Indian Institute of Quantitative Finance VBA Programming VBA Programming for Finance for Finance

Indian Institute of Quantitative Finance VBA Programming for Finance

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Indian Institute of Quantitative Finance

VBA ProgrammingVBA Programmingfor Financefor Finance

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Understanding the basicsUnderstanding the basics

The need for VBA programming in Excel

Often, we encounter tasks that:

– Tend to be Repetitive

– Follow standard procedures

– Involve Complex Execution (not logic)

– Might involve Reiterations / Simulations

– Might involve complex formula setup in Excel

– Might be beyond the scope of Excel

– Require confidentiality to be maintained

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Understanding the basicsUnderstanding the basics

What is a macro? UDF? Such tasks can be effectively handled using Macros and User

Defined Functions (UDF)

Macro is a set of code to execute certain tasks

It is written in the VBA environment

It uses Visual Basic as the programming language

Basic understanding of code and sound logic sense is the key

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Understanding the basicsUnderstanding the basics

Your first Macro Let’s try building a simple macro

As soon as you open a workbook you would like to see a

message “Welcome to VBA”

For this we need to use a Message box. In VBA, the keyword

for the same is msgbox

Put out the following code in This Workboook Module

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Msgbox “Welcome to VBA”

End Sub

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Proprietary Material – Guruprasad Jambunathan5

Recording a MacroRecording a Macro

To start with, you do not have to worry about writing codes and remembering syntaxes

You could simply record what you want to achieve and then apply it repeatedly

The Basics

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Proprietary Material – Guruprasad Jambunathan6

Recording a MacroRecording a Macro

Each macro so recorded would be saved in a module Below you see the window for recording a macro You can set the name, short-cut key and save location of the

macroNaming a Macro

Saving location

Assign a short-cut key

The Basics

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Proprietary Material – Guruprasad Jambunathan7

Recording a MacroRecording a Macro

Let’s look at Record Macro Exercise 1 Let’s say we want to sort by descending order of scores Let’s record a macro to do this task Then, let’s change some scores and run the macro Then, let’s try and decipher the macro. Now, let’s try the following complication:

– Allow for data check up to row 25

– First sort by Score (desc.) and then by Education (asc.)

Recording and tweaking is the best way to learn


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Proprietary Material – Guruprasad Jambunathan8

Recording a MacroRecording a Macro

Let’s say

– I am not aware of rows and columns in the data set

– I would like to offer sorting criteria to the user

– I would like to do a custom sorting

It may not be possible to capture all these requirements by just recording and making minor adjustments

Good understanding of various options is needed

Further, we may need to understand how to build interactivity with Excel / user


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Recording a MacroRecording a Macro

• Let’s do one more macro recording – Exercise 2

• Let’s say, we would like to shade those days with returns

above +15 % or below -15% in a different colour

• Run a Descriptive Statistic for the data until Row 450

• Record a macro to highlight the more favourable Mean,

Median, Standard error values – Benchmark or Strategy

• Now, re-run the Descriptive Stats with complete data

• Apply the macro. Does it work fine?


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Introduction toIntroduction toProgrammingProgramming

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Programming Basics Programming Basics

Algorithms, Pseudocode and Flow Charts Programming Languages VB and VBA Language

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Algorithms and Flow ChartsAlgorithms and Flow Charts

Elements of a flow chart Terminal Box Process Box Input and Output Box Decision Box Disk File Data store Box Flow lines Data – Constant and Variable

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Elements of a flow chart

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Elements of a flow chart

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Algorithms and Flow ChartsAlgorithms and Flow Charts

A flow chart for adding two user input numbers A flow chart for printing the greater between two user input numbers A flow chart for printing the greatest number among five user input numbers A flow chart for printing the greatest number among any sequence user input numbers

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Flow chart for printing the Factorial of a number

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Introduction toIntroduction toVBA ProgrammingVBA Programming

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Excel VBA EditorExcel VBA Editor

Getting started VBA Editor window is initiated by pressing Alt+F11

Module Window

Project Explorer

Project Tree

Properties Window

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Getting started Project Explorer

– Name given to the overall editor that includes 3 components Project Tree

– Basic Navigation tool across various modules arranged in hierarchy

– Starts with ‘Microsoft Excel Objects’ broken down into sheets/forms

– ‘ThisWorkbook’ module is key as it facilitates codes for actions to be

performed across the work book

Properties Window

– Carries basic default properties of the various modules Module Window

– Contains the code that is to be executed

Excel VBA EditorExcel VBA Editor

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VBA Programming BasicsVBA Programming Basics

Constants Variables – memory allocation Literals Statements

– Separator – New line character– Connector – UnderscoreAmpersand character

Key words Operators

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VBA Programming BasicsVBA Programming Basics

Constant A Constant is an item that cannot change its value during the

execution of the program

It is defined using the keyword Const

For instance, Const a = “D:\my folder”

VBA also has certain standard pre-defined constants. They

start with the prefix xl. These are used as specific options to

define object properties. We will see xlMaximised /

xlMinimised as definitions for WindowState Property for

Window Object

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VBA Programming BasicsVBA Programming Basics

Variables Variable is an item that could take various values

The values could dynamically change over code execution

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VBA Programming BasicsVBA Programming Basics

Literals Literals are similar to constants

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VBA Programming BasicsVBA Programming Basics

Variable Declaration Variable Naming ConventionVariable Scope

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VBA VBA Variable Declaration

In VBA, one needs to declare the variables before using them by assigning names and data types. They are normally declared in the general section of the codes' windows using the Dim statement. The syntax is as follows:

Dim <variable name> as [Data Type]

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VBA VBA Variable Declaration


Dim Myname As String Dim firstnum As Integer Dim total As Long Dim doDate As Date

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VBA VBA Variable Declaration

Variables Explicitly declaring a variable is not compulsory

In case of explicit non-declaration, VBA would implicitly

declare one, the first time it is used

However, if we make a spell error, then it would assign the

mistaken spell as new variable

To prevent this, we could say ‘Option Explicit’

This would be a module-specific declaration

Once done, all variables will have to be explicitly declared

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VBA VBA Variable Declaration

Data types If we need to declare multiple variables, do it individually

Let’s say we need to declare a and b as integers

We say: Dim a as integer

Dim b as integer

Alternatively, we say Dim a as integer, b as integer

We cannot say Dim a, b as integer

It is good to declare variables in variable declaration area at

the top of each sub-routine / function

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VBA VBA Variable Naming

The following are the rules when naming the variables in Visual Basic:It must be less than 255 characters No spacing is allowed It must not begin with a number Period is not permittedShould not be VBA Reserve words like Sub, End, Function, For, Do, Loop, and so on. If you do, you will get error message ‘Expected Identifier’

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VBA VBA Variable Naming

Valid Name Invalid NameMy_Car My.Car ThisYear 1NewBoyLong_Name_Can_beUSE He&HisFather (* & is not acceptable)

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VBA Data typesVBA Data types

Data types While declaring variables, specifying data type is optional

It defines characteristic of values the data type can take

If not explicitly specified, it assumes Variant data type that

can take any value

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VBA Data typesVBA Data types

VBA Data Types Fundamental Data Types

– Numeric data types– Non-Numeric data types

Derived Data Types– Enumeration– Type

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VBA Numeric Data TypesVBA Numeric Data Types

Numeric data types are types of data that consist of numbers, which can be computed mathematically with various standard operators such as add, minus, multiply, divide and more.

