WfW »»''.»i'^ M^Mtam^iaawnp***-vi.rv«•«»• »ii•.»«.. fr«" IKMH »'• * < Jk > V !.*i.^^w-. TII I MP|^»I'.JII,IW« <%P"li'fH»J«^^-»^, ^, ,„.„.. y '•M******* >.:i^*» ittf;ijn*,j*j ,. Tw®Ewsm®wom<mw(fflmwmsm&mmmi&[email protected]! '•»*»'. krir*o-i>v r.r; > *«• ;•* r (ANKERS, i'4i»'. V^AiLL, STREET, „..,/. H^VORJC, ;,'„ .... ,,.,-,. .. . | , ' > V ...... . ...... < ' ' «red to d^nr Swrfing JKfl* of. Ex* >n Bjswk of London* 6 *urt ^ r t r t i x r i ; and alio Co Utue Lettm of Credit, on this Bank, for I* USC. J twuEKT SaonuTuu, STOCKS and >ught and sold on Com mitt ion. f 'TO* Sreukrrtn, xttartio ABHOAD. t ajowed oa Deposits, subject to it light. , .... „., : attention gJvch to the Collection of f,-Draft*, ice. FIMCE Aff D MADEfl p f f l J t o W f f i t w> (') t ?.k.i i j^iKr ii j | rLi; i B*.«i8€ige TAYLOR & fovernment Low Agonls, SO. 6 WALL ST&EET, ' ' BUT ANt'SKI.L [^Securities and Specie ST HATrk AT TtlR COU.XTKS. 5*trt, tTK^wnCI on eUT»ip'>tlr.i,ii>>)*et to Cheek T BTOOXH, tlftWW\ and MVwr »MnrHI»» I >o)d at broken' ftoota, at t»* oartal Coronal* VRENCE, BALDWIN ifc CO., *ora and Brokors, 10 WALL KT t> N, *, ^JJUitfjtfTTfr Atr, ftsok or KWNT UtDKiiiw. iBtoefll IVtrxlt, Oilif, *«.. promptly ttwttAd 0(II,/H Rtcx-.x. Prtroiaom and Mln'og f*>a»da ?<Krtr. by Membori of the- firm. r O.I.AV;IIKKCK. (.TRtiH /. iwf.nnia* : BAUrflff. Jr . Wll. A. IIAUITKD. [JSisow 'ifc w iiJus, STOCK PROKHR8, lit* 5W Wait Strttt, DrTfjAfrB 0 . a. TT^AJIOin'. Tnom»o». A«r>iur.w J. w a u . O0BAN NATIONAL BANK. BF.W, Toas. ioov^.M, ia*y-Tli*> H4»H o' Wf*rt- i«n« ux, »»»*bu »iv« (4tH l»»t. 4«»y*fVoOH f«» C*IO*r., t w i ' n l r t w i U H r t SiTJo-fchi*-*. -». ft.OHIWillH*. t«4 B*o»»urr. »i>iYii>w¥S^fiii TKVHTKHS OK i t c » « T . H> cm U * «*wii*i tto«k of tk« w u . '•?iW?| j vJfn,tr R. K-«*n;<r,(»«w»«Fr. rORLONGBBAWCH lUrttett and Ddawarff Ba^Bailmd'iSftai ; Pier 3 N. R., dai^-Sn^jjs.ex^ptta, at 10>i6 A. Mw aaa.^15 P. M.'•••'"., viiuMMU<AN«norxui AT JUOKA BUAVOU ATW»TM). L»llU>Tl KAWSIOX HOU81 Krt»"l'«in*1', f«ITK0 9TAT«aHOtJrU i CIAMMW*. rATaioKi h«M(»iD, OttMirt BATH, HATIONAt, ltOWUAMDc». i » to»oxM9 n*u, ooxor*K-» us.Tni. , \ \tf]»* J •. •. I LOOK Bnmch and 8e« Bhoro Railroad Co. TTow Lino to Long Branoi, H10BLMD&, PLBA&URKJ1T UTUJTiCTttlg. C,fc^E7t^ 0N AN1> AFTBtt MOXDiY, iiHBm<lHl>*» J»l/ ll.t»< MW M4 IM« » t * » a w .SKVA>C hUKvtlllMTa U>. pl«f [nnto( BAUCLAT ST, W.T.Io f'.ni>*w« -with | h * H » » ll.ll' o»J HB« to U>9 »^»TT p»« , » »* W-.19iX.MM) i l l r. K ,.n4 lMf« toac llnn«h M litl A . K . I K I Ir. M., m»kl»< th« itip rrom .•*•» Torn to U>»K Br \nr* tn 1 . n I \ hnari. JrWM Daily Kxcumions Ddwn the JBay, _jr^i; VMsumtfUh auMJUSB KX-' ••HWW. pxii'im t»ru» terodta ttoaaxr JK**I HOTT.(«wl» (»wuUr»»'<>»^V»<«).tri>«i P»« » N . H . M 1*^« A. « ,«i*»«ln» » i»lnn.u<1 Mil uraoj(ti tea Kuravt wU I o*« mr. |(«I JMU U r»nU» ••<! UiunlHoa, Ao . U It>ltT WON WOflTII, uut r*t&r*lM •*> tlair Tor« M M« r.M r«i«fc»rth«K>«ujin» Ma.t ibBiim mUatPir**tt »( M«. t>«0l f « t i . >«] tf .••i ..... i ••* i i »i ••••••ggggg i • i JNBTRUC-HOK •AIM A * m ** W*©CBL WX0HL4JKCJK. . rntfy BOABO~AWOV»T> - ,-• •, ;•, j- JWWOtf' , EC^OO B*W tM .... »»* 169 •'•• d«,.../,.»10 Bawl^c ao- .... 1 10,00 U. 8? t*, f(M0 ip^MO.. ST M K»W.,.' M ; iWMTWO *> ..... ;7.J.r »w r<T««.^...»9oi»or do •'JWW mo do..,M<»n II>«S «» : •*> inoio* i j o o N.T.O,'o»*iqf. ss r\tt>0 K. 1JDO0 M. ,.«.«, «-. 1.00 O.B.*4 ad. 1X00 0. A At, 1 JO. 1.100 «o7.,;... <X» *l.Aptj>. 1 rt 9rt ted »TB.*N.i.n..''M. fr*eort»Jr;|*jrkblo , Tho Oocta KittonU B»nk Vrill p«y,lOih lniluiW didji 3W0 ICO 100 .bio . Kx. iUnk.. IIS I 100" do .... :.. irth N»t. »k u IM \*» - ^.*".u- . A Hod. O*") 1M I 40 d.A N. W. B.. «H8? do ..... ; .... iw; do...McAni8ik iao3 o»){ w^; 60>J W 8* EOCKUMD KK.MA1.K XN>TlTOTK, ICTACK OX THK.IlOOaOX, K. T. a »»KriUNOU'AI^OlrTHI8 8BMlWAKY llMlr* to tnmounnt IK f*op«aUur M U>« 1'»» Of IM> r K « ^ *" Ikvit* ih« Mlroiuw* of UoM whd dmlr», •cor* l«r tkoir d u i h U i i UiorotKb m«nt»l tr»l«r»t «o.t »n «t»«>ni R.iltari. IhoM who in »oi}a»tnt*J «IU l u luc«tu»i on U4 trink« of Ik j Had*oa coofiw U*t K )>•• no ilril In tK«'iir »ml hfl«lthraino«l, &nd tha rnnfiW ptUcooadmU/ffolm vo ti>« truiue/»«T»n j<»r«'Uv>r »• U« r»poo>IM< toadaolort of tliU ichoot la prOJf of U)» n»o»r«l «iwiUn»i of Ib'ir tneihr>4» 01 InJVroetloo •ni) dlaclp'lft*.. Xnr circuUrt, mllh toll txnxalort. tidnt* uw ui~/.*i u i). A u. r. MAxayu^D. rrtooip*u. »C1IOOX. OK M1MK4, OOI.UMUJA COLUtUI K*M l»tk CM.. N«w T»IB. x i',nAi;t*Aun,R. •XJI.VJ.TOX. it ,fe, x»oo«.tr» 1. r. P.,li..D..Pr*rtd«nt, M . MlatroloCT ul M«U T IUJl.yt.TO> 1 , it, fc, M, Mla«r»lo«T »ad ««i^tnrrr. tHA.scI-L. ViNtlW.K. M„ >U;m< Ka<ta«eri3K. U. f. (UANULKU, 1%. 1). AJMbti«Al ud Ap,ll*l CIIAULUM A. j t r r . f t . ir7u«b«t«a ch*t«i*trr* KlUMKO r»A<:fc.LI.. t>.,Mlaln* »ariorli>it. ^A*^iSsaar»Bsa «tlc«. P0». i['0t>l»' V. ltO< t>. A. vt,. _. tun pUn of IM« •ooool «tnbr*«««>tktM mn ««'•« (or lo»<tr«r«->o( /.n«lo**f of itlftM 01 JbAciiatoT o( f»- ror Umudoo,«uwll4>U4 Urr tlofrfto mtttt pn» »o tuuiktil'M >o frl|bot*«to. oUobro, ootnslr* wv4 »l»ro trljtonoo»«li/. Fo*oooo tot outdldoUt lot d««»r**« »f« • <lmitl*-l orllooit «r»min»tloni osd mor ponrB' tor or •ii of n« »oi»<«i« u««tu, Tko*«<«'MMloatK«rM HOT. IV i-n% tM a(onna«Uon lor odstMoloa « l 0 bo h«ld »o HOT it osi U. ror iivuior t*A>nnttioa t>ad lor eolv ioio«. •»{' , ^»» f CHAKOlJtB, D«oB 01 ib« ToOOtlJ.' ko,lrl-ll AN. do J.. do, blO MV do., tde*U UH M0" do 85 M U .S ,..y- MI' sou - 100 00" . 'do * I3f>.»2 »rjr/cUor.Ap»U#.'R.. g wnti" 1 •'• do i.rtO ^ spa : do..,..j„. * Vk.o«kmmmi« if» tti«0 .. do .". »• *r.-,, ..... :loS^*»' •' *»...»de»ll 60 Am. Kx. ilonk.. M Kcrorth <00 do...* 4tK BOO ••' *>..„ .... 200 do..v,..r«) 41 « » do...Mo»U tOty CO do ...... ,v 40* 10* OhUUHtlR:..»; 108<- S«0 ta..M«ill 41 100 do.. o-JO 10J ICO N. Y.t*n. It .... MX iUO do.. 1 1C6.Y fW do ..... f>W 4«» do, »I0108K 100 do.>1 coll. DIX, 109 <1< 16J? SCO KnoKoUwor... W J 800' d o . . . » d coB 108>< 109 do .......... f»^ »X) ¥.*T.D«a-bJ0i.. WJf'. 100 do mo wx 1 soa ..*>..»-...». •*• *,) do B8V. 1 0 0 r , m . AObl«,B,in. 100 * ao mC m •• 4o ,•*) «6.<< eo> do fcw " - /U •••.-*< I t * •tdogcncyJ* roo»«y whloh pioTUIod ye*-' tcrdtr U oomowjiot r«lAxrxl by the corrocUon qf ctrtolo mtrapptthotuloiio ka to Mr, lieCttlloc.U'B OrtAticUl policy, to wblcb we re/ezred yostonUy. An rjp!»T.»tlou will belouml la kndther column ot Uie teraporuy t«9«p»» for »<4eomal*llri({ » Iwger t>oJo?>oo tbAn u»uoJ La tbo ttub-Trornory it Ibo prciKttt tlrao. ; • •< " OoW mbre ootlre. Tljo opening price WM lMK»nd'Uie blghwt 146X. , Atttio elooelio^, «M bid. The k>»n nvukct to leas acUro, bat no new buolftMit 1* reporteU below 7 per cent. The cur- rency U lncroaalntr;, and the amount of .capital aeeklng laTCkUaent U rooeliW* dali/ kccuuaula- Uon», notwntxaUnain»; the dumana /or the ytttU The demand lor call loan^ Irom the brokeja to- day U not no preaslnfc M jeatorday. 3Tor mero»n- tlle paper Ihe'j>tca are blfcber.ffQOJ*; beibi* tbb prerrolltoa^ra^eawith )\tUo oirerlBjr. ; - V'I'- TboVtock roMoiet open*\l with^a better fdeilnjt. J Oo»enMi>«ntA»jr« doll, bat there uleea pre*,nxo to ocJl. BoTen-tbJrlW of the,ur»t' serift* are truoted at WXfafiie^, * na tt ? second nerlee at WJ<(<40U. Hillroad abaita are more flrtn. Krle and Michi- gan Bonlbcrn being eap*olally In demand. ' t Before the board New Tor* Central w»a truoted at M, Kit« at. 87^,IUadln< at 10»>V, Michigan Booth em at tHJ,. Cleroland and PUU^nrg »t09><, Northweatcrt JPrererred 60J<:; Tbe ioUovring quotation* were inade at the board, M oonipared with yeeterday: J * Ko. : l»ftrooilwa7'^• , ^ , 0cJdtKmdiond»tock»»f aJa dtMcrir^UoAa boacbt aai ! f ~ ~~ FiRst^amoM ^M^^^^^L p^^a^foU^f the J h - ^ t e r O ^ , " rLOtOuiooWlW ffiriatlorwe t ralriy acUvo, aod wider light ai moo InjtoM. nriceu or the Tow era janco Injtold. nne^a or The Tow grade* aioP tolfTb>ii& better. fa»SJrfWahd.%re held with 6iinn , eo*'' i ' > '•» ; Tbo aakat an 0JBJ0 Mot'M to OOax SO mr ancerddt itato; MOMtaeOlbf exttnaute; $• Ti®7 JOfortnney ; Catadlaii. BporUOaiOd better andln jjSodsratq de- mand., Bales ot UMbbt* »» »07t^iM;fot, the low frodea ot extra, and ft 10^9 « lor trade and ttmlly^x- Baa. ! fkmib«m: flour-itiScietter. on tho lOWjjrrAdaicbnt IneeoantryfiaJUtnbre,'Ac., and$S l ^ f H T Corn meal la steady. Small pak4 at {0 75 for Brandy Wins.- - , ». . .1- . . . . . . . . ,, OBATNMThe wheat •nuHcet la-lemj freely ailppltcd and wiUi aooe adrairoa tn exchange and gold, pm are three to flte ccnta better, with a lair domaDd for i and mill IOB ; and but tor the adTftnocTinfteightk ttw a tinea* would hate been tarj^*r\ - > •>' t> ' at #1 SI for loft ^ - , , T-„lfl5,for;0blcako for Milwaukee ClnB, irfcOJirij for rod wc»i '"'for amber do. " T ' •''> i< ' lntctito and price* nnaetUed. We notic aateple or now crop* Cniuuta W«*t Offered < b John Ilobh*, K»q., ^nalltT-reiTgooa. •a are $*JHX> I it' U ktorb, 1, <in alct i Barley malt u ciulcf *V$L0!X8>"1 '67. 'i'.i\ (>at* are nnMleiblo andnraTy atrflo. for weetem.' OtVUX'OV tub OtTX KIUK I.V- toaiiiea rotifix r, No. M WAtt *»»««T, J(»» IOHTX •lou'rn itr, iW».—DlT|l»»!*P -Tin »V>«M kort h%Th ••>• <lor a*«W*l o iliTl4*od of VOUK t.s l-KH ft|(AU*,lr»o fr<-p« r o T U t M H »•», !>»(• b» HoeknUflcT" on •»<• otter «»>« lib lnit»n», trtr bootct"*!'! boclo*^'' ontll Ibot ruto. "Dr^JtjKtVO.-WAaHfJTOTOW IW- OOOAKO* CoxrA»r, So. lf» JsooAr-wir, >"a>r or «M, i*fl-A pMdtod ot roun ?<K (in t, •MkMHl, *-f»^«: V5r.ll«il-. *K,«t.„. PUOflKM-M>|l 1, J.OOoOK'H DOHOOIj Jft'H riJfUWEBK^ AMD0HKM- M iwrt. 141 furra Ataava, coaaaa-or »to Orator, NiwTu««(-i'««»i>J appiwd atAUtfoituea, t'lnl ti'til- n«4r|ii(.Atcl|ilMl«jro[KD(in««rla(, Meotianleal Kar'nMr- lt>(, timing knitln**r|a<,i(«sorot«t.d oaolrUeol. tftohnl- c«I »nrt »«rlool'.'ir«l (mainltlrr, Ocoloorr tni ltolallaiicr. All morlarn UD«a«/<o» l*u*ht tad too tea, A pt«p»r»- uirr olox «.itiM«i*l tilth the tutUtdlton. Tho Com rnooooBxat UIM ploo* too Arot ofoador is itjUm^r, ror elrooUrt orja nirlh<)r tatoratAUoa direct Rax JJ, Mttlon II, lork Mfo.'? Natf ^ »t—M [pit * Abtptl KlKM IKAUitAJfOH OPM- Tuoiytostio. " t*KI »«• !Ai«u«t r«« | **** JA»- N. RtaXIVr, SAorttorr, rA«ruHP. W ^f*^ r 1 aa»».-m»i OlY 1 »•%•!L r lP' r Dl.' r ' « » t . , p»j«Si-« ut Of OeT»rptr»» * 1 ,0«rh6i» OK TUB lt>A a oooti MiUtrl o< nr.ioourR aw To«. i*ir t i>1rt*toftb«T» *»/(<» <*o»rV«j«r. vaw Tort, /oir NO.— Tbo Ko«»<l Ot O (») parobM «o> o n t WUC lh« U*« irrloi«»i»;ef « r X (*2 l*W C»T»T .r», oATf)'* on oan tfW fa* lav Ati»« tUoaM t a ^ ^ SAWOTrlir>< .^^ ^ BiuiXAJWATT' i r/tfi) aA» o K oo M- rA3»Tj>»» BOOAOWAT, Jolf Mlb, WW^-OtVl- ^^'fr^WA^V'lWMorr. r-rrr >1V •i.t.il t-l- -6»»ioa oir K»- Co.—J«aw Toraat.JatT », taMM aorta UU dor daelortd o KirCjOn »»> eopitof iMw*. potv •4taertp*rJlT»1»nd ofTHIKTT. r n t * rtlt OWft., *» >•> »»r»*l a •nttlaa l»J Ut h>»t.. e»rtt«. ra«« of tho (onir.»n»,ror lb* , poytbft la o»tb qn lk« U4 KXOKLHIOli »rKK HUM. HAfXa.ULAY'rJ IJ'ItP.NOn AttU KNOMSH BOARDINO L Mitt f>»r School for TOUrHt.UAOtSfl. 993 Mtflmi AT*a«*\ evmer 44rth Wreoc, Tvlil iropan on W»l)r»fc»OAT, »»ptemotr3Wrj, ',, Mit. M. vill b« In luwpiroir>(4pbuab«r<tlj. Dtiin Ibtl tUu4 tddreot t>» lottor M toov*. ly.ttooli I AOTO; /I i MAUXMOIMXI.I.K Jr« JAHOJf TjHSA'KWyULl**' INlfOHM XHH1K ( V liMtd* ottl tbe oaolie tbtt tboir XnAUoh and Krtaoh HKtTKMIiKU roth. Ail Icttnrt O'tOmtodtoWttrtoiircy 1-ork wltt r»o»l»» »fompt ttUolWh, Jyl lat ' ' "ui. UKOiOl*C. AUTHOJTkt' '...,.,, . l^lAABaiUAl4 yillAWOH ANW KKOXiIim V wtA'iyt. Astiidf H!«Aii|tTy,il3U4 areas*.eorne; ' WU rtrwrt.opon* IU»*«wt>«rn BHT. . U. 8. oa.oouponr'81...... U. ».».*) ecMtpooa.. '.. U. 8. &.»> ooapona, now... U. H. 10.40 eonpooa '.. U.H. 0eniacAi«i..v Tan-tee*** <*w..i Mloroart «* ..... •,.', Atltntie Mall ...;.. ,, N»w t o r * Central Krt#» !«*>• 4t «••«»•«*«..»•*• Kne Witfol-i -•• Hoooon IttTer.iat.,'. Itnullrw..,, . ....... Mick town Oerttrol ttich'iron ttontnrtn llUsouOentral.. .,,., PitttWf..., Korth we* t»rh ........ ;... ,t :.'otlh»»oiie<rH rreferrod/.. Itock laland Kort Warnr, ..., rrntrle-ua-Chlen Wed: ..105V ..10W. •M .i ID .. 70 ,.»n>f , u* .'.101 .. WW ,mx ,wx . S6« . 60>, .11* ^ M , COTTON AT CAIRO. , , OAino,• AflguBt;a.'—^wetVo.hujiclrod bjjoj 0 f ottoupa«^d hetoto-doy, mostly fo^Cincinnati. BAILING Oir., IHE A81A^ j?6& BOSTON. . - I^U-M. ,,.., .«,«« » .=, », *>. ov,. nAi.i»AX,Aufiu»ta.i-Tho atektakhip A»la ealled i Jil 75 for prime, and |T? 60 ftr or.Boaton at Xt.SO laat night,.whore ahe willar- nnand^r^f^lrnrtaoanklllte,.' ^ ^ ^ . I W . ^ ^ t . M P m n Rye It firmly held, with hflil tnpply. Bale* Of wett era atUrTo. .. ' " Com opened stronger, bat with some advance i i frelsbta elo*cd tamo. 'The sale* ate 60,000 btuheta at - *onadatmtjteVHot western mbcod atSU^llot.welter i white at $l 08. small lota;' -••" <n- i< :.< .,.,..,,;, I rnoviSlONB—The pMK'mArkethaa been rather li- teflulor, bat close* higher »nd rery firm at tbo Improri - toont. For fnturo drurery we bear ot saloa of l,(HO bbl > tollerflrrthalf Aogwt at |»1 ;• and W) do' buyer all Ac • (nttkt$&t CO. •' ;V* ' :•••'•: ; The mJcs, caah and rrsroUr. are 10,003bblsat (31W, i ps W) for neW'taosi; - - Wetterni nrimo mesa. -:,->. i : Beef ia in ijood demand, pertlcolarlr prima rrtulllte , and pties* are Drmrr. Bales of 1*00 bbls at %«X\% K r' plain men; ill® 14 o() for axtra do. Tleroe bref & qui. t andateady; ':.: '' lIT.l.t'$".\ '"•' ' Beerittinii are loactlre—the aepply-1» artnalh *Ot t rncata are firm knd w»nUs3,b«t- too email supply i - ttrictr) oueratlops, Bacon It soogUl after, but tbo ma - k0t Is poVfly supplied.' i *•«" -~n I 1 jtrd Is scarce, and in tbo aooenoo of sale* of tmpo; t- ance prtoo* axe nominally the mmc, Osjeo Pf jtOO bl it and tea af >li.(a»li,oforl*Jr;to choice,ite»i»; t\'A t> 81,Vc for kettlo rendered. i ABIUKB—Tbe jnarket Is flrtn, with a fair dornand, st *7 5M»7 fiiK lor pota and MJW for pearls?; ' '., , CANDLKB-Ah) In good deruand and flrih ; thoaxp- ply it. tmhu We tiuoto at 'i43>'Mc for adainaniloio, X (t, 40c for sprrni, and 4M150C for patent. 1 .(WKJlOl^ltiohMbt^n.Yiiry'dull.tmtprteeiare.wl b- out essential ehantre; other kinds are steady and fai ly acUie. Bales of 100 bags. Ht Domingo, In bond, fortx- port, on pilrate lerms.'- ,iu nTut STOCK OK lURTJuACUOar t, 18l«5 88.010 bag*Jar*. WW btjji mmmam^m V Xi \*\ 'sv.W',!i %'\ M«>fcwwVi« M ,v/it-,4ri v --n KU ,-..iv»»VUJB0M"<l<MBIIO(r*'*•>«••«:»»,4»w, > i ^ l , V , 4 J V ' ( i Itlll -)i«l..*l 80 fiiiin *<•'<* Jj'ollt/J . .•.-'-•:; -r I QATjMy.Aognat .a^-Th» ateamtr BoUi*^trrtogn Ne*r^Pr>6!aWrWksT.U>J*oWAi»J»ln»^ J. ^,a*t i> i MuimillulsT4rjrA«At<jdo4tfs^sna^^ j. General Me}m rimif fdrtilfiaeri Ml Tei.onj loaTln^ Atimoro. wltho v ttJ,.«i ; a3W«W Wfto£~. loJtp' H ora B.rowjpiTlllA. >>-i» .•'••?'-•.-a*! ;«.'<•) . Corlinkg haa been pnnl8blngr6bbei'bkhdo,'tnd Proclaimed all ; cM5miBnlc»tion wBd^nArnercfl^ijJ Iween MaUmoroa and t j t o w . p o A jfjIoaxirJL'^.'."'. r '.j' THE F^^jrf^lW"i§|ri8lANA.',. ,.',', CATXO, Angoat 8.--New Orleens papere tre Jtut 8uWwUn«^\r5oi^»jj^^ 1 ITO lreedmen maintained hy gOTernment In Loa: ] ilana. No nttloa* are Issued etcopt to the Blok ^flh^pie*s. •••••-•••:• :"V'.;w'w.':.'' ; ''. ; " Wttojni sugar_ w a ^ o l t t * « . > l Jfow; Orieofl'a afo i Lnchanged ...... * .»./-•'!. ATOAisorr, BAn«»a, August 2.—A flie Hit night i Irstroyed the groeery store ol J; Holt, the "home iit"IT. Bock, Uio^^uoe^w^storooi O.Coble,and i eferal arn^\aWre*, and'aorlo^uily datnagod the : iew block being., eteoted by DUobuck & IAer. The loss on thte goods Is 1 between',! wenty nnil' thtr- ytHortaina'dollars." The'losson tho bulldinKS Is :iot'sic'crtkiried7: " ; ''" 1 "'•"! ",,'.'.". L' a»io Baotoe .... Uabta...'.. Jjijiuajftt. llarncolbo CojK>n .... 8,000 I-'.-..'5,073. " MM " ..,. Mia " '1,600 Jamaica ; ....... .ao0 8aTanlila.'..V,.. I'ortolilco Costa Jttca., Jara.'.'.i i,B5l , DO - ) /B\000ni*u Knxlloh and rraash. rtoonlli Wtat #«h MiMl, wilt bo opoa Writj.' ^itxiAMSrV Coy ochool, NO. »» tad Upt, »tk," taltov-7 m otnfiqn OF KX lnto»>oo« Co, BfOApwAT, Saw To« ^«^*4TOoVZ , ff.tI?irT r ; 1- IVMretory, ; M t U>.paia»U on 4*-*^, Mc0 , „ „ w# UlVlDKflD.—"0L1NTON -"IUK IKS f O.," »•»• l»* BaOAPWAT—A *">( aontjAl •4 of flvkl. (»1 ! • » « Ot.NT. b»« b«ao .teolorwt r toy), «ks tbU> t>o rJamAnd Tork.Jair *. iJ*» JA». », AMk-l, Jr., rVMrttary. pwTrl^K f,AT101»AX> WANK OK T H K * HwiJnLKJ. How Totic. Ao«o»t I, IfW.—Tha ot l>lr»ttor« htra tbl»o«T 4acl«rv\ » rlltl.lwulol 1AI-. \l$ loiuet,' l/iW.KuHD. j^'jlANK Or.THR i. (joxpAKT.iatiw OtittvH, p* , tii (TJ^ftrir Co*r\to«. MANKATT AN , _, stew voox, Jt»t» it, wa.—Tns fr* OTtrninvnt lot, o n I o< U>« »r> n tl. 0 ' J*} »*f» jtbt* o n i n o tUnt W»4n**r»y. thrt 10th J.S. UAKftKROKK, C**M*r. r T«K t.KATJimt MANITKAO- TTTafcoo* >»»TI«>I«AI. fUo-x, Voir TOOK, Jol/ Vt, Aanmnv>u>«*iOlVii>»»£>o'»iVrtiJ) rstitCrran . tl tar. k«* this 'lay b*«n rl*el*r»4, o«r- »l4*rtO«tAd arttr tUMOAl.thaUt ok* willUraalo 9lo»»t nn«l that (lot*. >r4w ef ta» Aooid. *. r. fALKutt, Coahlar. m.. .1 .v .--• - HAera* li t**»,-rhe (weeoo* of ika iTMaiilH i*w(or.la-iAl« Hin t » * d OorrlpoOT, rt»» lit AoxaM, » paid <\ md crfnoe. ,._„' ___„ to. ., 0*0,r. riTOIt, rVaorotorr. riJ.u.'- OKOTOIC OK TllM MOltlClB OANAL tOtii ot rlV» PlUt OKri r. «o»« •tferred ttock.ood a •»Tt<***>4. o( n iMaeit, M tk« oMoe ot the Oonkeonr, at Jart or to itbOKhoWeri r«aW»nt at or a**r f^lladalph " r,kt will bt 0i»a*4 from ths rut laat, an * araoant of Ih* eo»ao*W»t*'t "rat *ay of he Ooot'pon^ at Jarwf «trt rfor-b^ok *<nit l«t.taeto«lT». llm OKI'IUK A.tO Hl'DtO* Ct*l yNt). itor>o«rw, swatorr. OK THH 'PHLAWAHK Co., Saw tart l>l lfoa* Jalr 15. panr)t*»» JtJ- -Tb« r.oari ol MtsMrs** of \*H pompoarM»J «3 •A o keil-.tr.aal Otvrt)*(«t) of 1 K.i rait tiKlT. - r>arabla o* »' f lha (X a WoB?l?r i£}i* Will b<i eloaod front tha U"> to tbo »f tbo r>rodta ot rta Oompanr, iat Uar Of Aoitatt na «t at tba o n ' a of trtar ' IhaOomtHnf, ,SW»u<l«;rbO.»«« Will baeloa^l fr day or JnlT, bot" J*T« teeloolTS. ^rd.rtjl »»« ^'[^AO jr. k»»ktOtJlt,Tr W«ra». -7=t»AirV10rSNI>>«t)TIt!K..-JUI.V 19TII, T& l*t5 —7 B« Jul*! loa/dot Di'CI rar.i •»« IHIa- a a«d liantan (*na) trt<l iba i:»m'ifi «n'l Ambrr troo-l >n.l lronapori*«oa CowpaniM naya lata Mar rtred a OlW«^l*f "V1 V*-» Of«T < W of l/.r(. » tpoa tha («wl»t l«*e«. »S T »»'4 •<»>» n»t. at If oraee* tn n»l!» aloaia ao-l Saw Torn -- HIOHAJtO STOCKTOM. uaaanrar. SKW YuKK UNRTUAIi »j»r _J1>. BAii.anaDtoxr^a-r.Toatatioaa aOrnoa, Air rr. Jnlt-i tt.l»>». ksnVrt tiirtu « OT - toot InVKfeodat TMwaai l-fcK OoM C. on Iba Capitol ok tb. isof, trf« or Iba t;ntt»fl.«tat»t Inooroa tat, paja- - --- of Anxaat witViV-y' Tiwt'n mwi AVSHAI. t>ivn>k»f>-- i l>1rrr;tort of tbla Oaianaa; bara .lafllara.1 a mm. I ' f H * 0 « l-fcrl Of Iba t;Mt»d.«t ontbo to«'a>» Brat'laT of An«uat nj<t. »|TldriKl> to *rw j o ' V will b* paid ai tbs offtej ot ilJjJAM.SHKBVI AS * f-O. I lo Alboo/. at th* AU1 AN Y UTrtpafV* Book, will tx ttoa*1 »t tba OIOM af boat- t o n ktotMloT. too thirl* a n t . far of Jalr IstUat, asd isotHB«v> ok lb* B>orubo« of TkortHoT.tto twaalr. ^ V W T " ' JOlUf V. U PltOTJt.Tr^rar. -ryr-OHKlO* OK T H K KltlK UAIIiWAY 0& f»ant*.i«l *irt rrooor, Waw rooo.Jol* Ji.lWSr-f>lVir>tM'>-'nia mrw tort Of IMa ComtrAor re df Clara* 1 a kami-aooaai dlaldand from t«va oorplnxa His rftd for ft fnontoa todloit *>tk Juno,of tlf'iKK " : HAI.r " ' - »<jOMMf>>f O A f T t a t t V o * * \D OB* Aim, t tsmi P l H CHUT, on tbo /-r./wrW M-a-t. tt«lllliidawrj Ol rOUH t-tB <.*3T,on lloth payablt. Irat tha r"Tarom*nl la«. f>n VIOMOVT, eAttdty o* Ap»n«t n»t», tt laa TriMirar*> Oiloi rie riavee. telko r*«ilt*ts , l k*Wa»*olt»o«k »l Ihaolo*-' T h i TralhTfaV 1HK.** ef both <Haa^ X ,tor* ,, u bo aaado» : the .(taiooon of t-*tni<»*» ih*Uh >»< », r». S£3Ef "*""•'/ lh * T?.. 4 UATlo A V;.Vr.a. a^. ^-3c. bKKinr*.OKTHR0K»TKAt. I'AUK" kl35T »o«ml »»t> Kaa^ Rtraa KR. Conrawr. Mo l tot*street, r- •< Voot.JalT ». tS.*^-Tko Co«l>o«« from isVoedief thU O-.rnptoy. d«* Mratt Ut. 19«, willba aUnpok (.rfaanUtlon at Ikla »frlr« on or artar thot dtt-», >rT1w „^ JAA. WAU1BO. aM*roUry. t^-K'OKKlOK OK THK PRSNAYf,VA- »Ofv ) fiACotl.tX.wrA*T.lltBa->«ewaT- , '»wTr>*«, ah n. • w t . - A dlTld<r..i oi riYat r«H OHM*, wilt bo aid oa tM capital ttof k of lbs fatlDtTtr»»l» 0»*» Oo, t It, oetW la this Ott/, oa tod tntr TUKBOAT, Aa^oai 'TboTrlrWar BO"ko wilt bo elooad from Iba Mik too*. tittut lit, both dAytlnolntlTS. „„__ __ -KianTHJDlVlDl?si> OIL OBBRK Prtv.\.*rn Cowr»*r.-T»« triMtoet > pi thkj ^owpoor b.»a t«a«laro.| o mtldaad ot t'lf.K* PKIl fjatwr. op ik* p., ,»!*« or ih* «ock (twsoty rfoilorrt potobla/aha klh. Tr.onar bookl oloa«i J»./ Uth tr»4 tp*o Jotf 21»t. . _ . A. »7. v , o t ) 6 , l^rjrt'Joot. tr-llt-4 ». M. HAUltt«iA. «*««t»rr pro torn. js>-q»U! i>iviu»irD soTiCK^UNrrKD 11 no.lrraT. JVi.1 r>. ias^-ion ktada WH.t.tJ^TOrf HKH1MAUY. BABT W?AVA*TOS, VtASJJ. " "' rjnilK WAhh T » « M OOMMBNOBS WltD- oorp* oftaleWi u amp|ojr*d, bo«Vln tneCtooaloot a»4 Jcotntb r>«portao4aita, tad natureosisd arjtTaaSsar** are odordad Vorouoa man prtportM kiUur for OOt]«Mo*tot boot**** Ufa. A Wrt* aivd wa.t-fttrnl*o*4iitnnAAlain ko* W*t >**« oowpMwf khiLaader Us dfrectioa t i t s t c v patsnf t^eMr. otfsft tnpertor adyantafet for pon*4al "'" ' "" " ^ 0 $ % ' twtod '•• Chicago AAllon.s ..... ,,...I0» CblwjrO tna ALon I'roferred.lOJ^ Obio and M!M. Oertilteate*.. »IX Canton Oompany SO ' Cttmbcrlohd, ' 4U*' OnlckirltTts:,'... : . . . M.V MonpcaU... . . . 1 9 After the Board Krle cdosed »t &Xt New York Central at MX. Ilo.«Uon atlllff, Riding at 1W>(, Michigan Southern at 60, IlHnou Centml at 190}f, intUburglal OP, Northweatern at 80ft, North-, western Preferred at BOX, Bock laland at 10(t, Kort Wayne at WK. Cumberland »t '10%. Canton at mi- ' . U t e i Erie, sold at 68ft.. I ror national and other public lOcurltlos the lol- lowlaK qooUUoos bare boeu made to-day: I Bid. Aak'4.) '.' ; " Bid. Askfi. " 00^ !>TV IM 04: i V6 'J 1 COI'PKlt—American Injot Is in fair request >teady. Wo quote At ."MOPtc for lake and BalUmi •IA and SOc lor new sbo*thing arid yellow metal, 1 OOTl'ON— There haa been a nur dornand both frbm manufketarerf and exporter*, and under an Impn re- raent la gold pi fees have adranced. Bate* of 1,400 bajloa. at 47(^lrJc for middlings. ' DYKWOODS—There haa been only a moderste le- roand, bat prices are well sustained. A STOCK AliuujTli IWO. '< ; Ixigwood, f)l, Bonuogo tons IBO " Bonduiaa " IB'J lfniitlo, Cuba •' OO Maracaibo. •.: " 14J " BatanlUa *\ 40 Umawood... .'.;,.,.*,. ", 1 tStd Borwood....- :••.'. ' .,,... «'•• ; ITS KISH-Tho rnifkct'rbr dry cod Is pootlr ririppltea tnd unnof. Vye'nnpte t\t'$7.60®8o0 for OfanaBank ind St. George'*'. 1 - Mackerel afe in lair Jobbing demand «nd firm, w e quote at $S 160®'i3 lor No. 1 Mas! 16 75 for Ho. iS do-'and |7 25torNo. 8do'. lir/rtoKs ore firm at C6o for scaled, and 46e.i for No. . , KItUlT— lUfrdju are tn reduced stock and Arm, 'qnoto at t* 60 for bonch'per box, and $7 2ft fw 1 utbrr descriptions are moooratetr actlro and steady : 21 0 15® miked M 2ftfwiajeh! -A.very good dotaand ^aa prerallod frpir thq id prlccsiue well BunUnicd.' Balertof oldknd 15w Kducedcc«cd'exrd>«jr^«ttitt«XoeWe«T'w not be more than $680,000. In the first ten months the receipts wet^ bnt aWL8aO,,le>Tlrig about P»jr^5wb4»k*»y9,^odtvsl>fc, Ska^kM^.ij^^rtfew/ yo«ra,w>ee) M:)p*rK Wrteajl j^eaAaietMtu.aThifA are, aaBpuiwlB4<S4«>,bS tf^OaswtW.tW^oafi*,,5 r;,,.-,,.. , Atoad t*». ahtanaataa rjt^ajrkoVi **«>•*>, jAok. of »>«?»«, eeapols tbart tok^^ermrlntrrATJesf.aTiow «• (Ma*»frU*t tnmt. Ilf Jon wax.t the mil Toraa/OTToijr moaer.eaUoA JL atoBTOH, r ( e . » toAtde*, loae. «*- oocfoo* ttm» lor elieolor, ;.- .... .. -.::,_ Pcaco luttit iti Victories. I ; TopTeTtitoreoiilio*raa«to*Uat^andaeu*wr»n*nti pea a* tttrely oa ballet akd bayoett will destroy to nraly will noBTBTTwrVB BTTTBBS ptturo* and prolong tlfsj 11 . ^ .".vl'.