INDIAN BUREAU OF MINES Bhubaneshwar regional office (a) Mine Name : NUAGAON Mine code : 30ORI08040 Village : GUALI Taluka : BARBIL District : KEONJHAR State : ORISSA (c) Category : A Mechanised (d) Type of Working : Opencast DAYANAND UPADHYAY Sr. Asst. Contrl. Mines U11 (i) Name of the Inspecting : Officer and ID No. (iv) Date of Inspection : 03/11/2017 ( ) Mine file No : ORI/IRON/KJR/MCDR-43/BBS (g) First opening date : 01/01/1959 MINERALS DEVELOPMEMT AND REGULATION DIVISION (ii) Designation : (iii) Accompaning mine : Official with Designation PART-I : GENERAL INFORMATION 1. (e) Postal address Post office : Pin Code : FAX No. : E-mail : Phone : (f) Police Station : 2. Address for : correspondance Barbil 06767-270049 [email protected] 06767-270048, 9437041818 VILL% PO: GUALI POLICE STATION :BARBIL DIST: KEONJHAR,ORISSA,PIN:758035 MCDR INSPECTION REPORT Mineral worked : 4. IRON ORE 767.28 (b) Lease area : (c) Period of lease : (d) Date of Expiry : 3. 20 03/03/1999 ORI0070 (a) Lease Number : Main Shri Ashok Kumar Bhuyan, Agent 27/07/2015 GUALI 758035 (v) Prev.inspection date : IBM/4132/2011 (b) Registration NO. : (h) Weekly day of rest : SUN

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Bhubaneshwar regional office

(a) Mine Name : NUAGAON

Mine code : 30ORI08040

Village : GUALITaluka : BARBIL

District : KEONJHARState : ORISSA

(c) Category : A Mechanised(d) Type of Working : Opencast


Sr. Asst. Contrl. Mines

U11(i) Name of the Inspecting : Officer and ID No.

(iv) Date of Inspection : 03/11/2017

( )

Mine file No : ORI/IRON/KJR/MCDR-43/BBS

(g) First opening date : 01/01/1959


(ii) Designation :

(iii) Accompaning mine : Official with Designation



(e) Postal address

Post office :Pin Code :FAX No. :E-mail :Phone :

(f) Police Station :

2. Address for :correspondance


[email protected], 9437041818



Mineral worked :4. IRON ORE

767.28(b) Lease area :(c) Period of lease :(d) Date of Expiry :



ORI0070(a) Lease Number :


Shri Ashok Kumar Bhuyan, Agent



(v) Prev.inspection date :

IBM/4132/2011 (b) Registration NO. :

(h) Weekly day of rest : SUN

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K.J.S.AHLUWALIA5. Name and Address of the



06767 75348,75606767-30348, 30

Phone:FAX :

Manoj Kumar,Full TimeMining Engineer

BE Mi ningName :Qualification :Appointment/ :Termination date



Msc. Applied GeologyName :Qualification :Appointment/ :Termination date


Sahadat MandalManager

Diploma in Mining Engg, FCCName :Qualification :Appointment/ :Termination date


Date of approval of Mining :Plan/Scheme of Mining

6. Renewal under rule 22 MCR1960Modif.approved Mining SchemeModif.approved Mining SchemeMining Scheme rule 12 MCDR1988Modif.approved Mining SchemeMining Scheme rule 12 MCDR1988Mining Scheme rule 12 MCDR1988


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Exploration :

Actual Nos. of boreholesdrilled in 2016-17 was64 Nos of boreholes.

Area Explored under UNFClimit of G1 is 210.30Ha; Area Explored under UNFClimit of G2 is 88.360Ha;Thus. total areaexplored under UNFClimit of G1 & G2 is298.66 Ha

Exploration Agency: M/sThriveni ExplorationAgency and M/s GeoExploration Pvt LtdExpenditure: Rs 247lakhs

Backlog ofprevious year

Exploration overlease area forgeological axis 1or 2

ExplorationAgencies andExpenditure inlakh rupeesduring the year




Nos. ofboreholesproposed tobe drilled in2016-17 was32 Nos.