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VBA Numeric Data TypesVBA Numeric Data Types

Type Storage  Range of ValuesByte 1 byte 0 to 255Integer 2 bytes - 32,768 to 32,767Long  4 bytes - 2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648

- 3.402823E+38 to - 1.401298E- 45 for negative values1.401298E- 45 to 3.402823E+38 for positive values.- 1.79769313486232e+308 to - 4.94065645841247E- 324 for negative values4.94065645841247E- 324 to 1.79769313486232e+308 for positive values.

Currency 8 bytes - 922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807+/- 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 if no decimal is use

+/- 7.9228162514264337593543950335 (28 decimal places).Decimal 12 bytes

Single 4 bytes

Double 8 bytes

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VBA Numeric Data TypesVBA Numeric Data Types

Byte Data Type (0 to 255)Byte is VBA's smallest numeric data type and holds a numeric value from 0 to 255. This data type doesn't include any negative values. If you attempt to assign one, VBA returns an error.

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VBA Numeric Data TypesVBA Numeric Data Types

Integer Data TypeThis is probably the most common data type in use, besides String. Use this data type to store only whole numbers that range from –32,768 to 32,767.

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VBA Numeric Data TypesVBA Numeric Data Types

Long Data TypeThe Long data type is also an Integer data type storing only whole numbers, but the range is much larger than the traditional Integer data type. Use Long to store values from –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,486,647.

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VBA Numeric Data TypesVBA Numeric Data Types

Single Data TypeThe Single data type stores precision numbers—numbers with decimal places or fractional numbers. The data type is similar to Double, but the range is smaller. Use this data type to store values from –3402823E38 to –1.401298E–45 or from 1.401298E–45 to 3.402823E38.

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VBA Numeric Data TypesVBA Numeric Data Types

Double Data TypeUse the Double data type to store precision floating point numbers from: –1.79769313486232 E 308 to –4.94065645841247 E -324 OR 1.79769313486232 E 308to 4.94065645841247 E -324.

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VBA Numeric Data TypesVBA Numeric Data Types

Currency Data TypeUse the Currency numeric data type to store monetary values from –922,337,203,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807.

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VBA Numeric Data TypesVBA Numeric Data Types

Decimal Data TypeThe Decimal data type is a subtype of Variant and not a truly separate data type all its own, accommodating values from –79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 to 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 if the value contains no decimal places.

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VBA Non-Numeric Data TypesVBA Non-Numeric Data Types

Nonnumeric data types are data that cannot be manipulated mathematically using standard arithmetic operators. The non-numeric data comprises text or string data types, the Date data types, the Boolean data types that store only two values (true or false), Object data type and Variant data type .

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VBA Non-Numeric Data TypesVBA Non-Numeric Data Types

Data Type Storage RangeString(fixed length) Length of string 1 to 65,400 charactersString(variable length) Length + 10 bytes 0 to 2 billion charactersDate 8 bytes J anuary 1, 100 to December 31, 9999Boolean 2 bytes True or FalseObject 4 bytes Any embedded objectVariant(numeric) 16 bytes Any value as large as DoubleVariant(text) Length+22 bytes Same as variable- length string

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VBA Non-Numeric Data TypesVBA Non-Numeric Data Types

Boolean Data Type (–1 or 0)Use the Boolean numeric data type to store logical data that contains only two values: on and off, true and false, yes and no, and so on. The keywords True and False are predefined constants and are interchangeable with the values –1 and 0, respectively.

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VBA Non-Numeric Data TypesVBA Non-Numeric Data Types

String Data TypeString is another very common data type; it stores values or numbers, but treats them as text. There are two varieties: fixed and variable. A fixed string can handle from 1 to 65,400 characters. To declare a fixed string, use the Dim statement in the formDim variablename As String * stringlength

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VBA Non-Numeric Data TypesVBA Non-Numeric Data Types

In contrast, the variable String data type grows and shrinks as required to fit its stored value. By default, all String variables are of this type. To declare this type, use the Dim statement in the form

Dim variablename As String

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VBA Non-Numeric Data TypesVBA Non-Numeric Data Types

Date Data TypeThe Date data type stores a specially formatted numeric value that represents both the date and time. You don't have to store both the date and time value. The Date data type accepts either the date or the time, or both. Possible values range from January 1, 100 to December 31, 9999.

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VBA Non-Numeric Data TypesVBA Non-Numeric Data Types

Object Data TypeAn Object variable is actually a reference to an Access object, such as a form, report, or control. Or, the data type can reference an ActiveX component, or a class object created in a class module.

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VBA Non-Numeric Data TypesVBA Non-Numeric Data Types

Variant Data TypeThe Variant data type stores numeric and non-numeric values. This data type is the most flexible of the bunch because it stores very large values of almost any type (matches the Double numeric data type). Use it only when you're uncertain of the data's type or when you're accommodating foreign data and you're not sure of the data type's specifications.

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VBA Non-Numeric Data TypesVBA Non-Numeric Data Types

The Variant data type is VBA's default, so the following code interprets varValue as a Variant:

Dim varValue

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VBA Non-Numeric Data TypesVBA Non-Numeric Data Types

Although the Variant data type is flexible, VBA processes these data types a little slower because it must determine the most accurate data type for the assigned value. However, most likely, you'll never notice the performance hit.

The biggest disadvantage is the data type's lack of readability. By that, we mean that you can't easily determine the appropriate data type by viewing the code, and that can be a problem.

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VBA Data typesVBA Data types

User-defined data types Most powerful use of VBA is it allows for custom data types

This is done by syntax: Type <Type Name>

a as <data type>

b as <data type>

End Type

This is fed in the declaration section (above the macro code)

We declare it as Dim New as <Type Name>

We feed in data in the form New.a = <value>

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VBA Data typesVBA Data types

User-defined data types For instance, let us say we collect 3 data points from an

investor: Name, Age and Date of Investment

We create a custom data type: Investor as

Type Investor

Nm as String

Age as Integer

DoI as Date

End Type

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VBA Data typesVBA Data types

User-defined data types We could then use Investor as a data type now

For instance, Dim a(10) as Investor We could then assign values as a(0).Nm=“Rahul”

a(0).Age = 25

a(0).DoI = “12-Sep-2011”

Define a data type Fund with 3 parameters: Name, Category,


Define a 3 index member array as Fund and assign values

Display info of your choice

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VBA Data typesVBA Data types

Data types Vartype() is a function which helps to test the kind of value a

variable is holding

Other variable data type related functions include:

IsNumeric(), IsEmpty(), IsNull(), IsDate()

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VBA Data typesVBA Data types

Data types Consider the code

Sub macro1()Dim a as varianta = 3Msgbox vartype(a)a=“Hi”Msgbox vartype(a)

End Sub

Now, consider this example:Sub macro1()

Dim a as integera = 3Msgbox isNumeric(a)

End Sub

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VBA Data typesVBA Data types

Data types Now, let us extend the example:

Sub macro1() a = “”Msgbox isempty(a)Msgbox isnull(a)Msgbox isnumeric(a)a = 0Msgbox isempty(a)Msgbox isnull(a)Msgbox isnumeric(a)a = NullMsgbox isempty(a)Msgbox isnull(a)Msgbox isnumeric(a)

End Sub

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VBA Data typesVBA Data types

Data types In this example, you would note the following:

– “” is taken either as numeric and or regarded as empty

– “” Does not mean Null

– When we assign ‘0’ to the variable, it turns numeric but non-empty

and Non-Null

– “” or 0 does not mean null

– It has to be explicitly assigned as Null

– Null is used to denote missing or unknown values

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VBA Key wordsVBA Key words

All words for data types All words for VB commands

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VBA OperatorsVBA Operators

Arithmetic Operators– Addition– Subtraction– Multiplication– Exponentiation

String Operators– Concatenation

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Operators Basic operators as used in Excel could also be used in VBA

Such operators include:

– Arithmetic: +, -, *, /, ^

– Comparison: <, >, =, <>, <=, >=

– Concatenation: &

– Special Operators: Is – Helps to compare two reference object

Like – Helps to compare two strings

– Example: Msgbox worksheets(1) Is Worksheets(2)

Msgbox “Richard” Like “richard”

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Operators To use the Like operator, we need to explicitly declare we are

comparing two text items.

