Industrialized Construction - The progress in Sweden

Industrialized Construction - Stanford University

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- The progress in Sweden

Page 2: Industrialized Construction - Stanford University

Jerker Lessing

• Adjunct Professor Stanford University

• Director of R&D at BoKlok (Skanska + IKEA)

• PhD from Lund University, Industrialized Construction

• Backgound: Structural engineer, Logistics Consultant, Advisorto building companies

• Worked with IC for 20 years

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Industrialized Construction in history

• Single-family houses follow a long industrial trend

• 80 % are built with IC methods, using wood frame technology (since 1920s)

• Links to the timber industry

• 10-15 companies dominate

• From extremely standardized to custom-built

• 25.000 houses annually

• Largest companies build 1500 houses per year

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Industrialized Construction in history

• Extensive development during 1960’s

• Focus: Prefabrication and Building Technology

• Large-scale housing projects

• Dominating productionparadigm: Mass production

• Scarce customer focus!

• When the market went down, IC was abandoned

-For a while…

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Recent development: early 2000’s

• Strong focus on Industrialized Construction –multi-family buildings

• All major construction firms launchedprograms and several built factories

• Also small & medium companies wereestablished (specialized)

• New understanding of IC

• Academic research supported the industrydevelopment

• Complex production systems

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• BoKlok

• Open House

• Ljuva Livet

• Martinssons Byggsystem

• Moelven Byggmodul

• NCC Komplett

• Vida Building Systems

• A-betong

• Veidekke Max

• Trivselhus

• Eksjöhus

• Moelven Trä8

• Folkhem

• Peab PGS

• Skanska ModernaHus

• Lindbäcks Bygg

• NCC P303

• Kärnhem

• Derome

• Setra/Plusshus


• Skanska X-Change

• NCC TekniskaPlattformar

• JM

• Masonite MFB

• Part Construction

• Hjältevadshus

• Götenehus

• Rikshem

• Strängbetong

• SkandinaviskaByggelement

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• BoKlok

• Open House

• Ljuva Livet

• Martinssons Byggsystem

• Moelven Byggmodul

• NCC Komplett

• Vida Building Systems

• A-betong

• Veidekke Max

• Trivselhus

• Eksjöhus

• Moelven Trä8

• Folkhem

• Peab PGS

• Skanska ModernaHus

• Lindbäcks Bygg

• NCC P303

• Kärnhem

• Derome

• Setra/Plusshus


• Skanska X-Change

• NCC TekniskaPlattformar

• JM

• Masonite MFB

• Part Construction

• Hjältevadshus

• Götenehus

• Rikshem

• Strängbetong

• SkandinaviskaByggelement

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What have we learned?

• IC is complex and takes time

• Require new business models and strategies

• Specialization is crucial

• Balance investments and market volume

• Integrate product- and production systems

• Use customer needs as starting point

• Platforms offer a structure for design and technicalsolutions

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Two platform strategies dominate

1. Generic Platforms for increased efficiency

The company’s performance is improved

Technical solutions structured in platforms

Process support: BIM, Logistics, Planning

Increased use of prefabrication

Traditional contracting offering

2. New concepts are offered the market

Product offering companies

Complete customer offers

Specialization in defined product ranges

Optimized production systems

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• Platform based construction – Concepts for unique projects

• Product and concept offerings – Module factory production

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Generic platform development

• Big investments in Cross Laminated Timber

• New actors enter the industry

• Developed by timber companies

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What does this give us?

• Interesting alternative to concrete

• New actors can leverage on these platforms

• “Chassis” to create product concepts on

• Structural solutions for higher buildings

Picture: Folkhem, Cederhusen

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• Big investments in Module factories

• Both new and existing factories

• Specialized companies

• Investments done after years of trying the concepts on the market

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20% of multi-family building are built with IC-methods

More potential left

We have unique knowledge and experience

Sustainable and energy efficient solutions

BUT: Only focusing on Sweden - one of the smallest markets in the world…

I think we should start expand our market!

Excellent opportunities

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Study trip to Sweden

Ideas are born when people meet!

-We are planning a study trip to Sweden

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Thank you!

[email protected]