Informal Learning: A Review on Importance, Facilitators and Barriers of Informal Learning in Context of Workplace *Antima Sharma 1 * Dr. Rinku Raghuvanshi 2 1 Research Scholar, Management, Bhartiya Skill development University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2 Associate Professor, Management Bhartiya Skill development University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Abstract In recent decades informal learning has made its mark everywhere. Supremacy of Informal learning has enhanced due to changes such as technology advancement, fast growing world, need of competent skills and lack of time etc. The learning of the employees is the main aim for the organizations. Workplace learning is broadly taking place into to two forms; formal and informal. At workplace most of the learning takes place in informal way which is continuous, instant, spontaneous and more practical which enhances the performance of employees. Therefore, organizations are focusing on practical learning which is informal in nature, to develop the skills of employees. As informal learning is inherent at workplace it does not get easily recognized, it has also been found in some of the studies that employees face some barriers through informal learning which ultimately affect their skills, knowledge upgradation and performance. The main objective of this paper is to determine the informal learning and its importance in today’s world with special context to workplace. The Study has also focused on the key facilitators of informal learning at workplace and identified common barriers which devalue it. This study is based on secondary data. It is analyzed and concluded on the basis of data collected by secondary sources from various books, journals, research papers, article and work done in this field. Keywords: Informal Learning, Workplace, Organizations, Barriers, Facilitators, Employees Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020 ISSN No : 1006-7930 Page No: 4509

Informal Learning: A Review on Importance, Facilitators

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Page 1: Informal Learning: A Review on Importance, Facilitators

Informal Learning: A Review on Importance, Facilitators and Barriers of

Informal Learning in Context of Workplace

*Antima Sharma 1 *Dr. Rinku Raghuvanshi 2 1 Research Scholar, Management, Bhartiya Skill development University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

2 Associate Professor, Management Bhartiya Skill development University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


In recent decades informal learning has made its mark everywhere. Supremacy of

Informal learning has enhanced due to changes such as technology advancement,

fast growing world, need of competent skills and lack of time etc. The learning of the

employees is the main aim for the organizations. Workplace learning is broadly taking

place into to two forms; formal and informal. At workplace most of the learning takes

place in informal way which is continuous, instant, spontaneous and more practical

which enhances the performance of employees. Therefore, organizations are focusing

on practical learning which is informal in nature, to develop the skills of employees. As

informal learning is inherent at workplace it does not get easily recognized, it has also

been found in some of the studies that employees face some barriers through informal

learning which ultimately affect their skills, knowledge upgradation and performance.

The main objective of this paper is to determine the informal learning and its

importance in today’s world with special context to workplace. The Study has also

focused on the key facilitators of informal learning at workplace and identified common

barriers which devalue it. This study is based on secondary data. It is analyzed and

concluded on the basis of data collected by secondary sources from various books,

journals, research papers, article and work done in this field.

Keywords: Informal Learning, Workplace, Organizations, Barriers, Facilitators,


Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology

Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020

ISSN No : 1006-7930

Page No: 4509

Page 2: Informal Learning: A Review on Importance, Facilitators

I. Introduction

First, we need to know about informal learning and its evolution. The term informal

learning was first stated by Malcom Knowles, published in 1950 years "informal adult

education" (Informal Adult Education). After that many scholars have worked on

concept of informal learning and promoted it. Unlike formal learning; learning which

is not structured, not based on set of formulas or guidance is called informal learning.

Informal learning is self-directed learning or learning from own experience which

happens outside the formal learning or structured training. Informal Learning is an

outcome of incidental learning, self-learning, everyday experience or curiosity of a

person. Till 1990 it was belief that learning is by-product of only formal

learning. Formal learning is planned, structured and monitored by others, whereas

informal learning is unstructured, unplanned and directed by learner itself. Broadly

learning is divided into two forms which are formal and informal learning. Informal

learning is not summarized into one definition and it is defined by different authors as

per the context it is used in different situations. Informal learning is planned or

unplanned learning that is impulse learning, self-directed, and involves trying new

things and learning with the flow. Informal learning emerges during everyday activities

in the workplace, there is the possibility for this type of learning to occur more often

than formal learning (Le Clus, M.A. (2011).

