ING GBP Forecast Update

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  • 8/3/2019 ING GBP Forecast Update


    GBP forecast update January 2012


    GBP forecast update

    The pound strikes back

    Fig 1 INGs FX forec ast s

    1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13

    EUR/GBP 0.80 0.78 0.77 0.75 0.78 0.78 0.80 0.80

    GBP/USD 1.56 1.54 1.62 1.73 1.73 1.79 1.75 1.75

    EUR/USD 1.25 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.40

    Source: ING

    In the G10 world of free-floating exchange rates, GBP looks to be one of the cheapest

    currencies compared with long-term averages. In particular, the Bank of International

    Settlements (BIS) produces a series of Real Effective Exchange Rates (REER), which

    show how currencies are trading relative to a whole host of trading partners not just in

    nominal terms, but adjusted for relative inflation rates. On this basis, GBP is 13% below

    its long-term average. While such a deviation could have been justified in the aftermath of

    the global financial crisis, the question is whether such a valuation can be justified in

    2012 especially when the UKs largest trading partner, the Eurozone, has some unique

    challenges. We think not.

    Fig 2 Ad justed fo r in f la t ion , GBP remains one o f the cheapest cur renc ies


































    Percent of BIS REER index above/below 10-year average

    Source: BIS, ING

    Lets start by looking at the activity story.

    The global financial crisis hit the UK economy harder and earlier than it did the Eurozone.

    UK growth had already stalled at the start of 2008 and the 7% peak-to-trough contraction

    in output saw GBP under pressure from late 2007 onwards. EUR/GBP trading below

    0.70, as it was at the time, seems a distant memory.

    Clearly the performance of the Eurozone and the resolution to the government debt crisis

    are going to have a major bearing on UK activity. Yet business confidence in the UK is so

    far defying the collapse in Eurozone confidence. We forecast the UK to outperform the

    Eurozone this year and next. Helping the UK in the second half of this year will be

    continued monetary stimulus from the BoE, a credit-easing policy to help SMEs and in

    particular a sharp fall in headline-inflation-boosting real wages and spending.


    FX6 January 2012

    Chris TurnerHead of FX Strategy

    London +44 20 7767 1610

    [email protected] KnightleySenior Economist

    London +44 20 7767 6614

    [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 ING GBP Forecast Update


    GBP forecast update January 2012


    Of course, the Eurozone outlook is uncertain, but at present we forecast a 0.4%

    contraction in 2012 output compared with an expansion of 0.3% in the UK. Equity

    investors seem to take a similar view, with recent fund manager surveys suggesting

    investors were increasing their large Eurozone underweight positions in late 2011, while

    keeping their modest underweight UK positions relatively stable.

    Fig 3 UK and Eurozone com posi te PMIs d iverge F ig 4 We fo recast the UK to ou tper fo rm Eurozone














    Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 Jan-12

    UK Eurozone











    07 08 09 10 11 12 13

    UK Eurozone


    (QoQ% annualised)

    Source: EcoWin, ING. UK PMI weighted services (78%), manufacturing(15%), construction (7%).

    Source: ING

    In terms of monetary policy, the BoE may choose to expand its Asset Purchase Plan.

    However, the ECB looks as though it will have to be part of the solution to the Eurozone

    debt crisis, ensuring liquidity is abundant. If not, the risk of Eurozone government defaults

    rises markedly and soaring risk premia should send the EUR lower anyway. In short, it is

    hard to see the ECB vs. BoE monetary policy trade-off being a key influence on

    EUR/GBP, with rates already at rock bottom.

    For investors, the choice to hold a particular currency is a function of safety, liquidity and

    return. Certainly the former two objectives have dominated decision-making over the

    previous two years and will probably play an important role this year as well.

    We have written frequently1

    on the subject of currency preferences of FX reserve

    managers and we believe GBP will score well with this community this year.

    Fig 5 GBP remains one o f the top 4 reserve cho ices F ig 6 F ive-year sovere ign CDS: UK re la t ive ly be t te r







    FX Liquidity















    Jan-11 Mar-11 May-11 Jul-11 Sep-11 Nov-11 Jan-12

    UK US Germany

    France Netherlands Finland

    Source: ING, size of bubble represents depth of liquidity in debt markets. Source: EcoWin

    1See eg, FX Reserve Management: Re-assessing Safety, Liquidity and Return, 11 February 2011

    We forecast a 0.4%

    contraction in 2012 Eurozone

    output compared with an

    expansion of 0.3% in the UK

    It is hard to see the ECB vs.

    BoE monetary policy trade-

    off being a key influence on

    EUR/GBP, with rates already

    at rock bottom

  • 8/3/2019 ING GBP Forecast Update


    GBP forecast update January 2012


    The depth of the GBP sovereign debt market remains attractive, especially compared

    with some of the new reserve currencies, the Canadian and Australian dollars. And with

    core Eurozone debt coming under pressure over recent months, and even German CDS

    trading wider than the UKs, we expect fund managers to be reducing outright Euro debt

    exposure as opposed to migrating from the Eurozone periphery to the core, which was

    seen during the early stages of the Eurozone crisis.

    Data from UK authorities indeed show that foreigners have been happy to increase their

    exposure to UK gilts over recent quarters, providing a vote a confidence to the fiscal

    austerity undertaken by the government in 2010.

    In all we do not see 2012 conditions justifying GBP this week, especially against the

    EUR. Recent losses in EUR/GBP, we believe, are part of a 12- to 18-month trend to carry

    EUR/GBP to 0.75, slightly below some long-term fair-value estimates for EUR/GBP at


    Fig 7 Fore ign ow nersh ip o f g i l t s acc e le ra tes F ig 8 EUR/GBP se t to b reak low er








    96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

    Overseas BoE Non-BoE domestic









    08 09 10 11 12 13








    ING Forwards

    Source: UK DMO, BoE Source: EcoWin, ING

    The depth of the GBP

    sovereign debt market

    remains attractive, especially

    compared with some of the

    new reserve currencies of

    Canada and Australia

    Recent losses in EUR/GBP

    we believe are part of a 12- to

    18-month trend to carry

    EUR/GBP to 0.75

  • 8/3/2019 ING GBP Forecast Update


    GBP forecast update January 2012


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  • 8/3/2019 ING GBP Forecast Update


    GBP forecast update January 2012


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