Informed Search CSE 473 University of Washington

Informed Search CSE 473 University of Washington

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Informed Search

CSE 473University of Washington

© Daniel S. Weld 2

Last Time

• Agents• Problem Spaces• Blind Search

  DFS  BFS  Iterative Deepening  Iterative Broadening

© Daniel S. Weld 3

Best-first SearchGeneralization of breadth first searchPriority queue of nodes to be exploredCost function f(n) applied to each node

Add initial state to priority queueWhile queue not empty Node = head(queue) If goal?(node) then return node

Add children of node to queue

© Daniel S. Weld 4

Old Friends

• Breadth first = best first  With f(n) = depth(n)

• Dijkstra’s Algorithm = best first  With f(n) = g(n)  Where g(n) = sum of edge costs from start to

n  Space bound (stores all generated nodes)

© Daniel S. Weld 5

A* Search

• Hart, Nilsson & Rafael 1968  Best first search with f(n) = g(n) + h(n)  Where g(n) = sum of edge costs from start to n  And h(n) = estimate of lowest cost path n-->goal  If h(n) is admissible then search will find optimal

Underestimates cost of any solution which can reached from node{

Space bound since must maintain queue

© Daniel S. Weld 6

European Example




© Daniel S. Weld 7

A* Example

© Daniel S. Weld 8

A* Example

© Daniel S. Weld 9

A* Example

© Daniel S. Weld 10

A* Example

© Daniel S. Weld 11

A* Example

© Daniel S. Weld 12

A* Example

© Daniel S. Weld 13

Optimality of A*

© Daniel S. Weld 14

Optimality Continued

© Daniel S. Weld 15

A* Summary

• Pros

• Cons

© Daniel S. Weld 16

Iterative-Deepening A*• Like iterative-deepening depth-first, but...• Depth bound modified to be an f-limit

  Start with limit = h(start)  Prune any node if f(node) > f-limit  Next f-limit=min-cost of any node pruned








© Daniel S. Weld 17

IDA* Analysis

• Complete & Optimal (ala A*)• Space usage depth of solution• Each iteration is DFS - no priority queue!• # nodes expanded relative to A*

  Depends on # unique values of heuristic function  In 8 puzzle: few values close to # A* expands  In traveling salesman: each f value is unique

1+2+…+n = O(n2) where n=nodes A* expandsif n is too big for main memory, n2 is too long to wait!

• Generates duplicate nodes in cyclic graphs

© Daniel S. Weld 18

SMA*• Problem with IDA*: f-limit increases slowly• Must do iterative search again and again• Storing little state between each iteration

  Just one number: next highest contour level• SMA*

  Uses all available memory to store state• Keeps bounded-size priority queue• When needs memory, drops node with highest f-cost• In ancestor of forgotten nodes, retains cost of best path which

has been dropped. This focuses regeneration.  Duplicates minimal work  Optimal in a number of nice ways

© Daniel S. Weld 20



O(b + N)

Beam Search

• Idea  Best first but only keep N best items on

priority queue• Evaluation


  Time Complexity?

  Space Complexity?

© Daniel S. Weld 21

Hill Climbing• Idea

  Always choose best child; no backtracking

  Beam search with |queue| = 1

• Problems?  Local maxima


  Diagonal ridges

“Gradient ascent”

© Daniel S. Weld 22

Randomizing Hill Climbing

• Randomly disobeying heuristic• Random restarts

• [Add something on heavy tailed distribution]

© Daniel S. Weld 23

Simulated Annealing• Objective: avoid local minima• Technique:

  For the most part use hill climbing  When no improvement possible

• Choose random neighbor• Let be the decrease in quality• Move to neighbor with probability e --/T

  Reduce “temperature” (T) over time• Pros & cons



  If T decreased slowly enough, will reach optimal state

• Widely used• See also


© Daniel S. Weld 24

Limited Discrepancy Search

• Discrepancy bound indicates how often to violate heuristic

• Iteratively increase...









Assume that heuristic says go left

© Daniel S. Weld 25


Genetic Algorithms • Start with random population

  Representation serialized   States are ranked with “fitness function”

• Produce new generation  Select random pair(s):

• probability ~ fitness  Randomly choose “crossover point”

• Offspring mix halves  Randomly mutate bits

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Crossover Mutation

© Daniel S. Weld 26


• Importance of careful reprsentation