This is done by stating: Option Compare Text

Some characters which could also be used for comparison:

– ? : one character; Msgbox “Richard” Like “ric?ard”

– *: several characters; Msgbox “Richard” Like “ric*”

– #: Numeral; Msgbox “Richard5” Like “richard#”

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VBA ProgrammingVBA Programming

Logic Structures Control Structures Sub routines Functions

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VBA Logic StructuresVBA Logic Structures

Decision Making Decision - checking on condition(s) and evaluate actions

accordingly– If…Then– Select…Case

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VBA Logic StructuresVBA Logic Structures

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VBA Logic StructuresVBA Logic Structures

If..Then..Else Checks whether a condition is true or false Works out an action according to the result Syntax:

If <condition> Then<true code>

Else<false code>

End If Multiple conditions with AND / OR operators Syntax:

If <condition 1> and <condition 2> Then

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VBA Logic StructuresVBA Logic Structures

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VBA Logic StructuresVBA Logic Structures

If..Then..ElseIf Like Excel, we could have Nested Ifs If within If End If will have to be used as many times too We could also have more than 2 choices In such a scenario, we use ElseIf…Then as many times as we

have choices There would however be only one End If Let’s extend the same exercise to cover 3 options: Absolute

value, Relative value or Both

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VBA Logic StructuresVBA Logic Structures

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VBA Logic StructuresVBA Logic Structures

Select Case When we have multiple choices, then it would be tough to

write if statements for each choice Rather we could use Select Case Syntax: Select Case <variable Name>

case <case value><action>

case <case value><action>

case Else<action>

End Select

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VBA Logic StructuresVBA Logic Structures

Select Case Try the previous exercise with select case instead of Elseif

– Case 0 for Relative returns, Case 1 for Absolute returns and Case 2 for both

– Case Else could be used to capture any other number entered instead of 0, 1 or 2

In Select Case, we could also use To and Is in defining cases Example: Case 1 to 5 or Case is >5

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VBA Control StructuresVBA Control Structures

Do-While Loop Do While [condition]

[statements][Exit Do]


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VBA Control StructuresVBA Control Structures

Do…loops Do based loops are executed until the condition is satisfied We could present it as Do while or Do Until Syntax: Do While /Until <condition>


Consider the following code:Sub test()

x = 0

Do While x < 5

x = x + 1

MsgBox x


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VBA Control StructuresVBA Control Structures

Do Loop Do

[statements]Exit Do

While [condition]

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VBA Control StructuresVBA Control Structures

Do…loops Let’s consider the same exercise as For…Next loop

We would not move the counter from moving average row

number until count of last element

We would do the action (putting in a technical indicator) until

cell value turns empty

Isempty(activecell) = True would be the condition employed

Activecell.offset(<row>,<column>) would also be used

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VBA Control StructuresVBA Control Structures

Do…loops We could work out the same with a Do..until loop Consider the following code:

Sub test()

x = 0

Do until x = 5

x = x + 1

MsgBox x


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VBA Control StructuresVBA Control Structures

For-Next Loop For [condition]

[statements]Exit For


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VBA Control StructuresVBA Control Structures

For..Next One of the key benefits from macro comes from repeating a

task multiple times This is facilitated by loops For..Next runs a set of code until stated condition is satisfied For <var. name> = <start value> to<end value> step <value>


Next <variable name> Example: For i=3 to 18 step 3

Msgbox I

Next i

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VBA Control StructuresVBA Control Structures

For..Next Let’s say we want a column of technical indicator:

– Ask user for fund and moving average (days)

– If selected Fund trades on a particular day above user defined

moving average, we show 1 else 0

– This is computed over the entire period, starting from ma+1


– In other words, if user wants 100day ma, we compute technical

indicator from 101th day to end

– Compute Proportion of days when the indicator was positive

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VBA Control StructuresVBA Control Structures

For..Next We would execute this using a for next loop where

– We first get inputs on fund and moving average (days) from user

– Assuming starting from ma+1 to 1000 days, we compute a technical

symbol 1 or 0 using for next loop and formulaR1C1

– We count the number of entries and place it in a cell

– Based on this the for loop would move from ma+1 to the count

– We then count number of days we get a technical uptick (1) using

formula R1C1 and from there get the proportion

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VBA Control StructuresVBA Control Structures

For..Each For..Each loop is similar to For..Next

However, they are generally used to define each element

within a collection

For instance, worksheet within worksheets, workbook within

workbooks, cell in a range For each <element name> in <collection name>


Next <element name>

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VBA Control StructuresVBA Control Structures

For..Each Let’s consider the following codes: Sub Foreachcheck1()

Dim wsheet as worksheetFor each wsheet In worksheets

Msgbox wsheet.nameNext wsheet

End sub Another common application is in referencing elements in a

data array This is done by defining the array elements by a variant term

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VBA Control StructuresVBA Control Structures

For..Each Sub Foreachcheck2()

Dim tick As IntegerDim arr(4) As SingleDim base As SingleDim counter As VariantFor tick = 0 To 4

arr(tick) = InputBox("Enter the exchange rate")Next tickbase = InputBox("Enter the earnings in foreign currency")For Each counter In arr

MsgBox "Value in INR:" & base * counterNext counterEnd sub

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VBA ProgrammingVBA Programming

Arrays in VBA Array data types Single dimensional Arrays Multi dimensional Arrays Dynamic Arrays How we can access arrays’ elements with control structures

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VBA VBA Variable Declaration

Index and Arrays Sometimes, we might have to store multiple data points

associated with the same variable

Let’s say we have investment return of 10 fund managers

Instead of defining each manager’s return by a separate

variable, we could use an index where A1 relates to 1st

manager, A2 to 2nd and so on

In VBA, this is called variable indexing or array

It is defined as Dim a[9] as integer

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VBA VBA Variable Declaration

Index and Arrays Note that for 10 managers, we have created an index for 9, as

in VBA index by default starts from 0

We have index numbers from 0 to 9 – thus, 10 cases

To refer to a particular index value, we refer it as a(i)

For instance, to assign values to 4th unit, we say a(3)=0.101

Let’s consider an example, where we create an index of 10,

assign random values to the same

Then, use the Msgbox function to display average returns

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VBA VBA Variable Declaration

