RÀSC-AF l-IP/ll I Nf E RN,A TI O NÀ L C ]V ! L'4 V UlI O N O RG A NI 21 1 IO N FIRST MEEÎINC OT THT AIRICA'INDLÀN OCEAN RXGIONÂI, AI'IÀTION SAFETY CROUP (RASG-AIVD (Kdptl4 Ugan&, 26_2? Mmh 2012) Orber S,r..' ltrir'r.ivs.rd R.giomlOrgÙiz,rioBitr rb€ ArI R.eiotr ÂCI AIRPORT EXCÈLLENCE (À}f,X) IN SAIETY PROGRAMME (Pcstud by Airpoù Coucil lnrmdiùnal) SUMMARI fhi" orDd pèe1ts ACI> airpod Elc.lleD4 (aPAX) ln S'r.t) obsamme n di c;sa ùe æ-efits APLX pD'ides s e d,lm ! and ,vtmd ! apûo'ch nr qretr hm'-e indEr4 Lhil.f6knrcrecionJcôop.drio- 'n 'he 8Ûlame field *i'h .he coJ ol dè ts'ng he nrbn or run$â) .KUÀ'oa and ncu_'ons md 6pæia11y Édudng L\e nùfrbù ofaeidflb dd leliries IC^O Strt.3ic Objæ.i6: clohdr Âvr.ûo. scLt Pltn (GÂs9 1.1 thê ni$sion of the Aipons coùncil InÈdioûl (Acl) is in@$ olrhe *o dt oimons md rhe coûmùities tàcv we ed ro protote aieod op€mrions and nmagement Sâfery i, i\€ bp pridilv. To ehieve lhèe so'ls, ÂCl wodc clcely wfth rhe lnbnâlioml Civil ^vi4ion OsdonrlLÀOr$eRi.pânmou1.o'borha' dnol({Ord1\i 'mdn Ù e Dp 'sue on rf' qcl I ao agend, ac e^peù a isndsobela€r'-d onvtflt wrh cAOinùe\eq nea' l ruæ 1.3 Aæordinlro ICAO rur dâl Sdr.9 c)vdight AÙdft PrcgId (USOAP.2009 eÙlts) of rhe 106l nunbn of 3!&s ùdired,7cr6 did mr eûblish or inplenenr â runwy sddv prcgnm ro prevent MMy incuÊi.N, 44vo lailêd b inplement the ICAO shdads regarding the @nilicaiion of

InÈdioûl *o - International Civil Aviation Organization AFI/docs... · RÀSC-AF l-IP/ll I Nf E RN,A TI O NÀ L C ]V !L'4 V UlI O N O RG A NI 21 1 IO N FIRST MEEÎINC OT THT AIRICA'INDLÀN

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I Nf E RN,A TI O NÀ L C ]V ! L'4 V UlI O N O RG A NI 21 1 IO N


(Kdptl4 Ugan&, 26_2? Mmh 2012)

Orber S,r..' ltrir'r.ivs.rd R.giomlOrgÙiz,rioBitr rb€ ArI R.eiotr


(Pcstud by Airpoù Coucil lnrmdiùnal)


fhi" orDd pèe1ts ACI> airpod Elc.lleD4 (aPAX) ln S'r.t) obsamme n

di c;sa ùe æ-efits APLX pD'ides s e d,lm ! and ,vtmd ! apûo'ch nrqretr hm'-e indEr4 Lhil.f6knrcrecionJcôop.drio-

'n 'he 8Ûlame field

*i'h .he coJ ol dè ts'ng he nrbn or run$â) .KUÀ'oa and ncu_'ons md

6pæia11y Édudng L\e nùfrbù ofaeidflb dd leliries

IC^O Strt.3ic Objæ.i6:

clohdr Âvr.ûo. scLt Pltn (GÂs9

1.1 thê ni$sion of the Aipons coùncil InÈdioûl (Acl) is

in@$ olrhe *o dt oimons md rhe coûmùities tàcv we ed ro prototeaieod op€mrions and nmagement Sâfery i, i\€ bp pridilv.

To ehieve lhèe so'ls, ÂCl wodc clcely wfth rhe lnbnâlioml Civil ^vi4ionOsdonrlLÀOr$eRi.pânmou1.o'borha' dnol({Ord1\i

'mdn Ù e Dp 'sue on rf'

qcl I ao agend, ac e^peù a isndsobela€r'-d onvtflt wrh cAOinùe\eq nea' l ruæ

1.3 Aæordinlro ICAO rur dâl Sdr.9 c)vdight AÙdft PrcgId (USOAP.2009 eÙlts)of rhe 106l nunbn of 3!&s ùdired,7cr6 did mr eûblish or inplenenr â runwy sddv prcgnm ro

prevent MMy incuÊi.N, 44vo lailêd b inplement the ICAO shdads regarding the @nilicaiion of

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5{odtoaês, and i3% do no1 cnsure rhd aerodrome opùdôf compl) *nh rhc rcqÙùemeDb ÈLùrcd rÔ

o pêràrioDal sn Èes aid chysical tic'lries.

