested in what happens as the minor pieces are liquidated.

1 7 . . . Bxd5 Black visualizes a distant position in which the only minor

pieces left are his good knight and White's less-than-wonder­ful light-squared bishop.

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1 8 Bxg7 Ba2+ The point of this forcing finesse is to bring the queen into

a better view of the world on e6. There is also a positional ben­efit in denying White the opportunity to capture on d5 with a pawn, creating potential pressure against e7 via the e-file.

White gets no time to carry out his own threat, 1 9 Qh6+ and mate next, because Black's last move is a check, as will be 1 9 . . . Qe6 after White takes the bishop on a2 .

1 9 Kxa2 Qe6+

20 Kb l 2 1 Be2 22 Rg5 23 Rdgl

Kxg7 Rh8 Qf6 e5 !

And after 24 . . . Nf4 he was on the road to victory. But he was very lucky, since he was quite lost after 1 9 . . . Qe6+ .

Had White found 20 Bc4 ! , Black could have quietly re­signed. The only way then to protect his queen and also avoid 2 1 Qh6+ is 20 . . . Qxc4+ . But then 2 1 b3 ! closes the diago­nal for good, and threatens the queen once more.

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One further example shows that sometimes a double attack can be met by a double defense.

Kholmov-Anikaev, Rostov-on-Don 1976 White to play

Black has just dropped a knight onto f4-and it was a blunder. 1 Bxf4 exf4 2 e5 !

A double attack that wins a piece. White threatens 3 exf6 as well as 3 Bxb7.

2 • • • Bxg2

Black makes the best of a bad deal. White , a veteran grand­master, can seal the win of material with 3 exf6 since if Black continues desperado-style with 3 . . . Bxfl , he loses more ma­terial after 4 fxe 7 ! .

3 Nxe7+? 4 exf6


This appears to be the same thing as 3 exf6 but with extra force, since the queen is threatened, not just a bishop on e7 .

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4 . . . Qb7 !

This is what White overlooked. Black protects both pieces at once. The game later ended as a draw.


A further complication in a calculated sequence arises when one capture is met by another, setting off a chain reaction. Usually this involves mutual captures and a very short chain reaction: I play queen takes queen. You re-establish material equality by answering rook takes queen. I have no more cap­tures and the chain ends.

But sometimes, even with several protected pieces on the board, we work out longer chains in which pieces that are about to be captured inflict as much damage as possible.

For example, in 1 949 a new idea in the Scotch Game was introduced in the game Bogolyubov-Schmid, West German Championship: 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 exd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 and now 5 • • • Nxe4?!

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Subsequent analysis showed that White can obtain an edge with 6 Nxe4 Qe7 7 f3 d5 8 Bb5 Bd7 9 0-0. However, in the original game White responded:

6 Nxc6

Black cannot recapture on c6 because then 7 Nxe4 would win a piece. So he had to play:

6 • • . Nxc3

Now if White recaptures on c3 , Black will follow suit on c6 and remain a pawn ahead ( remember, he took the e-pawn at move 5 ) .

7 Nxd8 (forced) 8 Nxf7

Nxd1 (ditto) Nxf2

Actually Black can equalize more easily with 8 . . . Kxf7 , when material is even.

9 Nxh8 Nxh 1

There's nothing left to take and the desperado sequence is over. In the game White continued 1 0 Bd3? ( 1 0 Be3 ! ) Bc5 ! 1 1 Bxh7 Nf2 1 2 Bf4 d6 and had the worst of it.

In this example, the marauding knights each played the role of desperado, a piece that seems doomed to be captured (even though neither knight actually was ) . And, being doomed, they were determined to scorch as much earth as possible.

Desperado situations need not last long, and a sequence doesn't always involve captures of the same kinds of material (pawn for pawn, piece for piece ) . When the captures are un­equal, the "winner" of the sequence is usually the player who makes the most damaging capture.

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TIviakov-Ostenstad, Gausdal 1 992 White to play

Here's an odd, though hardly unique, example of a double blunder by masters , thanks to desperado tactics. White finds a clever way to win a pawn and avoid the consequences of 1 . . . Qe3 + .

1 Nxd5 ??

This is based on Black's vulnerable first rank: 1 . . . Rxc2 ?? allows 2 Rxf8 mate.

1 . . . 2 Rxfl

Rxfl +?? QdS

Of course , the exchange on f1 changed little: 2 . . . Rxc2 3 Rf8 mate} . The game ended with:

3 Bh4! Qd7 4 Qc5 ! resigns

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But it would have been quite a different story if Black had found 1 . . . Qxcl ! , shortcircuiting White's idea in all varia­tions. Black then wins at least a piece.

If the same kinds of pieces are being captured, the player who makes the final capture is often the one who wins. This principle accounted for one of the shortest games ever lost in an Olympiad team tournament { it was lost by the artist Marcel Duchamp} . The game Muller-Duchamp, The Hague 1928 , went 1 c4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Nc3 Nf6

4 d4 exd4 5 Nxd4 Bb4 6 Bg5 h6 7 Bh4 , and now Black entered a faulty desperado sequence with 7 • • • Ne4? 8 Bxd8 Nxc3 . He counted on winning back the queen af­ter 9 bxc3 Bxc3 + or 9 Qd2 Ne4, or on winning gobs of ma­terial compensation (9 Qb3 ? Nxd4 ) .

But he missed 9 Nxc6! , and after 9 • • • Nxd l +

1 0 Nxb4 Black resigned. His opponent had made the first and last capture.

When invited into a desperado derby by your opponent you need to keep a clear idea of when one of you can stop captur­ing and head for a tactical exit.

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Spassky-Timman, Montpellier 1 986 White to play

White played the seductive 1 Bxh6, based on the idea that after 1 . . . gxh6 2 Qxh6 he is attacking both the f6-knight and the h3 -bishop and may be able to force a perpetual check if matters become too complicated. For example, if he reaches the position after 2 . . . Bxg2 3 Qxf6 Bh3 and determines that 4 Re4 or 4 Ne4 is unsatisfactory, White can bail out with checks on the g- and h-files.

1 Bxh6? Bxg2 ! Perhaps only now did White see that 2 Qg5 Qg4 3 Kxg2 ! ,

which wins a pawn, is not Black's best defense and that instead he can play 2 . . . Ne8 3 Kxg2 Qe6 ! , winning the bishop. ( In the diagram it i s very difficult to see how the bishop on h6 can become trapped. )

2 Bxg7 When in a desperado derby, do as the desperados do. Now

2 . . . Kxg7 3 Qg5 + Kh7 4 Qxf6 is a favorable line for White. 2 Nh7 3 Bxf8

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It appears that everything has turned out well for White. He's gotten two pawns and a rook for a bishop. The desperado

sequence can end now with 3 . . . Bxf8 4 Kxg2 or 3 . . . Bf3 4 Qe3 , after which White wins.

3 . • . Qh3 !

But Black exits first and with a major threat (4 . . . Bf3 and 5 . . . Qg2 mate ) . The queen move not only makes the threat but also protects the g2 bishop. Unless White has a compara­ble move (defending the f8-bishop while meeting the mate threat) , he must lose material; e.g. , 4 Qe3 Bxf8 5 Rxb7 Bh6 ! and 6 . . . Ng5 ; or 5 f3 b6 ! and . . . BcS .

4 Qh6 Bxf8 5 Qxh3 Bxh3

6 Rxb7 Ng5

And although material is roughly equal, Black's pieces work together much better than White's . He won a long endgame.

It is crucial in calculating such sequences to keep two key points in mind:

(a) What is the score ( the material balance or imbalance) af­ter each move ?

(b) Where does it end? That is, what will it look like at the time of the last capture ?

It was a failure to answer the second question correctly that cost humanity a game in one of the first victories by a com­puter over a grandmaster.

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Miles-Deep Thought, Long Beach 1 989

1 d4 d5 2 c4 dxc4 3 e4 Nf6 exd4 6 Qxd4 Bd6 7 Bxc4 0,0

h6 10 Bh4 Bg4 1 1 O,O,O?

4 Nc3 e5 8 Bg5 Nc6

5 Nf3 9 Qd2

Black's last two moves contained a tactical point, allowing a desperado that White misses:

1 1 . • .

1 2 gxf3 Bxf3 Nxe4!

As a result, the h4-bishop is en prise and White will not re­gain the pawn after 1 3 Nxe4 Qxh4 14 Nxd6 because of 14 . . . Rad8 ( 1 5 Nf5 Qxc4) .

White may obtain some counterchances in that line (e .g . , with 15 Qc3 and a later Rhg l ) , but he decides he has to go into the full desperado because at the end of it he sees mater­ial equality.

13 Bxd8? 14 Bxc7 !


The move White was counting on. His position will not be particularly pretty after 14 . . . Nxc4 1 5 Bxd6 Nxd6 16 Rxd6

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or 14 . . . Bxc7 15 Kxd2, but at least the number of pawns will

be the same for each player. 14 . • . Bxh2! !

Wrong again. " I must admit I totally overlooked the deci­sive counter-desperado," Miles said after the game. By using this order of moves, Black wins a pawn. Clearly 14 . . . Bxc7 15 Kxd2 Bxh2 ?? loses a piece. But here 14 . . . Bxh2 1 5 Bxh2 Nxc4 or 1 5 Rxd2 Bxc7 makes off with a pawn.

White consoled himself with 15 Bxh2 Nxc4 16 Rd7

but after 16 • • • b6 he had scant compensation and lost in 38 moves.

Desperado calculation often seems like a totally new game, something like Loser's Chess, that offshoot of chess in which . the players take turns trying to lose material to one another. It requires some of the most stringent calculation technique. You not only have to keep count of the quickly changing ma­terial situation, you must also keep an eye out for surprise moves that stop the chain reaction-in your opponent's favor.

A classic example of the last point is:

Bialas-Joppen, West German Championship 1 96 1

1 e4 c 5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 e5 5 Nb5 a6 6 Nd6+ Bxd6 7 Qxd6 Qf6 8 Q c 7 Nge7 9 Nc3 Qe6 1 0 Bd3 b5 1 1 O-O? Rb8!

This begins a game not of Loser's Chess but of Trap the Queen. Having failed to insure an escape route ( 1 1 Qb6) , White i s faced with an ominous 1 2 . . . Rb7 .

1 2 f4 ! Rb7 13 Nd5 !

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A clever defense. Black can't play 1 3 . . . Rxc7 because 14 Nxc7+ forks king and queen. And he can't capture on d5 be­cause the c8-bishop hangs with check.

Moreover, White has a threat of his own: to trap Black's queen with 1 4 f5 . The immediate 13 f5 leads to a bad endgame after 1 3 . . . Rxc7 14 fxe6 dxe6, Black having made the first and last capture.

1 3 . • • O-O! Black can make a desperado of his queen here with 13 . . .

Qxd5 , hoping for 1 4 exd5 Rxc7 1 5 dxc6 Nxc6 (or even 14 Qxb7 ? ?, when 1 4 . . . Qc5 + ! buys out of the chain reaction and gains time for 1 5 . . . Bxb7 ) .

But White has a better way of surrendering his own trapped queen after 1 3 . . . Qxd5 , and it's 1 4 Qxc8+ Nxc8 1 5 exd5 , so that on 1 5 . . . Nb4 1 6 fxe5 Nxd5 he can take command with 1 7 Be4 and 1 8 Rd l .

1 4 £5

This is the position both sides have been playing for: White because it's the best he can get, Black because it's an easy win. Still, the win is tricky.

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It comes from 14 . . . Nxf5 ! , after which White has noth­

ing better than 1 5 exf5 and then to resign after 1 5 . . . Qxd5 , since White's queen remains trapped.

A similar, but inferior, version of this is 14 . . . Nxd5 , which transposes into the easy win after 1 5 exd5 ? Qxd5 . The flaw in this thinking is that it leaves the Black queen hanging while White takes over the tactical initiative.

14 • • • Nxd5? 1 5 Qxb7??

Too greedy. White can recoup with 15 Qxc8 ! because 1 5 . . . Rxc8 1 6 fxe6 re-establishes material equality and leaves Black material hanging at d5 and f7 .

After 1 5 Qxc8, Black does better with 1 5 . . . Qd6 ! 1 6 Qxb7 Rb8, trapping the queen again. But by then he will have spent too much time and material to do it, and 1 7 Qxb8+ and 1 8 exd5 gives White a winning edge.

15 • • • Qd6! ! Now this move wins. Black recognizes that it's time to halt

the chain reaction of captures. When the music stops , White's queen is still trapped ( 1 6 Qa8 Nc7 ) . In the game, he actually played 16 Qxc8 Rxc8 1 7 exd5 Qxd5 18 Rdl but saw no point in continuing the struggle after 1 8 • • • e4 ! 19 Be2 Qc5+ 20 Kh l Qf2 ! 2 1 Bfl e3 .

Before we leave this wonderful example, let's consider what would have happened on 1 4 . . . Qxd5 instead of the faulty 1 4 . . . Nxd5 o r the superior 1 4 . . . Nxf5 . Then, faced with the possibility of 1 5 . . . Qc5 + , which ends the chain reaction once and for all, White could not afford any additional captures such as 1 5 Qxc8 or 1 5 Qxb7 . But he could have survived into the ending with 1 5 exd5 and 1 6 dxc6.

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The basic dangers of desperado play are :

(a ) Overlooking a capture that allows your opponent to come out materially ahead when the chain reaction stops.

(b) Allowing him to halt the carnage at an embarrassing mo­ment (e.g. , 1 5 . . . Qd6 ! ! above) .

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"No plan survives contact with the enemy . " -Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke

I n the course of calculating you are bound to make over­sights. You will s imply overlook moves by your opponent

that didn't seem possible when you first charted the course of the next few moves. Every player makes this kind of mistake sometimes.

But if you learn how to calculate properly, you can reduce the frequency and severity of oversights and avert crises before they occur on the board.

Of course , nobody guesses his opponent's next move 1 00 percent of the time. In fact, 50 percent is a pretty good figure to shoot for. The grandmaster who anticipates every move his opponent plays is a figure of myth.

Only during certain periods of a game-portions of famil­iar openings, textbook situations in the endgame, and during forcing combinations-can a player be reasonably certain of what will happen next.

The difference between winning and losing, however, is the nature of these very natural surprises. You may overlook a good knight maneuver or a timely defensive retreat. Those over­sights usually won't cost you much. But you don't want to over­look knight-takes-queen-double-check.

25 1

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Larsen-Petrosian, Santa Monica 1 966 Black to play

A classic example of a major oversight occurs in this game. Black, then the world champion, is being pressed but is still several moves away from a crisis. He sees that he can beat off the attack with 1 . . . e6, and also appreciates that the endgame that follows 2 Qxd8 Rfxd8 3 Rxe5 dxe5 4 Bxc5 is not at all clear because Black's pawns are well centralized and mobile. But he plays:

1 • . . Ne6? 2 Rf3

Now the threat of 3 Rh3 and 4 Qh6 is so dangerous that Black must calculate very carefully. He has a choice between:

(a ) kicking the enemy queen with 2 . . . Bf6 (e.g. , 3 Qh6 Bg7 4 Qh4 Bf6 ) , and

(b) taking the big risk with 2 . . . f5 3 Rh3 Kg7 ! ?

From a practical point of view, it is much more comfortable to pick (a ) . The variations are easier to count out and you run less chance of mate. But, and this is the main point, even in

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(a) you have to make sure you aren't overlooking something

big. 2 . . •

3 Qh6



And by "big" we mean a capture, a check or, in this case, a dangerous move that allows the queen to remain in mating proximity.

4 Qxg6! Larsen saw this move when he played 2 Rf3 , since other­

wise he would have had to concede his plan was wrong and re­treat the queen to h3 or h4. But Petrosian clearly had no idea this was in the air when he was choosing between 2 . . . f5 and 2 . . . Bf6.

The move 4 Qxg6 is one of the most famous in chess his­tory, but, as both players readily acknowledged, its main lines were fairly simple to calculate. The rest of the game went 4 • • • Nf4 5 Rxf4 fxg6 6 Be6+. Now 6 . . . Kh7 7 Rh4+ Bh6 8 Bxh6 leads to mate, so Black played 6 • • • Rf7 7 Rxf7 Kh8 8 Rg5 b5 9 Rg3 and resigned before the decisive rook check.

Once we become trained at chess tactics-when we readily recognize pins, skewers, last-rank mates, and the like-the number of our oversights will decline sharply. But they will never disappear completely. There are simply too many causes, especially psychological ones, to plague us. To reduce our oversights further we have to recognize these causes.

Here's an instructive but typical example of a grandmaster overlooking a winning move of his own. He didn't find it be­cause for once his instinct told him not to examine it.

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Christiansen-Shirov, Biel 1 99 1 White to play

White, materially behind, has queen checks available at h 7 and f8 but they don't seem to lead anywhere. His g l -bishop is pinned and useless. And he is faced with . . . Nf2 mate.

Yet White has a simple winning move that threatens a mate in two and that Black can only delay by sacrificing his pieces randomly.

1 h3? Rf6!

Black drew in a few moves when White was forced to take perpetual check. The winning move, found days later by Shirov, is 1 g3 ! ! , th�eatening 2 Qf8+ KgS 3 h4 mate. But, as Black was the first to point out, it is an extraordinarily hard move to find.

Why? Because 1 g3 seems to invite danger. It opens a very dangerous diagonal leading to White's king. Without the bishop on e4, Black mates with 1 . . . Qe4+ . Psychologically, 1 g3 is the kind of move we would consider only after exhaust­ing virtually every alternative.

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The most elementary-and most embarrassing--oversights are the one-movers, the strong moves that are so obviously good that we could not have dreamt of allowing them. But somehow we do: We allow an enemy piece to advance deep into our side of the board. Or we miss a strong retreat. Or we just have a blind spot.

Kupreichik-Polugayevsky, U.S.S.R. Championship 1974

1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 N£6 5 Nc3

a6 6 Be2 e5 7 Nb3 Be7 8 £4 0-0 9 a4 Nbd7 10 g4 d5 1 1 Nxd5 Nxe4 1 2 0-0 Ndc5 13 c4 Nxb3 14 Qxb3 Bc5+

For various reasons White is reluctant to move his king. But his tactical antennae should be going up all around the White side of the board after a check like this. Yet . . .

