Page 1 of 4 INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY COURSE REGISTRATION FORM FOR B.Sc. (Hons. In Applied Sciences) III Year UNDER VERTICAL MOBILITY SCHEME For Gyandeep (Indian Army) Group A January 2021 Session {Group A: Associate Degree(Advanced Diploma) Holders from Gyandeep EXCEPT those who have taken courses from Group 40, Group 44 to 56 (Annex.-2) in their Associate Degree(AD) in Science} 1. Gyandeep Enrolment No.: 2. Regional Centre Code: 3. Study Centre Code: 4. Name of the Student (in capital letters): ___________________________________________________________ 5. Complete Postal Address: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________PIN______________ E-mail ID: __________________________________________ Contact/Mob. No.: _________________________ 6. Details of fee paid (to be drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ payable at the place of respective opted ‘Regional Centre’): a Name of the Bank _______________________________ Place ______________________________ b. Bank Draft No. __________________________________ Dated ______________________________ c. Amount (Rs. 5000/- + the late fee as applicable)_________________________________________ (By way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at the place of concerned Regional Centre) 7. Details of Academic Qualification: Nomenclature of the Academic qualification Institution / Board Year of passing % of Marks/ Division/ Grade 10 + 2 with Science or equivalent Associate Degree(AD) Associate Degree(Advanced Diploma) in Science IGNOU Any Other qual. 8. Medium of Instruction (Language of printed study materials to be received): English Hindi A Paste a recent Attested Passport Size Photograph (write enrolment no. and name behind the photograph before pasting)

INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY 3rd year for Gyandeep (Group A)(5).pdf · ACC 1 (8 Credits) ANC 1 (8 Credits) AMK 1* (4 Credits) AED 1* (4 Credits) AOM 1* Radio Lekhan (Hindi)

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    UNDER VERTICAL MOBILITY SCHEME For Gyandeep (Indian Army) Group A

    January 2021 Session {Group A: Associate Degree(Advanced Diploma) Holders from Gyandeep EXCEPT those who have taken courses from Group 40, Group 44 to 56 (Annex.-2) in their Associate Degree(AD) in Science}

    1. Gyandeep Enrolment No.:

    2. Regional Centre Code: 3. Study Centre Code:

    4. Name of the Student (in capital letters): ___________________________________________________________

    5. Complete Postal Address: _____________________________________________________________________



    E-mail ID: __________________________________________ Contact/Mob. No.: _________________________

    6. Details of fee paid (to be drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ payable at the place of respective opted ‘Regional Centre’):

    a Name of the Bank _______________________________ Place ______________________________

    b. Bank Draft No. __________________________________ Dated ______________________________

    c. Amount (Rs. 5000/- + the late fee as applicable)_________________________________________(By way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at the place of concerned Regional Centre)

    7. Details of Academic Qualification:

    Nomenclature of the Academic qualification

    Institution / Board Year of passing

    % of Marks/ Division/ Grade

    10 + 2 with Science or equivalent

    Associate Degree(AD)

    Associate Degree(Advanced Diploma) in Science


    Any Other qual.

    8. Medium of Instruction (Language of printed study materials to be received): English Hindi


    Paste a recent Attested Passport Size Photograph

    (write enrolment no. and name behind the photograph before pasting)

  • Page 2 of 4

    I hereby register for the following courses for III year B. Sc. (Hons.) in Applied Sciences commencing January 2021.

    9. Students are advised to fill in the boxes provided by choosing any 8 Credits from Foundation Courses in English,Hindi, MILs (BEGF-101, FEG-02, BHDF-101, FHD-02, MILs), 16 Credits from Physics and / or Chemistry fromthe enclosed list (subject to minimum 8 credits from any one discipline opted for) and 8 Credits fromApplication Oriented Courses (having no lab / project component). The list of courses along with credit detailsis given in the attached Annexure (Minimum duration: 01 Year & Maximum duration: 03 Years).

    Course Name Codes Credits Foundation Courses ( 8 Credits)

    Discipline Specific Courses (16 credits)






    Application-oriented Courses (8 Credits)



    Total: 32 Credits

    It is certified that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Yours faithfully,

    Date: ______________ Signature of student _______________________

    Note: 1) For all the Discipline Specific and Application-oriented Courses of 3rd year, a student is eligible for appearing in his/her first attempt in Term-End examinations only after one year.

    2) Only those who have already completed 10 +2 (Science) or its equivalent and been awarded Associate Degree(AD)in Science are eligible for 3rd year registration under lateral entry.

    3) Affix recent passport size attested photograph on the form.4) Attach attested copies in claim of your above mentioned academic qualifications.5) You are also advised to retain the photocopy of the filled up form for future references.6) For discipline specific courses, students may enroll for courses worth 16 credits from either Physics or Chemistry or

    courses worth 8 credits each from Physics and Chemistry as per the list enclosed with the form. The courses BPHE-101 and BPHE-102 are to be taken together.

