Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

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Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Copyright © 2019 Infor

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Publication Information Release: Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst

Publication date: February 25, 2019

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 3


About this guide ................................................................................................................................... 7

Intended audience ........................................................................................................................... 7 Related documents .................................................................................................................... 7

Contacting Infor................................................................................................................................ 7

Chapter 1 Navigating the dashboard ............................................................................................. 8

Using the toolbar .............................................................................................................................. 8

Viewing data .................................................................................................................................... 9 Hovering .................................................................................................................................... 9 Changing report types ............................................................................................................. 10 Turning the data series in a chart on or off ............................................................................. 10 Drilling down data .................................................................................................................... 10 Visual highlighting and filtering ................................................................................................ 10

Selecting attributes or measures ................................................................................................... 10 Using filters .............................................................................................................................. 11

Using the standard filter .................................................................................................... 11 Using the Filter cards ........................................................................................................ 11 Using the embedded filters ............................................................................................... 11

Changing sorting in ranking ..................................................................................................... 11 Using the column selector ....................................................................................................... 12

Chapter 2 Analytics overview ....................................................................................................... 13

About LN Analytics ........................................................................................................................ 13

Analytics components .................................................................................................................... 13

Dimensions .................................................................................................................................... 13 Addresses ................................................................................................................................ 14 Customer Defined Fields ......................................................................................................... 15 Enumerates ............................................................................................................................. 16 Time ......................................................................................................................................... 17 UTC dates ................................................................................................................................ 18


4 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Deletions .................................................................................................................................. 18

Facts .............................................................................................................................................. 19 Amounts and currencies .......................................................................................................... 19 Quantities and units ................................................................................................................. 20 Deletes ..................................................................................................................................... 21

Reports........................................................................................................................................... 21

Dashboards .................................................................................................................................... 21

Chapter 3 Conformed dimensions ............................................................................................... 22

Address .......................................................................................................................................... 23

Buy-from BP ................................................................................................................................... 25

Calendar Period ............................................................................................................................. 26

Company ........................................................................................................................................ 27

Cost Component ............................................................................................................................ 30

Department .................................................................................................................................... 31

Employee ....................................................................................................................................... 32

Invoice-to BP .................................................................................................................................. 35

Item ................................................................................................................................................ 37

Pay-by BP ...................................................................................................................................... 40

PCS Project ................................................................................................................................... 42

Product Variant .............................................................................................................................. 44

Project ............................................................................................................................................ 45

Reason ........................................................................................................................................... 50

Return Reason ............................................................................................................................... 51

Ship-to Address ............................................................................................................................. 51

Ship-to BP ...................................................................................................................................... 51

Site ................................................................................................................................................. 53

Sold-to Address ............................................................................................................................. 55

Sold-to BP ...................................................................................................................................... 55

Transaction Currency .................................................................................................................... 57

Transaction Unit ............................................................................................................................. 58

Warehouse ..................................................................................................................................... 58

Chapter 4 Job shop domain information .................................................................................... 62


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Dimensions .................................................................................................................................... 62 Calculation Office .................................................................................................................... 63 Machine ................................................................................................................................... 64 Material .................................................................................................................................... 64 Planner .................................................................................................................................... 64 Production Material .................................................................................................................. 65 Production Material Detail ....................................................................................................... 65 Production Operation ............................................................................................................... 66 Production Operation Detail .................................................................................................... 67 Production Order ..................................................................................................................... 69 Production Order Detail ........................................................................................................... 69 Production Total Cost Detail .................................................................................................... 71 Reject Reason ......................................................................................................................... 71 Shop Floor Planner .................................................................................................................. 71 Task ......................................................................................................................................... 72 Work Center ............................................................................................................................. 73

Facts .............................................................................................................................................. 77 Production Order ..................................................................................................................... 77

Star schema ...................................................................................................................... 77 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 78 Measures ........................................................................................................................... 79

Production Operation ............................................................................................................... 82 Star schema ...................................................................................................................... 82 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 83 Measures ........................................................................................................................... 84

Production Material .................................................................................................................. 88 Star schema ...................................................................................................................... 88 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 89 Measures ........................................................................................................................... 90

Production Total Cost .............................................................................................................. 93 Star schema ...................................................................................................................... 93 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 94 Measures ........................................................................................................................... 94

Dashboards and reports ................................................................................................................ 96 Job Shop .................................................................................................................................. 96 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 98 Produced Items Variance Ranking .......................................................................................... 98 Order Punctuality ..................................................................................................................... 99


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Order Lead Time ................................................................................................................... 100 Reject by Reason .................................................................................................................. 101 Perfect Order by Year ............................................................................................................ 101 Operation Cost Variance ....................................................................................................... 102 Operation Machine and Labor Time ...................................................................................... 103 Material Cost .......................................................................................................................... 104

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 7

About this guide

This guide contains information on how to use Infor LN Analytics in your day-to-day business.

Intended audience This guide is for the day-to-day or end users of the Infor LN Analytics content.

Related documents You can find the documents in the product documentation section of the Infor Support Portal, as described in "Contacting Infor" on page 7, or through the landing page that comes with LN Analytics:

• Infor LN Analytics for Birst Administration Guide

Contacting Infor If you have questions about Infor products, go to the Infor Support Portal.

If we update this document after the product release, we will post the new version on this website. We recommend that you check this website periodically for updated documentation.

If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact [email protected].

Navigating the dashboard

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 8

Chapter 1 Navigating the dashboard

Click the dashboard drop-down list to navigate between dashboard collections and dashboards. This table shows the icons that are shown:

Button Name Description

Using the toolbar This table shows the toolbar icons:

Filters Shows the standard filter

Reset Reloads the dashboard with the default filters

Maximize Expands a report or a KPI

chart to fill the screen

Minimize Restores a report or a KPI chart to its original size and shows the dashboard

Dashlet actions Shows actions such as

Explore in Visualizer, View Selector, Column Selector, Export As, and Notifications, depending on how the report or the KPI chart is set up

Button Name Description

Copy Link Copies the Bookmark URL of Dashboard.

Navigating the dashboard

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Viewing data You can view data in a report or a KPI chart by using any of these actions:

Hovering Hover over charts to see more detailed information in a popup. If you are using filters, you can hover over the Filter card to show more information.

Reports Select a dashboard from different collection folder.

Notifications Notification Center.

Export Exports reports to PDF or PDF with Details (includes collection name, widget name, timestamp, filters applied to widget.

Logs Shows Log History (Timestamp, Source, Runtime, Cache Hit, Details of queries and events).

Bookmark Save your selection using the bookmark button so you can easily use that selection the next time you log in.

Filter Use to modify the value of the dimensions used to calculate the report values.

Reset Refresh the reports or dashboard to its original state.

Navigating the dashboard

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Changing report types If this function is enabled for a report, you can change the visualization types by selecting Dashlet Actions > View Selector.

The View Selector option shows only the charts that closely match the data, depending on how the report is set up. The Table view is a convenient way to display the data in a columnar or row format.

Turning the data series in a chart on or off Some charts have legend icons, which are colored buttons that are located below or to the right of a chart. You can click any of these icons to turn on or off a data series in a chart. This is useful if you want to focus on just one series and avoid data clutter.

Drilling down data Click on charts to drill down to detail levels. For dashboards where drilling down is allowed, the drill path is displayed in a breadcrumb when you drill down to other levels. You can click on the breadcrumb sections to navigate back to the previous levels, or click Original to go back to the start. You can hide this view by clicking Hide Drill Paths.

Visual highlighting and filtering Use visual highlighting to quickly investigate the relationship between data that is spread across multiple dashlets. Hold CTRL (for Windows) or CMD (for MAC) and drag an area (points, bars, pie, etc) onto a dashlet. When you apply visual highlighting, the related data points in other dashlets also light up. Filters are not applied in visual highlighting.

To filter on a specific area and display related data points in other dashlets, right-click an area and select Visual Filtering. The Filter card shows the filter used for that area.

Selecting attributes or measures You can select attributes or measures to be displayed in a chart by using filters, column selectors, or by changing the sorting of a rank.

Navigating the dashboard

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Using filters Dashboards can have standard or embedded filters that let you explore subsets of data. The filters available depend on how the dashboard is set up.

Using the standard filter Click the Filters button and perform any of these actions:

• Select the filters and click Apply. For example, in the Fiscal Year filter, select the year that you want to filter. Some filters allow multi selection, while others allow only one selection.

• For filter groups with a hierarchical order, for example Fiscal Period, select a filter and then select the values to be filtered.

• If there are many filter values, you can search on them to narrow down your selection. • To select all attributes, select the Select All check box. Clear the check box to remove the

selection. • To display only the filters that you selected, click the Show selected options only icon.

After you click Apply, the Filter cards show the filters that you selected. These Filter cards are displayed along the top of the dashboard.

Using the Filter cards When you access a dashboard, the Filter cards show the default filters for that dashboard. Hover over a Filter card to see the name of the filter and its current filter values, or click a Filter card to show the standard filter with the filtered attributes.

To clear the filter, click the x icon of the first Filter card.

Using the embedded filters Ad hoc dashboards use embedded filters on a page. Embedded filters let you see the filters and change them. The Filter cards for embedded filters work the same as for standard filters. If there are a lot of values displayed, use the search bar to find a value.

Changing sorting in ranking Some tables and crosstab reports have a Sort option. Hover over the header label on either axis to see and click the Sort icon. Click the icon to change the sort order, or click again to set it back to the original order.

Navigating the dashboard

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To change the sort order of charts, select Dashlet Actions > View Selector, select the table or crosstab, then perform the sorting change. Once done, you can switch back to the original chart type to show the report with the updated sorting.

Using the column selector If the column selector is enabled for a report, you can use it to choose what attributes or measures to show. Select Dashlet Actions > Column Selector.

Alternative attributes or measures are displayed in the Column Selector list. If you select a different attribute or measure, the report is updated with the new data.

Note: If you change the measure for charts with ranking, the new measure is sorted by the default value (the initial load value).

Analytics overview

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Chapter 2 Analytics overview

About LN Analytics LN Analytics refers to the content built with Birst. LN Analytics provides users with strategic and tactical business intelligence by generating measures for analytic data or reports.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) provide future-oriented measures, which direct you to critical areas of business performance that need improvement.

Analytics components This topic describes the basic components: dimensions, facts, reports and dashboards.

LN Analytics provides reports that display a trend for a single KPI, and reports that allow the user to analyze one or several metrics in a chart or a table. Reports that show a trend for a single KPI are referred to as KPI charts and are designed to be used with a dark background. Reports are named according to the displayed KPI and display a trend over a month or other period.

LN Analytics uses Birst column selectors for attributes and measures to add flexibility and additional options for analysis.

LN Analytics provides you with a set of standard reports and dashboards, but you can create your own.

The facts (measures) and associated dimensions (attributes) described in this document can be used in Visualizer and Report Designer to create reports.

Dimensions Dimension attributes provide ways of grouping and filtering measures targeted from facts.

Analytics overview

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Addresses Dimensions with address details all include the same attributes.

This table shows the tables from which address fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Desc/Name.

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

State/Province tccom130.cste

State/Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

Analytics overview

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Customer Defined Fields This table shows the customer defined fields available for all dimensions. Further details on configuration and usage can be found in the Infor LN Analytics for Birst Administration Guide.

