Injustice Gear Info

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  • 8/16/2019 Injustice Gear Info


    GEAR     GEAR ABILITY 1 ABILITY 2  CHARACTER Militarized Batmobile 25% MAX HEALTH increase Batman: +20% super damae

    Batman: A!EA E""E#T: opponent$s

    team taes 25% damae &rom superBatman: 5 seconds in'ulnerabilit(

    &rom (our super!a$s Al )*ul$s cimitar 50% ,AMA)E B--T to basic .o/er ,rain % on bar startin po/er 1Ma 2 bars3

    attacs #ombo Ender  

    Amazonian /ord BL-#46) stops 22% more damae 25% T76 c*ance on 8onder 8oman: 25% c*ance to  9 *ield special !E"LE#T .E#AL 2 /*ile blocinArcane 8and +% .-8E! )E6E!AT-6 ;% #!T c*ance on 5% #!T c*ance on #at/oman: #!T B--T 50% more

     basic attacs damae on #!T attacs,ual ?;5@ !e'ol'ers % ,AM)E B--T to special 25% T76 c*ance on Harle( uinn: HEAL TEAM 25% on

    special special 2H(perspeed .lated uit +% .-8E! )E6E!AT-6 ;0% #!T c*ance on T*e "las*: 25% 76BL-#4ABLE

    special c*ance on basic attacs4a*nda !o(al )arb 22% MAX HEALTH increase ;0% #!T c*ance on Blac Adam: ;0% L"E,!A6

    special c*ance on special 4ni&e #ollection @0% ,AMA)E B--T to basic HEAL EL" 22% on olomon )rund(: 25% c*ance &or 

    attacs special 76BL-#4ABLE to basic attacs4r(ptonian Battle uit 22% MAX HEALTH increase HEAL EL" 25% on uperman: 25% c*ance to !E"LE#T

    special 2 .E#AL 2 /*ile blocin4r(ptonian !i&le % ,AMA)E B--T to special ;0% #!T c*ance on

  • 8/16/2019 Injustice Gear Info


    uperc*ared )reen BL-#46) stops 22% more damae ,ABLE enem( specials )reen Latern: 25% c*ance to

    .o/er !in 25% c*ance on special !E"LE#T .E#AL 2 /*ile blocinuperc*ared Cello/ % ,AMA)E B--T to special 2 ,ABLE enem( specials inestro: ;0% L"E,!A6 c*ance on  .o/er !in 25% c*ance on special special 2T*erma&rost 6eclace +% .-8E! )E6E!AT-6 ,ABLE enem( specials 4iller "rost: ;0% L"E,!A6 c*ance

    25% c*ance on special on special 2Trident -& .osedion % ,AMA)E B--T to special 2 25% T76 c*ance on Auaman: A!EA E""E#T: opponent$s

    special 2 team taes 25% damae &rom special Denom nection (stem 22% MAX HEALTH increase HEAL EL" 22% on Bane: 25% .-8E!,!A6 c*ance

    special on special 2


    Blac Lantern !in 5% ,AMA)E B--T to special 20% L"E,!A6 c*ance on special Blue Lantern !in BL-#46) stops % more damae HEAL TEAM % on special 2

    #r(o !i&le 5% ,AMA)E B--T to special 20% T76 c*ance on special ,emon Blade 5% ,AMA)E B--T to special 2 ;0% #!T c*ance on special 2Ener( Lance BL-#4) stops % more damae 50% ,AMA)E B--T to basic attac  Lazarus "ormula % MAX HEALTH increase HEAL E"L 20% on special

    Mar o& Lad( *i'a 50% ,AMA)E B--T to basic attacs >0% #!T c*ance on basic attacs 6ulli&ication !i&le 5% ,AMA)E B--T to special 2 20% .-8E!,!A6 c*ance on special 28eaponized 4rptonite 5% .-8E! )E6E!AT-6 increase ,ABLE enem( specials 20% c*ance on special 2

      GEAR ABILITY 1 ABILITY 2 Alien 8eaponr( ;% ,AMA)E B--T to special 25% #!T c*ance on special ,emonic Mas 2% ,AMA)E B--T to special 2 5% T76 c*ance on special 2Healin Amulet 5% MAX HEALTH increase HEAL EL" 5% on special

    n&ernal (mbol ;% .-8E! )E6E!AT-6 5% T76 c*ance on special Martial Arts BL-#46) stops 5% more damae ;5% ,AMA)E B--T to basic attacs.o/er )lo'es ;5% ,AMA)E B--T to basic attacs ;0% #!T c*ance to basic attacs*ield )enerator BL-#46) stops 5% more damae 5% MAX HEALTH increase

    Trauma 4it 5% MAX HEALTH increase HEAL EL" 5% on special 2

  • 8/16/2019 Injustice Gear Info


    TEAMS 3

    ,eat*stroe (Arkham Orgins)

    –.romet*ium Lons/ord

    – !a$s Al )*ul$s cimitar 

    – T*erma&rost 6eclace

    8onder 8oman (Red Sun)

    – Amazonian /ord 9 *ied

    – uperc*ared )reen .o/er !in

    – #(bernetic Eoseleton

    Batman (Arkham Orgins)

    – Militarized Batmobile

    – ilicon #arbide Batsuit

    –,emonic #loa 


    8onder 8oman (600)

    – Amazonian /ord 9 *ield

    – uperc*ared )reen .o/er !in

    – #(bernetic Eoseleton

    #at/oman (Batman Returns)

    – ,iamond Tipped #la/s

    – #ustomized Militar( Bo/

    – Trident o& .oseidon

    Harle( uinn (Animated)

    – ,ual ?;5@ !e'ol'ers

    – T*erma&rost 6eclace

    – !a$s Al )*ul$s cimitar 


     6i*t/in (New 52)

    – Amazonian /ord 9 *ield

    – !a$s Al )*ul$s cimitar 

    – #(bernetic Eoseleton

    uperman (Red Sun)– 4r(ptonian Battle uit

    – Trident o& .oseidon

    – Martian Hunter )arb

    corpion (Mortal Komat)

    –  6et*errealm 4ama

    – uperc*ared Cello/ .o/er !in

    – #ustomized Militar( Bo/