Infectious Diseases Procedure SLT Guidance St Albans Girls’ School Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel

Infectious Diseases Procedure SLT Guidance

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Infectious Diseases Procedure SLT Guidance

St Albans Girls’ School

Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel

Page 2: Infectious Diseases Procedure SLT Guidance

St Albans Girls’ School


Infectious Diseases Procedure

In addition, to this procedure, please refer to Public Health England and DFE Guidance on infection

control in schools.

The purpose is to provide guidance for action should an infectious disease surface in the school and/or

community, allowing for two types of situations:

non-widespread disease that is, nevertheless, infectious and dangerous – e.g. chickenpox,


a widespread disease that is infectious and dangerous

If a case(s) is confirmed at STAGS, we will seek advice from Public Health England, the DFE and the Local Authority as to whether we should close the school, partially close or remain open.

We will hold a staff briefing at the earliest convenience to advise that a case has been

confirmed and update on actions

Parents will be advised by schoolcomms that a case has been confirmed

If the advice is that STAGS remain open, children or staff showing symptoms will be require to

stay away from school for 14 days or at least 3 days after symptoms subside, whichever is

longer (unless it is Covid-19, Coronavirus, where the isolation period is 14 days)

Where a case is confirmed in a parent/carer/member of their immediate household, the

infected person will be required to stay away from the school site for 7 days/for at least 3 days

after symptoms subside, whichever is the longer. If the student is not showing any symptoms

they will still be able to attend school if brought in by a well relative or friend, unless medical or

Public Health England advice to the contrary (unless it is Covid-19, Coronavirus, where the

isolation period is 14 days)

We will continue to keep our website updated with latest information

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St Albans Girls’ School


Action Plan

Infection Identified

The HT or DHT will contact HCC/Public Health England and request advice

for vulnerable groups, e.g. pregnant staff, children with medical needs etc.

ONLY the HT or DHT may decide the next step

School Remains Open School Closure

HT contacts COG

HT/DHT identify and amend letter from Appendix

HT PA co-ordinates sending letters home by parentcomms

Convene School Incident Management Team

HT Office

If during public exams, Exams Officer contacts JCQ. DHT and Exams

Officer liaise with JCQ for alternative arrangements.

Letter & email sent to parents and affected students with new


Improved hygiene

Actioned: Hand wash gel, tissues,

posters, parent and student guidance

Follow procedure of school closure

during the school day

When necessary, reassurance/

information assemblies

HT will send daily updates via email.

All staff must check school emails at

8.20am and every 2 hours during the

school day

If closure is more than 2 days, subject

teacher must email via google

classroom all classes with set tasks on a

day by day basis

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St Albans Girls’ School


Infectious Diseases Procedure

Action Coordinator Completed

Time Notes

Regular reminders of good hygiene to limit spread of disease – wash hands, use tissues, do not touch face, eyes, nose, mouth.


Key contact list: WhatsApp group for SLT

Exec HT, Trust Business Manager, HT/Principal POL

Start Incident Log – See School Emergency Plan MCN/KTS

Activation of School Emergency Plan: note date and time MCN

Compile list of affected students/staff: names, symptoms, location


Compile list of vulnerable students, staff and parents.

SLT Team to make contact with home and arrange collection

These students to be moved to the Leadership Centre



Liaise with Emergency Services and Local Authority Public Health Team POL/MCN

111 Use emergency

contract tree

Convene School Incident Management Team In Heads Office


Full staff meeting to be held in staff room MCN

Set up an Incident Control Room as a focal point for all information and decisions (off- site if required) MCN/POL

Alert as appropriate: > Chair of Governors

> Teaching Staff

> Support Staff

> Contractors

> Students


Follow School Health and Safety Policies and Procedures > Accident and Incident Forms


Consider media, PR and information sharing

HCC Media helpline – 01992 556802 MCN

Key Contact list: > Public Health England – 0300 3038537

> Herts Emergency Planning Officer – 01992 556285

> DfE Helpline – 0800 0468687 (Mon – Fri only)

> Herts Legal helpline – 01992 555229 (Mon – Fri only)


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St Albans Girls’ School


Action Coordinator Completed

Time Notes

Specifically related to Covid-19, Coronavirus, the following actions should be undertaken: What to do if a pupil/staff member/parent at the school who has BEEN IN CLOSE CONTACT with someone who has tested positive:

1. Call the Public Health England number 0300 303 8537 (option 1) to report the case and get confirmation that PHE know and are carrying out contact tracing.

2. Log it with HCC public health team on 01992 556285 or email [email protected]

3. Send an e-mail to [email protected] copied to [email protected] setting out the situation and adding your contact number. We will call you back.

