jftj^&Av, juKMLii JW_ ..... .' . __. :. ...._..._,._.. ....... . .. ...^-^niK3^Jti^^iA:^fi«J^Sa^L^^. .^......,^ a.,^~., .. -r^.^-^^..^^^.. ^ __ ^_JJ^_Ji *Mtt-6 nar teal Estate 8 |^^_^_«»»tfl^r^Mg^V»ANtlBrijnrirLarir|r|| RM BOOM DAYS AMR NEAR ^B Tu miiko money, now In the ^B tllnr to buy. 1.00k at 2013 Re- ^K ilonilo-Wllmlngton Blvd. 101 ^B Hlway. Lomltn. This fine Bldg. ^B cost »j:,000. You can ha proud ^B owner for $12.500. Uulld In- K roinn to 1200 Mo. 8 Craven, 352 E. 3rd St., Long- Beach if Business 9C 1 oppoiniNimi ^^ ^_ ml n E A t! T Y SHOH 3 ilryi;rs. ,lo ml overhaul. Slca.ly mtnhllnh lnmln«w< In Cardfnu. 1'hiin MEnlo 4-243.1. Hs « R lunch ntnnrt for Bale on HP dondo M u n'l c 1 p a 1 Pier. A Klectrlc Equipment. Munt »n BUYERS?, HKLI.KRS, HOKROWKUrl. LENDERS, tMMORTANT NOTICE! SECTION MID of the Callforn Civil Code proBiimon all italea chnttol mortrmtren of luminous to bo FRAUDULENT and u buycrn or lenders to bo llab for tho deutH of sellcra or ho roweni In went of failure rucnnl and publlnh Notice Intention to Hnll or Borrow a . required by the strict Bu Snli's Lnw (if thin mate. To copy of tho law, further Inf' r motion and blank form*, Inquire Torrance Herald. H3t El Prad 11 FOR SALE KUlly equipped mod 1 ern bounty, shop. Rcnnonahl I) nox (1, Torrance Herald. 1 Honey to Loan 92 II GET CASH II FOR {SPRING EXPENSES II. THIS SIMPLE WAY Loanji can jRrrnnitcd In 15 rhlnutrs at Pohioiml Finance Company, No employers, friends or relatives notified. Co-sl Kner.i seldom required.' Courteous. . private service. Confederation / both before and after you get your loan; Thciie uro a few of the reaxona why more people borrowed from The Personal Finance Company last year than from any other aimilar company. CASH Monthly payments Including TO ALL costs for: YOU 5 mo. 8 mo. 12nio. 20 mo. I 10 S 6.46 t 4.18 S 2.02 S 1.93 ' f 60 10.76 6.97 4.87 3.31 : »100 21.62 13.05 0.75 C.41 J200 42.85 27.72 l'J.3.'l 12. On (300 64.11 41.41 28.82 18.80 PICK YOUR OWN PAYMENTS LOANS MADE ON SALARY, AUTO or FURNITURE For a Personal Lonn Sen THE PERSONAL Finance Company ALBERT R. OLSON. Mur. 686 S. I'uulric Phone 266* SAN PEDRO NEXT TO OWI. DHUO STORE 1 hour free parking at 6th ft Pacific parkins lot Automobiles 95 TOUCH, TDAILIIS. MOTOICTCIK LOCAL CARS IN TOP CONDITION AS TO LOOKS PERFORMANCE EQUIPMENT DON'T PAlfc TO SEE TBESB> PROM M D«AL0R THAT HAS BEEN IN ONK . LOCATION HINCE 1022 Kiaii PLYMOUTH OBLUXfl W3S K/tWOUTK DELUXE ^ 1837 DODCIK HEDAN....... H25 l»3» (}HBVROtl9r I -TOW r»37 Irl/moUTH SEDAN »VJ5 load FORD 2-DOOR 1935 PLYMOUTH lOlltl l»I.VMOUTH; HKl'AN »»i5 1930 JIONTIAC CO(TPB.... ,...»S50 1'^Olf^B?V?P .. ... fiao .B,V«V TBRMS WALTER G. ^JJNCH^ v 277 So. Pacific Redondo Beach Automobiles 9i THUdO), TtAltlW, MOTOKYCUI FORD DELUXE COUPE, excel e condition. Has had beat caro by conservative drive Oood tires, Stewart-Worn running motor. Durgaln at 127 Owner, 162(1 Post Ave.. To runco Phone >04. [ OR HALK: FORD 1936 Tlldo Booster brakes. radio an hi-uter. Motor Kood condlt o 2624B Ocean View avo.. Lorn t BUY NOW SAVE MONEY PRICES ARE STILL DOWN TERMS TO SUIT 1938 FORD TUDOR....~........$286 1937 FORD 4-DOOR DELUXE.............................. |385 1936 CHEVROLET I-DOOIt TIELUXB SI'ORT HEDAN _ ............................. IS4B SPECIALS- 1936 KORD, Long- Wheel Bam- Panel. 1937 FORD. Long Wheel Ua'ae Panel. 19«7 KORD tt-TON Panel . If yon have Hue for a 19H7 CHEVROLET MASTER COUPE................ *l«8 19J» CHEVROLET MASTER DELUXE COUPE..................J426 19S8 CHEVROLET MASTER DELUXE SEDAN............ »475 THESE CARS AND ALL OTHERS PRICED TO HELL. BUY WHERE YOUR USED CAR GUARANTEE REALLY GUARANTEES YOUR USED WILCOX CHEVROLET Co YOUR- TORRANCE CHEVROLET DEALER. 1609 CABRILLO PHONES 1178 H79 BUY A BETTER USED CAR NOW AND SAVE MONEY CARS WILL COST MORE S-O-O-N BECAUSE OF NEW TAXES GOVERNMENT PRIORITY OF MATERIALS '36 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Local Car, Low Mileage, Exceptionally Nice. '32 ESSEX SEDAN A Nice Looking Car. ........ »I5 it WILLYS SEDAN Very Low Mileage. Looks and Run» Good.................... *85 J3 CHEVROLET COACH A Really (looil Car............»l>5 31 CHEVROLET COUPE Oood Tiros and I'ulnt 5 OLDSMOIlll.K 6 SEDAN Exciiptlonully CV«n an PONTIAU tJOlirK Only S0412 MlfeD, Nice HUH Kiullu 3B DOIXJE TOUHfNO HEDAN Kli-Ht Olniw fn Every Renpeet HUH Hud One Owner. 38 OkUSJrfQBlLB * COtTPE 4 Speed TratmmlHBlon llmw Fine 19 CHEVROLET COUPK LOW FINANCE RATES REASONABLE TBKMS TORRANCE MOTORS Authorized Pontlae Daoler CABRILLO AT GRAMERCY T"OR. 861 ittbi Accessories 96 v^S&XSl ; . QOO UHKD tiwaf. so "poo JSlilDCAHS, TUUCKH. TRAIL- 1RUNCLE PETE'S o»u If. \Ventarn Mgujoi ;'-^M BilTs AUTO WRECKING IF IT'rl P.VR73. KKE. BILL" 180S f.omita rivrt... Hurbur Clt>- Phone Lomlta 3U6 Want Ada In our papers oov«r rrance, V>m(ta, Harbor Olty. alterla, Kpy'one »nd parti of ardena »nd the Shoe String rip. New Decorating Guida Shows How U.S. Lives IBBHI^i^BpHI I ' i ^m iffl "How America Lives" mlgt well be the title of a huge porl folio of color -photos recent! "Public Notices" CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS fictitious Firm Name TftB UNDERSIGNED doc hereby certify that they ar conducting; a Chinchilla Ranc buslriess at 3880 Newton Strec City of Walterla, County of Lo Angeles, State of California, un der the fictitious firm name o Palos Verdes Chinchilla Ranc and that said firm is composec of the- following persons, whos names and addresses are as fol ows, to wit: Ardis B. Stagner, 3880 Ncwto Street, Walterla, California. Pauline L. Stagner, 3880 New ton Street, Walterla, California. WITNESS our hands this 17t day of May, 1941. ARDIS