In theapprovedscheme ofmining , atentativeexplorationproposal hasbeen workedout for theentire leasearea inregular gridpattern forassessing thetotal mineralreserves/resources as perthe CCOM'sguidelinesunder UNFC.

Not Proposed

Form J has beensubmitted on20.04.2016 for 108Nos of boreholescovering backlogof previous years2014-15 & 2015-16.

With reference tothe quarterlystatus of reportson explorationsubmitted inrespect of NuagaonIron Mine of M/sKJS Ahluwali dated10.04.2017, it isstated that thetotal area coveredunder G1 and G2level ofexploration is298.66 Ha.

Sl.No. Item Proposals Actual work Remarks

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Balance area to beexplored to bring toGeological axis 1 or 2is 415.472 Ha.

Balance Reserve as on01.04.2017as per theannual return form H1submitted for the period01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017under 111 category is 55million tonne and 121category is 58 milliontonne.

Balance area tobe explored tobring Geologicalaxis in 1 or 2

Balance reserveas on 01/04/20

General remarksof inspectingofficers ongeology,exploration etc




In theapprovedscheme ofmining, atotal of 197boreholeshave beenproposed overthe entireareaincluding theinferred non-mineralisedarea to provepresence orabsence ofmineralisation in thearea.

Total Lease area:767.284 ha ofwhich G1 is 210.30Ha, G2 is 88.36ha, G3 is 95.03Ha, Explored andfound Non-mineralised is53.152 ha andunexplored leasearea is 320.442Ha. It has beenobserved duringinspection thatthe drilling isunder progress.

RemainingResources as perthe annual returnfor the period01.04.2016 to31.03.2017 is 52million tonnes

It has beenobserved duringinspection thatthe drilling isunder progress.Also, the Form Jhas been submittedon 20.04.2016 for108 boreholescovering thebacklog ofprevious yearsi.e, 2014-15 &2015-16.

Development :

Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks

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Location ofdevelopmentw.r.t.lease area

Separate benchesin topsoil,overburden andminerals (Rule15)

Developmentproposed insix blocks.1.BarapadaBlock betweencoordinates400N to 800S,200E to 800E2.KatasahiBlock betweencoordinates400S to 950S,1900E to 2300E3.TopadihiBlock betweencoordinates1730N to 400N,100W to 1060E4.Dumka Blockbetweencoordinates120N to 500N,330W to 800W5.KanhusahiBlock betweencoordinates1720S to1400S, 400W to100W6.Guali Blockbetweencoordinates1880N to2100N, 150E to350E

Separatebenches in OB& Ore.

Development done in fiveblocks within followinglimits.1.Barapada Block betweencoordinates 380N to800S, 200E to 800E2.Katasahi Block betweencoordinates 420S to950S, 1900E to 2200E3.Topadihi Block betweencoordinates 1730N to420N, 80W to 1010E4.Dumka Block betweencoordinates 200N to500N, 350W to 800W5.Kanhusahi Blockbetween coordinates1660S to 1450S, 380W to120W6. Guali Block was notoperated.

There is no bench in topsoil.Barpada Block : OB-2bench,Ore-10 bench;Katasahi Block : OB-2bench,Ore- 6 bench;Topadihi block: OB-3bench,Ore- 9 bench;Dumka block: OB-1bench,Ore-10 bench;Kanhusahi block : OB-1bench,Ore- 7 bench;

(a). Guali Quarrywas not operatedas per theproposal for theyear 2016-17. (b) In Chanagudapit, benches havenot been developedin Southwest andSouth EastDirection as perdevelopment planof 2016-17 (ref.Plate No.8A ofapproved Scheme ofMining). In B.TopQuarry, thedevelopment of thebenches has notbeen done as perdevelopment planof 2016-17 (ref.Plate No.8A ofapproved Scheme ofMining). The shortcomings has beeninformed to lesseeby violationletter dated26.07.2017.

Separate benchesin OB and Ore hasbeen maintained.