1 5 Be3?? Nd2! This was a case of White believing that on his side of the

board he was relatively secure. Less explainable is the follow­ing, with pieces so close to one another.

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Popovic-Ljubojevic, Manila 1 990 White to play

Black has no convenient way out of the discovered check if he tries to win. So he tries . . .

1 . . . Qc4 White immediately notices that 2 Ne3 + fails to 2 . . . Qe6.

He then examines other discovered checks, rejecting each one when he sees they achieve nothing after the same 2 . . . Qe6, or in the case of 2 Nd4+ , a king move.

So he settles on the one discovery that actually accom­plishes something:

2 Nxd6+?? This at least wins a pawn. However . . .

2 • • . Kxd6! White resigns

Donald Byrne, a strong American amateur and coach of the 1 950s and '60s, recommended that players always think about their positions mentally when away from the board. In this way

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you often "see" a move that your mind blocked out when you last examined the position with your eyes.

But when seated at the board, it pays to recheck every sig­nificant change in the position-every capture, sacrifice -by examining as many enemy responses as you feel comfortable with. I 've known masters who, when considering a move that would likely force resignation, will consider every legal reply.

In this way few accidents like the following are likely to happen:

Yermolinsky-Braude, New York 1 992 White to play

White, with a growing edge, has been attacking on the king­side for the last 20 moves, and for the last 1 5 Black's queen has been sitting passively at gS. But perhaps not as passively as you might think, because here White forgets about it and plays:

1 Rxe6?? He can win with a move like 1 b6 but was counting on the

exchange sacrifice followed by 2 Qxf5 + as being a clearer win. 1 . . . Qxe6!

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White simply did not remember that the queen was still on the board. He played on a few moves and resigned.


Psychologists have said that the kind of strong moves most likely to be overlooked are retreats.

Part of the momentum of calculation leads us to believe that "I advance there and he must advance there, or else I 've improved my position." But when your opponent can take a well-developed piece and move it backward, we often blot that out of our consciousness and don't even try to evaluate it. We've trained our force-oriented calculating minds to look mainly for counterattacks and counterthreats.

A notorious example:

Fischer-Larsen, Santa Monica 1966 White to play

White has been working up an attack against the vulnera­ble dark squares but here avoids 1 Bh6 in favor of . . .

1 b3? b4 !

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Now 2 cxb4 d4 ! would give Black the better chances. White

thought briefly about the new situation and replied: 2 Qh3? bxc3 ! 3 Qh6 Ne6

White resigns What did Fischer overlook? It certainly wasn't 3 . . . Ne6.

No, according to his opponent, White had counted on the game ending with 3 Bf6 Ne6 4 Qxh7+ Kxh7 5 Rh3 + "and 6 Rh8 mate."

But this fails miserably to 5 . . . Qh6 ! , a retreat that ends all threats. Once Fischer saw this he went through the motions of 3 Qh6 but resigned when he realized how hopeless was his attack and how destroyed was his queenside.

An even simpler retreat cost Black an embarrassing defeat in the following:

Kasparov-Anand, Dortmund 1 992

1 Nf3 d5 2 c4 c6 3 d4 N£6 4 Nc3 dxc4 5 a4 B£5 6 e3 e6 7 Bxc4 Bb4 8 0-0 0-0 9 Qe2 Nbd7 10 Ne5 Re8 1 1 Rdl Qc7 12 Nxd7 Qxd7 13 f3 Nd5 1 4 N a 2 B£8 1 5 e4 Bg6 1 6 Q e l £5 ? ? 1 7 exd5 ! resigns

What happened? Black didn't appreciate his opponent's last move and assumed that he could now play 1 7 . . . exd5 , si­multaneously attacking the queen and the c4-bishop. When he realized that 1 8 Be2 ! was legal, he resigned.

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Even a short-range retreat, particularly to the side of the board by a centralized piece, is often overlooked. The following, coming in the middle of a close world championship match, was called "the blunder of the century."

Karpov-Kasparov, World Championship 1987 Black to play

Hyperbole aside, it is a perfectly natural occurrence. White , with a slight advantage, used his previous two moves to shift his rook from c2 to f6.

1 • • • Bb6 2 Rc6?? Na5 !

Winning the exchange and ultimately the game. White was victimized by several psychological factors. First,

he saw he was making progress with his last few moves and dis­liked the prospect of having to play 2 Bxb6 axb6 ! 3 Rf2.

Second, as had been occupied the previous move, so Black's moving a piece to that square did not readily occur to White. And, perhaps crucially, Black's key move withdrew his best­placed piece backward and to the side of the board.

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Related to retreats is the problem of "short moves." When his

rivals complained that they could never guess Anatoly Kar­

pov's moves it was often because they generally involved shifts

of a piece one or two squares away.

Korchnoi-Salov, Amsterdam 199 1 White to play

1 Nxb5?? And White resigned immediately when he saw Black's

"short" reply. 1 . . • Qe8!

This kind of oversight occurs most often with the most valuable pieces. Because the queen has such great mobility, we assume that our opponents will sweep it across the board.


Another minefield for calculators lies in positions in which a key diagonal or file can be forcefully cut by a surprise move. We call these line blocks.

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I n the following example , the White knights might be a match for the enemy bishops if they could be anchored by some supporting pieces or pawns. To avoid retreating the at­tacked d5 -knight White tries to calculate a way out. The idea that occurs to him involves Black's vulnerable first rank.

Tseshkovsky-Miles, Palma de Mallorca 1 989 White to play

There is a good idea here, but White does not find it. It is 1 Rxd4 exd4 and then 2 Qf5 , threatening mate, which gains time for 3 Nc7. Instead, White finds the attractive . . .

1 Rc 1 Bxd5

2 Qc8 This looks better. In fact, isn't White winning? What can

Black do about the threat of 3 Qxa8 followed by 4 Rc8 ? 2 • • • Rc4! !

That's what. By cutting the c-file communication, Black in­sures he will remain a piece ahead (3 Qxa8 Rxc l + and 4 . . . Bxa8; 3 Nxc4 Qxc8; 3 Rxc4 dxc4) .

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The winner in the last example had a similar experi­ence with the White pieces. This time, in an even more per­ilous position, he found a way to cut communication on a diagonal.

Miles-Pritchett, London 1 982 Black to play

Despite White's domination of the d-file and pressure on f7, it is Black's attack that arrives first . He can win directly with the simple I . . . QcZ Z RbI Re I ; e.g. , 3 Qxf7 + Kh8 4 Rdd l Bxc3 ! .

But Black saw the idea of the bishop capture in another scheme . . .

1 • . . Bxc3 . . . which seems to win even faster, as . . . BxbZ+ cannot be

averted. However: 2 Qxf7+ Kh8 3 Be5 ! ! resigns

An incredible final move and an easy <me to overlook. Ac­tually, it is quite logical, since it's the only way to defend bZ. lt works by cutting communication along the e-file and the

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long diagonal, since otherwise 3 . . . R2xe5 4 Qxg7 mate and 3 . . . Bxe5 4 Qxe8+ and mates.

What made White's third move so hard to visualize is the chess blindness that occurs on heavily fortified squares. Your mind tells you that such a move as 3 Be5 is not worth a sec­ond's consideration in any subvariation because the square is defended by three Black pieces.

To reinforce how common this kind of error is, here's an ex­ample that occurred in a tournament game by a future world champion-and also in the home analysis of a past champion. The latter's analysis was reprinted many times before someone spotted the error.

Kasparov-Roizman, Minsk 1978 White to play

1 Bg5 Mikhail Botvinnik awarded this move an exclamation

point and much praise for his former pupil. Botvinnik's notes go on to say that 1 . . . Rxg5 is not possible because of 2 Nxf6 "and Black's position is torn asunder."

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But let's remember what we've been saying about pieces go­

ing to "impossible squares." 1 . . . 2 Nxf6

Rxg5 ! Bf3 ! !

The f-file is now safely blocked (3 Qxf3 Qxf3 4 Rxf3 Bxf6 or 3 g3 ? Bxf6 or even 3 Rxe 7 + Kxf6 ! 4 Qxf3 + Qxf3 5 Rxf3 +

Kxe7 and Black wins ) . In fact, White must meet 2 . . . Bf3 with 3 Nxd5 Rxg2 + 4

Qxg2 when Black has a perpetual check with 4 . . . Rxg2 + 5 Khl Rf1 + .


A corollary to the sudden closing of lines is the instant open­ing of others. The human eye and mind can get just as used to certain diagonals and files being closed as they can to their be­ing open. And that leads to surprises in situations like this:

Kuijpers-Jongsma, Amsterdam 1 968 White to play

White was lost within two moves. How is that possible ?

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The position looks like a typical Sicilian Defense middle­game in which White gains the upper hand by way of a stan­dard sacrifice: He puts one of his knights on b5 and after it's captured he retakes with the other knight, followed, after a Black queen retreat, by Nxd6+ or Qxd6. Materially, he may get only two pawns for the piece but experience has shown that it is very difficult for Black to extricate himself. What can be wrong with that ?

1 Ndb5 ? axb5 2 Nxb5 Nb3+!

White resigns The opening of the queenside files (3 axb3 Ra l mate)

doesn't seem possible in the diagram. But it happened.

Seirawan-Kudrin, u.s. Championship 1981

1 c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 e6 3 e4 c5 4 e5 Ng8 5 d4 cxd4 6 Qxd4 Nc6 7 Qe4 d6 8 Nf3 dxe5 9 Nxe5 Bd7 1 0 Nxd7 Qxd7 1 1 Bg5 Nf6 1 2 Qe3 h6 1 3 Rdl Qe7 14 Bf4 Qa5 15 Be2 e5 ? 16 Bf3 Re8 1 7 0-0 Bb4 1 8 Nd5 Be5 1 9 Qe2 Kf8 20 Bd2 Qxa2??

Black had a bad game but this removes all doubts. What he has overlooked is the sudden opening of . . .

2 1 Nxf6 gxf6 22 b4 !

. . . the second rank. Now 23 Bxh6+ and 24 Qxa2 is the main threat, and Black had to choose between allowing that and 23 bxc5 , e .g . , 22 . . . Nxb4 23 Bxb4.

A more elaborate example befell White in this promising po­sition.

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Lane-Velikov, Toulouse 1 990 White to play

White has a dangerous attack directed at h 7, and with 1 Bg5 the threat of 2 Bxf6 and 3 Qxh 7 mate virtually forces 1 . . .

Rfe8. Then 2 Rae 1 leaves White with a substantial initiative. But White thought he had a more immediate trick, based

on the same idea of capturing on f6. 1 Rxf6

This looks decisive. All the reasonable Black replies seem to lose:

(a) 1 . . . Qxf6 2 Bg5 , hitting the queen and threatening 3 Qh7 mate;

(b) 1 . . . gxf6 2 B£4, ditto; (c) 1 . . . Bxal 2 Bxg7 ! , threatening mate on both h7 and h8.

But Black has a stunning reply. 1 . . • Bf2!

By unveiling the threat of 2 . . . Qxal + as well as attacking the jueen, Black effectively ends the contest. White didn't bother to play out 2 Qxf2 Qxa l + 3 Qfl Qxf6 or 3 . . . Qxfl +

4 Rxfl gxh6.

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Nikolai Krogius, a Russian grandmaster and psychologist, an­alyzed in some detail another kind of mental trick that we cal­culators play on ourselves. Krogius called it the retained image-the retention of certain incorrect, out-of-date infor­mation about a position during the course of a calculated se­quence.

In some cases our minds will simply not allow us to "see" what is evident.

Gallagher-Maier, Swiss Championship 1 99 1 Black to play

Black has some drawing chances if he can eliminate a few more White pawns. With that in mind he tries:

1 . • • Rgl? ? And was embarrassed into resignation after:

2 Rxc8 We can understand the confusion in Black's mind. In the

diagram the c l -square is controlled by one Black rook and oc­cupied by another. It is a square White can only dream of oc-

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cupying some day. So 1 . . . Rgl threatens not just to win a

pawn but to win the b2-rook with 2 . . . Rxg2+ .

It never occurred to Black that 2 Rxc8 Rxg2 + 3 Kcl ! was

possible. He retained the image of a piece still occupying that


In the following game White could have resigned after the 14th move because he failed to visualize the sudden appear­ance of an enemy rook on e2.

Christiansen-Epishin, New York 1 990

1 c4 e5 2 Nc3 Nf6 3 g3 Bb4 4 Bg2 0-0

5 e4 Bxc3 6 bxc3 ReS 7 Ne2 c6 S Qb3 b6 9 0-o Bb7 1 0 f4 e x f4 1 1 d3 d5 1 2 B x f4 N b d 7 13 exd5?? Rxe2 14 Bf3 Qe7 15 Qd l Re3 16 dxc6 Rxf3 1 7 Qxf3 Qc5+

White soon resigned. What did he overlook at move 1 3 ? He counted on regaining his sacrificed piece favorably with 1 4 dxc6-not seeing 1 4 . . . Rxg2+ ! until i t was too late . I n his mind, the rook was still on e8.

Let's move on to an example involving two former world champions:

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Spassky-Karpov, Belfort 1 988 White to play

White has reason to believe he is close to a win and cor­rectly begins his search for the winning combination. Equally correctly, he comes up with the idea that Black is most vul­nerable at g6. He concludes he can mate by sacrificing on that square.

1 Reg4 2 Kh2

Re1 + Rxc 1

And here White resigned. He had seen this far, of course. But he was counting on playing 3 Rxg6+ fxg6 4 Qxg6+ Kf8 5 Bxh6+ Rxh6 6 Qg8 mate.

Only when the position after 2 . . . Rxcl appeared on the board did White realize that 5 Bxh6+ would involve a piece that no longer existed.

Once White played 1 Reg4 ? in the last example there was no backing out. But more often a player can correct a faulty analy­sis by rechecking his variations along the way. Black's failure to spot a retained image in the following game cost him dearly.

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Oversights / 2 7 1

Ehlvest-Andersson, Brussels 1 988

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 e6 3 d4 exd4 4 Nxd4 Ne6 5 Nc3

a6 6 Be3 Qe7 7 f4 Nxd4 8 Qxd4 b5 9 Be2 Bb7

10 0-0-0 Re8 1 1 Rd2 Nf6 12 Bf3 Be7 13 Rhd l

0-0 14 e5 Here Black thought for a long time trying to choose be­

tween two move-orders. He did not intend to retreat the knight in either case. As an experienced Sicilian Defense player, Black knew that he should meet e4-e5 with . . . b5 -b4.

14 . . . Bxf3? The first mistake. If Black plays the correct 1 4 . . . b4, the

desperado line 1 5 exf6 bxc3 1 6 fxe7 cxd2+ 1 7 Rxd2 Rfe8 of­fers White nothing ( 1 8 Bxb7 Qxb7 1 9 f5 f6 ! or 1 9 Qxd7 Rxe7 20 Qd8+ Re8) .

In fact, White's best answer to 1 4 . . . b4 i s 1 5 Na4, after which 1 5 . . . Bxf3 and 1 6 . . . Nd5 is excellent for Black.

15 gxf3 b4? This compounds the error. Now was the time for Black to

recheck his previous analysis based on the new position after 1 5 gxf3 . He would likely have noticed that the g-file is now partly open. And he would have cut his losses by way of 1 5 . . . Ne8! 1 6 Qxd7 Bb4.

1 6 exf6 1 7 Rg2 !


After retreats by bishop (and queen) , the easiest move to overlook is the lateral shift of a rook or queen. Black could have resigned here ( 1 7 . . . Bxf6 1 8 Qxf6) but continued until . . .

1 7 Qb7 18 Rxg7+ Kh8 1 9 Rg8+! resigns

White can now capture on e7 with discovered check ( 1 9

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. . . Kxg8 20 Rgl + Kh8 2 1 fxe7 + or 1 9 . . . Rxg8 20 fxe7 + Rg7 2 1 Rg l ! Qxb2 + 22 Kd l Qb l + 23 Be l Rg8 24 Rxg7 and wins ) .


The most humiliating oversights are those, similar to retained images, that involve surprises such as this:

Zapata-M. Gurevich, Manila 1 990 White to play

In time pressure, White saw the idea of a fork on f6 in con­nection with a capture on dS . So on the final move of the time control he could have played 1 Nf6+ , after which Black would probably have resigned in view of 2 NxdS .

But it was White who ended up resigning: He played 1 Qxd5?? first, only then realizing that the knight was pinned after 1 . . . QxdS . With more time on the clock White would have rechecked his variation more thoroughly.

Too often we make oversights because we think too logically. Logic can be a powerful ally in the generation of ideas, the

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Oversights 273

inspiration stage of calculation. But in the counting out stage and

particularly in the rechecking process, it can't be relied on.

Sherwin-Benko, U.S. Championship 1 966 Blacks to play

Black has a better position on the kings ide, queenside, and center. He can win easily with 1 . . . Rxc2+ , for example ( 2 Rcxc2 Rxc2+ 3 Rxc2 Nxc2 4 Be l BxeS ! S fxeS Nel + and 6 . . . Nd3 is a won endgame) .

But Black decided that he could shorten the game quite a bit with:

1 . . • Ne2 Makes excellent sense. Now after the attacked rook moves,

Black can capture on c2, he thinks. Isn't it better for Black to have a rook on the seventh rank and threaten all sorts of dis­covered checks than ( as after 1 . . . Rxc2+ ) to trade off all the rooks ?

2 ReI Rxc2?? Failure to recheck! With 2 . . . Nc3 and 3 . . . Na4 Black is

still winning. 3 Rxe2 !

Of course. It was all a mirage, and Black must lose a piece.

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As we mentioned in Chapter Two, players tend to calculate by focusing their attention on grids, that is, on chunks of 1 6 to 2 0 squares, rather than the entire board. Usually this i s suf­ficient to understand the key elements of a position. But there are costly exceptions.

Even the greatest players overlook the simplest moves be­cause they don't look at the other side of the board.

Kasparov-Petrosian, Moscow 1981 White to play

1 Rxa4?? Qc l +! The future world champion explained that Black's winning

move, crossing from one side of the board to the other, "sim­ply escaped my field of vision." He resigned shortly after 2 Kf2 Qxb2+ .