In general, informal learning is not pre-planned, not followed by schedule, not based

on any curriculum, it just takes place as per the need of the learner. Since the learner

is himself or herself attracted towards the learning it is also called as learner’s choice

or pull learning. In informal learning experience is based on a problem, or identified

knowledge and skills gap, which is determined by the learner who then engages in

learning activities intended to close the knowledge gap or otherwise mitigate the

performance challenge or problem (Tim Boileau, 2017). The informal learning

outcomes are skill based, generic and which are applicable to all kinds of jobs (Van

der Klink, et al. 2012).

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Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020

ISSN No : 1006-7930

Page No: 4510

Page 3: Informal Learning: A Review on Importance, Facilitators

Marsick & Volpe (1999) summarized a few characteristics of informal learning:

A. Informal learning take place in our daily activities and by human senses.

B. Informal learning is self-motivated learning, learner’s instinct motivates them to

learn informally.

C. It is not highly conscious learning; learner is not aware while learning.

D. It is unstructured

E. Informal learning is link to other learning like formal and informal learning.

F. It is tacit knowledge which can gain by learner but not get easily expressed.

Some of the few characteristics which defined informal learning are such as it is pull

approach, it is spontaneous, it is self-directed, it not requires much planning and less

costly it is as compared to others learning patterns. Informal learning provides the

lifelong learning to an individual and it is learning of 21st century (Milligan, C. 2014).

II. Ways of Informal learning

Informal learning takes place in many ways directly or indirectly and people learn most.

Some of the ways to learn informally are self-approach/learning, through experiences,

daily activities, and conversing with others. The ways of informal learning broadly

divided into three types of learning:

Self-directed learning which is undertaken by an individual with approach & effort;

Incidental learning takes place though person’s own experience and it is


Socializing is the way to learn while interacting with others from their attitudes,

behaviour, ways, skills and values.

Whenever we learn it is either intentional, or we are aware about that learning. So

informal learning is also described by intention and awareness as follows:

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Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020

ISSN No : 1006-7930

Page No: 4511

Page 4: Informal Learning: A Review on Importance, Facilitators

Table 1: Types of Informal Learning

From Intentionally Awareness

Self-Learning Yes Yes

Experiences No Yes

Learning from others No No

(Source: https://infed.org/mobi/informal-learning-theory-practice-and-experience/)

Table 1: states that informal learning is sometimes acquired intentionally and with

awareness about it like self-learning from reading, social media etc; sometimes we

don’t learn intentionally and it just happens and acquired from event, situation,

problems etc but at the same time we are aware that we are learning such as learning

from our daily practices; when we interact or converse with others intentionally but we

don’t want to learn and even we are not aware that we are learning while talking with

friends colleagues and experts. To link adult learning into individual learner's point of

view (the individual learner) and choroid of view (the contextual perspective), individual

learner perspective, the learner as a self-help on understanding the experience of

individual participants; views on context: interactive learning from nature, we know that

learning is the product of the individual learner and the social context of interaction

(LuoBaofeng, 2002). Caffarella & Merriam (2000).

III. Informal Learning at Workplace

“Learning can happen at work, in order to help organizations, operate more efficiently,

the occurrence of non- structure, which is a way of learning outside the classroom

activities informal learning” (Garrick.1998). Rapidly changing skills demand and rising

mandatory retirement ages make informal learning more important for workers. (De

Grip A.) Employees’ expectations about work are also changing. They value feedback

about their job performance, opportunities to develop their skills, and work that is

challenging and personally fulfilling yet contributes to their organizations’ goals.

However, they also want flexibility to decide when and where to work to effectively

balance work and life demands (Butts et al. 2013).