4. If you receive any media enquiries from journalists refer them to 01992 556802 or email [email protected] (24 hour media line for Hertfordshire County Council)


What to do if a pupil/staff member/parent at the school has tested positive:

1. Call the Public Health England number 0300 303 8537 (option 1) to report the case and get confirmation that PHE know and are carrying out contact tracing. PHE will confirm if a close for a thorough clean is necessary (NB deep cleaning is not necessary in the way we would for norovirus)

2. Log it with HCC public health team on 01992 556285 or email [email protected]

3. Again, Send an e-mail to [email protected] copied to [email protected] setting out the situation, and adding your contact number. We will call you back.

4. If you receive any media enquiries from journalists refer them to 01992 556802 or email [email protected] (24 hour media line for Hertfordshire County Council)


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St Albans Girls’ School


Action Coordinator Completed

Time Notes

Establish helpline DAS/KTS

Use social media and school website to update public and Everbridge notification system


Regular cleaning of all key contact surfaces with disinfectant

ETR/ site team/ Birkin

Deep clean of school premises Birkin via POL Contract cleaners

Students working remotely – online Google classroom

DAS/ NTR/ SLT Google

hangouts meetings

Possible use of alternative site for public examinations


Home learning provision for students PKW

Business Continuity Considerations

Support from voluntary organisations, HCC etc.

Insurance/ Legal POL RPA

Exam Timetables KTS

Controlled assessments KTS

Cancel bookings/ events, as required.

Retain a record for ease of reinstatement POL/ETR

Maintain regular updates to staff, families, students


Payroll run remotely – key services run from alternative site

POL/ Finance Adeyfield or


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St Albans Girls’ School



Sample Letter 1

Dear parent/staff, I am writing to inform you that a pupil/staff member/parent who has been inside our school has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus. The individual is self-isolating following national advice and we believe therefore that the risk is no longer present in the school. The Public Health England tracing team are aware and will pro-actively contact you if you need to do anything different. I can confirm if you need to self-isolate you will receive full pay/child will be marked as absent with permission. I will require a written confirmation if this is the case. Please continue with all the NHS best practice guidance regarding hand hygiene and look on www.gov.uk/coronavirus for the most up to date information. Yours sincerely

Sample Letter 2

Dear parent/staff, I am writing to inform you that a pupil/staff member/parent who has been inside our school has tested positive for coronavirus. This means you and your children may have inadvertently been in contact with someone who has coronavirus. Following national advice I need to ask you to call 111 to get bespoke advice as you may be required to self-isolate. I can confirm if you need to self-isolate you will receive full pay/child will be marked as absent with permission. I will require a written confirmation if this is the case. Please continue with all the NHS best practice guidance regarding hand hygiene and look on www.gov.uk/coronavirus for the most up to date information. The School will close for thorough cleaning and will re-open on XX/XX/XX. We will put any further information or updates live on our website and communicate via our email/text system.

Yours sincerely

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Sample Letter 3

Sample letter if advice is that infected children stay at home, but if uninfected others may come in

to school despite infection of family members:

Dear Parents

As you may well have heard, DISEASE NAME has been spreading quickly through our area along with other parts of Hertfordshire. There have been several confirmed cases in local schools. The advice that we have had from the local Health Protection Team is that COMPLETE WITH ADVICE – e.g. the infection is not life threatening although may involve unpleasant symptoms. Following a risk assessment carried out by Public Health England, the local NHS primary care trust and local authority, the school has been advised that no other actions are necessary and the school will remain open as usual. DISEASE NAME is in the community and therefore, we have been advised that there is nothing to be gained from keeping healthy children away from school; they are as likely to catch DISEASE NAME outside of school as within. With so many cases being reported, it is quite possible that a majority of schools in our area will report cases within the next two weeks. All schools in our area are also being advised to behave as they would with any similar illness. Schools will remain open unless we cannot guarantee that there will be enough adults to ensure safe supervision of children. Parents are advised to manage common childhood symptoms e.g. treat fever with medication, ensure sufficient fluid intake etc. If the child is ill with DISEASE-NAME like symptoms they should be kept away from school to avoid infecting other children and staff. Siblings of children who have either been diagnosed with DISEASE NAME or who have DISEASE NAME-like symptoms should attend school as normal as long as they remain symptom-free. If parents are concerned that their child is unwell and is displaying some of the symptoms of the infection, they should call the non-emergency NHS contact number: 111or their GP practice for more information. For general information, please call the national DISEASE NAME information line CONTACT NUMBER. Information can also be found at www.nhs.uk and DISEASE-SPECIFIC WEBSITE. Thank you for your co-operation at this difficult time. Please contact the school office should you have further concerns. Yours sincerely

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Sample Letter 4

Sample letter in the case of a meningococcal disease outbreak

Dear Parents

I am writing to inform you that a STAGS student has recently been admitted to hospital with suspected meningococcal infection. The school has taken advice from Hertfordshire County Council and Public Health England and no further action is necessary at the present time. There is no reason to make any changes in the school’s routine and no reason for children to be kept at home.