Attribute Mapping

CDF Date01 Date Field 1

CDF Date02 Date Field 2

CDF Date03 Date Field 3

CDF Date04 Date Field 4

CDF Date05 Date Field 5

CDF DateTime01 Date Time Field 1

CDF DateTime02 Date Time Field 2

CDF DateTime03 Date Time Field 3

CDF DateTime04 Date Time Field 4

CDF DateTime05 Date Time Field 5

CDF Float01 Float Field 1

CDF Float02 Float Field 2

CDF Float03 Float Field 3

CDF Float04 Float Field 4

CDF Float05 Float Field 5

CDF Integer01 Integer Field 1

CDF Integer02 Integer Field 2

CDF Integer03 Integer Field 3

CDF Integer04 Integer Field 4

CDF Integer05 Integer Field 5

CDF String01 String Field 1

CDF String02 String Field 2

CDF String03 String Field 3

CDF String04 String Field 4

CDF String05 String Field 5

CDF String06 String Field 6

CDF String07 String Field 7

Analytics overview

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Attribute Mapping

CDF String08 String Field 8

CDF String09 String Field 9

CDF String10 String Field 10

CDF String11 String Field 11

CDF String12 String Field 12

CDF String13 String Field 13

CDF String14 String Field 14

CDF String15 String Field 15

Enumerates LN defines fields of data type Enumerate through these fields:

• Constant: Number that determines the sequence in which the enum descriptions are displayed. Used for sorting in Birst.

• Constant Name: Used to refer to an enumerated constant in scripts or expressions on forms and reports in LN. Used for filtering in Birst.

• Description: Used for display purposes

For example, Order Status (tisfc001.osta) is an enumerate with possible values:

Constant Constant Name Description

20 planned Created

30 modify Modify

40 scheduled Scheduled

50 printed Printed

60 in.prod Released

70 active Active

80 to.be.completed Production Completed

90 completed Completed

Analytics overview

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Constant Constant Name Description

100 closed Closed

110 archived Archived

Dimensions also contain three fields for each enumerate field, for example:

• Order Status Sort - mapped to Constant

• Order Status Filter - mapped to Constant Name

• Order Status - mapped to Description

Time Time dimension comes with Birst and is described in more detail in the Birst documentation and online help.

This table shows the attributes for the Time dimension:




Day Number

Day Seq Number

Day of Month

Day of Week

Day of Week in Month

Day of Year

Days Ago


Month Number

Month Seq Number

Month of Year

Months Ago

Num Weeks In Month

Analytics overview

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Quarter Number

Quarter Seq Number

Trailing 3 Month Name

Week End Date

Week Number

Week Seq Number

Week Start Date

Week of Month

Week of Year

Weeks Ago


Year Seq Number



UTC dates UTC dates that are not registered in LN are displayed as empty strings in LN sessions. But the UTC date in LN tables is 0. Birst represents such UTC dates as 1970-01-01 00:00:00.

Deletions If a record is deleted in LN, a record with deleted = 1 is stored in the dimension. Records are never removed from dimensions because historic transactions or other dimensions with references can still exist in the data warehouse.

Degenerate dimension (transaction ID) records are hidden depending on the transaction status.


• An order that is planned and deleted in LN, will be hidden in the degenerate dimension. An order that is closed and deleted in LN will not be hidden and remains available for analysis.

Analytics overview

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• An operation that is not yet completed and is deleted in LN, will be hidden in the degenerate dimension in Birst. Completed operations that are deleted (when archiving orders) will not be hidden and remain available for analysis.

Facts There are fact tables with measures and targeted dimensions.

Amounts and currencies Amount measures are available in 5 currency types. LN stores amounts in the 3 home currencies or in the transaction currency. These table fields are automatically published in the IMS messages. Calculated fields are available to always publish amounts in home currencies (local, reporting 1 and reporting 2), reference currency, and data warehouse currency.

This naming convention is used:

• LC = Local currency

• RC1 = Reporting Currency 1

• RC2 = Reporting Currency 1

• RFC = Reference currency

• DWC = Data warehouse currency

Home currencies and reference currencies are defined in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session. Data warehouse currencies are defined in the Data Warehouse Parameters (tcgen0100m000) session. These currencies are available in the Company dimension.

Amount facts are semi-additive (SA). That is, they cannot always be summed across companies.

Note: Amounts can be summed safely for a single company. Amounts can only be summed across companies if they have the same currency.

We make these recommendations:

• Data warehouse parameter setup should be such that all companies use the same currency and then amounts in data warehouse currency can be safely summed across all companies.

• Reference currency is typically also kept the same across companies and then amounts in reference currency can be summed across those companies.

• You should not sum amounts in, for example, Reporting Currency 1 across companies when these companies have a different Reporting Currency 1. Amounts in different currencies would be summed.

Analytics overview

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Quantities and units Quantity measures are available in eight unit types.

Calculated fields are available to publish:

• Quantities in transaction unit for LN tables that only store quantities in inventory unit.

• Quantities in inventory unit for LN tables that only store quantities in transaction unit.

• Quantities in six base units for all LN tables in our data sets.

This naming convention is used:

• TU = Transaction Unit *

• IU = Inventory Unit

• BUW = Base Unit Weight

• BUL = Base Unit Length

• BUA = Base Unit Area

• BUV = Base Unit Volume

• BUT = Base Unit Time

• BUP = Base Unit Piece

* Job shop only uses inventory units.

Inventory units are defined in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.

Base units for weight, length, area, volume and time are defined in the MCS Parameters (tcmcs0500m000) session. Base unit for piece is defined in the Data Warehouse Parameters (tcgen0100100) session. These base units are available in the Company dimension.

Quantity measures are semi-additive (SA). That is (in inventory unit) they cannot be summed across their non-additive Item dimension. Note: Quantities can be summed safely for a single item and can be summed across items but only if they have the same inventory unit.

We make these recommendations:

• MCS parameters and data warehouse parameter setup should be such that all companies use the same base units and then quantities in base units can be safely summed across items and companies.

• You should not sum quantities in inventory unit (or transaction unit) across items/companies without setting a filter on the inventory unit (or transaction unit). Without filter, quantities in different units would be summed.

Analytics overview

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Deletes When a record is deleted in LN, a record with deleted = 1 is stored in the fact table in Birst. However, facts are hidden depending on the transaction status. For example: an order that is planned and deleted in LN, is hidden in the fact table. An order that is closed and deleted in LN is not hidden in the fact table and remains available for analysis.

Reports LN Analytics provides reports that display a trend for a single KPI, and reports that allow the user to analyze one or several metrics in a chart or a table. Reports that show a trend for a single KPI are referred to as KPI charts and are designed to be used with a dark background. Reports are named according to the displayed KPI and display a trend over a month or other period.

LN Analytics uses Birst column selectors for attributes and measures to add flexibility and additional options for analysis.

Dashboards Dashboards provide a single view of several KPIs that are relevant to a specific business process. They present varied information such as summaries, key trends, comparisons, and exceptions through charts, and tables with metrics.

Dashboards are built from a number of dashlets. A dashlet can be a KPI object, a KPI chart, or any other type of report. A KPI object is usually enhanced with a KPI chart. They are placed together on a dashboard to give the impression of a single object. Color is used to emphasize and group different KPIs together.

Each dashboard is delivered with a set of filters that enables you to drill in to the data presented in the various reports on the dashboard. Filters based on conformed dimensions are shared across dashboards.

LN Analytics comes with a landing page with following dashlets:

• Report ‘About‘ with the content version (10.6.001 or later).

• Text Area ‘About LN Analytics’ with an introduction text.

• Buttons to the Foundation User Guide, Administration Guide and Infor LN Help, all navigate to docs.infor.com. Infor LN Help also lists both guides in the Documentation/Analytics/Foundation section.

Conformed dimensions

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Chapter 3 Conformed dimensions

Conformed dimensions are dimensions that are used across domains.

This chapter describes these conformed dimensions:

Conformed dimension Address

Buy-from BP

Calendar Period


Cost Component



Invoice-to BP


Pay-by BP

PCS Project

Product Variant



Return Reason

Ship-to Address

Ship-to BP


Sold-to Address

Sold-to BP

Transaction Currency

Transaction Unit

Conformed dimensions

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Conformed dimension


This table shows the drill maps available for all reports that include mentioned columns:

Dimension Drill columns

Company Country – State/Province – City

Invoice-to BP Country – State/Province – City

Business Partner Type – Invoice-to BP

Financial Customer Group – Invoice-to BP

Item Item Group – Item

Product Type – Item

Product Line – Item

Product Class – Item

Ship-to Address Country – State/Province – City

Ship-to BP Country – State/Province – City

Business Partner Type – Invoice-to BP

Site Country – State/Province – City

Sold-to Address Country – State/Province – City

Time Year – Quarter – Month – Week – Day

Warehouse Country – State/Province – City

Logistic Company – Enterprise Unit – Work Center

Address This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm100 Time Zones

Conformed dimensions

24 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Table Description

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Address Name tccom130.nama

Address tccom130.cadr

City tccom130.ccit

City 2 tccom130.namf

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

Fax tccom130.tefx

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location

Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Ship-to Address Name.

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Telephone tccom130.telp

Telex tccom130.telx

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 25

Buy-from BP This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom100 Business Partners

tccom120 Buy-from Business Partners

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcibd301 List Groups

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs029 Business Partner Types

tcmcs031 Lines of Business

tcmcs045 Areas

tcmcs065 Departments

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Area tccom120.creg

Area Desc tcmcs045.dsca

Business Partner Status tccom120.bpst

Business Partner Status Filter tccom120.bpst

Business Partner Status Sort tccom120.bpst

Business Partner Type tccom120.cbtp

Business Partner Type Desc tcmcs029.dsca

Buy from BP Name tccom100.nama

Buy-from BP tccom120.otbp

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Country tccom130.ccty

Conformed dimensions

26 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

End Date tccom120.endt

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location

Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Buy-from BP Name.

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

Line of Business tccom120.cbrn

Line of Business Desc tcmcs031.dsca

List Group tccom120.clgr

List Group Desc tcibd301.dsca

Purchase Office tccom120.cofc

Purchase Office Desc tcmcs065.dsca

Start Date tccom120.stdt

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for tccom120.cadr.

Calendar Period This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 27

Table Description

tcccp060 Period Tables

tcccp070 Periods

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Calendar Period Desc tcccp060.dsca

End Date tcccp070.endt

Period Desc tcccp070.dsca

Period Number tcccp070.peri

Period Table Code tcccp070.cpdt

Start Date tcccp070.stdt

Year tcccp070.yrno

Year Period tcccp070.yrno and tcccp070.peri

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Company Tools company 0000 is excluded from the company dimension.