B. STAGNER PAULINE L. STAGNER State of California ) County of Los Angeles)ss ON THIS 17th day of May, A D.. 1941, before me HAZEL 'ECK a Notary Public in and for said County and State, re siding therein, duly commis sioned and sworn, personally ap peared ARDIS B. STAGNER anc >AULINE L. STAGNER, known o me to be the persons whos names are subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknow edged to me that they executed he same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. (SEAL) HAZEL TECK Notary Public In and For Said County and State. Ay Commission Expires Dec. 31, 1941. May 22-29- June 5-12 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALI- FORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. IN THE MATTER OF THE WARD DALTON FOR AN ORDER. ESTABLISHING FACT OF BIRTH. No. 466019 Notice of Hearing: of Petition To Establish Birth NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the petition of Frank Ed- ard Dalton to establish the act, time and place of birth f said Frank Edward Dalton, he petitioner herein, has been t for hearing In the Court- oom of Department 34 of the bove entitled Court at 2:00 p. . on the 10th day of July, 41. L. E. LAMPTON, County Clerk By H. J. DEARDS; Deputy ttto Accessories 06 Battery.........$3.95 Ex. "BEA0TY SEAL" THE MATCHLESS AUTO HEDGE'S RICHFIELD SERVICE 10:!4' CARSON TOR. 707 NEW 1941 AUTO RADIOS . SUPREME 8-TUBK MONO- MATIC PUSH BtJTTON TUN- INCf. -CUSTOM FIT DASH CONTROLS. $39.95 STANPARP e-TURK 3UPER- OmtOM VtT UA8H CON- T OM>' $26.95 6tJDGET TERMS AUTO SUPPLY 00. 1IC4 MAKOKLINA uto Repairing 97 AUTO TOPS AND UFHOI.8TKHINO KAVlJ THTSM INSTALLED BV CXPrTftlKNCBD WOUKMAN. NO OVKRtnftVD' CMAHCIK r<t/A.Q T? CfYV LrLAo. i !. L*UA Ipfl^^^^^^^^^l H^^HH^IHHl put on display here by the Tor ranee Paint and Wallpaper Co at Sartor! and Post aves. I was compiled by one of th large paint companies and show In their actual colors, hundred of living rooms, bedroom kitchens, and playrooms wher typical Americans cat and re lax. The portfolio Is actually complete decorating guide, for it shows hundreds of rooms am homes which employ paint color to achieve beautiful colo schemes. This Paint and Colo Style Guide, as it is called, i said to simplify the selection o shows how a color actual! looks on the walls rather than how it looks In the can. Its spon sors explain that many peopl who prefer painted walls wer reluctant In the past to use paint because It was impossib! to know how a color schem would look until the paint was on the walls. According to the local pain firm, paint colors can make a room seem longer, narrower higher, cooler, warmer, 'gayer cozier, more restful or more formal, depending upon the colors chosen. In the new Guide, which the firm will lend to In- terested local residents, there are color photos which demon- strate this principle, and botl the paint and the other furnish- ings may be matched exactly to duplicate any room shown. HONORED BY [J.S.C. ALUMNI '" HARRY J. BAUEIt Harry J. Bauer, president of he Southern California Edison Company, was awarded the Uni- versity of Southern California Call Alumni Achievement trophy t the annual alumni luncheon aturday. The trophy is pre- cntcd annually to S. C.'s most utstandlng alumnus who, by Is accomplishments during the receding year, reflects the reatest credit to the university. A miniature replica of the rophy was presented to Bauer y Walter Bowers, president of ic S. C. General Alumni ASEOcl- tion, and deputy attorney gen- eral for the state of California. auur's name has been added to 10 list of past winners on the rarpetual trophy, which is kopt n university archives. A University of Southern Call- ornia graduate in law in the lass of 1909, Bauor Is promt- ent in Southern California mainess, civic and educational Irclcs. Besides being president f the Southern California Edl- on Company, ho is a member f the board of trustees at S. , and a trustee of tho Call- ornia Institute of Technology, fc is In his 12th consecutive crni as president of the! Auto- iobllo Club of Southern Call- ornia, is a member of tho Call- ornia State Bar and the Ameri- an Bar Association, and 9 dl- dctor-of a number of leading altfornid corporation^ . OLA8B BUSINESS Annual production reported to ho conbua bureau by tho glass ndustry Includes 2,1335,000 gross f milk bottles; 2,874,000 gross t bonr bottk-a and 8,2121000 iross of Uquor and wine bottle*. nd toflet preparations number 7,99-iiOOO grosrl. The census bureau reports that f 138,404 Japanese umimfrntcrt n thiy U. S. Pacific territorial in 0-10, J57,9(ja we)* ill HilWall, 26 in Guam; arid' 253 in 'A&fSka. SfORKatoriaZ JEANETTE JAMIBON . . . wn born to Mr. dnd Mr». O. E. Jam An of anrderin June 10 nt 12:0 n. m. nt TorrArtce Mcmorlul hon pltnl Sin- weighed 7 pound* (m hn« a li-yenr-old brother. Biirdett Her father Is a n<!rvlcc stntlo worker nnd Her mother In (ho for r.ler Knnehorr Hmltli. Tho urmnrt pnicntit are Mr. and ^f^t!. W. I JamlBon nf Onrdena and Mrn. Lui Smith of Illlnoln. PATRICIA ANN BFtUNNER . . arrived to Mr. and Mrs. Edwar< M. Ilrunncr of 2021 Arllnnron ftv Memor-liil ho'a'pltul. 