    7) Please fill the form in Block letters.8)

    the reverse of the Demand Draft, issued by the bank.Attach a Pay Order/Demand Draft for the Programme Fee and have written your name, programme code on

    * Schedule for submission of Re-registration form at the Regional Centre only:

    S.No. July Session January Session Late Fee 1. 1st August to 1st October Nil 2.

    1st February to 31st March 1st April to 30th April 3rd October to 31st October Rs.200/-

    3 1st May to 31st May 1st November to 30th November Rs.500/- 4 1st June to 20th June 1st December to 20th December Rs.1000/-

    For further details and information please refer to IGNOU Common Prospectus (Also availaible at www.ignou.ac.in).9)

  • Page 3 of 4

    List of Courses available for registration for Associate Degree(AD) holders (Group A) from Gyandeep

    Sl. No.

    Category of Courses

    List of Courses Total Credits

    1 Foundation Courses (4 Credits)

    (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits) (4 Credits)

    Any 8 Credits from Foundation Courses as per list given below 1. BEGF 101 Foundation Course in English-1 (formerly FEG1)

    OR FHD 2 Foundation Course in Hindi-2 2. FAS 1 Assamese3. FBG 1 Bengali4. FEG 2 English5. FGT 1 Gujarati6. BHDF101 Hindi7. FKD 1 Kannada8. FML 1 Malayalam9. FMT 1 Marathi10. FOR 1 Oriya11. FPB 1 Punjabi12. FTM 1 Tamil13. FTG 1 Telugu14. FUD 1 Urdu15. BSKF 1 Sanskrit16. BBHF 1 Bhojpuri17. BMAF 1 Maithilee (4 Credits)


    2 Discipline Specific Courses

    Courses worth 16 Credits from Physics and / or Chemistry from the following list subject to minimum 8 Credits from any one Discipline opted for: Physics ( 16 Credits or at least 8 Credits)

    1. Elementary Mechanics (BPHE101 and Oscillations and Waves(BPHE102) (2 Credits + 2 Credits ) to be taken together

    2. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (BPHE106) (4 Credits)3. Electric and Magnetic Phenomena (PHE7) (4 Credits) 4. Optics (PHE9) (4 Credits) 5. Electrical Circuits and Electronics (PHE10) (4 Credits)

    Chemistry ( 16 Credits or at least 8 Credits) 1. Inorganic Chemistry (CHE2) (4 Credits) 2. Physical Chemistry (CHE4) (4 Credits) 3. Organic Chemistry (CHE5) (4 Credits) 4. Spectroscopy (CHE10) (4 Credits)


    3 Application Oriented Courses

    8 Credits from Application Oriented Courses (having no lab / project component)

    Introduction to the Media (formerly AFW(E) (4 Credits) BEGA 1 OR BHDA 101 (4 Credits)

    BEGA 102 Samachar Patra aur Feature Lekhan (Hindi) (Formerly AFWH) Writing for Radio (English) (Formerly AWR-E) (4 Credits)

    OR BRPA 101 (4 Credits) ATR 1 (8 Credits) ACC 1 (8 Credits) ANC 1 (8 Credits) AMK 1* (4 Credits) AED 1* (4 Credits) AOM 1*

    Radio Lekhan (Hindi) (Formerly AWR-H) Translation(English and Hindi) Organizing Child Care Services Nutrition for the Community Marketing Export Procedure and Documentation Office Organization and Management (4 Credits)


  • Page 4 of 4

    ASP 1* Secretarial Practice (4 Credits) ACS 1 Consumer Studies (8 Credits) CTE 3 Teaching Strategies (4 Credits) CTE 4 Teaching English-Elementary School (4 Credits) OR CTE 5 Teaching English-Secondary School (With CTE 3, take any

    one course: CTE 4 or CTE 5) (4 Credits) AST 1** Statistical Techniques (4 Credits) AOR 1** Operational Research (4 Credits) BCOA 1 Business Communication and Entrepreneurship

    (English Medium only) (4 Credits)

    * Commerce based Application-oriented Courses. However, students are free to choose any Application-oriented Course(s)

    of their choice. If you opt for 4 credit AOCs, you must choose at least two 4 credit AOCs to make up a total of 8

    credits of AOCs.** +2 level of mathematics is a pre-requisite

  • ffi;-?:rt


    Annexure 2: List of Courses offered to Associate degree holders from Army

    Compulsory 16 creditsCourse Title Credits

    Advance Military Training-1 8

    Advance Military Training-2 8

    32 credits from one of the follo,,ving groups:

    Group 1

    Radar Technolosy 8Air Defence Warfare

    Air Defence Radars IAir Defence Equipment Management 8Group 2

    Communication Theory IMaintenance of Signal Equipments

    Theory and Practical of Radio Operation

    Methods of Communication in Different Types of Waffare IGroup 3

    Radio Monitoring Systems-1 6

    Signal-entre Procedure, Modern C"rmmunication Techniques, lT & CyberSecuritv o

    Radio Monito:ring Sysfems-2 8Communication & Cyber Security 8Group 4

    Communication Systems'1 8Wireless Networks-1 ICo m m u n ic ati on Sysfems-2 IWireless Networks-2 8

    Group 5

    IAdvance Tele Communication


    Tele Communication-1 d

  • Fl.Hl


    PTele Communication-2-

    Cipher Communication

    Cryptongy ana Ebmentary Cryptanalysis

    Cipher SecuritY2

    Radio Communication-1

    Data Communication & Cyber Security-1

    Radio Communication-2

    -Data Communication & Cyber Security-2

    Network Engineering-1

    Communication Networks-1

    Network Engineering-2

    System Engineering-1

    System Networks-1

    System Engineering-2

    Systern Networks-2


    Advance Aerodynamics

    Group 11

    Basic Aeronautical Engineering

    Aeronautical Engineering-1

    Adv a nce Ae ron a utical Engi nee n ng

  • 46


    *. Group 12

    Basic Avionics IAvionics-1

    Avionics-2 oAdvance Avionics

    Group 13

    Basic Electricals in Aviation Technology 8Electricals in Aviation Technology-1 e

    Electricals in Aviation Technologyl2 IAdvance Electricals in Aviation Technology IGroup 14

    Instrument and Photo in Aviation Technology-1 8Advance Instrument and Photo in Aviation Technology-1

    lnstrument and Photo in Aviation Technology-2 dAdvance lnstrument and Photo in Av,'ation Technology'2 8Group 15

    Basic Radar Technology 8Radar Technology-1 IRadar Technology-2 IAdvance Radar Technology IGroup 16

    Basic Information Technology 8Information Technology-1 R

    I nform ation Tech n ology-2

    Adv a nce I nfom atio n Tech n ology dGroup l7

    Basic ODto Electronics 8Advance Opto Electronics 8Opto Electronics-1 8

    Opto Electronics-2 tt

    Group 18

  • #..



    Basic Gun Control Equipment

    n-au"nce Gun Control EquiPment

    G un Control Equiqment-1




    ;un Control EquiPment-2 8

    roup 19


    s i c E n g i n ee ri n g Eq u i P m e nt R

    nOuance gngineering EquiPment IEngineenng tqutPmenb I

    Engineering Equiqment -2

    CrouttoIHouse Wiring and Earthing

    Electrical ApPlication tt

    Edvance Llouse Wiring and Earlhing I8Adi a nce Etectrical AP Pl ication

    Group 21

    lntroduction to Tank TechnologY


    Tank TechnologY-1---=- . =-'lank t ecnnotogy-z



    IGroup 22

    -l ntrod u ctio n to Ve h i cle Te ch n o I o g y

    Advance vGn'oe -' ec"notW

    I Vehicle Technologv-1


    8Vehicle Technology-2

    Group 23

    Easic Electricals in Tank Technology

    AdvffiElectricals in Tank Technology-1

    Etectricals in Tank TechnologY-2

    ilBasic Electricals in Vehicle Technology





  • g:


    r Advance Electricals in Vehicle Techncloqv 8E lectric al s in V eh icle Tech nology- 1 IEl ecti c al s i n V eh icle Tech noloov-2

    dGroup 25

    Power Management Systems-1at


    Power Managemenf Systems-2 IG e nerator a nd Refrioe rati on

    Group 26

    lntroduction to Armament Technoloov

    Advance Armament Technology8

    Armament Technology-1 IArmament Technology-2 IGroup 27

    Basic Armament Technology of Air Defence System.'

    Advance Armament Technology of Air Defence Systemd

    Armament Technology of Air Defence Equipment-1 IArmament Technology of Air Defence Equipment-2

    dGroup 28

    Armament and Ammunition Technoloov8

    Ammunition Management8

    Advance Armament and Ammunition Technology

    Adv ance Am m u n ition M anaqement8

    Group 29

    Armament in Aviation Technology-18

    Armament in Aviation Technology-28

    Advance Amament in Aviation Technoloov-18

    Advance Armament in Aviation Technoloov-2n

    Group 30

    Classification of Small Armso

    Technology in Small Arms

  • Small Arms-1 8

    Arms-2 R

    Group 31

    Basics of Fire Control 8

    Tasks of Fire Control Assistant o


    IGroup 32

    Topographic Survey & Cartography -1 R

    Methods for Topographic Survey & Cartography_-Topographic Survey & Cartography -?


