Industrializ ation and the Gilded Age Test Review

Industrialization and the Gilded Age Test Review

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Page 1: Industrialization and the Gilded Age Test Review

Industrialization and the Gilded

Age Test Review

Page 2: Industrialization and the Gilded Age Test Review

What was Thomas Edison’s nickname and why is he so important to American (or really World) history?

Page 3: Industrialization and the Gilded Age Test Review

Explain what the spoils system was and how did it divide the Republican party?

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What is the idea of Social Darwinism mean?

Page 5: Industrialization and the Gilded Age Test Review

The giant industrialist of the late 1800s were grouped together and called what 2 word term?

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What or who were members of the Grange movement concerned about?

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William Jennings Bryan ran for President in 1896 and vehemently opposed what policy having to do with money?

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Where did the Gilded Age get its name?

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What industries did Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller make their fortunes?

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What was the Bessemer Process? How did it affect the growth of America?

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What political party gained membership in the early 1890s because they called for, among other things, a graduated income tax, bank

regulation, and government ownership of the railroads?

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Who was Thomas Nast and what did he do that was so important?

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Explain what laissez-faire means and how it relates to 19th century America.

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What is a political machine? How does it keep power? What was the name of the most infamous political machine?

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What is the best way to characterize President Grant and his administration?

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Who killed James Garfield? Why did he kill him? Who took over as President?

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What did the Pendleton Civil Service Act do?

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What is a trust?

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What was one way workers protected themselves against unfair working conditions in the late 1800s?

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What is vertical and horizontal integration?

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Explain what a patent is.

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What are 2 advantages of a corporation?