Influence of Chirality on the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation: Unbounded Media And Chirowaveguides Priyá Dilipa Gaunço Dessai Dissertation submitted to obtain the Master Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering Jury President: Professor José Manuel Bioucas Dias Supervisor: Professor Carlos Manuel dos Reis Paiva Co- Supervisor: Professor António Luís da Silva Topa Member Professor Sérgio de Almeida Matos December 2011

Influence of Chirality on the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation · Influence of Chirality on the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation: Unbounded Media And Chirowaveguides ... uma rotação

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Influence of Chirality on the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation: Unbounded Media And Chirowaveguides

Priyá Dilipa Gaunço Dessai

Dissertation submitted to obtain the Master Degree in

Electrical and Computer Engineering


President: Professor José Manuel Bioucas Dias Supervisor: Professor Carlos Manuel dos Reis Paiva Co- Supervisor: Professor António Luís da Silva Topa Member Professor Sérgio de Almeida Matos

December 2011


When a chiral medium interacts with the polarization state of an electromag-

netic plane wave and couples selectively with either the left or right circularly

polarized component, we call this property the optical activity.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, the study of complex materials has

intensi�ed, and the chiral and bi-isotropic (BI) media have generated one of

the most interesting and challenging subjects in the electromagnetic research

groups in terms of theoretical problems and potential applications.

This dissertation addresses the theoretical interaction between waves and the

chiral media.

From the study of chiral structures it is possible to observe the e�ect of the

polarization rotation, the propagation modes and the cuto� frequencies. The

re�ection and transmission coe�cients between a simple isotropic media (SIM)

and chiral media are also analyzed, as well as the relation between the Brewster

angle and the chiral parameter.

The BI planar structures are also analyzed for a closed guide, the parallel-plate

chirowaveguide, and for a semi-closed guide, the grounded chiroslab. From these

structures we can investigate the surface modes as a function of chirality, which

will lead us to understand the physical aspects of the chirowaveguides.

Keywords: Chiral media; optical activity; polarization; chirowavguides;

bi-isotropic planar structures; re�ection and transmission; Brewster




Desde o início do século XIX que o estudo de materiais complexos tem aumen-

tado, sendo que os meios bi-isotrópicos e quirais geraram temas de estudos muito

interessantes e desa�antes dentro das comunidades cientí�cas quanto à resolução

de problemas teóricos, bem como ao estudo das suas aplicações práticas.

Uma onda electromagética plana ao passar por um meio quiral, vai provocar

uma rotação de polarização sobre o plano. A onda adquire uma rotação circular

esquerda e uma circular direita, a este fenómeno dá-se o nome de actividade


Esta dissertação tem como objectivo analisar propriedades dos meios quirais,

como o efeito da rotação de polarização, modos de propagação e frequências de

corte. Também é abordado o estudo de transmissão e re�exão numa interface

dieléctrica-quiral, onde se determinam coe�cientes de transmissão e re�exão e é

referida a relação entre o ângulo de Brewster e o parâmetro quiral.

A propagação guiada em meios quirais é abordada através do estudo de es-

truturas bi-isotrópicas planares, como é o caso de um guia fechado (um plano

assente sobre placas condutoras), e o caso de um guia semi-aberto (um guia

quiral assente sobre um plano condutor e em contacto com o ar).

Palavra chave: Meio quiral; actividade óptica, polarização, guias de

onda quirais, estruturas biisotrópicas planas, re�exão e transmissão;

ângulo de Brewster



I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Professor Carlos Paiva

for suggesting me this dissertation, for his guidance and valuable critics and


I also would like to thank to professor António Topa for his availability and

precious advices.

To Filipa Prudêncio i would like to thank for being so patience and helpful.

I want to make a special reference to José Pedro Salreta, Abel Camelo, Pedro

Rodrigues, David Sousa and last but not least, Tiago Moura. You have all

supported me along my journey at IST and your friendship, fellowship and

company are truly remarkable.

Finally, i want to thank all my family, specially my father, mother, sister and

Freddy for their patience and a�ection.



Abstract i

keywords i

Resumo ii

Palavra chave ii

Sumario ii

Acknowledgements iii

List of Symbols xii

1 Introduction 1

1.1 State of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Motivation and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.3 Structure of the dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.4 Main contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Bi-isotropic and chiral media properties 11


2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.2 Chiral Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.2.1 Wave�eld postulates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.2.2 Polarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.2.3 Polarization Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3 Re�ections and Transmissions between a simple planar inter-

face and chiral media 27

3.1 Transmission and Re�ection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.1.1 The Brewster Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4 A method for the analysis of bi-isotropic planar waveguides 41

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.1.1 Chiral media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.1.2 Parallel-plated chirowaveguide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Grounded chiroslab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

5 Conclusions 63

References 68


List of Figures

2.1 The polarization vector p(a)changes direction in the sense of ro-

tation on the ellipse is changed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.2 Polarization Rotation in chiral media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.1 Re�ected and transmitted waves at an oblique incidence on a

semi-in�nite chiral medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.2 Re�ection coe�cients R11 for ε1 = 1e ε2 = 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.3 Re�ection coe�cients R22 for ε1 = 1e ε2 = 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.4 Transmission coe�cients T11 for ε1 = 1e ε2 = 4 . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.5 Transmission coe�cients T22 for ε1 = 1e ε2 = 4 . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.6 Transmission coe�cients T12 for ε1 = 1e ε2 = 4 . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.1 A parallel-plate chirowaveguide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4.2 Propagation of the odd modes for χ = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

4.3 Propagation of the odd modes for χ = 0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

4.4 Propagation of the odd modes for χ = 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

4.5 Propagation of the even modes for χ = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.6 Propagation of the even modes for χ = 0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.7 Propagation of the even modes for χ = 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


4.8 Variation of β with χ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

4.9 Grounded chiroslabguide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4.10 Surface modes, χ = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.11 Hybrid modes, χ = 0,5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.12 Hybrid modes, χ = 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61


List of Tables

2.1 Classi�cation of bi isotropic medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.3 Conditions of polarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.1 Re�ection coe�cients R12 = R21 for ε1 = 1e ε2 = 4 . . . . . . . . 37




BI Bi-isotropic

CP Circular Polarization

LP Linear Polarization

LCP Left Circularly Polarized

RCP Right Circularly Polarized

TM Transverse Magnetic

TE Transverse Electric

TEM Transverse Electro-Magnetic

SIM Simple Isotropic Media

PEC Perfect Electric Conductor

EH Electric and Magneticx


List Of Symbols

αA Damping coe�cient

αi Azimuthal angle of the incident wave

αr Azimuthal angle of the re�ected wave

β Parameter containing√εµ± χ

δm Algebric parameter from modal equation

ε Permittivity

ε0 vacuum permittivity

εm Permittivity of the media

ζ Chiral parameter

η Wave Impedance


η0 Vacuum wave impedance

η± Positive/negative Wave Impedance

θm Angle perpendicular to the place of incidence

θi Angle of incidence

ϑm Algebric parameter from modal equation

κ Magneto electric e�ect

λc Cuto� frequency

λn Eigenvalue

µ Permeability

µ0 Vacum Permeability

µm Permeability of the media

ν Algebric parameter from modal equation

ξ −iχ chiral parameter


σm Algebric parameter from modal equation

ς Distance

τm Coupling coe�cients from modal matrix

χ Chirality

χm Magnetic Susceptibility

ψ Angle of the plane of polarization

ω Angular velocity

Γ Relation between modal equation parameters

∆ εrµr − ξζ

Φ Angle of polarization

Ψ Angle from the plane of polarization

A Time-harmonic vector

Ac Real time-harmonic vector


As Real time-harmonic vector

a complex vector

ar real time-vector =Ac

ai complex vector =As

a∗ complex conjugate vector

ac real vector

as real vector

B Magnetic Flux Density

C Coupling Matrix

D Electric Flux Density

d Point in the z axis

E0 Initial Electric Field

Ei Electric �eld of the incident wave


Ei‖ Component of the incident Electric �eld

Et Component of transmitted Electric �eld

H Magnetic Field Intensity

H0 Initial Magnetic Field Intensity

Ht⊥ Component of transmitted Magnetic �eld

hs Transverse wave number

I Identity matrix

i Imaginary unit

k0 Vacuum wave number

k± Propagation constant

k Versor k

M Modal matrix

n Refractive index


nef E�ective refractive index

p Real vector

< Real complex

R Radius

Rmm Re�ection coe�cient, with mm = 11, 12, ..., 21, 22...

r Complex vector

T T = 2×πω

Tmm Transmission coe�cient, with mm = 11, 12, ..., 21, 22...

t Time variable

t′ Thickness of the chiral slab

u+ Right-hand circularly polarized unit vector

u− Left-hand circularly polarized unit vector

uz Direction of propagation of unit vector


Y1 Chiral admittance of the dielectric medium

Y2 Chiral admittance of the chiral medium


Chapter 1


The present chapter it is done a brief overview about the chiral media since the

beginning of its investigation in the early 19th century until the present time.