This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom000 Implemented Software Components (Companies)

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcemm170 Companies

tcgen000 Generic Parameters

tcmcs000 MCS Parameters

tcmcs001 Units

Conformed dimensions

28 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Table Description

tcmcs002 Currencies

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

tfgld004 Financial Companies

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Base Unit Area tcmcs000.care

Base Unit Area Desc tcmcs001.dsca

Base Unit Length tcmcs000.clen

Base Unit Length Desc tcmcs001.dsca

Base Unit Piece tcgen000.cpie

Base Unit Piece Desc tcmcs001.dsca

Base Unit Time tcmcs000.ctim

Base Unit Time Desc tcmcs001.dsca

Base Unit Volume tcmcs000.cvol

Base Unit Volume Desc tcmcs001.dsca

Base Unit Weight tcmcs000.cwei

Base Unit Weight Desc tcmcs001.dsca

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Company tccom000.ncmp

Company Desc tcemm170.desc

Company Type tcemm170.ctyp

Company Type Filter tcemm170.ctyp

Company Type Sort tcemm170.ctyp

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

Data Warehouse Currency tcgen000.dcur

Data Warehouse Currency Desc tcmcs002.dsca

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 29

Attribute Mapping

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Company Desc

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

Group Company tfgld004.gcmp

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

Job Shop by Site tccom000.jspm

Job Shop by Site Filter tccom000.jspm

Job Shop by Site Sort tccom000.jspm

Local Currency tcemm170.fcua

Local Currency Desc tcmcs002.dsca

Reference Currency tcemm170.lcur

Reference Currency Desc tcmcs002.dsca

Reporting Currency 1 tcemm170.fcub

Reporting Currency 1 Desc tcmcs002.dsca

Reporting Currency 2 tcemm170.fcuc

Reporting Currency 2 Desc tcmcs002.dsca

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for tccom000.cadr.

Conformed dimensions

30 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Cost Component This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tcmcs048 Cost Components

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Cost Component tcmcs048.cpcp

Cost Component Desc tcmcs048.dsca

Cost Component Type tcmcs048.cpus

Cost Component Type Filter tcmcs048.cpus

Cost Component Type Sort tcmcs048.cpus

Cost Subtype tcmcs048.tpoc

Cost Subtype Filter tcmcs048.tpoc

Cost Subtype Sort tcmcs048.tpoc

Cost Type tcmcs048.cref

Cost Type Filter tcmcs048.cref

Cost Type Sort tcmcs048.cref

Direct Indirect tcmcs048.dinc

Direct/Indirect Filter tcmcs048.dinc

Direct/Indirect Sort tcmcs048.dinc

Fixed Variable tcmcs048.fxvc

Fixed/Variable Filter tcmcs048.fxvc

Fixed/Variable Sort tcmcs048.fxvc

Included in Inventory Valuation tcmcs048.yesno

Included in Inventory Valuation Filter tcmcs048.yesno

Included in Inventory Valuation Sort tcmcs048.yesno

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 31

Department This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom001 Employees - General

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm030 Enterprise Units

tcemm050 Sites

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcemm170 Companies

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs065 Departments

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

Department tcmcs065.cwoc

Department Desc tcmcs065.dsca

Department Type tcmcs065.typd

Department Type Filter tcmcs065.typd

Department Type Sort tcmcs065.typd

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

Enterprise Unit tcemm030.eunt

Enterprise Unit Desc tcemm030.dsca

Conformed dimensions

32 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Financial Company tcmcs065.comp

Financial Company Desc tcemm170.desc

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Department Desc.

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

Logistic Company tcemm030.lcmp

Logistic Company Desc tcemm170.desc

Manager tcmcs065.emno

Manager Name tccom001.nama

Site tcmcs065.site

Site Desc tcemm050.desc

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca


Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for tcmcs065.cadr.

Employee This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

bpmdm001 Employee People Data

tccom001 Employees - General

tccom130 Addresses

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 33

Table Description

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs048 Cost Components

tcmcs065 Departments

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

tcppl090 Labor Rate Codes

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Calendar Code tccom001.ccal

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Civil Status bpmdm001.cist

Contract End Date bpmdm001.cedt

Cost Component tccom001.cpcp

Cost Component Desc tcmcs048.dsca

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

Country of Nationality bpmdm001.ccty

Country of Nationality Desc tcmcs010.dsca

Date of Birth bpmdm001.daob

Department tccom001.cwoc

Department Desc tcmcs065.dsca

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

Email bpmdm001.mail

Employee tccom001.emno

Employee Name tccom001.nama

Conformed dimensions

34 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Employee Type bpmdm001.emtp

Employee Type Filter bpmdm001.emtp

Employee Type Sort bpmdm001.emtp

Employment bpmdm001.hwem

Fax bpmdm001.tefw

First Date of Employment bpmdm001.sdte

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Employee Name

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

Gender bpmdm001.sexe

Gender Filter bpmdm001.sexe

Gender Sort bpmdm001.sexe

Given Name tccom001.namb

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

Job Title bpmdm001.jobt

Labor Rate Code tccom001.clrt

Labor Rate Code Desc tcppl090.desc

Language tccom001.clan

Last Date of Employment bpmdm001.edte

Last Name tccom001.namd

Messenger Address bpmdm001.msad

Messenger Type bpmdm001.msty

Messenger Type Filter bpmdm001.msty

Messenger Type Sort bpmdm001.msty

Middle Name tccom001.namc

Mobile Phone bpmdm001.telm

Search Key tccom001.seak

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 35

Attribute Mapping

Telephone bpmdm001.telw

Telephone 2 bpmdm001.tlw1

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

Type of Employment Contract bpmdm001.tctr

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for bpmdm001.cadr.

Invoice-to BP This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom100 Business Partners

tccom112 Invoice-to Business Partners

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcmcs002 Currencies

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs013 Payment Terms

tcmcs029 Business Partner Types

tcmcs064 Credit Ratings

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

tfacr001 Financial Customer Groups

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Conformed dimensions

36 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Business Partner Status tccom112.itst

Business Partner Status Filter tccom112.itst

Business Partner Status Sort tccom112.itst

Business Partner Type tccom112.cbtp

Business Partner Type Desc tcmcs029.dsca

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

Credit Limit tccom112.crlr

Credit Rating tccom112.crat

Credit Rating Desc tcmcs064.dsca

Currency tccom112.ccur

Currency Desc tcmcs002.dsca

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

End Date tccom112.endt

Financial Customer Group tccom112.cfcg

Financial Customer Group Desc tfacr001.desc

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location

Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Invoice-to BP Name.

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

Invoice to BP Name tccom100.nama

Invoice-to BP tccom112.itbp

Payment Terms tccom112.cpay

Payment Terms Desc tcmcs013.dsca

Start Date tccom112.stdt

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 37

Attribute Mapping

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for tccom112.cadr.

Item This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tcibd001 Items

tcmcs001 Units

tcmcs015 Product Types

tcmcs023 Item Groups

tcmcs028 Harmonized System Codes

tcmcs052 Projects

tcmcs060 Manufacturers

tcmcs061 Product Lines

tcmcs062 Product Classes

tcmcs145 Routing Groups

tiipd001 Item - Production

tipcf500 Product Variant IDs

tppdm005 Item Project Data

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Conformed dimensions

38 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Configurable tcibd001.cnfg

Configurable Filter tcibd001.cnfg

Configurable Sort tcibd001.cnfg

Control Code tppdm005.ccit

Control Code Desc tcibd001.desc

Customize tcibd001.opol

Customize Filter tcibd001.opol

Customize Sort tcibd001.opol

Customizable tcibd001.cust (aka Customized)

Customizable Filter tcibd001.cust (aka Customized)

Customizable Sort tcibd001.cust (aka Customized)

Default Supply Source tcibd001.srce

Default Supply Source Filter tcibd001.srce

Default Supply Source Sort tcibd001.srce

Derived from Item Desc tcibd001.dsca

Derived-from Item tcibd001.dfit

Harmonized System Code tcibd001.ccde

Harmonized System Code Desc tcmcs028.dsca

Inventory Unit tcibd001.cuni

Inventory Unit Desc tcmcs001.dsca

Item tcibd001.item

Item Desc tcibd001.dsca

Item Group tcibd001.citg

Item Group Desc tcmcs023.dsca

Item Type tcibd001.kitm

Item Type Filter tcibd001.kitm

Item Type Sort tcibd001.kitm

Manufacturer tcibd001.cmnf

Manufacturer Desc tcmcs060.dsca

Material Info tcibd001.dscb

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 39

Attribute Mapping

Option Set tcibd001.opts

Order System tcibd001.osys

Order System Filter tcibd001.osys

Order System Sort tcibd001.osys

Phantom tiipd001.cpha

Phantom Filter tiipd001.cpha

Phantom Sort tiipd001.cpha

Product Class tcibd001.cpcl

Product Class Desc tcmcs062.dsca

Product Line tcibd001.cpln

Product Line Desc tcmcs061.dsca

Product Type tcibd001.ctyp

Product Type Desc tcmcs015.dsca

Product Variant tcibd001.cpva

Product Variant Desc tipcf500.dsca

Project tcibd001.cprj

Project Desc tcmcs052.dsca

Project Order System tppdm005.osys

Project Order System Filter tppdm005.osys

Project Order System Sort tppdm005.osys

Reference Type tipcf500.reft

Reference Type Filter tipcf500.reft

Reference Type Sort tipcf500.reft

Routing Group tiipd001.rgrp

Routing Group Desc tcmcs145.dsca

Size Info tcibd001.dscc

Standard Info tcibd001.dscd

Standard To Order tcibd001.stoi

Standard To Order Filter tcibd001.stoi

Standard To Order Sort tcibd001.stoi

Conformed dimensions

40 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Subassembly tcibd001.sayn

Subassembly Filter tcibd001.sayn

Subassembly Sort tcibd001.sayn

Weight tcibd001.wght

Weight Unit tcibd001.cwun

Weight Unit Desc tcibd001.wpcs

With PCS tcibd001.sayn

With PCS Filter tcibd001.sayn

With PCS Sort tcibd001.sayn

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Pay-by BP This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom100 Business Partners

tccom114 Pay-by Business Partners

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcmcs002 Currencies

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs029 Business Partner Types

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Business Partner Status tccom114.bpst

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 41

Attribute Mapping

Business Partner Status Filter tccom114.bpst

Business Partner Status Sort tccom114.bpst

Business Partner Type tccom114.cbtp

Business Partner Type Desc tcmcs029.dsca

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

Currency tccom114.ccur

Currency Desc tcmcs002.dsca

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

End Date tccom114.endt

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Pay-by BP Name.

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

Pay by BP Name tccom100.nama

Pay-by BP tccom114.pfbp

Start Date tccom114.stdt

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for tccom114.cadr.

Conformed dimensions

42 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

PCS Project This dimension is for PCS Projects.