As aif ftfi. and prreryù numbef onnnùe ro'ise

d â sÈady nte, thè aviâloi*orrd\idê. Rcc.nt acl lorecssÀ'o dfcr ndinot

itrdicar rhat iheÈ ùill be orer l0 bilLioi ps$nseB and ll0 nillron?029, ncân,icrhâr aside fron oiher operadonâlnedurci the existin!ro doublc ovrt rhe next 15 yê.n Io bê âble ro accomnodâr*hG âdd-"d

in exre$ of l tillion dolld for cùpirâl expùd iire pojes arde.

ACI, putrtri,is it hkslod of pronoiing slfù âilFon opemtions lhilc conÙibuùrg to

cooperÀrion bel\.ci ùe lnrenationâl Civil Aviation o'g!"jtion (lcAo), avidriÙd

and ânpotu wondqide, h6 d*eloped iheAirporl f,xc.ll.nce (APtrX) in s'rclvniitiârile

The APEX in s.relv ftogûnme is bded on ICAO sandârds

anrtan novemeis per Ànnum bysorld altEn .âpacnr- \ould need

capacny dlmÀnd The pnce bl f

Pruclilcs ^PEx

in srfsry .onbiies rhe mandit for nlularory côtÊLkic. ùirhoærariomlnæds orâirDofrs 10 n.xlmlze operatiônd dncÈncv*hileenhanci(eùe sÀldr- ianddds.

Mu(o\ù arE'( 'tr

SrteD nrc\lde'r\{àldcmeirs €ilored ro thc iidividùrLneeds olrhe sàlely :ûnding of the ànpons.imon eorooo. en! n- otdon.{ " 'r

,ed 'o

imp'o inB

*h; pani.ipi.;lh. frogû... b) deùeding rhc sÀfdy halds and

APDX ir srleq h bæcd on lcAo ^nner

11 Studards md Re.onmended Praciies

aSARPsi rd ACI Èe! Prudnes.lr ùk* lhc form ola safdy R.viôw, inclrdinea *Lr-a$*smenr ofrhê:âlery lcvel. sàp anâlysis, @onmmded solutloN and dsig! ofân d on plan loLlorvinBanon silevisi(a( rn âiDôn which hasrequè$cdÀsÈtriceio ênhânce rheirlsel olstlc!)_.

rhe hoi âirpon si11 dn4lLt bcnefit ]iîm dedicâled aci suppon io ..hleve ihe

itrdradioD pLan vaious meansofa$isbice æâvâilablc, such r âcca$ ro poolsofexpetu,tro*shops, semin.n, sorking sronps, âr locÀ1. resionâL.ndi ernationâLlevel

The enhsD.cd level of:afely wllL direcily benefi! thc Scrê, especiallr- in rÙsln ro ùedcsietr aid implemEnrdion of the Sraæ Slfdy Prosanme (SSP) The Srate ovenigh! qÀpÀbilùLes Nllrecivêx boos. s $c ærcdroDie panicipâliie b ùe APEX in Saretv

1ev.l of.oDpliance *nh SARPS ând the ia.ional rcsllarions appli.Àble The ProsFhmc ùillbereliiICAO by pNidins â vâluble insierh( regôrninB rhe .unem s.ltry sr dins and ihe lÙrut cÀpÀbililies ofnr vhned a.rcdroDes ro clos. rhe safeq snps idc ified The dda ollcdcd*illbe used b) ICAO d pùof rhe nnelrârcd slobÀl al iarion s ùrcry nei *nh ôê uhim ât

-QoÀl ol improving avirton safd ) rorldwlde

rar ai rLrpon! nak'ig ploposaB

for ân Adioi Flan, and reconnôndiDs soLudois.o opri'nize the sâfc! suidinsollhe requsrinsrirp'n,6 æfemd ro âs a s'lety Revis

ing rhe saforv RevÈ* r dscribed $ rrLê Hoi airyon Thê sareq

Rdics rene* jndusry ber pndicas. {hilc nrxi'nizing !h. ôpclarionrl beneiib (hd rhe llo! A'rpon

Page 3: InÈdioûl *o - International Civil Aviation Organization AFI/docs... · RÀSC-AF l-IP/ll I Nf E RN,A TI O NÀ L C ]V !L'4 V UlI O N O RG A NI 21 1 IO N FIRST MEEÎINC OT THT AIRICA'INDLÀN

