Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution

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Industrial Revolution. What you need to know. Eli Whitney – 2 major inventions How Industrial Revolution changed life NE shift to manufacturing How cotton gin changed south American Plan Canals & roads 2 nd Bank of the US Era of Good Feeling. The Industrial Revolution. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution

Page 2: Industrial Revolution

What you need to know

• Eli Whitney – 2 major inventions• How Industrial Revolution changed life• NE shift to manufacturing• How cotton gin changed south• American Plan• Canals & roads• 2nd Bank of the US• Era of Good Feeling

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The Industrial Revolution

• Period of change in history when:

–Machines replaced hand tools for manufacturing

–Factories grew in size & efficiency

– Society began move from rural to urban

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Interchangeable Parts

• Invented by Eli Whitney

• Allow for consistency–Goods manufactured exactly alike

• Factories could manufacture more–Quicker & easier to build

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Interchangeable Parts

• Replace part, not entire product

• People accumulate wealth–Don’t have to throw things away;

can fix them easily

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The Factory System• Power-driven machines

–Early – water & steam power–Later – electricity

• Division of labor–People do simple tasks quickly–Assembly line

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The Factory System• Started in British textile

industry in Manchester

• Factories grow, people move from farms to cities to find jobs

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America industrializes

• Embargo of 1807 / War of 1812

–Both stopped international trade–US couldn’t buy foreign goods

–Changed from exporting raw materials to manufacturing

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Northeastern Economy

• Mostly shipping & importing• Badly hit by embargo & war

• 1st factories in US were in NE–British-style textile mills

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Northeastern Economy

• Agriculture was not as important to NE economy

• Couldn’t grow cash crops–Mostly subsistence farmers

• No demand for slaves–By 1804 most NE states abolished

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Northeastern Economy

• Many moved to NE cities for work

• Invested big $ in factories–Investing $ in agriculture was a

waste of time

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Northwestern Economy

• Land better for farming

• Grew a couple of cash crops or livestock plus food for family–Corn, wheat, cattle

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Northwestern Economy

• Sold crops in city markets to non-farmers

• No need for slaves–Didn’t require much labor–No huge profits

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Southern Economy• Farmers in 1700s grew mostly

long-staple cotton–Expensive & difficult to grow

• Only grows along warm coastline–Easy to “clean” – remove seed

–Expensive selling price – luxury item

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Long-staple cotton

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Southern Economy• Few grew short-staple cotton

–Cheap & easy to grow• Grows anywhere it’s warm

–Hard to clean – fibers are tighter• Too expensive to process by hand

–Not as fancy – cheaper price

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Short-staple cotton

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The Cotton Gin• Eli Whitney invented – 1793

–Easier to cultivate short-staple

–Feasible to grow all over south

–Cheaper product – must grow lots to make money

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Southern Economy• Poor farmers could buy cheap

land in new western states

• Set up new plantations for cheap short-staple cotton

• More and more slaves needed

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Southern Economy• King Cotton

–S becomes dependent on cotton

–Rely on exporting to NE & Britain

–No need to industrialize

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American System• 3-pt plan for US to grow & unify

–Transportation improvements• Roads, canals, harbors

–Protective tariff• Help US businesses compete

–Bring back Bank of the US• Stabilize & nationalize economy

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Henry Clay• Speaker of the

House from KY

• Wanted help for new states to develop

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American System• Better transportation helps

goods get from S/W to NE

• Makes everyone better off

• Economic freedom from Europe

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Transportation improvements

• Roads–Built by states all over–Paid for mostly by tolls

–National Road – from MD to IL

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Transportation improvements

• Canals–Erie Canal connected Great

Lakes to Atlantic Ocean–Took 8 years to build

–Made New York City most important port in US

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Tariff of 1816• After War ended Britain flooded

US market with cheap goods–US companies couldn’t compete

• Raised British prices – equalized to US prices

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Tariff of 1816• Money made from tariff paid for

internal improvements

• S & W weren’t happy–Weren’t manufacturing anyway–Raised prices for US exports


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2nd Bank of the US

• Supported by people nationwide

• Common currency – business easier across regions

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“Era of Good Feeling”

• James Monroe elected President in 1816

• Most Americans happy with gov

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What you need to know

• Eli Whitney – 2 major inventions• How Industrial Revolution changed life• NE shift to manufacturing• How cotton gin changed south• American Plan• Canals & roads• 2nd Bank of the US• Era of Good Feeling