Therefore, organizations are making huge investment on formal training and session

to develop human resources and still they fail to make them competent due to the

rapid changes in the technology and working. Generally, HRD practitioners invest

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Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020

ISSN No : 1006-7930

Page No: 4512

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huge amount on formal training for proficiency of managers, but study confirms that

managers learn mostly from informal learning (Enos, M. D., et al. (2003). In general,

both the direct and indirect costs of investments in informal learning are expected to

be lower than the costs of investments in formal training (A. de Grip,2015). Although

early human capital theory recognized the relevance of workers’ experience, its focus

was on education and formal training. But recent research shows that 80% of the

work-related learning occurs informally and this includes self-directed learning,

networking, coaching and mentoring (Yeo, 2008). The organization use to follow the

principles of scientific management. (Natalie F. & Harp) In this learning is viewed as

a separate activity to prepare employees for work through planned education and

training. However, in recent decades, the traditional idea of knowledge management,

generation, and sharing at workplace had begun to change (Li et al., 2009; Watkins

& Marsick, 1992). With the change of time from industrialization to globalization, the

focus of the organization has also changed towards employees and their learning.

Development of human resource in today’s workplace is needed and informal

learning leads to self-development and development of human capital (Noe, R. A.

et,.al 2014). Nowadays organizations are focusing more on employee’s practical

learning, self-learning and informal way of learning at the workplace. Informal

learning creates the environment so that employees can learn from one another.

Informal learning encourages flexibility in and feel them to do experiments (Harp, N.

F. 2012). Within the business community, new strategies to improve organizational

learning capacities increasingly favours approaches emphasizing experimental,

informal and self-directed learning, thus facilitating personal as well as organizational

development (Skule,2004). Various prevailing ways of informal learning at workplace

like books, self-study programs, coaching, support material & system and expert

communities (West, H. 2011).

IV. Facilitators of informal learning at workplace

Reviews on informal learning at workplace summarized that informal learning is an

important tool to enhance the knowledge, skills and capacity of an employee but there

are no defined ways and programs of informal learning for employees. Different

studies have been conducted by many scholars and they have come out with

facilitators which support informal learning. Informal learning and positive attitude of

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Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020

ISSN No : 1006-7930

Page No: 4513

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employees toward learning depend on the organizational resources, managerial, and

employee’s self-learning attitude. The way people behave, make decisions, and

communicate is largely influenced by their personal characteristics (Gregorc, 1982;

Hirsh and Kummerow, 1990). Therefore, personal factors such as age and educational

background may influence their degree of engagement in informal learning.

Tikkanen’s (2002) and Kremer’s (2005) studies, less experienced, younger workers

reported engaging in more informal learning, while more experienced, older workers

were less likely to engage in informal learning activities and tended to view their

informal learning as being less embedded in the work. Organizations are keen to

sustain knowledgeable and engaged workforce for this they are required to find out

variables which promotes informal learning at work in their organization (Jeske D. &

Robnagel C. S. 2016). Organizations should create an environment of trust among

employees so that people know that asking a question or making a mistake will not be

misunderstood or punished) and also help in to enhance better learning and

understanding of an individual (Marsick V. J. & Volpe M. 1999). Proficiency is the

product of the informal learning, organization should promote informal learning and

should focus on to increase metacognitive abilities of managers as irrespective of

spending on formal training ( Enos M.D, 2003)

The various ways which an organization can use to support learning of employees

are new technologies, e-Learning, variety of learning resources, Networks and

communities of practice, collaborative platforms, knowledge sharing initiatives,

hosted conversations, etc. (Simona S. O. R. A. (2011). “Informal learning is

containing self-directed learning, e-learning, coaching (coaching), supervision

(mentoring), to complete the task, namely to provide learning opportunities needs”.

(Marsick & Watkins, 1990). Employees get personal learning through the job and

sharing information with the colleagues. The factor that influences informal learning

are job itself, organizations, employees’ characteristics such as age, job tenure and

attitude of colleagues. The study also concluded that employees’ prior experiences

trigger immediately at the time of need Van der Klink, et al. (2012). The researchers

have also concluded that instant learning from other people or from any other mean

lead to skill acquisition among employees. Management can support informal

approaches within the organization to facilitate informal learning and improve

performance (Klein, J. D., & Moore, A. L. 2016). The autonomous types of team work

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ISSN No : 1006-7930

Page No: 4514

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lead to different types of learning and majorly informal learning (Inanc, H., et al. 2015).

Some new innovative practice those can support informal learning are phone calls

with valuable information, sales meeting, chat rooms, web-based meetings,

conversation with the mentor and chance meeting by the watercooler (West, H.