Mentally w e tend t o divide the board into two wings and to assume that matters on one wing cannot normally affect the

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other. This is what hurt White in the following:

Malaniuk-Hector, Politiken Cup 1 992

1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nf3 Nf6 4 e3 Bf5 5 cxd5

cxd5 6 Qb3 Qc7 7 Nc3 e6 8 Bd2 Nc6 9 Rd a6

10 Ne5 Bd6 1 1 Nxc6 bxc6 White now saw a forcing four-move combination that

seemed to win at least a pawn. 1 2 Bxa6? 1 3 Nb5 14 Nxd6+ 15 Qb7

Rxa6! Qb8 Qxd6

This is the point. The attacked rook cannot retreat or be protected by the nearby queen. But here's what White over­looked at move 1 2 :

1 5 • • • Bd3 ! So simple. White went through the middlegame motions

with 16 Qc8+ Qd8 1 7 Rxc6 0,0 but was already quite lost.

There is no simple remedy for this malady except to remind yourself periodically that there are (at least) two wings on the board. In the last example, White lost "mental sight" of the f5 -bishop because of his concentration on the queens ide .

A comparable error is to forget that your own pieces can swing from one side to the other.

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Short-Piket, Wijk aan Zee 1 990 White to play

Black has j ust captured on a2 in what is shaping up as a tra­ditional battle of wing attacks. Who will break through faster? White on the kings ide or Black on the queenside ?

The answer should be "White on the queenside ! " White played the logical and consistent 1 Rxh7?? and only drew af­ter 1 • • • Bc6 2 Qe2 Rxb3 ! .

Afterward, a grandmaster-spectator asked why he didn't play 1 g6. White replied that he rejected the move because the Black knight covers the h6 square and therefore 1 . . . hxg6 2 Rh8+ Kg7 was perfectly playable (3 Qh6+ ?? Nxh6) .

No , no, the spectator said. The main point of 1 g6 i s to threaten 2 Ra5 ! , trapping the queen. (Black is, in fact, lost af­ter 1 g6 even after 1 . . . Ba4 2 Qd4 or 1 . . . Rxb3 2 Qd4) .

Summing up, we've found there are several factors that lead us to miss good moves: discounting the strength of retreats , fo­cusing on only part of the board, retaining images of a posi­tion that no longer exists, and so on. Aside from being aware of these dangers, there is no simple way of avoiding oversights except this: Recheck everything.

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"Mistrust is the most necessary characteristic of the chessplayer. "

-Siegbert Tarrasch

E ven after you've worked out the general features of a cal­culated line, whether two moves deep or 10 , and you're

certain of the evaluation and move order, you're still not done. In a game of speed chess or a coffee-house game, you might stop there and make your move. But in a more serious situa­tion, such as a tournament game, you should check over your analysis.

There are several methods of verifying your work. The checklist of questions to ask yourself includes:

( 1 ) Am I somehow making a crass error, like mentally mak­ing two moves in a row? Or moving a piece illegally ?

( 2 ) Am I certain of what the final position looks like ? Where are the pieces? Did I make a mistake in visual­ization? For example, am I still seeing that bishop on b3 in the final position when I 've sacrificed it on my second move ?

( 3 ) Is there, in fact, a better way of using the basic ideas ? Can I improve matters with the insertion of an inter­mediary move ?


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(4) In looking for my opponent's weak spot have I over­looked my own Achilles' heel, something that will short-circuit my intended sequence ?

The benefits of rechecking variations should be obvious. Yet it is shocking how often a player will plunge into a high­risk variation, even with plenty of time on his clock, after only a cursory inspection of the main lines , a once-over for the en­tire tree.

Bernstein-Lasker, St. Petersburg 1 9 1 4 Black to play

Here is one of the most famous examples of bad recheck­ing. In what was arguably the greatest tournament held up to that time, world champion Emanuel Lasker nearly failed to qualify for the finals because of this game.

With an advantage as Black, he seeks a way to exploit White's kingside, either with 1 . . . Qh2 or 1 . . . Qg3 , followed in either case by 2 . . . Nf4 or even 2 . . . Qxg2+ .

The two queen moves are similar, but not exactly alike. Af­ter either one White will probably capture on e6. But 1 . . . Qg3 2 Nxe6 fxe6 3 Rxe6 Ra l + would win for Black, and so

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would the improved version with the zwischenzug 2 . . . Ra2 ! .

(White could play 2 Ne2, of course, but then 2 . . . Qh2 is very

strong. ) 1 . • .

2 Nxe6 Qh2?


This threatens mate on g2 and h I . Clearly White has one reply and clearly Black must have counted on it when he con­sidered the position of the diagram.

3 Re2 Ral + 4 Kf2

This move was obvious. Yet Lasker completely missed it. According to an eyewitness, Siegbert Tarrasch, the world champion said afterward that he believed somehow White would now be mated on e I . But there is no mate , and after 4 • • • fxe6 5 Qg6! he had to play the ending a pawn down, and eventually lost.


Whether beginning a combination or simply defending a dif­ficult position, before playing a move that requires serious cal­culation it always pays to walk through the variation mentally one more time slowly . The mind can play all sorts of tricks on the calculator who rushes.

Mikhail Tal liked to recall how in his first serious match he rejected a simple defensive idea that would have left him a rook ahead, and began to analyze instead "a fantastically beau­tiful" combination. He decided to play it. But after several moves had been made he "discovered the whole point of my combination lay in the move Bf8-g5 ( ! ! ! ) .

"And since bishops don't move that way, I had to resign."

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Something similar happened to David Bronstein in his most important event when after lengthy thought he came up with "a wonderful combination." But he then passed up both a chance to walk through his analysis-and paid the price . It began when, as Black, he initiated an early queen­side attack:

Botvinnik-Bronstein, World Championship Match 195 1

1 d4 e6 6 d5 Bb4

2 c4 £5 3 g3 N£6 4 Bg2 Be7 5 Nc3 0·0 7 Bd2 e5 8 e3 d6 9 Nge2 a6 1 0 Qc2

Qe8 1 1 £3 b5 ! This looks like a blunder because of . . .

1 2 Qb3 ! Bc5 Black forges on. He can bail out with 1 2 . . . Bxc3 13 Nxc3

bxc4 1 4 Qxc4 Qf7 with a fine game positionally. 13 cxb5

Now with 13 . . . axb5 14 Nxb5 Qf7! , attacking the d-pawn, Black can obtain a solid initiative for his sacrificed pawn: 1 5 e4 fxe4 1 6 fxe4 Ng4 or 1 5 Nbc3 c6.

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But, as Bronstein explained many years later, he had in­tended a much more elaborate continuation of the sequence he began at move 1 1 . His idea was to allow White to queen a pawn in such a way that the new queen would become trapped and would lead to a Black material edge.

However, once the sequence began Bronstein was afraid to recheck his variations because he might be frightened off by some nonexistent refutation. "How many times has precisely that happened with me ! " he added.

1 3 • • • Bd7?

Black saw that 1 4 bxa6 Nxa6 was risky; e .g . , 1 5 0 -0 f4 16 gxf4 exf4 1 7 Nxf4 Bxe3 + ! , winning a piece. So he guessed White's next move.

1 4 Na4! Ba7

Black can also cut his losses here with 14 . . . axb5 1 5 Nxc5 dxc5 .

1 5 b6 Bxa4

Black is consistent: On 1 5 . . . cxb6 1 6 Nxb6 Bxb6 1 7 Qxb6 Nxd5 1 8 Qxd6 his situation would be worse than what happens.

1 6 b7 ! Bxb3

A remarkable position. Here Bronstein turned pale and his "head began to spin," he recalled. In his calculations back at the diagram position he had counted on playing . . . Bb6 here, and after White plays bxa8Q, he wins the queen back with ' " Bxd5 .

White would then have to give up his second queen and emerge from the complications with only a rook for it. But . . .

1 7 bxa8Q

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. . . i t was not Black's tum to play, but White's. Bronstein had blundered into a bad line by mentally making two moves in a row. Play continued:

1 7 . • • Bb6 1 8 axb3 Qb5

And having lost the exchange, Black was in serious trou­ble. ( But he later drew) .

A more contemporary example reveals an even stranger aber­ration.

Hjartarson-Salov, Barcelona 1 989 White to play

Black has j ust played the blunder . . . Rc5 , and White knows why it is a blunder. He quickly calculated the winning reply. But then decided on 1 Be2? instead, realizing his error only when he pushed his clock.

Where is the win? It starts with 1 Bxe5 dxe5 , which removes the pawn support for the c5 -rook. Then 2 b4 ! axb4 3 axb4 traps the rook in the middle of the board.

"", ·· ··'r "

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Why did White reject that ? Because he convinced himself that the variation failed to 3 . . . cxb3 ( that is, en passant) 4 QxcS QaS with a mating attack. Of course, a thorough review of the variation would have shown him that the en passant capture is not legal.

The reason we make such errors is that often when we calculate we add and subtract moves to the trees very quickly in order to consider the maximum number of can­didates. Inevitably, a few things are overlooked. So be­fore choosing a final move , we should take an extra minute to re-examine those trees. Among the questions we should ask are :


Spectators are often surprised by the moves of the greatest players. But virtually everyone, amateur or grandmaster, who watched the eighth game of the 1 990 world championship match unfold were struck dumb by this:

Karpov-Kasparov, World Championship 1 990 White to play

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Anatoly Karpov, with an excellent position-even with mating chances along the h-file-and with thirteen minutes to play nine moves, took three minutes before selecting:

1 Bd2?? When the move appeared on a huge electronic demon­

stration board, Valery Salov, among others, was sure there had been a mechanical error. "Here I am, a well-known grand­master, and I couldn't explain to the spectators what White intended to do in answer to 1 . . . Rxd5 ," he recalled.

There was no answer. Karpov later explained that he had calculated 1 Bf4, with its threat of 2 Be5 ! and 3 Rh1 mate. He concluded that 1 . . . Bd6 was forced, and then 2 Bd2 ! would win material ( 2 . . . Nb7 3 Rxa7 ; 2 . . . Be? ? 3 Bd ) .

Since that might have been a winning position, good cal­culating technique required White to walk through his line once more and ask about the end-positions: "Where are the pieces !" Had Karpov done this he would have seen 1 • • •

Rxd5 , which, luckily for him, led only to a draw, and might have found the improved idea, 1 Bel ! ( 1 . . . Bf8 2 Bb2 Bg7 3 Bf6 ! ) , which might have won.

It's not j ust bad posItIOns that arise because of costly unchecked mental variations. It 's also good positions that don't

arise because we dismiss them prematurely. When Mikhail Botvinnik was world champion he once overlooked a win that, as one observer put it, "every patzer in the room noticed."

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Rechecking / 285

Botvinnik-Gligoric, Hastings 1 96 1 ,62 White to play

Black has j ust retreated his bishop from c3 . White looked at two natural moves, 1 Kf7 and 1 Rxg7 + . The latter looks good because of 1 . . . Kxg7 2 f6+ Kg6 3 f7 and the pawn promotes (3 . . . Re2 + 4 Be6) .

But White studied and studied the position and then played 1 Kf7? Didn't he see the combination, he was asked later? Yes , he replied, "but in visualizing the position I made a mistake and mentally placed the Black king on g7 instead of g6 ."

It's embarrassing when you lose sight of pieces in the course of a game. It's humiliating when you do it in print:

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Pkhakadze-Fridinsky, U.S.S.R. 1972 Black to play

This comes from a game analyzed in a Soviet magazine by Black, a master, and also by grandmaster Eduard Gufeld. Their comment at this point was: "If 1 S . . . NxcS 1 6 dxcS Qc7, then 17 Rd6 ! White's initiative i s sufficient for a draw.

"For example, 1 7 . . . fxg2 1 8 Qxh7 g 1 Q 1 9 Bxf7 + Rxf7 20 Qg8+ Rf8 2 1 Qxg6+ with perpetual check."

That's a long variation, but it's worth trying to visualize it out to the end. Do this in your head and try to think of where all the pieces are. Then play the position out on a board, and you'll see what the annotators missed: There's a Black queen on gl that can move backward and simply capture that White queen on g6 !

That was a long and difficult variation to walk through. But even in short variations-as short as two moves in length­it's wise to take time before initiating a line of play by men­tally picturing what the board looks like at the end of your calculations.

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Rechecking / 287

Saidy-Marovic, Malaga 1 969 Black to play

Black has sacrificed his queen for rook and bishop, and a bit of an attack. With I . . . Nb5 , for example , he can obtain considerable long-term counterplay against the king (2 Na4 c3 ! ; 2 Nxb5 axb5 3 a3 Bf8 followed by 4 . . . b4 ) .

But Black's position also suggests h e may have something quicker. The tactical idea that has caught his eye is to catch the White king in the corner at a I , where something like a smothered mate can occur after . . . Nc2 + .

How to get there ? Well, I . . . Bh6+ 2 Kb l Rxb2+ i s a start. After 3 Kxb2 Rb8+ 4 Kal Nc2 we have the mate. White can avoid this with 4 Ka3 or even with 4 Nb5 . But the knight move is too risky because of 4 . . . Bg7 ! (better than 4 . . . Nxb5 5 Rd8+ or 4 . . . Rxb5 + 5 Kc3 ! ) .

Therefore the main line seems to be I . . . Bh6+ 2 Kb l Rxb2+ 3 Kxb2 Rb8+ 4 Ka3 . Now there is no . . . Nc2 mate. But Black's tactical eye has spotted the possibility of winning back the queen with . . . Bf8. The immediate 4 . . . Bf8 fails to

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5 Qxf8+ and 6 Rxd4, after which Black i s a piece down and has nothing left to fuel his attack.

So Black takes one last look. And there it is: After 4 Ka3 he can play 4 . . . Nc6, attacking the enemy queen and re­moving the knight from capture with a gain of time. Then, re­gardless of where the queen moves, Black will play 5 . . . Bf8+ ! and emerge with at least material equality.

1 Bh6+? ! 2 Kh l Rxb2+? 3 Kxb2 Rb8+ 4 Ka3 Ne6 5 Qe5 ! Bf8 6 Rd6

Black completely missed this defense. He missed it because he failed to ask himself where the pieces were after 4 . . . Nc6. Had he asked, he would have seen that the rook was available for blocking the bishop's diagonal

6 • • • Ne5 Black tries to use tricks to make up for what he failed to do

with solid calculation. White avoided 7 Qxe5 ? ? Rb6 ! and won with 7 f4 ! Nd3 8 Bxd3 exd3 9 Qd4 Re8 10 Kh2 resigns.

One further example illustrates faulty calculation by both play­ers, but only one is punished. White fails to visualize where his rook and king will be after three moves and allows what should have been a winning fork. But it all works out well in the end.

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Beni-Schwarzbach, Vienna 1 969 Black to play

Black played 1 • • • Bf6, not so much to attack the rook as to defend g7 . The move also leaves the d-pawn hanging and it must have occurred to White that a trap was being set.

What happens on 2 Rxd6 ? he asked himself. Black can play 2 . . . Bxc3 3 bxc3 and then what ? On 3 . . . Qxc3 Black seems to be both attacking and defending. But he's given up his dark­square bishop, and that suggests some kind of trick such as 4 Bd4 ! (attacking the queen and g7) Qxf3 5 Rxg7 + .

S o White continued:

2 Rxd6! ? ! 3 bxc3

Bxc3 Qa3+

This is what White overlooked. He didn't see that his rook was unprotected at d6, that White's b-pawn was now on b2, and that this now-possible check was a fork.

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4 Kb l Qxd6

End of sad story ? No, because even though it was not in­tended, White has a winning position after all. Black, who al­most certainly saw the 4 . . . Qxd6 position when he played 1 . . . Bf6 , has made another of our rechecking errors. He stopped too short.

5 Bd4 ! !

Now g7 can be defended by 5 . . . g6 but then 6 Qh5 ! i s a killer (6 . . . Ne5 7 fxg6 Nxg6 8 Qh6 for example ) . And 5 . . . Ne5 6 Qg3 or 6 Qg2 is fairly deadly.

Black actually played 5 • • . Qh6 and allowed the wonder­ful windmill combination 6 Qh3 ! Qxh3 7 Rxg7 + Kh8 8 Rxf7+ Kg8 9 Rg7+ Kh8 1 0 Rxd7+ and mate next. (Yes, he overlooked the immediate 1 0 Rg8 mate ) .


There's a story about Richard Reti and the day in 1 925 he set a new world record in Sao Paolo by playing 29 blindfold games simultaneously. On his way out of the playing site an Argen­tine fan rushed over to Reti to bring him his beloved portfolio.

"Thank you very much," Reti replied. "I always forget it. I have a terrible memory."

Our ability as players to visualize incredibly complex and lengthy variations-and then forget something relatively sim­ple-is something we have to live with. Often you'll hear this refrain in postmortem: "I saw the combination, but then I for­got what move makes it work."

Sometimes what we overlook isn't even a two-mover.

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Gunsberg-Tchigorin, Match 1 890 Black to play

These two players were world championship challengers, but you wouldn't guess it from the way Black plays here. He sees why 1 . . . Rxb7 can't be played. (Do you ?) And the game continued:

1 Re3+! 2 Kd5 Rb3 3 Kc6 Rc3+! 4 Kb6 Rb3+ 5 Kc6 Rc3+ 6 Kd5 Rb3 7 Ke6

And now with exactly the same position as in the diagram, Black forgot what he was thinking a few minutes before and plays . . .

7 • • • Rxb7?? 8 Rh I !

And Black had to resign or be mated.

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A more modern example proved just as costly:

Yusupov-Timman, Candidates Match 1 992 Black to play

Here Black found the winning plan 1 . . . Nf6 followed by 2 . . . Ng4-even if White plays 2 Nf4. There followed:

1 • . . Nf6! 2 Nf4 Qe4+?

Played after 15 minutes' thought. Black saw that 2 . . . Ng4 ! 3 Nxe6 Nxe3 + 4 Kf3 Nxc2 i s a win ( 5 Kf4 c3 ) but simply for­got about it.

You can often forget your original intention when you see an appealing alternative line, particularly one that seems to win.

3 Qxe4 dxe4 4 Kf2 ! Ng4+ 5 Ke2 Nxh2 6 Ng6

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But it doesn't win, and after 6 • . • c3 7 Ne7+ Kf7

8 Nxf5 Nfl 9 Kd 1 Kf6 10 g4 g6 a draw was agreed.

Ideally, we could prevent forgetfulness the way postal players do, by recording our analysis on a sheet of paper. Unfortu­nately, that is quite illegal in over-the-board play.