Index and Arrays We could change the default index start from zero to one

We say Option base 1, before the sub-function as it a module

level assumption

We could also start from any integer, including –ve values

For this, we say Dim a(1 to 10) as Long

Let us say, we want to enter last three year of trailing and

forward PE for a company. Create an array that moves from

index -3 to 3, feed in the value and display the 3-year trailing

and forward PEs

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VBA VBA Variable Declaration

Multi-dimensional arrays We could also have multi-dimensional arrays

They are defined as: Dim a(x,y,z) as [data type]

Create data on 2 companies, with 1 year historic DY, current

and 2 year forward DY. Create a 2-dimensional array

Display the average DY for the current year

There are 2 functions linked to arrays: Lbound(), Ubound()

These function return lower and upper bound index numbers

To the example above, display its lower and upper bounds

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VBA ProgrammingVBA Programming

Arrays and matrix algebraHow efficiently Multidimensional Array can be used to manipulate matrices

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Matrix AlgebraMatrix Algebra

Matrix entry We have already seen multi-dimensional array creation

It is defined as Dim X(<a range>,<b range>) as <data type>

Matrices are defined as two-dimensional arrays, with rows

and column requirement defining a and b ranges

For instance, Dim Ret(1 to 3, 1 to 4) could be viewed as 3*4


Assigning value to such matrices is generally done using two

For…Next loops

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Matrix AlgebraMatrix Algebra

Matrix entry Consider the following code:

Sub Matrixentry()

Dim ret(1 To 2, 1 To 3) As Single

Dim i As Integer

Dim j As Integer

For i = 1 To 2

For j = 1 To 3

ret(i, j) = InputBox("Enter return matrix values")

cell(i, j).Value = ret(i, j)

Next j

Next i

End Sub

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Matrix AlgebraMatrix Algebra

Matrix Addition Let’s add one more similar 2*3 matrix to the previous code

Repeat the same code as previous one to capture data for the

second matrix

Let’s then add the corresponding elements to form the matrix

addition matrix

Here, no matrix formula is applied as with Excel; Only

addition of corresponding elements in the matrix

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Matrix AlgebraMatrix Algebra

Matrix Multiplication Let’s say we want to multiply two matrices

We know how to gather data points for the same in VBA

In Excel, we use the MMULT function

We initiate the same function in VBA through

Application.WorksheetFunction.MMULT (<matrix 1

name>,<matrix 2 name>) (<row ref>,<column ref>)

Let’s consider a 2*3 matrix and 3*2 matrix. Let’s get the

values from user, multiply them and display the result

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Matrix AlgebraMatrix Algebra

Matrix Transpose Similar to matrix multiplication, we find transpose of a

matrix using Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose

(<matrix 1 name>) (<row ref>,<column ref>)

Get 2 set of 2*3 matrix data from user, transpose the first

one, multiply with the second one and display the result

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Matrix AlgebraMatrix Algebra

Matrix Inverse Similarly, we find inverse of a square matrix using

Application.WorksheetFunction.Inverse (<matrix 1 name>)

(<row reference>,<column reference>)

Matrix determinant is found as

Application.WorksheetFunction.MDeterm (<matrixname>)

Get a 2*2 matrix data from user, find inverse and display it

Compute determinant of original matrix and display

Check whether the multiplication of the original matrix with

inverse matrix leads to Unitary matrix

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Matrix AlgebraMatrix Algebra

Variance-Covariance Matrix One key use of Arrays and Matrix in VBA is concerned with

setting a variance-covariance matrix

Steps to create a Variance-Covariance matrix:

– Fix ranges of individual elements. If it is 3*3 matrix, we have 3

elements and hence we need to fix ranges of 3 elements

– For..Next loop is used in fixing ranges

– Each relevant range is placed in columns in the data

– Hence, Range is fixed as:

Set <Rng Nm>(<emt rf>) = Range(“<Rng rf>”).columns(<emt rf>)

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Matrix AlgebraMatrix Algebra

Variance-Covariance Matrix Steps to create a Variance-Covariance matrix (contd.):

– Once the ranges of individual elements are fixed, we create the


– Matrix creation is similar to what we have seen so far

– We use two for…next loops to assign values to matrix elements

– Application.WorksheetFunction.covar(<range1 ref>,<range2 ref>)

In the variance covariance matrix exercise, compute variance

covariance and correlation matrices based on the 3 funds

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Sub-routines and FunctionsSub-routines and Functions

Modules and Procedures All VBA program code is executed in a module

Module is an area specific to an application. They do not get

initiated automatically, but has to be called for execution

Modules contain procedures that carries the code

A workbook can have multiple modules

Procedures are of two types: Sub-routines and Functions Sub-routine defined by keyword Sub and Function by

Function By default, procedure is a sub-routine

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Sub-routines and FunctionsSub-routines and Functions

Sub-Routine Sub-routine does not return any value as output. It simply

contains code to be executed Sub-routine is defined by the syntax

Sub <Sub-routine name> ([input arguments])

End Sub Let’s take a simple example

Sub trial_macro1()

Msgbox “Hello”

End Sub This would display a message box with text ‘Hello’

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Sub-routines and FunctionsSub-routines and Functions

Sub-Routine The program written within a sub-routine could be called

anywhere in the program using the Call keyword

Sub TrialSub(TrialText as String)

Msgbox TrialText

End Sub

Sub Macro1()

Call trialsub(“Welcome to sub-routines”)

End Sub

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Sub-routines and FunctionsSub-routines and Functions

Functions Function is similar to sub-routines but can return a value that

can be used for further calculation Functions are created with the syntax Function Function called using a variable Let’s consider the following:

Function Multiply (a as integer, b as integer)

Multiply = a*b

End Function

Now, let’s add the following to Macro1()

x = multiply(3,4)

Msgbox x

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Sub-routines and FunctionsSub-routines and Functions

Scope of procedures Procedures could have a Public or Private Scope By default sub-routines/functions are Public Public scope would mean a procedure can be accessed across

modules of a workbook Private - scope is limited to a particular module Cannot be accessed from other modules within the same

workbook Alternatively, the same variable used in one private procedure

can be defined again in other procedures Private procedure are also not seen in Macro window

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Sub-routines and FunctionsSub-routines and Functions

Parameter definition As we have seen, both sub-routines and functions can accept

parameters as input arguments Parameters are defined like variables along with data types Sub <Sub-routine name>(<param name> as <data type>) Function <Function name >(<param name> as <data type>) A sub-routine or function can have as many parameters Some parameters may be compulsory and some optional Optional ones defined after compulsory ones with Optional Sub <Sub-routine name>(<param1 name> as <data type>,

Optional <param2 name> as <data type>)

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Sub-routines and FunctionsSub-routines and Functions

Comments, Indent and Referencing We can add comments to our VBA code to facilitate easy

understanding for users It is done by placing (‘) in front of the text It’s an indication that it should not be executed

It is always a good practice to indent the code as it facilitates easy reading

R1C1 is a style of referencing cells in Excel For instance, cell A3 can also be referred as R3C1

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Sub-routines and FunctionsSub-routines and Functions

Writing a sub-routine and function Let’s say we first write a function to convert a given rate

based on a given compounding frequency into an Effective Annual yield (annual compounding)

Now write separately a sub-routine to capture FV of an investment based on given PV, annual rate and n (years)

Now, call the function to convert into EAY a 10% rate compounded semi-annually

Present the EAY through a message box Now for PV of Rs.1000 and 5 years with EAY also as input,

call the sub-routine to capture FV and display it with msgbox Hint: Declare all variables with suitable data types

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User Defined FunctionsUser Defined Functions

User Defined Functions (UDF) can provide great power and convenience and can be very simple to write.

