1 Summer Food Summer Food Summer Food Summer Food and Fun! and Fun! and Fun! and Fun! In In In Indoor Nutrition Activities door Nutrition Activities door Nutrition Activities door Nutrition Activities

Indoor Site Activity Packet

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Page 1: Indoor Site Activity Packet


Summer FoodSummer FoodSummer FoodSummer Food and Fun!and Fun!and Fun!and Fun!

InInInIndoor Nutrition Activitiesdoor Nutrition Activitiesdoor Nutrition Activitiesdoor Nutrition Activities

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Please contact Chris West at the SW PA Food

Security Partnership with questions or any

help needed in doing any of these activities: 412-466-7711

[email protected]

This document was prepared by Brandie Waxler, CDM and graduate of CCAC’s

Dietetic Tech Program; Matthew Heredia, AmeriCorps member, and Jesse

Sharrard, both with Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank; and Chris West,

with the Southwestern PA Food Security Partnership, for the Southwestern PA

Food Security Partnership (www.pittsburghfoodbank.org/partnership), Just

Harvest (www.justharvest.org), and Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

(www.pittsburghfoodbank.org). © 13 June 2013

This document has been edited and re-designed by Debra Spirko, CDM graduated

and DTR (Dietetic Technique Registered) student of CCAC’s Dietetic Tech

Program and Amber Deemer; Dietetics and Nutrition undergraduate at Penn

State University © 1 May 2014

This document was revised by Rachel Forlifer, Nutrition Educator and AmeriCorps

member at Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. © 1 June 2014

The activities in this packet were intended to be used with the Summer Food Service

Program, and came from various sources, including Greater Pittsburgh Community

Food Bank, USDA, and Healthy Eating Toolkit for Summer Food Programs from Project

Bread and Community Servings, Nourish Interactive, Univ. of Tennessee Extension,

UPMC, the Bell Institute, Cooking Matters for Kids, and KidsCAN Curriculum from

Foodlink, Inc.

Page 3: Indoor Site Activity Packet

Packet Information:This packet was created to be used during the Summer Foods

Program. Packets were structured based on the activity room

and availability at participating sites. The site instructor will

decide which games and activates to use, based upon the ages

of the kids who attend.

Knowledge Verses Wisdom

Packet Information: This packet was created to be used during the Summer Foods

Program. Packets were structured based on the activity room

and availability at participating sites. The site instructor will

decide which games and activates to use, based upon the ages

s who attend.

Knowledge Verses Wisdom “Knowledge is


that a tomato is a


not a vegetable.

Wisdom is knowing

Not to include it

In a

Fruit salad

---- Anonymous


This packet was created to be used during the Summer Foods

Program. Packets were structured based on the activity room

and availability at participating sites. The site instructor will

decide which games and activates to use, based upon the ages

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Table of Contents Nutrition 101……………………………………………………………………………... 5

Color My Plate …………………………………………………………………………… 7

The My Plate Game ……………………………………………………………………. 9

My Plate Trivia ………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Match the Food Groups ........................................................................................ 13

Grain Chain ……………………………………………………………………………….. 15

Food Riddles ……………………………………………………………………………… 24

Fruit Dash ................................................................................................................... 25

Alphabet Snack Attack ……………………………………………………………….. 26

Apple Says Game ……………………………………………………………………….. 28

The Story of the Junk Food Man …………………………………………………. 29

Tell …………………………………………………………………………………………… 30

Food Safety Coloring Activity …………………………………………………….. 31

Jump Rope for Heart ………………………………………………………………….. 39

Fruit Word Search ……………………………………………………………………... 41

Green Foods worksheet ……………………………………………………………... 42

Frog Maze worksheet ………………………………………………………………… 43

Breakfast worksheet ………………………………………………………………….. 44

Protein worksheet ……………………………………………………………………... 45

Snack attack worksheet ……………………………………………………………... 46

Eat a Rainbow worksheet …………………………………………………………... 47

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Nutrition 101

It is important for kids to know the fundamentals about nutrition and healthy

eating so that they can make healthier food selections at a young age. When

children start making healthy choices at a young age, they are more likely to

continue making healthy habits as they get older. In this lesson, the instructor will

teach kids about nutrition and the 5 food groups on MyPlate.

What is nutrition?

Nutrition is the science of food—how it gets broken down and what our bodies do

with it to grow big and strong.