•.!•'»». I>.»v. .'.-'. .»''• J.U - j >:.'• : ,1 . •• ThliU tbo notttrrlna: period of .the joor, Thooltad&a' tie itronxett jleidi more or leas to ths cootamlnr teaperator* ol mldstubmtr. "VTgor OOr't from ejery pore. The ttronxih of mnti piaset awty inlarinble T»- por.aidweoier woman bcebrat* rsiaxed. and BerTolcu. it was to neet' tneh dUSeoltle* that' IIOSTKl TKtt'fi BfTTETli witrajrtren' to,aoS»ty;. It It to prarant th'n'ern' eeUeqeeseea to which an unbraced, depleted, debttKat* (d orgt nlzatlon Is liable'/that thtr *ro reoommanded aa atSotioanTojno for botb taut, old people die of ex ioatUon OTBty <Ja» wbo jnliXl bate kept daath at bay for j ear* 1o o*n>e by an'oeoaatontl retort to tbla jfowsr- talaAo ktrmltat tatautla stotnaelta. 1 ' ' j Blue-tenths of lb* eonusunjly, rich 01 wo.I aa.poor, trert continually., tftbelr.nandt are unemplojed their bi airs are baty, and hearl work la at deprcjrlnx to IIIITI tal enentle* at nraaeular toll. Bat tons tie tjetetn with BC*TKTT»t^lOTTKIt8a»dthe wearahd tear of but!- pest life will be comparattrely usfelt i-rea In the roott bpcrettlTe wettbor. Ho ltoauor will be expertanotd, tor aa (ttt aa the Tttal force* tr * .expended they will bs recruited and renewed b> this boallhfel rcttorotlve. At a tummtt laTUterant It tt tudltpuutjli to yoasg and old. eoldeTBrywber^' : ' j-. jfcr-.3=> TMJ1ABOKX JUiSl-AltlMKA 1, OK- foSr^vj'&m ttl*»o* pre*esu4 to ths UAouriiaMd, It t i t l a a ^t«« to orpeor tb»*-^TH« Uax,t.\1JJS X — ^Aira. cr TT?M OITX or nAii TlOJiilBABi; Ok 1 THM OlTr 0#«^ YOBV."U Sffl: th« Tor* . a»«»»4oe«io<eSJc« h„ t w a . t a ^ d da, orj^gfr^ tear -HO)/ .t J. MmJfiS^F..»-.: :t.'..»> f B»»a»a*a»T»,-T»4eT, Awif* »,t^J«l«ir|k1 GtATf^ ,WJ* serenaded last nLeW st his ^4elfayAb* twr^d ol tneBeTenteeath regulars. <T; jti-4fi-;.;. , 'XBMVXVIM gfgywtteyyy WAtauaayroa, pie< uln 1 t.' srsz^ m 'T. PBS HBKTlftO ftTUEKT. IS BROAD ; .etttro. f rewt Me***-*, "Juiltr. Tack or itnal »ait- I «"H«tt>i i J'': '-' .-•' .... ir.' We print irclew holes from uitee of tnb'eeotJrf-. knen whose eamea were, tapnlioved 10 « rejxir, atnt'ni1 Je*rtetdkT'rrom k sohrte ire hsTOplttieno 0 B.M , mf«a..7t/T 107V BBn'S .W^Losn. OOK DO. S-90rr«.,jr>lK 101,',? Do. Oanal reg. IM IHi.ir>-Wrxl. M thi 0 0 . C p Cav '70 03 Oorop. tot; Je.lW Do.. July-dOi;*; 1)0, ATO..101>i Do. (XL..100X D*. Deo ,}uo.tf '0. B. 7-*AS,1*V<>»' Do. dO. Ud, WU ... _ .— irw»r> eadw*. for fWto*r litormaUoa, or foe ootalo* A*4tt»*rB»t««, J t ^ | l l V ; JJM.'.;,:'' ,|-''' = lT>f TH m X,*\ TO* U<>TP-/>t /Ml/potion* (H. tha A NfcNO JL\n In on* of t*«, . w "Spy. ootiotyzj beautiful or* A*I»A- XIMBBMtAX.1. JPOLA^aCJloiSLoO.XS^^ IlftTi. Hir, N, Y,—Tbe foint-dJtoovo Awwt/Ab boaatoK sf Oil* wall known ocaxxu, ox K.xotx«»«iTn 1,11. WaTOOAf. fVliHMOa will OOamoOOO KnrT. 1»TW, UM, Th* lira AWKPAL tiawitraa, itrtnA- fun tnforrattloa, mar Va obtaino.1 n U. Att'.*t5tWS_Boolrjrt0f», N*V York, or fiom oacillD tt u. At>t'Ai«m>iTB Bookjrtorv.l hof. CllAltiottl DBoWXK, Direeter, Troy, H. T. /- K/ITAOK HUiI, 8KMINAHY for "YOUNG V> lfAoioo, Pvv.mir. strata, N, T:, Ber. flaoanw T. Kio- i. li.oU.r. ThU Uotlle-t tad T*ry select BaxHtb. tod " * 9*d»r»B*P t th - f ranch achool will span oa W*d; Onlart with Uroadwai, or t>l will *p«n oa w*d»f*d»y.8cot. Uti afarartoM may oo eototnsd at App : ol ihaKaotorby poat, fthl Clr- laton't. ttepiA /tAUDNKH INHTITUTE.—BOAltDIWG X and t>ay l-ohool for yoon« ladle*, JIo.l* Koit rmh . win reopao a*pt, is. ror clrenlort oddreaa 0. It. UMIDNRII, Hoi ito. <t», Bprutajdeld, H Maas., n H I U m . Jy»t eodlf M'S IHH IIAVHNH Vlll&j KKOraN BKK YaotK tOdVa* ir?>l». t/*tl' *n«h arut Kaxltth Boortlln* tod Pot Uehool for MOMOAY, sept. l»tk. at tM Modlioa ' bnr "' lera ditaclfd to ltd to bar residence) will r tmrse-ilato attcatloa. Bhe will beat home after 7vh. reoelTn Bool. au«litn-»' M 1 ^ count, uoyKMAS's KNOLisn XH KUKSCll nOABblBO ABD DAT BCBOOU roa TOOBO LAOTSO. KO. n Weai'Kth strowt. Bow York, will roopaa o* THOBaDAT.>4*4*oab*rxt*t, AcdrawooUl lUa RepUtnber,L«oox,Alao*. Altar that 4*UMabOT«. Hfr»«nv~U NOltMAN'8 KNOLI8H ANO Murroy Uift, two d o o r s Droni Mb. ar»., Address M tbo TO. •AMU, V ill rranen rtoar.llo< tad 1>OT bchuol forToanir todle*. B e j wttt mth tt.. Murray But. two doors from »'" H. T,, will roopan OOpUmber O. VAN (hit OWtnv-? rTTIfK KRltUIH KBMAIAB INSTITTJTK, 135 JL >tvDi»r>»i A r a * u a , O o a . t t n or—Iter. ISAAC r«H- ItlA, O l>. M..l>., fretldaal, Mrs. M. r>. PAltKS tnd >lla* «,«, ritUBIB, l-flnels*)*, ,W|H rsoptn VIOBDAT, BKI"- TOUBKttWih. I auxlsM—S •xroilWO liADIEV INSTITUTE, MAJPIiK- I, wwl, ritUrtalJ, kith*., will command IU *5Ui ictdamle >a«r Mptetaber Jl, IMO. The sxoeHenoe and Mrroaneoon Of Us rorpa^ of lo*l> action, Ut toserlor IOC.IIIIIM fr.r a ohrate-al cnltore, tt d ths beauty tnd lain- bilty of lit location are wlilsli known _ . , K6r e.roniart. addtasa |UT. O. V. aPKAB, the ITInelpal. iTllTmaod j AI.1SCEIALANEOU& TO CAPITA Liars. i f.OAW OK KIKTY THOU8ANO DOL- J\ lart It wanted for a lefltimale batlnesi.l npon t tnd latltroolory seoorlty. aaxni-tl $10,000"™ww" abunlanl and latltroolory seoorlty. Aftdrrs* (tor. I.cn Now Tork Poatofflce. WANTrU)~AS ipeoUl eoplrol In tbe Western tnd . o'niKin iTodnooCouiuUiloa Ouitnets. Tbe odrariUor It w«n wtabiiahrxl la the best location In tbla OUT. n<! ha* a ihoionxH tnd uraotical knowledsa of oil the .i» 1.1 a of the iioo*. Mbortl trronxeinoatt made and beat Of laleraneoa (ITCO. Alldfots with UrUM *0,,bot lJ«J S. Jf ». O. *. r, *'!2t"* VfONKY TO LOAN ON BOND AND !"» mtriiiit on IroproTOd city properly. tuttlt-M W. U. UlOBKB.il'tnssl. IOVABTNK1WHIP.-THK UNDBIyillON- ti l>»y In fhoUIr «• \J <yt h.taif.rinr.t a eoportnertblp under theffVotnt IKOKOH Orxvda ti P' th rue the ol (iKOltOM OftiYKK A CO.,iorlhe trtnaaollon of mportli.r. JOkbtDI and Cqmmia»ior» Unatnata f Saw YoiX. (IKOROS UFDYIir, 1 011.M T. WaHtl. O.TBASCl* Ol-bTKB. UK.SRY M.8T«Kl,K. »l tnd Wliorolty tt.. AuxuttW.CWr. tuxist—7 \*ANHATTAN OIL OOMPANY, iTjL lloMaroodway, N.T- . BOLB MABUrACTlllltStSOT MArVlNH HCKRW O t t a a d BXTBA U N O Olh, ror K*llroa<u, ttteontboata tia r*«torta«. ocllM rrilH AMBtUOAN PHOTOTYVB^doMBA- «T. Ho.r l^Boi rioeeond Uftinee tV,print* ocular rdir Bl* an. H«Ten ooTitraet. to tko ordar or th* offlo* ot toternol tterrenoa. hln^l • k t . t l U t * V r*. - 9*»—*t\W% -Aft SHttSI. Ladlnt. Wb* PI r>*la, OftttlA or ti*rop*d bltnk tormt lor Chock*, Chock t eJ.anxt, Drkftt, rYomjoaorr noft*. Ihiit P M.V^ lAutlluta. U^nVar«* )|rj|j| 111 llonkt. Blttt of ktt. ot Udtn*. hlb* r>Ala, CruHieate*, Brokers' t>rl(lnal I'Kocaa, FtMa^c* Ticksto, rawn»n' Cheek I, row- art ot Altorner, rroiiax. rroictU. Waxebouae Beoslpit. »«iii«ti' itatarnt. aoilttaetlort of Jaa**m*m, BtterlfTt Ktlarst and ltoe*lptaJorm*aeT orpropeTty. *»«. CtlrS.Tretttuar, »J Osdir it parae* oeotrtnr ttemped own tt *TtT» TtuMunt floitrtar. TsatApaato (IPTioo, T)T"00»t»w*T, JVti M, ISSJ^-TH* th'tetrreof ' - - '•— -- v -T*lo»a taw* trhrVtd StowoToloairarjh Cooipooiy hay* Iku day i Hatred atfrol-oa* aal aiTMiKod ot rTHflj (I) $•**, CBB soyahHott tod *rt*w "ova i»k «*y of A«*,a«t t>ro«. lr.»tf«r bocas wftl oK»» 0*1 llv. «h to.1 ramal» < aaUlttisVHhpro,. &a>»»a»a4Ja**Sr**4> Jr*lr TdkO. f. HAF, Troaanrar. f^Trsy- OtFIOIS FVWYOBX tlrOATIrTO Be*OK pwr Poo*: ew*Awr,|s* sotrrw r •%» ,, JtttiX&SZC: a. «d art,. k*T« t|U the 1st day ot Aaxaat *«xl. fcrMiet^t* . • , i> U. V. WABOV.Secy. MAYINGS BANKS J3pJ-.0*t»^BW. UAVINOrj BABK, ' 7 B^Watirr, r^errjar of O AB AX BJlfBavt. atOBWAjr, WKOB*«SAY a^haoAT jrv«»rorQB. •wtaJarm A . Btntow, gtewtSttJ j_ - _ , ^_ r_, UON DIMS BAY.NO* BANK, •|4WJT fU J «g. C * JI '* J; ' ••"•« OOttatSUl JlE? *J***.rw»* ait »-»T*«-a t t « t » » « , allow. win teoeiT* or.icn from parae* aeatrtn* stempod oU» of toy kind, tnd litre tkem ixecnted br th* lloonpanT pn.l«r lb* inpcTTtsVoa ol ths Htamp Ajceot of Ik* unlt«4 ktotaaTreunry rxportaaot-, Jrl *V-t* W AKT KD-IN"A 6O"MMI8SION IIOUSK! oohatattitrat ltd about IS or K years o'*«*, to tot aa»Mp,iot ,;„i ,nd aaalat le: the renertl wiltln* Ad-fraea, Vr. haadwiltins ol oppUcont, P, O. Box it*). a»«t ta~tt DRUGGISTS. 69,-71 AND 73 WATEE 3T, COB. OLD 8LTP, NSW YORK. Btreelal ait*««oo (lye* U the arsctirloa *4 erderT let CUBA. WovtT INOloA. SOOTH AMKKtCA, * o . , law whichw«h*T*p«e*Jl«r*ciaite* <otrnlaxaprtTtl* 0 . ft. hooded wtftkoawa.wboraw* k*«p* stoek o/ PURE DBOBS ANp CHEMICALS, portvnUrlr odeplnd the wtxu* of Ut* axporl lead*. 1»B01?. 0ALB'g OAAJKB; OpFlfBB 111! rtiT tir IN BUXBB or Qjm foOKD BAOO.. . : TMs kt fit* CeaTow, Wttti »>**** sad >tBk eo*tkU*d, and riaaarkabVa for It* )rrl*P>r*)US'.J*OW*to.^ ' Take a »•*«• »f Ui« Cot* Oolfea^pa* « * , h « water-l»MV»Uy yo» k*T* * owBetew* « • » Caf CakSB*-* ye** Tatrer. Coontte* rooajt, SVore, Of |ti tSti BSst I. ' UtUitorl)ra*»ip«r rNMiproaaotly ttltasoatl*'. rortaksby | t.KWAHD BBOWn, I m Wool miKaaotnatmi. a**r**» Are ,B,Y. : • j Do. 6*,^... Do.r*,is .... 1)0. 6a,n*..,. Do. 8a,Tow... Do.**,Tfw.. I Dow Ba, ni;.-. t I Ohio oo,'«.'.•., Do. * H nr?..'i Do.«sa,T9..'.. Do. 5a,•»!.,.., Mich. W. 1-oan Do, ,6a,^ni),. .IOON.' . wx . »» .98 00 oo. in to 100 Jo- VtH DO, o'pea.nr I Do. 0"p 6*. 'T> VinrUiAoa...,. Kentucky 6a... N. C«roltoa0a,j,73 ko.,n. S\s73/«- - Do, raclilo.., T* la>oUlAna6a... M " Dp.larg*...lIS . .*4.„ 100 afiara£oU8*... 9) -.08 . W (BrioSeJal'd 6*. M ' w .' r'•-•'lot, } »» .711 iflf- ,74 61*. ll»i II -i ;:> '»fc»T*ui iCawukS«Uent 0*. 98 »~i n* st» Brooklyn ««.,.. 90 Da Water 96 De."-Imp.. i M' JeraeyO. W » t . . - W fflfiilc for almonds, lVAMVo for currants, 214480c for .Citron, and SSr&JOO for Smyrna BWJ tiado, and crop at HxgisOc for Inferior to common : »®80 lor fklr to to cbotce j 860'for/choice stale,-and 85®IOo-fo-do jKaetem. w"U , . > •' I ,t ' v IBON—Pig It in good demand and firm. Wo quo o at l-WfrlO lor No. 1 Ar5>nean,and IMS 60JV16fordo Bo tch. LKAD—Tbo marketforpig la firmer and fairly a tlvo at M 0»Xtor,(laUua, futftv 1UM for.KDuhah, Got nan n-flued and Spanish. Wo quote burst lie, and t leet and pipe IBc. ..,»»•'• .'.. i '•'• .. ' '• ; i MOLABSrtB-A .fair lobbing business was done, find lull price* were outitlnM. i OILS—UnaeecVls firm and htlrt*.sctlre. We quo e at $1 lHiftl 20 for ettr. Fisb oils ahf still Tory nose tied And excited ;.$1 sVYi^V 40 for cnido whale, and *•! loa •Z IBfordo sperm. Lard It •- ' " iltl OTxa Tia7So.ireej ilrt/.sctire. i are- stin t 1 IkXiM 49 for sperm. Lard la scaj 12 10 for No. 1 winter. Kcrotemo is selUt g at .. -reel" -"R ' .-'.'• '•' - :n •• .«.• ..-'' rKTIlOLKiJM-Cmdo Uateady at MKtJtSSc. Bo nod " I ftaj ' 1 YetioaDtta Kill* bU' Mother' ai'ef 'B'isle'r. T*o' terrlblo murdorBjwere" cpinWtied yonter- ltj/at Oakland, Ct,, noar Hartford. The Ilartlord Times gWos th,e IqlioWjii/iparticulars: u . i u The.<qulet| Tlllsgo of Oakland,- MenelieBtor jtownshlp,nbout nlnomUcfl caBt oi ibis oltyv was nrouBCd lilp^mprnlpg by tho BOWS ol. tho must kaxful crlmo ever jptrpetiif.cd In this YICOIUY.- At lour o'clqok, or/a-, JllUe.Booner, Mrs. Bonjamln htarkwestUer, rdsler-In-law of Nsthtu fltuicwoe.- Ither ol this cl^,»Md/otfY-alr,.Bjad herdtughter, Harriet l/.lla. »ged,)purteon ywrs^.wtrn botuiottl- Jy murdore,dt wh«o, sleeplnrr; togother In .their, [house. TBi>y.-rT.ef.erUUefj with an »vxe, »nd.they rweroidso Blabbed ^laY.srlous places with a, bntoh- r ,I X* nUe " '.v'-i^V ;| (! " !1 . ; •/''».' •'' '><"• ' l l i e moUicvB lAeo.wftS cut in two; by.AipOW-. pr|ul Wpw Irom,(he ajce, which divided tbe nose, croisvtlsc-. uod/,cnt opemlho laco entirely ftcrofB. fcrashlngihronghi tbe.bfjrnes of tho upper Jaw and fcheekB,i.0Tf5r tno.-dgh'tieye waslsnother gasb from tho axo, BlrjkbgtWOWto.itiie.oknli and Into tho fcrsln; and ttKo.wasAnotherphic^ out.open tho Isldo «a H&WMMrSaAU^.aVe>t KaBb fiio4i. WO^ Pgot ^t/mpid,'., Bf#?eo .tlicse..wounds (there wtro'cuMs inkde W •1)atch«r-"knuo—ono through thelowerpart of tho cbln. the blado pen- etrfttlng deep InHTtho tVroayj'Wil'deep Into tho |right bwast,-and -snotlier dsbp one In .the left. bf.siit.jT; I icr hWrl P r^ 'v j ' I ,7 KJT», the dau(/b.tert.presented a still rpm IhoAxej plpklog into.the brain ;iand she'was 'Vk.oMOjIUirooghtJJUo, liosbiA ^wlth'. tlto bhtohor-, j SPECIAL NOTICES, fc'ZO^ MU8. tt. A. ALLKN'a VfvlUjiyti ti>->j2!a ' HAxaHxe-rowwa in Uaaeauio ABajura rut YAhti, AKtl KarxB XAIIA TO ktSTOSJI OIUT UAIB TO IT* IIATUBAX, COLO*, AXU raoDOoa A mitiuuT aaowni QUABABTT Or 1TB 'WOBTB. AND MKUir, Ber. J, "WKer, BrookijB, UI 11 will tsttify to their Ttlus I la thomott UBseui'tcTiss. Tbey htrs reitored toy kolr ; wbereitwo«t>old,ondwb*r*jrxoytoiUorlxlBolootoi,' llot.i'Ww, OOTrK»,K.T.aty5 "• Ut holr u chanted to IU patoral eelor and krowlnt ob bald tpot." Itsy.li. V, Dxoatt,Boitob, klsss,;." That thoy promote ' th*|>awthot Ue'halr wb'erebaldness is, I liaye tbs er- . Id moo of my owneyos.^ | i >,-.'... Hot sale by all DrOoYUtt. I T>-b'olMtle*nd foUil dopbt.lWOrcrnwlcb it., B. T. i l"17rt . : ' j p ^ * v UAKOVBU BTBKKT, BOBTOB, It tna Itrnctt and best arranged Hotel in Hew Enxtacd. Hi 9d ..US ..in ..108 ..108X „m, ..ieo i.tTS ..10SH i|» tor bynk stocks we note the following qdota- tlons: •• ' ; " "•'••' ' ' -•• " ' K ' Bid. Aak'A- ,,,., Bid. Atk'd. 120 Bepuobe. 101 11(1 1ST IBk. of N. Amer.107 -4 108 UsJKrrea- TOO 110 Irrtng:, 100, Metropolitan... 1(2 ClUsena'.,..,., ll» Pr>ople'a..,w..JlO Qrooera'w "~ Market..!,. .',190 eAUAtber.lon k Bxchaxuce.lOO UnenUl .... 93 6UNiebobu.;..lC0 Jtarine; HO CommOnw'ltb.JOO Atlantic. 98 N.Y. County..128 Imp. A Trads' .100 Park...,,(,; .. .. t-to Man. A Mortho'lCO ]f\rttKaUonAl..*» Ifonrdx Nat'DAl.lOOM tNinUi National. 101 ltd Cent. National.10l>«' 1(0 Ralionkl Br...100 ,'i- .— I., I .,.! ... ... o • 1-1 KorrMUoadbopds t;0-d»y,wo;note'the follow I n g q n o t a t l o n * 1 •• .- '• i •• - • ••• •>'••> . <• ••••' i ,,• ' W4, Aak'd.'l \ i :j'-' Bfa; AsVa S aw Tort... anhattan... M<wehA»U•.. Meehanlca;.. Union.. Amerloa..... City ..... I-hcnU ...... North Rlrer.. ITr*deamed't...lM r^rylroek.':.'.'.';; - (lre*wwteh.'....loO Dutch. * DrOT.120 Mecb.ATrad.'rslW Nallonal .... ,.1W McrcVls'Ex... Vi Leath. Manvf.. Btatoof N.TTt.lOd Comrar re* .... .lOS .Moetw's' Aa*'n.l0l Proodwoy 210 OocoB (W MereanUle 120 Amc*le*» XX..116 U-aclnc ....... .165. Cbathaw.. .. ,.126 W5 180 110 110 nox lie 104 90 lie" iii 100 106 107. 4 ' ion 100 103K 150 105 In bond la selling at 630, and do free St 7U472c. : IUCB— Is In moderate request, audsteidy at 9S|),'ic or ltangoon, and(10rd)10Xe for Oorotlna. STOOk 'ATJOTJST - i le*, 1885. Carolina, tea.V.'.':'. l .i.- ..': .... ;...:... IW-t .Kast IndU elenned, bag* 1.440 Bast IndU nni^paned, mrs spd wals, MWO i BOOAIt—Itaw" surars bare been In mote aCUrbde. mand, and price* bare adTanoed, owing to the riie in gold. Bales or 1,800 hods, at lljfolBeTorOube, loJfc for clarified. 16e lor Porto Blco-and 2,000 boxe Hs- Tana at U<2pl6Xo. i Beflned are doll st,19Xeforbat Is. , . SToop.. ATOOiT 1ST, 180C. , ,..: j : ToUl hogsheads ..... ,..' ...'8,1118 Total boxes. .•.<•.• rM ! *.1»" ToUl hogsheads Melado' .... ...... ) .... '.'.: .... :; ».00t Total bag* V..V.\.'.'v..V ' . *> 19,811 WB18KBY—Tbe market is flrmer and fairly a lire- J l for a sow do' OOaCe for 'Saloa of 460 bbls at $2.10, ior state,ftnd.AS10J61 weatem. , 0BSffia'? i fli) %7l'!ii't« : WOOL—Dome*tic fleeces* are flrtn, with a gr* mand. ni 71' .We quote at 75<Jt>TTc tor Baxony-, naliTO and }i mortnoa; (i3Jt«5c lor H and Wdo , and •Kc lor full-blood do. l^lled.At «0®«2o for I o. 1: t/Ioforsuper, and 00®O7o. for,'extra. CAhfon l a s t 7oforcommon unwashed, and - aorta N.Y. Cen. 6* *83 90 Do. 18B7..J 0t Do. do.KK 66 Do. «to.aab Do. 7s,'7*. — Do. do.con. Krle 1st,'68 .... 102 Do.td, , 64 .... 1f>SK Do. 2d. TO 10ft po.»d, '«S.,..tO0X Do.4th.*H0.... 98 DO-Stb-IW...'. V6 ltttfT. » Brie 1st — Hud.ItlT.lst...lOO Do. 2d .... l02 Do. 8d .... Do. senp... Do. COIIT... 95 Harlem 1st 100 Do. console Do. fkl .... Itradrnit, '(A... Mich. Oen.8*...1tlH Do. lit. n'wlli Bur. * Q . 8« tco M.80.70, 2 0 . . . tW Do. Oosh'n 1H) Midi. Bp,t. r... W I-ac g'd by Mo. m HI. Cen. 7s 112 Alt.* T. II. 1st. 00 Do. 2d pref. 71 Do. IPC. 70 Cn.AN.W*n s.f. 07 Do. Int... BO Do. ext... 79 Do. Ittm.. 81 II, A H . J . U 0 . 9J *'<• "1 'ir 8e..HJ0 ,00; 101 »7 . 96 92 101 101 100 08 M n.ABJ.oostY.i. - Usck-AW.: - Del.li.AW.ltt..102 8ft I Do. M..108 108 TC4.AW.lst... 90 1C2,V Do. Kxt 90 102X) Do. 3d.. 7* 103 i Do. Int. 00 . I Do. KqpOO iPr. duCbien... 80 [galena...'v./.l 100 ' T Do. 2 tn. 96 >Bk. IsUsd nt.,100>f .Toledo lit. 95 . N. J. Cen. lst..l0O I Do. 9M..1U0 ;Kar. A Bel lot.. 20 I Do. 2d.. — - KU Wayne l*t,.10l 97X' Do. • Sd.. 0.1 96 I Do. U.-.-8S 110 PltUburg ,2d.. 90 112 ! Do. 8d.. 89 112 ! Do. 41b... - HO Mltt.AMo.l'd.. dftt,' «M Ch. A Alton s.f. 9.V - I Do. lstm. 96 trt Do. inc.;.. 87 DO At.AOt.W.l«t. 9-1 117.W. Do." 2d.. 01 OhloAMls*. 1st ia 80 MU. ABt.Panl. 73 73 Dub. A 8. City .— 98 'l'onln»ola.,,... 82 Manrl'aAO.lBl 90 81 CMc. A MU .... 81 JotletACblo... 87H IU) ' 00>i ,'70 19* ioo ii lot |107 100 83 96 M> 91 78 10 OH «1 KT.'i 98,'i 78 , M Ti 107 90 9G 96 90 bSO'HfOllOO- do ...... b80 ISO ... 7 96 80 Ohio ,..,20 00 ... 8 (O 1 800 Oil Or'kOfN. V. 5 50 *10 8 OQ 1 200 Bonlhard . . ' , 00 250U.Btate*...,b!)0 20aiJ .till 1 50 i 100 1 66 | 100 1 60 100 47 .100" I 10 ' 100 3 60 100 8 03 , 100 do. do.. do. do. do. do. ilo.. do. do. do.. .,..810 28 90 ........ 28 90 ...,bao *) 25 ,...b!0 20 00 .... bl0 20 80 28 6) 28 50 fX)28 00 .... fi0 28 05 88 15 rOV, Utot,>'t - ' :<*"•'•> "• ' ! AI^TIOHTv'l^gi-r, JAR?, Wllk T*«*w» 6 ttoa.r^inde^atAg M&frk. '.iMfi of tM V**t; nveat .impll lad ch*ap*tt Jtx* .Tar 6BVM t o t i i puttie j . AWaaMoa) k t f U . t l i « ATMOBP-JtlUo WnOIT JAB wkwTv. s^svaWy SdmlUkd tt WW, «rf tbe'nafH t)*vr*e Jot*,** oB rr*9ao<e,»ewhii>».r at»aVo*dwo40*4 tJIH\tfA*<t^ -WTnTjCtoXTATOM *k C O , " \i ,r; ,. x - ** 9 <»»>»•**«»sst jr»«/TarV ( a X " tlK (t-I lit tfcae* rtr***, rWU4*lpaia, Of lhoiui»collMicou» socurlUcA All/in tic Mall Is quoted at 150<Vr)100, Western Union Tolograph »t 71((«73, Ceifhil C044 at i8@M, PonnsylranU C6»l at 160fi41B5, Delaware sad Hudson Canal »t 180}, fVijl84, Cttlrens' Qas at;i80, Now York Oas stSTO, Union Trust at 100, New Jorsoy Ballrosd s't 125® 140, Morris and Essex at 80, Marietta and Cincin- nati at &7@87X, Mllwsukle and St. Paul preferred Bt4fi. Kor gold this forenoon the following were tho leading quotatlona: 10.80, 144%; 10.4C, 145>^; 11.00, 145ft ; 11.80, 146ft j 13.00, 14fift;; 13.80, I loft; 1.00,145ft; 1.80,145ft;,2.00,145ft. At the New York Petroleum Btock Board to- day tho following sales were mador 100 Ittllo. C» .... o$T 90 A200 6eeanle. 1 IS 100 do..., ' ~ ' " ~ ' •"•" BO do... 4»iO do... ICO do .... 1500 Webster.. 2.-.0O tlo .... 1P0O do.-.. 6(» do.. 200 Hochan'nKnv. 100 Bradley Six). do 200 Cberry U. A Cb. 400 SxcaVolor ...... 200 do SOI Manhattan It I* suted that tbe committee of Now York broker* had an interriow.wlth the Secretaxy or the Treasury on Monday, sskmg » wcpnelderstlon ol the order directing the brokers' tax to bo col- lected, and that Mr. McOuUocb. hating rally con- sidered the matter with Mr. Orion, CorrimiBeloner ol Internal Revenue, has decided adversely to the application ot the committee representing the brokers and bankers of New York, lor s post- ponement of the collection ol taxes on sales lor themselves), pending a decision of the United States Bupreme Court, The New York expbrtft (exclusive of specie) lor the week ending July 81, and since the begin- ning of the year, compare aa lollows: ^ . 18*1. 1861. 18^5. Tor the week 18,868.498 aWmQI* §1,781,071 rr»V.r»vortea.. .. l«rj^665 ltS,0rri,7»l ^p,W Broo* JkTMory t.,. »l08,947r068 tmj&hM Wfii£&\ The Imports for the week compare asloBoWs; rw. rw!a.." ^' ••-*; A 1 '* 8 - ' ' " 1841. i'-i. 1865. 1 . rS^SL'^- 1 - »ICB8.T38 »%tt0^»t «1^M,102 Oea. Maxebaadue. 2,73ej»T: iw&V : ; f *$&***• p£? lawio^ar* S^M 3 . 1 . 5 JWffi ''-K5& Prw.reported..... ^9»>o,|ii <ljgkrT,Tto ft*viCO,»4a Btooe jannary 1st. »TfX2Tf/»ja. »148,96WM $94,467,978 The esvslt btdanee In Vive hands ol the, Assist-; snt Treasurer bvBoston, at the close oi business Jvtly.lW, ,-rfts ,*»,«ia,«»». W . » a mcresse ot |^r>«JB*AS eom»t^nrB> tie rdcaMVlLbo 'r^cidixit WtWk. ,{*''!'.ATy': ^!'I'\X/'H\'.''"«(', " Akin A%Vriff/ir«isTVoi. Aoari|tti.- s»Bo*,W.P,Q vu 80) d0...\..brj4 #<OTWft Ct [For Additional Ship Bews see jrint l'me.l 1'ORT OK HHW VOBJC, WMDrrBBDAY,' A D Q 0 8 r Cleared To-rjatir. •hie City o'r- o/anoheVter. -'(Br), Ilalorow. U bale, iblp Creole, Thompson, Norfolk, City Pol: . Btcetosb pool—J itteomti , . . _ niobmood—(I Uelneken A)*almore, Kteomthlp rrancoala. Sherwood. Portiond-ill B welt A Co, flu , lets. authlp Bteomthtp 1 Cao-mVallJS- i Bteomth I Hart .brjjW ?ffi"\ r. New Orleans—J All tynor worth. New Orleti o Qonatltutloa, Oreepmtn. BoTonuth man. Uooaln A DipkiBaoot • I .~ Uyer- i t and Crom- Wakc- ?. presented a still moro ehooklng eight. Uertight ejd waa ontlrely gone. The axe hadent,* .totrlol* gaih uoross'the.brow, eye arid-alteele, -•vldotiUY'M out) blow, lotting out •" 9<4 L ? «o bre^pWog ,la Uie «ku,l, »nd cloaring down to the choc*"WW' AboVe iho right eje, Bear tbe top ol the loreheadrwas snother tearful gash Btu^a,, knlfo. ' "Tho fligt |nlormsttdn of the murders wasglv- ch by the son,' Albert 8tsrkWeatbor. "nt lour o'clook. lie csme'to Mr. :H6raco White's, a inelghbor; rattling, or rather lolling hevrlljr r.(cnini)t the backdoor, and nrousing the lnihutcs with this 'call! ••'-•' •••-.•-.•..•-'•".:"..>"• •••••> •••- i '"Cotup'!—Miipl-Ootrfe6veTt6oijrhoU80ll I don't know bnt our folks nre all killed, snd the ihouse Is on fli'e'l"''' ' ' "' , *|''""< r ' •• '••'• "Mr. WblW ten oven'iollowcd by Albbrfc'tind found his (Albert's) 'roOiri, foil orefanokeftna'the bod on llre.<-He took-the bed-out andfldtIt out of the> window.• TheWho-went'up'sUlrt,'though tho smoko-WBS srytbiok 1 THi'Tiosriy snfrorfatcd.- Albeit did not follow him, but paced hurriedly up and down the lower rooms, Bobbing end Cry- ing. I VVOn getting lA}tp,th**pbamber,Mr, iWblte Jfound tho .bed ,lri, a bJare And iho .bedroom., covered with, blood, /Ho llTted upElKsadlpund'her »Ull alive, tb0uih_,bathed in. blood and prt^ijntln*.», to\Oi troeod LKVITfl HICK. ProprloVjT, •>££=> OBNBBAL bOOlK£Y OB MB- ^^*v ciuwiot AHU THADBSKIIX or TUB Orrr or iaw TfOBk.—Theibjultr sieetlns ol Ue Hoeltty will be .CldatMeebuiiei' Util^o.t'.- tattday) KVKKlHO.amo'clorl \ . a»ti i t r-o.t'.;! uroadwav,TUU tWed- . h'elock. : j witLlAJ* YAK MOBOHst, 1 rleeretary. AT ' OLBir CAMP, Mfc&TINa llead.lorrr ItlAad. '. i . - . l •— t.at.llJBO A M. Beturalnx, ' i . . \'p.,<JHABUOK^ 0ABH8; 65' I'lLiKd j£SKfJStJ5.1? B Pi or "!' t'Olst.atlBJK) A U loate Oten hoaa at 3 j |j«0t-l» pTlileaoa fi«^Y*orV_ , .„. fAM^Loiai^^or^ fnt-tlod. "on *c» trt pio»W*o»*Uo»^o*xrc«oyt«trT.l bl II pledi-e o l u a i t t d uStiei bonds', «ud to bfondtlor ItABK Or Yll« C1TV OKXJJW ZOUK," Ul lew York, lu thtcoaalyof Now York *t>4 ivate oi r<ew Tork, it ttiihorlxed v> ootmnenee th* but. potiorb*Juu»*iu^*rttho*H oAoVemJdr^O Z V T V TC l a ijeaMsaesir wk< r *of w ltn*ti lay band o»d teal ot once thu nln«te«ntk dor of Jone. (IIKAX,] jilWBti riOtlMAN CLABK<; .Conptrotler ol lav* <Ja*r*nery-. Mr^aj* XllhAnUttA- A>JrU**jn-xalKbir, OB- ISa-vJw^ rica of OoorTooLuaa or r«jt (JcoAsxijy t> AOUIBOTU*. Jobs in. nau.ee prt*e~ to- top< or that Ikad.— « her eat, rim. jit> k n a u . o e prtocAVed to liu, un'don\jrr.(yl, tt ha, poec muia fJ»K« HATlOklAl, AtAKa? O? ' by It ha .oOMaoVMt Bl.t> VulJK," In tbe cat) of Ntw York, in the o»un»5 oi Mv- York.AtiotuvecfMiwTork.haibttadol 5 " BUder on l' oooordju to th* Texi'olrtmtait of tne am CeaxretstBtuled An set to proyid» o ".tlorMauor- wet of pledge o| VnJtc4"8ui*i"boi5j. AA to proTld* lor the cJrcotaUoo OAdTrodembtlon "Uere37 t^roTtd Jarkt» lhol,oa> haa complied Bilk olliii«VrU TUlctut of tald oet t*o.Btred to b* ooi*i>Ut4 with b * W i of banklta; under tt?d AotT^* toniu-tnciox lbs bntikeai •'kiow, '* W»mloj e, i r retmon c i u a a , \ ,dob«ir»by SHUiLVai ,~#»t OJlar •«>(- at.ta . - .. . . . •-- ^ualne** of bonkiax ar fler the act aloreiud. In UoUinont whenof, -trituets *ay kaad aad seal ot Oflloa tblticthday-of jane.lhtl. ,l(SMUU, ^ ^ rtlfset 1 ' ' ' OoenptroDer of the Currency. TIUIAJJUKA iJlil'AHiidliAl—Oe- .