A good, legal alternative remedy for this and similar calculating maladies is to stop before making the first move of a calculated sequence and explain your train of thought to yourself as if to a stranger. Black, for example, would have said back at the diagram: "Okay, first I 'm going to play 1 . . . Nf6, after which 2 . . . Ng4, winning the e­pawn, cannot be prevented. In fact, I can even meet 2 Nf4 with 2 . . . Ng4 ! "

With this device, i t becomes much harder to forget what must be remembered.


That procedure would also help deal with ghosts, another of the common pitfalls that befall calculators. These are flash­backs to ideas, variations, or other bits of analysis that occurred in the calculator's mind earlier in the game.

Rather than recheck his thoughts, the calculator often re­lies on past work. In the Tchigorin rook endgame, this would have saved Black. But that's because the position was precisely the same in the diagram as six moves later. In most games po­sitions don't repeat exactly:

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Larsen-Smyslov. Hastings 1988-89 White to play

This was the kind of position in which we say White can calculate "without an opponent." He has been slowly im­proving his position for many moves and decides the time is right for:

1 f5 ! 2 Qb7??

exf5 Kf7 !

And White can no longer win (3 Qb l Ke6 4 Qf1 Ra8 , etc . ) . Afterward White wondered how he could have missed the

winning 2 e6 ! , the necessary prelude to 3 Qb7, which then wins.

He answered the question himself: White had earlier cal­culated a similar variation with the White queen on c7 . Then . . . Kf7 was no defense because the pawn advances to e6 with check. This bit of information remained in his con­sciousness in a misleading form and he mistakenly believed that Qb7 would be a winning move as soon as Black played . . . exfS .

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Here's a more elaborate example.

Silman-Root, Los Angeles 1 990 White to play

In this complex, sacrificial position, White played: 1 h4 !

. . . which was based on 1 . . . Bxh4 2 Qg4+ Kf8 3 Qg7 + Ke8 4 Rxb 7 and wins.

What happens if Black blocks with 2 . . . Bg5 , you may won­der? Then White counted on penetrating to h7 with 3 Qf5 e4 4 Nxe4 ! . For example, 4 . . . dxe4 5 Qxe4 Kf8 6 Qh7 Bxf6 7 Rxb7 ! and wins ( 7 . . . Qe8 8 Rxf6 Rc l + 9 B£1 ) .

But, a s Silman commented later, this last variation "actu­ally contributed to my defeat since I soon tried to reconstruct it in a completely different situation." Amid deepening time pressure , play continued:

1 Re I 2 Qf3 e4

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And now the relatively simple 3 Qg4 and 4 hxg5 must win, as White intended when he played 2 Qf3. But as Silman re­called in Inside Chess:

"After Black played . . . e4 I stared at the clock and saw that I had a couple of minutes left. I looked at the board and my brain went dead . . . . Panic ! . . . Then I remembered . . . "

3 Nxe4?? White recalled only the key idea in the 1 h4 Bxh4 varia­

tion. This "ghost" cost him the game: 3 dxe4

4 Qxe4 5 Kh2

Rxf 1 + Bf4+

White resigned as soon as the time control was reached: 6 Kh3 Qd7+ 7 g4 Rh l + ! 8 Qxh l Qe6 9 Rxb7 Qe3+.

Throughout this book you've been confronted with diagrams showing complicated positions, and it probably took you a good deal of time to recognize the key elements in each new position. But if you had been playing the game in question, you could have reached certain conclusions much faster.

That is because you would have visualized the diagram po­sition, or an approximation of it, earlier in the game and made certain assumptions about it. For example, you might have concluded previously that such a position is very favorable to you, that you should try to trade queens if given the opportu­nity, that your first positional priority is creating a passed c­pawn, and so on.

Those assumptions stay with you and may become unwel­come ghosts. So when making a major decision in a game it always pays to question your assumptions. Let's see how:

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Rechecking / 297

Alekhine-Kashdan, Bled 1 93 1 Black to play

Facing the world champion, a young American master (Black) used his extra pawn brilliantly:

1 • . . g4! !

The point was revealed after . . .

2 Qxh5 Qd4+

Now White sees that after 3 Kg2 Black can exchange queens and win: 3 . . . Qd2+ 4 Kgl Qe3 + 5 Kh2 Qf2+ 6 Khl Qf1 + 7 Kh2 Qxh3 + ! 8 Qxh3 gxh3 9 Kxh3 and now 9 . . . Kd5 10 Kg4 Kc4 1 1 Kg5 Kxb4 1 2 Kf6 a5 13 Kxf7 a4 1 4 g4 a3 15 g5 a2 and queens.

Play continued: 3 Ke2 Qe4+ 4 Kd l Qd3+ 5 Kc 1 Qf1 + 6 Kd2

Qg2+ 7 Kd l Qf1 + 8 Kd2 gxh3 9 Qc5+ Ke6 10 Qc8+ Kf6 1 1 Ke3 Qe l + 1 2 Kf3 Qe6 13 Qc3+ Kg6 14 g4

Black can nurse his passed pawn home with careful but simple play: 14 . . . Qd5 + 1 5 Kg3 Qg2 + 16 Kh4 h2 and there is no perpetual check ( 1 7 Qd3 + Kg7 1 8 Qc3 + f6 ! 1 9 Qc7 + Kg6 ) .

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But Black now suffers a delusion. H e believes he can get the same kind of king-and-pawn endgame that would have won for him in the 3 Kg2 variation mentioned above. After all, 1 4 . . . Qf6+ forces queens off the board and brings the Black king closer to the queenside, whereas White's king will have to spend time winning the h-pawn before it can go after the f-pawn.

14 . . . 1 5 Qxf6+

Qf6+? Kxf6

What he should have done at move 1 4 is visualize this po­sition and ask himself: "Does my a-pawn still win the race against the g-pawn!"

The answer would have been: "No ! I 'm two tempi behind the other variation."

1 6 Kg3 1 7 Kxh3 1 8 Kh4

Ke5 Kd4

And here Black saw nothing better than to accept White's draw offer. He had become yet another victim of a ghost.


One of the easiest ways to improve your tournament results is to learn to sit on your hands.

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I ·

Rechecking / 299

Kharitonov-Dautov, Kaliningrad 1 986 Black to play

White has sacrificed a piece to develop a virulent attack along the g-file (Ragl and Rxg7 + ) . Defensive measures such as 1 . . . Bf6 2 exf6 offer little hope of salvation. Black tries a different tactic: confusion.

1 . • . g5 !? Clearly hoping for something like 2 fxg5 ? ? Ng6, clogging

the attacking lanes. But there can't be anything wrong with 2 Qxh4, can there ?

2 Qxh4? What's wrong with this seemingly obvious move is that

there was a much better one. 2 3 f3 4 Qxh7+? !

And after 5 fxg4 fxg4

g4 ! Qh7 Kxh7

6 Rxg4 Nf5 Black had survived the worst and had real drawing chances.

But after 1 . . . g5 the game would likely have ended within five moves, not 20, if White had continued 2 Ragl ! . For ex-

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ample, 2 . . . g4 3 Rxg4+ ! fxg4 4 Rxg4+ o r 2 . . . Ng6 3 Rxg5 ! Bxg5 4 Rxg5 , winning the queen in either case.

White failed to heed Emanuel Lasker's sage advice: When you see a good move, don't make it immediately. Look for a better one.

There's a logical basis for this. Winning moves do not come about because of the brilliance of the players but because of the soundness of their position. A powerful position can gen­erate more than one tactical idea. And often that idea can be improved a bit.

Panno-Bravo, Fortaleza 1 975 Black to play

It 's Black's move and he surely must see 1 . . . Ne2+ . The fork of king and queen forces 2 Rdxe2 after which 2 . . . Qxe2 ! appears to win the exchange (3 Rxe2? ? Rfl mate ) .

But there are two things wrong with this picture. Laszlo Szabo, the Hungarian grandmaster, recalled that he began to improve his calculation when he reminded himself of this motto: After you're finished calculating, calculate one move further.

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Rechecking / 301

Following Szabo's advice, we look at the position after 2 . . . Qxe2. S ince Black is threatening 3 . . . Rfl + , we should be looking for something forceful by White. That suggests a check: 3 Ne7+ works if Black takes the knight (3 . . . Rxe7 ? ? 4 Rxe2) but not i f he finds 3 . . . Kh8 ! . On the other hand, there is 3 Nf6+ ! , which forces 3 . . . Rxf6 4 exf6 when Black has lost his material and positional advantages.

But if we apply Lasker's Law, we succeed in finding a better move: It 's 1 • • • Qe2 ! , which forced immediate resignation. Black threatens 2 . . . Qxd2 as well as 2 . . . Rfl + or 2 . . . Qfl + . And 2 Rdxe2 Nxe2 + 3 Rxe2 Rfl i s mate, o r 2 Rdd l Qxd l 3 Rxd l Ne2 + , etc . , while 3 Khl Nxg3 + 4 hxg3 loses the ex­change.

The superior move you should look for need not be the first one of a sequence but may come two or three moves later. For instance, in the following diagram the potential tactical idea should occur readily: It's the last rank.

Crouch-Speelman. Hastings 1 992,93 White to play

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Once White sees that idea, several candidate moves occur to him, including 1 Rxd7 , 1 Qc7 , 1 Rb8, and even 1 Qb8 ( 1 . . . Rxb8 ?? 2 Rxb8 mate ) . They all appear to be easily met by 1 . . . Raa8. So, White , who is a pawn behind, regained his ma­terial with 1 Rxd7 and then drew after 1 • • • Rf8! and 2 Rb2 Rxe5 .

But there is a win, and the method is 1 Rb8 Raa8 and now 2 Ra l ! ! , s ince 2 . . . Qxa l 3 Rxd8+ Rxd8 4 Qxa l costs a queen, as does 2 . . . Rdxb8 3 Rxa2 ( 3 . . . Rxa2 ? ? 4 Qxb8 mate ) .

I n the next example the move t o find i s actually a spectacular third move in the sequence. At first, White sees that with 1 Ne6+ Bxe6 2 Qxd3 he can trade off Black's pesky knight and get closer to an ending. But in that ending his exchange may be no better than Black's pawns.

Portisch-Forintos, Hungarian Championship 1 97 1 White to play

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Rechecking / 303

A further look shows him that 1 Qxd3 ( ! ) Bxd3 2 Ne6+ and 3 Nxc5 reaches another endgame but one that doesn't seem nearly as good. Before abandoning this position, White employs Lasker's Law at the third move.

1 Qxd3 ! Bxd3

2 Ne6+ Kh6

Forced, since other king moves permit 3 RfB mate. 3 g4 ! !

A terrific finesse. By creating the threat of 4 Rh3 mate White forces . . .


4 Rf6+ 5 Nxc5 !



Now we have a much superior endgame to the ones con­sidered back at the diagram. After 5 • • • dxc5 6 Rxb5 Black has only a pawn for the exchange , and he even­tually lost.

A graphic example of grasped-and missed-opportunities like this was the following. Set this one up on a board and con­sider all the calculating mistakes:

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Bronstein-Sheherbakov, London 1 992 White to play

White has sacrificed two pawns to place his rooks and two minor pieces on superior squares. Black's last move ( . . . b5 ) appears to refute the attack, but White finds:

1 Nd4 bxe4 2 Nf5 !

White's original intention was likely 2 Nxc6 Rxc6 3 Nf6+ , but i t would not have taken him long to see that 2 . . . Qxf6 3 Rxf6 Bxf6 is a winning material edge for Black. -('

But after 2 Nf5 White threatens two good knight: checks on e 7 , and the Black queen has no easy escape ( 2 . . . Qe8 3 Nd6 and then 3 . . . Qe6 4 Nxc8 Bxd5 5 Rxd5 Qxc8 6 Rxe5 with unclear results ) .

2 • • •

3 Rxd5

Bxd5 Qc7??

In time trouble, Black misses his chance to transpose into the last note with 3 . . . Qe8 4 Nd6 Qe6, and should now lose.

4 Re5 ! Qd7 !'

5 RxeS+?

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Rechecking / 305

This wins a rook {5 . . . Qxc8 6 Ne 7 + } but it is not the best. By following Lasker's Law White would have found the supe­rior interpolation 5 Rdl ! , after which 5 . . . Qe8 6 Rxc8 Qxc8 7 Ne 7 + or 5 . . . Qe6 6 Rxc8+ Bf8 7 Rxf8 + ! Kxf8 8 Rd8+ wins easily.

5 . . . BfB! Now, with a material edge but a far from clear position,

White's best is 6 Rxf8+ ! Kxf8 7 Qa8 + ! Qe8 8 Qxa7 and 9 Qc5 + with a nearly winning position. But again White played a good-looking, second-best move.

6 RxfB+! KxfB 7 Qxe5?? B Kf3

Qd3+! Qxf 1 +

And now White should have conceded a draw, which was still available via 9 Ke4 ! Qd3 + 1 0 KO because 1 0 . . . e2+ 1 1 Kg4 h5 + 1 2 Kh3 wins for White{ ! } .

But he actually played 9 Kg4?? and was lost after 9 • • •

Qd 1 + 1 0 Kh3 Qh5 + 1 1 Nh4 g4+! and 1 2 . . . Qxe5 .


Often a sequence can be improved by the insertion of an intermediary move at its very start. An illustration is this opening trap: 1 e4 c5 2 NO d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 g6 6 f4 Bg7 7 e5 dxe5 8 fxe5 Nd5 ? 9 Bb5 + ! Kf8 1 0 0-0 Bxe5 .

A Soviet opening manual several years ago claimed that White wins with 1 1 Nxd5 Qxd5 1 2 Nf5 with the idea 1 2 . . . Qxdl 1 3 Bh6+ Bg7 1 4 Raxd l and a winning attack.

However, after 1 2 . . . Qc5 + 13 Be3 Qc7 14 Nh6 Black can defend with 1 4 . . . Be6 ! .

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Russian amateurs then tried to save the analysis b y exam­ining 1 4 Bh6+ ( instead of 14 Nh6) Kg8 15 Nxe7+ Qxe7 1 6 Rxf7 ! ? with immense complications.

But, as so often happens, the easiest way to improve a se­quence lies at the beginning, not at the end. Here it is quite simple: White plays 1 1 Bh6+ ! first. Black cannot interpose ( 1 1 . . . Bg7 1 2 Bxg7 + Kxg7 1 3 NxdS QxdS ? 1 4 NfS + ) . There­fore 1 1 . . . Kg8 follows, and then White can begin his sequence in improved form: 1 2 NxdS QxdS 1 3 NfS ! QcS + (forced) 1 4 Be3 Qc7 .

We now have the same position a s in the opening manual but with one significant difference: The Black king is on g8 instead of f8 . White exploits this difference with 1 5 Nh6, which is now a decisive check.

Or you can improve a variation with a tempo-gaining move that pushes your opponent's pieces onto bad squares:

Kasparov-Kamsky, Linares 1 993 White to play

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Rechecking / 307

At first it seems that White's choice is between 1 Rxe6+ and 1 fxe6. The former is the most forcing, but after 1 . . . Kf8 the only reasonable followup-2 f6, threatening 3 Qe7 +-al­lows 2 . . . QdS + and a trade of queens.

The pawn capture also has a major point, s ince 1 fxe6 QxeS ? ? allows mate on f7 . Clearly, White stands well after 1 . . . Qe7 2 Qc6+ and 3 RxhS . But does he have better?

He does with one minor addition: 1 h4 !

Black could have resigned here since the queen now has no way of watching both e7 and dS . The game ended with:

1 Qxh4

2 Rxe6+ Kf8

3 £6 resigns Because 4 Qxg7 mate as well as 4 Qe7 + are threatened.

So far we've examined forcing moves inserted at the begin­ning or middle of a sequence. But often the move that im­proves a sequence is exceptionally quiet:

Serper-Pre�zhikh, European Junior Championship 1990

1 c4 g6 2 Nc3 c5 3 g3 Bg7 4 Bg2 Nc6 5 a3 a6 6 Rb 1 Rb8 7 b4 cxb4 8 axb4 b5 9 cxb5 axb5 10 Nf3 e5 1 1 d4!? exd4 1 2 Nd5 Nge7 1 3 Bg5 Bb7

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Here White went into a long think about what he called the "natural" combination 14 Nxd4 Bxd4 1 5 Qxd4 ! Nxd4 1 6 Nf6+ Kf8 1 7 Bh6 mate ! ( It's natural because i t works in a lot of similar opening traps. )

On further inspection, though, he questioned his assump­tion that Black must play 14 . . . Bxd4. What, he wondered, do I do on 1 4 . . . Nxd4! and then 1 5 Bxe7 Qxe7 ! 1 6 Nxe7 Bxg2 1 7 Rgl Be4. The knight on e7 is lost and the rook on bl has nowhere to go ( 1 8 Rb2 Kxe 7 ? 19 Rd2 but 18 . . . Ne6 1 9 Rd2 Bc3 ) .

S o White decided that the best combination in the posi­tion was none of the above.

14 O-O! Whatever Black does now will result in a White edge.

14 • • • 0-0 15 Nxd4! £6

Or 1 5 . . . Bxd4 1 6 Nxe7+ Nxe7 1 7 Qxd4 with a position­ally won game. As the game proceeded, White's edge was clear following 16 B£4 Ne5 1 7 Nxb5 Nxd5 1 8 Bxd5+ and he won in seven more moves.

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Rechecking I 309

The slight but decisive improvement of a sequence was a prime feature in one of the finest combinations played in the early twentieth century:

Breyer-Esser, Budapest 1 9 1 7

1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 e3 N£6 4 Nc3 e6 6 £4 O�O 7 Nf3 dxc4 8 Bbl ? ! b5 10 Ng5 h6 1 1 h4!? g6 12 e5 hxg5

5 Bd3 Bd6 9 e4 Be7

13 hxg5 Nd5

White has a strong attack for his sacked knight. The nat­ural followup is to get the queen to the h-file (at h8 or h7 ) as soon as possible. Gyula Breyer, one of ijungary's greatest chess talents, saw that 1 4 Qg4 virtually forces 1 4 . . . Kg7 (with the idea of 1 5 . . . Rh8) .