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UDF - LimitationsUDF - Limitations

But there are some problem areas that may need special attention in your UDF coding:

The UDF code must be in a General Module, not a Sheet Module.

Action ignored: UDF "does nothing" Not recalculated when needed or always

recalculating. Unexpectedly returns #Value or other error. Calculates more than once in a recalculation, the

Function Wizard or when entered. Slow to calculate.

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UDF - LimitationsUDF - Limitations

Excel will not allow a UDF written in VBA to alter anything except the value of the cell in which it is entered. You cannot make a VBA UDF which directly:Alters the value or formula or properties of another cell. Alters the formatting of the cell in which it is entered. Alters the environment of Excel. This includes the cursor. Uses FIND, SpecialCells, CurrentRegion, CurrentArray, GOTO, SELECT, PRECEDENTS etc : although you can use Range.End.Note you can use FIND in Excel 2002/2003/2007

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User InteractionUser Interaction

Input Boxes Before looking at Decision making and looping let’s look at

one tool for interacting with the user – Input Boxes

While a message box simply displays as output, input box

helps to gather input from the user

Input box is defined as:

<variable name>=inputbox (“<Question>”)

For instance, a = inputbox (“Enter term of investment:”)

The variable ‘a’ can then be used as input in a procedure

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User InteractionUser Interaction

Input Boxes Let’s modify the last example of finding FV of an investment

Let all inputs be provided by the user:

– Rate of interest and Compounding frequency

– PV and term of investment

Display appropriate output using message boxes

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VBA FunctionsVBA Functions

String functions We would look at some specific functions associated with

managing strings in VBA

Some of the functions could be similar to ones in Excel

Splitting Strings:

– Left(<Text>, <no. of characters>)

– Right(<Text>,<no. of characters>)

– Mid(<Text>,<start character>,<no. of characters>)

Try out the same with a dummy macro recording

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VBA FunctionsVBA Functions

String functions Changing String characteristics:

– Ucase(<Text>)

– Lcase(<Text>)

– Val(<Text>) converts a numeral entered as a string into a number

For instance, try these codes

Msgbox right(“BN123”,3)*3

Msgbox Val(right(“BN123”,3))*3

– VBA recognises numbers automatically, however Excel may not

– Hence, it may be a good practice to explicitly convert it to a number

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VBA FunctionsVBA Functions

String functions Comparing functions:

– InStr([Start char],<base string>,<search string>,[compare type])

– Start char Optional parameter to specify where to start search

– Compare type Could be specified as VbTextCompare or


– VbBinaryCompare is the default setting. This will compare each

character’s binary value. Key result of this is that the comparison

would be case sensitive

– If we do not want comparison to be case sensitive, we need to specify


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VBA FunctionsVBA Functions

String functions Comparing functions:

– Let’s try the following example:

InStr( “Trial Statement here” , “statement”)

InStr(1,“Trial Statement here”, “statement”,VbTextCompare)

InStr(10,“Trial Statement here”, “statement”,VbTextCompare)

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VBA FunctionsVBA Functions

Utility functions Other common functions:

– Len(<Text>)

– Abs(<number>)

– Int(<number>)

– Format(<text/number>,<format type>) . Format Type could be Pre-

defined or user-defined

Msgbox Format(“121.4565”,”#.##”)

Msgbox Format(“121.4565”,”Currency”)

Msgbox Format(“12/1/2011”,”dd-mmm-yy”)

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VBA FunctionsVBA Functions

Utility functions Pre-defined formats for Format type include

Format Type Details

General Number Displays number as it is

Currency Displays along with set currency symbol

Fixed Number with two decimal point accuracy

Standard Number with 1000 separator and two decimal places

Scientific Number displayed in standard scientific notation

Yes/No Displays No if number is 0. Else, Yes

True/False Displays False if number is 0. Else, True

On/Off Displays Off if number is 0. Else, On

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VBA FunctionsVBA Functions

Conversion functions Conversion functions convert data type of one form to other

CStr(<value>) Conversion to a string

CInt(<value>) Conversion to an Integer (rounded – off)

CLng(<value>) Conversion to a Long value

CDbl(<value>) Conversion to a Double value

Example: Msgbox CStr(12)

Msgbox CInt(12.545)

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VBA FunctionsVBA Functions

Date and Time functions Date Displays today’s system date

Now Displays current date and time

DateAdd(<Interval type>, <number>,<base date>) Adds

specified number to the given date

– Interval type d, w (week days), ww (weeks),m, q, h, n (minute), s

DateDiff((<Interval type>, <date1>,<date2>) Shows the

difference between 2 dates, in specified interval type

DatePart(<Interval type>,<date>) Specific characteristic

of the given date

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VBA FunctionsVBA Functions

Date and Time functions DateSerial(<year>,<month>,<day>) Converts a given

date into its corresponding serial number.

– However, we need to use CDbl along with the function so that

display is right. Else, Windows will show it by default only as date

Let’s try the following:– Msgbox Date

– Msgbox DateAdd(“ww”,6,”12/09/2010”)

– Msgbox DateDiff(“m”,”12/01/2009”,”30/06/2010”)

– Msgbox DatePart(“q”,”12/05/2009”)

– Msgbox CDbl(DateSerial(2011,2,3))

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VBA FunctionsVBA Functions

Initiating other applications Two functions are available to initiate other applications

Variable name = Shell(<application cmd>,<window state>)

Once a document is initiated, we could activate using

AppActivate “<Application name>”

Consider the following example:

x = Shell("calc.exe", vbMinimizedNoFocus)

MsgBox "Calculator is open"

AppActivate "Calculator”

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VBA FunctionsVBA Functions

Interacting with other applications SendKeys application is used to pass info to applications

For numerals, we could specify it as they are

For other keys we place them within {}

For instance, Sendkeys 3

Sendkeys “{+}”

Let’s say we activate calculator, then pass two numbers and

addition symbol to it to get the final output

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VBA FunctionsVBA Functions

Interacting with other applications Consider the following code:

x = Shell("calc.exe", vbMinimizedNoFocus)

MsgBox "Calculator is open"

AppActivate "Calculator"

SendKeys 1

SendKeys "{+}"

SendKeys 2

SendKeys "{=}”

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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Objects, Properties, Methods and Events

Excel carries a collection of Objects (also called Collections)

They are arranged in a Hierarchy starting from

Application Workbook Worksheet Range and so on

Each object could have multiple sub-objects below it

Each object has its own set of Properties and Methods Objects could also have associated Events - a pre-defined

action- which if it occurs we could execute certain code Opening a workbook, Click of a mouse, Double click,

Activation of a cell are some instances of Events

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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Object Browser In the Msgbox example, we executed a code when ‘Open’

event is initialised under ‘Workbook’ object

To get a sense of all objects and associated Properties and

Methods and events, we could check out the Object Browser

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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Object Browser

Class / Object /


Event (Yellow lightning icon)

Method (Green icon)

Property (Grey icon with hand)

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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Object BrowserSave As Method of Workbook Object