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Stripping ratioor ore to OBratio

Quantity oftopsoilgeneration in m3

Quantity ofoverburdengeneration in m3

General remarksof inspectingofficers ondevelopment ofpit w.r.t. typeof deposit etc

Strippingratio proposedfor 2016-17was 1:0.038

Not Proposed.

Quantity ofOverburdengenerationproposedduring 2016-17was 0.235(M.cum)

Stripping ratio achievedfor 2016-17 was 1:0.018

Not Applicable.

Actual Overburdengenerated during 2016-17was 0.0523 (M.cum)

Generation of OBwas less @ 0.0523MCum gainst theplan of 0.235 MCumin 2016-17.

The actual OBmaterial generatedduring 2016-17 was0.0523 (M.cum)which is less thanproposed for theyear. The shortcomings has beeninformed to lesseeby violationletter dated26.07.2017.

The mining isdone by open castmethod in fiveblocks namelyBarpada block,Katasahi block,Topadihi Block,Dumka Block andKanhusahi Block.The workings innumber of quarriesare being done dueto discontinouspatchy occuranceof ore bodieswithin the leasearea. Guali Quarrywas not operatedas per theproposal for theyear 2016-17.


Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks

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Number of pitproposed forproduction

Quantity of ROMmineralproductionproposed

Recovery ofsailable/usablemineral from ROMproduction

Quantity ofmineral rejectgeneration

Number of pitsproposed forproduction in2016-17 was 11Nos.

ProductionProposedduring theyear 2016-17is 6585320 MT

Recovery ofSaleable Oreduring theperiod 2016-17will be 70%.

1175950 MT in2016-17.

Actual numbers of pitsput for production in2016-17 was 8 Nos.

Actual Productionachieved during the year2016-17 is 5614000 MT

The recovery of saleableore during the period2016-17 achieved is93.68%.

There is no mineralreject generationreported from ROM asthese have been blendedwith high grade ROM.

Actual Nos. ofpits put inproduction was 8Nos except D-Toppit in DumkaBlock, Kanhusahipit in KanhusahiBlock and Gualipit in Guali Blockwhich were notoperated. Theshort comings hasbeen informed tolessee byviolation letterdated 26.07.2017.

EC over 767.284 HaML area for aproductioncapacity of 5.62MTPA has beenobtained on02.02.2010.

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Grade of mineralrejectsgeneration andthreshold valuedeclared.

Quantity of subgrade mineralgeneration.

Grade ofMineralRejectsgeneration is45-58% Fe.ThresholdValue declaredis below 45%Fe

1175950 MT in2016-17

No subgrade/mineralreject generation hasbeen reported for theyear 2016-17.ThresholdValue is below 45% Fe

Production of SubgradeFines 1.Below 55% Fe is334170.00 MT2 Between 55% Fe tobelow 58% Fe is 20740 MTThus, total fines below58% Fe content producedis 354910MT

Thesubgrade/mineralreject generatedduring the yearhas been blendedwith high grade.The subgrade ormineral rejectstack registeralong with gradeis not maintainedproperly and notmade availableduring inspection.The short comingshas been informedto lessee byviolation letterdated 26.07.2017.

Subgrade mineralgeneration wasless as theworkings wereconfined to lowermine faces in thepit whereinherently thegrade are better.It has beenobserved duringinspection thatthe subgrade dumpno-16 has extendedaround 20-25 m ineastern directionalong the sectionline 900 S inbetween grids 500Eto 600E and 800 Sto 1000S. It hasbeen observedduring inspectionthat protectivemeasures such asgarland drain andretaining wallwere not presentat places toprevent the flowof material.

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Grade of subgrade mineralgeneration

Manual /Mechanisedmethod adoptedfor segregatingfrom ROM

Any analysis orbeneficiationstudy proposedand carried outfor sub grademineral andrejects.

Provision ofdrilling andblasting inmineral benches

Provision ofminingmachineries inmineral benches

Grade ofsubgrademineralgeneration isbetween 45-58%Fe.