3nc wnlRheif hrothern, Ho«er. B!X. and Dick four and a slater. Knthleen. wh » ono year old. Cnther nmnnc IH aali>« manager for HID Mayfal Creamery. Mrs. Brunncr th former Irfary J. Oonnon. Th grandparents are Mr. and Mr Earl R. Brunncr of 1415 Tost ave and Mr. and JfrH. B. J. CJannon o 2077 237th 8t.. Lomlto. RALPH1 DAVIO GIESLER . . won welcomed by Mr. and Mrs Ilulph E. Olealer of Ileclondo Benc at 7 a. m. June 6 nt Torranc Memorial Hospital. He welRhe tcr. Mury Jancttc,' wlm was hor anil one-half voan) ago. Kathe G caler Is a printer nnd Mrs. Ulefl ev Is the former Gladys Raybon The grandparents are Mrs. Nanc Lubboek, Texas, to ereet her ne\ ROBERT HENRY BLACK, JR . . . was born to Mr. and Mrs R H. niaclt of 1801 1-1 Cnttrlllo live June 10 at 1:30 p. ni. at Torranc. Memorial hospital. Tlielr first child he weighed 8 pounds. His fntht! H un accountant for a Los Anitole construction company and hi mother Is tho former Martha Waj Tie grandparents arc Mr and Mr» J. K. Black of South San Francis co and Mr. and Mra. H. E Way of San Francisco. TERRY EUGENE RUSH . . . arrived to Mr and Mrs. Eugeni. Rush of tf46 1-2 Sartorl ave. Juni. 10 at J p. m at Torrance Memor lul hospital. Their first child, lit weighed 5 pounds 9 ounces. His fatltcr Is employed nt the Columbia Steel plant nnd his mother Is thi. former Vcrn Rusk. The grand- parents are Mrs. Jessie E. Rus] of Cam-on. Texas, and MID. Muud Rush of Tulla. Texns. PATRICIA SUE OSAKO .... was ' welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Rolicrt Satoshi Osako of Los Ange- es June B at t:05 a.m. nt Torrnnce Memorial hospital. Their first child she weighed 0 pounds 7 ounces. Her father Is a salesman for the Venice celery distributors and her mother Is the former Mlyoko Fur- ikuiva. The grandparents are Mr. mil Mrs. K. Furukawa of Onrdena md V. Osnko of Santa Maria. GAYLE YAMAMISAKA . . . vus born to Mr. and ' .Mrs. H. Yamamlsaka of Ciiirilcnn June 8 it 9:27 a. m. at Tormnce Memor- al hospital. Sho wclirhed 7 jiounds 7 ounces arid has a sister, ("arete 5 ko. tvvo vears and nine months old. Her father Is an office clerk or Southern California Trading Co. In Clardcna and llcr mother Is ho former Juno Tauyako Abe. The rrandparcnts are Mr .and Mrs. M. fal of East WiUUer and Mr. and Mrs. M. Abe of Saflna*. REX RONALD CLARK .... rrlved to Mr and Mrs. John Rex : iirk of ISIS Cabrlllo ave. May o ut St. Mary's hos|>)tal In Lonsr Ji'ach. Their first clilW, he Weighed pounds 8 ounces. His fatllur Is machinist at tho North Amerl- an Alrcrnft plant and his mother s iho former Marjiirle Skinner. T le grandparents1 arc Mr. and Mrs. ;. L. Wilson of 1982 Plaza del Amo n.l Mr and Mrs. Belljuii'iln Skln- rr of Ixmur Beaoh. Mra. I.ydia Ncul of this city is « sruat-grand- lother of Rex Ronal'I. BABY HALVOR96N . . . dniiKh- Kr, was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. ordon Halvoreen ot Manhattan Teach Juno 9 at 9:45 p: nV. at Tor- ance Memorial hospital. Tlii-lr r»t child, she wejKtli-il r, pounds ounces. Her father Is ;i chcml- il engineer for the Dtaillte Co. nd her mother is tho funnel' Jean rilman. The grandparents aru 1r. unel Mrs. J. L. Erdmun of alley City. N. D.. nnd Mr and lr». Oil Halvorsen of Mlnncnpolis. BABY BONLANGER . . . a son ontongor of wilmlnifton nt 1:16 m. June. 11 at Tornmre Memor- ul hospital. BABY HUOGIN8 , . . a daughter, an born to Mr. and Mr». Adee Hiitfeins of Lomltu May 31 at Cot- oge Maternity hospital in Lonjr BABY KIKTA ... a daugliwr. as IIOITI to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ikta of Lomita May 26 at Cot- ige Maternity hospital In Ix>ns BABY POTTS . . . u daughter, Father's Rep Of Youth's I The following precis* excerj from a letter written last wee by a 19-year 1 olo" Stanford gl to her father will shock som dilettante mothers and dads on of their easy chairs, off the bar stools, out of picket line off relief rolls and into the Jobs as parents, not parasites. "Dearest Pop," the lette reads, "... Wo feel that wa Is so eventual that it is almos Impossible for young people t look very far ahead to> the fu ture -nothing but war and 60-60 chance at life or death. "We don't think tin future Fiords much happiness for the youth of today you might as well get what you can now yon won't have it long. Bni maybe my children will find the happiness our generation will never have. AH my love to you and mother." London Bombing Horror Described by Reporte A N exhortation to make Amer ica stronger than ever befor on land, on sea, and in the air was voiced recently by Charles A Smith, war correspondent for the International News Service. In the July issue of Cosmopolitan magazine Smith describes the hor ran of night bombing he expe- rienced in London, and if there it Charkt A. Smith any moral to his story it is trial We' in America, should profit from the gruelling ordeals which have been glaguing London. The raid which mith tells about occurred one night while he was reading in his apartment The chillinpr wail of the sirens which announced the attack was followed by the inevitable drone of the German .machines dropping preliminary flares to light the streets. The moonlight, the flares and the constant flashes of the guns made t bright as day. Suddenly, without warning, came what Smith des- cribes as "the most colossal explo- sion I've ever heard." He remembers King lifted up with the bed and mrled into a far corner, followed by window frames and all sorts of lersonal oddments. Fortunately the led had overturned in flight, and he author escaped unharmed. Recovering presence of mind, Smith was horrified as he left his corns and saw two women with blood on their faces, and a fat Iderly man with a deep cut on his heck, moaning gently. But Lon- doners goon had the horror that was descending from the skies, well a hand. Fires were extinguished, e injured were rushed to first aid (ations. As the day began Smith say* arly shopkeepers were -sweeping ie glass away from their shuttered Core fronts; buses and taxis were running; the stations were disgor- |ng commuters. "That," be con- luaea, "is the spirit of this great ity, the stout-hearted morale of it» people." oration