For rhe Ho$ Airpon, ÂPtrx in S.re

. Efieciivèly .nsuÊ m eùaned levêl ol sâtcry, by gaining approprialc kiowkdse of

self-evaluat i$ sarery perfomancer

â pôol ol expefrhe çhi.h will eiÀbk the Hon Airpod ro mirisÀte dy saps jn

by rhet specilic opeÉling eivnonmenr

itr SrfÛr sillslso pro\ide rhe me* F:

æsulârôr/ove6ight aurhoriq

. Ackrowledce that Ihe Ho$ AitDo( is proaciivel) hking mc6ure! rowards 'mptunng

safcty $anding md becofrine tully conpliant \ith rhè âppli€ble srfety Ég!lârioisi

t Undertud ihar rhe Hosr Aiaon *ou1d be .blc ro pnvide the neesdy dcncis ro

inFslc inrô 'Ie

srare sarety Prosnnûe (ssP).

Uidcf aPEx io $rety, ACJ will orslnize and disp.th â rcân of expeds to (he Ho$b imprôvc s level of safery in spe.ifi c ùeas of inreren. Thè Hos alaEr specùlly ser ùp reâ'n of expens tbe ACI Sdeq Revieq Teâm

The Hoi AiDon mÀv €que$ æà! in *hich lhE ACI Sâreiy RevLew lern tay pov'desp€cili. a$Èhncè. The rollo*ins âre.s âre pre*ntd as an eMmplè: rùttrây sâretv. sMs, aerodtoncq.aificârion, ldli fè hu âd nàmsemenl, eftrgctcy E5 pôi !e, FOD manâgen ci!, nFôvemenl of A IP

'lhê Safcry Revie* should ld! up !o one week md the ACI Sùfdr_ Revier Team nùomprked ol â va.iabLè iunbd ol salely expeû, dependi4 on the complèxnv or ihe dsssneturqr*red The tem shoùld iornally incLude an AcI RegLonal ofice s!fè!y cxpen, m lcAo-d*'enâ@dsatès oficei ând one or nore salely Pannc6 (re? ,'ræ), under rhe supcrhiûn ol I team Leader {trhi.hcould be one ol rhe sb.ve mentioned tM membeF) Othû êxpctu nâv be iicluded in ûè r.am if .he

exrenr ofrhe sâlcrv Reriew so demânds.

Thc S,res lrnoer is ù alDon, wônd Businès Pdner or orlier sÛaÉgi. ACI a$ociate*hich has rhe requiæd kior.hoç and volun..6 b pmride io the Ho$ Alrpon one or moE exp€n! r0r ùeoù@ e or pe_f. m,.grh"Jè. Re ie^ AC t'oud).cro" edè. 0 '

q, e l o,nne' .o 'rib o ô

oi-' s ôf. lno ri?) o' on ! ' on .5, nei' " d s {'l

r. r2 The ^Cl

S.reiy Rwier Teln pill condùd a sÀp âMlysis âtu1â$esmenr ofthe:afdvsuidiig d rhe Hon Airpon. and \illprovide â preliniiary (dran) repon arrheendofthevisir. A Finâl

Repon ùirh reommenderions xiLl be toNârded ro rhe Éon Àirpon Sedoorrhe end ol rhc vhir, conkining ihc ob*fldions made by rhê Acl satÈtv Revie' Tcân The FiDal

ReDon {illemoh6ize ihe shod, nediun ùd longlem soluliois rhÀt could be pu. i( pk.e bv rhe HonAirpon10e âne rhe hve| ofsafdy, glven irs individuâl dpeÉlonâr eivrcmeni

measurcs ârc in plrce .ontibutdg !o rh.inpktunr, lnd ensæ complian& *irh,

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Bæd on lhe condùsions lilmPl.tr vhich ll conrain ib shon, mediuû ùdand aciiotu thd ùe demed mos appropiâÉ ro

thê Finâl Repo4 dre Ho$ airpod sill draw up m aclioolong tm safeq inprovemenr epâlc

214 lhc orerdhing ÀIEX |I Sôfery g@l of impbvin8 efetyAirton aca upon rhe pnposed mitisiiq nsms, 6 salery mhdæded is

2 t5 Àn aCI suppoa tam will bè @dy to guide lhe Hon airpônimplenenring rhe moi rppopndc saleq nÈasuæs 6 pai of dren sùt8)

Ar inpotur Fn of lhe APlx in srre.y Phgrmfrc is to etrure rha. efcc.ive$sishncê is oovid.d ta rhe Hon Àirpôn for lÀe jnplemendid ôf a Safet Manaeement Svs.m .oplbleol cr unng .nd oddrcsin! safetyielâtd hâzârds and nskl.