The motivation and objectives of this dissertation are de�ned and a detailed

information about the organization of the work is reviewed, chapter by chapter.


1.1 State of the art

A chiral media fall into the class of bi-isotropic (BI) media and when the light of

a linearly polarized plane will rotate as it passes through the medium, interacts

with the state of an electromagnetic waves and couples selectively with either

left or right circularly polarized component, we call this property the optical


This manifestation of spatial dispersion occurs because the polarization of a

medium at a given point depends on the �eld, not only in that point, but also

in its surroundings.

Although the chiral media belongs to BI medium and presents the same prop-

erties concerning to the characteristic waves and the polarization rotation, not

every BI media is chiral [1].

A new era in physics began in the early 19th century, when Arago (1811) �rst

saw the manifestation of optical activity in a quartz crystal. He observed that

the quartz crystal rotates the plane of polarization of a linearly polarized light

which has passes along the crystal optic axis.

Later, Biot (1812) proved that the optical activity was dependent on the thick-

ness of the crystal plate and on the light wavelength [2].

Fresnel (1821), showed that a linearly polarized light ray of a crystal quartz

separates into two circularly polarized rays of light. He argued that the dif-

ference in the two wave velocities is the cause of the optical activity. He also

tried to justify the di�erent phase velocities for the two circularly polarized

rays. He stated that the di�erent phase velocities could result from a particular

constitution of the refracting medium or integral molecules which established a

di�erence between the sense of right to left or vice-versa.

Pasteur(1840's), began the study of the crystal structure of the materials and

their relation with the optical activity. He postulated that molecules are three-

dimensional objects and that the optical activity of a medium is caused by the

chirality of its molecules.

Hertz (1888), it was natural to look for the rotatory power in the materials that

would be e�ective at these wavelengths, the main question was to know how did


the wavelengths a�ected the rotatory power.

Lindman was the �rst to look for the optical activity in radio waves. In 1914, he

made his �rst experiment where he studied the wave interaction with collections

of randomly - oriented small wire helices, in order to create an arti�cial chiral

media where he was able to prove the existence of polarization rotation.

In 1920 published his work which introduced a new approach for the study

of chirality, when he devised macroscopic models of chiral media by using wire

spirals instead of chiral molecules, also demonstrated the phenomenon of optical

activity using microwaves instead of the light and has been often cited and his

report followed in the microwave community of experimental chirality [3].

Winkler (1965), was able to develop Lindman's results over wider frequency

band. He also observed that a chiral arrangement of a set of irregular tetrahedra

did not rotate the plane of polarization [4]. The following year, Tinoco and

Freedman performed an experiment using oriented helices, and con�rmed the

chirality hypothesis and gave further results on the frequency dependence of the

rotation [5].

Kong (1975) wrote a book where he gathered many information and references

about the general bi-anisotropic media, from which the BI media degenerates


More recently, Engheta and Michelson (1982), did some studies about the tran-

sition radiation at chiral-achiral interface. ,

In 1990, the concept of chirowaveguide was de�ned by Pelet and Engheta. Since

then, several studies have been done on this type of structure, such as the

dispersion diagrams, and their application to optical devices, printed circuits

antennas or communication system [7].


In 2003, Tretyakov discussed the possibility of realizing negative refraction by

chiral nihility. The authors �rst proposed the idea to fabricate a metamaterial

composed of chiral particles, such as helical wires [8].

In 2004, Pendry discussed the possibility to achieve negative refraction in chiral

metamaterials. He analyzed the conditions to realize negative refraction in

chiral metamaterials and showed that they are simpler than for the regular

metamaterials, which require both electric and magnetic resonances to have ε

negative and negative µ. In chiral metamaterials, as mentioned above neither ε

nor µ needs to be negative. As long as the chiral parameter χ is large enough,

negative ε can be obtained in chiral metamaterials. Pendry then proposed a

practical model of a chiral metamaterial working in the microwave regime with

twisted Swiss rolls as elemental structures [9].

Now days, important work is being developed in the chiral media , chiral meta-

materials are one of the most interesting subjects that are being explored. The

fact that o�er a simpler route to negative refraction, with a strong chirality, with

neither ε nor µ negative required, because the chirality can replace these condi-

tions, this subject has been constantly approached by researchers. So it becomes

important to analyze the chiral media in order to develop new applications.

The chiral metamaterials with large optical activity have also been proposed

and made for polarization control applications at microwave and optical fre-

quencies. Research groups have been studying chiral metamaterial design with

strong tunable optical activity in a relatively wide frequency bands with low

transmission losses, makes it a very e�cient material for tunable polarization

rotators [10].

Also chiral printed circuits are being explored, there is an example of a four-

port cascaded circuit model, which is mentioned as chiral cascaded circuit, is

presented to represent an isotropic and lossless chiral media. Such a model is


based on the concept of transmission line and characteristic transformers.

Such a circuit model provides an e�cient way to realize chiral media using

transmission-line circuits and may �nd potential applications in microwave tech-

nologies [circuito].

1.2 Motivation and Objectives

There are certain areas within the electromagnetic research of today containing

potential for diverse new applications in engineering. One of the most interesting

�elds to be explored are the novel materials e�ects.

The progress of theoretical understanding of the wave-material interaction has

been increasing since the 1990's, and the electromagnetic phenomena has been

studied in order to solve new solutions for the problems, specially related to


In Maxwell's theory of macroscopic electromagnetism, material media are de-

scribed phenomenologically by constitutive relations.

Depending on the particular form of the constitutive relations, a medium can

be characterized as homogeneous, inhomogeneous, isotropic, anisotropic, bi-


The constitutive relations of a bi-anisotropic medium relates D to both E and

B and H to both E and B.

When all four tensors become scalars quantities, the medium may be called

BI, which is the simplest case for reciprocal bi-anisotropic medium. And where

exists magneto electric coupling of the �elds, but the properties of the material

are independent of the directions in space [11].

Chiral materials have been intensively studied since it is widely believed that

they can be used to produce novel microwave devices and structures. Appli-


cations for chiral materials are, for instance, polarization transformers, phase

shifters and devices that correct the cross polarization in lens antennas.

Some experiments have been done along the years such as the chirosorbTM , that

introduced a novel synthetic material, which was invisible to electromagnetic

energy and has properties which are independent of polarization in the back

scatter direction.

This experiment is useful for radar identi�cation and inverse scattering prob-

lems, the location and shape of targets can be detected from a knowledge of

waves re�ected or scattered from the target boundaries. These boundaries can

be looked on as variations or discontinuities of electrical parameters. If the re-

�ected or scattered waves can be reduced signi�cantly, the location and shape of

the boundaries, and consequently targets, will not be detected. In other words,

the targets will become 'invisible' [12].

This work aims to understand the theoretical interaction between waves and

chiral media. From the study of chiral structures it is possible to observe the

e�ect of polarization rotation, the propagation modes and cuto� frequencies.

The re�ection and transmission of dielectric/chiral interface are also analyzed

as well as the Breweter's angle in�uence with chirality.

BI structures are also observed as the parallel-plate and gounded chiroslab which

is importance once it gives us more information and knowlege for chirowave


The motivation of this work is to understand the theoretical concept of chiral

media, in order to provide knowledge to pursue potential applications of the

chiral materials to optical devices or waveguides and printed-circuits in the

microwave and millimeter wave regime.