Then White can begin a long but forcing sequence: 1 5 Rh7 + ! Kxh7 1 6 Qh5 + Kg7 1 7 Qh6+ Kg8 1 8 Bxg6 ! fxg6 1 9 Qxg6+ Kh8 2 0 Qh6+ Kg8 2 1 g6 100ks very strong. In check­ing over his sequences, however, Breyer noticed the flaw. At

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3 1 0 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

the very end, Black has the defense 2 1 . . . Bh4+ and 22 . . . Qe 7 ! , covering the h 7 mating square.

But before giving up on this wonderful sequence, White began to appreciate how bound up Black is. Black's only defensive idea is 14 . . . Kg7 ( and 1 5 . . . Rh8 ) . And that can be met by 1 5 Rh7 + Kxh7 1 6 Qh5 + , transposing into the line given above. So, he looked for an improvement on 14 Qg4.

14 Kf1 ! ! An amazing move. The threat is 1 5 Qg4, as we'll see.

14 • • . Nxc3 As brilliant as White's play is from move 1 6 on, he can win

more quickly with 1 5 Qg4 and then 1 5 . . . Qxd4 1 6 bxc3 Qxc3 1 7 Ke2 ! followed by Qh4. But Breyer remains true to his orig­inal idea.

15 bxc3 Bb7? Hopeless, in retrospect. Black should start giving material

back with 1 5 . . . f5 ! 1 6 gxf6 Bxf6. 16 Qg4 Kg7 1 7 Rh7+!

Now the sequence works because of White's 14th move. Play continued 17 • • • Kxh7 ( 1 7 . . . Kg8 18 Qh4) 18 Qh5+ Kg8 1 9 Bxg6 fxg6 ( 19 . . . Re8 20 Qh7 + and mates) 20 Qxg6+ Kh8 21 Qh6+ Kg8 22 g6.

Now since there is no saving . . . Bh4+ , Black has to accept the consequences of 22 • • • Rf7 23 gxf7 + Kxf7 24 Qh5+ Kg7 25 f5 ! . He lost after 25 • • • exf5 26 Bh6+ Kh7 27 Bg5 + Kg8 28 Qg6+ , but even faster would have been 27 e6 ! .

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Rechecking / 3 1 1

In endgame such gains of time are often not significant. In fact, many endgame positions can be improved by the loss, rather than the gain, of a tempo. For example:

Karpov-Anand, Linares 1991 Black to play

Clearly Black has a big advantage , close to decisive . But he needs a passed pawn or an entry for his king to win. Obvious moves yield nothing here so Black must try to work with the ideas in the position.

What are they ? Well, one is the mock sacrifice . . . c5 -c4. The other is the serious sacrifice . . . Bxb3 . Black probably con­sidered the pawn sack first, with a main line such as 1 . . . c4 2 Nxc4 (2 bxc4+ ? Kc5 and 3 . . . Bxa4) Bxb3 3 Nxa5 Bxa4 and Black has excellent winning chances .

He probably also examined the flashy 1 . . . Bxb3 ? ! 2 Nxb3 c5 3 Nxa5 b3 before rejecting it as either unsound or unclear.

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3 1 2 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

But then he found the best move, a tiny but very significant improvement on both ideas:

1 • • • Bd l ! ! White can resign here. He clearly cannot move the knight,

since 2 Nc4 Bxb3 3 Nxa5 Bxa4 gives Black a pawn more than in the 1 . . . c4 tree.

And king moves are terrible . On 2 Kf2 Kd4 and 3 . . . Kc3 , Black wins as he pleases. What is more important is that 2 Kd3 now loses-thanks to White's loss of tempo-to 2 . . . Bxb3 ! and 3 Nxb3 c4+ . Black's little finesse saved him a lot of work.

Once you learn to sit on your hands you'll realize how often you used to play second-best moves that looked fine at the time. Or, as in the following, even third-best.

Lautier-Christiansen, Biel 1 99 1 Black to play

Despite the material equality, Black is in very poor shape and would be close to losing after, say, 1 . . . Bf6 2 ReS. So Black goes in for . . .

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1 • • • Bxg3 !?

Rechecking / 3 1 3

White no doubt considered the natural 2 fxg3 Rxg3 + 3 Kfl Qhl + 4 Ke2 and may have concluded that he had good chances.

2 ReS

Good enough. Black got a few checks-2 • • • Qh2+

3 Kfl Qh l + 4 Ke2-and resigned a short time after 4 • • • RxeS 5 QxeS+ Kg7 6 Bd4+ Kh6 7 Qe6+.

But if White saw enough to realize that 2 . . . Qh2 + was not a serious threat, he should have looked further and found 2 Bg5 ! , which would have ended the game almost immediately ( 2 . . . Qxg5 3 Qxh7 mate; 2 . . . Qh2 + 3 Kfl Qh3 + 4 Ke2 Qg4+ 5 f3 ) .

One final example, a full game i n which White repeatedly passes up one candidate move for a slightly improved one:

Shirov-Hauchard, Paris 1 990

1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 b5 4 cxb5 a6 5 b6 d6 6 Nc3 Nbd7 7 a4 Qxb6 S a5 Qc7 9 e4 g6 1 0 f4 Bg7 1 1 Bc4 0-0 1 2 Nf3 ReS 1 3 0-0 e5 14 dxe6 fxe6 1 5 Ng5 NfS 16 f5 h6

White can safely offer a piece here with 1 7 fxg6 hxg5 1 8 Bxg5 threatening 1 9 Bxf6. Then 1 8 . . . N8d7 1 9 Nd5 (or the more adventurous 1 9 Qf3 ) is more than enough compensation for White.

But in rechecking 1 7 fxg6 White probably saw 1 7 . . . Nxg6 ! and if 1 8 e5 then 1 8 . . . Nxe5 with no problems for Black.

So . . .

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3 14 I T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

1 7 e5 ! dxe5 On 1 7 . . . hxg5 White has 1 8 exf6 Bxf6 1 9 Nd5 ! , and if 1 9

. . . exd5 2 0 Bxd5 + forks king and rook. 1 8 fxg6! hxg5

Now we see the improvement provided by his 1 7th move. If Black tries the 1 8 . . . Nxg6 idea now, he finds it fails to 1 9 Rxf6 ! Bxf6 2 0 Qh5 and a Ne4 move ( 20 . . . Qg7 2 1 Nge4 Bg5 22 Nxg5 hxg5 23 Bd3 ! and White wins ) .

As the game goes, White again can win material (20 Nd5 ) but plays for more.

1 9 Bxg5 20 Qf3 !? 21 Rad l 22 Qh3

N8d7 Ra7 Qb7 Qc6

Now White sees another opportunity employing the same Nd5 idea that has been in the position since move 1 7 . He would like to play 23 Nd5 exd5 24 Bxd5 + Qxd5 25 Rxd5 "and wins."

But this is a false end-position. The real one is 25 . . . Nb6 ! , after which i t is not a t all clear that White i s winning. So White improves again on a sequence.

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23 Nd5 ! 24 Rxd5 !


Rechecking / 3 1 5

This i s based o n 2 4 . . . Nb6 2 5 Rd7+ ! and now 2 5 . . . Nfd5 26 Qh 7 is mate. The most complex line is 25 . . . Nxc4 26 Rxf6 ! Qxf6 ! 27 Qh7+ Kf8 28 Rxa7 ! ! (better than 28 Bxf6 Rxd7) and White wins.

24 . • • Kf8

25 Qh7 Re6!

Otherwise 26 Rxd7 ! or 26 Bh6 ! wins quickly.

26 Bh6 Ke8

27 Qxg7 Nxd5 28 Qh8+ Ke7

One more finesse . White would love to finish with 29 g7 and queen next move. But 29 . . . Rxh6 30 g8Q Rxh8 is un­clear enough for White to ask if he has yet another improve­ment on an idea.

29 g7 Rxh6 30 Rf7+!

And by finding a forcing method White convinced Black to give up after 30 • • • Kxf7 3 1 g8Q+ Ke7 32 Qd8+ because it is mate next move.


Even when you have rechecked a variation using all of the pre­vious procedures there are times when one final precaution is useful. If you are considering a forcing line in which you hold the initiative , stop: Stop calculating in terms of moves and think in general terms about your own vulnerability.

If you had to put it into words, what is the worst thing you could say about your position tactically ?

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3 1 6 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

Popovych-Kavalek, U.S. Championship 1972 White to play

White has sacrificed the exchange to establish the danger­ous pawn at f6 and the Qh6-g7 mating idea. He wants to play 1 Qh6 but that allows 1 . . . Qxf6.

1 Nh4?? With 1 Nd2 White accomplishes pretty much the same

thing (uncovering rook protection of f6 , safeguarding g2 ) and enables himself to play Ne4 in key lines such as 1 . . . Kh8 2 Qh6 Rg8 3 Ne4 Qa8 and now the quiet move 4 h3 ! prepares Rf3 followed by Ng5 and mates (e .g . , 4 . . . Qf8 5 Ng5 ! ! ) .

But White is too optimistic. He doesn't want to allow 1 Nd2 Rxd2 with equal material.

1 . • • Rfa81 Only now does White realize that his first rank is just as vul­

nerable as his g2-square. On 2 Qh6 Black has 2 . . . Qxf6 ! 3 Rxf6 Ral + and mates. With the knight on d2 White would have been able to play 4 RH .

2 Qxe5 Rf2 1

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Rechecking / 3 1 7

Again exploiting the weakness White failed to appreciate. Now 3 Rxf2 Ral + again mates. White played 3 Kg1 Rxfl+ 4

Kxfl but the handwriting (4 . . . Re8 5 Qb2 Qd6) was on the walL

One of the psychological causes of this kind of mistake is that we recognize only the ways in which our position will improve as a result of our intended move and blot out the ways in which it may be compromised.

Ubilava-Serper, Manila 1 992 White to play

White appreciates that he has at least a slight edge, but to prove this he must either break the blockade on squares such as f5 or find a way to use his own outpost at e5 effectively. He finds the correct way to begin:

1 g4 ! hxg4 Here 2 Nxg4 ! would be strong; e .g . , 2 . . . Rfe6 3 Be5 + Kf7

4 Nh6+ or 3 . . . Kh7 4 Nf6+ (or 2 . . . Rxe l + 3 Rxe l Rf7 4 Be5 + Kf8 5 Qf4 and Nh6) .

. I

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3 1 8 / T H E I N N E R G A M E O F C H E S S

But White sees something more appealing. After 2 hxg4 Black appears to be completely lost, because 3 Bh6+ meets any knight move.

2 hxg4?? Rh8! It probably never occurred to White when considering the

position in the diagram that he could be mated on h I , because at that point his king was shielded by pawns at g2, h3 , and h5 .

3 Nf3 Rh3 ! 4 Nh2 Ng3

White was so shaken by his oversight that he missed his best defensive chances (5 Qxg3 ! Rxg3 + 6 Bxg3 ) and fell apart immediately with 5 Qf3? Rxf4 ! . He resigned after 6 Re7+ Rf7 7 Rxf7+ Qxf7 8 Qg2 Ne2+! 9 Qxe2 Rg3+.

As a rule of thumb, when a candidate move appears as de­cisive as 2 hxg4, it calls for the utmost rechecking. That's the hallmark of the practical calculator, as we'll see in the final chapter.

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"He was a pitiful sight to behold . Over and over he calculated and recalculated the variations , and couldn't understand how I could save myself. Of course he couldn't-he was looking for something that wasn't there . "

-Anawly Karpov on a Candidates Match game he man­

aged w draw from a lost position against Lev Polugayevsky

A mong the crucial questions you face in every game is how much you must calculate . Or, rather, when you must

calculate , and when it's simply not worth it. There are two distinctly different points of view here. The

perfectionists believe you should always try to find the best move because otherwise you settle for too many second-rate choices that let superior positions slip into draws and even po­sitions deteriorate into losses.

The pragmatists , on the other hand, believe that the search for the best move is worthwhile only a few times a game be­cause only then is there a significant difference between best and second best. And even when there is an objectively "best" move, sometimes it takes too much effort to find it.

Neither side is completely right. Let's see what happens in a classic struggle between a perfectionist and a pragmatist:

3 1 9

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Karpov-Korchnoi, Candidates Match 1974

1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 Nxe5 d6 4 Nf3 Nxe4 5 d4 d5 6 Bd3 Be7 7 0-0 Nc6 8 ReI Bg4 9 c3 f5 1 0 Qb3 0-0 1 1 Nbd2 Kh8 1 2 h3 Bh5 1 3 Qxb7 Rf6 14 Qb3

Viktor Korchnoi had already spent 39 minutes on his 1 1 th move and now went off on another enormous-and to spec­tator Alexander Kotov "incomprehensible"-thinking binge. By the time he had decided on his next move Black had only 1 0 minutes of his original two and a half hours left, and shortly after that only seconds to reach the time control at move 40.

"What is the reason for Korchnoi's record irrational ex­penditure of time ?," Kotov asked. "Obviously the first impres­sion is the desire of the creative mind to work out the details of the position.

"However, in this particular case, this is the decisive error. It should be noticed that the variations that arise are so nu­merous that this task is out of the question."

Remember, these words are coming from an outspoken ad­vocate of deep calculation. But here Kotov was quite right. The game continued 14 • • • Rg6 15 Be2 Bh4? 16 Rfl Bxf3 1 7 Nxf3 Bxf2+? 1 8 Rxf2 Nxf2 1 9 Kxf2 Qd6 20 Ng5 ! ( a move Black either overlooked or vastly underes­timated) Rf8 2 1 Qa3 . When he forfeited on time at move 3 1 Black had been lost for several moves.

One obvious conclusion to draw from this is that it's wrong to spend a lot of time and then make bad moves. But it can also be wrong to invest time lavishly on the best moves. Here's a corollary game, Kavalek-Toth, Haifa 1 976:

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I t followed the same moves as Karpov-Korchnoi until White varied with 9 c4. There followed 9 • • • Nf6 10 cxd5 Qxd5 !? 1 1 Nc3 Bxf3 12 Nxd5 Bxd l .

Here White sank into thought. H e quickly saw there were only two candidates to consider seriously, 1 3 Nxe 7 and 1 3 Nxc7 + . The only other move to avoid losing a piece, 1 3 Nxf6+ , leaves Black a safe pawn ahead after 1 3 . . . gxf6 1 4 Rxd l Nxd4 1 5 Bc4 Ne6 or 1 5 Be4 0-0-0 ! .

White first looked at the natural 1 3 Nxe7 Nxe7 1 4 Rxd l and concluded that after 1 4 . . . Nfd5 1 5 Bc4 he had a small edge because of his two bishops. Looking a bit further, he could see no clear plan after 15 Bc4. So he turned to his second can­didate . Let's trace his thoughts:

1 3 Nxc7+! Kd7 14 Bf4

To decide on his 1 3 th move, White needed to calculate 1 4 . . . Nh5 in great depth because if the bishop retreats, he re­mains way behind materially.

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Anticipating 1 4 . . . NhS , h e considered the candidates 1 5 d S and 1 5 BfS + . H e gave up o n the former because of 1 5 . . . Nd4 1 6 BeS and now 1 6 . . . Bc2 ! , saving the bishop.

But White found that 1 5 BfS + Kd8 1 6 BeS was good ( 1 6 . . . f6 1 7 Nxa8 fxeS 1 8 Raxd l exd4 1 9 Be4 Bf6 and now 20 b4 ! ) . This was one of many points that had to go into the de­cision to play 13 Nxc7+ .

14 15 d5 1 6 Nxa8

Bg4 Nd4 Rxa8

White also invested some time back at the diagram considering what would happen on 1 6 . . . Bd6 ! ? He concluded he could take advantage of Black's centralized knight with 1 7 Be3 ! BfS 1 8 Bfl and then 1 8 . . . Nc2 1 9 BbS + and Bxa 7 , returning the exchange but holding a ma­terial edge.

17 Be5 Bf5 1 8 Bf'1 !

After finding this fine move in his analysis at move 1 3 , White was confident of gaining the advantage ( 1 8 . . . BcS 1 9 Rad l Nc2 20 BbS + Ke7 2 1 d6+ Kf8 22 Re2 , for example ) .

Black actually played 1 8 • • • Ne2 and more material was whisked off the board: 19 Bb5+ Kd8 20 d6 Nxe l 2 1 Rxe l ! Be6 ( 2 1 . . . Bf8 ? ? 22 Bxf6+ and 23 Re8 mate ) 22 dxe7+ Kxe7 23 Bd4.

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This is one of the many end-positions White examined at move 13. Other end-positions in his mind went at least 1 0( ! ) moves further. White has the two bishops and so Black's queens ide pawns will remain vulnerable for some time.

But that's not the entire story. To calculate this morass of tree limbs White spent 90 minutes in selecting his 1 3 th move. He felt exhausted but confident that his analysis was ab­solutely correct when he chose 13 Nxc7 + . And he was correct in his analysis.

But the decision to work it out to the end-position was di­sastrous. White quickly found himself in severe time trouble, began to make second-best moves, and soon lost control: 23 . • . b6 24 a4 g6 25 a5 bxa5 26 Ra1 a6 27 Be2 Rd8 28 Bc3 Nd5 29 Bd4 Nb4 30 Bc5 + Ke8 3 1 Bd 1 Rd2 ! 32 Ba4+ Bd7 33 Re 1 + Kd8 34 Bb6+ Kc8 35 Rc l + Kb7 36 Bxd7 Kxb6! .

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White resigned o n the S 2nd move. What should White have done on move 1 3 ? The practical

calculator would have seen quickly that neither 13 Nxc 7 + nor 13 Nxe7 leads to a decisive advantage. So he would have to choose between two moves that lead at best to modest edges. This would have forced him to budget his time.

White would start with the quieter and easier line: Once he had concluded that 1 3 Nxe7 leads to a small but certain edge he would know that no matter what he found in 13 Nxc7+ he would have a very playable fallback. At that point he would have allowed himself a reasonable amount of time to gauge 13 Nxc7 + .

But once White saw that 1 4 . . . NhS and 1 6 . . . Bd6 had to be calculated out to a safe degree of certainty, he would have to come to a decision. Either he would give up on 1 3 Nxc7 + a t that point-because sufficient certainty would be almost impossible to achieve. (We saw Aron Nimzovich rea­son this way in his game with Tartakower in Chapter Six . ) O r a s M ikhail Tal often did, h e would get the gist o f several possibilities and play 13 Nxc7 + , taking the risk that his intuition about his resources in the later tree limbs would pan out.