2.17 As L\e Hon AilpoÉ inplerenb niligâring medù6, a peiodic ewludion of the

ailpon\ salety peifomonce is neded ùd highly rMnmended n SaÊt Review Èsulls shoùld be

updâÈd æconlinsly, ro Éflec. rhe Plogrcs nadê

2.r3 ÂPf,x in S.fêly will pDvide vûlulblc isisht to ICAO Égrrding rhe c'lld s.le.vshnd:nÈ md tuù €rbiliiies or rhe visicd æi.dromes ro close thè sâfdy CaPs identified The dôrâ

côlled; sill b€ used by ICAO 6 pd ofrhe ideeraÈd slobal aridion s.fely nei, wirh rhe uhimâ@ g@l

of inpovins aùadon ef.ry world*ide

2.19 The r6ulb lrcm the Safety Rdiew *ill bè conndenrial Àcl and ICAO ll cNp€RÈ be0surc rhe pror*.ion oflhe dah Èl{.n b ûe slfdy Rêview. The ùiÀ will bê Ùed for ine pÙr!6es ollhe Sorery Revi*, fôr dsi8nins niri8.ling nsurcs and eÉdng efety Neniglr ùnder rhe lCAo_Acl

2.20 ACI is presenily conducling â tilot phse of rhe progFmûe, and in Afii€ lhG hBincluded !rné. Togo dd Mapulo, Mombique. A tudner pilot ùill be câniql our in Luek zaûbi!aôer rhe pilol ph6c rhe pôBrânne will ùb inb tull opeBtion lds in 2012

For addilidd inromarior abôu. ÂPEx itr s.r.q, pledê visii !aa!.ai@!!!l orconbr Mr. ari rouNsl Règional secEûy AcI africa, ar @!!!i.a!i3r@ré!ee.t or Mr Adr'ù

' IORA\U,P old Mmase APL\ a' lso'ld,tAt ôrnùrâdJ detu

l. acùor Br û. ME€mc

Ll Tlre neeti4 h inviled io:

a) Nde the infomation prcvided âbou! thc aPEx in safelv inniftirc'

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Airport Excellencein Safety

APEX Reference Document

) The ACI programdesigned forairports to aohieveexcellence in safety

2 February 2012

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Table of Contenls

1. Execulile Summâry........... .- ......3

2, a aorr Ercellenæ (aPÊx) in safely - Mission & Vision . . . ...,.. 4

Mission ot APEX in Sâtely ,,.,.. .... -...4Msiôn olAPEX in Sâlety-..-...... .. . 4

3. Audiên@ and Stak€holdê6 -.,... 4

Sately Review........,................. .. 4

HostAirpon & Benelils,.,,......... . .... 4

Advanæ Questionnalê...-....... ,.. . ,. . 5

SatelyPariner&Bênefrs...... .. .,... - 5

Siakeholdec.............,,.,........... ... .5

4. Sâfely Reùew - The l'rechânasm

5. APE^ in Salely. Plan - Do- Checl -

7, CGI or lhê Salety Review

L Evalualion. T@ckino and Follow{p . ,. .. . ... - - ..'' 9

9. How to Rêquesla SâiêiY

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Executive Summâry

The missiôn of A roorts council Internaliona (ac ) s to promolê lhe co leclive nlêrcslol the words êirDôds and lhe commLnlies thev setuê ând to promote prolessonâexcelencê in âirpôrl operatons ând frâÔagemenl. saf€ly is the lop prorlv

To ach evê these goals, Ac works closely wilh the Lnternâlonal Cvl AvationOrgan aton (ICAO). Sarety is patàûounl ior both aCl and ICAO. and it wl remâ n the

toD ssue on the AC-ICAO ag€nda As airlrêfic and pâssenger nLmbers conrnue ro

rseatasleadvrâle lheaviêloncommunitvmustdoÔorelo mprove Ihê level of sâfelv

Recent ACI iorecasts nd cate thât lhere w I be over r0 bllon passengeF and 130

mlion a rcraft movements pef annuû by 2029, heaning thal asde f@m olherooerationalmeasures.lhe exstmg world êirporl câpactywould need to double overthenexl 15 veâ6 to be ab ê lo accomtodêlô this added capaclv deûand. and the price

lag s n excess of 1 lr lon dollars for captâ expenditure prcjecls alone.

the nùmber ol pâssenge6 lrcght vollme, ând

moveû;nts is exoecled 10 create âddlona burdens to a svslem uderorcssure lo mainlân saiew evels. According lÔ cAos unlversâ safetyÀudilProgfam(LJSoAP,2OOgresuts) of lhelolalÔumberoJstatesâÙdled:

70% dd not eslablsh or implement a runwav sarerv program

based on cAo stândards as wel as Ac Best PÉclic€s APEX n(he mândate tor reguatory complance wth lhe âctua day ro dav

of aeods lo mâxmize opers0ona eticen.y wlrle enhancing the

44% iâ €d to mpleme.( lhe CAO stâÔdâtds Égarding the cerlilicâlioû

50% dô nol rêqu re peiodic testing and revew ot ae@drcme emergencvp ans or the measÙrementoffrction chârâcterstics349" do nol ensue thal â€rodome operato6 compy wth tie requremen6relaled lo operâliona seruces and phvs *llécill es

ac our,- T s . iqsio' Ô' por olr-q sàle' ai pon ope'é o_s 4hle (o' b l.o lomFrncto'd:ooped or oêr^ee_ rr 1êr.é otl ' \ | Aric o osàn& 01|ICAOr. àliof sLkenoder' àno aroon, wo d{de hd. oelelopeo Ù'a'por c erlFn'e

IAPEXI n saielv n riatve.

Nlôreover, APEX n Saiety provides severâl elements la lored lo the nd vduâl needs olairoorls and oroDoses eifectve solutons which we expecl willead lo itrproving tlr€

salely slanding ol the ai.pods who pânicipale i. the progmm

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2. airport Excêllênce (APEX) in sâfety - Mission & vision

The r,iission ofAPEX in Sâfely is:

To be the laâding enablet ol airyon safety by incteêsing lhe levelol ænpliancewith aemdrcûe regulaliars lhôùgh coapercllon betlreen lcaa, salety Paûne6ênd anoons arcund the wôdd.

The Vrsron ofAPEX In Safetyis:70 rss/sl a,i"o/Ts in hen elfÔtls lo inprcve their safery penotmnce ta

iûplenent sâlety nânagenehr syslefls, eslab,sh itdlbaloÆ and toots rat the

rcductlan al salety incltlents; ahdfa inc@ase lhe level o, cùpliance wilh aqhcable slan.lards and lostet the

shadng ol best sêlêty pnctices anangst lhe ânpan comuntty

3. Audience ând Stakeholders

APEX ln Safetv s bâsed on CAO Annex 14 Slandards and Re@mmended Prâcti'es{saRPSJ and ÀClBest PEctces.ll tâkes lhe rorr of à Saterv Rèviëw, ncluding 3 serassess;ent otthê sâietv leve, sâp analysis @commended solutions and desgn or an

action Olan tollowing ân on s1e vst âl an ailpon whch has requested assslsnce lÔ

enhancs thêir level ol sâtely.

Thê ôrole>s of calno o.r a- o --re ca?.r àipo''t based ô rhe

rêsLl " oj à se lù*;'s;e. r"l€rv q.esl'on$rê, 1àrr9 pooolrls'o ar ad o- Ô à-and recommendlng solutons lo oplim ze lhe sâfety slanding ol the requestng aiQon rs

rcfeûed to as â Safety Revi€w

Host Airport & BenefitsThe airpod requesling the Sâfely Review srèiercd to as lhe Host alport.

The Safety Review renecls industry beslpraclices, wh le maxim zng the operatonalbenôfts that the HodAnpon needs

Forlhe Hosl A rpod, APEX in Safety wil

. Effeclively ensùre an enhânced evelot salely, by gâi.rng app@Prjâteknoldedge of regulâlory standârds,best opeÉtional p€cliæs, andtranrôgneeds/optons:

. self€valuate ils salely perlomâncet aæss a poo ol erpenæ v'h ci wll

enable the Host ArDon io m tigale anygaps n sâie1y as r€qu ed by theÎspec nc ope€ling envÎonmênl.

APEX in Safety Bênefits

7 Measlreslhatôân beimmediatey mPemenled

'/ Access lo slôbal nelvoft ôl

" Efiecl ve reslLtswithin reach

'/ appropialè ælutions baæd onspecilic operâlional envion fr e n I

r' lCAo.egulalory aspeclscoveredr' acc6ss to krowlêdsè dala base/ access to documeûlation

'/ Training woftslrops andflnher

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APEX in Salety wil also povide the means to:. Ofier ass!6nc€ to ICAO lhal adeauâte salelv ûeasurcs are in place @nlrbutng

(o lhe regulâtor/oversghl authority fulti ling G oblLgaton to impemeÔ1, andensure @mpliaræ wth ICAO SARPS|Acknowledge thai lhê Hosl Airporl is proaclive y lakng meâsu€s towrdsimpovng ils sarety slanding and bèæmiôg luly @mplant wlh lhe appicable

understând thal the Host airpon woud be abe lo povide lhe necessêryelêmentsto inregrâie intothe slale safely PrÔgÉm (ssP)