1.3 Structure of the dissertation

The present dissertation is composed by �ve chapters.

The introduction referres to a general description of the chiral media since the

discovery of the chiral properties until the evolution of the present days.

This section explains when was the chiral media �rst observed and what studies

have been done to understand their properties and characteristics.

Starting in the early nineteenth century where Arago (1811) started to observe

the phenomenon of optical activity in a crystal quartz until the actual days

where many experiments and studies have been done in several areas for the

chiral media, such as the polymer science and manufacture of arti�cial dielectric,

for the application at the microwave or millimeter wavelengths.

In this chapter is also expressed the motivations and objectives of this disserta-

tion, the reason for studying chiral media and some speci�c properties of chiral

media that will be addressed.

The second chapter the basic notions of the BI media are presented.

Applying Maxwell's equation in chiral media, properties of this media behavior

are reviewed such as the optical activity, the wave�eld postulates, the charac-

teristic waves and the left and right polarizations describing mathematically.

All the knowledge of these properties will allow us to understand some results

of the following chapters.

In the third chapter it is represented the mathematical problem of re�ection

and transmissions through a simple isotropic media (SIM) - Chiral media. The

study of this chiral media is based on a Cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z).

When a plane wave is incident upon a boundary between a dielectric and a chiral

medium splits into two transmitted waves proceeding into the chiral medium,

and a re�ected wave propagating back into the dielectric.


The study of re�ection and transmission between SIM and chiral media will be

done by determining the re�ection and transmission coe�cients.

In this chapter, it is also possible to observe the in�uence of chirality over

Brewster's angle.

In the fourth chapter a study of a method for the analysis of a BI structure for

planar waveguides is done . This method is general for all the BI homogeneous

layered waveguides, this method is based on a 2× 2 coupling matrix eigenvalue

problem and it will be solved for a parallel-plate and also grounded chiral slab.

The parallel-plate is a simpler problem to be solved since the structure is sym-

metrical, for a grounded chiral slab the structure is more complex since it is

consider the Perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEC) on the ground, and the

top of the chiral slab it is in contact with the air.

For both of the structures the modal equations is obtained in order to observe

the propagation surface modes, and the cuto� frequency is

In the �fth and last chapter, all the results from the second, third and fourth

chapter are discussed and the main conclusions explained so that the most

interesting results may be useful to further works.

1.4 Main contributions

The research done in the electromagnetic theory has been increasing its relevance

on the study of complex materials as the chiral, pseudo-chiral, omega and all

the bi-anisotropic media in general.

The chiral media, is a reciprocal BI media that can be de�ned and described

through Maxwell electromagnetic equations. Although this subject has been

studied since the 19th century, many properties and new applications are being

studied in the actual days.


This work aims to give an overview about chiral media in general. The concept

of optical activity, polarization, waveguides and characteristic waves is analyzed

based on Maxwell's equations.

Apart from describing chiral media characteristics, the concept of re�ection and

transmission of a monochromatic plane wave upon a simple isotropic media

(SIM)/chiral interface is also observed. This is an interesting problem since it

can be related to a chiral optical �ber with a dieletric core.

Adopting a four-parameter model in the EH set of constitutive relations char-

acterizing a BI medium examples of applications are given in order to analyze

the surface modes of a parallel-plate chirowaveguide and a grounded chiroslab.

The study of concepts and application of chiral theoretical basic problems allows

to complement and resume chiral properties, and hopefully will contribute to

the continuity of more and more complex studies.



Chapter 2

Bi-isotropic and chiral media


In the present chapter basic notions between the bi-isotropic medium (BI) and

the electromagnetic �eld will be presented. A homogeneous BI medium can be

split into wave�elds, each of which sees the BI medium as an isotropic medium,

which becomes easier to solve electromagnetic problems. The chiral media be-

longs to BI medium and presents the same properties such as, the characteristic

waves and the polarization rotation.


2.1 Introduction

The BI materials have the special optical property that they can twist the

polarization of light in either refraction or transmission, which is called the

optical activity.

This does not mean all materials with twist e�ect fall in the BI class. The twist

e�ect of the class of BI materials is caused by the chirality and non-reciprocity

of the structure of the media, in which the electric and magnetic �eld of an

electromagnetic wave (or simply, light) interact in an unusual way.

The BI media are birefringent which explains the two eigenvalues with di�erent

propagation factors.

The BI media can be described electromagnetically by the constitutive relations

presented as

D = εE + ξH

B = ζH− µE(2.1)


ξ = (κ+ iχ)√ε0 µ0


ζ = (κ− iχ)√ε0 µ0

The dielectric response of the material is contained in the permittivity ε = ε0ε

which corresponds to the electric parameter and permeability µ = µ0µ, which

corresponds to the magnetic parameter.

The i emphasizes the frequency domain character of the equations, and comes

from the time-harmonic convention exp(−iwt), and the free-space parameter



The chirality parameter is represented by χ, it measures the degree of the hand-

edness of the material and κ describes the magneto electric e�ect.

In many books, κ is considered the chirality of the material, but in this case, it

will be represented by χ.

It is possible to observe the several classi�cations of a medium according to the

parameters of chirality and reciprocity, in Table 2.1.

This work, however, the study will be focused on the Pasteur medium, which is

chiral and reciprocal.

nonchiral chiral(χ = 0) (χ 6= 0)

reciprocal simple isotropic Pasteur medium(κ=0) medium or chiral

nonreciprocal Tellegen general bi-isotropic(κ6= 0) medium medium

Table 2.1: Classi�cation of bi isotropic medium

2.2 Chiral Media

A chiral media, is said to be a macroscopically continuous medium composed

of equivalent chiral object uniformly distributed and randomly oriented. Its

main property relies on the fact that the object does not have a mirror image

in rotation or translation. An object of this sort must have the property of

handedness that is left-handed polarized or right-handed polarized [1].

A homogeneous BI media can be split into partial �elds, the wave�elds, and

each one of them can be seen as an isotropic medium, which becomes easier to

solve electromagnetic problems.


The BI constitutive relations and the chiral media, the constitutive relations are

the same, (2.1) and can be related to Maxwell equations as

∇×E = i ωB

∇×H = −i ωD


and considering the constitutive relations of the BI media (2.1), we can rewrite

Maxwell's equations (2.2), for both electric and magnetic �eld in frequency

domain as it is shown below

∇×E = i ω µH− i ω ζE

∇×H = −i ω εE + i ω ξH


2.2.1 Wave�eld postulates

One of the mains aspects of the homogeneous unbounded electromagnetic wave

propagation, is the de�nition of their characteristic waves.

In the case of the chiral media, it is important to analyze the two characteristic

waves to determine its polarization.

In order to verify the rotation of polarization, the electric and magnetic �eld

vectors E and H will be de�ned with two other �eld quantities. The wave�elds

will be decomposed in parameters represented as �plus� and �minus�, which

combined will represent the total �eld as

E = E+ + E−

H = H+ + H−



Considering chiral media as equivalent isotropic media, we will obtain two waves,

which will be designated as �positive� and �negative� waves.