Not Proposed

Blastholes of115mm dia upto around6.6/8.8m deepare to bedrilled bynumber ofwagon drillspowered by 450cfmcompressors.Blasting to bedone by OCG &PG combinationfor whichnonel & exceldetonators areto be used.

Drillingmachine:104mmdia -1Nos,115mm dia -1Nos.Excavator 0.9cum to 4.3 cumcapacity -10Nos.Dumper 20T to35 T capacity:40Nos.Dozer-2 Nos.

Grade of subgrademineral generation isbetween 45-58% Fe.

Mechanised Method.

Not Applicable.

Drilling is being doneby 105mm to 115mm diadrill machines. Blastingis being carried out byusing the NONELtechnology and properblast design firingpattern along withproper implementationand supervision of totalblasting operations.

The machinariesavailable at the sitewere drilling machine:104mm dia -1Nos, 115mmdia -1Nos; Excavator 0.9cum to 4.3 cum capacity-10 Nos; Dumper 20T to35 T capacity: 40Nos;Dozer-2 Nos.

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10PAGE :




Whether heightof benches inoverburden andmineral suitablefor method ofmining proposedin MP/SOM

Total areacovered underexcavation/pits

Ore to OB ratiofor the pit/mineduring the year.

During theyear 2016-17,in theproposedBarpada blockand KanusahiBlock, it hasbeen plannedto develop thebenches with8m height and15m width andin otherblocks theheight of thebenches willbe 6m and 12mwidth.

188.637 Haduringapprovedscheme period.


Yes, the height of thebenches in overburdenand mineral is suitablefor proposed method ofmining.

About 178.226 Ha hasbeen covered underexcavation/pits.

1:0.018 Actual Overburdenmaterial generatedduring 2016-17 was0.0523 (M.cum).

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11PAGE :

Solid Waste Management - Dumping:




Total area putin use underdifferent headsat the end ofyear

Production ofROM mineralduring the lastfive year periodas applicable

General remarksof inspectingofficers onmethod of mining etc.

Total area putin use underdifferentheads at theend of schemeperiod (2018-19):Mine working -188.637Ha, OBdump-10.865Ha, Sub-Grade/MineralsStorage-61.350Ha; Infrastructurewith road -21.523 Ha;MineralSeparationPlant -6.000Ha,Township Area-3.290 Ha,Magazine-0.077 Ha,Plantation-28.100 Ha,Reclamation -2.218 Ha

ROM proposalfor the period2014-15 is6.493 milliontonneROM proposalfor the period2015-16 is6.584 milliontonne

Area covered underdifferent heads are: Mine working -178.226Ha, OB dump-5.790 Ha,Infrastructure with road-13.717 Ha, Reclamation-5.238 Ha, Others- 93.40Ha, Plantation etc.-4.427 Ha.

Actual ROM productionduring the period 2014-15 is 1.066 milliontonneActual ROM productionduring the period 2015-16 is 4.074 milliontonne

Area covered underdifferent headsare: Mine working -178.226 Ha, OBdump-5.790 Ha,Infrastructurewith road -13.717Ha, Reclamation -5.238 Ha, Others-93.40 Ha,Plantation etc.-4.427 Ha.

The approvedscheme of miningis for the period2014-15 to 2018-19. The EC over767.284 Ha of MLarea for aproductioncapacity of 5.62MTPA has beenobtained on02.02.2010.

ROM production isfrom five blockscovering eightpits. Based on thenature of deposit,the scientificmethod of miningis practiced.

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12PAGE :

Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks

Separate dumpingof topsoil, OBand mineralrejects (Rule32,33)

Location oftopsoil, OB andmineral rejectdumps

Number of dumpswithin leasearea and outsideof lease area

OB generatedshall bedumped intothree nos. ofwaste dumpsnamely PD1,PD2 and PD3.

Dump No PD1located in MDHQuarry, DumpNo PD2 locatedin BarpadaBottom andDump No PD3located inKatesahiBlock.