Advance OuestionnairePnor to the Satetv Rêview, the llod Anpon wil fil out ând send ACI a sêff-evaluationaLe-ûon-ae 6iFd adv..(e o-e-ron è'e whch 6 r'aeo èr dê- rvrg 'e lêvârêrs ,hêre adorlonallime qho lo oe soe.r Dv r" acl salery RFlea Ted. û'[email protected] the on-site â6sêssmenl Wh€n subûitti.g thê Advancê OueslionnâÎe the

Host Ar;rts needs lo prcvide also lhê eectronic ve6ion of the relevânl procedures

ànd do.uhenlâlion. Th s siep ls qn lmportânt one in tr€ evelualion ol lhe oæratonalneeds a.d lhe selecl on oi lhe apprcpraie salety ParlneÆ

Safety Pârtnè. & Benefits

Thê salelv PaLnêr s ân ailÊon, wodd gls ness Parhd or olher Êtrâteg c ACI a$oc ate

which has lhe requ red know-how ând vo unlêeG 1Ô prov de to the Hosl Airpon ofe or

more exDens lor lhe puooses ol perfoming the Saielv Reriew The s€ruices of the

Safelv P;rrner a€ pov ded without charse lbr the entre duÉton or rhe saletv Rev ew

w lh lhe oblective oi ass st ng lhe Hosl alrpôn lo impove the I sâiev slandârds

Forthesaiet Pa.he6, paftcpâtng nAPEXprovides b€ opponunilvloassislaQorlmlLeaaues 6 imDrôve their safetv standins âÔd lo learn froÛ the SareV Review

Drocôas. and also lo ncreêse thê @opeErion ând the sense Ôl @mmlnilv behreen

;mois ûorldûde .l rêcos.ize3 lhàl hê èiran\ooiàtio. svsler b rterco'n€crtd à1d

opercrês glooàll/ eô!- odl. so n p'ovrT tFe sê'êN lêve al dl d lpo ls is . evelore c

ac ororal/ ack.o{,iêoqes ou'salel} Pèr ê^ Lo rbJror ro loie'nq $fPlv d d

ir.e.arorj æopeer'oi rrrc qh a 'ar"ry or coîî-niaron -tn-els a-d a ACl

APEX i. Safelv iouches upon a significant number oi stakêho deÉ ncluding ani.esa r nàv oârcn s"to (e oovde6 èno €q'lâ obo\e6i9hra

' rcr'l'es Tr€ 'a'elv goaL50

rhêrê s_lâ^eholdeÉ a€ æfi o. zed ro fte oreaFq ênenr poss b Ê d I ng l! e safery

Rev ew and wllbe gven due cons dealio. durng thê on site vst at thê llosl Akport

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4. Safety Review -Thê Mechanism

under aPEx in sâfev Acl wilorganze ând dspatch â leam of experls lo HoslAirporr to impovê iis level of sâfety in spec fc areas ol nbrcst. The Hos( A lpôd wil€.eive an on-s le visll ot a speca ly sel up team of expelts the acl s.fêIv Roviêw

APEX n Sâiely can @vêr âl salely areas on requësl by lhe HoÊt Anport The HostAirood mây reouesi I which âreas lhe ACI Safety Rêv ew Team may prÔvide spec lic

The lollow ng êreas are presented âs an examp e:

. RunwaySalêlyi! sêfery Mânagemenl systems (s[,ls). Aelodrome Certf€ton:. W d ife Hazard Managemen. Markngs Signs and LighlinS: 't Rescùe and Fircfighti.g;t Emergency Responsei! a6ide Drver and vehicle

Managêmenl;. Managemenl ol Crcund Hândlers,

Contrâclua and Leqâl lssuesi

lmprovemenl oiA P Documenlaton:LowVsiblty Poædure;

Movêmenl Area Ma ntenance:

a€rcdome works safety;apDn safêry Manâgement:Removêl ol D sâbled Aircrâft]Hêzrdous Matera Hândling.

The satêtv Revi.w shoud lasl up lo one w€ek and the AC Safetv Revew Têam iscomDrised or a variâbLe numbêr ol safelv experts, depend n9 on the complêx v ol the

ass;ssment requestêd The team shou d nomâlv Incude an Acl Regionâ Oflice satetv

erpè1 à. rcÀo{F> q.èled 5d èr} o1Ée' cno o-ê o' n ore 5êlê'v oalf ere Jlde l'es,.e^>on ol d ear lêàder wv- rolo be o'e o! lhe dbore.e-'o êd leàrm;mbers). otherexp€ns mâvbe includêd n lhe têam illhe exlenl of the saielv Review

The Saiety Pànnêr does not pu6ue anv commeEiêl i.lercsts and acts m the soeinieresl of lhe Hosl airpolr dur ng thê sâfely Reviêw