of the week In the 'ashoe courthouse occurred hen the cases of "Burman vs. urman" and "Herman vs. Her- man" came up for divorce at the same time. as born to Mr. and Mr«. Jaf( B. ottu o( Lomlta at Blxuy Knolls aternlty hospital lit Loner Beach. BABY TAYLOR . . . it daughter. us born to Mr. and Mra. Willlimi aylor ot l«OS 32Srd at.. Torranuo. me 1 at Mugnollu. hoapltul in I.OIIK Uvuch. TORRANCE PLUMBING GUARANTEED PLUMBING REPAIR SERVICE Serve! Electrolux Refrigerators Magic Chef Ga» Ranges f General Water Heater? Fraser Plaor Furnaces " Andrews Wall Heaters Modernize now with new Plumbing onFBA ; TORRANCE PLUMBING CO, B1. L. PARKS OPPOSITE HOST OPWCB PHONE 60 . >+IB MAflOBUN* AVENUE ly to Daughte ^utility is Lesst The "dearest pop," here, le us interject, Is an attorney anc a rancher. He has carried his .share of public responsibilities He worked his way through the same university his daughter now attends and If this writer's memory serves, carved a rccorc In the Stanford law school that has never, been surpassed. Then It was 1917 and he enlisted Here Is his letter: Father's Reply "As to your remarks about the probabilities of war, the futility of life, etc., etc. If George Washington and all those other old boys had felt that way we would still be vassals of the English Crown and would have been In the war months and months ago. "If your great grandparents had been as soft and weak as your letter Indicate* yon and your generation are, California would still be a wilderness. "Good heavens! Haven't you kids got the moral fibre to meet your tasks, to make your fight to die if necessary for your country? Don't whine because the going is tough. Get down on your knees and pray God to give you the stamina and strength to fight and then get up and don't be licked! That is the spirit that built America. It will preserve freedom and democracy and the dignity of the individual. "If you are as soft and spine- less as your* 1 remarks portend, then thank God we have a war which will leave only the few with character to breed a gene- ration that will not be afraid of life, will not give up before a blow is struck, will not be concerned only with night clubs, juke boxes, beer and a good time. Think it over. Your affectionate Pop." Where Blame Lies Just how many young men and women share the views of the student quoted? If the number is large, the blame Is not wholly on the young folk's shoulders. They have been too many of their cldc-rs in recent years leaning on Uncle Sam, shucking off responsibilities, learning how to be sullen and demanding, forgetting how to work and sweat and dream and build. It is the fault, somewhat of instructors who have taught not simply to question honestly, but o doubt and scoff at ttie' work- ings of democracy. That futile feeling Is com- mon enough among young, good minds. It hits with a fury of conviction and de- parts again as socn as the IT'S Expression >n for All mind gets working, for youth Inherently prefer* die road where Its mettle can be tried. And tile metumorphoeta In a lesser wrench If there a "dear Fop" about to give the right antiwer, straight from the Hhoulder, also as youth' pre- fers It ...andthenifs \ bey hey far a || N OT a thing overlooked . . . nothing forgotten . . . not a single friend slighted ! That's a grand and glor- ious feeling with which to start your Honeymoon. And «r--i n can J"41 * *> rj^jgj\ dear Brrde-to-Be, nf \____j Bride's Book and do some browsing in its fascinating pages. Virginia Courteney his answered in advance every question you've been asking yourself. . ."How does1 a Girl Announce her Wedding to Friends and Relatives?" .."How does the Smart Bride .. 1941 Model, Acknowledge WcddJngPrescnts,Congrat- ulations andSuch?". ."When the Honeymoon is Over, how docs the Modern Bride say.Tm Home, and Longing to See you'?" . Virginia has all the an- swers, so call soon for your Bride's Book,and at thesMnc time see all the new styles in Wedding Forms. Torrance Herafd1 1336 M Pi-ado, Tprrance Lomita News 24702 Narbonne, Lomlta INFORMATION *s pi F A SF fit g*JW * J-^ " ** t*' * * V~?t ^ TORRANCE WELCOMES ' These If em Resident* TMs Week ! C. 0. ALUEN 1313 Dlto ' JESS DAVENPORT 1824 Cafarilla C. J. MoCONNELL 1503 Acacia INSURANCE - AUTO - FIRE Intuit TODAY Tomorrow May B< Too Laid UAttHDIi A lAfMfC 1405Marpefin.Av«. nVlTHIlU U. LUVItC Phone 135-M Houiihold goods and other m«rch»nd!n shipped anywhert on the Continent. Float of 8 trucks including Urge duttproof, insulate^, air-conditioned van. Alio expert packing and storage in metal- ' lined vaultr-all at reasonable pr oe«. everything insured in transit : to storagi. 1817 Border Avenue. MAM TRANSFER CO. SHEET METAL - TEL. 350 We have a complete workshop capable of turning out tho finest In Qommeroi.l . , . Industrial . , . and Priv.U Dwelling Sheet MfUl . Wlrf1 ' Columbi«-m«d. ahe»te used exclusively. Moderate prices! Robl. T. McCallum, 14« Maroelln7 Ava 1. ' ' TORRANCp SHIttT METXi SFtOP SPORTING GOODS -ELECTRICAL Complete Stock of Sporting Qoods. Also RKoMeit AbplUnow and Supplies. Oill us far .11 typ«| of Electric*! W«rl«i Ntw MMtnfr- flan, Rsplirmg, Wiring, Alterations. Reasonable price*. Prompt TORRANCE EUKCTRIO SHOP B. J. Soon 1421 Majroalina Ave. ' ' Phone tfl Locaf and Long Distance Moving HqMMhgU i»o/» moved sa«.ly <nd ran.dly m CUITAr?, MODetf*, pXmiD VAN* No- chiii-ifes made for time tor nnV f«Jm mi t&SO pV month wlir s«f|ly store five rooms of furniture;. mojlt treat aW wrap over.tufTsof ple«M and rugs, using spsctal riokVfor storing. Free ietimatss on Packing, Crating ana Shipping. BIRCH USrt VAN'S 4 STORAGE, #800 Marbonn., Phone Lomita SO