„ no» or TU* CViKrroof.Wta or TBB OOB- Mixcr, WAtujJIorok^JaBf Sth, ;BW.— W h e r t * * . o y taut- af <<• *I i.<^ Vork.litt beta dulyoifanlied suetr• and• eoearsaoB vt hiiojuireoiejiuollheiwctol ConATnl eaUUed^ ABAOT ?:*?*?!'.?« .*r*»Moe.a) t.T.ireM>y,teenr*d bf o pledx* of 64 ooSoeO^ LIBltod UvklMbonds, and te proVl6e fc ind roaemptlOf.th*r*et,** opprored J ut compiiod *lt« ,n tho MoriiiooioT t, becoupiied with fretoleeoimncodsx tht Potloa** oi ititklnc under laid act. ^ v miaaa* oa du>UoU*r jrrtne/.oa> Aateor oernitf ioai -• s zs " " S lONAt BAb •e Clly Of He lj*tso(New" p^,,pi Bookl foil, thttetore, l.kronniAai lajxo,U»iipuoU«r ot U t Ooirtncy, de ha*KcerilfV tkal » raA O*J«A*T. NA.< TIONAAVBABK of TUB CITT or )T»T W - BVf TOBJt'Ma rwTork. U th* Opualy of Haw York tnd York, is aatborjiedlo COUIPAOOOO tht bexl- 2~v TWO BaD 'loreUht jean wllhan icgroTkM lioibirWkidisciiarKed IrOx thetr Ibiftg quite paroljred with the Pil trettltieteet wer*«uredwlth ooei , ijut'i Pile riotncdy.Tne reoommenrlttlr.n of thetegio- tlnnen. betjdrt tts <%ict trstimonlali received b> Dr. cVltnd. otJKht to oouTince tho«i tnlltruu that ' trmv as Incurable (be ' let)'. Doth lb wo dls- bottl* or Dr. Htrlok- ft, f}7Cn.eod llir*iaDklln tt.,B«w York. i-iarp- MjeBirsiifpi AND MIBDOUTU ii. srsZSS, ft, Co.—Tnoboldeit of tbe Hon-lt ol the MUtlt- ilppi tndiiltiourl Itotd via oltttt itad tbalrstmii Atd h amount audfiescrlpttou or ih^''ond«_ljeld M. Pt J 'lsndlil , lias, with amount aud fir*cnp by them, to the offloe of th* Tretmxr. OKO. T. DA Vill, No. it Bxchaaae i'ltce, witbou at.uy *u«llw ' ....... ,.j. •• - •{locking slkfltr. A s , t e Wted her»,bloody, kre, slipped on Bpoh,!)^. floor. .iMr^Wb.to, topkl,, asd llltlnpi the window.r^Uced.thenke nnder it to let orB, the smoke, whilei he, a«t.g»t,Mrs, 8t>rk- westher of! the burning bed, "adiwiinrr ber,desd,-> rdscejdber on the,floor,]wl,ile-to r^Ued,,^up the ey, ndow.: Jfii JioBds bod ibid threw It out oi the were blistered sod Ms-., QlOrbiog j rendered, yery bloody,, ... A-,,.. . . ,,, ;i,u ..,)ju i.-,:A J./J i ,..,i a ./ "The dying Ella he carried in his arms to.s ck wlndowria lie ftdJolnlOrJ-room,.In order, to Bark 1 Hark Mary _ . . B u k J B llolbrook. Dg. - , Cuttt.l'ort tal'rlnoe ui j K noiDTook,Brown,OoW Bay—Bi Brlx Kolus (Hr), Vorbtt. Cow llov—Brett, ™„ »iuu. Bfl* Cora (fir), Henderson, Cow B a y - ^ Wb^elWr-txnt A •ort ouPrlnee—UMur tr, , OOW Bay—Brttt, Hpjt A ,Jr. Co. loohlo A Uipkinaon. •. . > II Trowbrtdxe, Oontu, Barbadoes,— 11, ,Trow- Brothers. LoBk,'Kili*o«ibport-^J WklWel *%'6V. " Dyer, Cpttt. Port onJ'rlnee-uVlr- -- " rlxTKoTui Co/**" Brtr Metleaea (Br), BAUderaen, Bio Janeiro-r Y Dlok< "wrBr^rjaa'tBr); Barttng; Liverpool, B B— Pre niin'A Mi ralm* (Draxll), Iloitera, Maraohani riri,ll iwlft A •lirlS- BQ Adams; Parrttt, Philadelphia, ')', . / ' il' ! Brl< J BB»ad (Br),Stevens, Bttal, Oampeaehy -Leay- Bob BCTaDVoWiBsx^r^rMvldeTiee-O'N. Sir aahan.. Beb K B POmr' Potter. Phlladelpbi*-Vani B-ant % neb Whlitler.l»reiby.Tatmloii. :,'',' , •' >•' ,i " Boh A M UhadwUk, S^n, Jl'hllad1e 1 »V»-Cr< well A r e l eh*Abbr Braekett, JAciiorn,'ATdiadeipbu-Mtkeaif «v D Bcb " L Bctrtl, BermaaaiBooart.Md-TOBanlAABedi. 1 Steamer hllttheth. yowler, Baltimore— W DAliill. i.. i. Steamer B C Knight, .Mosjui, Ooorgetown—UllOroba- W B\eam«i,Knw.LewUiBaronnah-P,J Oampb W ' .i >'. i . • . . • ' i. . .1 ...-;.i' .: nji. i Arolyedi'iNt.tla.ri • •• u .• .ii-.- blettnihlp |yeniBwBt*r,'VTImbsnnrlB*w<)rl( tat SStb oil, wilUmdioaad pottenters. to JasA Itainor ••••.'i.i Uttomthlp N*T»0t, carpenter, BAYAnntmJuly »th,wlth mdt* and postenxers, to Wakemaflt Oookla a id, Wlokf, htetmthlp Dacotah, Byder. itistunqnd. vl* •prfolk 8J hourt.-vrltbtiiate tnd'po/Mdxeis, to Werten 4 Collins: Bad ttroexhOftkettt wind* and sla. Bteamthip f;Ily o|Pcit anPr|nce,.Curtl». Apt ly »5, with cotton.-tO'Bi 11 ilrlgbtm. Jr'- " es.tpokobark Helen Auxuttt, bound tc« teamshlp Mifrxaret. Parks: Mobile.Tta . .1 ilrlgbtm. July HI uxuitt. bound south. orkr. Mobile. Tta Ke _ .llh cotton lo Bmllli A, Dunning, - »tk Albirtlna, Olmtted, Vera Crux 1» days, w .trill luuk'oeson norlllt, to lltrttott A Co 'i*rk oosan' Home. B k tar, to JM B Ward A Co tome. Bl'okersou, Itemedloi 9 d us, with Clr'Matilda (IteD.Cenero, l.lctU SO dayt. none loorde Brig- Veloel ttr.toDtn Vy (Brit,Darrell. Qtehtueso*. 18 d lell* nub, tnxtr .~ ~-. - . BIIK Kinroa (nanOT),6techman,Marseille*48 net, Rastport 8 days, with nidte to Uoger Brp*. .... . . .. j n ipbew. M.Vpoko'iob Klhott, bones lor New New O'leans IS t tyt.wllk July so, lai Orleout aobtcol* oir IK'.- West. 8 th stria- 1 th brim- iys, with ays, wltb lath, Ao, 1 St. Ion 70 Pavooeaaera Arrived. In the itearnthlp rtrenlns Bttr( from Now (rl«ans-J Coe,ii K ilowket and tm-Tsnt, ur B llarrla, J > Niotola, DWolltoe.J VtolUce.B Illokiy.JnO Uouthani .twotpr- Mlis Kdward " 10».- vtnts.J Kdwordt Mrs K h S nrk, .Mrs )»rs > Norton. K.AlYor*. M Klthtr. child and lerranti kt VMavaaxd, Wltl^tchlord. wife, eblld aadi tsryanti Oillliploand wife, Mrs M - V-Chaffralx and i iryant 8 Johason.l/ Cattlra, MUaCasttra. Mlu a Iloutor ,0 LeUh. ton tnd win, P A Champoblere.Jos Pliomsr. > 0«ochu». Mrs 1. Oelllns, Mrs F OiTlwaieT.' J T OheJetx rouxtr. kf KYank, O Weithtor, Jetenrt Bobbins,and wlfy K Lutw- rrooe.O M Coofreye. K.Leyy, J Masttr Carr, Mrs Berrlot *ad Cbll tnd child i Mrt Boiden. child one Mil Chaa I^rtiTlj ' '" " " * " " hlitster II eblld, A a Klrt tnd wile . and seryant t > rl Rhine, asd child, A Ouieohslm, wljo and loor tleek and three obll J McOoriald.K Ikelhelraer. Mr* C P t - - , Kohuko and two children.; K Mendex, and M ehlld... McOo JDasDoemer and eruid, Auo»an*iiu,wi' ren t Mrs Katleek and three children. W I Donald. R lkelhelmer, Met C Parnelf.and cabm.. ; _ ! . . In tUanithlp Narada from BAvannldj-'ATral d°ir«i% o fc5.fet.o^SifHnf tt Marks, ind n I a t Lerneto, ohtld. lira In second I iron, wire, i knd a chtl- •f and three man, Mr* J rcuer.l.u Julia Jenka udaer..*nd son, 'inn itrdt. tlsonlM Imontj, Oio B BeAr*.-:f'JS****^^ ,„„,,„ .. ...-.QTalnuureand ton.B wl^Mtt^o WMdVoV BteT.ns^ Van "?™.-r^SSjaB.. R-A^grd, tm«^iWft5r.a™ iiiA. A m i i ^ M x * » BT«*»»« *M ehlld.Mrs 0 C Wt sConwa^wns JL tt «TAB.W.W"h_b. ^ II Tt OWIfAis^i * •••*> " J " — t-e - iekro»u, It W Bellamy Mr* J D-Wlnk«r»oUJf. 11*11. MaVoi aVrahaid. U O ittmt, and 11 la thsiteerise; V sun Adolf uimiw.v « *• IaoaeMethhai . In tha bark Albsttlna, from Vera Crux Ooe***l.l*wts.ltose. • ' . . ",, .-.. „ , . In the tteamthlp Marcaret, from Mobile- JWallie*. wife and sen, W Keyland. " tttiltUIKB. ,, KD1)Y-WILU3-Abgust 1, at JdrswlU on *e Hudson, by HOY. Br. LeonardjofNew YorUyWin.E Wy. M.DM hie strrgeon In the United BUtes Army, it Miss Imo- iren, M | ( t of N. ,1'. Willi*, editor o-.the//»W; ' '•Vll"' • •• •-'•'' '•!<• Journal. . BIKD. AMBTOoAN-On Wedneaday morning, A a Iwgering Illness. Annie Marl*, wife or man,and] ' -•---*•* Armonck, i, alter Jbert Amor'- *J^^%^mWW*& 01 - 'onck, Westchester county, N.-T:V l £^'S" ionck on ltelatWes B Br^ffis^oMiS^ , 4^ Sd^inSw of thelstl? johnlWylo,in beWUtyetr The funeral oerrlces will Uke place St Thnreday.'lbo M lna»M at ro^cfock r-Jt", kwifrienas arere*i>c«ixaliy tifnled toatto The frfooo'a'and' relatives' of the AmU/^»» fespeci4nuyi lnnted lo attend Malttrarrallrophlsl* «re*16>nci No. 4 Nebon BUce, tm.TlrttisAay AB-WOO*. ,S*I* o'clock, i mi,. •"i.'/.f? i »'•'.', j'v-r 7 " 1 * ' ' - ••• i.thAtamlly' amB.Bebv llnau.at* ,2eibUJ DELAF1KL1 Oary laap. Oo,, L"»'J > < I Bo*. J*Low. K. ^:; t S::^&t9M rrank.Mioo,.; <3v •.^.V.T.. , .li. r ;Wj, ^ too piwobk Wm&'lMX »v>aa .*» ...... o ? N ,v»Jo ru'jrn.1 «8X •M.-i 1 *H ifrfto ^ relaUTee and Wends A tWIamlly .toodtM'ftrAaral pt Ber ramB.Bela- neio?s*;ATttdt7C^B^c*.^iir*asy,; *l'tn*tj««,* rycjW.Vrvlt^ wnsWCni^AtNews»l,Ni-» T ^<mlst Ini:;. .Ujlantni^JameaJiOrckn, talant ohlM t Jamooond Knoaral from Wallace Ptiee, NewVt^il.k., r TrBitsW. at» r t w. 4 J cholera Intontaixi!Bil%se*rinio4t daogi ter o? b. Kmi ^ro*Hai>dKiriayO«tta', a » ^ 3 n i o n i h s . . ' ' , I Notlee ot fuwml wiil>egivea. uttrfSorr »w mornmtt'i 0*P*»S. ^ ."••'. '(I .tl.',,' rill .(' BJ j Notice of funeral to-xaorrow.,, ' " fl ! BA^W^^Tje^.ABfnstl.BaiW fe^TbWBt- f*t sost^3a5hatV;li^thVa^^ aSB»we; i» the tiypu c< l^sitV i •-"-.'»/•'.''•'- •'•'-«'• I TtaiwUOTwaacllrie^or.t^ . . indtbertineral trrmtherfaidcvoe.ori S^rjypt^ w**w**n*iJhS pt At l«thsTV«Bi *. • »,,^. J j f e W i a * raa^rlaipxnsJ tt,ft't,'ioW give lior/r6*b,alr; ,»a4..Uwft^Bt,hls, jtifjcd msn rwho wJUi,, others J^j.arjrfired) st.,C!nof>.|or A, doctor. But the poor girl died In *\jow mlnBtes., Her blood opTerea ,lhe iwl»apv.eUl on which «ne rested ahdjbe floor nee* by. Lt/' , . .f-.tir " Mr. White at once Instituted a search for tracks about the house, but, ,wae nnable to dis- cover BJBJ'distinct]»»«« of leet except In the R *" Atttert-TJlsrVrTeAtBer, twenty-Ioti desire 'OV age, slept on the lower door in tho northeast room, ills- mother- end EIU sloptln the'ttorth- west room sTrovel l Hv ' says'4 bolse nry stairs, just ^lorodown'STTokened him,; and rtkhlng out of bis room ho wko'kaocked down, neu the foot of , tho stalrs,by st-m*ai| , 'or roenj'comlnff dowu:' that ihe recovered, ohd bad h serjfllo-ln' the dorkfand 1 was OYerpo'weredVtbrovr'n down, snd tbe man, or .men, esesped; Iii ihoWs it soar ovdr One'eye 1 Iwhlch he ssys Wok Csosed by the blow thtPtnur- 1 deiorgive 1 Mm. The mark, u^ortnnstelf,'***' ; obviously Of Mi f-l'i'drdate than this fhdrnlog. ' '• I "Albeit'rl KjiUtiltoii Is not good ; ' He bk*been srtihir ' lust young man,' and his aaioclsUons are,isldto,ha.ye. been not ot.thobtst. Wo hear j that bo was Boon to bo m&rrlod. In. hia bureau i wna found a sum of money In natlonsl bank bills smouritlrig to About th^e hlmdred and sixty-two dollars. There wore three ono hundred-dollar i bills, ono fifty, snd some smaller. Ho savs two {hundred dollars ol tbe money was bin aud tbo rest his mother's. Tliolamllv were In moderate clr- oumstances, and had bhtUlJJe spai(e money." IIAYHB ,5 '."• ;|;'';»SJll#»»4l|| VejJItSiftB. A MAN AND BKVBBAI. HOB^BS KHJ,»D AT •'-''• •'" »»''OkUp». J "' " A collision'took place *t about seven o'clock lsBtjrjvcnln'g.'slt miles thU'sjie^l jEtstroDe Grs.ce, between iwft.fr^lgiiV.fi^nBlipnoof Th'em loaded with government horses on the,Why.to Wllming-, ( ton, Delaware. The cause of tho collision Is not reported. One man was kllltfd. A yiumber of horses nro inlSBlng, 8.ever'*l if them; It is said, being burned to dpstb. .: ,1 .-..:: •:-. . The, through Washington passenger end mall tralD, due here, art flvo o'clock this morning, was dolaycd liveorsix boors; butno mishap occurred to it. " : !•' " Tho Choierrt- in, x^BTpt." ' ' ADDITION*!-. "AIVMOIJUAUI. i .,. . A correspondent-of the Boston Advcrllitr, ' TI rltlng Irom Alex»ndrla( Egypt, July 7, toys: " Tlio ravbges bl tho oholero eoutlouO In 'Egypt, although there has been somo abatement In tho daily numbob 6f v deaths reported L lh Alexandria. Theso attained tbolr maximum on the 2d instAnt, wben tho nrrmber was two hundred and twonty- elgbt; two daysortcfwsrds"tlit! humber hod lalleri to one bnrtdKd srid'eigbWetit'jCotorday It had Increased tooB^Wtiiidreaiind lorty-trro.' " " Tl^e American ebmthunUy, whlcb bad happily been Bparcd-during the flret^three weeks of tho prevslencool the dlBcaso, has ceased to enjoy Im- munity. 'On-thoSth Instant dlod at'Cniro tho wife of the Itov..Qullan,Lansing, tho estimable American missionary. .Tho lamented . lady hss sealed vritlihcr IBealong and useful service with her husband in iprelgn lands.- On tho Oth Mr. A C. Pangelskl died, a. Creek by birth, a eltUen of tho United Butts by naturalization, whohns boon a resident of Alexandria iorthelatt ten years or more. lie was & man ol Intelligent*] and ofbl&mo- lups character. , . . J , - - ,' . " Nolther of.these deaths, 1 believe, Is assigned preclsolyito cbolem. yet, as they, occurred alter short and sudden illnesses. It may bo supposed that tbe disease, wbatovor It was, was aggravated by tho state of the stmosphere lacldonl to tho presence of cholera, • .- ',' Tho English missionary, the Rer.'Mr. Lleder, . hos died in Cairo. . • i . .*.,., . ," Prom tbo intorlor, tbo. most dlslrooalng: ao- counts are brought. At Cairo tho deetUa,<laUv are admitted by tbooffloiU.rowrU.l^nu^mber fiv^ six snd seven hundred; anitn many pi tho Inland vUlaxea, where.the nativei populaUoa. Is without attendance, .tbo mortidity. has boon frightiu]. ,, , .-: v-tJ", J'"' " A strong north wind wblcitiproTailod durlDg tho present week bao.doubUte* boon the cause oi | tbo Improvement st Alexandria, and as tho telo-; graph announces the rise of. tho Nile in tbe upper, country, strong.hopes are entertained tbst when! tbo wave reaches tqe Delta, now in about twelve days, a favorable oflect maybe produced by Us; flooding tbe low snd stagnant groundv :.-, . . : , "More than thirty thousand people have left. Alexandria, and tbe departures cootinuo by every steamship. But one American vessel, Uie Canada,! of Bath, recoalns In p^Ort, and ebe clears to-mor-l row ior England. . . . . . . " I am able to add, for the post by tbe Frencbi Steamship, that the number of deaths from cholera In Alexandria yesterday wss only nlnety-one, wbicb gives matin encouragement.' An amollora-. Uon Is also reported at Cairo." -i .-I IreauraxYr'Appointinents.—The Bceiretarj oi'.tbo' Treasury lias decided to make mo more clerical; appolntm'entoj'except in cases oi ; vacancies which; m o s l ,'bb rra'pplle'd.' ( <jter flltceri- hnnaxedappll-j cations' of-npspc«s«inl ssplrants for cjcrk^Wpa 1 , are on file in tbU Department, having accumn-: lattd during and since the rebellion.,i It la estl-i mated that theie are nearly sixteen hundred olerka and copyists employed in the Treasury building.; —[Wathbiqlon Btarf,-..-,/ j -. v ;;., ;-» j The AndersonvUJe j'alloT.-rTbe. wiirt-martla' ot whlcb Brigadier-General Underwood Is prcsl-; dent and / p9jone^^lprr^, ) Ja^e f » d v o c a U , haa^ adjourned »nili Anguii IBABA 'The several mera- otber PJACCA. ; On-tb* re^rn ot- theBunabeta and tbe»as«eBiMmg-of tbe < ^ n ^ the ejse'of OapUln' ITenrr Wlrts. l*te commander, of tbe Andorson- Of VvaaV^rVUTbO t»if»JB^-tlF<MAbli(1bW'«r»r. ' •7^i«»iea*t^'it^>^YB«> Ne^'Eiglan^'AgTli « J & Society Srlll ^U'^tn^Wt'ABiWi Fair at Concord, N.H.,6n,.tbe 5th, 6th, 7tb and Btbdajsor BepterrauWinfixt, v The aurflol elgM thousand dollarstaofflsteAtopravtaM.J Among tbe rtovelHr* Bdrertlaed torBaMMUrgi Is a svekm "iiJTyM xt :i*t ti_:". '"'I T 0-r-.-.>l.-jt aio-.'A-.f WwaU -A siimii .-i.-i-ui.- .ii .ur' ;>.ji „.v*j, -i .- -. "•eWrsiraltiystrT^ ft BAktt^-aMeiugiiawnwv*3mta*tt *v -,•••• / : .' -LOST OR STCjLBN. Sr^SF* Hi'ECIAL NOTIOH—THli POL- aaVCSB. lowlnn dwcrlbed 7S0 U.H. Trewury notct ol theoarrent litus were stolen from the ttf e in the ofJlci of ; Howard A Co.'t Jfxoreil.ln th* Tlllo(eo( Troy. Pa., en i the night or the Mth of July. : ABrerscbs, flrml tnd eorporattont are hereby cxutlon- 'ad isalmt reoolTlng or negotlttlnx the undermentioned 'notesor bonds,sa all of tho same wjere stolen, ond thli Cotrptny oltlmi tho light to recortr tho poitetilon or Isold cote* and bonds whenerer or d wbererer they otn find lie tome t I i 80T49U. B, noUi,SJ» each.numb^rod trora 108,7»lto ilM.ICS, both inelutlTe i »» 7-S0i U, H.jnotct ol loit litus, ' »1M each, numbered trom'2i9^Wlo 2M,9i7,B0tb IkClrulTC. ! HOWABD A OO.'B BXPITB33 OOMPANT, \ By TBlfDBnUJrt LOVP JOT, BuperWtendent, Hf*. «7 Obettnut tt,, Pblladeipblt, Pa., July S3,18e\ : B a m '••..-•• •-!•'• j '• !: • •.-.--. :&^U>ti'2.-A (xOLnCHKOK ON TUB 5*<lSr Btpk of New York, dated't/d jelt. ISM, for ' |s^f»-dr*WBTCWrmoll * OO..Mo.05^80.il > aym«U BOV- •Wtr5£> KOTIOJ3.-A CEItrlpIOATK OJT, BOS. Depotlt torTwoTaontADdI>ollArt, Bo. tljU. .«*tpl BooklDc'haiirt.taet i B teMbnotiT whereof, witi paiee Wt ^sjxth day oi Jans, IS4A ' . .rloTrjji. OOmp y*u(ot otoreeold. whereof.' wUse*s my bked aad tool ol ntBRUAB CLAIIKB, nptroUer of tbe Oorreney. fipgJ- Tif-BAflUilY i DJttPAiiTadHaT; OF- yiAiaurwroa-, Juas i, Ujav^wher***,* bf i UtotKSSrf l *l? ,, Y!V r a«wva»»***oV^BirerB> .rding to iherequiremesli oi th* Act ol Coijrrrii.etiUtloo^AJt Ae* to prWld* NOUOBAI cur* yesey, tecored by a pledre oi United tittle* Jtoadt and to pioriee tot tk* crcuiAtloo oea _ pfored Jar.* 8, iW4,tadhot com slots of told Act rorjitlrtd. to commencing the butinrai or ban,._. How,therefore. I,Prw-mtn tltrke _ op. roiri. . «or» - Aot. Comptroller ol tht Ma<;tlAjrfIO« Jr A T I O B AL H*J>K OF WK'-T YOBK," la tbe etly of Now Vork.in Oiecoootl ox kew lorkocattsuof New York It inthori'id to pommeao* tbs buslnnii ol banking undwr Ihe act AJoreaaU. ... It ttst'moay wtcjooVwltnaa* IJI hoai K i ^x w Of J^attJ~ M |i>a.l " ' offloe this ninth *»J ol Jane, )9»S. fbirmeo) ^ rBAAotAB OLAraat, Brreocx, •rf-i^Ji'THKAHUBY DKPAHTMKNT. OF urvjgi. ncx or U'»trT-»ou.ag or run CUBUMOT dated l^'D«BraberV IShf. from tbo" Bailed OompoBT io-MiUt, Knlot*rb*eMtr A Co.. M bseu tost, lart, No. HJ)\3, tod Mates Trust .. kot b*eu ! i^apt=*' ; liOrJT- OF.! MI8DAII>-A OBBTIKI ; » ^ ^ ^ « » . r » f peposlt for.lfS*. doted Mareh ». ia*V lstueT>y tkTtJ. BrTnut C0..01 NTYT. to Morgan A. l liBttod.-luariiBtruKen ! p*U, *xeentor*i Ase. . panoeo beer^ktagipedaajjipfw^cerlji^ealeaooii^dfor. _>i _ ! It was lost from emon*- Oamr pteort j tad la what maokier (it unknown tome i and therefore I call upon ail ptrtont to tbow cause why a new oortlfioote tooald not lotus la Ueuofthtt lost. kOBBIfT-T.BMmi, Ie»taw«w ,. BrntthS POlBt.b-1-B.T. BAN'KS,' T B li AST/ BY DBPABTMBNT, 0OB, Orriosar coarrrpotxam or TUB CUBKXBOT, YfASitneoTOir, 'July 11. lWJ^Wbeiao*. by lAUtrkctorir eTldonoo presented to ti« undersigned li ¥ u been mod* W op^r inM'I^BjfArtOti^WTT BANKO? NBW "OBrL'Inkhectrrof.ltew Yottln the county ot Now ork, kndltotn bf rlkw York; bosbw.n duly ontouljed on- dtrtDdtpoordlngtothorerjulrorecnttot l i s act of Con- trtlirVAn Acttopiorlde anotl' vl greet unlit' cured try a for the ActtqptOTldt an ot fjollidSlot** botidt, and to orpTide .loniiaarrency i* dt, and ' edemptlon tnt S a circulation,'tnd ., redemption tntret Jane Sd, Its*, and hat^oOOplied with onk of told aot reaotred to be Qini.-.llcd boiore cOttiratriCliig tna ou'Wtat of btnktng drjrxtld tet.iNowthersfo, !?r. or th s Ourrenor. do irrtemonCloriie, TiONAIrCltT fid'SK OK >f Heir xork, fa the eormtr of Srebr Of," ap- •11 the llh on- ol- TU 0 !?'* A. the city l-lcand l tat* of hs boAlnoat '•Kftl*. »T rejrtl" lb H rfhW YOBK* In f Nsw. York, ood is bo mony wberoor. h Jay of July, r« r.LAiiKK Oiler of IhoOorrexK TreoluryDcpArtmtnt, j New Toik. ond tl*ie*l haw Voik, kot boa* aolrorxAtv lxcd under aid aoeordtng to the reqarremekti ef the Act of cot.grpa, totltled " A n Act to protina o itaUonoi Ow. rener,secured byopltdgeof United 81 t o proTtdn for the elrtulotlpn ond rt tpprored Jan* k,ll/4iand liAt oompl ritlo-i.t of told Aot requlieq to be eompnea with ttefbrt ooiua*«,cliix the'outiuett of banking under sold Aat i I.OW.ILweiore, I, ProeoiaJi clorX>, Oomnlrollar of Ihe Currency, do kereby ^cartUy, Ibot "^uelulPoTlTklla' In tht City ofKrw Tot*, in the County of hew Tork. ohrf I J*7oCl ComptroUer pi tha Carraacy,, Wnco or TBUI CoauTao: xxxor, WAoauturox, Moy Both, jtetoTT endsoo* b*tk bltrl* to PACTUBatBkV »<3»'a , K H A H U l t l & i DKBAitTMiUSTN*- rSaVja, OTTIOB or TKB CoKr-rooLurt or T»« CVA- .—vvhere*ALby.*oUt> 1 IOOAL 01. !• nilil I I I » ~ A . ror th* ci " *M,lf JOB* *oU*e*.r*q i^owTJ: TOKK. IA hrorkoA*! j f* ttoOmooT yl dSoifof* «*frft LAKE; HQUQE; istiU?. lacoNa 'ietiAjsro. . MttA*ot rooms for fomiilot or geotletn**. Aooe** trt d*ny via Dong ltlaad lUllrotd.''' ' ' ourt 61-11 ' '' AMOfi B, iqBtrt,ENTrotUP.' Lk» «JoVlt PAVJiilON HAa. BBKN, with tb< rroudtfk And shore, pat In t e s t Order for the cotafoitolguteUi bo* Urge oBdalry rootntte mrV. Taw l.ltcc* moi e dealrablo for a summer istroot. | j A lmpod f|lHB IAA TOUBJS.TTK UOUrtii, BHHUBW X PoUit, ii, J„lb« moit deaJrtble watering plooe ia th< Tletntiyofthamstronolit, Toporti**whoa«B«r*l>lt«eill if J«y OTldtao* pretested, i to Oowptroller of t h * Ourronejr, eVETfilENT-OF- or TUB Cukaxiior, root, br aalltfoctory to theuBdortlgaed, It hat been mode * P *S5BlctSTBxb'ttAHClBI'viTtO'ltAC B ANK. the city.of rtewYork, lu-th* county of.New Tork ted in.the city of « • and ttato ofNew r organlr. tt bees 'duly Of tho act d o nauotal corrca- and aeooidlng to the requlremenU it tho ao( ot Con- mas entitled" oyiecuiedby a "alted Stole* boods, and te all redemption thervor,'^ to- prortd, Jul* Sd. )BM, aid bis OornoUed with all "tf'a'Pro- Tlttontof said oet rsqairtd to bi compiled with belort 'chneliCY.^OkeTeOyOfrBfytrittrhe ' Tlttont COtniw NOW of Ibe'clirTeiiey.aOkeTeoyof .... AMKIilOAKnjWUABOB KATIDMAL BANE, In the city ol »*wTetk7irithaeounirof New York ond title of Bew York, tt- tu'horlaed ,-to oommanee th* pmi- aeti T(btjjVlnrur^rtB«*fAatorw*ld. , In lettimony wlieroof, wltuesa.aiy hand »od seal or of- Ooe, this tth day 1)7 Wt iiersoi of Jul uir. POTEMArT ClJtBKK, Comptroller ot the Currency. • S f totitfootory eeat ootor* 1 tnorlll NATIOBAI. BAH ty of hew ioik. County ot New rora oad gJXO AsoOOIATtoa Mh* Wtl of Mw VOrk, la thd ttt* Of. New YOrk,kki been TBEAaUBY PEPAUTMKNT, OF- _. rioa or CoiuraoiXak or T<I* Cuaaxxor, rVAeuiBOTOa-, July etb. leAJ^-rThereo*,.bT tatu' CTldence ptrstnted to the underotgneo, ft has bei to appear t h . l ^ . R (>f w m _.ATI0BAI. lUwglXO.ArJ* of th»Clty.prN«tr tO'k.H _.., I _anJru and occOrdloi IT |bsrt>dulr«inoall of Ihe act ot CoEgrcw tattled " f.a oet to prdtldo t nt tlontl oairenoy, secured, br a pleOgo of UrJlM HUtel bends, tnd to piorld* IWthe clrculatloa and redemption thoieof," opprpTed Juno S, IbOl t ond baoouioIKd wlCi oil tin nroTltfont of Bold aot required to becornpllol wltb, before commtooing the batUiets ot boalung under ttld act Now.>'thvetoro, 1, Freeman CUrirjo, ComplroUor td tbo Currehoy, do hereby certify thtt NATIOHAL BAXKIBU AOOOOIATIOX ot tbe City OI New York.lu tbo City of Now Tork.In tht County ofNewYorg tun Bute oi New York.li authon*- eo to oouuneucs buxmt at of bonking under tht net oiore- Hid IJI testimony whereof, wltoes* my hand and see! or offlce.ibl.etb o»r of,Jd,y.iW. {K . MAN ^ ^ )y7(0t Comptroller or th* Currency. fr-C2=" TBBA8UB,Y DHPABTMKNT—OF- kwOSw "r/oa or THB Oo«rra0M.xh or TUB COHB«B- OY, WABUDKITOV, JULY, krn, nw>.