There werethree nos. ofdumps at theend of lastapprovedmining schemenamely DumpNo-27, 28 & 30in UdalbariQuarry. In thecurrent schemeperiod it isproposed todump OBmaterial inthree newwaste dumpsnamely PD1 atMDH Quarry,PD2 andBarpada Bottom& PD3 atKatesahiBlock.

The part of the OBgenerated during theyear 2016-17 has beenstacked in the Wastedump no. PD/3.

In total there are fournumbers of OB dumpswithin lease area. DumpNo PD/3 located inKatesahi Block and threeother dumps no-27, 28 &30 is located nearUdalwari Quarry whichare inactive now.

There are four (04) nos.of OB dumps within leasearea. Dump No-PD3 atKatesahi Block and threenos. of dump namely dumpno. 27, 28 & 30 atUdalbari Quarry.

The generation ofTop Soil is Nil.

There is no topsoil dump. Mineralreject generatedduring 2016-17hasa been blendedwith high gradeore.




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13PAGE :

Location ofdumps w.r.t.ultimate pitlimit (Rule 16)

Number of activeand alive dumps.

Number of deaddumps.

Number of dumpsestablished.

WhetherRetaining wallor garland drainall along dumpsare there.

In the currentscheme periodit is proposedto dump OBmaterial inthree newwaste dumpsnamely PD1 atMDH Quarry,PD2 andBarpada Bottom& PD atKatesahiBlock.

Wastegeneratedduring theschme periodfrom all theworkings areproposed to bedumped inthree OB dumpsnamely PD1,PD2 and PD3.

Not Proposed.

There arethree numbersof dumpsstabilized atUdalbadiQuarry.

During theyear 2016-17,constructionof garlanddrain has beenproposed for600mx 1m x 1.5m andretaining wallover550mx1mx2m.

All the four numbers ofdump are located outsidethe ultimate pit limit.

At present there is noactive dump. All thefour dumps have beenstabilised.

At present there arefour nos. of dead dumps.Three nos Dump No 27, 28and 30 near UdalbariQuarry and one dump noPD/3 at Katesahi Block.

At present, four numbersof dumps have beenstabilised.

Garland drain has beenconstructed over 750 mx1m x 1m and retainingwall over 550mx1mx2m.

Existing threedumps at UdalbariQuarry and one newdump at Katesahiblock






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14PAGE :

Solid Waste Management - Backfilling:

Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks

Length ofRetaining wallor garland drainall along dumps

Number ofsettling ponds

Specificcomments ofinspectingofficer on wastedump management

Constructionof retainingwall in 2016-17 proposedwas of 550m x1m x 2mConstructionof garlanddrain in 2016-17 proposedwas of 600m x1m x 1.5m

During theyear 2016-17,onlymaintenance ofsettling pondsis proposed.

Retaining wall andgarland drain has beenconstructed as perproposal. Retaining wallhas been constructed of550m X 2m x 1m andGarland drain of 750m x1m x 1.5m

Settling ponds have beenmaintained. Cummulativethere are six (06) nos.of settling ponds.

Cummulative lengthof retaining wallis 6650m andcummulative lengthof garlain drainis 7550m.

Waste dumps havebeen properlymanaged in themine. To avoid theerosion and rainslides applicationof naturalgeotextiles suchas coir mattinghas beenundertaken. Slopeof the dead dumpshave beenstabilised byplantation.




Status of partor fullextraction ofmineral frommined out areabefore startingbackfilling.

Area underbackfilling ofmined out area

Part ofUdalbariQuarry (0.535Ha) mined outarea has beenproposed forbackfilling.

0.535 Ha inUdalbari

During the year 2016-17,backfilling has beendone over 1.218 Ha inUdalbari Quarry.

1.218 Ha area inUdalbari has beenbackfilled.



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15PAGE :

Progressive Mine Clousre Plan:

Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks

Concurrent useof topsoil forrestoration orrehabilitationof mineral outarea (Rule 32)

Total areafully reclaimedandrehabilitated

General remarksof inspectingofficers onbackfilling andreclamation etc.