2011). Social media and blended learning more in demand for the skills and

knowledge enhancement of employees (Noe, R. A. et,.al 2014).

Some of the common activities which supports informal learning at workplace are:

Talking and collaborating with others.

Sharing of information by seniors.

Seeking feedback from others.

Observing others and listening.

Consulting with colleagues

Group activities.

Extra activities apart from daily routine work.

Challenging activities.

Movements of colleagues.

Daily routine activities.

Reading documents (Manuals)

Employee/Team initiated sharing

These are some daily routine activities through which employees learn intentionally and

unintentionally. Employees can learn informally either through self-directed learning or

learning through others. Self-directed learning which gain through own experiences,

trial & error, observations, reading and social media. Methods of learning from others

mentoring & coaching, job shadowing, water cooler talks, huddles etc.

V. Barriers to informal learning at workplace

Discussing about informal learning and about guidelines how to utilize its value as a

workplace learning, it is necessary to know the how much informal learning is actually

undertaken by employees and what are the prospective barriers attached to it. Although

informal learning plays an important role in employee’s learning and to improve their

performance, there are some impediments faced by the employees and organizations

while learning informally which many researchers have noticed and revealed through

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Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020

ISSN No : 1006-7930

Page No: 4515

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their studies. Various studies have been conducted to identify the major challenges

faced by employees while learning informally at various organizations. Major barriers to

informal learning reported by HR practitioners, researchers, employees, and concerned

person related to this field that informal learning such as like lack of time, lack of

environment, fast learning, individual barriers, organizational rules and regulations and

types of jobs. (Noble, C., & Hassell, K. (2008), pp.257-263). Barriers to participation in

informal learning faced by labour are lack of time, inconvenience of time and place and

lack of employer support (Caniels M. C., & Kirschner, P. (2012). Restrictive job designs

and workload not much hinder as attitude of seniors towards learning put impact on

junior employee’s learning (Panagiotakopoulos, A. (2016).

As informal learning is unconscious and not recognized (Dale & Bell, 1999). Fuller and

Unwin (2003) draw attention to the perspective that an overvaluing of informal learning

could lead to fewer opportunities for employees to participate in formal ‘off the job’

training. After meta-analysis it is concluded that informal learning at workplace is still

occupying backward space as comparison to other ways of learning although it is

important tool for learning at workplace (Carrasco, et.al, 2017).

Informal learning is emerging due to rapid changes in technology, which has enhanced

the level of learning and made it shift form formal learning to informal learning. Informal

learning is taking place in open environment rather than closed environment. So

organization and employees need to be open to learn and share information that can

help in to overcome these barriers. The challenges that get noticed while learning

informally (socially) that subjectivity of both experts and learner (how they are taking

the learning process) such as willingness, trust, uneasiness in sharing, differentiation in

understanding and awareness. (Braun, S., & Schmidt, A. (2006). Encouraging

environment where no question is stupid, providing coaching rather than instructing

such kind of practices provide access to learning opportunities to employees and

improve their efficiency.

VI. Discussions and Findings of the study

After reviewing the various research papers, studies and articles researchers have

come to know that informal learning is the major source in the learning of employees at

workplace. Informal learning in everyday work-related activities and environment

provides an important source for achieving personal and organizational goals (Kyndt et

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Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020

ISSN No : 1006-7930

Page No: 4516

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al. 2014). The informal learning is becoming an important issue which challenges the

traditional learning pattern. The major issues which study come out that informal

learning does not fit with narrow view knowledge and even learner is not aware with the

significance and depth of informal learning. (Hager.P,.1998 pp 521-535). Informal

learning is outcome of daily activities which is flexible in terms of achieving goals,

Numeral advantages of informal learning (individual, voluntary, self-guided,


The various researches conducted on factors which support and facilitate informal

learning at workplace are; Personal Characteristics (Gregorc, 1982; Hirsh and

Kummerow, 1990). ) Challenging activities. (A. De Grip, 2014); Self-Learning (Jeske D.