—wburto*, by aottt- foctory tyideaee pratenUd to.tbe nnderttxned. It hat pern-made to Bppatr that * THK OOaTlNrtNYAlr NA. TlDNAli BANK OK NEW TOItK," in the city of Ntw Yolk, tn th* county ot.Now Tork ond itale of Nuw York. b*i been duly organized under ond oeoordiug to ths ieqnliotileTits of the oot ol Congron eoliths ~ An Act to proTloe » Nsttonol enrrenoy, securod by a Pledge of Uilled btalet bono*, tni- to pronoe for ihodreolotvio pod redemption therepr," onprored Jur>* Sd. 1804. oad hot eompilea with oU the prorlrloet ot ttld oet required to be oompbed wltb beforo commenotnx th* puAlnctt of bonking nnder teK >ow.uitre/pi told "c^. ^Tr/w cpusty or hew 1 to commence York, In the cpusty ef New > ork and tote la autboj Ixed to com: der tbe act olorettld. I dty of rfifw iBthodtrr Yorkondttotaol rifwYerk, tba ba*lct*t ot Banking un tn tettlraony'whereof, wltneta my hand ant seal of office t ^ t n t l h da, ot July.lS» MEKMAt( ^ ^ No.liiA. I CompbroU«r of the Currmey. •tT«fct.... ! , fc-CjjFr 'lllBAB.'UBY^DBPAIU'MAVNI, OF- " 'AaBrJfOri tceprrjaent'odl^th'dniderslrntd,It ho* beeamodtito pear that r, THK PUKN1X NAliuNAlTOANlt Op TKK ricaor COiirT«oLr*a or Tax •WAtuntoTOw, d> :ior coxPTaoixaa or TBX CUBkxxjr, .Jelyl, IKSJ^-Wherea* br tttlifoetory trri- --tot"-"--'' - * " L " ' ' - - " '- appear that ''THK PukNix NAIIUHAI, OANB or tflVTOF WBW fpUK/'la tbe ellT of Now York, 1 county ot Mew. York and state of NewTorc.hM nary organized under aad according to lb* requtrarnt of the tet of Congress entitled," Aa Act to p.rorlde. In tna c-ten tfonal Cori btnoi, thereof,. ^ tbe provisions Of sold s before oocuaeaebuc tbe Darreect, Moored, by a pUdgi and toprortde tor the otroultu. f," approved Joes S.istt.ond hoi inkfon* 04 tttd teirequired t< Atfrt*. Kt-; ft of Stalled 6U.U* tod a required to be eoraplied vita oa and • amptlea haseompltod wllkrOil npti aot. Bow tbrrefore,! abacst, I;Bunaxl bOtUMo* of bonking under told theOoiBiirbilerof the Curreany bjdnx - •' - "' ' '•• - '.roller- of I" Currency TIUVAL Wateol New Tork,ISL-— nr^o3B*lUdr«aa4*rthao^larore*tld;. fi Uitlmony wnereof withet* my hoad oad sea! of ° m ^^r^te° a " (CurrtnayBurfao ,?y S Vl? rt * WD * part, ^rVo!iJ»70 & UlUtnony^wnereo^ 1 T, BC^AliD, Deputy-C<rmp<roU«r. , in, Beaiof the Comptroller of tke 0«r- f ^ r ^ ^ T l ^ A a U a Y .DEPAtfrMENX,L OK WASBMI dttlce trr r?AV^0»Ti. ,, tVTiW'eltyVif BTw'Y^fxria^'coaajy "of Newyork*ndst^oi>ewTor»,hMbemd*i/orx^^ &XBBA*,b/ eatUfoCt-jri-eri- ,lt has betn mteeJo THBCHATHAM NATlO.-'Al. BAetlt OP, kioa or CoarToOixxi or .rata; CCBXXXOT '-l.iikaL—vs tho nndei^ . BK.*' la'thefeltr Of new Torkrin Ui» codoi ... c*ndlit*UO|hewTor*.hMbe*nd*lyorg*! uoderaaAacoordktp; to tbjre^'dremyau of tha Act or Ohnrrtx eaUtled.-* An Act to prorul* * Nottonol Oar- ^ ¥ ' •-"ie^^t^Ut^B««dt^lo kt* compiled •rttVJlto* »fOTl-| to ne-eMipBtd with betor* ommweiB*;th*beafDSt*orBaaklnguader»*»daw. - ! rSftagi^^^w^ftAg^ . -.»„=-.- ,*e ppunty ot .New Tork and itaUol H*w Jor*, ts aathrmud to eMntmeaeetbs bux4ae*t ol b**k»x "l.^r^^^-wlut**. «*I ban-i aad seal of offle* WAazaaoTox la }he erty o »^-«- , «48aar 5 ' •*-aw TBiujBuaYaiBPAflaaf^Baix.^- of<3S r" , .neji •.car CxMtkTttoi.- — — " ".-•»—•- »Toa Jolyl^BfeS.-Vb' 'ttstiyl*To^-'6rrjyiS;. uader'oad'oxeoVdlar- l i the rt^aarwofcajii rf . fM B^aS^^tdA^i^eirefflaaad'rS SiJool^ approTSd Jfnae », BaM, aid. ka* eootpiul KttS ohtWt thtm dotty tohew XOi*. this hoot* ofier* iup*npr lo. U |0ra*unrm*rhome. Opmmedlout iteoiahoota- "eVAVift'JW* duoement* lorttuurmt-rkome. . leay* pUr Bo. * hotta r!T*r ot »i>6 A, o'clockr. w. ijrom D*y itr**t ot l o t . » . - , -^v, -.=. r . ~. Troioioo ui«T5cw Jent«rC«ctraJiUlirr>odxrivx brio hart; rUMt, t«i time* * dor. .Tlr»» Iron Hew XPrtt to Ilorgee i^tl,toIrty.ar«rj3BOt«t/ _ ••' C'~ * •• irtL i .- .witBunr.w.,HnrUPref<i»*tt-.. there, Otteted tbfjytiilJmcBls attributed tdMra aUdotBcTs.' We nitve aajnt 16r tyor itOrristporident irrd Iplornua.t, knd thill CTj>eci him To Jurtlfr bis issertlf/nsj'ir" cue ap6lp*r|te under bis own name toifco grillfhnen wbdnt be baa named.'-' ' • I As to the invitations mentioned by Mr. Boiler- flelfj' in b(a riote, two' Which were abown ns by Onr Informant,had a sooret and mysterious aar>eci. Oie, : 'for ; intl*nr*, waa ptrntod, the other was written in a female hand. TTitee genUcmen mlnbl bare escaped all tnlrocmstructlon, If, Instead ol {net ling tnTBterton'tly |p a prlvolo ofliee, they had called a meeting openly in some public place— tbdr object bcln#, according to tbelr own alate- ment, ol a public and riot of a private nature. UiTTKn r a q v km. UUTLBR. To (Af EdilortoJ Ou iWntraff loti: j IJast CTcnlnifC you jiubllabcd wbat profcaaod to,bo an acoount ot -UMS procxeding* of a ut«*sUn< C-l tbe ' Frlexrfi* ol Jeflaroon .DaiflaV keld tl No. V lit oad atrect, on Monday alternoon. Aa ac- cording to joor own .report I waa present at thai tQCeting, you will, 1 trust, admit Ibtl 1 know What occurred. UiCe, aud as your reporter put yioiri* mto,AO» poulfb, you will, I irost, also admit tbo propriety of jgiVlog rae a bearing upon tht) subject. 'Jn lhAl case 1 liato merely to.^aj 1 ,. tbiij -,excepting tbe slatomcnt that a toOCtuiK.. was Called and held to dovlse means tot a fair and proDcr UUl ol Jcnervott Dttls, Uie report in the ^vjnfiitj Porrr II dJrocCy Al yaritflce wllh |he 'fkcu,' It is true that sereral «>- specUWe genl'tmeD, who bellevbtlut lAllitajry touiU have nf3 authority to try r>«rsons charged With such crimos aa are Imputed to' Jefleraon Davis; and that In tny event there haa been enough bloodihyd, did uiecl to derlae moan* for bo Mull and Itlr ddepee' of JefreraOn Davis and iU krkaocktcs | but H,l* not true that any person ireaent At that tnt cling rmcxed a' langie aeateno* ontained ta.tbp report in your, paper in my hear. : og, nor were, any »ncb or like seoqmenu er- irersed ot that mCcllbg as are- doniaroed In that irticle, <•,, •• ' • . n r .-.....•.•• ,• . ThA. Ungnage used al the wpeUng lu qpjesupn ras such aarxo loial man of common sense could ibject to, or I should not hare Temklned there. )ut tho roott extraordinary statement In yoor >*per lropbo* that lie pnn>o#e. WA* to bcglP, In a iew abapV/a' fresh rebelitdn. This Is simply ndlcnkma. •>'•. .." P. Y. OOTLmn, 5 WaUaUcet, Wedneadaj, Auguoiad,!»C5. btrty and reiorro. CXmg^Ai Tstav HewsuA* r*^**^*) Caplurt' at ^frWs ^T.^^ * ;: kj r " No part of the rewards lor the carAure of tkc <****!iratloa conapUalors has yet been Jpaid. It a IttMa^atOAd AUl U»«IfecrcHAry jdmti.**»**#;:. mable to aire tbe mailer his peraonoi aUoatrloa, laalnaUd JndjL'e llolL AdJuUnt-Geceroi Towa- -riaOioad Aj4lktsjit BiimMT^VeiclrC, Mi boar* o WW a * . AeiAtW t h e d a o n s ot tAe, roadhrtod*) of r »•»?*«»• ««*• **»• ka^txtW ABA hare not yet Ion ad time la hear all the aajpikua. and ol corxr»« haT« , tot made any decUioas tm<^tS*m.» rT7, ''" ' ! «ranor«d Arraat Of l e t u « . t>eirTati.~.A ntao,. ttipi**e*t©toeJohn JI, BBrrslt, oae of tbe oo*. ^r*lAWCk^*««^lnjthr» ataottleatioa. oi Pre**., deal Lincoln, arriTcd al Ii>rri*barg, pa,, yc*>t«c- d*y,intho morning liain irom Pittsburg, *** kit for Washington' in the Northern Ocnlral train at noon. lie waaarrooirxl in Texo*. ! Oift to th* Bed wood Ubrary.—Tbe Bed wood |>lbroly ha* )u*t reeelTtd a Urge and snoel valna- UU addltioa to. its already rjxoeUeni cAUlogua oi |jooka. }Lt U the glU ol Jt^bert. II. Irea, of Prov- idence, who is one of oof snntmer reeddenu, and VtfcoeS generous set In Uut Instance deoerro* PUaCh, .PjaJUc. The voUunos .number betwoe* three and four hundred In all, and tridadesuch kexa M Audoboo'* Birds ol Araertoa, KlrboUOa'a I KncTtioirwJU oi Aichltcctnrc. BtslUi's DicUona- . Uta, Noilh American Sjltfi, Mllman's CbriatlaA-' |ly. lyCdge'* Portraits, Kcbeilioti Beoord, Ellot'a ; IX-l«t«*i os tbe Federal ContUlullou, Ntltooal 1'oiUolt Uolloiy, Knlghl'a Ixindon, Knlgbta Pop- ular Hitlory or Eagland, Wllaon'S lalos ol tha Jiorder, Ac.—(Vv-ixlViriv* Journal. •" .- t,o-nr»a nsoig ant. njoxak. . Na-w VoTtar OITT. I ' ! W-DBSWDAY, AtlgOSt 2, IW. ( ToOnKiUonof tU »>tKm(ti^dt My attention has Just been called to a elate- ment In your paper of Tuor-d»y, purporting to gtvnan acoount ol thedolnga of a private meeting of gentlemen, aald to have hoep held in Broad street on Monday all era oon, and al which I am reported to have uttered or endorsed certain son. ilmenta. I desire to eay, In your columns, in an equally public msjanor, UiU 1 have not boon utc»- fcot anywliore where snj. such, scullmculs have been uttered, and tllat nobody bpt a fool, In my judgment,'coiilfl' hsvs ntterrd therA,»nd"no ono 1ml a acoundrel emild h*m attributed them to me. _ UlirkOB J. XOCKJIK.. 11 lLx4 Tucker desires to know tbe name of our Iniorroant we aha\l bo pleased to give It him a* toon a* be applies lor It.—K»s. F.VBNIBO PO.IT, j.srrTsnk PUOM Mfciwrrrr»surxia.i>. . t . ... '.,.'. N»Ar Ycotx, Angust B, l»». JbtArAViUetio/TAJiJiVewlstFJf***.?- <<:>•• The aiaAemtdrts IB'/twir report of the me*rtlng held In Broad stre*t, on Monday oOcrnoon, in which my name^s mentioned, are a misrepresen- tation ol lacta, ao Ht as ytm UtTrm' that there were sentiments uttered, lnlavor of renewing the rebel- lion in ar^ way, by Abjr one'present", 6r *»/' *eatl- merits that eoulci be oonttroed as disloyal. 'Tiri' tTicetlhg''waj ;slwp*y , "for the pnrpoee of t A i B ^ h c t c t & f T ' rhreAsnres lot o^etHuing it speedy and isl^trlil 'o< j^efreioxyii' Davis Via'd othcW now lri Tvrlson 'bfefore fatjMV worjA, inirtead of inlll- xkrr frtbrrBslr. in order' to abOw the World Ciat Justiceks IbelaWtol .oor oountgy.;: •''.'•'•• i'' >'• •' ' • roay ra«nU^thStT^vBiil^l( ift atteinTthe meet- ing were *«nt to -Hi. Orsafloy and other* promt. nunt in hi* party, and w* would bo glad lo hare h»dany«>f wm attead it,j .,,. •. ,, '^' r r^ ^l^sp^<:t)nl)y, , .' - - C i i i o e BtrrritnriwrJ*. ' '-' . .^. ^*. —.« Ai.^. New York . TJRXA.8. Krglooeals a>o D«ly BBIUIB*. Hobko-rleo- FOR SAVIMAH-~ STAB LINEa bBiMi-WMBlKtY. '. TBK K1IU1TCLAB8 U. B. MAlb BT)tKMSMlPfl NETAUA, - - - uiiiTBD mm, AMBBIC'I, '••'•'..- COMTITuTWH, - CarpenUr, Cornraander, Rhttre, Commander. Clltt, Commander. Grttnman, Commander, TUB WITiliMfAVK FOOT OF OANAD otrott, n. B^ fiATUBDAr, A t i u l i. ol I o'clook r. w. I'ottAte**}. For frelgkt or pooaage opplx to WAKKMAB, OOOktlN A DICIlBBcm. ' Ko; 17 Broadway. TheUNITKD BTATKa will foUow Vfedo**dojr, A»g,». . AgenU in &*TMD«-Mot*rt,BmGI!AM,BAXJ>rYLN A CO. oogllt . TT. S. SAUITARY COMMISSION x>noxico'rivjffi WAll-CLftltAl _4.$S0CIATI0N, BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT Dlwbltd and Dlwliarge4 Soldier, and Sail on, . H0. R5 COAMBRKB 6TRBKT. NO CHARQR'TO EMPLOTKRS OR BHPLOYRD. At ths abort oitlee tre rtulttered ditchorged ooldlert ond itlloTtcf at! trade* oad (rutttocouoait, and or all eon ditloatof bodj.bolb dttabiid and obis-bedlod. and all or* wall recommended. An urgent roquet It mtdt lo employers to call and reg- liittr their appnottlorjs lor emptojee*. Both partletort oerrtd frca of chorg*. / • ••> 0HEAJP AJKD BTTmXOBR PlVEAflAJ«T Tajavjai*. llCW YORK TO OA.MDBM. FUOM PI KB 3 N. K.','"DAILY, it 10.a A. w_'r»tjft*oUsg with Iratas for Bed B**X,lrorg'Br*nch,»tiLatiho*t«x,Tora't liiT«r,Bori,*- gal and Taexutoa. And l.U r, X, for Highland*, Mlddletowa, Bed Boss, Bhrewttmry; Batontowa, Ooooa Port, Broaefc rerl, Oas Brooch,Bkork IBTOT;Tormlogdxl*, Bqatrakura. Btrgto, Mtacbtstcr anrt Tpm'I.Blver. Tor* lo LongBroaeh.si. Th* tpJtasid. Btaaotar JESSK HOiT win Vtor* at obore, dally.at 10.43 A>,, forCotodeadirect. thrptghlnS ! hourt. Fart tl) Kxmtrttoa Uoi.aU, good for tar** «ar>l ' tst*.,' •• . " i . • i ; .'I F i o a Corndtn toks Ue Werl Jersey BaBxaaA lor COM May aad aB Ports of Wert Jettdy. Ticket*can k* proekr«d at th* ofltt of Vettcotl't Kt. prert, corner loth atreet aad Broodwoy, *>4 borxaxa theckud Irom n tJA*ne* oay l>ot<i In Long »"*x.t!h. }*JU ' _^ UKWIts A O O X CBAKLTOK T. JUtWIH, t. B. COX C0UM8lLt.OKA.AT.IvAW, X*. 1*J llr**dwar, T. O, JBeox IU. Ci.lKkO, NIW TOBK C1TT, ,'.,.-, Attend tetil patiact* la the Cosrtt oflh*UalUdBfot**, aad u tk* /rcpanment* at wtMhmgtoa.' aopeciol tltto- Uon girts to latawnai Eeroou* kaartattta. oad.to ******* agalctl lortflrjl goTtrnmeau ot well u oar ows, . Mr. L«wlt'» itptileae* at Ueowty oocaati—tatitr w la lifi • " ' ""-'' —' teraalif«ten**wUlt>« agaoraatr ot tha«-ooa-ksr<iaaiBt- OEO* with the Bttrexloe Lows. _ f ^ r -^'• • ' o/__ " " |*Bj<jla<ae*) aar^praca^ce la beta '."".'., ; CARB.AQE8. ' Th*tasaaiavH*atoek BOW la the tara* utrg* waretookao, 1 t*>T*rtBg ***»«• et'U^rjoao.aore s***,- •'• ' BAM**", i " US £%%TWWZH&: X BABJiraa, Btv * Ossk^tretJtr of »kShCtnT*«yi. tttrrtnoT,do be*^; ejrtlj* Ota ejtUaklaa- U aataorUsd Ko c,-rov ' act afawptnid. llV-r'-tM-w'' i'-'^^'^fr ito.oooi ivoiaioAas -iiirJwAaiBi ",v-r*.-|, •'•-••t.-.i...f il' w , t t-i.1 fwiirV .-'.'•..'. j UJ< -J .... „ll:ij' -:•-, if l'.:,. ,- ,(( /MI'.I :• r,.'i;-.:s ', / wTrt u! •iirUji-jftiT-rafl^l ry*-j| | We hare news from Honatoo and Oalrotton to theaothpl »lulj, , TbcHlxlccntb and lClobteenth New York cav- alry passed through Marshall on IhcQlh, on their way to tian Ahlonlo. They lorm jwji of a largo cavalry lores taking the sauneroad. Caralry, and only cavalry, can pot down bushwjiackcra and In- diana In TCXA*. ' " ' ' ' ' <-'• A party c4 )*yliowk«r*. ooplured near Col am. baa by lb* Brovoat-Marthol, bore arrived ot Hous- ton, and await trial. Beyer*] of the band did not come down the, lallroad, Uie soldier* having lell thorn in the wood*. The' 2WeFrnp/i puta the entire number of Mls- sourlans who.want to Mxtxloo trom Texas tl lonr hundred, aad not ten thousand, as has been reported. . . • '• A greal twiny robbors and Jtybawk*rebare boon arrcaied In Wctipern Texas, and a Urge atnoonl ol etolen rnxrperty, recovcTpd. At Ihe Houkion. orovoetmaJahkl's ofner, op to tbe 17th InaUnt, three thousand throe hundred and sercnty five Oatha of amnesty and one thou- sand alx hundred soldiers' parole* had boon taken. • ,, , , • Major-Gcneral Andrews, commanding Dop»rt- rocnl 01 GalVeaton, nonalon and Cemtral Itoil- rood, to jrfllllcati, uon * tour of inipecttob la bis dUtrtct : . . . . . Building Improvements ihaTe rtcomraenced st Iloturton. lh« oily board ot health and the mili- tary authorities nr*> bavbx tbe place cloajikcd. The freedmen a**jt*t on a liberal aoale, nnder tbo oideraol tkyjpitrroei-mararis). The pcopl* coroplaln Of the non-arrirrd of thrdr sew governor, new* mall agent, new postmasters, new custom house f*ffl00ra. etc. Tbo del ty 1* cor Ulnly prejudicial to* tbo Inlert-sU of tbe *Ule. ' MKXiCO. A Prortmmolloo by C*rtl»o«-Ill» Troop* o»>«r irlatamoreo. Uy w»y of New Oilcans wc bare late new* from Mexico. , Do I^eon, tho ( avi! Governor ol TamaullptA, 1* at the bead ol. about five hundred men In thai slate, doing the enemy no Injury, but refusing to recognise Ibo authority of Cortina*, who U regu- larly oomtniatlopod,brigadlor-general, and assign- ed to tho command of all ibe liberal troops opo- ralinr on the Ulo Grande, by Ncerrile, tbe Min- ister ol War ar-d GtDer»l-lh-Chlci of the republi- can atmke*. Cortina* compelled Ixjpex to cTacuateCamarjco a lew T.tcka tko, and now holds tbein ao last Jti Malamoro* that Ibcy dtro not show their bonds outride the lortlfloatIons, except in lormldible bodies. It is * fact tliat cannot be disputed that Cortixhoa'a D*e>o or* no w, si.d hare boon lor months paat, within fnim one to alx edlle* ol Maiotnoro*. ond MeB* baa rterer renlored on oa attark. Cor- Uaa* boa iMsaaad tbe loUowiUtT t - « Karunuo or Mstxnx), fCOltSYIIOTWIClX, AllM CorUpa't Brigade, Gcneralln-Ch " Vox the porposo o) airotdln*; aecorlly to those persons' resfdJtig In place* not ocenpiod by the enemy, and to :dk*Unt;ttl*h tbe giaerillaa from par- ties ol robbm, M, U bereliy doeVred : " That all artaed force* which may be found in the northern. 4l*trict of the state, bearina: the character of republicans, and who bare not the propix and legal antborlxAUocL ol the general gor- ernrrvento* oi tbe anb*erlber, will conaldcred bandits, aad » 111 be apprehended and punished In conformity With the Iowa. .. , '• And tor tHe more exact compliance with thevo orders, thoae who are wfthont tht* credential or authority will apply for aad obtain 11 wltbln Ibo pwtmptiry period ol tiuce day*. •MtteWptnidSBe*. liberty *»* relorm. "Carap trt Cb,il n telia, JJith Jnlv, IWJ5. T r *' JPAV N. OOKTIMAa." To ootmWrocl 'be lr.f)ot-rie* ol the lollowlng proctaksation^ Qcneral Mtjia baa ordered that no peraoat be allowed to leaVo Malamoro* under any pretence wbatpTtr without Orst obtaining a p*o* hom Uiemllllorvauthorities. Parson* going oror Irom ViroantTllU arc not allowed lo return with- out rnrb a pa'a. •' ' '•• •'Ur.WjHUflor MKXKX), • ' 1 . . . j • '(^BSt^fTirTTOBAXy A»MT, ' . Oortrnsa'sBtlgod*, Gtnrra) la-CUlci. -, '•' i /'PTtOCbAkUTJOa. "fcTbe subscriber. In aAVjordakire with insfrne- tlons iroiat Gteeial Kstxrate,BocreUry of War and G«&eraUn-Chle4* of tho army c>pctaling agoixut Invadcis and traitor*,' and to give an opportunity to all loyal Marlcant lo depart with security Irom those poiaU sad places occupied by the common enemy, r>roolarm* to tbe iBuatsianU ol heroic Malatooro* th* following decaaaM t '•'• ** 1, AB cr^nmtinleaUon, twmroeroe and trad* between tho port-of Matatnoros s»d all other port* Ol thl* aula ar*. enUrely closed. < "JS. Itrtry lndlT)d«t*l who uttry be found going to or eoming from atud port, will be apprehended aad trUd by a military cioorVmartial, whtch will ha) oroanlseai for thU -pittpooe, and rxretslatoed a* a traitor to Use ctmnlrj, and oo»*eo 1 o«aUT aB his eltects will.tx tVMtC>ealed, sAXirdluir to the laws eaUb'.lahrd try thefeoaistllnUooAlrovernmeBl of - "t?%"nhk4ddtktTri 'of MktW»0* arX those places trade* HAjsu^Adlotkaa, artjlearkrortoiiatAlj- are fonsd «pder lb* Bag taad dcawlaloa of tbs ac- la^a^ttoC frwWday,,to \U^A'MH cArry thWerTecV^t Vf*»»t thre*) le»«tes dLsUoi, trots SdcVir. * with the n»dmt«diV tha* wheat rtory tna>*rtxJ^ct>asgaot thadr e^cUj^kt tl>*Ty S^er - - - - 1 fey tha goTerrrmemt i Oni' iNTKI-lrlOKfiUR. Uraad Brr«SII>t af Mao«iacba**Mlt T»*»M. Th* Iwt-utj-Dlnlh, Finy-aevtnOi, tnd Filty- alnth Hrtxlmcnts Mtseacbutclts* Volunteers, -wbichonlTcd In tils city b»al OTeolng, wcie glr- ten o fcanuU rrirvcjvUyn tbla, moruloji , by the ,Bons bl Moooochutetta. •, ! The'regimcnis paraded up HroadTfay to Union tJQbsrc, jiYeccded by KobdrUon'i and the brigade bands. The Uoopt looked wall and marched finely. Thry were wsnnly greeted along the line of rotrch, the spectators waring baodkorchioie, clappla£ bands and frequently obenring them. Tbe national colors were raited on many house*) and store*, and a salute was fired from the roof *f the building occupied by the Now Eugland Sei- dlcrs' Boltel Association. I At Union Square the ' troopa wore halted la Iront ol the Union League Club House, where tbey were treated to a liberal supply ol bOlor-bler> The officers Were entertained in the apaeioaj rooms ol the club, and afterwards wore shewn lliroujtb the building. Al ball-pasl one o'clock the lino was reformed, and tbe men marched down llroadway to th* BatUiy, where a dlnnor provided by l i e ladla* was awaiting them. . Aa Aaonrtooa rH*«ua*til» I* Bail i #r Korot-e. 7he tlrtt oe«an *t<*rnshlp carrying the Amen- caa flag across the Atlantic for more than lour years, will soil from this port on Baltuday, the lttth IngUnu The Mcasrs. l^cary will then da- tipatch for rkiuthauipton and Piemen the stcamer <;irc«t*l>ii, CapUln Ed. Cavcndy, a jioputsr com- mander. Tbe Clicaasltn I* a flnrl-fclaes iron stoamer of 1,046 torn burthen, and It fllted np In elegaal tljle. fihe la well adapted for the ocean seme*, iind hts accommodations for one hundred first- class passeiigcra. Tl.is enlert>riee will attract much kllenllon. It Is practically the resumption ol Kuropean Irade by Atnoric&n st«an\shlp owcera. ' . .•.""." •.••• •; J:: n r z m g -i-j. TBE HiEROAimijE A6EN0I H o w BwOforonco B o o k . Wt AltK BOW BJtADT TO DkUVkwa TO SDB hCHlUKlOl ODB HKr-JCtta-C* BOOK, cootolnlng *reAH rttlBgi ef »tl tV« ktarjhAZ.li 1* Fifty Principal CllUs ia tie Usjvtd Sul*«. Kepartd as a ar«oUL.TT for kv* «*•,«',,',',, ' ..- !,';,'. JTjB&wfrrrtrurtrV Morch*at*\ lBiport*M:» auifl OUwrs, . wh*« butJhtot ralatloaj art laalmj tin pkcktc* kkr- Ml, Of IOULU tk protnjaeal «»1*4. T 11 B . . • , ' UtHtral MUftrcnct J8*»4>Jt, etahruiltg th* wh*lt country, lociBdJng f rary teira Salt riU»«*-Ai w sU a* IA* jmaetpu dties will be cvmpnu« tA*. i**dj lor SeUTtrj- o« er botor* t^« >»Oi of Aagaai. , M* praoact tkds Toluult M aa aatbtlf »"ww Vow*. roAkaw ifca*. a B.BW. lujiri'X, trarj oAjmt laclBatd kATko« two* thwovbi 10 tiiTcalAgovad ono inooy aeditiOBtUima* UUvroOtd. The lavingt ar* bo*4d, in eyory 1attoa»«, oa tht delolitd rscordl of eer'ofto*', e»T»rtog operlaA et ever yttn.whiok, with our loco] a»o per**s*l tearot* Of UJbiKaVlOh. gnoroal), la a grsot d**r*«, tttlr aocurtcy. rV*h*T* odojilftd the tami - key " oi oHyloiled by *i lilt ytar, ladlpoUag raovxiABY woo Tar asd UBWBOAB, OOXMT. . Is tht lotter oo* promltance It glrea le tk* rhtrootarlalict Of prcbliy, bnidB*a* kablta, erjworlr***, AC Termi of tubtcrlpuoc. made knew* tt tht frisoip*' office, rtd ond »» BroAdway, A. CI. DUft aV O O . Ittw York. J»ly Vt. «*». i MI. I Chief. ) 1 x a*aJ^lo**>e*yiit>ey w i a ^ j p e u * . hfi HhtB, m g|S4« are sAtialoctorQy proved. a><* yr^vJ^f^^S&tT^y '«• WfoitM tie iVWM ita>ri*l iSSSSSU ISl'JEW -YOUK. Accidental iDisuraiice Go n »*>. X4X Br^>*,<l»F*art Wow 1'orat, tii IKOOJU-G IWMAccrajswi tt ail mm CAPITAL- - - "- - •900,000. l'Hgainwrr, WILLIAM A BATL8Y. BkO-jrvssrt, XDWABD A GltEKrlK.* blMKon HALDVfiN, b»*irmAn Ex*oaUr» 0***v tpiUe*. KDVr'J) VV. LAMiUUiT.M. D.,Oor»oJun« lliTtlat**. JAMKr) W. Al.KXAKDKJi, Attorooy. BKNKY A. im,lJ8, Oeaond Agoal, Tk< betlneaa of tau rempoay n tkt laronag agoinoa tooiatnu ef oil kltc'i, Vhethor by utitjlljog ot Clkta" wit*. Annual )>rcml»» on * 1O.0O0, wlthcB) * * B t r « B t B l l » n , S>30 \ oaritb <-otr>|vru«olt»» e>f $s0 f*r wrrk lo rata* *>r Injury, #gt>, •tnallrr ataownt* loattrt-d at eorrc^jiaad- Inii ralii*. ' A |«roo« hMored ogoliut death ealy teourt, to bit laicUy th* aoia for which kt In*oral U he U AtlUd, f(o ,ld*d tha dootli trocpit oiUUh |IUH xooalh* £rO(B dot* rX IU* Injury. IF AOAIHBT BBATH WITH OOMPEBSATIOB, tht lolored saetrtt the amount for artilnli h, Irmrr- I* hit family lu th* *T(Bt of de*ik| ond in r « « of pertootl Itjoi) tht tzcouat ttlpeloted BBUI ht la obi* to olvead to hit attain,ol BBUI twenty.ii) weeks. 0EHKEAX ACCLDEKT8 l&cioda th* TroTtUligf ttloc. aad aloe oU lei ou Of IrleM- ratUo«A,B<uk*o Uona*. hprolba, Htulaoa, Cats, Ouathot Wouadt, t t i u oad HColoa, Hit** of l>o<(i, AaitUiU by Herylara, Bobber* or Werdin rt--lt>* oeUoa ot Cvtituiox or kun-tHioke, ll>« »CacU of Kiploaloat, rtooAt oad Hal locotloo by l)i«wili.| or UkolOo'i whara aooh Ae** deAtat lujai j It the cotut ol Deolk within lore* uwoollu of the koppetlag «r th* ln|nry. medical t!iamlnallon K«<vutretl. LOHDOH AHD 811. FHAHCI8C0 BAHK, LIMITED, iDeorporated Under " Tho Joint fitooic Compitnies Aot of 18G2," of Qrctit Briuin. Oanital, Xl f 000,000, or $5,000,000, Ol wklrh AlwO.eOU, or SV»«*1,e>OU, I* raid «» a* r r a a n t C«r>Uol. asd will loe locr*Maae*T «« lla* (irawth ot Ik* b«>tor*« ravealroov. Tba FoaadM* »*4 1'roirrltl*,* ot the Dooki are: MaMta.nikCHOrrsHBIM.UOl^D^UMIirr A CO.boat- d<m. - YllUUUBO A CMlBCHLH. Ixmooav. - ritkl-ikUtCK. JltlTII A CO. do. - J K.kuluiAN '< CO., ttjcotoaor, to Mettro. Ueorye PeotrOdy A C*., Ix>i.doo. " BTkhN llHOTBBHS, «o. Ur. riUCBkhlOK ltODBrfALD. do. TllABANftOrBAXKMHIatNOBN. fuxt MtlaUgoa Mr.JuUDB MAY, rraokfoit*» Utxaro. Mr. MOUiMt.-B J bU!.r.BACH. <«. Bt*dO«e*.M OLD BIIOAD HTUKKT. 1.0NDON. ;Uoodo« Bonk*/., THK LONDON JOINT BTOCK BABIt. Waoocar ot ho* ProKoUoo. WlbToB b. I.ATBAU. how i«!k Ag*»ey,»»BXCHA«<J*l PCaCB. IX>OAI. maooTooa-eix r»A«oi*oo. W. B. JOHhbTOX. Ag*»l, U.arpool and Loudsa lntac t u t Coupony. IIIM.t CAUl/rOb, Jr, iforehABl. A kHItllOUN. Motebool. ol llollmoao, lUo*. * Co.. Thr tbtiTe Book H irrrparrd lo Uasaocl.ta UiBdoa oo* hoo Pronci.oo. all llool « rf,*/* 1 "joklog oad Kx rbatgi, truiltoasowtweeatold cltlet,oad all ports Of Uo "Kl^ial aVfVoU0Ol*ld U) colUctlont, purehAAM r..f real M.U u4 w a i u ahor**, and lBTe*un«auof all kjadtia O l Jor Bio. AtlJUtTM IB KXWTOBK. DABI.I.Y, MORCAfti CO.. 6J EXgilAHQB PLA0A. OIIJ CUEJGK IAINE. Important'to Bhlpporffi W* or* avow forwordica, fat « i r * *)MCia% J*?f<4*Al»r tk**wrvo*«,oa4 1* cor* ot o*tv>WO^**/*"*"** W*«Jt*>s?»*Bff l w*ft»i '.'if" tm&wmaivwi. TOW tw. To tlit) OU Erfioxu of PrATxx»*.wlTAAila, XtmMr sW W»"'4'-iOAaW, •••''•- *Va»ok,a '•wrwy^.tJor**- lor ahlch w* art prn***^ t* laaoe '• »•«"• iS>H*iiH ; TW% flEClrtPrali. , ArPlAle*t^,r;iH,A*>' ,' * - ' * " * , . feci* ] \( , li irjl red* .i^w-J <' •• riii : i VM -J.:W,1^/. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