Methods are like Excel functions. Parameters

associated with the method are displayed below

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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Key Objects and its Methods, Properties


– Key Methods: Activate, AvtivateNext, ActivatePrevious, Close,







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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Key Objects and its Methods, Properties Window(s)

– Key Properties: ActiveCell, ActiveSheet, Caption, GridLineColor,





ActiveWindow.GridLineColor = RGB (100,0,0)

ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False

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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Key Objects and its Methods, Properties


– Key Properties: Zoom, WindowState, RangeSelection,

SelectedSheets, Split

ActiveWindow.Zoom = 80

ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimised / xlMaximised

Msgbox ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address

Msgbox ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Count

ActiveWindow.Split =True

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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Key Objects and its Methods, Properties


– Key Methods: Activate, PrintPreview, Save, SaveAs, Close, Protect,




ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs “D:\Trialfile.xls”


ActiveWorkbook.Protect (“trialpwd”)


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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Key Objects and its Methods, Properties Workbook(s)

– Key Properties: ActiveSheet, ReadOnly, Saved, HasPassword, Sheets

Msgbox ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name

Msgbox ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly

Msgbox ActiveWorkbook.Saved

Msgbox ActiveWorkbook.HasPassword


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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Key Objects and its Methods, Properties


– Key Methods: Activate, Select, Calculate, Delete, PrintPreview,








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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Key Objects and its Methods, Properties


– Key Properties: Visible, Name, Range

Worksheets(“Sheet3”).Visible = False

Activesheet.Name = “Trialsheet”


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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Key Objects and its Methods, Properties Range

– Key Methods: Activate, Select, Calculate, ClearContents, Copy,








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Excel Object ModelExcel Object Model

Key Objects and its Methods, Properties


– Key Properties: Row, Column, Rows, Columns, ColumnWidth,

RowHeight, Value

MsgBox Worksheets("sheet2").Range("b3:c5").Row

MsgBox Worksheets("sheet2").Range("b3:c5").Column

MsgBox Worksheets("sheet2").Range("b3:d7").Rows.Count

MsgBox Worksheets("sheet2").Range("b3:d7").Columns.Count

Worksheets("sheet2").Range("b3:c5").ColumnWidth = 5

Worksheets("sheet2").Range("b3:c5").RowHeight = 12

Worksheets("sheet2").Range("b3:c5").Value = 3

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User InteractionUser Interaction

Interacting with Excel s/sheet One could take inputs from Excel s/sheet and could feed data

into a s/sheet using macros

The relevant objects would be Cells and Range

Cells used for referencing a particular cell and Range for

defining a set of cells

Cells(<row index>,<column index>).select




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User InteractionUser Interaction

Interacting with Excel s/sheet

Consider the following: This macro would collect the row

and column number from user and present the product of two

numbers in the given row and column number

Sub Macro1()

Dim a as Integer,b As Integer

a = InputBox("what is the row number")

b = InputBox("What is the column number")


End Sub

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User InteractionUser Interaction

Interacting with Excel s/sheet Cells(a,b).value helps in capturing the cell value Now, try recording a macro: select a range, fill it with a

colour of choice and stop recoding the macro Now, look at the macro in edit mode. The key code lines to

note would be: Range(“A1:B3”).select Select method is used to define a range/cell Once a cell or range is used, Selection object can be used to

perform operations with it Selection.Copy, Selection.Paste, Selection.Font are some


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User InteractionUser Interaction

Interacting with Excel s/sheet With selection.<method/property>

…End with

is a property that is primarily used with formatting of cells Copy or paste is a single activity selection.copy However, say within font, we look at colour, size and style This can be collectively handled with selection Common application being Fill colour, font colour, borders,

alignment and the like You need not know the syntax. It is best to get this done using

a recording of macro

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User InteractionUser Interaction

Interacting with Excel s/sheet

Activate is a method that can be applied on a sheet/

workbook/ cells/ range

Practically, it is very similar to the Select method

For instance Cells(a,b).activate, Sheets(“Sheet2”).activate

Similar to Selection object that defines a selected range, an

activated object is defined by:

ActiveWindow, ActiveWorkbook, ActiveSheet, ActiveCell

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User InteractionUser Interaction

Interacting with Excel s/sheet Sub Macro1()

MsgBox ActiveWindow.Caption

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="Trial1.xls"

MsgBox ActiveWindow.Caption

Cells(4, 5).Value = "Trial value check"

MsgBox ActiveSheet.Name

MsgBox ActiveSheet.Cells(4, 5).Value

ActiveCell.Value = "Trial value checked"

MsgBox ActiveCell.Value

End Sub

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User InteractionUser Interaction

Playing with rows and columns A row or column is identified by using the object rows and

columns respectively

Example: Rows(3).select, Columns(5).select

Try recording a macro to insert a row/column

Now try refining it to make it user defined by way of an input


Try a similar exercise with insertion of worksheet

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User InteractionUser Interaction

Feeding in Excel formulae To put in an Excel formulae through a macro, we need to just

define it by:



cells(a,b).formulaR1C1 = “=Max(<range in R1C1>)”


In both cases, we could alternatively select a cell and then use Activecell property to place a formula



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User InteractionUser Interaction

Feeding in Excel formulae Like the way we define number of rows and columns to work

on based on R1C1 referencing, we could make it dynamic We could collect input from the user in terms of rows and

columns to move and we could compute formulae In the previous example, try gathering Max data range using

inputs from the user Note that ‘&’ is used to club elements of formulae and

reference For instance,

activecell.formulaR1C1=“=Max(R[“ & -m & “]C:R[“& -n &”]C)”

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User InteractionUser Interaction

Moving across the s/sheet One useful property of Range/Cells object is


Activecell.Offset(2,3) It helps to move certain rows and columns from a given

starting reference cell In the previous example, try getting the value in the data

array, based on user defined requirement

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User InteractionUser Interaction

Complete Exercise Before we take up a complete exercise using interaction with

Excel, note the following:– No exercise is done fully by writing codes

– Part recording and Part writing is the best approach

– Do not be taken aback by the large volume of code that gets generated when you record a macro

– Before recording, try and plan the record mentally

– This will ensure limited noise in the data and also the program would move logically easier to understand and debug

– For instance, the manner you move to a particular location and selecting a range should be done according to requirements

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User InteractionUser Interaction

Complete Exercise Let’s look at an Exercise on User Input:

– Ask the user for product name and Quarter name

– Then provide information on sales enquiries and conversion for that


– Compute the conversion rate for each product and quarter and place

it via a formula in row 6

– Create a summary sheet with all the conversion rates

– Compute the average conversion rate for each qtr/pdt

– Present a message box with conversion rate of selected product-

quarter, as well as average for that pdt and qtr

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User InteractionUser Interaction

Exercise – Breaking it up– Ask the user for product name and Quarter name [Input Box]

– Then provide information on sales enquiries and conversion for that

product/quarter [ Coding, Message Box]

– Compute the conversion rate for each product and quarter and place

it via a formula in row 6 [Recording of macro]

– Create a summary sheet with all the conversion rates [Recording,

Tweaking the code]

– Compute the average conversion rate for each qtr/pdt [ Recording,

Tweaking the code]

– Present a message box with conversion rate of selected pdt-qtr, as

well as average for that pdt and qtr [ Coding, Message Box]

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Excel Worksheet FunctionsExcel Worksheet Functions