This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom001 Employees - General

tcmcs052 Projects

tcmcs065 Departments

tipcs020 General Project Data

tipcs030 Project Details

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Actual Closing date tipcs030.cldt

Actual Machine Hours tipcs030.amch

Actual Man Hours tipcs030.aman

Actualization Date tipcs030.acdt

Budget tipcs030.cbdg

Budget Desc tcmcs052.dsca

Calculation Office tipcs020.clco

Calculation Office Desc tcmcs065.dsca

Completion Date tipcs030.ddat

Date Filled by Sales tipcs020.dtfs

Date Filled by Sales Filter tipcs020.dtfs

Date Filled by Sales Sort tipcs020.dtfs

Definitively Closed tipcs030.defc

Definitively Closed Filter tipcs030.defc

Definitively Closed Sort tipcs030.defc

Engineering Allowed tipcs020.peng

Engineering Allowed Filter tipcs020.peng

Engineering Allowed Sort tipcs020.peng

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 43

Attribute Mapping

Estimated Capacity Aggregated tipcs030.ecpa

Estimated Capacity Rough tipcs030.ecpr

In Service tcmcs052.isrv

In-Service Filter tcmcs052.isrv

In-Service Sort tcmcs052.isrv

Investment Project tipcs030.intp

Investment Project Filter tipcs030.intp

Investment Project Sort tipcs030.intp

Invoiced Amount tipcs030.tinv

PCS Project tcmcs052.cprj

Planning Method tipcs030.plcd

Planning Method Filter tipcs030.plcd

Planning Method Sort tipcs030.plcd

Project Desc a tcmcs052.dsca

Project Desc b tcmcs052.dscb

Project Desc c tcmcs052.dscc

Project Desc d tcmcs052.dscd

Project Employee tipcs020.pemp

Project Employee Name tccom001.nama

Project Status tipcs030.psts

Project Status Filter tipcs030.psts

Project Status Sort tipcs030.psts

Project Type tipcs020.kopr

Project Type Filter tipcs020.kopr

Project Type Sort tipcs020.kopr

Reference tipcs020.refe

Reference Date tipcs020.cfdt

Revenue Expected tipcs030.erev

Revenue Expected Filter tipcs030.erev

Revenue Expected Sort tipcs030.erev

Conformed dimensions

44 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Search Key a tcmcs052.seak

Search Key b tcmcs052.seab

Spent Critical Capacity tipcs030.ascp

Stage of Completion tipcs030.soco

Start Date tipcs030.sdat

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Product Variant This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tcibd001 Items

tcmcs002 Currencies

tipcf500 Product Variant

tipcf510 Product Variant Structure

tipcf520 Options by Product Variant

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Alternative Sales Quotation tipcf500.altn

Configurable Item tipcf510.item

Configurable Item Desc tcibd001.dsca

Configurable Top Item tipcf500.item

Configurable Top Item Desc tcibd001.dsca

Currency tipcf500.ccur

Currency Desc tcmcs002.dsca

Option tipcf520.copt

Option Desc tipcf520.odsc

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 45

Attribute Mapping

Option Set tipcf510.opts

PCF Level tipcf510.pcfl

Product Configuration Date tipcf500.pcfd

Product Feature tipcf520.cpft

Product Feature Desc tipcf520.dsca

Product Variant tipcf500.cpva

Product Variant Desc tipcf500.dsca

Product Variant Valid tipcf500.vali

Product Variant Valid Filter tipcf500.vali

Product Variant Valid Sort tipcf500.vali

Reference Order tipcf500.refo

Reference Position tipcf500.refp

Reference Type tipcf500.reft

Reference Type Filter tipcf500.reft

Reference Type Sort tipcf500.reft

Sequence Number tipcf520.sern

Variant Sales Price tipcf500.slpr

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Project This dimension is for TP Projects, see PCS Project Dimension for PCS Projects.

This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom001 Employees - General

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm030 Enterprise Units

Conformed dimensions

46 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Table Description

tcemm050 Sites

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcemm170 Companies

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs045 Areas

tcmcs052 Projects

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

tpctm010 Programs

tppdm055 Business Sectors

tppdm059 Financing Methods

tppdm063 Acquiring Methods

tppdm065 Project Groups

tppdm075 Categories

tppdm085 Phases

tppdm600 Projects

tppss010 Project Plans

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Acquiring Method tppdm600.ccam

Acquiring Method Desc tppdm063.desc

Active Plan tppdm600.cpla

Active Plan Desc tppss010.desc

Actual Cost Calculation Code tppdm600.ccal

Budget Top Element tppdm600.cspa

Budget by tppdm600.btpr

Budget by Filter tppdm600.btpr

Budget by Sort tppdm600.btpr

Business Sector tppdm600.csec

Business Sector Desc tppdm055.desc

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 47

Attribute Mapping

Capital Project tppdm600.capp

Capital Project Filter tppdm600.capp

Capital Project Sort tppdm600.capp

Category tppdm600.ccat

Category Desc tppdm075.desc

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Closing Fiscal Period tppdm600.cfpr

Closing Fiscal Year tppdm600.cfye

Contract Execution tppdm600.coty

Contract Execution Filter tppdm600.coty

Contract Execution Sort tppdm600.coty

Contract Type tppdm600.agty

Contract Type Filter tppdm600.agty

Contract Type Sort tppdm600.agty

Control by tppdm600.btco

Control by Filter tppdm600.btco

Control by Sort tppdm600.btco

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

Default Activity tppdm600.rsac

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

Enterprise Unit tppdm600.entu

Enterprise Unit Desc tcemm030.dsca

Financial Company tppdm600.ncmp

Financial Company Desc tcemm170.desc

Financial Result Status tppdm600.pstf

Financial Result Status Filter tppdm600.pstf

Conformed dimensions

48 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Financial Result Status Sort tppdm600.pstf

Financing Method tppdm600.cfac

Financing Method Desc tppdm059.desc

Finish Time tppdm600.dldt

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Project Desc.

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

Geographical Area tppdm600.creg

Geographical Area Desc tcmcs045.dsca

Group tppdm600.ccot

Group Desc tppdm065.desc

Hierarchy Type tppdm600.kopr

Hierarchy Type Filter tppdm600.kopr

Hierarchy Type Sort tppdm600.kopr

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

In Service tcmcs052.isrv

In-Service Filter tcmcs052.isrv

In-Service Sort tcmcs052.isrv

Internal Project tppdm600.intp

Internal Project Filter tppdm600.intp

Internal Project Sort tppdm600.intp

Invoice Type tppdm600.invm

Invoice Type Filter tppdm600.invm

Invoice Type Sort tppdm600.invm

Logistic Company tcemm050.lcmp

Logistic Company Desc tcemm170.desc

Main Project tppdm600.mprj

Main Project Desc tcmcs052.dsca

Organization Breakdown Structure tppdm600.cobs

Phase tppdm600.cstg

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 49

Attribute Mapping

Phase Desc tppdm085.desc

Program tppdm600.prgm

Program Desc tpctm010.dsca

Project tcmcs052.cprj

Project Creation Date tppdm600.pcrd

Project Currency tppdm600.ccur

Project Desc tcmcs052.dsca

Project Management Office tcmcs052.dsca

Project Manager tppdm600.pmng

Project Manager Name tccom001.nama

Project Status tppdm600.psts

Project Status Filter tppdm600.psts

Project Status Sort tppdm600.psts

Reason tppdm600.cdis

Search Key a tcmcs052.seak

Search Key b tcmcs052.seab

Start Time tppdm600.stdt

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Substantial Completion Date tppdm600.fddt

Template tppdm600.tmpl

Template Filter tppdm600.tmpl

Template Sort tppdm600.tmpl

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

Use Organization Breakdown Structure tppdm600.uobs

Use Organization Breakdown Structure Filter tppdm600.uobs

Use Organization Breakdown Structure Sort tppdm600.uobs


Conformed dimensions

50 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for tppdm600.padr.

Reason This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tcmcs005 Reasons

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Approval tcmcs005.appr

Approval Filter tcmcs005.appr

Approval Sort tcmcs005.appr

Billable tcmcs005.bilb

Billable Filter tcmcs005.bilb

Billable Sort tcmcs005.bilb

Direct Pay Indicator tcmcs005.drpi

Direct Pay Indicator Filter tcmcs005.drpi

Direct Pay Indicator Sort tcmcs005.drpi

Effective Date tcmcs005.efdt

Excess Transportation Reason tcmcs005.etrt

Excess Transportation Reason Filter tcmcs005.etrt

Excess Transportation Reason Sort tcmcs005.etrt

Expiry Date tcmcs005.exdt

Reason tcmcs005.cdis

Reason Desc tcmcs005.dsca

Reason Type tcmcs005.rstp

Reason Type Filter tcmcs005.rstp

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 51

Attribute Mapping

Reason Type Sort tcmcs005.rstp

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Return Reason The return reason dimension is a role-playing dimension of the conformed reason dimension with filter reason type = ‘Return of Goods’.

For field mapping, see Reason dimension. The only difference is that attributes Reason and Reason Desc have been replaced by Return Reason and Return Reason Desc.

Ship-to Address The ship-to address dimension is a role-playing dimension of the conformed address dimension.

For field mapping, see Address dimension. Only difference is that attributes Address and Address Name have been replaced by Ship-to Address and Ship -to Address Name.

Ship-to BP This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom100 Business Partners

tccom111 Ship-to Business Partners

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcmcs003 Warehouses

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs029 Business Partner Types

Conformed dimensions

52 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Table Description

tcmcs080 Carriers/LSP

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Business Partner Status tccom111.bpst

Business Partner Status Filter tccom111.bpst

Business Partner Status Sort tccom111.bpst

Business Partner Type tccom111.cbtp

Business Partner Type Desc tcmcs029.dsca

Carrier LSP Desc tcmcs080.dsca

Carrier/LSP tccom111.cfrw

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

End Date tccom111.endt

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location

Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Ship-to BP Name

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

Ship to BP Name tccom100.nama

Ship-to BP tccom111.stbp

Site tccom111.site

Site Desc tcemm050.desc

Start Date tccom111.stdt

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 53

Attribute Mapping

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

Warehouse tccom111.cwar

Warehouse Desc tcmcs003.dsca

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for tccom111.cadr.

Site This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm050 Sites

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcemm135 Clusters

tcemm170 Companies

tcmcs003 Warehouses

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Administrative Only tcemm050.admo

Administrative Only Filter tcemm050.admo

Conformed dimensions

54 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Administrative Only Sort tcemm050.admo

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

Default Warehouse tcemm050.cwar

Default Warehouse Desc tcmcs003.dsca

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

External Site tcemm050.xsit

External Site Filter tcemm050.xsit

External Site Sort tcemm050.xsit

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Site Desc

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

Logistic Company tcemm050.lcmp

Logistic Company Desc tcemm170.desc

Parent Site tcemm050.psit

Parent Site Desc tcemm050.desc

Planning Cluster tcemm050.clus

Planning Cluster Desc tcemm135.desc

Site tcemm050.site

Site Desc tcemm050.desc

Site Status tcemm050.stat

Site Status Filter tcemm050.stat

Site Status Sort tcemm050.stat

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 55

Attribute Mapping

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for tcemm050.cadr.

Sold-to Address The sold-to address dimension is a role-playing dimension of the conformed address dimension.

For field mapping, see Address dimension. The only difference is that attributes Address and Address Name have been replaced by Sold-to Address and Sold-to Address Name.

Sold-to BP This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom100 Business Partners

tccom110 Sold-to Business Partners

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcibd301 List Groups

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs029 Business Partner Types

tcmcs031 Lines of Business

tcmcs045 Areas

tcmcs065 Departments

tcmcs066 Channels

Conformed dimensions

56 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Table Description

tcmcs125 Industry Codes

tcmcs127 Sales Territories

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Area tccom110.creg

Area Desc tcmcs045.dsca

Business Partner Status tccom110.bpst

Business Partner Status Filter tccom110.bpst

Business Partner Status Sort tccom110.bpst

Business Partner Type tccom110.cbtp

Business Partner Type Desc tcmcs029.dsca

Channel tccom110.chan

Channel Desc tcmcs066.dsca

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

End Date tccom110.endt

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location

Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Sold-to BP Name

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

Industry Code tccom110.incd

Industry Code Desc tcmcs125.dsca

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 57

Attribute Mapping

Line of Business tccom110.cbrn

Line of Business Desc tcmcs031.dsca

List Group tccom110.clgr

List Group Desc tcibd301.dsca

Rating tccom110.rtng

Rating Filter tccom110.rtng

Rating Sort tccom110.rtng

Sales Office tccom110.cofc

Sales Office Desc tcmcs065.dsca

Sales Territory tccom110.ster

Sales Territory Desc tcmcs127.dsca

Sold to BP Name tccom100.nama

Sold-to BP tccom110.otbp

Start Date tccom110.stdt

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for tccom110.cadr.