"Enough wasted time ! " Nimzovich once commented after spending 25 minutes calculating a subvariation that never oc­curred. "The game of chess is a struggle. Not a mathematical exercise," he said.

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And just because you can control your impulse to calculate doesn't mean you won't win a pretty game nevertheless.

Szabo-Book, Saltsjobaden 1 948

1 Nf3 d5 2 g3 Nf6 3 Bg2 e6 4 O�O Be7 5 e4 O�O 6 d4 e6 7 Ne3 b6? 8 Ne5 Ba6 9 exd5 exd5 10 Bf4 Nfd7?

White had reason to believe that Black had erred at least once so far, and this encouraged him to consider a sacrifice on dS . He saw thaJ 1 1 NxdS exdS needed a better followup than 1 2 BxdS NxeS . So he searched and found 1 2 Nxf7 ! ? Rxf7 13 BxdS , after which 1 3 . . . Nc6 14 Bxc6 100ks good.

But then he saw that 14 . . . Rxf4 or 14 . . . Nf6 IS Bxa8 Qxa8 had to be carefully rechecked. (Are the evaluations cor­rect ? Are these true end-positions ? Are there zwischenzugs ?)

White concluded it would take just too much calculation to be certain. Instead, he played the routine 1 1 Re I . But this did not deny him the chance for brilliancy.

In fact, he won with an even prettier combination: 1 1 • • •

Nxe5 12 Bxe5 b5 13 e4! b4 14 Ne2 Qa5 15 exd5 exd5 16 Nf4! Bxf I . Here he rejected the two candidate captures on dS in favor of 1 7 Qg4! g6 1 8 Bxd5 and, with the threat of 19 Nxg6 hxg6 20 Qxg6 mate, won in a few moves.

The practical calculator knows that once an idea arises in a game, particularly one with a blocked center, it is likely to re-

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main for several moves. H e doesn't have to leap into compli­cations by using the idea the first time he notices it:

Short-Ljubojevic, Amsterdam 199 1 White to play

After several moves of preparation on opposite wings, both players have by now noticed a key idea here: the possibility of a White breakthrough along the h-file with Nh 7 ! ?, which threatens Nf6 or Bh6+ .

White examined the immediate 1 Nh 7 here with the con­tinuation 1 . . . Rxh 7 2 Rxh 7 + Kxh 7 3 Rh 1 + Kg8 4 Bg5 . This looked strong; only 4 . . . f6 held out defensive hope. Fur­thermore, he saw that 5 exf6 Bf8 and now 6 Qe3 followed by Rh4 and Qh3 was very dangerous. But he also saw that after 6 . . . Rb 7 ! the sacrifice begun by 1 Nh 7 was far from clear.

1 Bf4! ?

So he makes the practical choice. The Nh 7 idea isn't going away.

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1 2 Qe3 3 Nh7 !

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RbfS QdS

Now is the time to pull the trigger. Black threatened to so-lidify the kings ide with 3 . . . Rxhl 4 Rxh l Rh8.

3 Rxh7

4 Rxh7+ Kxh7

5 Rh l + KgS 6 Qh3 Bh4 7 Bh6!

Better than 7 g5 Kg7 ! and Black defends with 8 . . . Rh8. The text threatens 8 f4 and 9 Bg5 , and after 7 • • • g5 S f4 White soon had a winning position.


There are , of course, occasions when you must calcu­late, when the price of not examining variations in detail is j ust prohibitive. The trick is recognizing these oc­casions.

The simplest rule here may seem obvious: You must calcu­late when you suspect there is a move available that forces a concrete result. (As opposed to the solid but relatively small advantage White obtained in Kavalek-Toth. )

You must think twice when these concrete opportunities arise because you may not get a second chance. Naturally, there are three kinds of concrete results , a win, a draw, and a loss. The one we should be most pleased to calculate should be a win:

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Shirov-Kir. Georgiev, Manila 1 992 White to play

White has more material and the safer king, and here he decides to go for the knockout. His last move was Qb4 and it isn't hard to see that 1 Qf8 contains numerous threats and bears all the appearances of a winning move.

1 Qf8?? Rxe5 ! If it were as good as it looked, it would have ended the game

in a few moves. When you have a move that looks that strong, take the natural precaution of spending a little extra time to make sure. Avoid a lot of extra, unnecessary calculation that will get you into time pressure. If 1 Qf8 really was a knockout, there would have been no further time pressure.

As it turned out, White , already short on time, blundered again (3 Kh l would have drawn) and lost with:

2 dxe5 Qd4+ 3 Kh2?? 4 g3 5 Kg1 White resi�s

Qxe5 Qb2+ Qxc 1 +

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The same rule applies to drawable positions, such as when you are offered a draw or when you can deliver perpetual check or exchange queens down to a dead-drawn endgame. When you have a forced draw, that is precisely the moment to take as much time as necessary to recheck.

Yusupov-Ljubojevic, Bugojno 1 986 Black to play

1 2 Bxg4 3 Ngl 4 Ke2

g4! Qh l +


Qe4+ Here White sees that his king cannot escape via 5 Kd2 be­

cause of 5 . . . Bg5 + 6 f4 Qe3 + 7 Kc2 Be4+ . So . . . 5 Kfl Qg2+

If Black had any winning hopes he would play 5 . . . Qxg4. Now the onus is on White. But is it an onus ? He sees that 6 Ke2 virtually forces 5 . . . Qe4+ with an almost certain draw by repetition.

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6 Ke l ?? A particularly impractical decision. White had only two

minutes for more than 1 0 moves to reach the time control, and this is precisely the type of position that you don't want to play with so little time. And if you can't calculate with ac­curacy and thereby find something better than a draw, you must play 6 Ke2.

6 . . .

7 Ke2 Qxg l + d3+!

This i s probably what White overlooked (counting instead on 7 . . . Qg2 ? 8 Rxd4 ! ) . The game ended with 8 Kxd3 Qxf2 9 Re7 Qxb2 1 0 Rd2 Qb6 1 1 Rxb7 Qxb7 12 Qb4 Qe6 13 Ke2 Be3 and White resigned.

And, of course, there is a third possible result in a game: a loss. When you see your hand about to make a move that you know is going to lose, you must search for alternatives.

You say, "Nobody makes moves they know will lose"? But experienced players will tell you it happens. In fact, they will tell you it has happened to them.

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Suba-Conquest. London 1 99 1 White to play

In mutual time pressure, White found: 1 Bd4

And a paralyzed Black responded: 1 Qxd4?? 2 Rxd4 3 Kg2 4 Rc4

Rc3+ Rd3 e3

5 R l xc2 resigns Now that the time control has been reached, Black has the

first opportunity in some moves to recognize how lost he is. But it must have been obvious at the diagram that 1 . . . Qxd4 ? ? was a losing move. In situations like this the practical calcu­lator must look for an alternative. If it doesn't exist-and you forfeit on time-then it won't cost you anything.

But if defense does exist ( such as 1 . . . Kf8 ! 2 Qh8+ Ke7 3 Qf6+ Kf8 here) then your search will have paid off. In fact, if White had then repeated the position (4 Qh8+ ) Black would have good reason to play for a win (4 . . . Ke7 5 Qf6+ Kd7 ! ? ) .

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These last three examples present extreme, though hardly unique, situations. They occur in almost every game: You see an apparently decisive move and have no time to decide whether to play it or not.

But compare that with the following:

Benko-Dominguez, Las Palmas 1972 White to play

White has an extra pawn and can add the exchange with 1 Bxf3. He was not in time trouble. But he begins to wonder how difficult it would be to win the ending after 1 Bxf3 Rxf3 ( 2 Kg2 Rxd3 3 a4 ? Ra3 or 3 Ra l Rc3 ) .

S o h e searches for something better. And h e finds: 1 Rh7+?? Kxh7 2 Re2

Very cute. Now 2 . . . Rxe2 3 Bxf3 + leads to a won bishop­vs.-knight endgame because Black is forced to tie a piece down to halt the a-pawn. But instead Black finds:

2 . . . Rxg2+!

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And White, having made what he called "my traditional Rook-oversight," resigned.

White's blunder was understandable. There is a natural hu­man desire to polish off a well-played game with some sparkling move or dramatic gesture. But it's better to make sure of the full point by calculating accurately.

Yusupov-Ljubojevic, Linares 1 990 White to play

This position is the result of a fine combination begun four moves before when White sacrificed a knight for a pawn on e6. Now White continued:

1 Nf3 A simple move that deserves no comment and that led to

other simple moves and victory in less than 1 0 moves: 1 • • •

Bxc5 2 Nh5 Bxf3 3 exf3 Qc6 4 Kg2 Bxf2 5 Qb2! .

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But White admitted afterward that he was strongly tempted to finish in the style of his previous play, with 1 Nge6. But af­ter examining 1 . . . fxe6 2 Qxe6+ Kh8 3 Qxf6+ Kg8 ! he didn't see anything for White. Rather than search further for a the­matic continuation, White opted for the less pretty-as he put it, "definitely saner"-retreat.


When you were beginning to play chess you learned that you should try to figure out the point of your opponent's last move: Did he threaten something? Did he anticipate a threat of yours ?

Anand-Timman, Linares 1 99 1 White to play

You still perform this task today-at least you should-al­though it is by now so routine that you may not do it con­sciously.

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Here, out of a sharp opening, the position has clarified a bit and both sides have good practical chances. White now played:

1 Qc3 With plenty of time on his clock and some quite reasonable

candidates ( 1 . . . Qd8, 1 . . . Qh8) , Black responded: 1 • . . Qd7??

. . . which cost him the game. He hadn't performed the el ­ementary beginner's task of asking himself what was the point of his opponent's last move. Had he done so he would instantly have seen:

2 Bxf4+ resigns

Sometimes a move by your opponent may be so subtle it doesn't seem worth considering.

Vasiukov-Popovic, Vrsac 1 989 White to play

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1 Kg1 ! Black apparently misread this move as a useless "pass. " In

fact, he himself should now pass with something like 1 . . . Ra 7, maintaining control of his second rank.

1 • • • Ne6?

2 Qxf5 Were the king still on g2, Black could respond 2 . . . Nxf4

(with check) 3 Qxf4 Bxh5 . 2 • • • Nxf4 3 RcS+!

This was the second thing Black overlooked. After 3

BeS 4 Qxd7 Rxd7 5 RxeS+ he resigned since he will be a piece down.

There is a trap we create for ourselves when we incorrectly guess the reason for an opponent's last move. We think it con­tains the positional threats A and B, when in fact the main threat, C, is a mate in one.

"One should be wary of easily understandable moves," warned Richard Reti.

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. I . 1 I

I ( I

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Bareev-Karpov, Tilburg 1 99 1 Black to play

White's pieces are clearly more actively placed. Black chose:

1 . • . Nxc3 White may have thought to himself: "This makes sense.

He's probably afraid of 2 g5 and then if 2 . . . Nxc3 I have 3 gxf6 Nxd l 4 fxe7 , winning material. He also captures on c3 so he can gain time, such as with 2 Qxc3 Ne4. So I'll play a bit differently, with 2 Rxc3 , and if 2 . . . Ne4, then 3 Rc2 so I can later double rooks."

All very logical. However: 2 Rxc3? e5 !

The point of Black's first move was not so obvious. He now wins a piece because of the coming pawn fork on e4. The pin 3 Qe3 exf4 4 Qxe 7 fails to 4 . . . Rd7 ! , trapping the queen. And 3 g5 Nh5 4 Be l e4 , as the game went, was hopeless.

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And one should also b e wary o f obviously bad moves:

Fridjonsson-McKay, Stockholm 1 969 Black to play

1 . • . Bc2 This is the type of time-loser that beginners play. It attacks

a rook that can go to a useful square, d2, and later White will be able to double rooks. But White should know that in a world j unior championship, which is what this event was, there are no beginners.

2 Rd2? Bg5 ! resigns

White evidently had so little faith in his opponent's skill he assumed he would play such a move as bad-looking as 1 . . . Bc2 . The flip side of this error is . . .


Players have to have trust in chess: They must believe in their own calculations. Korchnoi once said that another veteran

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grandmaster, Yefim Geller, was a good attacker "but he calcu­lates variations badly." Geller, he said, "wastes a lot of time, and often does not believe himself."

You know players like Geller: They check and recheck their variations, and then play something entirely different because they don't trust their own analysis. But in competitive chess there is another question: Should you trust your opponent ?

This matter received widespread attention after a game in the 1 965 Candidates Match between Mikhail Tal and Bent Larsen. With the score tied, it began 1 e4 Nf6 2 e5 Nd5 3 d4 d6 4 Nf3 dxe5 5 Nxe5 and now the Dane played 5 . . . Nd7 !?

This was apparently a new move, and it was sufficiently rare to intrigue Tal. His instinct instantly led him to a tactical idea. He later wrote that had it been a simultaneous exhibition, he would have played 6 Nxf7 Kxf7 7 Qh5 + , after which Black's king must step into a dangerous center to protect the knight.

But then Tal began to wonder why such a worthy opponent as Larsen, in an opening he had obviously prepared, would allow such a dangerous idea. At this point it was his natural intuition ( "The sacrifice must be sound ! " ) fighting his com­petitive doubt ( "He couldn't have overlooked this, could he ?" ) .

Tal decided t o resolve the matter by calculating everything out to mate if possible. After spending 50 minutes he con­cluded it wasn't possible and played 6 Bc4, after which 6 • • •

e6 led to a balanced, double-edged game and an eventual draw. Tal's decision provoked years of second-guessing by anno­

tators who tried to show that the sacrifice would have won and that he had been the victim of a psychological trick: He trusted his opponent, and his opponent was bluffing.

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Here i s the opposite side of the coin.

Karpov-Spassky, Candidates Match 1 974 Black to play

In this difficult position Black tried: 1 . • • Nf5 !

With 1 1 moves to go before the time control, White ex­amined 2 exf5 and saw that the most likely candidate reply was 2 . . . e4. Was it a sound knight sacrifice ?

Karpov took the practical approach: I t might be sound or it might not be, but in the time remaining it would be dif­ficult, if not impossible, to reach a definite conclusion. Also, he probably reasoned, a definite conclusion is not necessary because I have a perfectly good alternative that I can clearly see leads to an advantage. Since 2 exf5 e4 fails the test of leading to a concrete result, the pragmatic Karpov re­sponded:

2 Bxg5 ! Played after only four minutes' thought. Now 2 . . . Bh6 runs

into 3 exf5 Bxg5 4 Ne4, with a large edge.

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2 3 bxc5 4 Rb6

And White won without risk.

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Nd4 Nxc5

This is the dilemma of believing your opponent: If you insist on calling your opponent's bluff you had better calculate every­thing correctly. If you take his word, your alternative had bet­ter be good.

Kasparov-Larsen, Bugojno 1982 White to play

The dangers of bluff-calling are illustrated by the following: 1 Rc6!

A splendid move-for psychological reasons. It contains a threat to win a pawn ( 2 Bxa6) and also the minor positional threat of 2 Bg4 Nxg4 3 Rxc8+ and 4 hxg4 reaching an endgame with superior minor pieces.

But the greatest effect of 1 Rc6 is to drive Black, a player known for his stubbornness, into using up 20 of his remaining

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25 minutes. Instead of the quiet retreat of the knight to c7 or b8 he plays:

1 bxc6? 2 dxc6+ Qf7

3 Bc4 This much Black had to expect. Now the calculations of

both players were realized on the board: 3 d5

4 Nxd5 5 Nb6!

6 Nxc8

Kh8 Qc7 Qxc8

Black saw this far and assumed that 7 Bxa6 Qxa6 would follow.

7 b5 ! 8 Qa3


The knight must move and the c-pawn will advance after 8 . . . Qf8 9 c7 Nfd7 10 Be6 or 8 . . . Nce4 9 Qe7 Nxg3 and now 1 0 fxg3 , winning in either case. The game was shortened a bit when Black's flag soon fell.

Toward the end of a time control, major decisions like Black's 1 . . . bxc6 are made. One of the psychological traps you can set for yourself is to say, "Well, I 've already spent 15 minutes on this and I haven't come to any firm conclusion. But if I decline the sacrifice, then what have I got to show for those 1 5 minutes ?"

The same trap often occurs when you're offered a draw in time trouble and, after lengthy thought, feel compelled to ac­cept because you've taken so much time that continuing the game would be too risky. On the other hand, you can calcu­late a lot and decline the risks-and still make a losing move:

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Dolmatov-Speelman, Hastings 1 989�90

1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 exd5 cxd5 4 c4 Nf6 5 Nc3 e6 6 Nf3 Bb4 7 Bd3 dxc4 8 Bxc4 O�O 9 0-0 Nbd7 10 Bg5 Bxc3 1 1 bxc3 Qc 7 1 2 Bd3 Qxc3 1 3 Re I

Qa5 14 Ne5 Nxe5 15 Rc5 Qa3 16 dxe5 ! Qxc5 1 7 Bxf6

Black has enough extra material-and also enough king­side dangers-to believe that his next move will determine whether the game ends in a win, a draw, or a loss. He must also deal with the immediate threat of 1 8 Bxh7+ Kxh7 1 9 Qh5 + Kg8 20 Qg5 g6 2 1 Qh6 and mates.

After considerable thought he decides to clear a square for his queen to defend g7.

17 . . • Re8?

Black made two mistakes here. The first is concluding that the bishop can't be taken. The

natural line is: 1 7 . . . gxf6 1 8 Qg4+ Kh8 1 9 exf6 ? Rg8 20 Qh4. While Black was thinking about his 1 7th move White

rechecked his intended sequence (20 . . . Rg6 2 1 Bxg6 fxg6 22

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Qh6} and suddenly realized that Black can improve substan­tially with 20 . . . h5 ! and probably win.

White , in fact, had decided that if the sacrifice was accepted he would continue 1 8 Qg4+ Kh8 19 Qh4 ! f5 20 Qf6+ Kg8 and then draw by perpetual checks on g5 and f6.

Black, in his calculations back at the diagram, saw the pos­sibility of a draw but also felt that the position after 20 . . . Kg8 left him too passive. If White could improve at move 2 1 he might very well win, he felt. For example, Black saw the idea of 2 1 Re 1 followed by 22 Re3 and 23 Rg3 + .