Satisfying the Maxwell equations of an achiral media, where there is no coupling,

it is possible to obtain the positive and negative wave as


∇×E+ = i ω µ+ H+

∇×H+ = −i ω ε+ E+



∇×E− = i ω µ−H−

∇×H− = −i ω ε−E−


Considering the constitutive relations from the equation (2.1), we consider an

equivalent isotropic media with the parameters ε+, ε−, µ+, µ− , the medium

parameters will satisfy the conditions written below [13]

D+ = εE+ + ξ

√ε0µ0 H+ = ε+E+

B+ = ζ√ε0µ0 E+ + µH+ = µ+ H+


D− = εE− + ξ

√ε0µ0 H− = ε−E−

B− = ζ√ε0µ0 E− − µH− = µ−H−


After eliminating the �eld vectors we can observe that the equivalent parameters

ε±, and µ± must satisfy the conditions below

(ε− ε+)(µ− µ+)− ξζ = 0

(ε− ε+)(µ− µ+)− ξζ = 0


Also, the wave�eld vectors must satisfy relations which can be written in the



E± = i η±H± (2.10)

The wave impedance parameters are de�ned as

η+ = −i ξ

ε+−ε = −iµ+−µζ

η− = i ξε−−ε = iµ−−µ



Since the electric �eld and magnetic �eld are interrelated through equation

(2.10), certain restrictions for the parameters arise. Inserting (2.10) with the

H+ of (2.5), one obtains

5×H+ + i ω ε+ E+ = −i 1

η+(∇×E+ + ω ε+ η

2+H+) = 0 (2.12)

which should coincide with the equation from (2.5). This leads to the following


η± =



Replacing (2.11) and (2.15)

η2± = − (µ± − µ)2



ε+ ξζµ±−µ


Considering (2.13) one has

η± = η− = η =




So the two characteristic waves have a constant of propagation stated in the

following equation

k± = n±k0 (2.16)

Where k+corresponds to the positive wave and k− to the negative wave.

2.2.2 Polarization

Since the wave�elds components of a plane wave do not couple in a homogeneous

medium, we can analyze them as an independent plane wave which can be

written as the expressions below

E±(r)= E±exp(ik± · r) (2.17)

H±(r)= H±exp(ik± · r) (2.18)

it is assumed that components propagate in the same direction de�ned by the

real unit vector k as mentioned

k± = k±k = (n±k0)k (2.19)

Unlike the simple isotropic media, the solutions from (2.17) and (2.18) are only

possible for certain polarizations (circular), which coincide with those of the

wave�elds [13].

De�ning a distance

ς = k · r (2.20)


The characteristic waves may be written as

E+(r) = [E+exp( i χ k0 ς)]exp( i n k0 ς)

E−(r) = [E−exp(−i χ k0 ς)]exp( i n k0 ς)(2.21)

In this case, the Maxwell equations from (2.5), (2.6), will obtain the following


k± ×E± = ωµ±H±

k± ×H± = −ωε±E±(2.22)

where E and H become

E± = − k±

ω ε±(k×H±)

H± = k±ω µ±


E± = −η±(k×H±)

H± = 1η±



Since the TEMwaves correspond to no electric nor magnetic �eld in the direction

of propagation

TEM wave→ k ·E± = k ·H± = 0 (2.24)

The orthogonal relations will be given by

E+ ·H+ = 0

E− ·H− = 0


From (2.10) and (2.15), of electric and magnetic �eld vectors of the wave�elds

components, from Maxwell equations


H+ = − i


H− = iηE−


Based on (2.23), the electric �eld satis�es

k×E+ = −iE+

k×E− = iE−


where the E �eld is orthogonal to the direction of propagation

E+ ·E+ = 0

E− ·E− = 0


According to (2.28), each characteristic wave has circular polarization (CP). To

determine which wave corresponds to the right or left polarization, let us con-

sider a real vector notation, which will be suitable for describing time-harmonic

vectors, which are real vectors rotating along an ellipse in a plane.

A(t) = Accos(ωt) + Assin(ωt)

It is possible to establish a relation between a complex vector with two real

vectors a = ar + iai, where a real time-harmonic vector is de�ned as

A(t) = <{a exp(−iωt)}

= <{(ar + iai)[cos(ωt)− i sin(ωt)]}

= arcos(ωt) + aisin(ωt)


so Ac = ar and As = ai. Inverting the relation above T = 2×πω , one gets

a = A(0) + iA(T

4) = Ac+iAs (2.29)

The complex conjugate of a complex vector, a∗ = ac − ias, corresponds to the

time-harmonic vector A(−t) which means that the sense of rotation along the

ellipse is reversed from the A(t).

This a vector it will be very useful to determine the polarization of vector A(t).

Some notes to be kept in mind are the fact that

Ac ×As = 0 the vectors may be parallels or one of them might be null.

Ac ×As 6= 0 the vectors will de�ne the rotation of the vector A(t).

If we consider the Linear Polarization (LP),

Ac ×As = 0,

since Ac = ar and As = ai, we obtain a LP, if ar × as = 0.

By other hand the vectors

a× a∗ = (ar + iai)× (ar − iai) = −i(ar × ai) = −2i(ar × ai)

∴ ar × ai = 0⇔ a× a∗ = 0

Then we are able to de�ne

∴ LP → a× a∗ = 0 (2.30)

For the Ac ×As 6= 0 case it is possible to obtain the elliptical and the circular



For the particular case of the CP, we consider

| A(t) |2=| Ac |2 cos2(ωt)+ | As |2 sin2(ωt) + (Ac ·As)sin(2ωt) = R2

where R represents the radius.

For t=0, the| Ac |= R;

For t=T4 , the | As |= R.

Then,| Ac |= | As |= R

where CP is

CP →| A(t) |2= R2 + (Ac ·As)sin(2ωt) = R2

which implies

Ac ·As = 0

∴ CP → a · a = 0 (2.31)


a · a = ar × iai · (ar + iai) = |ar|2 − |ai|2 + 2i(arai)


a · a = 0 implies that | ar |2=| ai |2= 0.

As mentioned before Ac = ar and As = ai , where we can conclude that PC

corresponds to (2.31).

From this section of circular polarization in chiral media, we can resume it

through the Table 2.3


polarization condition acronym

linear a× a∗ LPcircular a · a = 0 CPellyptical other EP

Table 2.3: Conditions of polarization

The direction of rotation can be obtained through real-valued vector p which

gives information about the polarization corresponding to a complex vector a

p(a) =a× a∗

ja · a∗(2.32)

p(a) points into the right-hand normal direction of the ellipse of the complex

vector a , and its length is simply related to the axial ratio of the ellipse, e as

it is seen in the Figure (2.1)

Figure 2.1: The polarization vector p(a)changes direction in the sense of rota-tion on the ellipse is changed

Inserting the electric �eld E± from (2.27) in a of (2.32) it results in

p(E±) = iE± ×E±

iE± ·E±∗=

E± × (k×E∗±)

E± ·E±∗= ±k (2.33)

This means that the wave�eld E+ is a right-hand circularly polarized (RCP)


vector with respect to the direction of propagation u. On the other hand E−

is left hand (LCP) vector, since it is right-handed when looking in the −u


2.2.3 Polarization Rotation

In the magneto plasmonics and iron it is observable the Faraday rotation e�ect,

which is an interaction between light and a magnetic �eld in a medium.

The Faraday e�ect causes a rotation of the plane of polarization which is lin-

early proportional to the component of the magnetic �eld in the direction of


The chiral media it is observable the optical activity. Although the both e�ects

cause a rotation in the polarization, the �rst one has a non-reciprocal e�ect,

while the second has a reciprocal e�ect [13].

The polarization rotation in chiral media it is only possible due to the circular

birefringence, which means that we get circularly polarized TEM waves, which

”positive”wave→ k+ = n+k0 = (n+ χ)k0 → RCP

”negative”wave→ k+− = n−k0 = (n− χ)k0 → LCP

We assume that the direction of propagation along the positive z axis, i.e.

u = uz. Taking linearly polarized electric �eld with an amplitude vector E sat-

isfying E.uz =0 we can decompose in into two circularly polarized unit vector

when looking in the direction of uz

u+ =1√2

(ux − iuy)


u− =1√2

(ux + iu)

where u+ is a RCP and u−is a LCP unit vector when looking in the uz.