INFORMATION · 2010. 1. 14. · jftj^&Av, juKMLii JW_ ..... .' . __. :. ...._..._,._.. ..... . .. ...^-^niK3^Jti^^iA:^fi«J^Sa^L^^. .^.....,^a.,^~., .. -r^.^-^^..^^^.. ^ __ ^_JJ^_Ji

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Page 1: INFORMATION · 2010. 1. 14. · jftj^&Av, juKMLii JW_ ..... .' . __. :. ...._..._,._.. ..... . .. ...^-^niK3^Jti^^iA:^fi«J^Sa^L^^. .^.....,^a.,^~., .. -r^.^-^^..^^^.. ^ __ ^_JJ^_Ji

jftj^&Av, juKMLii JW_ ..... .' . __. :. ...._..._,._.. ....... . .. ...^-^niK3^Jti^^iA:^fi«J^Sa^L^^. .^......,^a.,^~., .. -r^.^-^^..^^^.. ̂ __ ̂ _JJ^_Ji *Mtt-6 nar teal Estate 8|^^_^_«»»tfl^r^Mg^V»ANtlBrijnrirLarir|r||

RM BOOM DAYS AMR NEAR ^B Tu miiko money, now In the ^B tllnr to buy. 1.00k at 2013 Re- ^K ilonilo-Wllmlngton Blvd. 101 ^B Hlway. Lomltn. This fine Bldg. ^B cost »j:,000. You can ha proud ^B owner for $12.500. Uulld In- K roinn to 1200 Mo. 8 Craven, 352 E. 3rd St., Long- Beach

if Business 9C 1 oppoiniNimi ^^ ^_ml n E A t! T Y SHOH 3 ilryi;rs. ,lo ml overhaul. Slca.ly mtnhllnh lnmln«w< In Cardfnu. 1'hiin MEnlo 4-243.1.Hs « R lunch ntnnrt for Bale on HP dondo M u n'l c 1 p a 1 Pier. A Klectrlc Equipment. Munt »n


SECTION MID of the Callforn Civil Code proBiimon all italea chnttol mortrmtren of luminous to bo FRAUDULENT and u buycrn or lenders to bo llab for tho deutH of sellcra or ho roweni In went of failure rucnnl and publlnh Notice Intention to Hnll or Borrow a . required by the strict Bu Snli's Lnw (if thin mate. To copy of tho law, further Inf' r motion and blank form*, Inquire Torrance Herald. H3t El Prad

11 FOR SALE KUlly equipped mod 1 ern bounty, shop. Rcnnonahl I) nox (1, Torrance Herald.

1 Honey to Loan 92


Loanji can l« jRrrnnitcd In 15 rhlnutrs at Pohioiml Finance Company, No employers, friends or relatives notified. Co-slKner.i seldom required.' Courteous.

. private service. Confederation / both before and after you get

your loan; Thciie uro a few of the reaxona why more people borrowed from The Personal Finance Company last year than from any other aimilar company.

CASH Monthly payments Including TO ALL costs for: YOU 5 mo. 8 mo. 12nio. 20 mo.I 10 S 6.46 t 4.18 S 2.02 S 1.93

' f 60 10.76 6.97 4.87 3.31 : »100 21.62 13.05 0.75 C.41

J200 42.85 27.72 l'J.3.'l 12. On (300 64.11 41.41 28.82 18.80



FURNITUREFor a Personal Lonn Sen THE


686 S. I'uulric Phone 266* SAN PEDRO

NEXT TO OWI. DHUO STORE 1 hour free parking at 6th ft

Pacific parkins lot









1837 DODCIK HEDAN....... H25

l»3» (}HBVROtl9r I -TOW

r»37 Irl/moUTH SEDAN »VJ5

load FORD 2-DOOR


lOlltl l»I.VMOUTH; HKl'AN »»i5

1930 JIONTIAC CO(TPB.... ,...»S50

1'^Olf^B?V?P .. ... fiao



277 So. PacificRedondo Beach

Automobiles 9iTHUdO), TtAltlW, MOTOKYCUI

FORD DELUXE COUPE, excel e condition. Has had beat caro by conservative drive Oood tires, Stewart-Worn

running motor. Durgaln at 127 Owner, 162(1 Post Ave.. To runco Phone >04.

[ OR HALK: FORD 1936 Tlldo Booster brakes. radio an hi-uter. Motor Kood condlt o 2624B Ocean View avo.. Lorn t


TO SUIT1938 FORD TUDOR....~........$286

1937 FORD 4-DOOR DELUXE.............................. |385

1936 CHEVROLET I-DOOIt TIELUXB SI'ORT HEDAN _ ............................. IS4B

SPECIALS- 1936 KORD, Long- Wheel

Bam- Panel. 1937 FORD. Long Wheel

Ua'ae Panel. 19«7 KORD tt-TON

Panel . If yon have Hue for a

19H7 CHEVROLET MASTER COUPE................ *l«8













'36 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Local Car, Low Mileage, Exceptionally Nice.