iNe*r^Pr>6!aWrWksT.U>J*oWAi»J»ln»^ J. ^,a*t i>fultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/New York NY Evening Post/New York NY...IV i-n% tM a(onna«Uon lor odstMoloa «l0 bo h«ld »o ... jancmooo

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raquo raquo raquo i ^ M^Mtam^iaawnp-v i rvlaquo bulllaquoraquo bull raquo i i bull raquo laquo


I K M H raquobull lt Jk gt V

i ^ ^ w -

T I I I M P | ^ raquo I J I I I W laquo ltPlif H raquo J laquo ^ ^ - raquo ^ bdquobdquo


bullM gt i ^ raquo

i t t f i j n j j


bullraquoraquo kriro-igtv rr gt laquobull bull r

(ANKERS i4iraquo

V^AiLL STREET bdquo H^VORJC bdquo- | gt V lt

laquored to d^nr Swrfing JKfl of Ex

gtn Bjswk of London 6 urt ^r tr t ixr i and alio Co Utue

Lettm of Credit on this Bank for


twuEKT SaonuTuu STOCKS and

gtught and sold on Com mitt ion

f TO Sreukrrtn xttartio ABHOAD

t ajowed oa Deposits subject to

it light bdquo

attention gJvch to the Collection of f-Draft ice

FIMCE Aff D MADEfl p f f l J t o W f f i t

wgt ()

t kiij^iKriij|rLiiBlaquoi8euroige


fovernment Low Agonls


[^Securities and Specie ST HATrk AT TtlR COUXTKS

5trt tTK^wnCI on eUTraquoipgttlriiigtgt)et to Cheek

T BTOOXH tlftWW and MVwr raquoMnrHIraquoraquo I gto)d at b r o k e n ftoota at t raquo oartal Coronal


ifc C O ora a n d Brokors 10 WALL KTtgt N ^JJUitf jtfTTfr Atr ftsok or

KWNT UtDKiiiw i B t o e f l l IVtrxlt Oilif laquo prompt ly t t w t t A d 0 ( I I H Rtcx-x Prtro iaom and Mlnog fgtaraquoda ltKrtr by Membori of the- firm

r OIAVIIKKCK (TRtiH iwfnnia B A U r f l f f Jr W l l A I IAUITKD

[JSisow ifc w iiJus STOCK PROKHR8 lit 5W Wait Strttt

DrTfjAfrB 0 a TT^AJIOin

Tnomraquooraquo Alaquorgtiurw J w a u

O 0 B A N N A T I O N A L B A N K BFW Toas i o o v ^ M iay-Tligt H4raquoH o Wfrt-

ilaquonlaquo ux raquoraquoraquobu oraquo raquoivlaquo (4tH lraquoraquot

4laquoraquoyfVoOH f laquo raquo CIOr t w i n l r t w i U H r t SiTJo-fchi- -raquo ftOHIWillH tlaquo4 Boraquoraquourr

raquoigtiYiigtwyenS^fiii TKVHTKHS OK

i t c raquo laquo T Hgt cm U laquowiii ttolaquok of tklaquo w u

bulliW| j vJfntr R K-laquonltr(raquolaquowraquolaquoFr

r O R L O N G B B A W C H

lUrttett and Ddawarff Ba^BailmdiSftai

Pier 3 N R dai^-Sn^jjsex^ptta at 10gti6 A Mw aaa^15 P M bull bullbull

viiuMMUltANlaquonorxui A T JUOKA B U A V O U

ATWraquoTM) LraquollUgtTl KAWSIOX HOU81 K r t raquo l laquo i n 1 f laquo I T K 0 9TATlaquoaHOtJrU

i C I A M M W rATaioKi hlaquoM(raquoiD OttMirt BATH HATIONAt ltOWUAMDcraquo bull i raquo bull t o raquo o x M 9 n u ooxorK-raquo usTni tf]raquo J bull bull bull I

LOOK Bnmch and 8elaquo Bhoro Railroad Co TTow Lino to Long Branoi


Cfc^E7t^0N A N 1 gt AFTBtt MOXDiY iiHBmltlHlgtraquo Jraquol l l traquolt MW M 4 IMlaquo raquotraquoaw SKVAgtC h U K v t l l l M T a Ugt pllaquof [nnto( BAUCLAT ST W T I o f nigtwlaquo - w i t h | h H raquo raquo l l l l o raquo J H B laquo t o Ugt9 raquo ^ raquo T T p raquo laquo raquo raquo W-19iXMM) i l l r K n 4 l M f laquo t o a c l l n n laquo h M l i t l A K I K I I r M mraquoklraquolt thlaquo i t ip rrom bullbullraquo T o r n to U gt raquo K Br n r tn 1 n I h n a r i JrWM

Daily Kxcumions Ddwn the JBay _ j r ^ i VMsumtfUh auMJUSB KX- bull bull H W W pxi i im traquoruraquo terodta ttoaaxr J K I

HOTT(laquowlraquo (raquowuUrraquoraquoltgtraquo^Vraquoltlaquo)trigtlaquoi Praquolaquo raquo NHM 1 laquo A laquo laquo i raquo laquo l n raquo raquo iraquolnnult1 Mil uraoj(ti tea K u r a v t wU I o laquo m r | (laquoI J M U U r raquo n U raquo bullbulllt UiunlHoa Ao U ItgtltT WON WOflTII uut rtamprlM bullgt tlair Torlaquo M Mlaquo rM rlaquoilaquofcraquorthlaquoKgtlaquoujinraquo Mat ibBiim mUatPirtt raquo ( M laquo tgtlaquo0l f laquo t i gt laquo ] t f

bull bull i i bull bull i i raquoi bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull g g g g g bull i bull i

J N B T R U C - H O K

bull A I M A m WcopyCBL WX0HL4JKCJK bull r n t f y B O A B O ~ A W O V raquo T gt - -bull bull bull j -



raquo raquo

169 bullbullbull d laquo raquo 1 0

Bawl^c a o - 1

1000 U 8 t f(M0 ip^MO ST

M K raquo W M

iWMTWO gt 7 J r raquow rltTlaquolaquo^raquo9oiraquoor raquo do bullJWW mo doMltraquon IIgtlaquoS

laquoraquo bullgt inoio

i joo NTOoraquoiqf ss rttgt0 K 1JDO0 M laquo laquo laquo -

100 OB4 ad 1X00 0 A At 1 JO 1100 bull laquoo7 ltXraquo lAptjgt 1 rt


ted raquoTBNi n M


Tho Oocta KittonU Braquonk Vrill plaquoylOih lniluiW


3W0 ICO 100


Kx iUnk IIS I 1 0 0 do irth Nraquot raquo k u IM raquo - ^ u - A Hod O) 1M I 40 dA N W B


do iw doMcAni8ik

iao3 oraquo) w^

60gtJ W



araquoraquoKriUNOUAI^OlrTHI8 8BMlWAKY llMlr to tnmounnt IK foplaquoaUur M Ugtlaquo 1raquoraquo Of IMgt

r K laquo ^ Ikvit ihlaquo Mlroiuw of UoM whd dmlrraquo bullcor llaquor tkoir d u i h U i i bull UiorotKb mlaquontraquol trraquollaquorraquot

laquoot raquon laquotraquolaquogtni Riltari IhoM who i n raquooiaraquotntJ laquo I U l u luclaquoturaquoi on U4 trinklaquo of Ik j Hadoa coofiw Ut K )gtbullbull no i lr i l In tKlaquoiir raquoml hfllaquolthrainolaquol ampnd tha rnnfiW ptUcooadmUffolm vo tigtlaquo truiueraquolaquoTraquon jltraquorlaquoUvgtr raquobull U laquo rraquopoogtIMlt t o a d a o l o r t of tliU i c h o o t l a prOJf of U)raquo nraquooraquorlaquol laquo i w i U n raquo i of Ib ir tneihrgt4raquo 01 InJVroetloo bullni) d l a c l p l f t

Xnr circuUrt mllh toll txnxa lor t tidnt

uw ui~i u i) A u r MAxayu^D rrtooipu raquoC1IOOX OK M1MK4 OOIUMUJA C O L U t U I

KM l raquo t k CM N laquo w T raquo I B

x inAitAunR bullXJIVJTOX it fe

xraquooolaquotrraquo 1 r PliDPrrtdlaquont

M MlatroloCT u l MlaquoU T IUJlytTOgt1 it fc M MlalaquorraquololaquoT raquoad laquolaquoi^tnrrr tHAscI -L ViNtlWK Mbdquo gtUmlt Kalttalaquoeri3K U f ( U A N U L K U 1 1) AJMbtilaquoAl u d Aplll

CIIAULUM A j t r r f t ir7ulaquoblaquotlaquoa chtlaquoitrr K l U M K O rraquoAltfcLI tgt Mlaln raquoariorligtit

^A^iSsaarraquoBsa laquo t l c laquo P0raquo i[0tgtlraquo V ltOlt tgt A vt _

tun pUn of IMlaquo bullooool laquotnbrlaquolaquolaquogttktM m n laquo laquo bull laquo (or loraquolttrlaquorlaquo-gto( nlaquolof of itlftM 01 JbAciiatoT o( f raquo -

ror Umudoolaquouwll4gtU4 Urr bull tlofrfto mtttt pnraquo raquoo t u u i k t i l M gto frl|botlaquoto oUobro ootns lr wv4 raquolraquoro trljtonooraquolaquoli Fooooo to t outdldoUt lot dlaquolaquoraquorlaquo raquoflaquo bull ltlmitl-l orllooit laquorraquominraquotloni osd mor ponrB t o r or bullii of nlaquo raquooiraquoltlaquoilaquo ulaquolaquotu TkolaquoltlaquoMMloatKlaquorM HOT IV i-n t M a(onnalaquoUon lor odstMoloa laquo l 0 bo hlaquold raquoo HOT it o s i U ror iivuior tAgtnnttioa tgtad lor eo lv

i o i o laquo bullraquo^raquoraquo f CHAKOlJtB DlaquooB 01 iblaquo ToOOtlJ k o l r l - l l

AN do J do blO MV do tdeU U H

M0 do 85

M U S y- M I sou -100 00 do I3fgtraquo2

raquorjrcUorApraquoUR g wnti1 bullbull do irtO

^ spa d o j bdquo Vkolaquokmmmilaquo ifraquo ttilaquo0 do raquo bull r - l o S ^ raquo bull raquo raquoderaquo l l 60 Am Kx ilonk M Kcrorth

lt00 d o 4tK BOO bull bull gt bdquo 200 d o v r laquo ) 41 laquo raquo do MoraquoU tOty

CO d o v 4 0 10 OhUUHtlR raquo 108lt-Slaquo0 taMlaquoill 41 100 do o-JO 10J ICO N Ytn It M X iUO do1 1C6Y fW do fgtW 4laquoraquo d o raquoI0108K 100 d o gt 1 coll DIX 109 lt1lt 16J SCO KnoKoUwor W J 800 do raquod coB 108gtlt 109 d o f raquo ^ raquoX) yen TDlaquoa-bJ0 i WJf

100 do mo wx 1 soa gt raquo - raquo bullbull ) do B8V 100r m AObllaquoBin 100 ao mC m bullbull 4o bull) laquo6ltlt eogt do fcw - U bullbullbull-lt

I t bulltdogcncyJ rooraquolaquoy whloh pioTUIod ye- tcrdtr U oomowjiot rlaquolAxrxl by the corrocUon qf ctrtolo mtrapptthotuloiio ka to Mr lieCttllocUB OrtAticUl policy to wblcb we reezred yostonUy An rjpraquoTraquotlou will belouml la kndther column ot Uie teraporuy tlaquo9laquopraquoraquo for raquolt4eomalllri( raquo Iwger tgtoJogtoo tbAn uraquouoJ La tbo ttub-Trornory i t Ibo prciKttt tlrao bull bulllt

OoW iraquo mbre ootlre Tljo opening price W M l M K raquo n d U i e blghwt 146X Att t io e looe l io^ laquo M bid

The kgtraquon nvukct to leas acUro bat no new buolftMit 1 reporteU below 7 per cent The curshyrency U lncroaalntr and the bull amount of capital aeeklng laTCkUaent U rooeliW dal i kccuuaula-Uonraquo notwntxaUnainraquo the dumana or the ytttU The demand lor call loan^ Irom the brokeja toshyday U not no preaslnfc M jeatorday 3Tor meroraquon-tlle paper Ihejgttca are blfcberffQOJ beibi tbb prerrolltoa^ra^eawith )tUo oirerlBjr - VI-

TboVtock roMoiet openl with^a better fdeilnjtJ

OoraquoenMigtlaquontAraquojrlaquo doll bat there uleea prenxo to ocJl BoTen-tbJrlW of theurraquot serift are truoted at WXfafiie^ n a tt second nerlee at WJlt(lt40U Hillroad abaita are more flrtn bull Krle and Michishygan Bonlbcrn being eapolally In demand t bull

Before the board New T o r Central wraquoa truoted at M Kitlaquo at 87^IUadlnlt at 10raquogtV Michigan Booth em at tHJ Cleroland and PUU^nrg raquot09gtlt Northweatcrt JPrererred 60Jlt bull

Tbe ioUovring quotation were inade at the board M oonipared with yeeterday

J Kolraquoftrooilwa7^bull^

0cJdtKmdiondraquotockraquoraquof aJa dtMcrir UoAa boacbt aa i

Mlaquo f ~ ~~

FiRst^amoM ^M^^^^^L

p ^ ^ a ^ f o U ^ f the J h - ^ t e r O ^

rLOtOuiooWlW ffiriatlorwe t ralriy acUvo aod wider light ai moo InjtoM nriceu or the Tow era janco Injtold nne^a or The Tow grade aioP tolfTbgtiiamp

better faraquoSJrfWahdre held with 6iinn eoigtbullraquo Tbo aakat an 0JBJ0 MotM to OOax SO mr ancerddt

itato MOMtaeOlbf exttnaute $bull Tireg7 JOfortnney

Catadlaii BporUOaiOd better andln jjSodsratq deshymand Bales ot UMbbt raquoraquo raquo07t^iMfot the low frodea ot extra and f t 10^9 laquo lor trade and ttmlly^x-Baa fkmiblaquom flour-itiScietter on tho lOWjjrrAdaicbnt

Ineeoantry fiaJUtnbre Ac and$S l ^ f H

T Corn meal la steady Small pak4 at 0 75 for Brandy W i n s - - raquo raquo 1 -

OBATNMThe wheat bullnuHcet la-lemj freely ailppltcd and wiUi aooe adrairoa tn exchange and gold pm are three to flte ccnta better with a lair domaDd for i

and mill IOB and but tor the adTftnocTinfteightk ttw a tinea would hate been tarj r - gt bullgt tgt

at 1 SI for loft ^ - T-bdquolfl5for0blcako

for Milwaukee ClnB irfcOJirij for rod wcraquoi for amber do T bull bullgt ilt

lntctito and price nnaetUed We notic aateple or now crop Cniuuta bull Wlaquot Offered lt b

John Ilobh Kraquoq ^nalltT-reiTgooa

bulla are $JHXgt I it U ktorb

1 ltin alct i Barley malt u ciulcf V$L0X8gt1 67 ii bull

(gtat are nnMleiblo andnraTy atrflo for weetem

bull OtVUXOV t u b OtTX KIUK IV-toai i i ea r o t i f i x r No M WAtt raquo raquo laquo laquo T J(raquoraquo

IOHTX bulllourn i tr iWraquomdashDlT|lraquoraquoP -Tin raquoVgtlaquoM kort hTh bullbullgtbull ltlor alaquoWl o iliTl4od of VOUK ts l-KH ft|(AUlrraquoo frlt-plaquo r o T U t M H raquobullraquo gtraquo(bull braquo HoeknUflcT on bullraquoltbull otter laquoraquogtlaquo l ib lnitraquonraquo trtr bootct boclo^ ontll Ibot ruto

Dr^JtjKtVO-WAaHfJTOTOW IW-O O O A K O C o x r A raquo r S o lfraquo JsooAr-wir gtagtr

or laquoM ifl-A pMdtod ot r o u n lt K ( i n t bullMkMHl - f raquo ^ laquo V5rlllaquoil- Klaquot bdquo

PUOflKM-Mgt|l 1 J O O o O K H D O H O O I j JftH r iJ fUWEBK^ A M D 0 H K M -M iwrt 141 furra Ataava c o a a a a - o r raquoto Orator N i w T u laquo laquo ( - i laquo laquo raquo i gt J appiwd atAUtfoituea tlnl titil-nlaquo4r|ii(Atcl|ilMllaquojro[KD(inlaquolaquorla( Meotianleal KarnMr-ltgt( timing knitlnr|alti(laquosorotlaquotd oaolrUeol tftohnl-claquoI raquonrt raquolaquorloolirlaquol (mainltlrr Ocoloorr t n i ltolallaiicr All morlarn UDlaquoalaquoltoraquo luht tad too tea A ptlaquopraquorraquo-uirr o l o x laquoitiMlaquoil tilth the tutUtdlton Tho Com rnooooBxat U I M ploo too Arot ofoador i s i t j U m ^ r

ror elrooUrt orja nirlhlt)r tatoratAUoa direct Rax JJ Mttlon II lork Mfo Natf ^ raquotmdashM

[pit Abtptl KlKM IKAUitAJfOH OPM-Tuoiytostio t K I raquolaquobull

A i laquo u laquo t

rlaquolaquo | J A raquo - N RtaXIVr SAorttorr

rAlaquoruHP W ^f^ r1 aaraquoraquo-mraquoi OlY1

raquobullbullL r lP rDl r laquoraquot praquojlaquoSi-laquo ut Of OeTraquorptrraquoraquo

1 0laquorh6iraquo OK TUB ltgtA

a oooti MiUtrl olt

nrioourR aw T o laquo iir t igt1rttoftblaquoTraquo

raquo(ltraquo ltoraquorVlaquojlaquor vaw Tort oir N O mdash T b o Kolaquoraquoltl Ot O (raquo)

parobM laquoogt o n t WUC lhlaquo Ulaquo

irrloilaquoraquoiraquoef laquorX (2 lW CraquoTraquoT rraquo oATf) on oan tfW fa lav Atiraquolaquo tUoaM t a ^ ^ S A W O T r l i r gt lt ^ ^

^ BiuiXAJWATT i rtfi) aAraquo o K o o M-r A 3 raquo T j gt raquo raquo B O O A O W A T J o l f M l b W W ^ - O t V l -

^ ^ f r ^ W A ^ V l W M o r r r-rrr gt1V

bullit i l t - l -

-6raquoraquoioa oir Kraquo-ComdashJlaquoaw ToraatJatT raquo

taMM aorta U U dor daelortd o KirCjOn raquoraquogt eopitof iMw p o t v

bull4taertprJlTraquo1raquond ofTHIKTT r n t rtlt OWft raquo gtbullgt raquoraquorraquol

a bullnttlaa lraquoJ Ut hgtraquot eraquorttlaquo

ralaquolaquo of tho (onirraquonraquoror lb poytbft la oraquotb qn lklaquo U4


H U M HAfXaULAYrJ I J I t P N O n A t t U K N O M S H B O A R D I N O L Mitt fgtraquor School for

TOUrHtUAOtSfl 993 M t f l m i ATalaquo e v m e r 44rth Wreoc

Tvlil iropan on Wraquol)rraquofcraquoOAT raquoraquoptemotr3Wrj Mit M vill blaquo In luwpiroirgt(4pbuablaquorlttlj Dtiin Ibtl

tUu4 tddreot tgtraquo lottor M toov lyttooli


TjHSAKWyULl INlfOHM XHH1K ( V liMtd ottl tbe oaolie tbtt tboir XnAUoh and Krtaoh

HKtTKMIiKU roth Ail Icttnrt OtOmtodtoWttrtoiircy 1-ork wltt rraquooraquolraquoraquo raquofompt ttUolWh Jyl lat


l^lAABaiUAl4 yillAWOH ANW KKOXiIim V wtAiyt Astiidf HlaquoAii|tTyil3U4 areaseorne WU rtrwrtopon IUraquolaquowtgtlaquorn BHT

U 8 oaoouponr81 U raquoraquo) ecMtpooa U 8 ampraquogt ooapona now U H 1040 eonpooa UH 0eniacAilaquoiv Tan-tee ltwi Mloroart laquo bull A t l t n t i e Mall N raquo w t o r Central Krtraquo laquogtbull 4t laquobullbulllaquoraquobulllaquolaquo raquobullbull

Kne W i t f o l - i -bullbull Hoooon IttTeriat I t n u l l r w Mick town Oerttrol ttichiron ttontnrtn llUsouOentral PitttWf Korth w e t raquo r h t otlhraquoraquooiieltrH r r e f e r r o d Itock laland Kort W a r n r rrntrle-ua-Chlen




bullM i I D 70

raquongtf u 101 WW

mx wx S6laquo 60gt 11

^ M COTTON AT CAIRO OAinobull AflguBtamdash^wetVohujiclrod bjjoj 0f

ottoupalaquo^d hetoto-doy mostly fo^Cincinnati

BAILING Oir IHE A81A^ j6amp BOSTON - I^U-M laquolaquolaquo raquo = raquo gt ov nAiiraquoAXAufiuraquotai-Tho atektakhip Araquola ealled i J i l 75 for prime and |T 60 ftr orBoaton at XtSO laat nightwhore ahe willar-

nnand^r^f^lrnrtaoankll l te ^ ^ ^ I W ^ ^ t M P m n

Rye It firmly held with hflil tnpply Bale Of wett era atUrTo

Com opened stronger bat with some advance i i frelsbta elocd tamo The sale ate 60000 btuheta at -onadatmtjteVHot western mbcod atSU^llotwelter i white at $l 08 small lota -bullbull ltn- ilt lt I rnoviSlONBmdashThe pMKmArkethaa been rather li-teflulor bat close higher raquond rery firm at tbo Improri -toont For fnturo drurery we bear ot saloa of l(HO bbl gt toller flrrt half Aogwt at |raquo1 bull and W) do buyer all Ac bull ( n t t k t $ amp t CO bull bull V bull bull bull bull The mJcs caah and rrsroUr are 10003bblsat (31W i ps W) for neWtaosi - -Wetterni nrimo mesa - - gt i Beef ia in ijood demand pertlcolarlr prima rrtulllte and pties are Drmrr Bales of 100 bbls at laquoX K r plain men i l l reg 14 o() for axtra do bull Tleroe bref amp qui t andateady lITlt$ bull bull

Beerittinii are loactlremdashthe aepply-1raquo artnalh Ot t rncata are firm knd wraquonUs3blaquot- too email supply i -ttrictr) oueratlops Bacon It soogUl after but tbo ma -k0t Is poVfly supplied i bulllaquo - ~ n I 1 jtrd Is scarce and in tbo aooenoo of sale of tmpo t-ance prtoo axe nominally the mmc Osjeo Pf jtOO bl it and tea af gtli(araquolioforlJrto choiceiteraquoiraquo tA tgt 81Vc for kettlo rendered i ABIUKBmdashTbe jnarket Is flrtn with a fair dornand st 7 5Mraquo7 fiiK lor pota and MJW for pearls

CANDLKB-Ah) In good deruand and flrih thoaxp-ply it tmhu We tiuoto at i43gtMc for adainaniloio X (t 40c for sprrni and 4M150C for patent 1 (WKJlOl^ltiohMbt^nYiirydulltmtprteeiarewl b-out essential ehantre other kinds are steady and fai ly acUie Bales of 100 bags Ht Domingo In bond fortx-port on pilrate lerms- i u n T u t

STOCK OK l U R T J u A C U O a r t 18llaquo5

88010 b a g J a r WW btj j i

mmmam^m V Xi svWi MlaquogtfcwwVilaquo M vit-4riv--n KU -ivraquoraquoVUJB0MltlltMBIIO(rbullgtlaquobullbulllaquoraquoraquo4raquow

gt i ^ l V 4 J V ( i I t l l l

- ) ilaquo l l 8 0 f i i i i n ltbulllt JjolltJ r raquo bull--bull -r

I QATjMyAognat a^-Thraquo ateamtr BoUi^trrtogn Ner^Prgt6aWrWksTUgtJoWAiraquoJraquolnraquo^ J ^at igt

iMuimillulsT4rjrAlaquoAtltjdo4tfs^sna^^ j

General Mem rimif fdrtilfiaeri Ml Teionj loaTln^ Atimoro wlthovttJlaquoia3WlaquoW Wftopound~ loJtp H ora BrowjpiTlllA gtgt-iraquo bullbullbull-bull-a laquoltbull)

Corlinkg haa been pnnl8blngr6bbeibkhdotnd Proclaimed all cM5miBnlcraquotion wBd^nArnercfl^ijJ Iween MaUmoroa and tjtowpoA jfjIoaxirJL rj

THE F^^jrf^lWisect|ri8lANA CATXO Angoat 8--New Orleens papere tre Jtut 8uWwUnlaquo^r5oi^raquojj^^

1 ITO lreedmen maintained hy gOTernment In Loa ] ilana No nttloa are Issued etcopt to the Blok flh^pies bullbullbullbullbull-bullbullbullbull Vww Wttojni sugar_ w a ^ o l t t laquo gt l Jf ow Orieofla afo

i Lnchanged raquo-bull ATOAisorr BAnlaquoraquoa August 2mdashA flie H i t night

i Irstroyed the groeery store ol J Holt the home iitIT Bock U i o ^ ^ u o e ^ w ^ s t o r o o i OCobleand i eferal arn^aWre andaorlo^uily datnagod the iew block being eteoted by DUobuck amp IAer The loss on thte goods Is1 between wenty nnil thtr-bull ytHortainadollars The losson tho bulldinKS Is iotsiccrtkiried7 1 bull


araquoio Baotoe Uabta J j i j i u a j f t t l l a r n c o l b o CojKgtn

8000 I--5073

M M Mia

1 600

Jamaica ao0 8aTanlilaV bull bull ltraquo Iortolilco Costa Jttca Jarai

iB5l DO-) B000niu

Knxlloh and rraash rtoonlli Wtat laquoh MiMl wilt bo opoa

Writj ^ i t x i A M S r V Coy ochool NO raquoraquo tad

Upt raquotk ta l tov-7

m otnfiqn OF KX lntoraquogtoolaquo C o l raquo BfOApwAT Saw T o laquo

^laquo^4TOoVZ f f t I i rT r 1-


M t UgtpaiaraquoU on 4 - ^ M c 0 bdquo bdquo w

bull UlVlDKflDmdash0L1NTON -IUK IKS f O raquobullraquobull lraquo BaOAPWATmdashA gt( aontjAl

bull 4 of flvkl (raquo1 bullraquolaquo OtNT braquolaquo blaquoao teolorwt r toy) laquoks tbUgt tgto rJamAnd TorkJair iJraquo

J A raquo raquo AMk-l J r rVMrttary

pwTrl^K fAT101raquoAXgt WANK OK T H K HwiJnLKJ How Totic Aolaquooraquot I IfWmdashTha ot lgtlrraquottorlaquo htra tblraquoolaquoT 4acllaquorv raquo rlltllwulol

1 A I - l $ lo iuet l iWKuHD

j^jlANK OrTHR i (joxpAKTiatiw

OtittvH p



Cor tolaquo

M A N K A T T AN _ stew voox Jtraquotraquo it wamdashTns f r

OTtrninvnt l o t on I olt Ugtlaquo raquo r gt n t l 0 J raquofraquo j t b t o n i n o tUnt Wraquo4nrraquoy thrt 10th


r T laquo K t KATJimt MANITKAO-TTTafcoo gtraquoraquoTIlaquogtIlaquoAI fUo-x V o i r TOOK J o l Vt

AanmnvgtugtlaquoiOlViigtraquoraquopoundgtoraquoiVrtiJ) rstitCrran t l tar klaquo this lay blaquon rlelrraquo4 olaquor-raquol4rtOlaquotAd arttr t U M O A l t h a U t

ok willUraalo 9loraquoraquot nnlaquol that (lot gtr4w ef taraquo Aooid r fALKutt Coahlar

m 1 v --bull - bull

HAera li traquo-rhe (weeoo of ika iTMaiilH iw(or la- iAllaquo H i n t raquo d OorrlpoOT rtraquoraquo l i t A o x a M raquo paid lt md crfnoe _ bdquo _ _ _ bdquo bdquo t o 0 0 r r i T O I t rVaorotorr

r i J u - bull OKOTOIC OK TllM MOltlClB OANAL

tOtii ot rlVraquo PlUt OKri r laquooraquolaquo bulltferred ttockood a bullraquoTtltgt4 o( n

i M a e i t M tklaquo oMoe ot the Oonkeonr at Jart or t o itbOKhoWeri rlaquoaWraquont at or ar f^ l lada lph

rkt will b t 0iraquoa4 from t h s r u t laat an

araoant of Ih eoraquoaoWraquott rat a y of

h e Oootpon^ at J a r w f

laquo t r t rfor-b^ok ltni t llaquot taetolaquolTraquo l l m

O K I I U K A t O H l D t O C t l

yNt) itorgtolaquorw swatorr OK THH P H L A W A H K

Co Saw t a r t l gt l

lfoa Jalr 15 panr)traquoraquo JtJ--Tblaquo roari ol MtsMrs of H pompoarMraquoJ laquo3

bullA o keil-traal Otvrt)(laquot) of 1 Ki ra i t tiKlT - rgtarabla o raquo

f lha (X

a WoBlr ipoundi Will blti eloaod front tha Ugt to tbo

raquof tbo rgtrodta ot rta Oompanr iat Uar Of Aoitatt na laquot at tba o n a of

trtar IhaOomtHnf

SWraquoultllaquorbOraquolaquolaquo Will baeloa^l fr day or JnlT bot JTlaquo teeloolTS

^rd r t j l raquoraquolaquo ^ [ ^ A O jr kraquoraquoktOtJltTrWlaquoraraquo

-7=traquoAirV10rSNIgtgtlaquot)TItK-JUIV 19TII Tamp lt5 mdash7 Blaquo Jul loadot DiCI rari bullraquolaquo IHIa-a alaquod liantan (na) trtltl iba iraquomifi laquonl Ambrr troo-l gtnl lronaporilaquooa CowpaniM naya lata Mar rtred a O l W laquo ^ l f V 1 V-raquo OflaquoT lt W of lr( raquo tpoa tha (laquowlraquot llaquoelaquo raquoSTraquoraquo4 raquo bullltraquogtraquo nraquot at If oraee tn nraquolraquo aloaia ao-l Saw Torn -- HIOHAJtO STOCKTOM uaaanrar