Transaction Currency This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tcmcs002 Currencies

Conformed dimensions

58 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

ISO Currency Code tcmcs002.iccc

Transaction Currency tcmcs002.ccur

Transaction Currency Desc tcmcs002.dsca

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Transaction Unit This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tcmcs001 Units

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

ISO Code tcmcs001.icun

Physical Quantity tcmcs001.tccu

Physical Quantity Filter tcmcs001.tccu

Physical Quantity Sort tcmcs001.tccu

Transaction Unit tcmcs001.cuni

Transaction Unit Desc tcmcs001.dsca

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Warehouse This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 59

Table Description

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm030 Enterprise Units

tcemm050 Sites

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcemm170 Companies

tcmcs003 Warehouses

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

whwmd200 Warehouses

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

Enterprise Unit tcemm030.eunt

Enterprise Unit Desc tcemm030.dsca

External Site tcmcs003.xsit

External Site Filter tcmcs003.xsit

External Site Sort tcmcs003.xsit

Financial Company tcmcs003.comp

Financial Company Desc tcemm170.desc

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Warehouse Desc

Conformed dimensions

60 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

Include in Enterprise Planning tcmcs003.inep

Include in Enterprise Planning Filter tcmcs003.inep

Include in Enterprise Planning Sort tcmcs003.inep

Inventory Management tcmcs003.imgt

Inventory Management Filter tcmcs003.imgt

Inventory Management Sort tcmcs003.imgt

Logistic Company tcemm030.lcmp

Logistic Company Desc tcemm170.desc

Project WIP Warehouse tcmcs003.pwip

Project WIP Warehouse Filter tcmcs003.pwip

Project WIP Warehouse Sort tcmcs003.pwip

Shop Floor Warehouse Used At tcmcs003.swhu

Shop Floor Warehouse Used At Filter tcmcs003.swhu

Shop Floor Warehouse Used At Sort tcmcs003.swhu

Site whwmd200.site

Site Desc tcemm050.desc

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

WMS Controlled tcmcs003.wmsc

WMS Controlled Filter tcmcs003.wmsc

WMS Controlled Sort tcmcs003.wmsc

Warehouse tcmcs003.cwar

Warehouse Desc tcmcs003.dsca

Warehouse Type tcmcs003.typw

Warehouse Type Filter tcmcs003.typw

Conformed dimensions

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 61

Attribute Mapping

Warehouse Type Sort tcmcs003.typw

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for tcmcs003.cadr.

Job shop domain information

62 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Chapter 4 Job shop domain information

Dimensions The Job Shop domain uses these conformed dimensions:

Conformed dimension Company

Cost Component




PCS Project




The Job Shop domain uses these domain specific dimensions:

Domain specific dimension Calculation Office




Production Material

Production Material Detail

Production Operation

Production Operation Detail

Production Order

Job shop domain information

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 63

Domain specific dimension

Production Order Detail

Production Total Cost Detail

Reject Reason

Shop Floor Planner


Work Center

This table shows the drill maps available for all reports that include mentioned columns:

Dimension Drill columns

Calculation Office Country – State/Province – City

Logistic Company – Enterprise Unit – Work Center

Material Item Group – Item

Product Type – Item

Product Line – Item

Product Class – Item

Manufacturer – Item

Planner Country – State/Province – City

Shop Floor Planner Country – State/Province – City

Work Center Country – State/Province – City

Logistic Company – Enterprise Unit – Work Center

Calculation Office The calculation office dimension is a role-playing dimension of the work center dimension.

For field mapping, see Work Center dimension:

The only difference is that attributes Work Center and Work Center Desc have been replaced by Calculation Office and Calculation Office Desc.

Job shop domain information

64 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Machine This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tcemm050 Site

tcmcs065 Department

tirou002 Machine

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Basic Day Capacity tirou002.mdcp

Desired Queue tirou002.dque

Machine tirou002.mcno

Machine Desc tirou002.dsca

Site tirou002.site

Site Desc tcemm050.desc

Week Capacity tirou002.mccp

Work Center tirou002.cwoc

Work Center Desc tcmcs065.dsca

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Material The material dimension is a role-playing dimension of the conformed item dimension with filter ‘Item Type’ = Purchase or Manufactured or Product.

For field mapping see Item dimension. The only difference is that attributes Item and Item Desc have been replaced by Material and Material Desc.

Planner The planner dimension is a role-playing dimension of the conformed employee dimension.

Job shop domain information

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 65

For field mapping, see Employee dimension. The only difference is that attributes Employee and Employee Name have been replaced by Planner and Planner Name.

Production Material This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

ticst001 Estimated and Actual Material Costs

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Position ticst001.pono

Production Material Detail This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

ticst001 Estimated and Actual Material Costs

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Allocation Type ticst001.alty

Allocation Type Filter ticst001.alty

Allocation Type Sort ticst001.alty

Backflushing ticst001.bfls

Backflushing Filter ticst001.bfls

Backflushing Sort ticst001.bfls

Direct Initiate Inventory Issue ticst001.drin

Direct Initiate Inventory Issue Filter ticst001.drin

Direct Initiate Inventory Issue Sort ticst001.drin

Job shop domain information

66 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Direct Process Warehouse Order Line ticst001.dris

Direct Process Warehouse Order Line Filter ticst001.dris

Direct Process Warehouse Order Line Sort ticst001.dris

Engineering Item Revision ticst001.revi

Lot Code ticst001.clot

Lot Selection ticst001.lsel

Lot Selection Filter ticst001.lsel

Lot Selection Sort ticst001.lsel

Material Control Method ticst001.mcmd

Material Control Method Filter ticst001.mcmd

Material Control Method Sort ticst001.mcmd

Rework Item ticst001.rwit

Rework Item Filter ticst001.rwit

Rework Item Sort ticst001.rwit

Subassembly ticst001.sayn

Subassembly Filter ticst001.sayn

Subassembly Sort ticst001.sayn

Production Operation When a record is deleted in LN, a record with deleted = 1 is stored in the dimension. Records are not removed from the dimension. A production operation that is not yet completed and is deleted in LN is hidden in the degenerate dimension in Birst. Completed operations that are deleted when archiving orders are not hidden and remain available for analysis.

This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tisfc010 Production Order Operations

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Actual Ready to Start Date tisfc010.ardt

Job shop domain information

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 67

Attribute Mapping

Actual Start Date tisfc010.asdt

Completion Date tisfc010.cmdt

Move Start Date tisfc010.fidt

Operation tisfc010.opno

Planned Finish Date tisfc010.pfdt

Planned Start Date tisfc010.psdt

Production Order tisfc010.pdno

Queue Start Date tisfc010.esdt

Queue Start Next Operation tisfc010.mvrd

Remainder Start Date tisfc010.rsdt

Setup and Run Next Operation tisfc010.lfdt

Setup Run Start Date tisfc010.prdt

Transport Date From tisfc010.trdf

Transport Date To tisfc010.trdt

Transport Date To Next Operation tisfc010.trno

Wait Start Date tisfc010.prrd

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Production Operation Detail This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

ticst002 Estimated and Actual Hours

tisfc010 Production Order Operations

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Backflushing tisfc010.bfls

Backflushing Filter tisfc010.bfls

Job shop domain information

68 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Backflushing Sort tisfc010.bfls

DMS on Completion tisfc010.dmso

DMS on Completion Filter tisfc010.dmso

DMS on Completion Sort tisfc010.dmso

Fixed Duration tisfc010.fdur

Fixed Duration Filter tisfc010.fdur

Fixed Duration Sort tisfc010.fdur

Fixed Planning Dates tisfc010.fxpd

Fixed Planning Dates Filter tisfc010.fxpd

Fixed Planning Dates Sort tisfc010.fxpd

Frozen Operation tisfc010.frso

Frozen Operation Filter tisfc010.frso

Frozen Operation Sort tisfc010.frso

Next Operation tisfc010.nopr

Operation Rate Code ticst002.oprc

Operation Status tisfc010.opst

Operation Status Filter tisfc010.opst

Operation Status Sort tisfc010.opst

Start Operation tisfc010.sopr

Start Operation Filter tisfc010.sopr

Start Operation Sort tisfc010.sopr

Use Transfer Batch tisfc010.tlyn (aka Transfer Batch Less Than Production Batch)

Use Transfer Batch Filter tisfc010.tlyn

Use Transfer Batch Sort tisfc010.tlyn

Yield Type tisfc010.ydtp

Yield Type Filter tisfc010.ydtp

Yield Type Sort tisfc010.ydtp

Job shop domain information

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 69

Production Order When a record is deleted in LN, a record with deleted = 1 is stored in the dimension. Records are not removed from the dimension. A production order that has status Created, Modify, Scheduled or Printed and is deleted in LN, is hidden in the degenerate dimension in Birst. Production orders with status Closed or Archived that are deleted when archiving orders, are not hidden and remain available for analysis.

This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tisfc001 Production Orders

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Actual Closing date tisfc001.cldt

Actual Delivery Date tisfc001.adld

Actual Production Start Date tisfc001.apdt

Calculation Date tisfc001.cada

Completion Date tisfc001.cmdt

Confirmed Delivery Date tisfc001.cdld

Planned Delivery Date tisfc001.pldt

Planned Production Start Date tisfc001.prdt

Production Order tisfc001.pdno

Reference Date tisfc001.efdt

Requested Delivery Date tisfc001.rdld

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Production Order Detail This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tisfc001 Production Orders

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Job shop domain information

70 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Backflush Hours tisfc001.bfhr

Backflush Hours Filter tisfc001.bfhr

Backflush Hours Sort tisfc001.bfhr

Backflush Materials tisfc001.bfep

Backflush Materials Filter tisfc001.bfep

Backflush Materials Sort tisfc001.bfep

Engineering Item Revision tisfc001.revi

Lot Code tisfc001.clot

Moving Method Next Operations tisfc001.mmno

Moving Method Next Operations Filter tisfc001.mmno

Moving Method Next Operations Sort tisfc001.mmno

Moving Method Previous Operations tisfc001.mmpo

Moving Method Previous Operations Filter tisfc001.mmpo

Moving Method Previous Operations Sort tisfc001.mmpo

Operations Present tisfc001.oprp

Operations Present Filter tisfc001.oprp

Operations Present Sort tisfc001.oprp

Order Status tisfc001.osta

Order Status Filter tisfc001.osta

Order Status Sort tisfc001.osta

Planning Method tisfc001.cpla

Planning Method Filter tisfc001.cpla

Planning Method Sort tisfc001.cpla

Priority tisfc001.prcd

Rework Order tisfc001.rwko

Rework Order Filter tisfc001.rwko

Rework Order Sort tisfc001.rwko

Rework Type tisfc001.rwtp

Rework Type Filter tisfc001.rwtp

Rework Type Sort tisfc001.rwtp

Job shop domain information

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 71

Attribute Mapping

Routing tisfc001.opro

Routing Group tisfc001.rgrp

Production Total Cost Detail This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

ticst010 End Item Unit Costs

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Added Costs ticst010.addc

Added Costs Filter ticst010.addc

Added Costs Sort ticst010.addc

Customer Owned ticst010.csto

Customer Owned Filter ticst010.csto

Customer Owned Sort ticst010.csto

Note: Cost View is not available in this dimension because there is no need to filter on Cost View = Work Center-based Costs or Item-base Costs. Instead, total cost measures have been split into Work Center and Item measures.