Below is a picture of MyPlate. MyPlate is the current nutrition guide that shows us

how to eat healthy.

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When we take a look at the MyPlate, there are a total of 5 different food groups present:

protein, grains, fruits, vegetables and dairy. So, what are these 5 food groups and why

does our body need them?

1.) Protein helps us grow muscles. Protein also helps fix our muscles when they are

damaged. Many athletes eat a lot of protein so they can get strong muscles. Here

are some examples of protein:







2.) Grains give us energy. They can give us energy to play outside, to focus in school

and even to talk to our friends! Here are some examples of grain foods:






3.) Fruits and Vegetables are filled with vitamins and minerals our bodies need to

stay healthy and strong. Eating fruits and veggies help our bodies to fight off

disease. Remember to eat all the different color fruits and veggies, because each

color helps different parts of your body.

4.) Dairy is important because it gives us a special mineral called calcium. We need

calcium in our bodies because it helps us have strong bones and teeth. Some dairy

foods are:




After discussing MyPlate with the kids, have them complete some of the following

activities. Talk to them about their thoughts on healthy eating.

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Color MyPlate

This activity will help the kids get a better understanding of what a

complete meal looks like and what they should be including on their plates

at each meal. For this you will need paper plates, markers, and/or crayons.

You will then ask the children to draw on the paper plates (or use the next

page) their idea of a complete meal. You can follow the MyPlate example

shown below and make sure the 5 main food groups (grains, fruits,

vegetables, dairy and protein) are included on the plates.

Variation: Instead of drawing, have the kids cut pictures of food out of

magazines and ads, then glue them on to paper plates to make meals.

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The MyPlate Game

How to Play:

1. You will need a piece for each player and a coin.

2. Take turns flipping the coin—heads means move two spaces and tails

means move one space. If you land on an “Eat Smart to Play Hard” logo,

flip again.

3. Follow the instructions on each space where you land.

4. True and false answers will be found in the color coded info boxes to

the center of the board. In order to move ahead a space, you must get

the answer correct.

5. First one to the MyPlate logo wins!

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My Plate Trivia

Divide the kids into 2 groups. Ask them the below questions and whichever

team gets the answer right first, gets a point. Keep score and the team with

the most points wins! Feel free to add your own questions.

How much of your plate at meals should

be fruits and vegetables? (Half)

What food groups does a beef taco fit


(Protein Foods: ground meat; Vegetable:

lettuce, tomato; Grain: tortilla/taco shell;

Dairy: cheese)

Shrimp belongs to what food group? (Protein Foods)

Yogurt belongs to what food group? (Dairy)

Beans and peas are special. They belong

to two food groups. What are they? (Vegetables and Protein Foods)

100% orange juice is part of what food

group. (Fruits, but it has to be 100% juice)

Provide two examples of a whole-grain


(Answers can vary, e.g., brown rice,

wholewheat bread/pasta/tortilla/crackers,

oatmeal, buckwheat, quinoa, popcorn)

Dark-Green, Starchy, Red and Orange,

Beans and Peas — these are subgroups

of foods in what food group? (Vegetable)

What is a whole-grain alternative to

white rice? (Brown rice)

A Hawaiian pizza, with pineapple and

ham as toppings, belongs to what food


(All five! Fruit: pineapple; Vegetable: tomato

sauce; Protein Foods: ham; Dairy: cheese;

Grain: crust.)

Kale is an example of a _________ .

(Vegetable; specifically a dark-green


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Name five vegetables beginning with the

same letter

What food groups are missing from this

meal: Fish, beans, broccoli, milk?

Walnuts, almonds, and peanuts are

examples of what, and all belong to what

food group?

Which of the following is not a whole

grain? Oatmeal, shredded wheat, whole

wheat toast, corn flakes?

Identify four types of beans that are

Protein Foods.

Make at least half your grains each day

whole grains. Which of the following are

examples of whole grains? Animal

crackers, corn bread, cheese puffs,

pretzels, whole-wheat crackers.

Name five vegetables beginning with the (Answers can vary, e.g., carrot, celery, collard

greens, corn, cassava, cabbage, cauliflower.)

