
Indispensable?. Average Total Page Views News & Information Category Source: Nielsen//NetRatings NetView

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Average Total Page ViewsNews & Information Category

Source: Nielsen//NetRatings NetView

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Classification A: What is your gender? -- Q. B: What is your age group? – SES = Socio-Economic Status (based on income, education, occupation)Source: Online Publishers Association, Brand Affinity Study, Spring 2004



Overall Sample Demographics





Gender Age


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Q. 30(A-J): Compare SITE and OFFLINE PROPERTY. Which of the two is…? BASE: Those who use offline property frequently/occasionally.Source: Online Publishers Association, Brand Affinity Study, Spring 2004

More useful

Faster to find what you are looking for

Easier to use

Playing a more important role in

your day

More informative

Online Properties Offer Functional Advantages…

Page 5: Indispensable?. Average Total Page Views News & Information Category Source: Nielsen//NetRatings NetView

Q. 32: Overall, if both SITE and OFFLINE PROPERTY were available to you at the same time at the same place, which one would you prefer to use? BASE: Total sample (N=25,852)Source: Online Publishers Association, Brand Affinity Study, Spring 2004

Overall, Slight Majority PrefersOnline Over Offline

Prefer offline property(45%)

Prefer Web site


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Offline Use FrequentInfrequent

Segments Based On Online/Offline Brand Usage Frequency

BASE: Total sample (N=25,852)Definitions: Frequent online use = Several times a week or more (Q. 3). Infrequent online use = several times a month or less (Q. 3). Frequent offline use = frequently/occasionally (Q. 20). Infrequent offline use = rarely/never (Q. 20). Source: Online Publishers Association, Brand Affinity Study, Spring 2004





e U










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Gender: 34% male,66% female

Age: 30% age 18-34,70% age 35-54

Gender: 53% female,47% maleAge: 35% age 18-34,65% age 35-54

Gender: 51% male,49% female

Age: 33% age 18-34,67% age 35-54

Gender: 70% male30% femaleAge: 40% age 18-34,60% age 35-54



e U




Offline Use FrequentInfrequent

Segment Profiles

Multi Channelers



Source: Online Publishers Association, Brand Affinity Study, Spring 2004

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Strongly agree

Agree somewhat

Neither agree nor disagree

Disagree somewhat

Disagree strongly

I conduct more product research online than I would be able to offline

54% 33% 8% 3% 2%

I connect and keep in touch with people online I would not be able to connect with offline

42% 34% 11% 8% 5%

Sometimes I spend more time online than I planned to

41% 43% 10% 5% 2%

I track financial/investment activities online more easily than I could offline

31% 23% 26% 10% 11%

I am better informed in making health/medical decisions because I research these issues online

30% 36% 22% 8% 5%

I keep current on news events online more than I would be able to offline

30% 33% 19% 12% 7%

I often purchase things online that I would not have the time to purchase offline.

29% 35% 16% 12% 8%

I feel more at risk conducting transactions online than offline

12% 29% 23% 25% 13%

I plan my personal and social activities online during the weekday when I otherwise would not

5% 16% 30% 24% 25%

• Adults with Internet access at work say nearly every major category of transaction and research is made simpler online.

Nearly two-thirds agree that they keep current on news events more online than they would without Internet access.

Source: Netratings/WPNI: Working Women Online, Spring 2004 (Results shown above are from entire sample – male and female.)

Benefits of Online Activity

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% Of Internet Users Who Are 'Very Interested'

Breaking News 64%Brief overview of world news 55%World news and developments 54%Politics and political coverage 28%General info/links to other sites 24%In depth analysis 23%Opinion and editorials 12%Recognized columnists/reporters 11%

Source: AdWorks National Segmentation Study, Summer 2003

• More than half of all active Internet users say that they read news on the Internet. Among those who indicate an interest in online news, there are varying levels of interest by specific category of news.

General breaking news is widely sought after, with nearly two-thirds of online news readers indicating that they are ‘very interested’ in the genre.

In-depth analysis and editorial/opinion pieces are much less appealing to a mass audience – less than 25% of online news readers indicate strong interest in these areas.

Interest in Specific Types of News

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Attributes of a Good News and Information Site

Source: M&RR Local Market Segmentation Study, Spring, 2004 (Results above refer to LOCAL Web users only.)

• Community and transactional features draw more limited interest among local online news readers than do general news topics such as international news or political coverage.

Less than 20% of local news users feel it is important for a news Web site to allow you to buy and sell merchandise.

Video and audio features are not widely viewed as essential for a news Web site, although use of these features has grown steadily over the years.

% of Local Web Users who Think Attribute Is Important

Offers widespread sports coverage 26%Has recognizable columnists or writers 24%Helps you plan your leisure time 23%Incorporates video and audio throughout 22%Helps you feel connected to others and part of a community 21%Allows you to buy and sell merchandise 12%

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It’s Still About Journalism

• Continuous News • Use the Medium • Be More than the Paper

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Is There a Business Here?

• Advertising• Registration• Subscription Model• What about Google and Yahoo (Overture)