Worksheet functions So far, to work out a Excel function through VBA, we have

used ActiveCell.Formula or FormulaR1C1

That places the formula in the Excel s/sheet

One other option is to use

Application.WorksheetFunction.<Function details>

Here, only the final value could be placed in a cell

For instance,

a=application.WorksheetFunction.vlookup(“A”, range(“A1:B20”),2,0)

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Excel Worksheet FunctionsExcel Worksheet Functions

Worksheet functions However, note that all Excel functions may not be available

in VBA, although most of them do

In some cases, syntaxes could also be different

Also, usage of multiple functions like index…match becomes


Despite the limitations, it is worth with some complex

functions like Matrix functions

Let’s first understand basic usage using the looping example

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Excel Worksheet FunctionsExcel Worksheet Functions

Worksheet functionsSub Wshtfn()

dtd = InputBox("What is the required day")

dtm = InputBox("What is the required month")

dty = InputBox("What is the required year")

fd = InputBox("Which fund")


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=date(" & dty & "," & dtm & "," & dtd & ")"

Cells(6, 10).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Range("I6"),

Range("A1:E2000"), fd + 2, False)

End sub

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Debugging your subroutine / user defined function in VBASteppingAdd watchQuick watchTogglingClearing

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Stepping One simple check we could do to debug errors is execute the

code bit-by-bit and see what happens to the variables

By pressing F8, the code gets executed line-by-line

Alternatively, we can introduce a break line in the code (by

selecting the required line of code)

This is also done by Debug Toggle Breakpoint

This would execute the macro until that point

From thereon, we could execute line-by-line using F8

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Add Watch One other way to debug a set of code is by adding a Watch

This helps us to track value of certain variables in a

procedure as the code gets executed

This helps to check whether the variable is assuming values

rightly as desired

A watch is added by Debug Add Watch

We specify the variable name and the procedure we would

like to track

It places a small watch window below the Module Window

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Add Watch

Specify variable name

Specify procedure /

module name

Watch gets created here

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Quick Watch Instead of defining a Watch manually, we could also create

Quick Watch

Here, we place the cursor in variable of choice in the code

We then click Debug Quick Watch

This places a watch for that variable in a Watch window at

the bottom of the Module Window

Deleting a watch is done by selecting the relevant variable in

the watch window and clicking delete

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Locals Window Locals window displays a Watch-like window for all

variables in the specific module the cursor is placed

This is set-up using View Locals Window

We generally combine it with a Toggle Breakpoint and single

stepping to see whether value flow into variables are fine

The Locals window is also placed below the module window

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Immediate Window Immediate Window helps to execute some section of the code

in the program to see what is the result

This could be either to find value of a variable or running a

user-defined function within a larger program

This is initiated by View Immediate Window

To execute the code, we use:

? <variable name / function name>

The answer gets displayed in the next line

Not applicable for sub-routine as they do not return any value

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Error capturing As we execute codes, we might have seen several errors with

error codes

If we are aware of possible error codes that our macro could

generate, we could capture them and assign action

Err.Number = <error number> is used to capture them

We could also include in our code: On Error Resume Next

This would help continue to run the code without breaking or

skipping the relevant line that throws an error

However, it makes debugging difficult

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User FormsUser Forms

Creating an User Form We have so far obtained info from the user using Input Box

This helps to get simple inputs

If we have the need for gathering multiple inputs or need for

user to pick from several options, we use User Forms

User Form represents a custom-interface using standard

Windows control items

The look and feel of a user-form would be similar to a

standard Windows form

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User FormsUser Forms

Creating an User Form A user form is brought into the Project: Insert UserForm

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User FormsUser Forms

Tool Box User Form is like a dummy template where we could place

various control elements When a User Form is created, a Tool Box is also placed We drag and drop inputs like Text Box and Check Box from

the Tool Box and place it on the form

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User FormsUser Forms

User Form Object Like various Excel and VBA objects we have seen so far,

UserForm is also an Object It has its own set of Properties, Events and Methods

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User FormsUser Forms

User Form Events Running the User Form is similar to running a module A double click of the User Form leads to the code window We could have actions taken for various events

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User Form Events Let’s try putting a simple code:

Private Sub UserForm_Click()

MsgBox “You have clicked User Form"

End Sub Now, run the UserForm Note that, by default, User Forms are Private in nature. However, they can be made Public by removing the Private


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User FormsUser Forms

Key Controls Label

– Used for display of Text

– Properties: Caption, BackColor, ForeColor, Font

TextBox– Allows entry of input at run-time

– Properties: BackColor, ForeColor, Font, MaxLength, TextAlign

– ControlSource : Links label to a cell in Excel. It can be used to feed data into a particular cell and do computation based on that

– Enabled: It is ready to be used. Else control is non-selectable

– Locked: Can be selected, but cannot be edited

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User FormsUser Forms

Key Controls ComboBox

– Used for selecting an item from a drop down

– Properties: BackColor, ForeColor, Font, MaxLength, TextAlign

– ControlSource : Links Combo Box to a cell in Excel. If the cell has a value, it

would appear as default value when User form is run When a new item is chosen from the drop down, that chosen

value gets assigned to the cell

– MatchRequired: This ensures the user can only select values from a list and cannot enter any other value. Default is False.

– RowSource: Refers to the list elements that are to be included. Could refer to a set of cells in Excel

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Key Controls ListBox

– Used for selecting an item from a permanent set of displayed items

– Properties: BackColor, ForeColor, Font

– Control Source, RowSource

– BoundColumn: On the list box, we could display data on more than one column. Bound column indicates the column whose value is fed into the Control Source

– ColumnCount: Based on RowSource, indicates how many columns get displayed in the List Box

– ColumnHead: If set to True, the row above the Row Source would be treated as Column Headers

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Key Controls CheckBox

– Used for checking/ unchecking an option

– Caption : Provides Caption for the Check Box

– ControlSource: Links true / false value to a cell in Excel based on whether the box is checked / unchecked

– Enabled and Locked property similar to Text Box

OptionButton– Also called Radio Button.

– Allows selection of one item from a group

– Once an item is selected, all other items gets unselected

– Caption, ControlSource, Enabled, Locked

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User FormsUser Forms

Key Controls ToggleButton

– Similar to Check Box, but presented like a button

– Check / Uncheck like rise / sinking of a button

– Caption, ControlSource, Enabled, Checked

Frame– It simply provides a frame within which other controls are placed

– First the frame needs to be placed followed by controls inside

– Especially, useful with Option buttons, where Frames help to group such buttons

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User FormsUser Forms

Key Controls CommandButton

– Most commonly used item. Commonly linked to a macro

– Caption, Enabled, Locked

– Default: Setting this as True would keep focus on the button when a

UserForm is run. A click of enter would thus execute code associated with

command button click

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User FormsUser Forms

Key Controls Tab Strip

– Helps to place a holder of various tabs (all belonging to same form)

– Useful when different set of information is to be displayed on the same control

– For instance, let’s say we want to display value of share under various valuation methods or price of a product in different currency

– The data selected by the user needs to be captured through a code

– TabStrip1.SelectedItem.Index helps to capture the index number of the selected tab (starting from zero)

– TabStrip1.SelectedItem.Caption helps to capture the name of the selected tab

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User FormsUser Forms

Key Controls MultiPage Control

– Helps to place a holder of various forms in different tabs

– Each Tab referred to as Page

– We could thus place different controls in different pages

– For instance, the same example as the previous one, with computation of value per share across models.