What food groups are missing from this

meal: Fish, beans, broccoli, milk? (Grain, Fruit)

Walnuts, almonds, and peanuts are

examples of what, and all belong to what

(Nuts, Protein Foods)

Which of the following is not a whole

shredded wheat, whole-

(Corn flakes)

Identify four types of beans that are (Answers can vary, e.g., black, kidney, soy,

pinto, navy)

Make at least half your grains each day

whole grains. Which of the following are

examples of whole grains? Animal

crackers, corn bread, cheese puffs,

wheat crackers. (Only the whole-wheat crackers)


(Answers can vary, e.g., carrot, celery, collard

greens, corn, cassava, cabbage, cauliflower.)

(Answers can vary, e.g., black, kidney, soy,

wheat crackers)

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Wheat Bread

White Rice





Match the Food Groups!Circle the foods in the right color:

Wheat Bread

Black BeansSteak


Bell PeppersChicken



Match the Food Groups!Circle the foods in the right color:

Grains in Orange

Fruit in Red

Vegetables in Green

Protein in Purple

Dairy in Blue

Orange Nonfat Milk


Black Beans


Bell Peppers

Match the Food Groups!

Nonfat Milk

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Answer Key

Grain Foods

Wheat Bread –Healthy Choice

White Rice








Bell Peppers

Dairy Foods


Nonfat Milk — Healthy Choice

Frozen Yogurt


Black Beans — Healthy Choice


Chicken — Healthy Choice

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Grain Chain Materials: Colored paper strips to make paper chains, Stapler, Game

cards(see next pages), Paper bag or container for game cards.

Preparation: Have a paper chain started. Print game cards and put in paper


Directions: Explain what a grain is, and the difference between whole and

refined grains to the group:

“Grains are basically seeds that we eat. They are in many of our

favorite foods. Some grains you may know are wheat, rice, corn, and oats.

Grains are an important part of healthy eating. A grain kernel has

multiple parts inside, that all give you energy and nutrients when you eat

them. Whole grains have the entire grain kernel which is important. Foods

like whole wheat bread, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta have whole

grains in them.

Refined grains are different from whole grains. When refined grains

are made, good parts of the grain kernel are taken away. It is a good idea to

try to eat less refined grains and more whole grains.”

Explain the Grain Chain game:

“In this bag, there are cards with pictures of food. One at a time you

will come up and draw a card. Look at the card and tell us if it is made with

grains. If it is, we will staple it to the grain chain! If you draw a question

card, answer the question.”

The cards that are NOT grain foods are: orange juice, ice cream, salad, steak,

apples, eggs, and broccoli. If it is a grain, ask them if it is a whole grain or

could be made with whole grains (for example, pizza crust might not be, but

could be made with whole wheat flour). Once everyone has pulled a

question, you will have a long grain chain! Display it somewhere in the


*Addition: Putting Whole Grains to the Test (demo). This demo shows how whole and refined

grains react differently in our bodies. At beginning of talk, place a slice of whole wheat bread

and a slice of white bread in separate bowls and cover both with orange juice. After 10 minutes

pick up the bread with tongs and notice the difference between the two. Explain how whole

grains take longer to break down, making us feel fuller longer.

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Food Riddles

Try reading these riddles to the kids and see if they can guess them! Then

have the kids write their own food riddles.

I am in the vegetable group.

I grow underneath the ground.

I can be eaten raw or cooked.

I help keep eyes healthy.

I am the color orange.

I am a… CARROT

I am in the dairy group.

I help build strong bones and teeth.

I am good in smoothies.

I am delicious with fruit.

I am in parfaits.


I am in the protein group.

I come from a farm animal.

Open me up and you’ll see 2 parts.

I am eaten for breakfast.

I can be served in many ways, like

scrambled, poached, or boiled.

I am an… EGG

I am in the fruit group.

I am a type of citrus fruit.

I grow best in warm weather.

You can squeeze me to make juice.

I am the same color as my name.

I am an…ORANGE

I am in the grains group.

I have lots of fiber.

I am brown.

I make a great sandwich.

Spread some peanut butter on me.


I am in the vegetable group.

I am green.

I taste good raw, steamed, sautéed,

or roasted.

My closest vegetable cousin is


I look like a miniature tree.


I am in the fruit group.

I’m somewhere between the size of a

golf ball and the size of a tennis ball.

My skin is brown and fuzzy.

Once you peel me, I’m bright green

and juicy on the inside!

I am a … KIWI

I am in the fruit group.

I am in season most of the year.

I am in pies.

I am round and plump with tiny

seeds inside.

You may have heard “one of me a

day keeps the doctor away”.

I am an … APPLE

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Fruit Dash!

1. Assign each kid a fruit (either banana, strawberry, apple, or orange for


2. Everyone sits or stands in a circle on a spot marker. One child is

without a spot—the child stands in the middle and says their name

and a fruit that they like (e.g., “My name is Matt and I like bananas!”).

3. All of the “banana” kids must leave their spots and find a new spot to

stand on. The kid left without a spot is now in the middle.

4. Add combinations such as “I like strawberry-banana” or “I like all


*Can also be played in a circle of chairs

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Alphabet Snack Attack

This game uses the alphabet as the basis for identifying nutritious snacks.

The goal is to think of at least one healthy snack for each letter of the

alphabet. Explain that healthy snacks are low in sugar and fat. Healthy

snacks give us lots of vitamins and energy. Ask children to write down an

individual food item for each letter. (A=Apple; B=bread, etc)

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Write in the name of a

healthy snack starting with

each letter of the alphabet














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The Apple Says Game This game can be played with two or more kids. For each of the following, do the

exercise only if "The Apple Says" to do it. Kids doing an exercise that "The

Apple" didn't say to do must sit down.


1. "The Apple Says" run in place. (Kids run in place.)

2. Hop on one foot. (Anyone doing this would have to sit down because it

wasn't preceded by "The Apple Says.")

Playing the game:

1. The Apple Says jump up and down.

2. The Apple Says wave your hands above your head.

3. The Apple Says play do 2 jumping jacks.

4. Run in place.

5. Hop from one foot to the other.

6. The Apple Says sit down.

7. Stand up.

8. The Apple Says stand up.

9. The Apple Says hop on foot.

10. The Apple Says dance.

11. Do a jumping jack.

12. The Apple Says walk around in a circle.

13. The Apple Says jog in place.

14. Turn around.

15. The Apple Says jump rope. (kids should fake jumping rope)

16. Touch your knees.

17. The Apple Says turn around.

18. The Apple Says form a line and march.

19. The Apple Says clap your hands behind your back.

20. Wiggle your ears.

21. The Apple Says tap your shoulders.

22. The Apple Says fake swim

23. Stop

24. The Apple Says stop

The Apple Says Game Over, Good Job Kids!!!

© 2014 University of Illinois Board of Trustees

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The Story of the Junk

Food Man

Jay Mankita 2006

Who's makin' money tellin' children lies?

About happy clowns eatin' burgers and fries

Puts the fast food in the children's hand

"Its good for you", says the junk food man. Don't believe the junk food man

They put 10 or 12 teaspoons of sugar in a can

That's the junk food company plan

He puts the can of soda in the childrens' hand

"Its good for you", says the junk food man. Don't believe the junk food man

The junk food man is gonna hook you in - He'll play you kid, just like a violin

And just like drugs or cigarettes, he makes more money the more kids he gets

The junk food man he gets his pay

To tell you lies - lead you astray

Puts the candy in the children's hand

"Its good for you", says the junk food man. Don't believe the junk food man

Junk food man, junk food man, he’ll try to get you if he can…

Junk food man, junk food man, don't believe the junk food man

You spend your money to pay his due

But he's got no respect for you

Puts the fake food in the childrens' hand

"Its good for you", says the junk food man. Don't believe the junk food man

The junk food man is gonna hook you in - He'll play you kid, just like a violin

And just like drugs or cigarettes - He makes more money - the more kids he gets

Who's makin' money tellin' children lies?

About happy clowns eatin' burgers and fries

Puts the children in the company's hand

(Its good for you) says the junk food man - don't believe the junk food man

Hey, you want this toy? It's the real McCoy

You'll just have to eat more junk food, boy

Got your playground here – and your action gear

Watch your money disappear

More shakes and pies, more burgers and fries

Eat that junk food, swallow those lies Credits from it like a rainbow, released 03 March 2007. Junk food man, Jay Mankita 2006

Page 30: Indoor Site Activity Packet

The instructor will pick a kid to go to go firs

him/her the name of a food and they will keep it secret.

The kid, when ready, will give ONLY three words (clues) to describe the

food to the others and they will have to guess the food based on the clues

given. Play the game long enough as so each kid gets a turn.

Example: Carrot Then the three clues given could be long, orange,


Other Foods that can be used:







Peanut Butter



NOTE: The instructor can choose a nutritious food of their own to use

© Penn state college of agricultural sciences cooperative extension

Tell The instructor will pick a kid to go to go first. The Instructor will give

her the name of a food and they will keep it secret.

give ONLY three words (clues) to describe the

food to the others and they will have to guess the food based on the clues

given. Play the game long enough as so each kid gets a turn.

