Indonesian Fashion Designer Program

Indonesian Fashion Designer Program

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Indonesian Fashion Designer Program

Page 2: Indonesian Fashion Designer Program

AIC Young Indonesian Designer Award The Australia-Indonesia Centre is delighted to have welcomed award-winning Indonesian designers Patrick Owen and Peggy Hartanto to Melbourne to take part in Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival. The visit was made possible by a new fashion partnership between Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival and Jakarta Fashion Week.

The culmination of this partnership is the launch of the Australian debut of Patrick Owen in the runways of Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival as the winner

of the inaugural AIC Young Indonesian Designer Award. It was the first time that an Indonesian designer had presented a runway show at the festival.

Patrick and Peggy’s Australian tour will be reciprocated by the visit of Australian designers Amanda Cumming and Kate Reynolds behind the Melbourne label PAGEANT, the winner of the Tiffany & Co. National Designer Award, to Jakarta Fashion Week 2015.

“It’s all about bringing these two wonderful fashion industries together.” LAURA ANDERSON, CHAIRMAN OF VIRGIN AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE FASHION FESTIVAL

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Meeting fashion industry leaders Hosted by Chairman of Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival Laura Anderson, Patrick and Peggy received market-level assistance in Australia.

They met key fashion industry leaders, including their Australian counterparts STRATEAS.CARLUCCI, prominent models and retail buyers. Their visit is hoped to be the catalyst for further creative and commercial partnerships between Australia and Indonesia.

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Experiencing Melbourne Additionally, the designers tasted a comprehensive experience of Melbourne, having taken part in a paddock tour of the Formula 1 Grand Prix, an aerial tour of the city and a boutique and high-end retail tour of the city’s premier fashion districts of Collingwood and South Yarra.

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Networking opportunities Throughout the festival, Patrick and Peggy gained access to every major event, from networking events, industry workshops, public forums and premium runways. They had numerous opportunities to meet not just leaders in the fashion industry, but also in business and government.

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“The creativity, talent and innovation reflected in this partnership are the key drivers that will strengthen the Australia-Indonesia relationship.” PAuL RAMADGE, DIRECTOR OF AIC

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Patrick Owen’s runway show The finale of the tour is Patrick Owen’s runway show at MAIA, Central Pier on Sunday, March 22. “Through my show, I hope to introduce Indonesian design, art and culture to the Australian audience,” Patrick said before the show. He did just that.

More than a hundred guests from fashion, entertainment, youth, business and government

witnessed the exquisite design of Patrick’s collection, inspired by Indonesian art from the region of Papua. Both the Australian and the Indonesian community turned out to share their appreciation of excellence in art and to embrace the commonalities that unite us.

“Through my show, I hope to introduce Indonesian design, art and culture to the Australian audience.” PATRICK OWEN, AIC YOUNG INDONESIAN DESIGNER AWARD WINNER

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Australia Plus


Viva News


The Australian

“Style diplomacy is the new soft diplomacy, it seems. At last week’s Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival, two young Indonesian designers turned up to forge relationships with like-minded creatives and our industry, all with a view to future collaborations and opportunities for both countries.”

“Inside VAMFF’s fabulous bubble of runways and endless parties at least, a month’s worth of strained Australia-Indonesia news fizzled and was forgotten. The magic of fashion. Everybody they met, it seemed, fell in love with the smiling young designers and, to rank their visit a success, would be a fabulously fashionable understatement.”

“Patrick has established a wide fan base throughout the Australian and Asian fashion scene, with his polished, edgy designs reflecting expert craftsmanship.”

“Fashion sebaiknya tidak dinilai hanya sebatas koleksi pakaian. Jika dilihat secara menyeluruh, industri fashion melibatkan sektor manufaktur, ekonomi kreatif, finansial. Lewat fashion, Australia dan Indonesia bisa meningkatkan kerjasama lintas sektor.”

“Desainer muda asal Indonesia, Patrick Owen untuk pertama kalinya menampilkan hasil karya rancangannya di Australia. Lewat Melbourne Fashion Festival, Patrick berhasil memukau para pecinta fesyen.”