& Robnagel C. S. 2016); containing self-directed learning, e-learning, coaching

(coaching), supervision (mentoring) (Marsick & Watkins, 1990). Some of daily activities

which promote informal learning are Talking and collaborating with others, sharing of

information by seniors, Extra activities apart from daily routine work, Seeking feedback

from others, Employee/Team initiated sharing etc. Technology advancement, such as

social media and mobile devices, facilitates informal learning such as new and more

immediate ways of accessing and creating knowledge, greater social interaction,

engagement anytime and anywhere, and new informal modes of representation provide

better learning to learners (Erstad, Kumpulainen, Mäkitalo, 2016).

Although informal learning is considered as learning of today (21st Century learning)

due its some of characteristics such as flexibility, instant learning, more practical and

learner’s choice. Apart from that Informal learning has often been seen as formal

learning’s ‘poor cousin’ (Golding, B. et.al., (2009). Informal learning was used to treat

as a complementary to formal learning because some of drawbacks attached to it.

Everything has two side pros and cons similarly some of the impedes attached with

informal learning which is found by many researchers in their studies. Mainly barriers

are categorized into three categories like job related barriers, organizational barriers

and personal barriers which hinder employees to learn informally. Job related barriers

are lack of time, less scope to learn, high confidentiality etc. Organizational related

barriers such as more formal learning pattern, less rewards attached to learning, not

recognition of informal learning, lack of communication, close culture of organization

etc. Personal barriers of employees are lack of interest in learning, non-seriousness,

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Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020

ISSN No : 1006-7930

Page No: 4517

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lack of motivation etc, not good in communication, poor knowledge, lack of motivation

etc. {Noble, C., & Hassell, K., (2008) Caniels M. C., & Kirschner, P. (2012), Braun, S.,

& Schmidt, A. (2006)} These some of the different barriers revealed by researchers

which is faced by different sectors , organizations, levels, area and department

employees while they learn informally.

VII. Conclusion of the Study

After reviewing various studies, concluded that today’s world and knowledge base

society is bringing new challenges, changes, and acceleration in technologies and new

ways of learning and working to employees. So private sector, public institutions as well

as NGOs also supporting for the on the job learning methods, continuous learning,

more innovative and informal kind of approach in learning which is different from past

learning methods. Organizations & HR practitioners experienced informal learning is

less expensive, less time consuming, lifelong learning, and more practical as compared

to main stream learning pattern. The study concluded with the remarks that informal

learning is an innovative way to improve the organizations performance through

investment in people, learning resources and information technology. Some studies

confirm that informal learning put a favourable impact on employee’s working skills in

both ways personally and professionally. The organizations and HR practitioners have

realized that they can save time and money by facilitating informal learning through

involving it in daily routine activities of employees.

The factors which are effective informal learning practices are experiencing buddying,

job redesigning, job rotation, and time for self-analysing the task. Studies come out with

common key facilitator which help in to support informal learning at workplace in all

types of jobs are employee’s age/education, self-motivation, self-learning time,

conversation with colleagues, supportive boss, recognition, internet and open

organizational culture. In coming days, it will be getting more favoured and become

priority of organization to make employees skilled, proficient, and productive. The only

need to work on its promotion, to ease it more, and to remove huddles to informal

learning. The huddles which are faced by employees mainly are lack of time, job type,

close environment, less support from seniors, lack of rewards, high confidentiality, not

getting certified etc. These barriers can be removed by proper plan and strategies of

HR department.

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology

Volume XII, Issue IV, 2020

ISSN No : 1006-7930

Page No: 4518

Page 11: Informal Learning: A Review on Importance, Facilitators

VIII. Implication of the study

The study is able to generate awareness of informal learning and suggest that

organization and HR department should be aware of leaning that take place in informal

way. The organizations need to develop their capability to meet new challenges, by

providing innovative better way of learning and fostering working together to make the

most of knowledge and competence of employees.

This study suggested that organizations should create such an environment where

employees know that asking a question or making a mistake will not be misunderstood

or punished and get appreciation to learn new things with new innovative ways like

informal learning. Researchers also suggested that external barriers to informal

learning can further removed through fair reward strategies.

IX. Limitations of the Study

This study is based on secondary data only. The study has not focused on any specific

area, country, industry, workers and particular criteria. Its general based on common

conclusion of all the studies. Further study can be conducted on specific category

workers from particular industry or field and study can conduct through primary data.


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ISSN No : 1006-7930

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