It has beenproposed thatif top soil isencounterdthen it wil bestackedseparetely andutilised forplantation.

Reclamation/Rehabiltationprogram forthe year 2016-17 proposed inthe mined outarea over0.535 Ha

There is no generationof top soil during theyear 2016-17.

Reclamation in the2016-17 done over 1.218Ha Udalbadi Quarry.

There is nogeneration of topsoil during theyear 2016-17.Reclamation in the 2016-17 done over1.218 Ha UdalbadiQuarry.




Whether Annualreport on PMCPsubmitted ontime andcorrectly. Rule23 E(2).

Area availableforrehabilitation(ha) .

afforestationdone (ha).

No. of saplingsplanted duringthe year

Not Proposed

1.302 Ha

4.452 Ha

5324 Nos ofsaplings.

Annual Report on PMCPhas been submitted.

1.218 Ha in UdalbariQuarry (1.218 Ha) & 1 Hain Gangeiguda Quarry.

In the year 2016-17,6.517 Ha ofafforestation has beendone.

In the year 2016-17,9282 nos of saplingshave been planted withinlease area & 2000 nos ofsaplings planted outsidethe lease area.

Annual Report onPMCP has beensubmitted to thisoffice.





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16PAGE :

Cumulative no.of plants

Any other methodofrehabilitation

Cost incurred onwatch and careduring the year

Compliance onreclamation andrehabilitationby backfilling(i) Voidsavailable forbackfilling ( LxB x D

Compliance onreclamation andrehabilitationby backfilling(ii) Voidsfilled by waste/ tailings

Compliance onreclamation andrehabilitationby backfilling(iii)Afforestation on backfilledarea

Compliance onreclamation andrehabilitationby backfilling(iv)Rehabilitationby making waterreservoir

Compliance onreclamation andrehabilitationby backfilling(v)any otherspecific means.

Not Specified

Not proposed.

10.648 lakhs

5350 sq.m areawith 28 mheight inUdalbari.

Not Proposed.

1.302 ha with2084 nos. ofsaplings.

Not Proposed.

Not Proposed.

Cummulative nos. ofsaplings planted isabout 286346 nos upto30.06.2017.

Not applicable.

10.00 lakhs

13200 sq.m with 18 mheight at Udalbari.

Not Applicable.

Cummulativeafforestation ofbackfilled area over1.218 ha with 927 nos ofsaplings in UdalbariQuarry.

Not Applicable.

Not Applicable.









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17PAGE :

Mineral Conservation:

Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks

ROM Mineraldispatch orgrade-wisesorting withinlease area

Method of grade-wise mineralsorting i.e.manual ormechanical.


No proposal





Compliance ofrehabilitationof waste landwithin lease(i)afforestation

Compliance ofrehabilitationof waste landwithin lease(ii)Arearehabilitation(ha)

Compliance ofrehabilitationof waste landwithin lease(iii)Method ofrehabilitation

Compliance ofenvironmentalmonitoring (corezone and bufferzone)

General remarksof inspectingofficers on PMCPcompliance andprogressiveclosureoperations etc.

Not Proposed

Not Proposed.

Not Proposed.


Not Applicable

Not Applicable.

Not Applicable.

Quaterly monitoring ofair, water and noiselevel are being carriedout.

Cummulativeafforestation ofbackfilled areaover 1.218 ha with927 nos ofsaplings inUdalbari Quarry.Quaterlymonitoring of air,water and noiselevel are beingcarried out.






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18PAGE :


Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks

Different gradeof mineralsorted out atmines.

Anybeneficiationprocess at mines.

General remarksof inspectingofficer onMineralconservation andbeneficiationissues


2.0MTPAcapacitybeneficiationplant has beenset up inmines.


In 2016-17, thebeneficiation plant wasnot operated.

The Mineral rejectgenerated from ROMhas been blendedwith high gradeROM. However, thebeneficiationplant setup of 2.0MTPA was notoperated duringthe year 2016-17.