S K W Y u K K U N R T U A I i raquo jraquor

_J1gt BAiianaDtoxr^a-rToatatioaa aOrnoa Air rr Jnlt-i ttlraquogtraquo

k s n V r t ti irtu laquo bull OT -

t o o t InVKfeodat TMwaai l-fcK OoM C on Iba Capitol ok tb i sof trflaquo or Iba tnttraquofllaquotatraquot Inooroa t a t paja-

- bull - - - of Anxaat

witViV-y Tiwtn m w i A V S H A I tgtivngtkraquofgt--i lgt1rrrtort of tbla Oa ianaa bara lafllara1 a m m

I f H 0 laquo l-fcrl Of I b a t M t raquo d laquo t

o n t b o t o laquo a gt raquo B r a t l a T o f A n laquo u a t n j lt t raquo|TldriKlgt to rw j o V will b paid ai tbs offtej ot ilJjJAMSHKBVI AS f-O I lo Alboo at th AU1 AN Y

UTrtpafV Book will tx ttoa1 raquot tba OIOM af boat-ton ktotMloT too thirl a n t far of Jalr IstUat asd isotHBlaquovgt ok lb Bgtorubolaquo of TkortHoTtto twaalr

^ V W T JOlUf V U P l t O T J t T r ^ r a r

- r y r - O H K l O OK T H K K l t l K U A I I i W A Y 0 amp f raquo a n t i laquo l i r t rrooor Waw r o o o J o l JilWSr-fgtlVirgttMgt-nia mrw tort Of IMa ComtrAor re df Clara1 a kami-aooaai dlaldand from tlaquova oorplnxa His rftd for f t fnontoa todloit gttk Junoof tlfiKK

HAIr -

raquoltjOMMfgtgtf OAfTtattVo D OB A i m t t s m i

P l H CHUT on tbo - r w r W M-a-t t t laquo l l l l i i d a w r j Ol r O U H t - t B lt 3 T o n

l lo th p a y a b l t Irat tha rTaromnl l a laquo fgtn VIOMOVT e A t t d t y o Apraquonlaquot nraquotraquo t t l a a TriMirargt O i l o i rie riavee t e l k o rlaquo i l t t s l kWaraquool traquoolaquok raquo l Ihaolo-

T h i TralhTfaV 1HK e f b o t h lt H a a ^ X t o r u bo aaadoraquo the (taiooon of t-tniltraquoraquo ihUh gtraquolt raquo rraquo

S pound 3 E f bull l h T4UATloAVVra a ^

^ - 3 c bKKinrOKTHR0KraquoTKAt IAUK k l 3 5 T raquoolaquoml raquoraquotgt Kaa^ Rtraa KR Conrawr Mo l totstreet r- bull lt VootJalT raquo tS^-Tko Colaquolgtolaquolaquo from i s V o e d i e f thU O-rnptoy dlaquo M r a t t Ut 19laquo willba aUnpok (rfaanUtlon at Ikla raquofrlrlaquo on or artar thot dtt-raquo gt r T 1 w bdquo ^ JAA WAU1BO aMroUry

t^-KOKKlOK OK THK PRSNAYfVA-raquo O f v )fiACotltXwrATlltBa-gtlaquoewaT- raquowTrgtlaquo ah n bull w t - A dlTldltri oi riYat rlaquoH OHM wilt bo aid oa tM capital ttof k of lbs fatlDtTtrraquoraquolraquo 0raquoraquo Oo t I t oetW la this Ott oa tod t n t r TUKBOAT Aa^oai

TboTrlrWar BOko wilt bo elooad from Iba Mik too t i t t u t l it both dAytlnolntlTS bdquo bdquo _ _ _ _

- K i a n T H J D l V l D l s i gt OIL O B B R K Prtvrn Cowrraquor-Traquolaquo triMtoetgt pi thkj

^owpoor braquoa tlaquoalaquolaro| o mtldaad ot t l f K PKIl fjatwr op ik p raquolaquo or ih laquoock (twsoty rfoilorrt potoblaaha k lh Tronar bookl oloalaquoi Jraquo Uth trraquo4 tpo Jotf 21raquot _

A raquo7 v o t ) 6 l^rjrtJoot t r - l l t - 4 raquo M HAUlttlaquoiA laquolaquolaquotraquorr pro torn

jsgt-qraquoU igtiviuraquoirD soTiCK^UNrrKD 1 1 n o l r r a T JVi1 rgt i a s ^ - i o n

k t a d a


rjnilK WAhh T raquo laquo M OOMMBNOBS WltD-oorp o f t a l e W i u amp|ojrd bolaquoVln tneCtooaloot araquo4 Jcotntb rgtlaquoportao4aita tad natureosisd arjtTaaSsar are odordad Vorouoa man prtportM kiUur for OOt]laquoMotot boot Ufa A Wrt aivd wat-fttrnlo4iitnnAAlain ko Wt gtlaquo oowpMwf khiLaader U s dfrectioa t i t s t c v patsnf t^eMr otfsft tnpertor adyantafet for pon4al

^ 0 $

twtod bullbull

Chicago A A l l o n s I 0 raquo CblwjrO tna ALon IroferredlOJ^ Obio and MM Oertilteate raquoIX Canton Oompany SO Cttmbcrlohd 4U OnlckirltTts MV M o n p c a U 19

After the Board Krle cdosed raquot ampXt New York Central at M X IlolaquoUon a t l l l f f R i d i n g at 1Wgt( Michigan Southern at 60 IlHnou Centml at 190f intUburglal OP Northweatern at 80ft North- western Preferred at BOX Bock laland at 10(t Kort Wayne at WK Cumberland raquot 10 Canton at mi-

U t e i Erie sold at 68ft I ror national and other public lOcurltlos the lol-

lowlaK qooUUoos bare boeu made to-day I Bid Aak4) Bid Askf i

0 0 ^ gtTV IM 04 i



COIPKltmdashAmerican Injot Is in fair request gtteady Wo quote At MOPtc for lake and BalUmi bullIA and SOc lor new sbothing arid yellow metal

1 OOTlONmdash There haa been a nur dornand both frbm manufketarerf and exporter and under an Impn re-raent la gold pi fees have adranced Bate of 1400 bajloa at 47( lrJc for middlings DYKWOODSmdashThere haa been only a moderste le-roand bat prices are well sustained

A STOCK AliuujTli IWO lt Ixigwood f)l Bonuogo tons IBO

Bonduiaa IBJ lfniitlo Cuba bull OO

Maracaibo bull 14J BatanlUa 40

Umawood 1 tStd Borwood- bull bull laquobullbull ITS

KISH-Tho rnifkctrbr dry cod Is pootlr ririppltea tnd unnof Vyennpte tt$760reg8o0 for OfanaBank ind St George1- Mackerel afe in lair Jobbing demand laquond firm we quote at $S 160regi3 lor No 1 Mas 16 75 for Ho iS do-and | 7 25 tor No 8do lirrtoKs ore firm at C6o for scaled and 46ei for No

KItUlTmdash lUfrdju are tn reduced stock and Arm qnoto at t 60 for bonchper box and $7 2ft fw 1 utbrr descriptions are moooratetr actlro and steady 21

0 15reg miked

M 2ftfwiajeh

-Avery good dotaand aa prerallod frpir thq id prlccsiue well BunUnicd Balertof oldknd 15w

Kducedcclaquocdexrdgtlaquojr^laquottittlaquoXoeWelaquoTw not be more than $680000 In the first ten months the receipts wet^ bnt aWL8aOlegtTlrig about

Praquojr^5wb4raquokraquoy9^odtvslgtfc Ska^kM^ij^^rtfew yolaquorawgtee) M)prK Wrteajl j^eaAaietMtuaThifA are aaBpuiwlB4ltS4laquogtbS tf^OaswtWtW^oafi5 r- Atoad traquo ahtanaataa rjt ajrkoVi laquogtbullgt jAok of raquogtlaquoraquolaquo eeapols tbart tok^ ermrlntrrATJesfaTiow laquobull (MaraquofrUt tnmt Ilf Jon waxt the mil ToraaOTToijr moaereaUoA JL atoBTOH r (e raquo toAtde loae laquo- oocfoo t tmraquo lor elieolor - - _

Pcaco luttit iti Victories I

TopTeTtitoreoiilioraalaquotoUat^andaeuwrraquonnti pea a tttrely oa ballet akd bayoett will destroy to nraly will noBTBTTwrVB BTTTBBS ptturo and prolong tlfsj

11 ^ v l bull bull raquo raquo Igtraquov - raquobull JU - j gtbull 1 bullbull ThliU tbo notttrrlna period of the joor Thooltadampa t i e itronxett jleidi more or leas to ths cootamlnr

teaperator ol mldstubmtr VTgor OOrt from ejery pore The ttronxih of mnti piaset awty inlarinble T raquo -por a idweoier woman bcebrat rsiaxed and BerTolcu i t was to nee t tneh dUSeoltle that IIOSTKl TKttfi BfTTETli witrajrtren toaoSraquoty It It to prarant thnern eeUeqeeseea to which an unbraced depleted debttKat (d orgt nlzatlon Is liablethat thtr ro reoommanded aa atSotioanTojno for botb t a u t old people die of ex ioatUon OTBty ltJaraquo wbo jnliXl bate kept daath at bay for j ear 1o ongte by anoeoaatontl retort to tbla jfowsr-talaAo ktrmltat t a t a u t l a stotnaelta 1 j Blue-tenths of lb eonusunjly rich 01 woI aapoor trert continually tftbelrnandt are unemplojed their bi airs are baty and hearl work la at deprcjrlnx to IIIITI tal enentle at nraaeular toll Bat tons t i e tjetetn with BCTKTTraquot^lOTTKIt8araquodthe wearahd tear of but-pest life will be comparattrely usfelt i-rea In the roott bpcrettlTe wettbor Ho ltoauor will be expertanotd tor aa (ttt aa the Tttal force tr expended they will bs recruited and renewed bgt this boallhfel rcttorotlve At a tummtt laTUterant It tt tudltpuutjl i to yoasg and old eoldeTBrywber^ j-

jfcr-3=gt TMJ1ABOKX JUiSl-AltlMKA 1 OK-

foSr^vjampm ttlraquoo preesu4 to ths UAouriiaMd It t i t l a a ^tlaquolaquo to orpeor tbraquo-^THlaquo Uaxt1JJS X mdash

Aira cr TTM OITX or n A i i

T l O J i i l B A B i Ok1 THM OlTr 0 laquo ^ Y O B V U Sffl thlaquo


araquolaquoraquoraquo4oelaquoiolteSJclaquo h bdquo t w a t a ^ d d a orj^gfr^


-HO) t J MmJfiS^Fraquo- bull traquogt f BraquoraquoaraquoaaraquoTraquo-Traquo4eT A w i f raquo t ^ J laquo l laquo i r | k 1 GtATf^ WJ

serenaded last nLeW s t his ^ 4 e l fay Ab twr^d ol tneBeTenteeath regulars lt T




WAtauaayroa p i e lt

uln 1 t srsz^ m T PBS




et t tro f rewt Me- Juiltr T a c k o r itnal raquo a i t -I laquo H laquo t t gt i i J - - bull i r

We print irclew holes from uitee of tnbeeotJrf- knen whose eamea were tapnlioved 10 laquo rejxir atntni1 JertetdkTrrom k sohrte ire hsTOplttieno

0 BMmflaquoa7tT 107V BBnS W^Losn OOK DO S-90rrlaquojrgtlK 101 Do Oanal reg IM IHiirgt-Wrxl M thi 0 0 C p Cav 70 03

Oorop t o t Je lW Do July-dOi 1)0 ATO101gti Do (XL100X D Deo uotf

0 B 7-AS1Vltgtraquo Do dO Ud WU _ mdash irwraquorgt

eadw for fWtor litormaUoa or foe ootalo

A4ttraquorBraquotlaquolaquo J t ^ | l l V JJM |- = lTgtf

T H m X T O U lt gt T P - gt t Mlpotion (H tha

A NfcNO JLn In on of tlaquo

w Spy ootiotyzj

beautiful or AIraquoA-

XIMBBMtAX1 JPOLA^aCJloiSLoOXS^^ I l f t T i H i r N YmdashTbe foint-dJtoovo AwwtAb

boaatoK sf Oil wall known ocaxxu ox KxotxlaquoraquolaquoiTn 111 W a T O O A f fVliHMOa w i l l OOamoOOO K n r T 1raquoTW U M Th l i r a A W K P A L t i a w i t r a a itrtnA- fun tnforratt loa m a r Va obtaino1 n U A t t t 5 t W S _ B o o l r j r t 0 f raquo N V York or f i o m

oaci l lD

tt u AtgttAilaquomgtiTB Bookjrtorvl hof CllAltiottl DBoWXK

Direeter Troy H T

- KITAOK HUiI 8KMINAHY for YOUNG Vgt lfAoioo Pvvmir strata N T Ber flaoanw T Kio-

i lioUr ThU Uotlle-t tad Try select BaxHtb tod 9 d raquo r raquo B P t i raquo t h -

f ranch achool will span oa Wd Onlart with Uroadwai or

tgtl will plaquon oa wdraquofdraquoy8cot Uti afarartoM may oo eototnsd at App ol ihaKaotorby poat fthl

Clr-latont ttepiA

tAUDNKH INHTITUTEmdashBOAltDIWG X and tgtay l-ohool for yoonlaquo ladle JIol Koit rmh win reopao apt is ror clrenlort oddreaa 0 It

U M I D N R I I Hoi ito lttraquo Bprutajdeld H Maas n H I U m Jyraquot eodlf

MS IHH IIAVHNH Vlllampj K K O r a N B K K

Y a o t K tOdVa i r gt l raquo t t l

nlaquoh arut Kaxltth Boortlln tod Pot Uehool for M O M O A Y sept lraquotk at tM Modlioa

bnr lera ditaclfd to ltd to bar residence) will r tmrse-ilato attcatloa Bhe will beat home after 7vh

reoelTn Bool

aulaquo l i tn -raquo

M1^ count uoyKMASs KNOLisn XH KUKSCll n O A B b l B O A B D D A T BCBOOU

r o a T O O B O L A O T S O K O n W e a i K t h strowt B o w York wi l l roopaa o T H O B a D A T gt 4 4 o a b r x t t bull

A c d r a w o o U l l U a RepUtnber Llaquooox Alao Altar that 4 U M a b O T laquo Hfrraquolaquonv~U


Murroy Uift t w o doors Droni Mb arraquo Address M t b o TO

bullAMU V i l l rranen rtoarllolt tad 1gtOT bchuol forToanir todle B e j wt t t mth tt Murray But two doors from raquo H T will roopan OOpUmber O


( h i t


rTTIfK KRltUIH K B M A I A B I N S T I T T J T K 135 JL gttvDiraquorgtraquoi A r a u a O o a t t n o r mdash I t e r ISAAC r laquo H -ItlA O lgt Mlgt f r e t l d a a l Mrs M rgt P A l t K S t n d gtlla laquo laquo r i t U B I B l - f lnels) W|H r s o p t n VIOBDAT BKI-T O U B K t t W i h I auxlsMmdashS

bullxroilWO l i A D I E V I N S T I T U T E MAJPIiK-I w w l ritUrtalJ kith will command IU 5Ui

ictdamle gtalaquor Mptetaber Jl IMO The sxoeHenoe and Mrroaneoon Of Us rorpa^ of lolgt action Ut toserlor IOCIIIIIM frr a ohrate-al cnltore t t d ths beauty tnd lain-bilty of lit location are wlilsli known _

K6r eroniart addtasa | U T O V aPKAB the ITInelpal iTllTmaod j

A I 1 S C E I A L A N E O U amp bull T O C A P I T A Liars

i fOAW OK KIKTY THOU8ANO DOL-J lart It wanted for a lefltimale batlnesil npon

t tnd latltroolory seoorlty aaxni-tl

$10000 tradeww

a b u n l a n l and la t l t roo lory s e o o r l t y Aftdrrs (tor I cn Now T o r k Poatofflce

W A N T r U ) ~ A S ipeoUl eoplrol In t b e Western t n d

o n iKin i T o d n o o C o u i u U i l o a Ouitnets T b e odrariUor It wlaquon wtabiiahrxl la the best l oca t ion In tbla O U T bull nlt ha a iho ionxH t n d uraot ical k n o w l e d s a of o i l the iraquo 11 a of the i i o o M b o r t l t rronxe inoat t made and beat Of l a l e r a n e o a ( ITCO A l l d f o t s w i t h U r U M 0 b o t l J laquo J S Jf raquo O r2t

VfONKY TO LOAN ON BOND AND raquo m t r i i i i t on IroproTOd city properly

t u t t l t - M W U UlOBKBil tnssl

I O V A B T N K 1 W H I P - T H K U N D B I y i l l O N -

t i lgtraquoy In fhoUIr laquobull

J ltyt htaifrinrt a eoportnertblp under the ffVot nt IKOKOH Orxvda ti

P th rue the ol (iKOltOM OftiYKK A COiorlhe trtnaaollon of

mportlir JOkbtDI and Cqmmiaraquoiorraquo Unatnata f Saw YoiX (IKOROS UFDYIir

1 011M T WaHtl OTBASCl Ol-bTKB UKSRY M8TlaquoKlK

raquol tnd Wliorolty tt AuxuttWCWr tuxistmdash7



ror Kllroaltu ttteontboata t i a rlaquotortalaquo ocllM

r r i l H AMBtUOAN PHOTOTYVB^doMBA-laquoT Hor l ^ B o i rioeeond U f t i n e e tVprint ocular rdir

Bl an HlaquoTen ooTitraet to tko ordar or th offlo ot toternol tterrenoa

hln^l bull k t t l U t V r - 9raquomdashtW -Aft SHttSI Lad lnt Wb PI rgtla OftttlA

or t iropd b l t n k tormt l or Chock Chock t eJanxt Drkft t rYomjoaorr n o f t Ihiit

P M V ^ l A u t l l u t a U ^ n V a r laquo ) | r j | j |

111 llonkt Blttt of ktt ot Udtn hlb plaquo rgtAla CruHieate Brokers tgtrl(lnal IKocaa FtMa^c Ticks to rawnraquon Cheek I row-art ot Altorner rroiiax rroictU Waxebouae Beoslpit raquo laquo i i i laquo t i itatarnt aoilttaetlort of Jaamm BtterlfTt Ktlarst and ltoelptaJormaeT orpropeTty raquolaquo

CtlrSTretttuar raquoJ Osdir i t parae oeotrtnr ttemped own t t

T t T raquo T t u M u n t f lo i trtar TsatApaato (IPTioo T)T00raquotraquowT JVti M ISSJ^-TH thtetrreof

- - bull mdash - - v - T l o raquo a taw trhrVtd StowoToloairarjh Cooipooiy hay I k u day i Hatred a t f r o l - o a aal aiTMiKod ot rTHflj (I ) $bull CBB s o y a h H o t t t o d rtw ova i raquo k laquoy of Alaquoalaquot tgtrolaquo l r raquo t f laquo r b o c a s wftl o K raquo raquo 01 l lv laquo h to1 ramalraquo lt a a U l t t i s V H h p r o ampagtraquoraquoaraquoa4JaSr4gt

J r l r T d k O f H A F Troaanrar

f^Trsy- OtFIOIS F V W Y O B X tlrOATIrTO BeOK pwr Poo ewAwr|s sotrrw r

bull raquo JtttiXampSZC a laquod art k T laquo t | U

the 1st day ot A a x a a t laquo x l fcrMiet^t bull bull igt U V WABOVSecy


J3pJ-0traquo^BW UAVINOrj B A B K

7 B^Watirr r errjar of O AB AX BJlfBavt

atOBWAjr W K O B laquo S A Y a ^ h a o A T jrvlaquoraquororQB

bullwtaJarm A Btntow gtewtSttJ j _ - _ ^_ r_


bull|4WJT fU J laquog C J I J bullbullbulllaquo OOttatSUl

JlE Jrwraquo ait raquo-raquoTlaquo-a t t laquo t raquo raquo laquo allow

win teoeiT oricn from parae aeatrtn stempod oUraquo of toy kind tnd litre tkem ixecnted br th lloonpanT pnllaquor lb inpcTTtsVoa ol ths Htamp Ajceot of Ik unltlaquo4 ktotaaTreunry rxportaaot- Jrl V-t bull

WAKT K D - I N A 6OMMI8SION I IOUSK oohatattitrat ltd about IS or K years olaquo to tot

aaraquoMpiot bdquo i nd aaalat le the renertl wiltln Ad-fraea Vr haadwiltins ol oppUcont P O Box it) araquolaquot ta~tt



Btreelal aitlaquolaquooo (lye U the arsctirloa 4 erderT let CUBA WovtT INOloA SOOTH AMKKtCA o law whichwlaquohTplaquoeJllaquorciaiteltotrnlaxaprtTtl 0 ft hooded wtftkoawawboraw klaquop stoek o bull

PURE DBOBS ANp CHEMICALS p o r t v n U r l r odep lnd t raquo t h e w t x u of Ut a x p o r l l e a d

1raquoB01 0ALBg OAAJKB OpFlfBB 111 rtiT tir IN BUXBB o r Qjm foOKD BAOO

TMs kt fit CeaTow Wttti raquogt sad gttBk eotkUd and riaaarkabVa for It )rrlPgtr)USJOWto Take a raquobulllaquobull raquof Uilaquo Cot Oolfea^pa laquo h laquo water-lraquoMVraquoUy yoraquo kT owBetew laquo bull raquo Caf CakSB- ye Tatrer Coontte rooajt SVore Of |ti tSti BSst I

UtUitorl )raraquoiplaquor rNMiproaaotly ttltasoatl r o r t a k s b y |

tKWAHD B B O W n I m Wool miKaaotnatmi arraquo Are B Y bull j

Do 6 ^

Do r i s 1)0 6 a n Do 8aTow Do Tfw

I Dow Ba ni- t I Ohio oolaquo bull

Do Hnri DolaquosaT9 Do 5abullraquo

Mich W 1-oan Do 6a^ni)




9 8



in to




DO opeanr I Do 0p 6 Tgt VinrUiAoa Kentucky 6a N Claquoroltoa0aj73

ko n Ss73laquo- -Do raclilo T

lagtoUlAna6a M

mdash bull DplarglIS 4bdquo 100 afiarapoundoU8 9) -08 W (BrioSeJald 6 M w

r bull - bull l o t raquoraquo

711 iflf-74 61



-igt raquofcraquoTui

iCawukSlaquoUent 0 98

bull raquo~ i n straquo

Brooklyn laquolaquo 90 Da Water 96 De-ImpiM

JeraeyO W raquo t -


fflfiilc for almonds lVAMVo for currants 214480c for Citron and SSrampJOO for Smyrna BWJ

tiado and crop at HxgisOc for Inferior to common raquoreg80 lor fklr to to cbotce j 860forchoice stale-and 85regIOo-fo-do jKaetem wU 1raquo gt bull I t v

IBONmdashPig It in good demand and firm Wo quo o at l-WfrlO lor No 1 Ar5gtneanand IMS 60JV16 for do Bo tch

LKADmdashTbo market for pig la firmer and fairly a tlvo at M 0raquoX tor (laUua futftv 1UM forKDuhah Got nan n-flued and Spanish Wo quote burst lie and t leet and pipe IBc raquoraquobullbull i bullbull bull i MOLABSrtB-A fair lobbing business was done find lull price were outitlnM i OILSmdashUnaeecVls firm and htlrtsctlre We quo e at $1 lHiftl 20 for ettr bull Fisb oils ahf still Tory nose tied And excited $1 sVYi V 40 for cnido whale and bull loa bullZ IB for do sperm Lard It bull- i l t l OTxa Tia7Soireej

ilrtsctire i are- stin t

1 IkXiM 49 for sperm Lard la scaj

12 10 for No 1 winter Kcrotemo is selUt g at -reel - R - bull bull - n bullbull laquobull - rKTIlOLKiJM-Cmdo Uateady at MKtJtSSc Bo nod

I ftaj mdash

1 Yet ioaDt ta Kill bU Mother aief Bisler

T o terrlblo murdorBjwere cpinWtied yonter-l t j at Oakland Ct noar Hartford The Ilartlord Times gWos the IqlioWjiiiparticulars u i uTheltqulet| Tlllsgo of Oakland- MenelieBtor jtownshlpnbout nlnomUcfl caBt oi ibis oltyv was nrouBCd lilp^mprnlpg by tho BOWS o l tho must kaxful crlmo ever jptrpetiifcd In this YICOIUY- At lour oclqok ora- JllUeBooner Mrs Bonjamln htarkwestUer rdsler-In-law of Nsthtu fltuicwoe-Ither ol this cl^raquoMdotfY-alrBjad herdtughter Harriet llla raquoged)purteon ywrs^wtrn botuiottl-Jy murdored twhlaquoo sleeplnrr togother In their [house TBigty-rTeferUUefj with an raquovxe raquondthey rweroidso Blabbed laYsrlous places with a bntoh-

r IXn U e v-i^V | ( 1 bull raquo bull gtltbull l l ie moUicvB lAeowftS cut in two byAipOW- pr|ul Wpw Irom(he ajce which divided tbe nose croisvtlsc- uodcnt opemlho laco entirely ftcrofB fcrashlngihronghi tbebfjrnes of tho upper Jaw and fcheekBi0Tf5r tno-dghtieye waslsnother gasb from tho axo BlrjkbgtWOWtoitiieoknli and Into tho fcrsln and ttKowasAnotherphic^ outopen tho Isldo laquo a HampWMMrSaAU^aVegtt KaBb fiio4i WO Pgot tmpid Bfeo tlicsewounds (there wtrocuMs inkde W bull1)atchlaquor-knuomdashono through thelowerpart of tho cbln the blado pen-etrfttlng deep InHTtho tVroayjWildeep Into tho |right bwast-and -snotlier dsbp one In the left bfsiitjT I i c r hWrl P r^ vj I 7KJTraquo the dau(btertpresented a still

rpm IhoAxej plpklog intothe brain iand shewas VkoMOjIUirooghtJJUo liosbiA wlth tlto bhtohor-

j S P E C I A L NOTICES fcZO^ MU8 tt A ALLKNa VfvlUjiyti tigt-gtj2a HAxaHxe-rowwa i n Uaaeauio ABajura r u t YAhti AKtl KarxB XAIIA TO ktSTOSJI OIUT UAIB TO IT IIATUBAX COLO AXU raoDOoa A m i t i u u T a a o w n i


Ber J WKer BrookijB U I 11 will tsttify to their Ttlus I la thomott UBseuitcTiss Tbey htrs reitored toy kolr wbereitwolaquotgtoldondwbrjrxoytoiUorlxlBolootoi llotiWw OOTrKraquoKTaty5 bull Ut holr u chanted to I U

patoral eelor and krowlnt ob bald tpot Itsyl i V DxoattBoitob klsss That thoy promote th|gtawthot Uehalr wberebaldness is I liaye tbs er- Id moo of my owneyos^ | i gt - Hot sale by all DrOoYUtt bull I Tgt-bolMtlend foUil dopbtlWOrcrnwlcb it B T

i l17rt j

p ^ v UAKOVBU BTBKKT BOBTOB It tna Itrnctt and best arranged Hotel in Hew Enxtacd

Hi 9d


i n

108 108X bdquom ieo i tTS 1 0 S H


tor bynk stocks we note the following qdota-t l o n s bull bullbull bullbullbull -bullbull K

Bid AakA- bull Bid Atkd 120 Bepuobe 101 11(1 1ST IBk of N Amer107 -4 108 UsJKrrea- TOO 110 Irrtng 100

Metropolitan 1(2 ClUsena l l raquo PrgtopleawJlO Qrooeraw ~

Market 190

eAUAtberlon k BxchaxucelOO UnenUl 93

6UNiebobulC0 Jtarine HO CommOnwltbJOO Atlantic 98 N Y County128 Imp A Trads 100 Park ( t-to Man A MortholCO ]frttKaUonAlraquo Ifonrdx NatDAllOOM

mdash tNinUi National 101 l td Cent National10lgtlaquo 1(0 Ralionkl Br 100 i -mdash I I o bull 1-1 bull

KorrMUoadbopds t0-draquoywonotethe follow I n g q n o t a t l o n 1 bullbull - bull i bullbull - bull bullbullbull bullgtbullbullgt ltbull bullbullbullbull i bull

W4 Aakdl i j- Bfa AsVa

Saw T o r t anhattan

MltwehAraquoUbull Meehanlca Union Amerloa City I-hcnU North Rlrer


r^rylroek -(lrewwtehloO Dutch DrOT120 MecbATradrslW Nallonal 1W McrcVlsEx Vi Leath Manvf mdash Btatoof NTTtlOd Comrar re lOS

Moetws Aanl0l Proodwoy 210 OocoB (W MereanUle 120 Amcleraquo XX116

U-aclnc 165 Cbathaw 126


180 110



lie 104



iii 100

106 107 4 ion 100

103K 150


In bond la selling at 630 and do free St 7U472c IUCBmdash Is In moderate request audsteidy at 9S|)ic

or ltangoon and(10rd)10Xe for Oorotlna bull STOOk ATJOTJST- ile 1885

Carolina teaVli- IW-t Kast IndU elenned bag 1440 Bast IndU nni^paned m r s spd wals MWO i BOOAItmdashItaw surars bare been In mote aCUrbde mand and price bare adTanoed owing to the riie in gold Bales or 1800 hods at l l j fo lBeTorOube loJfc for clarified 16e lor Porto Blco-and 2000 boxe Hs-Tana at Ult2pl6Xo i Beflned are doll st19Xe for bat Is

SToop ATOOiT 1ST 180C j ToUl hogsheads 81118 Total boxes bull ltbull bull r M

1raquo ToUl hogsheads Melado ) raquo00t Total bag VVvV gt 19811

WB18KBYmdashTbe market i s flrmer and fairly a lire-J l for

a sow do OOaCe for

Saloa of 460 bbls at $210 ior state ftndAS 10J61 weatem 0BSffia if l i)7l i i tlaquo

WOOLmdashDometic fleeces are flrtn with a gr mand ni 71

We quote at 75ltJtgtTTc tor Baxony- naliTO and i mortnoa (i3Jtlaquo5c lor H and Wdo and

bullKc lor full-blood do l^lledAt laquo0reglaquo2o for I o 1 tIo for super and 00regO7o forextra CAhfon l a s t 7o for common unwashed and -


NY Cen 6 83 90 Do 18B7J 0t Do doKK 66 Do laquotoaab Ilaquo Do 7s7 mdash bull Do docon mdash

Krle 1s t 68 102 Dotd 64 1fgtSK Do 2d TO 10ft po raquod laquoS tO0X Do4thH0 98 DO-Stb-IW V6

ltttfT raquo Brie 1st mdash HudItlTlstlOO

Do 2d l 02 Do 8d mdash Do senp mdash Do COIIT 95

Harlem 1st 100 Do console mdash Do fk l mdash

Itradrnit (A mdash Mich Oen81tlH

Do l i t n wl l i Bur Q 8laquo tco M8070 20 tW

Do Ooshn 1H) Midi Bpt r W I-ac gd by Mo m HI Cen 7s 112 Alt T II 1st 00

Do 2d pref 71 Do IPC 70

CnANWn sf 07 Do Int BO Do e x t 79 D o I t t m 81

II A H J U 0 9J

ltbull 1 i r 8eHJ0 00

101 raquo7

96 92

101 101 100


M nABJoostYi - Usck-AW - DelliAWltt102 8ft I Do M108

108 TC4AWlst 90 1C2V Do Kxt 90 102X) Do 3d 7 103 i Do Int 00

I Do KqpOO iPr duCbien 80 [galena v l 100 T Do 2 tn 96

gtBk IsUsd nt100gtf Toledo l i t 95 N J Cen lstl0O

I Do 9M1U0 Kar A Bel lot 20 I Do 2d mdash

- KU W a y n e lt 10 l 97X D o bull S d 01 96 I D o U - - 8 S

110 P l t U b u r g 2 d 90 112 D o 8 d 89 112 D o 41b -HO M l t t A M o l d dftt laquoM C h A A l t o n sf 9V - I Do l s t m 96 trt Do inc 87 DO AtAOtWllaquot 9-1

117W D o 2d mdash 01 OhloAMls 1st ia 80 MU ABtPanl 73 73 Dub A 8 City mdash 98 l onlnraquoola mdash 82 ManrlaAOlBl 90 81 CMc A MU mdash 81 JotletACblo 87H



70 1 9

ioo i i

lot |107 100 83

96 Mgt

9 1 78 10

OH laquo1 KTi 98i 78 M Ti

107 90 9G 96 90

bSOHfOllOO- do b80 ISO 7 96 80 Ohio 2 0 00 8 (O 1 800 Oil OrkOfN V 5 50 10 8 OQ 1 200 Bonlhard 00

250UBtateb)0 20aiJ till 1 50 i 100

1 66 | 100 1 60 100

47 100 I 10 100 3 60 bull 100 8 03 100

do do do do do do ilo do do do

810 28 90 28 90 bao ) 25 b0 20 00 bl0 20 80

28 6) 28 50

fX)28 00 fi0 28 05

88 15

rOV U t o t gt t - ltbullbullgt bull

AI^TIOHTvl^gi-r JAR Wllk Tlaquowraquo 6 ttoar^inde^atAg Mampfrk iMfi of tM Vt nveat impll lad chaptt Jtx Tar 6BVM to t i i puttie j AWaaMoa) k t f U t l i laquo ATMOBP-JtlUo WnOIT JAB wkwTv s^svaWy SdmlUkd tt W W laquorf tbenafH t)vre Jot oB rr9aolteraquoewhiigtraquor atraquoaVodwo404 traquo tJIHtfAltt^ bull -WTnTjCtoXTATOM k CO

i r x - 9 ltraquoraquogtraquobulllaquoraquosst jrraquolaquoTarV ( a X tlK ( t - I l i t tfcae rtr rWU4lpaia

Of lhoiuiraquocollMicouraquo socurlUcA Allin tic Mall Is quoted at 150ltVr)100 Western Union Tolograph raquot 71((laquo73 Ceifhil C044 at i8M PonnsylranU C6raquol at 160fi41B5 Delaware sad Hudson Canal raquot 180 fVijl84 Cttlrens Qas ati80 Now York Oas stSTO Union Trust at 100 New Jorsoy Ballrosd st 125reg 140 Morris and Essex at 80 Marietta and Cincinshynati at amp787X Mllwsukle and St Paul preferred


Kor gold this forenoon the following were tho leading quotatlona 1080 144 104C 145gt^ 1100 145ft 1180 146ft j 1300 14fift 1380 I l o f t 100145ft 180145ft 200145ft

At the New York Petroleum Btock Board toshyday tho following sales were mador 100 I t t l lo Craquoo$T 90 A200 6eeanle 1 IS 1 0 0 d o ~ ~ bullbull BO d o 4raquoiO d o ICO do