Then the three clues given could be long, orange,

Other Foods that can be used:

The instructor can choose a nutritious food of their own to use

of agricultural sciences cooperative extension


t. The Instructor will give

give ONLY three words (clues) to describe the

food to the others and they will have to guess the food based on the clues

Then the three clues given could be long, orange,

The instructor can choose a nutritious food of their own to use

of agricultural sciences cooperative extension

Page 31: Indoor Site Activity Packet


It is important for children to learn about food safety at a young age. This

activity emphasizes basic safe food handling tips in simple words that

children can understand. All you need for this activity crayons, markers

or colored pencils. After they finish coloring and show understanding of

food safety, you can sign and present the enclosed certificate to each


Food Safety Coloring

Activity **This is might be best for the younger kids in the center, instructor can determine**

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Wash and dry your hands before you make or eat a

snack or meal.

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Fruits and vegetables are healthy after

Be sure to wash them with cold water

before you eat them.

ruits and vegetables are healthy after-school snacks.

Be sure to wash them with cold water

before you eat them.


school snacks.

Be sure to wash them with cold water

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Put backpacks on the floor — not the counter. Keep

everything in the kitchen clean.

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Use a cooler when you pack a picnic lunch.

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Put foods like milk, yogurt, lunch meat and eggs back in

the refrigerator right away. Don’t leave them out on the

Put foods like milk, yogurt, lunch meat and eggs back in

the refrigerator right away. Don’t leave them out on the



Put foods like milk, yogurt, lunch meat and eggs back in

the refrigerator right away. Don’t leave them out on the

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Activity Page.

Find the six food safety mistakes.Find the six food safety mistakes.


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The Jump Rope Alphabet


Directions: The instructor picks a player to go first and hands him / her the

rope. When ready, the player will begin jumping rope and the instructor will then

call out a random letter and a number from 1 to 3. The child will then have jump

rope while calling out a nutritious food beginning with the letter chosen. The

number represents the number of foods he / she must call out during their jump

/ turn. After the first player is finished, he / she gets to hand the rope to the next

player. The instructor will then call out a letter and a number for the second


Object of the game: The player must be able to complete their turn of jumping

without stopping. If the player stops jumping before their list of foods is

completed, then they are out of the game. However, if another player calls out a

food that is not nutritious and is unhealthy, then the first player that had to sit

out because they stopped jumping before their list was completed, is

automatically back in the game. The player that called out the wrong food must

then call out another food that is nutritious in order to erase their mess up and

continue on with their list until they have completed their turn. Ex.: If player

number 5 was given the letter “L” and the number 3, then he / she would jump

rope while calling out 3 nutritious foods that begin with “L”. If he / she was

unable to think of 3 “L” foods and stopped jumping before completing her list

then he / she would sit out the rest of the game. However, say player number 8

was given the letter “P” and the number 3 and they called out pears, pie, and

peanuts. Pie is not a nutritious food so the player should NOT stop and they

should continue to jump until they think of another food to take the place of pie.

The first player that had to sit out; in this example that was player number 5;

then player number 5 is now back in the game. If the current jumper does not

think of another food to replace pie and he / she stops jumping then he / she is to

sit out the rest of the game, unless somebody else messes up.

NOTE: It is better if the instructor calls out letters in a random order, so the

players cannot think of foods before their turn. This gets them thinking on spot.

Winning the Game: To make it through the entire alphabet and being the last

player or players still in the game after the letter “Z” has been completed.

Exemptions to the rules: The player that gets the letter “F” can call out fat free

foods such as fat free milk or yogurt. The player with the letter “L” can call out

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Low-fat foods such as milk or yogurt. The player who gets the letter “X” is

permitted to call pass while jumping and the instructor can give another letter.

The instructor may permit one of the players sitting out to give another letter for

the “X” instead. However, if the player can come up with any “X” food word such

as Xigua, a Chinese watermelon, xylocarp, a plant that bears a hard fruit similar

to a coconut, xouba, a small, sardine like fish found near Spain, Xochitl tortilla

chips, etc. Then they are permitted to get away with only shouting out one food

and they may pick a player that is sitting out to return to the game.

© Just Harvest, Debra Spirko 04 February 2014

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