Reject Reason The reject reason dimension is a role-playing dimension of the conformed reason dimension with filter reason type = ‘Rejection of Production Result’.

For field mapping see Reason dimension. The only difference is that attributes Reason and Reason Desc have been replaced by Reject Reason and Reject Reason Desc.

Shop Floor Planner The shop floor planner dimension is a role-playing dimension of the conformed employee dimension.

Job shop domain information

72 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

For field mapping, see Employee dimension. The only difference is that attributes Employee and Employee Name have been replaced by Shop Floor Planner and Shop Floor Planner Name.

Task This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tcmcs065 Department

tirou002 Machine

tirou003 Task

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Default Machine tirou003.mcno

Default Machine Desc tirou002.dsca

Default Work Center tirou003.cwoc

Default Work Center Desc tcmcs065.dsca

Extra Information tirou003.exin

Machine Selection Method tirou003.mlmc

Machine Selection Method Filter tirou003.mlmc

Machine Selection Method Sort tirou003.mlmc

Search Key tirou003.seak

Task tirou003.tano

Task Desc tirou003.dsca

Work Center Selection Method tirou003.mlwc

Work Center Selection Method Filter tirou003.mlwc

Work Center Selection Method Sort tirou003.mlwc

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Job shop domain information

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 73

Work Center This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description

tccom001 Employee

tccom130 Addresses

tccom139 Cities by Country

tcemm030 Enterprise Units

tcemm050 Site

tcemm100 Time Zones

tcemm170 Company

tcmcs003 Warehouse

tcmcs010 Countries

tcmcs065 Department

tcmcs143 States/Provinces

tirou001 Work Center

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping

Available Labor Resources tirou001.noop (aka Number of Operators)

Basic Day Capacity tirou001.dcru

Basic Week Capacity tirou001.wcru

City tccom130.ccit

City Desc tccom139.dsca

Constraint Time Fence tirou001.crtf

Constraint Type tirou001.crty

Constraint Type Filter tirou001.crty

Constraint Type Sort tirou001.crty

Costing Work Center tirou001.ctwc

Costing Work Center Desc tcmcs065.desc

Country tccom130.ccty

Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca

Job shop domain information

74 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Critical Capacity for Planning tirou001.ccap

Critical Capacity for Planning Filter tirou001.ccap

Critical Capacity for Planning Sort tirou001.ccap

Critical in Planning tirou001.crmp

Critical in Planning Filter tirou001.crmp

Critical in Planning Sort tirou001.crmp

Default Labor Resource tirou001.bfem (aka Backflush Employee)

Default Labor Resource Name tccom001.nama (Backflush Employee Name)

Desired Queue tirou001.dque

EU Member State tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec

EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec

Enterprise Unit tcemm030.eunt

Enterprise Unit Desc tcemm030.dsca

Financial Company tcmcs065.comp

Financial Company Desc tcemm170.desc

GPS Latitude tccom130.glat

GPS Location Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Work Center Desc

GPS Longitude tccom130.glon

ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2

Logistic Company tcemm030.lcmp

Logistic Company Desc tcemm170.desc

Manager tcmcs065.emno

Manager Name tccom001.nama

Move Time tirou001.mvtm

Number of Machines tirou001.nomc

PCS Rough Capacity tirou001.upcs

PCS Rough Capacity Filter tirou001.upcs

PCS Rough Capacity Sort tirou001.upcs

Job shop domain information

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 75

Attribute Mapping

Parent Work Center tirou001.mnwc

Parent Work Center Desc tcmcs065.desc

Primary Company tirou001.swcc

Primary Company Desc tcemm170.desc

Production Department tirou001.pddp

Production Department Desc tcmcs065.desc

Queue Time tirou001.qutm

Shared Type tirou001.swct

Shared Type Filter tirou001.swct

Shared Type Sort tirou001.swct

Shop Floor Warehouse tirou001.wipw

Shop Floor Warehouse Desc tcmcs003.dsca

Site tcmcs065.site

Site Desc tcemm050.desc

State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca

State/Province tccom130.cste

Subcontractor Independent tirou001.scid

Subcontractor Independent Filter tirou001.scid

Subcontractor Independent Sort tirou001.scid

Time Unit tirou001.tuni

Time Unit Filter tirou001.tuni

Time Unit Sort tirou001.tuni

Time Zone tcemm100.timz

Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid

Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca

Use as Calculation Office tirou001.usco

Use as Calculation Office Filter tirou001.usco

Use as Calculation Office Sort tirou001.usco

Wait Time tirou001.wttm

Work Center tirou001.cwoc

Job shop domain information

76 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide

Attribute Mapping

Work Center Desc tirou001.dsca

Work Center Type tirou001.kowc

Work Center Type Filter tirou001.kowc

Work Center Type Sort tirou001.kowc

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0

Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for tcmcs065.cadr.

Job shop domain information

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 77

Facts The Job Shop domain contains these facts:

• Production Order

• Production Operation

• Production Material

• Production Total Cost

Production Order

Star schema The Product Order fact table is based on tisfc001 Production Orders. If a production order is deleted in LN, a record with deleted = 1 is stored in the fact table in Birst. These facts are hidden if the production order status is Created, Modify, Scheduled or Printed. When archiving orders, production orders that are deleted with status Closed or Archived are not hidden and remain available for analysis.

This diagram shows the star schema:

Job shop domain information

78 | Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide


Dimension Type Note

Calculation Office Domain specific

Company Conformed

Item Conformed (1) No Product Variant dimension

PCS Project Conformed

Planner Domain specific

Production Order Domain specific

Production Order Detail Domain specific

Reject Reason Domain specific

Job shop domain information

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Dimension Type Note

Shop Floor Planner Domain specific

Site Conformed

Time Birst (2) Start Date + End Date

Warehouse Conformed

(1) The Product Variant dimension is not targeted for production orders. In LN, a unique item exists for each product variant used in Job Shop. In Job Shop BI, the product variant becomes an attribute in the Item dimension.

(2) You can analyze by two production order dates: Start Date and End Date.

Start Date = Actual Start Date, Planned Start Date if there is no Actual Start Date.

End Date = Completion Date, Planned Delivery Date if there is no Completion Date.

Measures This table shows the measures that are mapped to table fields or calculated:

Measure Mapping Note

Active 1 if order status is Active, else 0

Actual Production Time Hours

Actual Delivery Date – Actual Start Date

0 if negative

0 if not delivered or not started

Actual Throughput Duration

Actual Delivery Date – Actual Production Start Date

0 if negative

0 if not delivered or not started


Bad Quantity Quantity Scrapped + Quantity Rejected + Quantity Quarantined 1

Closed 1 if order status is Closed, else 0

Completed 1 if order status is Completed, else 0

Delivered Early Days Requested Delivery Date - Actual Delivery Date

0 if negative


Delivered Late Days Actual Delivery Date - Requested Delivery Date

0 if negative


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Measure Mapping Note

Early 1 if Actual Delivery Date is before Planned Delivery Date

0 if Actual Delivery Date is on or after Planned Delivery Date

0 if not delivered (no Actual Delivery Date)

Late 1 if Actual Delivery Date is after Planned Delivery Date

0 if Actual Delivery Date is before or on Planned Delivery Date

0 if not delivered (no Actual Delivery Date)

On Time 1 if Actual Delivery Date is on Planned Delivery Date (same day)

0 if Actual Delivery Date is before or after Planned Delivery Date

0 if not delivered (no Actual Delivery Date)

Overrun Actual Throughput Duration - Planned Throughput Duration

0 if Actual Throughput Duration is less than Planned Throughput Duration

Overrun Ratio Overrun / Planned Throughput Duration

0 if Planned Throughput Duration is 0


Perfect Order 1 if not late and no shortage (Late = 0 and Shortage = 0)

0 if late and/or shortage

Perfect Order Ratio Perfect Order / Production Order Count 4

Planned Production Time Hr

Planned Delivery Date – Production Start Date

0 if negative

Planned Throughput Duration

Requested Delivery Date – Production Start Date

0 if negative


Production Completed 1 if order status is Production Completed, else 0

Production Order Count Count

Quantity Backflushed tisfc001.qbfd 1

Quantity Delivered tisfc001.qdlv 1

Quantity Initial tisfc001.qntl 1

Quantity Negative Variance

-1 * Quantity Variance if negative else 0 1

Quantity Ordered tisfc001.qrdr 1

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Measure Mapping Note

Quantity Positive Variance

Quantity Variance if positive else 0


Quantity Quarantined tisfc001.qqar 1

Quantity Ratio Quantity Delivered / Quantity Ordered 4

Quantity Rejected tisfc001.qtor 1

Quantity Scrapped tisfc001.qrjc 1

Quantity Variance Quantity Delivered - Quantity Ordered 1

Quantity to Backflush tisfc001.qtbf 1

Quantity to Deliver tisfc001.qtdl 1

Reject Ratio Bad Quantity / (Bad Quantity + Quantity Delivered) 4

Shortage 1 if Quantity to Deliver + Quantity Delivered is less than Quantity Ordered

0 if Quantity to Deliver + Quantity Delivered is equal to or more than Quantity Ordered

0 if Order Status is before ‘Production Completed’


1 (1) Quantity facts are semi-additive (SA): quantities are expressed in the inventory unit of the item, they can be summed safely for a single item and for multiple items with the same inventory unit.

2 (2) LN calculates the lead time in days according to the company calendar and availability type (using function tiint.dlltcccp.determine.lead.time.in.days for fields tisfc001.prdt, tisfc001.rdld, tisfc001.apdt, tisfc001.adld). If there is no Actual Delivery Date the lead time is 0.

3 (3) Shortage compares the ordered quantity with the delivered quantity for production orders that have status Completed or later. But Shortage is always set to 0 for orders that have not been completed: for orders that are not yet completed, the delivered quantity is less than the ordered quantity and shortage is always 1.

4 (4) Saved expression = report level measure, a global expression available for all reports in the consumer space.

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Production Operation

Star schema The Product Operation fact table is a combination of tisfc010 Production Order Operations and ticst010 Estimated and Actual Hours. Both provide details at the product operation level.

If a production operation is deleted in LN, a record with deleted = 1 is stored in the fact table in Birst. These facts are hidden if the production operation status is not Completed. Production operations that are deleted with status Completed (when archiving orders) will not be hidden and remain available for analysis.

These production order related dimensions are available, but not drawn in the star schema due to limited space:

• Site, Calculation Office • Item, PCS Project • Planner, Shop Floor Planner • Production Order Detail, Production Order

The production order related dimensions allow you to, for example, analyze how much labor was used for rework orders.

This diagram shows the star schema:

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Dimension Type Note

Calculation Office Domain specific

Company Conformed

Item Conformed (1) No Product Variant dimension

Machine Domain specific

PCS Project Conformed

Planner Domain specific

Production Operation Domain specific

Production Operation Detail Domain specific

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Dimension Type Note

Production Order Domain specific

Production Order Detail Domain specific

Reject Reason Domain specific

Shop Floor Planner Domain specific

Site Conformed

Task Conformed

Time Birst (2) Start Date + End Date

Work Center Domain specific

(1) The Product Variant dimension is not targeted for production orders. In LN, a unique item exists for each product variant used in Job Shop. In Job Shop BI, the product variant becomes an attribute in the Item dimension.

(2) You can analyze by two production operation dates: Start Date and End Date.

Start Date = Actual Start Date, Setup + Run Start Date if there is no Actual Start Date.

End Date = Completion Date, Wait Start Date if there is no Completion Date.