1500 Webster 2-0O tlo 1P0O do- 6(raquo do 200 HochannKnv 100 Bradley Six) do K raquo 200 Cberry U A Cb 400 SxcaVolor 200 do SOI Manhattan

It I s u t e d that tbe committee of Now York broker had an interriowwlth the Secretaxy or the Treasury on Monday sskmg raquo wcpnelderstlon ol the order directing the brokers tax to bo colshylected and that Mr McOuUocb hating rally conshysidered the matter with Mr Orion CorrimiBeloner ol Internal Revenue has decided adversely to the application ot the committee representing the brokers and bankers of New York lor s postshyponement of the collection ol taxes on sales lor themselves) pending a decision of the United States Bupreme Court

The New York expbrtft (exclusive of specie) lor the week ending July 81 and since the beginshyning of the year compare aa lo l lows

^ 181 1861 18^5 Tor the week 18868498 aWmQI sect1781071 rrraquoVrraquovortea l laquo r j ^ 6 6 5 ltS0rri7raquol ^ p W Broo JkTMory t raquol08947r068 tmjamphM Wfiipoundamp

The Imports for the week compare asloBoWs

rw rwa bullbull- A 1 8- 1841 i -i 18651 r S ^ S L ^ - 1 - raquoICB8T38 raquott0^raquot laquo1^M102 Oea Maxebaadue 273ejraquoT iwampV f $ampbull

ppound lawio^ar S^M315 JWffi - K 5 amp Prwreported ^9raquogto|ii ltljgkrTTto ftviCOraquo4a

Btooe jannary 1st raquoTfX2Tfraquoja raquo14896WM $94467978 The esvslt btdanee In Vive hands ol the Assist-

snt Treasurer bvBoston at the close oi business JvtlylW -rfts raquolaquoialaquoraquoraquo W raquo a mcresse ot | ^ r gt laquo J B A S e o m raquo t ^ n r B gt t i e rdcaMVlLbo r^cidixit WtWk ATy bull ^IXHlaquo(

Akin AVriffirlaquoisTVoi Aoari|tti-sraquoBoWPQ v u

80) d0brj4

ltOTWft Ct

[For Additional Ship Bews see jrint lmel


Cleared To-rjatir bullhie City or- oanoheVter -(Br) Ilalorow U bale iblp Creole Thompson Norfolk City Pol

Btcetosb poolmdashJ

itteomti _ niobmoodmdash(I Uelneken A)almore

Kteomthlp rrancoala Sherwood Portiond-ill B welt A Co



authlp Bteomthtp 1

Cao-mVallJS-i Bteomth I



ffi r New OrleansmdashJ All tynor

worth New Orleti o Qonatltutloa Oreepmtn BoTonuth

man Uooaln A DipkiBaoot bull I bull ~


i t and



presented a still moro ehooklng eight Uer t igh t ejd waa ontlrely gone The axe h a d e n t totrlol gaih uorossthebrow eye arid-alteele -bullvldotiUYM out) blow lotting out bull 9lt4L laquo o bre^pWog la Uie laquokul raquond cloaring down to the chocWW AboVe iho right eje Bear tbe top ol the loreheadrwas snother tearful gash

Btu^a knlfo

T h o fligt |nlormsttdn of the murders wasglv-ch by the son Albert 8tsrkWeatbor nt lour oclook l i e c s m e t o Mr H6raco Whites a inelghbor rattling or rather lolling hevrlljr r(cnini)t the backdoor and nrousing the lnihutcs with this

c a l l bull bullbull-bull bull bull bull - bull - bull bull - bull gt bull bullbullbullbullbullgt bullbullbull-i Cotup mdashMi ip l -Ootr fe6veTt6o i j rhoU80 l l I dont know bnt our folks nre all killed snd the

ihouse Is on fliel |ltr bull bull bull bull bull bull Mr WblW ten oveniollowcd by Albbrfctind

found his (Alberts) roOiri foil orefanokeftnathe bod on llrelt-He took-the bed-out andfldtIt out of thegt windowbull bull TheWho-wentupsUlrtthough tho smoko-WBS srytbiok1 THiTiosriy snfrorfatcd-Albeit did n o t follow him but paced hurriedly up and down the lower rooms Bobbing end Cryshying mdash I

VVOn getting lAtpthpbamberMr iWblte Jfound tho bed lri a bJare And iho bedroom covered with blood H o llTted u p E l K s a d l p u n d h e r raquoUll alive tb0uih_bathed in blood and prt^ijntlnraquo

toOi troeod LKVITfl HICK ProprloVjT

bullgtpoundpound=gt O B N B B A L b O O l K pound Y O B M B -^^v c iuwiot AHU THADBSKIIX or TUB Orrr or

iaw TfOBkmdashTheibjultr sieetlns ol U e Hoeltty will be CldatMeebuiiei Ut i l^o t -

tattday) KVKKlHOamoclorl bull a raquo t i i t

r-ot u r o a d w a v T U U tWed- helock j

w i t L l A J YAK MOBOHst 1 rleeretary

AT OLBir C A M P MfcampTINa lleadlorrr ItlAad i - l

bullmdash tatllJBO A M Beturalnx


0ABH8 6 5 IlLiKd

jpoundSKfJStJ51BPior tOlstatlBJK) A U loate Oten hoaa at 3 j | j laquo 0 t - l raquo


filaquo^YorV_ bdquo f A M ^ L o i a i ^ ^ o r ^ fnt-tlod on craquo trt pioraquoWoraquoUoraquo^oxrclaquooytlaquotrTl bl II pledi-e o l u a i t t d uStiei bonds laquoud to b f o n d t l o r

ItABK Or Ylllaquo C1TV OKXJJW ZOUK Ul lew York lu thtcoaa lyof Now York tgt4

ivate oi rltew Tork it ttiihorlxed vgt ootmnenee th but potiorbJuuraquoiu^rtthoH oAoVemJdr^O ZVTVTC

la ijeaMsaesir wklt r of w ltnti lay band oraquod teal ot once thu nlnlaquotelaquontk dor of Jone ( IIKAX] jilWBti

r i O t l M A N C L A B K lt Conptrot l er ol lav ltJarnery-

M r ^ a j Xl lhAnUttA- AgtJrUjn-xalKbir OB-ISa-vJw^ r i c a o f OoorTooLuaa o r rlaquojt (JcoAsxi jy tgt A O U I B O T U J o b s in

n a u e e prte~ to- toplt or tha t

Ikadmdash laquo her eat

rim j i t gt knauoe prtocAVed to liu undonjrr(yl tt ha poec muia

fJraquoKlaquo HATlOklAl AtAKa O by It ha


Bltgt VulJK In tbe cat) of Ntw York in the oraquounraquo5 oi Mv- YorkAtiotuvecfMiwTorkhaibttadol 5 BUder on l oooordju to th Texiolrtmtait of tne am CeaxretstBtuled An s e t to proyidraquo o tlorMauor-

wet of

pledge o| VnJtc48uiiboi5j AA to proTld lor the cJrcotaUoo OAdTrodembtlon Uere37 t^roTtd Jarktraquo lholoagt haa complied Bilk ol l i i ilaquoVrU TUlctut of tald oet toBtred to b ooiigtUt4 with b W i

of banklta under ttd A o t T ^ toniu-tnciox lbs bntikeai bull k i o w Wraquomloj e i r retmon c i u a a

doblaquoirraquoby S H U i L V a i ~raquot OJlar

bull laquo gt ( -

atta - bull-- ^ualne of bonkiax

ar fler the act aloreiud In UoUinont whenof -trituets ay kaad aad seal ot Oflloa

tblticthday-of jane lht l l(SMUU ^ ^ rtlfset1 OoenptroDer of the Currency

T I U I A J J U K A iJlilAHiidliAlmdashOe- bdquo n o raquo o r T U CViKrroofWta o r T B B O O B -

M i x c r WAtujJIorok^JaBf Sth BWmdash Whert oy t a u t -

af ltltbull I


V o r k l i t t b e t a d u l y o i f a n l i e d s u e t r bull andbull e o e a r s a o B v t h i i o j u i r e o i e j i u o l l h e i w c t o l ConATnl e a U U e d ^ ABAOT laquo rraquoMoea) tTireMgtyteenrd bf o p l e d x o f

6 4 o o S o e O ^

LIBltod UvklMbonds and te proVl6e fc ind roaemptlOfthret opprored J bull ut compiiod ltlaquo n tho MoriiiooioT t becoupiied with fretoleeoimncodsx tht Potloa oi i t i t k l n c u n d e r l a i d a c t ^ vmiaaa oa

dugtUoUr jrrtneoagt Aateor oernitf ioai -bull s zs

S lONAt BAb bulle Clly Of He

l j t s o ( N e w p^pi Bookl

f o i l thttetore lkronniAai lajxoUraquoiipuoUlaquor ot U t Ooirtncy de haKceri lfV tkal raquo r a A OJlaquoAT NAlt TIONAAVBABK o f T U B C I T T o r )TraquoTW -BVf TOBJtMa

r w T o r k U th Opualy o f Haw York t n d York i s a a t b o r j i e d l o COUIPAOOOO t h t bexl-

2~v TWO B a D

loreUht j e a n wllhan icgroTkM lioibirWkidisciiarKed IrOx thetr

Ibiftg quite paroljred with the Pil trett l t ieteet werlaquouredwlth ooei i j u t i Pile riotncdyTne reoommenrlttlrn of thetegio-tlnnen betjdrt tts ltict trstimonlali received bgt Dr

cVltnd otJKht to oouTince tholaquoi tnlltruu that

trmv as Incurable (be let) Doth lb wo dls-

bottl or Dr Htrlok-

ft f7Cneod l l i r iaDkl ln t t B laquo w York

i-iarp- MjeBirsiifpi AND MIBDOUTU ii srsZSS ft ComdashTnoboldeit of tbe Hon-lt ol the MUtlt-ilppi tndii lt iourl Itotd v i a oltttt itad tbalrstmii Atd

h amount audfiescrlpttou or ih^ondlaquo_ljeld M


J l sndl i l lias with amount aud fircnp

by them to the offloe of th Tre tmxr OKO T DA Vill No it Bxchaaae iltce wi tbou atuy

u laquo l l w j bullbull -

bulllocking slkfltr A s t e Wted herraquobloody kre slipped on Bpoh)^ floor iMr^Wbto topkl asd llltlnpi the windowr^Ucedthenke nnder it to let orB the smoke whilei he alaquot graquot Mrs 8tgtrk-westher of the burning bed adiwiinrr berdesd-gt rdscejdber on thefloor]wlile-to r^Ued up the


ndow Jfi i JioBds bod ibid threw It out oi the were blistered sod Ms- QlOrbiog j rendered yery bloody A- iu )ju i-A JJ i i a

The dying Ella he carried in his arms t o s ck wlndowria l i e ftdJolnlOrJ-roomIn order to

Bark 1 Hark Mary _ B u k J B llolbrook

Dg - Cutttlort talrlnoe

u i j K noiDTookBrownOoW BaymdashBi Brlx Kolus (Hr) Vorbtt Cow llovmdashBrett tradebdquo raquoiuu Bfl Cora (fir) Henderson Cow B a y - ^ Wb^elWr-txnt A

bullort ouPrlneemdashUMur tr OOW BaymdashBrttt Hpjt A

Jr Co

loohlo A Uipkinaon bull gt II Trowbrtdxe Oontu Barbadoesmdash 11 Trow-Brothers LoBkKiliolaquoibport-^J WklWel 6V

Dyer Cpttt Port onJrlnee-uVlr- - -

rlxTKoTui C o

Brtr Metleaea (Br) BAUderaen Bio J a n e i r o - r Y Dloklt

wrBr^rjaatBr) Barttng Liverpool B Bmdash Pre niinA

Mi ralm (Draxll) Iloitera Maraohaniririll iwlft A

bulllirlS- BQ Adams Parrttt Philadelphia ) il Brllt J B B raquo a d (Br)Stevens Bttal Oampeaehy -Leay-

Bob BCTaDVoWiBsx^r^rMvldeTiee-ON Sir aahan Beb K B POmr Potter Phlladelpbi-Van i B-ant

neb WhlitlerlraquoreibyTatmloii bull gtbull i Boh A M UhadwUk S ^ n Jlhllad1e

1raquoVraquo-Crlt well A relehAbbr Braekett JAciiornATdiadeipbu-Mtkeaif laquov DBcb L Bctrtl BermaaaiBooartMd-TOBanlAABedi1

Steamer hllttheth yowler Baltimoremdash W DAliill i i Steamer B C Knight Mosjui OoorgetownmdashUllOroba-

WBeamlaquoiKnwLewUiBaronnah-PJ Oampb W i gt i bull bull i 1 - i n j i

i ArolyediiNttlari bull bullbull u bull ii-- bull blettnihlp |yeniBwBtrVTImbsnnrlBwlt)rl( tat SStb

oil wilUmdioaad pottenters to J a s A Itainor bullbullbullbullii Uttomthlp NTraquo0t carpenter BAYAnntmJuly raquothwlth

mdt and postenxers to Wakemaflt Oookla a id Wlokf htetmthlp Dacotah Byder itistunqnd vl bullprfolk 8J

hourt-vrltbtiiate tndpoMdxeis to Werten 4 Collins Bad ttroexhOftkettt wind and sla

Bteamthip fIly o | P c i t anPr|nceCurtlraquo Apt ly raquo5 with cotton-tOBi 11 ilrlgbtm J r - estpokobark Helen Auxuttt bound tclaquo teamshlp Mifrxaret Parks MobileTta

1 ilrlgbtm July HI uxuitt bound south orkr Mobile Tta Ke

_ llh cotton lo Bmllli A Dunning -raquotk Albirtlna Olmtted Vera Crux 1raquo days w

t r i l l luukoeson

norlllt to lltrttott A Co irk oosan Home B k tar to J M B Ward A Co

tome Blokersou Itemedloi 9 d u s with

ClrMatilda (IteDCenero l lctU SO dayt none loorde

Brig- Veloel t t r t o D t n

Vy (BritDarrell Qtehtueso 18 d l e l l n u b tnxtr ~ ~- - mdash

BIIK Kinroa (nanOT)6techmanMarseille48 net Rastport 8 days with

nidte to Uoger Brp j n

ipbew MVpokoiob Klhott bones lor New

New Oleans IS t tyt wl lk July so lai Orleout

aobtcol oir IK-

West 8

th stria-1

th brim-

iys with

ays wltb

lath Ao1

St Ion 70

Pavooeaaera A r r i v e d In the itearnthlp rtrenlns Bttr( from Now (r llaquoans-J

Coeii K ilowket and tm-Tsnt ur B bull llarrla J gt Niotola DWolltoeJ VtolUceB IllokiyJnO Uouthani twotpr-

Mlis Kdward 1 0 raquo -

vtntsJ Kdwordt Mrs K h S nrk Mrs )raquors gt Norton KAlYor M

Klthtr child and lerranti kt VMavaaxd Wlt l^tchlord wife eblld aadi tsryanti Oillliploand wife Mrs M- V-Chaffralx and i iryant 8 Johasonl Cattlra MUaCasttra Mlu a Iloutor 0 LeUh ton tnd w i n P A ChampoblereJos Pliomsr gt 0laquoochuraquo Mrs 1 Oelllns Mrs F OiTlwaieT J T OheJetx rouxtr kf KYank O Weithtor Jetenrt Bobbinsand wlfy K Lutw-rrooeO M Coofreye KLeyy J Masttr Carr Mrs Berrlot ad Cbll tnd child i Mrt Boiden child one Mil Chaa I rtiTlj

hlitster II eblld A a Klrt tnd wile

laquo and seryant t gt rl Rhine asd child A Ouieohslm wljo and loor tleek and three obll

J McOorialdK Ikelhelraer Mr C P t - - Kohuko and two children K Mendex and M

ehlld McOo

JDasDoemer and eruid A u o raquo a n i i u w i ren t Mrs Katleek and three children W I Donald R lkelhelmer Met C Parnelfand

cabm bull _ In tUanithlp Narada from BAvannldj-ATral


tt Marks ind n I a t Lerneto

ohtld l ira In s e c o n d

I i ron wire i knd a chtl-bullf and three

man Mr Jrcuerlu Julia Jenka

udaernd son

i n n itrdt

tlsonlM Imontj Oio B BeAr-fJS^^

bdquo bdquo bdquo -QTalnuureand tonB w l ^ M t t ^ o WMdVoV BteTns^ Van trade-r^SSjaB R-A^grd


iiiA A m i i ^ M x raquo BTlaquoraquoraquolaquo M ehlldMrs 0 C Wt sConwa^wns JLttlaquoTABWWh_b ^

II Tt O W I f A i s ^ i bullbullbullgt J mdash t-e-

iekroraquou It W B e l l a m y Mr J D-WlnklaquorraquooUJf 1111 MaVoi aVrahaid U O ittmt and 11 la thsiteerise

V sun Adolf

u i m i w v laquo bull IaoaeMethhai

In tha bark Albsttlna from Vera Crux Ooellwtsltose bull - bdquo

In the tteamthlp Marcaret from Mobile- JWal l i e wife and sen W Keyland

bull t t t i l t U I K B

KD1)Y-WILU3-Abgust 1 at JdrswlU on e Hudson by HOY Br LeonardjofNew YorUyWinE Wy MDM hie strrgeon In the United BUtes Army it Miss Imo-iren M | ( t of N 1 Willi editor o-theraquoW

bull V l l bull bullbull bull - bull bullltbull Journal


AMBTOoAN-On Wedneaday morning A a Iwgering Illness Annie Marl wife or manand] -bull---bull Armonck

i alter Jbert Amor-

J^^^mWWamp 01-onck Westchester county N-TV lpound^S ionck on ltelatWes

B Br^f f i s^oMiS^ 4^ bull S d ^ i n S w of thelstl johnlWyloin beWUtyetr

The funeral oerrlces will Uke place St Thnredaylbo M lnaraquoM at ro^cfock r-Jt kwifrienas arereigtclaquoixaliy tifnled toatto

The frfoooaand relatives of the AmU^raquoraquo fespeci4nuyi lnnted lo attend Malttrarrallrophlsl laquore16gtnci No 4 Nebon BUce tmTlrttisAay AB-WOO SI oclock i m i bullif i raquobull j v-r 7 1

- bull bull bull bull ithAtamlly amBBebv l l n a u a t



Oary laap Oo LraquoJ

gt lt I Bo JLow K

^ t S ^ amp t 9 M rrankMioo lt3v

n raquo bull ^ V T l i r W j

^ too piwobk WmamplMX

raquovgtaa raquo o N vraquoJo


laquo8X bullM-i bull

1 H ifrfto

^ relaUTee and Wends A tWIamlly toodtMftrAaral pt Ber ramBBela-

neiosATttdt7C^B^c^iirasy ltntjlaquolaquo r y c j W V r v l t ^

wnsWCni^AtNewsraquolNi-raquoT^ltmlst Ini Ujlantni JameaJiOrckn talant ohlM bull t Jamooond

Knoaral from Wallace Ptiee NewVt^ilkrTrBitsW atraquo rtw 4 J cholera IntontaixiBilserinio4t daogi ter o b Kmi

^roHaigtdKiriayOlaquotta araquo^3nionihs I Notlee ot fuwml wiilgtegivea uttrfSorr raquow mornmtti

0PraquoS ^ bull bull (I t l rill ( BJ j

Notice of funeral to-xaorrow bull fl B A ^ W ^ ^ T j e ^ A B f n s t l B a i W fe^TbWBt-

ft sost^3a5hatVli^thVa^^ aSBraquowe iraquo the tiypu clt l^sitV i bull--raquobullbull- bullbull-laquobull I

TtaiwUOTwaacllrie^ort^ indtbertineral trrmtherfaidcvoeori S^rjypt^ w w n i J h S pt

A t llaquothsTVlaquoBi

bull raquo^ J j f e W i a raa rlaipxnsJ tt ftt i o W

give liorr6balr raquoa4 Uwft^Bthls jtifjcd m s n rwho wJUi others J^jarjrfired) stCnofgt|or A doctor But the poor girl died In jow mlnBtes Her blood opTerea lhe iwlraquoapveUl on which laquone rested ahdjbe floor nee by L t f - t i r

Mr White at once Instituted a search for tracks about the house but wae nnable to disshycover BJBJdist inct]raquoraquolaquolaquo of leet except In the

R Atttert-TJlsrVrTeAtBer twenty-Ioti desire OV age slept on the lower door in tho northeast room i l ls- mother- end EIU sloptln thettorth-west room sTrovel lHv says4 bolse nry stairs jus t ^lorodownSTTokened him and rtkhlng out of bis room ho wkokaocked down n e u the foot of

tho stalrsby st-mai|or roenjcomlnff dowu that ihe recovered ohd bad h serjfllo-ln the dorkfand 1 was OYerpoweredVtbrovrn down snd tbe man or men esesped I i i ihoWs it soar ovdr Oneeye1

Iwhlch he ssys Wok Csosed by the blow thtPtnur-1 deiorgive 1 Mm The mark u^ortnnstelf obviously Of Mi f-lidrdate than this fhdrnlog bull I Albeitrl KjiUtiltoii Is not good H e bkbeen s r t i h i r lust young man and his aaioclsUons areisldtohaye been not o t thobts t Wo hear

j that bo was Boon to bo mamprrlod In hia bureau i wna found a sum of money In natlonsl bank bills smouritlrig to About t h ^ e hlmdred and sixty-two dollars There wore three ono hundred-dollar

i bills ono fifty snd some smaller Ho savs two hundred dollars ol tbe money was bin aud tbo rest his mothers Tliolamllv were In moderate clr-oumstances and had bhtUlJJe spai(e money


5 bull |raquoSJllraquoraquo4l|| VejJItSiftB A MAN AND BKVBBAI HOB^BS K H J raquo D AT

bull-bull bull raquo raquo O k U p raquo J

A collisiontook place t about seven oclock lsBtjrjvcnlngslt miles thUsjie^l jEtstroDe Grsce between iwftfr^lgiiVfi^nBlipnoof Them loaded with government horses on theWhyto Wllming-

( ton Delaware The cause of tho collision Is not reported One man was kllltfd A yiumber of horses nro inlSBlng 8everl i f them It is said being burned to dpstb 1 - bull-

The through Washington passenger end mall tralD due here art flvo oclock this morning was dolaycd l iveors ix boors b u t n o mishap occurred

to it bull

T h o Choierrt- i n x^BTpt


A bull correspondent-of the Boston Advcrllitr

TI rltlng Irom Alexraquondrla( Egypt July 7 toys Tlio ravbges bl tho oholero eoutlouO In Egypt

although there has been somo abatement In tho daily numbob 6fv deaths reportedLlh Alexandria Theso attained tbolr maximum on the 2d instAnt wben tho nrrmber was two hundred and twonty-elgbt two daysortcfwsrdstlit humber hod lalleri to one bnrtdKd srideigbWetitjCotorday It had Increased tooB^Wtiiidreaiind lorty-trro

Tl e American ebmthunUy whlcb bad happily been Bparcd-during the flret^three weeks of tho prevslencool the dlBcaso has ceased to enjoy Imshymunity On-thoSth Instant dlod atCniro tho wife of the ItovQullanLansing tho estimable American missionary Tho lamented lady hss sealed vritlihcr IBealong and useful service with her husband in iprelgn lands- On tho Oth Mr A C Pangelskl died a Creek by birth a eltUen of tho United Butts by naturalization whohns boon a resident of Alexandria iorthelatt ten years or more lie was amp man ol Intelligent] and ofblampmo-lups character J - -

Nolther ofthese deaths 1 believe Is assigned preclsolyito cbolem yet as they occurred alter short and sudden illnesses It may bo supposed that tbe disease wbatovor It was was aggravated by tho state of the stmosphere lacldonl to tho presence of cholera bull -

Tho English missionary the RerMr Lleder hos died in Cairo bull i Prom tbo intorlor tbo most dlslrooalng ao- bull counts are brought At Cairo tho deetUaltlaUv are admitted by tbooffloiUrowrUl^nu^mber fiv^ six snd seven hundred anitn many pi tho Inland vUlaxea wherethe nativei populaUoa Is without attendance tbo mortidity has boon frightiu] - v-tJ J

A strong north wind wblcitiproTailod durlDg tho present week baodoubUte boon the cause oi | tbo Improvement st Alexandria and as tho telo- graph announces the rise of tho Nile in tbe upper country stronghopes are entertained tbst when tbo wave reaches tqe Delta now in about twelve days a favorable oflect maybe produced by Us flooding tbe low snd stagnant groundv -

More than thirty thousand people have left Alexandria and tbe departures cootinuo by every steamship But one American vessel Uie Canada of Bath recoalns In p Ort and ebe clears to-mor-l row ior England

I am able to add for the post by tbe Frencbi Steamship that the number of deaths from cholera In Alexandria yesterday wss only nlnety-one wbicb gives matin encouragement An amollora- Uon Is also reported at Cairo

-i -I

IreauraxYrAppointinentsmdashThe Bceiretarj oitbo Treasury lias decided to make mo more clerical appolntmentojexcept in cases oi vacancies which mos l bb rrapplled (ltjter flltceri- hnnaxedappll-j cations of-npspclaquoslaquoinl ssplrants for cjcrk^Wpa1 are on file in tbU Department having accumn- lattd during and since the rebellioni I t la estl-i mated that the ie are nearly sixteen hundred olerka and copyists employed in the Treasury building mdash[Wathbiqlon Btarf-- j - v -raquo j

The AndersonvUJe jalloT-rTbe wiirt-martla ot whlcb Brigadier-General Underwood Is prcsl- dent a n d p 9 j o n e ^ ^ l p r r ^ ) J a ^ e f raquo d v o c a U haa adjourned raquo n i l i Angui i IBABA The several mera-

otber PJACCA On-tb r e ^ r n ot- theBunabeta and tberaquoaslaquoeBiMmg-of tbe lt ^ n ^ the ejseof OapUln ITenrr Wlrts lte commander of tbe Andorson-

O f VvaaV^rVUTbO t raquo i f raquo J B ^ - t l F lt M A b l i ( 1 b W laquo r raquo r

bull7^ilaquoraquoieat^it^gt^YBlaquogt Ne^Eiglan^AgTli laquo J amp Society Srlll ^ U ^ t n ^ W t A B i W i Fair at Concord NH6ntbe 5th 6th 7tb and Btbdajsor BepterrauWinfixt vThe aurflol elgM thousand dollars taofflsteAtopravtaM J Among tbe rtovelHr Bdrertlaed torBaMMUrgi Is a svekm

iiJTyM xt it ti_ I T 0-r--gtl-jt aio-A-f WwaU -A siimii -i-i-ui- ii ur bull gtji bdquovj -i - -

bull e W r s i r a l t i y s t r T ^ ft

BAktt^-aMeiugiiawnwv3mtatt v

- bull bull bull bull

bull -LOST O R STCjLBN Sr^SF HiECIAL NOTIOHmdashTHli POL-aaVCSB lowlnn d w c r l b e d 7S0 U H T r e w u r y n o t c t o l t h e o a r r e n t l i t u s w e r e s to len from t h e t t f e in the ofJlci of

Howard A Cot Jfxoreilln th Tlllo(eo( Troy Pa en i the night or the Mth of July ABrerscbs flrml tnd eorporattont are hereby cxutlon-ad i sa lmt reoolTlng or negotlttlnx the undermentioned notesor bondssa all of tho same wjere stolen ond thli Cotrptny oltlmi tho light to recortr tho poitetilon or

Isold cote and bonds whenerer or d wbererer they otn find l i e tome t I

i 80T49U B noUiSJraquo eachnumb^rod trora 1087raquolto ilMICS both inelutlTe i raquoraquo 7-S0i U Hjnotct ol loit litus raquo1M each numbered trom2i9^Wlo 2M9i7B0tb IkClrulTC HOWABD A OOB BXPITB33 OOMPANT

By TBlfDBnUJrt LOVP JOT BuperWtendent Hf laquo7 Obettnut tt Pblladeipblt Pa July S318e

B a m bullbull -bullbull bull-bullbull j bull bull bull - - -

amp^Ugtti2-A (xOLnCHKOK ON TUB 5 lt l S r Btpk of New York datedtd j e l t ISM for

|s^fraquo-drWBTCWrmoll OOMo05^80ilgtaymlaquoU BOV-

bullWtr5poundgt KOTIOJ3-A CEItr lpIOATK OJT B O S Depotlt torTwoTaontADdIgtollArt Bo t l j U

laquotpl BooklDchai irt taet i B teMbnotiT whereof witi

paiee Wt sjxth day oi Jans IS4A

rloTrjji bdquo OOmp yu(ot

otoreeold whereof wUses my bked aad tool ol

ntBRUAB CLAIIKB nptroUer of tbe Oorreney

fipgJ- T i f - B A f l U i l Y i D J t t P A i i T a d H a T O F -

yiAiaurwroa- Juas i Ujav^wher bf i UtotKSSrf

l l YV r alaquowvaraquoraquooV^BirerBgt rding to iherequiremesli oi th Act ol

CoijrrriietiUtloo^AJt Ae to prWld bull NOUOBAI cur yesey tecored by a pledre oi United tittle Jtoadt and to pioriee tot tk crcuiAtloo oea _ pfored Jar 8 iW4 tad hot com slots of told Act rorjitlrtd to commencing the butinrai or ban_

Howtherefore IPrw-mtn t l trke _

op roiri

laquoorraquo - Aot

Comptroller ol tht MalttlAjrfIOlaquo Jr A T I O B AL HJgtK OF WK-T YOBK la tbe etly of Now

Vorkin Oiecoootl ox kew l o r k o c a t t s u o f New York It inthoriid to pommeao tbs buslnnii ol banking undwr Ihe act AJoreaaU

It ttstmoay wtcjooVwltnaa I J I hoai K i ^ x w Of J^attJ~M |igtal offloe this ninth raquoJ ol Jane )9raquoS

fbirmeo) ^ rBAAotAB OLAraat Brreocx

bull r f - i ^ J i T H K A H U B Y D K P A H T M K N T O F urvjgi n c x or UraquotrT-raquoouag or run CUBUMOT

dated l^DlaquoBraberV IShf from tbo Bailed OompoBT io-MiUt KnlotrbeMtr A Co M bseu tost

lart No HJ)3 tod Mates Trust kot beu

i^apt=liOrJT- OF M I 8 D A I I gt - A O B B T I K I raquo ^ ^ ^ laquo raquo r raquo f peposlt forlfS doted Mareh raquo iaV lstueTgty tkTtJ BrTnut C001 NTYT to Morgan A

l liBttod-luariiBtruKen pU xeentori Ase panoeo beer^ktagipedaajjipfw^cerlji^ealeaooii^dfor _gti_

It was lost from emon- Oamr pteort j tad la what maokier (it unknown tome i and therefore I call upon ail ptrtont to tbow cause why a new oortlfioote tooald not lotus la Ueuofthtt lost kOBBIfT-TBMmi

Ieraquotawlaquow BrntthS POlBt b-1-BT


0 O B O r r i o s a r coarrrpotxam or T U B CUBKXBOT YfASitneoTOir July 11 lWJ^Wbeiao by lAUtrkctorir eTldonoo presented to t ilaquo undersigned li yen u been mod W o p ^ r i n M I ^ B j f A r t O t i ^ W T T BANKO NBW OBrLInkhectrrofltew Y o t t l n the county ot Now

ork kndltotn bf rlkw York bosbwn duly ontouljed on-dtrtDdtpoordlngtothorerjulrorecnttot l i s act of Con-

trtlirVAn Acttopiorlde anotl vl greet unlit cured try a for bull the

ActtqptOTldt an ot fjollidSlot botidt and to orpTide

loniiaarrency i dt and

edemptlon tnt Sa circulationtnd redemption tntret Jane Sd Its and hat^oOOplied with

onk of told aot reaotred to be Qini-llcd boiore cOttiratriCliig tna ouWtat of btnktng drjrxtld tetiNowthersfo r or th s Ourrenor do


T i O N A I r C l t T fidSK OK gtf Heir xork fa the eormtr of


Of ap-bull11 the

llh on-ol-

TU0 A the city

l-lcand l tat of hs boAlnoat


raquoT rejrt l l b H rfhW Y O B K In f N s w Y o r k ood

i s b o mony wberoor h Jay of July

rlaquo rLAiiKK Oiler of IhoOorrexK

TreoluryDcpArtmtnt j

New Toik ond t l ie l haw Voik kot boa aolrorxAtv lxcd under aid aoeordtng to the reqarremekti ef the Act of cotgrpa totltled A n Act to protina o itaUonoi Ow renersecured byopltdgeof United 81 to proTtdn for the elrtulotlpn ond rt tpprored Jan kll4iand liAt oompl ritlo-it of told Aot requlieq to be eompnea with ttefbrt ooiualaquocliix theoutiuett of banking under sold Aat i

IOWILweiore I ProeoiaJi clorXgt Oomnlrollar of Ihe Currency do kereby cartUy Ibot ^ue lu lPoTlTkl la

In tht City ofKrw Tot in the County of hew Tork ohrf

I J7oCl

ComptroUer pi tha Carraacy

W n c o or TBUI CoauTao xxxor WAoauturox Moy Both jtetoTT endsoo b t k bltrl t o PACTUBatBkV

raquo lt 3 raquo a K H A H U l t l amp i DKBAitTMiUSTN-r S a V j a O T T I O B o r T K B CoKr-rooLurt o r T raquo laquo C V A -


1 IOOAL 01

bull n i l i l I I I raquo ~ A

ror th ci M l f J O B


i^owTJ T O K K IA

hrorkoA j f ttoOmooT y l

dSoifof laquofrft

LAKE HQUQE istiU lacoNa ietiAjsro

MttAot rooms for fomiilot or geotletn Aooe trt dny via Dong ltlaad lUllrotd

ourt 61-11 AMOfi B iqBtrtENTrotUP

L k raquo laquoJoVlt PAVJi i lON H A a BBKN with tblt rroudtfk And shore pat In t e s t Order for the

cotafoitolguteUi bo Urge oBdalry rootntte mrV Taw lltcc moi e dealrablo for a summer istroot | j A lmpod

f | l H B I A A TOUBJSTTK UOUrt i i BHHUBW X PoUit ii Jbdquo lblaquo moit deaJrtble watering plooe ia thlt Tletntiyofthamstronolit ToportiwhoalaquoBlaquorlgtltlaquoeill

if J laquo y OTldtao pretested i to

Oowptroller of th Ourronejr

eVETfilENT-OF-or TUB Cukaxiior root br aalltfoctory

to theuBdortlgaed It hat been mode

PS5BlctSTBxbttAHClBIviTtOltAC B ANK the cityof rtewYork lu-th county ofNew Tork

ted inthe city of laquo bull and ttato ofNew r organlr t t bees duly

Of tho act d o nauotal corrca-

and aeooidlng to the requlremenU it tho ao( ot Con-m a s entitled oyiecuiedby a alted Stole boods and te

all redemption thervor to-prortd Ju l Sd )BM a i d bis OornoUed with all tfaPro-Tlttontof said oet rsqairtd to b i compiled with belort


