INDICE - galeon.comgaleon.com/172-190/174.pdf Agitedj Uruguay Escuchanos por Internet Rob Wagner VK3BVW Domestic Broadcasting Survey DBS-17 Pagina 5 ... La Chispa Estéreo ANTENA DX,

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Page 1: INDICE - galeon.comgaleon.com/172-190/174.pdf Agitedj Uruguay Escuchanos por Internet Rob Wagner VK3BVW Domestic Broadcasting Survey DBS-17 Pagina 5 ... La Chispa Estéreo ANTENA DX,


Page 2: INDICE - galeon.comgaleon.com/172-190/174.pdf Agitedj Uruguay Escuchanos por Internet Rob Wagner VK3BVW Domestic Broadcasting Survey DBS-17 Pagina 5 ... La Chispa Estéreo ANTENA DX,


INDICE Pagina 3 Radio Habana Cuba Pesar por fallecimiento del escritor uruguayo Eduardo Galeano Anderson José Torquato Explicacoes sobre dexismo usando SDR Daniel Avendaño Ortega AMSAT Argentina Pagina 4 José Maranhão Programa Ondas Curtas 01 Apresentação Danilo Nonato

Jose Geraldo Pereira Venta Horacio Nigro Oscar y el “Volksempfänger”

Agitedj Uruguay Escuchanos por Internet Rob Wagner VK3BVW Domestic Broadcasting Survey DBS-17

Pagina 5 Glenn Hauser Logs April 12-13, 2015 Pagina 6 New Zealand DX Times April 2015 Volume 67 No. 6 Pagina 7 Ontario DX Club ODXA DX REPORT April 13th 2014 Pagina 11 Ontario DX Club Target Listening! by Country Pagina 16 Phil, KO6BB Listening to some very nice country music WTWW 5085 Juan Guzman Venta Rubencito Medina Parada Radiodifusión AM en el Departamento del Cesar, COLOMBIA Pagina 17 Dave Freeman A great place to DX radio Enrique A. Wembagher SW databases de Eibi y Aoki Mundi Al MUNDIALWEB, SEMPRE COM VOCÊ! La Chispa Estéreo ANTENA DX, DEL 11 DE ABRIL 2015 Klingenfuss Publications Shortwave Reception via Web-SDR Juan Wereldomroep LRA36 Radio Arcangel San Gabriel Pagina 18 Glenn Hauser Logs April 12, 2015 Grupo Radioescucha Argentino Conexión Nº 816 Pagina 22 Anatoly Klepov “RUS-DX” # 815 Pagina 29 Alvin Mmirabal Radio Exterior de España (REE) Eduardo Miranda Observatório Nacional Glenn Hauser Logs April 6-7, 2015 Pagina 31 Mauricio Pimenta Venta Rob Quinlan Looks like HF on Wednesday Diego Washington Silvera Venta Vince DXpedicoes em video Siddhartha Bhattacharjee Escuchas Pagina 32 Robert Ross Escuchas Babul Gupta Escuchas José Maranhão Escuchas Pagina 34 Allen Willie Escuchas Ivan Dias Jr. Escuchas Pagina 35 Jordi Brunet Escuchas Rodolfo Tizzi Escuchas Jose Miguel Romero Escuchas Pagina 36 Sakae Onozawa Escuchas Pedro Elonda Escuchas Rafael Rodriguez Escuchas Jorge Freitas Escuchas Pagina 37 Ivanildo Gonçalves Dantas Escuchas Antônio Avelino Escuchas Roberto Pavanello Escuchas

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Radio Habana Cuba Pesar por fallecimiento del escritor uruguayo Eduardo Galeano

La Habana, 14 abr (RHC) El Presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros de Cuba, General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, envió un mensaje de condolencia al Presidente de Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez Rosas, con motivo del fallecimiento del reconocido escritor Eduardo Galeano, amigo de Cuba y de todos los pueblos latinoamericanos. En su carta Raúl Castro expresa a Vázquez su profundo pesar por la muerte del destacado intelectual revolucionario y entrañable amigo de Cuba, Eduardo Galeano. Le extiendo, expresa además el presidente cubano sus más sentidas condolencias que "hago llegar a los familiares del inolvidable Galeano y al pueblo uruguayo que tan dignamente representó". Editado por Julio Pérez

Anderson José Torquato Explicacoes sobre dexismo usando SDR

Meus amigos Queria saber e tambem queria que voces me explicassem como funciona e o que voces acham de fazer dexismo usando SDR (Radio definido por software). vale a mesma coisa que se estivesse ouvindo no radio comum? Ou nao vale para conseguir os QSL? Sou novato no assunto mais o pouco que eu pesquisei, percebi que e muito mais vantajoso e facil ultilizar esse modo de dexismo. Sjem sinceros e me digam se vale a pena, ja que nao parece ser um modo muito caro de se obter. Minha gravações de emissoras escutadas aqui em Garopaba http://andersontorquato.wordpress.com/ Meu outro site de gravações http://www.ipernity.com/doc/124523/home?with=14364471 Anderson José Torquato - Garopaba-SC

Daniel Avendaño Ortega AMSAT Argentina

Informa LU7AA: Sábado 18 de Abril 2015, Globo BETTY VI desde La Pampa En el Día Internacional del Radioaficionado, sábado 18 de abril de 2015, LU7AA Amsat Argentina, lanzará desde Victorica, La Pampa - clima mediante y aproximadamente a las 11 hs - un globo libre cuya principal misión será probar tres cargas útiles: - Un repetidor FM con imágenes en SSTV, GPS/APRS, DTMF, comandos y telemetría. - Una baliza de telemetría y posición en la banda de 20 metros y transmisión en el modo DominoEX-11 - Una baliza de telemetría y posición en UHF, SSB, RTTY modo UKHAS, Para ello necesitamos de estaciones con capacidad de VHF/UHF FM, 20 m SSB (solo recepción) y UHF USB (solo recepción) y alguna experiencia en contactos vía satélite. Para recibir la carga útil del repetidor FM, solo es necesario un equipo receptor FM handy o base, en 145.950 Khz. para la repetidora, APRS y SSTV (Robot 36), también 144.930 para APRS. La repetidora, que se habilita con subtono 123 s.f., recibe voz FM en 435.950 Khz., con sensibilidad -112 dBm (0.56 uV) y emite con 2 W lo recibido en simultaneo en 145.950 KHz. El repetidor opera durante 90 segundos, avisando con un bip la finalización de ese tiempo, para dar paso a la emisión de APRS en las diferentes frecuencias. Para recibir y ver la trayectoria del globo en APRS, así como su velocidad, altura, temperatura externa e interna y tensión de baterías utilice UI-View y/o ver/seguir desde internet conecte a: http://aprs.fi/?call=lu7aa-11 pero también en otras páginas o utilidades que se van a publicar en las páginas de este experimento que están al pie. Para mejor utilización tanto del repetidor "Betty VI", hacer cambios cortos, pasando señal distintiva del corresponsal, la propia, localidad, señal recibida y breves comentarios; será necesario dar prioridad al tráfico de control de AMSAT y evitar el uso del recurso en forma exclusiva, para permitir contactos entre estaciones más alejadas, o de poca potencia. El monopolio de uso del canal ha producido, en experimentos anteriores, que muchas estaciones no pudieran comunicar, a pesar de tener las condiciones para lograrlo. El orden es fundamental en un experimento como este y mucho más en la operación satelital futura. Para recibir la baliza en 20 metros en el modo DominoEX-11, basta sintonizar 14.067 Khz, USB, usar el programa FLDigi y centrar el audio en 1 KHz. Hay disponibles archivos de audio y texto para probar, en la sección soporte a esta operación en páginas de este lanzamiento y en sitio Web de Amsat Argentina, que mencionaremos abajo. Para recibir la baliza en el modo UKHAS, hace falta un receptor/transceptor de UHF, SSB, sintonizarlo en 434.650 Khz. USB, interfase para digimodos, MixW o FLDigi, con la siguiente configuración: MODE: RTTY, CARRIER SCHIFT: 200 o 240, BAUD RATE: 50, BITS PER CHARACTER: 7, PARITY: NONE, STOP BITS: 2. También hay disponibles archivos de audio y texto para probar, en la sección soporte a esta operación en páginas de este lanzamiento y en sitio Web de Amsat Argentina, que mencionamos al pie de este mail. Queremos hacer pruebas coordinadas con la estación de control de Amsat en Gral. Pico, de niveles de señal en TX y RX, si hay un SDR para grabar la señal recibida mejor, probar la baliza DominoEX que es un QRP de 1 Watt en 20 metros y comprobar su alcance real. También deseamos comprobar el desempeño de la baliza UKHAS en UHF que en principio debería tener casi la misma cobertura óptica o geográfica que el repetidor de FM, pero que con su transmisor QRPp de solo 10 Mw. de potencia, pondrá en tierra señales significativamente más débiles, pero copiables por quienes usen antenas direccionales con ganancia conectadas con coaxiles de bajas pérdidas a un receptor de UHF, tal como se opera con algunos satélites.

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Complementariamente y en coordinación con ANAC, que al momento de emisión de este boletín está procesando la autorización para el vuelo, se ha agregado una pequeña cámara apuntada hacia arriba para grabar el momento e explosión del globo y desprendimiento de las cargas útiles. Las frecuencias de coordinación y anuncios previos y durante el vuelo serán 7095 Khz., LSB +/-10 Khz. y frecuencias de VHF de las repetidoras de la zona, las cuales se confirmarán o actualizarán en los enlaces http://amsat.org.ar/globo18.htm http://amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/globo_abril_2015.htm Hace falta ayuda de distinto tipo para este proyecto. Cada participante paga sus gastos de viajes, vehículos, alojamiento y consumos. Amsat ya cuenta con el hardware del proyecto en base a anteriores aportes. Pero se necesitan globos meteorológicos grandes y actuales y helio en importantes cantidades - son varios cilindros - o bien reunir recursos para la compra de dichos elementos. También es bienvenido el apoyo humano. Si alguien quiere participar en el proyecto, es bienvenido cualquiera sea la forma, tanto localmente en sitios de lanzamiento, rescate o control, o remotamente haciendo contactos por repetidor y/o en HF 40 metros, escuchando las balizas y subiendo reportajes al sitio Web de Amsat Argentina en SatLogs ( http://lu7aa.org.ar/log.html ) y además subiendo capturas de audio, pantallas, o texto a Upload ( http://www.amsat.org.ar/index.php?dir=upload%2FISS-SSTV%2F ) o bien enviando email a parapente (arroba) amsat.org.ar . Los invitamos a ver más detalles, con la información completa, filtrada y ordenada, fotos, gráficos, descripciones, predicciones de meteorología, vientos y propagación, vínculos a anteriores experiencias y a páginas o métodos para ver trayectorias en Internet, archivos de información y soporte para las nuevas balizas con programas, audio, capturas de pantallas y decodificaciones hechas con esos archivos de audio como para practicar localmente en: http://amsat.org.ar/globo18.htm http://amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/globo_abril_2015.htm Apreciamos haber leído esta información y agradecemos su difusión. 73, LU7AA, Amsat-LU http://amsat.org.ar [email protected]

José Maranhão Programa Ondas Curtas 01 Apresentação Danilo Nonato

Ondascurtas.net é um canal no Youtube sobre comunicações. Esta é uma edição da versão em vídeo do programa de rádio, vamos responder os seguidores do canal e veremos o receptor Grudig 450 DLX Field Radio aliais o equipamento não há SSB. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMvW0bHm6ak&feature=youtu.be

Jose Geraldo Pereira Venta

Vendo estação de rádio px contendo um vowager mega 990 tw no valor de 1500 reais aquário rp80 600 outro aquario rp80 600 reais 3 fontes 700 reais kbs 3500 300 reais um pedal de eco Dodd dfx9 600 reais um antenas stilbras 200 reais uma antena Twitter 150 reais uma antena móvel 180 reais total 4.830 reais troco por algo de meu interesse POR FAVOR DISPENSO CURIOSOS E O PREÇO É ESTE QUER COMPRAR COMPRA NÃO DISCUTA MEU PREÇO É MEU PEÇO O QUE EU QUISER.

Horacio Nigro Oscar y el “Volksempfänger”. (“El Tambor de Hojalata”, Volker Schlöndorff, 1979)

“El Tambor de Hojalata”, es una pelicula del año 1979, del director alemán Volker Schlöndorff. “El día de su tercer cumpleaños es una fecha determinante en la vida de Oscar. No sólo es el día en que toma la decisión de dejar de crecer, sino que recibe su primer tambor de hojalata, objeto que le acompañará el resto de su vida.” ¹ Está basada en la famosa novela homónima del escritor y premio Nobel de literatura alemán, Günter Grass, fallecido el 13 de abril de 2015. En el siguiente fotograma de la película, se ve al pequeñoOscar y su inseparable tambor, junto a un aparato de radio, un modelo Volkempfänger. Leer la nota completa en: https://lagalenadelsur.wordpress.com/2015/04/13/oscar-y-el-volksempfanger-el-tambor-de-hojalata-volker-schlondorff-1979/

Agitedj Uruguay Escuchanos por Internet


Rob Wagner VK3BVW Domestic Broadcasting Survey DBS-17

Hi Folks, Once again, Anker Petersen and his colleagues at the Danish Showtave Club International (DSWCI) have released their annual survey of stations broadcasting in the Tropical Bands and domestic stations operating in the international shortwave bands. I have just received this year's edition (DBS-17) and it's up to its exceptionally high standard as usual. If you are not familiar with this publication, then you may like to check out a short YouTube video I prepared that reviews last year's edition. You can find it at: http://medxr.blogspot.com.au/2015/04/just-published-domestic-broadcasting.html There's also details there on how to order 2015 edition. 73 and have a great weekend everyone! Rob Wagner VK3BVW

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Miguel Castellino Escuchas

4790 Radio Visión, aparentemente se ha reactivado esta emisora. La escuché por primera vez el sábado a la mañana con muy mala modulación (mejoraba bastante en LSB). El sábado a la noche y el domingo a la mañana ya se escuchaba mejor en AM, lo que podría indicar ajustes en el transmisor. Evidentemente ha habido cambios técnicos porque se escucha más fuerte y si bien la modulación no es buena todavía, por lo menos es mucho más fuerte y audible que en la época anterior, que tenía una fuerte portadora pero la moduliación se escuchaba apenas o no se escuchaba.

Glenn Hauser Logs April 12-13, 2015

** ANGUILLA. 11775, April 13 at 1406, no signal from CBB with PMS or DGS; ho, hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BANGLADESH. 15505, April 13 at 1359, Bangladesh Betar IS, poor signal, but plenty to audiblize its mistimesignal ending today at 1359:47, opening Urdu (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGST) ** CHINA [non]. 15700, April 13 at 1401, CRI English via CUBA, with noise from self-imposed crackling --- antenna wires shorting in the breeze? A recurrent problem, one of countless at the Cuban sites. I compare to same program not crackling on 17630 via EAST TURKISTAN [not Mali], and find Cuba is two seconds behind (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15730, April 13 at 1325, 1400 chex, no signal from RHC on its newest frequency which started and was heard yesterday. So much for that. 15370 and 15230 are propagating well with contentious speech from Raúl; also 15700 CRI after 1400. RHC not back on 17730 either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [and non]. 7405, Monday April 13 at 0605, R. Martí is on, plus wall-of-noise jamming; likewise 6030 with even heavier comparative jamming. So much for the Monday morning silent period 03-09 UT, which we observed a biweek ago as A-15 started, and which was confirmed in HFCC as 6030 and 7405/5980 were daily except 03-09 UT for Day 2. The latest edition dated 13 April still shows this, but effective as of 3 April rather than 29 March --- anyhow, no longer in effect, despite out-date still shown as being 24 Oct (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE. RFI resumes English on SW: April 13 at 0559 on 13725, fair signal, I am surprised to hear RFI introducing a ``Paris Live`` broadcast in English for Monday 13 April, still past 0602 -- mistake, wrong feed? No, apparently escaping our notice until now, RFI has registered four English broadcasts for A-15, all from ISSoudun, azimuths a variety, each a different target: 06-07 13725 170 16-17 15485 85 17-18 15690 160 18-19 5985 345 As in: http://www.hfcc.org/data/schedbybrc.php?seas=A15&broadc=RFI Perhaps from a few months` relay via Global 24, RFI discovered there is still an audience on SW? Mike Cooper had heard them online announcing new English broadcasts at 14 & 16, but said nothing about SW. Now Mike replies to the above news: ``Glenn: Thanks for pointing this out. I have been able to listen to "Paris Live PM" through the RFI English audio stream. The English-language hour airs at 1400 and 1600 UTC. The RFI English feed carries an hour of RFI Musique at 1500 UTC. Given this schedule, I don't know what "English" RFI would be broadcasting at 1700 and 1800 UTC, though it's possible they would just rebroadcast the 1600 UTC English hour. In listening, I have found that the "Paris Live PM" broadcast is largely a regurgitation of the earlier English broadcast, with little new content. In fact, I have heard some news packages repeated several times in the same hour. The last hour of the morning RFI English broadcasts is repeated on the English internet stream, meaning that I can listen from 1300 to 1500 UTC and hear a repeat of the last hour of the morning English broadcast and then hear the first live broadcast of "Paris Live PM." -Mike``. But beware: RFI previously registered as own English, broadcasts which were really TAIWAN relays, now cancelled? Ivo Ivanov replies: ``last 3 transmissions are former Radio Taiwan International broadcasts in A-14 -- 73! Ivo Ivanov`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 4790-, April 13 at 0612, presumed R. Visión, now with some music audible amidst the CODAR, and carrier still shaky (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7345-SSB, April 13 at 1307, NNN0HZS calling station after station in a Navy MARS net, last three of call always fonetikally so certain. Has some weak carrier from a broadcaster partly demodulating it (CNR1 Beijing and/or Myanmar), but need BFO too. NNN0HZS is apparently a substitute or relay for the NCS. Yahoo search on call goes nowhere, but switching to Google gets a single one: Jerry in Tennessee, logged on ``40 meters`` on 20121222: http://www.hamlog.eu/NT6H (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1768 monitoring: confirmed new time of 2100 Sunday April 12 on WRMI 15770 (and this time something else on 7570: I was able to hear both on the G8 inside the Enid Symphony Hall during a performance of `Pirates of Penzance`; helps to be on the fifth floor balcony not far from windows). WOR also still Sunday at 2300 on 11580 WRMI. Tried 5109, WBCQ circa 0200 UT Monday April 13, and it was just barely audible, but sounded like Johnny Lightning. Listening instead to Area 51 webcast at 0302, wrong WOR 1767 starts playing, last week`s edition, and continues to 0331 or so.

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Even discounting storm noise level, 5109 must be from a much weaker transmitter than the previous one closer to 5110 (and having heard Brother Scare at various early and late hours on 5109, I check April 13 at 0610, but now appears to be off.) Next WORs: Tue 1100 WRMI 9955 Wed 0630 HLR 7265-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio Wed 1315 WRMI 9955 Wed 1430 HLR 7265-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v Thu 0330 WRMI 9955 [or 1769 if ready in time] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Global 24 chex Sunday April 12: 11825 after 2300 with Jazz, so apparently `from the Left` 5850 after 2300, `Democracy Now`, like Saturday, this weekday-only program is replaying from unknown date (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

New Zealand DX Times April 2015 Volume 67 No. 6

Join Us Now And Save! - New Members only!! - For the rest of 2015the monthly DX Times is yours for just $5 (usually $15 p.a.)! This issueis particularly dedicated to prospective members or members re-joining after an absence of at least 2 years.... Whether you’re a die-hard DXer, a news junkie, a stickie-beaker, or looking for an alternative to TV and the internet, you’ll find people with common interests in the NZRDXL. See page 3 for more details...... Deadline for next issue is Wed 6th May 2015. P.O. Box 178, Mangawhai 0540 NEW ZEALAND RADIO DX LEAGUE (Inc) The New Zealand Radio DX League is a non-profit organisation founded in 1948 with the main aim of promoting the hobby of Radio DXing. The NZRDXL is administered by NZRDXL AdCom, P.O. Box 178, Mangawhai, 0540, NEW ZEALAND President Bryan Clark [email protected] Vice President David Norrie [email protected] National Treasurer Phil van de Paverd [email protected] National Secretary Chris Hatton [email protected] Chief Editor/Publisher - Stu Forsyth [email protected] or [email protected] An Electronic magazine is available in Adobe PDF Format NZ$15 for both New Zealand or International members. We are able to accept VISA or Mastercard (only for International members) Contact Treasurer for more details. For localmembers you can make payment to -Acct. name: NZ Radio DX League Acct. number: 12-3089-0286191-00 Make sure your name is included Club Magazine The NZ DX Times. Published monthly. Registered publication. ISSN 0110-3636. Printed by Oamaru Print & Copy Ltd., Oamaru. http://www.perfectprint.co.nz/ © All material contained within this magazine is copyright to the New Zealand Radio DX League and may not be used without written permission (which is hereby granted to exchange DX magazines). Where such permission is given, acknowledgement of the NZ DX Times and the original contributor is required. Advertising Rates: ‘Marketsquare’ members advertising is FREE subject to available space. Non Member and Commercial rates on request http://www.facebook.com/nzrdxl

It's that time of year again for the chocolate-coated edition, although whether the chocolate lasts until the print edition appears is another question. Somehow, word must have leaked out as the list of reporters shows!. Ian Cattermole, Blenheimtried to fool me that April first had come a week early, with his notes received on the 25th. “Here are the SW veries received during March: RFI Meyerton 11605, 15170, & 7340; BBC Meyerton 6190; TWR-Africa, Manzini 9475; TWR-Africa, Dhabbaya 15720; Deewa Radio, Iranawila 5895 & 13840; Radio Azada, Iranawila 17690; EYSC Radio, Issoudun 11720; Radio Cairo 9905; VoV 12000; and VoK 9650 kHz. That's all for this time.” (That's what you always say, but hey, 13 is a respectable number... matches the Fridays in February and March.) Mike Smith, Opunakeis giving the Northland crew a reminder about competition further south. “Summer's heading off over the hill and the evenings are a little cooler - although we were swimming at Opunake Beach two weekends ago! I put up a new EWE favouring SSE and thought it was going really well, hearing MW Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina over a period of three nights. Then the CME auroras settled down! Anyway, it was all good while

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it lasted. I sent an email report complete with audio file to Super Radio Brasil 940, and got a full-detail confirmation a week later. Also got good recordings of what I think is R. Nacional SODRE 1050 and LR9 R..America 1190. Work in progress on them. The details from ZYJ453 QSL: 'Dear Michael Smith: Although the audio is presenting some interference, we can confirm that the identification you informed (ZYJ 453) belongs to Super Rádio Brasil AM 940 kHz (Rio de Janeiro, coordinates: 22° 40' 28.9" S | 43° 01' 46.6" W). This radio station has a better frequency response at night, with 100 kW. Our antenna is omni-directional, vertically polarized in metal tower with 145 meters. Our model of radio transmitter is Harris DX 100. Thank you again for contacting us. We hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours, Arnaldo Infanti Jr., Radio Chief Engineer'. My first QSL for years! So it will be interesting to see how the new EWE goes as the Latin season progresses. The aurora signals were barely audible on the NE EWE. The new one sees a lot less noise as well. Mind you, it's not looking directly at the neighbour's lounge like the other one! Cheers, Mike.” (Where do I start with smart comments, after having to look up Coronal Mass Ejections? Summer's heading off over Mt Taranaki, but you're still swimming... you have likely reception from Uruguay and Argentina… a CE from Brasil wants to hear from you again... and you're likely spying on what Newstalk ZB will be doing in Hawera mid-month in April? I'd settle for a dip at Ohawe.) Stu Forsyth in Putrajaya, Malaysiahas found out where he hid last month's nothing-muchto-say. “A lonely little QSL back from the VoA on 13590 coming out of Botswana. I logged it in December in Austria. Cheers.” (Five interesting points there from one item: a Yanqui broadcast via Africa, heard in Europe, by a Kiwi living in SE Asia.) Bryan ClarkBryan ClarkBryan ClarkBryan Clark, MangawhaiqualifiesMangawhaiqualifiesMangawhaiqualifiesMangawhaiqualifies for a double mention. “An interesting DX month with my first traces for the 2015 season of LRA36 Argentine Antarctica on 15476, and my second reception of the new low powered (10 kW) Swedish shortwave station Radio Revival. I continue to monitor the low powered ELWA station on 6050 between 0530 and 0730, and am again hearing traces of Radio Uruguay reactivated on 6125.11, reportedly only 150 watts. Also heard back on shortwave after a lengthy absence is the Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea on 7175. Medium wave continues to produce some good signals including several new American stations for me - KUFO 970, KVRI 1600, plus the usual South American stations. I've invested in a WinRadio Excalibur Pro software defined radio (SDR) mainly to maximise DX opportunities on the broadcast band, but anticipate a steep learning curve to get the best results out of it. Fortunately I have Peter in Russell and Phil in Cable Bay already using WinRadio SDRs so will have the benefit of their experience to call on.” (That Canadian-law-breaking ‘pirate’ on 1600 in Blaine, WA, huh? The CRTC has ordered their production company and the one for KPRI/1550 to cut programming feeds from Metro Vancouver locations but so far neither has budged, nor has the Commish acted. The third, KVRA/1110, a pip-squeak daytimer in Oak Harbor, WA, east of Victoria, obeyed.) Cliff Couch, ParaparaumuCliff Couch, ParaparaumuCliff Couch, ParaparaumuCliff Couch, Paraparaumu sent this comment through Bryan. “Somehow or other the length of my current antenna appeared as 50 metres in my article printed on page 16 in the March DX Times - I wish it was! This error is in the second to last paragraph and also in the footnote. The correct length is 30 metres (as appears in the Bandwatch pages). I was surprised to see the mugshot - where did it come from?” (Bryan provides this explanation: our honorary typist confesses that Cliff's handwritten article was converted to typed text using a computerised text recognition program - unfortunately the computer 'read' 30 as 50 to inflate Cliff's antenna! The photo comes from Bryan Clark's files - he thinks it was taken at a League DX Convention at Camp Iona, North Otago). Jonathan Wood, MosgielnowJonathan Wood, MosgielnowJonathan Wood, MosgielnowJonathan Wood, Mosgielnow has a helper in his search for the best DX spot. “Hello Theo, I'm just looking at your comment that this month's deadline is 1 April. Today's Otago Daily Times had a photo of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (which apparently is temporarily in residence at a local motor museum) flying high above Lake Wakatipu - powered by a super-sized jet-pack. Back to earth, Phil Garden and I recently did a recce tour of four possible coastal reception sites - two of which require testing (Warrington Spit, and Mopanui Rd) with the third - Long Beach - being used for two expeditions during March. Phil was pleased with the bog antenna, but I felt the dipole performed mediocrely on the sand. However, this may have been due to atmospheric conditions (21 March) or a poor lead-in wire. Never before has the 9 MHz and 7 MHz bands been so devoid of stations, but oddly enough CFRX was picked up on 6070 and it's hardly high powered! Hoping all well in your hemisphere. Regards, Jonathan.” (Given that the CME referred to by Mike earlier was just a few days before the 21st, I’d think you have an excuse for another test. And you said four, but I see just three? Yeah, that 1 kW’er from Tranna does well.) Arthur De Maine, KakanuiseemsArthur De Maine, KakanuiseemsArthur De Maine, KakanuiseemsArthur De Maine, Kakanuiseems to be trying to generate some Down South competition. “A surprise turned up in my mailbox the other day: an e-mail QSL from Free Radio Service Holland for my e-mail report of their December 28th 2014 broadcast on 9335 kHz. It stated that they were using 125W with a half wave dipole - only my second report for 2014. I am now averaging one QSL a year for the last three years. It is one more QSL than the Postman from Wallacetown has received. <smile>” (Gauntlet’s been thrown down… will there be a reply next month?) Günter Jacob in Passau, Germany just isn’t having any luck with his give-away offer. “There is a kind of aversion to contest listening and to stamp collecting by New Zealand DXers. Anyway, there are still some STAMP CALENDARSof the 1980s and 1990s available until Friday, May 1, 2015. In connection with the close down of Deutsche Welle’s Kigali station at the end of transmission period B-14, I appreciated the decision by an international broadcasting network to make verification cards available with a special QSL stamp for Kigali broadcasts. After the last Kigali QSLs have arrived, my Rwanda QSLs will consist of many DW cards, one from Radio Nederland via Kigali, one from TWR-Africa via Kigali, two from that international broadcasting network already mentioned. Try to estimate: (1) What is the total number of Rwanda QSLs - all with different frequencies between 6040 and 21840 kHz - in this collection? (The first six DW Kigali QSLs date back to the 1960s. If you have any DW Kigali QSL, which is your oldest?) (2) From which broadcasting service will the last two cards verifying Kigali in March 2015 be? German STAMP CALENDARS will be given to the correct answers. First come, first served. Email: <[email protected]>. Air mail to: Günter Jacob, 94007 Passau, GermanyGünter Jacob, 94007 Passau, GermanyGünter Jacob, 94007 Passau, GermanyGünter Jacob, 94007 Passau, Germany. 'Solution' and winners in the May DX Times.” (Well, it looks like ‘Mailbag’ will have at least one contribution next month. <g>) And Jerry Berg from Lexington, MAJerry Berg from Lexington, MAJerry Berg from Lexington, MAJerry Berg from Lexington, MA drops in to share these veries: “SWEDEN: 6065 & 9295, R. Nord Revival, Sala (Ringvalla), a nice yellow card by postal mail, ‘QSL de Radio Nord’ and MW channel on front, full data in Swedish on back, power shown as 10 kW; V/S Ronny Forslund in six

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and a half months total after a postal report, and almost three months after e-mail follow-up. And USA-FLORIDA: 7570, the RCI 70th Anniversary Tribute programme over WRMI, 0100-0200 Mar 16, full-data e-QSL sheet received in four hours for an e-report to [email protected]. The programme had excellent content: an interview of Eric Koch of the original Voice of Canada German section, and a rebroadcast of an RCI 40th Anniversary special.” I’d say that lot goes down in the record book as proving the old saying involving variety and the spice of life. You have a few extra days to gather up May’s goodies. Please add the date, language in full, and country of transmitter origin of your logging to your report, and keep the reception details short. Would you please try not to repeat loggings in adjacent months. Please get a clear ID or show as tentative. FREQ UTC Country, Station name, ID, Signal, CommentsFREQ UTC Country, Station name, ID, Signal, CommentsFREQ UTC Country, Station name, ID, Signal, CommentsFREQ UTC Country, Station name, ID, Signal, Comments 3365 1126 P.NEW GUINEA, Rad.Milne Bay, good in Tok Pisin, 5/3, PP 3480 1640 S.KOREA, V.o.The People, Poor in KK, om, yl, mx // 3912 poor, 4450 fair - KB 21/3 3905 1205 P.NEW GUINEA, NBC New Ireland, with news in EE, ID 1208, 2/3, PP 4557 1153 S.KOREA, V.of People, fair in KK, heavy jamming from N.Korea, 2/3, PP 4815 0936 BRAZIL R Difusora Londrina tent, poor in P 16/3 JW-M 4835 0905 AUSTRALIA, Alice Springs female announcer poor EE 28/2 PG-1 4835 1645 AUSTRALIA, ABC Alice Sp., Vg in EE, ma with phone-in quizz - KB 28/3 4840 0705 USA, WWCR, Poor in English, om - KB 22/3 4870 1125 ECUADOR, R.Catolica Cultura, fair in SS, 2/3, PP 4915 0940 BRAZIL R Difusora de Macapa, tent (R Daqui ruled out by listening to Tunein online) poor in P 16/3 JW-M 4920 1123 TIBET, PBS Xlzang, good in Tibetan, 2/3, PP 4920 1556 INDIA, AIR Chennai, Poor in EE, ethnic mx, 1600 fa nx, 1603 mx - KB 28/3 5025 0620 CUBA, R.Rebelde, Poor in Spanish, ma, mostly mx prgm - KB 22/3 5025 0625 CUBA Radio Rebelde ID heard male ann SS poor 21/3 PG-2 5025 0715 CUBA. Radio Rebelde. Fair in Spanish. 25/2. IC 5025 1010 CUBA, Rad.Rebelde, exc. In SS, 3/2, PP 5865 0640 ALGERIA, Radio Algerienne male ann in Arabic fair 21/3 PG-2 5875 1130 THAILAND, Rad.Thailand, good in Laotion, 5/3, PP 5875 1315 THAILAND, BBC fair in English with YL/OM talking, a little distorted //6195, 9740 the same – CC 13/3 5980 0910 USA Radio Marti male announcer fair/good SS 28/2 PG-1 6000 0650 CUBA Radio Habana ID R Habana Cuba male ann fair in SS 21/3 PG-2 6020 0450 ROMANIA. RRI. Good in English. Off 0457. 25/2. IC 6020 1518 N MARIANAS IS, R Free Asia fair in CC with talk. Distorted // 9440, 9495, 11945 the same – CC 5/3 6030 0955 USA Radio Marti good in SS 28/2 PG-1 6060 0726 BRAZIL Super R Deus e Amor with supercharged speaker - ident. to 6120kHz and 9586kHz, poor to fair in P 7/3 JW-LB 6070 0745 CANADA, CFRX male/female ann Canada heard in EE poor 21/3 PG-2 6075 1446 TAIWAN, R Taiwan Intl good in CC with discussion // 6145 weaker & scratchy – CC 21/3 6095 1000 STH KOREA KBS s/on with chimes female ann good 28/2 PG-1 6115 1810 CONGO. Brazaville fair in French. Disapeared around 1820. 31/03 JD 6120 2000 TURKEY. VOT. Fair in Turkish. 12/3. IC 6155 0645 AUSTRIA R Austria Int, fair to good in German fading to poor to fair. 6170 1439 NTH KOREA, V of Korea fair in Russian with choir singing, steady buzz // 9425 weaker – CC 21/3 7220 0500 ROMANIA. RRI. VG in Romanian. 26/2. IC 7235 2000 ROMANIA. RRI. Fair in Spanish. 22/3. IC 7275 1341 S KOREA, KBS good in Chinese – BDW 11/3 7275 1539 S KOREA, KBS fair in Korean – BDW 11/3 7280 1945 VIETNAM. VOV. Fair in French. 12/3. IC 7290 1900 ROMANIA ? Radio Rasant via IRRS Fair with mainly music prg 29/03 JD 7400 0800 AUSTRIA. TWR-Europe. Fair in English. 7/3. IC 7415 1910 CHINA, CRI good with strident Chinese music with spoken prgm underneath buried – “Firedrake Jammer”?? – KAB 25/3 7420 0950 CHINA, Hohot. PBS. Id in several lang.inc. English "Voice of Inner Mongolia' 26/02 JD 7425 1400 SOUTH KOREA. KBC World. Testing in Portuguese. Mixed CNR. 10/3. IC 7440 1906 UKRAINE, R Ukraine Intl fair in Ukranian with presumed news – KAB 25/3 7470 1324 MONGOLIA, R Free Asia good in Tibetan with YL talking // 9350 less clear – CC 13/3 7520 2005 SRI LANKA. Radio Farda via IRA. Fair in Persian. // 7585. 22/3. IC 7545 1328 PHILIPPINES, VOA fair in Chinese with talk // 9530 the same – CC 13/3

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7570 1849 USA, Family Radio fair inh Spanish with relig prgm- comment and relig singing, ID freq sked 1857 – KAB 25/3 7580 0810 NORTH KOREA. VOK. (presumed) Poor in Japanese. 7/3. IC 7585 1844 SRI LANKA, R Farda poor in Farsi with comment & music – KAB 25/3 7600 1550 THAILAND, BBC fair in Tamil with OM/YL talking, scratchy // 9855 clearer and stronger – CC 5/3 OVERSEAS LOGGINGS.OVERSEAS LOGGINGS.OVERSEAS LOGGINGS.OVERSEAS LOGGINGS. All mayAll mayAll mayAll may not be audible in NZ at the times listednot be audible in NZ at the times listednot be audible in NZ at the times listednot be audible in NZ at the times listed FREQ UTC Country, Station, Programme & Reception DetailsFREQ UTC Country, Station, Programme & Reception DetailsFREQ UTC Country, Station, Programme & Reception DetailsFREQ UTC Country, Station, Programme & Reception Details 4765 0230 CUBA Radio Progreso – Havana, 0230-0325 Feb 22, nice Latin musical program hosted by a man announcer with Spanish talk and periodic station IDs. Good signal. (D’Angelo-PA) 4875 0336 BRAZIL Radio Difusora Roraima – Boa Vista, 0336-0356* Mar 14, program of mainly Brazilian pop/love songs hosted by a female announcer with ID and short announcements in PP. Closed with ID and closedown announcements. Fair. (D’Angelo-PA) 6924.3U 0108 PIRATE (No. Am.) Captain Morgan Shortwave, 0108-0111* Feb 25, male rock ‘n’ roll vocal prior to Twilight Zone theme music and multiple IDs and [email protected] e-mail address for reception reports. Poor to fair signal. (D’Angelo-PA) 6925 2310 AM PIRATE (No. Am.) WHJR – Hey Joe Radio, 2310-2324 Mar 9, noted with rock vocals with a male announcer giving ID at 2315 (“Hey Joe Radio”) but call letters not heard (if given). Very poor as more music noted. (D’Angelo-PA) 6935U 2340 PIRATE (No. Am.) Radio Free Whatever, 2340-0029 Mar 8, male announcer with ID (“This is Radio Free Whatever”) followed by rock vocals. Good signal. (D’Angelo-PA) 6940 0153 AM PIRATE (No. Am.) Fredric Chopin Radio, 0153-0203* Mar 2, classical piano music until 0202 when a male axer gave the station ID followed by NEW ZEALAND DX TIMES PAGE 12 APRIL 2015inst mx until the carrier was terminated. Poor to fair. (D’Angelo-PA) 6940U 0207 PIRATE (No. Am.) Wolverine Radio, 0207-0213* Mar 8, rock vocals with closedown ID by a male announcer: “Wolverine Radio … radio … radio.” Closed with slow scan sound effect. Good signal. (D’Angelo-PA) 7120 0330 SOMALIA Radio Hargeisa – Somaliland, *0330-0435 Feb 19, Horn of Africa Fair with Somali talk, although slipping after 0400 as amateurs picked up steam marring reception. (D’Angelo-PA) 7205 0335 SUDAN Radio Omdurman, 0335-0420* Feb 19, Man announcer with AA talks hosting a music program with great vocal selections. ID at 0359 followed by time pips another ID and news. Good signal. (D’Angelo-PA) 7205 2123 FRANCE RFI – Issoudun, 2123-2142 Feb 21, FF program with talk. Fair. (D’Angelo-PA) 7375 0130 (East) The Mighty KBC Radio – Nauen, 0130-0159* Feb 22, returned to the shortwave spectrum with usual rock mx programming with several station IDs, jingle IDs and numerous ads for KBC Imports. Gd sig. (D’Angelo-PA) 7475 2122 KUWAIT RFE / RL, 2122-2159* Mar 1, RR talk by man until 2130 ID followed by woman hosting nx features. Closed at 2157 with several announcements and IDs. Good with some CW slop.(D’Angelo-PA) 7505.3 0335 USA WRNO – New Orleans, 0335-0354 Mar 16, religious group vocal selection followed by a male preacher Good signal. (D’Angelo- PA) 7510 0039 THAILAND BBC – Nakhon Sawan, 0039-0059* Feb 25, talk by two men in Bangla. Transmission carrier cut mid-sentence. Poor. (D’Angelo-PA) 7570 0300 USA WRMI – Okeechobee, 0300-0359 Mar 8, repeat of Shortwave Shindig hosted by David Goren from the Winter SWL Festival. Fair. (D’Angelo-PA) Contributors( With my thanks ) BDWBDWBDWBDW–––– Brian WeBrian WeBrian WeBrian Webbbbbbbb Upper Hutt AR1733 7 whip, DE1103 with whip. CCCCCCCC–––– Cliff Couch Sevenoaks, ParaparaumuCliff Couch Sevenoaks, ParaparaumuCliff Couch Sevenoaks, ParaparaumuCliff Couch Sevenoaks, Paraparaumu, ATS 803A, 30m wire attached to facia board. (D’Angelo(D’Angelo(D’Angelo(D’Angelo----PA)PA)PA)PA)–––– Richard D’Angelo Wyomissing USA,Richard D’Angelo Wyomissing USA,Richard D’Angelo Wyomissing USA,Richard D’Angelo Wyomissing USA, Ten-Tec RX-340, Eton E1, Eton E5, R8B, Lowe HF 150, Alpha Delta sloper, RF Systems mini windom, Datong FL3, JPS ANC. ICICICIC---- Ian Cattermole BlenheimIan Cattermole BlenheimIan Cattermole BlenheimIan Cattermole Blenheim JRC NRD535. ICOM IC-746PRO. Antenna. T2FD. EWE JDJDJDJD–––– John Durham TaurangaJohn Durham TaurangaJohn Durham TaurangaJohn Durham Tauranga Icom ICR70 with Eavesdroper trap dipole JWJWJWJW–––– Jon Wood MosgielJon Wood MosgielJon Wood MosgielJon Wood Mosgiel, Longbeach 46m dipole, otherwise Mosgiel on 34m dipole, all on the Lowe. KBKBKBKB---- Kelvin BrayshawKelvin BrayshawKelvin BrayshawKelvin Brayshaw Levin PL-660,Whip, ATS-909,3MHz frame loop. KABKABKABKAB---- Ken Baird WainuiomataKen Baird WainuiomataKen Baird WainuiomataKen Baird Wainuiomata Kenwood R5000, 10m wire, Digitech AR-1745 and 1.1m whip PG1 PG1 PG1 PG1 ---- Phil Garden Long BeachPhil Garden Long BeachPhil Garden Long BeachPhil Garden Long Beach Panasonic DR-28, 100m BOG NE antenna PGPGPGPG----2 2 2 2 ---- Philip Garden Long BeachPhilip Garden Long BeachPhilip Garden Long BeachPhilip Garden Long Beach Kenwood R-5000, 100m BOG NE antenna PPPPPPPP---- Philip van de Paverd Cable BayPhilip van de Paverd Cable BayPhilip van de Paverd Cable BayPhilip van de Paverd Cable Bay Icom 71E, AOR 7030 plus, winradio G31DDCFlags NE, EW Contributions to this column may be sent to PO Box 178, Mangawhai, 0504, or K A Baird,6 Willis Grove, Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt, 5014. Ph: +64 4 564 2579, e-mail to [email protected]

The Radio Hobbyist Escuchas

-WWRB News Segment. Commradio CR-1a receiving WWRB from Tennessee, USA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSJTrYovHu4&feature=em-uploademail

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Ontario DX Club ODXA DX REPORT April 13th 2014

Send your best DX WHEN YOU HEAR IT to: [email protected] Send us just your best DX! The editor reserves the right to decide what DX tips will be published. All DX tips are in English unless otherwise noted and all dates and times are in UTC. Newer tips are in blueand older ones are in black Last week a bout of insomnia had me DXing between 3 and 4:30 AM (ET) producing the nice logging of WWVH on 2500 Khz. This week it is England's Charlie Wardale who has sent in some insomnia-assisted loggings. Spending time DXing in the wee hours of the morning certainly beats counting sheep to get back to sleep! 2500 HAWAII WWVHat 0722 // 5000 with female time announcements barely audible under WWV then clearly heard ID and station info under time pips at 0729 – Very weak Apr 4 Coady-ON – all things considered this was amazing reception on my vintage Drake TR-7 with hardly any noise on the frequency – ed 3290 GUYANA Voice of Guyanaat 0535 with BBC news with an item about South Carolina police shooting a fleeing black man - Poor Apr 8 Sellers- BC.Also at 0945 with Caribbean music and into “Guiding Light” religious program – Fair Apr 7 Wilkner-FL 3310 BOLIVIA Radio Mosoj Chaski at 1013 in a local language with a woman with talk – Good Apr 7 Wilkner-FL 3375.1 BRAZIL Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeiraat 0953 in Portuguese with a man with rapid talk and flute instrumentals – Fair Apr 7 wilknerFL 4055 GUATEMALA Radio Verdadat 1019 with hymn “What A Friend We Have in Jesus” - Very Good Apr 7 Wilkner-FL 4765 CUBA Radio Progresoat 0355 in Spanish with male and female DJs with ID and jingles – Poor Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 4775 PERU Radio Tarma at 1043 with Andean flute music – Good Apr 6 WilknerFL 4810 PERU Radio Logosat 1020 with Andean flute music and vernacular religious talk – Fair Apr 6 Wilkner-FL 4840 USA WWCRat 0401 with a discussion about the NSA – Good Apr 7 WardaleENGLAND 4960 SAO TOME VOAat 0407 with news about the El Shabab attacks in Kenya and the Ebola crisis – Fair Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 4985.5 PERU Radio Voz Cristiana at 1105 in Spanish with a man with talk theb music at 1109 – Fair Apr 10 Wilkner-FL 4990 SURINAME Radio Apintieat 0940 in Dutch with a man with talk – Weak Apr 7 Wilkner-FL 5025 CUBA Radio Rebeldeat 0419 in Spanish with music and a male DJ and ID at 0420 – Very Good Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 5040 CUBA RHCat 0425 in Spanish with music and male and female DJs with ID – Good Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 5810 USA WEWNat 0431 in Spanish with a man with religious talk – Fair but fluttery Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 5830 USA WTWWat 0433 with a discussion of the Kenyan massacre – Good Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 5952.4 BOLIVIA Radio Pio XIIat 0022 in Spanish with a man and woman with apparent religious talk with another man on the telephone then a number of ads or promos with music from 0027 – Poor with static crashes Apr 10 Coady-ON 5975 ENGLAND NHK World Radio Japanat 0525 // 11970 (via FRANCE) with a Japanese song then closing “Radio Japan Focus” at 0528 with

contact information and frequencies and sign-off - Fair Apr 8 Sellers-BC 6000 CUBA RHCat 0439 with ID and a discussion of how the capitalist system affects Africa followed by music the CD “Women in Africa” - Very Good Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 6005 ASCENSION ISLAND BBCat 0502 with world news – Good Apr 7 WardaleENGLAND 6030 USA Radio Martiat 0504 in Spanish and English with world news and ID at 0504 – Fair Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 6035 ASCENSION ISLAND VOAat 0507 in Hausa with news mentioning “El Shabab” - Good Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 6060 CUBA RHC at 0509 with news about the upcoming elections in Cuba – Very Good Apr 7 Wardale-ENGLAND 6155 AUSTRIA Radio Ö Internationalat 0613 in German with possible news headlines and off at 0615 – Poor with CCI QRM Apr 8 Sellers-BC 6160 NEWFOUNDLAND CKZN(CBC St. John's NL) at 0745 with DW's “Inside Europe” - Fair Apr 4 Coady-ON 6185 MEXICO Radio Educacionat 0050 in Spanish with ranchero-like male vocals and a man with occasional talk – Fair with static crashes Apr 10 Coady-ON 6185 USA Vatican Radioat 0208 in Armenian totally wiping out Radio Educacion with IS to ID at 0210 and a man with talk – Very Good Apr 12 Coady-ON 6940 NORTH AMERICAN PIRATE Wolverine Radioat 0117 with blues and other old time music and a “Wolverine Radio” ID at 0125 – Good Apr 5 Ross-ON 6950 NORTH AMERICAN PIRATE Radio Free Whateverat 0055 with 80s New Wave music and DJ Dick Weed with a “Radio Free Whatever” ID at 0058 – Good Apr 5 Ross-ON 7250 VATICAN Vatican Radioat 0534 with choral religious music to 0544 and a man with brief talk in Latin back to music – Fair with static Apr 3 Forsythe-WI 7415 ASCENSION ISLAND Dandal Kuriat 0523 in Kanuri with two men in an apparent interview then local music from 0536 – Fair with static Apr 3 Forsythe-WI 9535 FRANCE Radio Algerienneat 0550 with French talk then Arabic announcements at 0555 over music with several frequencies mentioned then abruptly off at 0558 – Good with a slight echo Apr 8 Sellers-BC 9575 MOROCCO Radio Medi Unat 0543 in French and Arabic with an English pop song and announcers with talk and a mention of “Medi Un” – Fair Apr 8 Sellers-BC 9580 AUSTRALIA Radio Australiaat 0942 with Collingwood Magpies vs. Brisbane Lions AFL football – Excellent Apr 4 Forsythe-WI 9690 AUSTRIA AWRat 0212 with ID and into two women with talk in Urdu – Good but fluttery Apr 1 Forsythe-WI 9860 ENGLAND KBS World Radioat 0723 in Korean with pop music and occasional talk between tracks and off at 0800 – Fair with static Apr 5 Forsythe-WI 9910 INDIA AIRat 2302 in Hindi with a man and woman with apparent news – Weak to Fair Apr 1 Forsythe-WI 11560 PRIDNESTROVIE Radio Mirayaat 0518 with an interview with a UNHCR official discussing wildfires in South Sudan - Very good Apr 8 Sellers- 11670 INDIA AIR at 2120 // 9445 with Bollywood music to 2132 and a man with “This program of film songs comes to an end on the General

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Overseas Service of All India Radio” – Very Good Apr 12 Coady-ON 11725 NEW ZEALAND RNZIat 0536 telling the story of an autistic child lost in the Australian bush for five days - Excellent Apr 8 Sellers-BC 11735 TANZANIA-ZANZIBAR ZBC Radioat 2014 in Swahili with East African pop and folk vocals – Good Apr 5 Coady-ON 11740 INDIA-GOA AIR(Panaji) at 2128 // 11670 with a man and woman hosting a letterbox program – Weak with CRI Mar 30 Coady-ON 15240 AUSTRALIA Radio Australia at 0532 // 15415 and 17840 with “Pacific Beat” with program preview and news - Good Apr 8 Sellers-BC – Harold mentions that 15415 was poor to fair and 17840 was poor. 17840 is usually the best of the lot in Easter North America so I guess it was a wise choice of frequencies to give best coverage - ed 15255 SOUTH AFRICA Channel Africaat 0602 with a woman with African news - Good Apr 8 Sellers-BC 15275 MADAGASCAR DW Radioat 0534 // 7425 discussing European football - Good Apr 8 Sellers-BC 15570 VATICAN Vatican Radioat 1740 with “African News Perspective” with a man with African and Catholic Church news – Good Apr 6 Coady-ON 15580 BOTSWANA VOAat 1815 with a man with “At 15 minutes past the hour here is a news recap on Africa News Tonight” - Good Apr 6 Coady-ON 15720 NEW ZEALAND RNZIat 0239 with a woman interviewing a man about NZ cricket test matches vs. Australia – Fair Apr 3 Coady-ON 17840 AUSTRALIA Radio Australiaat 0234 with an interview of the British House of Lords' Maurice Glasman (Baron Glasman) about how Pope

Francis is encouraging social activists – Fair Apr 3 Coady-ON Thanks to our contributors:Thanks to our contributors:Thanks to our contributors:Thanks to our contributors: Mark Coady in Ontario; Carlie Forsythe in Wisconsin; Robert Ross in Ontario; Harold Sellers in British Columbia; Charlie Wardale in England; Robert Wilkner in Florida KEY TO ABBREVIATIONSKEY TO ABBREVIATIONSKEY TO ABBREVIATIONSKEY TO ABBREVIATIONS I don't use a lot of abbreviations in this column, preferring to use complete words and phrases, but here are some you may encounter: ACI – adjacent channel interference (frequency usually 5 kHz apart); AIR – All India Radio; BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation; BSKSA – Broadcasting Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; CCI – co-channel interference (same frequency); CODAR - Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar (the swooping sound on the tropical bands); CRI – China Radio International; DRM – digital shortwave radio; DW – Deutsche Welle; het – heterodyne interference; ID – station ID; IS – interval signal; LSB – lower sideband; OC – open carrier; PNG – Papua New Guinea (when the appropriate radio country is cited); QRN – noise; QRM – man-made interference; QTH – location; RFE/RL - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty; RRI – Radio Republic Indonesia or Radio Romania International (depends on the logging); RTI – Radio Taiwan International; RTTY – radio teletype; TC – time check; USB – upper sideband; UTE – utility station; v (when used after a frequency) variable frequency meaning it drifts or is not exactly on frequency; VOA – Voice of America; VOIRI – Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran; // (#) - parallel (frequency)

Ontario DX Club Target Listening! by Country

APRIL 2015! - Harold Sellers, 3211 Centennial Dr., Unit 23,! - Vernon, BC V1T 2T8! - E-mail: [email protected] Target Listening provides a guide to where, when and how to hear radio countries operating on the shortwave bands. Reports from DX references and our readers are used to compile tips that can assist you to hear these countries. This column was last updated March 31st. Notes: (1) The purpose of Target Listening is two-fold. One, to give you tips on how to hear the country in question. Second, to help you in your quest to hear as many countries as possible. Some targets are easy to hear, while others may be extremely difficult – and everything in between! (2) Target Listening includes two sections. The first section is a by-time listing, which lists only time, country and frequencies. The countries listed here may be relay sites or the direct source of the broadcast. [Refer to the by-country listing for that country for complete details.] The second section is a by-country list giving the best chances to hear the country, according to monitoring reports from club members or from other publications and sources. We give you the best chances to hear broadcasts direct from transmitters in the target country, but we also list relay transmissions if these may be well heard, so those interested in the programs from the country have the best opportunity to hear them. (3) Relay broadcasters may be found under both the country where the studios are as well as where the relay transmitters are. In the first case, this is so you will know where to look for the transmissions of that country’s broadcaster. In the latter case, the intent is to give you an easier (usually!) target to log the country serving as a relay. (4) The country names used in T.L. are taken from the NASWA Radio Country List, which we use in the ODXA. As a result you will find some countries from past history that are now politically part of another country. The Country List is available on the North American Short Wave Association website, http://www.naswa.net. Legend : Times are in UTC, frequencies in kiloHertz * sign-on or sign-off time v variable frequency <1800> heard before and after time within brackets; 1800> heard from this time; <1800 heard to this time Abkhazia [separatist area of Georgia]Abkhazia [separatist area of Georgia]Abkhazia [separatist area of Georgia]Abkhazia [separatist area of Georgia] Apsua RadioApsua RadioApsua RadioApsua Radio *0500-0600* but variable, in Abkhaz and Russian 9535 irregularly Mon, Wed & Fri. AlbaniaAlbaniaAlbaniaAlbania Radio TiranabroadcastsRadio TiranabroadcastsRadio TiranabroadcastsRadio Tiranabroadcasts in English: *0130-0155* Tues-Sun 9850; *2000-2030* M-Sa 7465. One hour later in the Autumn. AlgeriaAlgeriaAlgeriaAlgeria Radio AlgerienneRadio AlgerienneRadio AlgerienneRadio Algerienne *0400-0700* 5865; *2100-2300* 6145; all in Arabic with 5 minutes of French news at top-of-the-hour 05, 06, 21, 22. All via France. (Ivanov, DXLD Jan 20/15) AngolaAngolaAngolaAngola RadioRadioRadioRadio NacionalinNacionalinNacionalinNacionalin Portuguese 4950v 2100-0500. AnguillaAnguillaAnguillaAnguilla Caribbean BeaconCaribbean BeaconCaribbean BeaconCaribbean Beacon *2200-1000* 6090, *1000-2200* 11775. University Network, Melissa Scott programs.

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AntarcticaAntarcticaAntarcticaAntarctica LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San GabrielLRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San GabrielLRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San GabrielLRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel 15476 Spanish *1830-2130* Mon-Fri. Sometimes very sporadic operation. ArgentinaArgentinaArgentinaArgentina Radiodifusion Argentina al ExteriorRadiodifusion Argentina al ExteriorRadiodifusion Argentina al ExteriorRadiodifusion Argentina al Exterior *0300-0400* Tu-Sa English 11710.8. Radio NacionalRadio NacionalRadio NacionalRadio Nacional *2200-0300* Spanish 15345.3. ArmeniaArmeniaArmeniaArmenia Radio Sadaye ZindagiRadio Sadaye ZindagiRadio Sadaye ZindagiRadio Sadaye Zindagi *1500- Dari, 1530-1600* Pashto 9570. (Hashimoto via DXLD Nov 8/14) DW RadioDW RadioDW RadioDW Radio *0300-0400* Swahili 11960. Ascension IslandAscension IslandAscension IslandAscension Island BBCBBCBBCBBC *0500-0700* 5875(-06),6005,7445(-06); *1600-1800* 17830; *1700-2000* 15400; *2000-2200* 11810, 12095; all English. AustraliaAustraliaAustraliaAustralia Radio AustraliaRadio AustraliaRadio AustraliaRadio Australia, in English except for brief Tok Pisin & French, 0900-2100 9580, 12065, 12085; 2100-0900 15240, 15415, 17840. AustriaAustriaAustriaAustria Radio Ö InternationalRadio Ö InternationalRadio Ö InternationalRadio Ö International German *0600-0715* 6155. Adventist World RadioAdventist World RadioAdventist World RadioAdventist World Radio *2100-2130* English 11955. AzerbaijanAzerbaijanAzerbaijanAzerbaijan Radio Fedaletin Sesi / Voice of JusticeRadio Fedaletin Sesi / Voice of JusticeRadio Fedaletin Sesi / Voice of JusticeRadio Fedaletin Sesi / Voice of Justice *0600-0630* W/Sa, *1400-1430* Tu/F, 9677.6v, in Azeri. BahrainBahrainBahrainBahrain Radio BahrainRadio BahrainRadio BahrainRadio Bahrain 1600-2100 Arabic 9745 USB. BangladeshBangladeshBangladeshBangladesh Bangladesh BetarBangladesh BetarBangladesh BetarBangladesh Betar 1200-1600 Bengali, 1235-1245 English on Mondays only and daily 1530-1545, 4750, 7250. *1230-1300* English 15105; *1515-1545* Hindi 15505; *1745-1900* English 13580. BelarusBelarusBelarusBelarus Radio Belarus, BelarussianRadio Belarus, BelarussianRadio Belarus, BelarussianRadio Belarus, Belarussian *0400-0700* 7255. English *2020(2000- Tu/W/F)-2200* 11730, 11930. BhutanBhutanBhutanBhutan Bhutan Broadcasting ServiceBhutan Broadcasting ServiceBhutan Broadcasting ServiceBhutan Broadcasting Service 1200-1300* 6035 in Bhutanese. BoliviaBoliviaBoliviaBolivia Radio Santa CruzRadio Santa CruzRadio Santa CruzRadio Santa Cruz 6135v <0000-0200*, *0900-1100> Spanish. Radio Mosoj ChaskiRadio Mosoj ChaskiRadio Mosoj ChaskiRadio Mosoj Chaski 3310 *0830-1000> and 2300-0200 Spanish. Radio Pio XIIRadio Pio XIIRadio Pio XIIRadio Pio XII 5952.5v Spanish <0000-0230*. BosniaBosniaBosniaBosnia----HercegovinaHercegovinaHercegovinaHercegovina See Serbia. BotswanaBotswanaBotswanaBotswana Voice of AmericaVoice of AmericaVoice of AmericaVoice of America in English *0300-0600* 4930; *0500-0700* & *1830-2000* 15580; *1800-2100* 4930. BrazilBrazilBrazilBrazil Rádio Nacional da AmazôniaRádio Nacional da AmazôniaRádio Nacional da AmazôniaRádio Nacional da Amazônia 2300-0800 Portuguese 6180, 11780. Rádio Brasil CentralRádio Brasil CentralRádio Brasil CentralRádio Brasil Central 2300-0100 Portuguese 4985,11815. BulgariaBulgariaBulgariaBulgaria Bible VoiceBible VoiceBible VoiceBible Voice *1515-1530* Fri/Sat/Sun 15640, English. CanadaCanadaCanadaCanada Depending upon your location, try for the following 24 hours-per-day shortwave stations: 6030 CFVP Calgary, 6070 CFRX Toronto, 6160 CKZN St. John's, or 6160 CKZU Vancouver. Canada (Newfoundland)Canada (Newfoundland)Canada (Newfoundland)Canada (Newfoundland) CKZNSt.John’sCKZNSt.John’sCKZNSt.John’sCKZNSt.John’s 6160 1000-1200,2200-0100. Central African Central African Central African Central African RepublicRepublicRepublicRepublic Radio ICDIRadio ICDIRadio ICDIRadio ICDI *0530-1600* 6030 French & local languages. ChinaChinaChinaChina China Radio InternationalinChina Radio InternationalinChina Radio InternationalinChina Radio Internationalin English *0000-0200* 6020 & 9570 via Albania; *0100-0200* 9580 via Cuba; *0300-0400* 9790 Cuba; *1300-1400* 9570 via Cuba & 13755 direct; *1300-1600* 9870 direct; *1400-1600* 15700 via Cuba. (Ivanov, DX Re Mix News via DXLD Jan 29/14) China (Tibet)China (Tibet)China (Tibet)China (Tibet) Xizang PBS, LhasaXizang PBS, LhasaXizang PBS, LhasaXizang PBS, Lhasa, 1100-1700 Tibetan, except English 1600-1700 4905, 4920, 6110, 6200, 7255. Tibetan 2200-2400 4905, 4920, 6110, 6130, 6200, 7255, 7385. ColombiaColombiaColombiaColombia LV de tu ConcienciaLV de tu ConcienciaLV de tu ConcienciaLV de tu Conciencia 6010v 0000-0500, 1000-1100 Spanish. Alcaraván RadioAlcaraván RadioAlcaraván RadioAlcaraván Radio 5910 0100-1100 Spanish. Congo, Democratic Republic ofCongo, Democratic Republic ofCongo, Democratic Republic ofCongo, Democratic Republic of Radio CandipRadio CandipRadio CandipRadio Candip 5066 *0330-0430 French. Congo, Republic ofCongo, Republic ofCongo, Republic ofCongo, Republic of Radio CongoRadio CongoRadio CongoRadio Congo 1745-1830* approx., French, 6115. CubaCubaCubaCuba Radio Habana CubaRadio Habana CubaRadio Habana CubaRadio Habana Cuba, English,*0100-0700* 6000, 6165; *0500-0700* 5040(-06), 6060,6100; *1900-2000* 11760; *2300-2400* 5040, 11880. DjiboutiDjiboutiDjiboutiDjibouti RadiodiffusionRadiodiffusionRadiodiffusionRadiodiffusion----Television de DjiboutiTelevision de DjiboutiTelevision de DjiboutiTelevision de Djibouti *0300-0400>, <2000-2100* on 4780, Arabic for Holy Qu'ran, Afar or Somali otherwise. EcuadorEcuadorEcuadorEcuador

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HCJB, La Voz de los AndesHCJB, La Voz de los AndesHCJB, La Voz de los AndesHCJB, La Voz de los Andes *0130-0500* M-F, *0300-0500* Sa/Su Spanish 6050. EgyptEgyptEgyptEgypt Radio CairoinRadio CairoinRadio CairoinRadio Cairoin English *0200-0330* 9315; *1600-1800* 15345; *2300-0030* 9965. EnglandEnglandEnglandEngland BBCBBCBBCBBC *2000-2100* 9915, English. Equatorial Guinea (Bata)Equatorial Guinea (Bata)Equatorial Guinea (Bata)Equatorial Guinea (Bata) Radiodif. da Guinea Ecuatorial, Radio BataRadiodif. da Guinea Ecuatorial, Radio BataRadiodif. da Guinea Ecuatorial, Radio BataRadiodif. da Guinea Ecuatorial, Radio Bata 5005 Spanish and Vernacular 2000-2100. EritreaEritreaEritreaEritrea Voice of the Broad Masses of EritreaVoice of the Broad Masses of EritreaVoice of the Broad Masses of EritreaVoice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea, *0300-0600* 9705v (to 0500) and varying around 7100, in local languages. EthiopiaEthiopiaEthiopiaEthiopia Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio EthiopiaEthiopian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio EthiopiaEthiopian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio EthiopiaEthiopian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Ethiopia *0300-0400+ Amharic & local languages; *1600-1700 English, 1700-1800 French, 1800-2100* Amharic & local languages, on 7237v, 9566v. Radio FanaRadio FanaRadio FanaRadio Fana *0300-0430> 6110, 7210 Amharic. Voice ofVoice ofVoice ofVoice of Tigray RevolutionTigray RevolutionTigray RevolutionTigray Revolution *0300-0400> 5950 Tigrinya and Afar. FranceFranceFranceFrance Radio France InternationalRadio France InternationalRadio France InternationalRadio France International French *0400-0800* 9790(-07), 11700; *1200-1300* 21690; *1700-1800* 17620, 17850; *1700-2000* 15300; *1800-2100* 11995. Germany, East (former German Dem. Germany, East (former German Dem. Germany, East (former German Dem. Germany, East (former German Dem. Rep.)Rep.)Rep.)Rep.) The Mighty KBCThe Mighty KBCThe Mighty KBCThe Mighty KBC *0000-0200* Su 7375. To 0300* as of April 5th. Germany, West (Federal Rep. of Germany)Germany, West (Federal Rep. of Germany)Germany, West (Federal Rep. of Germany)Germany, West (Federal Rep. of Germany) DW RadioDW RadioDW RadioDW Radio, English *0400-0500* 9800 Madagascar, 15275 UAE; *0500-0600* 7425 S. Africa, 15275 Madagascar; *0700-0800* 15275 France, 15560 Ascension. Hamburger Lokal RadioHamburger Lokal RadioHamburger Lokal RadioHamburger Lokal Radio *0700-0900* Wed & Sat 7265 Spanish, Portuguese & English. GreeceGreeceGreeceGreece ERTOpenGreekERTOpenGreekERTOpenGreekERTOpenGreek 1200-0800> irregular and may be on any of 9420, 9935, 15630, 15650. GuamGuamGuamGuam KTWR, Trans World RadioKTWR, Trans World RadioKTWR, Trans World RadioKTWR, Trans World Radio, English *0850-0930* M-Fri 15200; *1400-1425* M/Tu/F, -1430 Th, -1435 Su/W* 15190. Adventist World Radio, KSDAAdventist World Radio, KSDAAdventist World Radio, KSDAAdventist World Radio, KSDA *1600-1630* English 11690; *2330-2400* Sat/Sun English 15320. GuatemalaGuatemalaGuatemalaGuatemala Radio VerdadRadio VerdadRadio VerdadRadio Verdad 0100-0610*, *1000-1200> 4055, Spanish, with some religious programs in English and Japanese. GGGGuyanauyanauyanauyana Voice of GuyanaVoice of GuyanaVoice of GuyanaVoice of Guyana 0000-0900 3290 English, original and BBC programs. IndiaIndiaIndiaIndia All India RadioiAll India RadioiAll India RadioiAll India Radioi n English *1745-1945* 7550, 11670, 13695; *2045-2230* 7550, 9445, 11670, 11740; *2245-0045* 9690, 9705, 11710. India (Andaman Island)India (Andaman Island)India (Andaman Island)India (Andaman Island) All India RadioAll India RadioAll India RadioAll India Radio, Port Blair 4760 *1030-1230 Hindi, English news at 1230; *2355>. India (Goa)India (Goa)India (Goa)India (Goa) All India RadioAll India RadioAll India RadioAll India Radio *1515-1600* Gujarati 15175. *2045-2230* 11740 English; *2245-0045* 9705 English. India (Kashmir)India (Kashmir)India (Kashmir)India (Kashmir) Radio Kashmir SrinagarRadio Kashmir SrinagarRadio Kashmir SrinagarRadio Kashmir Srinagar 0100-0215* Hindi & Kashmiri 4950. India(Sikkim)India(Sikkim)India(Sikkim)India(Sikkim) AIR, GangtokAIR, GangtokAIR, GangtokAIR, Gangtok 4835 *0100>, <1200-1400> Hindi. Indonesia (Irian Jaya)Indonesia (Irian Jaya)Indonesia (Irian Jaya)Indonesia (Irian Jaya) RRI, WamenaRRI, WamenaRRI, WamenaRRI, Wamena 1200-1400 4870 Indonesian. RRI, NabireRRI, NabireRRI, NabireRRI, Nabire 0800* 7290v, Indonesian. Indonesia (Jawa)Indonesia (Jawa)Indonesia (Jawa)Indonesia (Jawa) Voice of IndonesiaVoice of IndonesiaVoice of IndonesiaVoice of Indonesia, English *1300-1400* & *1900-2000* 9525.9. Indonesia (Kalimantan)Indonesia (Kalimantan)Indonesia (Kalimantan)Indonesia (Kalimantan) RRI, PalangkarayaRRI, PalangkarayaRRI, PalangkarayaRRI, Palangkaraya 3325 Indonesian 1100-1300, in winter 2230. ! Indonesia (Maluka)Indonesia (Maluka)Indonesia (Maluka)Indonesia (Maluka) RRI, TernateRRI, TernateRRI, TernateRRI, Ternate 3345v in winter <1200-1500* Indonesian. May only be on the air for Ramadan. IranIranIranIran The Voice of JusticeThe Voice of JusticeThe Voice of JusticeThe Voice of Justice in English *0323-0420* 11780, 13650; *1523-1620* 11640, 13780; *1923-2020* 9400, 9715, 11885, 11985. JapanJapanJapanJapan NHK World Radio JapanNHK World Radio JapanNHK World Radio JapanNHK World Radio Japan, English: *0500-0530* 5975 via England, 11970 via France; *1000-1030* 9625 direct;*1200-1230* 11740 via Singapore; *1400-1430* 15735 via Uzbekistan, 11705 via Palau; *1800-1830* 9755via South Africa. Radio NikkeiRadio NikkeiRadio NikkeiRadio Nikkei *0800-1500* Japanese 3925, 6055, 9595. Korea, Democratic People’s Republic ofKorea, Democratic People’s Republic ofKorea, Democratic People’s Republic ofKorea, Democratic People’s Republic of Voice of KoreaVoice of KoreaVoice of KoreaVoice of Korea in English *0400-0500* 9445,11735, 13760,15180; *0600-0700* 7220,9445,9730; *1000-1100* 11710, 15180; *1300-1400* 9435, 11710; *1900-2000* 9875,11635. Korea, Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKorea, Republic of KBS World RadioKBS World RadioKBS World RadioKBS World Radio in English *1300-1400* 15575; *1600-1700* 9640; *2200-2300* 11810. KuwaitKuwaitKuwaitKuwait Radio KuwaitRadio KuwaitRadio KuwaitRadio Kuwait *1800-2100* English 15540.

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KyrgyzstKyrgyzstKyrgyzstKyrgyzstanananan Kyrgyz National RadioKyrgyz National RadioKyrgyz National RadioKyrgyz National Radio, First Program 4010, 4820v *0000> in Kyrgyz and Russian. (Pederson, DSWCI DEc 6/14) LaosLaosLaosLaos Lao National RadioLao National RadioLao National RadioLao National Radio, Domestic Service 6130 1100-1500 in Laotian and Thai 1330, English 1400, French 1430, Vietnamese 1500. Gongs/ bells on hour at 1200. LiberiaLiberiaLiberiaLiberia ELWAELWAELWAELWA 0600-0800, 2300-2400* English 4760, 6050. LithuaniaLithuaniaLithuaniaLithuania Radio Free AsiaRadio Free AsiaRadio Free AsiaRadio Free Asia *0100-0200* Uyghur 9400. NHK World Radio JapanNHK World Radio JapanNHK World Radio JapanNHK World Radio Japan *0430-0500* Russian 5910. MadagascarMadagascarMadagascarMadagascar Radio Nationaly MalagasyRadio Nationaly MalagasyRadio Nationaly MalagasyRadio Nationaly Malagasy *0230-0500* & 1400-1600 5013v; 1400-1500* 6135v; in Malagasy. Vatican RadioVatican RadioVatican RadioVatican Radio English *0300-0330* 7360; *0500-0530* 13765. DW RadioDW RadioDW RadioDW Radio, English *0400-0500* 9800; *0500-0600* 15275 Madagascar. Malaysia (Malaya)Malaysia (Malaya)Malaysia (Malaya)Malaysia (Malaya) Asyik FMAsyik FMAsyik FMAsyik FM 1300-1500* 6050v in Bahasa Malay. Sarawak FMSarawak FMSarawak FMSarawak FM 1000-1800 Bahasa Malay 9835. Wai FMWai FMWai FMWai FM 1000-1600* and Limbang FM 1315-1400 Mondays, in Bahasa Malay, 11665. Klasik Radio<1100-1300> Bahasa Malay 5965. MaliMaliMaliMali RadiodiffusionRadiodiffusionRadiodiffusionRadiodiffusion----TV MalienneTV MalienneTV MalienneTV Malienne *0555-0800* 5995. 2200-2400* 5995. 1500-1800* 9635. In French and Bambara. China Radio InternationalChina Radio InternationalChina Radio InternationalChina Radio International *1400-1600* English 17630. MexicoMexicoMexicoMexico Radio EducacionRadio EducacionRadio EducacionRadio Educacion 6185 Spanish, some English *0000-1200*. MicronesiaMicronesiaMicronesiaMicronesia The Cross RadioThe Cross RadioThe Cross RadioThe Cross Radio 4755.5 English <0700-1200*. Sometimes runs later. MongoliaMongoliaMongoliaMongolia Mongolian Radio 2Mongolian Radio 2Mongolian Radio 2Mongolian Radio 2 1300-1500 Mongolian 4830, 4895, 7260. Voice of MongoliaVoice of MongoliaVoice of MongoliaVoice of Mongolia *0900-0930* English 12085. Morocco (former Spanish Morocco)Morocco (former Spanish Morocco)Morocco (former Spanish Morocco)Morocco (former Spanish Morocco) Radio Medi UnRadio Medi UnRadio Medi UnRadio Medi Un 9575 French & Arabic 0500-0600, 2200-2400. MyanmarMyanmarMyanmarMyanmar Myanmar RadioMyanmar RadioMyanmar RadioMyanmar Radio *0930-1630* Burmese with English 1530 on 5985. 7200 <1200-1500*. 9730 1000-1130* Burmese and also airs some VOA and Radio Australia programs in English. (Howard, DXLD Feb 4/15) Thazin RadioThazin RadioThazin RadioThazin Radio *0930-1430 Burmese, 1430-1500* English 6165. New ZealandNew ZealandNew ZealandNew Zealand Radio New Zealand International,Radio New Zealand International,Radio New Zealand International,Radio New Zealand International, English, *0459-0758* 11725; *0759-1258* 9700; *1259-1550* 6170; *1551-1850* 9700; *1851-2158* 11725; *2200-0458* 15720. (Ivanov, DXLD Mar 25/15) NicaraguaNicaraguaNicaraguaNicaragua Radio El Buen Pescador (The Good Fisherman) Radio El Buen Pescador (The Good Fisherman) Radio El Buen Pescador (The Good Fisherman) Radio El Buen Pescador (The Good Fisherman) 8989 USB 2300-0100*, Spanish, evangelical broadcasts to fishermen. NigeriaNigeriaNigeriaNigeria Voice of NigeriaVoice of NigeriaVoice of NigeriaVoice of Nigeria English *0500-0700*, *1500-1600* 15120. Northern Marianas IslandsNorthern Marianas IslandsNorthern Marianas IslandsNorthern Marianas Islands Radio Free AsiaRadio Free AsiaRadio Free AsiaRadio Free Asia via Saipan *1600-1700* Mandarin 9590; via Tinian, *1500-1700* Korean 9985. OmanOmanOmanOman BBCinBBCinBBCinBBCin English *0000-0100* 5970; *0300-0500* 9410; *1500-1800* 9505. Radio Sultanate of OmanRadio Sultanate of OmanRadio Sultanate of OmanRadio Sultanate of Oman *0300-0400* English 15355. *1400-1500* English 15140. PakistanPakistanPakistanPakistan Radio PakistanRadio PakistanRadio PakistanRadio Pakistan *0045-0215* Urdu 11600, 15730. *1330-1530* Urdu 15725. *1700-1900* Urdu 9350, 11570. PalauPalauPalauPalau World Harvest RadioWorld Harvest RadioWorld Harvest RadioWorld Harvest Radio *1200-1400* Sat/Sun English 9930. NHK World Radio JapanNHK World Radio JapanNHK World Radio JapanNHK World Radio Japan *1400-1430* English 11705. Papua New Guinea (New Britain)Papua New Guinea (New Britain)Papua New Guinea (New Britain)Papua New Guinea (New Britain) NBC East New BritainNBC East New BritainNBC East New BritainNBC East New Britain 3385 1230* in Tok Pisin. Papua New Guinea (New Ireland)Papua New Guinea (New Ireland)Papua New Guinea (New Ireland)Papua New Guinea (New Ireland) NBC New IrelNBC New IrelNBC New IrelNBC New Irelandandandand 3905 1200-1400* in Tok Pisin. (Howard, DXLD Nov 13/14) Papua New Guinea (New Guinea Territory)Papua New Guinea (New Guinea Territory)Papua New Guinea (New Guinea Territory)Papua New Guinea (New Guinea Territory) NBC MadangNBC MadangNBC MadangNBC Madang 3260 1200*, NBC Sandaun3205 0800-1300>, in Tok Pisin. Papua New Guinea (Papua Territory)Papua New Guinea (Papua Territory)Papua New Guinea (Papua Territory)Papua New Guinea (Papua Territory) NBC Milne BayNBC Milne BayNBC Milne BayNBC Milne Bay 3365 1200-1400 in Tok Pisin. PeruPeruPeruPeru Radio LogosRadio LogosRadio LogosRadio Logos 4810 0200-0400, *0900-1100 Spanish. Radio VisionRadio VisionRadio VisionRadio Vision 4790 0100-1100 Spanish. Radio Huanta 2000*0930-1100> 4747 Spanish. PhilippinesPhilippinesPhilippinesPhilippines

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Radyo PhilipinasRadyo PhilipinasRadyo PhilipinasRadyo Philipinas in English & Tagalog, *0200-0330* 15640, 17700, 17820; *1730-1930* 9905, 12120, 15190. (BCDX-UK via DXLD Nov 5/14) Pridnestrovie (Moldova)Pridnestrovie (Moldova)Pridnestrovie (Moldova)Pridnestrovie (Moldova) Radio MirayaRadio MirayaRadio MirayaRadio Miraya *0300-0600* 11560, in English & Arabic. (see South Sudan). Denge KurdistaneDenge KurdistaneDenge KurdistaneDenge Kurdistane *0300-0500>, <1300-1500* Kurdish 11510. RomaniaRomaniaRomaniaRomania Radio Romania InternationalRadio Romania InternationalRadio Romania InternationalRadio Romania International, English *0000-0100* 9730, 11800; *0300-0400* 9730, 11800, 11825, 15220; *1100-1200* 15130, 15150, 17670, 17680; *2030-2100* 6170, 9800, 13650, 15170; *2200-2300* 5930, 7430, 9790, 11700. 1 hour later in the Autumn. Sao TomeSao TomeSao TomeSao Tome VOAVOAVOAVOA in English *0400-0500* 4960; *1600-1700* 15580; *2030-21* Sa/Su 4940. Saudi ArabiaSaudi ArabiaSaudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia Radio Riyadh and Radio JeddahRadio Riyadh and Radio JeddahRadio Riyadh and Radio JeddahRadio Riyadh and Radio Jeddah *1800-2300 Arabic 11820, 11915, 11930. SerbiaSerbiaSerbiaSerbia International Radio SerbiaInternational Radio SerbiaInternational Radio SerbiaInternational Radio Serbia *2100-2130* English 6100 via Bosnia-Hercegovina. One hour later in the Autumn. SingaporeSingaporeSingaporeSingapore BBCBBCBBCBBC *2300-0200* 9740, 11955; *1100-1500* 6195, 9740; English. Solomon IslandsSolomon IslandsSolomon IslandsSolomon Islands Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corp.Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corp.Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corp.Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corp. 0400-0500* 9545 & 0700-1200* 5020; Pijin & English. SomalilandSomalilandSomalilandSomaliland Radio HargeisaRadio HargeisaRadio HargeisaRadio Hargeisa *0330-0400>, <1300-1400*, *1500-1600> Somali 7120. (Ron Howard Feb 10/15) South AfricaSouth AfricaSouth AfricaSouth Africa Channel AfricaChannel AfricaChannel AfricaChannel Africa, in English and all M-F only, *0300-0400* 3345, 6155; *0400-0700* 7230; *0600-0700* 15255; *1700-1800* 15235. South SudanSouth SudanSouth SudanSouth Sudan Radio MirayaRadio MirayaRadio MirayaRadio Miraya *0300-0600* 11560 via Pridnestrovskiy (Moldova), in English & Arabic. SpainSpainSpainSpain Radio Exterior de EspañaRadio Exterior de EspañaRadio Exterior de EspañaRadio Exterior de España *1400-1800* Sa/Su 15490, 17715, 17855, 21620; *1800-2200* daily 15450, 15490, 17715, 17855; all Spanish. 1 hour later in Autumn. (Jose Bueno, DXLD Mar 28/15) Sri LankaSri LankaSri LankaSri Lanka Radio Sri Lanka (Ceylon)Radio Sri Lanka (Ceylon)Radio Sri Lanka (Ceylon)Radio Sri Lanka (Ceylon) *0115-0230* Bangla & Hindi on 11905. SudanSudanSudanSudan Radio OmdurmanRadio OmdurmanRadio OmdurmanRadio Omdurman, Arabic *0215-0430* & *1930-2100* 7200 or 7205. Voice of Africa RadioVoice of Africa RadioVoice of Africa RadioVoice of Africa Radio, *0600-0800> local languages and English at 0800, 1630-1730 French, 1730-1830 English, local languages after 1830, on 9505. (Jordan, DXLD Jan. 2/15) SurinamSurinamSurinamSurinam Radio ApintieRadio ApintieRadio ApintieRadio Apintie 2300-0900 Dutch and vernacular 4990. SwazilandSwazilandSwazilandSwaziland Trans World RadioTrans World RadioTrans World RadioTrans World Radio *0255-0330* M-Sa Ndebele, -0310* Su English 3200; *0255-0330* Shona 3240; *0400-0500* English Mon-Fri, German Sat/Sun 3200, 4775; *0500-0800* English 6120, 9500; *1800-1830* English 9500. (Ivanov via DXLD Nov 14/14) TaiwanTaiwanTaiwanTaiwan Radio Taiwan InternationalRadio Taiwan InternationalRadio Taiwan InternationalRadio Taiwan International, English *1100-1200* direct 7445; *1600-1700* 6180 direct, 13810 via France. TajikistanTajikistanTajikistanTajikistan Radio TajikistanRadio TajikistanRadio TajikistanRadio Tajikistan 2300-0400 Tajik 4765. Radio Free AsiaRadio Free AsiaRadio Free AsiaRadio Free Asia *1200-1400* Tibetan 15195. Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania (Zanzibar)(Zanzibar)(Zanzibar)(Zanzibar) ZBC RadioZBC RadioZBC RadioZBC Radio *0300-0400> Swahili 6015; 1800-2100* Swahili, English news 1800-1810, 11735. IDs also as "ZBC" or "Spice FM". ThailandThailandThailandThailand Radio ThailandRadio ThailandRadio ThailandRadio Thailand in English *0000-0100* & *0200-0230* 13745; *1230-1300* & *1400-1430* 9390; *1900-2000* & *2030-2045* 9390. TurkeyTurkeyTurkeyTurkey Voice of TurkeyVoice of TurkeyVoice of TurkeyVoice of Turkey, English *0300-0355* 6165, 9515; *1230-1325* 15450; *1830-1925* 9785; *2200-2250* 9830. 1 hour later in the Autumn. UgandaUgandaUgandaUganda UBC RadioUBC RadioUBC RadioUBC Radio 4976 *0200-0400> English news 0400. 2030-2200* daily, Swahili. United ArUnited ArUnited ArUnited Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi)ab Emirates (Abu Dhabi)ab Emirates (Abu Dhabi)ab Emirates (Abu Dhabi) BBCBBCBBCBBC *0400-0500* 12095; *1700-2000* 9410; English. DW RadioDW RadioDW RadioDW Radio, English *0400-0500* 15275. United StatesUnited StatesUnited StatesUnited States Radio MartiRadio MartiRadio MartiRadio Marti *0000-1200* Spanish 6030, 7365(-04). United States (Alaska)United States (Alaska)United States (Alaska)United States (Alaska) KNLSKNLSKNLSKNLS English *1000-1100* 9615; *1200-1300* 9615; *1500-1600* 9680. UruguayUruguayUruguayUruguay Radiodifusión Nacional del UruguayRadiodifusión Nacional del UruguayRadiodifusión Nacional del UruguayRadiodifusión Nacional del Uruguay 2100-0300 Spanish 6125. Radio La Voz de ArtigasRadio La Voz de ArtigasRadio La Voz de ArtigasRadio La Voz de Artigas 6076v 2000-2300 Spanish. UzbekistanUzbekistanUzbekistanUzbekistan NHK World Radio JapanNHK World Radio JapanNHK World Radio JapanNHK World Radio Japan *1400-1430* English 15735. Vatican RadioVatican RadioVatican RadioVatican Radio *0140-0200* English 7410.

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VanuatuVanuatuVanuatuVanuatu Radio VanuatuRadio VanuatuRadio VanuatuRadio Vanuatu 0600-1500 3945, 7260 in English & Bislama. Japan's Radio Nikkei Two also on 3945. VaticanVaticanVaticanVatican Vatican RadioVatican RadioVatican RadioVatican Radio *0140-0200* 9560 direct, 11730 via Uzbekistan; *0300-0330* 11625 via Madagascar, 9660 direct; *0500-0530* 7360 direct, 13765 via Madagascar; *1730-1800* 13765; *2000-2030* 11625, 13765; all in English. Vietnam (Democratic People’s Republic, formerly North Vietnam area)Vietnam (Democratic People’s Republic, formerly North Vietnam area)Vietnam (Democratic People’s Republic, formerly North Vietnam area)Vietnam (Democratic People’s Republic, formerly North Vietnam area) Voice of VietnamVoice of VietnamVoice of VietnamVoice of Vietnam English *0100-0130* & *0230-0300* 12005 via England; *0330-0400* 6175 via USA. *1230-1300* 9840, 12020. *2330-2400* 9840, 12020. YemenYemenYemenYemen Republic of Yemen RadioRepublic of Yemen RadioRepublic of Yemen RadioRepublic of Yemen Radio *0300-0500, 1400-1500* 6135 Arabic. *1800-1900* English 6135. ZambiaZambiaZambiaZambia ZNBCZNBCZNBCZNBC *0250-0400> English and vernacular, Radio One 5915. ZimbabwZimbabwZimbabwZimbabweeee Voice of ZimbabweVoice of ZimbabweVoice of ZimbabweVoice of Zimbabwe 2200-0300 6045 in vernacular and English.

References:References:References:References: DSWCIDSWCIDSWCIDSWCI Danish Shortwave Club Int'l DXLDDXLDDXLDDXLD Glenn Hauser’s DX Listening Digest Yahoo GroupDigest Yahoo GroupDigest Yahoo GroupDigest Yahoo Group DXplorer electronic DX news group ODXAODXAODXAODXA ODXA Yahoo Group

Phil, KO6BB Listening to some very nice country music WTWW 5085

Hi, Since about 0430GMT I've been listening to some VERY nice country music on WTWW, 5085KCs. OOPs, it just signed off at 0508GMT. I was listening on the #2 Zenith Royal 7000 TransOceanic (I say #2 as that's my latest acquisition, complete and VERY nice, as opposed to my #1 that has missing front doors etc. Both play well.). It sure sounds good. Why is it that Country Music sounds better when listening to it on a shortwave station that fades as opposed to your local FM country station ;-) I can say that as I'm a country music fan and Country Gospel musician. . . 73 de Phil, KO6BB - http://www.qsl.net/ko6bb/ (Web Page) PRESENT RADIOS:PRESENT RADIOS:PRESENT RADIOS:PRESENT RADIOS: Grundigs: S-350 (~2006), G6 (2011) & S450DLX (2014). Icom: R-71A With 250Hz CW filter (~1986). Icom: R-75 With Cascaded 250 & 125Hz CW Filters. (~2008) Icom: IC-7200 Transceiver (~2015). Radio Shack: DX-380 digital portable (~1990). Zenith: (2x) Royal-7000 Transoceanic Portables (~1968, ~1972). ACCESSORIES: ACCESSORIES: ACCESSORIES: ACCESSORIES: Homebrew LF-MF Pre-Amp, MFJ-993B HF Auto-Tuner. Homebrew 8 Hz Audio Filter. ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole at 35 feet AGL. Active Mini-Whip at 36 Feet AGL for LF/MW. 37 foot "Low Noise Vertical" at 11 feet AGL for LF/MW/SW. Merced, Central California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh

Juan Guzman Venta

Radio VHF Kenwood TM261 - $1500 Incluye envio a cualquier parte de la republica Mexicana - RANGO DE COBERTURA DE 118.000 MHZ A 174.00 MHZ EN VENTA AMPLIFICADOR Bi-Linear PENETRATER HB-140 WATTS SE ENCUENTRA EN CHIHUAHUA $1,200.00 https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiexismoExtremo/permalink/782179921837983/

Rubencito Medina Parada Radiodifusión AM en el Departamento del Cesar, COLOMBIA

Saludos amigos DXistas, una breve reseña de la Radiodifusión AM en el Departamento del Cesar, COLOMBIA. por Celso Guerra Gutérrez para el Diario EL Pilón de Valledupar. http://elpilon.com.co/inicio/la-radio/ Los medios de comunicación han tenido mucha trascendencia en el desarrollo de la vida cotidiana del hombre, su impacto ha sido de alta dimensión, nos han hecho testigos de sucesos, que sin los medios electromagnéticos jamás estaríamos enterados. La radio, especialmente, se convirtió en nuestra fiel compañera, la prensa escrita, pionera de estos medios y aun la televisión, mucho más joven que ambos, no han alcanzado la penetración que la radio ha logrado, al menos en los países del tercer mundo, donde en cada rincón, por inhóspito, lejano y carentes de los elementos básicos para la subsistencia, como energía eléctrica o carretera, siempre habrá un radio como compañero. La internet no alcanza cobertura total en las ciudades, menos en el ámbito rural. Valledupar carecía hace 60 años de una estación radial, estábamos condenados al ostracismo, escuchábamos radio extranjera, cachaca y barranquillera, no teníamos noticias de nosotros mismos, la guabina, la ranchera, salsa y boleros, alimentaban nuestro gusto musical. Nuestros problemas los pregonábamos a través de bocinas ubicadas en lo alto del Teatro Caribe. Hubo de venir en 1957, de las entrañas del centro del país, un quijotesco personaje, Germán Aristizabal, a fundar la primera emisora: Radio Valledupar. A pesar de que la emisora no tenía mucho alcance, allí empezaron a formarse nuestros primeros comunicadores radiales, después desplegaron sus talentos, al lado de locutores venidos de otras partes del país, Radio Valledupar, primero fue filial y después propiedad de Caracol.

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En 1963, el sargento de la policía, el samario Manuel Pineda Bastidas, funda, la emisora más importante del Cesar y La Guajira: Radio Guatapurí. Allí, en esas aun pequeñas estaciones de radio, comenzaron a ventilarse nuestros problemas y a sonar tímidamente la música vallenata, todavía el folclor del Valle era avasallado por música extranjera. Fueron fundándose otros medios radiales que tuvieron protagonismo en la difusión de nuestro desarrollo. La Voz Del Cesar, creada por el mismo personaje venido del interior; Radio Reloj del sistema musical de Caracol, hoy Radio Vida; Ondas de Macondo, creada en 1974, hasta su desaparición, fue filial de Todelar, Colmundo Radio y Radio Súper; La Voz Del Cañahuate, al aire desde 1982, primera radio estación vallenata que nació altiva por su transmisor estado sólido de 50 kwts, las demás han crecido paulatinamente, fue colonizada por la banda de W Radio. Todas fueron importantes para la región, hasta cuándo los pulpos radiales Caracol y RCN mostraron su interés por nuestras frecuencias locales, avasallamiento que ha sido letal para la radio y la cultura vallenata, perdimos puestos de trabajos, identidad, nuestros comunicadores en su mayoría, hablan rolos, las emisoras en la banda AM fueron convertidas en repetidoras cachacas, la TV anda en el mismo plan y Telecaribe es un elefante, está lejos del sentir regional. La emisora que se mantiene incólume a la voracidad del monopolio radial es Radio Guatapurí, que desde que emitió su primera señal, mostró su preferencia por la programación local, jamás ha claudicado en ese empeño, de allí su reconocimiento entre las más prestigiosas del país.

Dave Freeman A great place to DX radio

A great place to DX radio in real time is at Globaltuners.com. I have four activate radio receivers online there 24/7 from NYC. I just added another audio only node today that i will feature various DX stations in the area. http://www.globaltuners.com/receiver/1609/js2

Enrique A. Wembagher SW databases de Eibi y Aoki

Estimados colegas, Les incluyo las ultimas SW databases de Eibi y Aoki, en el zip se encuentra El programa visualizador de las mismas (Eibi view), descompriman el zip el que hara una carpeta. Luego ejecutar el programa Eibiview30.exe y aparecera la pantalla principal de Eibiview con las bases actualizadas https://mega.co.nz/#!1EdkGApa!WS26StbYtQXoCDhfnjlN3pNgsoXchqW7kbYFz7bVGMM Cualquier duda consulten – 73 - Enrique


QUALIDADE DE 228 KBPS, VOCÊ NUNCA OUVIU UM SOM TAO PURO E DE ALTA QUALIDADE! - MUNDIALWEB, SEMPRE COM VOCÊ! Rádio Mundialweb, uma nova onda está no ar!. Baixe o player á sua escolha pelo nosso site: http://radiomundial860web.wix.com/mundial860

La Chispa Estéreo ANTENA DX, DEL 11 DE ABRIL 2015

http://programasdx.com/antenadx.htm http://programasdx.podomatic.com/entry/index/2015-04-12T02_59_18-07_00

Klingenfuss Publications Shortwave Reception via Web-SDR

Dear friends, please read our article on this fascinating technique with new simple screenshots of professional digital data stations worldwide at www.klingenfuss.org/websdr.pdf. Many more screenshots can be found on our Hot Frequencies website. Your comments are welcome! For very recent reviews of our new 2015 products see www.klingenfuss.org/ref.htm Best wishes, Joerg Klingenfuss. Klingenfuss Publications - Klingenfuss Radio Monitoring - Hagenloher Str. 14 - 72070 Tuebingen - Germany Phone +49 7071 62830 - Fax +49 7071 600849 - www.klingenfuss.org - E-Mail [email protected]

Juan Wereldomroep LRA36 Radio Arcangel San Gabriel

Comenzo el año radial de LRA36 Radio Arcangel San Gabriel. La radio mas austral del mundo transmite por los 15.476 KHZ en Onda Corta. El pasado 8 de abril pudo sintonizarlos. Les mande un mail con un informe de recepcion y pidiendoles que me pasen el horario. Aparentemente son de Lunes a Viernes de 1800 UTC a 2100 UTC. Cuando respondan el mail les confirmo, El mail es [email protected]

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Glenn Hauser Logs April 12, 2015

** CUBA [and non]. 15730, April 12 at 1302, RHC on new frequency with its official 2-week-delayed start of A-15 schedule. VG but some deep fades, during Maduro anti-American speech clip from Panamá confab. So I check which other frequencies are on air and which not: Confirmed after 1302 also on: 15370, 15230, 13740, 11950, 11860, 9820, 9640. NOT on: 17730, 11760, 9550. However at 1418 check, 15730 and 13740 and 11860 are off. The latter two are now scheduled to close at 1400 but 15730 supposed to be 1500* New A-15 schedule grid indeed no longer shows 17730 in the mornings, so 15730 is a replacement for that. 11760 is no longer on the morning schedule at all, not starting until 1800, toward Chicago! I`m hearing something else on 11760 after 1300, now sked as CRI English via Kunming at 12-14. 9550 is now scheduled for RHC at 11-13 only, via Titán site to San Francisco, so it will still be colliding with CRI in Vietnamese during that same bihour. 9550 replaces 6000. 13740 replaces former usage of 11950, while 11950 replaces 11760. 11950, Sunday April 12 at 1502.5, RHC Esperanto starts late, but on new scheduled single frequency. The other weekly airings are listed as 0700 on 6100 (extended from 0700* English), and 2230 on 15370 (instead of French Mon-Sat). No change there except we know that the 0700 could appear on any one or two of the 6 MHz channels (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 4790-, April 12 at 0523, JBA carrier in heavy CODAR QRM, offset on the low side. Recheck at 1037, still low, now a bit of talk modulation audible, sermon? and less CODAR. I can also tell that the carrier is wobbling slightly. According to Dave Valko, this is R. Visión, reactivated as of April 11 at 0945-1038, and measured on 4789.79. WRTH 2015 still listed it as 24 hours with 1 kW, but it`s been off for many months. The new DSWCI Tropical Bands Survey issued a few days previous, now needs to be updated, and no doubt will be the following month, showing this was last heard in November 2014; B means Irregular. I thought it had been off longer than that: ``B 4789.9 0.5 PRU R Visión, Distrito José 0900-0200v S/Quechua rlg // 1350 MW, ID: "Desde Chiclayo la ciudad Leornardo Ortiz, Chiclayo, de la mistad [sic] en 1350 kHz amplitud modulada transmite Radio Visión, Lambayeque Radio Visión, una radio para todos"; Iglesia Pentecostal programme NOV14`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1670, April 12 at 0527 UT, sports talk looping almost E/W, toward ENE/WSW, definitely not from NNE/SSW, which would be the usual occupant WOZN Madison WI. Besides, this IDs as Fox Sports Radio at 0530 UT and talk continues, while Madison is CBS Sports. Therefore it is either KNRO in Redding CA or WPLA Dry Branch (Macon) GA, both FSR affils. I must go with GA as far more likely here; too bad there was no echo signifying them both. Meanwhile northerly Madison is quite weakened, barely audible with this nulled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VIETNAM. 12001.26 approx., April 12 at 1324, VOV is even further off-frequency from nominal 12000, in Chinese for a few more minutes. As other Frog owners will be familiar, when tuned to the upper end of the 11-12 MHz band, the Wadley Loop birdie on 12000 makes a het with anything like this; but when tuned to the lower end of the 12-13 MHz band, there is no such birdie/het. On my FRG-7, however, the lowest 100+ kHz of any MHz band are much less sensitive than the overlap up to +055 kHz when tuned at the top of the band below; needs alignment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Grupo Radioescucha Argentino Conexión Nº 816

RUMANRUMANRUMANRUMANIA IA IA IA ROMANIA AROMANIA AROMANIA AROMANIA A----15 schedule of Radio Romania International 15 schedule of Radio Romania International 15 schedule of Radio Romania International 15 schedule of Radio Romania International ARABIC 0630-0656 9770GAL 11790GAL 13750TIG 15700TIG 1200-1226 15150GAL 17760TIG 1530-1556 13660TIG 15130GAL ROMANIAN 1430-1456 ^5910SAF, not Macedonian 1630-1656 ^5910SAF, not Macedonian 1830-1856 ^5910SAF, not Macedonian CHINESE 0400-0426 *15220TIG 17780TIG 1300-1326 15160TIG 17860TIG ENGLISH 0000-0056 9730TIG 11800TIG 0300-0356 9730TIG 11800TIG 11825GAL *15220GAL 0530-0556 9700GAL *11800TIG 17760GAL 21500TIG 1100-1156 15130TIG 15150GAL 17670GAL 17680TIG 1700-1756 9540TIG *11810TIG 2030-2056 6170GAL *9800GAL 13650TIG 15170TIG 2200-2256 5930GAL 7430GAL 9790TIG 11700TIG FRENCH 0100-0156 9730TIG 11800TIG 0500-0526 *7330GAL 9700GAL 15340TIG 17780TIG 1000-1056 11650GAL 15130TIG 15400GAL 17680TIG 1600-1656 9500TIG 11950GAL

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2000-2026 6170GAL *9800GAL GERMAN 0600-0626 *7435TIG 9700TIG 1400-1456 9600TIG 11620TIG 1800-1856 *7300TIG 9540TIG ITALIAN 1400-1426 ^9520SAF 1600-1626 ^5910SAF 1800-1826 *^5910SAF ROMANIAN 0000-0156 7335GAL 9520GAL 0400-0456 5920GAL 7330GAL 0700-0756 13750TIG 15400GAL 15700TIG 17750GAL "Curierul romanesc" Sun only 0800-0856 13750TIG 15400GAL 15700TIG 17750GAL "Curierul romanesc" Sun only 0900-0956 11650GAL 15400GAL 15700TIG 17680GAL "Curierul romanesc" Sun only 1200-1226 11700GAL 15130TIG 1200-1256 ^9520SAF-100kW 1300-1456 11950GAL 15130GAL 1530-1556 11900GAL 15300TIG 1600-1656 11800TIG 13660TIG to Israel 1700-1756 9500GAL 11975GAL 1800-1856 9500GAL 11975GAL 1900-1956 9500GAL 11975GAL RUSSIAN 0430-0456 6180TIG *7390TIG 1330-1356 13740TIG 15160TIG 1500-1556 9500TIG *11870TIG SERBIAN 1530-1556 ^5910SAF 1730-1756 ^5910SAF 1930-1956 ^5910SAF SPANISH 0200-0256 9520GAL 9730TIG 11800TIG 11945GAL 1900-1956 9540TIG 11625TIG 2100-2156 15170TIG 17745TIG 2300-2356 9765GAL 9790TIG 11700TIG 11795GAL UKRAINIAN 1500-1526 ^5910SAF 1700-1726 ^5910SAF 1900-1926 ^5910SAF ^ Saftica 100 kW, all other Galbeni and Tiganesti 300 kW. * DRM via Saftica 100 kW; Galbeni or Tiganesti 300 kW. NOTICIA VIA DINO BLOISE, DESDE ESTADOS UNIDOS (RRI-RRO schedule; via Radiocom.facilities at Saftica, Galbeni and Tiganesti; via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 10) MEDIA BROADCAST GmbH (formerly T-SYSTEMS - DTK) A-15 period (29 March - 24 Oct, 2015) A-15 operational MBR schedule, planned of March 26,2015. Times are in UTC. FREQ STARTSTOP CIRAF LOC POW AZI TYPE DAY BRC ADM FMO 5975 0400-0430 28SE NAU 100 140 146 1234567AWR D AWR 9530 0300-0330 48 NAU 250 140 216 1234567AWR D AWR 9610 1930-2000 37,38W NAU 100 210 216 1234567AWR D AWR 9610 2000-2030 37,38W NAU 100 210 216 1234567AWR D AWR 9790 0900-1000 28W NAU 100 180 216 1......AWR D AWR 9830 1600-1630 28SE NAU 100 130 216 1234567AWR D AWR 11790 1900-1930 46W NAU 250 210 216 1234567AWR D AWR 11790 2030-2100 46SE NAU 250 185 216 1234567AWR D AWR 11840 1900-2000 37,38W NAU 100 215 216 1234567AWR D AWR 11880 0700-0730 46S ISS 250 203 196 1234567AWR F AWR 12035 0600-0630 46S ISS 250 194 196 1234567AWR F AWR 15130 1630-1700 48 NAU 250 142 218 1234567AWR D AWR 15140 0800-0830 37,38W NAU 100 205 218 1234567AWR D AWR

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15155 1730-1800 48 ISS 250 125 216 1234567AWR F AWR 15170 1730-1800 37,38W NAU 100 210 218 1234567AWR D AWR 15205 1930-2000 46SE,47W NAU 250 180 218 1234567AWR D AWR 15225 0700-0800 37,38W NAU 100 210 216 1234567AWR D AWR 15225 0800-0830 37,38W NAU 250 210 218 1234567AWR D AWR 15225 0830-0900 37,38W NAU 100 205 218 1234567AWR D AWR 15265 1500-1530 41N NAU 250 90 218 1234567AWR D AWR 15265 1530-1600 41N NAU 250 90 218 1234567AWR D AWR 15480 1900-2000 38,39,47,48 MDC 250 350 157 1234567AWR MDG AWR 15640 0500-0600 38,39,47,48 NAU 250 128 218 1234567AWR D AWR 15640 0600-0630 46S NAU 250 188 218 1234567AWR D AWR 15670 1530-1600 41N NAU 250 75 218 1234..7AWR D AWR 15670 1530-1600 41N NAU 250 75 218 ....56.AWR D AWR 17570 1630-1700 48 NAU 250 140 218 1234567AWR D AWR 17570 1700-1730 48 NAU 250 142 218 1234567AWR D AWR 17570 2000-2030 46E,47W ISS 250 165 217 1234567AWR F AWR 17570 1700-1728 48SW,53NW MDC 250 310 158 1234567AWR MDG AWR 17810 1300-1330 42,43W NAU 250 70 218 1.....7AWR D AWR 17810 1300-1330 42,43W NAU 250 70 218 .23456.AWR D AWR 17810 1330-1500 42,43W NAU 250 70 218 1234567AWR D AWR 5930 2000-2015 39N NAU 250 120 216 1234567BVB D MBR 5945 0700-0730 27,28N NAU 100 270 156 1......BVB D MBR 5945 0700-0745 27,28N NAU 100 270 156 ......7BVB D MBR 6130 1730-1900 28,29 NAU 100 90 156 1......BVB D MBR 6130 1800-1815 28,29 NAU 100 90 156 ....56.BVB D MBR 6130 1800-1830 28,29 NAU 100 90 156 ..3....BVB D MBR 6130 1830-1845 28,29 NAU 100 90 156 ......7BVB D MBR 7310 0300-0315 39S NAU 250 128 216 1234567BVB D MBR 9435 1815-1830 39,40 MOS 300 ND 926 1......BVB AUT MBR 9515 2030-2045 46,47,38,37 NAU 250 180 216 1234567BVB D MBR 9550 0430-0445 39N NAU 125 120 216 1.....7BVB D MBR 9550 0430-0450 39N NAU 125 120 216 .23456.BVB D MBR 9635 1830-1915 39 SOF 100 126 616 1......BVB BUL MBR 9735 0500-0515 39,40 NAU 250 120 216 .....6.BVB D MBR 11655 0600-0615 46,47,38,37 NAU 125 180 146 1234567BVB D MBR 11660 0530-0600 38,39 NAU 125 150 146 .23456.BVB D MBR 11855 1800-1830 39,40 NAU 100 105 216 .....6.BVB D MBR 11855 1800-1900 39,40 NAU 100 105 216 ....5..BVB D MBR 11855 1815-1900 39,40 NAU 100 105 216 1......BVB D MBR 11855 1830-1900 39,40 NAU 100 105 216 ..3....BVB D MBR 11945 0200-0300 41 MDC 125 50 156 1......BVB MDG MBR 11945 0200-0215 41 MDC 125 50 156 ..3....BVB MDG MBR 11945 0200-0230 41 MDC 125 50 156 ....5.7BVB MDG MBR 13580 1700-1715 39,40 NAU 250 130 218 .....6.BVB D MBR 13580 1700-1745 39,40 NAU 250 130 218 ......7BVB D MBR 13810 1700-1715 38E,39,40W SOF 150 141 616 1234567BVB BUL MBR 13810 1715-1800 38E,39,40W SOF 100 141 616 .2.4.6.BVB BUL MBR 13810 1715-1745 38E,39,40W SOF 100 141 616 ..3....BVB BUL MBR 15160 1630-1730 47,48 NAU 100 150 216 1234567BVB D MBR 15215 1700-1900 39 MOS 100 115 218 1.....7BVB AUT MBR 15215 1700-1715 39 MOS 100 115 218 .....6.BVB AUT MBR 15215 1700-1730 39 MOS 100 115 218 ....5..BVB AUT MBR 15640 1515-1545 40,41 SOF 100 90 616 ......7BVB BUL MBR 15640 1515-1600 40,41 SOF 100 90 616 .....6.BVB BUL MBR 15640 1515-1530 40,41 SOF 100 90 616 1......BVB BUL MBR 17515 1600-1800 38,39,47,48 ISS 100 135 216 1......BVB F MBR 17515 1600-1830 38,39,47,48 ISS 100 135 216 ..3....BVB F MBR 17515 1600-1730 38,39,47,48 ISS 100 135 216 .2.....BVB F MBR 17515 1600-1800 38,39,47,48 ISS 100 135 216 .2.frApr6 BVB F MBR 17515 1630-1700 38,39,47,48 ISS 100 135 216 .....6.BVB F MBR 17515 1630-1800 38,39,47,48 ISS 100 135 216 ...4...BVB F MBR 17515 1630-1800 38,39,47,48 ISS 100 135 216 ....5..BVB F MBR 17515 1600-1730 38,39,47,48 ISS 100 135 216 ......7BVB F MBR 17515 1730-1800 38,39,47,48 ISS 250 135 216 ......7BVB F MBR 17535 0830-1000 38,39 NAU 125 145 218 .....6.BVB D MBR

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17535 0900-0915 38,39 NAU 125 145 218 ......7BVB D MBR 17650 1400-1430 41 ISS 250 83 216 ......7BVB F MBR 17650 1430-1500 41 ISS 250 83 216 ......7BVB F MBR 21480 1100-1200 43S,44S MDC 125 45 157 ......7BVB MDG MBR 21480 1115-1145 43S,44S MDC 125 45 157 1......BVB MDG MBR 11960 0300-0400 48,52,53 ERV 500 192 238 1234567DWL ARM DWL 13610 0630-0700 46,47W ISS 500 170 216 1234567DWL F DWL 15275 0630-0700 46,47W ISS 500 165 217 1234567DWL F DWL 15275 0700-0800 37-57 ISS 500 172 157 1234567DWL F DWL 15275 1700-1800 37,38,46-53 ISS 500 165 217 1234567DWL F DWL 15560 1700-1800 37,38,46-53 ISS 500 194 196 1234567DWL F DWL 17800 1300-1400 46,47W ISS 500 170 207 1234567DWL F DWL 17800 1800-1900 46,47W ISS 500 170 207 1234567DWL F DWL 6055 1030-1100 27,28 NAU 125 222 146 1.....7EMG D MBR 9450 0030-0130 40E,41NW NAU 250 100 216 1234567GFA D MBR 9510 2330-0030 41,43,49 NAU 250 85 216 1234567GFA D MBR 15350 1230-1500 41 NAU 250 89 218 1234567GFA D MBR 15390 1330-1530 41,43,49 NAU 250 85 218 1234567GFA D MBR 15395 1530-1630 40E,41NW NAU 250 99 218 1234567GFA D MBR 13800 1530-1630 29S MOS 100 95 218 ......7HCJ AUT MBR 9645 1800-1830 47,48 ISS 250 160 217 1234567IBB F IBB 9780 1700-1800 40E,41NW NAU 250 99 226 1234567IBB D IBB 11750 0500-0530 46,47 NAU 250 185 216 1234567IBB D IBB 11845 1630-1700 47,48 ISS 250 135 217 .23456.IBB F IBB 11860 2030-2100 46,47 NAU 250 190 216 .23456.IBB D IBB 12080 1800-1900 48 ISS 250 130 217 1234567IBB F IBB 13700 1600-1700 29SE NAU 250 90 216 1234567IBB D IBB 13870 1630-1700 47,48 NAU 250 155 218 .23456.IBB D IBB 13870 1800-1900 48 NAU 250 140 216 1234567IBB D IBB 13870 1900-1930 48 NAU 250 140 216 .23456.IBB D IBB 15255 1400-1600 30S ISS 250 90 217 1234567IBB F IBB 15360 0400-0900 40E,41NW NAU 250 90 218 1234567IBB D IBB 15460 1500-1600 30S NAU 250 75 216 1234567IBB D IBB 15630 1730-1800 48 NAU 250 140 218 .23456.IBB D IBB 15630 1800-1900 48 NAU 250 140 218 1234567IBB D IBB 15630 1900-1930 48 NAU 250 140 218 .23456.IBB D IBB 7330 1000-1100 27,28 MOS 100 283 805 1......JOY AUT MBR 6095 0800-1500 18,27,28,37 NAU 100 240 156 1......KBC D MBR 7375 0000-0200 2-10 NAU 125 300 216 1......KBC D MBR 7375 0000-0200 2-10 NAU 125 300 216 1......KBC D MBR 9925 0000-0200 2-10 NAU 125 300 216 1......KBC D MBR 15315 1830-1900 46S,47SE ISS 500 180 216 1234567LWF F MBR 6140 0800-0900 27,28E MOS 100 270 805 1......MVB AUT MBR 13750 1600-1630 29,30 NAU 250 60 218 ......7MWF D MBR 15320 1200-1230 19-26 NAU 250 60 218 ......7MWF D MBR 5985 0400-0430 11,12 YFR 100 222 805 1234567NHK USA NHK 11680 0300-0500 38-40 NAU 250 140 218 1234567NHK D NHK 15445 1700-1900 38-40 NAU 250 140 218 1234567NHK D NHK 17630 1600-1630 47E,48 ISS 500 130 217 ..3...7OGM F MBR 9515 1930-2000 37,38 NAU 250 155 146 1......PAB D MBR 15205 1400-1430 41 ISS 100 90 216 1......PAB F MBR 15205 1415-1430 41 ISS 100 90 216 .234567PAB F MBR 15205 1430-1445 41 ISS 250 90 216 1......PAB F MBR 21480 1600-1700 48SW,58NW ISS 100 144 207 ......7RIY F MBR 11740 0530-0600 46SE NAU 125 185 216 1234567RMI D MBR/ 17630 1700-1800 38E,39S,48 NAU 100 145 218 1..4...SBO D MBR 6095 0800-1000 18,27,28,37 NAU 100 230 156 .2..56.TRS D MBR 7215 0830-0900 28 NAU 100 135 146 1234567TWR D TWR 7300 1400-1428 28,29,30 NAU 100 65 146 1234567TWR D TWR 17580 1700-1730 48E ISS 250 120 216 ..345..VOK F MBR Day 1 = Sunday ... Day 7 = Saturday List of Broadcasters which are using MEDIA BROADCAST technical equipment: AWRAWRAWRAWR Adventist World Radio BVBBVBBVBBVB High Adventure Gospel - Bible Voice Broadcasting DWLDWLDWLDWL Deutsche Welle Bonn / Berlin, Germany

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EMGEMGEMGEMG Evangelische Missionsgemeinden in Deutschland GFAGFAGFAGFA Gospel for Asia HCJHCJHCJHCJ Voice of the Andes, Sats only, 1530 UT Russian, 1600 UT Chechen IBBIBBIBBIBB International Broadcasting Bureau, USA JOYJOYJOYJOY Joystick, 1st Sun KBCKBCKBCKBC Mighty KBC Radio, Sat/Sun. Sun to Americas. LWFLWFLWFLWF Lutheran World Federation MWFMWFMWFMWF Missionswerk Friedensstimme, Gummersbach - Germany NHKNHKNHKNHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai, Radio Japan World, Tokyo, Japan. OGM NGOOGM NGOOGM NGOOGM NGO [RHU Radio Huriyo Xoriyo Ogaden] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-governmental_organization http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organisation_non_gouvernementale PABPABPABPAB Pan Am Broadcasting RIY RPRKRIY RPRKRIY RPRKRIY RPRK Radio Inyabutatu, in Kinyarwanda to Ce/EaAfrica. ex 17500, ex17870 kHz. RMIRMIRMIRMI Radio Miami International, FMO brokery. / Hamada Radio International in Hausa. SBOSBOSBOSBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo, Voice of Oromo Liberation. TRSTRSTRSTRS Transport Radio on Mon/Thu/Fri. TWRTWRTWRTWR Trans World Radio VOKVOKVOKVOK Target Region Khaatumo in central Somaliland. &) For reception reports please mail to: [email protected] or write to: The Mighty KBC - Argonstraat 6 - 6718 WT Ede - The Netherlands, Europe Website: http://www.kbcradio.eu Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected]

Anatoly Klepov “RUS-DX” # 815

“RUS-DX” # 815 - Broadcasting of Russia, countries of CIS and Baltiya , QSL world, WEB radio. Sunday / 12, April 2015 Information bulletin of Russian DX League - Electronic versión - Time : UTC - Editor : Anatoly Klepov - QTH : Moscow, Russia E-mail : [email protected] - Web site : http://rusdx.narod.ru (Russian / English) “RUS-DX” may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and “RUS-DX” as source. Electronic transfer : https://translate.google.ru RUSSIA Krasnodarskiy kray. Gelendzhik including "Radio Dacha". The regional network broadcast "Radio Dacha" joined Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Territory. Broadcasting frequency - 88.0 MHz, the potential coverage - 75.2 thousand. People. Regional partner "Radio Dacha" - LLC "Smart FM", director - Dudar OP "Radio Dacha" - one of the radio media holding Krutoy Media. Is in the top-10 country music radio stations. According to TNS Russia (Radio Index - Russia, July - December 2014.), Daily coverage of "Radio Dacha" is 5 million 214 thousand. Man, weekly coverage totals 13 million 372 thousand. Man. Regional network broadcast "Radio Dacha" currently has 159 transmitters located in the cities of broadcasting in Russia and CIS countries. Official website of "Radio Dacha” : www.radiodacha.ru. (OnAir.ru) Moscow Putin's favorite singer will receive a new FM-frequency in Moscow. New metropolitan frequency 105 FM receive "Radio Book", the main owner is the lead singer of "Lube" Nicholas Rastorguev. Roskomnadzor published on Thursday, April 9 list of participants of the next 11 contests for the right to carry out ground-air broadcasting. They will be held on April 29 and, as previously reported by RBC, for the first time in eight years at the auctions FM-frequency in Moscow. Now in the metropolitan FM-band broadcasts more than 50 stations, and still it was thought that more free frequency resource in Moscow no. But in late February, the federal competition commission Roskomnadzor put the contest frequency of 105 MHz under the "literary concept." It will have to "move" from 105.2 to 105.3 MHz is already broadcasting the English-language station Moscow FM (owned by the metropolitan government) ... rbc.ru (OnAir.ru) FINLAND Radio "Sputnik" changed its name to Spirit FM. Russian-speaking guide "Satellite Radio", which broadcasts in the capital region of Finland, decided to change their name to Spirit FM. Radio will also update their repertoire - in the future it will focus on rock music and its subspecies. Furthermore, the program appear in English. Target audience - tourists visiting the capital, and the English-speaking population of the region. In an interview with Helsingin Sanomat representatives deny the radio to change the name in connection with the coming to Finland station of the same name. Recall that in November 2014 the Russian state news "Russia Today» (RT) has announced plans to open dozens of media centers under the brand Sputnik around the world, including in Helsinki. "It has nothing to do Sputnik-media, - says Expert in Public Relations and producer of" Satellite Radio "Bruno Puolakaynen. - The reason is that we are expanding to English-speaking audiences, and for them the name of Spirit FM is more appropriate than Sputnik, which is associated with the Soviet Union. " fontanka.fi (OnAir.ru) Crimea Radio Zvezda began broadcasting in six cities of Crimea. On March 31, 2015 STAR Program Radio aired the six largest cities in the Crimea: in the hero-city Sevastopol (new rate - 88,3 FM), in the capital of Crimea Simferopol (new rate - 98,3 FM), Yalta (107.9 FM), Yalta (99,3 FM), Feodosiya

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(107,9 FM) and Kerch (89,2 FM). We are confident that our historical and educational programs, audio books and, of course, at the request of the audience voiced stories will be an excellent gift to all residents of the Crimea for the upcoming 70th anniversary of the Great Victory! (OnAir.ru)



Shortwave DXShortwave DXShortwave DXShortwave DX----ing from Bulgaria ing from Bulgaria ing from Bulgaria ing from Bulgaria ---- Bulgarian DX blogBulgarian DX blogBulgarian DX blogBulgarian DX blog CLANDESTINE New frequencies of clandestine broadcasts in A-15, part 2: Radio Free North Korea: 1230-1330 NF 9330 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 1530-1630 on 11550 A-14 Radio Free Chosun: 1300-1500 NF 11570 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 15630 A-14 CMN Cambodia Media Network Radio: 2300-2330 NF 7510 DB 200 kW / 125 deg to SEAs Khmer Sun/Tue/Thu, ex 9945 A-14 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/04/new-frequencies-of-clandestine.html Videos March 29 - April 5 - March 29 Radio Ranginkaman, Radio Rainbow in Farsi to WeAs 1600 on 7575 Grigoriopol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuQFa-rMBbs&feature=youtu.be Radio Ranginkaman, Radio Rainbow in Farsi to WeAs 1628 on 7575 Grigoriopol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6dLwG_uzrg&feature=youtu.be Voice of Martyrs in Korean to NEAs 1633 on 7530 Tashkent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riN1AG7jyZk&feature=youtu.be March 31 Belaruskoe Radio 1 in Belarussian to EaEu 0600 on 7255 Minsk Kalodzicy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9aVZMdoNOk&feature=youtu.be Belaruskoe Radio 1 in Belarussian to EaEu 0658 on 7255 Minsk Kalodzicy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb4VYuRf9oc&feature=youtu.be Radio Free Chosun in Korean to NEAs 1300 on new 11570 Tashkent, ex 15630 in A 14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIan5EV2uVA&feature=youtu.be Radio Free Chosun in Korean to NEAs 1358 on new 11570 Tashkent, ex 15630 in A 14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm_37ZFD4K8&feature=youtu.be Radio Free North Korea in Korean to NEAs 1309 on new 9330 Dushanbe, ex 1530-1630 on 11550 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEJz3Z6d3c0&feature=youtu.be Radio Free North Korea in Korean to NEAs 1320 on new 9330 Dushanbe, ex 1530-1630 on 11550 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqYUBr7JYyc&feature=youtu.be Radio Free North Korea in Korean to NEAs 1328 on new 9330 Dushanbe, ex 1530-1630 on 11550 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGm7neNtkjg&feature=youtu.be April 2 CMN Cambodia Media Network Radio in Khmer to SEAs 2328 on 7510 Dushanbe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FujKZuVO8o&feature=youtu.be April 3 IBRA Radio in Bengali to SoAs 0016 on 9390 Tashkent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5DCqi2WpG0&feature=youtu.be Radio Free Chosun in Korean to NEAs 1352 on 11570 Tashkent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-aQrAXHFBc&feature=youtu.be IRAN(non) Summer A-15 schedule of Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow: 1600-1630 on 7575 KCH 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri till Sept.18 1700-1730 on 7575 KCH 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Farsi Mon/Fri from Sept.21 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/04/summer-15-schedule-of-radio.html

HardHardHardHard----CoreCoreCoreCore----DX Digest, Vol 148, Issue 8DX Digest, Vol 148, Issue 8DX Digest, Vol 148, Issue 8DX Digest, Vol 148, Issue 8 - JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO <[email protected]> Subject: [HCDX] Ultimas escuchas desde Saca?et en Castell?n MOLDAVIA 11510 Radyoya Dengue Kurdistane(Kishinev-Grigoriopol), 17:15-17:20, escuchada el 5 de abril de 2015 en kurdo alocutor con comentarios, referencia a ?Kurdistan?, ?SINPO 34443 UZBEQUISTAN 7530 Voice of Martyrs (Tashkent), 16:35-16:45,escuchada el 5 de abril de 2015 en Coreano,?mujer cantando acompa?ada de coro, hombre cantando opera, SINPO 23332

PLAYPLAYPLAYPLAY----DX 1644 electronic DX 1644 electronic DX 1644 electronic DX 1644 electronic ---- 06 April 2015 06 April 2015 06 April 2015 06 April 2015 ---- Editor : Dario Monferini, Milano, ItalyEditor : Dario Monferini, Milano, ItalyEditor : Dario Monferini, Milano, ItalyEditor : Dario Monferini, Milano, Italy LOGs & NEWS : UWE SENNEWALD near DRESDEN GERMANY LOGs USSD

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Rx :DE 1103 for LW MW /Tecsun S 2000 for SW with Grahn GS3-SE + ML 2(magnetic loop) 4810 31/03 18.59-19.10 R.Armenia,Yerevan,IS,ID,arabian,news poor CARLOS GONCALVES – PORTUGAL report OL-OM JRC NRD-545DSP & NRD-93; Quantum Phaser, home made amp.(W7IUV version); raised, 4 loop- K9AY, 6x19x6 m Ewe 135º, 14 m low noise LF/MF Vertical 1413.0 2235-... 03/4 MDA Vesti FM, Grigoriopol. Ru, tks. QRM de E. 33441 CG Sheigra DXpedition Report - Thanks to the British dx Club 7th to 20th March 2015 - with Dave Kenny & Alan Pennington Receivers Alan Pennington AOR AR 7030 Plus and Palstar pre-amp Dave Kenny AOR AR 7030 Plus and tuneable pre-amp EUROPE 612 1724 14/03 R Radonezh, Moscow, Russia. Chimes & ID // 684. Russian orthodox choir 684 1705 14/03 R Radonezh, St Petersburg, Russia OM RR monologue, church bell //612. 738 1659 10/03 WRN, Kurkino (Moscow), Russia ID, relay Polish R Russian “Radio Polska” 828 1710 14/03 Pravoslavnoye R, St Petersburg, Russia. ID Russian, rel mx 837 1740 08/03 UR1, Kharkiv, Ukraine. ID 1395 1705 10/03 R Rossii, Buguruslan, Russia Radio Rossii nx. 1431 1900 14/03 R Ukraine Int, Mykolaiev, Ukraine. ID in pres Russian.

HardHardHardHard----CoreCoreCoreCore----DX Digest, Vol 148, Issue 11DX Digest, Vol 148, Issue 11DX Digest, Vol 148, Issue 11DX Digest, Vol 148, Issue 11 JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO <[email protected]> Subject: [HCDX] (sin asunto) TAJIKISTAN 4765 Tajik Radio 1(Dushanbe-Yangiyul),23:39-23:41, escuchada el 5 de abril de 2015 en tajik? a locutor con comentarios y emisi?n de m?sica?tnica, SINPO 23222 UZBEQUISTAN 11 550 North Korea Reform Radio (Tashkent),14:32-14:37, escuchada el 6 de abril de 2015 en coreano a locutora concomentarios, SINPO 34322 11570 Radio Free Chosun?(Tashkent), 14:51-14:56, escuchada el 6 de abril en coreano con emisi?nde m?sica pop local, locutora con comentarios presentando tema musical,locutora con comentarios con m?sica de piano de fondo, SINPO 44444?

DX RE MIX NEWS # 904 DX RE MIX NEWS # 904 DX RE MIX NEWS # 904 DX RE MIX NEWS # 904 ---- from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date April 07, 2015from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date April 07, 2015from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date April 07, 2015from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov. Date April 07, 2015 Bulgaria BELARUS Belarussian Radio 1 in Belarussian from March 29 on new frequency 0400-0700 NF 7255 MNS 125 kW / 072 deg to EaEu, ex 11930 in A-14 Radio Belarus Minsk from March 29 also on new frequency 1100-1400 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WeEu Belarussian 1400-1600 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WeEu Russian 1600-1800 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WeEu Polish 1705-1800 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WeEu Polish, ex 7255 in A-14 1800-1940 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WeEu German 1800-1940 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WeEu German, ex 7255 in A-14 1940-2000 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WeEu German Tue/Wed/Fri 1940-2000 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WeEu German Tue/Wed/Fri, ex 7255 in A-14 1940-2000 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WeEu French Sat-Mon/Thu 1940-2000 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WeEu French Sat-Mon/Thu, ex 7255 in A-14 2000-2020 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WeEu Spanish Sat-Mon/Thu 2000-2020 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WeEu Spanish Sat-Mon/Thu, ex 7255 in A-14 2000-2020 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WeEu English Tue/Wed/Fri 2000-2020 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WeEu English Tue/Wed/Fri, ex 7255 in A-14 2020-2200 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WeEu English 2020-2200 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WeEu English, ex 7255 in A-14 2200-2300 on 11730 MNS 100 kW / 246 deg to WeEu Russian 2200-2300 NF 11930 MNS 125 kW / 252 deg to WeEu Russian, ex 7255 in A-14 http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/03/belarussian-radio-1-in-belarussian-on.html CLANDESTINE New frequencies of clandestine broadcasts in A-15, part 2: Radio Free North Korea: 1230-1330 NF 9330 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 1530-1630 on 11550 A-14 Radio Free Chosun: 1300-1500 NF 11570 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 15630 A-14 PUBLICATIONS Great frequency reference: http://www.dxinfocentre.com/ I’ve used it a lot for NDB’s, good for BCB too. Haven’t checked out much else, looks good though (Richard Radioman in the Great Open West, DX LISTENING DIGEST) MW linx to other good resources (gh)

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A15 Aoki List PERSEUS-userlist http://www.geocities.jp/binewsjp/ic/userlist1.txt EXCEL zip http://www1.s2.starcat.ne.jp/ndxc/news.htm (S. Hasegawa-NDXC, March 30, dxldyg via DXLD) The userlist version lacks all the data in the complete files but is a good headstart while it`s all put together, for non-Perseids (gh, DXLD) THE EXCELLENT HANS KNOT INTERNATIONAL RADIO REPORT for April 2015 has just been published http://www.mediapages.nl/imagespdf/reportapril2015b.pdf (Mike Terry, March 31, dxldyg via DXLD) 34 pages pdf, illustrated, mostly about pirate radio, much of it historical (gh, DXLD) The April 1 2015 BLANDX is up at BLANDX - Home Page BLANDX - Home Page BREAKING DX NEWS!!! BLANDX HAS REACTIVATED!!! (That's Us!) Can your bladder handle the excitement? If so, check out our new April 1, 2015 issue of BLANDX. View on http://www.blandx.com (Don Moore --- Humpty Dumpty was pushed. Radio & Latin American website: http://www.pateplumaradio.com/ Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD) New Zealand DX Times Monthly Journal of the New Zealand Radio DX League (est 1948) April 2015 Volume 67 No. 6 BANDWATCH UNDER 9MHZ 7440 1906 UKRAINE, R Ukraine Intl fair in Ukranian with presumed news – KAB 25/3 BANDWATCH OVER 9MHZ 19800 0305 TAJIKISTAN, RFA fair in CC. 17/3 PP SHORTWAVE REPORT KYRGYSTAN Radio Maranatha, Afghan Christian Radio Sadaye Zindagi. 1500-1800 on 5130 100 kW / non-dir to CeAs Dari/Pashto BLANDX. 1, 2015 April QSLs AND OTHER GOODIES Editor: Ray Framus UZBEKISTAN Radio Tashket 11925 F/d "Deniza" card, #7 of 10 in their "The Girls of Radio Tashkent" series. Anyone who collects all ten gets a date with the girl of their choice. I'm so excited! So far Kamilla (#5) is my favorite. (Dernoff) Did you read the fine print about the contest? You have to pay to fly her to New York City for the date. (Ray) LOGGINGS - Editor: Dillon Hollister 4765 TAJIKISTAN Tajik Radio 0300-0330 Presumed with man talking in listed Tajik. But sure sounds like Spanish to me. (Finelli) Maybe it was. Those illegal immigrants are everywhere. (ed) 4795 KYRGYZSTAN Kyrgyz Radio 2145-2200* Talk in presumed Kyrgyz, ID, then off. As usual, the carrier was cut about three notes into the national anthem. I'm sure their audience appreciates that given how crappy their anthem sounds. (Jack Mann - Sent from my Dell laptop by typing with my tongue on the keyboard)

Moscow Information DX Bulletin Moscow Information DX Bulletin Moscow Information DX Bulletin Moscow Information DX Bulletin ---- Weekly electronic publication # 939 Weekly electronic publication # 939 Weekly electronic publication # 939 Weekly electronic publication # 939 ---- April 10, 2015 April 10, 2015 April 10, 2015 April 10, 2015 ---- Editor of the cEditor of the cEditor of the cEditor of the current issue: Fedor Brajnikov.urrent issue: Fedor Brajnikov.urrent issue: Fedor Brajnikov.urrent issue: Fedor Brajnikov. BELARUS New schedule Radio Belarus composed by rezultattam monitoring in Bulgaria: 11.00-14.00 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Belarussian 14.00-16.00 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Russian 16.00-18.00 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Polish 17.05-18.00 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR Polish, ex7255 in A-14 18.00-19.40 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR German 18.00-19.40 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR German, ex7255 in A-14 19.40-20.00 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR German Tue/Wed/Fri 19.40-20.00 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR German Tue/Wed/Fri, ex7255 in A-14 19.40-20.00 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR French Sat-Mon/Thu 19.40-20.00 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR French Sat-Mon/Thu, ex7255 in A-14 20.00-20.20 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Spanish Sat-Mon/Thu 20.00-20.20 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR Spanish Sat-Mon/Thu, ex7255 in A-14 20.00-20.20 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR English Tue/Wed/Fri 20.00-20.20 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR English Tue/Wed/Fri, ex7255 in A-14 20.20-22.00 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR English 20.20-22.00 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR English, ex7255 in A-14 22.00-23.00 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Russian 22.00-23.00 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR Russian, ex7255 in A-14 ([BCDX2] WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1204 April 11th, 2015, Editor) MISCELLANEOUS Familiar Finnish DX-ist wondered if somehow acknowledge receipt of three medium-Russian stations: - Radio Radonezh - Radio / newspaper "Slovo” (“Word") - Orthodox P St. Petersburg

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He complains that none of them are not directly responsible (though perhaps just triggered the language barrier). If someone has a positive experience with the above stations lately - please share. Thanks in advance! (Dmitry Mezin, open_dx)

BCBCBCBC----DX 1204DX 1204DX 1204DX 1204 ,,,, 11 April 2015 11 April 2015 11 April 2015 11 April 2015 ---- edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germanyedited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germanyedited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germanyedited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany BELARUS Radio Belarus Minsk from March 29 also new frequency 11930 (ex7255) kHz. 1100-1400 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Belarussian 1400-1600 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Russian 1600-1800 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Polish 1705-1800 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR Polish, ex7255 in A-14 1800-1940 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR German 1800-1940 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR German, ex7255 in A-14 1940-2000 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR German Tue/Wed/Fri 1940-2000 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR German Tue/Wed/Fri, ex7255 in A-14 1940-2000 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR French Sat-Mon/Thu 1940-2000 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR French Sat-Mon/Thu, ex7255 in A-14 2000-2020 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Spanish Sat-Mon/Thu 2000-2020 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR Spanish Sat-Mon/Thu, ex7255 in A-14 2000-2020 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR English Tue/Wed/Fri 2000-2020 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR English Tue/Wed/Fri, ex7255 in A-14 2020-2200 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR English 2020-2200 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR English, ex7255 in A-14 2200-2300 11730 MNS 100 kW 246 deg to WeEUR Russian 2200-2300 NF11930 MNS 125 kW 252 deg to WeEUR Russian, ex7255 in A-14 (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 4) CLANDESTINE STATIONS Added of morning transmissions of Hamada Radio International and Dandal Kura Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok 1149 17860 DB 200 kW 125 deg to SoEaAS Khmer Thu/Sun (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews via RUSdx March 30) MOLDOVA/BULGARIA 7550, R Ranginkaman, via Toshkent, Uzbekistan {sic via Grigoriopol Maiac Pridnestrovie Moldova site, WRN London brokered, wb.}, heard at a new time of *1700-1730* UT, ex*1600-1630* UT, Mo and Fr. Male and female announcers with Farsi talks and songs. ID at 1730 UT then close. Kostinbrod Spaceline LTd. Bulgaria observed // on 9925 kHz. (Michael Ford, Newcastle under Lyme-UK, dswci DXW April 1) RUSSIA 7325 kHz from Armavir Tbilisskaya, Adygeyan Radio, on Mon/Fri at 17-19 UT, very nice more than fair signal today fridays, S=9+15dB or -58dBm signal in southern Germany. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 10) UKRAINE 1277.994+ kHz odd frequency, R. Ukraine International is Heard via Odessa Petrivka, at 1500-1900 UT // MW Mykolaiev Luch 1431 kHz. see schedule of RUI mediumwave, both at 15-19 UT time segment. http://ukrtvr.org/telekanali-ta-radiostantsiji/1044 (Mauno Ritola-FIN, mwoffsets yg, April 4) UKRAINE Petrivka 1278 kHz with new tx on the air - at present RUI // MW Mykolaiev Luch 1431 kHz. Ostanni novyny – Radiomovlennya - 02 kvitnya 2015 Z+hidno z informatsiyeyu nashykh vidviduvachiv, vidnovylosya movlennya NRKU na chastoti 1278 kHts u s. Petrivka Odes?koyi oblasti. Na danyy moment translyuyet?sya prohrama "VSRU" (spivpadaye z chastotoyu 1431 kHts). Zvuk shche ne zovsim yakisnyy, peredavach u Petrivtsi potrebuye nalashtuvannya. Takozh utochnyuyet?sya rozklad movlennya, ale skhozhe shcho rozklad movlennya takozh spivpadaye z chastotoyu 1431 kHts. Nahadayemo, shcho naprykintsi sichnya na tsiy chastoti u testovomu rezhymi movyv "1-yy kanal NRU" (yakomu i nalezhyt? litsenziya na dane chastotne prysvoyennya). According to our visitors resumed broadcasting NRCU frequency MW 1278 kHz in the village Petrovka Odessa region. Currently broadcast program "RUI" (the same as the frequency of 1431 kHz from Mykolaiev Luch site). The sound is not quite enough, the transmitter needs to Petrovka settings. Also specified broadcast schedule, but it seems that the broadcast schedule also coincides with a frequency of 1431 kHz. Recall that in late January at this frequency in said test mode "1st channel Rukh" (which it should license this frequency assignment) http://ukrtvr.org/novini/radiomovlennia/4044857-vidnovleno-movlennia-na-skh-u-petrivtsi.html (ukrtvr.org, April 2) UNIDENTIFIED STATION SITE. - Radio Miraya Transmitter Site? {Comic FMO broker company policy? ? BRB Broadcast Belgium by Ludo Maes, requires the directors in Moldova, a denial of the Broadcast via Grigoriopol-MDA? wb.} RADIO MIRAYA via UNKNOWN SITE 11560 kHz. April 9 at 0300 UT opening. Good signal on its new frequency, while 9940 kHz was usually poor at best. So I thought possibly now from a different transmitter site-maybe Moldova /Pridnestrovia, at Grigoriopol Maiac. But e-mail from Sergey Omelchenko, Pridnestrovsky Radiotelecentr Technical Director, says, like 9940 kHz, it's not from their site. Mr. Omelchenko responded to my inquiry in just 2 hours. Of course broadcasters and transmitter operators have sometimes been known to deny certain relays. Mr. Omelchenko has been very good about responding promptly to reception reports and inquiries. As I previously reported, he responded to my reports of Radio Payam-e- Doost in 16 hours and Denge Kurdistane in less than 5 hours. And the very nice full-data e-cards were different but both depicted antennas. This allows QSLing 2 broadcasters that are difficult to verify directly. Of course Miraya can easily be verified via Fondation Hirondelle; last year they responded to my postal report with a QSL card in 9 days.

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(Wendel Craighead-KS-USA, DXplorer April 10)

HardHardHardHard----CoreCoreCoreCore----DX Digest, Vol 148, Issue 16DX Digest, Vol 148, Issue 16DX Digest, Vol 148, Issue 16DX Digest, Vol 148, Issue 16 Manuel M?ndez <[email protected]> Manuel M?ndez - Lugo, Spain Grundig Satellit 500, Sony ICF SW 7600G, cable antenna, 8 meters. ? ARMENIA, 4810, Armenian Public Radio, Yerevan, *1900-1930*, 11-04, anthem, Arabic program, mentioned "Yerevan", ?Arabic comments and . 24322. (M?ndez) TAJIKISTAN, 4765, Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 1918-1935, 10-04, Tajik, comments. 25322. (M?ndez)


Japan Japan Radio / Radio Japan NHK. Station address: Russian Service, Radio Japan, NHK, Tokyo, 150-8001 Japan Russia 123022, Moscow, 2nd Zvenigorod, 13, Cor. 41, 2nd floor, bureau of NHK Kzy Station site: http://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/russian/index.html E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] (Russian edition) "To contact". https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/russian/contact/index.html (Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia)

BROADCASTING IN RUSSIANBROADCASTING IN RUSSIANBROADCASTING IN RUSSIANBROADCASTING IN RUSSIAN GERMANY Missionswerk Friedensstimme & HCJB The Voice of Andes, April 4: Missionswerk Friedensstimme 1200-1230 on 15320 NAU 250 kW / 060 deg to FERu Russian Sat, ex 1100-1130 A-14 1600-1630 on 13750 NAU 250 kW / 060 deg to EaEu Russian Sat, ex 1500-1530 A-14 HCJB The Voice of Andes 1530-1600 on 13800 MOS 100 kW / 095 deg to CeAs Russian Sat 1600-1630 on 13800 MOS 100 kW / 095 deg to CeAs Chechen Sat http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2015/04/missionswerk-friedensstimme-hcjb-voice.html (DX RE MIX NEWS # 904 ) Germany Evangelical program "Last Call" (The Last Call Ministries) sounds like it was last year, through a transmitter in Naujene, Germany at a frequency of 6130 kHz, 18.00, on Tuesdays and Fridays on the Russian and on Thursdays in the Ukrainian language. Those programs aired over the radio and Theos on 11650 kHz. (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria).

QSL worldQSL worldQSL worldQSL world

Australia Received an e-QSL-letter from ABC Local Radio Alice Springs for the reception 02/21/2015 at frequency 4835 kHz. The report sent by electronic mail: [email protected]. Confirmation on the form ABC received from Elaine Erskine Transmission Communications Officer Audience and Consumer Affairs. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") Austria Trans World Radio - Received an electronic QSL from Trans World Radio for the reception in Russian 01.23.2015, 18.45-19.15 at the frequency of 1350 kHz (transmitter in Armenia). IN A confirmation Specified - Central Asia. The report sent: [email protected] - Received an electronic QSL from Trans World Radio reception for Arabic 30.01.2015, 22.00-22.30 UTC on 1467 kHz frequency (Roumoules, France). Report sent: [email protected]. - Received an electronic QSL from Trans World Radio for the reception on angliykom language 03.02.2015, 08.00-08.20 UTC on 6105 kHz frequency (Nauen, Germany). Report sent: [email protected]. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan,Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") Received an e-QSL from Trans World Radio for the reception in Russian February 18 (Alexander Golovihin, Tolyatti, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") Got E-QSL Trans World Radio. Program in Russian yazyen February 15, 2015, 20.00-20.30b 999 kHz (Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia) Germany Received QSL-cards from Deutsche Welle for accepting 28/03/2015, at a frequency 9800 kHz (in Rwanda). The card - view of the city of Stuttgart. Report sent by electronic mail: [email protected]. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") Canada Received QSL-cards from the radio frequency and time standards of the CHU Canada for hosting 03/19/2015 at frequency 3330 kHz. The report sent the e-mail: [email protected] The card - Sandford Fleming (Toronto, 1879), the discovery of a plan for standard time zones. From a painting by Rex Woods. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") USA QSL received in the mail from World Harvest Radio. Reception March 17, 2014 g (last program Dieksing Cumbre FMP). The card indicated that their first radio broadcast was December 25, 1985 g - on the front side it says "20 Years World Harvest Radio" - sent last year a report on their friend Address: PO Box 12, etc .. (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria / "deneb-radio-dx")

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Taiwan Received QSL - card from RTI (2015 - 3) for the reception on March 4 at 9540 kHz. (Alexander Golovihin, Tolyatti, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") Sri Lanka ---------------- Received QSL-cards from AWR for reception in Urdu 22/11/2014 at frequency 15360 kHz. Card issued specifically for broadcasts from Sri Lanka. Report sent by e-mail: [email protected]. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") Pirate Radio - Received an electronic QSL from pirate radio station Radio from Holland Montferland for accepting 28/03/2015 at the frequency of 6325 kHz. The report sent: [email protected]. - Received an electronic QSL from pirate Radio Cambridge 105 for reception at English Channel through 292 - 03.04.2015 at a frequency of 6070 kHz. Report sent: [email protected]. To receive a paper QSL, need pay back. - Got unfilled electronic QSL from Chelmsford Calling for appointment to the English Channel through 292 - 05.04.2015 at a frequency of 6070 kHz. The card attached to my report for admission. The letter said that will be sent QSL via regular mail. The report sent: [email protected]. Information can be found at: http://www.chelmsfordcalling.com/world-service/4585453999 - Received an electronic QSL from pirate radio station Radio OZNRH from Denmark for 04/04/2015 reception at a frequency of 6264 kHz. The report sent: [email protected]. - Received an electronic QSL from pirate radio station from Holland Mustang Radio for accepting 04/05/2015 at frequency 6320 kHz. The report sent: [email protected]. This weekend was a good passage from Europe, took a lot of pirate radio stations from Denmark, Italy, Holland, England. - Received an electronic QSL from pirate radio station Radio from England Underground for accepting 05/04/2015 at frequency 6240 kHz. The report sent by electronic mail: [email protected]. - Got a QSL-mail e-mail from a radio station from Holland Mighty KBC Radio reception of 05.04.2015, 02.00-02.30 UTC on 7375 kHz frequency (Transmitter Nauen, Germany 125 kW). The report sent to the address: [email protected]. - Got a QSL-mail e-mail from a radio station from Holland Mighty KBC Radio reception of 05.04.2015, 08.00-08.30 UTC on 6095 kHz frequency (Transmitter Nauen, 100 kW Germany). The message is sent to the address: [email protected]. The report confirmed Eric van Willegen. Received an e-QSL from pirate radio station Radio NMD from Holland for 04/04/2015 reception at a frequency of 6210 kHz. The report sent: [email protected]. - Received an electronic QSL from pirate radio station Radio from Holland Quadzilla for accepting 04/05/2015 at the frequency of 6380 kHz. The report sent: [email protected]. - Received an e-QSL-letter from pirate radio station from Finland Scandinavian Weekend Radio reception for 04/04/2015 at the frequency of 11690 kHz. Report sent: [email protected]. E-QSL under number e0098. Confirmation sent Tapani Hakkinen. QSL to get regular mail should be sent Answer payment $ 2 or 2 or 2 euros postage coupon. - Received an electronic QSL from pirate radio station Radio Europe from Italy for 04/03/2015 reception at a frequency of 6870 kHz. The report sent: [email protected] From this station, I get the usual QSL back in the 90s. - Received an electronic QSL from Radio Atlantic 2000 International for reception 29/03/2015 at 9485 kHz frequency. The report is sent to the address: [email protected]. On the QSL - map of Europe. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan / "deneb-radio-dx ') Pirate Radio - Received an electronic QSL from pirate radio station Radio from Holland Montferland for accepting 28/03/2015 at the frequency of 6325 kHz. The report sent: [email protected]. - Received an electronic QSL from pirate Radio Cambridge 105 for reception at English Channel through 292 - 03.04.2015 at a frequency of 6070 kHz. Report sent: [email protected] To receive a paper QSL, need pay back. - Got unfilled electronic QSL from Chelmsford Calling for appointment to the English Channel through 292 - 05.04.2015 at a frequency of 6070 kHz. The card attached to my report for admission. The letter said that will be sent QSL via regular mail. The report sent: [email protected]. Information can be found at: http://www.chelmsfordcalling.com/world-service/4585453999 - Received an electronic QSL from pirate radio station Radio OZNRH from Denmark for 04/04/2015 reception at a frequency of 6264 kHz. The report sent: [email protected]. - Received an electronic QSL from pirate radio station from Holland Mustang Radio for accepting 04/05/2015 at frequency 6320 kHz. The report sent: [email protected]. This weekend was a good passage from Europe, took a lot of pirate radio stations from Denmark, Italy, Holland, England. - Received an electronic QSL from pirate radio station Radio from England Underground for accepting 05/04/2015 at frequency 6240 kHz. The report sent by electronic mail: [email protected]. - Got a QSL-mail e-mail from a radio station from Holland Mighty KBC Radio reception of 05.04.2015, 02.00-02.30 UTC on 7375 kHz frequency (Transmitter Nauen, Germany 125 kW). The report sent to the address: [email protected]. - Got a QSL-mail e-mail from a radio station from Holland Mighty KBC Radio reception of 05.04.2015, 08.00-08.30 UTC on 6095 kHz frequency (Transmitter Nauen, 100 kW Germany). The message is sent to the address: [email protected]. The report confirmed Eric van Willegen. Received an e-QSL from pirate radio station Radio NMD from Holland for 04/04/2015 reception at a frequency of 6210 kHz. The report sent: [email protected]. - Received an electronic QSL from pirate radio station Radio from Holland Quadzilla for accepting 04/05/2015 at the frequency of 6380 kHz. The report sent: [email protected]. - Received an e-QSL-letter from pirate radio station from Finland Scandinavian Weekend Radio reception for 04/04/2015 at the frequency of 11690 kHz. Report sent: [email protected]. E-QSL under number e0098. Confirmation sent Tapani Hakkinen. QSL to get regular mail should be sent Answer payment $ 2 or 2 or 2 euros postage coupon. - Received an electronic QSL from pirate radio station Radio Europe from Italy for 04/03/2015 reception at a frequency of 6870 kHz. The report sent: [email protected]

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From this station, I get the usual QSL back in the 90s. - Received an electronic QSL from Radio Atlantic 2000 International for reception 29/03/2015 at 9485 kHz frequency. The report is sent to the address: [email protected]. On the QSL - map of Europe. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx ') Russian SWL / DX siteRussian SWL / DX siteRussian SWL / DX siteRussian SWL / DX site ---- QSL album.QSL album.QSL album.QSL album. Moscow, RussiaMoscow, RussiaMoscow, RussiaMoscow, Russia ---- April 4, 2015April 4, 2015April 4, 2015April 4, 2015 Author: moscow.dx - Place reception: Hira, New Zealand - Receiver: Sony ICF SW-77 | Antenna: LW 80 m at a height of 100 meters above sea level Australia ABC Local Radio Alice Springs / 4835 kHz / 11.03.2015 09:42 / QSL-letter / English / [email protected] Germany The Mighty KBC / 7375 kHz / 05.04.2015 02:48 / QSL-letter / English / [email protected] Author: Sakh Hunter - Place of reception: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Oblast - Receiver: Degen DE-1103 | Antenna: Degen DE-31MS Germany Missionswerk Friedenstimme / 11995 kHz / 11.01.2015 15:00 / QSL-card, printed materials / Russian /MWF, Postfach 100638, Gummersbash 51606, Germany France Radio Taiwan International (RTI) / 11750 kHz / 07.04.2015 17:50 / QSL-card / Russian / [email protected] Author: waso Place of reception: Moscow region. Receiver: Computers & Software Spectrum Lab, DEGEN-1103 | long wire 20 m. Russia Radio Slovakia International / 738 kHz / 05.01.2015 21:00 / QSL-card, printed materials / Russian / [email protected]

Alvin Mmirabal Radio Exterior de España (REE)

Radio Exterior de España (REE) realizará mañana los cambios a frecuencias más altas de onda corta requeridos por la flota pesquera este mismo mes. La plataforma que defiende las emisiones anunció ayer que este viernes cambiarán la frecuencia de 11.685 a 17.755 y la de 11.940 a 17.715, como solicitó el propio sector en un informe entregado a los responsables de la Corporación RTVE. El desdoble de las emisiones durante el fin de semana que prometió REE no será posible por el momento hasta que vuelvan los transmisores enviados para su "actualización" a EE UU, como publicó FARO el pasado domingo. Por ello, por ahora intentarán hacer una adaptación subiendo un poco la frecuencia utilizada. La Plataforma en Defensa de la Onda Corta en Radio Exterior de España aseguró ayer que la Corporación "realmente tiene la voluntad de cambiar las frecuencias y de emitir con la mejor calidad posible teniendo en cuenta los recortes" y que "para cambiar las frecuencias, hay que cambiar postes transmisores y orientar correctamente los emisores".

Eduardo Miranda

Observatório Nacional Prá quem faz escuta do Observatório Nacional aqui do R.J. segue o Tour virtual para terem uma ideia de como lá é show,já estive por lá várias vezes,fica só 2 Km´s da minha casa no bairro de São Cristovão. http://www.on.br/Tour360ON/flash/Tour_onTour.html

Glenn Hauser Logs April 6-7, 2015

** BANGLADESH. 15505, April 7 at 1359, open carrier, poor with flutter, 1359:33 BB IS starts; 1359:56 IS stops, but NO mistimesignal, just opening announcement, and into Urdu theme music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 13605, April 7 at 0546, R. Martí is long gone at this hour, but the DentroCuban Jamming Command angrily keeps attacking its A-15 frequency with pulse jamming, and irregular beeping more audible with BFO, like the clip I previously recorded on 11930. In fact, 11930 is doing the same thing now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15370, April 7 at 1326, this RHC frequency is still missing. Old B14 sked is still on website, showing it at 14-16 UT, but from DST March 8, it really shifted to 13-15 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. 17810, April 7 at 1342, poor signal with hymn, language sounds Chinese, only signal in the 17.8s. HFCC shows it`s AWR, 250 kW, 70 degrees via Nauen at 1300-1500 in Chinese (except Sat & Sun 1300-1330 Uyghur). Would any of that merit jamming? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 11570, Tuesday April 7 at 1335, fast tone jamming, about 8 pulses per second, offset at 11571, a modulated carrier, against weak station. At first I think KTWR Vietnamese must have shifted down from 11580 to 11570, but it would have closed at 1330 anyway except on a Saturday. For more options, consult Aoki, which has something else on 11570, missing from HFCC:

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11570 1300-1500 UZB Radio Free Chosun Kor Tashkent 1-7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. Earthquake report: the DXLD/WOR room shakes for a few seconds, April 7 at 0352:24 UT. USGS info looked up later shows: M 3.1 5 km SE of Enid, Oklahoma 2015-04-07 03:52:17 UTC 5.0 km Location 36.357°N, 97.838°W Once again, note the delay, only 7 seconds, and this one is indeed closer! Meanwhile, the previous one we logged, which felt weaker here, has been slightly downgraded from original mag 4.2: M 3.9 - 20 km SSE of Medford, Oklahoma 2015-04-06 15:30:23 UTC Location 36.634°N 97.657°W Depth 5.2 km (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA [non]. 1520, April 7 at 0556 UT, KOKC is still off, allowing KOLM Rochester MN to dominate over some weaker signals: 0559 UT weather on ``Sports Radio 1520, The Ticket``. Beyond cheatin` KOLM, should be a great opportunity to DX others while lacking usual KOKC dominance, probably not much longer once their new antenna be up. Recheck in daytime 1539 UT April 7, KOKC is still off, but there`s always KOKC-via-KEBC on 1560 for those who can get it; weak here, but usually readable on caradio at least (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA [and non]. RF 5 thru 51, with only a few exceptions, almost every channel in this range has at least a BAD DTV signal, tnx to heavy regional tropo, April 7 from tune-in 1428 UT. Most of them not enough to decode, but notable is RF 27, where KFOR OKC, normally a bigsig, is NOT decoding, meaning it has too much co-channel interference. My antenna is still stuck toward OKC, remember, so I can`t rotate and chase other direxions. One which does decode is RF35, KMTW DT, i.e. the megawatt in Hutchinson KS, off the back. On RF 5, brief sign of a BAD signal is intriguing. W9WI.com listings in the area include not a single Kansan, but a single Oklahoman not too far off the antenna heading: Durant, OK KXDA-LD 100 33-07-57N 096-39-39W LIC 47.1:S:REL Durant, OK KXDA-LD 3,000 32-54-04N 096-41-15W CP 47.1:S:REL And of course several in further TX, notably but unlikely: KCWX Fredericksburg TX, 23.7 kW or ``special-temporary`` with 45 kW The Mountainlake tropo map shows huge overlapping red blobs over OK and all adjacent states; the more refined Hepburn map for 1200 UT today shows the major area around Louisiana, but a separate minor area from OK into KS. In legacy-mode, after being sure my analog TV set is still connected to the same antenna thru amp and splitter, I still step thru all the channels, 2 up to 56 in case there be any NTSC left; discounting cable radiation here and there, not a raster to be seen, except something on ch 52 --- this must not be real either, as W9WI.com shows there is only ONE US station of any kind left on this channel, a TBN analog translator in Pennsylvania. Here, utility occupancy starts at 57, and many more, but not all, upwards thru 83, which my old Zenith 12-incher B&W still tunes. I reset it to channel 2 hoping for some sporadic E analog DX from the few Canadians, Mexicans, Cubans, Americans left (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [and non]. 13800, April 7 at 0547, heavy tone jamming mixing with R. Dabanga, fair signals at about equal levels. // 11650 the same situation, but both at poor levels. 13800 is via MADAGASCAR; 11650 via VATICAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET [non]. 18980, April 7 at 1344, JBA signal here. Try to // it with CNR1 jammer on 15265, but not, tho it could be, merely not synch. 18990, April 7 at 1344, an even weaker JBA broadcast signal, also with some noise. So what`s the Tuesday registration for RFA Tibetan via Kuwait? 18980 at 13-14, 18990 at 12-13. So both RFA and the jammer should be on 18980 during this hour, but April 5 I did find them uncoördinated. By 1358 today, 18980 is off, 18990 still on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1767 monitoring: confirmed Tuesday April 7 at 1106 on WRMI 9955, VG signal, atop lite pulse jamming: tnx a lot, Arnie! Next: Wed 0630 HLR 7265-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio Wed 1315 WRMI 9955 Wed 1430 HLR 7265-CUSB Hamburger Lokalradio Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v Thu 0330 WRMI 9955 [or 1768 if ready in time] Thu 1230 WRMI 9955 [ditto] Thu 2100 WRMI 7570 [ditto; NEW] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 720, April 6 at 1901 UT on caradio, here`s WGN radio again at midday, weak but clear and fully readable (as long as I am between powerline and traffic light buzzes), during ``WGN News``. This is really getting weird: as we are more and more into hi solar angles, and this is less than a semihour beyond local mean noon, it seems less and less likely this could be residual skywave breaking thru. WGN is capable of getting here on extended groundwave, but previously not so reliably nor so strongly. Of the big Chicago stations, this is the only one with a really Clear channel. Has something improved the ground conductivity between there and here? With general drought conditions above ground, one would not think so. However, the Extreme Drought is only here in OK, not so much up toward Chicago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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Mauricio Pimenta Venta

ABAIXEI O PREÇO ..... YAESU FT-7 APENAS 1,000.00 COM FRETE INCLUSO PARA TODO BRASIL ! ((APROVEITEM )) Olá amigos, Este meu radio trata-se de um YAESU FT-7 , maravilhoso exemplar , radio para colecionadores , todo funcionando recepçao e transmissao , hiper estado de conservação . Apenas efetuar alguns ajustes de frequencias pois o mesmo deve ter ficado muito tempo parado e esta uns 200 kilociclos acima do que mostra no dial . Coisa mais que simples de resolver. Radio todo original , 80 . 40 . 20 , 15 e 10 metros . Exemplar igual a este é um muito difícil de se encontrar hoje em dia . Segue fotos novas que tirei dele agora a tarde . Preço do exemplar : R$1.000,00 JA COM O FRETE INCLUSO PARA QUALQUER LUGAR DO BRASIL ! Interesso em trocar em receptor Tecsun S-2000 ou Radio Base VHF dual band YAESU FT-7800 . Segue fotos feitas por mim , fotos reais do equipamento . Eu gostei do seu FT-7800 pergunto se ele esta desbloqueado para recepção em 255 mhz e como esta o estado de conservação e funcionamento do mesmo . Conheça mais informações bem como o manual do rádio clicando neste link : http://www.rigpix.com/yaesu/ft7.htm Como nunca tivemos a oportunidade de fecharmos algum negocio , envio-lhe esses dois links para que Vsa. possa conhecer-me um pouco e averiguar a minha idoneidade e honestidade junto a outros colegas do ramo de radiocomunicação . Conheça-me um pouco , clique neste link : http://logicamaxtec.webnode.com.br/conhe%C3%A7a-me%20um%20pouco/ Veja as opniões de quem já negociou comigo , clique neste link : http://logicamaxtec.webnode.com.br/comentarios-de-clientes/ Meus telefones de contato : ( 33 ) 8873-2525 Celular OI e Whatsapp ( 33 ) 9173-2525 Celular TIM ( 33 ) 3523-5510 Fixo / Residencial A disposição. Atenciosamente, Mauricio Pimenta Cunha - PY4ID Analista de Sistemas Logicamax Tecnologia Nosso site : www.logicamax.com.br Facebook : fa http://facebook.com/logicamaxtecnologia cebook.com/logicamaxtecnologia http://facebook.com/logicamaxtecnologia Teófilo Otoni - MG – Brasil

Rob Quinlan Looks like HF on Wednesday

Looks like HF on Wednesday is going to be poor, I'm guessing VHF/UHF and MW are going to feel it also? Aurora Alert! Giant Filament Tears Away from the Sun (it's near the bottom) http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/science-pictures-of-the-week-lunar-eclipse-sun-moon-halos-dark-filament-eruption/48705/

Diego Washington Silvera Venta

SUPER STAR 3900 CON 35 W DE SALIDA IMPECABLE 095963237 ESTA EN MELO Tengo un superstar 3900 con 35 watios ajustado y calibrado recientemente por uno de los mejores tecnicos de cerro largo esta inpecable y a prueva le hice colocar llave al biper y la +10 para alfas a 3000 pesos

Vince DXpedicoes em video

Aos colegas interessados em ver como e uma dxpedicao do outro lado do circuito, basta visitar o site James Brooks, 9V1YC’s Videos on Vimeo Onde 13 filmes produzidos profissionalmente, cada um em torno de 1 hora de duracao, com certeza saciara a curiosidade. Abracos, Vince.

Siddhartha Bhattacharjee Escuchas

Special Cover on BOSCON 2015, the Annual Conference of Bangalore Orthopaedic Society released on 28th March 2015. The Bangalore Orthopaedic Society is a professional association for Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeons in Bangalore and for those who are outside Bangalore, but continue to show interest in the affairs of the Association. Apart from academics, its traditional focus is on research and on promotion of the highest clinical and ethical standards. The Bangalore Orthopaedic Society organized BOSCON 2015, the Annual Conference from 27th to 29th March 2015 at NIMHANS Convention Center, Bangalore. On the occasion a Special Cover was released by Karnataka Postal Circle (KTK/35/2015) on 28th March 2015. http://www.indianphilately.net/news.html

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Robert Ross Escuchas

Hi Guys: I've been making recordings with the ELAD at Local Sunrise and Sunset the last week or so, but haven't found conditions all that great here. However, Yesterday I had 2 NEW STATIONS waiting for me when I checked my Recordings from SUNSET last night. Both NEW stations were heard on the hour @ 2100 EDT……….. RECEIVER is……………………ELAD FDM-S2 SDR ANTENNA is……………………100 Foot Longwire - 73……………..ROB VA3SW Robert S. Ross - London, Ontario CANADA 970 WKCI Waynesboro, VIRGINIA April/12/15 2100 EDT EE FAIR ID by Male DJ @ 2100 as "This is WCKY" Into "FOX NEWS RADIO" News @ 2100-2103 EDT. (WCKY 1300 Harrisonburg is the sister station of WCKI and is simulcast) NEW STN 5/1 KW - ROSS, ON. 1600 WLXE Rockville, MARYLAND April/12/15 2058 EDT SPANISH GOOD SS Pop Music with Female singer 2058-2101 EDT. Male DJ with ID in SS Mentioned WLXE and Washington, DC @ 2102. More talk and Jingles and another mention of Washington DC. Into more SS Pop Music. Doesn't sound Mexican, more SS Tropical sounding. NEW STN 1 KW/500 Watts N - ROSS, ON. 1300 WGDJ Rensselaer, NEW YORK April/11/15 2100 EDT EE FAIR Male DJ with ID @ 2100 EDT as "WGDJ Rensselaer". Into Talk by Male DJ @ 2100-2102 EDT. Hi Guys: The 2100 EDT Time Slot is proving to be a good time for logging New Stuff the past few days. Tonight @ Sunset I logged 3 more New Stations during that time!! All Stations were recorded on the ELAD SDR……. RADIO USED…………..ELAD FDM-S2 SDR - ANTENNA USED………100 Foot Longwire 73………….ROB VA3SW - Robert S. Ross - London, Ontario CANADA 970 WDCZ Buffalo, NEW YORK April/13/15 2058 EDT EE GOOD Religious Talk 2058-2100 EDT. ID by Male DJ @ 2100 EDT as "WDCX-FM 99.5 and WDCX HD1 and AM 970 WDCZ - Buffalo". Into more Relig Talk. Simulcasts with WDCX-FM 99.5 . NEW STN 5 KW. ROSS, ON. 1380 WCBG Waynesboro, PA. April/13/15 2100 EDT EE GOOD. ID by Male DJ @ 2100 EDT as "Weekeday Mornings on ESPN RADIO - 1380 WCBG - Waynesboro, Chambersburg, and Haverstown" "ESPN RADIO" Ids and Jingles @ 2100 EDT. Into Sports Talk @ 2101 EDT. NEW STN 1 KW/20 Watts Nights- ROSS, ON. 1590 WOKR Brockport, NEW YORK April/13/15 2100 EDT EE GOOD. ID by Male DJ @ 2100 EDT as "1310 - WRSB Canandaigua - 1590 WOKR Brockport - THE TEAM". Into Sports Talk @ 2101 EDT. NEW STN 1 KW. ROSS, ON. 1120 WUST Washington DC April/13/15 2028 EDT EE GOOD. SIGN OFF by Male DJ @ 2028 EDT. "1120 WUST - Washington, DC". "Tune into WUST Tomorrow Morning". Into Instrumental National Anthem SSB @ 2029-2030 EDT. Off Air @ 2030 EDT. RELOG 20 KW Days. ROSS, ON.

Babul Gupta Escuchas

KBS World Radio - Kimjae, Korea: 9640 kHz in English at 1420 to 1501 hrs UTC log on 5th March, 2015 and f/d QSL card arrived on 13th April, 2015 for my email report to: [email protected] http://babulgupta-dxer.blogspot.in/…/10/republic-of-korea.h… BABUL GUPTA - BARASAT, WEST BENGAL, INDIA

José Maranhão Escuchas

=> ATUALIZADO 2.015 , LISTA DE FREQUECIAS BRASIL ONDAS TROPICAIS E ONDAS CURTAS => [ ATUALIZADO 2.015 ] FREQUENCIAS ONDAS CURTAS E ONDAS TROPICAIS BRASIL ONDAS TROPICAIS NO BRASIL 2015 FREQUENCY KWATS PREFIX STATE TIME BOADSCASTING NAME RADIO WEB SITE STATION 2.380 0.250 ZYG852 SP 2000-1030 Radio Educadora de Limeira nos 120 metros a unica emissora http://www.educadoraam.com.br/ *Ultima Escuta em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZbp3uwcST0 Fonte: Gustavo Marcel Guaita Receptor: Sangean ATS 909X Antena Telescópica QTH: Florianópolis, Brasil Em 11 de abril de 2014 3.365 1.000 ZYG855 SP 0700-0300 Radio Cultura de Araraquarahttp://www.radiocultura.net/ 3.375 1.000 ZYF276 AM 0000-2400 Radio Municipal Saõ Gabriel da Cachoeira http://www.criarbrasil.org.br/comuni…/noticias-conteudo.asp… 4.755 10.000 ZYF904 MS 0700-0300 Radio Imaculada Conseição do MShttp://www.miliciadaimaculada.org.br/ver3/radio.asp?radio 4.775 1.000 ZYG207 MG 0900-2400 Radio Congonhashttp://www.radiocongonhas.com.br/ 4.785 10.000 ZYG790 RO 0900-0300 Radio Caiari de Rondoniahttp://www.radiocaiari.com/ 4.805 10.000 ZYF273 AM 0930-0100 Radio Difusora do Amazonashttp://www.difusora24h.com/?page_id=1053 4.815 10.000 ZYG640 PR 0755-0355 Radio Difusora de Londrinahttp://www.radioalvoradalondrina.com.br/ 4.845 5.000 ZYF278 AM 0800-0200 Radio Cultura de Manaushttp://www.tvcultura.am.gov.br/site/pagina/radio-cultura/ 4.845 1.000 ZYG869 SP 0800-0200 Radio Ibitinga 4.865 5.000 ZYF203 AC 1000-0300 Radio Verdes Florestashttp://www.diocesecruzeirodosul.org/index.php?s=radio-verdes-florestas 4.865 5.000 ZYG641 PR 0000-2400 Radio Alvorada de Londrinahttp://www.radioalvoradalondrina.com.br/

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4.885 5.000 ---- -- AC 0000-2400 Radio Difusora Acreanahttp://www.difusora.acre.gov.br/ 4.885 5.000 ZYG362 PA 0000-2400 Radio Clube Do Parahttp://www.radioclubedopara.com.br/ 4.875 10.000 ZYG810 RR 0800-0405 Radio Roraimahttp://www.radioclubedopara.com.br/ 4.895 5.000 ZYR200 MS 0000-2400 Radio Novo Tempohttp://novotempo.com/campogrande/ 4.905 5.000 ZYG683 RJ 0730-0300 Radio Relogio Rio de Janeirohttp://www.radiorelogioam.com.br/ 4.915 10.000 ZYF691 GO 0900-0400 Radio Daquihttps://www.facebook.com/daquigoiania 4.915 10.000 ZYF360 AP 0000-2400 Radio Difusora de Macapahttp://www.difusora.ap.gov.br/ 4.925 5.000 ZYF271 AM 1030-0300 Radio Educação Ruralhttp://www.radioruraltefe.com.br/ 4.965 5.000 ZYF275 AM 2200-0200 Radio Alvorada De Parintinshttp://www.alvoradaparintins.com.br/ 4.975 1.000 ZYG865 SP 0000-2400 Radio Iguatemihttp://www.radioiguatemi.com.br/ 4.985 10.000 ZYF690 GO 0000-2400 Radio Brasil Centralhttp://www.radiobrasilcentral.com.br/ 5.015 1.000 ZYF903 MT 0000-2400 Radio Cultura De Cuiabáhttp://www.radioculturadecuiaba.com.br/ 5.035 --------- -------------- AM ----- Rádio Educação Ruralhttp://radiocoariamot.blogspot.com/ 5.035 10.000 ZYG853 SP 0830-0400 Radio Aparecidahttp://www.a12.com/radio-aparecida FREQUENCIAS ONDAS CURTAS BRASIL 2015 - NOVIDADE A RB2 De Curitiba PR 49 metros em 6040 kHz 31 metros em 9725 kHz 25 metros em 11935 kHz Fonte: Uender Marques Unai MG 5.940 0.500 RADIO VOZ MISSIONARIA SC 2100-0800http://www.gideoes.com.br/ 5.965 7.500 ZYE858 RS 0300-1000 Radio Transmundialhttp://www.transmundial.org.br/ 5.970 10.000 ZYE523 MG 0000-2400 Radio Itatiaiahttp://www.itatiaia.com.br/ 6.000 10.000 ZYE852 RS 0700-0300 Radio Guaibahttp://www.radioguaiba.com.br/ 6.010 5.000 ZYE521 MG 0900-0600 Radio Inconfidenciahttp://www.inconfidencia.com.br/ 6.060 15.000 ZYE726 PR 0000-2400 SRDA Radio Super Deus e Amorhttp://www.superradiodeuseamor.com.br/ 6.080 10.000 ZYE726 PR 0000-2400 Radio Marumbyhttp://radioevangelismo.com 6.080 5.000 ZYE441 GO 0800-0300 Radio Daquihttps://www.facebook.com/daquigoiania[ATUALMENTE FORA DO AR ] ** QUANDO OCORRE E INRREGULAR] 6.090 10.000 ZYE956 SP 0000-2400 Radio Bandeirantes SPhttp://radiobandeirantes.band.uol.com.br/radioam.asp 6.105 5.000 ZYE728 PR 0945-0110 Radio Filadelfia -PRhttp://www.radiofiladelfia.com.br/ 6.120 10.000 ZYE969 SP 1100-0900 Radio SRDA Radio Super Deus e Amorhttp://www.superradiodeuseamor.com.br/ 6.135 25.000 ZYE954 SP 0800-0300 Radio Aparecida 6.160 10.000 ZYE854 RS 0000-2400 Radio Legiao boa vontadehttp://www.boavontade.com/radio/ [ *Nenhum Logs Radio Escutas, Em minha regiao e impossivel sintonizar QRM da Rio Mar ] 6.160 10.000 ZYE245 AM 0000-2400 Radio Rio Marhttp://www.rederiomar.com.br/ 6.180 250.000 ZYE365 DF 0000-2400 Radio Nacional da Amazoniahttp://radios.ebc.com.br/nacionalamazonia 9.515 10.000 ZYE726 PR 0700-0100 Radio Marumbyhttp://radioevangelismo.com/ 9.530 10.000 ZYE858 RS 0700-0100 Radio Transmundialhttp://www.transmundial.org.br/ 9.550 10.000 ZYE855 RS 0000-2400 Radio Legiao da boa vontadehttp://www.boavontade.com/radio/ 9.565 20.000 ZYE727 PR 0000-2400 Radio SRDA Radio Super Deus e Amorhttp://www.superradiodeuseamor.com.br/ 9.585 10.000 ZYE969 SP 0700-0200 SRDA Radio Super Deus e Amorhttp://www.superradiodeuseamor.com.br/ 9.630 10.000 ZYE954 SP 0800-0300 Radio Aparecidahttp://www.a12.com/radio-aparecida 9.645 7.500 ZYE957 SP 0000-2400 Radio Bandeiranteshttp://radiobandeirantes.band.uol.com.br/radioam.asp 9.665 10.000 ZYE890 SC 0000-2400 Radio Voz Missionariahttp://www.gideoes.com.br/ 9.695 7.500 ZYE254 AM 1000-2100 Radio Rio Marhttp://www.rederiomar.com.br/ 9.815 10.000 ZYR96 SP 0000-2400 Radio 9 de julhohttp://www.radio9dejulho.com.br/ 10.000 1.000 PPE RJ 0000-2400 Radio do Observatorio Nacional da Horahttp://www.horalegalbrasil.mct.on.br/ 11.735 50.000 ZYE857 RS 0700-2000 Radio Transmundialhttp://www.transmundial.org.br/ 11.765 10.000 ZYE727 PR 0900-0200 Radio SRDA Super deus e amorhttp://www.superradiodeuseamor.com.br/ 11.780 250.000 ZYE365 DF 2300-0800 Radio Nacional da Amazoniahttp://radios.ebc.com.br/nacionalamazonia 11.815 7.500 ZYE440 GO 0700-0400 Radio Brasil Centralhttp://www.radiobrasilcentral.com.br/ [**TRANSMITE INRREGULAR] 11.830 10.000 ZYE441 GO 0800-2000 Radio Daquihttps://www.facebook.com/daquigoiania[**TRANSMITE INRREGULAR] A Transmissão costuma ser SAB/DOM 11.855 1.000 ZYE954 SP 0800-0320 Radio Aparecidahttp://www.a12.com/radio-aparecida 11.895 1.000 ZYE856 RS 0700-0200 Radio Legião da boa vontadehttp://www.boavontade.com/radio/ 11.915 10.000 ZYE851 RS 0900-0400 Radio Gauchahttp://gaucha.clicrbs.com.br/rs/ 11.925 10.000 ZYE958 SP 0000-2400 Radio Bandeiranteshttp://radiobandeirantes.band.uol.com.br/radioam.asp [FORA DO AR FALTANDO PEÇAS NO TRANSMISSOR SEGUNDO , ALGUNS DEXISTAS .. 15.190 5.000 ZYE522 SP 0000-2400 Radio Inconfidenciahttp://www.inconfidencia.com.br/ *Emissora Com poucos Logs **Transmissão Irregular -A lista não siguinifica que as emissoras ira obedecer os horarios. Bandeira do Brasil Foto/wikipedia EDIÇAO E ORGANIZAÇAO, DANIEL WYLLYANS NOVA XAVANTINA MT

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Allen Willie Escuchas

1053 LIBYA - Radio Libya , Tripoli 00:30 UTC w/ woman in Arabic, mentions of Libya 1413 MOLDOVA - Vesti FM Relay 00:00 UTC w/ news in Russian , ID ( Good signal into Newfoundland this evening ) Receiver: ICOM R-75 w/ 500 foot wire - Allen Willie VOPC1AA - Carbonear, Newfoundland

Ivan Dias Jr. Escuchas

Caros amigos, Este é meu primeiro informe de escutas efetuadas por meio de um shack remoto. Há quase dois anos vinha planejando e montando gradativamente este shack em minha casa para acesso quando não estou por perto. Para chegar ao meu objetivo, várias ações foram realizadas: 1 – Circuito elétrico do shack separado do restante da casa; 2 – Filtragem de todas as tomadas e pontos de iluminação da casa (onde utilizo lâmpadas LED que não emitem ruído); 3 – Uso de filtro de linha na entrada de energia da casa e junto às tomadas em que são alimentados os equipamentos do shack; 4 – Fonte de alimentação com máxima filtragem para uso em minha máquina desktop de forma que não haja interferência no rádio enquanto trabalho; 5 – Cabos coaxiais de qualidade; 6 – Uso de filtros passa alta e faseador para cancelar ruídos residuais; 7 – Aterramento. Para controlar todo o sistema optei por utilizar o software para acesso remoto LogMeIn após alguns contatos com Dexistas de países nórdicos. Com uma conexão razoável há transmissão de vídeo de áudio sem grande atraso ou travamentos. No momento tenho funcionando um scanner Radioshack PRO-197 e um receptor Icom IC-R75. Os softwares de controle de ambos equipamentos são o Win500 e Icom Manager, respectivamente. Nas próximas semanas minha intenção é colocar online um receptor para ADS-B, um SDR Elad FDM-S2 e o comando do rotor Yaesu G-450A. Apesar da maior parte dos equipamentos modernos possuírem o recurso de timer, foi uma experiência única poder usar meus equipamentos à distância. Neste teste inicial usei como base uma faixa de escutas relativamente fáceis (16 metros) e o período diurno/entardecer para determinar o potencial do sistema. Para não prolongar demais este email, seguem as escutas efetuadas: 17530 13/04 1625 STP VOA, Pinheira, is, id em EE 35443 17540 13/04 1825 USA Radio Japan, Cypress Creek, is, id em PP 45444 17550 13/04 1555 KWT Radio Kwait, Sulaibiyah, YL ao telefone em AA 45444 17560 13/04 1615 ARS BSKSA, Riyadh, om tlk ininterrupto em AA 45444 17640 13/04 1600 ASC BBC, Ascension, nx em EE w/ om/yl 34343 17715 13/04 2005 E REE, Noblejas, cm abt imigração ilegal 55444 17725 13/04 2125 E REE, Noblejas, om tlk abt Espanha colonial 55444 17745 13/04 2120 ROU RRI, Tiganesti, yl tlk abt Comunismo em SS 55444 17830 13/04 1605 ASC BBC, Ascension, cm político local em EE 55444 17855 13/04 2010 E REE, Noblejas, nx em EE w/ om 45444 Caso alguém queira trocar ideias a respeito deste assunto, estou à disposição. Equipamentos utilizados: Receptor Icom IC-R75 Faseador DX Engineering NCC-1

Antena DX-One Professional MKII Antena Wellbrook ALA-1530S+ Caros amigos, Segue a lista de NDBs captados no período diurno durante a última DXcamp em Guareí/SP: 200 - DAD - Diadema/SP 205 - AAQ - Araraquara/SP 210 - IY - Pirassununga/SP 220 - PER - São Paulo/SP 235 - URB - Uberaba/MG 235 - NVG - Navegantes/SC 240 - IB - Guarulhos/SP 255 - PNH - São José dos Pinhais/PR 260 - MAE - São Paulo/SP 280 - RCL - Rio Claro/SP 290 - IS - São Paulo/SP 300 - IP - Campinas/SP

310 - PSN - Pirassununga/SP 330 - PP - São Paulo/SP 330 - RPR - Ribeirão Preto/SP 345 - IS - Pirassununga/SP 365 - LON - Londrina/PR 370 - IK - Campinas/SP 375 - SAT - Santos/SP 380 - BRU - Bauru/SP 410 - IG - Guarulhos/SP 415 - PCL - Poços de Caldas/MG 515 - CPN - Campinas/SP

Captei na frequência de 340 kHz um NDB com a identificação “ARE”. Não pareceu haver problema na gravação, mas também não encontrei nenhum dado sobre ele. Se alguém tiver alguma informação ficarei agradecido. 73 - Ivan Dias Jr. - Sorocaba/SP https://www.youtube.com/regionaldx http://ivandias.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/ivandiasjr

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Jordi Brunet Escuchas

95.7 SER Menorca, 99.8 RTL Sardenya, 101.6 RDS Menorca, 100.4 RNE 5 IB Menorca. 13 abril 2015 102.9 Ara mega tropo per les costes del Garraf, arriben FMs des del Marroc, Medi1 102,9 fins a Sardenya RAI3 97,3 passant per Algèria RTA3 88,4 i molt fortes les FMs Balears!!!

Rodolfo Tizzi Escuchas

Onda Media tiene sus satisfacciones, pero exige paciencia. La madrugada del sábado al domingo trajo aquí al sur las señales muy débiles de lo que considero que es la emisora religiosa boricua, a la que estaría escuchando por primera vez. Reception of (presumed) WGIT Faro de Santidad (Canovanas, Puerto Rico) on 1660 kHz by CX2ABP in Jaureguiberry, Uruguay (GF25hf) (6015 km). April 12, 2015 at 0524 UTC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQz10xbLWLU&feature=youtu.be

Jose Miguel Romero Escuchas

7215 //9620 BBC, 05:30-06:05, escuchada el 12 de abril de 2015 en hausa, música de sintonía, locutor con comentarios, entrevista a invitado con referencias a “Democratia y kaduna”, ID “BBC Hausa”, SINPO 55444 9815 Radio Farda, 20:48-20:53, escuchada el 11 de abril de 2015 en persa, locutora con comentarios y emisión de música pop ligera, emisión en paralelo con 5865 vía Kuwait, SINPO 35433 ALEMANIA ALEMANIA ALEMANIA ALEMANIA 6095 Mighty KBC Radio (Nauen), 08:03-98:20, escuchada el 12 de abril de 2015 en holandés a locutor con comentarios, emisión de música pop rock y country, cuña de ID en inglés, SINPO 55555 9560 DP07 Seewetterbericht (Kall-Krekei), 07:50-08:00, escuchada el 13 de abril de 2015 en alemán a locutor con comentarios, “Informazionen..destin..Internet…Good Morning…Radio…”, termina la emisión con un fragmento musical que me recordaba a las típicas cajas de música, SINPO 44433 ASCENSION ASCENSION ASCENSION ASCENSION 7415 Dandal Kura Radio (Ascensión), 05:38-05:43, escuchada el 11 de abril de 2015 en kanuri a locutora con entrevista a invitado, SINPO 45333 AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA 7375 Reach Beyond Australia (HCJB), (Kununurra), 22:01-22:07, escuchada el 11 de abril de 2015 en indonesio, música de sintonía, locutora con presentación, segmento música instrumental, música religiosa, SINPO 33443 COREA DEL NORTE COREA DEL NORTE COREA DEL NORTE COREA DEL NORTE 6400 Pyonyang BS (Kanggye), 21:55-2200, escuchada el 11 de abril de 2015 en coreano con emisión de música popular, SINPO 23222 COREA DEL SURCOREA DEL SURCOREA DEL SURCOREA DEL SUR 6250 Echo Of Hope-VOH (Hwaseong), 20:32-20:40, escuchada el 11 de abril de 2015 en coreano a locutor con comentarios, emisión de música coral y opera, SINPO 24332 CUBA CUBA CUBA CUBA 5025 Radio Rebelde (Quivican), 06:03-06:20, escuchada el 11 de abril de 2015 en español a locutor y locutora con comentarios, tema de Camela “Si tú fueras mía”, cuña publicitaria de Radio Rebelde, “Rebelde la emisora de los grandes momentos”, pronóstico del tiempo, ID “ A esta hora aquí Radio Rebelde”, presentan a técnico de sonido “Ángel Miguel Toledo”, cuña “En la sala 500, David Negra”, SINPO 45444 ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA 10000 Italcable, 12:27, escuchada el 13 de abril de 2015 en italiano a locutor dando la hora cada minuto, emisión de fragmentos musicales, SINPO 44333 NIGERIA NIGERIA NIGERIA NIGERIA 15120 Voice of Nigeria (Ikorodu), 07:40-07:50, escuchada el 13 de abril de 2015 en francés a locutor con comentarios sobre tema de música maliense que estaban emitiendo, presenta a técnico de sonido “Emmanuel ….”, programa de música africana, locutora con comentarios, SINPO 44444 A las 08:00 comienza la emisión en inglés, la emisión fue terrible, sin comparación con la emisión en francés. RUMANIA RUMANIA RUMANIA RUMANIA 7290 IRRS Milano (Saftica), 18:20-19:00, escuchada el 11 de abril de 2015 en inglés, emisión de música rock y Jazz, fragmento del programa diexista de Glenn Hauser, locutor con ID, locutora con boletín de noticias, música pop melódica, locutor con entrevista a dos invitadas,locutor con ID y fin de emisión, SINPO 44444 Spy NumersSpy NumersSpy NumersSpy Numers 5885 05:20, escuchada el 12 de abril de 2015 en español a locutora deletreando “88505 45519 60857 25471” SOMALIA SOMALIA SOMALIA SOMALIA 7120 Radio Hargeysa (Hargeysa), 17:40-17:43, escuchada el 12 de abril de 2015 en somalí a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 22442 TAIWAN TAIWAN TAIWAN TAIWAN 7530 Praise Music Ministries (Tamsui District), 21:00-21:07, escuchada el 10 de abril de 2015 en Hakka o chino con música de sintonía, locutor con presentación, fragmento musical y locutor con comentarios, SINPO 44444 TANZANIA TANZANIA TANZANIA TANZANIA

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11735 Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation (Dole), 19:23-19:30, escuchada el 11 de abril de 2015 en swahili a locutora con comentarios, programa musical, temas étnicos, SINPO 24322 Jose Miguel Romero - Sacañet (Castellón) 1011m altitud - Latitud: 39.8667 - Longitud: -0.7167 Grundig Yatch Boy 80 - Antena hilo de 10m

Sakae Onozawa Escuchas

QSL: RTI : Radio Taiwan International QSL: RTI : Radio Taiwan International QSL: RTI : Radio Taiwan International QSL: RTI : Radio Taiwan International ---- Paochung, TAIWANPaochung, TAIWANPaochung, TAIWANPaochung, TAIWAN, March 19, 11:00 UTC, 7,445 kHz, English program. F/D QSL received in 13 days, for a reception report sent by email. QSL's design is ‘Sunset in Jiufen’(2014-05). http://hadzuki.air-nifty.com/radio/…/04/rti-radio-taiwa.html QSL: HSK9: Radio Thailand World Service QSL: HSK9: Radio Thailand World Service QSL: HSK9: Radio Thailand World Service QSL: HSK9: Radio Thailand World Service ---- Udon Thani, THAILANDUdon Thani, THAILANDUdon Thani, THAILANDUdon Thani, THAILAND, February 13, 13:00 UTC, 9,390 kHz, Japanese program. F/D QSL received in 48 days, for a reception report sent by email. QSL's design is ‘Classical paintings on the door panels at Wat Suthat, Bangkok’ http://hadzuki.air-nifty.com/radio/2015/04/hsk9-radio-thai.html

Pedro Elonda Escuchas

90'3 DMD2 RADIO, Alfabia. En portadora. 101'6 LA MEGA MALLORCA, Palma. Recupera el seu RDS, però ara el PS és estàtic: "LA_MEGA_". 103'7 WHITE FM EIVISSA. Normalitzada.

Rafael Rodriguez Escuchas

La imagen recibida hoy. En verdad estoy satisfescho con las imagenes logradas, no es mi fuerte el VHF; y a pesar de no contar con la antena mas apropiada. mi handy de mas de 20 años se porto muy bien

Jorge Freitas Escuchas

13580 12/Abr 1837-1900 BANGLADESH, Bangladesh Betar em inglês. Acredite! Longa sequência de música pop internacional! As 1900 ID por OM em claro inglês e fim da transmissão. 25332 (Jorge Freitas-B) Curiosidade sobre Bangladeche (site wikipedia) Bangladesh é o oitavo país do mundo em número de habitantes, com cerca de 150 milhões de habitantes em 2012. O rápido crescimento populacional do país trouxe um sério problema de superpopulação.23 O território do país é um pouco maior do que o estado brasileiro do Amapá, mas o número de habitantes é, aproximadamente, 220 vezes maior. Os habitantes locais são chamados bengaleses ou bengalis. Há muito tempo a região é caracterizada por uma grande pobreza.28 A maioria dos habitantes é composta de agricultores pobres, que se esforçam para tirar seu sustento de pequenos lotes de terra. Muitos dos trabalhadores das cidades ganham apenas alguns centavos por dia. Cerca de 52,1% da população com mais de 15 anos não sabem ler nem escrever. Cerca de 85% dos habitantes são muçulmanos, sendo a quase totalidade dos restantes compostas de hindus. A percentagem da população urbana de Bangladesh é inferior à da maioria das nações do sul da Ásia. Somente cerca de 18% da população vivem nas cidades. Apesar disso, Daca, a capital a maior cidade do país, é considerada uma das maiores cidades do mundo (em termos de população), tendo mais de sete milhões de habitantes residindo dentro de seus limites e mais de cinco milhões nas cidades e povoados periféricos.

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Ivanildo Gonçalves Dantas Escuchas

15320 12/04 1150 ? FEBC RADIO NX 33233 15330 12/04 1157 FEBC RADIO MX YL 33433 15360 12/04 1203 KUWAIT MASHAAL RADIO HINDI? NXS OM 23221 15390 12/04 1206 KUWAIT MASHAAL RADIO UNID IDIOMA 23332 15365 12/04 1212 PHLIIPINAS RADIO FREE ASIA TIBETANO 44444 15250 12/04 1215 RELAY?? VOA CC 22232 15215 12/04 1230 UAE RADIO FEBA YL S/OFF 33433 15090 12/04 1240 ? RADIO FREE AFEGANISTAN ( AZADI) 44444 15240 12/04 1300 GUAM KTWR RADIO SANTHALI YL NXS

Antônio Avelino Escuchas

Freq. Freq. Freq. Freq. Data, HoraData, HoraData, HoraData, Hora UTC, ITU, Emissora, Trannsmissor, Detalhes, SINPOUTC, ITU, Emissora, Trannsmissor, Detalhes, SINPOUTC, ITU, Emissora, Trannsmissor, Detalhes, SINPOUTC, ITU, Emissora, Trannsmissor, Detalhes, SINPO 11935 12/04/2015 0943 B Rádio RB2, Curitiba-PR, comentário sobre o processo dos acusados do mensalão. 23222 12015 12/04/2015 0947 ASC Radio Japan (NHK), Ascension, woman and man talks in language Japanese, 45444 11780 12/04/2015 0951 B Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, Brasília-DF, Mx de Zezé di Camargo e Luciano “Preciso do Seu Coração”, cantinho do coração, hoje vamos falar da dupla João mineiro e Marciano que iniciaram sua carreira em 1970 e se separaram em 1993, mx de João Mineiro e Marciano “Ainda Ontem Chorei de Saudade”, px Alvorada Brasileira. 45444 11765 12/04/2015 1000 B Super Rádio Desu é Amor, Curitiba-PR, comentários de fieis sobre suas vidas antes de serem curadas e que agora estão curadas dos males, id. 23222 11735 12/04/2015 1004 B Rádio Transmundial (RTM), Santa Maria-RS, Id. Informando telefone e site para contato, om falando, mx gospel, 22222 15210 12/04/2015 1010 CHN China Radio International, Kashi-Saibagh 2022, woman talks, man talks in language Indi, 34443 15440 12/04/2015 1015 CHN China Radio International, Kunming-Anning, mx (song) Chinese, woman talk in language Cantonese, 34443 17485 12/04/2015 1020 THA Voice of America (VOA), Udon Thani, man talks in language Chinese, 23332 17670 12/04/2015 1015 CHN China Radio International, Kunming-Anning, mx (song) Chinese, in language Cantonese, 34443 Nome: Antonio Avelino da Silva (AAS) (PY7048SWL) - Local das escutas: Caruaru, Pernambuco – Brasil Receptor: DEGEM DE 1103 Antena: Telescópica - Site de consulta das frequências: www.short-wave.info

Roberto Pavanello Escuchas

1395 5/4 18.00 R. Activity - [email protected] IT e MX suff. 1611 11/4 23.25 R. Goudvink - ?? EE ID e MX buono 3320 11/4 03.45 R. Sonder Grense - Meyerton Afrikaans NX suff. 3330 11/4 03.40 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip buono 4026 11/4 23.15 Laser Hot Hits - [email protected] EE DX NX buono 4765 11/4 04.00 R. Progreso - Habana SS ID e inno nazionale buono 4845 11/4 23.30 R. Cultura - Manaus PP calcio suff. 4876 11/4 23.00 R. Dif. Acreana - Boa Vista PP MX suff. 4965 11/4 23.05 R. Alvorada - Parintins PP NX suff. 5952.5 11/4 23.35 R. Pio XII - Siglo XX Aymara talk buono 5995 11/4 23.40 R. Mali - Bamako FF MX afro buono 6070 5/4 10.10 Free R. Service Holland - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono 6070 11/4 23.45 CFRB - Toronto EE sport buono 6210 12/4 08.45 Sluwe Vos R. - [email protected] EE ID e MX suff. 6940 12/4 08.10 R. Enterprise - [email protected] IT ID e MX suff. 7120 11/4 18.15 R. Hargeisa - Somalo talk OM buono 9645 5/4 23.15 R. Bandierantes - Sao Paulo PP NX buono 9665 11/4 03.10 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP predica buono 9820 11/4 04.05 R. 9 de Julho - Sao Paulo PP MX buono 10000 5/4 23.10 Obs. Nac. - Rio de Janeiro PP ID e ora suff. 11855 5/4 23.05 R. Aparecida - PP predica buono 15190 11/4 18.20 R. Pilipinas - Manila Filippino intervista buono 15190 11/4 23.10 R. Inconfidencia - Belo Horizonte PP MX suff. 15395 11/4 22.50 R. Nacional - Buenos Aires SS intervista buono www.playdx.com www.bclnews.it