A plane wave polarized along ux at z=0 is de�ned by

E = uxE = (u+ + u−)E√2


E(z = 0) =E0

2(x+iy) +


2(x−iy) (2.34)

Taking into account the direction of propagation, the �eld z = d, is given by

E(z = d) =E0

2(x+iy)exp(in+k0d) +


2(x−iy)exp(in−k0d) (2.35)

To simplify, one can de�ne

φ =1

2(k+ + k−)d = (n+ + n−)k0d

Ψ =1

2(k+ − k−)d = (n+ − n−)k0d


φ+ Ψ = k+d = n+k0d

φ−Ψ = k−d = n−k0d

exp(in+k0d) = exp(iφ)× exp(iΨ)

exp(in−k0d) = exp(iφ)× exp(−iΨ)

Where (2.35) can be replaced by


E(d) =E0

2[(x+iy)exp(iΨ) + (x−iy)exp(−iΨ)] exp(iφ) (2.36)


2{x[exp(iΨ) + exp(−iΨ)] + iy[exp(iΨ)− exp(−iΨ)]} exp(iφ)

= E0x[cos(Ψ)− ysin(Ψ)]exp(iφ)

From (2.36) we can observe that exists rotation of polarization on Ψ angle,

shown in the Figure 2.2

z = 0→ E = xE0

z = d→ E = E0[x cos(Ψ)− ysin(Ψ)]exp(iφ)

Figure 2.2: Polarization Rotation in chiral media



Chapter 3

Re�ections and Transmissions

between a simple planar

interface and chiral media

When a plane wave is incident upon a boundary between a dielectric and a

chiral medium it splits into two transmitted waves proceeding into the chiral

medium, and re�ected wave propagating back into the dielectric.

In this chapter it will be analyzed the behavior of the re�ection and transmission

of a monochromatic wave who is obliquely incident upon the interface between

simple isotropic media (SIM) and chiral.



A plane wave is considered to be a good approximation at a large distance of

their sources and it is also a simple solution of Maxwell's equations, to represent

wave propagation in chiral media.

In the case of a incident plane wave passing in a dieletric/chiral interface, the

best way to mathematically formulate the problem of re�ection and transmission

is using a cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z).

Since the chiral medium is isotropic, there is no preferred direction of propa-

gation, so usually the monochromatic plane wave propagates along the positive

z-axis of the Cartesian system.

In order to calculate the amplitude of the re�ected and transmitted waves and

their polarization properties the boundary conditions must be applied to the

electric and magnetic �elds at planar interface, as shown in Figure 3.

The chiral media constitutive relations as mentioned on the previous chapter

are given by

D = ε0εE + i


B = µ0µH−i√ε0µ0χE



3.1 Transmission and Re�ection

Figure 3.1: Re�ected and transmitted waves at an oblique incidence on a semi-in�nite chiral medium

The SIM interface has a permittivity ε1 and permeability µ1 and the chiral

medium is represented by their constitutive relations presented in (3.1)

Considering the wave vector of the incident de�ned as

ki = kiui


ui = sin(θi)x + cos(θi)z

In free space propagation the waves are TEM , so they can be decomposed in

parallel and perpendicular components along the plane of incidence. Since the


two transmitted waves are circularly polarized, the electric and magnetic �eld

can be written as [15].

Ei = Ei0exp(iki.r) = Ei0exp[iki(xsinθi + zcosθi] (3.2)


Ei0 = Ei⊥ + Ei‖ = Ei⊥y + Ei‖(cosθix− sinθiz) (3.3)


Hi = Hi0exp(iki.r) = Hi0exp[iki(xsinθi + zcosθi)] (3.4)


Hi0 = Y1(ui ×Ei0) = Y1[Ei‖y − Ei⊥(cosθix− sinθiz) (3.5)

where Y1 is the chiral admittance of the dielectric medium, given by

Y1 = Y0



The wave vector of the re�ected wave is

kr = krur


ur = sin(θr)x− cos(θr)z



Et1 = E01(cos θ1ex + sin θ2ez + iey) (3.7)

Ht1 = −iY2E01(cos θ1ex + sin θ1ez + iey) (3.8)

Et2 = Et2(cos θ2ex + sin θ2ez − iey) (3.9)

Ht2 = −iY2Et2(cos θ2ex + sin θ2ez − iey) (3.10)

Since the two transmitted waves are circularly polarized, they can be written as

Et = E01exp[ih1(z cos θ1 − x sin θ1)] + E02exp[ih2(z cos θ2 − x sin θ2)] (3.11)

Ht = H01exp[ih1(z cosθ1 − x sin θ1) + H02exp[ih2(z cos θ2 − x sin θ2)] (3.12)


E01 = E01(cos θ1ex + sin θ2ez + iey) (3.13)

H01 = −iZ−12 E01(cos θ1ex + sin θ1ez + iey) (3.14)



E02 = E02(cos θ2ex + sin θ2ez +−iey) (3.15)

H02 = −iZ−12 E02(cos θ2ex + sin θ2ez − iey) (3.16)

Here Y2 is the chiral admittance of the chiral medium, given by

Y2 = Y0



The parameters from the incident wave are known. In order to �nd the complex-

constant amplitude vectors of the re�ected and transmitted waves, the boundary

conditions for the tangential x and y components of the electric and magnetic

�elds, have to be applied at the interface

(Ei + Er)× z = Et × z (3.18)

(Hi + Hr)× z = Ht × z (3.19)

The conditions above (3.18) and (3.19) can only be applied if

ki sinθi = kr sinθr = k01sinθ1 = k02sinθ2 (3.20)

which is Snell's law.

Based on (3.20) relations obtained are given by

Ei‖ cosθi + Er‖ cosθi = E01cosθ1 + E02cosθ2 (3.21)


Ei⊥ + Er⊥ = i (E01 − E02) (3.22)

Y1(Ei‖ − Er‖) = Y2(E01 + E02) (3.23)

Y1(Ei⊥ − Et⊥) cosθi = iY2(E01cosθ1 − E02cosθ2) (3.24)

That can also be represented by

0 −cosθi cosθ1 cosθ2

−1 0 i −i

0 Y1 Y2 Y2

Y1cosθi 0 iY2cosθ1 −iY2cosθ2











The expressions for Er⊥ , Er‖, E01, E02 can be written according to the compo-

nents of the incident waves as expressed below, where the re�ection and trans-

mission coe�cients matrix can obtained.




R11 R12

R21 R22








T11 T12

T21 T22




For the re�ection coe�cient matrix, one has

R11 =(Y 2

1 − Y 22 )(cosθ1 + cosθ2)cosθi + 2Y1Y2(cos2θ1 − cosθ1cosθ2)

(Y 21 + Y 2

2 )(cosθ1 + cosθ2)cosθi + 2Y1Y2(cos2θi + cosθ1cosθ2)(3.28)

R12 = R21 =−2Y1Y2(cosθ1 − cosθ2)cosθi

(Y 21 + Y 2

2 )(cosθ1 + cosθ2)cosθi + 2Y1Y2(cos2θi + cosθ1cosθ2)


R22 =(Y 2

1 − Y 22 )(cosθ1 + cosθ2)cosθi − 2Y1Y2(cos2θ1 − cosθ1cosθ2)

(Y 21 + Y 2

2 )(cosθ1 + cosθ2)cosθi + 2Y1Y2(cos2θi + cosθ1cosθ2)(3.30)

For the transmission coe�cient matrix, one gets

T11 =−2iY1cosθi(Y1cosθ2 − Y2cosθi)

(Y 21 + Y 2

2 )(cosθ1 + cosθ2)cosθi + 2Y1Y2(cos2θi + cosθ1cosθ2)(3.31)

T12 =2Y1cosθi(Y1cosθi − Y2cosθ2)

(Y 21 + Y 2

2 )(cosθ1 + cosθ2)cosθi + 2Y1Y2(cos2θi + cosθ1cosθ2)(3.32)


T21 =2iY1cosθi(Y1cosθ1 − Y2cosθi)

(Y 21 + Y 2

2 )(cosθ1 + cosθ2)cosθi + 2Y1Y2(cos2θi + cosθ1cosθ2)(3.33)

T22 =2Y1cosθi(Y1cosθi + Y2cosθ1)

(Y 21 + Y 2

2 )(cosθ1 + cosθ2)cosθi + 2Y1Y2(cos2θi + cosθ1cosθ2)(3.34)

When the incident wave falls normally on the interfaces, i.e., θi = 0, the expres-

sions above, get reduced to

R11 = R22 =1− (Y1Y2)

1 + (Y1Y2)(3.35)

T11 = −iT22 =−i

1 + (Y1Y2)(3.36)

T12 = −iT21 =1

1 + (Y1Y2)(3.37)

To visualize the relations of the equations from (3.28) to (3.34), three dimen-

sional graphs are done with the chirality parameter χ and θi as the variables.