Measures This table shows the measures that are mapped to table fields or calculated:

Measure Mapping Note

Actual Labor Costs ticst002.awgc 3

Actual Machine Costs ticst002.amcc 3

Actual Machine Hours Production ticst002.ahma

Actual Machine Hours Setup ticst002.ashm

Actual Man Hours Production ticst002.ahmc

Actual Man Hours Setup ticst002.ashc

Actual Overhead Costs ticst002.aohc 3

Actual Production Time Completion Date - Actual Start Date

0 if not yet completed or not yet started

Actual Subcontracting Costs ticst002.ascc 3

Average Setup Time tisfc010.sutm

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Measure Mapping Note

Bad Quantity Quantity Scrapped + Quantity Rejected + Quantity Quarantined


Completed 1 if Operation Status is Completed, else 0

Early 1 if Completion Date is before Wait Start Date

0 if Completion Date is on or after Wait Start Date

0 if not completed (no Completion Date)

Estimated Labor Costs ticst002.wgcs 3

Estimated Machine Costs ticst002.mccs 3

Estimated Machine Hours Production


Estimated Machine Hours Setup ticst002.eshc

Estimated Man Hours Production ticst002.hrem

Estimated Man Hours Setup ticst002.eshm

Estimated Overhead Costs ticst002.ohcs 3

Estimated Subcontracting Costs ticst002.sccs 3

Fixed Setup Time SCS tisfc010.fxsu

Labor Cost Negative Variance -1 * Labor Cost Variance if negative else 0 3

Labor Cost Positive Variance Labor Cost Variance if positive else 0 3

Labor Cost Variance Actual Labor Costs – Estimate Labor Costs 3

Late 1 if Completion Date is after Wait Start Date

0 if Completion Date is before or on Wait Start Date

0 if not completed (no Completion Date)

Machine Cost Negative Variance -1 * Machine Cost Variance if negative else 0 3

Machine Cost Positive Variance Machine Cost Variance if positive else 0 3

Machine Cost Variance Actual Machine Costs – Estimate Machine Costs 3

Machine Hours tisfc010.mcho

Man Hours tisfc010.maho

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Measure Mapping Note

On Time 1 if Completion Date is on Wait Start Date (same day)

0 if Completion Date is before or after Wait Start Date

0 if not completed (no Completion Date)

Overhead Cost Negative Variance -1 * Overhead Cost Variance if negative else 0 3

Overhead Cost Positive Variance Overhead Cost Variance if positive else 0 3

Overhead Cost Variance Actual Overhead Costs – Estimate Overhead Costs 3

Phantom Scrap Quantity tisfc010.phsp 2

Planned Production Time Wait Start Date – Setup and Run Start Date

Production Operation Count Count

Production Time tisfc010.prtm

Qty Returned from Subcontracting tisfc010.qsbc 2

Quantity Backflushed tisfc010.qbfd 2

Quantity Quarantined ticst002.qqar 2

Quantity Rejected tisfc010.qtor 2

Quantity Scrapped ticst002.qrjc 2

Quantity to Backflush tisfc010.qtbf 2

Quantity to Inspect tisfc010.qtbi 2

Ready to Start 1 if Operation Status is Ready to Start, else 0

Remaining Production Time tisfc010.retm

Setup Scrap ticst002.scpq (aka Scrap Quantity) 2

Setup Time ticst002.sutm

Started 1 if Operation Status is Started, else 0

Subcontracting Cost Negative Variance

-1 * Subcontracting Cost Variance if negative else 0 3

Subcontracting Cost Positive Variance

Subcontracting Cost Variance if positive else 0 3

Subcontracting Cost Variance Actual Subcontracting Costs – Estimate Subcontracting Costs


Wait Time tisfc010.trdl 1

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(1) Wait fact is fully additive (FA): wait time of production operations can be expressed in days or in hours. Days are converted to 24 hours. This is not possible for Queue, Move and Slack Time.

(2) Quantity facts are semi-additive (SA): quantities are expressed in the inventory unit of the item. They can be summed safely for a single item and for multiple items with the same inventory unit.

(3) Amounts facts are semi-additive (SA): amounts are available in 5 currency types (LC, RC1, RC2, RFC, DWC). Amounts for a currency type can be summed safely for a single company and for multiple companies that have the same currency.

Note: Quantity Planned Input, Quantity Planned Output, and Quantity Completed are not additive (NA) and therefore not listed as measure.

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Production Material

Star schema The Product Material fact table is based on ticst001 Estimated and Actual Material Costs.

If Estimated and Actual Material Costs is deleted in LN, a record with deleted = 1 is stored in the Production Material fact table in Birst. These facts are hidden if the production order does not have estimated costs frozen. Estimated and Actual Material Costs that are deleted in LN for production orders that have estimated costs frozen (when archiving orders) are not hidden and remain available for analysis.

These dimensions are production order/operation related and available for material analysis: • Site, Calculation Office • Item, PCS Project • Planner, Shop Floor Planner • Production Order Detail, Production Order, Production Operation (not drawn in the star

schema due to limited space)

The production order related dimensions allow you to, for example, analyze how much material was used for rework orders.

This diagram shows the star schema:

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Dimension Type Note

Calculation Office Domain specific

Company Conformed

Item Conformed (1) No Product Variant dimension

Material Domain specific

PCS Project Conformed

Planner Domain specific

Production Material Domain specific

Production Material Detail Domain specific

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Dimension Type Note

Production Operation Domain specific

Production Order Domain specific

Production Order Detail Domain specific

Shop Floor Planner Domain specific

Site Conformed

Time Birst (2) Start Date + End Date

Warehouse Conformed (3) Material warehouse

(1) The Product Variant dimension is not targeted for production orders. In LN, a unique item exists for each product variant used in Job Shop. In Job Shop BI, the product variant becomes an attribute in the Item dimension.

(2) You can analyze by Start Date and End Date.

Start Date = Operation Start Date, Order Start Date if no operation.

End Date = Operation End Date, Order End Date if no operation

Where Start Date and End Date are calculated as in the Production Order and Production Operation facts:

• Operation Start Date = Actual Start Date, Setup + Run Start Date if there is no Actual Start Date.

• Order Start Date = Actual Start Date, Planned Start Date if there is no Actual Start Date.

• Operation End Date = Completion Date, Wait Start Date if there is no Completion Date.

• Order End Date = Completion Date, Planned Delivery Date if there is no Completion Date.

(3) Warehouse is the material warehouse, not the produced item warehouse.

Measures This table shows the measures that are mapped to table fields or calculated:

Measure Mapping Note

Actual Amount ticst001.aamt 1

Actual Amount Customer Owned ticst001.aamu 1

Actual Quantity ticst001.qucs 2

Actual Standard Cost ticst001.cpcs 1

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Measure Mapping Note

Actual Standard Cost Customer Owned

ticst001.cpcu 1

Amount Customer Owned Negative Variance

-1 * Amount Customer Owned Variance if negative else 0 1

Amount Customer Owned Positive Variance

Amount Customer Owned Variance if positive else 0 1

Amount Customer Owned Variance Actual Amount Customer Owned – Estimate Amount Customer Owned


Amount Negative Variance -1 * Amount Variance if negative else 0 1

Amount Positive Variance Amount Variance if positive else 0 1

Amount Variance Actual Amount – Estimate Amount 1

Estimated Amount Estimated Quantity * Estimated Unit Cost

0 if material is Floor Stock


Estimated Amount Customer Owned Estimated Quantity * Estimated Cost Customer Owned

0 if material is Floor Stock


Estimated Cost Customer Owned ticst001.cues 1

Estimated Quantity ticst001.ques 2

Estimated Unit Cost ticst001.cpes 1

Net Quantity ticst001.qune 2

Production Material Count Count

Quantity Backflushed ticst001.qbfd 2

Quantity Quarantined ticst001.qqar 2

Quantity Rejected ticst001.qtor 2

Quantity Scrapped ticst001.qscr 2

Subsequent Delivery ticst001.subd 2

To Issue ticst001.issu 2

To Issue by Warehousing ticst001.iswh 2

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0 3

(1) Amounts facts are semi-additive (SA): amounts are available in 5 currency types (LC, RC1, RC2, RFC, DWC). Amounts for a currency type can be summed safely for a single company and for multiple companies that have the same currency.

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(2) Quantity facts are semi-additive (SA): quantities are expressed in the inventory unit of the item. They can be summed safely for a single item and for multiple items with the same inventory unit.

(3) Deleted is a measure in this fact table; for production order and operation, deleted is an attribute in their dimensions.

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Production Total Cost Item Estimate Amount

Item Actual Amount

Item Variance Amount

Time Year


Company Address

Site Desc

Calculation Office Desc

Work Center Desc

Planner Name

Shop Floor Planner Name

Item Item Type

Product Variant

PCS Project Desc

Production Total Cost Detail Added Costs

Cost Component Cost Type

Production Total Cost

Star schema The Product Total Cost fact table is based on ticst010 End Item Unit Costs. Infor LN has separate records for Cost View Work Center-based Costs and Item-based Costs. Birst has one consolidated record with separate work center and item measures.

When End Item Unit Costs is deleted in LN, a record with deleted = 1 is stored in the production Total Cost fact table in Birst. These facts are hidden when the production order does not have estimated costs frozen. End Item Unit Costs that is deleted in LN for production orders that have estimated costs frozen (when archiving orders) are not hidden and remain available for analysis.

These dimensions are production order related and available for total cost analysis: • Site, Calculation Office • Item, PCS Project • Planner, Shop Floor Planner • Production Order Detail, Production Order (not drawn in the star schema due to limited


The production order related dimensions allow you, for example, to analyze what the total costs were for rework orders.

This diagram shows the star schema:

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Dimension Type Note

Calculation Office Domain specific

Company Conformed

Cost Component Conformed

Item Conformed (1) No Product Variant dimension

PCS Project Conformed

Planner Domain specific

Production Order Domain specific

Production Order Detail Domain specific

Production Total Cost Detail Domain specific

Shop Floor Planner Domain specific

Site Conformed

Time Birst (2) Start Date + End Date

Work Center Domain specific

(1) The Product Variant dimension is not targeted for production orders. In LN, a unique item exists for each product variant used in Job Shop. In Job Shop BI the product variant becomes an attribute in the Item dimension.

(2) You can analyze by two order dates: Start Date and End Date. Start Date = Actual Start Date, Planned Start Date if there is no Actual Start Date. End Date = Completion Date, Planned Delivery Date if there is no Completion Date.

Measures This table shows the measures that are mapped to table fields or calculated:

Measure Mapping Note

Item Actual Amount ticst010.aamt 1

Item Actual Number of Units ticst010.nuna 2

Item Amount Negative Variance -1 * Item Amount Variance if negative else 0 1

Item Amount Positive Variance Item Amount Variance if positive else 0 1

Item Amount Variance Actual Amount – Estimate Amount 1

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Measure Mapping Note

Item Estimated Amount ticst010.eamt 1

Item Estimated Number of Units ticst010.nune 2

Item Number of Units Negative Variance -1 * Item Number of Units Variance if negative else 0 2

Item Number of Units Positive Variance Item Number of Units Variance if positive else 0 2

Item Number of Units Variance Actual Number of Units – Estimate Number of Units 2

Production Total Cost Count Count

Work Center Actual Amount ticst010.aamt 1

Work Center Actual Number of Units ticst010.nuna 1

Work Center Amount Negative Variance -1 * Work Center Amount Variance if negative else 0 1

Work Center Amount Positive Variance Work Center Amount Variance if positive else 0 1

Work Center Amount Variance Actual Amount – Estimate Amount 1

Work Center Estimated Amount ticst010.eamt 1

Work Center Estimated Number of Units ticst010.nune 2

Work Center Number of Units Negative Variance

-1 * Work Center Number of Units Variance if negative else 0


Work Center Number of Units Positive Variance

Work Center Number of Units Variance if positive else 0


Work Center Number of Units Variance Actual Number of Units – Estimate Number of Units 2

deleted 1 if deleted in LN else 0 3

(1) Amounts facts are semi-additive (SA): amounts are available in 5 currency types (LC, RC1, RC2, RFC, DWC). Amounts for a currency type can be summed safely for a single company and for multiple companies that have the same currency.

