INDIAN NOTICES TO MARINERS EDITION NO. 03 DATED 01 FEB 2012 (CONTAINS NOTICES 060 TO 067) REACH US 24 x 7 [email protected] [email protected] +91-135-2748373 National Hydrographic Office 107-A, Rajpur Road Dehradun – 248001 INDIA Joint Director of Hydrography Maritime Safety Information Services +91- 135 - 2747360-65 www.hydrobharat.nic.in CONTENTS Section No. Title I List of Charts Affected II Permanent Notices III Temporary and Preliminary Notices IV Marine Information V NAVAREA VIII Warnings inforce VI Corrections to Sailing Directions VII Corrections to List of Lights VIII Corrections to List of Radio Signals IX Reporting of Navigational Dangers (PUBLISHED ON NHO WEBSITE ON 1 ST & 16 TH OF EVERY MONTH) FEEDBACK: [email protected] INSIST ON INDIAN CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS Original, Authentic and Up-to-Date © Govt. of India Copyright No permission is required to make copies of these Notices. However, such copies are not to be commercially sold.

INDIAN NOTICES TO MARINERS - Indian Naval ... of 2012.pdfTitle 31(5) Indian List of Radio Signals Vol 5 (GMDSS) 2011 Availability of ENCs. The complete folios of Official Indian ENCs

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REACH US 24 x 7

[email protected] [email protected]


National Hydrographic Office 107-A, Rajpur Road Dehradun – 248001


Joint Director of Hydrography Maritime Safety Information Services

+91- 135 - 2747360-65


CONTENTS Section No. Title

I List of Charts Affected II Permanent Notices III Temporary and Preliminary Notices IV Marine Information V NAVAREA VIII Warnings inforce VI Corrections to Sailing Directions VII Corrections to List of Lights VIII Corrections to List of Radio Signals IX Reporting of Navigational Dangers


FEEDBACK: [email protected]


Original, Authentic and Up-to-Date

© Govt. of India Copyright No permission is required to make copies of these Notices. However, such copies are not to be commercially sold.

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MARINER’S OBLIGATION AND A CHART MAKER’S PLEA Observing changes at sea proactively and reporting them promptly to the concerned charting agency, is an obligation that all mariners owe to the entire maritime community towards SOLAS. Mariners are requested to notify the Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India at the above mentioned address/fax number/ E mail address immediately on discovering new or suspected dangers to navigation, changes/defects pertaining to navigational aids, and shortcomings in Indian charts/publications. The Hydrographic Note [Form IH – 102] is a convenient form to notify such changes. Specimen form is attached at Section IX with this notice. Also visit our website for downloading and filling up instructions for Hydrographic Note.

Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India

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Corrections to Charts and Publications. Section I comprises List of Charts affected by the notices contained in this edition. Whereas sections II and III contain information for correcting the charts and publications. Mariners should insist on corrected charts from their chart distributors/agents. (a) Geographical positions given are in the horizontal datum of the current edition of the chart, unless otherwise stated. (b) Bearings are true, reckoned clockwise from 000° to 359°. Bearings to lights are from seaward. (c) Symbols referred to, are those shown on the chart 5020 (INT 1). (d) Alterations to depth contours, deletion of depths to make way for new detail, etc; are not normally mentioned, unless they have some navigational significance. (e) Blocks and notes, if any, accompanying the Notices in Sections II and III are placed after Section IX. Temporary and Preliminary Notices. These are indicated by (T) and (P) respectively after the Notice number and are placed in Section III . Sl Nos. of those in force are published quarterly on 01

Jan, 01 Apr, 01 Jul and 01 Oct, and their

text is published in Annual Edition of Indian Notices to Mariners. They should be inserted in pencil, by the user, on receipt.

Source of Information. A star preceding the number of a Notice indicates that the notice is promulgated by INHO based on original information received.

Sailing Directions. Corrections for the Sailing Directions (Pilots) are given in Section VI.

Lights. Corrections to Indian List of Lights are given in Section VII, where affected Light List number is quoted.

(a) These corrections should be incorporated as per instructions given on page XI of the List of Lights. (b) Such correction notices to list of lights may be published in either an earlier or a later Edition of N to M than the Edition containing the Notice to the chart correction.

(c) The range of a light given is its nominal range. Its geographical range is given in parenthesis only if it is less than the nominal range. (d) A star indicates that the corresponding field is to be amended and all stars indicate that new light is to be inserted.

Radio Signals. The corrections in Section VIII should be cut and pasted in the appropriate volume of the List of Radio Signals.

Radio Navigational Warnings.

(a) These are broadcast as serially numbered NAVAREA warnings by the concerned NAVAREA coordinator through GMDSS and Area Radio Broadcasts. (b) They contain important information affecting navigational safety, which cannot await the publication of the next edition of N to M. (c) It should be borne in mind that they may be based on reports which cannot always be verified before promulgation. (d) It is therefore necessary to be selective, and promulgate only the more important warnings to avoid over loading users; the less important information is included in the forthcoming edition of N to M or the Chart/publication concerned.

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IV Laws and Regulations. While in the interest of the safety of shipping, the Hydrographic Office makes every endeavor to include in its publications details of the laws and regulations of all countries pertaining to navigation, it must be clearly understood: -

(a) That no liability whatsoever can be accepted for failure to publish details of any particular law or regulation and (b) That publication of details of a law or regulation is solely for the safety and convenience of shipping and implies no recognition of the International validity of the law or regulation.

Correction of Charts and Publications by the Users. Notices to Mariners contain important information concerning safety of navigation at sea, hence, they should be used to keep the specified charts and publications up-to-date.

Reliance on Charts and Associated Publications. While every effort is made by the Hydrographic Office to ensure the accuracy of the information on Charts and Publications before they are published, it should be appreciated that it may not always be complete and up-to-date. The mariner must be the final judge for the reliance he can place on the infor-mation available, bearing in mind his particular circumstances, local pilotage guidance and judicious use of available navigational aids.

Use of Global Positioning System (WGS 84) positions. (a) The positions of hydrographic objects shown on most of the Indian charts and publications are in Everest

datum. However, the positions of vessels obtained from Global Positioning System (GPS) are on World Geodetic System 1984 datum. There will always exist a difference in the position values obtained by visual fixing (Everest Datum) and GPS position (WGS 84 datum).