Actually, Black i s probably quite secure after giving back material with 2 1 . . . b6 22 Re3 Qxe3 ! 23 fxe3 Bb 7 since White has no way of adding fuel to his attack.

I S Bxh7+!

This 'is Black's other mistake. The attack is much stronger

now ( 1 8 . . . Kf8 19 Qg4 gxf6 20 exf6 and mates ) . I S • • • Kxh7 1 9 Qh5+

This was good enough to win after 19 • • • KgS 20 Qg5 QfS 2 1 Rd 1 b6 22 Rd4 Ba6 23 Rg4 and Black kept matters going with 23 . . . Be2 ! 24 Bxg7 Bxg4 25 BxfS+ KxfS. Black conceded on move 68.

But White failed to apply Lasker's Law: With 19 Qd3 +! Kg8 20 Qg3 Qf8 {not 20 . . . g6 2 1 Qh3 and mates} 2 1 Rdl we get the same kind of position as in the game but it's a bit better af­ter 2 1 . . . b6 22 Rd4 Ba6 23 Rg4 and Rxg7+ {or 23 . . . g6 24 Rxg6+ } with mate following.


As we've seen, a chess game can go wrong in many ways. But it can also go right in many ways. There are , in fact,

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many different-and equally successful-methods of cal­culating.

Some calculators scan a wide range of candidate moves, while others intuitively examine only one and usually end up playing it. Some players decide on sacrifices only after exam­ining I O-move, multi-branched trees while others develop a sense that allows them to be confident about a sacrifice's suc­cess after considering only a few variations. Some try to reach a clear j udgment about every tree. Others avoid lengthy, per­fectionist searches and rechecking of variations, believing that quick, second-best moves are more practical than time­consuming, optimum moves.

The goal of every calculator should be to find the method most comfortable-and successful-for them. Calculation should be the key that unlocks the inner game of chess, and each person's key is different.

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Adams, Michael, Shirov vs., 226 Agdestein, Simen, Karpov vs. ,

2 1 1 Alburt, Lev, Shirazi vs. , 1 1 5-1 7 Alekhine, Alexander, 7 1

Capablanca vs. , 1 3 1-3 2 Euwe vs., 29-30 Kashdan vs., 297-98 miscalculation by, 1 3 1 -33

Anand, Viswanathan, 1 1 , 79 Dreev vs. , 2 1 6 Karpov vs. , 3 1 1- 12 Kasparov vs., 259 Piket vs. , 24-26 Timman vs. , 334-35 Ye J iangchuan vs., 1 5 5-58

Anastasian, Kengis vs. , 83 Andersson, Ulf, Ehlvest vs. ,

27 1-72 Andruet, Spassky vs. , 7 1 -72 Anglo-American Cable Match

( 1 9 1 1 ) , 104 Anikaev, Kholmov vs. , 239-

40 Aseyev, Konstantin, Hickl vs. ,

1 08-9

assumption, 207-2 1 advanced, 2 1 7-2 1 checks and, 2 1 2- 1 5 , 2 1 8-19 defensive calculation and, 2 16 Gufeld on, 2 1 3 move order and, 2 1 9-2 1 recaptures and, 2 1 5-16 rechecking variations and,

208 second guessing and, 2 1 4- 1 5

attack-defense, 235-40 Austrian Championship ( 1 97 7 ) ,

1 5 1-53 A.VR.O. ( 1 938) , 1 83-84 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab:

Chekhov vs., 1 93-95 Yudasin vs., 13 7-38

bailout, 1 79-83 Balashov, Yuri, Korchnoi vs. ,

5 7-58 Balcerowski, Witold, Krantz vs. ,

208-9 Barcza, Gideon, Tal vs. , 1 8-20 Barczay, Laszlo, Honfi vs. ,

1 7 2-73


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348 I N DEX

Barda, Olaf, Keres vs. , 1 53-55 Bareev, Evgeny:

Bronstein vs. , 107-8 Ivanchuk vs. , 98-99 Karpov vs. , 337 Kruppa vs. , 223-24

Barsegian, Garafutdinov vs. , 46 Bauer, Johann H., Lasker vs.,

45-46, 1 70 Bednarski, B. J . , Larsen vs. ,

3 2-34, 38 Belyavsky, Alexander, Z. Polgar

vs., 2 1 7-18 Beni, Alfred, Schwarzbach vs. ,

289-90 Benjamin, Joel, Kamsky vs. ,

1 1 0-1 2 Benko, Pal:

Byrne vs. , 1 1 9 Dominguez vs. , 332-33 Sherwin vs. , 273-74

Bent, C. M., 5 1 Bernstein, Ossip, Lasker vs. ,

278-79 Bialas, Joppen vs. , 247-49 Bielczyk, Slabek vs. , 36-37 Bird, Harry E. , Morphy vs. ,

46-47 Bisguier, Arthur, Fuderer vs. ,

79-80 blind spot, 255 bluff-calling, 338-42 "blunder of the century," 260-6 1 Boey, Josef, Filip vs. , 1 74-75 Bogolyubov, Efim:

Mieses vs. , 47 Reti vs. , 49 Schmid vs . , 240-4 1

Book, Eero E., Szabo vs., 325 Botterill, George S. ,

Shamkovich vs. , 1 1 2-14 Botvinnik, Mikhail, 1 26, 264

Bronstein vs., 280-82 Capablanca vs. , 1 83-84

on evaluation of position, 1 26, 134

Gligoric vs. , 284-85 Reshevsky vs. , 6-10

Braude, Yermolinsky vs. , 257-58 Bravo, Panno vs. , 300-301 Breyer, Gyula, Esser vs. , 309-10 "bridge-building" technique, 23 Bronstein, David, 10, 44

Bareev vs. , 107-8 Botvinnik vs., 280-82 Shcherbakov vs., 304-5

Byrne, Donald, 256 Byrne, Robert:

Benko vs., 1 1 9 Tarjan vs. , 61-62

calculation; calculating: away from board, 256-57 "book knowledge" and, 20 checklist for, 277-78 concrete vs. generalized, 99 defensive, see defensive calcu-

lation evolutionary vs. revolutionary,

69-70 finding mates and combina-

tions and, 1 4 forcefulness and, 1 7- 18 logic vs. intuition and, 10 long variations and, 6-1 0 master vs. novice and, 42-5 1 myths about, 3, 5-10 of opponent's moves, 79-80 positional vs. tactical, 10-13 ,

1 7- 18 recognizing need for, 327-29 slow vs. rapid buildup and,

69-70 in stages, 1 83-85 Tal on, 90 Ttmman on, 1 86 Webb's experiments on,

90-9 1

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wings of board and, 274-75 winning technique and,

1 8-20 candidate moves, 23 , 75-83

common idea for, 75-76 computers and, 7 7 forcing moves and, 82-83 , 103 ideas and, 75-76 Kotov on, 7 7-79, 80 of opponent, 79-80 personal preference and, 79 recognizing of, 7 7 tree of calculation and, 75-83

Candidates Match: of 1 965 , 236-37 , 339 of 1 974, 320-2 1 , 340-4 1 of 1977 , 2 1 -23 of 1 989, 142-43 of 1 99 1 , 2 1 6 of 1 992 , 292-93 of 1 993, 35-36

Capablanca, Jose, 1 0 Alekhine vs., 1 3 1-32 Botvinnik vs. , 1 83-84

captures: desperado and, 243 force and, 2 1 5-16

Cavellos, Mohring vs . , 70 checks, 2 1 2- 15 , 2 1 8-19 Chekhov, Valery A. ,

Azmaiparashvili vs. , 1 93-95 Chernikov, Nezhmetdinov vs. ,

93-94 Chess , 90 "chess accident," 209

• choice, 1 86-206 basic rules of, 203-4 certainty and, 192-93 clarity of end-position and,

1 95-96 defensive, 200-201 divided path and, 1 87-90 Nimzovich's approach to,

1 96-98

Index I 349

pragmatic approach to, 1 98-99

"stop sign" and, 1 89-90, 1 94 style and, 1 96 tactical vs. technical vs. posi­

tional, 1 96-200 visualization and, 1 89

Christiansen, Larry: Epishin vs. , 269 Lautier vs. , 3 1 2-13 Shirov vs., 254

Ciocaltea, Victor, Fischer vs. , 38-39, 66

Cold War, 7 combinations:

force and, 3 1 inspiration and, 44 Lasker on, 28 preventative, 1 1 quiet moves and, 22 1-24 tactical idea and, 32-34 two-move, 28-30, 67-68

compensation, 142-46 computers:

calculation by, 5, 1 26 candidate moves and, 7 7 end of sequence and, 245-

46 first win vs. grandmaster by,

246-47 human methods and, 1 03-4,

1 26, 1 49 zwischenzug and, 23 1

Conquest, Suba vs. , 33 1 Conrad, Joseph, 207 Correspondence Match ( 1 966) ,

1 05-6 counting out, 1 25-85

alternative moves and, 137 bailing out and, 1 79-83 calculating in stages and,

1 83-85 compensation and, 142-46 computers and, 1 26

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350 I N D E X

counting out (Cont. ) counting-up method of,

130-32 defensive calculation and,

1 75-79 endgame transitions and,

1 35-37 end-position and, 1 46-49,

1 73-74 errors and, 1 38-39 evaluating position and,

1 26-27 guidelines for ending process

of, 1 49-55 material and, 1 28-30, 134 move order and, 1 63-7 1 opponent's response and,

1 58-60 position and, 1 34-35 quiet moves and, 139 , 16 1 rhythm and, 235 serendipity and, 1 7 1-72 visualization method of,

130-32 Cray Blitz (computer) , 1 26 Crouch, Speelman vs. , 301-2

Dautov, Kharitonov vs. , 299-300 Deep Thought (computer pro­

gram) , 1 26 Miles vs., 246-47

defensive calculation, 4 1-42 assumptions and, 2 1 6 choice and, 200-20 1 counting out and, 1 75-79 double attack and, 239-40 force and, 1 0 1-3 , 1 7 5-79 move order and, 1 75-79

de Groot, Adrianus, 42, 44 desperado, 207, 240-50

calculating and, 245-47 dangers of, 250 defined, 24 1 final capture and, 243

material and, 245 surprise move and, 247

destruction of guard, 207 , 225-28

Dolmatov, Sergei: Lerner vs., 1 98-200 Makarichev vs. , 2 1 8-19 Speelman vs. , 343-44

Dominguez, Benko vs. , 332-33 Dreev, Anand vs. , 2 1 6 Dubinin, Pyotr, Filger vs. ,

16 1-62 Duchamp, Marcel, Muller vs. ,

243 Dueball, Jurgen, Jones vs., 72-

73 Duras, Old rich, Spielmann vs. ,

209-10 Dutch Championship ( 1 993 ) ,


Ehlvest, Jaan, Andersson vs. , 27 1-72

Eingorn, V. S. , Malaniuk vs. , 80-8 1

Eliskases, Erich, Henneberger vs., 2 1 4-15

endgame, 209-10 calculation and, 21 counting out in transition to,

1 35-3 7 tempo and, 3 1 1

end-position: choice and, 1 95-96 counting out and, 146-49, \

1 73-74 tree of calculation and, 87

Epishin, Christiansen vs . , 269 escape routes, 1 79-80 Espig, Lutz, Shamkovich vs. ,

10 1-3 Esser, Breyer vs. , 309-10 European Junior Championship

( 1 990) , 307-9

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Euwe, Max, Alekhine vs. , 29-30, 7 1

Evans, Larry, Rossolimo vs., 139-42

Fatalibekova, Elena, Ranniku vs., 1 09-1 0

Fedorowicz, John, Nunn vs., 1 84-85

Fernandes, Pahtz vs. , 43 Filger, Dubinin vs. , 1 6 1 -62 Filip, Moroslav, Boey vs.,

1 74-75 Fischer, Bobby, 1 27

Ciocaltea vs. , 38-39, 66 Larsen vs. , 258-59 Sherwin vs. , 88-89

flight square, 228 force, 95- 1 24

accuracy and, 1 1 5- 1 7 bailouts and, 1 82-83 captures and, 2 1 5- 16 combination and, 3 1 counterthreats and, 1 08-9 defensive calculation and,

10 1-3 , 1 75-79 failure to recognize, 1 05 force vs., 1 03- 1 2 length of tree and, 9 7 limits of, 1 1 7- 19 long range, 109-10 middlegame and, 1 1 2-14 misevaluation of, 1 06-8 noncombinative moves and,

97 nonforcing moves and,

1 00-10 1 quiet moves and, 1 1 4 , 1 1 7-

1 8 speed vs. , 103- 1 2

Forintos, Gyozo v. , Portisch vs. , 302-3

Formanek, Ed, Rhodes vs. , 64-65

Index / 35 1

Fox, Maurice, Lawrence vs. , 104-6

Fridinsky, Pkhakadze vs., 286 Fridjonsson, McKay vs. , 338 Fuderer, Andrij a, Bisguier vs.,


Gallagher, Maier vs. , 268-69 Garafutdinov, Barsegian vs., 46 Gelfand, Boris, 1 1 Geller, Yefim:

Korchnoi's view of, 338-39 Matulovic vs., 1 76-77 M. Gurevich vs. , 229-30 Vaganian vs., 224-25

Georgiev, Kir. , Shirov vs. , 328 Georgiev, Kr. , Gulko vs. , 68-69,

7 1 Gheorghiu, Florin, Portisch vs. ,

62-63 Gipslis, Aivar, Van Wely vs. ,

1 82-83 Gligoric, Svetozar, Botvinnik

vs. , 285 Granda Zuniga, 1 1 4- 15 Grigorian, Karpov vs. , 1 69-7 1 Groszpeter, Attila, Radulov vs. ,

95-97 Gufeld, Eduard, 2 1 3

Tseshkovsky vs., 220-2 1 Gulko, Boris, Kr. Georgiev vs. ,

68-69, 7 1 Gunsberg, Isidor, Tchigorin vs. ,

29 1 Gurevich, I . , Ulibin vs. , 136-3 7 Gurevich, M. :

Geller vs. , 229-30 Zapata vs. , 272

Gutman, Lev, Watson vs. , 92-93

hanging pieces, 55-60 Hauchard, Shirov vs., 1 88,

3 1 3- 1 5

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352 IN DEX

Hector, Malaniuk vs. , 275 Henneberger, Walter, Eliskases

vs., 2 1 4- 1 5 Hickl, Joerg, Aseyev vs. , 1 08-

9 Hjartarson, Johann, Salov vs . ,

282-83 Hobbes, Thomas, 95 Hodgson, Julian M. , Wolff vs. ,

2 1 2-13 Honfi, Karoly, Barczay vs. ,

1 7 2-73 Hort, Vlastimil, Portisch vs. ,

30-3 1 "How to Become a Grand­

master" (Kotov ) , 78 Huebner, Robert:

Korchnoi vs. , 200-202 Petros ian vs. , 1 00-10 1 Wirthensohn vs., 1 80-8 1

Hungarian Championship ( 1 97 1 ) , 302-3

ideas: applications of, 70-7 1 candidate moves and, 75-76 confusing variations with, 58 family of, 7 1-75 invasion squares and, 55 ,

63-66 logic and, 272-73 master vs. novice and, 42-5 1 opponent's position and,

39-40 oversights and, 30-3 1 , 74-75 overworked pieces and, 35-36 patterns and, 53-55 primary, 28 recognizing, 46-49 serendipity and, 9 1-94 stretched pieces and, 55 ,

60-63 tactical, 3 2-34 time and, 325-26

two-move combination and, 28-30, 67-68

vulnerable pieces and, 55-60 weakness and, 5 1-53

in-between move, see zwischen-zug

Inside Chess , 296 invasion squares, 55 , 62-63 Ivanchuk, Vasily, Bareev vs. ,

98-99 Ivanov, I . , Sveshnikov vs. ,

1 03-4 Ivkov, Borislav, Larsen vs. ,

236-3 7

Jones, I. c., Dueball vs. , 72-73 Jongsma, Kuijpers vs. , 265-66 Joppen, Bialas vs. , 247-49

Kaiszauri, Sznapik vs., 55 , 66 Kamsky, Gata, 1 1 , 79

Benjamin vs. , 1 10-1 2 Kasparov vs., 306-7

Kan, I lya A., Lilienthal vs. , 48-49

Karlsson, Lars C-G., Mortensen vs. , 65-66 \

Karpov, Anatoly: Agdestein vs. , 2 1 1 , 2 1 Anand vs. , 3 1 1-1 2 Bareev vs. , 337 "blunder of the century" and,

260-6 1 on game with Polugayevsky,

3 1 9 Grigorian vs., 1 69-7 1 Kasparov vs. , 260-61 , 283-

84 Korchnoi vs. , 320-2 1 Portisch vs., 56-5 7 Short vs. , 5 1-52 Spassky vs. , 270, 340-41 Ttmman vs., 146-49 Yusupov vs. , 39-40, 142-43

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Kashdan, Isaac, Alekhine vs. , 297-98

Kasparov, Garry, 39, 79 Anand vs. , 259 "blunder of the century" and,

260-6 1 forcing moves as seen by, 97 Kamsky vs. , 306-7 Karpov vs., 283-84 Larsen vs., 341-42 Ljubojevic vs. , 230-3 1 Lutikov vs. , 37-38 Petrosian vs. , 274 Roizman vs. , 264-65

Kavalek, Lubomir: Popovych vs. , 3 1 6- 1 7 Toth vs. , 320-24, 3 2 7

Kengis, Edvin, Anastasian vs. , 83

Keres, Paul: Barda vs. , 1 53-55 Spassky vs., 1 66

Khalifman, Alexander: Nikolic vs., 76-77 Seirawan vs. , 40-4 1 Speelman vs. , 235-'-36

Kharitonov, Dautov vs. , 299-300

Kholmov, Ratmir D., Anikaev vs. , 239-40

Koestler, Arthur, 90 Korchnoi, Viktor, 1 7

Balashov vs. , 57-58 Geller as seen by, 338-39 Huebner vs. , 200-202 Karpov vs., 320-2 1 Petursson vs., 1 65 Polugayevsky vs. , 2 1-23 Salov vs., 261 Tal vs. , 227-28 Udovcic vs. , 1 95-96