Separate removaland utilizationof topsoil (Rule32)

Concurrent useor storage oftopsoil

Separate dumpsfor overburden,waste rock,rejects andfines (Rule 33)

Top soil asand whengeneratedshall bestored andutilised forplantation.

Top soil asand whengeneratedshall bestored andutilized forplantationprogram.

Separate dumpsof OB, Mineralrejects andfines stockhave beenproposed.

In 2016-17, the top soilgeneration was nil andhence there was noutilisation of top soil.

In 2016-17, the top soilgeneration was nil andhence there was noutilisation of top soil.

Separate dumping of OB,fines have been carriedout as per proposal.Mineral rejectsgenerated during theperiod 2016-17 has beenutilised.




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Use ofoverburden,waste rock,rejects andfines dumps forrestoring theland to itsoriginal use

Phasedrestoration,reclamation andrehabilitationof landsaffected byminingoperations(Pits, dumpsetc)

Baselineinformation onexistence ofplantation andadditionalplantation done(Rule 41)

Survival rate

It is proposedthat around1.922 M.CuMOB/waste shallbe generatedduring theproposedscheme ofwhich around10% i.e,289800 cum ofthe materialsare expectedto be utilisedfor roadconstructionandmaintenance.

During theyear 2016-17,it has beenproposed toreclaim/rehabilitate 1.987Ha by means ofbackfillingandplantation.

Not specified

Not specified

The waste rock/OBgenerated is beingutilised for repairingof roads and alsobackfilling of the minedout area.

During the year 2016-17,2.368 ha has beenreclaimed.

Plantation during theyear 2016-17 was 112852nos. and cummulativetill 30.06.2017 is286346 Nos.

Around 75%.





Page 20: INDIAN BUREAU OF MINES MINERALS DEVELOPMEMT …ibm.nic.in/writereaddata/files/03072018125125mcdr_rep... ·  · 2018-03-07INDIAN BUREAU OF MINES Bhubaneshwar regional office (a) Mine

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Compliance of Rule 45:

Sl.No. Item Propasals Actual work Remarks

Water sprinklingon roads tocontrol airbornedust

General remarksof inspectingofficer onaesthetic beautyin and aroundmines area

Water sprayingshall becontinued andplantationshall be done.Water sprayingshall becarried out byautomatic andrevolvingwater sprayingsystem on someof theroadsides andover dump forsuppression ofdust which hasbeeninstalled.Installationof automaticwater sprayingsystem allalong the haulroads shall bedone in phasedmanner duringthe schemeperiod.

The lessee has fitted2900m length fixed watersprikler along the haulroad. Besides one 8KL,one 15 KL, one 16 KL and4 nos of 12 KL watertankers are frequencyused for spraying wateron haul road and quarryarea.

The aestheticbeauty in andaround mines areahas not beenunduly affected bymining.



Status ofsubmission ofMonthly andAnnual returns

The monthlyreturns andannual returnare beingregularlysubmitted bythe lessee.

The annual return for2016-17 has beensubmitted by the lessee.


Page 21: INDIAN BUREAU OF MINES MINERALS DEVELOPMEMT …ibm.nic.in/writereaddata/files/03072018125125mcdr_rep... ·  · 2018-03-07INDIAN BUREAU OF MINES Bhubaneshwar regional office (a) Mine

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Scrutiny ofAnnual returnfor informationon MiningEngineer,Geologist andManager

Scrutiny ofAnnual return onland use patternfor area underpits, reclaimedarea, dumps etc.

Scrutiny ofAnnual return onafforestation

Scrutiny ofAnnual return onmineral rejectgeneration(Grade andquantity)

GraduateMiningengineer-4,Diploma MiningEngineer-12,Geologist-1.

Area coveredunderdifferentheads are Pit-178.226 ha,Wastedisposal-5.79ha, Plant,residential,buildings &roads-13.717ha & others-93.4 ha.

Total 11282nos. saplingshave beenplanted in2016-17


Graduate Miningengineer-4, DiplomaMining Engineer-12,Geologist-1.