(b) Wherever these differences have been ascertained, their average values are published as a Cautionary

Note on the chart concerned, as shifts in Latitude and Longitude. Whilst plotting GPS positions on charts, the shift values as given on the chart must be applied, before making any assessment of the navigational situation vis-à-vis the other charted information.

(c) These datum shift values are not uniform, particularly in areas off Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands, as these places are not linked to mainland network (Everest datum). Mariners are advised to use alternate source of position information such as Visual or Radar, particularly when closing the shore or navigating in the vicinity of dangers.

Source Data on Charts. All Indian charts contain specific information on their source of hydrographic data. In areas where the source data is very old, incomplete and less reliable, the mariner must use such charts with prudence. Mariner should always use the largest scale charts available for the area. Apart from being the most detailed, the larger scale charts are usually corrected first. Hydrographic information may be sparse on small scale charts. On such charts, a charted shoal may be in error as regards position, least depth and extent. Uncharted dangers may also exist, particularly in areas away from well-established routes. Mariners must exercise due caution.

Further Guidance. The Mariner’s Hand Book (NP 100) gives full explanation on the use of charts and the type of information contained on charts. In their own interest, all users of charts should refer to it.

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NEWLY PUBLISHED INDIAN CHARTS, ENCs AND PUBLICATION 1. The newly published Indian charts, ENCs and Publications:-

-Nil- 2. The forthcoming Indian Charts are as follows:-

Chart No Title Scale Remarks

211 SATPATI TO MURUD JANJIRA 1,50,000 New Edition

2033 (INT7341) SIKKA CREEK, SIKKA CHANNEL 12,500 New Chart

2106 MUNDRA PORT 12,500 New Chart

2107 MUNDRA PORT – WEST BASIN 12,500 New Chart

2034 (INT7349) HAZIRA PORT 10,000 New Chart

2083 (INT7339)




3. The forthcoming Indian Publication is as follows:-

INP No Title

31(5) Indian List of Radio Signals Vol 5 (GMDSS) 2011

Availability of ENCs. The complete folios of Official Indian ENCs are distributed worldwide through JEPPESEN MARINE (formerly C-MAP), UKHO and Norwegian Hydrographic Service. UKHO distributes Indian ENCs through the world wide network of their agents and distributors. Updates are also made available as per the existing policy of the distributor. Mariners and other ENC users may contact the under mentioned for further details: The Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India National Hydrographic Office 107-A, Rajpur Road Dehradun- 248001 Uttarakhand, India Tele: +91-135- 2747365, Fax: +91-135-2748373 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.hydrobharat.nic.in

Director, JEPPESEN MARINE Jeppesen India Pvt. Ltd. 505, Raheja Arcade, Sector-11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614 India Ph: 91-22- 65103668 Fax: 91- 22- 67939504 Email: [email protected] Website: www.c-map.co.in

United Kingdom Hydrographic Office Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset TA1 2DN, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1823 337900 Fax: +44 (0) 1823 330561, 1823 284077 Telex: 46274 Email: [email protected] Web site: www.ukho.gov.uk

Director General Norwegian Hydrographic Service, Postbox 60, 4001 Stavanger Telephone - +47 - 51 85 87 00 Fax - + 47 - 51 85 87 08 E-mail:[email protected] Website: - www.primar.org

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The lists of charts affected by the Notices 060 to 067 contained in this edition are as follows:

CHART NUMBER FOLIO NO. NOTICE NO. 20 1 066 21 2 061, 062

203 (INT 7319) 2 061, 062 211 3 060

255 (INT 7334) 3 060 289 1 066

292 (INT 7021) 2 060 293 (INT 7022) 3 060

409 6 065 2016 (INT 7336) 3 060

2060 2 063 2068 2 061 2080 2 062 3029 5 064

7508 (INT 508) 7 067 8004 1 066

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*060/(03/12) INDIA – WEST COAST – Mumbai North-westwards – Submarine Cable. Source: BA Notice – 4459/11 & TE SubCom. (HJ/1030/97) Chart 292(INT7021) [previous update 268/11] Insert submarine cable, , joining: 19° 07´·9N., 72° 48´·9E.(shore) 19° 04´·8N., 72° 46´·6E. 19° 02´·4N., 72° 41´·6E. Chart 293(INT7022) [previous update 268/11] Insert submarine cable, , joining: 19° 07´·9N., 72° 48´·9E.(shore) 19° 04´·8N., 72° 46´·6E. 19° 02´·4N., 72° 41´·6E. Chart 255(INT7334) [previous update 268/11] Insert submarine cable, , joining: 19° 07´·9N., 72° 48´·7E.(shore) 19° 06´·0N., 72° 46´·8E. 19° 04´·8N., 72° 46´·6E. 19° 02´·4N., 72° 41´·6E. 19° 00´·4N., 72° 40´·7E. (exisiting cable area) and 18° 58´·2N., 72° 35´·2E. (existing cable area) 18° 59´·1N., 72° 33´·2E. 18° 58´·8N., 72° 30´·5E. 18° 58´·1N., 72° 29´·2E. 18° 58´·4N., 72° 24´·8E. (existing cable) Chart 211 [previous update 231/11] Insert submarine cable, , joining: 19° 07´·94N., 72° 48´·71E.(shore) 19° 07´·19N., 72° 48´·37E. 19° 05´·89N., 72° 46´·84E. 19° 04´·66N., 72° 46´·47E. 19° 02´·68N., 72° 42´·07E. 19° 02´·34N., 72° 41´·53E. 19° 00´·40N., 72° 40´·64E. (exisiting cable area) and 18° 58´·33N., 72° 35´·25E. (existing cable area) 18° 58´·33N., 72° 35´·07E. 18° 59´·11N., 72° 33´·12E. 18° 58´·88N., 72° 30´·69E. 18° 58´·04N., 72° 29´·04E. 18° 57´·90N., 72° 27´·34E. 18° 58´·05N., 72° 25´·97E. 18° 58´·51N., 72° 24´·31E. 18° 58´·48N., 72° 23´·95E. 18° 57´·75N., 72° 20´·38E.