The ACI Safêly Rêvaew T..d wil conducl a gap anâlvsis and assessme.l ol lhesdrel. sta.oi-o;l -e osr amor â.d s pov'oe d pr€liminary ldr.ni repon c' lhê

enô ôf me u"l A Finâl R.Do.t rr_ 'P of -e-dà Ô1\ 4r be loM. deo b tre !o\lArFon sênôr ManâgêmêÔt wnhin a trÔnth ol Ihê end of lhe visit, co.laining lheôb;etuârions made bvlhe AC Sarêtv Review Team The FnalR€portwl emphaszethe shon, medium ând long lerm solutons lhât could be put ln p aæ bv lhe Hosl Airpon

tô enhânce lhe l€vel of sately, given ts ndvdualoperatonalenvÔnmenl

Based onlhe conclusionsl@m the Finâ Repon lhe HoslAirponwl draw upân AcIionPlan which wll conla n ls shorl medium and lo.g lem sâfetv imp@vem€nt gÔa s. as

welas lh€ means ând âclions thât âre deemed mosl approprâle to ach eve lhese

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The ove€rchng APEX in Safely goalof mprcving salety s reâched whe.lhe HÔst

alport âcts upon lhe proposêd mitigàting mêasurês, âs safely enhanæment s an

êssenlial, yet on-!oing âct v ty

An AClsupporl team wilbe ready to qu de the Host Aûpon th@ughout the process olimpl€mentng lhe mosl apprcpnâte safety measurês âs pân oi lheir slÉlegy lo phâse n(he milqatng freasures,

5. APEX in Safêtyr Plan - Do - Chêck- Revlêw

aPEX in Safely reflêcls lhe c.ycl@l path of sâfêly manag€ment pbgrams, whrebnnging lhe besl value to the Host A lporl.

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The eslimâled time necessarv to comp ete the ent r€ pmæssis signed wlh lhe flosl Akpon untlthê fital€porl is ssuêdû€ê1' acl wo'd resetuê" rhe qht lo p onril€ ll e sàfelycnlena avàable at!@ ac a6ro/APEY.

lroû thê tme the MOAcould be no more lhaf 16Rev ews âæôrd ng lo lhê



ahe on-sile Sâjety Reviêw shôu d lasl up tÔ one week. depe.d ng on lhe enent of lhô

assessment detâiiand the @mplexily of thê anpÔn opeEtions ât lhe Host anport

The F nal Report wil bê sënl to the Hostairpon one monlh afterlhe on_sile vs I

Under tlrè APEX ln Sâtely Progrâm,lhe Hosl Alporl wildirêcuv benetit from ded €tedACI sùppon to a.hieve the goals set in lhe Aclion Plan. Vâ'ÔÙs mêâns ol âssislancê

are aùibble such as aæêss lo poos ol expêds, trâln n! workshÔps seminars

wolkinq groups, al o€1, regonal and intematonal level

The enhâôæd evel of salely will di@ty beÔefl the Slale The Srate Ôve6ight

€oabil ties wi €æive a boôsl, as the airpofi pânicipât ng in the APEX in Sarelv PrÔgEm

ôf@rpkle wlh lhe -dro^a GgJldror< àop Gb6ànd 'etcAo aApps, J.oerlr - -ûb€Idot FpSraeSdrê\ proq6nrscPI

APEX n Sàfew Prcq à1wilàl\o oene!' ICAO by povioi.ç â \dLàbe |''qhL rêqàrdi g

rh- LrÉnr !d;rv slèndn9 d-o ^e'uru'' cdoàbllies olll-e dsted aroons lo (los" 'esafen aâos de-ilied ltdlrà@leleowl be u>td o) ICAO"\oJnor'f" neoEledaloojl;r'iè ô1'ârely.el xr.- the,lriaèr€ qoàlol 1ôrovrq âr'ra Ô. 'â?rvsordwdê

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7. Cost ofth€ Safety Rêviêw

The Hosl AlDod s responsible lor @ver nq the following d recl cosls for the acl satetyReview Team fo. rhe durâtoô oi lhe Saiely Reviêw: ArlÉveland per d êm {âdhennq toaC Word/ICAO t@vel po icy, as âpp icab e): l€nsfer lô/from (he hotel a.d lhe airpon:ac@mûodêtoni and meâls.

No charqes or consullancy fêes wilbe charged,,ÀJso, the pÉjecl managêment cost isprov ded lree ol cha4e lo lhe Host A Qort byAclworld.

The Sêfêly Revew s Pêrformed on a noniemunerâûve bâsis. Nô profls âre ûade o.conductng lhe Safet Rêview. When schêdu inssôughi by Acl or ls assôcales while

the safely Rev ew â.d se$rg up lheto keep æsls to lhe m n m!m.