Area covered underdifferent heads are Pit-178.226 ha, Wastedisposal-5.79 ha, Plant,residential, buildings &roads-13.717 ha &others-93.4 ha.

Total 11282 nos.saplings have beenplanted in 2016-17

In 2016-17, subgrade hasbeen blended with highgrade ore.





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Scrutiny ofAnnual return onROM stock and/orgraded ore

Closing Stockat mine head(in tonne)1.Lump:a) Below 55%Fe- 411221.57Tb) 55% tobelow 58% Fe-Nilc) 58% tobelow 60% Fe-Nild) 60% tobelow 62% Fe-36862.38 Te) 62% tobelow 65% fe-372403.87Tf) 65% Fe andabove - Nil2.Fines:a) Below 55%Fe- 599719.87Tb) 55% tobelow 58% Fe-2735903.21Tc) 58% tobelow 60% Fe-69066.94Td) 60% tobelow 62% Fe-50614.86Te) 62% tobelow 65% Fe-4021914.13Tf) 65% Fe andabove - Nil

Closing Stock at minehead (in tonne)1.Lump:a) Below 55% Fe-411221.57 Tb) 55% to below 58% Fe-Nilc) 58% to below 60% Fe-Nild) 60% to below 62% Fe-36862.38 Te) 62% to below 65% fe-372403.87Tf) 65% Fe and above -Nil2.Fines:a) Below 55% Fe-599719.87 Tb) 55% to below 58% Fe-2735903.21Tc) 58% to below 60% Fe-69066.94Td) 60% to below 62% Fe-50614.86Te) 62% to below 65% Fe-4021914.13Tf) 65% Fe and above -Nil


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Scrutiny ofAnnual return onsale value, Ex.Mine price andproduction cost

Scrutiny ofAnnual return onfixed assets

1.Lump:Below 55% Fe:Ex-mine price(in Rs pertonne) is Rs593.0060% to below62% Fe: Ex-mine price (inRs per tonne)is Rs 2102.0062% to below65% Fe: Ex-mine price (inRs per tonne)is Rs 2102.002. Fines Ex-mine price (inRs per tonne):Below 55%Fe:Rs 686.0055% Fe tobelow 58%Fe:Ex-mineprice (in Rsper tonne) isRs 860.0058% Fe tobelow 60%Fe:Ex-mineprice (in Rsper tonne) isRs 886.0060% Fe tobelow 62%Fe:Ex-mineprice (in Rsper tonne) isRs 1256.0062% and above:Rs 1300.00

As per annualreturn 2016-17, the Valueof FixedAssets (in Rs)is 105916840.

1.Lump:Below 55% Fe: Ex-mineprice (in Rs per tonne)is Rs 593.0060% to below 62% Fe: Ex-mine price (in Rs pertonne) is Rs 2102.0062% to below 65% Fe: Ex-mine price (in Rs pertonne) is Rs 2102.002. Fines Ex-mine price(in Rs per tonne) :Below 55% Fe:Rs 686.0055% Fe to below 58%Fe:Ex-mine price (in Rsper tonne) is Rs 860.0058% Fe to below 60%Fe:Ex-mine price (in Rsper tonne) is Rs 886.0060% Fe to below 62%Fe:Ex-mine price (in Rsper tonne) is Rs 1256.0062% and above: Rs1300.00

As per annual return2016-17, the Value ofFixed Assets (in Rs) is105916840.



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Scrutiny ofAnnual return onminingmachineries

Shovel(Hydraulic)-10Nos, Front EndLoader-11 Nos,Dumper-40 Nos, Rock Drill(Non-elect)-2Nos, WaterTanker -12Nos, Dozer-2Nos etc.

Shovel (Hydraulic)-10Nos, Front End Loader-11Nos, Dumper-40 Nos,Rock Drill (Non-elect)-2Nos, Water Tanker -12Nos, Dozer-2 Nos etc.


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Indian Bureau of Mines

Date :

Details of violations observed during current inspection and compliance position ofviolation pointed out

Violation observed Show couse position

Rule NO. Issued on Compliance on Rule NO. Issued on Compliance on