The permittivity from the media 1 and 2 are ε1 = 1 and ε2 = 2 and µ1 = µ2 = 1.


Figure 3.2: Re�ection coe�cients R11 for ε1 = 1e ε2 = 4

Figure 3.3: Re�ection coe�cients R22 for ε1 = 1e ε2 = 4


Table 3.1: Re�ection coe�cients R12 = R21 for ε1 = 1e ε2 = 4

For the transmission coe�cients the same variables will be used which is χ and

θi , and also the same parameters ε1 = 1 e ε2 = 4.

Figure 3.4: Transmission coe�cients T11 for ε1 = 1e ε2 = 4


Figure 3.5: Transmission coe�cients T22 for ε1 = 1e ε2 = 4

Figure 3.6: Transmission coe�cients T12 for ε1 = 1e ε2 = 4

3.1.1 The Brewster Angle

A monochromatic plane wave of arbitrary polarization, on re�ection from a

chiral medium, can become linearly polarized wave.

The angle of incidence at which this phenomenon occurs is called the Brew-

ster angle. The plane containing the electric �eld vector and the direction of

propagation, is the plane of polarization. For a linear polarized wave the angle

between the plane of polarization and the plane of incidence is called the az-

imuthal angle. This angle ranges from −π2 to π2 and is de�ned to be positive


whenever the direction of rotation of the plane polarization towards the plane

of incidence and the direction of wave propagation form a right-handed screw


Considering αi and αr to be the azimuthal angles of the incident and re�ected

waves. In the equations below it can be shown that αi and αr can be complex


tanαi =Ei⊥Ei‖


tanαr =Er⊥Er‖


The amplitudes of the parallel and perpendicular components of the incident

and re�ected waves are related to the equations (3.26) and (3.27) from the

matrix of re�ection and transmission. Using de�nitions (3.38) and (3.39) and

the matrix of re�ection in (3.26), one gets

tanαr =R12 +R11tanαiR22 +R21tanαi


The re�ected wave is linearly polarized if the incident wave is incident upon the

interface at Brewster angle (θB), otherwise, αr must be real constant for all αi


When (84) is di�erentiated with respect to αi, one gets

R11R22 −R12R21 = 0 (3.41)

Under this condition, equation (3.40) becomes


tanαr =R12



And from equations (3.28) to (3.30) into (3.41), one will obtain

(1− (Y1Y2)2)2 cos2θi(cosθ1 + cosθ2)2

= 4(Y1Y2)2(cos2θi − cos2θ1) (cos2θi − cos2θ2)(3.43)

If θ1 and θ2 are written in terms of the angle of incidence θi, then it is possible

to solve a numerical equation in terms of θi, since the angles of the transmitted

waves can be expressed as

θ1 = arcsin

(ki sin θih1


θ2 = arcsin

(ki sin θih2



Chapter 4

A method for the analysis of

bi-isotropic planar waveguides

In this chapter, it is described a general formalism for general bi-isotropic planar

waveguides, and as an example it is studied theoretically the chirowaveguides.

In order to understand some of its properties and using the four-parameter

model in the EH representation for the set of constitutive relations character-

izing a bi-isotropic medium, a 2 × 2 coupling matrix eigenvalue-problems will

be solved in a general description and later will be applied to a parallel-plate

chirowaveguide and a grounded chiroslab. In this case it will be analyzed the

modal equations and the cuto� wavelengths for the guided hybrid modes.


4.1 Introduction

The problem of guided electromagnetic wave propagation in general bi-isotropic

planar waveguides is described in terms of a linear operator formalism. Based

on the transverse electromagnetic �eld equations an eigenvalue problem is ad-

dressed. An example of a bi-isotropic planar waveguide is a chirowaveguide.

The concept of chirowaveguide was de�ned in the early 90's when the scienti�c

community showed a systematic interest in the electromagnetic properties and

applications of these special isotropic materials.

A chirowaveguide can be a cylindrical waveguide �lled with homogeneous isotropic

chiral material. The electromagnetic chirality of the material inside the waveg-

uide has several important features which were already analyzed, such as the

re�ection and transmission of guided electromagnetic waves, the e�ect of chiral

material loss on guided electromagnetic modes, dispersion relations and cut-o�


It was also shown that the Helmholtz equations for the longitudinal components

of electric and magnetic �elds are always coupled and consequently in these

waveguides, individual transverse electric (TE), transverse magnetic (TM), or

transverse electromagnetic (TEM) modes cannot be supported [7].

The interest on this structure besides the academic one, resides in the fact that

are some potential applications of chiral materials to integrate optical devices,

optical waveguides and printed-circuit elements.

In this present case, from Maxwell curl equations for source free regions, the

analysis of guided hybrid modes in a bi-isotropic layered structures is reduced

to a 2× 2 coupling matrix eigenvalue problem [17].

The structures to be studied are the parallel-plate chirowaveguide, consisting

of two parallel perfectly conducting planes �lled with a lossless, homogeneous,


isotropic chiral material, and the grounded chiroslab, where the chiral slab is

in contact with the air, which introduces a more complex problem compared to

the parallel-plate [22].

The main feature of the guides is that the propagation modes are always hybrid.

The application of the method

In this present section, the problem of surface waves in a chiral slab will be deter-

mined from the derivation of simple closed-form expressions, than can be used

to general bi-isotropic homogeneous layered waveguides. The time-harmonic

variations of the form exp(−iwt) is considered.

In the frequency domain, considering the Maxwell equations,∇×E = iωB

∇×H = −iωD(4.1)

we can represent the constitutive relations of the chiral media as,D = ε0εE + i√ε0 µ0 χH

B = µ0µH− i√ε0 µ0 χE


∇×E = iωµ0µH + ωχ

√ε0µ0 E

∇×H = −iωε0εE + ωχ√ε0µ0 H


Considering normalized distances, one gets x′ = k0x, z′ = k0z

The structure in�nite and uniform in the y direction ∂∂y = 0 and ∇ = ∂xx− inz,

one has






∂∂x 0 in

Ax Ay Az

∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣= x(−inAy) + y(inAx − ∂Az

∂x) + z(




From rot E: ∇×E = iωµ0µH + k0χE

x : −inEy = iωµ0µHx + k0χEx (4.4)

y : −∂Ez∂x

+ inEx = iωµ0µHy + k0χEy (4.5)

z :∂Ey∂x

= iωµ0µHz + k0χEz (4.6)

From rot H: ∇×H = iωε0εE + k0χH

x : −inHy = −iωε0εEx + k0χHx (4.7)

y : −∂Hz

∂x+ inHx = −iωε0εEy + k0χHy (4.8)

z :∂Hy

∂x= −iωε0εEz + k0χHz (4.9)

From (4.4),one obtains

Hx = − n

µZ0Ey + i


µZ0Ex (4.10)

From (4.6), one gets

Hz = −∂Ey∂x


Z0µ+ i


Z0µEz (4.11)


From (4.7), one gets

Ex =Z0n

εHy − i


εHx (4.12)

From (4.9), one obtains

Ez = i∂Hy



ε− iχZ0

εHz (4.13)

Equations (4.10) and (4.11) will be replaced in equation (4.8) in order to obtain

two di�erential equations depending on y


= −2iωµ0µk0χHy +[−k20(εµ+ χ2) + n2

]Ey (4.14)

The same will be done to equations (4.7) and (4.8) which will be replaced in

equation (4.5), where one obtains


∂x′2= 2iωε0εk0χEy +

[−k20(εµ+ χ2) + n2

]Hy (4.15)

In order to obtain homogeneous layers from the results above, one has


∂2x′u (x′) = Cu (x′) (4.16)

where C is the coupling matrix.[∂2Ey



[k20(εµ+ χ2)− n2 2iωµ0µk0χ

−2iωε0εk0χ k20(εµ+ χ2)− n2




Since this problem is reduced to a 2 × 2 coupling matrix, we can obtain two

eigenvalues of C

det (C− λI) = 0


k20(εµ+ χ2)− n2 2iωµ0µk0χ

2iωε0εk0χ k20(εµ+ χ2)− n2

− λ 0

0 λ

= 0


λn = k20εµ+ k20χ2 ± 2k20

√εµχ− n2 = k2± − n2 (4.18)

λn represents the wave guided propagation and k2± = k20n±.