(2) Number of Units are fully additive (FA): LN does not associate the number of units with a unit of measure, therefore they can be summed across all dimensions.

(3) This fact has deleted as a measure. For production order and operation, ‘deleted’ is an attribute in related dimensions.

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Dashboards and reports Dashboards contain embedded filters, standard filters, reports and KPI’s.

Two main dashboards are offered: Job Shop and Overview.

Job Shop Embedded Filters:

• Company

• Year

Standard Filters:

• Currency Type

Specify the currency type to use. The reference currency is the default.

• Currency

Available filters are: Data Warehouse Currency, Local Currency, Reference Currency, Reporting Currency 1 and Reporting Currency 2.

Default is Reference Currency filtered on the first available reference currency. If you have multiple companies and use more than one reference currency, we recommend using a single Data Warehouse Currency across companies.

• Order Status, default is Production Completed, Completed, Closed and Archived.

• Inventory Unit


• Perfect Order Ratio

Calculated as Perfect Order count/Production Order count.

Drills across to dashboard Perfect Order by Year with standard filters Currency Type and Currency and report Perfect Order Details.

• Reject Ratio

Calculated as Bad Quantity / (Bad Quantity + Quantity Delivered).

Drills across to dashboard Order Reject Details with standard filters Currency Type and Currency and report Order Reject Details.

The report is a production order table chart that displays year, year/quarter, year/month, company, production order, bad quantity, quantity delivered, reject ratio. The KPI shows the ratio for all orders, the report only shows orders with rejects, orders without rejects are filtered out.

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The reject ratio on the reject detail report will be different than the reject ration KPI. If there are rejects, the ratio is x.


• Total Cost

Production total cost pie chart.

Displays the distribution of estimate or actual amount by cost component cost type (Operation Costs, Material Costs, Surcharge, General Costs).

Column selector allows you to choose between estimate or actual amount.

The currency type and currency filter determine which estimate or actual amount is shown (by default amounts in the first reference currency).

Drill across: starts dashboard Total Cost Details which has an embedded filter for Production Order and report Total Cost Details.

The report is a production total cost table chart that displays estimate or actual amount and number of units per production order.

• Produced Item Quantity

Production order bar chart.

Displays the quantity ordered and delivered by year.

The end date of the production order determines the year (Completion Date/Planned Delivery Date).

Drill through: Standard drill map for time from Year to Date.

• Material

Production material line chart.

Displays the estimated and actual amount (company owned) by year.

The end date of the production operation determines the year (Completion Date/Wait Start Date). If there is no operation, the end date of the production order determines the year (Completion Date/Planned Delivery Date).

The currency type and currency filter determine which estimate or actual amount is shown. By default, amounts are shown in the first reference currency.

Drill through: Standard drill map for time from Year to Date.

• Labor

Production operation line chart.

Displays the estimated and actual labor costs by year.

The end date of the production operation determines the year (Completion Date/Wait Start Date).

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The currency type and currency filter determine which estimate or actual amount is shown (by default amounts in the first reference currency).

Drill through: Standard drill map for time from Year to Date.

Overview The Overview dashboard has buttons to start these sub dashboards:

• Produced Items Variance Ranking

• Order Punctuality

• Order Lead Time

• Reject by Reason

• Perfect Order by Year

• Operation Machine and Labor Time

• Material Cost

Produced Items Variance Ranking Embedded filters:

• Cut-off

Specify the number of produced items to show. Default is 5.

• Year

• Company

• Top Bottom

Specify report to show: Produced Item Top Count or Produced Item Bottom Count. Default is Top Count.

Standard filters:

• Order Status, default is Production Completed, Completed, Closed, Archived


• Produced Item Top Count

Production order bar chart.

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Displays the quantity ratio (quantity delivered / quantity ordered) sorted descendingly, for produced items. The number of produced items to show can be specified via embedded filter ‘Cut-off’.

Drill through starts report Produced Item Top Count Details. The report is a production order table chart that displays produced item, quantity delivered, quantity ordered, item variance (quantity delivered - quantity ordered) and quantity ratio (quantity delivered / quantity ordered), sorted descendingly by quantity ratio.

You are prompted to specify the number of produced items to display. The number can be specified through the embedded filter on the dashboard.

• Produced Item Bottom Count

Production order bar chart.

Displays the quantity ratio (quantity delivered / quantity ordered) sorted ascendingly, for produced items. The number of produced items to display can be specified via an embedded filter.

Drill through starts report Produced Item Bottom Count Details. The report is a production order table chart that displays produced item, quantity delivered, quantity ordered, item variance (quantity delivered - quantity ordered) and quantity ratio (quantity delivered / quantity ordered), sorted ascendingly by quantity ratio.

You are prompted to specify the number of produced items to display. The number can be specified through the embedded filter on the dashboard.

Order Punctuality Embedded filters:

• Year

• Company

• Time Series, default Year to Date

• Calculation Office

• Item

• Order Status, default Production Completed, Completed, Closed, Archived


• Order Punctuality

Production order chart combining columns and lines.

Displays columns for number of production orders delivered early, on time, and late by year. The end date of the production order determines the year (Completion Date/Planned Delivery Date).

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Also displays lines for time series (Year to Date, Quarter to Date, etc). The time series to show can be specified via an embedded filter.

Drill through: Standard drill map for time from Year to Date.


Details button to start dashboard Order Punctuality Details which has an embedded filter for Production Order and report Order Punctuality Details.

The report is a production order table chart that displays year, year/quarter, year/month, week start date, date, production order, on time, early, delivered early days, late, delivered late days.

Order Lead Time Embedded filters:

• Year

• Company

• Calculation Office

• Item

• Order Status, default is Production Completed, Completed, Closed, Archived


• Order Lead Time

Production order chart combining columns and a line.

Displays columns for planned throughput duration and actual throughput duration by year.

The end date of the production order determines the year (Completion Date/Planned Delivery Date).

Also displays a line for overrun (Year to Date, Quarter to Date, etc).


Details button to start dashboard Order Lead Time Details which has report Order Lead Time Details.

Report is a production order table chart that displays year, year/quarter, year/month, week start date, date, production order, planned throughput duration, actual throughput duration. Drill back to Infor LN is offered on the Production Order column.

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Reject by Reason Embedded filters:

• Year

• Company

• Order Status, default is Production Completed, Completed, Closed, Archived


• Reject by Reason

Production order pie chart.

Displays the production order count by reject reason.

No drill through/across is available.

Note: The Use Reason Codes for Rejected Items field can be set to Never, Optional or Mandatory in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0500m000) session. If reject reasons are not specified in LN, the reject by reason pie chart will only show reason *.

Perfect Order by Year Embedded filters:

• Year

• Company

• Calculation Office

• Item

• Order Status, default is Production Completed, Completed, Closed, Archived


• Perfect Order by Year

Production order line chart.

Displays the perfect order and production order count measures by year.

The end date of the production order determines the year (Completion Date/Planned Delivery Date).

Drill through: Standard drill map for time from Year to Date.


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Details button drills across to dashboard Perfect Order Details which has filters on company, order status and year and report Perfect Order Details.

The report is a production order table chart that displays year, year/quarter, year/month, company, production order, perfect order count, production order count, perfect order ratio (perfect order count/production order count).

Operation Cost Variance Embedded filters:

• Year

• Company

• Work Center

• Calculation Office

• Item

• Order Status, default is Production Completed, Completed, Closed, Archived

Standard filters:

• Currency Type

Specify the currency type to use, default is reference currency.

• Currency

Available filters are Data Warehouse Currency, Local Currency, Reference Currency, Reporting Currency 1 and Reporting Currency 2.

Default is Reference Currency filtered on the first available reference currency. If you have multiple companies and use more than one reference currency, we recommend using a single Data Warehouse Currency across companies.


• Operation Cost Variance

Production operation line chart.

Displays cost variances for machine, labor, overhead and subcontracting by year. The end date of the production operation determines the year (Completion Date/Wait Start Date).

Drill through: Standard drill map for time from Year to Date.


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Details button drills across to the Operation Cost Variance Details dashboard which has filters on currency type, currency, order status, an embedded filter for Production Order and report Operation Cost Variance Details.

The report is a production operation line chart that displays the estimated and actual machine, labor, overhead and subcontracting costs by year. The end date of the production operation determines the year (Completion Date/Wait Start Date).

Operation Machine and Labor Time Embedded filters:

• Year

• Company

• Work Center

• Calculation Office

• Item

• Inventory Unit (default no filter)

• Order Status, default Production Completed, Completed, Closed, Archived


• Operation Machine Time

Production operation chart combining columns and lines.

Displays columns for estimated and actual machine hours production by year. The end date of the production operation determines the year (Completion Date/Wait Start Date).

Also displays lines for estimated and actual machine hours set up by year. Note that LN has parameter 'Split Hours in Setup and Production'.

Drill through: Standard drill map for time from Year to Date.

• Operation Labor Time

Production operation chart combining columns and lines.

Displays columns for estimated and actual labor hours production by year. The end date of the production operation determines the year (Completion Date/Wait Start Date).

Also displays lines for estimated and actual labor hours setup by year. Note that LN has parameter 'Split Hours in Setup and Production'.

Drill through: Standard drill map for time from Year to Date.


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Details button starts the dashboard Operation Machine and Labor Time Details which has an embedded filter for Production Order and report Operation Machine and Labor Time Details.

The report is a production operation table chart that displays year, year/quarter, year/month, week start date, date, production order, operation, estimated and actual machine hours setup and production, estimated and actual man hours setup and production.

Material Cost Embedded filters:

• Year

• Company

• Work Center

• Calculation Office

• Item

Standard filters:

• Currency Type, default is Reference Currency

• Currency

Available filters are Data Warehouse Currency, Local Currency, Reference Currency, Reporting Currency 1 and Reporting Currency 2.

Default is Reference Currency filtered on the first available reference currency. If you have multiple companies and use more than one reference currency, we recommend using a single Data Warehouse Currency across companies.


• Material Cost

Production material bar chart.

Displays the estimated and actual amounts both customer-owned and company-owned by year. The end date of the production operation determines the year (Completion Date/Wait Start Date). If there is no operation, the end date of the production order determines the year (Completion Date/Planned Delivery Date).

Drill through: Standard drill map for time from Year to Date.


Job shop domain information

Infor LN Analytics Foundation for Birst User Guide | 105

Details button starts the Material Cost Details dashboard which has filters on currency type and currency, an embedded filter for Production Order and report Material Cost Details.

The report is a production material table chart that displays year, year/quarter, year/month, week end date, date, company production order, position, estimated and actual quantity, unit cost, amount company owned, cost customer owned.