    Survey Using Tactical Computer IGroup 33

    Land Survey and Cartology-1 IMethodology of Land Survey and Cartology 8Land Suvey Equipment


    IGroup 34

    Survey Equipment ILand Survey and Map Making IUse of Survey Equipment dAdvance Land Survey and MaP Making 8Group 35

    Traverse, Triangulation and Applied Maths 8Field Astronomy and Table SurveY o

    GPS Observatlon, Computation and Mobile Mapping


    IGroup 36

    Topographical Equipment 8Land Survev and Graphics 8Adv a nce T opog raphical Eq ui p me nt 8Advance Land Survey and Graphic A


  • Group 37

    Basic Repair, Maintenance & Handling of Marine Engine

    IAssembling of SNU & Gearbox of the Craff l

    oAdvance Relair . Maintenance & Handlino of Marine Enoine-1

    IAssembling of SNU & Gearbox of the Craft -2 IGroup 38

    Navigation Aids

    Port Rules

    Naviaation and Ocean Currents IHandling of Various Crafts IGroup 39

    Lrne Communication-18

    lT and Networking8

    Line Communication-2d

    Splicing Techniques8

    Group 40

    Veterinary Treatment IVeterinary Application IAdv a nce V eteri n ary Tre atme nt


    Advance Veterinary Application IGroup 41

    Principles of lllumination & Exposureo

    Stripping Processd

    Advance lllumination & Exposure IAdvance Stripping Process

    Group 42o

    Introduction of Method of Composing8

    Printing and Cartography Technology8

    Composing Equipment8

    Printing Machines I

  • g


    Group 43

    Desk Top Publishing

    Ottse't Printing

    Screen P|tnw



    Plate Making IGroup 44

    Blood Transfusion



    IBlood Transfusion & Resuscrtation 6

    Haematology and Serology 8Group 45

    Laboratorv Procedures-1 IClinical Pathology-1 8Laboratory Procedures-2 IClinical Pathology-2 IGroup 46

    Psychiatric Nursing Assistant-1 8

    Elementary Psycho PathologY-1 IP syc h i atric Nursmg Asstsfanf-2 aEl e m e ntary P sy cho P athology-2 IGroup 47

    Operat"lg Room AssistantJ


    l8Critical Care and ICU Training-1 R

    Operating Room Assrslant-2 ICritical Care and lCLl Traininq-2 IGroup 48

    Medical Store Management-1 IPharmaceutics & Pharmacology-1


    Medical Store Manaoement-2 8P h arm ace utic s & P h armacology-2 IGroup 49

  • *:.

    F..:ir' Special Treatment Assistant-1

    8Skin. VD& HIV/AIDS Surveillance-1

    dS peci al T re atm e nt Assi st ant- 2 ISkin, VD& HIV/AIDS SuNeillance-2

    8Group 50

    X-Ray Assiatant-18

    Radiography & X-Ray-1

    X-Ray Assiatant-2 IRadiography & X-Ray-2

    Group 5'l

    Health Sciences-18

    Emergency Trauma & Combat Care-18

    Health Sciences-28

    Emergency Trauma & Combat Care-2 IGroup 52


    Health-1 ISanitation-2 aHealth-2

    8Group 53

    Physiotherapy Nursing Assistant-1at

    Theory of massage and exercise-18

    P hy s i oth erapy N u rsi ng As si sta nt-28

    Theory of massage and exercise-2 IGroup 54

    Comprehensive Dental Assistant Course-1

    Comprehensive Dental As-;;istant Co:lrse-2at

    Advance Dental Asslsfanf Course-1 IAdvance Denlal Assisfant Course-2


    Group 55

    Comorehensive Dental Mechanics-1o

    Comprehensive Dental Mechanics-28


  • Advance Dental Mechanics-1 IAdvance Dental Mechanics-2 IGroup 56

    Comprehensive Dental Hygiene-1 8Comprehensive Dental Hygiene-2 8Advance Dental hygiene Care-1 IAdvance Dental hygiene Care-2 8Group 57

    Navigation, Maintenance of craft and local administration over craft


    Handling of various craft IAdvance course in navigation, Maintenance of craft and localadministration over craft IAdvance course in handling of various craft a

    Any 16 credits from the following courses

    Leadership and Tactics-18

    General Administration-18

    Leadership and Tactics-2 oGeneral Administration-2

    Map Reading and Marking8

    Navigation and Topography


    /INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITYCOURSE REGISTRATION FORM FOR B.Sc. (Hons. In Applied Sciences) III YearUNDER VERTICAL MOBILITY SCHEMEFor Gyandeep (Indian Army) Group AJuly 2015 SessionTotal: 32 Credits