Meningococcal bacteria are carried in the back of the throat of about one in ten people at any one time, but only very rarely cause illness. Most people who carry the bacteria become immune to them. The bacteria do not spread easily and those who have had prolonged, close contact with the person with meningitis/septicaemia are at a slightly greater risk of getting ill. These people have been identified and given antibiotics to stop the bacteria spreading.

Although the risk of another case in the school is very small, it is sensible to be aware of the signs and symptoms: fever, vomiting, bruising rash, severe headache, rapid breathing, stiff neck, dislike of bright light, cold hands and feet, joint/muscle pain.

Not all of these signs and symptoms may show at once, but someone with this illness may become very ill. The illness may progress over one or two days but it can develop very rapidly, sometimes in a matter of hours.

Diagnosis in the early stages can sometimes be difficult. The early signs can be similar to bad ‘flu symptoms but be watchful and use your judgement. If someone becomes ill with some of these signs or symptoms, contact the doctor urgently and ask for advice.

If you have individual worries about this case, you can speak to a member of the Health Protection Team on 0300 303 8537 during normal working hours. Further information is available 24 hours a day from The Meningitis Research Foundation www.meningitis.org 0808 800 3344 CHECK NUMBER, The National Meningitis Trust www.meningitis-trust.org 0845 6000 800 CHECK NUMBER and the non emergency NHS contact number: 111.

I will keep you informed should the situation change.

Yours sincerely

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Sample Letter 5

Sample letter in the event of the school closing

Dear Parents

Public Health England has informed the school that some of our students have been diagnosed with INSERT DISEASE NAME.

The student is / students are receiving the appropriate medical care. Close contacts of the student(s) are receiving antimicrobial drugs as a precaution – delete if inappropriate.

Following a risk assessment carried out by Public Health England, the local NHS primary care trust and local authority, as a precaution the school has been advised to close temporarily with immediate effect for a period of INSERT NUMBER days. We plan to reopen on ____________.

The school is working closely with the Public Health England, NHS colleagues and local authorities to monitor the situation.

If you or your child develops symptoms of DISEASE-NAME-like illness the advice of the Health Protection Agency is to stay at home and contact your GP or the non-emergency NHS line: 111. Each case will be assessed and, if necessary, testing and treatment will be provided.

Good basic hygiene can help to reduce transmission of most infections, including DISEASE NAME.

This includes:

Covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, using a tissue when possible.

Disposing of dirty tissues promptly and carefully.

Washing your hands frequently with soap and water to reduce the spread of the virus from your hands to your face or to other people.

Cleaning hard surfaces (such as door handles) frequently using a normal cleaning product.

Making sure your children follow this advice.

For more information on DISEASE NAME call the national information line on INSERT NUMBER.

Alternatively, visit the Public Health England website: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/publichealth-england check this. Your child will be able to continue with school work online via Google classroom.

Yours sincerely

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St Albans Girls’ School


Sample Letter 6 Sample Letter for cancellation of school trip due to infectious disease Dear Parents, Re: Madrid visit 7th March – 10th March Following our parents’ information evening last week, I advised that I would keep you appraised of the situation in relation to Covid 19, Coronavirus. With news coverage increasing and cases evidently spreading within the UK, Europe and beyond, we are still awaiting any decision and change to the guidance about travel from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Public Health England and the travel company, Voyager. It really saddens me, therefore to be writing this to you, but I firmly believe in looking after your children, as I would my own and given the uncertainty everywhere related to the spread of the virus and the constantly changing information, I feel that it is necessary to cancel the trip to mitigate any increased risk. We are aware that several museums, galleries and public locations have been closed across Europe, and so additionally, we do not know with any certainty, what locations will be open, not least as this is changing almost hour by hour. It is evident that with travel by public transport and exposure to elements outside of our control there is an increased risk of the virus spreading to our group. Additionally, the potential of isolation away from family, again is out of our control. With all of these factors taken into account, the safety of students and staff has to be at the forefront of any decision making. This is not a decision that has been easily made and I know that your daughter will be disappointed, however, I do feel that this is the right decision in the current climate and I am extremely sorry that this decision has had to be made. We are working with Voyager to offer an alternative date, but we do not know how long the situation with the virus spread will continue and latest advice from the Public Health England is that the volume of cases has not yet peaked within the UK or Europe. We will be making an insurance claim through the RPA (Risk Protection Agency) and will appraise you when we have received any updates on this situation. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly on [email protected] should you have any queries. I can only reiterate my great disappointment with this situation but I would never wish to put any young person at unnecessary risk. With all good wishes and appreciation of your support. Yours sincerely, Margaret Chapman Head Teacher

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World Health Organisation Threat Levels

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Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel