Charity Gaming Annual Report Indiana Department of Revenue October 1,

Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal

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Page 1: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal

Charity GamingAnnual Report

IndianaDepartment of Revenue





Page 2: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal

The Indiana Department of Revenue’s Charity Gaming Annual Report forfiscal year 2000 (FY2000), including July 1, 1999 to June 30,2000, ispresented to the Governor on October 1. 2000. Its purpose is to make

information accessible to the taxpayer, as well as to the Governorand the legislators of the State of Indiana.

Editor of this FY2000 Charity Gaming Annual Report isKathy A. Bond, who also designed the cover.

Media questions regarding this report may be directedto Cheryl Denk, Media Relations and Publications

Director via e-mail at [email protected].

Visit the Department on the web at:http://www.state.in.us/dor

Page 3: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal

Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 1

Indiana Department of Revenue

Office of the Commissioner

October 1, 2000

The Honorable Frank O’BannonGovernor, State of IndianaState House, Room 206Indianapolis, IN 46204

Dear Governor O’Bannon,

Accompanying this letter is the Department of Revenue’s 2000 Charity Gaming Annual Report. I thinkyou will find this report to be both informative and an accurate accounting of the past fiscal year’scharity gaming activities statewide. Since acquiring administration of charity gaming in 1992, theDepartment has increased the number of registered organizations from 1000 to 3500 this year. Theincrease is due largely to the focus on education and notifying the public regarding pertinent gaminglaws and issues.

The included financial information pertaining to not-for-profit organizations is available for publicinspection according to IC 6-2.1-8-4.


Kenneth L. MillerCommissioner, Indiana Department of Revenue

Page 4: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


Table of ContentsHistory of Charity Gaming ...................................................................3

Which Organizations Qualify? .......................................................3What Are Legal Charity Gaming Activities? ....................................5

Types of Licenses ...................................................................................7Annual Bingo License ....................................................................7Charity Game Night License ...........................................................8Door Prize License .........................................................................8Festival License .............................................................................8Raffle License ................................................................................9Special Bingo License ....................................................................9

License Fees ..........................................................................................10

Manufacturers and Distributors ...........................................................12

Seminars .......................................................................................................13

Administrative Highlights 2000 ............................................................14

Enforcement ..........................................................................................16

Statistics ................................................................................................18

Financial Information by County ...............................................................20Annual Bingo Licenses ...................................................................22Charity Game Night Licenses .........................................................52Door Prize Licenses ........................................................................61Festival Licenses ............................................................................62Raffle Licenses ...................................................................................73Special Bingo Licenses .......................................................................91

Page 5: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal

Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 3

History of Indiana Charity GamingIn June 1992, the Indiana Department of Revenue was given the responsibility of enforcing charity gaming lawsin Indiana. Only qualified not-for-profit organizations can legally conduct charity gaming events in Indiana.These gaming events are limited to bingo, charity game nights, door prizes, festival events, raffles, and the saleof pull tabs, punchboards, and tip boards. Organizations must be licensed and registered for each type of charitygaming event they want to conduct.

Which Organizations Qualify?An organization may conduct legal charity gaming events if it is a bona fide educational, religious, seniorcitizen, veteran, or civic/fraternal/charitable organization operating in Indiana, and is exempt from taxationunder Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).

The not-for-profit organizations eligible to engage in Indiana charity gaming events are defined in Title 4,Article 32, of the Indiana Code. A brief description of these organizations is as follows:

Bona Fide Civic OrganizationA branch, chapter, or lodge of a local, national, or state organization that is not-for-profit and primarilyoperated for charitable, civic, or fraternal purposes.

Bona Fide Educational OrganizationAn organization that is not-for-profit, whose primary purpose is educational in nature, and is designed todevelop the capabilities of individuals by instruction in public or private elementary and secondary schools, aswell as colleges and universities.

Bona Fide Political OrganizationAn association, committee, fund, party, or other organization that is established and operated for either directlyor indirectly accepting contributions and making expenditures for an exempt purpose, as defined in Section 527of the Internal Revenue Code. These organizations are the Democratic Party, Republican Party, IndependentParty, etc.

Note: A political candidate’s committee is not a political organization by this definition.

For FY00, 2115licenses were issuedto qualifingorganizations, only5 less than in FY99.

Page 6: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


Bona Fide Religious OrganizationAn organization, church, or body of communicants operating on a not-for-profit basis and primarily for religiouspurposes. The organization must operate under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code and provide writtendocumentation as such.

Bona Fide Senior Citizens OrganizationAn organization that is not-for-profit and has at least 15 members who are at least 60 years old. The purpose ofthe organization is to advance and support the causes of the elderly and retired persons.

Bona Fide Veterans OrganizationA local organization, or a branch, chapter, or lodge of a national or state organization that is not-for-profit,chartered by the United States Congress, and whose members are or were in the United States Armed Forces. Thepurpose of the organization is for the mutual advancement and support of the organization’s membership andpatriotic causes.

All organizations meeting one of the proceeding requirements also must have been in active and continuousexistence for at least 5 years, or be affiliated with a parent organization that has been in existence andoperating for at least 5 years. Except where a qualified organization or its affiliate is having a convention orother annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where theIndiana principal office is located.

Any hospital licensed under IC 16-21, a health facility licensed under IC 16-28, or a psychiatric facility licensedunder IC 12-25, may conduct charity gaming events under certain circumstances.

Being exempt from taxation under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code does not ensure that anorganization is eligible to conduct legal charity gaming events. The types of organizations that do not qualifyinclude federal credit unions, pension trusts, and generally those established primarily for literary, scientific,and social purposes.

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Contracting with anindividual or group

to operate a gamingevent on a qualified

organization’sbehalf is a Class D

felony.(IC 4-32-12)

Page 7: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal

Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 5

Qualified not-for-profit organizations may conduct certain types of legal charity gaming activities in Indiana.These activities include bingo, door prizes, raffles, as well as the sale of pull tabs, punchboards, and tip boards.Charity game nights and festival events are also covered. Individuals participating in licensed events must be atleast 18 years old.

BingoA bingo game is played with regulation bingo cards, pads, or sheets. A player covers the numbers that are calledout by the announcer. The winner of each game is the player who is the first to properly cover the announcedpattern of squares on the bingo surface.

Door PrizesA door prize is awarded to a person based solely upon the person’s attendance at an event, or the purchase of aticket to attend an event.

RafflesA raffle is the selling of chances or tickets to win a prize awarded through a random drawing.

Pull TabsA pull tab is either a single, folded, banded ticket, or a two-ply card with a perforated break-open tab that has ahidden symbol that determines the winner. The prize must be fully described on the inside of the ticket.

PunchboardsA punchboard is a board or card that contains a grid or sections that hide the random opportunity to win a prizebased on the results of punching a single section to reveal either a prize amount or a symbol.

Tip BoardsA tip board is a game of chance board or placard with a hidden winning number or symbol in each column.

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Silent auctions,midway-style gamesand games of skill,such as cranes,darts, targetshooting, etc., arenot regulated bycharity gaming lawsor licensed by theCharity GamingSection.

Page 8: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


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Slot and pokermachines are formsof illegal gambling

unless on alicensed riverboatcasino. (Riverboat

gambling is regulatedby the Indiana Gaming


Organizationsoperating illegal

gaming devices maybe taxed on the

income from theseactivities,

regardless of theirnot-for-profit


Page 9: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal

Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 7

Types of LicensesListed are the six different types of licenses that are available:

1. Annual Bingo License2. Charity Game Night License3. Door Prize License4. Festival License5. Raffle License6. Special Bingo License

Each type of license allows an organization to conduct a limited number of charity gaming events within certainprize limitations. There also are restrictions on how many times an organization may receive each type of licenseduring the year.

Annual Bingo License

The Annual Bingo License is available for those organizations that conduct bingo events throughout the year.This type of license allows for the following games to be played:

1. Door Prize drawings2. Multiple Bingo events3. The sale of pull tabs, punchboards, and tip boards

This license is also used by organizations who only sell pull tabs, punchboards and tip boards throughout the��������� ������ ������ ������������������ ����� ������� ������������ ������������������������������� ���������� ������������������ �������������� ���!��� ������������������������������������������ �������income figures were extracted from Annual Bingo figures and shown as Pull Tab Only figures in this report.

A total of 919Annual BingoLicenses were issuedin FY00.

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223 Charity GameNight licenses were

issued in FY00.

Only 5 Door Prizelicenses were issued

in FY00.

In FY00,291 Festival

licenses were issued

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 9

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556 Raffle licenseswere issued inFY00.

There were 121Special Bingolicenses issuedduring FY00.

Page 12: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


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Gross revenues fromcharity gamingevents totaled

$585,498,272 inFY00, this is anincreaseof 14%

from FY99.

Net incomeincreased

approximately 11%in FY00, while theamount of money

given to othercharities decreased


Page 13: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal

Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 11

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At Least But Less Than Fee

Gross Revenues License fees can runfrom $25 to$25,000 based onthe gross receiptfrom the previoussame event.

Page 14: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


Manufacturers and Distributors�������� ����� ����������� ����� ������������������������������������� ������� �> ��� ������������ ���������> ��� ��-����� ����1��� ��������������� �������� ��������������������9���� ��� ��������������������� ������ ���� ��������������������������� ���������� ������������

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Annual license fees:manufacture’s



FY 2000 FY 1999

Excise Taxes 1,211,100 1,313,100

Manufacture’s Fees $ 36,000 $ 36,000

Distributor’s Fees 112,000 118,000

Totals $1,359,100 $1,467,100

Page 15: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal

Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 13








SeminarsEducationEducation is one of the major missions within the Department of Revenue and the Charity Gaming Sectionspends a great number of man-hours to that end. During fiscal year 2000 four educational seminars wereconducted around the State. >���� ��������������� ����������������������� ���������9����������������� �������������� ����� ���� �����������������������3���� ?���������������������-����� ?������������� ��� ��� ������� ���� ���






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Page 16: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


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The Departmenttransferred

$4,000,000 intothe Build Indiana

Fund in FY00.

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 15

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Each TID number isunique to eachorganization.

Page 18: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


EnforcementDuring Fiscal Year 2000, numerous investigations were finalized and submitted for determination of civilpenalties based on violations committed. Assessments for civil penalties totaled $70,675 and additional licencefees of $6,625.

Income tax assessments totaling $452,475 including penalty and interest were assessed during this period. Theassessments are considered unrelated income and are subject to gross income tax, adjusted gross income tax,and supplemental net income tax per 45 IAC 18-5-1.

Additionally, a defendant plead guilty to the crime of Attempting to Contract to Conduct an Allowable Event, aClass D Felony in April 2000 in Grant County Superior Court No. 2. The defendant was sentenced to one year injail (suspended), was enjoined from participating in any gaming operation in the State of Indiana for threeyears, and must pay court costs.

Desk examinations are also performed on financial reports submitted by organizations to the Charity GamingSection of the Compliance Division. Those audits resulted in an additional $40,325 in renewal fees fromorganizations who underreported gross receipts.

Tax Court Finds in Favor of Revenue

The Indiana Tax Court affirmed on December 1, 1999, that the Indiana Department of Revenue (IDOR) wascorrect in finding that a particular Indiana company owed Charity Gaming Excise Tax (CGET) for the 1992 and1993 tax years and a $5,000 civil penalty.

The company manufactures and distributes gambling devices, which are shipped across the country. Thesedevices were sold to both qualified and non-qualified organizations. When a sale is made to a qualifiedorganization, a 10% CGET is due, while non-qualified organizations pay the standard 5% sales taxes. Somecustomers wished to pay in cash and further suggested to the company that no invoices be created for the salesof gambling devices to them. As a result these customers had only the sales tax charged to them.

After an audit, the IDOR issued a Letter of Finding in November 1995. The company then filed an appeal,claiming that it was not required to collect the CGET on its sales to cash-paying customers who said they werenot qualified or who wished to remain anonymous.

An operator must bea member in good

standing for at leastone year.

IC 4-32-9-28

Page 19: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal

Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 17



































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Revenue generatedby unlicensed eventsmay be subject toincome taxes per45 IAC 18-5-1.

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Indiana Codes state that licensed entities such as the company mentioned are liable for payment of the tax atthe time it “transports pull tabs, punchboards, or tip board to qualified organizations.” Also the codes requirethe company to maintain satisfactory records. Since the company failed to provide the information, theDepartment made the assumption that the sales were to qualified customers.

The court found that it was reasonable for the Department to assume that all unidentified customers werequalified and owed the 10% CGET and that the company was liable for the CGET on all sales to its unidentifiedcustomers. It found that the company had the ability to comply with recordkeeping requirements of theregulations, but chose not to do so. The case ended with the court’s affirming the Department’s finaldetermination.

!���������� ��� +�������

Page 20: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal



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Grand TotalsAmount Given Amount Retained

to Unrelated for use by theType of License Gross Income Total Expenses Net Proceeds Organizations Organization

� ����5� �� 7�2:<�:02�+,4�.. 7�02<�;,2�:.:�+: 7�0<�.,:�:<4�,. 7�=�.,2�,2=�;< 7�.4�:=;�.4+�<.

"������#���$��� +�22+�:;,�;, =;0�,4+�:4 4;4�=++�44 +:<�<=,�44 22=�,4;�=:

-����/���� 0�;2+�4: +2�0.+�0= �+:�4;<�==� =0,�<4 =.:�;+

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3�������5� �� +�,0+�.=+�4, <+;�4<+�40 .,.�4=<�<= +,:�+0,�,< +4.�;00�=,

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Filing a financialreport is required

after an event andbefore a qualifiedorganization can

receive anotherlicense.

Distributed Income

Page 21: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal

Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 19

Concession IncomeLicense Type Income

� ����5� �� 7�,�,.2�:+,�:2

"������#���$��� 42�0:<�:0

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8������ ,�0,=�,;=�.;

!�/��������6 �� .�:2+�2:

1����� +4,�.+;�++

3�������5� �� .0�+=<�:+

Total $ 4,930,366.93

The fee for any firstlicense in anycategory is $25.

License FeesType of License Number Issued Fees Collected Average Cost

� ����5� �� 402 7�.�42:�;,: 7�2�44<

"������#���$��� ,,. 4�<,2 .+

-����/���� 2 +,2 ,2

8������ ,<+ 4+�+,2 ,+,

!�/��������6 �� ,;0 .;.�=;2 +�.;2

1����� 224 4,�+,2 ++.

3�������5� �� +,+ 4�;:: 24

Total 2,115 $ 4,161,595







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* Organizations receive an annual bingolicense even if their only activity is pull tabs,punchboards and tip boards.

Page 22: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


Financial Information by County

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> ������ ������ � ���� ���������������� ����� ��������������������������� ������ �������� ���>"�4�,�+�=�0��������� �������������������� ������������ �� ������� ����������������������� ��������������� ����� ��� ����>"�4�,�+�.�+<��>"�4�,�+�.�,:��>"�4�,�+�.�,+��� ��>"�4�,�+�.�,,�������������� ������� ������ �� ����������� �� ��������

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$��������������������������� ���������� �������������� �� ������ ����������������������������� ����������� ������� �������������������� ����� ����� ����� ��������������� �����������9��������������� ��� �������������� ����������� �����������������> ��� ��-����� ����1��� ���

� ������ ������� ������������������� �������������������������� ���

Informationpertaining tonot-for-profit

organizations isavailable for public

inspecttion accordingto IC 6-2.1-8-4.

Page 23: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


24. Net proceeds from line C of the Income and Expense Summary, Section B, page 2...............................

25a. Amount from Line 24 distributed for charitible purposes.........................

These contributions must be made to organization(s)/(individual(s)) other than your own. Detailsof these contributions need to be reported on Schedule CG-DIST, which must be attached to theGross Receipts Report, (Form CG-21), and mailed with this license application. Failure to attachthis information will result in the delay of the issuance of your license.

b. Amount from Line 24 retained for and/or spent on your organization......

These funds must have been used for the lawful purpose of your organization. A detailed listing ofhow these funds were spent or were set aside for a specific use should be kept with your records.

c. Add the amounts from Lines 25a and 25b and enter total here........................................................

26. Undistributed balance (Line 24 minus Line 25c).............................................................................


Charitable Contributions Information






(Turn the page) +

Manufacturer and Distributor Information

27. List the manufacturer(s) and/or distributor(s) from whom you purchased bingo supplies, pull tabs, punchboards, and/or tipboards. Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Name Address City State Zip Code License Number

Financial Information

28. Where are the charity gaming financial records maintained?


City State Zip Code

29. Name, address, and telephone number of the person maintaining these records.



City State Zip Code Daytime Telephone Number( )

30. Organization's Banking Information (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)

Name of Bank

Street Address

City State Zip Code County

Name of Account Account Number Type of Account (Checking, savings, CD)

Name of Account Account Number Type of Account (Checking, savings, CD)

















Bingo ..............................................

Pull Tabs ..........................................

Punchboards .....................................

Tip Boards ........................................

Raffles .............................................

Door Prize .......................................

Supplies and Purchases:

Bingo Game Supplies .......................

Pull Tabs, Punchboards, andTip Board Purchases ........................

Other Purchases ..............................

Miscellaneous Expenses:

Rent to Independent Lessor .............

Rental of Tangible Personal Property(ie. chairs, tables,roulette wheel, bingo blower, etc.)

Advertising ......................................

Concessions .....................................

Other Expenses from Bingo events:List sources:

..........Total Expenses: Add lines 9 through22. Enter here and on line B ofSection B .........................................

Income and Expense Summary

Bingo ...............................................

Pull Tabs ..........................................

Punchboards .....................................

Tip boards ........................................

Raffles ..............................................

Door Prize ........................................

Concessions ......................................

Other Gross Income .........................(Attach itemized sheet or listing)











Gross Income

Income Sources:


Total Gross Income *add lines 1-8..*This amount will be used to calculateyour fee. Also, partially exempt not-for-profit organizations should referto the annual income tax return, FormIT-20NP, and the Charity GamingPublication #2 concerning thetaxability of this income.

Total Expenses from line 23 ...........

Total net proceeds available forcharitable purposes (A minus B) ...









Section B



(Page 2 of 4 from Form CG-8)

�Page 3 of 4 from Form CG-8)

Gross Receipts 1

Total Expenses

Net Proceeds 2

����/���� �/������������� ����� ����5� ��&��� ��������� �������������������������*

Net Proceeds 2/Gross Receipts 1 = Percent Profit

Amount Given to Other Organizations

Amount Retained for Use by the Organization

Undistributed Income

Amounts were taken directly from thefinancial reports filed with the Department bythe organizations. Desk exminations of reportswere performed to correct obvious calculationerrors.

Form CG-8 is one ofthe charity gamingforms that will bemodified for FY01.

Negative balancesgenerally indicateincome from prioryears.


Page 24: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


American Legion Post No. 43 Adams Decatur $98,310.00 $82,003.00 $16,307.00 $12,602.00 $0.00 $3,705.00 17%

American Legion Post No. 468 Berne $220,460.25 $174,921.47 $45,538.78 $1,441.50 $31,677.45 $12,419.83 21%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 993 Decatur $87,320.00 $70,153.00 $17,167.00 $3,985.00 $12,000.00 $1,182.00 20%

Fraternal Order of Police No. 127, Inc. Decatur $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1311 Decatur $143,860.50 $116,887.56 $26,972.94 $21,240.93 $5,732.01 $0.00 19%

St. Mary’s of the Assumption CCH Decatur $26,029.22 $23,745.65 $2,283.57 $0.00 $2,283.57 $0.00 9%

* V.F.W. Post No.6751 Geneva $285,488.00 $245,772.00 $39,716.00 $1,410.00 $38,306.00 $0.00 14%

Adams County Totals $861,467.97 $713,482.68 $147,985.29 $40,679.43 $89,999.03 $17,306.83

Abate of Indiana, Inc. Fort Wayne $4,075,144.00 $3,699,751.00 $375,393.00 $272,587.00 $102,806.00 $0.00 9%

American Legion Post No. 47 Fort Wayne $287,872.00 $284,871.89 $3,000.11 $8,244.00 $0.00 ($5,243.89) 1%

American Legion Post No. 82 Fort Wayne $4,064,973.00 $3,654,575.00 $410,398.00 $41,778.00 $415,633.00 ($47,013.00) 10%

American Legion Post No. 241 Waynedale Fort Wayne $448,519.00 $430,891.60 $17,627.40 $9,042.00 $8,585.40 $0.00 4%

American Legion Post No. 241 Waynedale Fort Wayne $859,918.00 $864,401.01 ($4,483.01) $15,101.00 $0.00 ($19,584.01) -1%

American Legion Post No. 296 Fort Wayne $123,130.35 $98,590.35 $24,540.00 $6,900.00 $10,000.00 $7,640.00 20%

American Legion Post No. 330 New Haven $1,492,568.85 $1,439,142.44 $53,426.41 $8,198.60 $36,465.29 $8,762.52 4%

American Legion Post No. 377 Woodburn $41,352.00 $38,584.00 $2,768.00 $0.00 $2,768.00 $0.00 7%

American Legion Post No. 499 Fort Wayne $2,292,582.00 $2,128,403.00 $164,179.00 $17,059.00 $99,860.00 $47,260.00 7%

AMVETS Post No. 33 Fort Wayne $390,432.00 $352,368.00 $38,064.00 $8,253.00 $29,811.00 $0.00 10%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 155 Fort Wayne $19,098.50 $15,398.70 $3,699.80 $0.00 $3,699.80 $0.00 19%

* Fort Wayne Open Mess, Inc. Fort Wayne $16,315.00 $15,375.00 $940.00 $0.00 $940.00 $0.00 6%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 248 Fort Wayne $331,483.00 $276,635.00 $54,848.00 $100.00 $54,748.00 $0.00 17%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.3164 New Haven $237,867.50 $211,456.04 $26,411.46 $11,774.00 $12,500.00 $2,137.46 11%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.3512 Fort Wayne $121,038.00 $107,300.00 $13,738.00 $6,000.00 $4,300.00 $3,438.00 11%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 451 Fort Wayne $499,107.00 $437,947.00 $61,160.00 $9,826.00 $20,174.00 $31,160.00 12%

Lions Club - Fort Wayne Coliseum Fort Wayne $688,293.00 $523,217.00 $165,076.00 $217,900.00 $0.00 ($52,824.00) 24%

Lions Club - Time Corners Fort Wayne $3,647,993.00 $3,238,247.61 $409,745.39 $277,963.05 $0.00 $131,782.34 11%

Macedonian Patriotic Org - U.S. & Canada Fort Wayne $2,546,657.00 $2,494,829.00 $51,828.00 $0.00 $71,536.00 ($19,708.00) 2%

Marine Corps League Fort Wayne $975,943.59 $958,380.84 $17,562.75 $2,600.00 $14,962.75 $0.00 2%

Metro Youth Sports Inc. Fort Wayne $2,094,981.00 $1,953,381.51 $141,599.49 $0.00 $141,599.49 $0.00 7%

Navy Club Ship No. 48 Fort Wayne $40,650.00 $35,987.00 $4,663.00 $0.00 $4,663.00 $0.00 11%

* Navy Club Ship No. 48 Fort Wayne $40,476.00 $35,575.00 $4,901.00 $0.00 $4,901.00 $0.00 12%

New World Church, Inc. Fort Wayne $3,058,820.00 $2,878,069.00 $180,751.00 $10,026.00 $170,725.00 $0.00 6%

Orchard Ridge Country Club Fort Wayne $10,946.00 $10,946.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0%

Q’Tox Amusement & Athletic Assn., Inc. Fort Wayne $1,193,683.00 $1,134,987.00 $58,696.00 $9,708.00 $44,000.00 $4,988.00 5%

South West Conservation Club, Inc. Fort Wayne $227,044.05 $191,498.87 $35,545.18 $5,270.30 $19,833.60 $10,441.28 16%

St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation, Inc Fort Wayne $3,266,649.00 $3,015,418.00 $251,231.00 $251,231.00 $0.00 $0.00 8%

St. Therese Catholic Church Fort Wayne $283,095.50 $250,626.05 $32,469.45 $0.00 $32,469.45 $0.00 11%

Annual Bingo Licenses

Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

Page 25: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal

Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 23

V.F.W. Post No. 857 J. Eby Fort Wayne $795,880.00 $740,804.49 $55,075.51 $9,000.00 $46,676.00 ($600.49) 7%

* V.F.W. Post No.10006 Fort Wayne $187,776.00 $162,511.90 $25,264.10 $1,927.99 $0.00 $23,336.11 13%

* V.F.W. Post No.1421 Kekionga Fort Wayne $741,173.00 $683,199.00 $57,974.00 $4,293.00 $39,877.56 $13,803.44 8%

Voter Information Center Inc. Fort Wayne $197,720.00 $224,975.00 ($27,255.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($27,255.00) -14%

Allen County Totals $35,299,180.34 $32,588,343.30 $2,710,837.04 $1,204,781.94 $1,393,534.34 $112,520.76

* American Legion Post No. 24 Columbus $468,100.00 $402,825.00 $65,275.00 $9,965.00 $55,310.00 $0.00 14%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 521 Columbus $1,794,866.00 $1,578,807.00 $216,059.00 $24,890.00 $191,169.00 $0.00 12%

Developmental Services, Inc. Columbus $1,188,070.80 $1,047,392.29 $140,678.51 $0.00 $140,678.51 $0.00 12%

Eastside Community Center Columbus $379.50 $766.00 ($386.50) $0.00 $0.00 ($386.50) -102%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 741 Columbus $1,287,092.00 $1,176,059.00 $111,033.00 $9,450.00 $101,583.00 $0.00 9%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 741 Columbus $1,286,273.71 $1,117,886.17 $168,387.54 $21,250.00 $147,137.54 $0.00 13%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1414 Columbus $752,732.00 $674,342.00 $78,390.00 $14,100.00 $64,290.00 $0.00 10%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 398 Columbus $2,481,320.00 $2,057,456.00 $423,864.00 $21,420.00 $402,444.00 $0.00 17%

Senior Center Services of Bartholomew Co. Columbus $74,974.00 $60,338.00 $14,636.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,636.00 20%

V.F.W. Post No.1987 Wagner-Reddick Columbus $1,247,440.00 $1,193,438.00 $54,002.00 $26,779.00 $27,223.00 $0.00 4%

Bartholomew County Totals $10,581,248.01 $9,309,309.46 $1,271,938.55 $127,854.00 $1,129,835.05 $14,249.50

American Legion Post No. 57 Fowler Fowler $101,359.50 $77,553.48 $23,806.02 $2,062.50 $13,700.02 $8,043.50 23%

American Legion Post No. 476 Boswell $2,935.18 $3,243.31 ($308.13) $0.00 $0.00 ($308.13) -10%

Benton County Totals $104,294.68 $80,796.79 $23,497.89 $2,062.50 $13,700.02 $7,735.37

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 625 Hartford City $28,030.66 $23,867.97 $4,162.69 $0.00 $3,710.00 $452.69 15%

Lions Club - Montpelier Montpelier $307,628.28 $264,629.27 $42,999.01 $26,303.22 $13,062.82 $3,632.97 14%

Blackford County Totals $335,658.94 $288,497.24 $47,161.70 $26,303.22 $16,772.82 $4,085.66

American Legion Post No. 79 Zionsville $522,046.05 $532,510.26 ($10,464.21) $0.00 $0.00 ($10,464.21) -2%

* American Legion Post No. 113 Lebanon $170,080.50 $143,831.15 $26,249.35 $3,473.67 $66,023.31 ($43,247.63) 15%

American Legion Post No. 395 Jamestown $39,534.28 $37,458.43 $2,075.85 $1,179.18 $0.00 $896.67 5%

* American Legion Post No. 410 D. E. Pipes Whitestown $28,122.00 $14,266.47 $13,855.53 $7,796.09 $6,059.44 $0.00 49%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 635, Inc. Lebanon Lebanon $14,962.00 $12,532.00 $2,430.00 $2,430.00 $0.00 $0.00 16%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2062 Lebanon $312,217.00 $274,274.31 $37,942.69 $7,230.19 $0.00 $30,712.50 12%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1269 Lebanon $170,239.00 $154,694.68 $15,544.32 $4,640.00 $6,736.51 $4,167.81 9%

V.F.W. Post No. 910 Lebanon $320,605.00 $283,852.00 $36,753.00 $3,090.00 $33,663.00 $0.00 11%

Boone County Totals $1,577,805.83 $1,453,419.30 $124,386.53 $29,839.13 $112,482.26 ($17,934.86)

CSLOA Nineveh $19,539.00 $17,567.52 $1,971.48 $0.00 $625.74 $1,345.74 10%

Brown County Totals $19,539.00 $17,567.52 $1,971.48 $0.00 $625.74 $1,345.74

Annual Bingo Licenses

Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

Page 26: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


American Legion Post No. 75 Delphi Delphi $163,431.71 $135,634.54 $27,797.17 $3,968.43 $23,134.92 $693.82 17%

American Legion Post No. 413 Camden $8,296.23 $6,945.53 $1,350.70 $1,350.70 $0.00 $0.00 16%

V.F.W. Post No.9383 Delphi $131,045.80 $115,245.44 $15,800.36 $7,618.70 $2,698.78 $5,482.88 12%

Carroll County Totals $302,773.74 $257,825.51 $44,948.23 $12,937.83 $25,833.70 $6,176.70

American Legion Post No. 60 Logansport $710,401.50 $584,263.73 $126,137.77 $11,227.50 $10,373.00 $104,537.27 18%

American Legion Post No. 418 Walton $279,175.88 $240,556.51 $38,619.37 $9,387.13 $29,232.24 $0.00 14%

Cass Co. Council on Aging, Inc. Logansport $15,325.69 $13,085.33 $2,240.36 $0.00 $2,240.36 $0.00 15%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 323 Logansport $1,250,191.25 $1,017,055.43 $233,135.82 $7,069.50 $226,066.32 $0.00 19%

Izaak Walton League of Amer-Cass County Logansport $136,542.75 $119,504.69 $17,038.06 $3,405.36 $13,632.70 $0.00 12%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 561 Logansport $438,669.00 $388,541.00 $50,128.00 $6,770.00 $43,222.00 $136.00 11%

Lions Club - Lucerne Lucerene $4,381.55 $4,045.50 $336.05 $0.00 $0.00 $336.05 8%

Lions Club - Lucerne Lucerene $1,798.25 $1,675.50 $122.75 $0.00 $0.00 $122.75 7%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 232 Logansport $855.00 $1,105.43 ($250.43) $0.00 $0.00 ($250.43) -29%

* Shrine Club, Logansport, Inc. Logansport $80,603.00 $66,218.00 $14,385.00 $0.00 $14,385.00 $0.00 18%

V.F.W. Post No.3790 Logansport $756,419.45 $634,575.08 $121,844.37 $12,334.50 $87,295.00 $22,214.87 16%

Cass County Totals $3,674,363.32 $3,070,626.20 $603,737.12 $50,193.99 $426,446.62 $127,096.51

* American Legion Post No. 35 L. Capehart Jeffersonville $515,395.00 $419,017.00 $96,378.00 $12,552.80 $47,414.58 $36,410.62 19%

* American Legion Post No. 204 W.M. Ruby Sellersburg $44,152.00 $33,847.10 $10,304.90 $601.00 $5,496.25 $4,207.65 23%

* American Legion Post No. 335 Charlestown $654,254.00 $569,480.00 $84,774.00 $5,951.00 $78,823.00 $0.00 13%

* AMVETS Post No. 4 Jeffersonville $107,196.75 $84,565.00 $22,631.75 $4,035.00 $16,000.00 $2,596.75 21%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1527 Jeffersonville $61,260.00 $50,051.60 $11,208.40 $11,208.40 $0.00 $0.40 18%

Fraternal Order of Police No. 100 Jeffersonville $4,140,346.00 $4,007,425.00 $132,921.00 $83,584.00 $49,337.00 $0.00 3%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1348 Jeffersonville $3,060,968.00 $2,906,046.00 $154,922.00 $167,598.00 $0.00 ($12,676.00) 5%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1757 Sellersburg $1,077,646.54 $1,051,656.08 $25,990.46 $18,766.60 $7,223.86 $0.00 2%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.2420 Jeffersonville $2,495,797.00 $2,416,529.00 $79,268.00 $2,525.00 $26,000.00 $50,743.00 3%

Our Lady of Providence High School Clarksville $683,083.80 $678,818.05 $4,265.75 $0.00 $12,000.00 ($7,734.25) 1%

Southern Indiana Youth Boosters, Inc. Sellersburg $2,461,736.00 $2,385,085.00 $76,651.00 $22,455.00 $0.00 $54,196.00 3%

St. Paul Catholic Church Sellersburg $883,833.17 $690,224.25 $193,608.92 $177,971.11 $15,637.81 $0.00 22%

St. Paul Catholic Church Sellersburg $811,667.88 $656,846.45 $154,821.43 $178,434.52 ($23,613.09) $0.00 19%

V.F.W. Post No.1427 Charlestown $230,350.20 $198,217.40 $32,132.80 $2,150.00 $30,236.30 ($253.50) 14%

* V.F.W. Post No.1832 Jeffersonville $100,613.00 $97,953.00 $2,660.00 $2,660.00 $0.00 $0.00 3%

Clark County Totals $17,328,299.34 $16,245,760.93 $1,082,538.41 $690,492.43 $264,555.71 $127,490.67

American Legion Post No. 2 Brazil $292,680.00 $287,757.00 $4,923.00 $2,155.00 $2,768.00 $0.00 2%

American Legion Post No. 2 Brazil $121,636.00 $111,492.00 $10,144.00 $9,045.00 $0.00 $1,099.00 8%

American Legion Post No. 225 Clay City $81,325.00 $72,797.00 $8,528.00 $1,150.00 $7,378.00 $0.00 10%

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 25

Annunciation Catholic Church Brazil $553,635.00 $492,318.00 $61,317.00 $0.00 $59,000.00 $2,317.00 11%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 762 Brazil $11,106.50 $10,714.00 $392.50 $125.00 $0.00 $267.50 4%

Clay Cnty IN Council on Aged & Aging, In Brazil $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 274 Brazil $159,402.00 $151,040.00 $8,362.00 $364.00 $7,998.00 $0.00 5%

Lewis Twp. Vol. Fire Co. Inc. Coalmont $122,604.00 $109,204.11 $13,399.89 $0.00 $16,643.00 ($3,243.11) 11%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 780 Brazil Brazil $355,209.93 $299,324.27 $55,885.66 $3,642.00 $52,243.66 $0.00 16%

V.F.W. Post No.1127 Bussing-Louderback Brazil $224,723.00 $190,873.00 $33,850.00 $3,725.00 $30,575.00 ($450.00) 15%

* V.F.W. Post No.6606 Clay City $196,871.00 $169,449.03 $27,421.97 $4,822.26 $19,000.00 $3,599.71 14%

Clay County Totals $2,119,192.43 $1,894,968.41 $224,224.02 $25,028.26 $195,605.66 $3,590.10

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 560 Frankfort $21,100.25 $18,095.40 $3,004.85 $3,575.95 $0.00 ($571.10) 14%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 976 Gem City Frankfort $292,877.00 $257,279.00 $35,598.00 $33,869.00 $1,729.00 $0.00 12%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 7 Frankft Frankfort $55,115.55 $34,740.23 $20,375.32 $1,634.11 $6,955.53 $11,785.68 37%

V.F.W. Post No.1110 Frankfort $66,276.50 $50,741.50 $15,535.00 $3,036.28 $7,750.00 $4,748.72 23%

Clinton County Totals $435,369.30 $360,856.13 $74,513.17 $42,115.34 $16,434.53 $15,963.30

American Legion Post No. 332 Milltown $102,686.00 $98,730.00 $3,956.00 $2,442.00 $1,514.00 $0.00 4%

V.F.W. Post No.6160 Everett Mason English $226,589.00 $197,545.00 $29,044.00 $9,583.00 $19,461.00 $0.00 13%

Crawford County Totals $329,275.00 $296,275.00 $33,000.00 $12,025.00 $20,975.00 $0.00

* American Legion Post No. 121 Washington $462,136.00 $411,370.30 $50,765.70 $6,886.76 $22,690.48 $21,188.46 11%

* American Legion Post No. 245 Elnora $117,897.00 $102,134.00 $15,763.00 $1,220.00 $14,543.00 $0.00 13%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 414 Washington $809,280.00 $693,335.93 $115,944.07 $3,407.00 $111,336.80 $1,200.27 14%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 630 Washington $519,223.96 $499,757.54 $19,466.42 $3,823.25 $627.21 $15,015.96 4%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1080 Washington $233,240.00 $227,530.95 $5,709.05 $2,304.90 $3,404.15 $0.00 2%

Senior & Family Services Washington $324,112.36 $309,672.34 $14,440.02 $0.00 $14,115.92 $324.10 4%

* V.F.W. Post No.3321 Cissell-Jackman Washington $127,447.00 $86,288.00 $41,159.00 $685.00 $9,977.00 $30,497.00 32%

V.F.W. Post No.9627 Frank Roberts Odon $256,810.00 $239,129.00 $17,681.00 $1,066.90 $3,289.63 $13,324.47 7%

Washington Catholic Schools Washington $3,018,538.41 $2,697,997.71 $320,540.70 $30,853.75 $289,686.95 $0.00 11%

Daviess County Totals $5,868,684.73 $5,267,215.77 $601,468.96 $50,247.56 $469,671.14 $81,550.26

American Legion Post No. 209 Moores Hill $9,600.00 $7,995.36 $1,604.64 $1,604.64 $0.00 $0.00 17%

* American Legion Post No. 231 Aurora $7,070.00 $6,466.49 $603.51 $2,350.00 $300.30 ($2,046.79) 9%

Carnegie Historic Landmarks Preser. Soc. Moores Hill $291,610.24 $261,131.67 $30,478.57 $0.00 $30,478.57 $0.00 10%

Dearborn Adult Center Lawrenceburg $262,388.00 $237,933.00 $24,455.00 $0.00 $24,000.00 $455.00 9%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2018 Lawrenceburg $84,721.00 $74,412.43 $10,308.57 $12,899.00 $0.00 ($2,590.43) 12%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2022 Aurora $227,269.80 $195,180.77 $32,089.03 $13,959.00 $0.00 $18,130.03 14%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1464 Aurora $557,914.00 $513,723.63 $44,190.37 $3,739.95 $40,450.42 $0.00 8%

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St. Lawrence Catholic Church Lawrenceburg $440,223.93 $377,663.00 $62,560.93 $0.00 $64,000.00 ($1,439.07) 14%

V.F.W. Post No.5312 Aurora $467,072.60 $421,031.06 $46,041.54 $5,396.74 $40,745.70 ($100.90) 10%

Dearborn County Totals $2,347,869.57 $2,095,537.41 $252,332.16 $39,949.33 $199,974.99 $12,407.84

* American Legion Post No. 129 Greensburg $990,597.00 $839,225.45 $151,371.55 $6,468.00 $126,100.00 $18,803.55 15%

AMVETS Post No. 10 Greensburg $88,657.00 $83,417.80 $5,239.20 $0.00 $5,239.20 $0.00 6%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 927 Greensburg $1,595,993.95 $1,453,993.39 $142,000.56 $12,918.50 $94,887.67 $34,194.39 9%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1042 Greensburg $414,642.10 $370,692.31 $43,949.79 $10,173.90 $33,775.89 $0.00 11%

Decatur County Totals $3,089,890.05 $2,747,328.95 $342,561.10 $29,560.40 $260,002.76 $52,997.94

American Legion Post No. 97 Auburn $257,226.00 $253,857.22 $3,368.78 $25.00 $2,714.00 $629.78 1%

American Legion Post No. 202 C.F. Blaker Butler $2,607,429.86 $2,420,940.80 $186,489.06 $35,719.60 $148,780.40 $1,989.06 7%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1447 Garrett $44,296.00 $31,454.00 $12,842.00 $3,125.00 $6,970.00 $2,747.00 29%

Bread of Life Worship Center Garrett $249,082.00 $242,341.47 $6,740.53 $806.25 $2,934.28 $3,000.00 3%

DeKalb Co. Council on Aging, Inc. Auburn $107,953.04 $92,649.68 $15,303.36 $0.00 $16,848.30 ($1,544.94) 14%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1357 Garrett $51,520.00 $40,846.20 $10,673.80 $10,673.80 $0.00 $0.00 21%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2733 Butler $711,420.15 $610,604.92 $100,815.23 $8,852.49 $25,000.00 $66,962.74 14%

Hamilton Fish & Game Club Hamilton $18,329.88 $14,420.43 $3,909.45 $0.00 $3,909.45 $0.00 21%

DeKalb County Totals $4,047,256.93 $3,707,114.72 $340,142.21 $59,202.14 $207,156.43 $73,783.64

* American Legion Post No. 387 Gaston $10,143.00 $8,912.00 $1,231.00 $565.00 $666.00 $0.00 12%

* American Legion Post No. 437 Selma $70,180.00 $47,741.00 $22,439.00 $3,905.00 $0.00 $18,534.00 32%

* American Legion Post No. 446 Daleville $112,534.00 $100,616.00 $11,918.00 $1,900.00 $10,018.00 $0.00 11%

AMVETS Post No. 12 Muncie Muncie $3,359,527.00 $3,269,129.30 $90,397.70 $5,650.00 $84,747.70 $0.00 3%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 245 Muncie $6,864.00 $6,281.00 $583.00 $423.00 $160.00 $0.00 8%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 231 Muncie $3,171,337.22 $2,845,242.69 $326,094.53 $5,025.00 $321,069.53 $0.00 10%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 560 Muncie $5,257,434.00 $5,014,114.00 $243,320.00 $171,191.00 $34,933.00 $37,196.00 5%

Liberty Township Boosters, Inc. Muncie $3,192,511.00 $3,034,153.00 $158,358.00 $0.00 $136,100.00 $22,258.00 5%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 33 Muncie $578,213.00 $504,517.00 $73,696.00 $3,138.85 $70,557.15 $0.00 13%

SeVille Senior Citizens Corporation Albany $1,302,656.00 $1,298,009.00 $4,647.00 $0.00 $4,647.00 $0.00 0%

Wapahani Athletic Boosters, Inc. Selma $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Delaware County Totals $17,061,399.22 $16,128,714.99 $932,684.23 $191,797.85 $662,898.38 $77,988.00

* American Legion Post No. 124 Ferdinand Ferdinand $14,719.90 $11,658.14 $3,061.76 $3,055.00 $6.76 $0.00 21%

American Legion Post No. 147 Jasper $343,603.48 $277,291.86 $66,311.62 $10,551.00 $19,713.79 $36,046.83 19%

* American Legion Post No. 343 Holland $43,463.00 $36,561.00 $6,902.00 $127.00 $6,735.00 $40.00 16%

American Legion Post No. 343 Holland $62,212.00 $55,860.00 $6,352.00 $153.00 $4,409.00 $1,790.00 10%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.3335 Huntingburg $116,047.00 $98,873.00 $17,174.00 $1,350.00 $15,600.00 $224.00 15%

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 27

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1584 Jasper $248,561.00 $224,875.00 $23,686.00 $0.00 $23,686.00 $0.00 10%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1175 Jasper $621,595.00 $529,964.15 $91,630.85 $7,959.55 $83,671.30 $0.00 15%

* V.F.W. Post No. 673 Jasper $214,676.00 $181,778.35 $32,897.65 $6,575.00 $26,322.65 $0.00 15%

V.F.W. Post No.2366, Inc. Huntingburg $206,346.95 $169,267.48 $37,079.47 $1,012.50 $36,066.97 $0.00 18%

Young Men’s Institute Coun No. 497 Huntingburg $321,576.73 $290,124.83 $31,451.90 $2,305.00 $25,171.91 $3,974.99 10%

Dubois County Totals $2,192,801.06 $1,876,253.81 $316,547.25 $33,088.05 $241,383.38 $42,075.82

* American Legion Post No. 143 Bristol $1,148,026.00 $945,126.00 $202,900.00 $41,398.76 $161,501.24 $0.00 18%

* American Legion Post No. 210 M.L. Wilt Middlebury $934,121.00 $773,051.45 $161,069.55 $27,208.00 $143,000.00 ($9,138.45) 17%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 798 Goshen $719,857.00 $567,989.00 $151,868.00 $28,701.00 $123,167.00 $0.00 21%

Disabled American Veterans No. 15 Goshen $234,377.00 $193,081.00 $41,296.00 $937.00 $40,000.00 $359.00 18%

Disabled American Veterans No. 15 Goshen $648,029.00 $491,900.00 $156,129.00 $200.00 $145,000.00 $10,929.00 24%

Disabled American Veterans No. 19 Elkhart $1,275,989.00 $1,057,041.00 $218,948.00 $0.00 $123,444.00 $95,504.00 17%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 395 Elkhart $47,433.00 $34,646.50 $12,786.50 $272.00 $12,100.89 $413.61 27%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 395 Elkhart $47,081.75 $38,491.50 $8,590.25 $602.00 $995.00 $6,993.25 18%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1526 Goshen $227,172.00 $186,141.10 $41,030.90 $0.00 $41,030.90 $0.00 18%

Labor Humanitarian Fund of Elkhart Co. Elkhart $1,114,279.96 $953,348.04 $160,931.92 $35,000.00 $125,931.92 $0.00 14%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 599 Elkhart $179,055.00 $151,178.95 $27,876.05 $18,674.33 $9,992.43 ($790.71) 16%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 836 Goshen $134,739.95 $118,404.34 $16,335.61 $0.00 $15,500.00 $835.61 12%

V.F.W. Post No. 88 Wade E. Harris Elkhart $76,952.00 $44,954.46 $31,997.54 $1,550.00 $25,034.89 $5,412.65 42%

* V.F.W. Post No. 88 Wade E. Harris Elkhart $75,644.00 $43,949.29 $31,694.71 $4,215.00 $27,479.71 $0.00 42%

V.F.W. Post No. 985 William A.Books Goshen $494,585.00 $422,425.62 $72,159.38 $14,477.50 $40,611.01 $17,070.87 15%

* V.F.W. Post No.6638 Nappanee $29,562.00 $21,857.75 $7,704.25 $875.00 $6,829.25 $0.00 26%

Zion Grange Elkhart $20,063.93 $18,318.98 $1,744.95 $100.00 $1,782.95 ($138.00) 9%

Elkhart County Totals $7,406,967.59 $6,061,904.98 $1,345,062.61 $174,210.59 $1,043,401.19 $127,450.83

American Legion Post No. 1 Connersville $1,826,224.74 $1,655,377.30 $170,847.44 $22,528.66 $116,982.57 $31,336.21 9%

* AMVETS Post No. 11 Connersville $590,793.57 $481,357.37 $109,436.20 $7,934.40 $90,080.97 $11,420.83 19%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 379 Connersville $6,586.00 $6,009.00 $577.00 $577.00 $0.00 $0.00 9%

Connersville Catholic Men, Inc. Connersville $471,640.00 $433,181.00 $38,459.00 $38,459.00 $0.00 $0.00 8%

Fayette Comm. Council on Aging & Aged In Connersville $9,650.43 $8,227.67 $1,422.76 $0.00 $1,422.76 $0.00 15%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1160 Connersville $584,758.00 $484,062.10 $100,695.90 $1,580.00 $99,115.90 $0.00 17%

U.A.W. Local No. 151 Connersville $952,145.85 $929,256.18 $22,889.67 $0.00 $22,889.67 $0.00 2%

* V.F.W. Post No. 571 Glenn Sample Connersville $646,125.00 $568,933.00 $77,192.00 $1,445.00 $75,747.00 $0.00 12%

Fayette County Totals $5,087,923.59 $4,566,403.62 $521,519.97 $72,524.06 $406,238.87 $42,757.04

American Legion Post No. 28 B. Sloan New Albany $3,631,697.60 $3,303,438.77 $328,258.83 $94,045.55 $168,480.28 $65,733.01 9%

* American Legion Post No. 42 River City Floyd Knobs $134,932.00 $113,490.20 $21,441.80 $14,525.00 $0.00 $6,916.80 16%

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B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 270 New Albany $1,749,300.21 $1,660,065.59 $89,234.62 $1,967.50 $31,512.50 $55,754.62 5%

Friends of Fairview, Inc. New Albany $2,491,590.00 $2,397,840.00 $93,750.00 $47,708.00 $48,000.00 ($1,958.00) 4%

V.F.W. Post No.1693 Hobart Beach New Albany $745,850.78 $704,181.06 $41,669.72 $2,927.57 $38,854.75 ($112.60) 6%

* V.F.W. Post No.3281 Floyd County New Albany $232,289.00 $184,544.03 $47,744.97 $28,388.00 $0.00 $19,356.97 21%

* Veterans of the Vietnam War Post No. 1 New Albany $11,200.00 $6,744.00 $4,456.00 $0.00 $4,456.00 $0.00 40%

Floyd County Totals $8,996,859.59 $8,370,303.65 $626,555.94 $189,561.62 $291,303.53 $145,690.80

American Legion Post No. 52 Attica $134,329.25 $113,748.75 $20,580.50 $10,000.00 $10,580.50 $0.00 15%

American Legion Post No. 384 Kingman $134,462.00 $117,949.00 $16,513.00 $3,238.00 $13,275.00 $0.00 12%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2596 Attica Attica $44,235.00 $33,833.50 $10,401.50 $1,299.72 $0.00 $9,101.78 24%

Kappa Kappa Kappa - Zeta Omega Chap. Inc. Veedersburgh $85,620.50 $74,640.05 $10,980.45 $0.00 $0.00 $10,980.45 13%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1482 Attica $90,145.00 $78,454.72 $11,690.28 $2,672.22 $3,027.07 $5,990.99 13%

St. Joseph Catholic Church Covington $102,710.00 $90,245.42 $12,464.58 $0.00 $12,464.58 $0.00 12%

V.F.W. Post No.2395 Covington $72,940.51 $62,467.85 $10,472.66 $3,500.00 $6,972.66 $0.00 14%

V.F.W. Post No.3318 Fountain-Warren Attica $549,750.00 $466,637.09 $83,112.91 $28,014.70 $55,098.21 $0.00 15%

Fountain County Totals $1,214,192.26 $1,037,976.38 $176,215.88 $48,724.64 $101,418.02 $26,073.22

American Legion Post No. 77 Brookville $2,090,066.00 $2,001,859.63 $88,206.37 $5,913.29 $20,202.50 $62,090.58 4%

* V.F.W. Post No.2014 Brookville $18,045.00 $15,450.78 $2,594.22 $0.00 $0.00 $2,594.22 14%

Franklin County Totals $2,108,111.00 $2,017,310.41 $90,800.59 $5,913.29 $20,202.50 $64,684.80

American Legion Post No. 36 L. Shelton Rochester $272,501.00 $222,475.00 $50,026.00 $0.00 $50,026.00 $0.00 18%

American Legion Post No. 36 L. Shelton Rochester $261,601.00 $223,707.00 $37,894.00 $0.00 $37,894.00 $0.00 14%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.2120 Rochester $120,479.75 $107,753.18 $12,726.57 $7,318.00 $5,408.57 $0.00 11%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 852 Manitou Rochester $389,069.00 $341,079.00 $47,990.00 $7,750.00 $40,240.00 $0.00 12%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1107 Manitou Rochester $299,342.00 $220,056.00 $79,286.00 $18,431.50 $59,975.00 $879.50 26%

* V.F.W. Post No.1343 Rochester $87,266.00 $75,586.00 $11,680.00 $0.00 $11,680.00 $0.00 13%

Fulton County Totals $1,430,258.75 $1,190,656.18 $239,602.57 $33,499.50 $205,223.57 $879.50

American Legion Post No. 25 Princeton $501,290.91 $450,091.86 $51,199.05 $0.00 $51,199.05 $0.00 10%

* American Legion Post No. 256 J. Curd Oakland City $240,375.00 $213,605.00 $26,770.00 $0.00 $23,062.21 $3,707.79 11%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 634 Princeton $26,408.00 $23,403.50 $3,004.50 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,504.50 11%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 361 Princeton $271,875.00 $250,488.00 $21,387.00 $3,458.00 $17,929.00 $0.00 8%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.4288 Oakland City $1,243,380.00 $1,103,491.00 $139,889.00 $16,929.00 $98,000.00 $24,960.00 11%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1131 Princeton $526,428.45 $448,297.06 $78,131.39 $18,936.15 $54,006.69 $5,188.55 15%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.2215 Haubstadt $15,897.00 $9,324.00 $6,573.00 $1,250.00 $5,323.00 $0.00 41%

* Knights of St. John No. 345 Haubstadt $7,044.00 $5,102.45 $1,941.55 $0.00 $1,941.55 $0.00 28%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 354 Princeton $76,125.00 $67,367.60 $8,757.40 $325.00 $6,758.09 $1,674.31 12%

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* Princeton Country Club Princeton $20,433.00 $16,175.00 $4,258.00 $0.00 $4,258.00 $0.00 21%

V.F.W. Post No.1147 Princeton $2,147,503.18 $1,938,623.86 $208,879.32 $33,964.10 $135,513.38 $39,401.84 10%

V.F.W. Post No.2714 South Gibson Fort Branch $361,586.00 $307,896.00 $53,690.00 $3,625.00 $43,081.00 $6,984.00 15%

Gibson County Totals $5,438,345.54 $4,833,865.33 $604,480.21 $78,487.25 $442,571.97 $83,420.99

American Legion Post No. 95 Jonesboro $658,154.32 $633,760.24 $24,394.08 $3,981.44 $20,412.64 $0.00 4%

American Legion Post No. 368 Brown-Doyle Van Buren $42,402.00 $34,944.00 $7,458.00 $1,123.00 $6,107.00 $228.00 18%

AMVETS Post No. 5 Grant County Marion $4,025,781.00 $3,664,290.00 $361,491.00 $25,024.00 $326,967.00 $9,500.00 9%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 227 Marion $2,999,868.00 $2,960,819.42 $39,048.58 $0.00 $39,048.58 $0.00 1%

Grant County 4-H Fair Association Marion $2,107,071.00 $1,985,724.03 $121,346.97 $800.00 $120,546.97 $0.00 6%

Grant County Family Y.M.C.A Marion $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 253 Marion $361,362.00 $323,519.00 $37,843.00 $4,100.00 $33,743.00 $0.00 10%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1778 Gas City $441,674.00 $392,103.00 $49,571.00 $12,400.00 $37,171.00 $0.00 11%

Marion Youth Baseball, Inc. Marion $1,702,246.55 $1,679,801.54 $22,445.01 $0.00 $30,863.60 ($8,418.59) 1%

Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity - Alpha Chap. Marion $6,030.00 $4,895.00 $1,135.00 $198.00 $937.00 $0.00 19%

Round Robins CB Club, Inc.-Fairmont Marion $3,867,325.00 $3,384,599.00 $482,726.00 $452,379.00 $7,385.00 $22,962.00 12%

* V.F.W. Post No.6728 LeRoyce Howell Gas City $51,571.00 $26,679.72 $24,891.28 $335.00 $24,556.28 $0.00 48%

* V.F.W. Post No.7403 Marion $71,450.00 $57,722.00 $13,728.00 $4,580.00 $6,907.00 $2,241.00 19%

* V.F.W. Post No.7403 Marion $175,870.00 $149,404.00 $26,466.00 $12,541.00 $12,185.00 $1,740.00 15%

Grant County Totals $16,510,804.87 $15,298,260.95 $1,212,543.92 $517,461.44 $666,830.07 $28,252.41

American Legion Post No. 22 F. Courtney Linton $2,424,822.35 $2,098,825.90 $325,996.45 $14,412.90 $311,583.55 $0.00 13%

* American Legion Post No. 106 Worthington $240,900.00 $221,795.10 $19,104.90 $12,859.00 $6,245.90 $0.00 8%

American Legion Post No. 172 Jasonville $149,789.00 $126,876.70 $22,912.30 $7,055.47 $1,200.00 $14,656.83 15%

American Legion Post No. 196 Bloomfield $348,385.00 $320,462.16 $27,922.84 $17,028.46 $0.00 $10,894.38 8%

American Legion Unit No. 106 Auxiliary Worthington $96,056.00 $92,763.00 $3,293.00 $2,780.00 $513.00 $0.00 3%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 866 Linton $285,786.00 $254,047.85 $31,738.15 $0.00 $31,738.15 $0.00 11%

Independent Order of Odd Fellows No.457 Bloomfield $108,958.00 $88,557.00 $20,401.00 $5,225.00 $7,793.00 $7,383.00 19%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.6679 Fr. Ryan Linton $284,672.18 $256,433.14 $28,239.04 $17,831.98 $9,001.34 $1,405.72 10%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1434 Linton $466,782.00 $394,376.00 $72,406.00 $5,041.59 $57,225.85 $10,138.56 16%

* V.F.W. Post No.7117 Worthington $433,103.00 $379,745.62 $53,357.38 $15,331.25 $38,026.13 $0.00 12%

Greene County Totals $4,839,253.53 $4,233,882.47 $605,371.06 $97,565.65 $463,326.92 $44,478.49

American Legion Post No. 45 Noblesville $657,495.00 $573,792.00 $83,703.00 $4,843.00 $78,860.00 $0.00 13%

* American Legion Post No. 155 Carmel $470,876.00 $410,336.12 $60,539.88 $24,776.00 $43,740.82 ($7,976.94) 13%

American Legion Post No. 341 Cicero $403,824.00 $353,698.00 $50,126.00 $5,893.00 $0.00 $44,233.00 12%

American Legion Post No. 470 Lowell Beaver Fishers $2,616,110.38 $2,488,799.10 $127,311.28 $4,396.45 $122,914.83 $0.00 5%

American Legion Unit No. 67 Auxiliary Sheridan $39,788.16 $32,347.64 $7,440.52 $4,685.05 $2,755.47 $0.00 19%

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* Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 450 Noblesville $123,824.25 $85,624.13 $38,200.12 $0.00 $38,200.12 $0.00 31%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 540 Noblesville $888,418.50 $772,037.82 $116,380.68 $15,885.80 $80,000.00 $20,494.88 13%

Senior Citizens Organization, Inc. Noblesville $1,147.76 $798.15 $349.61 $349.61 $0.00 $0.00 30%

* V.F.W. Post No.10003 Carmel $285,606.68 $246,002.42 $39,604.26 $3,530.50 $34,073.76 $2,000.00 14%

V.F.W. Post No.6246 Noblesville $534,376.00 $464,558.05 $69,817.95 $4,768.00 $0.00 $65,049.95 13%

* V.F.W. Post No.6246 Noblesville $462,559.00 $406,372.00 $56,187.00 $5,959.30 $8,826.09 $41,401.61 12%

Hamilton County Totals $6,484,025.73 $5,834,365.43 $649,660.30 $75,086.71 $409,371.09 $165,202.50

American Legion Post No. 119 Greenfield $596,701.00 $553,109.00 $43,592.00 $4,114.50 $39,477.50 $0.00 7%

* Fraternal Order of Police No. 140 Greenfield $52,338.00 $46,165.40 $6,172.60 $3,100.00 $3,072.60 $0.00 12%

* Greenfield Conservation Club, Inc. Greenfield $294,321.00 $280,571.20 $13,749.80 $1,050.00 $3,000.00 $9,699.80 5%

* Greenfield Country Club, Inc. Greenfield $19,514.00 $15,272.00 $4,242.00 $0.00 $4,242.00 $0.00 22%

Lions Club - New Palestine New Palestine $1,735,936.00 $1,639,937.67 $95,998.33 $65,563.40 $30,434.93 $0.00 6%

* V.F.W. Post No.2693 Greenfield $247,360.00 $216,118.60 $31,241.40 $5,282.67 $25,958.73 $0.00 13%

* V.F.W. Post No.6904 Fortville Fortville $497,763.00 $427,834.00 $69,929.00 $5,321.00 $29,445.00 $35,163.00 14%

Hancock County Totals $3,443,933.00 $3,179,007.87 $264,925.13 $84,431.57 $135,630.76 $44,862.80

* American Legion Post No. 379 Elizabeth $39,600.00 $33,495.40 $6,104.60 $2,400.00 $3,479.74 $224.86 15%

EDVACT, Inc. Corydon $505,372.00 $512,963.00 ($7,591.00) $9,509.00 $0.00 ($17,100.00) -2%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1808 Corydon $238,550.64 $238,780.88 ($230.24) $12,280.18 $0.00 ($12,510.42) -0%

St. Bernard Church Depauw $139,109.26 $130,763.07 $8,346.19 $0.00 $0.00 $8,346.19 6%

St. Joseph Catholic Church Corydon $32,439.82 $30,197.00 $2,242.82 $0.00 $2,242.82 $0.00 7%

* V.F.W. Post No.2950 Old Capitol Corydon $181,693.00 $150,020.00 $31,673.00 $1,485.00 $30,188.00 $0.00 17%

Harrison County Totals $1,136,764.72 $1,096,219.35 $40,545.37 $25,674.18 $35,910.56 ($21,039.37)

* American Legion Post No. 118 Danville $740,702.00 $634,730.80 $105,971.20 $5,408.80 $107,182.00 ($6,619.60) 14%

American Legion Post No. 331 Brownsburg $277,429.00 $180,646.00 $96,783.00 $31,943.00 $64,840.00 $0.00 35%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.2186 Plainfield Plainfield $426,924.21 $393,992.03 $32,932.18 $0.00 $32,932.18 $0.00 8%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.3207 Plainfield $1,937,385.53 $1,600,012.24 $337,373.29 $29,485.17 $290,573.34 $17,314.78 17%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.3207 Plainfield $2,452,309.00 $2,004,596.69 $447,712.31 $68,936.95 $364,055.65 $14,719.71 18%

Hendricks County Totals $5,834,749.74 $4,813,977.76 $1,020,771.98 $135,773.92 $859,583.17 $25,414.89

American Legion Post No. 137 H. R. Smith New Castle $1,618,934.00 $1,481,570.68 $137,363.32 $12,716.88 $127,283.12 ($2,636.68) 8%

American Legion Post No. 152 Knightstown $411,451.00 $417,031.00 ($5,580.00) $18,585.37 $9,872.63 ($34,038.00) -1%

* American Legion Post No. 216 Middletown $168,175.00 $139,280.00 $28,895.00 $7,872.00 $21,023.00 $0.00 17%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 484 New Castle $1,168,203.00 $1,065,927.00 $102,276.00 $16,641.13 $85,634.87 $0.00 9%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 933 New Castle $2,807,829.82 $2,544,581.62 $263,248.20 $33,664.01 $229,584.19 $0.00 9%

Henry County Conservation Club New Castle $1,567,482.00 $1,509,659.50 $57,822.50 $22,070.00 $35,752.50 $0.00 4%

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Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 147 New Castle $2,543,515.00 $2,227,440.71 $316,074.29 $18,947.34 $271,381.55 $25,745.40 12%

Straughn Community Club Straughn $263,009.00 $247,201.00 $15,808.00 $200.00 $15,608.00 $0.00 6%

V.F.W. Post No.1282 New Castle $2,063,808.12 $1,792,501.35 $271,306.77 $46,929.13 $138,852.59 $85,525.05 13%

Westwood Country Club ,Inc. New Castle $355,162.56 $324,147.24 $31,015.32 $0.00 $31,015.32 $0.00 9%

Henry County Totals $12,967,569.50 $11,749,340.10 $1,218,229.40 $177,625.86 $966,007.77 $74,595.77

* 40 & 8 Voiture No.1103, Inc. Kokomo $58,732.00 $44,323.75 $14,408.25 $475.00 $13,933.25 $0.00 25%

* American Legion Post No. 6 Kokomo $419,698.00 $353,411.00 $66,287.00 $16,947.00 $49,340.00 $0.00 16%

* American Legion Post No. 317 Greentown $65,721.00 $51,049.00 $14,672.00 $13,860.00 $812.00 $0.00 22%

Booster Club of Kokomo, Inc. Kokomo $2,266,324.59 $2,031,113.14 $235,211.45 $90,462.80 $144,748.65 $0.00 10%

Crisis Center, Inc. Kokomo $1,845,453.00 $1,667,835.08 $177,617.92 $0.00 $177,617.92 $0.00 10%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 255 Kokomo $680,571.00 $572,099.00 $108,472.00 $11,557.00 $96,915.00 $0.00 16%

Izaak Walton League of Amer-Howard Co. Kokomo $1,197,076.00 $1,145,857.00 $51,219.00 $0.00 $51,219.00 $0.00 4%

Kokomo Fire Dragons, Inc. Kokomo $999,818.87 $946,378.83 $53,440.04 $6,382.74 $47,057.30 $0.00 5%

Lions Club - Kokomo Kokomo $2,323,738.00 $2,217,937.00 $105,801.00 $37,512.00 $73,403.00 ($5,114.00) 5%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 179 Kokomo Kokomo $1,343,309.25 $1,210,252.36 $133,056.89 $2,604.00 $74,800.00 $55,652.89 10%

V.F.W. Post No.1152 Kokomo $2,275,015.00 $1,862,624.00 $412,391.00 $17,987.00 $394,404.00 $0.00 18%

Howard County Totals $13,475,456.71 $12,102,880.16 $1,372,576.55 $197,787.54 $1,124,250.12 $50,538.89

* American Legion Post No. 7 Huntington Huntington $30,645.00 $21,116.00 $9,529.00 $1,484.00 $8,045.00 $0.00 31%

American Legion Post No. 85 Huntington $255,172.16 $203,473.84 $51,698.32 $2,570.00 $49,128.32 $0.00 20%

American Legion Post No. 160 Roanoke $192,179.81 $169,034.90 $23,144.91 $13,361.91 $9,589.54 $193.46 12%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 837 Huntington $71,001.50 $53,249.89 $17,751.61 $939.00 $11,358.00 $5,454.61 25%

St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Huntington $3,060,382.66 $2,944,281.71 $116,100.95 $0.00 $116,100.95 $0.00 4%

V.F.W. Post No.2689 Hoover-Bickel Huntington $147,877.00 $82,941.00 $64,936.00 $5,411.00 $59,525.00 $0.00 44%

Huntington County Totals $3,757,258.13 $3,474,097.34 $283,160.79 $23,765.91 $253,746.81 $5,648.07

American Legion Post No. 89 Seymour $1,119,683.00 $905,788.00 $213,895.00 $9,174.00 $155,579.00 $49,142.00 19%

American Legion Post No. 112 Camp Jackson Brownstown $56,402.00 $46,809.00 $9,593.00 $1,287.00 $8,306.00 $0.00 17%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 462 Seymour $19,760.00 $16,082.35 $3,677.65 $1,632.91 $2,044.74 $0.00 19%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 655 Seymour $835,604.50 $698,829.38 $136,775.12 $11,031.72 $95,622.05 $30,121.35 16%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 418 Seymour $397,768.00 $317,818.00 $79,950.00 $0.00 $79,950.00 $0.00 20%

* Seymour Catholic Men’s Club, Inc. Seymour $52,645.00 $46,968.00 $5,677.00 $555.00 $3,150.00 $1,972.00 11%

St. Ambrose Seymour $986,537.00 $863,491.00 $123,046.00 $55,398.00 $55,398.00 $12,250.00 12%

V.F.W. Post No.1083 Crothersville $252,284.00 $202,384.90 $49,899.10 $4,713.81 $27,696.40 $17,488.89 20%

V.F.W. Post No.1925 Leslie-Arbuckle-Zimrmn Seymour $882,631.78 $693,412.93 $189,218.85 $32,003.59 $26,728.40 $130,486.86 21%

Jackson County Totals $4,603,315.28 $3,791,583.56 $811,731.72 $115,796.03 $454,474.59 $241,461.10

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American Legion Post No. 29 Rensselaer $87,913.00 $73,330.40 $14,582.60 $5,702.00 $2,060.00 $6,820.60 17%

American Legion Post No. 440 Demotte $365,259.00 $310,531.33 $54,727.67 $5,050.00 $49,677.67 $0.00 15%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2548 Rensselaer $12,084.00 $10,202.50 $1,881.50 $1,000.00 $881.50 $0.00 16%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.2272 Rensselaer $96,144.00 $81,310.00 $14,834.00 $1,050.00 $13,537.00 $247.00 15%

* V.F.W. Post No.1279 Rensselaer $100,699.00 $84,777.00 $15,922.00 $3,475.00 $12,447.00 $0.00 16%

Jasper County Totals $662,099.00 $560,151.23 $101,947.77 $16,277.00 $78,603.17 $7,067.60

American Legion Post No. 211 Portland $213,950.00 $204,664.84 $9,285.16 $9,285.16 $0.00 $0.00 4%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1776 Dunkirk Dunkirk $217,148.05 $170,269.71 $46,878.34 $5,265.00 $41,613.34 $0.00 22%

Disabled American Veterans No. 24 FJ Barr Portland $361,370.00 $304,765.00 $56,605.00 $15,438.00 $41,167.00 $0.00 16%

Humane Society of Jay County, Inc. Portland $2,828,838.00 $2,769,955.00 $58,883.00 $0.00 $58,883.00 $0.00 2%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 417 Portland $568,551.84 $482,421.81 $86,130.03 $8,792.88 $77,337.15 $0.00 15%

Jay County Totals $4,189,857.89 $3,932,076.36 $257,781.53 $38,781.04 $219,000.49 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 9 Madison $2,502,338.00 $2,138,085.16 $364,252.84 $76,888.93 $287,363.91 $0.00 15%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1158 OH Val. Madison $323,104.50 $271,784.00 $51,320.50 $5,750.00 $45,570.50 $0.00 16%

Jefferson County Goodwill Conserv. Club Madison $845,498.35 $770,652.16 $74,846.19 $672.24 $74,173.95 $0.00 9%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 934 Soc. & Rec. Madison $440,220.00 $371,570.00 $68,650.00 $10,315.00 $58,335.00 $0.00 16%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 765 Madison $1,077,709.00 $915,370.00 $162,339.00 $5,054.00 $95,836.00 $61,449.00 15%

Madison Township Volunteer Fire Dept Madison $936,649.49 $801,470.82 $135,178.67 $9,805.00 $116,424.24 $8,949.43 14%

Prince of Peace Parish Madison $542,773.00 $472,632.00 $70,141.00 $7,670.00 $65,000.00 ($2,529.00) 13%

Shawe High School Madison $635,162.00 $531,836.34 $103,325.66 $0.00 $103,325.66 $0.00 16%

V.F.W. Post No.1969 Weber Warren Lewis Madison $1,672,162.00 $1,582,898.50 $89,263.50 $7,020.00 $82,243.50 $0.00 5%

Jefferson County Totals $8,975,616.34 $7,856,298.98 $1,119,317.36 $123,175.17 $928,272.76 $67,869.43

AMVETS Post No. 7 North Vernon $1,202,654.98 $1,085,355.17 $117,299.81 $17,099.84 $84,975.97 $15,224.00 10%

Brush Creek Conservation Club Butlerville $65,611.00 $53,536.25 $12,074.75 $1,560.10 $3,663.05 $6,851.60 18%

Coffee Creek Conservation Club Commiskey $1,246,273.40 $1,202,173.74 $44,099.66 $7,040.00 $23,900.04 $13,159.62 4%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.4097 North Vernon $180,757.85 $158,442.63 $22,315.22 $4,750.00 $36,106.42 ($18,541.20) 12%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 576 North Vernon $168,488.80 $147,672.61 $20,816.19 $0.00 $20,816.19 $0.00 12%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 576 North Vernon $283,068.00 $256,983.60 $26,084.40 $0.00 $24,400.00 $1,684.40 9%

St. Mary Catholic Church North Vernon $880,986.00 $757,855.00 $123,131.00 $0.00 $123,131.00 $0.00 14%

V.F.W. Post No.2021 North Vernon $328,197.00 $307,034.00 $21,163.00 $11,345.00 $0.00 $9,818.00 6%

V.F.W. Post No.2021 North Vernon $334,691.00 $308,486.23 $26,204.77 $16,813.84 $0.00 $9,390.93 8%

Jennings County Totals $4,690,728.03 $4,277,539.23 $413,188.80 $58,608.78 $316,992.67 $37,587.35

* American Legion Post No. 205 Franklin $37,718.70 $36,552.26 $1,166.44 $1,472.32 $0.00 ($305.88) 3%

American Legion Post No. 233 Edinburgh $108,712.70 $87,380.25 $21,332.45 $5,455.75 $15,876.70 $0.00 20%

American Legion Post No. 252 Greenwood $1,050,215.00 $918,102.00 $132,113.00 $10,070.00 $122,043.00 $0.00 13%

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B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1818 Franklin $32,341.00 $29,542.00 $2,799.00 $1,465.00 $1,000.00 $334.00 9%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1818 Franklin $46,162.00 $38,412.00 $7,750.00 $6,000.00 $1,750.00 $0.00 17%

East Lake Lot Owners Assn. (E.L.L.O.A.) Nineveh $4,654.00 $2,929.00 $1,725.00 $0.00 $1,725.00 $0.00 37%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.4132 Greenwood $600,076.00 $513,111.00 $86,965.00 $0.00 $86,965.00 $0.00 14%

Johnson County Shrine Club Franklin $460,577.00 $424,162.83 $36,414.17 $7,085.00 $10,320.93 $19,008.24 8%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.6138 Greenwood $794,144.06 $710,488.25 $83,655.81 $4,777.00 $78,878.81 $0.00 11%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.2079 Greenwood $2,081,458.00 $1,916,714.51 $164,743.49 $8,259.76 $143,115.86 $13,367.87 8%

Royal Oak Social Club, Inc. Greenwood $16,787.00 $16,628.24 $158.76 $158.76 $0.00 $0.00 1%

V.F.W. Post No.2552 Johnson County Franklin $65,612.00 $55,333.00 $10,279.00 $0.00 $10,279.00 $0.00 16%

V.F.W. Post No.5864 Greenwood Memorial Greenwood $395,889.00 $369,757.40 $26,131.60 $9,503.54 $12,369.60 $4,258.46 7%

V.F.W. Post No.6978 New Whiteland Whiteland $1,032,994.00 $949,753.46 $83,240.54 $8,454.50 $68,800.44 $5,985.60 8%

* V.F.W. Post No.7964 Edinburgh $112,319.00 $80,295.00 $32,024.00 $1,079.00 $12,573.00 $18,372.00 29%

Johnson County Totals $6,839,659.46 $6,149,161.20 $690,498.26 $63,780.63 $565,697.34 $61,020.29

* 40 & 8 Voiture Vincennes Vincennes $777,750.00 $690,068.00 $87,682.00 $13,937.00 $68,075.00 $5,670.00 11%

American Legion Post No. 73 Vincennes $1,149,213.70 $1,015,155.02 $134,058.68 $9,145.00 $98,636.47 $26,277.21 12%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 291 Vincennes $3,000.00 $2,646.20 $353.80 $0.00 $353.80 $0.00 12%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1421 Bicknell $41,488.00 $39,289.00 $2,199.00 $5,526.00 $600.00 ($3,927.00) 5%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 384 Vincennes $515,468.00 $457,997.00 $57,471.00 $1,387.00 $30,391.00 $25,693.00 11%

Harmony Society Vincennes $656,174.36 $585,522.68 $70,651.68 $1,680.99 $68,970.69 $0.00 11%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 712 Vincennes $1,444,764.00 $1,230,501.19 $214,262.81 $120,325.00 $93,937.81 $0.00 15%

Lions Club - Decker Decker $7,805.35 $5,075.72 $2,729.63 $0.00 $2,295.84 $433.79 35%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 281 Vincen. Vincennes $764,112.00 $676,822.00 $87,290.00 $3,276.00 $97,078.00 ($13,064.00) 11%

Rivet High School PTO Vincennes $405,080.63 $351,097.08 $53,983.55 $53,983.55 $0.00 $0.00 13%

V.F.W. Post No.1157 Vincennes $1,234,913.00 $1,091,714.00 $143,199.00 $16,081.00 $140,931.00 ($13,813.00) 12%

* V.F.W. Post No.3190 Chester Cartwright Bicknell $119,313.00 $106,402.00 $12,911.00 $0.00 $12,753.00 $158.00 11%

Knox County Totals $7,119,082.04 $6,252,289.89 $866,792.15 $225,341.54 $614,022.61 $27,428.00

American Legion Post No. 49 J. Peterson Warsaw $191,752.42 $183,023.12 $8,729.30 $5,763.68 $2,965.62 $0.00 5%

* American Legion Post No. 223 Wawasee Syracuse $167,723.00 $134,471.00 $33,252.00 $0.00 $33,252.00 $0.00 20%

American Legion Post No. 253 North Webster $1,153,716.39 $995,063.37 $158,653.02 $0.00 $158,653.02 $0.00 14%

American Legion Post No. 258 Menzie-Reece Pierceton $362,785.00 $317,772.00 $45,013.00 $597.00 $44,416.00 $0.00 12%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 802 Warsaw $295,363.00 $286,448.00 $8,915.00 $6,270.00 $2,645.00 $0.00 3%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1339 Warsaw $148,800.00 $111,402.00 $37,398.00 $380.00 $0.00 $37,018.00 25%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1339 Aux. Warsaw $251,088.00 $227,023.31 $24,064.69 $1,385.00 $22,679.69 $0.00 10%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.6323 Syracuse $581,553.00 $479,338.60 $102,214.40 $51,496.96 $30,235.90 $20,481.54 18%

Lions Club - Silver Lake Silver Lake $184,674.00 $155,060.20 $29,613.80 $5,955.97 $15,008.61 $8,649.22 16%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1423 Warsaw $213,625.00 $194,761.08 $18,863.92 $5,635.72 $13,228.20 $0.00 9%

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* V.F.W. Post No.1126 Warsaw $212,539.34 $169,196.49 $43,342.85 $2,268.62 $41,074.23 $0.00 20%

Kosciusko County Totals $3,763,619.15 $3,253,559.17 $510,059.98 $79,752.95 $364,158.27 $66,148.76

* American Legion Post No. 215 LaGrange $357,696.00 $300,983.58 $56,712.42 $22,360.07 $14,200.00 $20,152.35 16%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1351 Lagrange $36,038.05 $33,786.09 $2,251.96 $3,869.80 $19,890.08 ($21,507.92) 6%

LaGrange County Totals $393,734.05 $334,769.67 $58,964.38 $26,229.87 $34,090.08 ($1,355.57)

All Saints Church Hammond $62,892.75 $55,623.62 $7,269.13 $7,000.00 $269.13 $0.00 12%

* American Legion Post No. 20 Crown Point $48,154.25 $39,421.85 $8,732.40 $0.00 $8,732.40 $0.00 18%

American Legion Post No. 54 Hobart $208,124.00 $174,579.15 $33,544.85 $7,835.00 $25,709.85 $0.00 16%

American Legion Post No. 66 Griffith $344,388.50 $302,110.53 $42,277.97 $8,449.25 $11,570.40 $22,258.32 12%

* American Legion Post No. 80 Whiting $6,015.50 $3,548.27 $2,467.23 $3,937.20 $0.00 ($1,469.97) 41%

American Legion Post No. 100 Lake Station $629,435.12 $538,446.69 $90,988.43 $8,869.90 $76,206.74 $5,911.79 14%

American Legion Post No. 101 Lowell $262,408.00 $211,355.90 $51,052.10 $5,287.00 $45,765.10 $0.00 19%

* American Legion Post No. 126 Hammond $42,213.00 $36,095.42 $6,117.58 $4,187.00 $489.26 $1,441.32 14%

American Legion Post No. 168 Hammond $1,190,520.63 $1,123,273.62 $67,247.01 $12,157.27 $55,089.74 $0.00 6%

* American Legion Post No. 180 Highland $43,750.50 $33,390.57 $10,359.93 $0.00 $10,359.93 $0.00 24%

* American Legion Post No. 232 Hammond $54,416.18 $48,945.79 $5,470.39 $3,603.90 $1,866.49 $0.00 10%

American Legion Post No. 261 Cedar Lake $553,790.05 $518,309.04 $35,481.01 $5,433.50 $29,537.40 $510.11 6%

* American Legion Post No. 270 Gary $2,832.50 $2,114.00 $718.50 $350.00 $356.93 $11.57 25%

* American Legion Post No. 279 Gary $9,824.00 $7,391.00 $2,433.00 $600.00 $1,833.00 $0.00 25%

American Legion Post No. 369 East Chicago $1,004,962.09 $680,104.94 $324,857.15 $8,008.85 $275,354.92 $41,493.38 32%

American Legion Post No. 369 East Chicago $969,942.00 $702,415.00 $267,527.00 $6,029.00 $195,000.00 $66,498.00 28%

American Legion Post No. 428 Hammond $942,816.00 $847,544.00 $95,272.00 $295.00 $86,209.00 $8,768.00 10%

American Legion Post No. 430 Merrillville $71,168.00 $56,223.95 $14,944.05 $0.00 $14,944.05 $0.00 21%

American Legion Post No. 454 Hobart $117,926.00 $103,565.00 $14,361.00 $2,220.00 $12,141.00 $0.00 12%

* American Legion Post No. 485 Schererville $130,149.55 $79,641.37 $50,508.18 $2,319.16 $35,450.00 $12,739.02 39%

* American Slovak Club of Whiting Whiting $11,521.00 $8,123.00 $3,398.00 $1,350.00 $2,048.00 $0.00 29%

AMVETS Post No. 6 Inc., Greater Gary Gary $819,744.00 $725,393.60 $94,350.40 $1,935.00 $32,025.00 $60,390.40 12%

* AMVETS Post No. 15 Cedar Lake $15,516.00 $11,310.00 $4,206.00 $1,164.00 $3,042.00 $0.00 27%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 485, Inc. Hammond $488,442.00 $464,822.91 $23,619.09 $7,947.43 $15,671.66 $0.00 5%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 981 Highland $21,470.00 $14,974.00 $6,496.00 $0.00 $6,496.00 $0.00 30%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1152 Hobart $830,524.00 $702,658.00 $127,866.00 $0.00 $127,866.00 $0.00 15%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1273 Whiting $1,580.50 $966.25 $614.25 $578.00 $0.00 $36.25 39%

Booster Club of Hammond, Inc. Hammond $691,596.07 $629,861.78 $61,734.29 $12,675.00 $49,059.29 $0.00 9%

Cesare Battisti Lodge No. 27 East Chicago $2,501,051.50 $2,026,501.56 $474,549.94 $95,231.00 $379,174.00 $144.94 19%

Columbian Club - East Chicago East Chicago $572,223.35 $558,403.30 $13,820.05 $2,295.00 $11,525.05 $0.00 2%

Columbian Club - Whiting Whiting $190,970.00 $161,961.00 $29,009.00 $10,800.00 $18,209.00 $0.00 15%

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 35

Disabled American Veterans No. 17, Inc. Hammond $257,546.67 $217,226.06 $40,320.61 $9,385.59 $26,298.25 $4,636.77 16%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2413 Gary $23,790.00 $18,318.00 $5,472.00 $4,325.00 $1,147.00 $0.00 23%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2498 Hobart $57,924.00 $49,808.44 $8,115.56 $0.00 $6,747.18 $1,368.38 14%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2529 Cedar Lake $577,186.31 $561,398.20 $15,788.11 $0.00 $15,788.11 $0.00 3%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2529 Cedar Lake $628,267.95 $596,405.15 $31,862.80 $26,686.00 $5,176.80 $0.00 5%

Fraternal Order of Police No. 51 Hammond $1,363,660.75 $1,296,258.00 $67,402.75 $0.00 $67,402.75 $0.00 5%

Golden Bears, Inc. Gary $220,059.00 $221,231.80 ($1,172.80) $0.00 $0.00 ($1,172.80) -1%

Griffith Girls Softball League, Inc. Griffith $397,060.25 $386,590.56 $10,469.69 $0.00 $10,469.69 $0.00 3%

Hammond Track Club of N.W. Indiana, Inc. Hammond $496,172.85 $478,363.13 $17,809.72 $10,155.00 $7,654.72 $0.00 4%

* Humane Society of Calumet Area, Inc. Hammond $25,395.00 $19,853.90 $5,541.10 $1,380.00 $4,161.10 $0.00 22%

Izaak Walton League of America, Inc. Griffith $351,737.00 $299,909.00 $51,828.00 $0.00 $47,000.00 $4,828.00 15%

Izaak Walton League of Amer-Spring Lake Hobart $686,630.82 $617,950.83 $68,679.99 $2,980.00 $25,000.00 $40,699.99 10%

Knights of Columbus Cardinal Stritch Crown Point $98,182.82 $76,431.28 $21,751.54 $1,900.00 $19,851.54 $0.00 22%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 726 Hammond $2,323,379.00 $2,225,640.36 $97,738.64 $1,906.00 $100,000.00 ($4,167.36) 4%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1347 St Thomas Hobart $201,667.00 $164,007.00 $37,660.00 $2,052.00 $35,608.00 $0.00 19%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 260 Crown Point $158,500.00 $131,380.18 $27,119.82 $7,565.00 $17,000.00 $2,554.82 17%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 570 Hammond $169,968.00 $157,087.22 $12,880.78 $825.00 $12,055.78 $0.00 8%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 783 Hobart $216,618.38 $163,219.12 $53,399.26 $0.00 $53,399.26 $0.00 25%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1258 Calumet Schererville $339,411.98 $315,964.12 $23,447.86 $8,108.00 $11,000.00 $4,339.86 7%

* Maywood Civic Club, Inc. Hammond $22,372.00 $17,706.00 $4,666.00 $825.00 $3,841.00 $0.00 21%

Most Worshipful King Soloman Grand Lodge Gary $20,215.25 $19,544.00 $671.25 $500.00 $0.00 $171.25 3%

Northwest Indiana Retirees, Inc. Crown Point $8,943.55 $4,905.56 $4,037.99 $2,400.00 $0.00 $1,637.99 45%

Order of AHEPA, Calumet Chap. No. 157 Schererville $1,845,899.79 $1,736,849.08 $109,050.71 $30,843.00 $78,408.00 ($200.29) 6%

Order of AHEPA, Chapter No. 78 Hobart $2,424,202.00 $2,261,764.00 $162,438.00 $26,761.00 $127,306.00 $8,371.00 7%

Order of AHEPA, Chapter No. 123 Munster $288,088.00 $247,441.70 $40,646.30 $2,350.00 $38,296.30 $0.00 14%

Our Lady of Perpetual Help No. 144 Hammond $179,978.00 $153,098.41 $26,879.59 $0.00 $26,879.59 $0.00 15%

St. Andrew Catholic Church Merrillville $341,815.00 $314,984.52 $26,830.48 $0.00 $26,830.48 $0.00 8%

St. Andrew Catholic Church Merrillville $347,767.50 $303,241.48 $44,526.02 $0.00 $8,000.00 $36,526.02 13%

St. Bridget Catholic Church Hobart $151,469.00 $119,936.00 $31,533.00 $0.00 $31,533.00 $0.00 21%

St. Catherine of Siena Church & School Hammond $32,621.00 $34,360.00 ($1,739.00) $0.00 ($1,739.00) $0.00 -5%

St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Church Merrillville $1,746,357.00 $1,559,579.39 $186,777.61 $0.00 $186,777.61 $0.00 11%

St. Francis Xavier Parish No. 122 Lake Station $1,804,038.86 $1,631,939.05 $172,099.81 $113,000.00 $42,923.00 $16,176.81 10%

St. George Serbian Orthodox Church Schererville $1,091,089.45 $892,079.18 $199,010.27 $0.00 $199,010.27 $0.00 18%

St. Joseph the Worker Croatian Church Gary $7,760.60 $2,916.50 $4,844.10 $0.00 $4,844.10 $0.00 62%

St. Margaret Mary Church Hammond $19,669.35 $17,877.28 $1,792.07 $0.00 $700.00 $1,092.07 9%

St. Mary Parish Griffith $893,654.00 $838,272.00 $55,382.00 $0.00 $55,382.00 $0.00 6%

St. Michael Church Schererville $231,784.00 $209,748.81 $22,035.19 $0.00 $20,000.00 $2,035.19 10%

St. Peter & Paul Macedonian Orth Church Crown Point $306,941.00 $276,478.00 $30,463.00 $0.00 $30,463.00 $0.00 10%

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St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church Merrillville $1,459,127.40 $1,324,045.68 $135,081.72 $0.00 $131,000.00 $4,081.72 9%

St. Stanislaus Church East Chicago $21,022.78 $18,726.75 $2,296.03 $0.00 $2,296.03 $0.00 11%

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Michael Hammond $1,458,262.00 $1,387,977.00 $70,285.00 $0.00 $70,285.00 $0.00 5%

* V.F.W. Post No. 717 Saint John $54,030.00 $44,190.94 $9,839.06 $0.00 $0.00 $9,839.06 18%

V.F.W. Post No. 802 Edward H. Larsen Hammond $900,662.86 $786,947.00 $113,715.86 $30,960.69 $89,281.33 ($6,526.16) 13%

* V.F.W. Post No.1109 Leonard Sporman Mem. Highland $44,100.00 $32,245.00 $11,855.00 $11,865.00 $0.00 ($10.00) 27%

* V.F.W. Post No.1563 Merrillville $71,161.00 $51,731.00 $19,430.00 $0.00 $19,430.00 $0.00 27%

V.F.W. Post No.3029 Hammond $998,211.00 $915,103.00 $83,108.00 $796.00 $68,451.00 $13,861.00 8%

V.F.W. Post No.5365 Kostbade-Fowble Hobart $154,656.00 $102,177.00 $52,479.00 $6,529.00 $50,697.00 ($4,747.00) 34%

V.F.W. Post No.6841 Lowell Memorial Lowell $532,531.00 $498,939.00 $33,592.00 $5,210.00 $28,382.00 $0.00 6%

* V.F.W. Post No.9323 Lake Station $112,501.25 $91,792.48 $20,708.77 $5,469.00 $12,791.10 $2,448.67 18%

* V.F.W. Post No.9982 Griffith Memorial Griffith $51,646.00 $28,501.00 $23,145.00 $5,247.43 $584.50 $17,313.07 45%

Lake County Totals $39,056,101.46 $34,791,214.27 $4,264,887.19 $540,581.17 $3,350,414.83 $373,891.19

* American Legion Post No. 21 Westville $91,970.00 $72,988.00 $18,982.00 $4,533.87 $14,448.13 $0.00 21%

American Legion Post No. 37 J.F. Miller Michigan City $596,228.00 $486,414.00 $109,814.00 $5,388.00 $81,370.00 $23,056.00 18%

* American Legion Post No. 83 La Porte $85,758.00 $71,524.00 $14,234.00 $0.00 $14,234.00 $0.00 17%

American Legion Post No. 400 Walkerton $63,015.25 $49,771.41 $13,243.84 $3,080.00 $10,163.84 $0.00 21%

* American Legion Post No. 434 Kingsford Heights $33,094.00 $27,256.00 $5,838.00 $0.00 $5,838.00 $0.00 18%

* American Legion Post No. 451 Skwiat Michigan City $88,725.00 $38,816.00 $49,909.00 $3,420.00 $46,489.00 $0.00 56%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 432 Michigan City $76,048.00 $65,068.00 $10,980.00 $7,550.00 $3,430.00 $0.00 14%

* Disabled American Veterans No. 23 Michigan City $203,077.00 $159,772.62 $43,304.38 $5,393.94 $37,908.44 $2.00 21%

Fish Lake Community Conservation Club Walkerton $61,682.00 $29,682.00 $32,000.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 $26,000.00 52%

Fraternal Order of Police No. 54 LaPorte La Porte $493,716.00 $416,374.00 $77,342.00 $135.00 $77,207.00 $0.00 16%

* Knights of Columbus Coun No.1542 La Porte $59,145.00 $42,268.00 $16,877.00 $983.00 $15,894.00 $0.00 29%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 492 LaPorte $172,591.05 $135,416.81 $37,174.24 $4,970.90 $32,203.34 $0.00 22%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 980 Michigan City $425,367.55 $353,657.40 $71,710.15 $14,957.00 $72,129.23 ($15,376.08) 17%

Michigan City Seniors, Inc. Michigan City $1,420.00 $1,420.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0%

Michigan City Stars Baseball Org. Michigan City $1,086,857.98 $990,455.81 $96,402.17 $79,361.95 $16,787.03 $253.19 9%

Orak Shrine Michigan City $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

* Polish Roman Catholic Union No.1031 LaPorte $135,352.00 $111,649.00 $23,703.00 $11,364.00 $1,500.00 $10,839.00 18%

Queen of All Saints Catholic Church Michigan City $12,433.88 $11,837.70 $596.18 $0.00 $596.18 $0.00 5%

St. Joseph Young Men’s Society, Inc. Michigan City $315,364.00 $210,086.00 $105,278.00 $1,250.00 $0.00 $104,028.00 33%

St. Mary, The Immaculate Conception Chur Michigan City $45,904.03 $41,562.30 $4,341.73 $0.00 $4,341.73 $0.00 9%

St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Michigan City $116,387.00 $64,405.00 $51,982.00 $0.00 $51,982.00 $0.00 45%

St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Michigan City $161,971.00 $126,745.00 $35,226.00 $0.00 $35,226.00 $0.00 22%

V.F.W. Post No.1130 LaPorte $93,758.00 $76,107.00 $17,651.00 $790.00 $16,861.00 $0.00 19%

* V.F.W. Post No.2536 Michigan City $404,887.00 $335,941.00 $68,946.00 $10,200.00 $54,276.00 $4,470.00 17%

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 37

V.F.W. Post No.9423 Rolling Prairie Mem. Rolling Prairie $210,036.75 $161,929.10 $48,107.65 $11,973.84 $36,133.81 $0.00 23%

LaPorte County Totals $5,034,788.49 $4,081,146.15 $953,642.34 $171,351.50 $629,018.73 $153,272.11

American Legion Post No. 33 Bedford $234,922.00 $197,850.21 $37,071.79 $5,350.00 $25,991.79 $5,730.00 16%

American Legion Post No. 33 Bedford $156,559.00 $141,297.77 $15,261.23 $6,501.55 $2,240.32 $6,519.36 10%

American Legion Post No. 250 C.C. Martin Mitchell $444,656.00 $359,540.00 $85,116.00 $14,550.00 $70,566.00 $0.00 19%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 826 Bedford $190,532.00 $171,461.00 $19,071.00 $4,649.00 $14,422.00 $0.00 10%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 654 Bedford $2,831,156.06 $2,484,151.92 $347,004.14 $37,391.70 $238,501.85 $71,110.59 12%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1166 Bedford $293,357.00 $246,223.81 $47,133.19 $20,683.78 $26,449.41 $0.00 16%

Leesville Community Center, Inc. Bedford $228,685.00 $202,677.04 $26,007.96 $14,423.00 $11,584.96 $0.00 11%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 689 Bedford $86,995.80 $67,811.34 $19,184.46 $4,048.88 $15,135.58 $0.00 22%

V.F.W. Post No.1686 Limestone Oolitic $190,560.00 $155,484.00 $35,076.00 $2,576.00 $21,572.00 $10,928.00 18%

* V.F.W. Post No.9107 Mitchell $406,941.00 $333,337.74 $73,603.26 $0.00 $73,603.26 $0.00 18%

Lawrence County Totals $5,064,363.86 $4,359,834.83 $704,529.03 $110,173.91 $500,067.17 $94,287.95

American Legion Post No. 53 Louis Monroe Elwood $1,669,961.00 $1,670,367.35 ($406.35) $6,269.00 $0.00 ($6,675.35) -0%

American Legion Post No. 127 G. Hockett Anderson $1,205,693.00 $1,120,789.23 $84,903.77 $0.00 $84,903.77 $0.00 7%

* American Legion Post No. 212 Lapel $19,251.00 $16,620.09 $2,630.91 $150.00 $2,480.91 $0.00 14%

American Legion Post No. 408 Chesterfield $22,652.00 $7,683.00 $14,969.00 $1,465.00 $13,504.00 $0.00 66%

* AMVETS Post No. 26, Inc. Fallcreek Valley Pendleton $75,649.00 $47,691.00 $27,958.00 $125.00 $27,833.00 $0.00 37%

AMVETS Post No. 692 B. Simpson Anderson $3,211,653.00 $2,983,893.00 $227,760.00 $53,538.00 $174,222.00 $0.00 7%

Anderson Hoop Shooters, Inc. Anderson $2,005,204.00 $1,956,884.00 $48,320.00 $21,690.00 $16,250.00 $10,380.00 2%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 368 Elwood $3,957.00 $3,436.80 $520.20 $520.20 $0.00 $0.00 13%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 478 Alexandria Alexandria $8,319.50 $7,380.00 $939.50 $1,250.00 $0.00 ($310.50) 11%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 174 Anderson $291,767.00 $240,522.00 $51,245.00 $5,886.00 $42,000.00 $3,359.00 18%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1771 Alexandria $3,041,823.00 $2,838,699.00 $203,124.00 $19,460.40 $136,825.76 $46,837.84 7%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.4323 Lapel $48,440.00 $41,489.64 $6,950.36 $596.95 $6,353.41 $0.00 14%

* Imprd Order of Red Men No. 2, Anderson Anderson $5,770.00 $4,470.00 $1,300.00 $357.00 $943.00 $0.00 23%

* Imprd Order of Red Men No. 2, Anderson Anderson $6,192.00 $5,049.00 $1,143.00 $1,120.00 $0.00 $23.00 18%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 150 Anderson $48,093.50 $35,676.25 $12,417.25 $2,258.73 $10,158.52 $0.00 26%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 219 Elwood $21,867.00 $16,481.18 $5,385.82 $4,734.83 $0.00 $650.99 25%

Police Athletic League of Anderson Anderson $2,512,610.00 $2,480,872.75 $31,737.25 $0.00 $31,737.25 $0.00 1%

Sportsman Conservation Club, Inc. Anderson $40,349.00 $40,946.00 ($597.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($597.00) -1%

* V.F.W. Post No. 266 Anderson $243,141.00 $201,251.00 $41,890.00 $7,489.00 $22,960.10 $11,440.90 17%

V.F.W. Post No.1552 Alexandria $54,852.00 $41,566.00 $13,286.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 $1,286.00 24%

V.F.W. Post No.5782 Elwood Memorial Elwood $456,006.00 $456,249.00 ($243.00) $1,251.00 $0.00 ($1,494.00) -0%

Madison County Totals $14,993,250.00 $14,218,016.29 $775,233.71 $128,161.11 $582,171.72 $64,900.88

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* 40 & 8 Voiture No. 145 Indianapolis $55,016.00 $45,370.00 $9,646.00 $0.00 $9,646.00 $0.00 18%

* American Legion Auxiliary, Dept of IN. Indianapolis $19,128.00 $15,694.44 $3,433.56 $0.00 $3,433.56 $0.00 18%

* American Legion Post No. 34 Indianapolis $111,358.00 $96,026.00 $15,332.00 $0.00 $15,332.00 $0.00 14%

* American Legion Post No. 64 Wayne Indianapolis $1,330,894.00 $1,127,900.85 $202,993.15 $32,493.08 $165,581.27 $4,918.80 15%

American Legion Post No. 88 Garfield Park Indianapolis $69,779.00 $38,038.00 $31,741.00 $5,985.00 $25,756.00 $0.00 45%

American Legion Post No. 249 T.H. Harpole Indianapolis $349,156.00 $263,460.00 $85,696.00 $2,125.00 $83,571.00 $0.00 25%

* American Legion Post No. 276 Beech Grove $412,027.50 $348,509.10 $63,518.40 $8,448.32 $55,070.08 $0.00 15%

American Legion Post No. 465 Indianapolis $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

* American Legion Post No. 495 L.F. Welch Indianapolis $419,799.00 $330,998.00 $88,801.00 $6,299.00 $82,502.00 $0.00 21%

* American Legion Post No. 497 Indianapolis $253,338.00 $206,235.00 $47,103.00 $1,355.00 $45,748.00 $0.00 19%

American Legion Post No. 500 Speedway Indianapolis $1,024,963.00 $957,541.77 $67,421.23 $0.00 $67,421.23 $0.00 7%

AMVETS Post No. 99 Louie V. Hider Indianapolis $4,733,783.00 $4,350,734.90 $383,048.10 $28,605.27 $303,548.83 $50,894.00 8%

Blues Society of Indiana Indianapolis $4,260,163.00 $4,052,805.00 $207,358.00 $0.00 $64,968.00 $142,390.00 5%

Blues Society of Indiana Indianapolis $4,062,478.00 $3,923,050.00 $139,428.00 $0.00 $139,428.00 $0.00 3%

Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis Indianapolis $4,251,344.00 $4,024,296.00 $227,048.00 $0.00 $356,648.00 ($129,600.00) 5%

Cardinal Ritter High School Indianapolis $1,124,890.32 $1,050,407.97 $74,482.35 $0.00 $74,482.35 $0.00 7%

Carnine Little League, Inc. Indianapolis $4,839,591.00 $4,655,791.00 $183,800.00 $0.00 $133,800.00 $50,000.00 4%

First Christian Missionary Baptist Ch. Indianapolis $232,330.00 $234,268.00 ($1,938.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($1,938.00) -1%

Forest Manor Multi-Service Center, Inc. Indianapolis $2,758,122.00 $2,749,510.00 $8,612.00 $0.00 $8,612.00 $0.00 0%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 211 Indpls. Indianapolis $497,987.00 $424,827.00 $73,160.00 $16,239.00 $31,478.00 $25,443.00 15%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.4167 Beech Grove $999,656.00 $822,778.00 $176,878.00 $18,048.43 $123,873.32 $34,956.25 18%

Grand United Order of Oddfellows, Inpls. Indianapolis $3,204,702.00 $3,032,949.00 $171,753.00 $135,000.00 $32,000.00 $4,753.00 5%

Greater Indianapolis Deaf Club, Inc. Indianapolis $4,736.68 $4,539.55 $197.13 $0.00 $0.00 $197.13 4%

Holy Name Catholic Church Beech Grove $1,964,193.00 $1,838,452.00 $125,741.00 $4,500.00 $120,841.00 $400.00 6%

IN Opportunities Industrial Center/ OI.C Indianapolis $2,495,793.00 $2,434,649.00 $61,144.00 $400.00 $39,654.00 $21,090.00 2%

Indiana Black Expo Indianapolis $3,232,371.00 $2,995,234.00 $237,137.00 $0.00 $212,137.00 $25,000.00 7%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 437 Indianapolis $3,618,872.00 $3,342,566.79 $276,305.21 $12,991.00 $268,913.88 ($5,599.67) 8%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.3228 Indianapolis $58,980.06 $45,028.31 $13,951.75 $3,597.00 $10,354.75 $0.00 24%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.3433 Indianapolis $496,664.00 $494,998.00 $1,666.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $166.00 0%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.3682 Holy Fam Indianapolis $592,367.00 $573,524.00 $18,843.00 $4,500.00 $14,343.00 $0.00 3%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 17 Indianapolis $664,872.25 $566,185.43 $98,686.82 $0.00 $63,243.38 $35,443.44 15%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 500 Spdway Indianapolis $2,015,344.11 $1,906,410.04 $108,934.07 $0.00 $108,934.07 $0.00 5%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1883 Beech Grove $278,023.52 $233,683.00 $44,340.52 $1,550.00 $31,000.00 $11,790.52 16%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.2138 Indianapolis $13,892.81 $12,946.16 $946.65 $65.00 $0.00 $881.65 7%

National Child Safety Council Indianapolis $5,093,767.36 $4,651,189.61 $442,577.75 $0.00 $439,575.13 $3,002.62 9%

National Fire Safety Council, Inc. Indianapolis $5,124,427.87 $4,699,260.43 $425,167.44 $0.00 $391,645.87 $33,521.57 8%

Sertoma - Camp Sertoma Foundation, Inc. Indianapolis $349,969.00 $317,341.00 $32,628.00 $16,623.00 $16,005.00 $0.00 9%

Sertoma - Camp Sertoma Foundation, Inc. Indianapolis $278,636.00 $242,744.00 $35,892.00 $26,719.00 $9,173.00 $0.00 13%

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* Slovenian National Home Indianapolis $179,119.00 $148,888.82 $30,230.18 $1,000.00 $29,230.18 $0.00 17%

St. Anthony Catholic Church Indianapolis $497,402.62 $470,305.65 $27,096.97 $0.00 $27,096.97 $0.00 5%

St. Christopher Catholic Church Indianapolis $1,288,833.90 $1,125,527.69 $163,306.21 $0.00 $163,306.21 $0.00 13%

St. Michael Church Indianapolis $775,373.00 $747,050.00 $28,323.00 $0.00 $57,861.20 ($29,538.20) 4%

St. Nicholas Youth Ministry, Inc. Indianapolis $4,174,892.00 $3,960,929.00 $213,963.00 $3,000.00 $210,963.00 $0.00 5%

St. Roch Catholic Church Indianapolis $1,345,652.00 $1,217,497.87 $128,154.13 $0.00 $128,154.13 $0.00 10%

* V.F.W. Post No. 98 James L. Townsend Indianapolis $175,877.00 $147,682.00 $28,195.00 $1,612.45 $24,074.53 $2,508.02 16%

* V.F.W. Post No. 261 Lawrence $241,744.00 $211,553.00 $30,191.00 $7,410.40 $15,191.00 $7,589.60 12%

V.F.W. Post No. 261 Ladies Auxiliary Indianapolis $55,894.48 $39,104.26 $16,790.22 $3,260.00 $1,000.00 $12,530.22 30%

* V.F.W. Post No. 908 Lavelle-Gossett Indianapolis $49,453.00 $35,209.46 $14,243.54 $1,205.00 $13,038.54 $0.00 29%

* V.F.W. Post No.1120 Ernie Pyle Indianapolis $37,958.50 $34,214.00 $3,744.50 $2,942.58 $801.92 $0.00 10%

V.F.W. Post No.1120 Ladies Auxiliary Indianapolis $168,800.00 $153,087.00 $15,713.00 $14,123.00 $1,590.00 $0.00 9%

* V.F.W. Post No.2839 Speedway Indianapolis $31,224.50 $28,219.40 $3,005.10 $1,300.00 $0.00 $1,705.10 10%

V.F.W. Post No.2999 Indpls-Irvington Indianapolis $242,095.00 $201,711.00 $40,384.00 $6,530.00 $29,378.00 $4,476.00 17%

* V.F.W. Post No.5626 Beech Grove $99,605.00 $82,671.00 $16,934.00 $3,142.00 $11,920.00 $1,872.00 17%

V.F.W. Post No.6788 Indianapolis $30,878.67 $28,423.99 $2,454.68 $708.87 $1,745.81 $0.00 8%

V.F.W. Post No.6788 Indianapolis $51,818.12 $48,972.91 $2,845.21 $400.00 $2,445.21 $0.00 5%

* V.F.W. Post No.7119 Fort Harrison Indianapolis $149,892.73 $116,936.50 $32,956.23 $0.00 $32,956.23 $0.00 22%

Women of the Moose No. 11 Indianapolis $328,914.25 $290,614.50 $38,299.75 $29,977.51 $8,322.24 $0.00 12%

Y.W.C.A. of Indianapolis, Inc. Indianapolis $36,177.50 $39,167.34 ($2,989.84) $0.00 $0.00 ($2,989.84) -8%

Marion County Totals $71,255,019.75 $66,237,706.74 $5,017,313.01 $403,654.91 $4,307,794.89 $305,863.21

* American Legion Post No. 27 C. Reeve Plymouth $313,753.00 $262,042.00 $51,711.00 $13,000.00 $38,711.00 $0.00 16%

American Legion Post No. 424 Bourbon Bourbon $60,764.00 $44,870.60 $15,893.40 $1,602.00 $9,549.00 $4,742.40 26%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.2548 Plymouth Plymouth $14,893.00 $9,798.00 $5,095.00 $3,658.00 $1,437.00 $0.00 34%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1900 Plymouth $18,428.00 $16,707.50 $1,720.50 $1,720.50 $0.00 $0.00 9%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1975 Plymouth $283,651.75 $235,565.57 $48,086.18 $29,097.58 $18,988.60 $0.00 17%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1975 Plymouth $262,303.10 $241,865.39 $20,437.71 $20,352.70 $85.01 $0.00 8%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 741 Plymouth $205,369.00 $141,971.00 $63,398.00 $960.00 $62,438.00 $0.00 31%

* V.F.W. Post No.1162 Plymouth $147,831.00 $125,756.22 $22,074.78 $1,322.25 $20,752.53 $0.00 15%

V.F.W. Post No.8972 Bremen $350,746.00 $267,609.00 $83,137.00 $4,440.00 $10,795.00 $67,902.00 24%

V.F.W. Post No.8972 Bremen $281,320.00 $112,434.00 $168,886.00 $3,000.00 $17,050.00 $148,836.00 60%

Marshall County Totals $1,939,058.85 $1,458,619.28 $480,439.57 $79,153.03 $179,806.14 $221,480.40

* American Legion Post No. 61 Shoals $40,761.00 $32,163.31 $8,597.69 $1,750.00 $6,847.69 $0.00 21%

* American Legion Post No. 120 Loogootee $92,304.00 $56,177.00 $36,127.00 $6,912.20 $25,500.00 $3,714.80 39%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2442 Shoals $462,730.00 $446,217.04 $16,512.96 $2,405.00 $14,107.96 $0.00 4%

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Knights of Columbus Coun No. 732 Loogootee $430,853.00 $388,988.00 $41,865.00 $6,513.00 $31,665.00 $3,687.00 10%

V.F.W. Post No.8589 Smith-O’Connor Shoals $30,576.00 $25,188.00 $5,388.00 $160.00 $5,228.00 $0.00 18%

V.F.W. Post No.9395 Loogootee $665,316.00 $588,520.36 $76,795.64 $5,845.00 $73,063.19 ($2,112.55) 12%

Martin County Totals $1,722,540.00 $1,537,253.71 $185,286.29 $23,585.20 $156,411.84 $5,289.25

American Legion Post No. 14 Peru $98,136.00 $86,093.00 $12,043.00 $370.00 $3,252.00 $8,421.00 12%

American Legion Post No. 429 Amboy Amboy $88,258.00 $81,752.00 $6,506.00 $1,084.00 $1,908.00 $3,514.00 7%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 365 Peru $21,566.00 $18,800.00 $2,766.00 $1,875.00 $891.00 $0.00 13%

Denver Volunteer Fire Dept., Inc Denver $6,971.00 $4,618.25 $2,352.75 $0.00 $2,352.75 $0.00 34%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 258 Peru $268,811.00 $236,192.37 $32,618.63 $4,967.24 $0.00 $27,651.39 12%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 718 Peru $172,522.00 $145,157.00 $27,365.00 $3,243.00 $24,122.00 $0.00 16%

Literary Aid Society, Inc. Peru $284,319.00 $246,419.00 $37,900.00 $5,000.00 $27,061.00 $5,839.00 13%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 249 Peru Peru $320,078.00 $280,218.00 $39,860.00 $5,130.00 $13,469.00 $21,261.00 12%

Miami Nation of Indians - INDIANA, The Peru $3,456,962.00 $2,886,668.00 $570,294.00 $11,180.00 $497,058.00 $62,056.00 16%

* Peru Maennerchor, Inc. Peru $35,135.00 $27,080.45 $8,054.55 $2,155.00 $5,899.55 $0.00 23%

V.F.W. Post No.2067 Miami County Peru $313,420.00 $262,123.00 $51,297.00 $1,640.00 $48,920.00 $737.00 16%

Miami County Totals $5,066,178.00 $4,275,121.07 $791,056.93 $36,644.24 $624,933.30 $129,479.39

American Legion Post No. 18 B. Woolery Bloomington $2,184,110.00 $1,824,637.02 $359,472.98 $12,260.95 $347,212.03 $0.00 16%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1085 Bloomington $1,945,320.00 $1,572,589.88 $372,730.12 $34,692.50 $323,549.14 $14,488.48 19%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.4381 Bloomington $143,654.00 $88,418.00 $55,236.00 $0.00 $55,236.00 $0.00 38%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1081 Bloomington $2,167,622.00 $1,896,908.53 $270,713.47 $37,309.50 $189,725.48 $43,678.49 12%

Stone Belt Shrine Club Bloomington $161,536.00 $140,307.00 $21,229.00 $4,550.00 $0.00 $16,679.00 13%

* V.F.W. Post No. 604 L.B. Strain Bloomington $489,007.00 $423,735.00 $65,272.00 $8,301.00 $56,971.00 $0.00 13%

V.F.W. Post No. 604 Ladies Auxiliary Bloomington $358,095.94 $319,587.42 $38,508.52 $5,144.34 $8,217.17 $25,147.01 11%

V.I.P. C.B. Club of Monroe County Bloomington $6,173.80 $3,099.00 $3,074.80 $3,000.00 $3,937.76 ($3,862.96) 50%

Monroe County Totals $7,455,518.74 $6,269,281.85 $1,186,236.89 $105,258.29 $984,848.58 $96,130.02

American Legion Post No. 72 B.C. Cox Crawfordsville $1,255,178.00 $1,051,994.00 $203,184.00 $31,162.00 $102,067.00 $69,955.00 16%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 483 Crawfordsville $273,467.00 $232,179.00 $41,288.00 $10,803.00 $30,485.00 $0.00 15%

Donnelley Club Crawfordsville $6,027.25 $8,403.98 ($2,376.73) $0.00 ($2,376.73) $0.00 -39%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1005 Crawfordsville $964,611.00 $725,084.00 $239,527.00 $14,249.00 $0.00 $225,278.00 25%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 6 Crawfordsville $127,800.00 $122,612.36 $5,187.64 $3,720.00 $1,467.64 $0.00 4%

V.F.W. Post No.1431 Crawfordsville $893,257.00 $788,677.09 $104,579.91 $19,046.05 $85,533.86 $0.00 12%

Montgomery County Totals $3,520,340.25 $2,928,950.43 $591,389.82 $78,980.05 $217,176.77 $295,233.00

* American Legion Post No. 103 Mooresville $475,054.00 $401,066.63 $73,987.37 $3,465.89 $43,711.21 $26,810.27 16%

American Legion Post No. 230 Martinsville $514,465.00 $440,293.01 $74,171.99 $6,912.99 $67,259.00 $0.00 14%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1349 Martinsville Martinsville $228,658.00 $189,007.97 $39,650.03 $5,909.60 $24,100.43 $9,640.00 17%

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 41

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.3988 Mooresville $1,318,573.00 $1,176,150.00 $142,423.00 $10,000.00 $117,423.00 $15,000.00 11%

Lions Club - Paragon Paragon $41,331.70 $33,425.75 $7,905.95 $1,464.00 $6,441.95 $0.00 19%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1127 Martinsville $452,350.00 $409,175.52 $43,174.48 $8,178.76 $23,208.02 $11,787.70 10%

V.F.W. Post No.1111 Mooresville Mooresville $910,671.88 $778,556.21 $132,115.67 $42,089.34 $80,000.00 $10,026.33 15%

Morgan County Totals $3,941,103.58 $3,427,675.09 $513,428.49 $78,020.58 $362,143.61 $73,264.30

* American Legion Post No. 86 Kendallville $311,414.50 $261,145.17 $50,269.33 $18,311.00 $31,958.33 $0.00 16%

* American Legion Post No. 240 Avilla $7,408.00 $3,829.00 $3,579.00 $0.00 $3,579.00 $0.00 48%

American Legion Post No. 240 Avilla $6,897.00 $3,500.00 $3,397.00 $0.00 $3,397.00 $0.00 49%

* American Legion Post No. 243, Inc. Ligonier $26,263.00 $8,261.05 $18,001.95 $9,609.22 $8,392.73 $0.00 69%

* American Legion Post No. 381 Schermerhorn Rome City $114,847.00 $96,997.00 $17,850.00 $2,615.00 $15,262.00 ($27.00) 16%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1194 Kendallville $61,482.00 $50,235.00 $11,247.00 $4,441.00 $6,806.00 $0.00 18%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 985 Kendallville $458,916.00 $407,383.35 $51,532.65 $653.00 $32,206.98 $18,672.67 11%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1763 Ligonier $72,530.00 $66,950.00 $5,580.00 $0.00 $5,580.00 $0.00 8%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2455 Albion $112,518.00 $89,943.00 $22,575.00 $1,433.55 $19,917.45 $1,224.00 20%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2455 Albion $99,368.00 $80,858.00 $18,510.00 $1,200.00 $17,310.00 $0.00 19%

Kimmell Conservation Club, Inc. Kimmel $142,177.00 $139,379.95 $2,797.05 $300.00 $0.00 $2,497.05 2%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1301 Kendallville $136,457.00 $116,640.10 $19,816.90 $550.00 $18,688.81 $578.09 15%

St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Chur Avilla $1,031,883.00 $897,503.00 $134,380.00 $135,301.00 $1,460.00 ($2,381.00) 13%

Sylvan Lake Improvement Assn., Inc. Rome City $2,932,729.32 $2,704,708.05 $228,021.27 $23,223.03 $214,565.55 ($9,767.31) 8%

* V.F.W. Post No.2749 Kendallville $267,452.00 $238,632.99 $28,819.01 $2,438.00 $52,922.30 ($26,541.29) 11%

Noble County Totals $5,782,341.82 $5,165,965.66 $616,376.16 $200,074.80 $432,046.15 ($15,744.79)

American Legion Post No. 59 Rising Sun $294,975.50 $290,392.24 $4,583.26 $3,295.00 $1,288.26 $0.00 2%

Ohio County Totals $294,975.50 $290,392.24 $4,583.26 $3,295.00 $1,288.26 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 76 French Lick $413,743.64 $361,717.46 $52,026.18 $4,102.26 $47,923.92 $0.00 13%

Christ the King Church Paoli $77,353.02 $78,160.15 ($807.13) $0.00 $0.00 ($807.13) -1%

* V.F.W. Post No.8302 Paoli $13,760.00 $12,440.00 $1,320.00 $426.00 $894.00 $0.00 10%

Orange County Totals $504,856.66 $452,317.61 $52,539.05 $4,528.26 $48,817.92 ($807.13)

American Legion Post No. 285 Spencer $158,079.00 $150,969.00 $7,110.00 $4,850.00 $1,350.00 $910.00 4%

Cunot Community Center Poland $409,944.00 $353,279.75 $56,664.25 $28,915.00 $27,749.25 $0.00 14%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 2482 Spencer $192,850.00 $160,035.00 $32,815.00 $0.00 $32,815.00 $0.00 17%

Senior Friends of Owen County, Inc. Spencer $4,749.00 $3,641.05 $1,107.95 $0.00 $1,107.95 $0.00 23%

V.F.W. Post No.1405 Spencer Spencer $479,795.50 $399,700.15 $80,095.35 $18,589.89 $122,711.95 ($61,206.49) 17%

V.F.W. Post No.7850 Gosport $154,626.00 $129,868.00 $24,758.00 $20,927.00 $3,831.00 $0.00 16%

Owen County Totals $1,400,043.50 $1,197,492.95 $202,550.55 $73,281.89 $189,565.15 ($60,296.49)

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Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

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American Legion Post No. 48 Fellenzer Rockville $158,007.00 $136,386.95 $21,620.05 $1,371.00 $20,249.05 $0.00 14%

* American Legion Post No. 290 Rosedale $6,224.00 $4,730.00 $1,494.00 $1,494.00 $0.00 $0.00 24%

* American Legion Post No. 290 Rosedale $10,999.00 $8,576.00 $2,423.00 $5,470.00 $0.00 ($3,047.00) 22%

* AMVETS Post No. 61 Rockville $122,500.00 $86,091.00 $36,409.00 $27,100.00 $9,309.00 $0.00 30%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.2471 Rockville $80,766.00 $64,432.94 $16,333.06 $5,873.31 $10,459.75 $0.00 20%

* Mecca-Wabash Twp. Volunteer Fire Dept. Mecca $15,606.00 $12,934.50 $2,671.50 $0.00 $2,671.50 $0.00 17%

Montezuma Civic Club, Inc. Montezuma $119,366.66 $103,048.94 $16,317.72 $3,754.61 $11,781.79 $781.32 14%

V.F.W. Post No.1752 Rockville $201,811.00 $160,652.00 $41,159.00 $4,278.00 $36,881.00 $0.00 20%

V.F.W. Post No.1752 Rockville $211,155.00 $183,243.22 $27,911.78 $4,349.75 $23,562.03 $0.00 13%

Parke County Totals $926,434.66 $760,095.55 $166,339.11 $53,690.67 $114,914.12 ($2,265.68)

American Legion Post No. 142 Harry Myers Cannelton $419,843.00 $407,011.00 $12,832.00 $3,750.00 $9,082.00 $0.00 3%

American Legion Post No. 213 Tell City $360,717.00 $296,754.00 $63,963.00 $1,050.00 $62,913.00 $0.00 18%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1172 Tell City $223,922.00 $190,301.00 $33,621.00 $1,125.00 $0.00 $32,496.00 15%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1424 Tell City $63,387.00 $53,471.98 $9,915.02 $3,239.23 $6,675.79 $0.00 16%

V.F.W. Post No.2939 Winchell-Vogel Tell City $498,731.00 $433,078.00 $65,653.00 $8,660.00 $0.00 $56,993.00 13%

Perry County Totals $1,566,600.00 $1,380,615.98 $185,984.02 $17,824.23 $78,670.79 $89,489.00

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1617 Petersburg $744,375.00 $656,668.00 $87,707.00 $5,968.26 $81,738.74 $0.00 12%

* V.F.W. Post No.3587 Petersburg $133,034.00 $94,837.00 $38,197.00 $4,341.00 $33,856.00 $0.00 29%

Pike County Totals $877,409.00 $751,505.00 $125,904.00 $10,309.26 $115,594.74 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 94 Valparaiso $279,130.00 $249,349.00 $29,781.00 $18,108.00 $8,000.00 $3,673.00 11%

American Legion Post No. 170 Chesterton $360,100.00 $274,694.00 $85,406.00 $6,973.00 $65,594.00 $12,839.00 24%

American Legion Post No. 260 Port City Portage $437,023.00 $360,663.00 $76,360.00 $30,103.00 $46,257.00 $0.00 17%

American Legion Post No. 301 W. Redilyack Kouts $267,910.07 $233,377.07 $34,533.00 $4,474.04 $24,953.00 $5,105.96 13%

American Legion Post No. 502 Valparaiso $295,459.00 $261,776.15 $33,682.85 $4,206.04 $9,500.00 $19,976.81 11%

American Legion Post No. 502 Valparaiso $310,758.00 $260,648.00 $50,110.00 $10,009.79 $9,500.00 $30,600.21 16%

American Legion Unit No. 502 Auxiliary Valparaiso $14,975.00 $8,304.50 $6,670.50 $5,652.00 $1,018.50 $0.00 45%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 500 Valparaiso Valparaiso $231,121.00 $212,858.00 $18,263.00 $6,453.00 $11,810.00 $0.00 8%

Bonner Senior Citizen Center, Inc. Portage $11,733.25 $10,599.89 $1,133.36 $0.00 $1,133.36 $0.00 10%

Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County, Inc Valparaiso $370,747.36 $312,975.24 $57,772.12 $0.00 $57,772.12 $0.00 16%

Duneland Festival Committee Porter $2,014,695.50 $1,925,478.05 $89,217.45 $6,000.00 $0.00 $83,217.45 4%

* F.O.P. Joint Bldg. Committee, Inc. Valparaiso $12,161.00 $11,810.00 $351.00 $0.00 $351.00 $0.00 3%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2517 Valparaiso $22,792.00 $12,539.00 $10,253.00 $0.00 $7,248.00 $3,005.00 45%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 738 Valpo. Valparaiso $142,625.00 $137,266.00 $5,359.00 $4,702.00 $657.00 $0.00 4%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1357 Valparaiso $106,551.00 $105,269.50 $1,281.50 $250.00 $1,031.50 $0.00 1%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1623 Chesterton $344,761.00 $300,118.51 $44,642.49 $34,887.50 $2,500.00 $7,254.99 13%

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Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 43

Annual Bingo Licenses

Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1900 Portage $68,696.50 $53,122.65 $15,573.85 $0.00 $15,573.85 $0.00 23%

St. Paul Catholic School Valparaiso $213,362.87 $145,996.03 $67,366.84 $56,906.83 $0.00 $10,460.01 32%

* V.F.W. Post No. 988 Hayes Valparaiso $74,785.00 $69,460.74 $5,324.26 $3,169.00 $2,155.26 $0.00 7%

V.F.W. Post No.2511 Porter $182,189.25 $154,210.44 $27,978.81 $2,950.00 $9,222.00 $15,806.81 15%

* V.F.W. Post No.7760 Portage $102,428.50 $84,957.22 $17,471.28 $0.00 $11,276.32 $6,194.96 17%

Women of the Moose No. 846 Chesterton $90,679.00 $72,999.00 $17,680.00 $7,000.00 $600.00 $10,080.00 19%

Porter County Totals $5,954,683.30 $5,258,471.99 $696,211.31 $201,844.20 $286,152.91 $208,214.20

American Legion Post No. 5 Owen DunnMt. Vernon $191,768.40 $158,953.67 $32,814.73 $7,383.00 $25,431.73 $0.00 17%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 497 Mt. Vernon $102,720.00 $93,655.65 $9,064.35 $2,175.00 $6,889.35 $0.00 9%

St. Matthew Catholic Church Mt. Vernon $158,821.15 $129,592.27 $29,228.88 $0.00 $29,228.88 $0.00 18%

Posey County Totals $453,309.55 $382,201.59 $71,107.96 $9,558.00 $61,549.96 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 96 Medaryville $291,274.00 $279,510.37 $11,763.63 $1,658.61 $10,105.02 $0.00 4%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2580 Winamac $264,678.20 $246,094.99 $18,583.21 $835.00 $0.00 $17,748.21 7%

K of C Winamac Inc. Winamac $589,417.00 $532,913.00 $56,504.00 $20,000.00 $17,525.00 $18,979.00 10%

V.F.W. Post No.1728 Winamac $154,212.50 $136,219.93 $17,992.57 $0.00 $12,000.00 $5,992.57 12%

Pulaski County Totals $1,299,581.70 $1,194,738.29 $104,843.41 $22,493.61 $39,630.02 $42,719.78

American Legion Post No. 58 C.C. Tucker Greencastle $395,033.00 $324,737.73 $70,295.27 $1,965.19 $63,959.25 $4,370.83 18%

American Legion Post No. 281 Cloverdale $431,738.00 $397,800.00 $33,938.00 $5,118.00 $24,787.00 $4,033.00 8%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1077 Greencastle $197,384.00 $175,878.00 $21,506.00 $10,821.00 $10,685.00 $0.00 11%

H.L.N.A.C. Coatesville $16,761.49 $14,766.16 $1,995.33 $0.00 $0.00 $1,995.33 12%

H.L.N.A.C. Coatesville $4,713.00 $4,125.97 $587.03 $0.00 $0.00 $587.03 12%

Lions Club - Clinton Twsp/Van Bibber Lk. Greencastle $483,829.50 $440,101.18 $43,728.32 $34,517.30 $0.00 $9,211.02 9%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1592 Greencastle $686,672.00 $598,759.34 $87,912.66 $6,592.36 $81,320.30 $0.00 13%

Stardust Hills Owners Association, Inc. Cloverdale $83,838.20 $73,146.21 $10,691.99 $1,514.00 $9,900.00 ($722.01) 13%

V.F.W. Post No.1550 Gen Jesse M. Lee Greencastle $493,107.00 $423,243.39 $69,863.61 $13,220.00 $57,780.00 ($1,136.39) 14%

V.F.W. Post No.3284 Hershel E. Robbins Roachdale $48,615.00 $42,504.00 $6,111.00 $1,345.00 $4,766.00 $0.00 13%

Putnam County Totals $2,841,691.19 $2,495,061.98 $346,629.21 $75,092.85 $253,197.55 $18,338.81

* American Legion Post No. 39 Winchester $63,000.00 $53,950.42 $9,049.58 $1,274.77 $7,774.81 $0.00 14%

* American Legion Post No. 158 O.N. Stover Union City $469,075.90 $416,865.92 $52,209.98 $6,669.89 $45,540.09 $0.00 11%

* American Legion Post No. 353 West Randolph Farmland $166,322.00 $134,764.80 $31,557.20 $2,800.00 $28,757.20 $0.00 19%

* American Legion Post No. 507 Ridgeville $186,945.00 $105,602.00 $81,343.00 $5,038.00 $76,305.00 $0.00 44%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1534 Union City Union City $55,883.00 $45,717.00 $10,166.00 $10,166.00 $0.00 $0.00 18%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1534 Union City Union City $104,894.13 $87,944.75 $16,949.38 $16,949.38 $0.00 $0.00 16%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2790 Union City $1,325,396.95 $1,139,099.15 $186,297.80 $15,976.80 $170,321.00 $0.00 14%

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Annual Bingo Licenses

Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1977 Winchester $291,334.07 $238,262.98 $53,071.09 $2,275.00 $50,796.09 $0.00 18%

Randolph County Totals $2,662,851.05 $2,222,207.02 $440,644.03 $61,149.84 $379,494.19 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 173 Versailles $128,172.00 $110,607.00 $17,565.00 $5,225.00 $12,340.00 $0.00 14%

* American Legion Post No. 267 W. Gilland Osgood $73,864.00 $61,332.40 $12,531.60 $500.00 $12,031.60 $0.00 17%

American Legion Post No. 337 K.L. Diver Sunman $251,177.00 $217,277.00 $33,900.00 $1,155.00 $32,745.00 $0.00 13%

AMVETS Post No. 17 Versailles $220,767.60 $217,157.69 $3,609.91 $700.00 $0.00 $2,909.91 2%

C.B. Helping Hands Club, Inc. Pierceville $409,777.00 $383,558.00 $26,219.00 $2,798.00 $0.00 $23,421.00 6%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1130 Batesville $227,786.00 $193,472.19 $34,313.81 $4,675.00 $29,638.81 $0.00 15%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1130 Aux. Batesville $331,677.00 $313,102.00 $18,575.00 $18,575.00 $0.00 $0.00 6%

Humane Society of So. Ripley Co., Inc. Osgood $101,635.47 $94,475.45 $7,160.02 $0.00 $7,160.02 $0.00 7%

* Knights of Columbus Coun No.1461 Batesville $37,410.45 $31,502.23 $5,908.22 $1,622.37 $4,285.85 $0.00 16%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 629 Osgood $298,548.00 $272,153.20 $26,394.80 $4,729.00 $15,000.00 $6,665.80 9%

St. Anthony Church Morris $435,970.50 $378,084.48 $57,886.02 $0.00 $57,886.02 $0.00 13%

St. Louis Catholic Church Batesville $1,321,837.47 $1,131,470.74 $190,366.73 $0.00 $190,366.73 $0.00 14%

* V.F.W. Post No.3183 Ripley County Batesville $276,323.00 $236,333.55 $39,989.45 $0.00 $30,000.00 $9,989.45 14%

V.F.W. Post No.6234 Milan $755,942.00 $661,191.47 $94,750.53 $4,536.53 $90,214.00 $0.00 13%

V.F.W. Post No.9987 Keene-Henneke Napoleon $77,067.00 $67,845.13 $9,221.87 $3,720.00 $5,501.87 $0.00 12%

V.F.W. Post No.9987 Keene-Henneke Napoleon $94,216.41 $73,951.29 $20,265.12 $4,225.00 $16,040.12 $0.00 22%

Ripley County Totals $5,042,170.90 $4,443,513.82 $598,657.08 $52,460.90 $503,210.02 $42,986.16

American Legion Post No. 150 Rushville $207,525.00 $206,442.00 $1,083.00 $1,150.00 $0.00 ($67.00) 1%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1307 Rushville Rushville $570,422.90 $510,896.00 $59,526.90 $17,860.00 $41,666.90 $0.00 10%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2036 Rushvill Rushville $1,983,380.00 $1,878,640.00 $104,740.00 $22,075.00 $82,665.00 $0.00 5%

Rush Co. Senior Citizens Services, Inc. Rushville $1,904.00 $1,962.00 ($58.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($58.00) -3%

V.F.W. Post No.1541 Jackson Cox Rushville $677,901.00 $574,983.07 $102,917.93 $10,130.93 $8,699.03 $84,087.97 15%

Rush County Totals $3,441,132.90 $3,172,923.07 $268,209.83 $51,215.93 $133,030.93 $83,962.97

* American Legion Post No. 234 Scottsburg $161,413.00 $133,343.30 $28,069.70 $0.00 $28,069.70 $0.00 17%

Johnson Township Volunteer Fire Dept Lexington $222,073.00 $199,480.00 $22,593.00 $0.00 $18,900.00 $3,693.00 10%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.8052 Scott Scottsburg $673,090.55 $574,653.56 $98,436.99 $0.00 $76,981.00 $21,455.99 15%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.2324 Scott C Scottsburg $240,870.00 $206,912.50 $33,957.50 $0.00 $33,957.50 $0.00 14%

V.F.W. Post No.6582 Scott County Austin $209,200.00 $181,556.00 $27,644.00 $300.00 $27,344.00 $0.00 13%

Scott County Totals $1,506,646.55 $1,295,945.36 $210,701.19 $300.00 $185,252.20 $25,148.99

American Legion Post No. 70 Shelbyville $2,971,494.25 $2,482,222.92 $489,271.33 $54,490.15 $347,920.07 $86,861.11 16%

American Legion Post No. 102 W.E. Hensley Morristown $252,097.00 $217,876.84 $34,220.16 $26,089.00 $6,453.00 $1,678.16 14%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 766 Shelbyville $2,217,759.11 $1,877,770.65 $339,988.46 $11,872.25 $308,116.21 $20,000.00 15%

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 45

Annual Bingo Licenses

Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 822 Shelbyville $755,180.00 $702,027.19 $53,152.81 $5,910.78 $47,242.03 $0.00 7%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 822 Shelbyville $641,498.00 $592,323.01 $49,174.99 $4,580.60 $44,594.39 $0.00 8%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.2118 Shelbyville $238,685.00 $206,937.55 $31,747.45 $5,225.00 $26,522.45 $0.00 13%

St. Joseph Church Shelbyville $559,097.00 $491,691.00 $67,406.00 $0.00 $67,406.00 $0.00 12%

* V.F.W. Post No.2695 Shelbyville $150,150.00 $55,864.00 $94,286.00 $285.00 $54,801.00 $39,200.00 63%

Shelby County Totals $7,785,960.36 $6,626,713.16 $1,159,247.20 $108,452.78 $903,055.15 $147,739.27

* American Legion Post No. 242 Santa Claus $4,400.00 $3,545.00 $855.00 $0.00 $855.00 $0.00 19%

American Legion Post No. 254 Jenkins Rockport $1,196,898.27 $1,078,011.42 $118,886.85 $4,460.00 $70,024.00 $44,402.85 10%

* American Legion Post No. 366 Saint Meinrad $67,534.00 $57,628.00 $9,906.00 $0.00 $9,906.00 $0.00 15%

* American Legion Post No. 444 Abe Lincoln Dale $20,232.00 $16,509.43 $3,722.57 $330.00 $1,939.00 $1,453.57 18%

* Columbian Club - St. Meinrad Saint Meinrad $4,425.00 $3,244.76 $1,180.24 $0.00 $1,180.24 $0.00 27%

Grandview Civic Association Grandview $152,877.00 $149,616.03 $3,260.97 $819.00 $0.00 $2,441.97 2%

Spencer County Totals $1,446,366.27 $1,308,554.64 $137,811.63 $5,609.00 $83,904.24 $48,298.39

American Legion Post No. 50 South Bend $250,124.15 $199,673.53 $50,450.62 $800.00 $49,650.62 $0.00 20%

* American Legion Post No. 161 Mishawaka $46,889.75 $36,067.40 $10,822.35 $50.00 $7,451.88 $3,320.47 23%

American Legion Post No. 189 Walkerton $81,424.40 $64,844.72 $16,579.68 $0.00 $16,579.68 $0.00 20%

* American Legion Post No. 284 B. Aviation South Bend $431,293.00 $342,922.00 $88,371.00 $3,387.00 $84,984.00 $0.00 20%

* American Legion Post No. 297 New Carlisle $78,061.68 $55,856.21 $22,205.47 $2,189.63 $19,409.15 $606.69 28%

* American Legion Post No. 308 Osceola $125,984.00 $122,270.00 $3,714.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,714.00 3%

American Legion Post No. 357 Pulaski South Bend $21,769.00 $16,446.00 $5,323.00 $0.00 $5,323.00 $0.00 24%

AMVETS Post No. 66 South Bend $2,627.00 $3,174.00 ($547.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($547.00) -21%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 235 South Bend $284,854.74 $283,103.89 $1,750.85 $1,750.85 $8,562.45 ($8,562.45) 1%

* Chain-O-Lakes Conservation Club Inc. South Bend $94,516.00 $70,703.00 $23,813.00 $615.00 $23,198.00 $0.00 25%

* Disabled American Veterans No. 39 South Bend $93,621.50 $73,026.50 $20,595.00 $9,335.00 $20,000.00 ($8,740.00) 22%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 435 South Bend $307,226.30 $234,870.22 $72,356.08 $0.00 $39,823.21 $32,532.87 24%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2083 Mishawaka $116,233.00 $95,182.00 $21,051.00 $3,095.00 $14,900.00 $3,056.00 18%

Fraternal Order of Police No. 36 South Bend $2,837,372.40 $2,535,787.60 $301,584.80 $28,012.43 $273,572.37 $0.00 11%

Fraternal Order of Police No. 91 Mishawaka $4,294,365.00 $3,747,337.00 $547,028.00 $23,250.00 $523,778.00 $0.00 13%

Fraternal Order of Police No. 155 South Bend $188,836.68 $164,127.90 $24,708.78 $1,880.95 $18,475.66 $4,352.17 13%

Hebrew Orthodox Congregation South Bend $3,531,593.00 $3,045,667.00 $485,926.00 $0.00 $485,926.00 $0.00 14%

Holy Family Catholic Church South Bend $158,863.00 $125,544.00 $33,319.00 $0.00 $33,319.00 $0.00 21%

Koontz Lake Association Walkerton $77,810.00 $71,165.56 $6,644.44 $5,909.27 $735.17 $0.00 9%

Koontz Lake Association Walkerton $87,547.64 $79,903.30 $7,644.34 $8,073.00 $0.00 ($428.66) 9%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 58 South Bend $292,339.00 $254,777.05 $37,561.95 $0.00 $60,766.25 ($23,204.30) 13%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1262 Mishawaka $317,467.75 $254,926.89 $62,540.86 $2,475.60 $45,104.22 $14,961.04 20%

Michiana Literacy Council, Inc. South Bend $2,684,767.00 $2,499,859.00 $184,908.00 $0.00 $184,908.00 $0.00 7%

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Annual Bingo Licenses

Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

* Polish Falcon’s of America Nest No. 80 South Bend $12,530.25 $9,912.20 $2,618.05 $0.00 $2,618.05 $0.00 21%

* Polish National Alliance Group No. 83 South Bend $26,111.00 $22,076.50 $4,034.50 $0.00 $4,034.50 $0.00 15%

South Bend Hebrew Day School Mishawaka $3,252,597.00 $2,877,016.00 $375,581.00 $0.00 $375,581.00 $0.00 12%

* South Bend Maennerchor, Inc. South Bend $24,425.00 $17,594.00 $6,831.00 $0.00 $6,831.00 $0.00 28%

St. Adalbert Catholic Church South Bend $141,645.41 $130,795.39 $10,850.02 $0.00 $10,850.02 $0.00 8%

St. Hedwig Catholic Church South Bend $113,325.47 $109,334.65 $3,990.82 $0.00 $3,990.82 $0.00 4%

* St. Joseph Young Mens Society, Inc. South Bend $58,304.00 $45,968.00 $12,336.00 $7,369.00 $0.00 $4,967.00 21%

St. Patrick Parish Walkerton $76,626.90 $62,159.55 $14,467.35 $0.00 $12,000.00 $2,467.35 19%

V.F.W. Post No. 360 Mishawaka $81,338.25 $64,702.25 $16,636.00 $0.00 $7,000.00 $9,636.00 20%

* V.F.W. Post No. 624 Clay Township South Bend $258,400.00 $206,470.08 $51,929.92 $5,679.14 $46,250.78 $0.00 20%

V.F.W. Post No.1167 South Bend $2,297.50 $996.10 $1,301.40 $1,301.40 $0.00 $0.00 57%

* V.F.W. Post No.1167 South Bend $32,989.00 $24,307.20 $8,681.80 $8,681.80 $0.00 $0.00 26%

* V.F.W. Post No.9820 South Bend $67,001.00 $34,732.00 $32,269.00 $0.00 $32,269.00 $0.00 48%

Yeshiva Rabbi Naftali Riff, Inc. South Bend $4,157,132.00 $3,338,135.00 $818,997.00 $0.00 $818,997.00 $0.00 20%

St. Joseph County Totals $24,710,308.77 $21,321,433.69 $3,388,875.08 $113,855.07 $3,236,888.83 $38,131.18

American Legion Post No. 92 North Judson $157,828.00 $144,384.00 $13,444.00 $3,577.00 $9,867.00 $0.00 9%

Bass Lake Fire Department, Inc. Knox $111,776.00 $93,575.00 $18,201.00 $0.00 $18,201.00 $0.00 16%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.6347 Knox $6,542.50 $4,187.07 $2,355.43 $300.00 $1,906.10 $149.33 36%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 807 Knox Knox $174,002.00 $160,400.30 $13,601.70 $175.00 $1,242.00 $12,184.70 8%

V.F.W. Post No. 748 Starke Knox $349,299.25 $283,446.48 $65,852.77 $0.00 $65,852.77 $0.00 19%

Washington Township Volunteer Fire Dept. Knox $221,302.00 $216,833.00 $4,469.00 $1,000.00 $6,361.90 ($2,892.90) 2%

Starke County Totals $1,020,749.75 $902,825.85 $117,923.90 $5,052.00 $103,430.77 $9,441.13

American Legion Post No. 31 Angola $943,927.00 $889,927.00 $54,000.00 $3,080.00 $3,844.61 $47,075.39 6%

* American Legion Post No. 257 Fremont $22,888.60 $6,548.75 $16,339.85 $1,540.00 $14,799.85 $0.00 71%

American Legion Post No. 423 Orland $2,717,108.00 $2,274,417.00 $442,691.00 $33,470.00 $468,000.00 ($58,779.00) 16%

Angola Kids League, Inc. Angola $2,076,799.86 $1,867,410.16 $209,389.70 $29,115.00 $181,885.00 ($1,610.30) 10%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.2398 Angola Angola $1,178,272.00 $1,130,247.00 $48,025.00 $34,541.00 $13,484.00 $0.00 4%

Fremont Youth Summer League Fremont $745,608.00 $722,950.22 $22,657.78 $4,462.08 $18,195.70 $0.00 3%

Humane Society of Steuben County, Inc. Angola $1,840,372.89 $1,748,909.95 $91,462.94 $0.00 $92,500.00 ($1,037.06) 5%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1568 Angola $173,190.74 $139,995.27 $33,195.47 $3,580.00 $21,130.51 $8,484.96 19%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.2387 Fremont $346,411.50 $297,960.80 $48,450.70 $0.00 $48,450.70 $0.00 14%

* V.F.W. Post No.7205 Angola $177,497.00 $149,492.00 $28,005.00 $2,362.60 $25,642.40 $0.00 16%

Steuben County Totals $10,222,075.59 $9,227,858.15 $994,217.44 $112,150.68 $887,932.77 ($5,866.01)

American Legion Post No. 139 Sullivan $435,298.15 $372,218.00 $63,080.15 $4,115.00 $46,512.25 $12,452.90 14%

American Legion Post No. 197 Shelburn $251,243.95 $194,542.35 $56,701.60 $10,373.49 $46,328.11 $0.00 23%

American Legion Post No. 224 Dugger Dugger $930,855.00 $835,152.64 $95,702.36 $27,518.00 $49,020.91 $19,163.45 10%

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 47Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000

Annual Bingo Licenses

Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

* American Legion Post No. 298 Hymera $129,003.00 $85,146.00 $43,857.00 $0.00 $43,857.00 $0.00 34%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 911 Sullivan Sullivan $4,226.00 $3,597.68 $628.32 $628.32 $0.00 $0.00 15%

* V.F.W. Post No.2459 Sullivan $233,708.00 $197,919.60 $35,788.40 $3,295.00 $32,493.40 $0.00 15%

Sullivan County Totals $1,984,334.10 $1,688,576.27 $295,757.83 $45,929.81 $218,211.67 $31,616.35

* American Legion Post No. 185 E.C. Danner Vevay $162,980.00 $140,402.00 $22,578.00 $20,023.01 $2,554.99 $0.00 14%

Moorefield Community Fire Dept. No.1, Inc. Vevay $306,196.65 $274,332.07 $31,864.58 $200.00 $17,964.60 $13,699.98 10%

* V.F.W. Post No.5396 Oscar L. Rosenberger Vevay $111,220.00 $94,394.58 $16,825.42 $4,620.50 $12,204.92 $0.00 15%

Switzerland County Totals $580,396.65 $509,128.65 $71,268.00 $24,843.51 $32,724.51 $13,699.98

American Legion Post No. 11 Lafayette $822,967.00 $706,576.00 $116,391.00 $17,067.44 $99,323.56 $0.00 14%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 143 West Lafayette $323,834.00 $308,880.45 $14,953.55 $3,780.99 $0.00 $11,172.56 5%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 347 Lafayette $1,930,706.00 $1,564,980.00 $365,726.00 $14,175.00 $351,551.00 $0.00 19%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 456 Lafayette $128,242.00 $112,692.84 $15,549.16 $7,250.00 $8,299.16 $0.00 12%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1529 Lafayette Lafayette $759,765.60 $660,606.49 $99,159.11 $9,838.47 $0.00 $89,320.64 13%

Royal Neighbors of America Camp No.1209 Lafayette $129,905.00 $125,166.00 $4,739.00 $1,480.00 $1,240.00 $2,019.00 4%

St. Ann Catholic Church Lafayette $149,696.50 $138,410.97 $11,285.53 $5,930.30 $5,355.23 $0.00 8%

V.F.W. Post No.1154 Lafayette $717,073.00 $484,794.00 $232,279.00 $7,400.00 $88,149.00 $136,730.00 32%

Tippecanoe County Totals $4,962,189.10 $4,102,106.75 $860,082.35 $66,922.20 $553,917.95 $239,242.20

American Legion Post No. 46 Tipton $253,728.00 $244,139.20 $9,588.80 $5,909.00 $3,679.80 $0.00 4%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1012 Tipton $70,757.00 $69,353.66 $1,403.34 $558.00 $845.34 $0.00 2%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1012 Tipton $2,612.00 $2,140.80 $471.20 $0.00 $471.20 $0.00 18%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1265 Tipton $318,905.16 $296,334.66 $22,570.50 $5,588.68 $16,981.82 $0.00 7%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1590 Tipton $425,360.00 $400,171.19 $25,188.81 $15,762.25 $9,426.56 $0.00 6%

Tipton County Totals $1,071,362.16 $1,012,139.51 $59,222.65 $27,817.93 $31,404.72 $0.00

* American Legion Post No. 122 Liberty $383,642.00 $320,517.00 $63,125.00 $7,422.70 $41,344.64 $14,357.66 16%

* V.F.W. Post No.1472 Liberty $124,078.00 $106,221.55 $17,856.45 $4,195.00 $13,661.45 $0.00 14%

Union County Totals $507,720.00 $426,738.55 $80,981.45 $11,617.70 $55,006.09 $14,357.66

* American Legion Post No. 8 Funkhouser Evansville $15,564.00 $13,728.19 $1,835.81 $0.00 $1,835.81 $0.00 12%

* American Legion Post No. 265 Evansville $64,860.00 $56,982.00 $7,878.00 $4,637.05 $3,240.95 $0.00 12%

* AMVETS Post No. 84 Evansville $139,796.99 $124,477.90 $15,319.09 $962.00 $13,102.57 $1,254.52 11%

Christ the King Church Evansville $1,114,195.00 $949,848.00 $164,347.00 $0.00 $164,347.00 $0.00 15%

Evansville Black Coalition, Inc. Evansville $379,129.50 $349,426.38 $29,703.12 $2,000.00 $27,703.12 $0.00 8%

* Evansville Labor Temple, Inc. Evansville $91,133.00 $69,929.63 $21,203.37 $0.00 $21,203.37 $0.00 23%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 427 Evansville $110,040.00 $75,548.00 $34,492.00 $2,500.00 $31,992.00 $0.00 31%

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Annual Bingo Licenses

Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

Germania Maennerchor Evansville $522,767.00 $516,279.00 $6,488.00 $4,870.00 $4,000.00 ($2,382.00) 1%

Germania Maennerchor Ladies Auxiliary Evansville $517,513.37 $458,409.91 $59,103.46 $4,100.00 $23,870.72 $31,132.74 11%

Good Shepherd Catholic Church Evansville $2,653,932.17 $2,231,280.05 $422,652.12 $133,192.40 $314,403.87 ($24,944.15) 16%

* Hadi Temple Association, Inc. Evansville $1,610.00 $1,473.00 $137.00 $0.00 $137.00 $0.00 9%

Holy Rosary Catholic Church Evansville $557,614.00 $524,871.00 $32,743.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $12,743.00 6%

Order of Owls Nest No. 30 Evansville $2,207,597.00 $2,017,702.09 $189,894.91 $22,045.00 $167,849.91 $0.00 9%

* River Bend Association, Inc. Evansville $425,397.00 $339,550.73 $85,846.27 $7,676.33 $78,169.94 $0.00 20%

St. Agnes Catholic Church Evansville $19,501.00 $10,991.00 $8,510.00 $0.00 $8,510.00 $0.00 44%

St. Benedict Church Evansville $1,369,575.00 $1,215,920.00 $153,655.00 $0.00 $153,655.00 $0.00 11%

St. Benedict Church Evansville $1,371,472.00 $1,213,366.00 $158,106.00 $0.00 $158,106.00 $0.00 12%

St. Boniface Catholic Church Evansville $48,212.20 $36,815.12 $11,397.08 $0.00 $11,397.08 $0.00 24%

St. Joseph Catholic Church Evansville $1,011,312.83 $881,697.74 $129,615.09 $11,200.00 $95,000.00 $23,415.09 13%

SW IN., Regional Council on Aging, Inc. Evansville $23,118.00 $20,671.00 $2,447.00 $0.00 $2,447.00 $0.00 11%

V.F.W. Post No.1114 Evansville $1,193,883.74 $1,064,546.49 $129,337.25 $5,442.71 $123,894.54 $0.00 11%

V.F.W. Post No.1114 Ladies Auxiliary Evansville $772,076.00 $650,230.00 $121,846.00 $55,664.00 $66,182.00 $0.00 16%

* V.F.W. Post No.2953 Charles Denby Evansville $134,481.00 $108,650.00 $25,831.00 $1,423.75 $23,924.55 $482.70 19%

Vanderburgh County 4-H Club Assn. Inc. Evansville $3,523,310.26 $3,156,732.06 $366,578.20 $0.00 $366,578.20 $0.00 10%

Veterans’ Council of Vanderburgh Cnty IN Evansville $993,304.28 $965,835.44 $27,468.84 $21,099.95 $6,368.89 $0.00 3%

Veterans’ Council of Vanderburgh Cnty IN Evansville $916,655.50 $892,847.17 $23,808.33 $0.00 $23,808.33 $0.00 3%

Vanderburgh County Totals $20,178,050.84 $17,947,807.90 $2,230,242.94 $276,813.19 $1,911,727.85 $41,701.90

* American Legion Post No. 140 Clinton $134,899.00 $107,985.05 $26,913.95 $4,033.00 $22,880.95 $0.00 20%

American Legion Post No. 184 Newport $111,982.00 $90,726.00 $21,256.00 $3,370.00 $11,386.00 $6,500.00 19%

American Legion Post No. 263 Cayuga $90,173.00 $77,763.25 $12,409.75 $2,700.00 $6,870.37 $2,839.38 14%

American Legion Post No. 350 Perryville $109,680.05 $96,283.59 $13,396.46 $3,655.26 $9,741.20 $0.00 12%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.9441 Clinton $502,595.00 $482,186.66 $20,408.34 $16,632.19 $3,776.15 $0.00 4%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1501 Clinton $318,654.21 $280,849.21 $37,805.00 $5,291.00 $32,514.00 $0.00 12%

One Half Century Club Clinton $160,525.85 $157,014.83 $3,511.02 $750.00 $2,761.02 $0.00 2%

Sacred Heart Church Clinton $744,827.00 $605,677.00 $139,150.00 $0.00 $139,150.00 $0.00 19%

Vermillion County Totals $2,173,336.11 $1,898,485.59 $274,850.52 $36,431.45 $229,079.69 $9,339.38

American Legion Post No. 40 Ft. Harrison Terre Haute $452,327.00 $494,065.22 ($41,738.22) $0.00 $0.00 ($41,738.22) -9%

American Legion Post No. 104 Krietenstein Terre Haute $2,048,820.03 $1,902,073.70 $146,746.33 $11,861.51 $134,884.82 $0.00 7%

American Legion Post No. 340 Pioneer Terre Haute $216,023.50 $182,526.81 $33,496.69 $0.00 $33,496.69 $0.00 16%

American Legion Post No. 346 W. Newton Terre Haute $2,042,167.88 $1,840,415.82 $201,752.06 $56,400.40 $145,351.66 $0.00 10%

American Legion Post No. 501 West Terre Haute $131,355.00 $115,059.00 $16,296.00 $0.00 $16,296.00 $0.00 12%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 86 Terre Haute $614,199.00 $593,652.00 $20,547.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $19,047.00 3%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1009 Terre Haute $325,810.00 $291,265.00 $34,545.00 $200.00 $32,970.00 $1,375.00 11%

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 49

Annual Bingo Licenses

Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

Wabash Family Sports Center, Inc. Terre Haute $1,825,097.07 $1,759,785.24 $65,311.83 $625.00 $40,000.00 $24,686.83 4%

Wabash Senior Citizen’s Center, Inc. Terre Haute $16,160.00 $7,402.62 $8,757.38 $0.00 $8,757.38 $0.00 54%

Y.W.C.A. of Terre Haute, Inc. Terre Haute $2,196.00 $1,208.45 $987.55 $0.00 $987.55 $0.00 45%

* Young Mens Club of West Terre Haute West Terre Haute $48,894.00 $40,874.70 $8,019.30 $0.00 $8,019.30 $0.00 16%

Zorah Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. Terre Haute $1,134,477.25 $1,022,222.15 $112,255.10 $2,000.00 $80,725.00 $29,530.10 10%

Vigo County Totals $15,085,888.54 $13,696,560.39 $1,389,328.15 $193,081.08 $1,096,585.36 $99,661.71

* American Legion Post No. 15 T. Stineman Wabash $128,544.00 $105,430.65 $23,113.35 $5,022.22 $18,091.13 $0.00 18%

* American Legion Post No. 248 Lagro $118,559.85 $65,184.24 $53,375.61 $7,713.92 $22,064.59 $23,597.10 45%

American Legion Unit No. 402 Auxiliary Laketon $72,413.45 $68,520.63 $3,892.82 $2,085.28 $695.00 $1,112.54 5%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 471 Wabash $607,049.00 $593,676.81 $13,372.19 $3,800.00 $0.00 $9,572.19 2%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 549 Wabash $257,788.00 $189,946.00 $67,842.00 $930.00 $66,912.00 $0.00 26%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.4182 North Manchester $70,112.00 $45,455.00 $24,657.00 $593.00 $0.00 $24,064.00 35%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.4182 North Manchester $35,175.00 $20,326.00 $14,849.00 $403.00 $0.00 $14,446.00 42%

Knights of Columbus Coun No.2957 Wabash $147,552.90 $128,991.14 $18,561.76 $3,904.00 $14,657.76 $0.00 13%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1518 North Manchester $53,448.15 $34,986.01 $18,462.14 $2,695.00 $15,767.14 $0.00 35%

St. Bernard Parrish - Home & School Assn Wabash $126,164.68 $113,227.26 $12,937.42 $0.00 $11,763.32 $1,174.10 10%

V.F.W. Post No. 286 Lumaree-Huys Wabash $126,842.75 $108,574.73 $18,268.02 $3,732.90 $14,535.12 $0.00 14%

Wabash Little League Corporation Wabash $915,731.26 $895,166.79 $20,564.47 $0.00 $0.00 $20,564.47 2%

Wabash County Totals $2,659,381.04 $2,369,485.26 $289,895.78 $30,879.32 $164,486.06 $94,530.40

American Legion Post No. 44 Kapperman Newburgh $310,659.15 $276,345.34 $34,313.81 $3,440.45 $26,045.39 $4,827.97 11%

* Boonville Country Club. Inc. Boonville $0.00 $25.00 ($25.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($25.00)

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.2439 Newburgh $93,399.00 $83,811.25 $9,587.75 $2,182.60 $1,686.40 $5,718.75 10%

V.F.W. Post No.3418 Boonville $155,563.00 $133,021.12 $22,541.88 $5,750.00 $16,791.88 $0.00 14%

V.F.W. Post No.3418 Boonville $180,123.00 $150,624.16 $29,498.84 $8,700.00 $8,147.83 $12,651.01 16%

Warrick County Totals $739,744.15 $643,826.87 $95,917.28 $20,073.05 $52,671.50 $23,172.73

American Legion Post No. 41 Salem $466,270.83 $432,038.94 $34,231.89 $3,750.35 $27,128.38 $3,353.16 7%

* Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.2380 Salem $65,837.75 $60,989.55 $4,848.20 $214.00 $261.87 $4,372.33 7%

Salem-Washington Co. Senior Citizens,Inc Salem $2,008.57 $0.00 $2,008.57 $2,000.00 $8.57 $0.00 100%

* V.F.W. Post No.6636 Richard H. Dobbins Salem $20,935.00 $18,032.88 $2,902.12 $0.00 $2,902.12 $0.00 14%

Washington County Totals $555,052.15 $511,061.37 $43,990.78 $5,964.35 $30,300.94 $7,725.49

American Legion Post No. 65 Richmond $753,832.05 $674,226.94 $79,605.11 $2,761.35 $64,000.00 $12,843.76 11%

American Legion Post No. 169 Cambridge City $1,011,161.15 $895,911.56 $115,249.59 $21,758.44 $26,839.86 $66,651.29 11%

* American Legion Post No. 333 Hagerstown $498,125.00 $420,716.75 $77,408.25 $17,252.73 $48,696.75 $11,458.77 16%

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 649 Richmond $463,357.00 $423,400.00 $39,957.00 $11,763.00 $28,194.00 $0.00 9%

Page 52: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


Annual Bingo Licenses

Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 666 Wayne Richmond $2,095,041.00 $1,971,663.00 $123,378.00 $63,120.00 $43,416.00 $16,842.00 6%

Golay Community Center, Inc. Cambridge City $1,598,710.18 $1,488,920.67 $109,789.51 $41,200.00 $68,589.51 $0.00 7%

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 580 Richmond $544,782.00 $469,170.43 $75,611.57 $10,518.25 $65,093.32 $0.00 14%

Knights of St. John No. 172 Richmond $2,192,464.00 $2,074,727.45 $117,736.55 $12,000.00 $95,000.00 $10,736.55 5%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 167 Richmond $1,527,339.90 $1,444,479.40 $82,860.50 $2,985.00 $39,500.00 $40,375.50 5%

Milton-Washington Twnshp. Vol Fire Dept. Milton $6,838.28 $3,912.42 $2,925.86 $0.00 $2,925.86 $0.00 43%

United Ancient Order of Druids Grove No.29 Richmond $213,517.00 $178,506.00 $35,011.00 $1,050.00 $31,412.00 $2,549.00 16%

V.F.W. Post No.1108 Kirk-Little Richmond $3,373,638.00 $3,040,065.00 $333,573.00 $112,403.00 $51,624.00 $169,546.00 10%

Young Men’s Institute Coun No. 612 Gonzaga Richmond $1,444,486.00 $1,322,294.00 $122,192.00 $55,768.00 $66,424.00 $0.00 8%

Wayne County Totals $15,723,291.56 $14,407,993.62 $1,315,297.94 $352,579.77 $631,715.30 $331,002.87

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 796 Bluffton $37,904.00 $31,208.00 $6,696.00 $5,545.00 $552.00 $599.00 18%

* B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 796 Bluffton $39,313.00 $32,265.00 $7,048.00 $5,448.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 18%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 242 Bluffton $48,010.00 $44,545.80 $3,464.20 $1,135.75 $2,328.45 $0.00 7%

Wells County Coon Hunters Club Bluffton $54,312.00 $50,637.00 $3,675.00 $1,850.00 $1,825.00 $0.00 7%

Wells County Totals $179,539.00 $158,655.80 $20,883.20 $13,978.75 $6,305.45 $599.00

American Legion Post No. 81 Monticello $177,692.95 $150,097.86 $27,595.09 $2,533.00 $25,062.09 $0.00 16%

American Legion Post No. 81 Monticello $518,899.05 $428,575.20 $90,323.85 $5,112.68 $85,211.17 $0.00 17%

AMVETS Post No. 91 Twin Lake Auxiliary Monticello $73,559.25 $65,304.25 $8,255.00 $6,958.81 $1,296.19 $0.00 11%

* AMVETS Post No. 91 Twin Lakes Monticello $860,277.50 $703,779.71 $156,497.79 $33,135.30 $113,180.68 $10,181.81 18%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2570 Monticello $559,587.00 $495,413.52 $64,173.48 $20,019.81 $32,300.00 $11,853.67 11%

* Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2788 Monon $44,238.00 $35,450.65 $8,787.35 $2,804.25 $5,983.10 $0.00 20%

* Imprd Order of Red Men No. 518, Conawaugh Monticello $191,848.25 $171,597.09 $20,251.16 $530.00 $5,800.00 $13,921.16 11%

Lions Club - Wolcott Wolcott $46,406.10 $39,097.66 $7,308.44 $7,308.44 $0.00 $0.00 16%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 906 Monticello $11,368.00 $7,994.00 $3,374.00 $250.00 $3,124.00 $0.00 30%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 906 Monticello $53,136.00 $48,895.41 $4,240.59 $126.00 $1,802.89 $2,311.70 8%

White County Catholic Men’s Association Monticello $501,741.00 $420,658.00 $81,083.00 $7,730.00 $73,353.00 $0.00 16%

White County Totals $3,038,753.10 $2,566,863.35 $471,889.75 $86,508.29 $347,113.12 $38,268.34

American Legion Post No. 98 Columbia City $148,092.00 $131,714.00 $16,378.00 $0.00 $16,378.00 $0.00 11%

American Legion Post No. 157 Churubusco $48,227.00 $44,697.00 $3,530.00 $0.00 $3,530.00 $0.00 7%

AMVETS Post No. 2919 South Whitley $23,926.16 $17,063.81 $6,862.35 $100.00 $6,275.70 $486.65 29%

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1906 Columbia City $126,201.00 $105,444.62 $20,756.38 $4,891.00 $15,865.38 $0.00 16%

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1063 Columbia City $184,484.00 $157,203.00 $27,281.00 $3,171.00 $24,110.00 $0.00 15%

* V.F.W. Post No.3846 Churubusco $65,123.00 $52,890.59 $12,232.41 $330.00 $6,597.93 $5,304.48 19%

* V.F.W. Post No.5582, Inc. Columbia City $61,634.00 $54,893.00 $6,741.00 $816.75 $5,924.25 $0.00 11%

Whitley County Council on Aging & Aged Columbia City $302.05 $287.21 $14.84 $0.00 $14.84 $0.00 5%

Whitley Co. Totals $657,989.21 $564,193.23 $93,795.98 $9,308.75 $78,696.10 $5,791.13

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 51

Annual Bingo Licenses

Organization City%Profit




$ Given toOther Orgs.

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

Undistributed Income

Grand Totals

$ Given toOther Organization








Annual Bingo Licenses

$ Retained for Useby the Organization




�!��6��� ����� ������� ������������ �������������������������������� ���������� ������������������ ��������� ������� ��!�������������income figures were extracted from Annual Bingo figures and shown as Pull Tab Only figures in this report.

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Charity Game Night Licenses

Organization City

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 451 Fort Wayne $6,327.00 $5,447.00 $880.00 $300.00 $580.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.11043 Fort Wayne $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Aloysius Catholic Church Yoder $5,380.00 $2,232.00 $3,148.00 $0.00 $3,148.00 $0.00

St. Aloysius Catholic Church Yoder $726.00 $210.00 $516.00 $0.00 $516.00 $0.00

St. Joseph Catholic Church Hessen Cassel Fort Wayne $17,680.40 $7,089.40 $10,591.00 $10,591.00 $0.00 $0.00

Allen Co. Total $30,113.40 $14,978.40 $15,135.00 $10,891.00 $4,244.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 521 Columbus $4,757.00 $3,273.00 $1,484.00 $296.80 $1,187.20 $0.00

St. Bartholomew Catholic Parish Columbus $1,703.00 $0.00 $1,703.00 $0.00 $1,703.00 $0.00

Bartholomew Co. Total $6,460.00 $3,273.00 $3,187.00 $296.80 $2,890.20 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 79 Zionsville $6,900.00 $4,095.00 $2,805.00 $0.00 $2,805.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 79 Zionsville $5,843.00 $2,465.00 $3,378.00 $3,378.00 $0.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 113 Lebanon $2,550.00 $1,550.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 113 Lebanon $3,985.00 $2,635.00 $1,350.00 $985.00 $365.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 410 D. E. Pipes Whitestown $3,996.00 $1,916.00 $2,080.00 $0.00 $2,080.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 410 D. E. Pipes Whitestown $1,347.51 $72.51 $1,275.00 $0.00 $1,275.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 635, Inc. Lebanon Lebanon $980.00 $1,265.00 ($285.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($285.00)

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 635, Inc. Lebanon Lebanon $1,420.00 $520.00 $900.00 $900.00 $0.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 635, Inc. Lebanon Lebanon $3,131.00 $2,296.00 $835.00 $835.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Alphansus Church-Zionsville Zionsville $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Boone Co. Total $30,152.51 $16,814.51 $13,338.00 $7,098.00 $6,525.00 ($285.00)

American Legion Post No. 418 Walton $5,146.00 $2,482.00 $2,664.00 $2,664.00 $0.00 $0.00

Logansport Jaycees Logansport $3,829.00 $416.54 $3,412.46 $0.00 $3,412.46 $0.00

Logansport Jaycees Logansport $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Cass Co. Total $8,975.00 $2,898.54 $6,076.46 $2,664.00 $3,412.46 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 204 W.M. Ruby Sellersburg $2,591.00 $1,750.00 $841.00 $0.00 $841.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 204 W.M. Ruby Sellersburg $2,383.00 $1,431.37 $951.63 $0.00 $951.63 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.1527 Jeffersonville $3,106.75 $1,267.16 $1,839.59 $1,103.59 $0.00 $736.00

Optimist Club of Jeffersonville Jeffersonville $3,300.25 $1,736.72 $1,563.53 $1,094.00 $469.53 $0.00

Optimist Club of Jeffersonville Jeffersonville $3,736.25 $1,510.92 $2,225.33 $0.00 $2,225.33 $0.00

Optimist Club of Jeffersonville Jeffersonville $3,646.50 $1,502.44 $2,144.06 $0.00 $2,144.06 $0.00

St. Paul Catholic Church Sellersburg $6,038.25 $3,322.57 $2,715.68 $0.00 $2,715.68 $0.00

Clark Co. Total $24,802.00 $12,521.18 $12,280.82 $2,197.59 $9,347.23 $736.00

Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 53

Charity Game Night Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 7 Frankft Frankfort $611.00 $249.00 $362.00 $0.00 $0.00 $362.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 7 Frankft Frankfort $4,444.00 $2,500.00 $1,944.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,944.00

Clinton Co. Total $5,055.00 $2,749.00 $2,306.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,306.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1978 Auburn $4,805.00 $2,283.25 $2,521.75 $0.00 $0.00 $2,521.75

Dekalb Co. Total $4,805.00 $2,283.25 $2,521.75 $0.00 $0.00 $2,521.75

Open Door Community Services, Inc. Muncie $11,036.00 $3,606.86 $7,429.14 $0.00 $7,429.14 $0.00

Delaware Co. Total $11,036.00 $3,606.86 $7,429.14 $0.00 $7,429.14 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 425 Elkhart $6,022.50 $1,988.10 $4,034.40 $4,034.40 $0.00 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 395 Elkhart $1,686.00 $460.06 $1,225.94 $0.00 $1,225.94 $0.00

St. Thomas the Apostle Church/School Elkhart $4,021.25 $1,348.83 $2,672.42 $0.00 $2,672.42 $0.00

Elkhart Co. Total $11,729.75 $3,796.99 $7,932.76 $4,034.40 $3,898.36 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 379 Connersville $828.00 $250.00 $578.00 $578.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fayette Co. Total $828.00 $250.00 $578.00 $578.00 $0.00 $0.00

Eagle Fire Company of Oldenburg Oldenburg $24,294.00 $11,900.85 $12,393.15 $0.00 $12,393.15 $0.00

Franklin Co. Total $24,294.00 $11,900.85 $12,393.15 $0.00 $12,393.15 $0.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1107 Manitou Rochester $24,714.25 $20,313.75 $4,400.50 $4,375.00 $25.50 $0.00

Fulton Co. Total $24,714.25 $20,313.75 $4,400.50 $4,375.00 $25.50 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1131 Princeton $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Gibson Co. Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 95 Jonesboro $3,872.00 $1,760.00 $2,112.00 $2,112.00 $0.00 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No.7403 Marion $338.00 $204.00 $134.00 $100.00 $34.00 $0.00

Grant Co. Total $4,210.00 $1,964.00 $2,246.00 $2,212.00 $34.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 196 Bloomfield $1,261.00 $697.00 $564.00 $564.00 $0.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 196 Bloomfield $1,520.00 $960.00 $560.00 $560.00 $0.00 $0.00

Greene Co. Total $2,781.00 $1,657.00 $1,124.00 $1,124.00 $0.00 $0.00

Carmel Dads Club Carmel $74,775.00 $30,278.00 $44,497.00 $0.00 $44,497.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.6923 Fishers $609.80 $433.66 $176.14 $0.00 $176.14 $0.00

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Charity Game Night Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




Knights of Columbus Coun No.6923 Fishers $4,860.00 $2,868.50 $1,991.50 $1,991.50 $0.00 $0.00

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church Carmel $1,255.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $0.00

Hamilton Co. Total $81,499.80 $33,580.16 $47,919.64 $1,991.50 $45,928.14 $0.00

Greenfield Country Club, Inc. Greenfield $630.00 $250.00 $380.00 $0.00 $0.00 $380.00

Hancock Co. Total $630.00 $250.00 $380.00 $0.00 $0.00 $380.00

American Legion Post No. 118 Danville $14,356.00 $11,849.60 $2,506.40 $0.00 $2,506.40 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Brownsburg Brownsburg $1,787.50 $1,353.38 $434.12 $0.00 $434.12 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.3207 Plainfield $3,269.00 $2,004.40 $1,264.60 $1,264.60 $0.00 $0.00

Hendricks Co. Total $19,412.50 $15,207.38 $4,205.12 $1,264.60 $2,940.52 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 484 New Castle $700.00 $500.00 $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00

Westwood Country Club ,Inc. New Castle $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00

Henry Co. Total $800.00 $500.00 $300.00 $0.00 $100.00 $200.00

American Legion Post No. 6 Kokomo $9,336.00 $7,418.00 $1,918.00 $0.00 $1,918.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 6 Kokomo $8,310.00 $6,118.00 $2,192.00 $0.00 $2,192.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 190 Kokomo $502.00 $300.00 $202.00 $0.00 $202.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 190 Kokomo $4,158.00 $2,177.00 $1,981.00 $0.00 $1,981.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 190 Kokomo $3,280.00 $1,913.00 $1,367.00 $1,367.00 $0.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 190 Kokomo $1,057.00 $536.00 $521.00 $0.00 $521.00 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 255 Kokomo $4,840.00 $3,444.00 $1,396.00 $0.00 $1,396.00 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 255 Kokomo $5,189.00 $3,289.00 $1,900.00 $0.00 $1,900.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 656 Hail Holy Kokomo $5,661.00 $3,035.30 $2,625.70 $1,700.00 $925.70 $0.00

Kokomo Women’s Bowling Association Greentown $19,853.00 $10,028.92 $9,824.08 $0.00 $9,824.08 $0.00

Howard Co. Total $62,186.00 $38,259.22 $23,926.78 $3,067.00 $20,859.78 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 462 Seymour $5,975.00 $4,198.00 $1,777.00 $0.00 $1,777.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 462 Seymour $2,508.00 $2,631.02 ($123.02) $0.00 $0.00 ($123.02)

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 418 Seymour $7,804.00 $7,428.00 $376.00 $0.00 $376.00 $0.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 418 Seymour $12,385.00 $11,412.00 $973.00 $0.00 $973.00 $0.00

Sertoma Club of Jackson County Seymour $238.00 $25.00 $213.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00

V.F.W. Post No.1925 Leslie-Arbuckle-Zimrmn Seymour $11,229.00 $10,010.00 $1,219.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $219.00

V.F.W. Post No.1925 Leslie-Arbuckle-Zimrmn Seymour $12,005.00 $10,249.00 $1,756.00 $1,756.00 $0.00 $0.00

Jackson Co. Total $52,144.00 $45,953.02 $6,190.98 $1,756.00 $4,126.00 $120.98

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 417 Portland $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Jay Co. Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 55

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.1818 Franklin $1,335.00 $350.00 $985.00 $985.00 $0.00 $0.00

Johnson County Shrine Club Franklin $800.00 $988.79 ($188.79) $0.00 $0.00 ($188.79)

Royal Oak Social Club, Inc. Greenwood $10,474.00 $8,606.00 $1,868.00 $1,868.00 $0.00 $0.00

Royal Oak Social Club, Inc. Greenwood $6,601.00 $3,956.00 $2,645.00 $2,645.00 $0.00 $0.00

Johnson Co. Total $19,210.00 $13,900.79 $5,309.21 $5,498.00 $0.00 ($188.79)

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Vincennes $750.00 $326.92 $423.08 $0.00 $423.08 $0.00

Knox Co. Total $750.00 $326.92 $423.08 $0.00 $423.08 $0.00

American Legion Unit No. 253 Auxiliary North Webster $1,494.00 $629.25 $864.75 $864.75 $0.00 $0.00

Kosciusko Co. Total $1,494.00 $629.25 $864.75 $864.75 $0.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 20 Crown Point $855.00 $417.00 $438.00 $0.00 $438.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 20 Crown Point $1,158.00 $338.74 $819.26 $0.00 $819.26 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 20 Crown Point $1,220.00 $569.00 $651.00 $0.00 $651.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 981 Highland $6,247.00 $3,976.00 $2,271.00 $0.00 $2,271.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 981 Highland $11,719.00 $6,362.00 $5,357.00 $0.00 $5,357.00 $0.00

Club Ki-Yowga Inc. East Chicago $2,345.00 $1,146.00 $1,199.00 $0.00 $1,199.00 $0.00

Congregation Beth Israel Hammond $7,389.40 $4,533.69 $2,855.71 $0.00 $2,855.71 $0.00

Hobart Prof. Firefighters Local No. 1641 Hobart $10,080.00 $8,835.00 $1,245.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $245.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1696 Whiting $5,663.75 $2,334.98 $3,328.77 $0.00 $3,328.77 $0.00

Lions Club - Crown Point, Inc. Crown Point $12,229.29 $5,672.90 $6,556.39 $6,556.39 $0.00 $0.00

Maywood Civic Club, Inc. Hammond $3,579.00 $2,304.00 $1,275.00 $600.00 $675.00 $0.00

St. Bridget Catholic Church Hobart $19,144.00 $6,371.00 $12,773.00 $0.00 $12,773.00 $0.00

St. Casimir Catholic Church Hammond $7,149.41 $2,473.97 $4,675.44 $0.00 $4,675.44 $0.00

St. James Holy Name Society Highland $17,218.50 $14,371.00 $2,847.50 $0.00 $2,847.50 $0.00

St. John Evangelist Church St. John $9,673.00 $5,975.00 $3,698.00 $0.00 $3,698.00 $0.00

St. Joseph Church Dyer $9,656.00 $7,324.00 $2,332.00 $2,332.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Joseph Church Dyer $8,008.00 $5,895.00 $2,113.00 $2,113.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church Hammond $11,582.10 $4,489.62 $7,092.48 $0.00 $7,092.48 $0.00

St. Mary Catholic Church Crown Point $7,843.00 $4,167.31 $3,675.69 $0.00 $3,675.69 $0.00

St. Michael’s Holy Name Society Schererville $14,728.00 $12,546.80 $2,181.20 $2,181.20 $0.00 $0.00

St. Michael’s Holy Name Society Schererville $18,546.00 $13,019.00 $5,527.00 $5,527.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Michael’s Holy Name Society Schererville $10,403.00 $10,801.00 ($398.00) ($398.00) $0.00 $0.00

Woodmar Little League Hammond $11,645.96 $5,266.27 $6,379.69 $0.00 $6,379.69 $0.00

Lake Co. Total $208,082.41 $129,189.28 $78,893.13 $19,911.59 $58,736.54 $245.00

American Legion Post No. 434 Kingsford Heights $5,164.00 $3,784.00 $1,380.00 $0.00 $1,380.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 451 Skwiat Michigan City $10,620.00 $6,626.37 $3,993.63 $637.00 $1,250.98 $2,105.65

Charity Game Night Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




Page 58: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


Charity Game Night Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




American Legion Post No. 434 Kingsford Heights $5,164.00 $3,784.00 $1,380.00 $0.00 $1,380.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 451 Skwiat Michigan City $10,620.00 $6,626.37 $3,993.63 $637.00 $1,250.98 $2,105.65

Coolspring Township Vol. Fire Department Michigan City $11,594.61 $3,708.59 $7,886.02 $0.00 $7,886.02 $0.00

Fish Lake Property Owners Assn., Inc. Mill Creek $5,420.50 $1,823.02 $3,597.48 $0.00 $3,597.48 $0.00

Fish Lake Property Owners Assn., Inc. Mill Creek $2,417.00 $959.00 $1,458.00 $0.00 $1,458.00 $0.00

Laporte Co. Democratic Central Comm. Michigan City $8,380.00 $5,718.00 $2,662.00 $0.00 $2,662.00 $0.00

Laporte Co. Democratic Central Comm. Michigan City $9,362.00 $6,809.31 $2,552.69 $0.00 $2,552.69 $0.00

Michigan City Summer Festival Comm.,Inc. Michigan City $11,173.00 $5,633.33 $5,539.67 $0.00 $5,539.67 $0.00

Michigan City Summer Festival Comm.,Inc. Michigan City $14,850.00 $6,964.68 $7,885.32 $0.00 $7,885.32 $0.00

Polish Business and Professional Club Michigan City $9,875.00 $5,825.25 $4,049.75 $0.00 $4,049.75 $0.00

LaPorte Co. Total $88,856.11 $47,851.55 $41,004.56 $637.00 $38,261.91 $2,105.65

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 826 Bedford $3,766.00 $3,371.00 $395.00 $395.00 $0.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 826 Bedford $3,518.00 $3,281.00 $237.00 $237.00 $0.00 $0.00

Lawrence Co. Total $7,284.00 $6,652.00 $632.00 $632.00 $0.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 127 G. Hockett Anderson $6,662.00 $4,685.75 $1,976.25 $1,924.25 $52.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 127 G. Hockett Anderson $2,203.00 $1,578.50 $624.50 $624.50 $0.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 127 G. Hockett Anderson $3,482.00 $2,556.60 $925.40 $925.40 $0.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 408 Chesterfield $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 408 Chesterfield $1,450.00 $1,176.00 $274.00 $200.00 $74.00 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No. 266 Anderson $5,138.00 $3,978.00 $1,160.00 $0.00 $1,160.00 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No. 266 Anderson $7,314.00 $6,603.00 $711.00 $0.00 $711.00 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No. 266 Anderson $7,215.00 $6,757.00 $458.00 $0.00 $458.00 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No. 266 Anderson $6,573.00 $5,297.00 $1,276.00 $0.00 $1,276.00 $0.00

Madison Co. Total $40,037.00 $32,631.85 $7,405.15 $3,674.15 $3,731.00 $0.00

American Legion Auxiliary, Dept of IN. Indianapolis $74,115.64 $20,433.86 $53,681.78 $0.00 $53,681.78 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 34 Indianapolis $1,831.00 $1,028.00 $803.00 $0.00 $803.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 34 Indianapolis $1,091.00 $280.00 $811.00 $0.00 $811.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 276 Beech Grove $1,088.75 $871.00 $217.75 $0.00 $217.75 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 495 L.F. Welch Indianapolis $1,412.00 $610.45 $801.55 $0.00 $801.55 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 495 L.F. Welch Indianapolis $844.00 $533.20 $310.80 $0.00 $310.80 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 497 Indianapolis $4,216.00 $3,720.29 $495.71 $0.00 $495.71 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 497 Indianapolis $3,260.00 $3,487.50 ($227.50) $0.00 $0.00 ($227.50)

Brebeuf Preparatory School Indianapolis $14,114.16 $7,412.64 $6,701.52 $0.00 $6,701.52 $0.00

Brebeuf Preparatory School Indianapolis $9,145.00 $5,317.21 $3,827.79 $0.00 $3,827.79 $0.00

Cardinal Ritter High School Indianapolis $3,362.25 $1,634.74 $1,727.51 $0.00 $1,727.51 $0.00

Handi-Capable Hands, Inc. Indianapolis $11,129.00 $6,573.00 $4,556.00 $0.00 $4,556.00 $0.00

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Charity Game Night Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




Knights of Columbus Coun No.5290 St Joseph Indianapolis $5,722.00 $4,272.00 $1,450.00 $0.00 $1,450.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.5290 St Joseph Indianapolis $8,268.00 $6,243.00 $2,025.00 $0.00 $2,025.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.5290 St Joseph Indianapolis $7,174.00 $5,139.00 $2,035.00 $0.00 $2,035.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.5290 St Joseph Indianapolis $6,260.00 $4,648.00 $1,612.00 $0.00 $1,612.00 $0.00

Little Flower Athletic Association Indianapolis $3,671.00 $1,591.00 $2,080.00 $0.00 $2,080.00 $0.00

Little Flower Athletic Association Indianapolis $4,490.00 $1,802.00 $2,688.00 $0.00 $2,688.00 $0.00

Little Flower Athletic Association Indianapolis $6,774.00 $3,069.00$ 3,705.00 $0.00 $3,705.00 $0.00

Little Flower Athletic Association Indianapolis $3,607.00 $1,458.00 $2,149.00 $0.00 $2,149.00 $0.00

Murat Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. Indianapolis $4,099.00 $4,984.10 ($885.10) $0.00 ($885.10) $0.00

Natl. Kidney Found. of IN, Central Chap. Indianapolis $915.00 $0.00 $915.00 $0.00 $915.00 $0.00

Orchard School Foundation Indianapolis $5,977.00 $150.00 $5,827.00 $0.00 $5,827.00 $0.00

St. Barnabas Parish Indianapolis $8,336.00 $7,127.00 $1,209.00 $1,209.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Jude Catholic Church Indianapolis $11,019.00 $4,507.60 $6,511.40 $0.00 $6,511.40 $0.00

St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church Indianapolis $12,082.37 $6,475.83 $5,606.54 $0.00 $5,606.54 $0.00

St. Mary’s Child Center Indianapolis $688.00 $19.60 $668.40 $0.00 $668.40 $0.00

St. Philip Neri Catholic Church Indianapolis $6,272.00 $4,893.10 $1,378.90 $0.00 $1,378.90 $0.00

St. Philip Neri Catholic Church Indianapolis $5,356.04 $3,985.18 $1,370.86 $0.00 $1,370.86 $0.00

St. Roch School Indianapolis $1,799.25 $788.58 $1,010.67 $0.00 $1,010.67 $0.00

St. Roch School Indianapolis $13,595.50 $9,727.63 $3,867.87 $0.00 $3,867.87 $0.00

St. Roch School Indianapolis $11,954.00 $7,612.05 $4,341.95 $0.00 $4,341.95 $0.00

St. Simon Athletic Booster Club Indianapolis $7,333.00 $4,366.00 $2,967.00 $0.00 $2,967.00 $0.00

St. Simon Athletic Booster Club Indianapolis $6,290.00 $4,353.00 $1,937.00 $1,937.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Simon Athletic Booster Club Indianapolis $2,970.00 $1,633.00 $1,337.00 $0.00 $1,337.00 $0.00

Student Fellowship For Blacks,Inc. Indianapolis $3,233.09 $1,356.34 $1,876.75 $0.00 $1,219.89 $656.86

V.F.W. Post No.1120 Ernie Pyle Indianapolis $1,484.70 $356.70 $1,128.00 $0.00 $1,128.00 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No.1120 Ernie Pyle Indianapolis $1,139.00 $297.30 $841.70 $0.00 $841.70 $0.00

Wishing Well Fund, Inc. Indianapolis $14,006.00 $6,675.21 $7,330.79 $9,322.75 $0.00 ($1,991.96)

Wishing Well Fund, Inc. Indianapolis $9,391.00 $3,708.26 $5,682.74 $8,014.31 $0.00 ($2,331.57)

Marion Co. Total $299,514.75 $153,140.37 $146,374.38 $20,483.06 $129,785.49 ($3,894.17)

American Red Cross-Marshall Co. Chapter Plymouth $2,663.00 $383.85 $2,279.15 $0.00 $2,279.15 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Police No. 130 Plymouth $1,883.00 $930.45 $952.55 $0.00 $952.55 $0.00

Humane Society of Marshall County, Inc. Plymouth $6,874.00 $2,479.45 $4,394.55 $0.00 $4,394.55 $0.00

St. Michael Church Plymouth $5,150.00 $1,349.00 $3,801.00 $0.00 $3,801.00 $0.00

Marshall Co. Total $16,570.00 $5,142.75 $11,427.25 $0.00 $11,427.25 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Police No. 88 Bloomington $421.00 $291.00 $130.00 $130.00 $0.00 $0.00

Middle Way House, Inc. Bloomington $9,910.50 $6,002.41 $3,908.09 $0.00 $3,908.09 $0.00

Monroe Co. Total $10,331.50 $6,293.41 $4,038.09 $130.00 $3,908.09 $0.00

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Charity Game Night Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




Mooresville Jr. Football League, Inc. Mooresville $354.00 $50.00 $304.00 $0.00 $304.00 $0.00

Morgan Co. Total $354.00 $50.00 $304.00 $0.00 $304.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 240 Avilla $6,009.00 $3,058.00 $2,951.00 $0.00 $2,951.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 240 Avilla $6,346.00 $3,220.00 $3,126.00 $0.00 $3,126.00 $0.00

Noble Co. Total $12,355.00 $6,278.00 $6,077.00 $0.00 $6,077.00 $0.00

AMVETS Post No. 61 Parke Co Aux Rockville $2,843.00 $1,342.54 $1,500.46 $950.00 $550.46 $0.00

Parke Co. Total $2,843.00 $1,342.54 $1,500.46 $950.00 $550.46 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1172 Tell City $4,167.00 $3,287.00 $880.00 $880.00 $0.00 $0.00

Perry Co. Total $4,167.00 $3,287.00 $880.00 $880.00 $0.00 $0.00

Portage Jr Miss Softball, Inc. Portage $1,201.50 $714.89 $486.61 $0.00 $486.61 $0.00

Porter Co. Total $1,201.50 $714.89 $486.61 $0.00 $486.61 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 281 Cloverdale $931.75 $545.62 $386.13 $386.13 $0.00 $0.00

Putnam Co. Total $931.75 $545.62 $386.13 $386.13 $0.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1461 Batesville $10,013.25 $8,827.27 $1,185.98 $1,185.98 $0.00 $0.00

St. Nicholas Church Sunman $19,409.18 $8,464.43 $10,944.75 $0.00 $10,944.75 $0.00

Ripley Co. Total $29,422.43 $17,291.70 $12,130.73 $1,185.98 $10,944.75 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No.6582 Scott County Austin $9,432.00 $9,056.00 $376.00 $0.00 $376.00 $0.00

Scott Co. Total $9,432.00 $9,056.00 $376.00 $0.00 $376.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 822 Shelbyville $4,792.50 $2,636.00 $2,156.50 $0.00 $0.00 $2,156.50

Shelby Co. Total $4,792.50 $2,636.00 $2,156.50 $0.00 $0.00 $2,156.50

American Legion Post No. 189 Walkerton $1,200.00 $400.12 $799.88 $0.00 $799.88 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 189 Walkerton $3,224.00 $1,972.90 $1,251.10 $0.00 $1,251.10 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 235 South Bend $1,556.50 $656.68 $899.82 $0.00 $899.82 $0.00

Corpus Christi Church South Bend $14,839.90 $5,744.61 $9,095.29 $0.00 $9,095.29 $0.00

Corpus Christi Church South Bend $8,151.00 $3,772.00 $4,379.00 $0.00 $4,379.00 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 435 South Bend $297.00 $411.25 ($114.25) $0.00 $0.00 ($114.25)

Fraternal Order of Police No. 155 South Bend $10,916.72 $8,390.65 $2,526.07 $0.00 $0.00 $2,526.07

Fraternal Order of Police No. 155 South Bend $12,150.00 $9,446.00 $2,704.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,704.00

Holy Cross Parish South Bend $6,165.00 $590.00 $5,575.00 $0.00 $5,575.00 $0.00

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Charity Game Night Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




Humane Society of St. Joseph County, Inc Mishawaka $2,709.50 $1,366.03 $1,343.47 $0.00 $1,343.47 $0.00

Humane Society of St. Joseph County, Inc Mishawaka $3,561.90 $1,112.71 $2,449.19 $0.00 $2,449.19 $0.00

Marian High School Mishawaka $20,113.00 $8,647.00 $11,466.00 $0.00 $11,466.00 $0.00

North Side Penn Twp. Fire Department Mishawaka $6,818.75 $3,729.52 $3,089.23 $0.00 $3,089.23 $0.00

Polish National Alliance Group No. 83 South Bend $16,902.85 $7,369.00 $9,533.85 $0.00 $9,533.85 $0.00

Polish National Alliance Group No. 83 South Bend $11,712.00 $6,079.25 $5,632.75 $0.00 $5,632.75 $0.00

Polish National Alliance Group No. 83 South Bend $19,726.00 $10,686.00 $9,040.00 $0.00 $9,040.00 $0.00

South Bend Symphony Orchestra Assn. Inc South Bend $49,668.84 $8,827.20 $40,841.64 $0.00 $40,841.64 $0.00

St. Anthony De Padua Catholic Church South Bend $9,621.00 $2,522.23 $7,098.77 $0.00 $7,098.77 $0.00

St. Bavo Parish Mishawaka $6,412.51 $2,913.01 $3,499.50 $0.00 $3,499.50 $0.00

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church South Bend $5,001.44 $2,648.06 $2,353.38 $0.00 $2,353.38 $0.00

St. Joseph Co. Little League - Warren South Bend $4,185.00 $675.84 $3,509.16 $0.00 $3,509.16 $0.00

St. Patrick Parish Walkerton $809.75 $583.30 $226.45 $0.00 $226.45 $0.00

St. Stanislaus Kostka Church New Carlisle $17,533.00 $8,497.77 $9,035.23 $0.00 $9,035.23 $0.00

Washington H. S. Adult Booster Club South Bend $6,147.50 $2,150.10 $3,997.40 $0.00 $3,997.40 $0.00

St. Joseph Co. Total $239,423.16 $99,191.23 $140,231.93 $0.00 $135,116.11 $5,115.82

Bass Lake Property Owner’ Assn. Knox $6,838.65 $3,347.51 $3,491.14 $0.00 $3,491.14 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No. 748 Starke Knox $16,467.00 $14,753.00 $1,714.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,714.00

Starke Co. Total $23,305.65 $18,100.51 $5,205.14 $0.00 $3,491.14 $1,714.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.2398 Angola Angola $24,221.00 $31,770.00 ($7,549.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($7,549.00)

Steuben Co. Total $24,221.00 $31,770.00 ($7,549.00) $0.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 11 Lafayette $13,287.25 $10,208.14 $3,079.11 $0.00 $3,079.11 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 143 West Lafayette $4,190.40 $2,899.40 $1,291.00 $975.00 $316.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 143 West Lafayette $3,405.09 $1,591.97 $1,813.12 $1,813.12 $0.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 143 West Lafayette $5,717.76 $3,595.76 $2,122.00 $555.99 $1,566.01 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 347 Lafayette $19,714.00 $15,300.43 $4,413.57 $0.00 $4,413.57 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 11 Lafayette $13,287.25 $10,208.14 $3,079.11 $0.00 $3,079.11 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 143 West Lafayette $4,190.40 $2,899.40 $1,291.00 $975.00 $316.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 143 West Lafayette $3,405.09 $1,591.97 $1,813.12 $1,813.12 $0.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 143 West Lafayette $5,717.76 $3,595.76 $2,122.00 $555.99 $1,566.01 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 347 Lafayette $19,714.00 $15,300.43 $4,413.57 $0.00 $4,413.57 $0.00

Tippecanoe Co Historical Assn Lafayette $3,955.00 $2,958.00 $997.00 $0.00 $997.00 $0.00

United Way of Lafayette & Tippecanoe Co. Lafayette $3,446.25 $2,175.21 $1,271.04 $1,000.00 $271.04 $0.00

Wabash Center, Inc. Lafayette $18,257.00 $5,614.00 $12,643.00 $0.00 $12,643.00 $0.00

Tippecanoe Co. Total $71,972.75 $44,342.91 $27,629.84 $4,344.11 $23,285.73 $0.00


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Charity Game Night Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




Knights of Columbus Coun No. 253 4th Deg. Evansville $1,546.50 $80.04 $1,466.46 $0.00 $0.00

Reitz Memorial High School Evansville $1,443.00 $221.00 $1,222.00 $0.00 $0.00

River Bend Association, Inc. Evansville $1,792.50 $1,003.50 $789.00 $0.00 $789.00 $0.00

University of Evansville Evansville $2,437.00 $846.00 $1,591.00 $0.00 $1,591.00 $0.00

Vanderburgh Co. Total $7,219.00 $2,150.54 $5,068.46 $0.00 $2,380.00

Terre Haute Area Association Of Realtors Inc Terre Haute $6,339.00 $659.79 $5,679.21 $5,556.00 $123.21 $0.00

Vigo Youth Football Corporation Terre Haute $2,315.00 $1,566.73 $748.27 $0.00 $748.27 $0.00

Vigo Youth Football Corporation Terre Haute $7,920.00 $4,802.32 $3,117.68 $0.00 $3,117.68 $0.00

Vigo Co. Total $16,574.00 $7,028.84 $9,545.16 $5,556.00 $3,989.16 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 649 Richmond $4,100.00 $1,960.00 $2,140.00 $1,300.00 $840.00 $0.00

Wayne Co. Total $4,100.00 $1,960.00 $2,140.00 $1,300.00 $840.00 $0.00




Grand Totals

$ Given toOther Organization








Charity Game Night Licenses

$ Retained for Useby the Organization




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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 61

Door Prize Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




Fayette Memorial Hospital Foundation Connersville $1,400.00 $557.04 $842.96 $842.96 $0.00 $0.00

Fayette Co. Total $1,400.00 $557.04 $842.96 $842.96 $0.00 $0.00

St. Adalbert Church Whiting $3,351.60 $2,520.89 $830.71 $0.00 $830.71 $0.00

Lake Co. Total $3,351.60 $2,520.89 $830.71 $0.00 $830.71 $0.00

Indiana State Police Alliance, Inc. Indianapolis $0.00 $25.00 ($25.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($25.00)

U.A.W. Region No.3 Indianapolis $0.00 $12,328.55 ($12,328.55) $0.00 $0.00 ($12,328.55)

Marion Co. Total $0.00 $12,353.55 ($12,353.55) $0.00 $0.00 ($12,353.55)

St. Mary’s Medical Center Foundation Evansville $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Vanderburgh Co. Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Grand Totals

$ Given toOther Organization






Door Prize Licenses

$ Retained for Useby the Organization




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Festival Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




St. Mary’s of the Assumption CCH Decatur $30,101.63 $6,921.78 $23,179.85 $0.00 $23,179.85 $0.00

Adams Co. Total $30,101.63 $6,921.78 $23,179.85 $0.00 $23,179.85 $0.00

Ducks Unlimited Inc. Stag 004 Ft. Wayne Fort Wayne $38,103.21 $14,147.51 $23,955.70 $23,955.70 $0.00 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.3164 New Haven $4,470.00 $3,704.65 $765.35 $0.00 $765.35 $0.00

Harlan Community Association, Inc. Harlan $22,934.38 $21,628.70 $1,305.68 $1,205.68 $100.00 $0.00

Hoagland Elementary Parent Teacher AssocHoagland $3,792.20 $1,909.77 $1,882.43 $0.00 $1,882.43 $0.00

Marine Corps League Fort Wayne $194,262.21 $187,053.00 $7,209.21 $0.00 $7,209.21 $0.00

Navy Club Ship No. 48 Fort Wayne $119,597.00 $124,159.00 ($4,562.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($4,562.00)

Navy Club Ship No. 48 Fort Wayne $121,315.00 $99,937.00 $21,378.00 $0.00 $21,378.00 $0.00

One Hundred Percent Club Fort Wayne $34,912.15 $13,641.72 $21,270.43 $21,270.43 $0.00 $0.00

Poe Volunteer Fire Department Fort Wayne $7,545.15 $3,006.67 $4,538.48 $0.00 $4,538.48 $0.00

Poe Volunteer Fire Department Fort Wayne $7,521.78 $3,589.25 $3,932.53 $0.00 $3,932.53 $0.00

St. Aloysius Catholic Church Yoder $19,450.00 $8,080.00 $11,370.00 $0.00 $11,370.00 $0.00

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Fort Wayne $40,869.18 $21,851.41 $19,017.77 $0.00 $17,540.00 $1,477.77

St. Joseph Catholic Church Hessen Cassel Fort Wayne $24,943.30 $10,597.81 $14,345.49 $0.00 $14,345.49 $0.00

St. Therese Catholic Church Fort Wayne $34,353.38 $12,565.81 $21,787.57 $0.00 $21,787.57 $0.00

Allen Co. Total $674,068.94 $525,872.30 $148,196.64 $46,431.81 $104,849.06

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 521 Columbus $15,645.00 $14,507.00 $1,138.00 $1,138.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Bartholomew Catholic Parish Columbus $20,750.50 $7,095.00 $13,655.50 $0.00 $13,655.50 $0.00

St. Bartholomew’s Ladies Council Columbus $4,344.71 $801.33 $3,543.38 $3,506.85 $36.53 $0.00

Bartholomew Co. Total $40,740.21 $22,403.33 $18,336.88 $4,644.85 $13,692.03 $0.00

Lions Club - Earl Park Earl Park $16,427.00 $9,219.74 $7,207.26 $0.00 $7,207.26 $0.00

Benton Co. Total $16,427.00 $9,219.74 $7,207.26 $0.00 $7,207.26 $0.00

St. Alphansus Church-Zionsville Zionsville $29,687.00 $21,790.00 $7,897.00 $5,000.00 $2,897.00 $0.00

Boone Co. Total $29,687.00 $21,790.00 $7,897.00 $5,000.00 $2,897.00 $0.00

CSLOA Nineveh $24,556.00 $13,797.00 $10,759.00 $8,159.00 $2,600.00 $0.00

Brown Co. Total $24,556.00 $13,797.00 $10,759.00 $8,159.00 $2,600.00 $0.00

Burlington Community Club Burlington $28,731.05 $11,090.62 $17,640.43 $0.00 $17,640.43 $0.00

Carroll Co. Total $28,731.05 $11,090.62 $17,640.43 $0.00 $17,640.43 $0.00

Iron Horse Festival Association Logansport $2,905.00 $1,486.00 $1,419.00 $0.00 $1,419.00 $0.00

Cass Co. Total $2,905.00 $1,486.00 $1,419.00 $0.00 $1,419.00 $0.00


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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 63

Our Lady of Providence High School Clarksville $75,044.09 $40,345.21 $34,698.88 $0.00 $34,698.88 $0.00

Sacred Heart Church/School Jeffersonville $39,733.02 $21,065.99 $18,667.03 $0.00 $0.00 $18,667.03

St. Anthony’s Padua Church Clarksville $56,705.17 $15,860.62 $40,844.55 $0.00 $40,844.55 $0.00

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Floyds Knobs $87,686.00 $46,958.00 $40,728.00 $250.00 $40,478.00 $0.00

St. Joseph Hill Catholic Church Sellersburg $39,520.11 $15,878.44 $23,641.67 $0.00 $23,641.67 $0.00

St. Michael Catholic Church Charlestown $23,473.28 $8,509.37 $14,963.91 $0.00 $14,963.91 $0.00

Utica Township Volunteer Firefighters A. Jeffersonville $8,169.55 $5,124.43 $3,045.12 $0.00 $3,045.12 $0.00

Clark Co. Total $330,331.22 $153,742.06 $176,589.16 $250.00 $157,672.13 $18,667.03

Washington Catholic Schools Washington $89,529.46 $72,351.35 $17,178.11 $0.00 $17,178.11 $0.00

Washington Catholic Schools Washington $84,245.00 $68,194.00 $16,051.00 $16,051.00 $0.00 $0.00

Daviess Co. Total $173,774.46 $140,545.35 $33,229.11 $16,051.00 $17,178.11 $0.00

Bright Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. Lawrenceburg $111,242.33 $77,041.75 $34,200.58 $799.00 $33,401.58 $0.00

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Guilford $40,934.07 $18,724.78 $22,209.29 $0.00 $22,209.29 $0.00

St. Lawrence Catholic Church Lawrenceburg $74,532.33 $26,114.27 $48,418.06 $35,000.00 $0.00 $13,418.06

St. Leon Rural Volunteer Fire Dept, Inc. West Harrison $66,220.79 $25,191.73 $41,029.06 $0.00 $41,029.06 $0.00

St. Martin Catholic Church Guilford $65,438.32 $29,342.74 $36,095.58 $36,095.58 $0.00 $0.00

St. Paul’s Catholic Church Guilford $65,527.13 $18,084.74 $47,442.39 $0.00 $47,442.39 $0.00

Dearborn Co. Total $423,894.97 $194,500.01 $229,394.96 $71,894.58 $144,082.32 $13,418.06

Knights of St. John No. 31 St. George Greensburg $1,811.05 $941.45 $869.60 $0.00 $869.60 $0.00

St. John the Evangelist Church Greensburg $37,131.51 $12,514.38 $24,617.13 $0.00 $24,617.13 $0.00

St. Mary Catholic Church Greensburg $15,041.82 $8,003.89 $7,037.93 $0.00 $7,037.93 $0.00

St. Mary Catholic Church Greensburg $18,669.50 $8,438.54 $10,230.96 $0.00 $0.00 $10,230.96

St. Maurice Church Greensburg $19,546.58 $4,482.12 $15,064.46 $0.00 $0.00 $15,064.46

Decatur Co. Total $92,200.46 $34,380.38 $57,820.08 $0.00 $32,524.66 $25,295.42

Minnetrista Cultural Foundation, Inc. Muncie $6,568.00 $3,865.00 $2,703.00 $2,703.00 $0.00 $0.00

Delaware Co. Total $6,568.00 $3,865.00 $2,703.00 $2,703.00 $0.00 $0.00

Haysville Ruritan Club Jasper $25,646.28 $15,745.01 $9,901.27 $1,799.25 $0.00 $8,102.02

Holy Family Catholic Church Jasper $80,782.04 $20,359.15 $60,422.89 $0.00 $60,422.89 $0.00

Precious Blood Catholic Church Jasper $74,533.96 $17,016.43 $57,517.53 $0.00 $57,517.53 $0.00

St. Celestine Church Celestine $52,097.77 $24,689.40 $27,408.37 $0.00 $27,408.37 $0.00

St. Mary’s Catholic Church Ireland $76,701.80 $23,217.69 $53,484.11 $0.00 $53,484.11 $0.00

St. Raphael Church Dubois $22,559.46 $6,828.90 $15,730.56 $0.00 $15,730.56 $0.00

Young Men’s Institute Coun No. 497 Huntingburg $8,430.00 $3,048.00 $5,382.00 $0.00 $5,382.00 $0.00

Dubois Co. Total $340,751.31 $110,904.58 $229,846.73 $1,799.25 $219,945.46 $8,102.02

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St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church Elkhart $48,087.78 $20,205.62 $27,882.16 $3,000.00 $24,000.00 $882.16

Elkhart Co. Total $48,087.78 $20,205.62 $27,882.16 $3,000.00 $24,000.00 $882.16

St. Gabriel Catholic Church Connersville $21,264.99 $6,760.42 $14,504.57 $0.00 $14,504.57 $0.00

Fayette Co. Total $21,264.99 $6,760.42 $14,504.57 $0.00 $14,504.57 $0.00

Province of Our Lady of Consolation, Inc Mount Saint Franci $156,140.52 $66,207.86 $89,932.66 $0.00 $89,932.66 $0.00

St. Mary’s Navilleton Catholic Church Floyd Knobs $51,232.02 $21,266.64 $29,965.38 $0.00 $29,965.38 $0.00

St. Mary’s School New Albany $97,482.00 $52,033.00 $45,449.00 $0.00 $45,449.00 $0.00

St. Mary’s School New Albany $72,539.00 $43,363.00 $29,176.00 $0.00 $29,176.00 $0.00

Floyd Co. Total $377,393.54 $182,870.50 $194,523.04 $0.00 $194,523.04 $0.00

Blooming Grove Volunteer Fire Dept., Inc Brookville $11,890.00 $7,606.00 $4,284.00 $0.00 $4,284.00 $0.00

Cedar Grove Volunteer Fire Dept., Inc. Cedar Grove $70,961.00 $39,549.88 $31,411.12 $0.00 $31,411.12 $0.00

Holy Family Church Oldenburg $32,269.13 $6,942.66 $25,326.47 $0.00 $25,326.47 $0.00

St. Michael Catholic Church Brookville $48,153.26 $16,700.33 $31,452.93 $31,452.93 $0.00 $0.00

St. Peter Catholic Church Brookville $62,454.81 $24,319.05 $38,135.76 $0.00 $38,135.76 $0.00

Franklin Co. Total $225,728.20 $95,117.92 $130,610.28 $31,452.93 $99,157.35 $0.00

Holy Cross Church Fort Branch $16,068.84 $4,268.11 $11,800.73 $0.00 $11,800.73 $0.00

St. James Catholic Church Haubstadt $68,356.92 $22,542.29 $45,814.63 $0.00 $45,814.63 $0.00

St. Joseph Church Princeton $8,008.75 $2,871.65 $5,137.10 $0.00 $8,000.00 ($2,862.90)

Gibson Co. Total $92,434.51 $29,682.05 $62,752.46 $0.00 $65,615.36 ($2,862.90)

Hazel Dell PTO Noblesville $10,865.75 $4,612.35 $6,253.40 $0.00 $6,253.40 $0.00

Our Lady of Grace Church Noblesville $17,868.00 $7,604.00 $10,264.00 $0.00 $10,264.00 $0.00

St. Elizabeth Seton Parish Carmel $62,524.00 $37,953.00 $24,571.00 $0.00 $24,571.00 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No.10207 Westfield $1,033.00 $740.00 $293.00 $0.00 $293.00 $0.00

Hamilton Co. Total $92,290.75 $50,909.35 $41,381.40 $0.00 $41,381.40 $0.00

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Fortville $36,981.00 $14,677.00 $22,304.00 $0.00 $22,304.00 $0.00

Hancock Co. Total $36,981.00 $14,677.00 $22,304.00 $0.00 $22,304.00 $0.00

South Harrison Community Schools Corydon $17,450.13 $2,171.22 $15,278.91 $0.00 $15,278.91 $0.00

St. Bernard Church Depauw $60,681.65 $37,406.09 $23,275.56 $0.00 $23,275.56 $0.00

St. Joseph Catholic Church Corydon $51,392.00 $16,646.00 $34,746.00 $34,746.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Mary’s Catholic Church Lanesville $73,285.86 $24,858.71 $48,427.15 $0.00 $48,427.15 $0.00

St. Michael’s Church Bradford $86,079.91 $17,525.93 $68,553.98 $0.00 $68,553.98 $0.00

Harrison Co. Total $288,889.55 $98,607.95 $190,281.60 $34,746.00 $155,535.60 $0.00

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Amo Volunteer Fire Dept. Amo $1,345.00 $672.50 $672.50 $0.00 $672.50 $0.00

Avon Elementary P.T.O. Avon $18,957.22 $7,271.84 $11,685.38 $9,168.54 $2,516.84 $0.00

Hazelwood Volunteer Fire Department Clayton $35,132.13 $25,183.19 $9,948.94 $9,948.94 $0.00 $0.00

Hazelwood Volunteer Fire Department Clayton $31,830.17 $24,105.85 $7,724.32 $0.00 $7,724.32 $0.00

St. Malachy Church Brownsburg $164,889.00 $91,998.00 $72,891.00 $72,891.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Susanna Church Plainfield $5,153.50 $4,711.59 $441.91 $0.00 $441.91 $0.00

Hendricks Co. Total $257,307.02 $153,942.97 $103,364.05 $92,008.48 $11,355.57 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 216 Middletown $2,493.00 $448.00 $2,045.00 $1,000.00 $1,045.00 $0.00

Optimist Club of Blue River Valley Mount Summit $4,309.82 $2,094.37 $2,215.45 $2,215.45 $0.00 $0.00

Optimist Club of Blue River Valley Mount Summit $4,820.00 $2,321.30 $2,498.70 $2,498.70 $0.00 $0.00

Henry Co. Total $11,622.82 $4,863.67 $6,759.15 $5,714.15 $1,045.00 $0.00

St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church Kokomo $21,443.98 $9,391.09 $12,052.89 $0.00 $12,052.89 $0.00

Howard Co. Total $21,443.98 $9,391.09 $12,052.89 $0.00 $12,052.89 $0.00

Little Cousin Jasper Festival, Inc. Rensselaer $20,247.13 $17,451.27 $2,795.86 $0.00 $0.00 $2,795.86

Jasper Co. Total $20,247.13 $17,451.27 $2,795.86 $0.00 $0.00 $2,795.86

Shawe High School Madison $17,830.00 $17,577.82 $252.18 $0.00 $252.18 $0.00

Jefferson Co. Total $17,830.00 $17,577.82 $252.18 $0.00 $252.18 $0.00

St. Mary Catholic Church North Vernon $27,963.27 $8,961.00 $19,002.27 $0.00 $19,002.27 $0.00

Jennings Co. Total $27,963.27 $8,961.00 $19,002.27 $0.00 $19,002.27 $0.00

Maple Grove Elementary P.T.O. Greenwood $1,142.50 $284.24 $858.26 $0.00 $858.26 $0.00

Our Lady of the Greenwood Greenwood $51,108.00 $17,296.00 $33,812.00 $0.00 $33,812.00 $0.00

St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church Franklin $18,955.21 $12,991.77 $5,963.44 $0.00 $5,963.44 $0.00

St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church Franklin $19,591.76 $10,737.60 $8,854.16 $0.00 $8,854.16 $0.00

Johnson Co. Total $90,797.47 $41,309.61 $49,487.86 $0.00 $49,487.86 $0.00

Christian Educational Foundation Vincennes $22,600.33 $6,949.09 $15,651.24 $15,651.24 $0.00 $0.00

Sacred Heart Catholic Church Vincennes $24,284.99 $8,743.80 $15,541.19 $0.00 $15,541.19 $0.00

St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Vincennes $16,429.11 $4,376.91 $12,052.20 $0.00 $12,052.20 $0.00

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Vincennes $24,395.67 $7,698.50 $16,697.17 $0.00 $16,697.17 $0.00

St. Vincent DePaul Church Vincennes $16,499.05 $5,328.90 $11,170.15 $0.00 $11,170.15 $0.00

Knox Co. Total $104,209.15 $33,097.20 $71,111.95 $15,651.24 $55,460.71 $0.00

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American Legion Post No. 54 Hobart $14,705.00 $12,092.18 $2,612.82 $2,612.82 $0.00 $0.00

Andrean High School Merrillville $294,816.00 $156,022.92 $138,793.08 $0.00 $138,793.08 $0.00

Assumption Church Hobart $13,988.70 $5,999.01 $7,989.69 $0.00 $7,989.69 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Lowell Lowell $19,317.00 $13,975.00 $5,342.00 $0.00 $5,342.00 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Lowell Lowell $21,195.00 $19,237.00 $1,958.00 $0.00 $1,958.00 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Police No. 51 Hammond $36,564.00 $35,354.00 $1,210.00 $0.00 $1,210.00 $0.00

Hammond High All School Booster Club Hammond $10,917.50 $3,537.38 $7,380.12 $4,225.28 $3,000.00 $154.84

Lowell Labor Day Organization, Inc. Lowell $6,973.35 $3,486.50 $3,486.85 $2,865.00 $621.85 $0.00

Northwest Indiana Soccer Hammond $12,121.00 $9,889.00 $2,232.00 $0.00 $2,232.00 $0.00

Our Lady of Consolation Church Merrillville $29,257.90 $10,568.57 $18,689.33 $0.00 $18,689.33 $0.00

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church East Chicago $54,032.28 $21,554.10 $32,478.18 $0.00 $0.00 $32,478.18

Ss. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Merrillville $173,968.50 $88,933.25 $85,035.25 $0.00 $85,035.25 $0.00

St. Adalbert Church Whiting $7,248.34 $5,368.76 $1,879.58 $0.00 $1,879.58 $0.00

St. Alfred Home Corporation Hammond $14,996.25 $5,844.09 $9,152.16 $9,152.16 $0.00 $0.00

St. Bridget Catholic Church Hobart $105,957.71 $69,324.49 $36,633.22 $36,633.22 $0.00 $0.00

St. Casimir Catholic Church Hammond $21,474.74 $9,149.33 $12,325.41 $0.00 $12,325.41 $0.00

St. Catherine of Siena Church & School Hammond $45,241.19 $29,098.34 $16,142.85 $0.00 $16,142.85 $0.00

St. Catherine of Siena Church & School Hammond $71,612.18 $56,030.13 $15,582.05 $15,582.05 $0.00 $0.00

St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Hammond $83,943.00 $41,203.36 $42,739.64 $0.00 $42,739.64 $0.00

St. Edward Church/School Lowell $39,419.30 $39,419.30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. James Holy Name Society Highland $3,289.00 $1,493.00 $1,796.00 $1,796.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. James the Less Catholic Church Highland $64,637.00 $21,528.00 $43,109.00 $0.00 $43,109.00 $0.00

St. John Bosco Roman Catholic Church Hammond $9,507.00 $3,256.03 $6,250.97 $0.00 $6,250.97 $0.00

St. John Evangelist Church St. John $145,188.00 $92,438.00 $52,750.00 $0.00 $52,750.00 $0.00

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Whiting $103,481.49 $33,467.12 $70,014.37 $0.00 $70,014.37 $0.00

St. Joseph Church Dyer $33,125.94 $22,405.01 $10,720.93 $655.32 $10,065.61 $0.00

St. Margaret Mary Church Hammond $9,382.00 $2,707.20 $6,674.80 $0.00 $6,674.80 $0.00

St. Maria Goretti Church Dyer $2,283.43 $775.00 $1,508.43 $0.00 $1,508.43 $0.00

St. Maria Goretti Church Dyer $68,086.51 $56,288.80 $11,797.71 $0.00 $11,797.71 $0.00

St. Mark Parish Gary $1,844.90 $1,004.02 $840.88 $840.88 $0.00 $0.00

St. Mary Church East Chicago $48,965.23 $15,891.20 $33,074.03 $0.00 $33,074.03 $0.00

St. Mary Parish Griffith $242,185.17 $144,656.73 $97,528.44 $0.00 $0.00 $97,528.44

St. Michael Archangel Polish National CC East Chicago $21,759.26 $10,888.74 $10,870.52 $0.00 $10,870.52 $0.00

St. Michael Church Schererville $52,120.00 $29,335.00 $22,785.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22,785.00

St. Patrick Parish East Chicago $54,760.70 $25,377.09 $29,383.61 $0.00 $29,383.61 $0.00

St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church Merrillville $184,904.00 $119,106.00 $65,798.00 $0.00 $65,798.00 $0.00

St. Stanislaus Church East Chicago $30,874.50 $15,776.51 $15,097.99 $0.00 $15,097.99 $0.00

St. Thomas More Parish Munster $65,769.00 $32,729.00 $33,040.00 $0.00 $33,040.00 $0.00

Lake Co. Total $2,219,912.07 $1,265,209.16 $954,702.91 $74,362.73 $727,393.72 $152,946.46

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American Legion Post No. 451 Skwiat Michigan City $9,860.65 $4,472.02 $5,388.63 $1,805.00 $2,976.88 $606.75

Coolspring Township Vol. Fire Department Michigan City $21,287.70 $8,801.27 $12,486.43 $0.00 $12,486.43 $0.00

Notre Dame Church Michigan City $49,721.00 $10,964.00 $38,757.00 $0.00 $38,757.00 $0.00

Queen of All Saints Catholic Church Michigan City $35,486.00 $28,154.00 $7,332.00 $0.00 $7,332.00 $0.00

Sacred Heart Catholic Church Laporte $106,847.89 $55,664.15 $51,183.74 $0.00 $51,183.74 $0.00

St. Joseph Young Men’s Society, Inc. Michigan City $20,290.02 $17,370.81 $2,919.21 $2,654.00 $265.21 $0.00

St. Joseph Young Men’s Society, Inc. Michigan City $31,593.76 $26,177.21 $5,416.55 $0.00 $5,416.55 $0.00

St. Mary, The Immaculate Conception Chur Michigan City $34,943.07 $19,134.45 $15,808.62 $15,712.43 $0.00 $96.19

St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Michigan City $28,082.16 $19,320.52 $8,761.64 $0.00 $8,716.64 $0.00

LaPorte Co. Total $338,112.25 $190,058.43 $148,053.82 $20,171.43 $127,134.45 $702.94

American Legion Post No. 250 C.C. Martin Mitchell $8,488.00 $6,149.00 $2,339.00 $687.00 $1,652.00 $0.00

Lawrence Co. Total $8,488.00 $6,149.00 $2,339.00 $687.00 $1,652.00 $0.00

Police Athletic League of Anderson Anderson $2,443.00 $1,886.00 $557.00 $0.00 $557.00 $0.00

Madison Co. Total $2,443.00 $1,886.00 $557.00 $0.00 $557.00 $0.00

American Cancer Society, Marion Co Indianapolis $15,683.50 $10,000.00 $5,683.50 $0.00 $5,683.50 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 500 Speedway Indianapolis $18,804.78 $20,161.21 ($1,356.43) $0.00 $0.00 ($1,356.43)

Deputy Sheriff’s Fraternal Organization Indianapolis $1,778.00 $3,642.71 ($1,864.71) $533.00 $0.00 $0.00

Deputy Sheriff’s Fraternal Organization Indianapolis $2,261.00 $3,791.00 ($1,530.00) $200.00 $0.00 ($1,730.00)

Forest Manor Multi-Service Center, Inc. Indianapolis $128,049.00 $114,387.00 $13,662.00 $0.00 $13,662.00 $0.00

Friends Foundation, Inc. Beech Grove $4,876.00 $1,289.00 $3,587.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,587.00

German American Klub Indianapolis $23,489.00 $12,798.00 $10,691.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,691.00

Holy Angels Church Indianapolis $14,608.01 $8,364.70 $6,243.31 $0.00 $6,243.31 $0.00

Holy Name Catholic Church Beech Grove $66,543.00 $24,629.00 $41,914.00 $0.00 $41,914.00 $0.00

Holy Rosary Church Indianapolis $73,000.00 $39,142.00 $33,858.00 $0.00 $33,858.00 $0.00

Holy Spirit Church Indianapolis $54,965.30 $14,159.00 $40,806.30 $40,806.30 $0.00 $0.00

Holy Trinity Catholic Church Indianapolis $11,252.25 $6,676.99 $4,575.26 $0.00 $4,575.26 $0.00

Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church Indianapolis $27,214.98 $9,012.17 $18,202.81 $0.00 $18,202.81 $0.00

Indiana Black Expo Indianapolis $14,683.00 $12,307.00 $2,376.00 $0.00 $2,376.00 $0.00

James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Assoc. Indianapolis $3,955.00 $50.00 $3,905.00 $0.00 $3,905.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.3433 Indianapolis $48,910.00 $35,274.00 $13,636.00 $0.00 $13,636.00 $0.00

Our Lady of Lourdes Church Indianapolis $73,490.96 $57,030.86 $16,460.10 $0.00 $16,460.10 $0.00

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Indianapolis $3,602.50 $1,383.83 $2,218.67 $0.00 $2,218.67 $0.00

St. Ann Catholic Church Indianapolis $24,792.00 $9,184.00 $15,608.00 $0.00 $15,608.00 $0.00

St. Anthony Catholic Church Indianapolis $55,263.26 $36,878.03 $18,385.23 $0.00 $18,385.23 $0.00

St. Bernadette Church Indianapolis $14,139.35 $6,057.49 $8,081.86 $0.00 $8,081.86 $0.00

St. Christopher Catholic Church Indianapolis $87,732.51 $57,954.80 $29,777.71 $0.00 $29,777.71 $0.00

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St. Joan Arc Catholic Church Indianapolis $90,861.95 $30,155.25 $60,706.70 $0.00 $60,706.70 $0.00

St. Jude Catholic Church Indianapolis $99,353.85 $55,276.59 $44,077.26 $0.00 $44,077.26 $0.00

St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church Indianapolis $57,889.00 $29,227.00 $28,662.00 $0.00 $28,662.00 $0.00

St. Matthew Catholic Church Indianapolis $12,910.00 $5,281.00 $7,629.00 $0.00 $7,629.00 $0.00

St. Michael Church Indianapolis $24,486.00 $16,665.80 $7,820.20 $0.00 $7,820.20 $0.00

St. Michael Church Indianapolis $17,483.35 $12,165.82 $5,317.53 $0.00 $5,317.53 $0.00

St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Indianapolis $3,023.75 $1,939.69 $1,084.06 $0.00 $1,084.06 $0.00

St. Philip Neri Catholic Church Indianapolis $6,061.00 $4,154.00 $1,907.00 $0.00 $1,907.00 $0.00

St. Philip Neri Catholic Church Indianapolis $6,470.75 $4,695.10 $1,775.65 $0.00 $1,775.65 $0.00

St. Simon the Apostle Church Indianapolis $74,664.00 $65,424.00 $9,240.00 $0.00 $9,240.00 $0.00

St. Simon the Apostle Church Indianapolis $97,477.00 $63,167.00 $34,310.00 $0.00 $34,310.00 $0.00

St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Cath Ch Indianapolis $62,568.43 $28,242.81 $34,325.62 $0.00 $34,325.62 $0.00

Marion Co. Total $1,322,342.48 $800,566.85 $521,775.63 $41,539.30 $471,442.47 $11,191.57

Ancilla Domini Sisters, Inc. Donaldson $44,581.92 $16,268.26 $28,313.66 $29,000.00 ($686.34) $0.00

Bremen Volunteer Firemen’s Assn., Inc. Bremen $9,621.00 $5,705.15 $3,915.85 $0.00 $0.00 $3,915.85

Bremen Volunteer Firemen’s Assn., Inc. Bremen $22,961.00 $13,957.92 $9,003.08 $0.00 $0.00 $9,003.08

Marshall Co. Total $77,163.92 $35,931.33 $41,232.59 $29,000.00 ($686.34) $12,918.93

St. Charles Church Peru $37,297.02 $12,910.40 $24,386.62 $2,440.00 $21,946.62 $0.00

Miami Co. Total $37,297.02 $12,910.40 $24,386.62 $2,440.00 $21,946.62 $0.00

Daughters of Isabella-St. Bernadette Cir Bloomington $883.50 $0.00 $883.50 $0.00 $0.00 $883.50

Marlin School PTO Bloomington $3,097.10 $578.20 $2,518.90 $0.00 $2,518.90 $0.00

Monroe Co. Total $3,980.60 $578.20 $3,402.40 $0.00 $2,518.90 $883.50

Lions Club - Ladoga Ladoga $3,676.98 $1,863.49 $1,813.49 $1,813.49 $0.00 $0.00

Montgomery Co. Total $3,676.98 $1,863.49 $1,813.49 $1,813.49 $0.00 $0.00

Mooresville HS Band Parents Association Mooresville $2,537.30 $1,089.70 $1,447.60 $0.00 $1,447.60 $0.00

Mooresville Jr. Football League, Inc. Mooresville $664.00 $60.00 $604.00 $0.00 $604.00 $0.00

St. Thomas More Catholic Church Mooresville $18,779.00 $10,332.00 $8,447.00 $0.00 $8,447.00 $0.00

Morgan Co. Total $21,980.30 $11,481.70 $10,498.60 $0.00 $10,498.60 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Kentland Area Kentland $11,117.43 $10,229.00 $888.43 $0.00 $0.00 $888.43

Lions Club - Kentland Kentland $2,643.40 $1,621.70 $1,021.70 $0.00 $1,021.70 $0.00

Newton Co. Total $13,760.83 $11,850.70 $1,910.13 $0.00 $1,021.70 $888.43

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St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Chur Avilla $3,184.00 $1,402.00 $1,782.00 $0.00 $1,782.00 $0.00

Wolf Lake Onion Days Festival, Inc. Wolf Lake $1,439.00 $850.00 $589.00 $0.00 $0.00 $589.00

Noble Co. Total $4,623.00 $2,252.00 $2,371.00 $0.00 $1,782.00 $589.00

Exchange Club of Springs Valley West Baden Sprin $6,697.90 $3,348.95 $3,348.95 $0.00 $3,348.95 $0.00

Orange Co. Total $6,697.90 $3,348.95 $3,348.95 $0.00 $3,348.95 $0.00

St. Isidore The Farmer Parish Bristow $25,943.08 $13,653.18 $12,289.90 $0.00 $12,289.90 $0.00

St. Mark Church Tell City $18,969.29 $7,571.70 $11,397.59 $0.00 $11,397.59 $0.00

St. Martin of Tours Church Siberia $21,612.20 $12,462.15 $9,150.05 $0.00 $9,150.05 $0.00

St. Paul Parish Tell City $30,806.24 $6,903.47 $23,902.77 $0.00 $23,902.77 $0.00

St. Pius Parish Tell City $13,581.92 $3,044.98 $10,536.94 $0.00 $10,536.94 $0.00

Tell City Schweizer Fest, Inc. Tell City $4,445.12 $2,222.56 $2,222.56 $1,111.28 $1,111.28 $0.00

Perry Co. Total $115,357.85 $45,858.04 $69,499.81 $1,111.28 $68,388.53 $0.00

Jaycees - Petersburg Petersburg $288.25 $149.50 $138.75 $0.00 $138.75 $0.00

Jaycees - Petersburg Petersburg $3,889.40 $2,798.00 $1,091.40 $0.00 $491.40 $600.00

Pike Co. Total $4,177.65 $2,947.50 $1,230.15 $0.00 $630.15 $600.00

Chamber of Commerce - Duneland Chesterton $4,471.25 $3,132.52 $1,338.73 $0.00 $1,338.73 $0.00

Duneland Festival Committee Porter $4,353.00 $4,135.00 $218.00 $0.00 $218.00 $0.00

Valparaiso Popcorn Festival, Inc. Valparaiso $8,508.00 $4,990.00 $3,518.00 $0.00 $3,518.00 $0.00

Porter Co. Total $17,332.25 $12,257.52 $5,074.73 $0.00 $5,074.73 $0.00

St. Matthew Catholic Church Mt. Vernon $72,421.99 $37,818.13 $34,603.86 $0.00 $34,603.86 $0.00

St. Philip Catholic Church Mt. Vernon $76,086.14 $26,733.76 $49,352.38 $0.00 $49,352.38 $0.00

St. Wendel Catholic Church Evansville $58,426.39 $23,374.64 $35,051.75 $0.00 $31,500.00 $3,551.75

Posey Co. Total $206,934.52 $87,926.53 $119,007.99 $0.00 $115,456.24 $3,551.75

St. Peter’s Church Winamac $15,332.82 $9,320.68 $6,012.14 $0.00 $6,012.14 $0.00

Pulaski Co. Total $15,332.82 $9,320.68 $6,012.14 $0.00 $6,012.14 $0.00

Batesville Volunteer Fire Department, In Batesville $22,280.89 $16,501.91 $5,778.98 $0.00 $5,000.00 $778.98

Jac-Cen-Del Comm. Schlshp. Found. Osgood $3,063.35 $1,028.22 $2,035.13 $0.00 $0.00 $2,035.13

Napoleon Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. Napoleon $16,652.01 $4,581.67 $12,070.34 $0.00 $12,070.34 $0.00

St. Anthony Church Morris $75,468.26 $36,328.83 $39,139.43 $8,000.00 $31,139.43 $0.00

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Osgood $10,741.00 $4,961.00 $5,780.00 $0.00 $5,780.00 $0.00

St. Louis Catholic Church Batesville $102,298.27 $40,593.15 $61,705.12 $0.00 $61,705.12 $0.00

St. Nicholas Church Sunman $39,796.05 $15,690.57 $24,105.48 $0.00 $24,105.48 $0.00

Festival Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

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$ Given toOther Orgs.




St. Pius Catholic Church Sunman $16,352.32 $6,270.90 $10,081.42 $7,000.00 $3,081.42 $0.00

Sunman Rural Fire Department, Inc. Sunman $28,181.00 $13,862.00 $14,319.00 $0.00 $14,319.00 $0.00

Ripley Co. Total $314,833.15 $139,818.25 $175,014.90 $15,000.00 $157,200.79 $2,814.11

St. Mary Church - Imaculate Conception Rushville $23,878.31 $7,267.95 $16,610.36 $0.00 $16,610.36 $0.00

Rush Co. Total $23,878.31 $7,267.95 $16,610.36 $0.00 $16,610.36 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Shelby Co. Shelbyville $27,495.00 $15,011.61 $12,483.39 $0.00 $12,483.39 $0.00

Flat Rock Volunteer Fire Department Flat Rock $27,467.65 $20,776.00 $6,691.65 $0.00 $6,691.65 $0.00

Flat Rock Volunteer Fire Department Flat Rock $37,053.41 $21,356.82 $15,696.59 $0.00 $15,696.59 $0.00

St. Joseph Church Shelbyville $52,682.06 $21,802.14 $30,879.92 $5,268.21 $25,611.71 $0.00

St. Joseph Church Shelbyville $53,210.64 $23,982.03 $29,228.61 $5,321.00 $23,907.61 $0.00

Shelby Co. Total $197,908.76 $102,928.60 $94,980.16 $10,589.21 $84,390.95 $0.00

Columbian Club - St. Meinrad Saint Meinrad $10,565.25 $5,465.04 $5,100.21 $0.00 $5,100.21 $0.00

Grandview Civic Association Grandview $11,383.70 $6,500.50 $4,883.20 $1,881.00 $0.00 $3,002.20

Grandview Civic Association Grandview $17,801.91 $8,500.00 $9,301.91 $250.00 $0.00 $9,051.91

Kiwanis Club of Dale Dale $13,758.00 $3,987.11 $9,770.89 $9,770.89 $0.00 $0.00

Maria Hilf Foundation, Inc. Mariah Hill $55,065.31 $21,269.99 $33,795.32 $13,500.00 $18,295.32 $2,000.00

St. Bernard Catholic Church Rockport $157,704.00 $78,090.00 $79,614.00 $0.00 $79,614.00 $0.00

St. Boniface Church Fulda $42,227.64 $21,097.25 $21,130.39 $0.00 $21,130.39 $0.00

St. John Chrysostom Church Evanston $9,659.81 $1,722.74 $7,937.07 $0.00 $7,937.07 $0.00

St. Martin’s Catholic Church Chrisney $21,768.72 $6,325.65 $15,443.07 $0.00 $15,443.07 $0.00

Spencer Co. Total $339,934.34 $152,958.28 $186,976.06 $25,401.89 $147,520.06 $14,054.11

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 235 South Bend $15,343.67 $10,403.46 $4,940.21 $0.00 $4,940.21 $0.00

Holy Family Catholic Church South Bend $112,370.92 $78,512.53 $33,858.39 $33,858.39 $0.00 $0.00

Polish National Alliance Group No. 83 South Bend $6,119.25 $4,401.53 $1,717.72 $1,717.72 $0.00 $0.00

St. Adalbert Catholic Church South Bend $36,152.24 $20,325.10 $15,827.14 $0.00 $15,827.14 $0.00

St. Adalbert Catholic Church South Bend $36,414.54 $18,304.79 $18,109.75 $0.00 $18,109.75 $0.00

St. Hedwig Catholic Church South Bend $12,208.50 $6,299.69 $5,908.81 $0.00 $5,908.81 $0.00

St. Jude Church South Bend $83,234.85 $52,400.57 $30,834.28 $30,834.28 $0.00 $0.00

Yeshiva Rabbi Naftali Riff, Inc. South Bend $134,493.00 $99,717.00 $34,776.00 $0.00 $34,776.00 $0.00

St. Joseph Co. Total $436,336.97 $290,364.67 $145,972.30 $66,410.39 $79,561.91 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Angola Area Angola $49,742.00 $45,687.71 $4,054.29 $0.00 $4,054.29 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Angola Area Angola $35,134.00 $31,084.45 $4,049.55 $0.00 $4,049.55 $0.00

Humane Society of Steuben County, Inc. Angola $37,044.00 $31,088.00 $5,956.00 $0.00 $5,956.00 $0.00

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Indiana Water Ski Association, Inc. Angola $43,752.00 $41,023.82 $2,728.18 $0.00 $2,728.18 $0.00

Lions Club - Clear Lake Fremont $11,420.00 $9,925.94 $1,494.06 $0.00 $1,494.06 $0.00

Steuben Co. Total $177,092.00 $158,809.92 $18,282.08 $0.00 $18,282.08 $0.00

Psi Iota Xi Sorority - Beta Beta Chapter Sullivan $5,314.34 $2,722.86 $2,591.48 $0.00 $0.00 $2,591.48

Sullivan Co. Total $5,314.34 $2,722.86 $2,591.48 $0.00 $0.00 $2,591.48

American Legion Post No. 11 Lafayette $14,803.00 $10,723.00 $4,080.00 $0.00 $4,080.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 11 Lafayette $16,298.00 $10,527.00 $5,771.00 $5,771.00 $0.00 $0.00

Central Catholic H.S. Athletic Assn. Inc Lafayette $8,091.00 $5,449.30 $2,641.70 $0.00 $2,641.70 $0.00

Y.W.C.A. of Greater Lafayette Lafayette $3,131.00 $407.53 $2,723.47 $0.00 $2,723.47 $0.00

Tippecanoe Co. Total $42,323.00 $27,106.83 $15,216.17 $5,771.00 $9,445.17 $0.00

St. John the Baptist Church Tipton $10,915.61 $3,305.16 $7,610.45 $0.00 $7,610.45 $0.00

Tipton Co. Total $10,915.61 $3,305.16 $7,610.45 $0.00 $7,610.45 $0.00

Liberty Elementary PTO Liberty $3,863.26 $315.00 $3,548.26 $0.00 $3,548.26 $0.00

Liberty Elementary PTO Liberty $4,183.25 $718.26 $3,464.99 $0.00 $3,464.99 $0.00

Union Co. Total $8,046.51 $1,033.26 $7,013.25 $0.00 $7,013.25 $0.00

Corpus Christi Church Evansville $45,969.41 $20,790.20 $25,179.21 $0.00 $0.00 $25,179.21

Good Shepherd Catholic Church Evansville $120,851.00 $47,337.00 $73,514.00 $0.00 $73,514.00 $0.00

Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish Evansville $95,927.00 $45,659.68 $50,267.32 $0.00 $50,267.32 $0.00

Holy Spirit Catholic Church Evansville $93,250.86 $55,551.16 $37,699.70 $0.00 $37,699.70 $0.00

Nativity Catholic Church Evansville $43,435.88 $18,918.57 $24,517.31 $0.00 $24,517.31 $0.00

Resurrection Catholic Church Evansville $34,188.29 $11,867.93 $22,320.36 $22,320.36 $0.00 $0.00

Sacred Heart Catholic Church Evansville $33,924.45 $7,312.89 $26,611.56 $26,611.56 $0.00 $0.00

St. Agnes Catholic Church Evansville $61,697.06 $23,828.94 $37,868.12 $0.00 $37,868.12 $0.00

St. Agnes Catholic Church Evansville $67,233.97 $26,365.27 $40,868.70 $0.00 $40,868.70 $0.00

St. Benedict Church Evansville $69,267.79 $20,891.00 $48,376.79 $0.00 $45,000.00 $3,376.79

St. Boniface Catholic Church Evansville $24,569.73 $6,672.04 $17,897.69 $0.00 $17,897.69 $0.00

St. Boniface Catholic Church Evansville $26,991.18 $9,481.45 $17,509.73 $0.00 $17,509.73 $0.00

St. Joseph Catholic Church Evansville $71,240.59 $31,219.25 $40,021.34 $0.00 $40,021.34 $0.00

St. Joseph Church Evansville $55,315.55 $17,863.40 $37,452.15 $37,452.15 $0.00 $0.00

St. Theresa Church Evansville $37,283.72 $7,151.26 $30,132.46 $0.00 $30,132.46 $0.00

St. Theresa Church Evansville $109,448.40 $31,606.90 $77,841.50 $0.00 $77,841.50 $0.00

Vanderburgh Co. Total $990,594.88 $382,516.94 $608,077.94 $86,384.07 $493,137.87 $28,556.00

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Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

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Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




Chamber of Commerce - Clinton Clinton $14,245.25 $11,194.15 $3,051.10 $0.00 $0.00 $3,051.10

Dana Community Volunteer Fire Dept., Inc. Dana $14,451.03 $9,117.77 $5,333.26 $0.00 $0.00 $5,333.26

Vermillion Co. Total $28,696.28 $20,311.92 $8,384.36 $0.00 $0.00 $8,384.36

Happiness Bag, Inc. Terre Haute $1,061.50 $1,061.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Nevins Township Volunteer Fire Depart. Fontanet $3,016.00 $2,459.09 $556.91 $0.00 $556.91 $0.00

Sacred Heart Church Terre Haute $28,262.64 $12,378.82 $15,883.82 $0.00 $15,000.00 $883.82

St. Benedict Church Parish Council Terre Haute $49,935.02 $29,629.07 $20,305.95 $0.00 $0.00 $20,305.95

St. George Orthodox Church of Terre Haute Terre Haute $34,559.00 $23,054.14 $11,504.86 $0.00 $11,404.86 $100.00

Y.W.C.A. of Terre Haute, Inc. Terre Haute $10,013.50 $5,114.23 $4,899.27 $0.00 $4,899.27 $0.00

Vigo Co. Total $126,847.66 $73,696.85 $53,150.81 $0.00 $31,861.04 $21,289.77

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Newburgh $111,113.00 $55,777.00 $55,336.00 $0.00 $55,336.00 $0.00

Yankeetown Educational Sponsors, Inc. Newburgh $5,695.60 $1,256.09 $4,439.51 $0.00 $4,439.51 $0.00

Warrick Co. Total $116,808.60 $57,033.09 $59,775.51 $0.00 $59,775.51 $0.00

Amer. Bus. Women’s Assn. Rose City Hoosi Richmond $992.00 $267.90 $724.10 $0.00 $0.00 $724.10

Wayne Co. Total $992.00 $267.90 $724.10 $0.00 $0.00 $724.10

Lions Club - Wolcott Wolcott $3,565.00 $2,264.00 $1,301.00 $0.00 $260.00 $1,041.00

White Co. Total $3,565.00 $2,264.00 $1,301.00 $0.00 $260.00 $1,041.00

American Legion Post No. 98 Columbia City $28,241.00 $22,583.00 $5,658.00 $0.00 $5,658.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 98 Columbia City $34,769.00 $31,755.00 $3,014.00 $0.00 $3,014.00 $0.00

Blue Lake Community Club, Inc. Churubusco $3,533.75 $2,148.50 $1,385.25 $0.00 $1,385.25 $0.00

Blue Lake Community Club, Inc. Churubusco $3,093.00 $1,896.50 $1,196.50 $0.00 $1,196.50 $0.00

Churubusco Turtle Days Churubusco $17,948.61 $13,576.31 $4,372.30 $0.00 $0.00 $4,372.30

Whitley Co.Total $87,585.36 $71,959.31 $15,626.05 $0.00 $11,253.75 $4,372.30

Grand Totals

$ Given toOther Organization








Festival Licenses

$ Retained for Useby the Organization




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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 73

American Red Cross-Allen Wells Chapter Fort Wayne $11,314.96 $12,357.00 ($1,042.04) $0.00 $0.00 ($1,042.04)

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 155 Fort Wayne $8,591.00 $6,698.24 $1,892.76 $0.00 $0.00 $1,892.76

Bishop Dwenger High School Fort Wayne $45,100.00 $26,634.35 $18,465.65 $0.00 $18,465.65 $0.00

Bishop Dwenger High School Fort Wayne $72,125.00 $40,328.06 $31,796.94 $0.00 $31,796.94 $0.00

Bishop Luers High School Fort Wayne $32,800.00 $18,354.00 $14,446.00 $0.00 $14,446.00 $0.00

Bishop Luers High School Fort Wayne $3,350.00 $1,488.70 $1,861.30 $0.00 $1,861.30 $0.00

Bishop Luers High School Fort Wayne $1,909.81 $501.00 $1,408.81 $0.00 $1,408.81 $0.00

Bishop Luers High School Fort Wayne $73,934.00 $40,926.00 $33,008.00 $0.00 $33,008.00 $0.00

Bishop Luers High School Fort Wayne $944.50 $47.45 $897.05 $0.00 $0.00 $897.05

Canterbury School Foundation Fort Wayne $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00

Catholic Charities of Ft. Wayne So. Bend Fort Wayne $40,137.00 $21,331.34 $18,805.66 $0.00 $18,805.66 $0.00

Deer Ridge Parent Teacher Club Fort Wayne $7,069.50 $2,340.50 $4,729.00 $0.00 $4,729.00 $0.00

Ducks Unlimited Sponsor Chapter, Fort Wayne Fort Wayne $6,370.00 $1,806.25 $4,563.75 $4,563.75 $0.00 $0.00

Easter Seals Arc of Northeast Indiana Fort Wayne $13,740.00 $6,537.00 $7,203.00 $0.00 $7,203.00 $0.00

Erin’s House for Grieving Children, Inc. Fort Wayne $4,046.50 $379.45 $3,667.05 $0.00 $3,667.05 $0.00

Fort Wayne Children’s Choir Fort Wayne $2,683.00 $1,167.20 $1,515.80 $0.00 $1,515.80 $0.00

Fort Wayne Youtheatre Fort Wayne $2,140.00 $0.00 $2,140.00 $0.00 $2,140.00 $0.00

Heart Center of Ft. Wayne Res. Institute Inc. Fort Wayne $30,442.00 $12,425.00 $18,017.00 $18,017.00 $0.00 $0.00

Hickory Center Elementary School Fort Wayne $7,399.90 $2,175.01 $5,224.89 $0.00 $5,224.89 $0.00

Junior Achievement Fort Wayne $17,351.00 $391.00 $16,960.00 $0.00 $16,960.00 $0.00

Leo Jr./Sr. High School Leo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Memorial Park Middle School PTA Fort Wayne $8,980.00 $6,195.81 $2,784.19 $0.00 $0.00 $2,784.19

Public Broadcasting of Northeast Indiana Fort Wayne $1,857.50 $395.37 $1,462.13 $0.00 $1,462.13 $0.00

Queen of Angels Catholic Church Fort Wayne $6,620.95 $1,743.96 $4,876.99 $0.00 $4,876.99 $0.00

Scan, Inc. Fort Wayne $62,039.00 $7,986.00 $54,053.00 $0.00 $54,053.00 $0.00

Scan, Inc. Fort Wayne $66,111.76 $11,617.22 $54,494.54 $0.00 $54,494.54 $0.00

St. Patrick Catholic Church Fort Wayne $2,854.00 $1,588.50 $1,265.50 $0.00 $1,265.50 $0.00

St. Patrick Catholic Church Fort Wayne $3,398.00 $1,984.50 $1,413.50 $0.00 $1,413.50 $0.00

Three Rivers Festival Exec. Board, Inc. Fort Wayne $64,889.50 $7,330.00 $57,559.50 $4,444.58 $53,114.92 $0.00

United Hispanic Americans, Inc. Fort Wayne $2,311.00 $59.00 $2,252.00 $0.00 $2,252.00 $0.00

Washington House, Inc. Fort Wayne $21,315.00 $8,443.45 $12,871.55 $0.00 $12,871.55 $0.00

Allen Co. Total $626,824.88 $243,231.36 $383,593.52 $27,025.33 $352,036.23 $4,531.96

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 521 Columbus $9,995.00 $5,074.65 $4,920.35 $1,000.00 $3,920.35 $0.00

Columbus Adult Day Care Corp. Columbus $3,551.00 $906.00 $2,645.00 $0.00 $2,645.00 $0.00

Columbus Indiana Philharmonic Columbus $46,560.00 $34,941.09 $11,618.91 $0.00 $0.00 $11,618.91

Columbus Indiana Philharmonic Columbus $21,220.00 $14,706.27 $6,513.73 $0.00 $6,513.73 $0.00

Columbus Regional Hospital Foundation Columbus $50,750.00 $15,260.00 $35,490.00 $35,490.00 $0.00 $0.00

Raffle Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




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Cummins Employees’ Recreation Assn. Columbus $4,102.25 $1,330.00 $2,772.25 $0.00 $2,772.25 $0.00

Found. For Youth of Bartholomew Co. Inc. Columbus $20,107.31 $12,097.63 $8,009.68 $0.00 $8,009.68 $0.00

St. Bartholomew Catholic Parish Columbus $6,010.00 $1,000.00 $5,010.00 $0.00 $5,010.00 $0.00

Bartholomew Co. Total $162,295.56 $85,315.64 $76,979.92 $36,490.00 $28,871.01 $11,618.91

Rotary Club of Hartford City Hartford City $14,900.00 $10,777.16 $4,122.84 $0.00 $0.00 $4,122.84

Blackford Co. Total $14,900.00 $10,777.16 $4,122.84 $0.00 $0.00 $4,122.84

American Legion Post No. 113 Lebanon $3,498.00 $2,419.83 $1,078.17 $400.00 $678.17 $0.00

Boone Co. Fourth of July Committee Lebanon $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00

Boys & Girls Club Lebanon Area Lebanon $2,044.00 $1,174.00 $870.00 $0.00 $870.00 $0.00

Lebanon Educational Foundation Lebanon $435.00 $350.47 $84.53 $84.53 $0.00 $0.00

Boone Co. Total $6,977.00 $3,944.30 $3,032.70 $484.53 $2,548.17 $0.00

Kappa Kappa Kappa - Alpha Mu, Inc. Logansport $8,573.20 $3,295.42 $5,277.78 $5,277.78 $0.00 $0.00

Lewis Cass Jr./Sr. H.S. Band Boosters Walton $17,335.00 $10,537.00 $6,798.00 $0.00 $6,798.00 $0.00

Shrine Club, Logansport, Inc. Logansport $20,000.00 $13,112.27 $6,887.73 $0.00 $6,887.73 $0.00

Cass Co. Total $45,908.20 $26,944.69 $18,963.51 $5,277.78 $13,685.73 $0.00

New Hope Services, Inc. Jeffersonville $8,240.00 $5,000.00 $3,240.00 $0.00 $3,240.00 $0.00

St. Anthony’s Padua Church Clarksville $6,938.00 $1,138.95 $5,799.05 $5,799.05 $0.00 $0.00

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Floyds Knobs $2,611.00 $0.00 $2,611.00 $0.00 $2,611.00 $0.00

Clark Co. Total $17,789.00 $6,138.95 $11,650.05 $5,799.05 $5,851.00 $0.00

Lions Club - Rossville Area Rossville $10,000.00 $5,920.00 $4,080.00 $4,080.00 $0.00 $0.00

Psi Iota Xi Sorority - Beta Tau Chapter Frankfort $4,145.00 $3,017.74 $1,127.26 $0.00 $1,127.26 $0.00

Psi Iota Xi Sorority - Beta Tau Chapter Frankfort $4,030.00 $3,227.41 $802.59 $802.59 $0.00 $0.00

Clinton Co. Total $18,175.00 $12,165.15 $6,009.85 $4,882.59 $1,127.26 $0.00

St. Simon Church Washington $5,460.00 $4,221.74 $1,238.26 $0.00 $0.00 $1,238.26

St. Simon Church Washington $8,140.00 $4,846.60 $3,293.40 $0.00 $0.00 $3,293.40

Washington Catholic Schools Washington $30,100.00 $14,374.32 $15,725.68 $0.00 $15,725.68 $0.00

Daviess Co. Total $43,700.00 $23,442.66 $20,257.34 $0.00 $15,725.68 $4,531.66

Hogan Township Volunteer Fire Dept. No.1 Aurora $1,960.00 $1,001.00 $959.00 $0.00 $959.00 $0.00

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Guilford $18,814.57 $5,068.85 $13,745.72 $0.00 $13,745.72 $0.00

St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Aurora $4,340.00 $3,075.00 $1,265.00 $0.00 $1,265.00 $0.00

Dearborn Co. Total $25,114.57 $9,144.85 $15,969.72 $0.00 $15,969.72 $0.00

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Auburn Automotive Heritage, Inc. Auburn $45,518.37 $28,216.53 $17,301.84 $0.00 $17,150.00 $151.84

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival, Inc. Auburn $13,821.00 $6,114.36 $7,706.64 $7,706.64 $0.00 $0.00

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival, Inc. Auburn $10,124.40 $8,379.89 $1,744.51 $1,744.51 $0.00 $0.00

Pheasants Forever Northeast IN Chap. 182 Laotto $17,778.00 $12,409.65 $5,368.35 $0.00 $0.00 $5,368.35

St. Joseph Church Garrett $2,086.00 $660.00 $1,426.00 $0.00 $1,426.00 $0.00

DeKalb Co. Total $89,327.77 $55,780.43 $33,547.34 $9,451.15 $18,576.00 $5,520.19

Indiana Dancers Association, Inc. Muncie $9,926.00 $10,361.90 ($435.90) $0.00 $0.00 ($435.90)

Open Door Community Services, Inc. Muncie $68.00 $375.00 ($307.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($307.00)

St. Mary’s Catholic Church Muncie $9,002.00 $3,342.06 $5,659.94 $0.00 $5,659.94 $0.00

Delaware Co. Total $18,996.00 $14,078.96 $4,917.04 $0.00 $5,659.94 ($742.90)

Builders Association of Dubois Co., Inc. Jasper $8,247.00 $1,608.02 $6,638.98 $0.00 $0.00 $6,638.98

Forest Park Band Boosters, Inc. Ferdinand $25,625.00 $9,398.32 $16,226.68 $0.00 $16,226.68 $0.00

Holy Family Catholic Church Jasper $51,155.00 $24,768.35 $26,386.65 $0.00 $26,386.65 $0.00

Holy Family Catholic Church Jasper $20,530.00 $416.54 $20,113.46 $0.00 $20,113.46 $0.00

Holy Family Catholic Church Jasper $20,280.00 $212.86 $20,067.14 $0.00 $20,067.14 $0.00

Holy Family Catholic Church Jasper $30,010.00 $10,850.00 $19,160.00 $0.00 $19,160.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1584 Jasper $19,575.00 $6,406.87 $13,168.13 $13,168.13 $0.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1584 Jasper $17,930.00 $5,947.00 $11,983.00 $7,695.00 $4,288.00 $0.00

Northeast Dubois Little League Dubois $17,870.05 $11,924.91 $5,945.14 $5,945.14 $0.00 $0.00

Precious Blood Catholic Church Jasper $40,790.00 $18,150.40 $22,639.60 $0.00 $22,639.60 $0.00

St. Anthony Volunteer Fire Department Saint Anthony $38,113.25 $14,498.16 $23,615.09 $0.00 $23,615.09 $0.00

St. Henry Community Club, Inc. Ferdinand $2,350.00 $125.00 $2,225.00 $0.00 $2,225.00 $0.00

St. Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary Huntingburg $1,948.00 $205.52 $1,742.48 $1,742.48 $0.00 $0.00

Dubois Co. Total $294,423.30 $104,511.95 $189,911.35 $28,550.75 $154,721.62 $6,638.98

ADEC, Inc. Bristol $177.00 $0.00 $177.00 $0.00 $177.00 $0.00

American Red Cross-Elkhart County Chap. Elkhart $13,396.00 $2,768.00 $10,628.00 $0.00 $10,628.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 425 Elkhart $4,690.00 $4,039.08 $650.92 $650.92 $0.00 $0.00

Child Abuse Prevention Services Elkhart $5,473.45 $1,400.56 $4,072.89 $0.00 $4,072.89 $0.00

Dollars for Scholars, Concord Elkhart $3,280.00 $1,000.00 $2,280.00 $0.00 $2,280.00 $0.00

Elkhart County Fight Crime Fund, Inc. Bristol $50,950.00 $24,274.89 $26,675.11 $0.00 $26,675.11 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 395 Elkhart $639.00 $390.00 $249.00 $0.00 $249.00 $0.00

Harley Owners Michiana Elkhart Chapter Inc Elkhart $11,805.00 $8,448.17 $3,356.83 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $356.83

Kiwanis Club of Elkhart, Inc. Elkhart $51,018.00 $13,080.29 $37,937.71 $37,200.00 $0.00 $737.71

Lions Club - Bristol Bristol $1,830.00 $940.00 $890.00 $0.00 $0.00 $890.00

Michiana Public Broadcasting Corporation Elkhart $111,500.00 $75,778.00 $35,722.00 $0.00 $35,722.00 $0.00

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RV/MH Heritage Foundation, Inc. Elkhart $274,000.00 $156,989.00 $117,011.00 $0.00 $117,011.00 $0.00

St. Thomas the Apostle Church/School Elkhart $10,850.00 $2,150.00 $8,700.00 $0.00 $8,700.00 $0.00

Zion Grange Elkhart $3,013.00 $1,424.00 $1,589.00 $0.00 $1,589.00 $0.00

Elkhart Co. Total $542,621.45 $292,681.99 $249,939.46 $38,850.92 $209,104.00 $1,984.54

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 379 Connersville $13,500.00 $11,064.00 $2,436.00 $2,436.00 $0.00 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 379 Connersville $12,350.00 $9,148.00 $3,202.00 $3,202.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fayette Co. Total $25,850.00 $20,212.00 $5,638.00 $5,638.00 $0.00 $0.00

Community Foundation Of Southern Indiana New Albany $2,190.00 $60.00 $2,130.00 $0.00 $2,130.00 $0.00

New Albany Deanery Catholic Charities New Albany $30,283.00 $13,055.00 $17,228.00 $0.00 $17,228.00 $0.00

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish New Albany $14,103.00 $7,700.00 $6,403.00 $0.00 $6,403.00 $0.00

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish New Albany $33,762.00 $5,720.00 $28,042.00 $0.00 $28,042.00 $0.00

Province of Our Lady of Consolation, Inc Mount Saint Francis $14,955.00 $5,059.29 $9,895.71 $0.00 $9,895.71 $0.00

Province of Our Lady of Consolation, Inc Mount Saint Francis $14,649.00 $5,244.13 $9,404.87 $0.00 $9,404.87 $0.00

St. Elizabeth’s Regional Maternity Center New Albany $10,482.30 $3,516.21 $6,966.09 $0.00 $6,966.09 $0.00

St. Mary of the Knobs Church Floyds Knobs $16,460.00 $11,000.00 $5,460.00 $0.00 $5,460.00 $0.00

St. Mary of the Knobs Church Floyds Knobs $11,934.00 $5,141.00 $6,793.00 $0.00 $6,793.00 $0.00

Floyd Co. Total $148,818.30 $56,495.63 $92,322.67 $0.00 $92,322.67 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 464, Inc. Brookville $12,490.00 $6,923.44 $5,566.56 $0.00 $5,566.56 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1010 Brookville $10,000.00 $5,300.00 $4,700.00 $2,600.00 $2,100.00 $0.00

Oldenburg Academy Oldenburg $60,700.00 $16,144.00 $44,556.00 $0.00 $44,556.00 $0.00

Oldenburg Academy Oldenburg $17,400.00 $2,241.00 $15,159.00 $15,159.00 $0.00 $0.00

Oldenburg Academy Oldenburg $49,560.00 $15,313.00 $34,247.00 $0.00 $34,247.00 $0.00

St. Mary of the Rock Catholic Church Batesville $17,674.62 $8,969.40 $8,705.22 $0.00 $8,705.22 $0.00

St. Michael Catholic Church Brookville $9,920.00 $4,125.00 $5,795.00 $0.00 $5,795.00 $0.00

St. Michael Catholic Church Brookville $9,240.00 $3,750.00 $5,490.00 $0.00 $5,490.00 $0.00

Franklin Co. Total $186,984.62 $62,765.84 $124,218.78 $17,759.00 $106,459.78 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Rochester Manitou Rochester $2,500.00 $1,442.00 $1,058.00 $0.00 $1,058.00 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Rochester Manitou Rochester $658.00 $339.05 $318.95 $0.00 $318.95 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 852 Manitou Rochester $3,600.00 $3,280.00 $320.00 $0.00 $320.00 $0.00

Fulton Co. Total $6,758.00 $5,061.05 $1,696.95 $0.00 $1,696.95 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Haubstadt Haubstadt $2,023.00 $978.00 $1,045.00 $0.00 $1,045.00 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Haubstadt Haubstadt $1,116.00 $550.00 $566.00 $0.00 $566.00 $0.00

Gibson Southern Band Boosters, Inc. Fort Branch $44,560.00 $23,912.59 $20,647.41 $10,323.70 $10,323.71 $0.00

Princeton Little League, Inc. Princeton $21,730.00 $10,870.00 $10,860.00 $0.00 $10,860.00 $0.00

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St. James Catholic Church Haubstadt $10,140.00 $25.00 $10,115.00 $0.00 $10,115.00 $0.00

Gibson Co. Total $79,569.00 $36,335.59 $43,233.41 $10,323.70 $32,909.71 $0.00

St. Paul Catholic Church Marion $2,354.00 $189.00 $2,165.00 $2,165.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Paul Catholic Church Marion $25,000.00 $9,974.00 $15,026.00 $15,026.00 $0.00 $0.00

Grant Co. Total $27,354.00 $10,163.00 $17,191.00 $17,191.00 $0.00 $0.00

Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville Noblesville $24,300.00 $14,559.00 $9,741.00 $0.00 $9,741.00 $0.00

Carmel Clay Educational Foundation, Inc. Carmel $26,786.00 $7,693.60 $19,092.40 $0.00 $19,092.40 $0.00

Carmel Youth Soccer Association Carmel $2,019.00 $2,019.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Clay Junior High PTO. Carmel $15,416.00 $2,228.88 $13,187.12 $0.00 $13,187.12 $0.00

Clay Junior High PTO. Carmel $13,886.00 $6,152.18 $7,733.82 $0.00 $0.00 $7,733.82

College Wood PTO, Inc. Carmel $1,196.00 $224.47 $971.53 $0.00 $971.53 $0.00

College Wood PTO, Inc. Carmel $935.00 $206.29 $728.71 $0.00 $728.71 $0.00

Conner Prairie, Inc. Fishers $1,192.00 $0.00 $1,192.00 $0.00 $1,192.00 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Police No. 103 Noblesville $28,610.00 $13,767.20 $14,842.80 $1,100.00 $13,742.80 $0.00

Hoosier Muskies Hunters , Muskies Inc. Carmel $20,090.00 $7,002.05 $13,087.95 $2,000.00 $0.00 $11,087.95

Indiana Basketmakers Association Noblesville $3,465.90 $125.00 $3,340.90 $0.00 $3,340.90 $0.00

Indiana Wildlife Federation Inc. Carmel $4,705.00 $1,955.23 $2,749.77 $0.00 $2,749.77 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.6923 Fishers $12,385.00 $6,362.11 $6,022.89 $5,000.00 $1,022.89 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.6923 Fishers $12,257.00 $6,523.35 $5,733.65 $3,000.00 $2,733.65 $0.00

New Britton School Parent- Teacher Orga. Fishers $17,257.96 $5,062.22 $12,195.74 $0.00 $12,195.74 $0.00

Notre Dame Club of Indianapolis, Inc. Carmel $27,900.00 $15,441.00 $12,459.00 $0.00 $12,459.00 $0.00

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church Carmel $1,314.50 $263.50 $1,051.00 $0.00 $1,051.00 $0.00

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church Carmel $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church Carmel $16,038.00 $187.34 $15,850.66 $0.00 $15,850.66 $0.00

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church Carmel $1,214.00 $0.00 $1,214.00 $0.00 $1,214.00 $0.00

St. Vincent Hospital Guild, Inc. Carmel $25,131.00 $17,026.36 $8,104.64 $8,104.00 $0.00 $0.00

Hamilton Co. Total $256,098.36 $106,798.78 $149,299.58 $19,204.00 $111,273.17 $18,821.77

American Legion Post No. 118 Danville $3,156.00 $2,193.20 $962.80 $0.00 $962.80 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Brownsburg Brownsburg $4,025.00 $2,444.50 $1,580.50 $0.00 $1,580.50 $0.00

St. Susanna Church Plainfield $24,900.00 $17,486.44 $7,413.56 $0.00 $7,413.56 $0.00

Hendricks Co. Total $32,081.00 $22,124.14 $9,956.86 $0.00 $9,956.86 $0.00

St. Patrick Catholic Church Kokomo $6,134.75 $1,665.00 $4,469.75 $0.00 $4,469.75 $0.00

The Casa Program of Howard Co., Inc. Kokomo $1,632.00 $0.00 $1,632.00 $816.00 $816.00 $0.00

United Way of Howard Co., Inc. Kokomo $0.00 $1,664.01 ($1,664.01) $0.00 ($1,664.01) $0.00

United Way of Howard Co., Inc. Kokomo $208,383.00 $13,883.43 $194,499.57 $194,499.57 $0.00 $0.00

Howard Co. Total $216,149.75 $17,212.44 $198,937.31 $195,315.57 $3,621.74 $0.00

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Huntington Catholic School Huntington $22,096.16 $13,712.37 $8,383.79 $8,000.00 $383.79 $0.00

Huntington Co. Total $22,096.16 $13,712.37 $8,383.79 $8,000.00 $383.79 $0.00

Boys & Girls Club of Seymour, Inc. Seymour $44,153.00 $14,157.90 $29,995.10 $0.00 $29,995.10 $0.00

Sertoma Club of Jackson County Seymour $18,500.00 $11,326.01 $7,173.99 $0.00 $0.00 $7,173.99

Jackson Co. Total $62,653.00 $25,483.91 $37,169.09 $0.00 $29,995.10 $7,173.99

Chamber of Commerce - Rensselaer/Remingt Rensselaer $3,906.00 $1,194.10 $2,711.90 $0.00 $2,711.90 $0.00

Pheasants Forever Iroquois River Chap. Fair Oaks $14,471.00 $6,332.99 $8,138.01 $0.00 $8,138.01 $0.00

Pheasants Forever Iroquois River Chap. Fair Oaks $16,598.00 $7,649.00 $8,949.00 $0.00 $8,949.00 $0.00

St. Joseph’s College Rensselaer $6,225.00 $3,206.00 $3,019.00 $3,000.00 $19.00 $0.00

Jasper Co. Total $41,200.00 $18,382.09 $22,817.91 $3,000.00 $19,817.91 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Portland Area Portland $1,798.00 $603.00 $1,195.00 $0.00 $1,195.00 $0.00

Jay Co. Total $1,798.00 $603.00 $1,195.00 $0.00 $1,195.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 9 Madison $30,196.00 $27,869.00 $2,327.00 $0.00 $2,327.00 $0.00

Shawe High School Madison $15,000.00 $5,700.00 $9,300.00 $0.00 $9,300.00 $0.00

Jefferson Co. Total $45,196.00 $33,569.00 $11,627.00 $0.00 $11,627.00 $0.00

Center Grove Choir Parents Org. Greenwood $19,650.00 $11,701.00 $7,949.00 $0.00 $7,949.00 $0.00

Center Grove Football Parent’s Club Inc. Greenwood $32,500.00 $20,000.00 $12,500.00 $0.00 $12,500.00 $0.00

Epsilon Sigma Alpha Int’l, Gamma Pi Chap Morgantown $9,469.50 $5,215.71 $4,253.79 $4,253.79 $0.00 $0.00

Kiwanis Club of Greenwood Greenwood $2,050.00 $557.00 $1,493.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,493.00

Kiwanis Club of Greenwood Greenwood $700.00 $700.00 $0.00 $1,350.00 $227.43 ($1,577.43)

Kiwanis Club of Greenwood Greenwood $2,400.00 $4,715.57 ($2,315.57) $0.00 $0.00 ($2,315.57)

Johnson Co. Total $66,769.50 $42,889.28 $23,880.22 $5,603.79 $20,676.43 ($2,400.00)

American Legion Post No. 73 Vincennes $12,876.00 $11,845.91 $1,030.09 $0.00 $1,030.09 $0.00

Christian Educational Foundation Vincennes $15,900.00 $3,200.00 $12,700.00 $0.00 $12,700.00 $0.00

Sacred Heart Catholic Church Vincennes $9,082.45 $1,936.89 $7,145.56 $0.00 $7,145.56 $0.00

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Vincennes $12,381.70 $4,313.14 $8,068.56 $0.00 $8,068.56 $0.00

Vincennes Lincoln H.S. Acad. Society Inc Vincennes $48,064.25 $19,683.07 $28,381.18 $28,381.18 $0.00 $0.00

Vincennes University Foundation Vincennes $13,360.00 $6,804.42 $6,555.58 $6,500.00 $55.58 $0.00

Knox Co. Total $111,664.40 $47,783.43 $63,880.97 $34,881.18 $28,999.79 $0.00

Madison Elementary PTO Warsaw $333.00 $32.80 $300.20 $0.00 $300.20 $0.00

Kosciusko Co. Total $333.00 $32.80 $300.20 $0.00 $300.20 $0.00

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American Legion Post No. 66 Griffith $4,147.00 $2,269.00 $1,878.00 $0.00 $1,878.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 80 Whiting $5,103.50 $2,221.30 $2,882.20 $0.00 $2,882.20 $0.00

American Slovak Club of Whiting Whiting $5,849.00 $2,994.00 $2,855.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,855.00

Andrean High School Merrillville $20,375.00 $5,010.65 $15,364.35 $0.00 $15,364.35 $0.00

Andrean High School Merrillville $33,815.58 $5,460.65 $28,354.93 $0.00 $28,354.93 $0.00

Andrean High School Merrillville $20,375.00 $5,010.65 $15,364.35 $0.00 $15,364.35 $0.00

Andrean High School Merrillville $29,012.10 $12,407.86 $16,604.24 $0.00 $16,604.24 $0.00

Andrean High School Merrillville $29,280.85 $10,245.26 $19,035.59 $0.00 $19,035.59 $0.00

Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest IN. Gary $25,000.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $0.00

Calumet College of St. Joseph Whiting $278,350.00 $138,319.00 $140,031.00 $0.00 $140,031.00 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Schererville Schererville $39,400.00 $24,600.00 $14,800.00 $0.00 $14,800.00 $0.00

Crisis Center, Inc. Gary $17,600.00 $8,500.00 $9,100.00 $0.00 $9,100.00 $0.00

Faith United Church of Christ Hammond $3,343.00 $1,000.00 $2,343.00 $0.00 $2,343.00 $0.00

Franciscan Homes & Community Services Crown Point $18,615.00 $5,173.16 $13,441.84 $0.00 $13,441.84 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Police No. 170 Schererville $5,826.00 $4,177.00 $1,649.00 $0.00 $1,649.00 $0.00

Highland Softball Association, Inc. Highland $9,510.00 $2,016.85 $7,493.15 $0.00 $7,493.15 $0.00

Hobart Industrial Econ. Development Corp Hobart $20,510.00 $5,513.49 $14,996.51 $1,324.00 $13,672.51 $0.00

Holy Trinity Hungarian Church East Chicago $1,351.00 $0.00 $1,351.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,351.00

Humane Society of Calumet Area, Inc. Hammond $27,481.00 $10,243.89 $17,237.11 $0.00 $17,237.11 $0.00

Humane Society of Calumet Area, Inc. Hammond $22,770.00 $15,412.51 $7,357.49 $0.00 $7,357.49 $0.00

Izaak Walton League of America, Inc. Griffith $9,930.00 $5,300.00 $4,630.00 $0.00 $4,630.00 $0.00

Kappa Kappa Kappa - Epsilon Omicron Chap Highland $12,570.60 $3,701.35 $8,869.25 $0.00 $8,869.25 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1696 Whiting $30,110.25 $17,460.00 $12,650.25 $0.00 $12,650.25 $0.00

Lake Central Athletic Boosters Saint John $14,560.00 $7,280.00 $7,280.00 $0.00 $7,280.00 $0.00

Lake Central High School Band Boosters Saint John $3,591.00 $1,848.80 $1,742.20 $0.00 $1,742.20 $0.00

Optimist Club of Hammond, Inc. Hammond $20,572.00 $18,268.25 $2,303.75 $0.00 $2,303.75 $0.00

Order of AHEPA, Calumet Chap. No. 157 Schererville $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Pirates, Inc Munster $8,560.00 $4,000.00 $4,560.00 $4,560.00 $0.00 $0.00

Pirates, Inc Munster $10,400.00 $4,000.00 $6,400.00 $6,400.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Adalbert Church Whiting $44,074.43 $37,634.74 $6,439.69 $0.00 $6,439.69 $0.00

St. Ann Catholic Church Gary $8,070.00 $2,350.00 $5,720.00 $0.00 $5,720.00 $0.00

St. Bridget Catholic Church Hobart $95,900.00 $50,600.00 $45,300.00 $0.00 $45,300.00 $0.00

St. Casimir Catholic Church Hammond $20,080.00 $16,817.00 $3,263.00 $0.00 $3,263.00 $0.00

St. Casimir Catholic Church Hammond $22,665.00 $16,817.00 $5,848.00 $0.00 $5,848.00 $0.00

St. Casimir Catholic Church Hammond $19,860.00 $16,817.00 $3,043.00 $0.00 $3,043.00 $0.00

St. Casimir Catholic Church Hammond $19,941.00 $16,817.00 $3,124.00 $0.00 $3,241.00 $0.00

St. Francis Xavier Parish No. 122 Lake Station $13,220.00 $2,400.00 $10,820.00 $0.00 $10,820.00 $0.00

St. George Serbian Orthodox Church East Chicago $6,295.00 $2,000.00 $4,295.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 $295.00

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St. George Serbian Orthodox Church East Chicago $9,915.00 $1,950.00 $7,965.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,965.00

St. John Bosco Roman Catholic Church Hammond $15,030.00 $8,173.00 $6,857.00 $0.00 $6,857.00 $0.00

St. John Evangelist Church St. John $48,600.00 $25,110.00 $23,490.00 $0.00 $23,490.00 $0.00

St. John Evangelist Church St. John $7,588.00 $3,761.00 $3,827.00 $0.00 $3,827.00 $0.00

St. Joseph the Worker Croatian Church Gary $3,704.50 $1,275.00 $2,429.50 $0.00 $2,429.50 $0.00

St. Joseph the Worker Croatian Church Gary $3,524.00 $1,275.00 $2,249.00 $0.00 $2,249.00 $0.00

St. Mary Catholic Church Crown Point $9,490.00 $4,350.00 $5,140.00 $0.00 $5,140.00 $0.00

St. Mary Medical Center Foundation, Inc. Hobart $60,000.00 $29,691.30 $30,308.70 $0.00 $0.00 $30,308.70

St. Mary’s Mens Club Griffith $10,430.00 $5,550.00 $4,880.00 $2,080.00 $2,800.00 $0.00

Vietnam Veterans of America No. 285 Lowell $19,540.00 $12,370.00 $7,170.00 $0.00 $7,170.00 $0.00

Y.M.C.A. of Southlake, Inc. Crown Point $633,352.19 $402,513.26 $230,838.93 $115,419.47 $115,419.46 $0.00

YMCA Michigan City Family Michigan City $17,100.00 $8,550.00 $8,550.00 $0.00 $8,550.00 $0.00

Lake Co. Total $1,816,387.00 $1,004,254.97 $812,132.03 $129,783.47 $639,690.86 $42,774.70

American Legion Post No. 434 Kingsford Heights $3,600.00 $1,317.00 $2,283.00 $0.00 $2,283.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 451 Skwiat Michigan City $7,207.95 $3,627.54 $3,580.41 $475.00 $1,370.54 $1,734.87

Coolspring Township Vol. Fire Department Michigan City $16,426.00 $9,001.66 $7,424.34 $0.00 $7,424.34 $0.00

Independent Cat Society, Inc. Westville $9,393.00 $5,405.44 $3,987.56 $0.00 $3,987.56 $0.00

Independent Cat Society, Inc. Westville $19,960.00 $10,000.00 $9,960.00 $0.00 $9,960.00 $0.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 980 Michigan City $4,250.00 $1,340.40 $2,909.60 $0.00 $2,909.60 $0.00

Michigan City Summer Festival Comm.,Inc. Michigan City $4,431.00 $3,350.00 $1,081.00 $0.00 $1,081.00 $0.00

Orak Shrine Michigan City $9,082.00 $2,000.00 $7,082.00 $0.00 $7,082.00 $0.00

Polish Roman Catholic Union No.1031 LaPorte $3,120.00 $0.00 $3,120.00 $3,120.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Joseph Young Men’s Society, Inc. Michigan City $0.00 $465.81 ($465.81) $0.00 $0.00 ($465.81)

St. Joseph’s Home & School Guild LaPorte $23,703.64 $14,369.60 $9,334.04 $0.00 $9,000.00 $334.04

St. Joseph’s Home & School Guild LaPorte $24,102.69 $12,980.65 $11,122.04 $0.00 $10,000.00 $1,122.04

St. Mary’s Catholic Church Otis $1,191.00 $718.10 $472.90 $0.00 $472.90 $0.00

St. Mary’s Catholic Church Otis $5,230.00 $2,086.25 $3,143.75 $0.00 $3,143.75 $0.00

St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Michigan City $7,025.00 $2,155.00 $4,870.00 $0.00 $4,870.00 $0.00

St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Michigan City $12,157.13 $2,443.04 $9,714.09 $0.00 $9,714.09 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No.2536 Michigan City $15,966.00 $5,953.00 $10,013.00 $0.00 $10,013.00 $0.00

LaPorte Co. Total $166,845.41 $77,213.49 $89,631.92 $3,595.00 $83,311.78 $2,725.14

American Legion Post No. 33 Bedford $6,299.00 $2,610.72 $3,688.28 $0.00 $3,688.28 $0.00

Exchange Club of Bedford Bedford $10,750.00 $6,111.00 $4,639.00 $4,475.00 $164.00 $0.00

Exchange Club of Bedford Bedford $10,415.00 $5,750.00 $4,665.00 $4,532.00 $133.00 $0.00

St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church Bedford $19,245.00 $6,475.00 $12,770.00 $0.00 $12,770.00 $0.00

Lawrence Co. Total $46,709.00 $20,946.72 $25,762.28 $9,007.00 $16,755.28 $0.00

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$ Retained forUse by the Org.

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Anderson Community Schools Foundation Anderson $18,000.00 $17,298.87 $701.13 $0.00 $0.00 $701.13

Anderson Community Schools Foundation Anderson $26,545.00 $20,294.00 $6,251.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,251.00

Anderson Symphony Orchestra Assn., Inc. Anderson $31,460.00 $18,907.73 $12,552.27 $0.00 $12,552.27 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 368 Elwood $15,854.45 $7,427.54 $8,426.91 $8,426.91 $0.00 $0.00

Indiana Elks Association Inc. Anderson $169,709.00 $74,806.00 $94,903.00 $0.00 $63,963.00 $30,940.00

Indiana Elks Association Inc. Anderson $144,460.00 $58,673.00 $85,787.00 $0.00 $55,246.00 $30,541.00

Indiana Moose Association Anderson $63,607.00 $40,841.00 $22,766.00 $0.00 $22,766.00 $0.00

Madison County Shrine Club, Inc. Anderson $14,490.00 $9,749.80 $4,740.20 $500.00 $4,240.20 $0.00

Paramount Heritage Foundation Anderson $60,450.00 $31,579.00 $28,871.00 $0.00 $28,871.00 $0.00

Wilson Boys & Girls Club Anderson $31,600.00 $13,432.82 $18,167.18 $0.00 $18,167.18 $0.00

Madison Co. Total $576,175.45 $293,009.76 $283,165.69 $8,926.91 $205,805.65 $68,433.13

Amer. Bus. Women’s Assn. J.W. Riley Ch Indianapolis $7,672.00 $4,849.79 $2,822.21 $0.00 $0.00 $2,822.21

American Legion of Indiana, The Indianapolis $172,000.00 $90,922.78 $81,077.22 $10,000.00 $71,077.22 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 34 Indianapolis $9,165.00 $6,850.00 $2,315.00 $0.00 $2,315.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 34 Indianapolis $1,103.00 $990.00 $113.00 $0.00 $113.00 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 497 Indianapolis $6,732.00 $3,747.00 $2,985.00 $0.00 $2,985.00 $0.00

American Pianists Assn. Indianapolis $1,952.40 $0.00 $1,952.40 $0.00 $1,952.40 $0.00

American Pianists Assn. Indianapolis $405.00 $0.00 $405.00 $0.00 $0.00 $405.00

Big Brothers of Greater Indianapolis Indianapolis $232,800.00 $121,289.02 $111,510.98 $0.00 $111,510.98 $0.00

Big Brothers of Greater Indianapolis Indianapolis $257,900.00 $134,729.38 $123,170.62 $0.00 $123,170.62 $0.00

Big Brothers of Greater Indianapolis Indianapolis $238,300.00 $135,093.00 $103,207.00 $0.00 $103,207.00 $0.00

Bishop Chatard High School Indianapolis $22,137.00 $7,000.00 $15,137.00 $0.00 $15,137.00 $0.00

Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis Indianapolis $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Brebeuf Preparatory School Indianapolis $2,340.00 $0.00 $2,340.00 $0.00 $2,340.00 $0.00

Cardinal Ritter High School Indianapolis $14,356.00 $5,830.00 $8,526.00 $0.00 $8,526.00 $0.00

Cardinal Ritter High School Indianapolis $3,501.00 $1,288.83 $2,212.17 $0.00 $2,212.17 $0.00

Cathedral High School Indianapolis $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Cathedral High School Indianapolis $110,400.00 $18,610.52 $91,789.48 $0.00 $91,789.48 $0.00

Cathedral High School Indianapolis $74,250.00 $47,428.00 $26,822.00 $0.00 $26,822.00 $0.00

Catholic Youth Organization Indianapolis $40,060.00 $29,239.00 $10,821.00 $0.00 $10,821.00 $0.00

Center for Agricultural Science & Heritage, Inc. Indianapolis $403.00 $425.00 ($22.00) $0.00 ($22.00) $0.00

Central Catholic Educational Complex Indianapolis $20,000.00 $12,000.00 $8,000.00 $0.00 $8,000.00 $0.00

Central Indiana Community Foundation, Inc. Indianapolis $16,200.00 $4,050.00 $12,150.00 $0.00 $12,150.00 $0.00

Champ Camp, Inc. Indianapolis $4,130.00 $150.00 $3,980.00 $0.00 $3,980.00 $0.00

Child Advocates, Inc. Indianapolis $3,650.00 $1,381.15 $2,268.85 $0.00 $2,268.85 $0.00

Church of the Holy Cross Indianapolis $9,254.00 $4,253.24 $5,000.76 $0.00 $5,000.76 $0.00

Church of the Holy Cross Indianapolis $7,484.90 $1,424.60 $6,060.30 $0.00 $6,060.30 $0.00

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Church of the Holy Cross Indianapolis $18,592.50 $5,069.18 $13,523.32 $0.00 $13,523.32 $0.00

Church of the Nativity Indianapolis $12,440.52 $5,369.30 $7,071.22 $0.00 $7,071.22 $0.00

Clinton Young Elementary School PTO Indianapolis $1,288.00 $0.00 $1,288.00 $0.00 $1,288.00 $0.00

Community Hospitals Foundation, Inc. Indianapolis $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Community Hospitals Foundation, Inc. Indianapolis $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Community Hospitals Foundation, Inc. Indianapolis $486,000.00 $327,738.00 $158,262.00 $0.00 $158,262.00 $0.00

Congregation Beth-El Zedeck Indianapolis $12,450.00 $13,749.34 ($1,299.34) $0.00 $0.00 ($1,299.34)

Congregation Beth-El Zedeck Indianapolis $15,625.00 $12,198.00 $3,427.00 $0.00 $3,427.00 $0.00

Congregation Beth-El Zedeck Indianapolis $1,227.00 $553.00 $674.00 $0.00 $674.00 $0.00

Crossroads Performing Arts, Inc. Indianapolis $2,300.00 $170.00 $2,130.00 $0.00 $2,130.00 $0.00

Crossroads Rehabilitation Center Indianapolis $17,955.00 $3,987.47 $13,967.53 $0.00 $13,967.53 $0.00

Damar Guild, Inc. Indianapolis $50,416.00 $27,602.46 $22,813.54 $0.00 $22,813.54 $0.00

Dyslexia Institute of Indiana, Inc. Indianapolis $25,557.00 $13,287.00 $12,270.00 $0.00 $12,270.00 $0.00

Exchange Club of Southside Indianapolis Indianapolis $15,885.00 $11,684.69 $4,200.31 $4,550.00 $0.00 ($349.69)

Exchange Club of Speedway, Inc. Indianapolis $48,375.00 $20,485.00 $27,890.00 $27,890.00 $0.00 $0.00

Executive Women International Indianapolis $5,755.00 $1,969.00 $3,786.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,786.00

Executive Women International Indianapolis $5,065.00 $0.00 $5,065.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,065.00

Firefighters Museum & Survive Alive, Inc Indianapolis $4,410.00 $1,761.29 $2,648.71 $0.00 $2,648.71 $0.00

Franklin Township Youth Football, Inc. Indianapolis $37,500.00 $23,810.86 $13,689.14 $0.00 $13,689.14 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Police No. 86, Inc. Indianapolis $6,669.00 $4,481.49 $2,187.51 $0.00 $2,187.51 $0.00

German American Klub Indianapolis $1,551.85 $1,000.00 $551.85 $0.00 $0.00 $551.85

Good Shepherd Catholic Church Indianapolis $9,225.00 $6,905.00 $2,320.00 $0.00 $2,320.00 $0.00

Greater Indianapolis Deaf Club, Inc. Indianapolis $7,958.00 $6,396.00 $1,562.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,562.00

Handi-Capable Hands, Inc. Indianapolis $2,745.00 $1,325.00 $1,420.00 $0.00 $1,420.00 $0.00

Humane Society of Indianapolis Indianapolis $20,793.00 $43.56 $20,749.44 $0.00 $20,749.44 $0.00

Humane Society of Indianapolis Indianapolis $14,055.00 $8,314.11 $5,740.89 $0.00 $5,740.89 $0.00

IN Credit Union Political Action Comm. Indianapolis $11,480.00 $3,900.00 $7,580.00 $0.00 $7,580.00 $0.00

IN Drug Enforcement Assoc. (IDEA), Inc. Indianapolis $2,081.00 $0.00 $2,081.00 $0.00 $2,081.00 $0.00

Indiana B.A.S.S. Chap. Federation, Inc. Indianapolis $76,239.04 $21,513.05 $54,725.99 $0.00 $54,725.99 $0.00

Indiana Cares, Inc. Indianapolis $3,096.00 $0.00 $3,096.00 $0.00 $3,096.00 $0.00

Indiana Cares, Inc. Indianapolis $3,096.00 $0.00 $3,096.00 $0.00 $3,096.00 $0.00

Indiana House Democratic Caucus Indianapolis $1,815.00 $142.16 $1,672.84 $0.00 $1,672.84 $0.00

Indiana Paralegal Association, Inc. Indianapolis $2,400.00 $173.50 $2,226.50 $1,150.00 $1,076.50 $0.00

Indiana Propane Gas Association Indianapolis $3,250.00 $2,845.80 $404.20 $0.00 $404.20 $0.00

Indiana Recycling Coalition, Inc. Indianapolis $845.77 $845.77 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Indiana State Symphony Society, Inc. Indianapolis $26,124.00 $13,243.92 $12,880.08 $0.00 $12,880.08 $0.00

Indianapolis Bar Association Indianapolis $24,625.00 $16,592.38 $8,032.62 $8,032.62 $0.00 $0.00

Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra Indianapolis $4,385.00 $143.50 $4,241.50 $0.00 $4,241.50 $0.00

Indianapolis Children’s Choir Indianapolis $7,751.00 $7,318.00 $433.00 $0.00 $433.00 $0.00

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$ Retained forUse by the Org.

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Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Report - October 1, 2000 83

Indianapolis District Dental Society Indianapolis $3,950.00 $1,064.00 $2,886.00 $2,886.00 $0.00 $0.00

Indianapolis Jewish Home Guild Indianapolis $36,469.30 $4,065.50 $32,403.80 $0.00 $32,403.80 $0.00

Indpls. Fire Buffs & Fire Dept. Museum Indianapolis $3,648.00 $2,841.97 $806.03 $0.00 $806.03 $0.00

Indpls. Fire Buffs & Fire Dept. Museum Indianapolis $3,657.00 $3,069.70 $587.30 $0.00 $587.30 $0.00

Japan American Society Of Indiana Indianapolis $1,620.00 $327.92 $1,292.08 $0.00 $1,292.08 $0.00

John H. Boner Community Center Indianapolis $12,250.00 $9,476.16 $2,773.84 $0.00 $2,773.84 $0.00

Junior League of Indianapolis Indianapolis $2,115.00 $50.00 $2,065.00 $2,065.00 $0.00 $0.00

Junior League of Indianapolis Indianapolis $2,500.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00

Kiwanis Club Foundation - Meridian Hills Indianapolis $27,000.00 $15,727.76 $11,272.24 $0.00 $11,272.24 $0.00

Knights of Columbus, IN State Council Indianapolis $58,492.12 $12,925.81 $45,566.31 $46,500.00 $0.00 ($933.69)

Knights of Columbus, IN State Council Indianapolis $63,782.36 $12,296.99 $51,485.37 $50,000.00 $1,485.37 $0.00

Little Sisters of the Poor Inc., Indpls. Indianapolis $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Little Sisters of the Poor Inc., Indpls. Indianapolis $21,100.00 $10,000.00 $11,100.00 $11,100.00 $0.00 $0.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 500 Spdway Indianapolis $16,818.00 $14,638.00 $2,180.00 $0.00 $2,180.00 $0.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 500 Spdway Indianapolis $21,703.00 $20,204.00 $1,499.00 $1,499.00 $0.00 $0.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 500 Spdway Indianapolis $23,845.00 $19,965.00 $3,880.00 $0.00 $3,880.00 $0.00

Marion Co. Democratic Central Committee Indianapolis $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Metro. Schl. Dist. of Lawerence Twnship. Indianapolis $5,847.00 $2,625.00 $3,222.00 $0.00 $3,222.00 $0.00

MIBOR Foundation, Inc. Indianapolis $4,945.00 $1,250.00 $3,695.00 $0.00 $3,695.00 $0.00

Murat Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. Indianapolis $3,275.00 $3,368.95 ($93.95) $0.00 $0.00 ($93.95)

Natl. Kidney Found. of IN, Central Chap. Indianapolis $2,555.00 $3,826.79 ($1,271.79) $0.00 $0.00 ($1,271.79)

Noble Foundation, Inc. Indianapolis $11,910.53 $0.00 $11,910.53 $0.00 $11,910.53 $0.00

Orchard School Foundation Indianapolis $14,852.00 $135.00 $14,717.00 $8,557.00 $6,160.00 $0.00

Pacers Basketball Corp. Foundation, Inc. Indianapolis $2,455.00 $450.00 $2,005.00 $0.00 $2,005.00 $0.00

Park Tudor Foundation Indianapolis $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00

Prevention of Child Abuse, Ind. Chapter Indianapolis $2,420.00 $15.00 $2,405.00 $0.00 $2,405.00 $0.00

Prevention of Child Abuse, Ind. Chapter Indianapolis $2,665.00 $0.00 $2,665.00 $0.00 $2,665.00 $0.00

Quilter’s Guild of Indianapolis Indianapolis $3,568.25 $708.00 $2,860.25 $1,500.00 $1,360.25 $0.00

Ronald McDonald House of Indiana, Inc. Indianapolis $1,635.00 $0.00 $1,635.00 $0.00 $1,635.00 $0.00

Ronald McDonald House of Indiana, Inc. Indianapolis $1,767.50 $0.00 $1,767.50 $0.00 $1,767.50 $0.00

Ronald McDonald House of Indiana, Inc. Indianapolis $1,130.00 $0.00 $1,130.00 $0.00 $1,130.00 $0.00

Roncalli High School Indianapolis $57,850.00 $29,424.90 $28,425.10 $0.00 $28,425.10 $0.00

Scecina Memorial High School Indianapolis $24,184.30 $10,443.15 $13,741.15 $0.00 $13,741.15 $0.00

Scecina Memorial High School Indianapolis $17,137.80 $7,888.54 $9,249.26 $0.00 $9,249.26 $0.00

Scecina Memorial High School Indianapolis $42,857.00 $28,395.37 $14,461.63 $0.00 $14,461.63 $0.00

Sertoma - Camp Sertoma Foundation, Inc. Indianapolis $30,550.00 $15,026.00 $15,524.00 $0.00 $15,524.00 $0.00

Social Health Association of Indiana, Inc. Indianapolis $267.00 $25.00 $242.00 $0.00 $0.00 $242.00

Southside Youth Council, Inc. Indianapolis $890.00 $0.00 $890.00 $0.00 $890.00 $0.00

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$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




Page 86: Indiana Department of Revenue Charity Gaming Annual Report · other annual meeting of its membership, charity gaming events may only be conducted in the county where the Indiana principal


St. Barnabas Parish Indianapolis $18,240.00 $11,668.00 $6,572.00 $6,572.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Elizabeth’s Home Indianapolis $50,500.00 $3,654.65 $46,845.35 $0.00 $46,845.35 $0.00

St. Jude Catholic Church Indianapolis $30,220.00 $18,700.00 $11,520.00 $0.00 $11,520.00 $0.00

St. Margaret’s Hospital Guild, Inc. Indianapolis $2,090.00 $25.00 $2,065.00 $2,065.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Margaret’s Hospital Guild, Inc. Indianapolis $1,480.00 $39.66 $1,440.34 $1,440.34 $0.00 $0.00

St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church Indianapolis $50,000.00 $21,853.70 $28,146.30 $0.00 $28,146.30 $0.00

St. Mary’s Child Center Indianapolis $100,000.00 $26,201.09 $73,798.91 $0.00 $73,798.91 $0.00

St. Michael Church Indianapolis $91,540.00 $35,316.52 $56,223.48 $0.00 $56,223.48 $0.00

St. Monica Church Indianapolis $4,045.00 $2,442.10 $1,602.90 $0.00 $1,602.90 $0.00

St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Indianapolis $10,808.50 $5,340.74 $5,467.76 $0.00 $5,467.76 $0.00

St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Indianapolis $5,738.80 $2,189.85 $3,548.95 $0.00 $3,548.95 $0.00

St. Richard’s School Indianapolis $14,500.00 $7,357.24 $7,142.76 $0.00 $7,142.76 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No.1120 Ernie Pyle Indianapolis $46,400.00 $23,979.22 $22,420.78 $0.00 $22,420.78 $0.00

Walther Cancer Foundation Indianapolis $338.00 $0.00 $338.00 $0.00 $338.00 $0.00

Washington Township Schools Foundation Indianapolis $24,710.00 $10,200.00 $14,510.00 $0.00 $14,510.00 $0.00

Washington Township Schools Foundation Indianapolis $29,425.00 $22,228.45 $7,196.55 $0.00 $7,196.55 $0.00

Wayne Township Education Foundation, Inc. Indianapolis $10,710.00 $11,111.00 ($401.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($401.00)

Westlane Middle School PTO Indianapolis $663.05 $0.00 $663.05 $0.00 $663.05 $0.00

White River Sound, Inc. Indianapolis $1,330.00 $130.66 $1,199.34 $0.00 $0.00 $1,199.34

Y.W.C.A. of Indianapolis, Inc. Indianapolis $1,850.00 $0.00 $1,850.00 $0.00 $1,850.00 $0.00

Marion Co. Total $3,283,520.49 $1,633,841.53 $1,649,678.96 $185,806.96 $1,450,088.06 $13,783.94

American Red Cross-Marshall Co. Chapter Plymouth $5,440.00 $1,376.36 $4,063.64 $0.00 $4,063.64 $0.00

Bremen Volunteer Firemen’s Assn., Inc. Bremen $2,593.00 $1,525.98 $1,067.02 $0.00 $0.00 $1,067.02

Fraternal Order of Police No. 130 Plymouth $6,548.00 $3,184.00 $3,364.00 $0.00 $3,364.00 $0.00

Kappa Kappa Kappa - Beta Delta Chap.,Inc Plymouth $3,821.00 $387.16 $3,433.84 $0.00 $0.00 $3,433.84

St. Michael Church Plymouth $5,150.00 $1,349.00 $3,801.00 $0.00 $3,801.00 $0.00

Marshall Co. Total $23,552.00 $7,822.50 $15,729.50 $0.00 $11,228.64 $4,500.86

Chamber of Commerce - Peru Peru $3,631.00 $1,226.40 $2,404.60 $0.00 $0.00 $2,404.60

Dukes Memorial Hospital Peru $2,598.00 $2,150.00 $448.00 $0.00 $448.00 $0.00

Dukes Memorial Hospital Peru $1,559.00 $430.00 $1,129.00 $0.00 $1,129.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 718 Peru $13,790.00 $241.90 $13,548.10 $0.00 $13,548.10 $0.00

Miami County Historical Society, Inc. Peru $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Miami Co. Total $21,578.00 $4,048.30 $17,529.70 $0.00 $15,125.10 $2,404.60

American Legion Post No. 18 B. Woolery Bloomington $20,410.00 $14,382.00 $6,028.00 $0.00 $6,028.00 $0.00

Bloomington Community Radio Bloomington $2,574.00 $16.50 $2,557.50 $0.00 $2,557.50 $0.00

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Girls Inc. of Monroe Co. Bloomington $1,443.00 $750.00 $693.00 $0.00 $693.00 $0.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1081 Bloomington $30,840.00 $26,333.18 $4,506.82 $4,506.82 $0.00 $0.00

Marlin School PTO Bloomington $1,365.00 $104.25 $1,260.75 $0.00 $1,260.75 $0.00

Monroe Co. Community School Corporation Bloomington $8,847.80 $0.00 $8,847.80 $8,847.80 $0.00 $0.00

Stone Belt Shrine Club Bloomington $17,665.00 $14,322.13 $3,342.87 $0.00 $0.00 $3,342.87

Monroe Co. Total $83,144.80 $55,908.06 $27,236.74 $13,354.62 $10,539.25 $3,342.87

American Legion Post No. 302 Darlington $13,750.00 $9,300.00 $4,450.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,450.00

New Market Community Volunteer Fire Dept New Market $34,234.58 $23,931.89 $10,302.69 $0.00 $10,302.69 $0.00

Montgomery Co. Total $47,984.58 $33,231.89 $14,752.69 $0.00 $10,302.69 $4,450.00

Artesian Little League, Inc. Martinsville $10,346.25 $3,630.77 $6,715.48 $0.00 $6,715.48 $0.00

Humane Society of Morgan Co. Martinsville $494.00 $226.50 $267.50 $0.00 $267.50 $0.00

Monrovia Festival & Civic Assn., Inc. Monrovia $34,900.00 $21,923.60 $12,976.40 $1,170.00 $12,976.40 ($1,170.00)

St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church Martinsville $7,784.38 $2,477.27 $5,307.11 $0.00 $5,307.11 $0.00

Waverly Elementary School Martinsville $7,112.00 $430.00 $6,682.00 $0.00 $6,682.00 $0.00

Morgan Co. Total $60,636.63 $28,688.14 $31,948.49 $1,170.00 $31,948.49 ($1,170.00)

South Newton Music Boosters Kentland $1,976.00 $401.70 $1,574.30 $0.00 $1,574.30 $0.00

Newton Co. Total $1,976.00 $401.70 $1,574.30 $0.00 $1,574.30 $0.00

East Noble Band Boosters, Inc. Kendallville $10,790.00 $5,175.00 $5,615.00 $0.00 $5,615.00 $0.00

Ligonier Marshmallow Festival Association Ligonier $4,402.00 $3,963.00 $439.00 $439.00 $0.00 $0.00

N.W.T.F. - Northeast Indiana Longbeard Chapter Albion $6,700.00 $3,638.00 $3,062.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,062.00

Noble Co. Total $21,892.00 $12,776.00 $9,116.00 $439.00 $5,615.00 $3,062.00

Parke County Incorporated Rockville $20,184.00 $14,488.76 $5,695.24 $0.00 $5,695.24 $0.00

Parke Co. Total $20,184.00 $14,488.76 $5,695.24 $0.00 $5,695.24 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 213 Tell City $2,430.00 $2,356.55 $73.45 $0.00 $73.45 $0.00

Anderson Twp. Fire Department, Inc. Tell City $10,220.00 $4,875.75 $5,344.25 $0.00 $5,344.25 $0.00

Tell City Band Boosters, Inc. Tell City $9,990.00 $5,001.57 $4,988.43 $0.00 $1,780.00 $3,208.43

Perry Co. Total $22,640.00 $12,233.87 $10,406.13 $0.00 $7,197.70 $3,208.43

Otwell Elementary PTO Otwell $1,844.00 $750.00 $1,094.00 $1,094.00 $0.00 $0.00

Pike Co. Total $1,844.00 $750.00 $1,094.00 $1,094.00 $0.00 $0.00

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Fraternal Order of Police No. 165 Valparaiso $19,691.00 $13,643.62 $6,047.38 $0.00 $6,047.38 $0.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1623 Chesterton $3,000.00 $2,025.00 $975.00 $0.00 $975.00 $0.00

Opportunity Enterprises, Inc. Valparaiso $32,725.00 $15,214.12 $17,510.88 $0.00 $17,510.88 $0.00

Our Lady of Sorrows Church Valparaiso $3,279.00 $604.00 $2,675.00 $2,675.00 $0.00 $0.00

Our Lady of Sorrows Church Valparaiso $626.00 $190.50 $435.50 $0.00 $435.50 $0.00

St. Iakovos Greek Orthodox CH, Porter Co Valparaiso $11,650.00 $7,000.00 $4,650.00 $0.00 $4,650.00 $0.00

Wheeler Athletic Booster Club Valparaiso $6,905.00 $3,560.91 $3,344.09 $0.00 $3,344.09 $0.00

Porter Co. Total $77,876.00 $42,238.15 $35,637.85 $2,675.00 $32,962.85 $0.00

North Posey Athletic Booster Club, Inc. Poseyville $49,900.00 $27,448.86 $22,451.14 $22,000.00 $451.14 $0.00

St. Philip Catholic Church Mt. Vernon $10,806.00 $1,657.17 $9,148.83 $0.00 $9,148.83 $0.00

St. Philip Catholic Church Mt. Vernon $4,997.10 $725.54 $4,271.56 $0.00 $4,271.56 $0.00

St. Philip Catholic Church Mt. Vernon $56,056.04 $28,093.24 $27,962.80 $0.00 $27,962.80 $0.00

Posey Co. Total $121,759.14 $57,924.81 $63,834.33 $22,000.00 $41,834.33 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Cloverdale Cloverdale $13,143.65 $11,283.23 $1,860.42 $1,069.00 $791.42 $0.00

Greencastle Community School Corporation Greencastle $6,440.00 $7,267.13 ($827.13) $0.00 $0.00 ($827.13)

N.W.T.F. Covered Bridge Chapter Greencastle $5,485.00 $3,366.92 $2,118.08 $0.00 $2,118.08 $0.00

Putnam Co. Total $25,068.65 $21,917.28 $3,151.37 $1,069.00 $2,909.50 ($827.13)

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1461 Batesville $21,518.00 $9,959.00 $11,559.00 $11,559.00 $0.00 $0.00

Morris Fireman’s Association Morris $8,502.00 $2,246.00 $6,256.00 $0.00 $6,256.00 $0.00

St. Nicholas Church Sunman $5,144.02 $1,342.44 $3,801.58 $0.00 $3,801.58 $0.00

St. Nicholas Church Sunman $10,700.00 $4,179.03 $6,520.97 $6,520.97 $0.00 $0.00

Ripley Co. Total $45,864.02 $17,726.47 $28,137.55 $18,079.97 $10,057.58 $0.00

Fairland Volunteer Fire Department Fairland $11,011.00 $6,661.48 $4,349.52 $0.00 $4,349.52 $0.00

Lions Club - Fairland Manilla $875.00 $450.00 $425.00 $425.00 $0.00 $0.00

Marietta Comm. Vol. Fire Dept., Inc. Shelbyville $21,967.35 $14,608.78 $7,358.57 $0.00 $7,358.57 $0.00

Northwestern Consolidated School District Fairland $10,595.00 $5,202.51 $5,392.49 $0.00 $3,832.00 $1,560.49

Shelby Co. Total $44,448.35 $26,922.77 $17,525.58 $425.00 $15,540.09 $1,560.49

St. Martin’s Catholic Church Chrisney $9,280.00 $3,668.97 $5,611.03 $0.00 $5,611.03 $0.00

St. Meinrad Volunteer Fire Department Saint Meinrad $16,542.85 $3,985.47 $12,557.38 $0.00 $12,557.38 $0.00

Spencer Co. Total $25,822.85 $7,654.44 $18,168.41 $0.00 $18,168.41 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 235 South Bend $4,687.34 $3,888.39 $798.95 $0.00 $798.95 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 235 South Bend $8,528.00 $6,588.00 $1,940.00 $0.00 $1,940.00 $0.00

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B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 235 South Bend $8,866.10 $3,874.86 $4,991.24 $0.00 $4,991.24 $0.00

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 235 South Bend $7,938.00 $6,248.00 $1,690.00 $0.00 $1,690.00 $0.00

Center for the Homeless, Inc. South Bend $33,432.00 $1,221.60 $32,210.40 $0.00 $32,210.40 $0.00

Christ the King Catholic Church South Bend $7,290.00 $2,000.00 $5,290.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,290.00

Corpus Christi Church South Bend $9,000.00 $2,750.00 $6,250.00 $0.00 $6,250.00 $0.00

Council for the Retarded of St. Joe Co. South Bend $30,225.00 $16,495.00 $13,730.00 $0.00 $13,730.00 $0.00

Humane Society of St. Joseph County, Inc Mishawaka $5,782.00 $1,737.10 $4,044.90 $0.00 $4,044.90 $0.00

Junior League of South Bend, Inc. South Bend $19,300.00 $12,705.08 $6,594.92 $0.00 $0.00 $6,594.92

Junior League of South Bend, Inc. South Bend $5,525.00 $325.00 $5,200.00 $0.00 $5,200.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.5570 South Bend $4,592.00 $1,978.00 $2,614.00 $0.00 $2,614.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.5570 South Bend $3,930.00 $2,538.00 $1,392.00 $0.00 $1,392.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.5570 South Bend $5,000.00 $2,325.00 $2,675.00 $0.00 $2,675.00 $0.00

La Casa De Amistad,Inc. South Bend $418.00 $205.00 $213.00 $0.00 $213.00 $0.00

Liberty Twsp. Volunteer Fire Dept. North Liberty $8,909.20 $3,915.52 $4,993.68 $0.00 $4,993.68 $0.00

Madison Foundation, Inc. South Bend $23,625.00 $18,637.62 $4,987.38 $0.00 $4,987.38 $0.00

Mental Health Association/St Joseph Inc. South Bend $40,890.00 $19,522.31 $21,367.69 $0.00 $21,367.69 $0.00

Mishawaka Business Association Mishawaka $5,400.00 $0.00 $5,400.00 $0.00 $5,400.00 $0.00

Omni Museums Inc. South Bend $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Penn High School Music Boosters Mishawaka $61,510.00 $0.00 $61,510.00 $0.00 $61,510.00 $0.00

Penn High School PTO Mishawaka $2,240.00 $1,192.37 $1,047.63 $0.00 $1,047.63 $0.00

St. Anthony De Padua Catholic Church South Bend $11,220.00 $5,671.21 $5,548.79 $0.00 $5,548.79 $0.00

St. Bavo Parish Mishawaka $10,000.00 $5,148.71 $4,851.29 $0.00 $4,851.29 $0.00

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church South Bend $2,515.00 $812.50 $1,702.50 $0.00 $1,702.50 $0.00

St. Joseph Co. 4-H Fair, Inc. South Bend $4,380.00 $752.75 $3,627.25 $3,627.25 $0.00 $0.00

St. Joseph Co. Little League - Warren South Bend $5,960.00 $1,800.00 $4,160.00 $0.00 $4,160.00 $0.00

St. Joseph’s High School South Bend $5,275.00 $6,002.75 ($727.75) $0.00 $0.00 ($727.75)

St. Joseph’s High School South Bend $4,850.00 $3,929.51 $920.49 $0.00 $920.49 $0.00

St. Joseph’s High School South Bend $60,882.00 $12,500.00 $48,382.00 $0.00 $48,382.00 $0.00

St. Mary of the Assumption South Bend $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00

St. Patrick Parish Walkerton $2,450.00 $2,000.00 $450.00 $0.00 $450.00 $0.00

Stanley Clark School South Bend $36,150.00 $10,000.00 $26,150.00 $0.00 $26,150.00 $0.00

Stanley Clark School South Bend $1,555.00 $200.00 $1,355.00 $0.00 $1,355.00 $0.00

The Foundation of Ancilla Health Care Mishawaka $554,550.00 $324,550.00 $230,000.00 $115,000.00 $115,000.00 $0.00

The Foundation of Ancilla Health Care Mishawaka $498,825.00 $306,681.00 $192,144.00 $96,000.00 $96,144.00 $0.00

United Health Services South Bend $16,053.00 $671.34 $15,381.66 $0.00 $15,381.66 $0.00

United Health Services South Bend $14,233.00 $3,402.30 $10,830.70 $0.00 $10,830.70 $0.00

University of Notre Dame Du Lac Notre Dame $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

University of Notre Dame Du Lac Notre Dame $3,554.00 $0.00 $3,554.00 $0.00 $3,554.00 $0.00

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Youth Service Bureau of St. Joseph Co., Inc. South Bend $5,697.00 $400.02 $5,296.98 $5,296.98 $0.00 $0.00

Youth Service Bureau of St. Joseph Co., Inc. South Bend $8,784.00 $370.61 $8,413.39 $8,413.39 $0.00 $0.00

St. Joseph Co. Total $1,554,020.64 $798,039.55 $755,981.09 $228,337.62 $516,486.30 $11,157.17

B.P.O. Elks Lodge No.2398 Angola Angola $23,625.00 $14,792.96 $8,832.04 $0.00 $8,832.04 $0.00

Kiwanis Club of Angola Angola $9,000.00 $7,465.90 $1,534.10 $0.00 $1,534.10 $0.00

Steuben Co. Total $32,625.00 $22,258.86 $10,366.14 $0.00 $10,366.14 $0.00

Psi Iota Xi Sorority - Beta Beta Chapter Sullivan $1,226.00 $412.10 $813.90 $0.00 $0.00 $813.90

Sullivan Co. Total $1,226.00 $412.10 $813.90 $0.00 $0.00 $813.90

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Wabash Val. Lafayette $162,200.00 $111,149.68 $51,050.32 $0.00 $51,050.32 $0.00

Builders Association of Greater Laf. Lafayette $2,765.00 $0.00 $2,765.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,765.00

Lafayette Catholic Schools Systems Lafayette $11,490.00 $8,739.56 $2,750.44 $0.00 $2,750.44 $0.00

Lafayette Catholic Schools Systems Lafayette $10,675.00 $6,264.19 $4,410.81 $0.00 $4,410.81 $0.00

Lafayette Catholic Schools Systems Lafayette $7,695.00 $5,608.95 $2,086.05 $0.00 $2,086.05 $0.00

St. Mary Catholic Church of Lafayette Lafayette $10,386.00 $1,920.20 $8,465.80 $0.00 $8,465.80 $0.00

Y.W.C.A. of Greater Lafayette Lafayette $998.00 $97.00 $901.00 $0.00 $901.00 $0.00

Tippecanoe Co. Total $206,209.00 $133,779.58 $72,429.42 $0.00 $69,664.42 $2,765.00

Ark, Inc. D/B/A Ark Crisis Prevention Evansville $50,590.00 $26,896.00 $23,694.00 $0.00 $23,694.00 $0.00

Center City Corp. of Evansville, Inc. Evansville $624.00 $6,500.00 ($5,876.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($5,876.00)

Corpus Christi Church Evansville $25,595.00 $18,073.58 $7,521.42 $0.00 $0.00 $7,521.42

Easter Seal Society - Southwestern IN Evansville $296,500.00 $130,149.00 $166,351.00 $0.00 $166,351.00 $0.00

Evansville ARC Foundation Evansville $35,523.00 $2,843.12 $32,679.88 $32,679.88 $0.00 $0.00

Evansville Cath. Interparochial HS Board Evansville $25,255.00 $388.38 $24,866.62 $24,405.00 $0.00 $461.62

Evansville Cath. Interparochial HS Board Evansville $285,000.00 $158,576.00 $126,424.00 $124,000.00 $0.00 $2,424.00

Evansville Cath. Interparochial HS Board Evansville $187,300.00 $161,473.60 $25,826.40 $20,000.00 $5,826.40 $0.00

Evansville Goodwill Industries, Inc. Evansville $106,645.00 $32,843.00 $73,802.00 $0.00 $73,802.00 $0.00

F.J. Reitz Inst Music Booster Club, Inc. Evansville $12,810.00 $6,619.00 $6,191.00 $0.00 $6,191.00 $0.00

Holy Rosary Catholic Church Evansville $48,640.00 $25,084.50 $23,555.50 $0.00 $23,555.50 $0.00

Holy Rosary Catholic Church Evansville $45,097.00 $25,029.00 $20,068.00 $0.00 $20,068.00 $0.00

Kappa Kappa Kappa - Epsilon Theta Chap. Evansville $12,514.00 $5,879.12 $6,634.88 $6,634.88 $0.00 $0.00

Little Sisters of the Poor Evansville $16,591.00 $1,525.00 $15,066.00 $0.00 $15,066.00 $0.00

Mater Dei High School Band Boosters Evansville $5,633.97 $749.12 $4,884.85 $0.00 $4,884.85 $0.00

Mater Dei High School Band Boosters Evansville $12,736.25 $8,800.00 $3,936.25 $0.00 $3,936.25 $0.00

Rehabilitation Center Evansville $72,150.00 $27,580.00 $44,570.00 $0.00 $44,570.00 $0.00

Rehabilitation Center Evansville $197,900.00 $153,854.16 $44,045.84 $44,045.84 $0.00 $0.00

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River Bend Association, Inc. Evansville $3,043.72 $2,099.44 $944.28 $0.00 $944.28 $0.00

River Bend Association, Inc. Evansville $2,864.00 $1,951.55 $912.45 $0.00 $912.45 $0.00

Rotary Foundation of Evansville, Inc. Evansville $38,320.00 $26,450.00 $11,870.00 $11,870.00 $0.00 $0.00

St. Agnes Catholic Church Evansville $20,000.00 $9,400.00 $10,600.00 $0.00 $10,600.00 $0.00

St. Anthony Church Evansville $12,457.45 $3,711.28 $8,746.17 $0.00 $8,746.17 $0.00

St. Benedict Church Evansville $57,332.00 $19,200.00 $38,132.00 $0.00 $38,132.00 $0.00

St. Joseph Church Evansville $17,733.00 $5,931.52 $11,801.48 $0.00 $11,801.48 $0.00

St. Joseph Church Evansville $18,000.00 $8,600.00 $9,400.00 $0.00 $9,400.00 $0.00

St. Mary’s Medical Center Foundation Evansville $1,070.00 $0.00 $1,070.00 $0.00 $1,070.00 $0.00

St. Theresa Church Evansville $52,069.85 $27,581.02 $24,488.83 $0.00 $24,488.83 $0.00

St. Theresa Church Evansville $34,300.00 $21,800.00 $12,500.00 $0.00 $12,500.00 $0.00

University of Evansville Evansville $5,940.00 $1,169.50 $4,770.50 $0.00 $4,770.50 $0.00

Vanderburgh Co. Democratic Party Evansville $16,025.00 $10,693.38 $5,331.62 $0.00 $5,331.62 $0.00

Vanderburgh Co. Democratic Party Evansville $22,405.00 $10,887.75 $11,517.25 $0.00 $11,517.25 $0.00

Youth Services Bureau, Inc. Evansville $7,064.00 $6,109.51 $954.49 $0.00 $954.49 $0.00

Vanderburgh Co. Total $1,745,728.24 $948,447.53 $797,280.71 $263,635.60 $529,114.07 $4,531.04

Breakfast Optimist Club of Clinton,Inc. Clinton $10,240.00 $4,674.55 $5,565.45 $3,187.50 $2,377.95 $0.00

Lions Club - Clinton Clinton $17,910.00 $10,364.00 $7,546.00 $7,546.00 $0.00 $0.00

Lions Club - Newport Newport $13,863.90 $4,681.25 $9,182.65 $0.00 $9,182.65 $0.00

Little Italy Festival, Inc. Clinton $3,626.00 $2,500.10 $1,125.90 $1,300.00 $0.00 ($174.10)

West Central Comm. Hospital Found. Inc. Clinton $1,498.00 $840.00 $658.00 $0.00 $0.00 $658.00

Vermillion Co. Total $47,137.90 $23,059.90 $24,078.00 $12,033.50 $11,560.60 $483.90

Leadership Terre Haute Terre Haute $2,265.00 $75.00 $2,190.00 $0.00 $2,190.00 $0.00

St. Margaret Mary Church Terre Haute $30,940.00 $15,177.03 $15,762.97 $0.00 $15,762.97 $0.00

Vigo County Lifeline, Inc. Terre Haute $11,799.00 $3,224.10 $8,574.90 $0.00 $8,574.90 $0.00

Vigo County Republican Party Terre Haute $5,430.00 $1,442.48 $3,987.52 $0.00 $0.00 $3,987.52

Vigo Youth Football Corporation Terre Haute $39,535.00 $28,420.70 $11,114.30 $0.00 $11,114.30 $0.00

Woods Day Care/Pre-School, Inc. St Mary of the Woo $9,101.31 $25.00 $9,076.31 $0.00 $9,076.31 $0.00

Vigo Co. Total $99,070.31 $48,364.31 $50,706.00 $0.00 $46,718.48 $3,987.52

Chamber of Commerce - North Manchester North Manchester $19,722.00 $11,913.00 $7,809.00 $0.00 $7,809.00 $0.00

St. Bernard Parrish - Home & School Assn Wabash $7,155.00 $4,223.80 $2,931.20 $2,931.20 $0.00 $0.00

Wabash Co. Total $26,877.00 $16,136.80 $10,740.20 $2,931.20 $7,809.00 $0.00

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Newburgh $14,200.00 $7,367.31 $6,832.69 $0.00 $6,832.69 $0.00

Warrick Co. Total $14,200.00 $7,367.31 $6,832.69 $0.00 $6,832.69 $0.00

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Lions Club - Richmond Inc. Richmond $800.00 $714.00 $86.00 $86.00 $0.00 $0.00

Richmond Art Museum Richmond $542.00 $0.00 $542.00 $0.00 $542.00 $0.00

Wayne Co. Council for Retarded Citizens, Inc. Richmond $38,158.49 $25,339.76 $12,818.73 $0.00 $12,818.73 $0.00

Whitewater Opera Company, Inc. Richmond $4,190.00 $2,400.00 $1,790.00 $0.00 $1,790.00 $0.00

Wayne Co. Total $43,690.49 $28,453.76 $15,236.73 $86.00 $15,150.73 $0.00

Dollars For Scholars - Bluffton/Southern Wells Bluffton $6,915.00 $4,683.00 $2,232.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,232.00

Wells Co. Total $6,915.00 $4,683.00 $2,232.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,232.00

Shafer & Freeman Environmental Cons Corp Monticello $6,618.00 $5,999.04 $618.96 $0.00 $618.96 $0.00

White Co. Total $6,618.00 $5,999.04 $618.96 $0.00 $618.96 $0.00

Columbia City High School Choir Parent Org. Columbia City $13,910.00 $5,135.00 $8,775.00 $0.00 $8,775.00 $0.00

Passages, Inc. Columbia City $2,330.00 $1,042.12 $1,287.88 $0.00 $0.00 $1,287.88

Whitley Co. Total $16,240.00 $6,177.12 $10,062.88 $0.00 $8,775.00 $1,287.88

Raffle Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




Grand Totals

$ Given toOther Organization








Raffle Licenses

$ Retained for Useby the Organization




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One Hundred Percent Club Fort Wayne $24,810.00 $11,867.00 $12,943.00 $12,943.00 $0.00 $0.00

South West Conservation Club, Inc. Fort Wayne $8,192.00 $7,138.16 $1,053.84 $0.00 $1,053.84 $0.00

Allen Co. Total $33,002.00 $19,005.16 $13,996.84 $12,943.00 $1,053.84 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2062 Lebanon $3,641.00 $3,119.00 $522.00 $0.00 $0.00 $522.00

Psi Iota Xi Sorority- Alpha Lambda Chap. Zionsville $2,059.00 $605.00 $1,454.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,454.00

Boone Co. Total $5,700.00 $3,724.00 $1,976.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,976.00

Lewis Twp. Vol. Fire Co. Inc. Coalmont $2,010.17 $971.59 $1,038.58 $0.00 $1,038.58 $0.00

Lewis Twp. Vol. Fire Co. Inc. Coalmont $1,218.30 $972.46 $245.84 $0.00 $245.84 $0.00

Clay Co. Total $3,228.47 $1,944.05 $1,284.42 $0.00 $1,284.42 $0.00

Ruritan Club - Montgomery, Inc. Montgomery $3,921.00 $3,263.46 $657.54 $0.00 $657.54 $0.00

Daviess Co. Total $3,921.00 $3,263.46 $657.54 $0.00 $657.54 $0.00

Knights of St. John No. 31 St. George Greensburg $3,265.96 $1,237.34 $2,028.62 $0.00 $2,028.62 $0.00

Decatur Co. Total $3,265.96 $1,237.34 $2,028.62 $0.00 $2,028.62 $0.00

Bread of Life Worship Center Garrett $1,663.00 $1,377.25 $285.75 $285.75 $0.00 $0.00

St. Joseph Church Garrett $3,645.00 $2,086.74 $1,558.26 $0.00 $1,558.26 $0.00

Dekalb Co. Total $5,308.00 $3,463.99 $1,844.01 $285.75 $1,558.26 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 231 Muncie $9,779.00 $10,249.90 ($470.90) $0.00 $0.00 ($470.90)

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 231 Muncie $13,265.00 $13,476.20 ($211.20) $0.00 $0.00 ($211.20)

Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 231 Muncie $9,754.00 $9,445.50 $308.50 $0.00 $308.50 $0.00

Delaware Co. Total $32,798.00 $33,171.60 ($373.60) $0.00 $308.50 ($682.10)

U.A.W. Local No. 151 Connersville $13,258.00 $12,058.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 $0.00

Fayette Co. Total $13,258.00 $12,058.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 $0.00

Holy Guardian Angels Church Cedar Grove $2,389.50 $224.83 $2,164.67 $0.00 $2,164.67 $0.00

St. Peter Catholic Church Brookville $2,248.20 $240.23 $2,007.97 $2,007.97 $0.00 $0.00

Franklin Co. Total $4,637.70 $465.06 $4,172.64 $2,007.97 $2,164.67 $0.00

St. James Catholic Church Haubstadt $18,434.74 $5,220.84 $13,213.90 $13,213.90 $0.00 $0.00

Gibson Co. Total $18,434.74 $5,220.84 $13,213.90 $13,213.90 $0.00 $0.00

Special Bingo Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




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Habitat for Humanity of Greene County Linton $3,894.50 $2,431.50 $1,463.00 $0.00 $1,463.00 $0.00

Psi Iota Xi - Beta Kappa Bloomfield $1,639.50 $614.22 $1,025.28 $0.00 $1,025.28 $0.00

Psi Iota Xi - Beta Kappa Bloomfield $1,907.00 $786.13 $1,120.87 $0.00 $0.00 $1,120.87

Greene Co. Total $7,441.00 $3,831.85 $3,609.15 $0.00 $2,488.28 $1,120.87

Knights of Columbus Coun No.6923 Fishers $362.25 $199.75 $162.50 $162.50 $0.00 $0.00

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church Carmel $2,408.40 $929.41 $1,478.99 $0.00 $1,478.99 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No.10207 Westfield $2,165.00 $1,612.50 $552.50 $552.50 $0.00 $0.00

Hamilton Co. Total $4,935.65 $2,741.66 $2,193.99 $715.00 $1,478.99 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.3207 Plainfield $25,095.00 $22,253.00 $2,842.00 $2,842.00 $0.00 $0.00

Hendricks Co. Total $25,095.00 $22,253.00 $2,842.00 $2,842.00 $0.00 $0.00

Henry County Conservation Club New Castle $13,062.00 $12,500.00 $562.00 $0.00 $562.00 $0.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 147 New Castle $28,822.00 $24,385.00 $4,437.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,437.00

Henry Co. Total $41,884.00 $36,885.00 $4,999.00 $0.00 $562.00 $4,437.00

Phi Beta Psi Sorority, Theta Omaga Chapter Seymour $6,533.80 $2,470.71 $4,063.09 $4,053.00 $10.09 $0.00

Phi Beta Psi Sorority, Theta Omaga Chapter Seymour $5,353.18 $1,792.07 $3,561.11 $3,550.00 $11.11 $0.00

Jackson Co. Total $11,886.98 $4,262.78 $7,624.20 $7,603.00 $21.20 $0.00

St. Joseph’s College Rensselaer $1,845.60 $1,182.87 $662.73 $0.00 $662.73 $0.00

Jasper Co. Total $1,845.60 $1,182.87 $662.73 $0.00 $662.73 $0.00

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 281 Vincen. Vincennes $6,517.00 $5,923.42 $593.58 $0.00 $593.58 $0.00

South Knox Middle-High School Vincennes $2,101.00 $1,393.44 $707.56 $707.56 $0.00 $0.00

Vincennes Catholic School Vincennes $101,868.00 $76,510.00 $25,358.00 $20,000.00 $5,358.00 $0.00

Vincennes Catholic School Vincennes $63,856.00 $53,838.18 $10,017.82 $0.00 $10,017.82 $0.00

Vincennes Catholic School Vincennes $67,225.27 $55,374.69 $11,850.58 $0.00 $11,000.00 $850.58

Knox Co. Total $241,567.27 $193,039.73 $48,527.54 $20,707.56 $26,969.40 $850.58

American Legion Post No. 223 Wawasee Syracuse $1,923.00 $937.00 $986.00 $986.00 $0.00 $0.00

Atwood Community Building Atwood $2,140.75 $490.75 $1,650.00 $0.00 $1,650.00 $0.00

Kosciusko Co. Total $4,063.75 $1,427.75 $2,636.00 $986.00 $1,650.00 $0.00

American Legion Unit No. 16 Auxiliary Hammond $1,982.00 $1,163.50 $818.50 $0.00 $818.50 $0.00

Assumption Church Hobart $7,021.65 $1,161.81 $5,859.84 $0.00 $5,859.84 $0.00

Assumption Church Hobart $6,406.25 $1,149.80 $5,256.45 $0.00 $5,256.45 $0.00

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Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




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Assumption Church Hobart $5,852.75 $1,284.59 $4,568.16 $0.00 $4,568.16 $0.00

Blessed Sacrament Church Gary $9,741.45 $4,611.87 $5,129.58 $0.00 $5,129.58 $0.00

Blessed Sacrament Church Gary $8,848.61 $2,911.47 $5,937.14 $0.00 $5,937.14 $0.00

Booster Club of Hammond, Inc. Hammond $8,717.75 $7,658.00 $1,059.75 $0.00 $1,059.75 $0.00

Faith United Church of Christ Hammond $424.50 $62.00 $362.50 $0.00 $362.50 $0.00

Faith United Church of Christ Hammond $605.00 $200.00 $405.00 $0.00 $205.00 $200.00

Faith United Church of Christ Hammond $802.00 $250.00 $552.00 $0.00 $552.00 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2659 Aux. Crown Point $1,056.90 $817.07 $239.83 $239.83 $0.00 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2659 Aux. Crown Point $1,597.77 $1,064.16 $533.61 $0.00 $533.61 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2659 Aux. Crown Point $659.00 $548.04 $110.96 $110.96 $0.00 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2659 Aux. Crown Point $1,650.95 $1,181.79 $469.16 $469.16 $0.00 $0.00

Fraternal Order of Eagles No.2659 Aux. Crown Point $1,482.60 $936.00 $546.60 $0.00 $546.60 $0.00

Griffith Girls Softball League, Inc. Griffith $7,467.00 $7,321.50 $145.50 $0.00 $145.50 $0.00

Griffith Girls Softball League, Inc. Griffith $7,329.00 $7,151.50 $177.50 $0.00 $177.50 $0.00

Griffith Girls Softball League, Inc. Griffith $9,917.00 $9,684.00 $233.00 $0.00 $233.00 $0.00

Griffith Girls Softball League, Inc. Griffith $3,958.00 $3,753.50 $204.50 $0.00 $204.50 $0.00

Griffith Girls Softball League, Inc. Griffith $4,086.00 $4,040.00 $46.00 $0.00 $46.00 $0.00

Griffith Girls Softball League, Inc. Griffith $11,381.50 $10,515.00 $866.50 $0.00 $866.50 $0.00

Holy Trinity Hungarian Church East Chicago $3,452.00 $1,462.00 $1,990.00 $0.00 $1,990.00 $0.00

Holy Trinity Hungarian Church East Chicago $4,064.50 $1,546.87 $2,517.63 $0.00 $2,517.63 $0.00

Holy Trinity Hungarian Church East Chicago $3,554.50 $1,643.50 $1,911.00 $0.00 $1,911.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 726 Hammond $30,311.00 $27,062.00 $3,249.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,249.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 726 Hammond $30,311.00 $27,062.00 $3,249.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,249.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No. 726 Hammond $39,542.00 $31,770.00 $7,772.00 $0.00 $7,772.00 $0.00

Lions Club - Crown Point, Inc. Crown Point $6,699.70 $3,374.56 $3,325.14 $799.52 $0.00 $2,525.62

Lions Club - Crown Point, Inc. Crown Point $7,901.71 $3,887.11 $4,014.60 $0.00 $0.00 $4,014.60

Northwest Indiana Soccer Hammond $2,687.00 $2,171.00 $516.00 $0.00 $516.00 $0.00

Ss. Monica and Luke Catholic Church Gary $1,100.57 $406.32 $694.25 $694.25 $0.00 $0.00

St. Hedwig Church Gary $4,501.00 $1,136.99 $3,364.01 $0.00 $0.00 $3,364.01

St. Stanislaus Church East Chicago $3,615.50 $2,612.32 $1,003.18 $0.00 $1,003.18 $0.00

St. Stanislaus Church East Chicago $2,550.99 $1,359.50 $1,191.49 $0.00 $1,191.49 $0.00

Lake Co. Total $241,279.15 $172,959.77 $68,319.38 $2,313.72 $49,403.43 $16,602.23

American Legion Post No. 37 J.F. Miller Michigan City $8,865.00 $7,017.00 $1,848.00 $1,848.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fish Lake Community Conservation Club Walkerton $1,456.00 $1,002.65 $453.35 $0.00 $0.00 $453.35

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 980 Michigan City $6,987.00 $5,690.63 $1,296.37 $0.00 $1,296.37 $0.00

St. Mary’s Catholic Church Otis $1,939.00 $1,381.88 $557.12 $0.00 $557.12 $0.00

St. Mary’s Catholic Church Otis $2,040.10 $1,352.65 $687.45 $0.00 $687.45 $0.00

LaPorte Co. Total $21,287.10 $16,444.81 $4,842.29 $1,848.00 $2,540.94 $453.35

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Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




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Adams Elementary Indianapolis $1,100.00 $0.00 $1,100.00 $0.00 $1,100.00 $0.00

Catholic Youth Organization Indianapolis $18,530.00 $10,568.00 $7,962.00 $0.00 $7,962.00 $0.00

Catholic Youth Organization Indianapolis $24,620.00 $10,489.00 $14,131.00 $0.00 $14,131.00 $0.00

Indianapolis Traffic Club, Inc. Indianapolis $3,815.00 $2,729.00 $1,086.00 $0.00 $1,086.00 $0.00

Little Sisters of the Poor Inc., Indpls. Indianapolis $7,522.40 $524.00 $6,998.40 $0.00 $6,998.40 $0.00

Marion Co. Total $55,587.40 $24,310.00 $31,277.40 $0.00 $31,277.40 $0.00

St. Charles Church Peru $2,029.46 $382.63 $1,646.83 $0.00 $1,646.83 $0.00

St. Charles Church Peru $3,141.50 $1,239.82 $1,901.68 $0.00 $1,901.68 $0.00

Miami Co. Total $5,170.96 $1,622.45 $3,548.51 $0.00 $3,548.51 $0.00

American Legion Post No. 18 B. Woolery Bloomington $45,919.00 $34,681.53 $11,237.47 $0.00 $0.00 $11,237.47

Marlin School PTO Bloomington $2,870.00 $826.00 $2,044.00 $0.00 $2,044.00 $0.00

Monroe Co. Total $48,789.00 $35,507.53 $13,281.47 $0.00 $2,044.00 $11,237.47

Waveland Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Waveland $4,482.22 $38.13 $4,444.09 $0.00 $4,444.09 $0.00

Montgomery Co. Total $4,482.22 $38.13 $4,444.09 $0.00 $4,444.09 $0.00

Humane Society of Morgan Co. Martinsville $2,202.25 $801.58 $1,400.67 $0.00 $1,400.67 $0.00

Morgan Co. Total $2,202.25 $801.58 $1,400.67 $0.00 $1,400.67 $0.00

East Noble Band Boosters, Inc. Kendallville $1,202.00 $601.00 $601.00 $0.00 $601.00 $0.00

St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Chur Avilla $14,498.00 $13,898.00 $600.00 $600.00 $0.00 $0.00

Noble Co. Total $15,700.00 $14,499.00 $1,201.00 $600.00 $601.00 $0.00

Christ the King Church Paoli $384.00 $325.00 $59.00 $59.00 $0.00 $0.00

Exchange Club of Springs Valley West Baden Springs $1,290.00 $614.50 $675.50 $0.00 $675.50 $0.00

Orange Co. Total $1,674.00 $939.50 $734.50 $59.00 $675.50 $0.00

Montezuma Civic Club, Inc. Montezuma $2,490.00 $2,278.00 $212.00 $0.00 $212.00 $0.00

Montezuma Civic Club, Inc. Montezuma $404.00 $278.00 $126.00 $0.00 $126.00 $0.00

Parke Co. Total $2,894.00 $2,556.00 $338.00 $0.00 $338.00 $0.00

Duneland Festival Committee Porter $502.00 $396.00 $106.00 $0.00 $106.00 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.9114 Portage $2,352.09 $1,314.64 $1,037.45 $200.00 $837.45 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.9114 Portage $1,695.00 $1,086.56 $608.44 $600.00 $8.44 $0.00

Porter Co. Total $4,549.09 $2,797.20 $1,751.89 $800.00 $951.89 $0.00

Special Bingo Licenses

Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




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Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




St. Philip Catholic Church Mt. Vernon $2,577.85 $1,158.30 $1,419.55 $0.00 $1,419.55 $0.00

St. Wendel Catholic Church Evansville $4,844.20 $2,013.50 $2,830.70 $2,830.70 $0.00 $0.00

Posey Co. Total $7,422.05 $3,171.80 $4,250.25 $2,830.70 $1,419.55 $0.00

Knights of Columbus Coun No.1461 Batesville $70,191.69 $62,462.82 $7,728.87 $7,326.09 $402.78 $0.00

Ripley Co. Total $70,191.69 $62,462.82 $7,728.87 $7,326.09 $402.78 $0.00

Michiana Literacy Council, Inc. South Bend $17,579.50 $17,522.60 $56.90 $0.00 $56.90 $0.00

St. Joseph Co. Total $17,579.50 $17,522.60 $56.90 $0.00 $56.90 $0.00

V.F.W. Post No. 748 Starke Knox $15,051.00 $13,757.00 $1,294.00 $0.00 $1,294.00 $0.00

Starke Co. Total $15,051.00 $13,757.00 $1,294.00 $0.00 $1,294.00 $0.00

Psi Iota Xi Sorority - Beta Beta Chapter Sullivan $2,977.00 $1,394.31 $1,582.69 $0.00 $0.00 $1,582.69

Sullivan Co. Total $2,977.00 $1,394.31 $1,582.69 $0.00 $0.00 $1,582.69

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No.1529 Lafayette Lafayette $24,941.00 $22,689.00 $2,252.00 $610.00 $1,642.00 $0.00

Tippecanoe Co. Total $24,941.00 $22,689.00 $2,252.00 $610.00 $1,642.00 $0.00

American Business Women’s Assn. Freedom IV Evansville $1,250.00 $0.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $0.00 $0.00

Evansville Cath. Interparochial HS Board Evansville $72,330.44 $41,272.06 $31,058.38 $30,000.00 $0.00 $1,058.38

Good Shepherd Catholic Church Evansville $33,804.60 $24,504.00 $9,300.60 $9,300.60 $0.00 $0.00

St. Joseph Church Evansville $314.25 $181.25 $133.00 $0.00 $133.00 $0.00

Vanderburgh County 4-H Club Assn. Inc. Evansville $33,962.00 $29,776.95 $4,185.05 $0.00 $4,185.05 $0.00

Vanderburgh County 4-H Club Assn. Inc. Evansville $54,093.00 $45,156.00 $8,937.00 $0.00 $8,937.00 $0.00

Vanderburgh Co. Total $195,754.29 $140,890.26 $54,864.03 $40,550.60 $13,255.05 $1,058.38

Woods Day Care/Pre-School, Inc. St Mary of the Woods $536.05 $25.00 $511.05 $0.00 $511.05 $0.00

Y.W.C.A. of Terre Haute, Inc. Terre Haute $4,075.35 $2,011.74 $2,063.61 $0.00 $2,063.61 $0.00

Vigo Co. Total $4,611.40 $2,036.74 $2,574.66 $0.00 $2,574.66 $0.00

American Business Women’s Assn. Rose City Richmond $1,347.90 $181.50 $1,166.40 $0.00 $0.00 $1,166.40

Knights of St. John No. 172 Richmond $29,826.00 $28,927.00 $899.00 $0.00 $899.00 $0.00

Tarum Shrine Ladies Richmond $2,840.00 $904.52 $1,935.48 $1,900.00 $35.48 $0.00

Wayne Co. Total $34,013.90 $30,013.02 $4,000.88 $1,900.00 $934.48 $1,166.40

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Organization City Undistributed Income

$ Retained forUse by the Org.

$ Given toOther Orgs.




Chamber of Commerce - Monon Monon $336.00 $227.25 $108.75 $0.00 $108.75 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Monon Monon $623.75 $468.59 $155.16 $0.00 $155.16 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Monon Monon $757.50 $550.30 $207.20 $0.00 $207.20 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Monon Monon $503.00 $362.79 $140.21 $0.00 $140.21 $0.00

Chamber of Commerce - Monon Monon $731.25 $491.05 $240.20 $0.00 $240.20 $0.00

White Co. Total $2,951.50 $2,099.98 $851.52 $0.00 $851.52 $0.00

Grand Totals

$ Given toOther Organization








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$ Retained for Useby the Organization




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“Committed to public trust and service.”