Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy Project (Part 1 of 5) Prepared by Chana Green Company Ltd. The initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “Terms of Use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

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Page 1: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft)

Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017

THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy Project

(Part 1 of 5)

Prepared by Chana Green Company Ltd.

The initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed

herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff,

and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “Terms of Use” section of

this website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any

designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the

Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other

status of any territory or area.

Page 2: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✝✟✏☎☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited



�✑✒✓✒ ✔✕✖✖✓ �✗✘✙✒✓✚ ✛✜✘✜✢✖✣ ✤✢✑✖ �✗✘✙✒✓✚✥ ✑✒✦ ✒ ✙✧✒✓ ✢✗ ✣✖★✖✧✗✙ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗✫ �✑✒✓✒

✔✕✖✖✓ ✁✗✬✖✕ ✁✧✒✓✢ ✒✢ ✭✮ ✯✮✰✱✣✜✦✢✕✜✪✢✲ �✑✒✓✒ ✳✜✦✢✕✜✪✢✲ ✯✗✓✴✵✑✧✒ ✁✕✗★✜✓✪✖ ✤Figure 1-1✥✶ ✷✢ ✜✦ ✒ ✰✜✗✘✒✦✦

✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢✶ ✛✖✴✒✧ ✬✗✗✣✖✓ ✬✒✦✢✖ ✫✕✗✘ ✒✴✕✜✪✮✧✢✮✕✒✧ ✒✪✢✜★✜✢✜✖✦ ✦✮✪✑ ✒✦ ✕✮✰✰✖✕ ✬✗✗✣ ✒✓✣ ✒✪✒✪✜✒ ✬✗✗✣✶ ✷✢

✑✒✦ ✒ ✪✒✙✒✪✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✸✹ ✺✻ ✧✗✪✒✢✖✣ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✒✕✖✒ ✗✫ ✼✽✼✶✾✿ ✕✒✜✶ ❀✑✖ �✗✘✙✒✓✚ ✑✒✦ ✰✖✖✓ ✒✙✙✕✗★✖✣ ✰✚ ✢✑✖

❁✧✖✪✢✕✜✪✜✢✚ ✔✖✓✖✕✒✢✜✓✴ ❂✮✢✑✗✕✜✢✚ ✗✫ ❀✑✒✜✧✒✓✣ ✤❁✔❂❀✥ ✮✓✣✖✕ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗✫ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✮✕✪✑✒✦✖ ✫✕✗✘ ✒ ✦✘✒✧✧

✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢ ✜✓ ✒✪✪✗✕✣✒✓✪✖ ✬✜✢✑ ✢✑✖ ❃✗✢✜✫✜✪✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✮✕✪✑✒✦✖ ✫✕✗✘ ✕✖✓✖✬✒✰✧✖ ✦✘✒✧✧ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢

❄✶❁✶✸✹✹❅ ✤✕✖★✜✦✜✗✓ ❄✶❁✶✸✹✹✸✥✶ ❀✑✜✦ ✜✦ ✪✗✑✖✕✖✓✢ ✬✜✢✑ ✢✑✖ ❂✧✢✖✕✓✒✢✜★✖ ❁✓✖✕✴✚ ✳✖★✖✧✗✙✘✖✓✢ ✁✧✒✓ ✗✫ ✢✑✖


❀✑✖ ✘✒✜✓ ✖❆✮✜✙✘✖✓✢ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✁✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✜✦ ✒ ✰✗✜✧✖✕ ✬✜✢✑ ✒ ✪✒✙✒✪✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✿❇ ✢✗✓❈✑✗✮✕✲ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✴✖✓✖✕✒✢✗✕

✬✜✢✑ ✒ ✪✒✙✒✪✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✸✹ ✺✻✲ ✒✓✣ ✦✮✙✙✗✕✢✜✓✴ ✦✚✦✢✖✘✶ ❀✑✖ ✣✖✦✜✴✓✖✣ ✪✒✙✒✪✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢ ✜✦ ✸✹ ✺✻ ✒✓✣

✢✑✖ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✓✴ ✪✒✙✒✪✜✢✚ ✜✦ ✸❉✶❅❅❉ ✺✻✶ ❂✰✗✮✢ ✸✶❉❇✼ ✺✻ ✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✮✦✖✣ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✁✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✒✓✣ ✢✑✖ ✕✖✦✢ ✗✫ ✸❅✶✽✸✸

✺✻ ✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✦✮✙✙✧✜✖✣ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✴✕✜✣ ✗✫ ❁✧✖✪✢✕✜✪✜✢✚ ✔✖✓✖✕✒✢✜✓✴ ❂✮✢✑✗✕✜✢✚ ✗✫ ❀✑✒✜✧✒✓✣ ✜✓ ✓✗✓✱✫✜✕✘ ✪✗✓✢✕✒✪✢


❀✑✖ ✦✢✮✣✚ ✬✒✦ ✪✗✓✣✮✪✢✖✣ ✜✓ ✗✕✣✖✕ ✢✗ ✒★✗✜✣✲ ✘✜✓✜✘✜❊✖ ✒✓✣ ✘✜✢✜✴✒✢✖ ✖✓★✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✒✓✣

✦✗✪✜✒✧ ✜✘✙✒✪✢✦ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✧✗✬✖✦✢ ✙✗✦✦✜✰✧✖ ✧✖★✖✧ ✢✗ ✜✓✪✕✖✒✦✖ ✙✗✢✖✓✢✜✒✧ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✣✖✦✜✴✓ ✒✓✣ ✜✓★✖✦✢✘✖✓✢✶

❀✑✖ ✙✕✜✓✪✜✙✒✧ ✪✕✜✢✖✕✜✒ ✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ✬✖✕✖ ✒✦ ✫✗✧✧✗✬✦❋

✤✼✥ ✺✒✜✓✧✚ ✮✢✜✧✜❊✖ ✢✑✖ ✒✕✖✒✦ ✢✗ ✘✜✢✜✴✒✢✖ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✗✓ ✙✖✗✙✧✖✦● ✧✒✓✣ ✮✦✖❍

✤✸✥ ❂★✗✜✣ ✑✜✦✢✗✕✜✪ ✒✕✖✒✦ ✗✕ ✒✕✪✑✒✖✗✧✗✴✜✪✒✧ ✦✜✢✖✦❍

✤❉✥ ■✒★✖ ✫✖✒✦✜✰✧✖ ✖✓✴✜✓✖✖✕✜✓✴ ✣✖✦✜✴✓ ✫✗✕ ✰✗✢✑ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✒✓✣ ✘✒✜✓✢✖✓✒✓✪✖❍

✤✾✥ ■✒★✖ ✖✓✗✮✴✑ ✰✒✦✜✪ ✜✓✫✕✒✦✢✕✮✪✢✮✕✖ ✢✗ ✦✮✙✙✗✕✢ ✢✑✖ ✓✖✖✣ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢❍

✤✹✥ �✒✮✦✖ ✢✑✖ ✧✖✒✦✢ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✗✓ ✦✖✓✦✜✢✜★✖ ✖✓★✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✒✕✖✒✦ ✦✮✪✑ ✒✦ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✜✖✦✲ ✕✖✧✜✴✜✗✮✦

✙✧✒✪✖✦✲ ✴✗★✖✕✓✘✖✓✢ ✗✫✫✜✪✖✦ ✒✓✣ ✑✗✦✙✜✢✒✧✦❍ ✒✓✣

✤✽✥ ❂★✗✜✣ ✢✑✖ ✒✕✖✒✦ ✦✙✖✪✜✫✜✖✣ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✒✢✢✒✪✑✘✖✓✢ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ❃✗✢✜✫✜✪✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✺✜✓✜✦✢✕✚ ✗✫ ❃✒✢✮✕✒✧

❏✖✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✒✓✣ ❁✓★✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢ ✗✓ ✦✙✖✪✜✫✜✪ ✪✗✓✦✖✕★✒✢✜★✖ ✒✕✖✒✦ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✑✒★✖ ✰✖✖✓ ✙✕✗✢✖✪✢✖✣ ✰✚ ✧✒✬✶

❀✑✖ �✑✒✓✒ ✔✕✖✖✓ ✁✗✬✖✕ ✁✧✒✓✢ ✁✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✜✦ ✦✮✰✩✖✪✢✖✣ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✕✖❆✮✜✕✖✘✖✓✢✦ ✗✓ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✖✙✒✕✒✢✜✗✓

✒✓✣ ✦✮✰✘✜✦✦✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✖✓★✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✒✦✦✖✦✦✘✖✓✢ ✤❁✷❂✥ ✕✖✙✗✕✢ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ❑✫✫✜✪✖ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ❃✒✢✮✕✒✧

❏✖✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✒✓✣ ❁✓★✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✁✗✧✜✪✚ ✒✓✣ ✁✧✒✓✓✜✓✴ ✤❑❃❁✁✥ ✫✗✕ ✕✖★✜✖✬ ✒✓✣ ✒✙✙✕✗★✒✧ ✮✓✣✖✕ ✢✑✖

❃✗✢✜✫✜✪✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✺✜✓✜✦✢✕✚ ✗✫ ❃✒✢✮✕✒✧ ❏✖✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✒✓✣ ❁✓★✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢ ✗✓ ✢✚✙✖ ✒✓✣ ✦✜❊✖ ✗✫ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗✕ ✒✪✢✜★✜✢✚

✢✑✒✢ ✕✖❆✮✜✕✖✦ ✢✗ ✙✕✖✙✒✕✖ ✖✓★✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✒✦✦✖✦✦✘✖✓✢ ✕✖✙✗✕✢ ✒✓✓✗✮✓✪✖✣ ✗✓ ✸✾ ❂✙✕✜✧ ✸❅✼✸ ✗✓ ✢✑✖

Page 3: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✝✟✏☎☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

Figure 1-1 Project Site and Study Area

Page 4: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✝✟✏☎☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

✔✗★✖✕✓✘✖✓✢ ✔✒✿✖✢✢✖ ✗✓ �✺ ❄✮✓✖ ✁✑�✁✶✥✶ ✙✚✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✢✚✖ ✛✗✓✦✮✧✢✒✓✢ ✗✫ ✙✖✪✚✓✗✧✗✴✜ ✛✗✘✣✒✓✜ ✤✩✘✩✢✖✬ ✭✒✦

✖✓✴✒✴✖✬ ✢✗ ✪✗✓✬✮✪✢ ✢✚✖ ✕✖✽✮✩✕✖✬ ✯✷✰ ✦✢✮✬✜✶ ✙✚✖ ✯✷✰ ✦✢✮✬✜ ✫✗✕ ✛✚✒✓✒ ✔✕✖✖✓ ✱✗✭✖✕ ✱✧✒✓✢ ✱✕✗✳✖✪✢

✪✗✘✣✧✩✖✬ ✭✩✢✚ ✒✣✣✧✩✪✒✵✧✖ ✙✚✒✩ ✧✒✭✦ ✩✶✖✶ ❃✻✯✱ ✴✮✩✬✖✧✩✓✖✦ ✫✗✕ ✯✷✰ ✕✖✣✗✕✢ ✫✗✕ ✱✗✭✖✕ ✱✧✒✓✢ ✭✚✩✪✚ ✩✓✪✧✮✬✖

✖✓★✩✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✦✢✒✓✬✒✕✬✦✸✕✖✴✮✧✒✢✩✗✓✦ ✗✫ ✹✖✣✒✕✢✘✖✓✢ ✗✫ ✷✓✬✮✦✢✕✩✒✧ ✼✗✕✾✦✲ ❀✩✓✩✦✢✕✜ ✗✫ ✷✓✬✮✦✢✕✜✲ ❀✩✓✩✦✢✕✜

✗✫ ✻✒✢✮✕✒✧ ❁✖✦✗✮✕✪✖ ✒✓✬ ✯✓★✩✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✲ ❀✩✓✩✦✢✕✜ ✗✫ ✷✓✢✖✕✩✗✕✲ ❀✩✓✩✦✢✕✜ ✗✫ ✙✕✒✓✦✣✗✕✢ ✒✓✬

✛✗✘✘✮✓✩✪✒✢✩✗✓✦✲ ✒✓✬ ❀✩✓✩✦✢✕✜ ✗✫ ✤✒✵✗✕✶

✰✦ ✢✚✖ ✣✕✗✳✖✪✢ ✦✚✒✧✧ ✪✕✖✒✢✖ ✢✖✘✣✗✕✒✕✜ ✒✓✬ ✣✖✕✘✒✓✖✓✢ ✖✘✣✧✗✜✘✖✓✢✦ ✫✗✕ ✦✾✩✧✧✖✬ ✒✓✬ ✮✓✦✾✩✧✧✖✬

✧✒✵✗✕✦✲ ✢✚✖ ✣✕✗✳✖✪✢ ✦✚✗✮✧✬ ✫✮✧✧✜ ✪✗✘✣✧✜ ✭✩✢✚ ✰✹❂❅✦ ❆✗✪✩✒✧ ✱✕✗✢✖✪✢✩✗✓ ❆✢✕✒✢✖✴✜ ❇✁✑✑�✥ ✭✚✩✪✚ ✮✣✚✗✧✬✦

✩✓✢✖✕✓✒✢✩✗✓✒✧ ✕✖✪✗✴✓✩✿✖✬ ✧✒✵✗✕ ✦✢✒✓✬✒✕✬✦ ✒✓✬✸✗✕ ✓✒✢✩✗✓✒✧ ✧✒✵✗✕ ✧✒✭✦✲ ✣✒✕✢✩✪✮✧✒✕✧✜ ✗✓ ✢✚✖ ✫✗✧✧✗✭✩✓✴

✪✗✓★✖✓✢✩✗✓✦❈ ❇�✥ ✓✗ ✚✒✕✘✫✮✧ ✗✕ ✖❉✣✧✗✩✢✒✢✩★✖ ✫✗✕✘✦ ✗✫ ✫✗✕✪✖✬ ✧✒✵✗✕✲ ❇✁✥ ✓✗ ✪✚✩✧✬ ✧✒✵✗✕✲ ❇❊✥ ✓✗

✬✩✦✪✕✩✘✩✓✒✢✩✗✓ ✩✓ ✕✖✦✣✖✪✢ ✗✫ ✖✘✣✧✗✜✘✖✓✢ ✒✓✬ ✗✪✪✮✣✒✢✩✗✓✲ ✒✓✬ ❇❋✥ ✓✗ ✕✖✦✢✕✩✪✢✩✗✓✦ ✗✫ ✫✕✖✖✬✗✘ ✗✫

✒✦✦✗✪✩✒✢✩✗✓ ✒✓✬ ✢✚✖ ✖✫✫✖✪✢✩★✖ ✕✖✪✗✴✓✩✢✩✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✚✖ ✕✩✴✚✢ ✢✗ ✪✗✧✧✖✪✢✩★✖ ✵✒✕✴✒✩✓✩✓✴✶ ✷✓ ✒✬✬✩✢✩✗✓✲ ✢✚✖ ✛✚✒✓✒

✔✕✖✖✓ ✱✗✭✖✕ ✱✧✒✓✢ ✣✕✗✳✖✪✢ ✦✚✗✮✧✬ ✫✮✧✧✜ ✪✗✘✣✧✜ ✭✩✢✚ ✢✚✖ ✕✖✧✖★✒✓✢ ✕✖✽✮✩✕✖✘✖✓✢✦ ✗✫ ✢✚✖ ✰✹❂●✦ ❆✒✫✖✴✮✒✕✬

✱✗✧✩✪✜ ❆✢✒✢✖✘✖✓✢ ❇❆✱❆✥ ✢✚✕✗✮✴✚✗✮✢ ✢✚✖ ✣✕✗✳✖✪✢ ✗✣✖✕✒✢✩✗✓ ✒✓✬ ✘✒✩✓✢✖✓✒✓✪✖ ✣✖✕✩✗✬✶ ❃✵✳✖✪✢✩★✖✦ ✗✫ ✰✹❂❅✦

✖✓★✩✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✒✓✬ ✦✗✪✩✒✧ ✦✒✫✖✴✮✒✕✬✦ ✒✕✖ ✢✗❈ ❇✩✥ ✒★✗✩✬ ✒✬★✖✕✦✖ ✩✘✣✒✪✢✦ ✗✫ ✣✕✗✳✖✪✢✦ ✗✓ ✢✚✖ ✖✓★✩✕✗✓✘✖✓✢

✒✓✬ ✒✫✫✖✪✢✖✬ ✣✖✗✣✧✖✲ ✭✚✖✕✖ ✣✗✦✦✩✵✧✖❍ ❇✩✩✥ ✘✩✓✩✘✩✿✖✲ ✘✩✢✩✴✒✢✖✲ ✒✓✬✸✗✕ ✪✗✘✣✖✓✦✒✢✖ ✫✗✕ ✒✬★✖✕✦✖ ✣✕✗✳✖✪✢

✩✘✣✒✪✢✦ ✗✓ ✢✚✖ ✖✓★✩✕✗✓✘✖✓✢ ✒✓✬ ✒✫✫✖✪✢✖✬ ✣✖✗✣✧✖ ✭✚✖✓ ✒★✗✩✬✒✓✪✖ ✩✦ ✓✗✢ ✣✗✦✦✩✵✧✖✲ ✒✓✬ ❇✩✩✩✥ ✚✖✧✣

✵✗✕✕✗✭✖✕✦✸✪✧✩✖✓✢✦ ✢✗ ✦✢✕✖✓✴✢✚✖✓ ✢✚✖✩✕ ✦✒✫✖✴✮✒✕✬ ✦✜✦✢✖✘✦ ✒✓✬ ✬✖★✖✧✗✣ ✢✚✖ ✪✒✣✒✪✩✢✜ ✢✗ ✘✒✓✒✴✖

✖✓★✩✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✒✓✬ ✦✗✪✩✒✧ ✕✩✦✾✦✶ ❆✩✓✪✖ ✢✚✖ ✣✕✗✳✖✪✢ ✩✦ ✛✒✢✖✴✗✕✜ ❂ ✫✗✕ ✖✓★✩✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✲ ❆✒✫✖✴✮✒✕✬

❁✖✽✮✩✕✖✘✖✓✢✦ �❈ ✯✓★✩✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✒✓✬ ✖✧✖★✖✓ ✣✗✧✩✪✜ ✣✕✩✓✪✩✣✧✖✦ ✚✒★✖ ✵✖✖✓ ✢✕✩✴✴✖✕✖✬ ❇✕✖✫✖✕✕✖✬ ✢✗ ✣✒✴✖ �✺

✗✫ ✢✚✖ ❆✱❆✲ ✁✑✑■✥✶ ✰✦ ✢✚✩✦ ✩✦ ✒ ✢✚✖✕✘✒✧ ✣✗✭✖✕ ✣✧✒✓✢ ✩✢ ✭✩✧✧ ✬✖✫✩✓✩✢✖✧✜ ✪✕✖✒✢✖ ✓✖✴✒✢✩★✖ ✩✘✣✒✪✢ ✦✮✪✚ ✒✦

✖✘✩✦✦✩✗✓ ✢✗ ✒✩✕✲ ✭✒✢✖✕✲ ✓✗✩✦✖✲ ✭✒✦✢✖ ✒✓✬ ✔❏✔ ✖✘✩✦✦✩✗✓✦ ✗✓ ✩✢✦ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✖✓★✩✕✗✓✘✖✓✢ ✵✮✢ ✵✒✦✖✬ ✗✓ ✢✚✖ ✷✯✯

✩✦ ✘✩✓✩✘✒✧ ✒✓✬ ✩✓ ✢✚✖ ✖★✖✓✢ ✗✫ ✒ ✓✖✴✒✢✩★✖ ✩✘✣✒✪✢✲ ✘✩✢✩✴✒✢✩✗✓ ✘✖✒✦✮✕✖✦ ✗✮✢✧✩✓✖✬ ✩✓ ✢✚✖✩✕ ✯✓★✩✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧

✒✓✬ ❆✗✪✩✒✧ ✰✪✢✩✗✓ ✱✧✒✓ ❇✯❆✰✱✥ ✭✩✧✧ ✵✖ ✩✘✣✧✖✘✖✓✢✖✬✶ ✰✣✣✧✩✪✒✵✧✖ ✦✢✒✓✬✒✕✬✦ ✩✓ ✢✚✖ ✼✗✕✧✬ ❂✒✓✾ ✔✕✗✮✣●✦

✯✓★✩✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧✲ ❏✖✒✧✢✚ ✒✓✬ ❆✒✫✖✢✜ ❇✯❏❆✥ ✴✮✩✬✖✧✩✓✖✦❑✒✦ ✕✖✽✮✩✕✖✬ ✵✜ ✰✹❂ ❆✱❆ ❆✒✫✖✴✮✒✕✬✦ ❁✖✽✮✩✕✖✘✖✓✢

� ✩✓ ✕✖✧✒✢✩✗✓ ✢✗ ✣✗✧✧✮✢✩✗✓ ✣✕✖★✖✓✢✩✗✓ ✒✓✬ ✚✖✒✧✢✚ ✒✓✬ ✦✒✫✖✢✜ ✕✩✦✾✦✶

✙✚✖ ✕✖✦✮✧✢✦ ✗✫ ✢✚✖ ✦✢✮✬✜ ❇✩✓✪✧✮✬✩✓✴ ✢✚✖ ✦✮✘✘✒✕✜ ✗✫ ✢✚✖ ✾✖✜ ✖✓★✩✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✒✓✬ ✦✗✪✩✒✧ ✵✒✦✖✧✩✓✖ ✬✒✢✒✲

✒✓✢✩✪✩✣✒✢✖✬ ✩✘✣✒✪✢✦ ✒✓✬ ✒✦✦✗✪✩✒✢✖✬ ✘✩✢✩✴✒✢✩✗✓ ✘✖✒✦✮✕✖✦✥ ✒✓✬ ✕✖✪✗✘✘✖✓✬✒✢✩✗✓✦ ✩✓ ✢✚✖ ✷✯✯ ✦✢✮✬✜ ✒✕✖

✦✮✘✘✒✕✩✿✖✬ ✒✦ ✫✗✧✧✗✭✦❈

1.1 Air quality

1 WB EHS guidelines to be complied: on general guidelines; on waste management facilities (as ash pond on site); on transmission and distribution lines (for associated facility); and on thermal power (Table 5 - Effluent Guidelines).

