Indigo Children- Do they “feel” energy? You may have heard this term, Indigo children, describing characteristics of children that are powerful, intuitive, sensitive, and they can also be difficult to understand. These children have been described as arriving in our world and bringing with them a new level of consciousness. I have also heard it said, they come into the world with “their eyes wide open and looking around”. The first time I read the book, “Indigo Children” by Lee Carrol and Jan Tober, I totally resonated with the information they had to share. That was about 7 or 8 years ago, and the reason I found them is because I was the mother of two boys, and raising them wasn’t exactly easy. If you hear your parents saying to you, “you kids weren’t like that, or, we never had that kind of trouble with you kids”, then you know how it feels to be a parent with “kids that are a little different than you were.”.

Indigo Children-AHA 2009

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Indigo children and how we can learn, support and grow with them.

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Page 1: Indigo Children-AHA 2009

Indigo Children- Do they “feel” energy?

You may have heard this term, Indigo children, describing

characteristics of children that are powerful, intuitive, sensitive,

and they can also be difficult to understand. These children have

been described as arriving in our world and bringing with them a

new level of consciousness. I have also heard it said, they come

into the world with “their eyes wide open and looking around”.

The first time I read the book, “Indigo Children” by Lee Carrol and

Jan Tober, I totally resonated with the information they had to


That was about 7 or 8 years ago, and the reason I found them is

because I was the mother of two boys, and raising them wasn’t

exactly easy.

If you hear your parents saying to you, “you kids weren’t like that,

or, we never had that kind of trouble with you kids”, then you

know how it feels to be a parent with “kids that are a little different

than you were.”.

Here are 3 things Remi Thivierge of Dynamic Harmony says are

Indigo “traits”: These children tend to have traits that are:

- intelligent

- intuitive

- sensitive and

- strong minded.

You put these 4 things together, and things can get a little crazy.

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I am writing this to-day, to share some profound insights with you

that may help us parents, and other adults and educators in trying

to understand these bright, authentic, and “not so easy” children.

There is a Science of Iridology, in which the eyes contain a map of

our bodies. In my experience, there is a “new eye type” that has

emerged, that was not there in my parent’s generation. This eye

type contains what we call “nerve rings”. These “nerve rings”

indicate a “weakened or sensitive nervous system”, and on

another level, a more sensitive, intuitive type of personality. I also

have this eye type, and therefore I can relate to how these young

children are “sensitive” and have a “heightened awareness of

feelings”. My children, and many others that I know, have these

same “nerve rings” in their eyes, and they also have similar

“reactions or behaviours” to stress or “life’s challenges.”

I would like to give you an example:

These sensitive and intuitive children can feel the energy of others

around them, and sometimes they can even pick-up on their

thoughts. I can attest to this, as my children have read my

thoughts, and then spoken them out loud, to my amazement. Just

the other day, my older son told me that his brother “read his

mind”, and spoke it out loud. Although this may be hard to

believe, but when you experience it, you know, on the inside, that

this is true.

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This “gift” of theirs, can become challenging when our thoughts

are in turmoil, when we are angry at them, don’t understand them,

and don’t know what to do next. Or, even if we are unconscious of

our thoughts, unaware of what we are thinking, and at a subtle

level, these kids pick up on “our vibes”. You’ve heard it said:

“everything is energy”.

Okay, so here comes the challenges, and I”ll give you an example:

As adults, we are not always “aware” of every “thought” that runs

through our busy minds. So let’s say we’re in a grocery store with

our bright little “Johnny”, and we have a fleeting thought like,

“wow, that person is fat”. Then a moment later, we have another

thought like, “there’s the mustard I want”. Well, our kids may

have picked-up on the first thought, and, being the outspoken little

beings that they are, they say out loud, “mom, look at the fat

person”. (We don’t even remember thinking this thought, because

now we are onto the mustard thought.)

So in that moment, we instantly respond with our past conditioning

of, “Shhh-Johnny, that’s not nice to say”.

This is where the confusion begins.

So now Johnny has “static in his body, in his feelings, and in his

being”. Like a mis-aligned radio station, what he intuited and felt,

is being disregarded, and he becomes agitated. When the adults

intentions or thoughts are “different” than their “words or actions”,

this creates “static in the bodies of our sensitive – intuitive

children. We do this all the time!

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The next stage we may encounter from these children is anger,

resentment, behaviour outbursts, and unmanageable emotions.

What they “intuit and feel” is different than what “we adults” see

and feel. So there is a gap, a void of mis-understanding, and as

adults, we do not know what to do with this loud, protesting child.

These children can also intuit or feel:

- if those around them are being “honest and authentic”.

- If others are coming from “love and compassion” or are they

coming from “their own agenda” of wanting to “change this


- they feel their classmates energies, and how people are

feeling “about them”.

- they can see through to your soul, and if you are not honest,

authentic and real with them, they’ll eat you up and spit you


This is where they get into big trouble with authority figures.

There is so much static in their life energetically, and it is

difficult for these intuitives to function in our fast paced, un-

conscious way of living. They “absorb” our stress, and they

don’t know what to do with it. I’d like to mention here that “it’s

not our fault”. So leave your guilt at the door, and move

forward into understanding more about our little intuitive

children, and ourselves at the same time.

My hope is for this to shed some light on the world from the

perspective of these children. It is not easy for them, and it is

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certainly not easy for us adults. Changing “our patterns of

thinking and being” is a tall order.

There is help available. There are professionals that can work

with energy, and teach you how to protect and clear your child’s

energies. There are herbs and foods that can help to ground

these children, help them to focus, and help them to “react” a

little less when stresses do show up.

I encourage you to keep searching for new ways to relate to

these children, and soon to be adolescents.

Many of them can be color deficient as well. So they do not see

the world in the same way we do. I wonder what it looks like for

them? My sons say the sky is a purple/pink color. These are

healing colors of the highest vibration, and maybe that is part of

their role, to initiate healing around them?

I feel it’s important to remember this, these Indigo Sensitive

Intuitive children do not process life or see the world with the

same eyes that us adults do, and other children for that matter.

I may be able to relate a little, and yet not as deeply as these

children do.

The good news is that most parents of Indigo/Intuitives are also

sensitive enough to “pick up” on what’s going on for their kids.

It can be difficult to explain to others, and I hope that we can all

show up and become aware of this new generation, so we can

support them, learn from them, and prevent them from the

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possibility of destructive behaviour that is always possible when

we “are not understood”.

I leave you with this quote, and I don’t remember the author,

but here it is: “Seek to understand, not to be understood”.

May we all work together and create a world of peace and

understanding as we move forward into the 21st century.