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*060/(03/12) INDIA – WEST COAST – Mumbai North-westwards – Submarine Cable. (continued) Source: BA Notice – 4459/11 & TE SubCom. (HJ/1030/97) Chart 2016(INT7336) [previous update 263/11] Insert submarine cable, , joining: 19° 02´·70N., 72° 41´·97E.(N Border) 19° 02´·39N., 72° 41´·49E. 19° 00´·45N., 72° 40´·60E. (existing cable area) and 18° 58´·38N., 72° 35´·21E. (exisiting cable area) 18° 58´·38N., 72° 35´·03E. 18° 59´·05N., 72° 33´·56E. 18° 59´·16N., 72° 33´·08E. 18° 59´·11N., 72° 32´·13E. 18° 58´·93N., 72° 30´·65E. 18° 58´·09N., 72° 29´·00E. 18° 57´·95N., 72° 27´·30E. 18° 58´·03N., 72° 26´·50E.(W Border)

*061/(03/12) INDIA – WEST COAST – Gulf of Kachchh – Mandvi – Lights. Radar Beacons. Source: DLL Jamnagar. (HJ/1031/20) Chart 21 [previous update 268/11] Amend Light to, Fl(3)16M 22° 49´·7N., 69° 20´·9E. Chart 203(INT7319) [previous update 054/12] Amend Light to, Fl(3)30s63m16M 22° 49´·71N., 69° 20´·89E. Chart 2068 [previous update 032/12] Insert Fl(3)30s63m16M (a) 22° 49´·71N., 69° 20´·89E. Radar beacon, “Racon(G)” at: (a) above Delete Fl(3)30s36m19M with associated radar beacon, “Racon(G)” , close S of: (a) above

*062/(03/12) INDIA – WEST COAST – Gulf of Kachchh – Bhadreswar – Light. Legend. Source: DLL Jamnagar. (HJ/1031/20) Chart 21 [previous update 061/12] Insert Fl(3)16M 22° 54´·5N., 69° 54´·8E. Chart 203(INT7319) [previous update 061/12] Insert Fl(3)20s77m16M 22° 54´·49N., 69° 54´·84E. Move Legend, “Bhadreswar” , from: 22° 54´·49N., 69° 54´·55E. to: 22° 54´·49N., 69° 54´·20E. Chart 2080 [previous update 054/12] Insert Fl(3)20s77m16M 22° 54´·53N., 69° 54´·83E.

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*063/(03/12) INDIA – WEST COAST – Approaches to Mundra – Mundra Port – Anchorage Areas. Pilot

Boarding Places. Legends. Source: INM 032/12. (HJ/1031/20) Chart 2060 [previous update 188/11] Insert circular limit, , radius 0.25 NM, upto N Border, centered on: (a) 22° 38´·90N., 69° 38´·26E. (SPM) (a) above limit of anchorage area, , joining: 22° 39´·00N., 69° 42´·06E. (N Border) 22° 38´·90N., 69° 42´·06E. (Title Block) and 22° 38´·07N., 69° 42´·85E. (Title Block) 22° 38´·77N., 69° 44´·00E. (E Border) and 22° 39´·00N., 69° 36´·06E. (N Border) 22° 37´·97N., 69° 36´·06E. 22° 39´·00N., 69° 32´·55E. (N Border) and (b) 22° 38´·55N., 69° 38´·06E. (c) 22° 37´·60N., 69° 38´·06E. (d) 22° 37´·96N., 69° 36´·07E. (e) 22° 38´·55N., 69° 36´·07E. legend, “General A” , centered on: 22° 38´·70N., 69° 43´·40E. legend, “General B” , centered on: 22° 38´·70N., 69° 35´·00E. legend, “SPM” , within: (b) - (e) above Delete anchorage area, , joining: 22° 39´·00N., 69° 42´·83E.(N Border) 22° 38´·00N., 69° 42´·83E. 22° 38´·72N., 69° 44´·00E.(E Border) SPM (f) 22° 38´·87N., 69° 39´·18E. circular limit, , radius 450m, centered on: (f) above anchorage area joining: 22° 38´·62N., 69° 38´·96E. 22° 37´·50N., 69° 38´·96E. 22° 37´·50N., 69° 42´·03E. 22° 38´·62N., 69° 42´·03E. SPM 22° 38´·12N., 69° 40´·46E.

*064/(03/12) INDIA – EAST COAST – Approaches to Tirukkadaiyur Port – Port Limit. Legend. Source: Tamil Nadu Maritime Board. (HJ/1030/10) Chart 3029 [previous update 182/10] Insert port limit, pecked line, joining: (a) 11° 03´·11N., 79° 51´·44E.(shore) (b) 11° 03´·13N., 79° 53´·61E. (c) 11° 02´·68N., 79° 53´·61E. (d) 11° 02´·68N., 79° 51´·42E.(shore)

legend, “Limit of Port of Chettinad Tharangambadi”, along:

(a) – (b) above

(d) – (c) above

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*065/(03/12) INDIA – NICOBAR ISLAND – Campbell Bay – Leading Lights. Leading Lines. Legends. Source: INM 262/11. (HJ/928/76) Chart 409 [previous update 056/11] Delete Fl.5s22m5M (a) 07° 00´·38N., 93° 54´·91E. Q.10m5M (b) 07° 00´·28N., 93° 54´·98E. leading line, pecked line and firm line with

associated legend, “Lts ≠ 323°42´ ”, joining (a) above (b) above 06° 56´·60N., 93° 57´·65E.

066/(03/12) IRAN – Bandar ’Abbas and Abu- Musá Northwards - Buoyage. Light-float. Source: BA Notice – 238/12. (HJ/1132/54) Chart 20 [previous update 040/12] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM Delete Fl.12M 25° 58´·9N., 55° 00´·9E. Chart 289 [previous update 045/12] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

Substitute Fl(2)6s for Fl.12M 25° 58´·9N., 55° 03´·0E.

Chart 8004 [previous update 047/12] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Fl(2)6s (a) 25° 58´·9N., 55° 00´·9E.

Delete Fl.12s12M, adjacent to: (a) above

067/(03/12) GULF OF THAILAND – MALACCA STRAIT – Koh Kong Westwards – Wreck. Source: BA Notice – 168/12. (HJ/1027/18) Chart 7508(INT508) [previous update 046/12] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM Substitute Wk for Wk 11° 09´·0N., 101° 20´·0E.

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MUMBAI NAVTEX COAST STATION MSI Promulgation by Mumbai NAVTEX Coast Station position 19° 05'.00 N, 072° 50'.00 E is closed for maintenance. (Source - NAVAREA VIII Warning 305/08)

Distribution of Indian Paper Charts and Nautical Publications Indian Nautical Charts and Publications from National Hydrographic Office, India are now available globally. Details of overseas chart agents are as follows:-

*JEPPESEN MARINE Jeppesen India Pvt. Ltd. 505, Raheja Arcade, Sector-11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400 614 Ph: 91 22 65103668 Fax: 91 22 67939504 Email: [email protected]

*JEPPESEN MARINE Jeppesen Norway AS P.O. 212, N-4379, Egersund, Norway Ph: 0047 51 464700 Fax: 0047 51 464701 Email: [email protected] Site: www.c-map.no

C-Map US Commercial 133 Falmouth Road, Building 2, Postal Code: 02649, Mashpee, MA, America Ph: +1 (508) 477 8010 Fax: +1 (508) 539 4381 Email: [email protected]

C-Map (UK) Ltd. Systems House Delta Business Park Salterns Lane,Fareham, PO16 0QS, United Kingdom, Ph: +44 (0) 1329 517777 Fax: +44 (0) 1329 517778 Email: [email protected]

Mari-Sys Pte Ltd. 20 Ayer Rajah Crescent, 08-21,SE 139964, Republic of Singapore Ph: +65 6776 1898 Email: [email protected]

Bogerd Martin NV, Oude Leeuwenrui 37 2000 Antwerp, Belgium Ph: +32 (3) 2134170 Fax: +32 (3) 2326167 Email: [email protected] Site: www.martin.be

Bogerd Martin Tianjin(China Branch) 2-B101 FTZ Hi-Tech Development Centre 131 Haibin 9 Road 300461 Tianjin China Ph: +86 22 257 62 721 Fax: +86 22 257 62 722 Email: [email protected]

C-Map Holland Paleiskade100 PO Box 7 1781 AR Den Helder, Holland Ph: +31 223 616 700 E Mail: CorMallie [email protected]

* Indicates C Map Norway AS has changed name to Jeppesen Marine Norway AS. Indicates C Map India has changed name to Jeppesen India.

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4. 2 List of Indian Chart Agents. M/s OSA Books and Periodicals, R-246, Greater Kailash -I New Delhi - 110 048 Tel/Fax: 011-46557337, Mob: 9910891631, 9810705062 Email: [email protected]

M/s Sterling Book House, 181, Dr. DN Road Fort, Mumbai – 400 001 Tel: 91-22-22612521, Fax: 91-22-22623551 Email : [email protected]

M/s Global Charts & Nav. Aids Pvt. Limited 1A, Goa Mansion, Ground Floor 58, Dr. Sunderlal Bahl Path (Goa Street) Fort, Mumbai - 400 001 Tel: 91-22-22626318, 22626380, Fax: 91-22-22621488 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

M/s EW Stevens & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. Mackinnon Mackenzie Bldg, Ground Floor, 4 Shoorji Vallabhdas Marg, Mumbai-400 038 Tel: 91-22-22618567, Fax: 022-22619146 Email: [email protected]

M/s C & C Marine Combine 25 Bank Street, 1st Floor, Mumbai - 400 023 Tel: 91-22- 22660525. 22661937, 22672143 Fax: 91-22-22670896 Email: [email protected]

M/s Maritime Charts & Publicatons 2/524 Sundeep Road, Chinna Neelangarai, Chennai 600041 Land Mark - Nearby Suganya Kalyana Mandapam Tele/Fax : +91-44-24490668 Mob No : +91-9003245348 Email: [email protected]

M/s SVR Chart Agencies Door No.50-81-35/6, Santhipuram, Seetammapeta, Visakhapatnam-530 016 Tele Fax: 0891-2799471, Cell: 9440132553, 9849120988, 9885308200 Email : [email protected]

M/s Jeppesen India Pvt. Ltd 505, Raheja Arcade, Sector 11 CBD, Belapur Navi Mumbai – 400 614 Tel: +91 22 5610 3668, Fax: +91 22 55939504 Mob: +9322238542 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: www.c-map.co.in

M/s JM Maritime Services 24/24C Kavarana Building Ground Floor, Wadi Bunder P.D. Mellow Road, Mumbai – 400 009 Tel: +91 22 23736756, Fax: 022 - 23725083 Cell: +91 9820788357 Email : [email protected], charts@ mtnl.net.in

M/S Inspire Shipping, 46a, Ashok Chamber, Broach Street, Masjid Bunder (E), Mumbai – 400 009 Fax : 022 – 27713146 Email : [email protected], [email protected]

M/S Lift-O-Marine Allens Mansion, Flat – C6 Nungli Station Road, Bata Nagar PO. Parbangla Kolkata - 700140 Tel: +91-33-24924293, Cell: +91-9477444392 Email: [email protected]

M/s Global Marine Infratech Pvt. Ltd. Siksha Sandan, Ground Floor, ND-7, VIP Area, IRC Village Bhubaneswar – 751015 Tel: +91-674-2550599, Fax: +91-674-2551899 Email: [email protected]; Web: www.gmiindia.in

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1. For details of NAVAREA limits and organisation/coordination, please refer to Notice No. 12 of the Special edition of Indian Notice to Mariners – 2008. 2. NAVAREA VIII Warnings Inforce as on 31 Jan 12.

2011 SERIES – 225 228 256 299 343 346 409 442 574 589 596 604 704 708 709 720 725 2012 SERIES – 002 003 020 024 031 033 034 035 037 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047

3. NAVAREA VIII Warnings issued during the period from 16 Jan to 31 Jan 12 (both dates inclusive) are as tabulated below:-

021. India West Coast – Okha. Charts 21 202 203 251 271 291 2013 2068 INT 705. Firing by Naval Coast Battery between 0730 UTC to 1130 UTC on 21 Jan 12 2. Danger area from 300 degree to 020 degree up to 12 nm seaward from position 22-28.11N 069-04.00E 3. Safe flying height 13000 metres. 4. Cancel this MSG 211230 UTC Jan 12. 022. India West Coast – Beypore. Charts 22 219 272 259 2053 INT 705. MSV Bagyo Dei.pbr-1360 reported missing with eight crew onboard enroute Sikka Port to Beypore. Vessel details are as follows :- (a) Cabin – upper two feet white and lower four feet green colour (b) Whether deck – white colour (c) Ship side – upper four feet fish oil colour and lower portion white and orange colour 2. Vessel transiting through the area to keep sharp look out and render assistance 3. Report any sighting to MRCC, Mumbai (.) Tel : +91(22) 2438 8065, Telefax +91(22) 2431 6558, INMARSAT C 441922594, email: [email protected]/[email protected] 023. Cancel NAVAREA VIII 325/11 671/11 682/11 718/11 005/12 and this MSG. INM 058/12 059/12 and section VII of INM edition 02/12 refers. 024. Cancel NAVAREA VIII 022/12. India West Coast – off Porbandar. Charts 21 205 252 292 INT 705. MSV Bagyo Dei reported sunk in position 21-10N 069-40E. All crew rescued. 2. caution advised 025. Western Indian Ocean – off Somalia. Charts 8009 INT 71 INT 72 INT 703. Piracy. Possible mothership activity by M/V Enrico in position 10-22N 052-21E at 190958Z Jan 12. 2. Vessels are advised to keep 100 miles clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution. 3. Cancel this MSG 220958Z Jan 12. 026. India West Coast – Arabian Sea. Charts 22 272 293 INT 705. Firing by Naval ships from 0130 UTC to 0730 UTC on 28 Jan 2012 in area bounded by: (a) 14-04N 071-22E (b) 13-43N 071-54E (c) 13-09N 071-30E (d) 13-31N 070-58E 2. Safe flying height 8000 metres. 3. Cancel this MSG 280830 UTC Jan 12. 027. India East Coast – Chennai. Charts 32 33 313 356 357 3001 3004 INT 706. Firing practice by Naval Coast Battery from position 13-07.02N 080-18.01E from 0530 UTC to 0730 UTC on 27 Jan 12. 2. Danger zone sector of 11 nm radius between 045 degree and 075 degree from gun position. 3. Safe flying height 12800 metres. 4. Cancel this MSG 270830 UTC Jan 12. 028. Cancel NAVAREA VIII 018/12. NAVAREA VIII – Messages in force as on 201004 UTC Jan 12: 2011 Series: - 225 228 256 299 343 346 409 442 574 589 596 604 704 708 709 716 717 720 722 724 725 2012 Series: - 002 003 013 020 021 024 025 026 027

(a) NAVAREA VIII warnings less than 42 days old (704/11 onward) are promulgated via SafetyNET. (b) Text of NAVAREA VIII warnings inforce including those which are no longer being broadcast are

available on website www.hydrobharat.nic.in (c) Texts of NAVAREA VIII warnings are also printed in section V of fortnightly editions of Indian Notices to Mariners. 2. Cancel this MSG 270959 UTC Jan 12.

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5. 2 029. India East Coast – Bay of Bengal. Charts 31 32 354 355 391 INT 706. Drilling operation terminated temporarily by Rig Hercules 258. Casing pipes and conductors still present in position 16-44.23N 082-23.68E. Dangerous to surface navigation. 2. Caution advised. 030. India East Coast – Bay of Bengal. Charts 31 32 354 355 391 INT 706. Rig list. Correct at 231102 UTC Jan 12:

DISCOVERER SEVEN SEAS 19-56.10N 088-15.50E DHIRUBHAI DEEPWATER KG-1 13-12.91N 095-22.60E SAGAR BHUSHAN 16-15.30N 082-10.69E SAGAR VIJAY 17-32.99N 083-29.81E DEEP DRILLER-1 16-40.12N 082-25.74E PLATINUM EXPLORER 18-10.45N 085-34.64E ABAN II 17-02.43N 082-21.85E SAGAR JYOTI 16-11.87N 081-44.83E DEEP SEA MATDRILL 16-16.38N 081-43.85E MG HULME JR 16-35.73N 082-27.06E WIDE BERTH REQUESTED

2. Cancel NAVAREA VIII 724/11. 031. India West Coast – Mormugao. Chart 22 214 215 257 2022 INT 71 INT 706. Firing practice by Naval aircraft from 01 to 07 Feb and 14 to 21 Feb 12 between 0230 UTC to 1230 UTC in area bounded by: (a) 15-13N 073-57E (b) 15-13N 073-52E (c) 15-11N 073-52E (d) 15-11N 073-57E 2. Safe Flying Height 3500 Metres. 3. Cancel this MSG 211330 UTC Feb 12. 032. India West Coast – Kochi. Charts 22 32 220 259 260 2004 2029 2045 INT 71 INT 706. Firing will be carried out between 0130 to 0200 UTC, 0330 to 0400 UTC and 1130 to 1200 UTC on 27 and 28 Jan 12 in area bounded by: (a) 09-57.5N 075-59.5E (b) 09-57.7N 076-14.2E (c) 09-44.0N 076-17.5E (d) 09-42.5N 076-09.5E 2. Safe flying height 2000 metres. 3. Cancel this MSG 281300 UTC Jan 12. 033. India East Coast – Gopalpur. Charts 31 352 353 391 3005 INT 706. Firing by army between 2330 UTC to 1800 UTC from 31 Jan to 07 Feb 12 in area bounded by: (a) 19-14.60N 084-53.70E (b) 19-37.05N 085-27.87E (c) 18-46.05N 085-22.87E and arc of 41 nm radius joining point (b) and (c). 2. Safe flying height 7000 metres. 3. Cancel this MSG 071900 UTC Feb 12. 034. India East Coast – off Suryalanka. Charts 31 32 355 3026 INT 706. Firing exercise by IAF from position 15-50.50N 080-29.50E between 0130 UTC to 1630 UTC on 02 Feb 03 Feb 09 Feb 10 Feb and 16 Feb 12. 2. Danger area is an arc of 60 nm radius between 100 degree and 210 degree from firing point. 3. No over flight permissible. caution advised. 4. Cancel this MSG on 161730 UTC Feb 12. 035. India West Coast- off Kolachel. Charts 22 32 223 260 262 263 INT 706. Hydrographic survey will be carried out from 311830 UTC Jan 12 to 051830 UTC Mar 12 in area bounded by: (a) 08-03.00N 077-05.00E (b) 08-03.00N 077-21.00E (c) 08-13.25N 077-21.00E (d) 08-13.25N 077-05.00E 2. Caution advised. 3. Cancel this MSG 051930 UTC Mar 12. 036. India East Coast – Bay of Bengal. Charts 31 32 33 41 354 355 391 473 INT 706. Rig list. Correct at 251004 UTC Jan 12:

DISCOVERER SEVEN SEAS 19-56.10N 088-15.50E DHIRUBHAI DEEPWATER KG-1 12-36.00N 093-29.33E SAGAR BHUSHAN 16-15.30N 082-10.69E SAGAR VIJAY 17-32.99N 083-29.81E DEEP DRILLER-1 16-40.12N 082-25.74E PLATINUM EXPLORER 18-10.45N 085-34.64E ABAN II 17-02.43N 082-21.85E SAGAR JYOTI 16-11.87N 081-44.83E DEEP SEA MATDRILL 16-16.38N 081-43.85E MG HULME JR 16-35.73N 082-27.06E wide berth requested.

2. Cancel NAVAREA VIII 030/12.

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5. 3 037. Cancel NAVAREA VIII 029/12. India East Coast – Bay of Bengal. Charts 31 32 354 355 391 INT 706. Drilling operation terminated temporarily by Rig Hercules 258. Stack of approximately 16.42 metres above water level along with lowered casing of 30 inch – 103 metres 20 inch - 700 metres and 13.38 inch – 1980 metres erected in position 16-44.23N 082-23.68E. 2. Caution advised. 038. India West Coast – Gulf of Mannar. Charts 23 32 263 INT 706. Unmanned Srilankan fishing boat 1 day fishing craft reported adrift in vicinity 07-15N 078-08E at 240430 UTC Jan 12. 2. Caution advised. 3. Cancel this MSG 270430 UTC Jan 12. 039. Bay of Bengal – Northern Portion. Charts 31 32 391 INT 71 INT 706. Firing practice by Naval ships between 0300 UTC and 0830 UTC on 28 Jan 12 in area bounded by:

(a) 16-09.0N 083-59.0E (b) 15-26.5N 084-44.0E (c) 14-38.0N 084-07.5E (d) 15-20.0N 083-24.0E

2. Safe flying height 22000 metres. 3. Cancel this MSG 280930 UTC Jan 12. 040. India West Coast – Kochi. Charts 22 32 220 259 260 2004 2029 2045 INT 71 INT 706. Firing by Naval coast battery: Date Time (UTC) 03 Feb 2012 0900 to 1200 07 Feb 2012 0900 to 1200 and 1230 to 1430 10 Feb 2012 0900 to 1200 14 Feb 2012 0900 to 1200 and 1230 to 1430 17 Feb 2012 0900 to 1200 21 Feb 2012 0900 to 1200 and 1230 to 1430 24 Feb 2012 0900 to 1200 28 Feb 2012 0900 to 1200 and 1230 to 1430 2. Danger area bounded by: (a) 09-57.5N 075-59.5E (b) 09-57.7N 076-14.2E (c) 09-44.0N 076-17.5E (d) 09-42.5N 076-09.5E 3. Safe flying height 10000 metres. 4. Cancel this MSG 281530 UTC Feb 12. 041. Myanmar – Gulf of Martaban. Charts 31 41 371 451 452 453 INT 706. Survey vessel CGG Amadeus escorted by five guard vessels and one supply vessel will carry out seismic survey till 15 Mar 12 in area bounded by: (a) 13-26N 097-00E (b) 13-36N 097-11E (c) 15-16N 095-23E (d) 15-40N 094-12E (e) 16-10N 094-00E (f) 16-10N 092-44E (g) 15-00N 092-44E (h) 15-00N 095-12E 2. The vessel is towing 08 seismic cables of length 6000 metres. Tail marked by 08 white flashing lights. 3. Wide berth of 05 nm astern and 03 nm ahead the vessel requested. 4. Cancel this MSG 160001UTC Mar 12. 042. NAVAREA VIII – messages in force as on 271004 UTC Jan 12: 2011 Series: - 225 228 256 299 343 346 409 442 574 589 596 604 704 708 709 720 725 2012 Series: - 002 003 020 024 026 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 039 040 041

(a) NAVAREA VIII warnings less than 42 days old (704/11 onward) are promulgated via SafetyNET. (b) Text of NAVAREA VIII warnings inforce including those which are no longer being broadcast are

available on website www.hydrobharat.nic.in (c) Texts of NAVAREA VIII warnings are also printed in section V of fortnightly editions of Indian Notices to Mariners.

2. Cancel this MSG 031004 UTC Feb 12. 043. India West Coast – Port of Mangalore. Charts 21 217 258 2002 2052 INT 71 INT 706. New Mangalore port channel marking buoy no 1 at position 12-54.89N 74-45.16E missing. 044. India West Coast-off Ratnagiri. Charts 22 256 293 INT 705. Firing by Naval ships from 0130 UTC to 0700 UTC on 04 Feb 12 in area bounded by: (a) 17-05N 072-25E (b) 16-45N 072-01E (c) 16-23N 072-22E (d) 16-43N 072-46E 2. Safe flying height 8000 metres. 3. Cancel this MSG 040800 UTC Feb 12.

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5. 4 045. India East Coast – Bay of Bengal. Charts 31 32 33 308 354 355 391 INT 706. Rig list. Correct at 301202 UTC Jan 12:

DISCOVERER SEVEN SEAS 19-56.10N 088-15.50E DHIRUBHAI DEEPWATER KG-1 17-59.88N 086-03.17E SAGAR BHUSHAN 16-15.30N 082-10.69E SAGAR VIJAY 17-39.08N 083-26.89E DEEP DRILLER-1 16-40.12N 082-25.74E PLATINUM EXPLORER 18-10.45N 085-34.64E ABAN II 17-02.43N 082-21.85E SAGAR JYOTI 16-11.87N 081-44.83E DEEP SEA MATDRILL 16-16.38N 081-43.85E MG HULME JR 16-35.73N 082-27.06E wide berth requested

2. Cancel NAVAREA VIII 036/12. 046. Bay of Bengal – Northern Portion. Charts 31 32 33 391 INT 71 INT 706. Firing practice by Naval ships between 0230 UTC and 1430 UTC from 07 Feb to 08 Feb 12 in area bounded by:

(a) 16-10N 083-30E (b) 14-50N 082-00E (c) 14-00N 086-10E (d) 13-00N 085-10E

2. Safe flying height 22000 metres. 3. Cancel this MSG 081530 UTC Feb 12. 047. India West Coast – Okha. Charts 21 202 203 251 271 291 2013 2068 INT 705. Seaward firing practice by Naval coast battery between 1030 UTC to 1230 UTC on 08 Feb 12. 2. Danger area from 300 degree to 020 degree up to 12 nm seaward from position 22-28.11N 069-04.00E 3. Safe flying height 13000 metres. 4. Cancel this MSG 081330 UTC Feb 12.

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- Nil -

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7. 1


No Name & Location Position (Lat-Long)

Characteristics Ht. mts

Range miles

Structure & Height (mts)


D6972 -Nosy Alanana 18 02.92S 49 27.61E

Fl(3)W 25s 59 23 White 8- sided stone tower with black band, black cupola 56

Aeromarine. (fl 0·1, ec 4·9) x 2, fl 0·1, ec 14·9

D7091.477 Remove from list *

D7091.479 Remove from list

D7091.483 Remove from list

D7091.486 Remove from list

D7091.49 Remove from list

D7091.491 Remove from list

D7091.493 Remove from list

D7091.495 Remove from list

D7091.497 Remove from list

D7709·8 - Shahid Haghani (IR)

27 10·16 N 56 16·68 E

Fl(2)W 6s . . 5 Black on black beacon, red band

Isolated danger mark


E6053·69 - Qita' al Kirsh 22 25·92N 38 59·77E

VQ(3)W 10s . . 10

* *

E6053.7 - P-02 22 20.09N 39 04.79E

Fl W 3s 7 5 . . fl 0.5

* *

E6053.85 - P-06 22 21.70N 39 05.58E

Fl W 7 5 . .

* * *

E6053·8612 -

22 13·43 N 38 57·98 E


* * * * * * *

E6053·8613 - 22 11·95 N 38 58·98 E

Fl G

* * * * * * *

E6053·8614 - 22 12·35 N 38 59·05 E

Fl R

* * * * * * *

E6053·8615 - 22 10·97 N 38 59·87 E

Fl G

* * * * * * *

E6053·8616 - 22 11·11 N 38 59·98 E


* * * * * * *

E6053·8617 - 22 10·50 N 39 00·70 E


* * * * * * *

E6053·8618 - 22 10·71 N 39 00·72 E

Fl R

* * * * * * *

E6053·8619 - 22 10·51 N 39 01·19 E


* * * * * * *

E6053·862 - 22 10·62 N 39 01·51 E

Fl G


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7. 2

No Name & Location Position (Lat-Long)

Characteristics Ht. mts

Range miles

Structure & Height (mts)


E6053·8621 - 22 10·74 N 39 01·51 E

Fl R

* * * * * * *

E6053·8625 Remove from list

E6053·8626 - 22 09·29N 38 56·31E

Fl G

* *

E6053·8627 - 22 08·83N 38 54·79E

Fl R

* *

F0357 - Mandvi 22 49.71N 69 20.89E

Fl(3) W 30s 65 16 Masonry tower, red and white bands 60

fl 1.0, ec 5.0, fl 1.0, ec 5.0, fl 1.0, ec 17.

-- . . Racon . . . . . . ILRS Vol 2 Station 78800

* * * *

F0365 Bhadreswar 22 54.53N 69 54.83E

Fl (3) 20s 79 16 White masonry tower 60

* * * * * * * *

F0382.3 Remove from list

F0842 Little Basses 6 24.46N 81 43.86E

VQ (2) W 10s 34 27 White granite tower and cupola, black band, 2 galleries 38

fl 0.3, ec 0.2, fl 0.3, ec 9.2


F0914 Nagappattinam. E end

10 45.95N 79 51.01E

Fl(2)W 20s

48 26 White round masonry tower, black bands 50

fl 0.5, ec 2, fl 0.5, ec 17. RC

-- . . Racon . . . . . . ILRS Vol 2 Station 79120


F0919 Porto Novo 11 30.17N 79 46.33E

Fl W 15s 36 26 White round concrete tower, red bands 37

fl 0·4

-- . . Racon . . . . . . ILRS Vol 2 Station 79127


F1193 Tg Po 6 37.06N 99 57.04E

Fl(2)W 12s 40 8 White framework tower 16

fl 0.5, ec 1, fl 0.5, ec 10 TE 2012

* * *

F1226 - Campbell Bay. Ldg Lts 319°30'. Front

7 00.44N 93 55.08E

Q W 10 5 Red on white rectangular tower 8


F1226.1 --- Rear. 50 m from front 7 00.42N 93 55.09E

Fl W 5s 22 5 White on white square concrete tower, red bands 19

* *

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8. 1


INP 31(1), 2005 (Last correction: Edition No. 16 dated 16 Sep 2011)


INP 31(2), 2007

(Last correction: Edition No. 18 dated 16 Sep 11)


INP 31(5), 1997 (Last correction: Edition No. 07 dated 01 Apr 09)


INP 31(6), 2005

(Last correction: Edition No. 24 dated 16 Dec 2011)


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9. 1


Appeal to all Mariners 1. Mariners at sea whilst on passage, or whilst entering / leaving ports / harbours and other waterways, are requested to look out for new or suspected dangers to navigation, changes in aids to navigation, or corrections to published charts and Sailing Directions. Whenever any such changes / dangers are observed, mariners are requested to notify the same to the Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India at the following address: -

National Hydrographic Office 107-A, Rajpur Road, Dehradun - 248001 (UTTARAKHAND), INDIA

e-mail: - [email protected], [email protected] Fax No.: +91-135- 2748373

WEB: www.hydrobharat.nic.in Instructions for filling up IH 102 2. Kindly follow the instructions below in order to help the Hydrographic Office (the recipient) to quickly issue NAVAREA warning / Notice to Mariners for the benefit of all other mariners at sea. Position Reporting 3. When a position is defined by bearings (true or magnetic to be specified) more than two bearings should be used in order to provide a check. Distances observed by Radar should be corrected for index errors. Latitude and Longitude obtained from GPS / DGPS should specify the datum (WGS 84 or other). A copy / tracing from the largest scale chart may be used for forwarding details, with the corrections and additions being shown thereon in red. Depth Reporting 4. When soundings are obtained using Echo Sounders, the echo-gram should be duly annotated with date, time, position and depth, etc., before enclosing it with the Form IH 102. It is important to state whether echo sounder is set to register depths below the surface or below the keel; in the latter case the vessel’s draught should be given. Time and date should be given in order that corrections for the height of the tide may be applied where necessary. The make, name and type of echo sounder should also be given. Care should be taken to set the echo sounder to the largest scale / phase, so as to obtain maximum details of echo of the feature. Efforts should be made to identify and negate false echoes if any. 5. Reports, which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld. Limitations or shortcomings should be duly notified in the form. 6. Reports on shoal soundings, uncharted dangers and navigational aids out of order should be reported through fastest available means at the mariner’s discretion, and also be made by radio to the nearest coast radio station. The draught of modern tankers is such that any uncharted depth under 50 metres should be of sufficient importance to justify a radio message. 7. Port information should be forwarded on form IH 102a together with IH 102. Form 102a contains the information required for Sailing Direction and should be used as an aide memoir. Where there is insufficient space on the form, additional sheet should be used. Please Note: - The receipt of all Hydrographic Notes will be duly acknowledged by the Hydrographic Office. Normally, the sender’s ship or name is quoted as the source when the Notices to Mariners reporting the change is issued, unless the information is received through a foreign Notices to Mariners. Further communication from the Hydrographic Office to the sender of the hydrographic note will only be necessary to verify unusual features or abnormal values reported.

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9. 2

I.H. 102

HYDROGRAPHIC NOTE (For Reporting Navigational Dangers/ Changes observed at Sea by Mariners)

1. Name of ship or sender 2. Address of sender

(i) E-mail (ii) Fax No. (iii) Tel. No.

3. General Locality 4. Chart / Publication Affected:

(i) Chart published by INHO / UKHO / other (Specify).

(ii) Chart No. (iii) Edition Date. (iv) Latest Edition of Indian N to M


5. Details of Changes / Dangers Observed. Object of Change.

(i) Date/Time of observation (ii) Charted Observed (iii) Position/Area

(a) Bathymetry: (i) Depth (ii) Depth Contour (iii) Channel Depth

(b) Navigational Dangers: (i) New Shoals (ii) New Rocks (iii) New Reefs (iv) New Wrecks (v) New Nav-aid (Specify)

(c) Casualties to existing Nav-Aids: (i) Buoys (ii) Lights (iii) Fog signals (iv) Racons (v) Transit Marks (vi) Leading Lines (vii) Clearance bearings

(d) Designated Areas: (i) Exercise Areas (ii) Prohibited Areas (iii) Pilot Station (iv) Anchorage (v) Foul Ground

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9. 3

(e) Port Information: (i) Berthing (ii) Cranage (iii) Tugs (iv) Dry Docks (v) Repair Facilities (vi) Pilotage (vii) Fuel (viii) Water (ix) Any other (Specify)

(f) Environmental Data (i) Met information (ii) Tides and Tidal Stream (iii) Pollutants (iv) Effluents (v) Marine Life / Habitats

(g) Other changes, if any, with Details: 6.Information on the Positions of Danger / Changes Reported above: (a) Positioning System used (b) Datum [WGS/Everest/ Local (Specify)] (c) Accompanying plots / photographs if any 7.Information on the Soundings / Depths Reported above: (a) Echo Sounder (Type) used (b) Draught of Vessel set on Echo Sounder (c) Observed water depth vis-à-vis charted


(d) Echo-gram accompanying this report: Yes / No

(e) Whether voltage drop existed in equipment at observation time

(f) Data and Time of depth observation 8. Limitations if any in Reporting the changes above Filled By Checked by (Name & Designation) (Name & Designation)

Place Date

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9. 4

I.H. 102a


(For Reporting Changes to Port Information)

1 Name and Address of the Port. (a) Name (b) Address (c) Phone No’s (d) Web Site (e) E Mail 2 General Remarks (a) Principal activities and trade (b) Number of ships and tonnage handled per year

(c) Maximum size of draught of vessel handled

(d) Soft copy of port handbook 3 Anchorages (a) Type/Purpose (b) Minimum depth (c) Shelter afforded (d) Holding Ground (e) Recommended Pilotage to the anchorages (f) Request Pilots appreciation to the approach of anchorage area

4 Pilotage (a) Authority for request (b) Embarkation Position (c) Regulations (d) Documents to be provided (e) Request Pilots appreciation to the approach of inner harbour and berths.

(f) Information on Vessel Traffic Management System (VTMS).

(g) Navigational aid (i) List of beacons (ii) Buoys (iii) Lighthouses (iv) Any other information 5 Directions (a) Entry and berthing information (b) Tides (Range of the tides) (c) Tidal stream information in the area (d) Type of season (max/min temperature, rain fall, wind speed and direction

6 Pollution Control Local regulation in force (if any)

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9. 5

7 Tugs (a) Number available/Type (b)Maximum HP/Bollard Pull (c)Requesting authority (d) Availability times (e) Communication with tugs (f) Hiring charges 8 Berthing and wharves (a) Type & number of berths available (b) Length (c) Depth alongside (d) Facilities available (e) Procedure for requesting berth and hiring charges.

9 Cargo Handling (a) Containers (b) Lighters (c) Roll on / Roll off etc. 10 Cranes (a) Brief details max lifting capacity, height of boom at warf level and outreach

(b) Container handling facilities. 11 Bridges Vertical clearance 12 Repairs (a) Hull machinery and underwater (b) Ship and boat yards (c) Docking or slipway facilities (size or dimensions of vessels handled)

(d) Hards and ramps (e) Divers/Diving Assistance 13 Rescue and distress (a) Salvage, lifeboats, life guards etc 14 Supplies (a) Fuel (type and quantities available) (b) Fresh water and rate of supply (c) Provisions (d) Chart agents 15 Services (a) Radio/telegram/fax /telephone (b) Internet (c) Medical (d) Quarantine (e) counsel (f) Ship chandlery and stevedores (g) Compass adjustment (h) Tank cleaning (j) Hull painting (k) Police

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(l) Ambulance (m) Fire fighting (fixed and mobile facilities) (n) Navigational warning and weather bulletin (p) garbage disposal (q) Waste oil disposal (r) Helicopter landing facilities 16 Communications (a) Road, rail and air services available (b) Nearest airport or airfield (c) Port radio and information service (Frequencies and operating hours)

17 Port Authority Designation, address and phone number 18 Security (a) Security of ports/ International Ship and Port Facility (ISPS) competence

(b) Container Security Initiative (CSI) (c) Custom and Immigration regulation in ports

19 Small craft facilities (a) Information and facilities for small craft yachts visiting the port

(b) Yacht clubs, berths etc 20 Shore leave 21 Clubs recreation (a) information kiosk (location) (b) Foreign exchange firms/banks (within/near port area)

(c) Places of interest near port (d) Hotels/ restaurants (Type of food served e.g Chinese, continental etc)

22 Views (duly annotated), photographs of the approaches, leading marks, the entrance to the harbour etc.

23 Any other information considered to be useful for the mariners

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Page 28: INDIAN NOTICES TO MARINERS - Indian Naval ... of 2012.pdfTitle 31(5) Indian List of Radio Signals Vol 5 (GMDSS) 2011 Availability of ENCs. The complete folios of Official Indian ENCs


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