Introducing modal matrix M for C, where M is [20]

M =

[1 1

τ1 τ2


Considering the following transformation

u(x) = Mφ(x′) ∧ Φ = [φ1, φ2]

The equation (4.16) is reduced to


∂x= −M−1CMφ(x′) (4.19)

with M−1

CM = diag(λ1, λ2)

The coupling coe�cients from the modal matrix are given by

τn =λ1 − C11



λ2 − C22(4.20)

Hence, from equation (4.18) and (4.17), one obtains

τs = −i±k0ωµ0



From equations (4.4) to (4.9) the Ex and Hx will be de�ned as

Ex =n

M(ξEy + µZ0Hy) (4.22)

Hx = − nM

(εEy + ςZ0Hy) (4.23)

The same will be done to Ez and Hz

Ez =i



∂x′+ µ




Hz = − i



∂x′+ ζ




Where 4 = εrµr − ξζ


The �eld components are de�ned as

Ey = φ1 + φ2 (4.26)

Hy = τ1φ1+τ2φ2 (4.27)

4.1.1 Chiral media

For εµ 6= χ2 and χ2 6= 0, only hybrid modes can propagate in the BI planar


TTo solve a wave-guiding problem, apart from the knowledge of the whole struc-

ture, it is necessary to study the boundary conditions.

As stated before, a chiral media is a lossless and reciprocal bi-isotropic media.

For the reciprocity condition, one has [18]

For the reciprocity condition, one has

ξ = −ζ (4.28)

For a lossless BI medium ,

ξ = ζ∗ (4.29)

where the ∗ denotes a complex conjugate.

Although the four-parameter model is chiral, a bi-isotropic medium with (4.28)

and (4.29), should be referred as �chiral medium� instead of �lossless chiral

reciprocal medium�, in which

ξ = −iχ

For the chiral media, the transverse wave number is given by

h2s = β2± + n2 (4.30)

where n is the e�ective refractive index and is given by n = kk0

where k represents

the longitudinal wavenumber.

And β± depends if s = 1 or s = 2 and also depends on chirality.


β± =√εµ± χ (4.31)

4.1.2 Parallel-plated chirowaveguide

As an example of application of this general bi-isotropic media, it will be used

a closed waveguide, which is the parallel-plated chirowaveguide.

The parallel-plated chirowaveguide consists of two parallel perfectly conducting

planes of in�nite length in the x and z directions, and �lled with lossless, homo-

geneous, isotropic chiral media, as shown in Figure 4.1 described by equations


Figure 4.1: A parallel-plate chirowaveguide


Observing the Figure 4.1, the direction of propagation is along z axis and the

�eld quantities are all independent of y axis.

Due to the perfectly conducting planes, placed at x′ = 2t′ and x′ = 0, one must

impose that Ey(x′ = 0) = Ez(x′ = 0) = 0 and Ey(x′ = 2t′) = Ez(x′ = 2t′) = 0.

By imposing these boundary conditions, a set of algebraic equations for the

coe�cients A± will be obtained.φ1(x′) = A+[sin(h+x′) + cos(h+x


φ2(x′) = A−[sin(h−x′)− cos(h−x′)]


The symmetry of the structure, allows the propagating modes to be divided into

even and odd modes.

Considering the odd modesφ1(x′) = A+sin(h+x′)

φ2(x′) = A−sin(h−x′)


The perfectly conducting plane, at x′ = t′ , should have

Ey(x′ = t′) = 0 (4.34)

Ez(x′ = t′) = 0 (4.35)

Imposing the boundary conditions for these �eld components, a homogeneous

set of algebraic equations for the coe�cients A± in (4.33) and 4.24 is obtained.

For the odd modes, one has sin(h+t′) sin(h−t




′) −h−ε−cos(h−t








Considering the determinant of coe�cients zero, a nontrivial solution is ob-

tained. This leads to the modal equation for the propagating modes.




]− sin(h−t




]= 0 (4.37)

This expression can also be de�ned as


ε−h+ + ε+h−2

sin[(h+ + h−)t′]− ε−h+ − ε+h−2

sin[(h+ − h−)t′] = 0 (4.38)

From the expression mentioned above, it is possible to determine the odd prop-

agation modes,

The �gure (4.2) represents the TE and HE modes, while the �gures (4.3) for

χ = 0 and (4.4) χ = 1 represent the hybrid modes.

Figure 4.2: Propagation of the odd modes for χ = 0


Figure 4.3: Propagation of the odd modes for χ = 0.5

Figure 4.4: Propagation of the odd modes for χ = 1

For the even modes, one has cos(h+t′) cos(h−t




′) −h−ε−sin(h−t











]− cos(h−t′)



]= 0 (4.40)


that can also be given through

ε−h+ + ε+h−2

sin[(h+ + h−)t′]− ε−h+ − ε+h−2

sin[(h+ − h−)t′] = 0 (4.41)

Figure 4.5: Propagation of the even modes for χ = 0

Figure 4.6: Propagation of the even modes for χ = 0.5


Figure 4.7: Propagation of the even modes for χ = 1

From the equation (4.41) we can observe the even propagation modes where �g-

ure (4.5) representsχ = 0, the �gure (4.6) represents χ = 0.5 and (4.7) represents

χ = 1.

At the cuto�, β = 0, which implies (4.30) will be h2s = n2±.

Considering ε± = ε ± ycχ, one can make ε+h+ = ε−h− in (4.37) and (4.40)

modal equations, where the expression obtained is

sin[(β+ + β−)t′] = 0 (4.42)






with n = 1, 2, 3, ...

If we consider the parameter tλ as a �xed element, we can observe how the n is

in�uenced by the χ parameter.

For frequency f = 100 GHz, and t = 1mm one has


tλ⇒ t = 0.33s.

Figure 4.8: Variation of β with χ

Observing n as a function of χ, in �gure (4.8) we can observe two propagation


Considering the previous graphs from the propagation modes, where n depends

of tλ , from the Figures (4.3), (4.4), (4.6) and (4.7) , we can observe that for

tλ = 0.33s if we intersect the propagation modes, we will obtain two propagation

modes as observed in (4.8). Grounded chiroslab

In this type of structure, the chiral slab is in contact with air a t thickness And

�lled with lossless, homogeneous, isotropic chiral media described by equation

(4.2) .


Figure 4.9: Grounded chiroslabguide

For the chiral layer, 0 < x′ < t′, one has

φ1(x) = A[sin(h+x

′) + Γcos(h+x′)]

φ2(x) = A[r sin(h−x′)− Γcos(h−x



The propagation modes Ey and Hy are de�ned by,

Ey =

φ1 + φ2, 0 < x′ < t′

B exp[−αA(x′ − t)], x′ > t′(4.45)

Hy =

τ1φ1 + τ2φ2, 0 < x′ < t′

−iC exp[−αA(x′ − t)], x′ > t′(4.46)


dx anddHy

dx represented by



φ′1 + φ′2, 0 < x′ < t′

−αAB exp[−αA(x′ − t′)], x > t′(4.47)




τ1φ′1 + τ2φ

′2, 0 < x′ < t′

iCαA exp[−αA(x′ − t′)], x′ > t′(4.48)

The coupling coe�cients for the hybrid modes are given by

τs = −iys (4.49)

ys = ±√ε


Where once again, the plus and minus sign represent s=1 and s=2, respectively.