Page 5: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✝✟✏☎☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

�✓★✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✒✦✦✖✦✦✘✖✓✢ ✫✗✕ ✒✜✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✫✕✗✘ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗★✖✕ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓✲

✒✓✣ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣✦ ✬✖✕✖ ✒✓✒✧✚✿✖✣ ✮✦✜✓✴ ✁�✔✸❃✳ ✘✗✣✖✧✜✓✴ ✦✚✦✢✖✘ ✰✚ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓

✙✖✕✜✗✣ ✑✒✦ ✖✘✜✦✦✜✗✓ ✦✗✮✕✪✖ ✒✦ ❇✁✕✖✒ ✯✗✮✕✪✖❈ ✬✑✜✧✖ ✢✑✖ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣ ✑✒✦ ✖✘✜✦✦✜✗✓ ✦✗✮✕✪✖ ✒✦

❇✛✗✜✓✢ ✯✗✮✕✪✖❈✶

✁✜✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✒✦✦✖✦✦✘✖✓✢ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗★✖✕ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣ ✬✒✦ ✦✢✮✣✜✖✣✶ ✤✑✖

✢✗✢✒✧ ✦✮✦✙✖✓✣✖✣ ✙✒✕✢✜✪✮✧✒✢✖✦ ✥✤✯✛✭ ✣✜✦✙✖✕✦✜✗✓ ✬✖✕✖ ✗✰✢✒✜✓✖✣ ✫✕✗✘ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✒✪✢✜★✜✢✜✖✦ ✮✦✜✓✴ ✢✑✖ ✣✒✢✒

✫✕✗✘ ✢✑✖ ❉✯ �✛✁ ✒✦ ✙✖✕ ✢✑✖ ❇✱✗✘✙✜✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✁✜✕ ✛✗✧✧✮✢✜✗✓ �✘✜✦✦✜✗✓ ❊✒✪✢✗✕✦❈ ✛✮✰✧✜✪✒✢✜✗✓ ✻❃✶✁✛✵✷✹

✥✺✼✼✾✭ ✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ✺✶✹ ✢✗✓✓✖❀✒✪✕✖❀✘✗✓✢✑✲ ✗✕ ✼✶❁❁ ✴❀✦✽✶✘✶❀✣✒✚ ✥❂✶❂❂❂✺✺✷ ✴❀✦✽✶✘✶❀✦✖✪✭✲ ✒✓✣ ✦✗✜✧ ✢✚✙✖ ✗✫

✢✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✒✕✖✒ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ✪✧✒✚ ✧✗✒✘ ✥✪✗✓✢✒✜✓✜✓✴ ✛✸✵✺❂ ✒✕✗✮✓✣ ❄✾✵❅❂❋✲ ✗✕ ✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ❂✶✷✹

✢✗✓✓✖❀✒✪✕✖❀✘✗✓✢✑✲ ✗✕ ❂✶❂❂❂❂❄✼✼ ✴❀✦✽✶✘✶❀✦✖✪✭✶ ✁✪✢✜★✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✫✗✕ ✦✗✜✧ ✦✮✕✫✒✪✖ ✕✖✘✗★✒✧ ✜✦ ✣✗✓✖

✫✕✗✘ ✒ ✦✘✒✧✧ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✒✕✖✒ ✗✫ ✹❂❂ ✦✽✶✘✶ ✥✒✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✖✫✫✜✪✜✖✓✪✚ ✗✫ ✘✒✪✑✜✓✖✭ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✬✒✦ ✒✧✧✗✬✖✣

✢✗ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✖ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✒✪✢✜★✜✢✜✖✦ ✗✓✧✚ ✫✕✗✘ ❁✶❂❂ ✢✗✺● ✶❂❂ ✑✕✦✲ ✒✓✣ ✬✗✕❍✜✓✴ ✫✕✗✘ ✸✗✓✣✒✚ ✢✗

✯✒✢✮✕✣✒✚ ✗✓✧✚✶ ✁ ✜✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✒✦✦✖✦✦✘✖✓✢ ✬✒✦ ✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ✫✗✕ ✛✸✵✺❂ ✖✘✜✦✦✜✗✓ ✧✗✒✣✜✓✴ ✫✕✗✘

✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✘✒✪✑✜✓✖ ✒✓✣ ✦✗✜✧ ✦✮✕✫✒✪✖ ✕✖✘✗★✒✧ ✒✪✢✜★✜✢✚✶ ✤✑✖✓✲ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✖✣✜✪✢✖✣ ✴✕✗✮✓✣ ✪✗✓✪✖✓✢✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✬✒✦

✪✗✘✙✒✕✖✣ ✢✗ ✒✘✰✜✖✓✢ ✒✜✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✦✢✒✓✣✒✕✣ ✒✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✻�■ ✙✕✗✘✮✧✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✜✦✦✮✖✣ ✹✺❏❑✥■✶�✶ ✹✾✷✷✭✲

✜✦✦✮✖✣ ✹✷❑▲✥■✶�✶ ✹✾✷●✭✲ ✒✓✣ ✜✦✦✮✖✣ ❄❄

▼◆✥■✶�✶ ✹✾✾✹✭ ✒✓✣ ✪✗✘✙✧✜✒✓✪✖ ✬✜✢✑ ❖■ P❊✱ �◗✯ ❘✖✓✖✕✒✧

❘✮✜✣✖✧✜✓✖✦ ✗✓ ❖◗❃ ✁✘✰✜✖✓✢ ✁✜✕ ❙✮✒✧✜✢✚ ❘✮✜✣✖✧✜✓✖✦✶ P✢ ✬✒✦ ✫✗✮✓✣ ✢✑✒✢ ✒✧✧ ✙✕✖✣✜✪✢✖✣ ✕✖✦✮✧✢✦ ✣✜✣ ✓✗✢

✖❆✪✖✖✣ ✒✘✰✜✖✓✢ ✒✜✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✓✒✢✜✗✓✒✧ ✒✓✣ ✜✓✢✖✕✓✒✢✜✗✓✒✧ ✦✢✒✓✣✒✕✣✦✶

❊✗✕ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣✲ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✑✒✦ ✖✘✜✦✦✜✗✓ ✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✫✕✗✘ ✢✑✗✦✖ ✰✗✜✧✖✕ ✦✢✒✪❍✦ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢✶

✛✕✖✣✜✪✢✖✣ ✒✘✰✜✖✓✢ ✒✜✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✗★✖✕ ✦✢✮✣✜✖✣ ✴✕✜✣ ✗✫ ✺❄❆✺❄ ✦✽✶❍✘ ✑✒✣ ❄ ✒✦✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓✦ ✰✚❚

✥✺✭ ✱✒✦✖ ✺❯ ❊✗✕✖✪✒✦✢✜✓✴ ✒✜✕ ✖✘✜✦✦✜✗✓ ✦✗✮✕✪✖ ✫✕✗✘ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢✲

✥✹✭ ✱✒✦✖ ✹❯ ❊✗✕✖✪✒✦✢✜✓✴ ✒✜✕ ✖✘✜✦✦✜✗✓ ✦✗✮✕✪✖ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✥✜✓✪✧✮✣✜✓✴ ✣✗✬✓✬✒✦✑✭✲ ✒✓✣

✥❄✭ ✱✒✦✖ ❄❯ ❊✗✕✖✪✒✦✢✜✓✴ ✒✜✕ ✖✘✜✦✦✜✗✓ ✦✗✮✕✪✖ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✥✜✓✪✧✮✣✜✓✴ ✣✗✬✓✬✒✦✑✭ ✰✚ ✬✑✜✪✑

✒✜✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✪✗✓✢✕✗✧ ✖✽✮✜✙✘✖✓✢ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✰✗✜✧✖✕ ✥✪✒✙✒✪✜✢✚ ✼✾ ✢✗✓✓✖❀✑✕✭ ✜✦ ✓✗✢ ✬✗✕❍✜✓✴✶

✤✑✖✓✲ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✖✣✜✪✢✖✣ ✴✕✗✮✓✣ ✪✗✓✪✖✓✢✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✫✗✕ ✒✧✧ ✪✒✦✖✦ ✥✦✗✘✖ ✪✒✦✖ ✬✒✦ ✪✗✘✰✜✓✖✣ ✬✜✢✑

✘✗✓✜✢✗✕✜✓✴ ✰✒✪❍✴✕✗✮✓✣ ✪✗✓✪✖✓✢✕✒✢✜✗✓✭ ✗✰✢✒✜✓✖✣ ✫✕✗✘ ✢✑✖ ✁�✔✸❃✳ ✘✗✣✖✧✜✓✴ ✦✚✦✢✖✘ ✬✒✦ ✪✗✘✙✒✕✖✣

✢✗ ✒✘✰✜✖✓✢ ✒✜✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✦✢✒✓✣✒✕✣ ✒✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✻�■ ✙✕✗✘✮✧✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✜✦✦✮✖✣ ✹✺❏❑✥■✶�✶ ✹✾✷✷✭✲ ✜✦✦✮✖✣ ✹✷


✥■✶�✶ ✹✾✷●✭✲ ✒✓✣ ✜✦✦✮✖✣ ❄❄▼◆

✥■✶�✶ ✹✾✾✹✭ ✒✓✣ ✪✗✘✙✧✜✒✓✪✖ ✬✜✢✑ ❖■ P❊✱ �◗✯ ❘✖✓✖✕✒✧ ❘✮✜✣✖✧✜✓✖✦❯

✯✘✒✧✧ ✱✗✘✰✮✦✢✜✗✓ ❊✒✪✜✧✜✢✜✖✦ �✘✜✦✦✜✗✓✦ ❘✮✜✣✖✧✜✓✖✦ ✥❄✸❖✢✑ ❱ ✾❂✸❖✢✑✭✶ P✢ ✬✒✦ ✫✗✮✓✣ ✢✑✒✢ ✒✧✧ ✙✕✖✣✜✪✢✖✣

✕✖✦✮✧✢✦ ✣✜✣ ✓✗✢ ✖❆✪✖✖✣ ✒✘✰✜✖✓✢ ✒✜✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✓✒✢✜✗✓✒✧ ✒✓✣ ✜✓✢✖✕✓✒✢✜✗✓✒✧ ✦✢✒✓✣✒✕✣✦✶

1.2 Noise

Page 6: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✝✟✏☎☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

✻✗✜✦✖ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✒✦✦✖✦✦✘✖✓✢ ✬✒✦ ✒✦✦✖✦✦✖✣ ✰✚ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✮✧✢✒✓✢ ✗✓ ✢✬✗ ✦✖✓✦✜✢✜★✖ ✒✕✖✒✦❀ �✑✒✓✒

�✑✒✓✮✙✒✢✑✒✘ ✯✪✑✗✗✧ ✧✗✪✒✢✖✣ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✓✗✕✢✑✱✬✖✦✢ ✣✜✕✖✪✢✜✗✓ ✫✕✗✘ ✢✑✖ ✓✗✜✦✖ ✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢

✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ✾✁✔ ✘❂ ✒✓✣ ✸✗✗ ✺ ✼✒✒✓✢✮✓✴ ✗✕ ✫✜✕✦✢ ✑✗✘✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✧✗✪✒✢✖✣ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✖✒✦✢ ✣✜✕✖✪✢✜✗✓ ✫✕✗✘ ✢✑✖

✓✗✜✦✖ ✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ✺✛✛ ✘✶ ✤✑✖ ✒✦✦✖✦✦✘✖✓✢ ✪✗★✖✕✖✣ ✰✗✢✑ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✒✓✣

✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣✦ ✜✓ ✜✢✦ ✬✗✕✦✢ ✪✒✦✖ ✦✪✖✓✒✕✜✗ ✜✓✪✧✮✣✜✓✴ ✘✒✪✑✜✓✖ ✜✓✦✢✒✧✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢✶

✷✓✢✖✕✫✖✕✜✓✴ ✓✗✜✦✖ ✧✖★✖✧ ✪✒✧✪✮✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✫✕✗✘ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✒✪✢✜★✜✢✜✖✦ ✢✗ ✸✗✗ ✺ ✼✒✓✴✢✮✓✴ ✥✫✜✕✦✢ ✑✗✘✖

✙✕✗✩✖✪✢✭ ✣✮✕✜✓✴ ✛✺✶✛✛ ■ ✁✔✶✛✛ ✑✕✦✶ ✕✖★✖✒✧✖✣ ✢✑✒✢ ✓✗✜✦✖ ✧✖★✖✧ ✬✒✦ ✺✶✁✱✁✛✶✔ ✣✼✥✲✭ ✰✚ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✪✒✧✪✮✧✒✢✖✣

✓✗✜✦✖ ✧✖★✖✧ ✦✢✜✧✧ ✓✗✢ ✖❆✪✖✖✣ ✓✗✜✦✖ ✧✖★✖✧ ✦✢✒✓✣✒✕✣ ✒✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✻✳✼ ✙✕✗✘✮✧✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✜✦✦✮✖✣ ✵✹ ❄✮✓✖

✵✛✛● ✥✼✶✳✶✵✽✽✛✭ ✒✰✗✮✢ ✜✓✢✖✕✫✖✕✜✓✴ ✥❇✒✓✓✗✚✒✓✪✖❈✭ ✓✗✜✦✖ ✧✖★✖✧ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✬✒✦ ✧✜✘✜✢✖✣ ✢✗ ✁✛ ✣✼✥✲✭✶ ✿✗✬✖★✖✕❁ ✒✓

✖❆✪✖✖✣✒✓✪✖ ✬✒✦ ✫✗✮✓✣ ✗✓ ✵✾ ✱✵❃ ✲✮✴✮✦✢ ✵✛✁✺✶ ❅✑✜✧✖ ✢✑✖ ✓✜✴✑✢✢✜✘✖ ✣✮✕✜✓✴ ✵✵✶✛✛ ■ ✛✺✶✛✛ ✑✕✦❁ ✓✗✜✦✖ ✧✖★✖✧

✬✒✦ ✛ ✶ ✛ ✱ ✽ ✶ ✺ ✣✼✥✲✭ ✜✓✣✜✪✒✢✜✓✴ ✓✗✜✦✖ ✧✖★✖✧ ✣✜✣ ✓✗✢ ✖❆✪✖✖✣ ✓✗✜✦✖ ✧✖★✖✧ ✦✢✒✓✣✒✕✣✶ ✯✜✓✪✖ ✢✑✖✕✖ ✜✦ ✓✗

✜✓✢✖✕✫✖✕✜✓✴ ✓✗✜✦✖ ✧✖★✖✧ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ❅✼ ✷❊� ✳✿✯ ❉✖✓✖✕✒✧ ❉✮✜✣✖✧✜✓✖✦❁ ✘✜✢✜✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✘✖✒✦✮✕✖✦ ✣✖✢✒✜✧✖✣ ✜✓ ✢✑✖

✳✸❋ ✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✮✓✣✖✕✢✒❍✖✓ ✢✗ ✘✗✓✜✢✗✕ ✒✣✑✖✕✖✓✪✖ ✢✗ ✓✗✜✦✖ ✦✢✒✓✣✒✕✣✦✶ ✤✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖❁ ✓✗✜✦✖ ✧✖★✖✧ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✫✕✗✘

✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✒✪✢✜★✜✢✜✖✦ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✜✦ ✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ✧✗✬✶

1.3 Water consumption

❅✒✢✖✕ ✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✦✮✙✙✧✜✖✣ ✫✕✗✘ ✢✬✗ ✦✗✮✕✪✖✦❀ ✕✖✦✖✕★✖✣ ✕✒✜✓ ✫✒✧✧✦ ✜✓

✢✑✖ ✫✕✖✦✑ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✕✖✦✖✕★✗✜✕❂ ✒✓✣ ✜✕✕✜✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✫✕✗✘ ✢✑✖ ✻✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ �✒✓✒✧✶ ✤✗✢✒✧ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓ ✗✫

✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ●✵✔❁✾✽❃ ✪✮✶✘✶❏✚✕✶ ✳✦✢✜✘✒✢✖✣ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✒✧✧ ✒✪✢✜★✜✢✜✖✦ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✦✢✮✣✚ ✒✕✖✒

✫✕✗✘ ✢✑✖ ✻✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ �✒✓✒✧ ✬✒✢✖✕✦✑✖✣ ✗★✖✕ ✾✛ ✚✖✒✕✦ ✒✕✖ ✢✑✖ ✫✗✧✧✗✬✜✓✴❀ ✢✒✙ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✙✕✗✣✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✑✖

❋✕✗★✜✓✪✜✒✧ ✤✒✙ ❅✒✢✖✕ ✲✮✢✑✗✕✜✢✚ ✻✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ ✼✕✒✓✪✑ ✥✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ✁✶✺✾ ✘✜✧✧✜✗✓ ✪✮✶✘✶❏✚✕✭❂ ✢✗✢✒✧ ✬✒✢✖✕

✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓ ✜✓ ✻✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ ❑✜✦✢✕✜✪✢ ✥✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ✾✶✾✽ ✘✜✧✧✜✗✓ ✪✮✶✘✶❏✚✕✭❂ ✢✗✢✒✧ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓ ✫✗✕

✒✴✕✜✪✮✧✢✮✕✖ ✥✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ✹✔✶✔✹ ✘✜✧✧✜✗✓ ✪✮✶✘✶❏✚✕✭❂ ✢✗✢✒✧ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓ ✜✓ �✑✒✓✒ ❑✜✦✢✕✜✪✢

✥✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ❃✶✹✔ ✘✜✧✧✜✗✓ ✪✮✶✘✶❏✚✕✭❂ ✒✓✣ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓ ✫✗✕ ✖✪✗✧✗✴✜✪✒✧ ✪✗✓✦✖✕★✒✢✜✗✓ ✫✗✕ ✢✑✖

✻✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ ✬✒✢✖✕✦✑✖✣ ✥✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ❃●✶✵✔ ✘✜✧✧✜✗✓ ✪✮✶✘✶❏✚✕✭✶ ❊✕✗✘ ✢✑✖ ✦✢✮✣✚❁ ✜✢ ✬✒✦ ✜✓✣✜✪✒✢✖✣ ✢✑✒✢

✬✒✢✖✕ ✜✕✕✜✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✬✜✢✑✗✮✢ ✒✓✚ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✢✗ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✚ ✕✖▲✮✜✕✖✣ ✫✕✖✦✑ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✕✖✦✖✕★✗✜✕ ✢✗ ✘✒✜✓✢✒✜✓ ✬✒✢✖✕

✦✮✙✙✧✚ ✫✗✕ ✒✢ ✧✖✒✦✢ ❃ ✘✗✓✢✑✦ ✰✚ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✑✖✒✣ ✢✗ ✦✮✙✙✧✚ ✫✗✕ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✘✮✦✢ ✰✖ ✦✢✒✕✢✖✣ ✒✢ ▼✽✶✾✽ ✘✶

✒✰✗★✖ ✘✖✒✓ ✦✖✒ ✧✖★✖✧ ✥✘✦✧✭ ✗✕ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✑✖✒✣ ✜✦ ✑✜✴✑✖✕ ✢✑✒✓ ✰✗✢✢✗✘ ✦✢✕✖✒✘ ✧✖★✖✧ ✒✕✗✮✓✣ ✛ ✶ ✁✽ ✘✶ ✫✗✕

✘✒✜✓✢✒✜✓ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✦✮✙✙✧✚✜✓✴ ✗✫ ✁✽❁✾✺✽ ✪✮✶✘✶❏✣✒✚✶ ✤✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖❁ ✒✓ ✜✓✦✢✒✧✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✫✕✖✦✑ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✕✖✦✖✕★✗✜✕ ✬✜✢✑

✬✒✢✖✕ ✜✕✕✜✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✬✜✧✧ ✪✒✮✦✖ ✒✪✪✖✙✢✒✰✧✖ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✢✗ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓✶

1.4 Water quality/irrigation and flooding prevention

❅✒✢✖✕ ✣✕✒✜✓✒✴✖ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✒✕✖✒ ✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✣✗✓✖ ✰✚ ✜✓✦✢✒✧✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✖✘✙✗✕✒✕✚ ✦✙✜✧✧✬✒✚✦

✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✦✒✘✖ ✧✗✪✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✙✖✕✘✒✓✖✓✢ ✦✙✜✧✧✬✒✚ ✢✗ ✣✕✒✜✓ ✕✒✜✓ ✫✒✧✧ ✢✗ ✫✕✖✦✑ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✕✖✦✖✕★✗✜✕ ✫✗✕ ✕✖✮✦✖✶

✲✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✫✧✗✗✣✜✓✴ ✙✕✖★✖✓✢✜✗✓ ✘✖✒✦✮✕✖✦❁ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✪✗✘✘✒✓✣ ✦✮✰✪✗✓✢✕✒✪✢✗✕ ✓✗✢ ✢✗ ✧✖✒★✖ ✒✓✚

Page 7: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✝✟✏☎☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

✴✒✕✰✒✴✖ ✢✗ ✦✙✜✧✧✬✒✚ ✒✓✣ ✕✖✘✗★✖ ✦✖✣✜✘✖✓✢✦ ✖★✖✕✚ ✺ ✘✗✓✢✑✦ ✬✜✢✑ ✪✑✖✪✵✜✓✴ ✫✗✕ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✰✧✗✪✵✜✓✴ ✗✫ ✢✑✗✦✖

✦✙✜✧✧✬✒✚✦✶ �✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✢✗ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✣✕✒✜✓✒✴✖ ✒✓✣ ✫✧✗✗✣✜✓✴ ✙✕✖★✖✓✢✜✗✓ ✜✦ ✧✗✬✶

�✑✖ ✣✖✦✜✴✓ ✗✫ ✕✒✜✓ ✫✒✧✧ ✦✙✜✧✧✬✒✚ ✒✓✣ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✦✙✜✧✧✬✒✚ ✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✦✖✙✒✕✒✢✖✣ ✮✦✜✓✴ ✙✜✙✖✧✜✓✖

✬✜✢✑ ✦✒✫✖✢✚ ✫✒✪✢✗✕ ✘✗✕✖ ✢✑✒✓ ✁✶✾✶ ✷✢ ✬✒✦ ✫✗✮✓✣ ✢✑✒✢ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✑✒✦ ✪✒✙✒✪✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✪✒✙✢✮✕✖✣ ✕✒✜✓ ✫✒✧✧ ✢✗

✾✔✲✛✾●✶✔● ✪✮✶✘✶✤✾ ✑✕ ✰✚ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✮✦✖ ✫✕✖✦✑ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✕✖✦✖✕★✗✜✕ ✬✜✢✑ ✪✒✙✒✪✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✾●✥✲✥✥✥ ✪✮✶✘✶

✢✗ ✘✒✜✓✢✒✜✓ ✕✒✜✓ ✫✒✧✧ ✦✮✫✫✜✪✜✖✓✢✧✚✶

✹✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✣✜✦✪✑✒✕✴✖✣ ✫✕✗✘ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣ ✜✦ ✘✒✜✓✧✚ ✫✕✗✘ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✬✗✕✵✖✕✦

✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ✁● ✪✮✶✘✶✤✣✒✚ ✭✪✒✧✪✮✧✒✢✖✣ ✫✕✗✘ ✯✥❋ ✗✫ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓✱ ✫✕✗✘ ✾✥✥ ✬✗✕✵✖✕✦✶

�✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✙✕✗★✜✣✖ ✦✮✫✫✜✪✜✖✓✢ ✦✒✓✜✢✒✕✚ ✧✒★✒✢✗✕✜✖✦ ✢✗ ✢✑✗✦✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✬✗✕✵✖✕✦ ✒✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✕✖✧✒✢✖✣

✧✒✬✦ ✬✜✢✑ ✒✓ ✜✓✦✢✒✧✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✦✖✙✢✜✪ ✢✒✓✵ ✗✕ ✜✓✦✢✒✓✢ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✢✕✖✒✢✘✖✓✢ ✢✒✓✵ ✢✗ ✢✕✖✒✢ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕

✣✜✦✪✑✒✕✴✖✣ ✫✕✗✘ ✬✗✕✵✖✕ ✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓✶ �✑✮✦✲ ✢✕✖✒✢✖✣ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✑✒✦ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✒✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✕✖✧✒✢✖✣

✦✢✒✓✣✒✕✣✦ ✰✖✫✗✕✖ ✦✖✓✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✫✮✕✢✑✖✕ ✢✕✖✒✢✘✖✓✢ ✰✚ ✕✖✦✙✗✓✦✜✰✧✖ ✗✕✴✒✓✜✿✒✢✜✗✓✦✶ �✑✖ ✦✖✙✢✜✪ ✢✒✓✵ ✗✕ ✜✓✦✢✒✓✢

✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✢✕✖✒✢✘✖✓✢ ✢✒✓✵ ✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✘✒✜✓✢✒✜✓✖✣ ✢✗ ✒ ✙✕✗✙✖✕ ✪✗✓✣✜✢✜✗✓ ✫✗✕ ✮✦✜✓✴ ✗★✖✕ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓

✙✖✕✜✗✣✲ ✒✓✣ ✢✕✖✒✢✜✓✴ ✢✑✗✦✖ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✒✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✰✮✜✧✣✜✓✴ ✢✚✙✖ ✳✗✕ ✭�✑✒✜

✸✧✙✑✒✰✖✢✱ ✮✓✣✖✕ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✘✮✧✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✻✜✓✜✦✢✕✚ ✗✫ ✼✒✢✮✕✒✧ ❀✖✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✒✓✣ ❁✓★✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢ ✒✰✗✮✢

✬✒✦✢✖✕✬✒✢✖✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✣✜✦✪✑✒✕✴✖✣ ✫✕✗✘ ✦✗✘✖ ✰✮✜✧✣✜✓✴ ✢✚✙✖✦✲ ✒✓✣ ✦✜✿✖✦✶ ✻✗✓✜✢✗✕✜✓✴ ✙✒✕✒✘✖✢✖✕✦ ✫✗✕

✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✒✕✖ ✙❂✲ ❃❄❅✲ ❇✮✦✙✖✓✣✖✣ ❇✗✧✜✣ ✭❇❇✱✲ ❇✮✧✫✜✣✖✲ �✗✢✒✧ ❅✜✦✦✗✧★✖✣ ❇✗✧✜✣✦ ✭�❅❇✱✲ ❇✒✢✢✧✖✒✰✧✖

❇✗✧✜✣✦✲ ❄✜✧ ✒✓✣ ❈✕✖✒✦✖✲ ✒✓✣ �✳✼✶ ✸✣✣✜✢✜✗✓✒✧ ✖✽✮✜✙✘✖✓✢ ✫✗✕ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✢✕✖✒✢✘✖✓✢ ✦✚✦✢✖✘ ✜✦ ✒✓

✜✓✦✢✒✧✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✘✗✓✜✢✗✕✜✓✴ ✙✗✓✣ ✫✗✕ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✢✗ ✪✗✧✧✖✪✢ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✒✢ ✧✖✒✦✢ ✁ ✣✒✚ ✫✗✕

✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✘✗✓✜✢✗✕✜✓✴ ✰✖✫✗✕✖ ✮✦✜✓✴ ✒✦ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✦✙✕✒✚✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✦✜✢✖✲ ✒✓✣ ✕✗✒✣✦ ✗★✖✕ ✖✓✢✖✕✜✓✴ ✒✓✣

✖❆✜✢✜✓✴ ✒✕✖✒✦ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✫✗✕ ✣✮✦✢ ✣✜✦✙✖✕✦✜✗✓ ✕✖✣✮✪✢✜✗✓✶

❊✗✕ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣✲ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✜✦ ✪✧✒✦✦✜✫✜✖✣ ✢✗ ✔ ✢✚✙✖✦ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✒✕✖ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✣✜✦✪✑✒✕✴✖✣ ✫✕✗✘

✣✒✜✧✚ ✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✦✢✒✫✫✦✲ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✫✕✗✘ ✘✒✓✮✫✒✪✢✮✕✜✓✴ ✒✓✣ ✒✮❆✜✧✜✒✕✚ ✙✕✗✪✖✦✦✖✦✲ ✪✗✓✢✒✘✜✓✒✢✖✣ ✕✒✜✓

✫✒✧✧✤✗✜✧ ✪✗✓✢✒✘✜✓✒✢✜✗✓ ✬✒✢✖✕✲ ✬✗✗✣ ✪✧✖✒✓✜✓✴ ✬✒✢✖✕✲ ✒✓✣ ✧✖✒✪✑✒✢✖ ✫✕✗✘ ✧✒✓✣ ✫✜✧✧✜✓✴ ✒✕✖✒ ✫✗✕ ✒✦✑✶ �✑✗✦✖ ✔ ✢✚✙✖✦

✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✜✓✪✧✮✣✜✓✴ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✫✕✗✘ ✪✗✗✧✜✓✴ ✢✗✬✖✕ ✒✓✣ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✫✕✗✘ ✗✜✧ ✕✖✘✗★✒✧ ✙✗✓✣ ✒✕✖ ✙✮✘✙✖✣ ✢✗

✹✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ❂✗✧✣✜✓✴ ❉✗✓✣ ✰✖✫✗✕✖ ✦✖✓✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✘✗✓✜✢✗✕✜✓✴ ✙✗✓✣ ✫✗✕ ✒✮✢✗✘✒✢✜✪✒✧✧✚

✘✗✓✜✢✗✕✜✓✴ ✙❂✲ �✖✘✙✖✕✒✢✮✕✖✲ ✒✓✣ ❍✗✓✣✮✪✢✜★✜✢✚ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✙✜✙✖✧✜✓✖✶ �✕✖✒✢✖✣ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✣✜✦✪✑✒✕✴✖✣ ✢✗

✢✑✖ ✼✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ ❍✒✓✒✧✲ ✮✓✧✖✦✦ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✢✑✗✦✖ ✢✕✖✒✢✖✣ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✜✦ ✓✗✢ ✫✗✧✧✗✬ ✢✑✖ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚

✦✢✒✓✣✒✕✣✶ ❉✗✗✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✙✮✘✙✖✣ ✢✗ ✖✘✖✕✴✖✓✪✚ ✙✗✓✣ ✬✜✧✧ ✑✒✦ ✪✒✙✒✪✜✢✚ ✢✗ ✪✗✧✧✖✪✢

✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✫✗✕ ✁ ✣✒✚ ✢✗ ✫✜✓✣ ✒ ✙✕✗✙✖✕ ✦✗✧✮✢✜✗✓ ✦✮✪✑ ✒✦ ✓✖✮✢✕✒✧✜✿✖✣ ✙❂ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✖✘✖✕✴✖✓✪✚ ✙✗✓✣✲ ✢✖✘✙✖✕✒✢✮✕✖

✒✣✩✮✦✢✘✖✓✢✲ ✗✕ ✕✖✦✖✓✣✜✓✴ ✢✑✗✦✖ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✢✗ ✫✕✖✦✑ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✕✖✦✖✕★✗✜✕ ✫✗✕ ✦✖✣✜✘✖✓✢✒✢✜✗✓ ✒✓✣ ✘✒✜✓✢✒✜✓✜✓✴

Page 8: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✝✟✏☎☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

✪✗✓✣✮✪✢✜★✜✢✚ ✰✖✫✗✕✖ ✕✖✮✦✖ ✒✦ ✕✖✪✚✪✧✜✓✴ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕✶ ✷✓ ✪✒✦✖ ✗✫ ✮✓✢✕✖✒✢✖✣ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✗★✖✕ � ✣✒✚✲ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢

✬✜✧✧ ✒✦✵ ✫✗✕ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✢✕✖✒✢✘✖✓✢ ✫✕✗✘ ✒✮✢✑✗✕✜✿✖✣ ✗✕✴✒✓✜✿✒✢✜✗✓✦✶

✁✕✖✒✢✖✣ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✬✜✧✧ ✫✗✧✧✗✬ ✢✑✖ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✦✢✒✓✣✒✕✣ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✘✘✒✓✣✜✓✴ ✗✫ ✢✑✖

✔✗✚✒✧ ✷✕✕✜✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✳✖✙✒✕✢✘✖✓✢ ●✾✛✤✥✭✯✯✱ ✒✰✗✮✢ ✸✕✖★✖✓✢✜✗✓✲ ✒✓✣ ✹✗✧✮✢✜✗✓ ✫✗✕ ✧✗✬ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✣✜✦✪✑✒✕✴✖✣ ✬✒✢✖✕

✢✗ ✜✕✕✜✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✪✒✓✒✧✦ ✒✓✣ ✪✗✓✓✖✪✢✜✗✓ ✪✒✓✒✧✦ ✜✦ ✕✖✮✦✖✣ ✒✓✣ ✣✜✦✪✑✒✕✴✖✣ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✻✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ ✺✒✓✒✧ ✰✚ ✬✑✜✪✑

✢✑✖ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✫✗✕ ✼❃✳ ❀✜❆✜✓✴✲ ✳❃ ❀✜❆✜✓✴✲ ✒✓✣ ✳❃ ✹✒✴ ✺✮✕★✖ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✻✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ ✺✒✓✒✧ ✜✦ ✧✗✬✶

✁✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✒ ✮✦✜✓✴ ✗✫ ✣✜✦✪✑✒✕✴✖✣ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✻✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ ✺✒✓✒✧ ✫✗✕ ✒✴✕✜✪✮✧✢✮✕✒✧ ✙✮✕✙✗✦✖ ✴✜★✖✦ ✧✗✬ ✜✘✙✒✪✢✶

✁✑✖✕✖ ✒✕✖ ✓✗ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✢✗ ✒✽✮✒✢✜✪ ✰✜✗✧✗✴✜✪✒✧ ✕✖✦✗✮✕✪✖ ✣✮✕✜✓✴ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣✲ ✰✖✪✒✮✦✖

✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✢✗ ✰✖ ✣✜✦✪✑✒✕✴✖✣ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✻✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ ✺✒✓✒✧✶ ✁✑✮✦✲ ✒✓ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣ ✴✜★✖✦ ✧✗✬

✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✢✗ ✒✽✮✒✢✜✪ ✰✜✗✧✗✴✜✪✒✧ ✕✖✦✗✮✕✪✖✶ ❁✑✜✧✖ ✢✑✖ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣ ✜✦ ✣✖✦✜✴✓✖✣ ✢✗ ✑✒✦ ✢✑✖ ❁✒✦✢✖ ❁✒✢✖✕

❂✗✧✣✜✓✴ ✸✗✓✣ ✫✗✕ ✳✕✚ ✹✖✒✦✗✓ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ✪✗★✖✕✖✣ ✢✑✖ ✫✧✗✗✕ ✬✜✢✑ ❂✳✸❄ ❅✸✗✓✣ ✪✒✙✒✪✜✢✚ ✜✦ ✯❇✲❇✭❈ ✪✮✶✘✶ ✢✗

✘✒✜✓✢✒✜✓ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✫✗✕ ✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ✱ ✘✗✓✢✑✦ ✗✕ ✯❇✲❇✭❈✥✱❉✱✶❉ ❑ �✭❉ ✣✒✚✦❊ ✢✗ ✕✖✣✮✪✖ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✢✗ ✢✑✖

✻✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ ✺✒✓✒✧ ✣✮✕✜✓✴ ✢✑✒✢ ✢✜✘✖✶ ❂✗✬✖★✖✕✲ ✢✕✖✒✢✖✣ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✜✦ ✪✗✓✢✕✗✧✧✖✣ ✢✗ ✑✒✦ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✒✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴

✢✗ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✦✢✒✓✣✒✕✣ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✘✘✒✓✣✜✓✴ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✔✗✚✒✧ ✷✕✕✜✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✳✖✙✒✕✢✘✖✓✢ ●✾✕✣✥✭✯✯✱ ✒✰✗✮✢

✸✕✖★✖✓✢✜✗✓✲ ✒✓✣ ✹✗✧✮✢✜✗✓ ✫✗✕ ✧✗✬ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✣✜✦✪✑✒✕✴✖✣ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✢✗ ✜✕✕✜✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✪✒✓✒✧✦ ✒✓✣ ✪✗✓✓✖✪✢✜✗✓ ✪✒✓✒✧✦ ✰✚

✬✑✜✪✑ ✢✑✖ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✫✗✕ ✼❃✳ ❀✜❆✜✓✴✲ ✳❃ ❀✜❆✜✓✴✲ ✒✓✣ ✳❃ ✹✒✴ ✺✮✕★✖ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✻✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ ✺✒✓✒✧

✜✦ ✧✗✬✶ ✁✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✒ ✮✦✜✓✴ ✗✫ ✣✜✦✪✑✒✕✴✖✣ ✬✒✦✢✖✬✒✢✖✕ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✻✒✢✑✒✬✖✖ ✺✒✓✒✧ ✴✜★✖✦ ✧✗✬ ✜✘✙✒✪✢✶

1.5 Traffic

✁✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✮✧✢✒✓✢ ✑✒✣ ✒✦✦✖✦✦✖✣ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✫✗✕ ✑✜✴✑✬✒✚ ✓✗✶ ✱✾ ✲ ✒✓✣ ✑✜✴✑✬✒✚ ✓✗✶ ✱❈❇ ❅✓✗

✣✒✢✒ ✕✖✪✗✕✣ ✗✫ ✣✒✜✧✚ ✒★✖✕✒✴✖ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✪✗✓✣✜✢✜✗✓❊ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✒✕✖ ✘✒✜✓ ✢✕✒✓✦✙✗✕✢✒✢✜✗✓ ✕✗✮✢✖✦ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢✶

Daily averaging impact (Normal case): ✁✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣ ✬✜✧✧ ✑✒✦ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✧✗✒✣✜✓✴

✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ✱❈ ✸✺❋✥✣✒✚ ✗✕ ✯ ✸✺❋✥ ✑✕ ❅✰✒✦✖✣ ✗✓ ❇ ✑✕✦ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✣❊✶ ✷✢ ✬✒✦ ✫✗✮✓✣ ✢✑✒✢ ✑✜✴✑✬✒✚

✓✗✶ ✱✾ ✑✒✦ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✜✓✣✖❆ ❅▲✥✺❊ ✒✕✗✮✓✣ ❈✶�❇✱❍❈✶�■✾ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✬✒✦ ✜✓✣✜✪✒✢✜✓✴ ✴✗✗✣ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✪✗✓✣✜✢✜✗✓ ❅❏

✧✖★✖✧✲ ▲✥✺ ✕✒✢✜✗ ❑ ❈✶❈❈❍❈✶❉❈❊ ✰✚ ✬✑✜✪✑ ★✖✑✜✪✧✖ ✫✧✗✬ ✦✘✗✗✢✑✧✚ ✬✜✢✑✗✮✢ ✜✓✢✖✕✫✖✕✜✓✴ ✫✕✗✘ ✒✓✚ ✫✒✪✢✗✕✲ ✒✓✣

✣✕✜★✖✕✦ ✑✒★✖ ✫✕✖✖✧✚ ★✖✑✜✪✧✖ ✪✗✓✢✕✗✧✶ ✁✑✖ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣✲ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✖✣ ✰✚ ✼✶❄✶ ✭✯❉� ✮✓✣✖✕

✢✑✖ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✧✗✒✣✜✓✴ ✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ �❉✯✶■● ✸✺❋✥✣✒✚ ✗✕ ❉✶■✭ ✸✺❋✥ ✑✕✶ ✷✢ ✬✒✦ ✫✗✮✓✣ ✢✑✒✢ ✑✜✴✑✬✒✚ ✓✗✶ ✱✾

✴✗✓✓✒ ✑✒✦ ❅▲✥✺❊ ✒✕✗✮✓✣ ❈✶✭❈✭❍❈✶✭✱✾ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✬✒✦ ✜✓✣✜✪✒✢✜✓✴ ✴✗✗✣ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✪✗✓✣✜✢✜✗✓ ❅❏ ✧✖★✖✧✲ ▲✥✺ ✕✒✢✜✗

❑ ❈✶❈❈❍❈✶❉❈❊✶ ✁✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✜✦ ✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ✧✗✬✶

Impact over urgent period and non urgent period: ✁✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣ ✬✜✧✧ ✑✒✦ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪

✧✗✒✣✜✓✴ ✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ✱❈ ✸✺❋✥✣✒✚ ✗✕ ✯ ✸✺❋✥ ✑✕ ❅✰✒✦✖✣ ✗✓ ❇ ✑✕✦ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣❊✶ ✷✢ ✬✒✦ ✫✗✮✓✣ ✢✑✒✢

Page 9: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✝✟✏☎☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

✑✜✴✑✬✒✚ ✓✗✶ �✾ ✑✒✦ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✜✓✣✖❆ ✤▲✁✔✥ ✒✕✗✮✓✣ ✘✶✙✘✘✱✘✶�✙✛ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✬✒✦ ✜✓✣✜✪✒✢✜✓✴ ✴✗✗✣ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✪✗✓✣✜✢✜✗✓

✤✧ ★✖✩✖★✲ ▲✁✔ ✕✒✢✜✗ ❑ ✘✶✘✘✱✘✶✺✘✥✶ ❊✗✕ ✑✜✴✑✬✒✚ ✓✗✶ �✘✛✲ ✜✢ ✑✒✦ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✜✓✣✖❆ ✤▲✁✔✥ ✒✕✗✮✓✣ ✘✶✾✙✭✱✘✶✺✙✛

✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ✜✓✣✜✪✒✢✜✓✴ ✫✕✖✖ ✫★✗✬ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✬✜✢✑ ✦★✜✴✑✢★✚ ✜✓✢✖✕✫✖✕✜✓✴ ✰✚ ✦✗✯✖ ✫✒✪✢✗✕✲ ✒✓✣ ✣✕✜✩✖✕✦ ✑✒✩✖ ★✗✬

✜✓✢✖✕✫✖✕✜✓✴ ✫✗✕ ✩✖✑✜✪★✖ ✪✗✓✢✕✗★✶ ✳✑✖ ✗✵✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✵✖✕✜✗✣✲ ✢✑✖ ✵✕✗✷✖✪✢ ✬✜★★ ✗✵✖✕✒✢✖✣ ✰✚ ✼✶✸✶ ✙✹✺✭ ✮✓✣✖✕ ✢✑✖

✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ★✗✒✣✜✓✴ ✒✵✵✕✗❆✜✯✒✢✖★✚ ✭✺✹ ✶ ✻● ✽✔❉✁✣✒✚ ✗✕ ✺ ✶ ✻✙ ✽✔❉✁ ✑✕✶ ✿✢ ✬✒✦ ✫✗✮✓✣ ✢✑✒✢ ✑✜✴✑✬✒✚ ✓✗✶ �✾

✴✗✓✓✒ ✑✒✦ ✤▲✁✔✥ ✒✕✗✮✓✣ ✘✶✙✙✘✱✘✶✹�✘ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✬✒✦ ✜✓✣✜✪✒✢✜✓✴ ✴✗✗✣ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✪✗✓✣✜✢✜✗✓ ✤✧ ★✖✩✖★✲ ▲✁✔ ✕✒✢✜✗ ❑

✘✶✘✘✱✘✶✺✘✥✶ ✳✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✜✯✵✒✪✢ ✜✦ ✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ★✗✬✶ ✳✑✖ ✑✜✴✑✬✒✚ ✓✗✶ �✘✛ ✴✗✓✓✒ ✑✒✦ ✤▲✁✔✥ ✒✕✗✮✓✣

✘✶✾✾✙✱✘ ✶●✻� ✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ✜✓✣✜✪✒✢✜✓✴ ✫✕✖✖ ✫★✗✬ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✬✜✢✑ ✦★✜✴✑✢★✚ ✜✓✢✖✕✫✖✕✜✓✴ ✰✚ ✦✗✯✖ ✫✒✪✢✗✕✲ ✒✓✣ ✣✕✜✩✖✕✦

✑✒✩✖ ★✗✬ ✜✓✢✖✕✫✖✕✜✓✴ ✫✗✕ ✩✖✑✜✪★✖ ✪✗✓✢✕✗★ ✤✼ ★✖✩✖★✲ ▲✁✔ ✕✒✢✜✗ ❑ ✘✶✺✭✱✘✶●✘✥ ✶ ✳✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✢✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✜✯✵✒✪✢ ✜✦

✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ★✗✬✶

1.6 Waste management

❀✒✦✢✖ ✴✖✓✖✕✒✢✖✣ ✫✕✗✯ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✵✖✕✜✗✣ ✪✗✮★✣ ✰✖ ✪★✒✦✦✜✫✜✖✣ ✢✗ ✙ ✢✚✵✖✦ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✒✕✖ ✴✖✓✖✕✒★

✬✒✦✢✖ ✴✖✓✖✕✒✢✖✣ ✰✚ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✬✗✕❁✖✕✦✲ ✒✓✣ ✬✒✦✢✖ ✴✖✓✖✕✒✢✖✣ ✫✕✗✯ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✒✪✢✜✩✜✢✜✖✦✶ ❂✖✓✖✕✒★ ✬✒✦✢✖

✴✖✓✖✕✒✢✖✣ ✫✕✗✯ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✬✗✕❁✖✕✦ ✦✮✪✑ ✒✦ ✫✗✗✣ ✕✖✦✜✣✮✒★ ✒✓✣ ✵★✒✦✢✜✪ ✰✒✴✦ ✜✦ ✒✵✵✕✗❆✜✯✒✢✖★✚ ✾✘✘ ❁✴✁✣✒✚

✤✪✒★✪✮★✒✢✖✣ ✰✒✦✖✣ ✗✓ ✒✩✖✕✒✴✜✓✴ ✬✒✦✢✖ ✴✖✓✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✕✒✢✖ ✗✫ ✭ ❁✴✁✵✖✕✦✗✓✁✣✒✚ ▼ ✾✘✘ ✬✗✕❁✖✕✦✥✶ ✳✑✖ ✵✕✗✷✖✪✢ ✬✜★★

✵✕✗✩✜✣✖ ✦✮✫✫✜✪✜✖✓✢ ✢✕✒✦✑ ✰✜✓✦ ✬✜✢✑ ✪✒✵✒✪✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✙✘✘ ❃✜✢✖✕✦ ✪✗✩✖✕✖✣ ✰✚ ★✜✣✦ ✢✗ ✪✗★★✖✪✢ ✴✖✓✖✕✒★ ✬✒✦✢✖ ✫✗✕

✖★✜✯✜✓✒✢✜✗✓ ✰✚ ✢✑✖ ✼✒✓✓✒ ❄✮✰ ❅✜✦✢✕✜✪✢ ❇✮✓✜✪✜✵✒★✜✢✚✶ ❊✗✕ ✢✑✗✦✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✬✒✦✢✖ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ✦✢✖✖★✲ ✬✗✗✣✲ ✒✓✣

✰✕✜✪❁✦ ✜✦ ✕✖✮✦✖✣ ✗✕ ✒★★ ✢✗ ✕✖✪✚✪★✜✓✴ ✕✖✢✒✜★✖✕✲ ✒✓✣ ✮✓✬✒✓✢✖✣ ✯✒✢✖✕✜✒★ ✬✜★★ ✰✖ ✮✦✖✣ ✫✗✕ ✖★✖✩✒✢✜✗✓ ✒✣✷✮✦✢✯✖✓✢ ✜✓

✢✑✖ ✵✕✗✷✖✪✢ ✒✕✖✒✶

❅✮✕✜✓✴ ✗✵✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✵✖✕✜✗✣✲ ✴✖✓✖✕✒★ ✬✒✦✢✖ ✜✦ ✴✖✓✖✕✒✢✖✣ ✫✕✗✯ ✗✫✫✜✪✖✲ ✒✓✣ ✦✢✒✫✫✦ ✣✒✜★✚ ✒✪✢✜✩✜✢✜✖✦ ✬✑✜✪✑

✒✕✖ ✵✜✖✪✖ ✗✫ ✵✒✵✖✕✦✲ ✗✫✫✜✪✖ ✯✒✢✖✕✜✒★✲ ✒✓✣ ✫✗✗✣ ✕✖✦✜✣✮✒★ ✒✵✵✕✗❆✜✯✒✢✖★✚ ✺✹ ❁✴✁✣✒✚ ✗✕ ✙✭ ✢✗✓✓✖✁✚✕ ✤✪✒★✪✮★✒✢✖✣