Kotov, Alexander, 90, 9 1 on candidate moves, 77-79,


Index / 353

Karpov-Korchnoi game ob­served by, 320

Kovacevic, Vladimir, Thipsay vs. , 1 59-60

Krantz, Balcerowski vs. , 208--9 Krasenkov, Mikhail:

Sveshnikov vs. , 84-85 Vinsnes vs., 1 77-79

Kruppa, Bareev vs., 223-24 Kudrin, Sergey, Seirawan vs.,

266 Kuijpers, Frans, Jongsma vs. ,

265-66 Kupreichik, Viktor D.:

Polugayevsky vs., 255 Sveshnikov vs . , 202-3

Kuzmin, Gennadi, Sveshnikov vs. , 44-45 , 46, 1 70

Lane, Velikov vs. , 267 Lapiken, Reshevsky vs. , 237-38 La Rochefoucauld, Fran�ois de,

1 25 Larsen, Bent, 85-86

Bednarski vs. , 32-34, 38 Fischer vs., 258-59 Ivkov vs. , 236-37 Kasparov vs. , 341-42 Ljubojevic vs. , 1 89 Petrosian vs. , 252-53 Portisch vs. , 1 49-5 1 on "seeing" position, 190 Smyslov vs., 294 Tal vs. , 339

Lasker, Emanuel, 28, 104 Bauer vs. , 45-46, 1 70 Bernstein vs. , 278-79

Lasker's Law, 298--303 Lautier, Christiansen vs. , 3 1 2-13 Lawrence, Fox vs. , 1 04-6 Lee, Peter N . , Sakharov vs. ,

5 2-53 Lerner, Konstantin Z., Dolmatov

vs. , 1 98--200

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354 I N D E X

Letelier, Martner, Tal vs. , 1 43-46

Levitt, Jonathan: Olafsson vs. , 87-88, 94 Speelman vs. , 8 1 -82

Liberzon, Vladimir, Onoprienko vs. , 133-34

Lilienthal, Andrei , Kan vs. , 48-49

line blocks, 261-65 Ljubojevic, Ljumbomir:

Kasparov vs. , 230-3 1 Larsen vs. , 1 89-90 Popovic vs., 256 Short vs. , 3 26-27 Smyslov vs. , 1 8 1-83 Stein vs. , 58-60 Szabo vs. , 1 86-87 Yusupov vs. , 3 29-30, 333-34

long variations, 6-10 Lucena position, 22 Luecke, Lukacs vs. , 1 1 7- 18 Lukacs, Peter, Luecke vs. , 1 1 7-18 Lutikov, Anatoly, Kasparov vs.,

3 7-38

McKay, Fridjonsson vs. , 338 Maier, Gallagher vs. , 268-69 Makarichev, Sergey, Dolmatov

vs., 2 1 8-19 Malaniuk, Vladimir:

Eingorn vs. , 80-8 1 Hector vs. , 275

Marovic, Drazen, Saidy vs. , 287-88

Marshall, Frank: N imzovich vs. , 1 1-1 2 Rubinstein vs. , 1 9 1

master, novice vs. , 42-5 1 material, 226

desperado and, 245 mates, mating, 14

back rank, 68-69, 74, 228 smothered, 55 , 65 , 104

Matulovic, Milan, Geller vs. , 1 76-77

Mecking, Henrique, O. Rod­riguez vs. , 204-6

middlegame, 3, 1 38-39 force and, 1 1 2-14

Mieses, Jacques, Bogolyubov vs. , 47

Mikenda, Verber vs. , 1 29-30 Mileika, Rosenfeld vs. , 1 05-6 Miles, Tony:

A. Rodriguez vs., 9 1-92 Deep Thought vs. , 246-47 Pritchett vs. , 263-64 Short vs. , 1 58-59 Tseshkovsky vs. , 262-63

Mohring, Gi.inther, Cavellos vs. , 70

Moltke, Helmuth von, 25 1 monkey wrenches, 207-50

assumption and, 207-2 1 attack-defense and, 207,

235-40 desperado and, 207, 240-50 destruction of guard and, 207 ,

225-28 quiet movetnd, 207, 22 1-25 zwischenzu and, 207 , 229-

34 Morphy, Paul, 48

Bird vs. , 46-47 Mortensen, Erling, Karlsson vs.,

65-66 Motwani, Paul, Spacek vs. ,

222-23 move order, 1 63-7 1

assumptions and, 2 1 9-2 1 counting out and, 1 63-7 1 defensive calculation and,

1 75-79 serendipity and, 1 7 1-72

moves: attack-defense, 235-40 bad, 338

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candidate, see candidate moves

forcing, 82-83 , 1 03 intermediary, 305-10 "Morphy style," 1 1 9 noncombative, 97 nonforcing, 1 00-101 opponent's last, 334-36 quiet, 1 1 4, 1 1 7-18 , 139 , 1 6 1 ,

207 , 22 1-25 subtle , 335-36 surprise, 247-48, 261 understandable, 336

Miiller, Hans, Duchamp vs. , 243 Murey, Ya'acov, Volke vs. , 1 3 My System (Nimzovich) , 69-70

Nezhmetdinov, R. G. , Chernikov vs. , 93-94

Niemala, Aarne, Tal vs. , 232-33

Nikolic, P. , Khalifman vs. , 76-77

N imzovich, Aron: approach to strategy of,

1 96-98 on chess, 324 executing plans and, 69-70 Marshall vs. , 1 1- 1 2 novice, master vs. , 42-5 1 Tartakower vs. , 1 97-98, 324

Novikov, Vyzhmanavin vs. , 1 7 1-72

Nunn, John, Fedorowicz vs., 1 84-85

Oistrakh, David, 1 42 Olafsson, H. , Levitt vs., 87-88,

94 Onoprienko, Liberzon vs. ,

1 33-34 opposition, 2 1 0 Ostenstad, Berge, TIviakov vs. ,


Index / 355

oversights, 25 1-76 line blocks and, 261-65 optical illusion and, 272-74 retained image and, 268-72 retreats and, 258-6 1 training and, 253 unveiled attack and, 265-67 visual, 255-58 wings of board and, 274-76

overworked piece, 35-36

Pahtz, Fernandes vs. , 43 Palme, Rudolf, Reor! vs., 1 5 1-53 Panno, Oscar, Bravo vs.,

300-301 patterns:

ideas and, 53-55 invasion squares and, 55 ,

63-66 masters' recognition of, 42-

44 stretched pieces and, 55 ,

60-63 vulnerable pieces and, 55-60

Petros ian, TIgran: Huebner vs. , 100-101 Kasparov vs., 97 , 274 Larsen vs. , 252-53 Tal vs., 4 1-42

Petursson, Margeir, Korchnoi vs. , 1 65

Philidor's Legacy, 55 . Piket, Jeroen:

Anand vs. , 24-26 Short vs. , 276 Sosonko vs. , 4-5

Pkhakadze, Fridinsky vs., 286 Planinc, Albin, Ribli vs.,

1 2 7-28 Plaskett, Harold J . , Speelman

vs. , 60-6 1 Polgar, J udit:

Granda Zuniga vs., 1 1 4-15 Psakhis vs., 74-75

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356 I N D E X

Pol�ar, Zsuzsa, Belyavsky vs., 2 1 7-18

Polugayevsky, Lev, 3 1 9 Korchnoi vs. , 2 1 -23 Kupreichik vs. , 255 Wojtkiewicz vs. , 1 7

Popovic, Petar: Ljubojevic vs., 256 Vasiukov vs. , 335-36

Popovych, Kavalek vs., 3 1 6--1 7 Portisch, Lajos:

Forintos vs. , 302-3 Gheorghiu vs., 62-63 Hort vs. , 30-3 1 Karpov vs. , 56--57 Larsen vs. , 1 49-5 1

positional player, 10-13 postal chess, 293 Povah, Nigel, Wheeler vs. ,

233-34 Predzhikh, Serper vs. , 307-8 "pre¥ ntative combination," 1 1 Pro chert, Craig W. , Miles vs. ,

263-64 Psakhis, Lev B. , ] . Polgar vs.,


quiet moves, 1 1 4, 1 1 7- 1 8, 139, 1 6 1 , 207 , 22 1-25

overlooking, 224-25

Radulov, Ivan, Groszpeter vs. , 95-97

Ranniku, Maaja, Fatalibekova vs., 109-1 0

recaptures, 2 1 5-16 rechecking, 277-3 1 8

assumptions and, 208 forgetfulness and, 290-93 ghosts and, 293-98 intermediary move and,

305-10 Lasker's Law and, 298-303 location of pieces and, 283-90

tempo and, 306--7 , 3 1 1-1 2 vulnerability and, 3 1 5- 1 7 walk-through and, 279-83

Reorl, Palme vs. , 1 5 1-53 Reshevsky, Samuel:

Botvinnik vs. , 6--10 Lapiken vs. , 237-38

retained image, 26 1-65 Reti, Richard, 290

Bogolyubov vs. , 49 on understandable moves,

336 retreats, 258-61 Rhodes, H. G. , Formanek vs.,

64-65 Ribli, Zoltan, Plan inc vs. ,

1 27-28 Rilton Cup ( 1 990) , 1 77-79 Rodriguez, A., Miles vs. , 9 1-92 Rodriguez, 0., Mecking vs. ,

204-6 Rogers, Ian, Shirov vs. , 1 92-93 Roizman, Kasparov vs. , 264-65 Romanishin, Oleg M. , Vukic vs. ,

73-74 Root, Silman vs., 295-96 Rosenfeld, Mileika vs., 105-6 Rossolimo, Nicholas, Evans vs. ,

139-42 Rubinstein, Akiba, Marshall vs. ,

1 9 1

sacrifices, 1 4 double-bishop, 45-46, 1 70

Saemisch, Fritz, Vidmar vs. , 50-5 1

Saidy, Anthony, Marovic vs. , 287-88

Sakharov, Lee vs. , 5 2-53 Salov, Valery:

Hjartarson vs. , 282-83 Korchnoi vs. , 261

Schmid, Lothar, Bogolyubov vs. , 240-4 1

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Schwarzbach, Wilhelm, Beni vs. , 289-90

Scotch Game, 240 second guessing, 2 1 4- 1 5 Seirawan, Yasser:

Khalifman vs. , 40-4 1 Kudrin vs., 266 Tal vs. , 1 4-16

Serper: Predzhikh vs. , 307-8 Ubilava vs. , 3 1 7-18

Shamkovich, Leonid: Botterill vs. , 1 1 2-14 Espig vs . , 102-3

Shcherbakov, Bronstein vs., 304-5

Sherwin, James: Benko vs. , 273-74 Fischer vs., 88-89

Shirazi, Alburt vs. , 1 1 5-1 7 Shirov, Alexey, 1 1

Adams vs., 226 Christiansen vs. , 254 Hauchard vs. , 1 88, 3 13-15 Kir. Georgiev vs. , 328 Rogers vs. , 192-93

Shishov, Zagoryansky vs. , 228

Short, N igel: Karpov vs. , 5 1-52 Ljubojevic vs., 326-27 Miles vs. , 1 5 8-59 Piket vs. , 276 Timman vs. , 16 , 35-36 Yusupov vs. , 2 1 5-16

Sicilian Defense, 266, 27 1 Silman, Jeremy, Root vs.,

295-96 Slabek, Bielczyk vs. , 36-37 smothered mate, 55 , 65 , 1 04 Smyslov, Vassily, 1 9

Larsen vs. , 294 Ljubojevic vs., 1 8 1 -83 Tan vs., 1 20--24

Index / 357

Sokolov, Andrei, Sturua vs. , 1 67-68

Sosonko, Gennadi , Piket vs. , 4-5

Soviet Armed Forces Champi­onship ( 1 966) , 133-34

Soviet Championship: of 1 967 , 1 9 of 1 973 , 44-45 of 1 976, 1 69-7 1 of 1 986, 1 37-38

Soviet Correspondence Champi­onship ( 1 975-1 977 ) , 16 1-62

Soviet Women's Championship ( 1 974) , 1 09-1 0

Soviet Young Masters Touma­ment ( 1984) , 1 67-68

Spacek, Motwani vs. , 222-23 Spassky, Boris:

Andruet vs. , 7 1-72 Karpov vs . , 270, 340-4 1 Keres vs. , 1 66 Timman vs., 244-45

Speelman, Jonathan: Crouch vs. , 301-2 Dolmatov vs. , 343-44 Khalifman vs. , 235-36 Levitt vs. , 8 1-82 Plaskett vs. , 60-6 1

Spielmann, Rudolph, Duras vs. , 209-10 , 2 1 2

spite check, 1 04, 23 1 squares:

bad, 306-7 flight, 228 invasion, 55, 63-66 "tactically neutral," 42-43

Stein, Leonid, Ljubojevic vs. , 58-60

"stop sign," 1 89-90, 1 94 stretched pieces, 55 , 60-63 Sturua, Zurab, Sokolov vs. ,

1 67-68

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358 I N D E X

Suba, Mihai, Conquest vs., 33 1 Sveshnikov, Evgeny:

Ivanov vs. , 1 03-4 Krasenkov vs. , 84-85 Kupreichik vs. , 202-3 Kuzmin vs. , 44-45, 46, 1 70

Swiss Championship ( 1 99 1 ) , 1 80-8 1 , 268-69

Szabo, Laszlo, 300-301 Book vs. , 325 Ljubojevic vs. , 1 86-87

Sznapik, Aleksander, Kaiszauri vs., 55 , 66

tactical player, 1 0-13 Taimanov, Mark, Zaichik vs. ,

1 3 5 Tal, Mikhail, 10 , 46, 1 49

Barcza vs., 1 8-20 on calculation, 90 first serious match of, 279-80 Korchnoi vs. , 227-28 Larsen vs. , 339 Letelier vs. , 1 43-46 Niemala vs. , 232-33 Petros ian vs., 4 1-42 Seirawan vs. , 1 4-16 style of, 3 24

Tan, Lian Ann, Smyslov vs., 1 20-24

Tarjan, James, Byrne vs. , 6 1-62 Tarrasch, Siegbert, 46, 277 , 279 Tartakower, Savielly, 1 1 2

Nimzovich vs. , 1 97-98, 3 24 Tchigorin, Mikhail, Gunsberg

vs. , 29 1 , 293 tempo:

endgame and, 3 1 1 rechecking and, 306-7 ,

3 1 1- 1 2 Think Li ke a Grandmaster

(Kotov) , 78, 90 Thipsay, Praveen, Kovacevic vs.,

1 59-60

time: drawable position and,

329-30 expenditure of, 320 idea and, 325-26

time control, 342-43 time trouble, 323 , 33 1 Timman, Jan:

Anand vs. , 334-35 on calculation, 1 86 Karpov vs. , 1 46-49 Short vs. , 16 , 35-36 Spassky vs., 244-45 Yusupov vs. , 292-93

Tiviakov, Ostenstad vs. , 242-243

Toth, Bela, Kavalek vs. , 320-24, 327

trees of calculation, 67-94 candidate moves and, 75-83 dimensions of, 87-89 end-position and, 87 escape routes and, 1 79-80 family of ideas and, 7 1-75 length of, 97 long variations and, 85-86 shape of, 84-85 see also counting out

Tseshkovsky, Vitaly: Gufeld vs. , 220-2 1 Miles vs. , 262-63

Ubilava, Elizbar, Serper vs. , 3 1 7- 18

Udovcic, Mijo, Korchnoi vs. , 1 95-96

Ulibin, l. Gurevich vs., 136-3 7 U.S. Championship:

of I 95 7-58, 88-89 of 1 966, 273-74 of I972 , 3 1 6- 1 7 of 1 98 1 , 6 1-62, 266 of 1 983, 1 1 5- 1 7 of 1 99 1 , 1 1 0-1 2

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U.S. Open ( 1 95 5 ) , 23 7-40 U.S.S.R. Championship:

of 1 958 , 227-28 of 1 974, 255 of 1 99 1 , 1 7 1-72

U.S.S.R. Club Championship ( 1 988 ) , 223-24

U.S.S.R. Team Championship ( 1 984) , 193-95

u.S.-U.S.S.R. Match ( 1 95 5 ) , 6-1 0

Vaganian, Rafael, Geller vs. , 224-25

Van Wely, Loek, Gipslis vs. , 1 82-83

Vasiukov, Popovic vs. , 335-36 Velikov, Petar, Lane vs., 267 Verber, Richard, Mikenda vs. ,

1 29-30 Vidmar, Milan, Saemisch vs. ,

50-5 1 Vinsnes, Krasenkov vs. , 1 77-79 visualization, 1 6-1 7

choice and, 1 89 counting out and, 130-32 learning, 23-27

Volke, Murey vs. , 1 3 Vukic, Milan, Romanishin vs. ,

73-74 vulnerable pieces, 55-60 Vyzhmanavin, A., Novikov vs. ,

1 7 1-72

Watson, William N. , Gutman vs. , 92-93

Webb, Simon, 90-9 1 West German Championship

( 1 96 1 ) , 247-48 Wheeler, Povah vs. , 233-34

Index / 359

Whitehead, Alfred North, 3 Wirthensohn, Heinz, Huebner

vs. , 1 80-8 1 Wojtkiewicz, Polugayevsky vs. ,

1 7 Wolff, Patrick, Hodgson vs. ,

2 1 2-13 World Championship:

of 1 95 1 , 280-8 1 of 1 987 , 260-6 1 of 1 990, 283-84

World Junior Championship ( 1 963 ) , 52-53

World Student Olympiad, 1 29-30

Ye J iangchuan, Anand vs. , 1 5 5-58

Yermolinsky, Braude vs., 25 7-58 Yudasin, Azmaiparashvili vs. ,

1 3 7-38 Yusupov, Arthur:

Karpov vs. , 39-40, 142-43 Ljubojevic vs. , 329-30,

333-34 Short vs., 2 1 5- 16 Timman vs. , 292-93

Zagoryansky, Yevgeny, Shishov vs. , 228

Zaichik, Taimanov vs . , 1 35 Zapata, M. Gurevich vs. , 272 Znosko-Borovsky, Eugene, 67 "zone of certainty," 90 zwischenzug, 207, 229-34, 279

computers and, 23 1 criteria for, 23 1 double-edged nature of,

233-34 overlooking of, 230-3 1

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