'32 ESSEX SEDAN A Nice Looking Car. ........ »I5

it WILLYS SEDAN Very Low Mileage. Looks and Run» Good.................... *85

J3 CHEVROLET COACH A Really (looil Car............»l>5

31 CHEVROLET COUPE Oood Tiros and I'ulnt

5 OLDSMOIlll.K 6 SEDAN Exciiptlonully CV«n

an PONTIAU tJOlirK Only S0412 MlfeD, Nice HUH Kiullu

3B DOIXJE TOUHfNO HEDAN Kli-Ht Olniw fn Every Renpeet

HUH Hud One Owner.

38 OkUSJrfQBlLB * COtTPE 4 Speed TratmmlHBlon llmw Fine




Authorized Pontlae Daoler


T"OR. 861

ittbi Accessories 96v^S&XSl ; .


1RUNCLE PETE'So»u If. \Ventarn Mgujoi ;'-^M


180S f.omita rivrt... Hurbur Clt>- Phone Lomlta 3U6

Want Ada In our papers oov«r rrance, V>m(ta, Harbor Olty. alterla, Kpy'one »nd parti of ardena »nd the Shoe String rip.

New Decorating Guida Shows How U.S. Lives

IBBHI^i^BpHI I ' i ^m iffl

"How America Lives" mlgt well be the title of a huge porl folio of color -photos recent!

"Public Notices"


TftB UNDERSIGNED doc hereby certify that they ar conducting; a Chinchilla Ranc buslriess at 3880 Newton Strec City of Walterla, County of Lo Angeles, State of California, un der the fictitious firm name o Palos Verdes Chinchilla Ranc and that said firm is composec of the- following persons, whos names and addresses are as fol ows, to wit:

Ardis B. Stagner, 3880 Ncwto Street, Walterla, California.

Pauline L. Stagner, 3880 New ton Street, Walterla, California.

WITNESS our hands this 17t day of May, 1941.


State of California ) County of Los Angeles)ss

ON THIS 17th day of May, A D.. 1941, before me HAZEL 'ECK a Notary Public in and

for said County and State, re siding therein, duly commis sioned and sworn, personally ap peared ARDIS B. STAGNER anc >AULINE L. STAGNER, known o me to be the persons whos

names are subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknow edged to me that they executed he same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I

have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. (SEAL)

HAZEL TECK Notary Public In and For

Said County and State. Ay Commission Expires Dec. 31,

1941. May 22-29- June 5-12




No. 466019 Notice of Hearing: of Petition


that the petition of Frank Ed- ard Dalton to establish the

act, time and place of birth f said Frank Edward Dalton, he petitioner herein, has been t for hearing In the Court-

oom of Department 34 of the bove entitled Court at 2:00 p. . on the 10th day of July, 41.

L. E. LAMPTON, County Clerk

By H. J. DEARDS; Deputy

ttto Accessories 06

Battery.........$3.95 Ex."BEA0TY SEAL"




TOR. 707






uto Repairing 97



r<t/A.Q T? CfYV LrLAo. i !. L*UA


H^^HH^IHHlput on display here by the Tor ranee Paint and Wallpaper Co at Sartor! and Post aves. I was compiled by one of th large paint companies and show In their actual colors, hundred of living rooms, bedroom kitchens, and playrooms wher typical Americans cat and re lax.

The portfolio Is actually complete decorating guide, for it shows hundreds of rooms am homes which employ paint color to achieve beautiful colo schemes. This Paint and Colo Style Guide, as it is called, i said to simplify the selection o

shows how a color actual! looks on the walls rather than how it looks In the can. Its spon sors explain that many peopl who prefer painted walls wer reluctant In the past to use paint because It was impossib! to know how a color schem would look until the paint was on the walls.

According to the local pain firm, paint colors can make a room seem longer, narrower higher, cooler, warmer, 'gayer cozier, more restful or more formal, depending upon the colors chosen. In the new Guide, which the firm will lend to In­ terested local residents, there are color photos which demon­ strate this principle, and botl the paint and the other furnish­ ings may be matched exactly to duplicate any room shown.



Harry J. Bauer, president of he Southern California Edison

Company, was awarded the Uni­ versity of Southern California Call Alumni Achievement trophy t the annual alumni luncheon aturday. The trophy is pre- cntcd annually to S. C.'s most utstandlng alumnus who, by Is accomplishments during the receding year, reflects the reatest credit to the university. A miniature replica of the

rophy was presented to Bauer y Walter Bowers, president of ic S. C. General Alumni ASEOcl- tion, and deputy attorney gen­

eral for the state of California. auur's name has been added to 10 list of past winners on the

rarpetual trophy, which is kopt n university archives.

A University of Southern Call- ornia graduate in law in the lass of 1909, Bauor Is promt- ent in Southern California

mainess, civic and educational Irclcs. Besides being president f the Southern California Edl- on Company, ho is a member f the board of trustees at S. , and a trustee of tho Call-

ornia Institute of Technology, fc is In his 12th consecutive crni as president of the! Auto- iobllo Club of Southern Call- ornia, is a member of tho Call- ornia State Bar and the Ameri- an Bar Association, and 9 dl- dctor-of a number of leading altfornid corporation^ .

OLA8B BUSINESSAnnual production reported to

ho conbua bureau by tho glass ndustry Includes 2,1335,000 gross f milk bottles; 2,874,000 gross t bonr bottk-a and 8,2121000 iross of Uquor and wine bottle*.

nd toflet preparations number 7,99-iiOOO grosrl.

The census bureau reports that f 138,404 Japanese umimfrntcrt

n thiy U. S. Pacific territorial in 0-10, J57,9(ja we)* ill HilWall, 26 in Guam; arid' 253 in 'A&fSka.


born to Mr. dnd Mr». O. E. Jam An of anrderin June 10 nt 12:0 n. m. nt TorrArtce Mcmorlul hon pltnl Sin- weighed 7 pound* (m hn« a li-yenr-old brother. Biirdett Her father Is a n<!rvlcc stntlo worker nnd Her mother In (ho for r.ler Knnehorr Hmltli. Tho urmnrt pnicntit are Mr. and ^f^t!. W. I JamlBon nf Onrdena and Mrn. Lui Smith of Illlnoln.

PATRICIA ANN BFtUNNER . . arrived to Mr. and Mrs. Edwar< M. Ilrunncr of 2021 Arllnnron ftv

Memor-liil ho'a'pltul. 3nc wnlRheif

hrothern, Ho«er. B!X. and Dick four and a slater. Knthleen. wh » ono year old. Cnther nmnnc

IH aali>« manager for HID Mayfal Creamery. Mrs. Brunncr 1» th former Irfary J. Oonnon. Th grandparents are Mr. and Mr Earl R. Brunncr of 1415 Tost ave and Mr. and JfrH. B. J. CJannon o 2077 237th 8t.. Lomlto.