✰✒✦✖✣ ✗✓ ✒✩✖✕✒✴✜✓✴ ✬✒✦✢✖ ✴✖✓✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✕✒✢✖ ✗✫ ✭ ❁✴✁✵✖✕✦✗✓✁✣✒✚ ▼ ✺✹ ✦✢✒✫✫✦✥✶ ✳✑✗✦✖ ✬✒✦✢✖ ✜✦ ✒✓ ✗✯✜✦✦✜✗✓

✫✕✗✯ ✢✑✖ ❇✜✓✜✦✢✕✚ ✗✫ ✿✓✣✮✦✢✕✚ ✽✕✗✯✮★✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✒✰✗✮✢ ✬✒✦✢✖ ✯✒✓✒✴✖✯✖✓✢ ✗✕ ✮✓✮✦✖✣ ✯✒✢✖✕✜✒★ ✼✶✸✶ ✙✹� ✛✲

✰✮✢ ✕✖❈✮✜✕✖✣ ✢✗ ✫✗★★✗✬ ✢✑✖ ✽✮✰★✜✪ ❋✖✒★✢✑ ✧✪✢✶ ✤✜✦✦✮✖✣ ✙❍■✥ ✼✶✸✶ ✙✹✹✘✶ ✳✑✖ ✵✕✗✷✖✪✢ ✵★✒✓ ✢✗ ✕✖✪✚✪★✖ ✬✒✦✢✖

✫✗✕ ✕✖✮✦✖ ✰✚ ✦✖✵✒✕✒✢✜✓✴ ✬✒✦✢✖ ✫✕✗✯ ✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✒✓✣ ✪✗★★✖✪✢✖✣ ✜✓ ✦✖✵✒✕✒✢✖✣ ✢✕✒✦✑ ✰✜✓ ✬✜✢✑ ✪✒✵✒✪✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✙✘✘

❃✜✢✖✕✦ ✰✚ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✢✑✖ ✦✖✵✒✕✒✢✖✣ ✢✕✒✦✑ ✰✜✓✦ ✒✕✖ ✬✖✢✲ ✣✕✚✲ ✒✓✣ ✑✒❏✒✕✣✗✮✦ ✬✒✦✢✖✶ ✳✑✜✦ ✵✕✗✪✖✣✮✕✖ ✪✒✓ ✦✖★★ ✣✕✚

✬✒✦✢✖ ✰✖✫✗✕✖ ✦✖✓✣✜✓✴ ✮✓✮✦✖✣ ✵✒✕✢✦ ✢✗ ✰✖ ✖★✜✯✜✓✒✢✖✣ ✰✚ ✢✑✖ ✼✒✓✓✒ ❄✮✰ ❅✜✦✢✕✜✪✢ ❇✮✓✜✪✜✵✒★✜✢✚✶ ◆✢✑✖✕

✬✒✦✢✖ ✦✮✪✑ ✒✦ ✮✦✖✣ ★✮✰✕✜✪✒✓✢ ✫✕✗✯ ✯✒✜✓✢✖✓✒✓✪✖ ✒✪✢✜✩✜✢✚✲ ✮✓✮✦✖✣ ✪✑✖✯✜✪✒★ ✵✒✪❁✒✴✜✓✴✦✲ ✣✖✵★✖✢✖✣

✯✖✯✰✕✒✓✖✲ ✒✓✣ ✮✓✮✦✖✣ ✒✪✢✜✩✒✢✖✣ ✪✒✕✰✗✓ ✫✕✗✯ ✬✒✢✖✕ ✦✮✵✵★✚ ✵✕✗✪✖✦✦ ✬✜★★ ✰✖ ✦✖✓✢ ✢✗ ✰✖ ✖★✜✯✜✓✒✢✖✣ ✰✚

✒✮✢✑✗✕✜❏✖✣ ✗✕✴✒✓✜❏✒✢✜✗✓ ✫✕✗✯ ✢✑✖ ❅✖✵✒✕✢✯✖✓✢ ✗✫ ✿✓✣✮✦✢✕✜✒★ ❀✗✕❁✦✶

✧✦✑ ✴✖✓✖✕✒✢✖✣ ✫✕✗✯ ✰✗✜★✖✕ ✜✦ ✪★✒✦✦✜✫✜✖✣ ✢✗ ✙ ✢✚✵✖✦ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ❊★✚ ✧✦✑✲ ✒✓✣ ✼✗✢✢✗✯ ✧✦✑✶

✳✑✗✦✖ ✒✦✑ ✜✦ ✦✖✓✢ ✢✗ ★✒✓✣ ✫✜★★✜✓✴ ✒✕✖✒ ✬✜✢✑ ✦✜❏✖ ✗✫ ✾✾✲✺✘✘ ✦❈✶✯✶ ✗✕ ✙✭ ❖✒✜✶ ✳✑✖ ★✒✓✣ ✫✜★★✜✓✴ ✒✕✖✒ ✑✒✦ ✪✒✵✒✪✜✢✚

✢✗ ✗✵✖✕✒✢✖ ✯✗✕✖ ✢✑✒✓ ✹ ✚✖✒✕✦✲ ✒✓✣ ✒✓ ✖❆✪✖✦✦ ✒✦✑ ✜✦ ✣✜✦✢✕✜✰✮✢✖✣ ✢✗ ✒✦✑ ✮✦✖✕✦ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ✵✖✕✯✜✢✢✖✣ ✰✚ ✢✑✖

Page 10: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✝✟✏☎☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

✳✖✙✒✕✢✘✖✓✢ ✗✫ ✷✓✣✮✦✢✕✜✒✧ ✹✗✕✵✦ ✰✖✫✗✕✖ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓✶ �✦✑✖✦ ✒✕✖ ✰✖✜✓✴ ✢✖✦✢✖✣ ✰✖✫✗✕✖ ✣✜✦✢✕✜✰✮✢✜✗✓ ✢✗ ✫✒✕✘✖✕✦✶

✁✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✬✒✦✢✖ ✘✒✓✒✴✖✘✖✓✢ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✢✗ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✚ ✜✦ ✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ✧✗✬✶

1.7 Socio-economic management plan

�✓ ✜✓✦✢✒✧✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✘✒✵✖✦ ✒✓ ✖❆✙✒✓✦✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✰✮✦✜✓✖✦✦ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦

✜✓✪✕✖✒✦✜✓✴ ✙✕✗★✜✓✪✜✒✧ ✴✕✗✦✦ ✣✗✘✖✦✢✜✪ ✙✕✗✣✮✪✢✶ ❊✮✕✢✑✖✕✘✗✕✖✲ ✢✑✖ ✜✓✦✢✒✧✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢ ✪✒✓ ✢✮✕✓

✰✮✦✜✓✖✦✦ ✪✚✪✧✖ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗★✜✓✪✖ ✦✮✪✑ ✒✦ ✘✒✢✖✕✜✒✧ ✦✮✙✙✧✚✲ ✒✓✣ ✦✖✕★✜✪✖ ✰✮✦✜✓✖✦✦ ✢✗ ✕✖✧✒✢✖✣ ✰✮✦✜✓✖✦✦ ✦✖✪✢✗✕✦✶

✁✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✢✑✖ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✑✒✦ ✙✗✦✜✢✜★✖ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✢✗ ✙✕✗★✜✓✪✜✒✧ ✫✜✦✪✒✧ ✦✢✕✮✪✢✮✕✖✶ ✷✓ ✒✣✣✜✢✜✗✓✲

✢✑✖ ✰✜✗✘✒✦✦ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✪✒✓ ✜✓✪✕✖✒✦✖ ✒✴✕✜✪✮✧✢✮✕✒✧ ✙✕✗✣✮✪✢ ✜✓✪✗✘✖ ✢✗ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✫✒✕✘✖✕✦ ✰✚ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✒✓

✜✓✪✕✖✒✦✜✓✴ ✜✓✪✗✘✖ ✜✦ ✦✮✙✙✗✕✢ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗★✜✓✪✜✒✧ ✴✕✗✦✦ ✣✗✘✖✦✢✜✪ ✙✕✗✣✮✪✢ ✒✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✒✓ ✜✓✪✕✖✒✦✜✓✴ ✗✫ ✰✮✚✜✓✴

✙✗✬✖✕ ✜✓ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✚✶ ✔✪✗✓✗✘✜✪ ✖❆✙✒✓✦✜✗✓ ✣✮✖ ✢✗ ✰✮✚✜✓✴ ✪✚✪✧✖ ✫✕✗✘ ✙✕✗✣✮✪✢ ✒✓✣ ✦✖✕★✜✪✖ ✰✮✚✜✓✴ ✜✦

✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ✒ ✙✗✦✜✢✜★✖ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✢✗ ✦✗✪✜✗✱✖✪✗✓✗✘✜✪ ✜✓ ✯✗✓✴✵✑✧✒✶ ✛✗✬✖★✖✕✲ ✒ ✓✖✴✒✢✜★✖ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✫✕✗✘ ✙✗✬✖✕

✙✧✒✓✢ ✜✓✦✢✒✧✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✜✦ ✒ ✣✮✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ✒✙✙✕✗❆✜✘✒✢✖✧✚ ✤✥ ✘✗✓✢✑✦ ✮✦✜✓✴ ✾✭✭

✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✬✗✕✵✖✕✦✶ ✁✑✗✦✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✬✗✕✵✖✕✦ ✒✕✖ ✙✕✗★✜✣✖✣ ✰✚ ✦✮✰✪✗✓✢✕✒✪✢✗✕✦ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ✓✗✕✘✒✧✧✚

✖✘✙✧✗✚ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✗✕ ✕✖✴✜✗✓✒✧ ✬✗✕✵✖✕✦ ✫✗✕ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓✶ ✁✑✮✦✲ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✬✗✕✵✖✕✦ ✫✗✕ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢ ✜✓✦✢✒✧✧✒✢✜✗✓

✣✮✕✜✓✴ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣ ✒✕✖ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✬✗✕✵✖✕✦ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ✓✗✢ ✒✫✫✖✪✢ ✙✗✙✮✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✦✢✕✮✪✢✮✕✖✲ ✒✓✣ ✜✓✣✜✕✖✪✢

✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✒✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✬✗✕✵✖✕ ✘✜✴✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✒✕✖✒✶ ✁✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✦✗✪✜✗✱✖✪✗✓✗✘✜✪ ✜✦ ✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ✧✗✬✶

✁✑✖ ✰✜✗✘✒✦✦ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✪✒✓ ✜✓✪✕✖✒✦✖ ✙✕✗★✜✓✪✜✒✧ ✜✓✪✗✘✖✲ ✒✓✣ ✘✒✵✖ ✙✕✗★✜✓✪✜✒✧

✰✮✚✜✓✴ ✪✚✪✧✖ ✢✗ ✙✕✗★✜✣✖ ✦✮✫✫✜✪✜✖✓✢ ✘✗✓✖✚ ✕✖✢✮✕✓✦ ✫✗✕ ✘✒✵✜✓✴ ✰✒✦✜✪ ✜✓✫✕✒✦✢✕✮✪✢✮✕✖ ✢✗ ✦✖✕★✖ ✧✗✪✒✧

✙✖✗✙✧✖✦✶ ✁✑✗✦✖ ✘✗✓✖✚ ✕✖✢✮✕✓✦ ✒✕✖ ✙✗✦✢✖✣ ✢✒❆✲ ✰✮✜✧✣✜✓✴ ✒✓✣ ✧✒✓✣ ✢✒❆✲ ✩✮✕✜✦✢✜✪ ✙✖✕✦✗✓ ✢✒❆✲ ✒✓✣ ✙✗✬✖✕

✙✧✒✓✢ ✣✖★✖✧✗✙✘✖✓✢ ✫✮✓✣✶ ❊✮✕✢✑✖✕✘✗✕✖✲ ✒✣✣✜✢✜✗✓✒✧ ✙✗✦✜✢✜★✖ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✜✦ ✒✓ ✖✘✙✧✗✚✘✖✓✢ ✗✫ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✬✗✕✵✖✕✦

✫✗✕ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓✶ ✻✖★✖✕✢✑✖✧✖✦✦✲ ✓✖✴✒✢✜★✖ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✜✦ ✒✰✗✮✢ ✒ ✕✖✧✗✪✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✗✪✪✮✙✒✢✜✗✓✒✧ ✦✚✦✢✖✘

✫✕✗✘ ✒✴✕✜✪✮✧✢✮✕✒✧ ✦✖✪✢✗✕ ✢✗ ✜✓✣✮✦✢✕✜✒✧ ✦✖✪✢✗✕ ✗✫ ✒✣✗✧✖✦✪✖✓✢✦ ✒✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✑✜✴✑✖✕ ✜✓✪✗✘✖ ✦✢✒✰✧✖ ✜✓✪✗✘✖

✫✕✗✘ ✜✓✣✮✦✢✕✜✒✧ ✦✖✪✢✗✕ ✫✗✕ ✘✒✜✓✢✒✜✓✜✓✴ ✰✖✢✢✖✕ ✧✜★✜✓✴ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚✶

❉✓✪✗✓✫✜✣✖✓✢ ✙✖✕✪✖✙✢✜✗✓ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✒✓✣ ✕✖✦✙✗✓✦✜✰✧✖ ✗✕✴✒✓✜✿✒✢✜✗✓ ✫✕✗✘ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✙✖✗✙✧✖✦

✜✦ ✕✖✧✒✢✖✣ ✢✗ ✖✣✮✪✒✢✜✗✓✒✧ ✰✒✪✵✴✕✗✮✓✣ ✗✫ ✫✒✘✜✧✚ ✧✖✒✣✖✕✦ ✸✓✗✕✘✒✧✧✚ ✙✕✜✘✒✕✚ ✧✖★✖✧✺✲ ✒✓✣ ✗✪✪✮✙✒✢✜✗✓ ✬✑✜✪✑

✒✕✖ ✫✒✘✖✕✦✶ ✁✑✮✦✲ ✢✑✗✦✖ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✙✖✗✙✧✖✦ ✒✕✖ ✓✗✢ ✜✓✢✖✕✖✦✢✖✣ ✜✓ ✦✗✪✜✗✱✖✪✗✓✗✘✜✪ ✓✖✬✦ ✗✕ ✒✪✒✣✖✘✜✪ ✕✖✙✗✕✢ ✒✰✗✮✢

✢✑✖ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✒✕✖ ✣✜✫✫✜✪✮✧✢ ✢✗ ✮✓✣✖✕✦✢✒✓✣✶ ✁✑✖ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✙✖✗✙✧✖✦ ✒✕✖ ✖✒✦✜✧✚ ✴✖✢✢✜✓✴ ✓✖✬✦

✫✕✗✘ ✁✶▲✶ ✒✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✰✕✜✖✫ ✓✖✬✦ ✗✕ ✦✖✕✜✖✦✲ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✪✒✢✜✗✓ ✬✜✢✑ ✓✖✜✴✑✰✗✕✦✲ ✒✓✣ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✚ ✧✖✒✣✖✕✦

✬✑✜✪✑ ✒✕✖ ✓✗✕✘✒✧✧✚ ✧✒✪✵ ✗✫ ✣✖✢✒✜✧✦ ✒✓✣ ✣✜✦✢✗✕✢✜✓✴ ✘✒✜✓ ✜✓✫✗✕✘✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✓✖✬✦✶ ✁✑✖✦✖ ✫✒✪✢✗✕✦ ✧✖✒✣ ✢✗

✘✒✵✖ ✮✓✪✗✓✫✜✣✖✓✢ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✒✓✣ ✕✖✦✙✗✓✦✜✰✧✖ ✗✕✴✒✓✜✿✒✢✜✗✓✦✶ ✁✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✜✓✫✗✕✘✒✢✜✗✓

✙✖✕✪✖✙✢✜✗✓ ✜✦ ✕✖✽✮✜✕✖✣ ✢✗ ✣✜✦✢✕✜✰✮✢✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✣✒✢✒ ✢✗ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✜✖✦ ✖✫✫✖✪✢✜★✖✧✚ ✫✗✕ ✕✖✣✮✪✜✓✴

✬✗✕✕✚✜✓✴ ✒✓✣ ✮✓✪✗✓✫✜✣✖✓✢ ✗✫ ✖✓★✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✘✒✓✒✴✖✘✖✓✢ ✮✦✜✓✴ ✦✮✴✴✖✦✢✖✣ ✪✑✒✓✓✖✧✦✶ ✼✮✰✧✜✪

✕✖✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✪✒✓ ✰✖ ✘✒✣✖ ✰✚ ✜✓✫✗✕✘✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✚ ✧✖✒✣✖✕✦ ✗✕ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✚ ✢✗✬✖✕ ✙✮✰✧✜✪ ✕✖✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✬✜✢✑ ✒✓

Page 11: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✝✟✏☎☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

✖✒✦✚ ✢✗ ✮✓✣✖✕✦✢✒✓✣ ✜✓✫✗✕✘✒✢✜✗✓✲ ✒✓✣ ✮✦✜✓✴ ✢✑✖ ✘✖✢✑✗✣ ✒✦ ✴✮✜✣✖✧✜✓✖ ✫✗✕ ✙✮✰✧✜✪ ✕✖✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓✶

�✪✪✗✕✣✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✙✕✖★✜✗✮✦ ✦✮✘✘✒✕✚ ✢✒✰✧✖✲ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✚ ✧✖✒✣✖✕✦ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✪✒✢✜✗✓ ✫✗✕ ✮✓✣✖✕✦✢✒✓✣✜✓✴ ✗✫ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓

✜✦ ✦✮✴✴✖✦✢✖✣ ✢✗ ✘✒✵✖ ✪✗✓✫✜✣✖✓✢ ✢✗ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✙✖✗✙✧✖✦✲ ✒✓✣ ✢✕✒✓✦✫✖✕✕✖✣ ✜✓✫✗✕✘✒✢✜✗✓ ✫✕✗✘ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✚ ✧✖✒✣✖✕✦ ✢✗

✧✗✪✒✧ ✙✖✗✙✧✖✦✶

1.8 Occupational health and safety management, and

✁✖✒✧✢✑ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✒✦✦✖✦✦✘✖✓✢ ✬✒✦ ✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ✫✕✗✘ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✢✚✙✖✲ ✖✘✜✦✦✜✗✓ ✦✗✮✕✪✖✦✲ ✕✜✦✵ ✗✫

✖❆✙✗✦✮✕✖✲ ✒✓✣ ✖❆✙✗✦✮✕✖ ✙✒✢✑✬✒✚ ✰✚ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✦✪✗✙✖ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✦✢✮✣✚✲ ✒✓✣ ✢✒✕✴✖✢ ✴✕✗✮✙✦ ✒✕✖❂

✤✔✥ ✯✙✒✢✜✒✧ ✙✕✗❆✜✘✜✢✚ ✬✒✦ ✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ✫✗✕ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✧✗✪✒✢✜✗✓ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✬✒✦ ✣✜✕✖✪✢ ✗✕ ✜✓✣✜✕✖✪✢


✛✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✒✕✖✒ ✜✦ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✦✢✒✫✫✦✲ ✒✓✣ ✦✮✰✪✗✓✢✕✒✪✢✗✕✦ ✢✗ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✖ ✜✓

✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓✲ ✒✓✣ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣✦✶

✯✮✕✕✗✮✓✣✜✓✴ ✒✕✖✒ ✜✦ ✓✖✜✴✑✰✗✕✜✓✴ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✜✖✦ ✰✚ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✓✦✮✧✢✒✓✢ ✑✒✣ ✧✜✘✜✢✖✣

✦✢✮✣✚ ✒✕✖✒ ✫✗✕ ✒ ✕✒✣✜✮✦ ✗✫ ✭ ✵✘ ✫✕✗✘ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✒✕✖✒ ✢✗ ✪✗★✖✕ ✒✧✧ ✑✖✒✧✢✑ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✢✗ ✙✖✗✙✧✖✦ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✦✢✮✣✚

✒✕✖✒✶ ✱✒✕✴✖✢ ✴✕✗✮✙✦ ✒✕✖ ✢✑✗✦✖ ✕✜✦✵✖✣ ✙✖✕✦✗✓ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✒✕✖ ✰✒✰✚✲ ✪✑✜✧✣✕✖✓✲ ✬✗✕✵✜✓✴ ✒✴✖✲ ✖✧✣✖✕✧✚ ✙✖✗✙✧✖✦✲

✒✓✣ ★✖✕✚ ✗✧✣ ✙✖✕✦✗✓ ✜✓✪✧✮✣✜✓✴ ✙✖✗✙✧✖✦ ✧✜★✜✓✴ ✗✕ ✬✗✕✵✜✓✴ ✜✓ ✢✑✖ ✦✖✓✦✜✢✜★✖ ✒✕✖✒✦ ✦✮✪✑ ✒✦ ✦✪✑✗✗✧✦✲

✑✗✦✙✜✢✒✧✦✳✦✮✣ ✣✜✦✢✕✜✪✢ ✑✖✒✧✢✑ ✙✕✗✘✗✢✜✗✓ ✑✗✦✙✜✢✒✧✲ ✴✗★✖✕✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✗✫✫✜✪✖✦✲ ✒✓✣ ✕✖✧✜✴✜✗✓ ✙✧✒✪✖✦✶

✤✷✥ ✱✖✘✙✗✕✒✧ ✙✕✗❆✜✘✜✢✚ ✜✦ ✣✜★✜✣✖✣ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✒✪✢✜★✜✢✜✖✦ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✒✕✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓✲ ✒✓✣

✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣✦ ✪✗★✖✕✜✓✴ ✦✑✗✕✢ ✢✖✕✘ ✒✓✣ ✧✗✓✴ ✢✖✕✘ ✜✘✙✒✪✢✦✶

✱✗ ✦✮✙✙✗✕✢ ✦✒✫✖✢✚ ✪✗✓✫✜✣✖✓✪✖ ✢✗ ✦✢✒✫✫✦✲ ✒✓✣ ✙✕✗✙✖✕✢✚ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢✲ ✙✕✗✙✖✕ ✘✖✒✦✮✕✖✦

✒✓✣ ✘✜✢✜✴✒✢✜✗✓✦ ✫✗✕ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✜✦ ✕✖✽✮✜✕✖✣ ✫✗✕ ✘✗✓✜✢✗✕✜✓✴ ✢✑✖ ✗✪✪✮✙✒✢✜✗✓✒✧ ✑✖✒✧✢✑ ✒✓✣ ✦✒✫✖✢✚ ✣✜✘✖✓✦✜✗✓

✫✗✕ ✽✮✒✓✢✜✫✚✜✓✴ ✦✜✴✓✜✫✜✪✒✓✢ ✪✑✒✓✴✜✓✴ ✣✮✖ ✢✗ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓✲ ✒✓✣ ✮✦✖✣ ✒✦ ✴✮✜✣✖✧✜✓✖ ✫✗✕ ✙✕✗✰✧✖✘


1.9 Aesthetics management.

✸✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✒✪✢✜★✜✢✜✖✦ ✒✕✖ ✧✒✓✣ ✙✕✖✙✒✕✒✢✜✗✓✲ ✰✮✜✧✣✜✓✴ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓✲ ✒✓✣ ✘✒✪✑✜✓✖ ✜✓✦✢✒✧✧✒✢✜✗✓ ✰✚