AClSalev Revi6wTeam, AClmakês every errort

An nlerne( connectôn sholld bêpurposês ol conducling the saletyand a briefiôg oom equiPped wilhdlralion of the Safety Reviêw

8. Evaluation, Tracking and Follow'uP

an impônanl parl of lhe APEX in safely PbgÉm i3lÔ ensuÉ lhal effectve âssislanceis oo! ded to lh€ Host Aûpon lor lhe mplemenlalion of a safely lvlanâgemenl systen*;abb orcâpluriôO and add€ssing safelyielat6d hâzards and nsks

lcAo UsoaP èslablished thal more than 50% ol lhe ald ted slales were nol ensurnglhal aerodrome operato6 monild and analyse âæde.l and ncdeÔl trends lo tâke

As the Hod Anpon mpbments mligaling meâsures â pe.odc evaluâtion ol the

airoods sâlelv pedomancê s needed and highly recommended The Safelv Reviewrêsu ts should bè updaled ac@rdlngly, tÔ refect lhe pogress made.

9. How to Requêsl a Sâfety Review

ACI delivêrc the APEX in Salely prcg€m lô every member aPod i.lercsted n

âchievng ex@llence n sâfêly, under the sâme condilions, providing equâl qÙa itv

seûices, and âpp yng lhe sade cost guidêlnès

To requesl a Saret Review, a lêlter sig.ed by lhe Senior Manâgement of the H.stAirpod should be sênl to lhe AclRegonalOffæ, with a copy foMrded to AClword

Ine oo(ess 'q

srDe slrào1rlotuà'd ana lrtrn'pàre- ard ac us$ à'P t' ol

oo,ec . e 1e' d, nclJoi_q lcAO LF'vevl sàtty OvêGrsl ALd ' P oo€1 (JSOAo\

resulls. to pnôfitize requests lor salêty Revierc'

providêd to th€ ACI Sâlety Review I€âm for lheReviêw. communicalions (phone and iax), a pri.lera projector shoùd be mâde avâilâble on sile ror the

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Thê fotlowina æpæt3 n€êd to b. inôludêd ltr thè l.ttèr bv thê Ho.l Àirpon:l. Tae @mmitrent by lhe HGt Aipon snior managment to €nsâge in lhe APEX in

Safelv Drcæ $tt' fE aim b impD@ thê saiely standj.g at thê âirpdt 6@mèd;2, The nam€ oJ the âirpon io. which lhê Sâfely Reùêw is requêsted;3, The lentatw dales equesled lor lhe Acl salely Rêvièw Team vis 1

You will tind ènclosed â lemDlate ro. such â lelte. lor vour pêtuse

10. Confid€ntiallly

Thè resùlts fbm lhê Sâfêly Rdi4 will be eôfdenlial, Acl and lcao will c@peÉle loênsure the Dolèclion of lhe dalâ rêlated to lhe Safèlv R€viêe- The daia will be used forlhe puFosàs of lhe Safety Review, for designing mitig6ling measuÉs and ensuring*lely oveBighl undêr the ICAO-ACI @opeÉton f€mèwoR

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Phoner+1514 3731200Email: 6q lt€nsiaâciéêp


Dircclor ICAO RelationsPhorc: +1 514 373 1207Emâil: qg!et&41@q4qa


Phone:+212660156916Emâil: aE!!S!@aq!:êEl9ê!C@

Acl Aslâ Pacilic

Poject Mâ.agèr aPEXPhone:+15143731233Email: aciomnuioâci.ae@

Phone: +3522180 9,149Email: oaftiôaci€siâ@c.âeo

Mr. OllvlêrJankov.êDiÈclorGene€l

Phone:+32 2 552 09 72Emair: dqLgjedgrc@39!3q9!9941

Mr, S. L. Wongsmiù MaMger Tæhni@l & Indùsr'y AfiaiÉ

Phone: + 852 293s 8001Email: sl@acl-âsiaoaô.aeo

ACI Eurcpê

Itli Philipp ahrensMânager Sar€ty, Capa(E ATM & SES

Phône:+32 2 552 09 a1Ehâil: pbilpê3i!94@gçi9g!9p9441

ACI Latin Art|orlca &the Câribbêan

lri Jdi€r MârlhezDi€clor Geneal

Phone:+593 2 294 4900Emâl[ l4AdEeZ@êej:lê!3C!q

ACI North Àmenca

t r Greg PrlnciPâlo

Phone:+1 202 293 8500Emâil: oonncioatoôâci-na.oB

Mr. chris O3waldVi@ Prcsidènt, Safely and Technl€l Ope@lions

Phone:+1202 293 8500Email: GwaldiAâci-na.oro