INSTRUCTION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA No. 14 IN THE YEAR 1967 ABOUT CHINESE RELIGION, BELIEFS AND TRADITIONAL CUSTOMS I, AS ACTING PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Considering: that Chinese religion, beliefs and traditional customs in Indonesia which focus on the country of their ancestors, and which in their manifestation can give rise to inappropriate psychological, mental and moral influences on Indonesian citizens and so form an obstacle to the process of assimilation, need to be regulated and their functions placed in their proper proportion. In view of: 1. Article 4 subsection 1 and Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution; 2. Decision of the MPRS No. XXVII of 1966 Chapter III Article 7 and Explanation Article 1 subsection (1); 3. Instruction of Cabinet Presidium No. 37 of 1967; 4. Presidential Decision No. 171 of 1967, in conjunction with No. 163 of 1966. INSTRUCTS To: 1. The Minister of Religion 2. The Minister for Internal Affairs 3. All bodies and Instruments of Government both Central and Regional In Order to: Implement the basic policy on Chinese religion, beliefs and traditional customs as follows: First: Without reducing the guarantee of freedom to embrace religion and carry out its observance, in the case of Chinese practices of observance which possess aspects of cultural affinity focusing on the

Indonesian Legislation on Chinese Culture (Assimilation of a Minority Culture Into the Majority One to Prevent Alien Influences and Foster Unity)

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Indonesian Legislation on Chinese Culture (Assimilation of a Minority Culture Into the Majority One to Prevent Alien Influences and Foster Unity)

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Page 1: Indonesian Legislation on Chinese Culture (Assimilation of a Minority Culture Into the Majority One to Prevent Alien Influences and Foster Unity)

INSTRUCTION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA No. 14 IN THE YEAR 1967 ABOUT CHINESE RELIGION, BELIEFS AND TRADITIONAL CUSTOMS I, AS ACTING PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Considering: that Chinese religion, beliefs and traditional customs in Indonesia which focus on the country of their ancestors, and which in their manifestation can give rise to inappropriate psychological, mental and moral influences on Indonesian citizens and so form an obstacle to the process of assimilation, need to be regulated and their functions placed in their proper proportion. In view of: 1. Article 4 subsection 1 and Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution; 2. Decision of the MPRS No. XXVII of 1966 Chapter III Article 7

and Explanation Article 1 subsection (1); 3. Instruction of Cabinet Presidium No. 37 of 1967; 4. Presidential Decision No. 171 of 1967, in conjunction with No.

163 of 1966.

INSTRUCTS To: 1. The Minister of Religion 2. The Minister for Internal Affairs 3. All bodies and Instruments of Government both Central and

Regional In Order to: Implement the basic policy on Chinese religion, beliefs and traditional customs as follows: First: Without reducing the guarantee of freedom to embrace religion and carry out its observance, in the case of Chinese practices of observance which possess aspects of cultural affinity focusing on the

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country of their ancestors, their performance must take place internally within the family or individually. Second: Celebrations of Chinese religious festivals and nontraditional customs should be done in a way which is not conspicuous in public, rather they should be done within the family environment. Third: Determination both of the categories of Chinese religion and belief and of the performance of methods of observance of Chinese religion, beliefs and traditional customs are regulated by the Minister for Religion upon hearing the advice of the Attorney General. Fourth: Maintenance of security and order in the implementation of this basic policy will be regulated by the Minister for Internal Affairs together with the Attorney General. Fifth: This instruction will take effect on the date of issue. Issued in Jakarta Date: 6 December 1967 ACTING PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA signed SOEHARTO General of the TNI DECISION No. 240 of 1967 of the PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA concerning THE BASIC POLICY RELATING TO INDONESIAN CITIZENS OF FOREIGN DESCENT I, AS ACTING PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Considering: that on the basis of the Pancasila and holding to the principle of a state based on the rule of law and motivated by the aspirations of the Indonesian Nation to foster unity and unification of the Nation, there

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needs to be a clarification of the status and fostering of Indonesian citizens of foreign descent; In View Of: 5. Article 4 subsection 1 and Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution; 6. Article 4 of MPRS Resolution No. III of 1966; 7. Presidential Decision No. 171 of 1967 in conjunction with

Decision No. 163 of 1966; 8. Decision of the Presidium Cabinet No. 127 of 1966.

HEREBY DECIDES: To determine: Basic policy relating to Indonesian Citizens of Foreign Descent as follows: CHAPTER 1 THE STATUS OF INDONESIAN CITIZENS OF FOREIGN DESCENT Article 1 Indonesian citizens of foreign descent have the same status in Administrative Law as other Indonesians. Article 2 Indonesian citizens of foreign descent are Indonesians with rights and obligations that do not differ from those of other Indonesians. CHAPTER 2 FOSTERING INDONESIAN CITIZENS OF FOREIGN DESCENT Article 3 The fostering of Indonesian Citizens of foreign descent is put into effect through the process of assimilation, particularly to prevent the occurrence of racial exclusiveness. Article 4 Discrimination between Indonesian citizens of foreign descent and indigenous Indonesian citizens is denounced and not permitted. Article 5

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In particular, Indonesian citizens of foreign descent who still use Chinese names are urged to replace them with Indonesian names pursuant to current legislation. Article 6 Indonesian citizens of foreign descent are given the same opportunities as indigenous citizens to mobilise their funds and forces in all areas in order to accelerate development and to raise the level of prosperity and welfare of the Indonesian Nation and State. CHAPTER 3 SUPERVISION AND COORDINATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BASIC POLICY Article 7 Supervision and Coordination of the Implementation of the Basic Policy relating to Indonesian citizens of foreign descent as intended in this Decision are the responsibility of the Minister for Internal Affairs. Article 8 This decision shall come into effect on the day of its issue. Issued at: JAKARTA Date: 6 December 1967 ACTING PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA signed. SOEHARTO GENERAL OF THE TNI


Considering: 1. That in the framework of Indonesian nation and character

building the process of assimilation of Indonesian citizens of 'foreign descent' into the body of the Indonesian nation must be accelerated;

2. That replacing the names of Indonesians of foreign descent with names which conform to indigenous Indonesian names will assist in assimilation;

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3. That because of this, Indonesian citizens who still use Chinese names, and who wish to change their names to conform to indigenous Indonesian names, need to be given the fullest facilities by implementing a special procedure.

In view of: Law No. 4 of 1961 DECIDES:



(1) Indonesian Citizens who still use Chinese personal and family names and who wish to replace them with names more in conformity with those customarily used in the Indonesian community, should state their wishes in writing to the Level II District Head or to an appointed official; (2) Names chosen must not contravene the custom of a region, must not be considered as a title, and must not offend against propriety.

***** Article 3


(4) This decision shall come into effect on 1 January 1967 and cease to have effect on 31 March 1968.


Signed SOEHARTO General of the TNI