RALPH1 DAVIO GIESLER . .won welcomed by Mr. and Mrs Ilulph E. Olealer of Ileclondo Benc at 7 a. m. June 6 nt Torranc Memorial Hospital. He welRhe

tcr. Mury Jancttc,' wlm was hor

anil one-half voan) ago. Kathe G caler Is a printer nnd Mrs. Ulefl ev Is the former Gladys Raybon

The grandparents are Mrs. Nanc

Lubboek, Texas, to ereet her ne\

ROBERT HENRY BLACK, JR . . . was born to Mr. and Mrs R H. niaclt of 1801 1-1 Cnttrlllo live June 10 at 1:30 p. ni. at Torranc. Memorial hospital. Tlielr first child he weighed 8 pounds. His fntht!

H un accountant for a Los Anitole construction company and hi mother Is tho former Martha Waj Tie grandparents arc Mr and Mr» J. K. Black of South San Francis co and Mr. and Mra. H. E Way of San Francisco.

TERRY EUGENE RUSH . . . arrived to Mr and Mrs. Eugeni. Rush of tf46 1-2 Sartorl ave. Juni. 10 at J p. m at Torrance Memor lul hospital. Their first child, lit weighed 5 pounds 9 ounces. His fatltcr Is employed nt the Columbia Steel plant nnd his mother Is thi. former Vcrn Rusk. The grand­ parents are Mrs. Jessie E. Rus] of Cam-on. Texas, and MID. Muud Rush of Tulla. Texns.

PATRICIA SUE OSAKO ....was ' welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Rolicrt Satoshi Osako of Los Ange- es June B at t:05 a.m. nt Torrnnce

Memorial hospital. Their first child she weighed 0 pounds 7 ounces. Her father Is a salesman for the Venice celery distributors and her mother Is the former Mlyoko Fur- ikuiva. The grandparents are Mr.

mil Mrs. K. Furukawa of Onrdena md V. Osnko of Santa Maria.

GAYLE YAMAMISAKA . . . vus born to Mr. and ' .Mrs. H. Yamamlsaka of Ciiirilcnn June 8 it 9:27 a. m. at Tormnce Memor- al hospital. Sho wclirhed 7 jiounds

7 ounces arid has a sister, ("arete 5 ko. tvvo vears and nine months

old. Her father Is an office clerk or Southern California Trading

Co. In Clardcna and llcr mother Is ho former Juno Tauyako Abe. The rrandparcnts are Mr .and Mrs. M. fal of East WiUUer and Mr. and

Mrs. M. Abe of Saflna*.

REX RONALD CLARK .... rrlved to Mr and Mrs. John Rex

: iirk of ISIS Cabrlllo ave. May o ut St. Mary's hos|>)tal In Lonsr Ji'ach. Their first clilW, he Weighed

pounds 8 ounces. His fatllur Is machinist at tho North Amerl-

an Alrcrnft plant and his mother s iho former Marjiirle Skinner.

T le grandparents1 arc Mr. and Mrs. ;. L. Wilson of 1982 Plaza del Amo n.l Mr and Mrs. Belljuii'iln Skln- rr of Ixmur Beaoh. Mra. I.ydia

Ncul of this city is « sruat-grand- lother of Rex Ronal'I.

BABY HALVOR96N . . . dniiKh- Kr, was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. ordon Halvoreen ot Manhattan

Teach Juno 9 at 9:45 p: nV. at Tor- ance Memorial hospital. Tlii-lr r»t child, she wejKtli-il r, pounds ounces. Her father Is ;i chcml-

il engineer for the Dtaillte Co. nd her mother is tho funnel' Jean rilman. The grandparents aru

1r. unel Mrs. J. L. Erdmun of alley City. N. D.. nnd Mr and lr». Oil Halvorsen of Mlnncnpolis.

BABY BONLANGER . . . a son

ontongor of wilmlnifton nt 1:16 m. June. 11 at Tornmre Memor-

ul hospital.

BABY HUOGIN8 , . . a daughter, an born to Mr. and Mr». Adee

Hiitfeins of Lomltu May 31 at Cot-oge Maternity hospital in Lonjr

BABY KIKTA ... a daugliwr. as IIOITI to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ikta of Lomita May 26 at Cot-

ige Maternity hospital In Ix>ns

BABY POTTS . . . u daughter,

Father's Rep Of Youth's I

The following precis* excerj from a letter written last wee by a 19-year1 olo" Stanford gl to her father will shock som dilettante mothers and dads on of their easy chairs, off the bar stools, out of picket line off relief rolls and into the Jobs as parents, not parasites.

"Dearest Pop," the lette reads, "... Wo feel that wa Is so eventual that it is almos Impossible for young people t look very far ahead to> the fu ture -nothing but war and 60-60 chance at life or death.

"We don't think tin future Fiords much happiness for the youth of today you might as well get what you can now yon won't have it long. Bni maybe my children will find the happiness our generation will never have. AH my love to you and mother."

London Bombing Horror Described by Reporte

A N exhortation to make Amer ica stronger than ever befor

on land, on sea, and in the air was voiced recently by Charles A Smith, war correspondent for the International News Service.

In the July issue of Cosmopolitan magazine Smith describes the hor ran of night bombing he expe­ rienced in London, and if there it

Charkt A. Smith

any moral to his story it is trial We' in America, should profit from the gruelling ordeals which have been glaguing London. The raid which

mith tells about occurred one night while he was reading in his apartment The chillinpr wail of the sirens which announced the attack was followed by the inevitable drone of the German .machines dropping preliminary flares to light the streets.

The moonlight, the flares and the constant flashes of the guns made t bright as day. Suddenly, without

warning, came what Smith des­ cribes as "the most colossal explo­ sion I've ever heard." He remembers King lifted up with the bed and mrled into a far corner, followed

by window frames and all sorts of lersonal oddments. Fortunately the led had overturned in flight, and he author escaped unharmed.

Recovering presence of mind, Smith was horrified as he left his corns and saw two women with

blood on their faces, and a fat Iderly man with a deep cut on his heck, moaning gently. But Lon­

doners goon had the horror that was descending from the skies, well a hand. Fires were extinguished,

e injured were rushed to first aid (ations.