– In cases, where we not only just show the final value, but also more details of valuation models, the kind of controls needed may be different. Here, a MultiPage control is more meaningful

– MultiPage1.SelectedItem.Index and MultiPage1.SelectedItem.Caption are used to capture the selection

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User FormsUser Forms

Key Controls ScrollBar

– Places a vertical scroll bar

– ControlSource: Helps link value selected to a particular Excel cell

– Maximum, Minimum: Specifies the maximum and minimum number between which the scroll would come

– SmallChange: Specifies how much should the scroll value change to a click on the arrows at both end

– By default, SmallChange carry the value 1. Minimum is 0 and Maximum is 32767 (could be set beyond that value)

– Here, ControlSource will display the change in value only when the focus shifts to other controls from the Scroll Bar

– ScrollBar1.Value can be used to capture the current selected level

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User FormsUser Forms

Key Controls SpinButton

– Places a Spinner. Linked to another control like a text box

– ControlSource: Helps link value selected to a particular Excel cell

– Here, ControlSource will display the change in value only when the focus shifts to other controls from the SpinButton

– SmallChange, Enabled, Locked

– Orientation: Indicates whether the Spin Button is arranged horizontally or vertically

– SpinButton1.Value can be used to capture the current selected level

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User FormsUser Forms

Key Controls Image

– Places a Image Control which could hold a picture

– Picture: Used to add a picture to the holder

RefEdit– Enables user to specify a range that could be used for further use

– The user could type the range (like Text box) or select it on the Excel s/sheet by clicking on the button on the right

– RefEdit1.Value could also be used to capture this value using a code

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User FormsUser Forms

Referring to controls in user form If we need to check the nature of control in user forms we use

the function: TypeName(<control name>) For instance, TypeName(TextBox1) would return TextBox To refer all controls in userform: <userform nm>.controls To refer to individual control elements, with in an user form,

we use a For…each loopDim ctrl as control

For each ctrl in userform1.controls


Next ctrl

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User FormsUser Forms

Exit a macro If you are running a macro and would like to exit it half way,

subject to certain conditions not being met, we use

Exit Sub This would stop execution of the code it is currently running

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User FormsUser Forms

Exercise 1 We want to create a simple financial calculator where by

giving 4 of the five inputs of PV, FV, NPER, PMT and Rate, we find the fifth element

Step1:Create the following form elements:– A combo box that displays the five elements

– 5 text boxes to input the five elements

– A Label for displaying output

– A couple of Command Buttons - Compute and Clear

– Appropriate Labels for various text boxes, output and combo box

– Change the names of control elements for easy reference

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User FormsUser Forms

Exercise 1 Step2: Form initiation:

– On form initiation, we would like only the combo box to be enabled. All text boxes, output label and command buttons would be disabled

Step3: On selection / click of combo box:– We would capture the selection made by the user

– Depending on the selection, we would enable the relevant input text boxes. So, 4 of the 5 boxes would be enabled

– Command buttons would also be enabled

– To ensure, we repeatedly work on the screen without having to close the form and initiate every time, we put in a check first to ensure all relevant elements are disabled and then suitable ones enabled

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Exercise 1 Step4: Functions for various calculation

– Independently create five functions to compute PV, FV, NPER, PMT and Rate.

– Each function would carry the other 4 as inputs

– Excel function for the same could be used here for computation

Step 5: Validation check before computation– Before computing, when user clicks on ‘Compute’ Button, we check

all enabled text boxes to see if they are non-empty and carry only numbers

– If not we display suitable error message and exit the command button macro

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User FormsUser Forms

Exercise 1 Step6: Computing the output:

– Post the validation, we enable the output label and display the appropriate output, by calling the appropriate function

– The displayed number is rounded to 2 decimal places

Step7: Clearing the input fields:– In order to clear the input data set, so that we could try out new set

of inputs and output, we clear all existing data

– We also clear the output value and disable the output label

Step 8: Comments and Indents– Ensure the codes are suitably commented and indented

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User FormsUser Forms

Inserting a chart The best way to understand the coding behind creation of a

chart is by recording a macro We could place the chart in User Form through Image

Control This is done using the code:

<image name>.picture = loadpicture(<picture variable>) However, this can consider only images like .gif files and not

a chart object in Excel Therefore, if we would like to use an Excel chart we need to

convert it into a picture

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User FormsUser Forms

Inserting a chart This is done using the Export Method of charts

<Picture Variable> = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\<file name>.gif"

ActiveChart.Export Filename:=<Picture Variable>, FilterName:=“GIF”

ThisWorkbook.Path provides the path name where the current

workbook is saved.

The picture is also saved in the same folder

Export method carries 2 parameters – Filename &


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User FormsUser Forms

Exercise 2 We are going to set-up a simulation exercise Given holding period (in days) and Number of trial runs, we

would like to find maximum and minimum possible returns over the holding period

We would also chart the path of returns across various trials Input:

– Distribution of returns as normal

– Annual Average and Standard Deviation of returns

– Randomised Daily returns based on the distribution

– Indexed daily returns starting at 100

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User FormsUser Forms

Exercise 2 We start with recording of macro to capture the following Step1: Populating the number of holding period days

– For a start, let’s assume holding period days be 100

– Populate column A from 1 to 100. Equate it as previous period value +1

Step2: Populating the returns over this period– For the first day’s return put in the formula

– For the remaining cells copy paste the previous cell’s value

Step3: Pasting the HP range– From cell I6, we paste the HP range from 0 to 100

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User FormsUser Forms

Exercise 2 Step4: Pasting instances of returns of each trial

– We copy and paste as values path of returns

– We would paste each trial’s next to each other starting from cell I7

– In row 6, starting from I6, we put in trial number

Step5: Holding Period Return– Compute Holding Period return in row 1 starting from cell J1

Step6: Computing output return– Compute Max and Min possible returns in cells H1 and H2

Step7: Checking the macro– Set things back and see whether the macro works fine

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User FormsUser Forms

Exercise 2 Step8: Tweaking the macro

– Once satisfied macro is working fine, we tweak the macro to bring the needed dynamism

– Looping is done for pasting of HP days, computation of returns as well as pasting of return path of each trial next to each other and computing holding period returns

Step9: Creating the User Form– We put in a user form to capture HP days and number of trials

– We display maximum and minimum returns as output

– We also put in two command buttons – Compute and Clear

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Exercise 2 Step10: Linking user form to macro

– We would link input on HP days and trials appropriately in the macro

– We also call the macro from the Compute Button click event

– Clear button link is used to clear all existing input/output data

Step11: A macro to record creation of charts– We would record a new macro to present line chart of return path

across various trials

– We then tweak the macro for suitable chart range

Step12: Exporting the chart– We then export the chart to the same folder and save it as a GIF


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User FormsUser Forms

Exercise 2 Step13: Putting the chart in UserForm

– We would place a Image Control in the user form

– Here, we would load the exported picture

– Since, Picture variable is declared in a different module compared to user form, we need to declare the variable Public instead of Dim

Step14: Chart Button– We would place a command button called Chart, which we would

link to the chart macro we have recorded

Step15: Clearing– Finally, we would include clearing of chart too as part of the Clearing

button and associated action

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Thank YouThank You