Infections Dr. Ashit V Hegde (MD, MRCP) Consultant Physician, P.D. Hinduja Hospital & MRC

Infections by Dr Ashit Hegde

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Infection is a process in which bacteria, viruses, fungi or other organisms enter the body, attach to cells, multiply and cause tissue damage.

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  • Infections

    Dr. Ashit V Hegde (MD, MRCP)

    Consultant Physician,

    P.D. Hinduja Hospital & MRC

  • What is an Infection

    Infection is a process in which bacteria, viruses, fungi or other organisms enter the body, attach to cells, multiply and cause tissue damage.

    To cause an infection these organisms need to overcome the bodys natural defenses

    Infections could be: Community acquired or Hospital Acquired

  • Some Common Infections in our country

    Respiratory Infections







    HIV , Hepatitis

  • When to consider admission

    Blood Pressure has decreased


    Altered Mental state

    Immunocompromised Patient

    Co Morbidities (Heart , Lung , Liver etc )

    Recent Admission to Hospital


  • Respiratory Infections

    Most Infections viral

    Most cases do not need antibiotics

    (Just Rest , Fluids , Paracetamol)


  • Swine Flu (H1N1) Infection

    In Most patients , like another flu

    Most patients can be managed at home

    Certain High risk groups

    Tamiflu not mandatory


    Contain Your Cough Cough or sneeze into the crook (inside elbow) of your arm. This way you do not transfer the germs to your hands and then to every object you touch.

    Wash Hands Frequently

    Avoid shaking hands or other hand to hand contact whenever possible.

  • Dengue

    Dengue virus is transmitted via the bite of Aedes mosquitoes

    There are four types of dengue virus (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4).

    Elicit only transient partial cross-

  • Barking up the wrong tree

  • Dengue fever

    Fever , severe body ache , retroorbital pain (pain behind eyes)

    Low WBC count and platelet count

    Focus on capillary leak ( Rising Hemoglobin) NOT PLATELET count

    Platelet transfusions usually not indicated

    (But patients may need to stop blood thinners and BP medications temporarily )

  • Warning signs in Dengue

    Abdominal pain or tenderness

    Persistent vomiting

    Mucosal bleed

    Lethargy, restlessness

    Laboratory: increase in HCT

  • Dengue precautions

    Remove all stagnant water and containers Keep all drains well maintained and repair all chokes Cover all water containers properly Change flower vase water once a week Wrap all unused plastic tyres Use mosquito repellents to avoid mosquito bite Use mosquito screen to prevent mosquito attack Wear long sleeve and fully covered clothes Use mosquitoes net around bed while sleeping

    Bite just after sunrise and just before sunset

  • Classically, CHIKV infections are characterized by high fever, nausea, rash, and severe joint pain

    Chikungunya fever can be difficult to differentiate from dengue fever.

    The origin of the name chikungunya, derives from the East African Makonde language and means that which bends up.

  • Malaria

    May come with respiratory symptoms

    Chills , Rigors etc not diagnostic

    May Mimic Dengue

    Peripheral smear and RDT (rapid Diagnostic Test) useful in diagnosis

    May need to repeat Tests

    Vivax malaria may relapse unless the patient is given drug to prevent relapse (primaquin)

    Precautions against Mosquito bites only preventive measure

  • Typhoid Fever

    Widal useless in first week ( and probably later too )

    Blood Cultures Needed to Diagnose

    Preceeding diarrhoeal illness ,Zero Eosinophil count , cough , profuse sweating suggestive

    Oral treatment :

    High dose cefixime ( 400mg thrice) or Azithromycin 500 mg twice

  • Gastroenteritis

    Usually self limited

    No need for antibiotics in most cases (except if high fever , blood in stools)

    Stop BP medications temporarily

    Plenty of oral liquids ( avoid milk)

    Probiotics may help

  • Tuberculosis

    Hardly any role for empiric treatment nowadays

    Culture and DST (drug sensitivity testing) very desirable

    Antibody tests and Mantoux useless

    Only sputum positive TB is contagious

    Very very important to strictly adhere to therapy

  • HIV and Hepatitis B & C

    Acquired sexually , during delivery or through transfusions

    Hepatitis B may be acquired through ear piercing tattooing etc.

    Better to undergo vaccination against Hepatitis B

  • Is Fever Harmful

    Only in elderly

    Or if Co Morbidities