✬✑✜✪✑ ✢✑✗✦✖ ✒✪✢✜★✜✢✜✖✦ ✒✕✖ ✮✓✒★✗✜✣✒✰✧✖ ✒✓✣ ✪✒✮✦✜✓✴ ★✜✦✮✒✧ ✙✗✧✧✮✢✜✗✓✶ ✁✗✬✖★✖✕✲ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✒✕✖✒ ✜✦ ✧✗✪✒✢✖✣ ✫✒✕

✒✬✒✚ ✫✕✗✘ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✜✖✦✲ ✒✓✣ ✦✮✕✕✗✮✓✣✜✓✴ ✰✚ ✕✮✰✰✖✕ ✢✕✖✖✦ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✪✗✮✧✣ ✑✖✧✙✜✓✴ ✫✗✕ ★✜✦✮✒✧ ✜✘✙✒✪✢✲ ✒✓✣ ✢✑✖

✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✣✗✖✦ ✓✗✢ ✑✒✦ ✒✓✚ ✒✪✢✜★✜✢✜✖✦ ✒✫✫✖✪✢✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✢✗✮✕✜✦✘ ✣✖✦✢✜✓✒✢✜✗✓✦✲ ✓✒✢✮✕✒✧ ✪✗✓✦✖✕★✒✢✜✗✓✲ ✒✓✣ ✒✓✪✜✖✓✢ ✒✕✖✒✦

✣✜✕✖✪✢✧✚✶ ✱✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✒✖✦✢✑✖✢✜✪✒✧ ✜✘✙✒✪✢ ✜✦ ✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ✧✗✬✶

Page 12: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✝✟✏☎☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

�✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✙✕✗★✜✣✖ ✴✕✖✖✓ ✦✙✒✪✖✦ ✗✫ ✁✔✲✘✘✘ ✦✽✶✚✶ ✗✕ ✁✁ ✶✛✤ ✥✒✜ ✭✺✶✮●❋ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✖✓✢✜✕✖

✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✒✕✖✒✯ ✰✱ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✢✑✖ ✒✕✖✒✦ ✒✕✖ ✪✗✓✦✖✕★✖✣ ✫✗✕ ✴✕✗✬✜✓✴ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✢✕✖✖✦ ✦✳✪✑ ✒✦ ✓✖✖✚ ✢✕✖✖ ✭✧✗✪✒✧ ✢✕✖✖

✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ✙✕✗✚✗✢✖✣ ✢✗ ✰✖ �✕✖✖ ✗✫ ✵✗✓✴✷✑✧✒ ✙✕✗★✜✓✪✖✯✲ ✢✒✧✧ ✦✑✒✙✖ ✢✕✖✖✦ ✦✳✪✑ ✒✦ ✙✜✓✖ ✢✕✖✖✲ ✒✓✣ ✪✖✚✖✢✖✕✱

✢✕✖✖✲ ✒✓✣ ✦✚✒✧✧ ✢✕✖✖✦ ✰✱ ✣✖✦✜✴✓✜✓✴ ✒ ✿✜✴✿✒✴ ✙✒✢✢✖✕✓ ✢✗ ✕✖✣✳✪✖ ✬✜✓✣ ✦✙✖✖✣ ✒✓✣ ✚✒✜✓✢✒✜✓ ✣✜★✖✕✦✜✢✱ ✗✫ ✢✕✖✖✦

✬✜✢✑ ✚✒✷✜✓✴ ✴✗✗✣ ✧✒✓✣✦✪✒✙✖ ✫✗✕ ✳✦✜✓✴ ✒✦ ✰✳✫✫✖✕ ✿✗✓✖ ✢✗ ✦✳✕✕✗✳✓✣✜✓✴ ✪✗✚✚✳✓✜✢✜✖✦✶

❊✳✕✢✑✖✕✚✗✕✖✲ ✒✕✖✒ ✜✓ ✒ ✕✒✣✜✳✦ ✗✫ ✤ ✷✚ ✫✕✗✚ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✒✕✖✒✦ ✣✗✖✦ ✓✗✢ ✪✗✓✢✒✜✓ ✒✓✱

✢✗✳✕✜✦✚ ✣✖✦✢✜✓✒✢✜✗✓✦✲ ✓✒✢✳✕✒✧ ✪✗✓✦✖✕★✒✢✜✗✓✲ ✒✓✣ ✒✓✪✜✖✓✢ ✒✕✖✒ ✰✱ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✬✜✧✧ ✓✗✢

✪✒✳✦✖ ✣✜✕✖✪✢ ✜✚✙✒✪✢ ✢✗ ✦✜✴✓✜✫✜✪✒✓✢ ✒✖✦✢✑✖✢✜✪✒✧ ✒✕✖✒✦✶ �✑✖✕✖✫✗✕✖✲ ✒✖✦✢✑✖✢✜✪✒✧ ✜✚✙✒✪✢ ✜✦ ✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✖✣ ✧✗✬✶

1.10 Grievance redress mechanism

✸✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✢✦ ✕✖✧✒✢✖✣ ✢✗ ✪✗✚✚✳✓✜✢✜✖✦❁ ✜✓✪✗✓★✖✓✜✖✓✪✖ ✪✒✳✦✖✣ ✰✱ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✜✚✙✧✖✚✖✓✢✒✢✜✗✓

✦✑✒✧✧ ✰✖ ✑✒✓✣✧✖✣ ✒✓✣ ✙✕✜✗✕✜✢✜✿✖✣ ✫✗✕ ✕✒✙✜✣ ✦✗✧✳✢✜✗✓✶ �✑✖ ✫✜✕✦✢ ✦✢✒✴✖ ✗✫ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✢ ✙✕✗✪✖✣✳✕✖ ✜✦ ✦✢✒✕✢✜✓✴

✬✜✢✑ ✫✜✧✧✜✓✴ ✗✫ ✒ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✢ ✫✗✕✚ ✰✱ ✢✑✖ ✒✫✫✖✪✢✖✣ ✕✖✦✜✣✖✓✢✦✶

✭✁✯ ✹✫✢✖✕ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✒✓✢ ✚✒✣✖ ✒ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✢ ★✜✒ ✗✓✖ ✗✫ ✢✑✖ ✪✑✒✓✓✖✧✦ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✢

✪✖✓✢✖✕ ✗✕ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢✲ ✢✑✖ ✕✖✦✙✗✓✦✜✰✧✖ ✙✖✕✦✗✓✓✖✧ ✬✜✧✧ ✜✓★✖✦✢✜✴✒✢✖ ✢✑✖ ✪✒✳✦✖✶ ✻✫ ✢✑✖ ✜✦✦✳✖ ✣✜✣ ✓✗✢

✗✕✜✴✜✓✒✢✖ ✑✗✕✓ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢✲ ✢✑✖✓ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✒✓✢ ✚✳✦✢ ✰✖ ✜✓✫✗✕✚✖✣ ✬✜✢✑✜✓ ✛✼ ✑✗✳✕✦✶

✭✛✯ ✻✫ ✢✑✖ ✜✦✦✳✖ ✜✦ ✜✓✣✖✖✣ ✫✕✗✚ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢✲ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✢ ✗✫✫✜✪✖✕ ✬✜✧✧ ✫✗✕✬✒✕✣ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✢

✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✦✜✢✖ ✚✒✓✒✴✖✕ ✜✫ ✜✢ ✜✦ ✣✳✕✜✓✴ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✳✪✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣ ✗✕ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢ ✚✒✓✒✴✖✕ ✜✫ ✜✢ ✜✦ ✣✳✕✜✓✴

✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣✶ ✹ ✚✖✖✢✜✓✴ ✢✗ ✕✖✪✢✜✫✱ ✢✑✖ ✜✦✦✳✖ ✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✑✖✧✣ ✒✓✣ ✙✖✕✦✗✓✓✖✧ ✒✦✦✜✴✓✖✣ ✢✗ ✕✖✪✢✜✫✱ ✢✑✖ ✜✦✦✳✖✶

✾✕✗✴✕✖✦✦ ✚✳✦✢ ✰✖ ✜✓✫✗✕✚✖✣ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✒✓✢ ✖★✖✕✱ ✛ ✣✒✱✦ ✗✕ ✒✦ ✒✴✕✖✖✣ ✳✙✗✓ ✬✜✢✑ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✒✓✢✶

✭❀✯ ✵✜✢✖ ✚✒✓✒✴✖✕ ✗✕ ✢✑✖ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢ ✚✒✓✒✴✖✕ ✜✦ ✕✖✦✙✗✓✦✜✰✧✖ ✫✗✕ ✗✕✣✖✕✜✓✴ ✪✗✕✕✖✪✢✜★✖ ✒✪✢✜✗✓✦

✢✗ ✰✖✜✓✴ ✢✒✷✖✓ ✒✓✣ ✕✖✙✗✕✢ ✗✓ ✢✑✖ ✙✕✗✴✕✖✦✦ ✢✗ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✒✓✢ ✖★✖✕✱ ✬✖✖✷ ✗✕ ✒✦ ✒✴✕✖✖ ✳✙✗✓ ✙✖✕✜✗✣✶ �✑✖

❃✪✪✳✙✒✢✜✗✓✒✧ ❂✖✒✧✢✑✲ ✵✒✫✖✢✱ ◆ ❄✓★✜✕✗✓✚✖✓✢ ✸✗✚✚✜✢✢✖✖ ✚✳✦✢ ✒✧✦✗ ✰✖ ✜✓✫✗✕✚✖✣✶ �✑✖ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✢ ✗✫✫✜✪✖✕

✒✓✣ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✚✙✧✒✜✓✒✓✢ ✦✑✒✧✧ ✒✧✦✗ ✜✓✦✙✖✪✢ ✢✑✖ ✕✖✪✢✜✫✜✪✒✢✜✗✓ ✢✗✴✖✢✑✖✕✶

1.11 Measures

�✑✖ ✸✑✒✓✒ ❅✕✖✖✓ ✸✗✶✧✢✣✶ ✑✒✦ ✙✧✒✓✓✖✣ ✢✗ ✣✖★✖✧✗✙ ✸✑✒✓✒ ❅✕✖✖✓ ✾✗✬✖✕ ✾✧✒✓✢ ✾✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✒✢ ❆✳

✦✳✰✣✜✦✢✕✜✪✢✲ ✸✑✒✓✒✲ ✵✗✓✴✷✑✧✒ ✬✑✜✪✑ ✜✦ ✒ ✰✜✗✚✒✦✦ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢ ✳✦✜✓✴ ✕✖✦✜✣✳✒✧ ✫✕✗✚ ✬✗✗✣ ✢✕✒✓✦✫✗✕✚✒✢✜✗✓

✜✓✣✳✦✢✕✱ ✗✕ ✬✗✗✣ ✙✜✖✪✖ ✫✕✗✚ ✕✳✰✰✖✕ ✢✕✖✖✲ ✒✓✣ ✚✒✓✴✜✳✚ ✢✕✖✖✶ �✑✖ ✙✗✬✖✕ ✙✧✒✓✢ ✑✒✦ ✪✒✙✒✪✜✢✱ ✗✫ ✛✤ ❇❈ ✪✗★✖✕

✒✓ ✒✕✖✒ ✗✫ ✁✺✁✶✼✮ ✥✒✜ ✭�✑✒✜ ✒✕✖✒ ✳✓✜✢❉ ✁ ✥✒✜ ❑ ✁✲✺✘✘ ✦✽✶✚✶✯✶

�✑✖ ✸✑✒✓✒ ❅✕✖✖✓ ✸✗✶✧✢✣✶ ✑✒✦ ✪✗✓✪✖✕✓✖✣ ✒✰✗✳✢ ✴✗✗✣ ✴✗★✖✕✓✒✓✪✖ ✖✓✢✖✕✙✕✜✦✖ ✰✱ ✬✑✜✪✑

✪✗✓✦✜✣✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✫✗✕ ✖✓★✜✕✗✓✚✖✓✢✒✧ ✽✳✒✧✜✢✱✲ ✑✱✴✜✖✓✖✲ ✒✓✣ ✦✒✫✖✢✱ ✗✫ ✧✗✪✒✧ ✙✖✗✙✧✖✦ ✒✓✣ ✕✖✧✒✢✖✣ ✗✕✴✒✓✜✿✒✢✜✗✓✦✶

�✑✳✦✲ ✢✑✖ ✪✗✚✙✒✓✱ ✑✒✣ ✙✧✒✓✓✖✣ ✫✗✕ ✖✓★✜✕✗✓✚✖✓✢✒✧ ✽✳✒✧✜✢✱ ✚✜✢✜✴✒✢✜✗✓✦ ✫✗✕ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✪✗✓✦✜✦✢✜✓✴ ✗✫ ✁✘ ✜✦✦✳✖✦

✬✑✜✪✑ ✒✕✖❍

Page 13: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✝✟✏☎☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

✤�✥ ✔✖✓✖✕✒✧ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓✲

✤✁✥ ✑✜✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚ ✘✒✓✒✴✖✘✖✓✢✲

✤✾✥ ✻✗✜✦✖ ✘✒✓✒✴✖✘✖✓✢✲

✤✛✥ ✹✒✢✖✕ ✪✗✓✦✮✘✙✢✜✗✓✲

✤✣✥ ✹✒✢✖✕ ✽✮✒✧✜✢✚★✜✕✕✜✴✒✢✜✗✓ ✒✓✩ ✫✧✗✗✩✜✓✴ ✙✕✖✬✖✓✢✜✗✓✲

✤✺✥ ✭✕✒✫✫✜✪ ✘✒✓✒✴✖✘✖✓✢✲

✤●✥ ✹✒✦✢✖ ✘✒✓✒✴✖✘✖✓✢ ✙✧✒✓✲

✤✯✥ ✰✗✪✜✗✱✖✪✗✓✗✘✜✪ ✘✒✓✒✴✖✘✖✓✢ ✙✧✒✓✲

✤✳✥ ❃✪✪✮✙✒✢✜✗✓✒✧ ✵✖✒✧✢✵ ✒✓✩ ✦✒✫✖✢✚ ✘✒✓✒✴✖✘✖✓✢✲ ✒✓✩

✤�✶✥ ✑✖✦✢✵✖✢✜✪✦ ✘✒✓✒✴✖✘✖✓✢✷

1.12 Recommendations

✼✒✦✖✩ ✗✓ ✢✵✖ ✕✖✦✮✧✢✦ ✗✫ ✢✵✖ ✸✿✑ ✦✢✮✩✚✲ ✢✵✖ ✓✖✪✖✦✦✒✕✚ ✕✖✪✗✘✘✖✓✩✒✢✜✗✓✦ ✪✒✓ ❀✖ ✖✘✙✵✒✦✜❁✖✩

✒✦ ✫✗✧✧✗❂✦❄

✤�✥ ✭✵✖ ✙✕✗❅✖✪✢ ✦✵✒✧✧ ❀✖ ✮✓✩✖✕ ✒✧✧ ✪✗✓✩✜✢✜✗✓✦✲ ✦✢✕✜✪✢✧✚ ✖✓✫✗✕✪✖ ✢✵✖ ✜✘✙✧✖✘✖✓✢✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✵✖

✙✕✗✙✗✦✖✩ ✖✓✬✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✘✖✒✦✮✕✖✦ ✩✖✦✜✴✓✖✩ ✫✗✕ ✢✵✖ ✪✗✓✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✓ ✒✓✩ ✗✙✖✕✒✢✜✗✓ ✙✵✒✦✖✦ ✜✓ ✗✕✩✖✕ ✢✗ ✒✬✗✜✩

✗✕ ✘✜✓✜✘✜❁✖ ❀✗✢✵ ✖✓✬✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✒✓✩ ✦✗✪✜✒✧ ✜✘✙✒✪✢✦ ✗✓ ✢✵✖ ✦✮✕✕✗✮✓✩✜✓✴ ✪✗✘✘✮✓✜✢✜✖✦ ✒✓✩ ✴✖✓✖✕✒✧


✤✁✥ ✭✵✖ ✙✕✗❅✖✪✢ ✦✵✒✧✧ ✒✧❂✒✚✦ ✪✗✓✩✮✪✢ ✒✓ ✖✓✬✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✦✢✮✩✚ ✫✗✕ ✒✓✚ ✘✗✩✜✫✜✪✒✢✜✗✓ ✗✫ ✢✵✖

✙✕✗❅✖✪✢ ✩✖✦✜✴✓ ✒✓✩★✗✕ ✢✵✖ ✖✓✬✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✒✪✢✜✗✓ ✙✧✒✓ ✢✗ ✫✜✓✩ ✗✮✢ ✢✵✖ ✖✓✬✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✫✖✒✦✜❀✜✧✜✢✚ ❀✖✫✗✕✖

✘✒❆✜✓✴ ✢✵✖ ✩✖✪✜✦✜✗✓✲

✤✾✥ ✭✵✖ ✙✮❀✧✜✪ ✙✒✕✢✜✪✜✙✒✢✜✗✓✦ ✒✕✖ ✢✵✖ ✗✓✴✗✜✓✴ ✒✪✢✜✬✜✢✜✖✦ ✢✵✕✗✮✴✵✗✮✢ ✢✵✖ ✙✕✗❅✖✪✢

✜✘✙✧✖✘✖✓✢✒✢✜✗✓✷ ✭✵✖ ✪✗✘✘✖✓✢✦✲ ✪✗✓✪✖✕✓✦ ✒✓✩ ✦✮✴✴✖✦✢✜✗✓✦ ✫✕✗✘ ✪✗✓✪✖✕✓✖✩ ✦✢✒❆✖✵✗✧✩✖✕✦ ✦✵✒✧✧ ❀✖

✪✗✓✦✜✩✖✕✖✩ ✒✓✩ ✜✓✪✗✕✙✗✕✒✢✖✩ ✜✓✢✗ ✢✵✖ ✙✕✗❅✖✪✢ ✖✓✬✜✕✗✓✘✖✓✢✒✧ ✘✒✓✒✴✖✘✖✓✢ ✙✧✒✓ ✒✦ ✒✙✙✕✗✙✕✜✒✢✖✲


Page 14: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Project Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞☛✟✠✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✟☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited



�✁✔✕✔ ✖✗✘✘✕ �✙✚✛✔✕✜ ✢✣✚✣✤✘✥ ✦✤✁✘ �✙✚✛✔✕✜✧ ✁✔★ ✔ ✛✩✔✕ ✤✙ ✥✘✪✘✩✙✛ ✤✁✘ ✛✗✙✫✘✬✤ ✙✭ �✁✔✕✔

✖✗✘✘✕ ✮✙✯✘✗ ✮✩✔✕✤ ✔✤ ✰✱ ✲✱✳✴✥✣★✤✗✣✬✤✵ �✁✔✕✔ ✶✣★✤✗✣✬✤✵ ✲✙✕✷✸✁✩✔ ✮✗✙✪✣✕✬✘✹ ✺✤ ✣★ ✔ ✳✣✙✚✔★★ ✛✙✯✘✗

✛✩✔✕✤✹ ✢✘✷✔✩ ✯✙✙✥✘✕ ✯✔★✤✘ ✭✗✙✚ ✔✷✗✣✬✱✩✤✱✗✔✩ ✔✬✤✣✪✣✤✣✘★ ★✱✬✁ ✔★ ✗✱✳✳✘✗ ✯✙✙✥ ✔✕✥ ✔✬✔✬✣✔ ✯✙✙✥✹ ✺✤ ✁✔★ ✔

✬✔✛✔✬✣✤✜ ✙✭ ✻✼ ✽✾ ✩✙✬✔✤✘✥ ✣✕ ✤✁✘ ✔✗✘✔ ✙✭ ✿❀✿✹❁❂ ✗✔✣✹ ❃✁✘ �✙✚✛✔✕✜ ✁✔★ ✳✘✘✕ ✔✛✛✗✙✪✘✥ ✳✜ ✤✁✘

❄✩✘✬✤✗✣✬✣✤✜ ✖✘✕✘✗✔✤✣✕✷ ❅✱✤✁✙✗✣✤✜ ✙✭ ❃✁✔✣✩✔✕✥ ✦❄✖❅❃✧ ✱✕✥✘✗ ✤✁✘ ✛✗✙✫✘✬✤ ✙✭ ✛✙✯✘✗ ✛✱✗✬✁✔★✘ ✭✗✙✚ ✔

★✚✔✩✩ ✛✙✯✘✗ ✛✩✔✕✤ ✣✕ ✔✬✬✙✗✥✔✕✬✘ ✯✣✤✁ ✤✁✘ ❆✙✤✣✭✣✬✔✤✣✙✕ ✙✭ ✛✙✯✘✗ ✛✱✗✬✁✔★✘ ✭✗✙✚ ✗✘✕✘✯✔✳✩✘ ★✚✔✩✩

✛✙✯✘✗ ✛✩✔✕✤ ❇✹❄✹✻✼✼❈ ✦✗✘✪✣★✣✙✕ ❇✹❄✹✻✼✼✻✧✹ ❃✁✣★ ✣★ ✬✙✁✘✗✘✕✤ ✯✣✤✁ ✤✁✘ ❅✩✤✘✗✕✔✤✣✪✘ ❄✕✘✗✷✜

✶✘✪✘✩✙✛✚✘✕✤ ✮✩✔✕ ✙✭ ✤✁✘ ✷✙✪✘✗✕✚✘✕✤✹

❃✁✘ �✁✔✕✔ ✖✗✘✘✕ ✮✙✯✘✗ ✮✩✔✕✤ ✮✗✙✫✘✬✤ ✯✣✤✁ ✻✼ ✽✾ ✬✔✛✔✬✣✤✜ ✣★ ✯✣✤✁✣✕ ✤✁✘ ★✬✙✛✘ ✙✭ ✤✁✘

❄✕✪✣✗✙✕✚✘✕✤✔✩ ✺✚✛✔✬✤ ❅★★✘★★✚✘✕✤ ✦❄✺❅✧ ★✜★✤✘✚ ✣✕ ❃✁✔✣✩✔✕✥ ✔✕✥ ✣★ ★✱✳✫✘✬✤✘✥ ✤✙ ✤✁✘ ✗✘❉✱✣✗✘✚✘✕✤★ ✙✕

✤✁✘ ✛✗✘✛✔✗✔✤✣✙✕ ✔✕✥ ★✱✳✚✣★★✣✙✕ ✙✭ ✤✁✘ ❄✺❅ ✗✘✛✙✗✤ ✤✙ ✤✁✘ ❊✭✭✣✬✘ ✙✭ ❆✔✤✱✗✔✩ ❋✘★✙✱✗✬✘★ ✔✕✥

❄✕✪✣✗✙✕✚✘✕✤✔✩ ✮✙✩✣✬✜ ✔✕✥ ✮✩✔✕✕✣✕✷ ✦❊❆❄✮✧ ✭✙✗ ✗✘✪✣✘✯ ✔✕✥ ✔✛✛✗✙✪✔✩ ✦✱✕✥✘✗ ✤✁✘ ❄✺❅ ★✜★✤✘✚ ✔✩★✙

✸✕✙✯ ✔★ ❆✙✤✣✭✣✬✔✤✣✙✕ ✙✭ ✽✣✕✣★✤✗✜ ✙✭ ❆✔✤✱✗✔✩ ❋✘★✙✱✗✬✘★ ✔✕✥ ❄✕✪✣✗✙✕✚✘✕✤ ❇✹❄✹ ✻✼✼✻✧✹ ❃✁✘ ✤✜✛✘★ ✔✕✥

★✣●✘★ ✙✭ ✛✗✙✫✘✬✤★ ✬✙✪✘✗✘✥ ✱✕✥✘✗ ✤✁✘ ❄✺❅ ★✜★✤✘✚ ✣★ ✥✘✤✔✣✩✘✥ ✱✕✥✘✗ ✤✁✘ ❄✕✁✔✕✬✘✚✘✕✤ ✔✕✥ �✙✕★✘✗✪✔✤✣✙✕

✙✭ ✤✁✘ ❆✔✤✣✙✕✔✩ ❄✕✪✣✗✙✕✚✘✕✤✔✩ ❍✱✔✩✣✤✜ ❅✬✤✵ ❇✹❄✹ ✻✼■✼ ✦✿❂❂✻✧✹ ❃✁✘✗✘✭✙✗✘✵ �✙✕★✱✩✤✔✕✤ ✙✭ ❃✘✬✁✕✙✩✙✷✜

�✙✚✛✔✕✜ ✢✣✚✣✤✘✥ ✯✔★ ✘✕✷✔✷✘✥ ✤✙ ✬✙✕✥✱✬✤ ✤✁✘ ✗✘❉✱✣✗✘✥ ❄✺❅ ★✤✱✥✜✹

2.1 Policy, Legal and Administration Framwork

❃✁✘ ❄✺❅ ✙✭ �✁✔✕✔ ✮✙✯✘✗ ✮✩✔✕✤ ✮✗✙✫✘✬✤ ✭✱✩✩✜ ✬✙✚✛✩✣✘✥ ✯✣✤✁ ✔✛✛✩✣✬✔✳✩✘ ❃✁✔✣ ✩✔✯★ ✣✹✘✹

❊❆❄✮ ✷✱✣✥✘✩✣✕✘★ ✭✙✗ ❄✺❅ ✗✘✛✙✗✤ ✭✙✗ ✮✙✯✘✗ ✮✩✔✕✤ ✯✁✣✬✁ ✣✕✬✩✱✥✘ ✘✕✪✣✗✙✕✚✘✕✤✔✩ ★✤✔✕✥✔✗✥★❏ ✗✘✷✱✩✔✤✣✙✕★

✙✭ ✶✘✛✔✗✤✚✘✕✤ ✙✭ ✺✕✥✱★✤✗✣✔✩ ✾✙✗✸★✵ ✽✣✕✣★✤✗✜ ✙✭ ✺✕✥✱★✤✗✜✵ ✽✣✕✣★✤✗✜ ✙✭ ❆✔✤✱✗✔✩ ❋✘★✙✱✗✬✘ ✔✕✥

❄✕✪✣✗✙✕✚✘✕✤✵ ✽✣✕✣★✤✗✜ ✙✭ ✺✕✤✘✗✣✙✗✵ ✽✣✕✣★✤✗✜ ✙✭ ❃✗✔✕★✛✙✗✤ ✔✕✥ �✙✚✚✱✕✣✬✔✤✣✙✕★✵ ✔✕✥ ✽✣✕✣★✤✗✜ ✙✭


❃✁✘ ✮✗✙✫✘✬✤ ★✁✙✱✩✥ ✔✩★✙ ✬✙✕✭✙✗✚ ✤✙ ✙✤✁✘✗ ✘✕✪✣✗✙✕✚✘✕✤✔✩ ✛✙✩✣✬✣✘★ ✔✕✥ ★✤✔✕✥✔✗✥★ ✚✔✕✥✔✤✘✥

✳✜ ✤✁✘ ✁✙★✤ ✬✙✱✕✤✗✜ ✷✙✪✘✗✕✚✘✕✤ ★✱✬✁ ✔★ ✛✘✗✚✣✤ ✤✙ ✛✱✚✛ ✔✕✥ ✥✣★✬✁✔✗✷✘ ✯✔✤✘✗ ✭✗✙✚ ✔✕✥ ✤✙ ❆✔✤✁✔✯✘✘

✬✔✕✔✩✵ ✛✘✗✚✣✤ ✥✣★✛✙★✘✥ ✔★✁✵ ✔✕✥ ✔✛✛✗✙✪✔✩ ✙✭ ✲✙✩✣✥ ✾✔★✤✘ ✶✣★✛✙★✔✩✵ ✘✤✬✹

2.1.1 Relevant Thai Regulation

Page 15: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Project Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞☛✟✠✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✟☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

(1) Thai Environmental Standard/Regulations

�✥ ✁✘✰✜✖✔✢ ✕✜✗ ✽✮✕✧✜✢✚ ✦✢✕✔✣✕✗✣ ✻✙✢✜✫✜✪✕✢✜✙✔ ✙✫ ✻✕✢✜✙✔✕✧ ✛✔★✜✗✙✔✘✖✔✢✕✧

✤✙✘✘✜✢✢✖✖ ❂✙✧✶ �✩ ✼✶✛✶✬✭❁✯ ✱�✲✲✭✥ ✮✔✣✖✗ ✢✳✖ ✛✔✳✕✔✪✖✘✖✔✢ ✕✔✣ ✤✙✔✦✖✗★✕✢✜✙✔ ✙✫ ✻✕✢✜✙✔✕✧

✛✔★✜✗✙✔✘✖✔✢✕✧ ❀✮✕✧✜✢✚ ✁✪✢ ✼✶✛✶✬✭❁✭ ✱�✲✲✬✥✴ ✵✮✰✧✜✦✳✖✣ ✜✔ ✢✳✖ ✷✙✚✕✧ ✸✙★✖✗✔✘✖✔✢ ✸✕✿✖✢✢✖ ✻✙✶ ��✬

✹✕✗✢ ✭✬ ✣✕✢✖✣ ✺✕✚ ✬✭✴ ✼✶✛✶✬✭❁✯ ✱�✲✲✭✥✶

Standard of Ambient Air Pollutant Concentration µg/m3)

✾❃❄ ❅❆❇❈❅❉❇ ❊❋ ●❈❍■


❄P◗❘❙ ❅❆❇❈❅❉❇ ❊❋ ●❈❍■


❚❙❯ ❅❆❇❈❅❉❇ ❘ ●❈■


❃❱❯ ❅❆❇❈❅❉❇ ❊❋ ●❈❍■


❃❱❯ ❅❆❇❈❅❉❇ ❘ ●❈■


❲❲❙ ❘❊❙ ❲❊❙ ❲❙❙ ❳❨❙

❩✳✖ ❬✼ ❭❪✤ ✛❫❴ ✸✖✔✖✗✕✧ ✸✮✣✖✧✜✔✖✦ ✫✙✗ ✁✘✰✜✖✔✢ ✁✜✗ ❀✮✕✧✜✢✚ ✢✙ ✰✖ ✘✖✢ ✜✦ ✣✖✢✕✜✧✖✣ ✜✔

❩✕✰✧✖ �✶�✶�✴ ✜✶✖✶✴ ✕✢ ✬❵ ✳✙✮✗ ✕★✖✗✕❛✜✔❛ ✵✖✗✜✙✣ ✹✺❜❝ ✱�✭✩❞❛❡✘❁✥ ✕✔✣ ❴❢❣ ✱�✬✭❞❛❡✘❁✥✶

2) Noise level standard

✻✙✢✜✫✜✪✕✢✜✙✔ ✙✫ ✻✕✢✜✙✔✕✧ ✛✔★✜✗✙✔✘✖✔✢✕✧ ✤✙✘✘✜✢✢✖✖ ❂✙✧✶�✭ ✼✶✛✶✬✭❵✩ ✱�✲✲❤✥✥

✮✔✣✖✗ ✢✳✖ ✤✙✔✦✖✗★✕✢✜✙✔ ✕✔✣ ✛✔✳✕✔✪✖✘✖✔✢ ✙✫ ✻✕✢✜✙✔✕✧ ✛✔★✜✗✙✔✘✖✔✢✕✧ ❀✮✕✧✜✢✚ ✁✪✢ ✼✶✛✶✬✭❁✭ ✱�✲✲✬✥

✣✕✢✖✣ ✺✕✗✪✳ �✬✴ ✼✶✛✶✬✭❵✩ ✱�✲✲❤✥ ✕✔✣ ✻✙✢✜✫✜✪✕✢✜✙✔ ✙✫ ✹✙✧✧✮✢✜✙✔ ✤✙✔✢✗✙✧ ✐✖✵✕✗✢✘✖✔✢ ❥ ❴✮✰❦✖✪✢❧

✤✕✧✪✮✧✕✢✜✙✔ ✙✫ ✻✙✜✦✖ ♠✖★✖✧ ✐✕✢✖✣ ✁✮❛✮✦✢ ��✴ ✼✶✛✶ ✬✭❵✩ ✱�✲✲❤✥✶

Standard of Noise Level, Decible (A)

♠✖✽ ✱✬❵ ✳✗✦✶✥ ♠✘✕♥ ♠✣✔ ♠✲✩

❤✩✶✩ ��✭✶✩ ♦ ♦

❩✳✖ ❬✼ ❭❪✤ ✛❫❴ ✦✢✕✔✣✕✗✣ ✢✙ ✰✖ ✘✖✢ ♣✳✜✪✳ ✜✦ ✢✳✖ ❬❫❢ ❛✮✜✣✖✧✜✔✖✦ ♣✜✢✳ ♠✁✖✽ ❤✩✣✼ ✕✢ ✢✳✖ ✦✜✢✖

✰✙✮✔✣✕✗✚ ✢✳✖ ✦✕✘✖ ✕✦ ❩✳✕✜ ❴✢✕✔✣✕✗✣✶ ❩✳✖ ❩✳✕✜ ✦✢✕✔✣✕✗✣ ✳✕✦ ✔✙ ♠✁✖✽ ✣✕✚❡ ✔✜❛✳✢ ✕✢ ✢✳✖ ✔✖✕✗✖✦✢

✗✖✦✜✣✖✔✢✜✕✧ ✗✖✪✖✵✢✙✗✶ ❩✳✖ ❬❫❢ ❛✮✜✣✖✧✜✔✖✦ ✙✔ ♠✁ ✘✕♥ ✜✦ q✩✣✼ ✕✢ ✢✳✖ ✔✖✕✗✖✦✢ ✗✖✦✜✣✖✔✢✜✕✧ ✗✖✪✖✵✢✙✗ ✜✦

✘✙✗✖ ✦✢✗✜✔❛✖✔✢ ✢✳✕✢ ✢✳✖ ♠✘✕♥ ✜✔ ❩✳✕✜ ❴✢✕✔✣✕✗✣ ♣✳✜✪✳ ✜✦ ��✭ ✣✼✱✁✥✶ ❩✳✖ ✤✙✘✵✕✔✚ ♣✜✧✧ ✮✔✣✖✗✢✕r✖ ✢✳✖

✘✜✢✜❛✕✢✜✙✔ ✘✖✕✦✮✗✖✦ ✕✦ ✦✢✕✢✖✣ ✜✔ ✢✳✖ ✛✺✹ ✕✔✣ ✜✫ ✖♥✪✖✖✣✕✔✪✖ ✜✔ ✢✳✖ ✘✙✗✖ ✦✢✗✜❛✖✔✢ ✦✢✕✔✣✕✗✣ ✕✣✣✜✢✜✙✔✕✧

✘✜✢✜❛✕✢✜✙✔ ✘✖✕✦✮✗✖✦ ✕✦ ✕✵✵✗✙✵✗✜✕✢✖ ♣✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✕✵✵✧✜✖✣✶

3) Surface Water Quality Standard

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Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Project Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞☛✟✠✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✟☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

✱ ✻✗✢✜✫✜✪�✢✜✗✁ ✗✫ ✻�✢✜✗✁�✧ ✔✁★✜✕✗✁✘✖✁✢�✧ ✙✗✘✘✜✢✢✖✖ ❂✗✧✶ ✚ ✼✶✔✶✛✣❁❄ ✤✥✦✦✩✬ ✜✁

�✪✪✗✕✭�✁✪✖ ✮✜✢✯ ✢✯✖ ✻�✢✜✗✁�✧ ✔✁★✜✕✗✁✘✖✁✢�✧ ✪✗✁✰✖✕★�✢✜✗✁ �✁✭ ✖✁✯�✁✪✖✘✖✁✢ ✲✪✢ ✼✶✔✶✛✣❁✣ ✤✥✦✦✛✬✳

✰✴✵✷✖✪✢✖✭ ✢✗ ✢✯✖ ✰✢�✁✭�✕✭ ✗✫ ✰✴✕✫�✪✖ ✮�✢✖✕ ✽✴�✧✜✢✸✳ ✹✴✵✧✜✰✯✖✭ ✜✁ ✺✗✸�✧ ✾�✿✖✢✢✖ ❂✗✧✶ ❀✧✧ ❃✹✖✪✜�✧ ❅�✕✢ ✥❆❇✳

✭�✢✖✭ ✛✩ ❈✖✵✕✴�✕✸ ✥✦✦✩✶

✱ ❉✯✖ ✺✗✸�✧ ❀✕✕✜❊�✢✜✗✁ ❇✖✹�✕✢✘✖✁✢ ❋✕✭✖✕ ✁✗✶ ❄❁●✛✣✣✩ ✕✖❍ ✲✘✖✁✭✜✁❊ ✗✫

❅✕✖★✖✁✢✜★✖ �✁✭ ❃✗✧✴✢✜✗✁✰ ✗✁ ❅✗✗✕ ■✴�✧✜✢✸ ✗✫ ❇✜✰✪✯�✕❊✖✭ ❏�✢✖✕ ✜✁✢✗ ❀✕✕✜❊�✢✜✗✁ ✙�✁�✧ �✁✭ ✙✗✁✁✖✪✢✖✭ ❅�✕✢

✗✫ ✢✯✖ ❀✕✕✜❊�✢✖✭ ✲✕✖�✰✳ ✭�✢✖✭ ✥ ✲✹✕✜✧ ✛❑✥✥✶

❉✯✖ ✰✴✕✫�✪✖ ✮�✢✖✕ ✽✴�✧✜✢✸ ✰✢�✁✭�✕✭ ✜✰ ✰✯✗✮✁ ✜✁ Table 2.1-1.

Table 2.1-1

Surface water quality standard

Quality Measurement Index Unit

Standard Quality of Surface


Standard Quality of

Water Discharged to

Irrigation Canal2/ ▲ ▼ ◆ ❖

P◗❘❙❚❯❱❲ ❳❨❩❬◗

❭❲❪❫ ❴❱❬❨



❞❜❙❩❨❡❢❨❢ ❞❪❲❚❢❙

❵❪❬❱❲ ❳❚❙❙❪❲❣❨❢ ❞❪❲❚❢❙















❤◗❨❛❚❯❱❲ ❳❚❙❙❪❲❣❨❢ qr❘❦❨❡



q❚❲ t ✉❴❨❱❙❨














s❚❪❲❪❦❚❯❱❲ ❵❪❬❱❲ ❤❪❲❚③❪❴❛ s❱❯❬❨❴❚❱

❭❨❯❱❲ ❤❪❲❚③❪❴❛ s❱❯❬❨❴❚❱

④P⑤✐②♦♦ ❛❲

④P⑤✐②♦♦ ❛❲





❃✗✴✕✪✖❍⑦⑧❉✯✖ ✁✗✢✜✫✜✪�✢✜✗✁ ✗✫ ✻�✢✜✗✁�✧ ✔✁★✜✕✗✁✘✖✁✢�✧ ✙✗✘✘✜✢✢✖✖ ❂✗✧✚ ✼✔✶✛✣❁❄ ✤✥✦✦✩✬ ✜✁

�✪✪✗✕✭�✁✪✖ ✮✜✢✯ ✢✯✖ ✻�✢✜✗✁�✧ ✔✁★✜✕✗✁✘✖✁✢�✧ ✪✗✁✰✖✕★�✢✜✗✁ �✁✭ ✖✁✯�✁✪✖✘✖✁✢ ✲✪✢ ✼✫✶ ✛✣❁✣

❑✦✦✛✬✶ ✕✖❍ ❃✢�✁✭�✕✭ ■✴�✧✜✢✸ ✗✫ ❃✴✕✫�✪✖ ❏�✢✖✕✳ ✹✴✵✧✜✰✯✖✭ ⑨⑩ ✺✗✸�✧ ✾�✿✖✢✢✖ ❂✗✧✶✥✥✥ ❃✹✖✪✜�✧

❅�✕✢ ✥❆ ❑✳ ✭�✢✖✭ ✛❶ ❈✖✵✕✴�✕✸ ✥✦✦✩

Page 17: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Project Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞☛✟✠✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✟☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

�✁✔✕✖ ✗✘✚✙✧ ✷✛✛✜✴✙✢✜✘✣ ✳✖✤✙✛✢✥✖✣✢ ✾✛✦✖✛ ✣✘✶ ❄❁★✩✪✯✫ ✛✖❇ ✬✥✖✣✦✜✣✴ ✘✭ ✮✛✖✰✖✣✢✜✰✖ ✙✣✦

✯✘✧✱✢✜✘✣✲ ✘✣ ✮✘✘✛ ❀✱✙✧✜✢✚ ✘✭ ✳✜✲✵✕✙✛✴✖✦ ✹✙✢✖✛ ✜✣✢✘ ✷✛✛✜✴✙✢✜✘✣ ✸✙✣✙✧ ✙✣✦ ✸✘✣✣✖✵✢✖✦ ✮✙✛✢ ✘✭

✢✕✖ ✷✛✛✜✴✙✢✖✦ ✬✛✖✙✲✺ ✦✙✢✖✦ ✻ ✬✤✛✜✧ ✩✼✻✻

✗✖✥✙✛✽ ❇ ✣❉ ❏ ✣✙✢✱✛✙✧✧✚ ✿✱✢ ✵✕✙✣✴✜✣✴ ✣✘✢ ✥✘✛✖ ✢✕✙✣ ❁°❂

❃✁✸✧✙✲✲✜✭✜✵✙✢✜✘✣ ✘✭ ✲✱✛✭✙✵✖ ❅✙✢✖✛ ❆✱✙✧✜✢✚

✸✧✙✲✲ ✻ ❈❊✢✛✙ ✵✧✖✙✣ ✭✛✖✲✕ ✲✱✛✭✙✵✖ ❅✙✢✖✛ ✛✖✲✘✱✛✵✖✲ ✱✲✖✦ ✭✘✛❇

❋✻● ✸✘✣✲✖✛✰✙✢✜✘✣ ✣✘✢ ✣✖✵✖✲✲✙✛✚ ✤✙✲✲ ✢✕✛✘✱✴✕ ❅✙✢✖✛ ✢✛✖✙✢✥✖✣✢ ✤✛✘✵✖✲✲ ✛✖❆✱✜✛✖ ✘✣✧✚

✘✛✦✜✣✙✛✚ ✤✛✘✵✖✲✲ ✭✘✛ ✤✙✢✕✘✴✖✣✜✵ ✦✖✲✢✛✱✵✢✜✘✣

❋✩● ❈✵✘✲✚✲✢✖✥ ✵✘✣✲✖✛✰✙✢✜✘✣ ❅✕✖✛✖ ✿✙✲✜✵ ✘✛✴✙✣✜✲✥✲ ✵✙✣ ✿✛✖✖✦ ✣✙✢✱✛✙✧✧✚

✸✧✙✲✲ ✩ ❍✖✛✚ ✦✖✙✣ ✭✛✖✲✕ ✲✱✛✭✙✵✖ ❅✙✢✖✛ ✛✖✲✘✱✛✵✖✲ ✱✲✖✦ ✭✘✛❇

❋✻● ✸✘✣✲✱✥✤✢✜✘✣ ❅✕✜✵✕ ✛✖❆✱✜✛✖✲ ✘✛✦✜✣✙✛✚ ❅✙✢✖✛ ✢✛✖✙✢✥✖✣✢ ✤✛✘✵✖✲✲ ✿✖✭✘✛✖ ✱✲✖

❋✩● ✬❆✱✙✢✜✵ ✘✛✴✙✣✜✲✥ ✘✭ ✵✘✣✲✖✛✰✙✢✜✘✣

❋❁● ■✜✲✕✖✛✜✖✲

❋✫● ✗✖✵✛✖✙✢✜✘✣

✸✧✙✲✲ ❁ ❑✖✦✜✱✥ ✵✧✖✙✣ ✭✛✖✲✕ ✲✱✛✭✙✵✖ ❅✙✢✖✛ ✛✖✲✘✱✛✵✖✲ ✱✲✖✦ ✭✘✛❇

❋✻● ✸✘✣✲✱✥✤✢✜✘✣✺ ✿✱✢ ✤✙✲✲✜✣✴ ✢✕✛✘✱✴✕ ✙✣ ✘✛✦✜✣✙✛✚ ✢✛✖✙✢✥✖✣✢ ✤✛✘✵✖✲✲ ✿✖✭✘✛✖ ✱✲✜✣✴

❋✩● ✬✴✛✜✵✱✧✢✱✛✖

✸✧✙✲✲ ✫ ■✙✜✛✧✚ ✦✖✙✣ ✭✛✖✲✕ ✲✱✛✭✙✵✖ ❅✙✢✖✛ ✛✖✲✘✱✛✵✖✲ ✱✲✖✦ ✭✘✛ ❇

❋✻● ✸✘✣✲✱✥✤✢✜✘✣✺ ✿✱✢ ✛✖❆✱✜✛✖✲ ✲✤✖✵✜✙✧ ❅✙✢✖✛ ✢✛✖✙✢✥✖✣✢ ✤✛✘✵✖✲✲ ✿✖✭✘✛✖ ✱✲✜✣✴

❋✩● ✷✣✦✱✲✢✛✚

✸✧✙✲✲ ✪ ✔✕✖ ✲✘✱✛✵✖✲ ❅✕✜✵✕ ✙✛✖ ✣✘✢ ✵✧✙✲✲✜✭✜✵✙✢✜✘✣ ✜✣ ✵✧✙✲✲ ✻▲✫ ✙✣✦ ✱✲✖✦ ✭✘✛ ✣✙✰✜✴✙✢✜✘✣

3) Ground Water

✔✕✖ ✛✖✲✱✧✢✲ ✘✭ ✴✛✘✱✣✦❅✙✢✖✛ ❆✱✙✧✜✢✚ ✥✖✙✲✱✛✖✥✖✣✢ ❅✖✛✖ ✵✘✥✤✙✛✖✦ ❅✜✢✕ ✢✕✖

✲✢✙✣✦✙✛✦✲ ✭✘✛ ✴✛✘✱✣✦❅✙✢✖✛ ❆✱✙✧✜✢✚ ✙✲ ✤✛✖✲✵✛✜✿✖✦ ✜✣ ✢✕✖ ▼✘✢✜✭✜✵✙✢✜✘✣ ✘✭ ▼✙✢✜✘✣✙✧ ❈✣✰✜✛✘✣✥✖✣✢ ◆✘✙✛✦

▼✘✶ ✩✼ ◆✶❈✶ ✩✪✫❁ ✛✖❇ ✮✛✖✲✵✛✜✿✜✣✴ ✯✢✙✣✦✙✛✦✲ ✭✘✛ ❖✛✘✱✣✦❅✙✢✖✛ ❀✱✙✧✜✢✚✶ ✷✣ ✙✦✦✜✢✜✘✣✺ ✢✕✖ ✥✖✙✲✱✛✖✦

✤✙✛✙✥✖✢✖✛✲ ❅✖✛✖ ✵✘✥✤✙✛✖✦ ❅✜✢✕ ✢✕✖ ✲✱✜✢✙✿✧✖ ✙✣✦ ✥✙❊✜✥✱✥ ✙✧✧✘❅✙✿✧✖ ✵✘✣✵✖✣✢✛✙✢✜✘✣ ✭✘✛ ✵✘✣✲✱✥✤✢✜✘✣

❅✙✢✖✛ ✙✲ ✤✛✖✲✵✛✜✿✖✦ ✜✣ ✢✕✖ ▼✘✢✜✭✜✵✙✢✜✘✣ ✘✭ ❑✜✣✜✲✢✛✚ ✘✭ ▼✙✢✱✛✙✧ ✗✖✲✘✱✛✵✖✲ ✙✣✦ ❈✣✰✜✛✘✣✥✖✣✢ ✛✖❇

✮✛✖✲✵✛✜✿✜✣✴ ✬✵✙✦✖✥✜✵ ✯✢✙✣✦✙✛✦✲ ✭✘✛ ✮✛✘✢✖✵✢✜✘✣ ✘✭ ✮✱✿✧✜✵ P✖✙✧✢✕ ✙✣✦ ❈✣✰✜✛✘✣✥✖✣✢✙✧ ✮✘✧✧✱✢✜✘✣ ◆✶❈✶

✩✪✪✻ ✙✲ ✲✕✘❅✣ ✜✣ Table 2.1-2✶

Page 18: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Project Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞☛✟✠✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✟☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

Table 2.1-2

Groundwater quality standard

✻✗✶ �✕✁✘✖✢✖✕✦ ❑✔✜✢


✤✙✥ ✤✚✥ ✤❁✥

✙✶ ✛✧ ✱ ✱ ❄✶★✱✩✶✪ ✺✶✪✱✫✶✚

✚✶ ✹✁✢✖✕ ✬✖✘✛✖✕✁✢✮✕✖ °✭ ✱ ✱ ✱

❁✶ ✭✗✔✣✮✰✢✜✲✜✢✳ ❃✯✴✰✘ ✱ ✱ ✱

✵✶ ✬✮✕✷✜✣✜✢✳ ✻✬❑ ✱ ✪ ✚★

✪✶ ✬✗✢✁✸ ✣✜✦✦✗✸✲✖✣ ✦✗✸✜✣✦ ✤✬✼✯✥ ✘✽✴✸ ✱ ✺★★ ✙✾✚★★

✺✶ ✯✮✦✛✖✔✣✖✣ ✦✗✸✜✣✦ ✤✯✯✥ ✘✽✴✸ ✱ ✱ ✱

❄✶ ✬✗✢✁✸ ✧✁✕✣✔✖✦✦ ✘✽✴✸ ✁✦ ✭✁✭✿❀✱ ❁★★ ✪★★

✩✶ ✭✁✕✷✗✔✁✢✖ ✧✁✕✣✔✖✦✦ ✘✽✴✸ ✁✦ ✭✁✭✿❀ ✱ ✱ ✱

✫✶ ✯✮✸❂✁✢✖ ✤✯✿4) ✘✽✴✸ ✱ ✚★★ ✚✪★

✙★✶ ❅✁✔✽✁✔✖✦✖ ✤❅✔✥ ✘✽✴✸ ★✶✪ ★✶❁ ★✶✪

✙✙✶ ❆✕✗✔ ✤❇✖✥ ✘✽✴✸ ✱ ★✶✪ ✙✶0

✙✚✶ ✭✗✛✛✖✕ ✤✭✮✥ ✘✽✴✸ ✙✶★ ✙✶★ ✙✶✪

✙❁✶ ▲✜✔✰ ✤▲✔✥ ✘✽✴✸ ✪✶★ ✪✶★ ✙✪

✙✵✶ ❅✁✽✔✖✦✜✮✘ ✤❅✽✥ ✘✽✴✸ ✱ ✱ ✱

✙✪✶ ✭✁✸✰✜✮✘ ✤✭✁✥ ✘✽✴✸ ✱ ✱ ✱

✙✺✶ E.Coli ❅�✻✴✙★★ ✘✸ ✱ ✻✗✔✖ ✱

✙❄✶ ✬✗✢✁✸ ✭✗✔❂✗✕✘ ❈✁✰✢✖✕✜✁ ❅�✻✴✙★★ ✘✸ ✱ ●✚✶✚ ✱

✙✩✶ ❇✖✰✁✸ ✭✗✸✜❂✗✕✘ ❈✁✰✢✖✕✜✁ ❅�✻✴✙★★ ✘✸ ✱ ●✚✶✚ ✱

(2) Power Plant Standard/Regulations

❉✔✲✜✕✗✔✘✖✔✢✁✸ ✦✢✁✔✣✁✕✣✦ ✜✔ ✬❊✁✜✸✁✔✣ ❂✗✕ ✢❊✖✕✘✁✸ ✛✗❋✖✕ ✛✸✁✔✢✦✶

Page 19: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Project Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞☛✟✠✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✟☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

1) Air emission standard

✱ ✻✗✢✜✫✜✪�✢✜✗✁ ✗✫ ✸✻✔✕ ✗✁ ✖✘✜✦✦✜✗✁ ✦✢�✁✣�✙✣ ✫✗✙ � ✁✖✬ ✚✗✬✖✙ ✚✧�✁✢✶ ✛✤

✳✖✪✖✘✰✖✙ ✼✶✕✶✛✥✥✛ ★✛✤✤✩✭✶

✱ ✻✗✢✜✫✜✪�✢✜✗✁ ✗✫ ✸✜✁✜✦✢✙✮ ✗✫ ✜✁✣✯✦✢✙✮ ✼✶✕✶✛✥✲❄ ★✛✤✤✲✭ ✗✁ ✙✖✴✯✧�✢✜✗✁ ✗✫ �✜✙

✚✗✧✧✯✢�✁✢ ✽✯�✁✢✜✢✮ ✙✖✧✖�✦✖✣ ✫✙✗✘ ✚✗✬✖✙ ✚✧�✁✢✦ �✁✣ ✚✗✬✖✙ ✣✜✦✢✙✜✰✯✢✗✙✦✶

✱ ✵✗✧✧✯✢�✁✢ ✽✯�✁✢✜✢✮ ✙✖✧✖�✦✖✣ ✫✙✗✘ ✚✗✬✖✙ ✚✧�✁✢✦ �✁✣ ✚✗✬✖✙ ✣✜✦✢✙✜✰✯✢✗✙✦

✕✘✜✦✦✜✗✁ ✷✢�✁✣�✙✣ ✫✗✙ � ✻✖✬ ✵✗✬✖✙ ✵✧�✁✢

Fuel TSP (mg/Nm3) SO2 (ppm) NOx as NO2 (ppm)

✼✜✗✘�✦✦ ✻✗✢ ✘✗✙✖ ✢✹�✁ ✺✛✤ ✻✗✢ ✘✗✙✖ ✢✹�✁ ✾✤ ✻✗✢ ✘✗✙✖ ✢✹�✁ ✛✤✤

✿✹✖ ❀✼ ❁❅❂ ✕❃✷ ✦✢�✁✣�✙✣ ✢✹�✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✪✗✘✚✧✜✖✣ ✜✦ ✯✁✣✖✙ ❆✖✁✖✙�✧ ❆✯✜✣✖✧✜✁✖✦ ✫✗✙ ✷✘�✧✧

❂✗✘✰✯✦✢✜✗✁ ❅�✪✜✧✜✢✜✖✦ ✕✘✜✦✦✜✗✁✦ ❆✯✜✣✖✧✜✁✖✦ ★❇✸❀✢✹ ▼ ✥✤✸❀✢✹✭ ★✿�✰✧✖ ✺✶✺✶✛✭❈ ✜✶✖✶❈ ✵✸ ★✥✤ ✗✙ ✯✚ ✢✗

✺✥✤ ✘✴❉✘❇✭❊ ✷❋✛ ★✛✤✤✤ ✘✴❉✘❇✭❊ �✁✣ ✻❋● ★✾✥✤ ✘✴❉✘❇✭✶

2) Water Discharge Standard

✿✹✖ ✣✜✦✪✹�✙✴✖ ✬�✢✖✙ ✫✙✗✘ ✢✹✖ ✚✙✗❍✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✘✖✖✢ �✚✚✧✜✪�✰✧✖ ✴✗■✖✙✁✘✖✁✢ ✦✢�✁✣�✙✣✦

✦✯✪✹ �✦ ✢✹✖ ✻✗✢✜✫✜✪�✢✜✗✁ ✗✫ ✸✜✁✜✦✢✙✮ ✗✫ ❁✁✣✯✦✢✙✮ ✻✗✶ ✛❈ ✼ ✕✶ ✛✥✾✤ ★✛✤✺❄✭ ✙✖❏ ✵✙✖✦✪✙✜✰✜✁✴ ❅�✪✢✗✙✮

❀�✦✢✖✬�✢✖✙ ✷✢�✁✣�✙✣✦ �✦ ✦✹✗✬✁ ✜✁ Table 2.1-4

Table 2.1-4

Industrial Effuent Standard

No. Parameter Standard Values

✺✶ ✚❃ ✥✶✥✱✩✶✤

✛✶ ✿✗✢�✧ ✳✜✦✦✗✧■✖✣ ✷✗✧✜✣✦ ★✿✳✷✭ ✻✗✢ ✘✗✙✖ ✢✹�✁ ❇❈✤✤✤ ✘✴❉✧

❇✶ ✿✖✘✚✖✙�✢✯✙✖ ✻✗✢ ✘✗✙✖ ✢✹�✁ ✲✤ °❂

✲✶ ✷✯✦✚✖✁✣✖✣ ✷✗✧✜✣✦ ★✷✷✭ ✻✗✢ ✘✗✙✖ ✢✹�✁ ✥✤ ✘✴❉✧

✥✶ ❂✗✧✗✙ �✁✣ ❋✣✗✙ ✻✗✢ ✘✗✙✖ ✢✹�✁ ❇✤✤ ❑✳✸❁

✾✶ ✼✜✗✪✹✖✘✜✪�✧ ❋●✮✴✖✁ ✳✖✘�✁✣ ✻✗✢ ✘✗✙✖ ✢✹�✁ ✛✤ ✘✴❉✧

❄✶ ❂✹✖✘✜✪�✧ ❋●✮✴✖✁ ✳✖✘�✁✣ ✻✗✢ ✘✗✙✖ ✢✹�✁ ✺✛✤ ✘✴❉✧

▲✶ ✷✯✧✚✹✜✣✖ ✻✗✢ ✘✗✙✖ ✢✹�✁ ✺✶✤ ✘✴❉✧✶

✩✶ ❂✮�✁✜✣✖ ★❂✻✭ ✻✗✢ ✘✗✙✖ ✢✹�✁ ✤✶✛ ✘✴❉✧✶

✺✤✶ ❋✜✧ ◆ ❆✙✖�✦✖ ✻✗✢ ✘✗✙✖ ✢✹�✁ ✥✶✤ ✘✴❉✧

Page 20: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Project Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞☛✟✠✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✟☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

�✁✖ ✖✫✫✧✮✖✔✢ ✽✮✕✧✜✢✚ ✗✫ ✢✁✖ ✙✘✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✛✖✖✢ ✦✢✕✔✣✕✘✣ ✗✫ ✷✘✘✜✴✕✢✜✗✔ ✳✖✙✕✘✢✛✖✔✢✶ ✸✜✢✜✴✕✢✜✗✔ ✛✖✕✦✮✘✖✦

✬✜✧✧ ✰✖ ✫✗✧✧✗✬✖✣ ✕✦ ✣✖✢✕✜✧✖✣ ✜✔ ✢✁✖ ✤✸✥ ✢✗ ✪✗✛✙✧✚ ✬✜✢✁ ✢✁✖ ✹✼ ✷❅★ ✤✭✯ ✦✢✕✔✣✕✘✣✶

✸✗✘✖✗✱✖✘✲ ✢✁✖ ✣✜✦✪✁✕✘✴✖ ✬✕✢✖✘ ✫✘✗✛ ✢✁✖ ✙✘✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✛✖✖✢ ✕✙✙✧✜✪✕✰✧✖ ✴✗✱✖✘✔✛✖✔✢

✦✢✕✔✣✕✘✣✦ ✦✮✪✁ ✕✦ ✢✁✖ ✻✗✢✜✫✜✪✕✢✜✗✔ ✗✫ ✸✜✔✜✦✢✘✚ ✗✫ ✷✔✣✮✦✢✘✚ ✵✼✶✤✶ ✺✾✿❀❁ ✘✖❇ ✥✘✖✦✪✘✜✰✜✔✴ ❅✕✪✢✗✘✚

✹✕✦✢✖✬✕✢✖✘ ✯✢✕✔✣✕✘✣✦✶ �✗✢✕✧ ✳✜✦✦✗✧✱✖✣ ✯✗✧✜✣✦ ✵�✳✯❁ ✬✜✧✧ ✛✖✖✢ ✢✁✖ ✘✖✽✮✜✘✖✛✖✔✢ ✗✫ ✢✁✖ ❂✗✚✕✧

✷✘✘✜✴✕✢✜✗✔ ✳✖✙✕✘✢✛✖✔✢ ✗✫ ✔✗ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❃✲❄❀❀ ✛✴❆✧ ✬✜✢✁ ✢✖✛✙✖✘✕✢✮✘✖ ✗✫ ✔✗ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❄❈ ✣✖✴✘✖✖


(3) EIA Regulations

✻✗✢✜✫✜✪✕✢✜✗✔ ✗✫ ✻✕✢✮✘✕✧ ❂✖✦✗✮✘✪✖✦ ✕✔✣ ✤✔✱✜✘✗✔✛✖✔✢✕✧ ✸✜✔✜✦✢✘✚ ✼✶✤✶✺✾✾✾ ✵✺❀❃✺❁ ✗✔

✘✖✴✮✧✕✢✜✗✔ ✗✫ ✢✚✙✖✦ ✕✔✣ ✦✙✖✪✜✫✜✪✕✢✜✗✔✦ ✗✫ ✙✘✗✩✖✪✢✦ ✗✘ ✰✮✦✜✔✖✦✦✖✦ ✢✁✕✢ ✘✖✽✮✜✘✖✦ ✕✔ ✖✔✱✜✘✗✔✛✖✔✢ ✜✛✙✕✪✢

✕✦✦✖✦✦✛✖✔✢ ✵✤✷❉❁ ✜✔✪✧✮✣✜✔✴ ✢✁✖ ✙✘✜✔✪✜✙✧✖✦✲ ✙✘✗✪✖✣✮✘✖✦✲ ✙✘✕✪✢✜✪✖✦ ✕✔✣ ✴✮✜✣✖✧✜✔✖✦ ✗✫ ✤✷❉ ✙✘✖✙✕✘✕✢✜✗✔✶

❃❃✶ ❅✗✘✛✕✧✣✖✁✚✣✖ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❃✶❀ ✛✴❆✧✶

❃✺✶ ✥✁✖✔✗✧✦ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❃✶❀ ✛✴❆✧✶

❃❄✶ ❅✘✖✖ ★✁✧✗✘✜✔✖ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❃✶❀ ✛✴❆✧✶

❃❈✶ ✥✖✦✢✜✪✜✣✖✦ ✻✗✔✖

❃✾✶ �✗✢✕✧ ❊✩✖✣✕✁✧ ✻✜✢✘✗✴✖✔ ✵�❊✻❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❃❀❀ ✛✴❆✧

❃✿✶ ✭✖✕✱✚ ✛✖✢✕✧✦

❃✿✶❃ ▲✜✔✪ ✵▲✔❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ✾✶❀ ✛✴❆✧✶

❃✿✶✺ ★✁✘✗✛✜✮✛ ✵✭✖❋✕✱✕✧✖✔✢❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❀✶✺✾ ✛✴❆✧✶

❃✿✶❄ ★✁✘✗✛✜✮✛ ✵�✘✜✱✕✧✖✔✢❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❀✶●✾ ✛✴❆✧✶

❃✿✶❈ ❉✘✦✖✔✜✪ ✵❉✦❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✜✕✔ ❀✶✺✾ ✛✴❆✧✶

❃✿✶✾ ★✗✙✙✖✘ ✵★✮❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ✺✶❀ ✛✴❆✧✶

❃✿✶✿ ✸✖✘✪✮✘✚ ✵✭✴❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❀✶❀❀✾ ✛✴❆✧

❃✿✶● ★✕✣✛✜✮✛ ✵★✣❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❀✶❀❄ ✛✴❆✧✶

❃✿✶❍ ✼✕✘✜✮✛ ✵✼✘❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❃✶❀ ✛✴❆✧✶

❃✿✶■ ✯✖✧✖✔✜✮✛ ✵✯✖❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❀✶❀✺ ✛✴❆✧

❃✿✶❃❀ ❏✖✕✣ ✵✥✰❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❀✶✺ ✛✴❆✧✶

❃✿✶❃❃ ✻✜✪❑✖✧ ✵✻✜❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ❃✶❀ ✛✴❆✧✶

❃✿✶❃✺ ✸✕✔✴✕✔✖✦✖ ✵✸✔❁ ✻✗✢ ✛✗✘✖ ✢✁✕✔ ✾✶❀ ✛✴❆✧✶

Page 21: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Project Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞☛✟✠✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✟☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

2.1.2 Concerned ADB Regulations

(1) Social Protection Strategies (2001)

�✦ ✢✁✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✦✁✔✧✧ ✪✕✖✔✢✖ ✢✖✘✙✗✕✔✕✚ ✔✛✣ ✙✖✕✘✔✛✖✛✢ ✖✘✙✧✗✚✘✖✛✢✦ ✫✗✕ ✦✵✜✧✧✖✣ ✔✛✣

✮✛✦✵✜✧✧✖✣ ✧✔✰✗✕✦✲ ✢✁✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✫✮✧✧✚ ✪✗✘✙✧✚ ✬✜✢✁ �✳✼◆✦ ✯✗✪✜✔✧ ✤✕✗✢✖✪✢✜✗✛ ✯✢✕✔✢✖✴✚ ✥★✭✭✱✶ ✬✁✜✪✁

✮✙✁✗✧✣✦ ✜✛✢✖✕✛✔✢✜✗✛✔✧ ✕✖✪✗✴✛✜✿✖✣ ✧✔✰✗✕ ✦✢✔✛✣✔✕✣✦ ✔✛✣✷✗✕ ✛✔✢✜✗✛✔✧ ✧✔✰✗✕ ✧✔✬✦✲ ✙✔✕✢✜✪✮✧✔✕✧✚ ✗✛ ✢✁✖

✫✗✧✧✗✬✜✛✴ ✪✗✛✸✖✛✢✜✗✛✦❇ ✥✱✶ ✛✗ ✁✔✕✘✫✮✧ ✗✕ ✖❈✙✧✗✜✢✔✢✜✸✖ ✫✗✕✘✦ ✗✫ ✫✗✕✪✖✣ ✧✔✰✗✕✲ ✥★✶ ✛✗ ✪✁✜✧✣ ✧✔✰✗✕✲ ✥❁✶ ✛✗

✣✜✦✪✕✜✘✜✛✔✢✜✗✛ ✜✛ ✕✖✦✙✖✪✢ ✗✫ ✖✘✙✧✗✚✘✖✛✢ ✔✛✣ ✗✪✪✮✙✔✢✜✗✛✲ ✔✛✣ ✥✹✶ ✛✗ ✕✖✦✢✕✜✪✢✜✗✛✦ ✗✫ ✫✕✖✖✣✗✘ ✗✫

✔✦✦✗✪✜✔✢✜✗✛ ✔✛✣ ✢✁✖ ✖✫✫✖✪✢✜✸✖ ✕✖✪✗✴✛✜✢✜✗✛ ✗✫ ✢✁✖ ✕✜✴✁✢ ✢✗ ✪✗✧✧✖✪✢✜✸✖ ✰✔✕✴✔✜✛✜✛✴✺

(2) Safeguard Policy Statement (2009)

�✳✼❉✦ ✦✔✫✖✴✮✔✕✣ ✙✗✧✜✪✚ ✦✢✔✢✖✘✖✛✢ ✥✯✤✯✶ ✬✔✦ ✜✦✦✮✖✣ ✜✛ ★✭✭✻ ✔✛✣ ✔✙✙✧✜✖✦ ✢✗ ✔✧✧

✙✕✗✩✖✪✢✦ ✫✮✛✣✖✣ ✰✚ �✳✼ ✦✜✛✪✖ ★✭ ❖✔✛✮✔✕✚ ★✭✱✭✺ ✽✁✜✦ ✗✙✖✕✔✢✜✗✛✔✧ ✙✗✧✜✪✚ ✕✖✸✜✦✜✗✛ ✕✖✦✮✧✢✖✣ ✜✛ ✔

✪✗✛✦✗✧✜✣✔✢✖✣ ✙✗✧✜✪✚ ✗✮✢✧✜✛✜✛✴ ✪✗✘✘✗✛ ✗✰✩✖✪✢✜✸✖✦ ✗✫ �✳✼❉✦ ✦✔✫✖✴✮✔✕✣✦✲ ✙✗✧✜✪✚ ✙✕✜✛✪✜✙✧✖✦✲ ✔✛✣

✣✖✧✜✸✖✕✚ ✙✕✗✪✖✦✦ ✫✗✕ ✢✁✖ ✯✤✯✲ ✾✢ ✔✧✦✗ ✗✮✢✧✜✛✖✦ ✔ ✦✖✢ ✗✫ ✦✙✖✪✜✫✜✪ ✦✔✫✖✴✮✔✕✣ ✕✖❀✮✜✕✖✘✖✛✢✦ ✬✁✖✛

✔✣✣✕✖✦✦✜✛✴ ✦✗✪✜✔✧ ✔✛✣ ✖✛✸✜✕✗✛✘✖✛✢✔✧ ✜✘✙✔✪✢✦ ✔✛✣ ✕✜✦✵✦✺ ✽✁✖ ❂✁✔✛✔ ✤✗✬✖✕ ✤✧✔✛✢ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✜✧✧ ✫✮✧✧✚

✪✗✘✙✧✚ ✬✜✢✁ ✢✁✖ ✕✖✧✖✸✔✛✢ �✳✼❉✦ ✦✔✫✖✴✮✔✕✣ ✙✗✧✜✪✚ ✢✁✕✗✮✴✁✗✮✢ ✢✁✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✗✙✖✕✔✢✜✗✛ ✙✖✕✜✗✣❃ �✳✼❉✦

✦✔✫✖✴✮✔✕✣ ✙✗✧✜✪✚ ✦✢✔✢✖✘✖✛✢ ✪✗✛✦✜✦✢✦ ✗✫ ✢✁✕✖✖ ✗✙✖✕✔✢✜✗✛✔✧ ✙✗✧✜✪✜✖✦ ✗✛ ✢✁✖ ❄✛✸✜✕✗✛✘✖✛✢✲ ✾✛✣✜✴✖✛✗✮✦

✤✖✗✙✧✖✦✲ ✔✛✣ ✾✛✸✗✧✮✛✢✔✕✚ ❅✖✦✖✢✢✧✖✘✖✛✢✺ ❆✰✩✖✪✢✜✸✖✦ ✗✫ �✳✼❉✦ ✖✛✸✜✕✗✛✘✖✛✢✔✧ ✔✛✣ ✦✗✪✜✔✧ ✦✔✫✖✴✮✔✕✣✦ ✔✕✖

✢✗❇ ✥✜✶ ✔✸✗✜✣ ✔✣✸✖✕✦✖ ✜✘✙✔✪✢✦ ✗✫ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢✦ ✗✛ ✢✁✖ ✖✛✸✜✕✗✛✘✖✛✢ ✔✛✣ ✔✫✫✖✪✢✖✣ ✙✖✗✙✧✖✲ ✬✁✖✕✖ ✙✗✦✦✜✰✧✖❊ ✥✜✜✶

✘✜✛✜✘✜✿✖✲ ✘✜✢✜✴✔✢✖✲ ✔✛✣✷✗✕ ✪✗✘✙✖✛✦✔✢✖ ✫✗✕ ✔✣✸✖✕✦✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✜✘✙✔✪✢✦ ✗✛ ✢✁✖ ✖✛✸✜✕✗✛✘✖✛✢ ✔✛✣ ✔✫✫✖✪✢✖✣

✙✖✗✙✧✖ ✬✁✖✛ ✔✸✗✜✣✔✛✪✖ ✜✦ ✛✗✢ ✙✗✦✦✜✰✧✖✲ ✔✛✣ ✥✜✜✜✶ ✁✖✧✙ ✰✗✕✕✗✬✖✕✦✷✪✧✜✖✛✢✦ ✢✗ ✦✢✕✖✛✴✢✁✖✛ ✢✁✖✜✕ ✦✔✫✖✴✮✔✕✣

✦✚✦✢✖✘✦ ✔✛✣ ✣✖✸✖✧✗✙ ✢✁✖ ✪✔✙✔✪✜✢✚ ✢✗ ✘✔✛✔✴✖ ✖✛✸✜✕✗✛✘✖✛✢✔✧ ✔✛✣ ✦✗✪✜✔✧ ✕✜✦✵✦✺ ✯✜✛✪✖ ✢✁✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✜✦

❂✔✢✖✴✗✕✚ � ✫✗✕ ✖✛✸✜✕✗✛✘✖✛✢✲ ✯✔✫✖✴✮✔✕✣ ❅✖❀✮✜✕✖✘✖✛✢✦ ✱❇ ❄✛✸✜✕✗✛✘✖✛✢✔✧ ✔✛✣ ✖✧✖✸✖✛ ✙✗✧✜✪✚ ✙✕✜✛✪✜✙✧✖✦

✁✔✸✖ ✰✖✖✛ ✢✕✜✴✴✖✕✖✣ ✥✕✖✫✖✕✕✖✣ ✢✗ ✙✔✴✖ ✱❋ ✗✫ ✢✁✖ ✯✤✯✲ ★✭✭✻✶✺

2.2 Scope of EIA study

✽✁✖ ✦✢✮✣✚ ✗✫ ✢✁✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢◆✦ ✖✛✸✜✕✗✛✘✖✛✢✔✧ ✕✖✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✜✦ ✘✔✜✛✧✚ ✕✖✧✜✖✣ ✗✛ ✢✁✖ ✘✖✢✁✗✣✦ ✗✫

✖✛✸✜✕✗✛✘✖✛✢✔✧ ✜✘✙✔✪✢ ✔✦✦✖✦✦✘✖✛✢ ✣✖✫✜✛✖✣ ✰✚ ✢✁✖ ❆✫✫✜✪✖ ✗✫ ●✔✢✮✕✔✧ ❅✖✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✔✛✣ ❄✛✸✜✕✗✛✘✖✛✢✔✧

✤✗✧✜✪✚ ✔✛✣ ✤✧✔✛✛✜✛✴✺ ✽✁✖ ✘✖✢✁✗✣✦ ✔✕✖ ✪✗✘✙✗✦✖✣ ✗✫ ✕✖✸✜✖✬✜✛✴ ✦✖✪✗✛✣✔✕✚ ✣✔✢✔ ✫✕✗✘ ✕✖✧✔✢✖✣

✴✗✸✖✕✛✘✖✛✢✔✧ ✔✴✖✛✪✜✖✦✲ ✪✗✘✙✜✧✜✛✴ ✕✖✧✖✸✔✛✢ ✕✖✙✗✕✢✦ ✔✛✣ ✪✗✛✣✮✪✢✜✛✴ ✫✜✖✧✣ ✦✮✕✸✖✚✺ ✾✛ ✔✣✣✜✢✜✗✛✲ ✢✁✖ ✦✢✮✣✚

✗✫ ✢✁✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✜✦ ✪✁✜✖✫✧✚ ✖✘✙✁✔✦✜✿✖✣ ✗✛ ✙✗✢✖✛✢✜✔✧ ✜✘✙✔✪✢ ✔✦✦✗✪✜✔✢✖✣ ✢✗ ✢✁✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✬✁✜✪✁ ✜✦ ✖❈✙✖✪✢✖✣ ✢✗

✰✖ ✔✫✫✖✪✢✖✣ ✰✚ ✢✁✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✔✛✣✷✗✕ ✴✖✛✖✕✔✢✖✣ ✜✘✙✔✪✢ ✢✗ ✢✁✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✣✮✕✜✛✴ ✪✗✛✦✢✕✮✪✢✜✗✛ ✔✛✣ ✗✙✖✕✔✢✜✗✛


Page 22: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Project Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞☛✟✠✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✟☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

�✁★✜✕✗✁✘✖✁✢✔✧ ✕✖✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✔✕✖ ✦✢✮✣✜✖✣ ✔✦ ✫✗✧✧✗✬ ❇

✤✙✥ ✚✛✩✦✜✪✔✧ ✭✖✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✪✗✁✦✜✦✢✜✁✴ ✗✫

✱ ✯✗✰✗✴✕✔✰✛✩

✱ ✲✧✜✘✔✢✖ ✔✁✣ ✳✜✕ ❀✮✔✧✜✢✩

✱ ✻✗✜✦✖

✱ ✵✮✕✫✔✪✖ ✹✔✢✖✕ ❀✮✔✧✜✢✩

✤✶✥ ✼✜✗✧✗✴✜✪✔✧ ✭✖✦✗✮✕✪✖✦ ✪✗✁✦✜✦✢✜✁✴ ✗✫

✱ ✳✽✮✔✢✜✪ �✪✗✧✗✴✩

✱ ✯✖✕✕✖✦✢✕✜✔✧ �✪✗✧✗✴✩

✤❁✥ ✷✮✘✔✁ ❑✦✖ ❂✔✧✮✖✦ ✪✗✁✦✜✦✢✜✁✴ ✗✫

✱ ✸✔✁✣ ❑✦✖

✱ ✹✔✢✖✕ ❑✦✖

✱ �✧✖✪✢✕✜✪✜✢✩ ❑✦✖

✱ ✺✕✔✜✁✔✴✖ ✔✁✣ ❅✧✗✗✣ ✲✗✁✢✕✗✧

✱ ✵✗✧✜✣ ✹✔✦✢✖ ✾✔✁✔✴✖✘✖✁✢

✤✿✥ ❀✮✔✧✜✢✩ ✗✫ ✸✜✫✖ ❂✔✧✮✖✦ ✪✗✁✦✜✦✢✜✁✴ ✗✫

✱ ✵✗✪✜✗✱�✪✗✁✗✘✜✪✦

✱ ✚✮❃✧✜✪ ✛✖✔✧✢✛❄❆✪✪✮✰✔✢✜✗✁✔✧ ✛✖✔✧✢✛ ✔✁✣ ✦✔✫✖✢✩

✯✛✖ ✦✢✮✣✩ ✗✫ ✖✁★✜✕✗✁✘✖✁✢✔✧ ✔✦✰✖✪✢✦ ✔✕✖ ❃✔✦✖✣ ✗✁ ✪✗✘✰✜✧✔✢✜✗✁ ✗✫ ✕✖✧✔✢✖✣ ✣✔✢✔❈ ✣✗✪✮✘✖✁✢✦

✔✁✣ ✕✖✰✗✕✢✦ ✦✮✪✛ ✔✦ ✘✜✢✜✴✔✢✜✗✁ ✘✖✔✦✮✕✖ ✔✁✣ ✜✘✰✔✪✢ ✕✖✧✜✖✫ ✕✖✰✗✕✢❈ ✘✗✁✜✢✗✕✜✁✴ ✰✕✗✴✕✔✘ ✔✁✣ ✗✢✛✖✕

✕✖✧✔✢✖✣ ✕✖✰✗✕✢✦❉ ✼✖✦✜✣✖✦❈ ✔✪✢✜★✜✢✩ ✗✫ ✰✮❃✧✜✪ ✰✔✕✢✜✪✜✰✔✢✜✗✁ ✛✔✦ ❃✖✖✁ ✜✁✰✧✖✘✖✁✢✖✣ ❃✩ ✪✗✗✕✣✜✁✔✢✜✁✴ ✬✜✢✛

❃✖✔✢ ✴✗★✖✕✁✘✖✁✢ ✔✴✖✁✪✜✖✦ ✔✁✣ ✧✗✪✔✧ ✣✬✖✧✧✖✕✦ ✜✁ ✗✕✣✖✕ ✢✗ ✪✗✁✢✜✁✮✗✮✦✧✩ ✣✜✦✦✖✘✜✁✔✢✖ ✜✁✫✗✕✘✔✢✜✗✁ ✗✫ ✢✛✖

✰✕✗❊✖✪✢❉ ✾✖✔✁✬✛✜✧✖❈ ✢✛✖ ✦✢✮✣✩ ✗✫ ✛✖✔✧✢✛ ✜✘✰✔✪✢ ✔✦✦✖✦✦✘✖✁✢ ✛✔✦ ❃✖✖✁ ❃✔✦✖✣ ✗✁ ✪✗✘✰✜✧✖✣ ✰✮❃✧✜✪ ✛✖✔✧✢✛

✜✘✰✧✖✘✖✁✢✔✢✜✗✁ ✕✖✰✗✕✢✦ ✫✕✗✘ ✕✖✧✖★✔✁✢ ✴✗★✖✕✁✘✖✁✢ ✔✴✖✁✪✜✖✦❈

2.3 Methodology

✯✛✖ ✜✁✫✗✕✘✔✢✜✗✁ ✮✦✖✣ ✜✁ ✢✛✜✦ ✦✢✮✣✩ ✪✗✘✰✕✜✦✖✦ ❃✗✢✛ ✰✕✜✘✔✕✩ ✔✁✣ ✦✖✪✗✁✣✔✕✩ ✣✔✢✔ ✔✦ ✦✛✗✬✁ ✜✁

Table 2.3-1❉

Page 23: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Project Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞☛✟✠✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✟☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

Table 2.3-1

Method of The Study and Data Compilation for The Chana Power Plant

Potential Impact Studied Areas Source of data

�✶ ✁✗✙✗✴✕✔✙✖✚ ✘✱✵✛ ✕✔✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✛ ✢✖✤ ✙✕✗✩✤✪✢

✧✗✪✔✢✜✗✥ ✔✥✣ ✙✕✗✩✤✪✢ ✧✗✪✔✢✜✗✥

★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✣✔✢✔ ✫✕✗✛ ✢✗✙✗✴✕✔✙✖✜✪ ✛✔✙ ✔✢

✦✪✔✧✤ �❇✘✬✲✬✬✬ ✔✥✣ ✪✗✥✣✮✪✢✤✣ ✫✜✤✧✣


✯✶ ★✧✜✛✔✢✤ ✔✥✣ ✔✜✕ ✽✮✔✧✜✢✚ ★✧✜✛✔✢✤ ✗✫ ✦✗✮✢✖✤✕✥

✦✙✤✪✜✔✧✧✚ ✔✢ ✢✖✤ ✙✕✗✩✤✪✢

✧✗✪✔✢✜✗✥✶ ✁✖✤ ✣✔✢✔ ✰✔✦ ✫✕✗✛

✢✖✤ ✥✤✔✕✤✦✢ ✛✤✢✤✗✕✗✧✗✴✜✪✔✧


✱ ★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✦✤✪✗✥✣✔✕✚ ✣✔✢✔ ✫✕✗✛

✛✤✢✤✗✕✗✧✗✴✜✪✔✧ ✦✢✔✢✜✗✥ ✥✤✔✕ ✢✖✤ ✙✕✗✩✤✪✢


✱ ✸✤✔✦✮✕✤✣ ✔✜✕ ✽✮✔✧✜✢✚ ✫✗✕ ✳ ✦✢✔✢✜✗✥✦

❁✶ ✻✗✜✦✤ ✘✱✵✛ ✕✔✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✛ ✢✖✤ ✙✕✗✩✤✪✢


✱ ★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✦✤✪✗✥✣✔✕✚ ✣✔✢✔ ✫✕✗✛ ✕✤✧✭✤✥✢

✣✗✪✮✛✤✥✢✦ ✔✥✣ ✷✤✙✗✕✢✦

✱ ✸✤✔✦✮✕✤✣ ✥✗✜✦✤ ✧✤✭✤✧ ✫✗✕ ❁ ✦✢✔✢✜✗✥✦ ✫✗✕

❄ ✪✗✥✦✤✪✮✢✜✭✤ ✣✔✚✦

✳✶ ✹✮✕✫✔✪✤ ✰✔✢✤✕ ✽✮✔✧✜✢✚ ★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✰✔✢✤✕ ✦✔✛✙✧✤✦

✫✕✗✛ ✦✮✕✫✔✪✤ ✰✔✢✤✕ ✦✗✮✕✪✤✦

✰✜✢✖✜✥ ✘✱✵✛ ✕✔✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✛ ✢✖✤

✙✕✗✩✤✪✢ ✧✗✪✔✢✜✗✥

✱ ★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✦✤✪✗✥✣✔✕✚ ✣✔✢✔ ✫✕✗✛ ✕✤✧✭✤✥✢

✣✗✪✮✛✤✥✢✦ ✔✥✣ ✷✤✙✗✕✢✦

✱ ★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✰✔✢✤✕ ✦✔✛✙✧✤✦ ✫✕✗✛ ✺✖✗✥✴

✻✔✢✖✔✰✤✤ ✪✗✭✤✕✜✥✴ ✯ ✦✤✔✦✗✥✦ ❇ ✣✕✚

✦✤✔✦✗✥ ✔✥✣ ✰✤✢ ✦✤✔✦✗✥

✘✶ ✼✽✮✔✢✜✪ ✤✪✗✧✗✴✚ ★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✙✧✔✥✵✢✗✥ ✔✥✣


★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✙✧✔✥✵✢✗✥ ✔✥✣ ✾✤✥✢✖✗✦ ✫✕✗✛

✺✖✧✗✥✴ ✻✔✢✖✔✰✤✤ ✪✗✭✤✕✜✥✴ ✯ ✦✤✔✦✗✥✦ ❇

✣✕✚ ✦✤✔✦✗✥ ✔✥✣ ✰✤✢ ✦✤✔✦✗✥

✿✶ ✁✤✕✕✤✦✢✕✜✔✧ ✤✪✗✧✗✴✚ ✘✱✵✛ ✕✔✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✛ ✢✖✤ ✙✕✗✩✤✪✢


★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✣✔✢✔ ✫✕✗✛ ✕✤✧✤✭✔✥✢ ✣✗✪✮✛✤✥✢✦

✔✥✣ ✕✤✙✗✕✢✦

❄✶ ❀✔✥✣ ✮✦✤ ✘✱✵✛ ✕✔✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✛ ✢✖✤ ✙✕✗✩✤✪✢


✱ ★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✕✤✧✤✭✔✥✢ ✦✤✪✗✥✣✔✕✚ ✣✔✢✔✶

✱ ★✗✥✣✮✪✢✤✣ ✫✜✤✧✣ ✦✮✕✭✤✚ ✣✮✕✜✥✴ ❅✤✾✕✮✔✕✚


❂✶ ❃✔✢✤✕ ✮✦✤ ✘✱✵✛ ✕✔✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✛ ✢✖✤ ✙✕✗✩✤✪✢


★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✰✔✢✤✕ ✮✦✤ ✣✔✢✔ ✫✕✗✛ ✢✖✤ ✙✕✗✩✤✪✢

✔✥✣ ✕✤✧✤✭✔✥✢ ✔✴✤✥✪✜✤✦✶

❆✶ ❈✧✤✪✢✕✜✪✜✢✚ ✮✦✤ ✘✱✵✛ ✕✔✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✛ ✢✖✤ ✙✕✗✩✤✪✢


★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✣✔✢✔ ✫✕✗✛ ✢✖✤ ❉✕✗✭✜✥✪✜✔✧

❈✧✤✪✢✕✜✪✜✢✚ ✼✮✢✖✗✕✜✢✚✶

�✬✶ ❊✕✔✜✥✔✴✤ ✔✥✣ ✫✧✗✗✣


✘✱✵✛ ✕✔✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✛ ✢✖✤ ✙✕✗✩✤✪✢


★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✕✤✧✤✭✔✥✢ ✦✤✪✗✥✣✔✕✚ ✣✔✢✔✶

★✗✥✣✮✪✢✤✣ ✫✜✤✧✣ ✦✮✕✭✤✚

��✶ ✹✗✧✜✣ ✰✔✦✢✤ ✘✱✵✛ ✕✔✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✛ ✢✖✤ ✙✕✗✩✤✪✢ ★✗✧✧✤✪✢✤✣ ✦✗✧✜✣ ✰✔✦✢✤ ✛✔✥✔✴✤✛✤✥✢ ✫✕✗✛

Page 24: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Project Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞☛✟✠✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✟☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

Potential Impact Studied Areas Source of data

✘�✁�✴✖✘✖✁✢ ✧✗✪�✢✜✗✁ ✢✔✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ �✁✣ ✕✖✧✖★�✁✢ ✧✗✪�✧ �✴✖✁✪✜✖✦

✚✛✶ ✯✗✪✜✗✱✖✪✗✁✗✘✜✪✦ ✤✗✘✘✮✁✜✢✜✖✦ ✬✜✢✔✜✁ ✥✱✵✘

✕�✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✘ ✢✔✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢


✱ ✤✗✧✧✖✪✢✖✣ ✦✗✪✜✗✱✖✪✗✁✗✘✜✪✦ ✣�✢� ✗✫

✪✗✘✘✮✁✜✢✜✖✦ ✬✜✢✔✜✁ ✥✱✵✘ ✕�✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✘

✢✔✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✧✗✪�✢✜✗✁ �✦ ✬✖✧✧ �✦ ✫✕✗✘ �✧✧

✯✮✰✱✣✜✦✢✕✜✪✢ ✲✣✘✜✁✜✦✢✕�✢✜★✖

✾✕✴�✁✜✿�✢✜✗✁ ✬✜✢✔✜✁ ✢✜✧✖ ✦✢✮✣✳ �✕✖�

✱ ✷✁✢✖✕★✜✖✬✖✣ ✕✖✧✖★�✁✢ �✴✖✁✪✜✖✦✸

✪✗✘✘✮✁✜✢✳ ✔✖�✣✘✖✁ �✁✣ ✪✗✘✘✮✁✜✢✳

✬✜✢✔✜✁ ✢✔✖ ✁✖�✕✰✳ �✕✖� ✢✗ ✗✰✢�✜✁ ✦✗✪✜✗✱

✖✪✗✁✗✘✜✪✦ ✣�✢� �✁✣ ✗✙✜✁✜✗✁✦ ✢✗✬�✕✣ ✢✔✖

✗✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✣✖★✖✧✗✙✘✖✁✢✶

✚❁✶ ✹✮✰✧✜✪ ✔✖�✧✢✔✺

✾✪✪✮✙�✢✜✗✁�✧ ✔✖�✧✢✔

�✁✣ ✦�✫✖✢✳

✤✗✘✘✮✁✜✢✜✖✦ ✬✜✢✔✜✁ ✥✱✵✘

✕�✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✘ ✢✔✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢


✱ ✤✗✧✧✖✪✢ ✦✖✪✗✁✣�✕✳ ✣�✢� ✫✕✗✘ ✔✗✦✙✜✢�✧✦✸

✻✜✦✢✕✜✪✢ ✹✮✰✧✜✪ ✼✖�✧✢✔ ✾✫✫✜✪✖ �✦ ✬✖✧✧ �✦

✽�✘✰✗✁ ✼✖�✧✢✔ ✹✕✗✘✗✢✜✁✴ ✼✗✦✙✜✢�✧✦❀

✱ ✷✁✢✖✕★✜✖✬✖✣ ✧✗✪�✧ ✙✮✰✧✜✪ ✔✖�✧✢✔ ✗✫✫✜✪✖✕✦

✬✜✢✔✜✁ ✢✔✖ ✦✢✮✣✳ �✕✖�✸ �✁✣ ✗✰✢�✜✁ ✔✖�✧✢✔

✦✢�✢✮✦ ✣�✢� ✗✫ ✧✗✪�✧ ✙✖✗✙✧✖ ✫✕✗✘

✔✗✮✦✖✔✗✧✣ ✜✁✢✖✕★✜✖✬✶

✚❂✶ ✹✮✰✧✜✪ ✙�✕✢✜✪✜✙�✢✜✗✁ ✥✱✵✘ ✕�✣✜✮✦ ✫✕✗✘ ✢✔✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢


✤✗✁✦✮✧✢✖✣ ✬✜✢✔ ✴✗★✖✕✁✘✖✁✢�✧ �✴✖✁✪✜✖✦✸

✖✣✮✪�✢✜✗✁�✧ ✜✁✦✢✜✢✮✢✜✗✁✦✸ ✕✖✧✜✴✜✗✮✦

✜✁✦✢✜✢✮✢✜✗✁✦ �✁✣ ✪✗✘✘✮✁✜✢✳ ✔✖�✣✘✖✁✶

2.4 ONEP EIA Review and Approval Process

✽✔✖ ❃✷✲ ✕✖✙✗✕✢ ✗✫ ✤✔�✁� ✹✗✬✖✕ ✹✧�✁✢ ✹✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✘✮✦✢ ✰✖ ✦✮✰✘✜✢✢✖✣ ✢✗ ✾❄❃✹ ✫✗✕ ✕✖★✜✖✬ �✁✣

�✙✙✕✗★�✧ �✪✪✗✕✣✜✁✴ ✢✗ ✢✔✖ ✫✗✧✧✗✬✜✁✴ ✙✕✗✪✖✣✮✕�✧ ✦✪✔✖✘✖❆

Page 25: Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) …...Initial Environmental Examination Report (Draft) Project Number: 49067-001 October 2017 THA: Southern Thailand Waste-to-Energy

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Chana Green Power Plant Project Chana Green Company Limited

✂✄☎✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞☛✟✠✌✍✎✏✑✒ ✓✟☎✆ Consultant of Technology Company Limited

2.5 EIA Approval

�✷✁ ✕✖✙✗✕✢ ✗✫ ✢✔✖ ✙✕✗✩✖✪✢ ✔✘✦ ✰✖✖✚ ✦✮✰✛✜✢✢✖✣ ✢✗ ✾✻�✤ ✦✜✚✪✖ ✁✙✕✜✧ ✥★✬❄ ✘✚✣ ✖❈✙✖✪✢✖✣ ✢✗

✴✖✢ ✘✙✙✕✗✭✘✧ ✯✜✢✔✜✚ ✢✔✜✦ ✱✖✘✕✶