Tlttont COtniw

NOW of IbeclirTeiieyaOkeTeoyof

AMKIilOAKnjWUABOB K A T I D M A L BANE In the city ol raquowTetk7irithaeounirof New York ond t i t l e of Bew York tt- tuhorlaed -to oommanee th pmi-aetiT(btjjVlnrur^rtBlaquofAatorwld

In lettimony wlieroof wltuesaaiy hand raquood seal or of-Ooe this tth day

1)7 Wt

iiersoi of Jul uir POTEMArT ClJtBKK

Comptrol ler ot t h e Currency

bull S f totitfootory

eeat ootor 1 tnorl l l

NATIOBAI BAH ty of hew ioik

County ot New rora oad

g J X O A s o O O I A T t o a Mh Wtl of M w VOrk la thd ttt Of New YOrkkki been

T B E A a U B Y P E P A U T M K N T O F -_ rioa or CoiuraoiXak or TltI Cuaaxxor

rVAeuiBOTOa- July etb leAJ^-rThereobT tatu CTldence ptrstnted to the underotgneo ft has bei to appear t h l ^ R ( gt f w m

_ATI0BAI lUwglXOArJ of thraquoCltyprNlaquotr tOkH _ I_anJru and occOrdloi IT |bsrtgtdulrlaquoinoall of Ihe act ot CoEgrcw tatt led fa oet to prdtldo t nt tlontl oairenoy secured br a pleOgo of UrJlM HUtel bends tnd to piorld IWthe clrculatloa and redemption thoieof opprpTed Juno S IbOl t ond baoouioIKd wlCi oil tin nroTltfont of Bold aot required to becornpllol wltb before commtooing the batUiets ot boalung under ttld act

Nowgtthvetoro 1 Freeman CUrirjo ComplroUor td tbo Currehoy do hereby certify thtt

NATIOHAL BAXKIBU AOOOOIATIOX ot tbe City OI New Yorklu tbo City of Now TorkIn tht County ofNewYorg tun Bute oi New Yorkli authon-eo to oouuneucs buxmt at of bonking under tht net oiore-Hid

IJI testimony whereof wltoes my hand and see or offlceibletb oraquor o f J d y i W K M A N ^ ^

)y7(0t Comptroller or th Currency

fr-C2= T B B A 8 U B Y D H P A B T M K N T mdash O F -kwOSw roa or THB Oolaquorra0Mxh or TUB COHBlaquoB-OY WABUDKITOV JULY krn nwgtmdashwburto by aottt-foctory tyideaee pratenUd totbe nnderttxned It hat pern-made to Bppatr that THK OOaTlNrtNYAlr NA TlDNAli BANK OK NEW TOItK in the city of Ntw Yolk tn th county otNow Tork ond itale of Nuw York bi been duly organized under ond oeoordiug to ths ieqnliotileTits of the oot ol Congron eo l i ths ~ An Act to proTloe raquo Nsttonol enrrenoy securod by a Pledge of Uilled btalet bono tni- to pronoe for ihodreolotvio pod redemption therepr onprored Jurgt Sd 1804 oad hot eompilea with oU the prorlrloet ot ttld oet required to be oompbed wltb beforo commenotnx th puAlnctt of bonking nnder teK

gtowuitrepi told c ^

^ T r w cpusty or hew 1 to commence

York In the cpusty ef New gt ork and bull tote la autboj Ixed to com der tbe act olorettld

I d t y o f rfifw i B t h o d t r r Yorkondttotaol rifwYerk

tba balctt ot Banking un

tn tettlraonywhereof wltneta my hand ant seal of office t^ tnt lh da ot J u l y l S raquo M E K M A t ( ^ ^

NoliiA bull I CompbroUlaquor of the Currmey bulltTlaquofct

fc-CjjFr l l l B A B U B Y ^ D B P A I U M A V N I OF-

AaBrJfOri tceprrjaentodl^thdniderslrntdIt ho beeamodtito pear that rTHK PUKN1X NAliuNAlTOANlt Op TKK

r i c a o r COiirTlaquooLra o r Tax bullWAtuntoTOw dgt

i o r coxPTaoixaa or TBX CUBkxxjr Jelyl IKSJ -Wherea br tttlifoetory trri-- - t o t - - - - bull L bull - - -appear that THK PukNix NAIIUHAI OANB or

tflVTOF WBW fpUKla tbe ellT of Now York 1 county ot Mew York and state of NewTorchM nary organized under aad according to lb requtrarnt of the tet of Congress entitled Aa Act to prorlde

In tna c-ten

tfonal Cori btnoi thereof ^ tbe provisions Of sold s before oocuaeaebuc tbe

Darreect Moored by a pUdgi and toprortde tor the otroultu f approved Joes Sisttond hoi inkfon 04 tttd teirequired tlt

Atfrt bull K t -

ft of Stalled 6UU

tod a required to be eoraplied vita

oa and bull amptlea haseompltod wllkrOil


aot Bow tbrrefore

abacst IBunaxl

bOtUMo of bonking under told theOoiBiirbilerof the Curreany bjdnx - bull - bullbull - roller- of I

Currency TIUVAL Wateol New TorkISL-mdash nr^o3BlUdrlaquoaa4rthao^laroretld

fi Uitlmony wnereof withet my hoad oad sea of

degm^^r^tedega (CurrtnayBurfao

ySVlrtWDpart ^rVoiJraquo70

amp UlUtnony^wnereo^ 1 T BC^AliD Deputy-CltrmpltroUlaquor in Beaiof the Comptroller of tke 0laquor-

f ^ r ^ ^ T l ^ A a U a Y DEPAtfrMENXL OK

WASBMI dttlce trr

rAV^0raquoTi tVTiWeltyVif BTwY^fxria^coaajy of Newyorkndst^oigtewTorraquohMbemdiorx^^

ampXBBAb eatUfoCt-jri-eri-lt has betn mteeJo


kioa or CoarToOixxi or rata CCBXXXOT -liikaLmdashvs

tho nndei^ BK lathefeltr Of new Torkrin Uiraquo codoi

cndlitUO|hewTorhMbendlyorg uoderaaAacoordktp t o tbjre^dremyau of tha Act or Ohnrrtx eaUtled- An Act to prorul Nottonol Oar-^ yen bull - i e ^ ^ t ^ U t ^ B laquo laquo d t ^ l o

kt compiled bullrt tVJlto raquofOTl-| to ne-eMipBtd with betor

ommweiBthbeafDStorBaaklnguaderraquoraquodaw -

r S f t a g i ^ ^ ^ w ^ f t A g ^

- raquo bdquo = - - e ppunty ot New Tork and itaUol Hw Jor ts aathrmud to eMntmeaeetbs bux4aet ol bkraquox l ^ r ^ ^ ^ - w l u t laquoI ban-i aad seal of offle


la he erty o

raquo^-laquo- laquo48aar5 bull - a w TBiujBuaYaiBPAflaaf^Baix^-o f lt 3 S rneji bullcar CxMtkTttoi- mdash mdash mdash - bull raquo mdash bull -

raquoToa Jolyl^BfeS-Vb


uaderoadoxeoVdlar- l i the rt aarwofcajii rf fM

B ^ a S ^ ^ t d A ^ i ^ e i r e f f l a a a d r S SiJool^ approTSd Jfnae raquo BaM aid ka eootpiul KttS


thtm dotty t o h e w XOi this hoot ofier iupnpr lo U |0raunrmrhome Opmmedlout iteoiahoota-

eVAViftJW duoement lorttuurmt-rkome leay pUr Bo hotta rTr ot raquoigt6 A oclockr w ijrom Dy itrt ot l o t raquo - -^v -= r ~ Troioioo uilaquoT5cw JentlaquorClaquoctraJiUlirrgtodxrivx brio hart rUMt tlaquoi time dor Tlrraquoraquo Iron Hew XPrtt to Ilorgee i^tltoIrtyarlaquorj3BOtlaquot _ bullbull C~ bull bullbull irtL i - witBunrwHnrUPrefltiraquott-

there Otteted tbfjytiilJmcBls attributed tdMra aUdotBcTs W e nitve aajnt 16r tyor itOrristporident irrd Iplornuat knd thil l CTjgteci him To Jurtlfr bis issertlfnsjir cue ap6lpr|te under bis own name toifco grillfhnen wbdnt be baa named- bull I As to the invitations mentioned by Mr Boiler-flelfj in b(a riote two Which were abown ns by Onr Informanthad a sooret and mysterious aargteci Oie for intlnr waa ptrntod the other was written in a female hand TTitee genUcmen mlnbl bare escaped all tnlrocmstructlon If Instead ol net ling tnTBtertontly |p a prlvolo ofliee they had called a meeting openly in some public placemdash tbdr object bcln according to tbelr own alate-ment ol a public and riot of a private nature

UiTTKn r a q v km UUTLBR To (Af EdilortoJ Ou iWntraff loti j IJast CTcnlnifC you jiubllabcd wbat profcaaod tobo an acoount ot -UMS procxeding of a utlaquosUnlt C-l tbe Frlexrfi ol Jeflaroon DaiflaV keld t l No V lit oad atrect on Monday alternoon Aa acshycording to j o o r own report I waa present at thai tQCeting you will 1 trust admit Ibtl 1 know What occurred UiCe aud as your reporter put yioiri mtoAOraquo poulfb y o u will I irost also admit tbo propriety of jgiVlog rae a bearing upon tht) subject Jn lhAl case 1 liato merely t o ^ a j 1 tbiij -excepting tbe slatomcnt that a toOCtuiK was Called and held to dovlse means tot a fair and proDcr UUl ol Jcnervott D t t l s Uie report in the ^vjnf i i t j Porrr II dJrocCy Al yaritflce wllh |he fkcu It is true that sereral laquogt-specUWe genltmeD who bel levbtlut lAllitajry t o u i U have nf3 authority to try rgtlaquorsons charged With such crimos aa are Imputed to Jefleraon Davis and that In tny event there haa been enough bloodihyd did uiecl to derlae moan for bo Mull and Itlr ddepee of JefreraOn Davis and iU krkaocktcs | but Hl not true that any person ireaent At that tnt cling rmcxed a langie aeateno ontained tatbp report in your paper in my hear

og nor were any raquoncb or like seoqmenu er-irersed ot that mCcllbg as are- doniaroed In that irticle bull ltbull bullbull bull n r -bullbullbull bull

ThA Ungnage used al the wpeUng lu qpjesupn ras such aarxo loial man of common sense could ibject to or I should not hare Temklned there )ut tho roott extraordinary statement In yoor gtper lropbo that l i e pnngtoe WA to bcglP In a iew abapVa fresh rebelitdn This Is simply

ndlcnkma bull bullgtbull P Y OOTLmn 5 WaUaUcet Wedneadaj AuguoiadraquoC5

btrty and reiorro CXmg^Ai

Tstav H e w s u A r^^) Caplur t at

^ f r W s ^ T ^ ^ kj r No part of the rewards lor the carAure of tkc

ltiratloa conapUalors has yet been Jpaid I t a IttMa^atOAd A U l UraquolaquoIfecrcHAry jdmtiraquo mable to aire tbe mailer his peraonoi aUoatrloa laalnaUd JndjLe l lo lL AdJuUnt-Geceroi Towa--riaOioad Aj4lktsjit BiimMT^VeiclrC M i boar o WW a AeiAtW the daons ot tAe roadhrtod) o f r

raquobullraquolaquoraquobull laquolaquobull raquobull ka^txtW ABA hare not yet Ion ad time la hear all the aajpikua and ol corxrraquolaquo haTlaquo t o t made any decUioas tmlt^tSmraquo r T 7

laquoranorlaquod Arraat Of l e t u laquo tgteirTati~A ntao tt ipietcopy toe John JI BBrrslt oae of tbe oo ^rlAWCk^laquolaquo^lnjthrraquo ataottleatioa oi Pre deal Lincoln arriTcd al Iigtrribarg pa ycgttlaquoc-dy intho morning liain irom Pittsburg k i t for Washington in the Northern Ocnlral train at noon l i e waaarrooirxl in Texo

Oift to th Bed wood UbrarymdashTbe Bed wood |gtlbroly ha )ut reeelTtd a Urge and snoel valna-UU addltioa to its already rjxoeUeni cAUlogua oi |jooka Lt U the glU ol Jt^bert II Irea of Provshyidence who is one of oof snntmer reeddenu and VtfcoeS generous set In Uut Instance deoerro PUaCh PjaJUc The voUunos number betwoe three and four hundred In all and tridadesuch kexa M Audoboo Birds ol Araertoa KlrboUOaa I KncTtioirwJU oi Aichltcctnrc BtslUis DicUona- Uta Noilh American Sjltfi Mllmans CbriatlaA- |ly lyCdge Portraits Kcbeilioti Beoord Ellota IX-llaquotlaquoi os tbe Federal ContUlullou Ntltooal 1oiUolt Uolloiy Knlghla Ixindon Knlgbta Popshyular Hitlory or Eagland WllaonS la los ol tha Jiorder Acmdash(Vv-ixlViriv Journal

bull - to-nrraquoa nsoig ant njoxak Na-w VoTtar OITT I

W-DBSWDAY AtlgOSt 2 I W ( ToOnKiUonof tU raquogttKm(ti^dt

My attention has Just been called to a elate-ment In your paper of Tuor-draquoy purporting to gtvnan acoount ol thedolnga of a private meeting of gentlemen aald to have hoep held in Broad street on Monday all era oon and al which I am reported t o have uttered or endorsed certain son ilmenta I desire to eay In your columns in an equally public msjanor UiU 1 have not boon utcraquo-fcot anywliore where s n j such scullmculs have been uttered and tllat nobody bpt a fool In my judgmentcoiilfl hsvs ntterrd therAraquondno ono 1ml a acoundrel emild hm attributed them to m e _ UlirkOB J XOCKJIK

11 lLx4 Tucker desires to know tbe name of our

Iniorroant we ahal bo pleased to give It him a

toon a be applies lor ItmdashKraquos FVBNIBO POIT

jsrrTsnk PUOM M fci wrrrrraquosurxiaigt t

NraquoAr Ycotx Angust B l raquo raquo

JbtArAViUetioTAJiJiVewlstFJf- ltltgtbullbull

The aiaAemtdrts IBtwir report of the mertlng held In Broad stret on Monday oOcrnoon in which my name^s mentioned are a misrepresenshytation ol lacta ao Ht as ytm UtTrm that there were sentiments uttered lnlavor of renewing the rebelshylion in ar^ way by Abjr onepresent 6r raquo eatl-merits that eoulci be oonttroed as disloyal

Tiri tTicetlhgwaj slwpyfor the pnrpoee of tAiB^hctctampfT rhreAsnres lot o^etHuing it speedy and isl^trlil olt j efreioxyii Davis Viad othcW now lri Tvrlson bfefore fatjMV worjA inirtead of inlll-xkrr frtbrrBslr in order to abOw the World Ciat Justiceks IbelaWtol oor oountgy bullbullbullbull i gtbull bull bull

roay r a laquo n U ^ t h S t T ^ v B i i l ^ l ( ift atteinTthe meetshying were laquont to -Hi Orsafloy and other promt nunt in hi party and w would bo glad l o hare hraquodanylaquogtf wm attead itj bull

^ r bull r ^ ^l^sp^ltt)nl )y bull bull - - C i i i o e BtrrritnriwrJ

- ^ mdash ^ mdash laquo Ai^

New York


Krglooea l s agto D laquo l y bull bull B B I U I B

H o b k o - r l e o -

FOR SAVIMAH-~ STAB LINEa b B i M i - W M B l K t Y


NETAUA - - -uiiiTBD m m AMBBICI bullbullbull-COMTITuTWH -

CarpenUr Cornraander Rhttre Commander Clltt Commander Grttnman Commander


W I T i l i M f A V K FOOT O F O A N A D

otrott n B^ fiATUBDAr A t i u l i ol I oclook r w IottAte

For frelgkt or pooaage opplx to WAKKMAB OOOktlN A DICIlBBcm

Ko 17 Broadway TheUNITKD BTATKa will foUow Vfedodojr Araquograquo

AgenU in ampTMDlaquo-MotrtBmGIAMBAXJgtrYLN A CO o o g l l t


WAll-CLftltAl _4$S0CIATI0N


Dlwbltd and Dlwliarge4 Soldier and Sail on H0 R5 COAMBRKB 6TRBKT


At ths abort oitlee tre rtulttered ditchorged ooldlert ond itlloTtcf at trade oad (rutttocouoait and or all eon ditloatof bodjbolb dttabiid and obis-bedlod and all or wall recommended

An urgent roquet It mtdt lo employers to call and reg-liittr their appnottlorjs lor emptojee Both partletort oerrtd frca of chorg bull bullbullgt





FUOM PI KB 3 N KDAILY i t 10a A w_rraquotjftoUsg with Iratas for

Bed BXlrorgBrnchraquotiLatihotlaquoxTorat liiTlaquorBori-gal and Taexutoa

And lU r X for Highland Mlddletowa Bed Boss Bhrewttmry Batontowa Ooooa Port Broaefc rerl O a s BroochBkork IBTOTTormlogdxl Bqatrakura Btrgto Mtacbtstcr anrt TpmIBlver Tor lo LongBroaehsi

Th tpJtasid Btaaotar JESSK HOiT win Vtor at obore da l ly a t 1043 A gt f orCotodead irec t t h r p t g h l n S hourt F a r t t l ) Kxmtrttoa U o i a U good for tar laquoargtl t s t bullbull i bull i I

F i o a Corndtn toks U e Werl Jersey BaBxaaA lor COM May aad aB Ports of Wert Jettdy

Ticketcan k proekrlaquod at th o f l t t of Vettcotlt Kt prert corner loth atreet aad Broodwoy gt4 borxaxa theckud Irom n tJAne oay lgtotlti In Long raquoxth

JU _ ^


C 0 U M 8 l L t O K A A T I v A W X 1 J l l r d w a r T O JBeox I U CilKkO

NIW TOBK C1TT - Attend tet i l patiact la the Cosrtt oflhUalUdBfot

aad u tk rcpanment at wtMhmgtoa aopeciol t l tto-Uon girts to latawnai Eeroou kaartattta oadto agalctl lortflrjl goTtrnmeau ot well u oar ows

Mr Llaquowltraquo i tpt i l eae at Ueowty oocaatimdashtatitr w la l i f i bull - mdash teraaliflaquotenwUltgtlaquo agaoraatr ot thalaquo-ooa-ksrltiaaiBt-

OEO with the Bttrexloe Lows bull _ f ^ r-^bull bull o _ _

|Bjltjlaltae) aar^praca^ce la beta

C A R B A Q E 8 Th tasaaiavH atoek BOW la the tara utrg waretookao1

tgtTrtBg raquolaquobull etU^rjoaoaore s- bullbull

BAM iUSpoundTWWZHampX BABJiraa Btv

Ossk^tretJtr of raquokShCtnTlaquoyi

t ttrrtnoT do be^ ejrtlj Ota

ejtUaklaa-bull U a a t a o r U s d Ko c-rov

ac t afawptnid

llV-r-tM-w i - ^ ^ ^ f r

itooooi ivoiaioAas -iiirJwAaiBi v -r - | bull bull - bull bull t - i f i l w t t - i 1 f w i i r V - bull j

UJlt -J bdquo l l i j -bull- if l - ( ( M I I bull r i - s

wTrt u bulliirUji-jftiT-rafl^l ry-j| |

We hare news from Honatoo and Oalrotton to

theaothpl raquolulj TbcHlxlccntb and lClobteenth New York cavshy

alry passed through Marshall on IhcQlh on their way to tian Ahlonlo They lorm jwji of a largo cavalry lores taking the sauneroad Caralry and only cavalry can pot down bushwjiackcra and Inshydiana In TCXA lt-bull

A party c4 )yliowklaquor ooplured near Col am baa by lb Brovoat-Marthol bore arrived ot Housshyton and await trial Beyer] of the band did not come down the lallroad Uie soldier having lell thorn in the wood

The 2WeFrnpi puta the entire number of Mls-sourlans who want to Mxtxloo trom Texas t l lonr hundred bull aad not ten thousand as has been reported bull bull

A greal twiny robbors and Jtybawkrebare boon arrcaied In Wctipern Texas and a Urge atnoonl ol etolen rnxrperty recovcTpd

At Ihe Houkion orovoetmaJahkls ofner op to tbe 17th InaUnt three thousand throe hundred and sercnty five Oatha of amnesty and one thoushysand alx hundred soldiers parole had boon t a k e n bull bull bull bull bull

Major-Gcneral Andrews commanding Dopraquort-rocnl 01 GalVeaton nonalon and Cemtral Itoil-rood to jrfllllcati u o n tour of inipecttob la bis dUtrtct bull

Building Improvements ihaTe rtcomraenced st Iloturton l h laquo oily board ot health and the milishytary authorities nrgt bavbx tbe place cloajikcd The freedmen ajtt on a liberal aoale nnder tbo oideraol tkyjpitrroei-mararis)

The pcopl coroplaln Of the non-arrirrd of thrdr sew governor new mall agent new postmasters new custom house fffl00ra etc Tbo del ty 1 cor Ulnly prejudicial to tbo Inlert-sU of tbe Ule

M K X i C O

A Prortmmol loo by C r t l raquo o laquo - I l l raquo Troop oraquogtlaquor i r la tamoreo

Uy wraquoy of New Oilcans wc bare late new from

Mexico Do I^eon tho (avi Governor ol TamaullptA 1

at the bead ol about five hundred men In thai slate doing the enemy no Injury but refusing to recognise Ibo authority of Cortina who U regushylarly oomtniatlopodbrigadlor-general and assignshyed to tho command of all ibe liberal troops opo-ralinr on the Ulo Grande by Ncerrile tbe Minshyister ol War ar-d GtDerraquol-lh-Chlci of the republishycan atmke

Cortina compelled Ixjpex to cTacuateCamarjco a lew Ttcka tko and now holds tbein ao last Jti Malamoro that Ibcy dtro not show their bonds outride the lortl float Ions except in lormldible bodies It is fact tliat cannot be disputed that Cortixhoaa Degto or no w sid hare boon lor months paat within fnim one to alx edlle ol Maiotnoro ond MeB baa rterer renlored on oa attark Cor-Uaa boa iMsaaad tbe loUowiUtT t -

laquo Karunuo or Mstxnx) fCOltSYIIOTWIClX A l l M

CorUpat Brigade Gcneralln-Ch Vox the porposo o) airotdln aecorlly to those

persons resfdJtig In place not ocenpiod by the enemy and to dkUntttlh tbe giaerillaa from parshyties ol r o b b m M U bereliy doeVred

That all artaed force which may b e found in the northern 4ltrict of the state bearina the character of republicans and who bare not the propix and legal antborlxAUocL ol the general gor-ernrrvento oi tbe anberlber will blaquo conaldcred bandits aad raquo 111 be apprehended and punished In conformity With the Iowa bull

bull And tor tHe more exact compliance with thevo orders thoae who are wfthont tht credential or authority will apply for aad obtain 11 wltbln Ibo pwtmpt i ry period ol tiuce day bull bullMtteWptnidSBe liberty raquo relorm

Carap trt Cbilntelia JJith Jnlv IWJ5 T r J P A V N OOKTIMAa

To ootmWrocl be lrf)ot-rie ol the lollowlng proctaksation^ Qcneral Mtjia baa ordered that no peraoat be allowed to leaVo Malamoro under any pretence wbatpTtr without Orst obtaining a po hom Uiemllllorvauthorities bull Parson going oror Irom ViroantTllU arc not allowed lo return withshyout rnrb a paa

bull bullbull bullUrWjHUflor MKXKX) bull 1 j bull (^BSt^fTirTTOBAXy A raquo M T

OortrnsasBtlgod Gtnrra) la-CUlci - bull i PTtOCbAkUTJOa

fcTbe subscriber In aAVjordakire with insfrne-tlons iroiat Gteeial KstxrateBocreUry of War and GlaquoamperaUn-Chle4 of tho army cgtpctaling agoixut Invadcis and traitor and to give an opportunity to all loyal Marlcant lo depart with security Irom those poiaU sad places occupied by the common enemy rgtroolarm to tbe iBuatsianU ol heroic Malatooro th following decaaaM t bullbull 1 AB cr^nmtinleaUon twmroeroe and trad between tho port-of Matatnoros sraquod all other port Ol thl aula ar enUrely closed lt

JS Itrtry lndlT)dlaquotl who uttry be found going to or eoming from atud port will be apprehended aad trUd by a military cioorVmartial whtch will ha) oroanlseai for thU -pittpooe and rxretslatoed a a traitor to Use ctmnlrj and ooraquoeo1olaquoaUT aB his eltects willtx tVMtCgtealed sAXirdluir to the laws eaUblahrd try the feoaistllnUooAl rovernmeBl of

- tnhk4ddtktTri of MktWraquo0 arX those places trade HA jsu^Adlotkaa artjlearkrortoiiatAlj-are fonsd laquopder lb Bag taad dcawlaloa of tbs ac-

l a ^ a ^ t t o C f r w W d a y t o U ^ A M H cArry thWerTecV^t Vfraquoraquot thre) leraquolaquotes dLsUoi trots SdcVir with the nraquodmtlaquodiV tha wheat rtory tnagtrtxJ^ctgtasgaot thadr e^cUj^kt tlgtTy S^er

bull - - - - 1 fey tha goTerrrmemt

i O n i iNTKI-lrlOKfiUR

U r a a d B r r laquo S I I gt t af MaolaquoiacbaMlt T raquo raquo M

Th Iwt-utj-Dlnlh Finy-aevtnOi tnd Filty-alnth Hrtxlmcnts Mtseacbutclts Volunteers -wbichonlTcd In t i l s city braquoal OTeolng wcie glr-ten o fcanuU rrirvcjvUyn tbla moruloji by the Bons bl Moooochutetta bull Theregimcnis paraded up HroadTfay to Union tJQbsrc jiYeccded by KobdrUoni and the brigade bands

The Uoopt looked wall and marched finely Thry were wsnnly greeted along the line of rotrch the spectators waring baodkorchioie clapplapound bands and frequently obenring them

Tbe national colors were raited on many house) and store and a salute was fired from the roof f the building occupied by the Now Eugland Sei-dlcrs Boltel Association I At Union Square the troopa wore halted la Iront ol the Union League Club House where tbey were treated to a liberal supply ol bOlor-blergt

The officers Were entertained in the apaeioaj rooms ol the club and afterwards wore shewn lliroujtb the building

Al ball-pasl one oclock the lino was reformed

and tbe men marched down llroadway to th BatUiy where a dlnnor provided by l i e ladla was awaiting them

Aa Aaonrtooa rHlaquouatilraquo I Bai l i r Korot-e

7he tlrtt oelaquoan tltrnshlp carrying the Amen-caa flag across the Atlantic for more than lour years will soil from this port on Baltuday the lttth IngUnu The Mcasrs l^cary will then da-tipatch for rkiuthauipton and Piemen the stcamer ltirclaquotlgtii CapUln Ed Cavcndy a jioputsr comshymander

Tbe Clicaasltn I a flnrl-fclaes iron stoamer of 1046 torn burthen and It fllted np In elegaal t l j le fihe la well adapted for the ocean seme iind hts accommodations for one hundred first-class passeiigcra Tlis enlertgtriee will attract much kllenllon It Is practically the resumption ol Kuropean Irade by Atnoricampn stlaquoanshlp owcera

bull bullbullbullbull bull J n r z m g -i-j

TBE HiEROAimijE A6EN0I H o w BwOforonco Book

W t AltK B O W BJtADT TO D k U V k w a TO SDB hCHlUKlOl O D B HKr-JCtta-C BOOK cooto ln lng reAH rt t lBg i ef raquotl tVlaquo ktarjhAZli 1

Fifty Principal CllUs ia tie Usjvtd Sullaquo Kepartd as a arlaquooULTT for kv laquo bull laquo -

JTjBampwfrrrtrurtrV Morchat lBiportMraquo auifl OUwrs

w h laquo butJhtot ralatloaj art laalmj t i n pkcktc kkr-Ml Of IOULU tk protnjaeal laquoraquo14

T 11 B bull

UtHtral MUftrcnct J8raquo4gtJt e t a h r u i l t g t h w h l t c o u n t r y lociBdJng f rary t e i r a Salt riUraquolaquo-Ai w sU a IA jmaetpu dties will be cvmpnulaquo tA idj lor SeUTtrj- olaquo er botor t^laquo gtraquoOi of Aagaai

M praoact tkds Toluult M aa aatbtlf raquoww Vow roAkaw ifca a BBW lujiriX trarj oAjmt laclBatd kATkolaquo two thwovbi 10 tiiTcalAgovad ono inooy aeditiOBtUima UUvroOtd The lavingt ar bo4d in eyory 1attoaraquolaquo oa tht delolitd rscordl of eerofto eraquoTraquortog operlaA et ever tlaquo y t t n w h i o k with our loco] araquoo persl tearot Of UJbiKaVlOh gnoroal) la a grsot drlaquo tttlr aocurtcy

rVhT odojilftd the tami - key oi oHyloiled by i l i l t ytar ladlpoUag raovxiABY woo Tar asd UBWBOAB OOXMT I s tht lotter oo promltance It glrea le tk rhtrootarlalict Of prcbliy bnidBa kablta erjworlr AC

Termi of tubtcrlpuoc made knew tt tht frisoip office rtd ond raquoraquo BroAdway

A CI D U f t aV O O Ittw York Jraquoly Vt laquoraquo i

MI I Chief )


xaaJ logteyiitgtey wia^jpeu hfi HhtB

m g|S4laquo are sAtialoctorQy proved

agtlt yr^vJ^f^^SamptT^y

laquobull WfoitM tie iVWM itagtril iSSSSSU


Accidental iDisuraiice Gon raquogt X4X Br^gtltlraquoFart W o w 1 ora t

tii IKOOJU-G IWMAccrajswi tt ail mm C A P I T A L - - - - - bull 9 0 0 0 0 0

lHgainwrr WILLIAM A BATL8Y BkO-jrvssrt XDWABD A GltEKrlK

blMKon HALDVfiN braquoirmAn ExoaUrraquo 0v tpiUe

KDVrJ) VV LAMiUUiTM DOorraquooJunlaquo lliTtlat JAMKr) W AlKXAKDKJi Attorooy BKNKY A imlJ8 Oeaond Agoal

Tklt betlneaa of tau rempoay n tkt laronag agoinoa tooiatnu ef oil kltci Vhethor by utitjlljog ot Clkta w i t

A n n u a l ) gt r c m l raquo raquo on 1 O 0 O 0 w l t h c B ) B t r laquo B t B l l raquo n Sgt30 oaritb lt -o trgt |vrulaquoo l traquoraquo egtf $ s 0 fr w r r k l o rata gtr I n j u r y gtgt bull t n a l l r r a t a o w n t l o a t t r t - d a t e o r r c ^ j i a a d -In i i r a l i i

A |laquoroolaquo hMored ogoliut death ealy teourt to bit laicUy th aoia for which kt Inoral U he U AtlUd f(o ldd tha dootli trocpit oiUUh | I U H xooalh poundrO(B dot rX IU Injury

IF AOAIHBT BBATH WITH OOMPEBSATIOB tht lolored saetrtt the amount for artilnli h Irmrr- I hit family lu th T(Bt of deik| ond in r laquo laquo of pertootl Itjoi) tht tzcouat ttlpeloted BBUI ht la obi to olvead to hit attainol BBUI twentyii) weeks

0EHKEAX ACCLDEKT8 lampcioda th TroTtUligf ttloc aad aloe oU lei ou Of IrleM-ratUolaquoABltuko Uona hprolba Htulaoa Cats Ouathot Wouadt t t i u oad HColoa Hit of lgtolt(i AaitUiU by Herylara Bobber or Werdin rt--ltgt oeUoa ot Cvtituiox or kun-tHioke llgtlaquo raquoCacU of Kiploaloat rtooAt oad Hal locotloo by l ) ilaquowi l i | or UkolOoi whara aooh Ae deAtat lujai j It the cotut ol Deolk within lore uwoollu of the koppetlag laquor th ln|nry

N laquo m e d i c a l t i a m l n a l l o n Klaquoltvutre t l


iDeorporated Under Tho Joint fitooic Compitnies Aot of 18G2 of Qrctit


Oanital Xlf000000 or $5000000 O l w k l r h A l w O e O U o r S V raquo laquo 1 e gt O U I r a i d laquo raquo

a r r a a n t ClaquorgtUol a s d w i l l loe locrMaaeT laquolaquo lla ( i r a w t h ot Ik blaquogttorlaquo ravealroov

Tba FoaadM raquo4 1roirrltl ot the Dooki are MaMtanikCHOrrsHBIMUOl^D^UMIirr A COboat-

dltm - Y l l U U U B O A CMlBCHLH Ixmooav - ritkl- ikUtCK JltlTII A C O do - J KkuluiAN lt CO ttjcotoaor to Mettro

Ueorye PeotrOdy A C Ixgtidoo BTkhN llHOTBBHS laquoo

Ur riUCBkhlOK ltODBrfALD do TllABANftOrBAXKMHIatNOBN fuxt MtlaUgoa MrJuUDB MAY rraokfoitraquo U t x a r o Mr MOUiMt-B J bUrBACH ltlaquo

BtdOlaquoeM OLD BIIOAD HTUKKT 10NDON Uoodolaquo Bonk THK LONDON JOINT BTOCK BABIt Waoocar ot ho ProKoUoo WlbToB b IATBAU how ilaquok AgraquoeyraquoraquoBXCHAlaquoltJl PCaCB

IXgtOAI maooTooa-eix rraquoAlaquooioo W B JOHhbTOX Agraquol Uarpool and Loudsa l n t a c

t u t Coupony I I I M t CAUlrOb Jr iforehABl A kHItllOUN Motebool ol llollmoao lUo Co

Thr tbtiTe Book H irrrparrd lo Uasaoclta UiBdoa oo hoo Proncioo all l lool laquo rf1 joklog oad Kx rbatgi truiltoasowtweeatold cltletoad all ports Of U o K l ^ i a l a V f V o U 0 O l l d U) c o l U c t l o n t p u r e h A A M rf r e a l M U u 4 w a i u ahor and lBTeunlaquoauof all kjadtia O l Jor Bio




Impor tant to Bhlpporffi W or avow forwordica fat laquoir )MCia Jflt4Alraquor

tkwrvolaquooa4 1 cor ot otvgtWO^ WlaquoJtgtsraquoBfflwftraquoi i f

tmampwmaivwi TOW tw To tlit) OU Erfioxu of PrATxxraquowlTAAila

XtmMr sW Wraquo4-iOAaW bullbullbullbull-

Varaquooka bullwrwy^tJor-

lor ahlch w art prn^ t laaoe bull raquobulllaquobull iSgtHiiH

TW flEClrtPrali A r P l A l e t ^ r i H A gt -


] ( l i irjl red i^w-J lt bullbull r i i i i V M

- J W 1 ^

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