Due to the perfectly conducting plate at x′ = 0, one should have

Ey(x′ = 0) = 0 (4.51)

Ez(x′ = 0) = 0 (4.52)

The r represented on the (4.44) can be obtained through (4.52), where one


r =h+β−h−β+


For the air region, x′ > t′, one has

Ey(x) = B exp[−αa(x′ − t′)]

Hy(x) = −iC exp[−αa(x′ − t′)](4.54)


where αa represents an attenuation coe�cient given by

αa = n2 − 1

Considering the continuity of Ez and Hz at x′ = t′, it will be possible to

determine the modal equation as well as Γ mentioned on (4.32)

From Ez (x′ = t′) = Ez (x′ = t′), the following parameters will be de�ned

η1 = αa M y1sin(h1t′)− h1(χ− µy1)cos(h1t

′) (4.55)

ρ1 = αa M sin(h1t′)− h1(χ− µy1)y1cos(h1t

′) (4.56)

ν1 = αa M y1cos(h1t′) + h1(χ− µy1)sin(h1t

′) (4.57)

σ1 = αa M y1cos(h1t′) + h1(χ− µy1)sin(h1t

′) (4.58)

From Hz (x′ = t′) = Hz (x′ = t′) one has

η2 = αa M y2sin(h2t′)− h2(χ− µy2)cos(h2t

′) (4.59)

ρ2 = αa M sin(h2t′)− h2(χ− µy2)y2cos(h2t

′) (4.60)

ν2 = αa M y2cos(h2t′) + h2(χ− µy2)sin(h2t

′) (4.61)

σ2 = αa M y2cos(h2t′) + h2(χ− µy2)sin(h2t

′) (4.62)


Thus, the modal equation will be written in the following form

(η1 + rη2) (σ1 − σ2)− (ρ1 + rρ2) (ν1 − ν2) = 0 (4.63)

And Γ is de�ned as

Γ = −η1 + rη2ν1 − ν2

= −ρ1 + rρ2σ1 − σ2


Replacing (4.55)-(4.62) the modal equation (4.63) can be simpli�ed, after some

algebraic manipulation and rewritten in the form

2[γ1 − (1− y21)]δ1 + (1 + r2)γ2δ2 − 2(ϑ1 − rϑ2) = 0 (4.65)

where (s=1,2), and

γ1 = (1 + y21) cos(h1t′)cos(h2t

′) (4.66)

γ2 = (1 + y22) sin(h1t′)sin(h2t

′) (4.67)

ϑ1 = y1(α2a M −h21β2

−) sin(h1t′)cos(h2t

′) (4.68)

ϑ2 = y2(α2a M −h22β2

+) sin(h2t′)cos(h1t

′) (4.69)

Through (4.65) it is possible to determine the cuto� wavelength λcof any hybrid


At cuto� αa = 0 , hence δs = 0 for s = 1, 2, therefore (4.65) will be reduced to

ϑ1 = r ϑ2 from which one gets


f1(λc) + f2(λc) = 0 (4.70)


f1 = q1β−sin q1cos q2 (4.71)

f2 = q2β+sin q2cos q1 (4.72)

and where (s=1,2)

qs = 2πt


√β2± − 1 (4.73)

In (4.73) the plus and minus sing corresponds to s=1 and s=2.

For χ = 0 the cuto� frequencies are given by





2√εµ− 1





2m+ 1

2√εµ− 1


with m = 0, 1, 2, ....

For numerical calculation the following values will be considered, ε = 9 and

µ = 1 and χ will have several values.

For numerical calculation the values considered are ε = 9 and µ = 1. For Figure

8, χ = 0 where the surface modes are obtained and for Figure 9, χ = 0.5 where

we can observe the hybrid modes.


Figure 4.10: Surface modes, χ = 0

Figure 4.11: Hybrid modes, χ = 0,5


Figure 4.12: Hybrid modes, χ = 1



Chapter 5


In this chapter all the conclusions and results from the previous chapters are

pointed out, as well as future work suggestions.

It will be done an analysis of the concepts that were addressed and the possible

causes and consequences will be determined or discussed.


In this dissertation the main objective was to study the chiral media and its

main properties and also to characterize the propagation modes of some of the

theoretical problems that were studied, like the parallel-plate chirowaveguide

and the grounded chiroslab.

In the �rst chapter, it was referred the historical content of the chiral media, it is

possible to understand when did the studies began and what were the properties

observed and what experiences have been done along the years, since the begin-

ning of the nineteenth century when Arago (1811) �rst saw the phenomenon of

optical activity in a quartz of crystal , until the present days where there are

still doing experiments in the chiral media.

After describing the work of each chapter, the main contributions of this thesis

are addressed, explaining the intents to complement and resume the chiral prop-

erties, and hopefully to contribute to the continuity of more and more complex


In second chapter important concepts are referred which de�ne the bi-isotropic

media and chiral medium through their constitutive relations and also the char-

acteristic waves were demonstrated through wave�eld postulates as well as the

polarization and its rotation. It was shown that the polarization rotation in

chiral media it is only possible due to the circular birefringence, and from a

chiral media CLP and CRP waves are obtained .

The third chapter addresses a re�ection/transmission problem between a SIM/chiral

interface. This study is very interesting once it allow us to observe the propa-

gation modes in dielectric chiral media which can be related to a chiral optical

�ber with a dieletric core.

In general, when a monochromatic plane wave is incident obliquely upon the

interface, it is obtained the re�ected wave on the dielectric media and two prop-

agation waves inside the chiral medium.


The �rst step that was done, was to determine the re�ection and transmission

coe�cients by studying the boundary conditions of the tangential components

for E and H, which is basically applying the Snell's law.

In the fourth chapter it is studied and analyzed bi-isotropic planar structures, as

the chirowaveguides, and theorical problems are solved for a closed chirowaveg-

uide, the parallel-plate and a semi opened one, the grounded chiroslab. This

study is done in order to observe the propagation modes of each structure and

also to allow us to understand the physical concept that relies on both of the


The �rst thing to be done was to de�ne the equations in a four parameter

model representing EH that characterized the homogeneous bi-isotropic planar

structures through Maxwell equations.

The following step was to determine the boundary conditions to determine the

modal equations. Once the modal equations are obtained, it was possible to

observe the propagation modes of both structures.

For the closed parallel-plate, the �gures are separated in even and odd modes.

In �gures 4.3-4.5 the χ = 0, 5 and for 4.6-4.7 the χ = 1 for the odd and even

modes respectively. From the �gures, we can observe that the propagation

modes are hybrid, while in χ = 0 for the same �gures it is possible to obtain

the propagation modes which are the TE and TM.

Observing the �gures mentioned above we can also conclude that the cuto�

frequency does not depend on chirality, since they start always from the same

point, when changing the χ value, and from the equation (4.43), the cuto�

frequency does not have the χ parameter.

For the semi-opened structure, a grounded chiroslab, the same procedure was

done, and the modal equation, more complex, was obtained.

The graphs form �gures 4.10-4.11 we can observe 6 surface modes are all hybrid.


In the achiral case, for χ = 0 the propagations modes are TM and TE.

One should note that , there is a fundamental hybrid mode, EH0 with no cuto�

t/λc = 0 as shown in �gures with χ = 0.5 and χ = 1 .

Comparing the propagation modes from the parallel-plate, we can conclude that

they are di�erent from the grounded chiroslab and not a superposition of one

to another.

From this work we can conclude that the chiral media is an important additional

parameter for the researchers, since it's possible to change it's value just like

the ε and µ parameters. This fact gives more �exibility to the chiral media and

may help in the study and development of other materials or devices that use

this media.

Perspectives of future work

Although important aspects of this dissertation were mentioned, there is still

many studies that can be done to complement this work. This media represents

an extensive subject of study.

The use of chiral media in optical �ber, where the idea is when the chiral coating

is properly designed, the backscattering of the linearly polarized plane wave

almost disappears in some speci�c frequency bands [24]. Based on the planar

dielectric/chiral interface, more studies with di�erent media can be done, as a

study on a chiral interface between two dielectric media.

Development of more studies for the other media: pseudo-chiral, omega, bian-

isotropic media and metamaterials, where some chiral metamaterials o�er a

simpler route to negative refraction, since in chiral metamaterials with a strong

chirality, with neither ε nor µ negative required, because the chirality can replace

these conditions.


And also the study of �ber-reinforced plastic composite cylinder coated by chiral

media. This cylinder can be treated as consisting of multilayered bi-isotropic and

anisotropic materials. As the chiral coating is properly designed, the backscat-

tering of the linearly polarized plane wave almost disappears in some speci�c

frequency bands [25].



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