As the day began Smith say* arly shopkeepers were -sweeping ie glass away from their shuttered Core fronts; buses and taxis were

running; the stations were disgor- |ng commuters. "That," be con- luaea, "is the spirit of this great ity, the stout-hearted morale of

it» people."

oration of the week In the 'ashoe courthouse occurred hen the cases of "Burman vs. urman" and "Herman vs. Her­

man" came up for divorce at the same time.

as born to Mr. and Mr«. Jaf( B. ottu o( Lomlta at Blxuy Knolls aternlty hospital lit Loner Beach.

BABY TAYLOR . . . it daughter. us born to Mr. and Mra. Willlimi aylor ot l«OS 32Srd at.. Torranuo. me 1 at Mugnollu. hoapltul in

I.OIIK Uvuch.



Serve! Electrolux Refrigerators Magic Chef Ga» Ranges f General Water Heater? Fraser Plaor Furnaces " Andrews Wall Heaters

Modernize now with new Plumbing onFBA ;


ly to Daughte ^utility is Lesst

The "dearest pop," here, le us interject, Is an attorney anc a rancher. He has carried his .share of public responsibilities He worked his way through the same university his daughter now attends and If this writer's memory serves, carved a rccorc In the Stanford law school that has never, been surpassed. Then It was 1917 and he enlisted Here Is his letter:

Father's Reply "As to your remarks about

the probabilities of war, the futility of life, etc., etc. If George Washington and all those other old boys had felt that way we would still be vassals of the English Crown and would have been In the war months and months ago.

"If your great grandparents had been as soft and weak as your letter Indicate* yon andyour generation are, California would still be a wilderness.

"Good heavens! Haven't you kids got the moral fibre to meet your tasks, to make your fight to die if necessary for your country? Don't whine because the going is tough. Get down on your knees and pray God to give you the stamina and strength to fight and then get up and don't be licked! That is the spirit that built America. It will preserve freedom and democracy and the dignity of the individual.

"If you are as soft and spine­ less as your* 1 remarks portend, then thank God we have a war which will leave only the few with character to breed a gene­ ration that will not be afraid of life, will not give up before a blow is struck, will not be concerned only with night clubs, juke boxes, beer and a good time. Think it over. Your affectionate Pop."

Where Blame Lies Just how many young men

and women share the views of the student quoted? If the number is large, the blame Isnot wholly on the young folk's shoulders. They have been too many of their cldc-rs in recent years leaning on Uncle Sam, shucking off responsibilities, learning how to be sullen and demanding, forgetting how to work and sweat and dream and build.

It is the fault, somewhat of instructors who have taught not simply to question honestly, but o doubt and scoff at ttie' work­

ings of democracy. That futile feeling Is com­

mon enough among young, good minds. It hits with a fury of conviction and de­ parts again as socn as the

IT'S Expression >n for All

mind gets working, for youth Inherently prefer* die road where Its mettle can be tried. And tile metumorphoeta In a lesser wrench If there a "dear Fop" about to give the right antiwer, straight from the Hhoulder, also as youth' pre­ fers It

...andthenifs \ bey hey far a ||

NOT a thing overlooked . . . nothing forgotten . . . not

a single friend slighted ! That's a grand and glor­

ious feeling with which to start your Honeymoon. And

«r--i y°n can ^° J"41 * *>rj^jgj\ dear Brrde-to-Be, nf

\____j Bride's Book and do some browsing

in its fascinating pages. Virginia Courteney his

answered in advance every question you've been asking yourself. . ."How does1 a Girl Announce her Wedding to Friends and Relatives?" .."How does the Smart Bride .. 1941 Model, Acknowledge WcddJngPrescnts,Congrat- ulations andSuch?". ."When the Honeymoon is Over,

how docs the Modern Bride say.Tm Home, and Longing to See you'?" .

Virginia has all the an­ swers, so call soon for your Bride's Book,and at thesMnc time see all the new styles in Wedding Forms.

Torrance Herafd1 1336 M Pi-ado, Tprrance

Lomita News 24702 Narbonne, Lomlta

INFORMATION*s pi F A SF fitg*JW * J-^ " ** t*' * * V~?t

^ TORRANCE WELCOMES 'These If em Resident* TMs Week !

C. 0. ALUEN 1313 Dlto ' JESS DAVENPORT 1824 Cafarilla C. J. MoCONNELL 1503 Acacia

INSURANCE - AUTO - FIREIntuit TODAY Tomorrow May B< Too Laid

UAttHDIi A lAfMfC 1405Marpefin.Av«. nVlTHIlU U. LUVItC Phone 135-M

Houiihold goods and other m«rch»nd!n shipped anywhert on the Continent. Float of 8 trucks including Urge duttproof, insulate^, air-conditioned van. Alio expert packing and storage in metal- ' lined vaultr-all at reasonable pr oe«. everything insured in transit : to storagi. 1817 Border Avenue. MAM TRANSFER CO.

SHEET METAL - TEL. 350We have a complete workshop capable of turning out tho finest In Qommeroi.l . , . Industrial . , . and Priv.U Dwelling Sheet M fUl . Wlrf1 ' Columbi«-m«d. ahe»te used exclusively. Moderate prices! Robl. T. McCallum, 14« Maroelln7 Ava1. ' '


SPORTING GOODS -ELECTRICALComplete Stock of Sporting Qoods. Also RKoMeit AbplUnow and Supplies. Oill us far .11 typ«| of Electric*! W«rl«i Ntw MMtnfr- flan, Rsplirmg, Wiring, Alterations. Reasonable price*. Prompt

TORRANCE EUKCTRIO SHOP B. J. Soon 1421 Majroalina Ave. ' ' Phone tfl

Locaf and Long Distance MovingHqMMhgU i»o/» moved sa«.ly <nd ran.dly m CUITAr?, MODetf*, pXmiD VAN* No- chiii-ifes made for time tor nnV f«Jm mi t&SO pV month wlir s«f|ly store five rooms of furniture;. W« mojlt treat aW wrap over.tufTsof ple«M and rugs, using spsctal riokVfor storing.

Free ietimatss on Packing, Crating ana Shipping. BIRCH USrt VAN'S 4 STORAGE, #800 Marbonn., Phone Lomita SO